catalogue principal
catalogue principal
CATALOGUE PRINCIPAL FR#7 Seulement pour revendeurs YOUR ONE-STOP SOURCE 2 NOUVEAU DANS CETTE ÉDITION Datalogic Epson •QuickScan I QM & QBT 2131: Scanners manuels mobiles pour codes-barres 1D •ColorWorks C7500 & C7500G: Imprimantes industrielles d’étiquettes couleur extrêmement rapides •Heron HD3130: Élégance rencontre performance de pointe •Cobalto 5300: Scanner de présentation personnalisable •Falcon X3+: Capture de données en temps réel pour le commerce et l’entrepôt Honeywell •Voyager 1202g-bf: Scanner laser mobile chargé en 35 secondes •Voyager 1450g & 1452g: Scanning flexible, simple mise à jour 2D •Voyager 1602g: Puissant et compact •Granit 1980i & 1981i: Scanners industriels durcis pour grandes distances de lecture •TM-P20: Imprimante tickets mobile pour systèmes d’exploitation mobiles Citizen •CT-S251: Compacte imprimante tickets 2" •CL-E720: Imprimante d’étiquettes milieu de gamme fiable Star •mPOP: Combinaison élégante de tiroir-caisse et d’imprimante tickets •SM-L200: Imprimante Bluetooth ultra-compacte •SM-S230i: Imprimante mobile pour Android, iOS et Windows Evolis •Dolphin 75e: Puissant hybride de smartphone et terminal mobile •Badgy200: Kit complet de démarrage pour l’impression de cartes •PC42t: Imprimante d’étiquettes à transfert thermique bon marché •Avansia: Imprimante de cartes par retransfert haute résolution •PD43 & PD43c: Imprimantes d’étiquettes industrielles compactes Glancetron •Global Tracking: Suivi et contrôle de biens via localisation par satellite Datamax •Desktop: Imprimantes d’étiquettes compactes pour petits volumes d‘impression •Industrie: Imprimantes d’étiquettes fiables pour applications industrielles •Mobile: Imprimantes portatives de tickets et étiquettes Zebra •DS7708: Imageur de comptoir pour tous les codes-barres •TC70: Ordinateur mobile professionnel à écran tactile 4,7" •TC75: Ordinateur mobile polyvalent avec Android •ZQ110: Imprimante portative pour tickets jusqu’à 50 mm •ZQ500: Imprimante portative extrêmement robuste pour étiquettes et tickets •WingExpress: Intégration simple de réseaux sans fil pour PME •70-ST: Afficheur à mât 7" compact pour diverses applications Colormetrics •P2500: Caisse fiable à écran tactile et face protégée IP64 •P3100 & P3300: Élégants TPV tout-en-un 17" •P4100: TPV tout-en-un 15" modulaire •Vion: TPV tout-en-un supérieur à écran large de 15,6" Elo Touch Solutions •I-Series: Systèmes tout-en-un chics pour la promotion de vente interactive •15E2: TPV élégant à écran large •X-Series: Système tout-en-un moderne au concept modulaire Panasonic •Toughbook: Ordinateurs portables durcis à performance de pointe •Toughpad: Tablettes robustes pour la plus grande mobilité •JS-970: Système PDV modulaire à écran tactile 15" RatioTec •Soldi Smart Plus: Authentification fiable de billets de banque Joignez-vous à la conversation ! Restez en contact avec nous en nous rendant visite sur Facebook ou Twitter. Jetez un coup d’oeil derrière les coulisses de notre entreprise, découvrez les dernières nouveautés et bien plus comme FAN sur Facebook ou SUIVEZ-nous sur Twitter ! Appelez le numéro vert: 0800 910 231 Appelez le numéro vert: 0800 910 231 3 BIENVENUE UNE ÉQUIPE IMBATTABLE Cher partenaire Jarltech ! Le trio élégant pour plus de classe en caisse Vous appréciez les grandes marques, un grand choix, un niveau de compétence élevé, un service supérieur à la moyenne et un traitement des affaires en toute simplicité et rapide ? Cela explique pourquoi vous tenez entre vos mains l'actuel catalogue Jarltech 2015/2016. Avec vos attentes, vous êtes à la bonne enseigne chez Jarltech. En notre qualité de distributeur spécialisé dans les industries du matériel PDV et auto-ID, cela fait plus de 20 ans que nous sommes actifs sur le marché. Et notre but est de toujours en tirer le meilleur pour vous en faire profiter. En tant que pur distributeur, notre modèle d’ affaires est entièrement axé sur vous. ISV, éditeurs de systèmes, détaillants spécialisés – nous vendons exclusivement aux revendeurs et sommes donc toujours votre partenaire. Chez Jarltech, toutes les marques leaders pour tous les secteurs de notre industrie sont à votre disposition : des systèmes PDV et des périphériques ; des lecteurs de codes-barres ; des imprimantes de tickets, d’ étiquettes et de cartes ; des ordinateurs mobiles ; des terminaux embarqués ; des systèmes de contrôle d’ accès ; de l’ équipement pour réseaux sans fil ; des systèmes de suivi et de localisation par satellite et plus. Le catalogue principal Jarltech contient la plupart des produits disponibles de nos partenaires leaders de A comme Addimat à Z comme Zebra. De nombreuses nouveautés agrandissent à nouveau l’ offre déjà large chez Jarltech de matériel à proposer à vos clients. Servez-vous du catalogue comme ouvrage de référence pratique et fiable. De plus, vous retrouverez la totalité des articles disponibles, les prix et les stocks en temps réel en quelques clics sur notre boutique en ligne Jarltech. Vos données d’ identification – que vous donnera votre correspondant commercial – vous permettent l’ accès à votre espace client « Mon compte ». Vous y vérifiez vos prix individuels, gérez vos commandes, vos adresses de livraison, vos services et vos retours de marchandises. Avec Jarltech, faites aussi du chiffre d’ affaires supplémentaire grâce aux SAV supplémentaires : par exemple le service de pré-échange et la garantie tous risques. Ils vous offrent plus de sécurité et de bénéfice à long terme. Si vous désirez apprendre comment profiter encore plus avec Jarltech, appelez simplement votre correspondant commercial ! Bien cordialement, Ulrich Spranger (Gérant) P.-S. : N'oubliez pas que la livraison directe augmente votre rapidité. C’ est avec plaisir que nous expédions vos commandes directement chez vos clients avec un bordereau neutre. Mais il y a encore mieux : votre bordereau personnalisé – il suffit de télécharger votre bordereau dans votre espace client ! P2100 TPV tactile sans ventilateur protégé selon IP64 T-3 Imprimante de qualité, toute équipée et très abordable K-1 Tiroir-caisse professionnel pour exigences élevées Appelez le numéro vert: 0800 910 231 5 VOS PRINCIPAUX AVAN TAGES CHEZ JARLTECH 1. RAPIDE COMPÉTITIF Les énormes stocks disponibles chez Jarltech assurent une expédition immédiate. 6 2. Plus de bénéfices pour vous Adapté à vos besoins La taille de Jarltech vous assure toujours les meilleures conditions. 