hogpen - Williamsport HOG Chapter


hogpen - Williamsport HOG Chapter
Volume 11 Issue 6
June 2014
Williamsport MD Chapter 1544
Things are Heating Up
by Bob Corley
Now that the weather is finally cooperating,
the chapter rides are really ramping up. May
finished off with major rides such as Rolling
Thunder and Seneca Rocks as well as our first
Ice Cream Rides of the season. June promises
to be even more ride filled.
Why Not Join In?
June has a multitude of rides planned, every
week of the month actually. Which ones will
you participate in? We’ve had some decent
turnouts so far, 14 people for Rolling Thunder
and 7 for Seneca Rocks. I hope to see even
more of you on the rides in June. If you
haven’t been on a group ride before, you
don’t know what you’re missing. It’s a blast. I
find that I go to places that I probably
wouldn’t have gone to by myself or even
thought to have ridden to. And don’t forget
about our Riders Contest. Just another
reason to get out and ride.
It’s Not Just the Ride
Riding to our destinations is only half the fun.
The camaraderie with your fellow members
when you get to the destination can be as fun
as the ride. We have an awesome group of
people in this chapter and it’s a great way to
make new friends. I particularly enjoy the
humor of some of the members and every
ride seams to have something memorable
happen along the way. For example, during
the Rolling Thunder ride, the police stopped
traffic on 270 to allow a very large (several
hundred) group of bikes that were heading
downtown. It even had a police escort
followed by a rolling roadblock. What does
our Senior Road Captain Mike Pearson do?
Heads down the inside shoulder right to
where the police are holding traffic. I say out
loud “oh, that’s not a good idea.” But what
do we do? We all follow him. Turns out the
officer was very friendly and even let us go
before he allowed the cars on the highway to
The Chapter Picnic is Approaching
Tickets are on sale now. Mark your calendars for August
17th. See the attached flyer for details.
Page 8
As if that wasn’t enough, we all cut up as Don
Goglio acted as our tour guide, complete
with him holding up his hat in the air when it
was time to move on to the next memorial.
That’s just a couple of the memorable things
that happened on this ride. Don’t miss out on
the fun. Get out there and join us.
Seneca Rocks Ride Recap
Did you miss the ride to Seneca Rocks? Check out the
ride recap.
Page 4
From the Director
by Michelle Stouffer
Come join me May 31st on the Ride for Life
to benefit the American Cancer Society. See
flyer later in the newsletter for all the details!
I will be leading a ride to Battley HD for the
Montgomery County Carnival of HOGS
(MDAMRA event) on Saturday June 14th,
leaving HDW at 9:30 AM.
The rides so far have been great and the
calendar is really starting to ramp up. Take a
look and see what suits your fancy. Hope to
see you on the next ride!
Our primary MDAMRA chapter event is the
River Rat Poker Run on July 5th in
conjunction with HDW Open House during
Hagerstown Bike Week. We will have a
Volunteer sign-up sheet at the next chapter
meeting. All volunteers will get pin for
helping out that day!
Treasurer Tidbits
by Kevin Stouffer
I’m happy to announce that all the expenses
from H.O.T. have been paid and the dealer’s
generous pledge covered the entire bill. The
reason the expenses were so low is because it
was as near to us as it has ever been.
We had great weather for our ride to Seneca
Rocks. The mountains of West Virginia and
Western Maryland are simply awesome.
Seven of us completed a 310-mile loop to
Seneca Rocks and back around through
Canaan Valley. It was a great ride but I am
considering some improvements for next
I can’t wait for my ride to Tennessee for the
Tail of the Dragon and the Cherohala
Skyway. I will have hotel information
available at the June Chapter Meeting. That
ride will be leaving on July 31st for three
nights. Two nights will be in Gatlinburg, TN
and the other night will be in Johnson City,
Safety Tips
by Ken Conway
Last year HOG chapters organized over 50,000
rides in the U.S.
Turning a motorcycle involves four primary
steps: slow, look, press and roll. Making
good turns takes proper judgment and good
timing. Let’s take a look at each of the four
Arrive at the event with a full gas tank.
Check your bike to be sure that the
controls, cables, lights and other
electrics, and suspension are in good
working order. Be sure there is plenty of
oil in the bike and that the windscreen, if
applicable, is clean and free of
It is recommended that all riders wear
appropriate gear including a DOT
approved helmet (required in MD), eye
protection, over-the-ankle footwear and
full-fingered motorcycle gloves.
