hogpen - Williamsport HOG Chapter
hogpen - Williamsport HOG Chapter
WILLIAMSPORT HOGPEN Volume 11 Issue 4 Williamsport HOGPEN April 2014 Williamsport MD Chapter 1544 EASTER IS SUNDAY APRIL 20TH Easter Trivia by Bob Corley Easter falls on a different date each year Technically, Easter falls on the first Sunday after the full Moon after the Vernal Equinox. How did this method of reckoning Easter’s date come about? It was a way to steal the thunder from another popular god, whose cult was early Christianity’s biggest rival. The worship of Attis and Cybele was very popular in Rome as late as the 3rd century. Attis was a soter, or savior, god who was reborn each year. This resurrection was celebrated beginning on the Friday after the full moon after the Vernal equinox (now Good Friday). It culminated on the following Sunday - three days later. Since they were rivals, Christianity adopted the date for their soter and, once the Cybele cult faded, Christians had to keep the date since that was when everybody was used to celebrating the holiday. The name Easter comes from a goddess Her name was Eostre and she was the Mother Goddess of the Saxons of Northern Europe. She was, according to Grimm (yes, one of those Grimms), “goddess of the growing light of spring.” IN THIS ISSUE Why eggs and why color them? The egg has always been a symbol of fertility, creation and rebirth. The ancient Babylonians and Egyptians exchanged colored eggs, usually red, in honor of spring. The Greeks and Romans adopted the custom, enlarging the color palette. In Medieval Europe, eggs were forbidden during Lent. This made eggs very popular at Easter. What’s up with the Easter Bunny? The rabbit was a symbol of the moon to the ancient Egyptians, that heavenly body being used to determine the date of the holiday may have had an influence. But the hare was a totemic animal of the goddess Eostre, symbolizing fertility for Spring. The character of an Easter Bunny seems to have begun in Germany, where he was a kind of Springtime Santa Claus, delivering Easter treats to children. He was known as Osterhase. The children would build a nest for him to leave their eggs in. This eventually became our modern Easter basket. Harley-Davidson of Williamsport Staff Unwrapped Get to know Jamie Moore, parts expert at HarleyDavidson Williamsport, through an interview with Donna Conway. Page 4 Membership Has Its Benefits Ever wonder why you have to fill out membership forms EVERY year? Bill and Barb explain. Page 5 WILLIAMSPORT HOGPEN | Volume 11 Issue 4 2 From the Director by Michelle Stouffer There was a great turnout for the Chili Cookoff. Between the Cook-off, the Swap Meet and the awesome weather, it was the perfect day that brought a big crowd. Thanks so much to everyone who helped us get set up, run the event and tear down. Since this was our 4th year, we have it down to a science. It’s so simple, it’s not even work, just lots of fun! Not to mention, many folks got some great deals at the shop and the Swap Meet vendors. On the Merchandise front, we are collecting names for the magnetic Chapter Name Badges. We only need 5 more to meet the minimum order amount. You can get your MICHELLE’S QUOTE OF THE MONTH name or nickname, whatever you like. They are $8.00 each. Let me know if you would like to order one. We have placed an order for the large bike flags (15” x 11 ½”) and they should arrive by the end of April. They are $31.00 each. Both Sissy Bar and Tourpak Mounts can be ordered for $15.00 each. “Take wrong turns. Talk to strangers. Open unmarked doors. And if you see a group of people in a field, go find out what they are doing. Do things without always knowing how they’ll turn out.” RANDALL MUNROE Assistant Director by Bertie Brady It seems as though Mother Nature is working hard to get us some decent riding weather but she is still letting an occasional brisk wind pass by. I have been able to get a few miles on the Harley this past month and it has been wonderful. I’d like to share a Harley story with you that has put a smile on my face every day since January first. Last fall I received a visit from a friend who lives about 60 miles away. He was riding his Harley and had a backpack strapped to his back. He