3. Service parfait 4. Votre source globale FACILE COMPLET Empruntez des appareils de démonstration pour vos tests et présentations. Nous sommes à votre écoute personnellement de 8 h à 18 h 30. Expédition le jour même de vos commandes jusqu’à 18 h 30, sans supplément ! Vous payez vos commandes confortablement sur facture. Livraisons directes chez vos clients avec vos bons de livraison personnalisés. Consultez la disponibilité et les prix 24 heures sur 24 sur le site internet Jarltech. Jarltech maintient à votre disposition en permanence plus de 10 000 unités en stock. Convenez d’ un délai de paiement individuel avec votre correspondant commercial. Commandez vos services après-vente et extensions de garanties en un clic. Les informations, fiches techniques et des vidéos sont disponibles en ligne. Jarltech a en stock des variantes et couleurs exotiques de tous les produits. Augmentez votre marge grâce à nos bureaux d’achat en Extrême-Orient. Aucune vente aux clients finaux ! Nous sommes toujours votre partenaire. Revendication ou vérification de garantie en quelques simples clics. Jarltech assure la rapidité des livraisons grâce à ses grands partenaires logistiques. Recevez des points bonus pour chaque achat à échanger contre des primes. Nous vous offrons un service d‘assistance technique par téléphone. Notre support en ligne offre des réponses immédiates à vos questions urgentes. Appelez le numéro vert: 0800 910 231 7 n atio r a p é r V& ref : SA En b deurs r reven u o iel p e u courr atuit o r 1 g 3 e 2 c 0 an 800 91 Assist ne au 0 o h urs p lé structe Par té n o c s in r le ière ma m mé pa r e r o f p l e e d n ionnel Person profess e ir a f Savoir éé demain ter agr r au len n u e jo C u e d Servic arantie Epson as de g c s e d ent atuite) n ligne Traitem ibles e ées (gr n n o n p o is d d e de Q, etc. banqu ploi, FA m Vaste ‘e d s stock , mode out en t Pilotes – ses s e mbreu aché o t n é d e d s t e pièce alogic e Servic ra, Dat b e Z , n pso Pour E s marque autres Savoir-faire Réparations et garanties : Toutes les demandes de réparation sous garantie sont traitées le jour même. Si le problème peut être décelé par nos techniciens, l’ appareil défectueux est soit réparé sur place, soit envoyé au 8 figuration Configurati on de PC Nous installo ns le systèm e d’exploitat la langue de ion dans votre choix Installation de logiciels Nous installo ns vos logic iels à partir image de dis de votre que dur Configurati on du maté riel Nous réglon s les interru p teurs DIP e paramètres t les selon vos b esoins Personnali sation du m atériel Application de vos étiqu ettes, etc. Tests d‘opé ration et bu rn-in Sur demand e, nous testo ns votre ma avant l’expé tériel dition Service de configuration et SAV ET RÉPARATION Support technique : En tant que SSII ou VAR, l’ assistance technique Jarltech est gratuite pour vous par téléphone au 0800 910 231. Nos techniciens participent régulièrement aux formations proposées par les fabricants et disposent d’ un savoir-faire technique toujours à jour. Nous vous apportons avec plaisir nos conseils concernant l’ installation et la connexion du matériel, tandis que vous vous chargez de l’ intégration et contrôle logiciel. Sur notre site internet, notre banque de données de support vous livre documentations, pilotes, modes d’ emploi et conseils pratiques pour les différents appareils. En bref : Con SERVICE D’INSTALLATION constructeur. En notre qualité d’ Epson Service Center agréé, nous effectuons les réparations dans nos ateliers sans devoir renvoyer l’ appareil au constructeur ; cette démarche vous fait gagner énormément de temps. Service pièces détachées : Jarltech vous fournit plus de 100 000 pièces détachées pour les produits des différents constructeurs. Nous sommes entre autre fournisseur agréé de pièces détachées pour les imprimantes point de vente Epson, les scanners de codes à barres Datalogic ainsi que les imprimantes de cartes Zebra. La page de support Jarltech contient des vues éclatées de nombreux produits grâce auxquels vous identifiez des modules, pièces d’usures, voire une vis précise et d’ autres composants afin de vous en faciliter la commande. Réalisez même des grands projets sans être stressé par l’ installation logicielle grâce à Jarltech. Car sur demande, nous effectuons la configuration selon vos souhaits des systèmes complets, PC et autres appareils : qu’ il s’ agisse d’ installer votre image de disque dur et le logiciel point de vente sur un système à écran tactile, de réétiqueter les appareils (imprimantes, douchettes, etc.) avec vos étiquettes, de préinstaller Windows CE sur les terminaux portables ou simplement Windows sur les ordinateurs compacts. Nous livrons ensuite le matériel chez vous ou directement chez vos clients. Vos techniciens n’ ont alors plus qu’à effectuer le branchement, sans perdre de temps avec la configuration. Surtout lorsque vous avez besoin de grandes quantités, nos forfaits d’ installation compétitifs ménagent vos ressources humaines en réduisant le temps de travail. De plus, vous et vos clients bénéficiez d’ une sécurité supplémentaire que le système acheté fonctionne comme prévu : lors de la configuration, nous contrôlons le bon fonctionnement et l’ intégrité du matériel et trions le matériel défectueux. Demandez plus de précisions à propos de ce service à votre correspondant commercial qui vous expliquera nos possibilités avec plaisir. Appelez le numéro vert: 0800 910 231 9 onus b s e m i ref : Pr En b oints t des p u a v t n ligne e acha ment e le p Chaqu im ss es ez-vou astiqu Inscriv es fant voyage im r p a CD u e de le m p r o im n é s, du s Choix 0 prime 0 2 1 e Plus d gues s collè le n t io e v a r u ie en ech pa achete ar Jarlt neur, l‘ c e , r n p ie e r r t ent coûten Pour l‘ e vous n s venu e e r Les prim rfaitaire sur le ats ôt fo es ach d e u un imp iq tomat trés tion au a is il b enregis a t s t p n a m ip antes Co s partic import le s e s u o im t r Pour r des p à vos ts pou in o p s grâce s e o d v li z a v e Épargn restent bonus s t in o Vos p rs régulie achats Pour vous et votre entreprise En bref : VIP Jarltech Devenez V IP grâce à v os points b 20 000 poin onus ts pour le sta tut ARGENT le statut OR et 50 00 0 pour Livraison fr anco Dès une va leur d’ achat de 1 000 € p et 600 € pou our VIP ARG r VIP OR ENT Tarifs préfé rentiels Conditions d’ achat exc lusives et tr ès compétiti ves Livraisons préférentie ll e s Pour VIP