Attend the rider’s meeting where the
route and other ride essentials will be
Be aware of the formation used by our
chapter, which is that the leader rides in
the left third of the lane, while the next
rider stays at least one second behind in
the right third of the lane; the rest of the
group follows the same pattern. A
single-file formation is preferred on a
curvy road, under conditions of poor
visibility or poor road surfaces,
entering/leaving highways, or other
situations where an increased space
cushion or maneuvering room is
Be familiar with the hand signals used
by the group.
If riding with a passenger, be sure that
person understands their effect on the
motorcycle and that you understand
their effect. You may want to increase
your space cushion between you and
the motorcycle in front of you if you’re
riding with a passenger.
Slow Reduce your speed
appropriately for you and your
motorcycle before entering a turn,
downshifting to a lower gear if
necessary. Set up for the turn by
establishing a good entry speed that will
make it unnecessary to slow while
you’re in the turn.
Here are a few good group
riding tips to remember:
Look Look through the entire turn as
soon as possible and keep your eyes
moving. Look for the sharpness of the
turn, road surface characteristics and
traffic conditions. Turn your head in the
direction of the turn keeping your eyes
level with the horizon.
Press To initiate a lean, press forward
on the handgrip in the direction of the
turn (counter steering).
Roll Control the throttle to maintain
or increase speed in the turn.
Maintaining or slightly increasing the
throttle will help stabilize the
suspension. Try to avoid rapid
In most cases you and the bike should lean
together, but for slow, tight turns use a
counterweight technique by leaning your
upper body toward the outside of the turn.
You can put more pressure on the outside
footrest also. Turn the handlebars more in
the direction you want to go for slower,
tighter turns. Always turn your head and look
where you want to go.
Hopefully everyone is planning to participate
in many of the rides the chapter is offering
this season.
Ride safely and have fun!
Seneca Rocks
Ride Recap
by Bob Corley
The weather was splendid; high of 84
degrees and zero percent chance of rain. I
met Steven Small and Dave Baker for
breakfast at the Waffle House in
Williamsport and then the three of us were
off to the dealer. We met up with the rest of
the group there - Kevin Stouffer who would
lead us, wife Michelle, Gale Stouffer, and
Don Goglio. Seven total. Not a bad turn out
but we expected more. I guess many
members had other holiday plans.
The trip started out on Interstate 81 headed
south towards Winchester. There we would
exit and get onto smaller highways. We
stopped for breaks roughly every hour and
refueled as needed. Wasn’t long before
jackets were shed for long sleeved shirts, and
by the second or third stop we were in short
sleeves. Excellent weather.
Last year most of us made the same journey
to Seneca Rocks however the weather was
pretty lousy. It eventually rained on us.
Because of that, this trip seamed like a
totally different ride. I even asked Kevin if
this was the same way we went last year. It
was, however this year – clear and warm.
Mountains were all around us. We crossed
rivers and streams, went through small
towns and encountered twisty roads at
times. Elevation changes and farmlands.
Everything you could ask for in a ride.
We eventually arrived at our destination.
Harper's Old Country Store has been a
Seneca Rocks landmark since 1902. The
merchandise and provisions offered have
changed over time, but the store itself is an
authentic piece of WV history from its oiled
wooden floor to its embossed tin ceiling. We
had lunch upstairs at the Front Porch
Restaurant in which the service and speed of
food preparation also has apparently not
changed since 1902. Things move mighty
slow in this part of West Virginia. We had to
keep reminding each other that this is just
the way it is out here and we need to relax.
Now if you will recall from my article on page
one, there are always funny things that
happen on these rides. Here is one of the first
on this trip. We FINALLY got our drinks and
eventually our food, all except for Kevin. He
ordered the same sandwich as Steve,
however Steve (and the rest of us) were done
eating by the time Kevin was finally served
his meal. During that time we amused Kevin
with tales of fighting with our siblings when
we were young, pretended to leave the
restaurant because we were finished eating,
and anything else we could think of to rib
him of his predicament.
We saddled up and headed home, a different
route then the way we came. We went
through Canaan Valley, drove around Deep
Creek Lake, traveled on I-68 and eventually
smaller roads such as old route 40. On the
way Michelle was stung in the back by a bee.