approached my door with a sad look and pulled a potted plant from the backpack. I’m not sure which one looked more pitiful! I spent the next few months working with the plant to revive it and on January 1st this year it’s first bloom opened. Today it is a beautiful purple orchid that lives happily in my kitchen and I am completely amazed that it survived a ride on a Harley. Here is its latest picture. BERTIE’S QUOTE OF THE MONTH “Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet.” ARISTOTLE WILLIAMSPORT HOGPEN | Volume 11 Issue 4 3 I thought that segment was incredible last year. It’s only April so everybody has time to make plans to join me on this beautiful twisty adventure. Treasurer Tidbits by Kevin Stouffer Winter is finally over, and all my monthly winter rides are in the books. Now that spring is here we can look forward to having more than one ride a month. I can’t wait to ride every chance I get. I’m continuing to plan my ride to Tennessee. Here’s what I have so far. We’re going to take a long interstate ride to Gatlinburg on Thursday July 31st. Gatlinburg has lots of available food and fun within walking distance for our evening enjoyment. I tentatively have a day ride planned for Friday August 1st that includes the entire Cherahola Skyway and The Tail of the Dragon. Saturday we will probably head north on the Blue Ridge Parkway and spend the night in Johnson City the same as we did last year. Safety Tips WILLIAMSPORT HOG MEMBERS 94 by Ken Conway With riding season approaching, riders should remember to do a pre-ride inspection when he/she heads out for the day. It should be as common as checking the weather forecast. A convenient way to remember your inspection routine is T-CLOCS (developed by MSF). T Tires and Wheels – Check tire air pressure, tread, and look for cracks, dents and loose spokes. Also check the bearings and brakes. C Controls – Check levers, switches, cables, hoses and the throttle to be sure all are operating correctly. L Lights and Electrics - Make sure the lights and all electrics are in good working condition. O Oil and other Fluids – Check for leaks and the levels of coolant, hydraulic fluid, and fuel. C Chassis – Check the suspension and drive components (chain, belt, or driveshaft). S Stands – Make sure the side and center stands are in good repair. Now for a little Treasurer’s note. We have container at all the Chapter meetings this year to collect donations for the USO. Last year we raised a whopping $127. I think we can do better this year. If everyone just drops in their spare change or an extra dollar or two we should be able to max out the Chapter’s commitment to match up $500 by the end of the year. I personally plan to drop in a couple of bucks each month and I encourage you all to do the same. It’s a great cause! Routine maintenance goes beyond a pre-ride inspection. Regular maintenance of your motorcycle could easily prevent you from having a mechanical failure that requires you to leave your bike by the side of the road. Be sure to check your owner’s manual for the schedule for regular service intervals and details of each service. The owner’s manual is also your main source for information about how your motorcycle should be inspected before riding. Don’t forget the Group Riding Workshop coming up on April 19. Anyone new to riding with a group is encouraged to attend, but the workshop is open to all riders. The workshop will be held at the HDW Meeting Center and will begin at 10 am with a classroom session followed by a short ride ending at a lunch stop. Welcome New Members SHELBY BEAVER RICKY SHEFFIELD Welcome New Arrival Wanda and Gale Stouffer welcomes their new granddaughter Summer Lynn Taylor st born March 21 . She weighs 7lbs 12oz and is 21 inches long. Congratulations! WILLIAMSPORT HOGPEN Volume 11 Issue 4 Harley-Davidson of Williamsport Staff Unwrapped by Donna Conway This is the third in a series of articles to introduce members on a more personal level to the staff of Harley-Davidson of Williamsport. This month we feature HDW’s parts expert Jamie Moore. Back in 1980, Jamie Moore, who has always loved Harleys, asked HD of Frederick’s owner Mike Vantucci for a job and Mike’s response was, “you don’t