AR GENT et OR Formations techniques Participation selon vos b esoin et gra tuite pour V IP 15 pour cen t de remise V IP Économisez sur les livra isons expre ss et le sam edi DES POINTS BONUS En tant qu’ adhérent au programme bonus Jarltech, vous gagnez automatiquement un point pour chaque euro d’ achat ; échangez-les ensuite contre des primes intéressantes dans la boutique bonus. L’ inscription se fait en moins d’ une minute sur Vous trouverez votre solde de points dans la boutique bonus. La totalité des points reste valide un an à partir de votre dernier achat. Dans la boutique bonus Jarltech, vous faites vos achats comme dans n’ importe quelle autre boutique en ligne, sauf que vous payez en points et non en espèces. La livraison de vos primes est gratuite dans les pays participants. Le choix de primes change continuellement, n’ attendez donc pas trop longtemps. Nous essayons toujours de rendre la boutique bonus plus intéressante, n’ hésitez pas à nous faire part de 10 Avantages exclusifs pour VIP JARLTECH vos idées. Pour minimiser les frais de gestion, le traitement de vos demandes est effectué de préférence par courriel à l’ adresse Jarltech paie un impôt forfaitaire pour les primes bonus ; votre entreprise est ainsi libérée des impôts sur le revenu. La participation est réservée aux clients possédant une adresse de livraison et de facturation en Allemagne, Autriche, Belgique, Danemark, France métropolitaine, Espagne, Italie, Luxembourg, Pays-Bas, Pologne, Portugal, Royaume-Uni ou Suède. Chaque entreprise est limitée à un seul compte. Les points ne sont pas transmissibles et ne peuvent pas être remboursés en espèces. Pour devenir VIP chez Jarltech, il suffit de collectionner des points bonus : en tant qu’ adhérant au programme bonus et à partir de 20 000 points par an, vous devenez VIP ARGENT ; à partir de 50 000 points, vous bénéficiez du statut OR et d’ avantages supplémentaires avec cela. Vos avantages supplémentaires VIP ARGENT : La première fois que vous obtenez ce statut, nous vous faisons cadeau de 2 000 points de bienvenue. VIP ARGENT, vous bénéficiez de livraisons franco dans les pays participants à partir de 1 000 euros de valeur d’ achat. En tant que VIP Jarltech, vous faites partie d’ un groupe exclusif de clients pouvant participer à des promotions spéciales (kits, remises, etc.) et parfois bénéficier de points supplémentaires. Vous bénéficiez également du service après-vente « dead-onarrival » pour les appareils défectueux à la livraison ainsi que de la participation gratuite à des formations techniques à nos locaux pour vous ou vos collaborateurs. De plus, tous les VIP Jarltech profitent de tarifs préférentiels extrêmement compétitifs, de livraisons franco (à partir d’ une valeur d’ achat minimum, hors livraisons express et le samedi, sur palette et rouleaux à tickets) ainsi que de 15 pour cent de remise sur les livraisons express et le samedi. Vos avantages supplémentaires VIP OR : Ce statut inclut évidemment tous les avantages du statut ARGENT et un cadeau de bienvenue unique de 5 000 points bonus. Vous faites désormais plus d’ économies, car vous recevez les livraisons franco à partir d’ une valeur d’ achat de 600 euros. Vous recevez en outre 25 pour cent de points supplémentaires pour vos achats. Appelez le numéro vert: 0800 910 231 11 En s SAV trat n o C : f bre ie : lients garant e d n t vos c e io t s a u g o reils ur v Prolon s appa le rité po u s c u é o t s e pour Plus d garantie e d s n Trois a ent rapide f pour c ple et u e im n s t e n r e u seulem Procéd laires – u m r o f Sans ricants ration les fab s de majo u o t e teur ériel d onstruc le mat c t ie u t o n t Pour la gara ante de d n e p é Ind : riode hange t la pé c n é a d é r n le p iate pe Formu ux imméd n io éfectue t d n il e e v r r a e p Int otre ap antie lai de v é d s n de gar t sa cemen hats Rempla r vos ac e d tion su s r majora dez lo e n d a t n m Com pour ce nt huit e m le u Se pareil de l’ ap le prix hoix change ez au c t pré-é e in b ie t m n Co e gara ation d Prolong La sécurité simple : CONTRATS SAV « EN UN CLIC » Achetez un complément de sécurité pour vous et vos clients, pour seulement quelques euros de plus. Ajoutez nos contrats de service après-vente « en un clic » à votre commande simplement par internet ou par téléphone ; cela ne requiert ni formulaires, ni demandes compliquées. Choisissez et combinez les options SAV « en un clic » lors de vos achats : Prolongation de garantie : Moyennant une majoration de neuf pour cent sur le prix du produit, pratiquement tous les produits de notre portefeuille sont disponibles avec une garantie de trois ans – indépendante de la garantie constructeur. Cette garantie peut être combinée avec la formule pré-échange. 12 Pré-échange : Cette formule garantit un remplacement immédiat de l’ équipement en cas de panne durant la période de garantie. Un simple appel suffit et nous expédions immédiatement un appareil de remplacement chez vous ou votre client. Vous disposez ensuite d’ un délai de 10 jours pour nous renvoyer l’ appareil défectueux ; et vous gardez tout simplement l’ appareil de remplacement sans devoir le changer ultérieurement. Ce service implique une majoration unique de huit pour cent et est valable pour la garantie constructeur ainsi que pour la prolongation de garantie Jarltech. En bref : Gar antie tous ris ques Trois ans d e sécurité p our vos clie La garantie nts tous risques couvre tous matériel – m les dommag ême en deh es au ors des gara nties standa rd Prolongatio n de garan tie incluse La garantie de votre ma tériel est pro longée à tro is ans Planificatio n plus sûre pour vos cli Éliminez les ents frais imprév us de répara tion Pour presq ue tout le m atériel de to les constru us cteurs Indépendan te de la gara ntie constru cteur Commande simple lors de vos ach Ajoutez la g ats arantie tous risques par internet pou té léphone ou r un supplém ent de 18 p our cent Protection parfaite contre les dommages GARANTIE TOUS RISQUES Profitez d’ un service hors normes avec Jarltech en offrant à vos clients une protection contre les dommages, surtout ceux non couverts par la garantie constructeur. Que l’ appareil subisse une chute, soit soumis à un usage extrême, à la négligence, ou utilisé par du personnel non qualifié, ce service élimine les frais imprévus de réparations couteuses et de maintenance pour du matériel neuf grâce à notre garantie tous risques. Pour un supplément