Apparently the bee was on her backrest
when she leaned back on it. Steve, being a
fireman and EMT quickly came to her rescue
by prescribing a small dosage of Benadryl.
Others, including the women working behind
the counter at the gas station / convenience
store, offered old fashioned remedies. Steve
(being Steve) while he snacked on beef jerky
that reminded me of doggie treats then
suggested the best remedy yet. A very
unorthodox remedy. Well, let’s just say if you
ever saw a particular Friends episode
involving a jellyfish sting, you’ll know what
he suggested Kevin do. And it just went
downhill from there. There’s another and
perhaps the most humorous memory we’ll
take away from that day.
Director - Michelle Stouffer
Asst. Director - Bertie Brady
Secretary - Donna Conway
Treasurer - Kevin Stouffer
Membership - Bill & Barb Dutton
Senior Road Captain - Mike Pearson
Webmaster - Greg Brown
Assistant Webmaster – Brian Baker
Safety - Ken Conway
Merchandise - Michelle Stouffer
Historian – Don Goglio
Chaplain - Steve McCarty
Editor - Bob Corley
General Information:
Upcoming Rides
and Events
Sunday June 1st 9AM
God Bless America Ride
Thursday, June 5th 6:30PM
Mikie’s Ice Cream
Saturday, June 7 7:30AM
All American Brain Freeze Poker
Run/Stoney’s Kingfisher
Thursday, June 12th 6:30PM
Misty Meadows
Saturday, June 14th 9:30AM
Montgomery County Carnival of HOGS
May Meeting Gift Card
Cyndi Etzel
Barb Henicle
Larry Gerber
Bertie Brady
Jackie Hurst
Monday, June 16th 7PM
Danny Nieves
Chapter Meeting
50/50 Winner
Tuesday, June 17 6:30PM
Dave Baker
Maugansville Creamery
Thursday, June 19th – Sunday,
June 22nd 1PM & 4:30PM
MD/DE State Rally
Tuesday, June 24th 6:30PM
Carousel Ice Cream
Saturday, June 28th 7AM
Saturday, June 28th 9:30AM
June Birthdays
Thunder in the Valley
Johnnie Pryor
Monday, June 30th 8AM & 1PM
Douglas Knott
Million Mile Monday / Crazy 8 Ride
Cliff Okuno
Steve McCarty
Paul Miller
Don Goglio
Call the HOG Ride Line: 240-347-6186
Like us on Facebook:
Check the Williamsport HOG website:
Cumberland, MD June 19-22
The 2014 Maryland/Delaware State HOG
Rally is in Cumberland, MD. State rallies
are for all National HOG members and a
guest. If you have never attended a state
rally before, this annual event is put on by a
rally committee, and is in a new location
each year. For Maryland and Delaware, this
is two years in Maryland and one year in
Delaware. Rallies are open to all National
HOG members and a guest, regardless if
they are a member of a chapter. They are a
way for HOG members to explore other
areas of our states, meet HOG members
from around the country, and, of course,
“Ride and Have Fun”. Currently there are
HOG members from 11 different states and
Canada attending.
The 2014 rally in western Maryland will
have guided rides through some of
Maryland’s most beautiful areas as well as
West Virginia and Pennsylvania. There are
scenic loops, historical sites, and things to
do either in town or riding. See if you can
find the geo caching locations, win the
WET-T shirt contest, or just explore on
your own the towns of Cumberland,
Frostburg and Mt. Savage. Oh, and don’t
forget the nightly parties! Check the
website for a more detailed listing of rides
and events.
We have Jack Daniels commemorative
single barrel available for purchase by rally
participants. The bottles will come with a
“necklace” indicating the MD/DE 2014
State HOG rally in Cumberland. Supply is
limited, so we are organizing a list of rally
attendees who are interested in purchasing
these bottles. There are only 240 bottles
available, so if you are interested in getting
one, let us know. Cost should be
approximately $55/bottle and will be
picked up during the rally. Registration is
open and you may do so online
Cost is just $30/person, and members who
register by March 15 will receive a rally pin
and patch. T-shirts are available for
purchase on-line when you register. Online
registration closes on May 1 2014. Hotel
rooms are listed on the website – ask for
the HOG rally block for the special rate.