want to work for me.” Eight years ago, however, Jamie began working at Harley-Davidson of Williamsport in the parts department. Jamie says he still enjoying the work. Jamie grew up on a farm near the Baltimore Ramblers Motorcycle Club in Soldiers Delight, MD, near Owings Mills. He is the middle child of five with two sisters and two brothers. Forty years ago, Jamie married Nancy, his high school sweetheart two months after graduation. Nancy and Jamie have a daughter and two super grand kids and live on five acres near Keedysville where Jamie has an “awesome” Harley man cave. Jamie was a charter member of the Williamsport HOG Chapter and he and Nancy have HOG license plates on both of their trucks and both of their motorcycles. At the age of 12 Jamie began riding when a neighbor taught the local kids how to ride his scooter and Honda 90. At 14 he and a buddy were racing on the fire trails at Liberty Reservoir when Jamie missed a turn and hit a tree 10 feet off the ground. In spite of his bad luck, he won the race and walked away from the accident but the bike didn’t fare so well. Motorcycles in Jamie’s life have included a Honda 90, Honda 100, Yamaha 125, Yamaha 250, 1981 XLH Sportster purchased from Mike Vantucci in the original Frederick shop, a 2004 Softail Standard, a 2007 883 Low, and a Suzuki 650. Before manning the parts counter at HDW, Jamie managed B&B Auto Glass and Classic Upholstery and Auto Glass, both in Hagerstown. He was also co-owner of Moore Brothers Builders, as well as serving a stint as a meat cutter at the Boonsboro Produce Market. Jamie loves anything John Deere, which he attributes having grown up on a farm. He also enjoys his big garage where he can tinker, repair and detail. Anyone who knows Jamie knows that he’s a meticulous person, so my bet is that his garage is spotless and neat as can be. Jamie is a valuable member of the HDW team. His knowledge of parts is extensive which makes him an important resource to customers in their hunt for just the right part or accessory. FOR MORE INFO ON GENUINE HD PARTS Call or visit Harley-Davidson of Williamsport http://www.hdoffrederick.com WILLIAMSPORT HOGPEN | Volume 11 Issue 4 5 MEMBER SERVICES CENTER: We get H.O.G.® members – and there are dedicated staff available to help with any questions you may have at 1-800-CLUBHOG (1-800-258-2464), 8AM-6PM CT, MondayFriday. Put this number in your cell phone so you will have it handy. Membership Has Its Benefits by Bill “DAWG” Dutton and Barbara HOG.COM: “Butterfly” Dutton This new website for members offers you exclusive access to never-before-seen photos and articles, behind-the-scenes interviews, and more reasons to ride. This website is a great asset. Check it out! Greetings Brothers and Sisters; Butterfly and I just wanted to take a moment to go over the benefits; as well as the Membership Enrollment and Release form, that you as a HOG Member are entitled to, and are required to complete to be eligible to participate in events, and rides with the Williamsport HOG Chapter # 1544. The benefits are a reward for your dedication to not just the Williamsport # 1544 HOG Chapter, but to the National Membership as well. We hope that you take full advantage of the benefits that are available to you. These should be automatic, however sometimes you have to contact the National HOG Telephone #: 1-800-CLUBHOG (1-800-258-2464) H.O.G MAGAZINE: Coveted by motorcycle enthusiasts everywhere, this full-color magazine is only available to H.O.G. members. H.O.G ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM: Every time you take to the road, H.O.G has your back. Membership includes one service per calendar year, up to $100. This could be a needed tow to the nearest dealership, or a dead battery jump. Better safe than sorry. H.O.G AMERICAS TOURING HANDBOOK: This compact road atlas contains maps of every U.S. State, Canadian Province, Mexico and South America, as well as Harley Davidson Dealer information and basic state motorcycle laws. Put this book in your saddlebag so you can have it when you need it. This benefit is available to Full and Full Life Members Only. H.O.G INSIDER E-NEWSLETTER: Each month you’ll get the first look at new products, inspiring member