de 18 pour cent du prix d‘achat vous recevez un paquet « sans-soucis » signé Jarltech. Si un appareil bénéficiant de cette garantie tombe en panne durant les trois années suivant l’ achat, quelle que soit la raison, il sera réparé ou remplacé par un appareil équivalent – sans perdre de temps avec des formulaires ou des devis. Les avantages pour vos clients sont clairs : bien que le coût d’ achat soit plus élevé, ils peuvent être sûrs que durant la période de garantie, des dommages au matériel ne causeront pas de frais supplémentaires imprévus. Cela permet une planification à long terme en toute tranquillité, puisque le matériel endommagé est remplacé dans tous les cas. La garantie tous risques de Jarltech est disponible pour tous les produits d’ une valeur à partir de 150 euros à l’ achat. Sont exceptés de la garantie les pièces d’ usure telles têtes d’ impression et consommables. La garantie couvre tous les dommages au matériel acheté chez nous qui n’ ont pas été causés par du vandalisme, le feu ou la détérioration intentionnelle. La garantie tous risques inclut la prolongation de garantie à trois ans et le traitement de dommages non couverts par la garantie standard. Appelez le numéro vert: 0800 910 231 13 En bref émo areils d : App ! achat vant l’ a l ie r é reils le mat d’ appa Testez n io it s dispo Mise à ion onstrat clients de dém ibles ations t n e s ts tang é r n e p s m e u d des arg Faites ez avec u q in a giciels Conv t vos lo n e meurs m e rogram facil p s s lu o p v r ez ce pou Adapt référen e d il e r Appa our de atuit p r g i a s rs d‘es ercial ils 10 jou t comm appare n a x d u n e r o nomb corresp z votre e t c a t n Co délais courts gue t e t n e catalo r orta t p o n im e d Choix ppareil aque a h c i s a Qu ponible est dis À votre disposition : des appareils de DÉMONSTRATION ET D’ESSAI Convainquez vos clients de la qualité de vos produits avec une présentation sur place. Une démonstration en direct produit un effet largement plus important qu’ une brochure avec des photos. Il est plus facile pour vos clients de se familiariser avec l’ équipement et de comparer quand ils peuvent toucher l‘appareil ; leur décision d’ achat sera alors mieux fondée et les clients seront plus satisfait de leur choix. Form As device. s ration sale demonst you. Your with a ipment for ide you equ to prov onstration inue happy the dem to cont will be . We w. reserve r for us In orde s listed belo products , we will . form in our devices. ition pleted delivery date of test device cond interest l com t poo your test large ived this the exac you for to the you a Thank we have rece rm you of agree offers as ket that you read and will info soon tative the mar or on ask that represen distribut future, we the only ice in the is Jarltech this serv ide tion:: to prov ignaung Desichn Beze tration Demons Device - Order will be device for the invoice d. 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If an . • Retu ful to use for dam require a condition we care charged hase price these saction will be accept of the purc _ this tran and • You re unt ____ read secu amo ____ you haveged for the • To hased. ________ e that purc er: ____ signatur it card char Hold your cred Card with have your confirm Please by agree to tercard Mas __ you here d ________ /Eurocar ________ Visa ________ Card: ________ Credit ________ ber: __ / ____ Card Num ______ no.: ItemNr.: Art.- Firma:a: Firm l: Valid Unti ______ ________ ature ________ Date, Sign ________ ______ rs) ________ ________ e (block lette ________ Your Nam year? than 1 p older lable, Bank? ler‘s Stam tion avai e Factoring registra tsch business 4,000 € Deu notes: n and/or Internal minimu register oved for validity? mercial ? Com it limit is appr ked for em data? rmation chec syst ne info ess? Cred it card data matches telepho addr Cred pany stamp of address, the billing k to chec tical Com cessful ess is iden (6081) Suc Fax +49 very addr Deli uests: Your Dea Please 14 Initials: Jarltech met ses appareils de démonstration à votre disposition pour 10 jours d’ essai ; presque tous les appareils du portefeuille Jarltech sont disponibles en une ou plusieurs versions. La plupart des modèles sont disponibles gratuitement, certains contre une faible redevance qui vous est remboursée à l’ achat. Sélectionnez parmi notre grand choix le matériel adapté à vos applications pour l’ examiner sous toutes les coutures et nous vous l’ envoyons pour l’ essayer. Cela vous facilite aussi l’ adaptation de vos logiciels et pilotes. Le matériel de démonstration est disponible en toute simplicité et généralement à brefs délais. Veuillez notez, toutefois, que certains appareils peuvent être sujets à une liste d’ attente. Pour obtenir un appareil de démonstration, appelez simplement votre correspondant commercial Jarltech qui vous expliquera avec plaisir la démarche et vous aidera à trouver une date et la version adaptée à vos besoin. ______ ________ En bref : Ser vice marketin g Livraison a vec bordere aux person Envoyez-no nalisés us votre mis e en page et porteront vo vos livraison tre image d s ‘entreprise Catalogue neutre ou p ersonnalisé Demandez notre catalo gue comple présence Ja t sans rltech Outil de pu blipostage Créez votre propre new sletter en q avec l’ outil uelques clic en ligne de s Jarltech Soutient p our événem ents et sém Jarltech et s inaires es fournisse urs vous su l’ organisatio p portent dan n de vos év s énements Vidéos de p roduits Trouvez en ligne de nom breuses vid pertinentes éos des produit s Jarltech Convaincre par la compétence : SERVICES MARKETING Nous vous apportons notre soutient dans vos efforts de promotion de vos solutions avec toute une panoplie de services disponibles gratuitement ou à prix coûtant. Notre grande expérience de la production de matériel publicitaire et du marketing dans l’ industrie du point de vente et de l’ identification automatique vous assure des résultats toujours professionnels et de qualité. En tant que client Jarltech vous profitez d’ une livraison de commandes simple et rapide – et au besoin directement chez vos clients. Pour vos livraisons directes, demandez le service de bordereaux de livraison à votre image ! Livraison rapide et fiable : transformez nos services en vos points forts ; envoyez-nous simplement votre mise en page pour vos bordereaux personnalisés. En outre, Jarltech vous offre gratuitement, en tant que revendeur, le catalogue actuel en version neutre – c’ est à dire sans logos ou autre références à Jarltech – en format PDF. Utilisez-le pour présentez les produits disponibles chez Jarltech en plein contexte et avec les descriptions complètes, et cela sans trace de Jarltech. Jarltech vous propose même la création de votre catalogue personnalisé adapté à vos solutions et vos besoins à partir du catalogue Jarltech ; nous le mettons à votre disposition en format PDF, bon à tirer ou même imprimé et conditionné, si vous le souhaitez. Finalement créez votre propre newsletter au moyen de notre outil de publipostage simple d’ utilisation. Utilisez notre base de données textuelle et d’ images pour envoyer des mails publicitaires à vos clients en quelques clics. 