The Ramada and Fairfield Inn in
Cumberland are both within walking
distance of downtown and restaurants and
entertainment. La Vale lodging is just 4.5
miles, and the rally team is looking into an
evening shuttle between La Vale and the
evening events. “Like” the rally page at
Maryland/Delaware HOG rally 2014 to stay
up-do-date with events.
The Western Maryland Scenic Railroad is
now taking reservations for anyone wishing
to take the scenic railroad during the rally.
Go to www.wmsr.com select “purchase
tickets” from the top tab, and select the
information. Our promotional code is
“HOG2014” for the discount rate of $30.
The train departs Cumberland at 11:00am,
goes through the mountains and arrives in
Frostburg at 12:30pm. IT will stop to be
turned on the turntable, riders can eat,
shop, or watch the train be turned for its
return trip at 2:00pm. It will arrive back in
Cumberland at 3:00pm. The city of
Frostburg is working on a welcome for us
on Saturday from 11:30am to 2:00pm, and
working on a police escort to town, so
anyone that does not ride the train may
able to see the train being turned at this
time, if interested.
HOG’s at the
Beach 2014
September 5th – 7th
If you are planning to attend Hogs at the
Beach this year you can call for
reservations at the Francis Scott Key
Family Resort at 410-213-0088. The Francis
Scott Key has extended the discounted
room rates for us until May 1 (was March 1).
The password when making reservations is
“Towers Family Reunion”.
Here is the link to the FSK resort:
HOGS at the Beach vs.
There has been discussion and some
confusion about these two events. That’s
right, TWO distinct events, not two names
for one event.
City area. Attend one or both. Regardless
of your decision, Ocean City is not that far
away, it can be a weekend or a day-trip.
You should do your own research to
determine which function is right for you.
We hope we see you at HOGs on the
Beach, but either way, Ride Safe and Have
When and where is it?
Dates for this year’s event are September
5-7, 2014. You can come on Friday or
Saturday for those day’s events, or for the
entire weekend. Our headquarters is the
Francis Scott Key Family Resort in West
Ocean City.
HOGs at the Beach
Why come?
HATB is a joint gathering of members of
the Maryland and Delaware H.O.G.
Chapters. It is a closed, private party at
Ocean City, Maryland, that celebrates the
common interests of our Chapter members
and the end of the summer riding season.
The event has taken place since 1991. It is
traditionally held the weekend after Labor
Day. It is a non-commercial event open
only to members of the Maryland and
Delaware H.O.G. Chapters. It is free,
sponsored by our local Harley-Davidson
Dealers. About 300 of our members
participate each year in festivities currently
centered at the Francis Scott Key Family
We always have a lot of events and fun
during this annual weekend. Friday night
we mingle with friends during a free
barbeque chicken dinner, a cornhole
tournament, and an evening social with a
DJ. Saturday we have several new local
rides through the back roads to choose
from, a free lunch cookout, and a field
events competition. Saturday night you
have your choice between a social at the
hotel or you can take the free shuttle into
Ocean City.
DELMARVA Bike Week is a commercial
event that has taken place since 2001 in
early September in the vicinity of Ocean
City, Maryland. This event is open to all
members of the public. Organizers attract
a wide audience, including all types of bikes
and many vendors selling their wares.
They offer professional entertainment and
other attractions.
The bottom line is that there are two
separate events a week apart in the Ocean
What is it?
It is NOT a commercial event, such as a
National/State H.O.G. Rally, Bike Week, or
Dealer Open House. It is a free private
party held in Ocean City, Maryland. It is a
closed event open exclusively to Maryland
and Delaware H.O.G. Chapter members.
This joint gathering of local H.O.G. Chapter
members allows us to get together at the
end of the summer riding season to
celebrate our common interests.
What does it cost?
Nothing, it’s free. There is no admission
charge to attend, and most expenses are
covered by donations from our sponsoring
Harley-Davidson Dealerships. Your only
costs are gas to ride there, any food not
already provided (see below), and a hotel if
you come down for a night or the entire
How does it take place?
It is coordinated by a group representing
the eleven local H.O.G. Chapters. The work
is divided among those Chapters and their
members. If you would like to volunteer
and meet members from other Chapters,
please contact your Chapter Director. Or
you can just come and enjoy the event!