stories, and behind-the-scenes information. This THEFT REWARD PROGRAM: makes for some good reading to stay in the loop. MEMBERSHIP CARD: Present your membership card at events, Pin Stops, or for VIP access at certain events – or to show other members you’re part of the club! Life members, your membership never expires … neither does your card. Make sure you see us so we can add the Brown Chapter Sticker to your card. EMBROIDERED H.O.G. PATCH AND PIN: You receive a rocker patch and pin each year you renew, Members receive a patch to mark th th you 10 and 25 consecutive years of membership, you also receive from the Williams Port Chapter a Williamsport Rocker, as well as a Gremlin Bell. You can earn a $1,000 reward – by providing information that leads to the arrest and criminal conviction of anyone stealing a full member’s H-D® motorcycle. We ride together, we watch each other’s back, and their scoots, and when it is stolen, and we see it, we WILL get paid. This benefit is available to Full and Full Life Members Only. Now let me explain a little bit about the Membership Enrollment and Release form. This form serves two main purposes. The first and primary purpose is that it contains a release as well as a waiver for insurance purposes. I have added is below, we realize that you might have overlooked it when filling out the form (I know I don’t read it every time). H.O.G MERCHANDISE: You have to be H.O.G.® to wear H.O.G.® Wear your pride on your sleeve, or just about anywhere else. Show some Chapter Pride, buy a flag or a shirt, show who you are with. LADIES OF HARLEY: Here is a unique way to celebrate H.O.G, it’s free to all members, and yes we have one. Just check “LOH” in your member profile to receive your patch and pin (plus annual renewal rockers. Have not heard of this benefit, not a lot of people have enquired about it. But every Chapter has one. Butterfly is the “LOH” Officer, ask her about it. LIFE MEMBER PATCH AND PIN: All our members are loyal to HarleyDavidson®, but you’ve committed for life. We recognize you with this exclusive pin and patch. This is the type of brother or sister that is dedicated for life to H.O.G. and should be given the respect they deserve. - THIS IS A RELEASE, READ BEFORE SIGNING – I agree that the Sponsoring Dealer, Harley Owners Group (H.O.G.), HarleyDavidson, Inc., Harley-Davidson Motor Company, my Chapter and their respective officers, directors, employees and agents (hereinafter, the “RELEASED PARTIES”) shall not be liable or responsible for injury to me (including paralysis or death) or damage to my property occurring during any H.O.G. or H.O.G. chapter activities and resulting from acts or omissions occurring during the performance of the duties of the Released Parties, even where the damage or injury is caused by negligence (except willful neglect). I understand and agree that all H.O.G. members and their guests participate voluntarily and at their own risk in all WILLIAMSPORT HOGPEN | Volume 11 Issue 4 H.O.G. activities and I assume all risks of injury and damage arising out of the conduct of such activities. I release and hold the “RELEASED PARTIES” harmless from any injury or loss to my person or property which may result from my participation in H.O.G. activities and EVENT(S). I UNDERSTAND THAT THIS MEANS THAT I AGREE NOT TO SUE THE “RELEASED PARTIES” FOR ANY INJURY OR RESULTING DAMAGE TO MYSELF OR MY PROPERTY ARISING FROM, OR IN CONNECTION WITH, THE PERFORMANCE OF THEIR CHAPTER DUTIES IN SPONSORING, PLANNING OR CONDUCTING SAID EVENT(S). WAIVER OF RIGHTS UNDER STATE STATUTES I further agree to waive all benefits flowing from any state statute which would negate or limit the scope of this Release and Indemnification Agreement including, but not limited to, Section 1542 of the California Civil Code which provides: “A general release does not extend to the claims which the creditor does not know or suspect to exist in his favor at the time of executing the release, which if known to him must have materially affected his settlement with the debtor.” By signing this Release, I certify that I have read this Release and fully understand it and that I am not relying on any statements or representations made by the “RELEASED