0 600-50 urn req send ret Appelez le numéro vert: 0800 910 231 15 JARLTECH INSIGHTS What drives us and brings you further – condensed! The new Jarltech corporate handbook offers you the great opportunity to get to know Jarltech better and to have a closer look: spread across roughly 100 pages you will learn all the advantages and services that Jarltech provides you with to support you in your daily business. Beyond that, you will also meet the international Jarltech management team, discover the entire spectrum of vendors and benefit from all the extras that Jarltech offers you. The good part: even after you put the book aside after reading it, you as a Jarltech partner will always hold all the aces. A new office and the bright prospects in the Netherlands Room for grow th The Dutch Jarltech sales office has moved and now has better prospects than ever. The elegant premises with their large glass fronts offer plenty of space for additional expansion, the rooms are nice and bright, are technically well-connected and, thanks to the underground parking garage, even parking is no problem. Come by for a visit – the Jarltech sales team looks forward to welcoming you. REQUEST W! YOURS NO Networking Our support for your growth First guests Round the clock operation for you Since 2015 our European central warehouse is running on 24-hour operation. With an eye on the constantly increasing number of orders this was the obvious next step to be taken. And with it, of course, the number of deliveries from our vendors to our goods receipt department increases almost on a daily basis – a logi(sti)cal side effect of the growing number of incoming orders. With our 24-hour operation in place we make sure that we may continue to provide you with the delivery speed and low error rate to which you are already accustomed from Jarltech. Ultimately, you are the driver for our high-performance motivation. Normally, as a Jarltech customer, you receive exactly what you need both quickly and reliably: hardware, service, consultation. To make your entry into special market segments easier, Jarltech gives you concrete support in several sectors. In addition to personal consultations you may also request sector-specific brochures and take advantage of the corresponding vertical-expansion websites – to refer to, inform yourself and gather inspiration. There you will find a selection of typical areas of application and selected hardware for the corresponding area. Discover your potential currently on the following sites: Request the product brochures you are interested in free of charge from your customer service representative – either as a PDF version or in print. Always on the move 16 17 JARLTECH INSIGHTS JARLTECH APP A face to remember (Nearly) everything you need on-the-go You should remember the pretty face on the cover, since it will cross your path many times in the months to come. For two entire days there was something really special happening at headquarters in Usingen. The reason: Daliah, the current Jarltech catalogue model. As in previous years, many people were involved in the photo shooting, to achieve a professional outcome. What made it so special? Except for the model and the make-up artist, all the specialists came from in-house. And this in a wide variety of settings: in front of our transporter fleet, our mobile photo studio, in our Showroom with all the latest hardware, even in the modern central warehouse – we have everything we need here on-site. The Jarltech App is your right hand for the day-to-day business with Jarltech! It is an all-purpose tool for products, services, contacts and warranties, plus for a quick overview of your points in the Jarltech Bonus Shop. Even if you want to check individual prices, real-time stocks, the CEO blog, or product news and promotions – you only need a smartphone or tablet to log into the app, and the Jarltech universe opens its doors to you from wherever you are. But there’s more: the app features an integrated service function for defective hardware. Simply scan the product barcode with a smartphone or tablet and all available product data is made available to you: from the purchase date to the warranty period to the return shipping address of the responsible repair centre. You may also comfortably and securely forward all the data from the app via e-mail, to prepare the shipment in a timely fashion. It does not get much easier than this! Simply enter »Jarltech« in Google Play or the App Store and download the corresponding version for Android or iOS! d Simply scan the QR Code an download the app for free! Truly relaxed: you won’t find our leading lady stressed Apple Watch support Presents, presents and more presents: it might be summer but it’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas! My Account »Real weather« makes the whole thing more realistic… That which we can do ourselves, we do – we do not believe in outsourcing. So for at least the coming year you can be sure: wherever you see Daliah, Jarltech is surely standing behind her. This increases recognition and only re-confirms that our marketing department is truly unique! You should take the time to have some fun! My Account You have everything at hand in the Jarltech customer area »My Account«. Here you will see all current orders and special offers. »My Account« is also the right starting point for uploading a packing slip layout, for creating an online RMA for a defective product, for checking warranty periods and much more. Access the customer area »My Account« easily from the Jarltech website under the corresponding tab. As a registered Jarltech customer you have direct access to your data. Under »My Account« you have a variety of services available to you. Track your current orders, manage your delivery and billing addresses and generate RMAs quickly and simply. You have direct access to exclusive special offers, to the Jarltech Newsletter, as well as our marketing services - all at a glance! 