We hope we see you at this year’s HOGs
at the Beach!
Support Our Members Businesses
Members advertise for free in the HOGPEN
For Sale
20" Upper Recurve windshield from clearviewshields.com (orig $170). Used a few years, in good shape. Fits '86-later FLSTC, '90 and later FLSTF,
'06 FLST and '93-'96 FLSTN models with auxiliary lights. (Does not fit FLSTS or FLSTSC models) No brackets. Upper Recurve creates a larger,
quieter pocket and pushes the airflow 1.5" - 2" higher. I loved it and could really tell a difference from the stock windshield. $80
Contact Michelle or Kevin at 301-223-4065
Auxiliary Brake Light / Running Light / Turn Signal Conversion Kit - Flat Lens Style (HD part # 69461-06B).
Fits '96-later Softail® models (except FXS) and '97-'08 Touring models (except FLHX) equipped with
Original Equipment flat lens style turn signals. Also fits '09-later FLHRC, FLHTC, FLHTCU and FLHTK
models. (Does not fit with Narrow Chrome Directional Bar P/N 68611-98.) $30
Contact Michelle or Kevin at 301-223-4065
New universal fit bag with side pockets and Velcro enclosure to go around backrest or sissy bar. Used once.
Contact Michelle or Kevin at 301-223-4065.
Sissy Bar with pad and mounting plate ($170.00 obo); fits 2009 and later Road Kings, FLHT, FLHX FLTRX & FLTR
Chrome Luggage Rack/stealth style ($150.00 obo); fits 2009 and later Road Kings, FLHT, FLHX FLTRX & FLTR (need to use 4-point
docking hardware; these are detachable items)
Stock Pipes that were taken off of a 2009 road glide ($150.00)
Stock Mufflers that were taken off of a 2009 road glide ($150.00)
Contact Gale Stouffer @ 301-667-4671/cell or 301-791-0179/home.
2006 Harley-Davidson Heritage Classic Stock Seat: Like new, $100
Contact Randy Louden @ 301-991-4134
Members advertise for free in the HOGPEN
For Sale
2006 Harley Davidson Heritage Softail Classic FLSTCI Custom Paint Scheme by Harley Custom
Operations. Known as "The Mistress" has a black flake base coat with purple ghost flames on the
tank and fenders. This bike has only 12,000 miles and is a one owner adult driven HOG. In like new
condition the bike runs and drives like new. Tires are in great condition, custom paint is
immaculate and ready for a new owner. 100% serviced using synthetic oil by Harley Davidson in
Williamsport MD where it was purchased new in 2006. This Harley is the full package starting with
the radical paint scheme by Harley Davidson Custom Paint shop, limited edition #22 of 150
painted to the Sceamin Eagle upgrades. (Place 3 times in local bike contest) Specs: Twin 88B, 1450
CC, 3.75 in x 4.00 in 85 ft lbs @ 3000 rpm. 8.9:1 ratio.
Upgrades include:
Sceramin Eagle Exhaust
Screamin Eagle EFI Race Tuner
Upgraded combination speedometer and tachometer
Security System
Front Chrome Fork Covers
Leather Mustang Seat with rider Backrest
Passenger Backrest
Chrome Luggage Rack
Kuryakyn ISO Hand Grips
Kuryakyn ISO passenger foot pegs
Kuryakyn Highway pegs with ISO pegs
Purchased price was $23,728 and I added over another $2,000 in add-ons.
Contact Randy Louden
For Sale
Harley Davidson Motorcycle picnic set & cooler bag, carry or strap on. New/never used. Set includes 2 plates, 2 glasses, 2 forks, 2 knives, 2
spoons, napkins and salt & peppershakers. $ 40
Contact Mike Gellar mikegellar1@gmail.com or 240.315.3612
Dowco 50125-00 Iron Rider Main Bag. Full rigid inserts that provide solid support on all sides. Rugged diamond plate back creates a
durable non-slip surface. Form-fitting, water-resistant liners protect gear from the elements and will double as removable bags.
Protective heat-shielded bottoms prevent damage from hot exhaust pipes. Measures 10in.W x 11in.H x 22in.L
Like new - maybe used once. $ 75
Contact Mike Gellar mikegellar1@gmail.com or 240.315.3612

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