PARTIES”. The second reason for the form is for the updating of our Member Information Database. This information is used to keep us up to date of not only your membership status both Local and National, but also your contact information so if the need arises we can reach out to you for even changes, updates, and upcoming rides. (It is important to know that if you contact one of us, and yes this has happened several times in the past, we WILL NOT compromise your information, (Phone numbers, address etc.), to anyone, in the chapter or not in the chapter. There you have it brothers and sisters, your benefits, and membership in a nutshell. They are yours to use, so make sure that you take full advantage of every benefit that you can. 6 On a different note, please remember to try to get everyone you know that rides a Harley Davidson to come to a meeting, check us out, and hopefully become a new member. Butterfly and I are looking forward to seeing you on the road during some fantastic rides this year. Thank you all for your continuing support. Have fun and ride safe! DAWG & BUTTERFLY WILLIAMSPORT H.O.G CHAPTER # 1544 MEMBERSHIP OFFICERS Attention iPad Users by Bob Corley Did you know that you are able to save your issues of the HOGPEN Newsletter to iBooks? It provides a convenient place to store all of your issues for easy reference and even if you delete the email that it came in, you will always have your issues stored safely in your iBooks library. Here’s how: Riders Contest Be sure to pick up your copy of the Williamsport Chapter 2014 Riders Contest booklet at the next chapter meeting. You accumulate points for doing what we all love to do – ride. Open the newsletter in Mail Tap the share icon in the upper right Tap Open in iBooks It’s just that easy and if you don’t have iBooks loaded, it’s available to download for free from the App Store. WILLIAMSPORT HOGPEN | Volume 11 Issue 4 CHAPTER OFFICERS Director - Michelle Stouffer director@williamsporthog.org 301-223-4065 Asst. Director - Bertie Brady assistantdirector@williamsporthog.org 304-283-2572 Secretary - Donna Conway secretary@williamsporthog.org 301-739-3590 Treasurer - Kevin Stouffer treasurer@williamsporthog.org 301-223-4065 Membership - Bill & Barb Dutton membership@williamsporthog.org 301-991-5368 Senior Road Captain - Mike Pearson roadcaptain@williamsporthog.org 301-730-1046 7 Upcoming Rides and Events Friday, April 4th Baltimore Metro Bull Roast Saturday April 12th 11AM Spring Open House - Williamsport HD th Sunday, April 13 7:30AM March Meeting Gift Card Winners Delmarva Poker Run Bertie Brady Saturday, April 19th 10AM Larry Gerber Group Riding Workshop - Williamsport HD Mark Mummert st Monday, April 21 7PM Chapter Meeting - Red Men Ken Conway Dave Baker Steve Small Webmaster - Greg Brown webmaster@williamsporthog.org 301-331-2688 50/50 Winner Steve Small Assistant Webmaster – Brian Baker blb2463@yahoo.com 301-331-4813 Safety - Ken Conway safety@williamsporthog.org 301-739-3590 Merchandise - Michelle Stouffer harleygirl@myactv.net 301-223-4065 Historian – Don Goglio historian@williamsporthog.org 304-261-8115 April Birthdays Barb Dutton Chaplain - Steve McCarty chaplain@williamsporthog.org 301-991-4293 Editor - Bob Corley rcorley@myactv.net 301-908-4208 General Information: Information@williamsporthog.org GET THE LATEST RIDE INFORMATION Call the HOG Ride Line: 240-347-6186 Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/williamsportHOG1544 Check the Williamsport HOG website: http://www.williamsporthog.org 4/9 Bill Whittington 4/13 Greg Brown 4/17 Mark Mummert 4/29 WILLIAMSPORT HOGPEN | Volume 11 Issue 4 8 HOG’s at the Beach 2014 September 5th – 7th If you are planning to attend Hogs at the Beach this year you can call for reservations at the Francis Scott Key Family Resort at 410-213-0088. The Francis Scott Key has extended the discounted room rates for us until May 1 (was March 1). The password when making reservations is “Towers Family Reunion”. Here is the link to the FSK resort: http://fskfamily.com HOGS at the Beach vs. DELMARVA Bike Week There has been discussion and some confusion about these two events. That’s right, TWO distinct events, not two names for one event. your decision, Ocean