18 19 JARLTECH EUROPEAN AIDC/POS Hardware you can touch Welcome to Europe’s largest exhibition for POS and Auto-ID perpetually open for you, where all the leading vendors present nearly their entire portfolio. Have a look at and test POS systems, barcode scanners, printers and handheld terminals over an area of several hundred square metres. Hundreds of devices are set up, configured and ready to go – from barcode scanners to large format IDS displays. SHOWROOM AND TRAINING CENTRE Compare Test and compare hundreds of devices from the top vendors on-site – when it fits into your schedule. Relax Utilise the convenient Jarltech pick-up service directly from the Frankfurt Airport or Train Station for both you and your customers – in half an hour, you are here. Test, compare, present: one visit is all it takes The exclusive Showroom was conceptualized and estab- presentations. You can too: simply bring your customers with lished for you, of course – our customers. The combination you and let them test and compare for themselves on-site. A of the newest models, together with such a comprehensive grounded purchasing decision ensures for a long-term feeling portfolio that you will not find anywhere else, gives you a cur- of satisfaction – for both you and your customers. The same rent overview and excellent comparison options at all times. applies to the training area and adjoining conference rooms. That is also a reason why both Jarltech and the represented We will gladly make either the entire area or just a portion vendors gladly use the rooms for training sessions and available to you for your next event. Host Come by with your customers too. In the adjoined Training Centre, there is plenty of space for your customer events and training sessions. by Honeywell 20 21 SPECIAL EVENTS SOCIAL MEDIA Do you like Jarltech? Networking. Training. Together. Insight, outlook and everything that makes having a look valuable: when something happens internationally at Jarltech, you will be sure to find it the fastest on the Jarltech Facebook page. This is particularly true for everything which takes place around the products, deliveries and services. Follow the events and trade fairs through Jarltech glasses. A good working relationship together with good communication – that is the very foundation of business success. That is why Jarltech places great value on the regular exchange among each other, with vendors and customers – outside of the usual business setting. Have a look for yourself: This includes the regular international networking events in Frankfurt am Main and Dubai, at which the cooperative partnership takes precedence and where great ideas and projects take shape in a relaxed atmosphere. A wide variety of entertainment is also always present: an Oktoberfest mood, or attractions such as original arcade games, magicians and live music give the events that extra touch every time. Sales and technical training sessions from various vendors about current topics and products – for partners as well as the sales, marketing and technical support teams – ensure for the necessary expertise required during the day-to-day, plus for an easier entry into new business areas. Jarltech – where more than just the pictures are moving Jarltech also lets its pictures speak for themselves on YouTube. The Jarltech YouTube channel shows that we put a lot into motion, and not just pictures: from the making-of video of the cover photo shooting to corporate and image films, up to short videos of various events, training sessions and more. Pictures say more than 1,000 words, so have a look for yourself! Subscribe now and never miss out! 22 23 Everyone is talking about the advantages that come with RFID and transponder technology. Time and attendance control as well as access control are perfect applications for this kind of proximity data capture. Jarltech offers now various Promag RF transponder devices for professional applications. Jarltech is exclusive distributor in Germany for Promag RFID hardware. Not only contactless data reading and writing is an RFID advantage – you have an enormous selection of tags at your disposal: they are available as writable or read-only versions in various shapes, such as cards, chips or key-ring pendants – even screwed onto objects or walls. In order to make the adaptation to this new system easier, many Promag devices optionally include readers for magnetic and smart cards or barcodes. Promag is the leading Taiwanese manufacturer of RFID technology and auto-ID hardware. Promag can offer an incredibly wide range of devices ready for various applications and areas at outstanding hardware quality. The implementation of Total Quality Management (TQM) at Promag makes defects extremely rare and improves the durability of their products significantly compared to many rival products. Jarltech has included a large selection of Promag time and attendance as well as access control products in various versions. This includes simple door locks, fixed-installation time clock terminals and even portable RFID tag readers for security surveillance in industrial manufacturing sites or other security applications. All devices are usually available from stock and delivered within 24 hours. With Jarltech you offer your customers our extended services – as with all products you can extend the warranty for Promag products with an optional Advance Replacement Service. If one of the devices fails within the warranty period, we will replace it immediately – your customer only sends back the original device after receiving our replacement. 