City is not that far away, it can be a weekend or a day-trip. You should do your own research to determine which function is right for you. We hope we see you at HOGs on the Beach, but either way, Ride Safe and Have Fun! HOGs at the Beach HATB is a joint gathering of members of the Maryland and Delaware H.O.G. Chapters. It is a closed, private party at Ocean City, Maryland, that celebrates the common interests of our Chapter members and the end of the summer riding season. The event has taken place since 1991. It is traditionally held the weekend after Labor Day. It is a non-commercial event open only to members of the Maryland and Delaware H.O.G. Chapters. It is free, sponsored by our local Harley-Davidson Dealers. About 300 of our members participate each year in festivities currently centered at the Francis Scott Key Family Resort. DELMARVA Bike Week DELMARVA Bike Week is a commercial event that has taken place since 2001 in early September in the vicinity of Ocean City, Maryland. This event is open to all members of the public. Organizers attract a wide audience, including all types of bikes and many vendors selling their wares. They offer professional entertainment and other attractions. The bottom line is that there are two separate events a week apart in the Ocean City area. Attend one or both. Regardless of HATB FAQs What is it? It is NOT a commercial event, such as a National/State H.O.G. Rally, Bike Week, or Dealer Open House. It is a free private party held in Ocean City, Maryland. It is a closed event open exclusively to Maryland and Delaware H.O.G. Chapter members. This joint gathering of local H.O.G. Chapter members allows us to get together at the end of the summer riding season to celebrate our common interests. What does it cost? Nothing, it’s free. There is no admission charge to attend, and most expenses are covered by donations from our sponsoring Harley-Davidson Dealerships. Your only costs are gas to ride there, any food not already provided (see below), and a hotel if you come down for a night or the entire weekend. When and where is it? Dates for this year’s event are September 57, 2014. You can come on Friday or Saturday for those day’s events, or for the entire weekend. Our headquarters is the Francis Scott Key Family Resort in West Ocean City. Why come? We always have a lot of events and fun during this annual weekend. Friday night we mingle with friends during a free barbeque chicken dinner, a cornhole tournament, and an evening social with a DJ. Saturday we have several new local rides through the back roads to choose from, a free lunch cookout, and a field events competition. Saturday night you have your choice between a social at the hotel or you can take the free shuttle into Ocean City. How does it take place? It is coordinated by a group representing the eleven local H.O.G. Chapters. The work is divided among those Chapters and their members. If you would like to volunteer and meet members from other Chapters, please contact your Chapter Director. Or you can just come and enjoy the event! We hope we see you at this year’s HOGs at the Beach! WILLIAMSPORT HOGPEN | Volume 11 Issue 4 9 WILLIAMSPORT HOGPEN Volume 11 Issue 4 MD/DE HOG Rally Cumberland, MD June 19-22 The 2014 Maryland/Delaware State HOG Rally is in Cumberland, MD. State rallies are for all National HOG members and a guest. If you have never attended a state rally before, this annual event is put on by a rally committee, and is in a new location each year. For Maryland and Delaware, this is two years in Maryland and one year in Delaware. Rallies are open to all National HOG members and a guest, regardless if they are a member of a chapter. They are a way for HOG members to explore other areas of our states, meet HOG members from around the country, and, of course, “Ride and Have Fun”. Currently there are HOG members from 11 different states and Canada attending. The 2014 rally in western Maryland will have guided rides through some of Maryland’s most beautiful areas as well as West Virginia and Pennsylvania. There are scenic loops, historical sites, and things to do either in town or riding. See if you can find the geo caching locations, win the WET-T shirt