335 Promag Product Overview RFID Model GPW-100/PCR-340 PCR-300/310/330 GP-Serie MF700/MF7 ER750/755 UR110/115 GP-60/90-A WEC-200 MF5 Description Page 340 Page 341 Page 342 Page 341 Page 342 Page 342 Page 343 Page 343 Page 343 •• RFID reader / writer for EM- and Mifare tags •• Desktop RFID reader/ writer for 13.56 MHz and 125 kHz •• High performance proximity sector reader •• Also very professional secure data versions •• RFID reader for Mifare UID or sector data and MAD format •• Standard frequency range of 13.56 MHz •• Contactless data collection •• Seamless integration •• High performance proximity reader featuring long range and small dimensions •• Converter Wiegand to Ethernet •• Professional connection of stand-alone devices •• RFID read-/write module for in-counter-installation •• High-grade mounting scanner for OEM-projects Special Features Encoding ID tags on site, any ID can be programmed Device returns signal when card is removed Weather resistant, high power supply range from 5 to 12.5 VDC, ideal for in-counter installation MF700 reads sectors Ethernet Interface with PoE option Weather-proof piano finished housing, variable voltage (7.5 to 12 V) Weather resistant, high power supply range from 5 to 12.5 VDC, incl. door sensor Support of many Wiegand-Formats, easy ethernet integration because of own ID Extensive software-kit, incl. demo-software, source code, in-depth documentation Target groups Suitable for customer to program tags as requires Tracking, retail, customer, loyalty, leisure, gambling, prepaid parking For any RFID data collection, f.e. tracking, serial number check Access Control, for any RFID data collection, secure data systems Access control, user identification, timesheet recording Access control, identification For any RFID data collection, f.e. tracking, serial number check Online-access control, network applications Installation, backfitting, enhancement of any systems Time recorder Access control / fingerprint reader Mobile transponder- and magnetic stripe reader Ethernet terminal Model TR-515 TR-4050 SF-650 GS2000 PCR-/MFR-120 MSR-120/U FAT800 Description Page 344 Page 344 Page 345 Page 345 Page 346 Page 346 Page 347 Characteristics Promag 336 •• High performance proximity readers featuring long range and small dimensions •• Also very professional secure data versions •• Online / offline time clock terminal •• RFID, magnetic stripe or barcode reader included •• Ethernet or stand alone time recorder with large LCD display •• Versions with fingerprint readers •• Stand alone access control system •• For RFID-tags •• With fingerprint-reader •• Different entry-modes •• Portable RFID reader with metal housing •• Mini portable proximity RFID reader with LCD •• Reads tags in 125 kHz-Range (EM4102) •• Mifare optional •• Miniature format •• Small magnetic card reader with display •• Very robust and compact •• Reads all three tracks •• Ethernet data terminal Special features ASCII format data output Door opener sensor and built-in floppy disk drive for data exchange version with fingerprint reader Biometric fingerprint identification and 13.56 Mhz RFID technology combined Uses Alkaline battery, robust baton type metal housing LCD display with background light LCD display with background light Programmable keypad with 20 keys alphanumeric LCD display (16 x 2 characters) Target groups Online time-recording, registration Online time-recording, registration Time attendance, access control and hotel locker management Safe guards, inspection, maintenance, asset management Time attendance data collection of employee Mobile time and attendance, payment Cash cards membership cards Promag Characteristics 337 Enhancing the Supply Chain Promag RFID RFID has captured the attention of many leading companies today who are making significant investments of money and time to make this technology feasible in their operations. The goal, however, is to leverage internal RFID structures to capture and share real-time business information across entire enterprises and with trading partners. In other words, RFID deployments based on open, standardised EPC interfaces that enable interoperability and multi-vendor implementations may achieve the ultimate in global data sharing: total asset visibility. RFID can transform the following business processes: Supply Chain Management Thousands of inbound and outbound shipments can be identified with RFID smart labels that enable unattended identification, verification and sorting at different points in the supply chain across trading partners and distribution centres. Asset Management RFID promises more effective asset management by providing real-time information about location of assets ensuring employees always have equipment, tools and other resources when and where they need them. Work in Progress Along the assembly line, tasks associated with WIP can be reported back to the systems with RFID, identifying that each step of the assembly process was completed and ensuring that quality control measures were taken reducing make-overs. Promag Anti-counterfeiting/Track and Trace Materials authentication is another complementary asset management application. It provides a way to detect counterfeit products and can ensure that only authorised parts and supplies are used. Many organisations in the pharmaceutical industry will use RFID to comply with FDA rules to improve the security of the drug supply chain. This includes grey market trading and product recall. 338 RFID technology has already been a hot topic for years. While economic, technical and legal aspects are still being discussed, it is already used successfully in many fields for quite a long time and is widely accepted. RFID can be used as complete solution or component in larger systems: contactless access control is an enormous market segment with unexpected potential that is getting more and more important. Resellers and system integrators have vast opportunities, as the number of potential customers, applications and business segments is seemingly unlimited. RFID products from Promag offer hardware for integration into any system that can be used instantly and for all possible applications. A large choice RFID modules for various transmitting technologies, shapes, connectivity options and protocols are available for every application that already exists or is in development: desktop devices for writing car park and customer cards are available as well as weather-resistant readers for access control of cars and individuals in security areas or at automatic gates and door in entrance and exit areas. As RFID solution provider you establish yourself in a market that will be growing significantly in the next years. Massively increasing supplies have already pushed the prices of RFID tags to a level that makes RFID an attractive alternative or addition. Many barcode applications, for instance, are realised more easily and securely with RFID tags than with