contest, or just explore on your own the towns of Cumberland, Frostburg and Mt. Savage. Oh, and don’t forget the nightly parties! Check the website for a more detailed listing of rides and events. We have Jack Daniels commemorative single barrel available for purchase by rally participants. The bottles will come with a “necklace” indicating the MD/DE 2014 State HOG rally in Cumberland. Supply is limited, so we are organizing a list of rally attendees who are interested in purchasing these bottles. There are only 240 bottles available, so if you are interested in getting one, let us know. Cost should be approximately $55/bottle and will be picked up during the rally. Registration is open and you may do so online www.mddestatehogrally.com. Cost is just $30/person, and members who register by March 15 will receive a rally pin and patch. T-shirts are available for purchase on-line when you register. Online registration closes on May 1 2014. Hotel rooms are listed on the website – ask for the HOG rally block for the special rate. The Ramada and Fairfield Inn in Cumberland are both within walking distance of downtown and restaurants and entertainment. La Vale lodging is just 4.5 miles, and the rally team is looking into an evening shuttle between La Vale and the evening events. “Like” the rally page at Maryland/Delaware HOG rally 2014 to stay up-do-date with events. Update The Western Maryland Scenic Railroad is now taking reservations for anyone wishing to take the scenic railroad during the rally. Go to www.wmsr.com select “purchase tickets” from the top tab, and select the information. Our promotional code is “HOG2014” for the discount rate of $30. The train departs Cumberland at 11:00am, goes through the mountains and arrives in Frostburg at 12:30pm. IT will stop to be turned on the turntable, riders can eat, shop, or watch the train be turned for its return trip at 2:00pm. It will arrive back in Cumberland at 3:00pm. The city of Frostburg is working on a welcome for us on Saturday from 11:30am to 2:00pm, and working on a police escort to town, so anyone that does not ride the train may able to see the train being turned at this time, if interested. WILLIAMSPORT HOGPEN | Volume 11 Issue 4 11 WILLIAMSPORT HOGPEN Volume 11 Issue 4 WILLIAMSPORT HOGPEN Volume 11 Issue 4 WILLIAMSPORT HOGPEN | Volume 11 Issue 4 14 WILLIAMSPORT HOGPEN | Volume 11 Issue 4 15 WILLIAMSPORT HOGPEN | Volume 11 Issue 4 16 Classified Ads For Sale 20" Upper Recurve windshield from clearviewshields.com (orig $170). Used a few years, in good shape. Fits '86-later FLSTC, '90 and later FLSTF, '06 FLST and '93-'96 FLSTN models with auxiliary lights. (Does not fit FLSTS or FLSTSC models) No brackets. Upper Recurve creates a larger, quieter pocket and pushes the airflow 1.5" - 2" higher. I loved it and could really tell a difference from the stock windshield. $80 Auxiliary Brake Light / Running Light / Turn Signal Conversion Kit - Flat Lens Style (HD part # 69461-06B). Fits '96-later Softail® models (except FXS) and '97-'08 Touring models (except FLHX) equipped with Original Equipment flat lens style turn signals. Also fits '09-later FLHRC, FLHTC, FLHTCU and FLHTK models. (Does not fit with Narrow Chrome Directional Bar P/N 68611-98.) $30 New universal fit bag with side pockets and Velcro enclosure to go around backrest or sissy bar. Used once. $30 Contact Michelle or Kevin at 301-223-4065. DID YOU KNOW? Members advertise for free in the HOGPEN Classifieds WILLIAMSPORT HOGPEN | Volume 11 Issue 4 17 Classified Ads Continued… Sissy Bar with pad and mounting plate ($170.00 obo); fits 2009 and later Road Kings, FLHT, FLHX FLTRX & FLTR Chrome Luggage Rack/stealth style ($150.00 obo); fits 2009 and later Road Kings, FLHT, FLHX FLTRX & FLTR (need to use 4-point docking hardware; these are detachable items) Stock Pipes that were taken off of a 2009 road glide ($150.00) Stock Mufflers that were taken off of a 2009 road glide ($150.00) Contact Gale Stouffer @ 301-667-4671/cell or 301-791-0179/home. 2006 Harley-Davidson Heritage Classic Stock Seat: Like new, $100 Contact Randy Louden @ 301-991-4134 DID YOU KNOW? Members advertise for free in the HOGPEN Classifieds
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