conventional labels. Promag is the leading Taiwanese manufacturer of RFID readers and writers. Many years of experience guarantee professional high-quality devices and a wide range of modules and special-purpose hardware. Jarltech has been official Promag distributor for many years. Our professionally trained staff will assist you with any RFID-related issues and provides attractive services. Promag Inventory Control RFID can significantly deliver correct and current information about inventory levels to allow companies to ensure they can deliver what they have promised.In addition, better inventory control reduces storage space and labour costs and improves asset utilisation. It also enables faster billing cycles and contributes to cash flow. 339 Promag GPW-100 Promag PCR-340 Promag PCR-300/330 Promag PCR-310 •Read/Write device for RFID transponder •Professional reader for RFID tags •Stationary RFID reader •Stationary RFID tag reader/writer •Automatic ID generator •Reads 125 kHz and 13.56 MHz transponders •Small size •For ISO 14443A tags •Serial interface (RS232) •Supports EM technology, Mifare MF1, Ultralight and DESFire •EM4102 compatible tags (125 kHz) •Also for Mifare Class and Mifare PRO •Also used to copy transponders •3-in-1 multi-interface: RS232, keyboard wedge and USB •Automatic read •Versatile applications •EM4102-compatible •5V AC power supply included •Versatile application •Can be used as waiter lock using »PC-Security« software The GPW-100 is a stationary read/write device for EM4102 compatible RFID transponders. It is particularly intended to write sets of transponders or individually encode tags. The PCR-340 is a stationary reader for RFID tags, suitable for system log-on/logoff or for personal identification applications. It reads not only all tags that use the 125 kHz EM standard, but also Mifare 13.56 MHz transponders. In addition, it is possible to read the UID (Unique Serial Number) of the transponders and assign a pre- or postfix to the ID. It reads 125 kHz transponders within a range of 8 cm and 13.56 MHz RFID tags that comply with the 14443A standard within a range of 4 cm. The PCR-340 features a 3-in-1 interface for you to connect with the reader via keyboard wedge, serial and USB interface on your system. The Promag PCR-300/330 is a stationary reader for RFID tags and cards. Easy integration into your applications makes it a preferred choice for POS, customer retention, discount, debit card systems or even as a waiter lock. The PCR-310 is a stationary reader/writer that operates with ISO-14443A transponders, compliant to Mifare Class and Mifare PRO standards. This compact unit (only 100 x 65 mm) allows you to integrate all kinds of solutions with RFID cards, tags or transponders fast and easily into various software applications, for example the point-of-sale, in a hotel, in fitness and recreation centres, for access control and time recording or even bonus systems, customer cards and member cards – the PCR310 can be used almost anywhere. The included software writes an ID to the transponder – enter the ID on your keyboard, import it from files or let the software automatically create a serial number. Connect the device to the host over the serial interface (RS232). The GPW-100 works with tags that use the 125 kHz frequency band. It can output IDs in decimal, hexadecimal or Wiegand format. Certainly a useful and practical addition to all Promag systems. Its dual-frequency allows professional support for various transponder hardware, and simplifies the further use of already existing tags and cards. With a compact footprint of a mere 120 x 42 x 86 mm (LxWxH) it easily fits into any POS. The required 5V AC power supply is included in every standard shipment of the PCR-340. JARLTECH MARKETING-SERVICES Depending on which version you use, the device is simply connected to the RS232 or USB port of any PC. The reader can detect transponders within reading range automatically or with the press of the button, sending its data to the interface afterwards. In order to process any read transponder data, your software application is required to poll the interface actively. Once the card is removed again, the PCR-300/330 sends a value to the interface. You can use this function easily to determine if the user is still working the terminal (waiter lock function). Your own individual software for Promag hardware is also easily written. The device is controlled with ASCII commands. Further documentation of all commands and functions is included with the device. Depending on which version you use, the device is simply connected to the RS232 or USB port of any PC. Optionally, you can use the device with the included ProxGina software (»PC-Security«) and window drivers to secure workstations against unauthorized use. A detailed product documentation as well as all drivers are also included in the delivery. Promag MF700/MF7 •Contactless data collection with RFID •For Mifare Standard 4K, Mifare Standard 1K-Tags and MAD1+2 •Ideal for access control and time recording Promag With the manifold marketing services, we provide you with more opportunities to sell your solutions – all free of charge or at cost price: Professionally edited media always helps to convince customers. As a reseller you receive a neutral PDF version of the latest catalogue without our Jarltech logo – of course free of charge. Presentations of our products are now possible in full context to all product descriptions yet without a trace of Jarltech. Alternatively, we design your very own catalogue based on the Jarltech catalogue – custom-tailored to your system solutions, in PDF, print layouts, even with printing and packaging. Please ask us for more information as well as for our useful Emailing Tool that helps you to copy and paste our texts and images into your own emails. Or get information about our marketing support that helps you with the planning and implementation of customer events, presentations and seminars. 340 •Also suitable for outdoor use Its compact size of only 83 x 47 x 16 mm makes it easy to integrate the MF700 into existing systems or install it into machines and cabinets. Installation on metal is also no problem. A variable power supply of 7.5 to 12 V makes it compatible with many systems. A weather-resistant housing even allows outdoor installation (-10 to +60 °C) or installation under other harsh conditions. The new MF700 transponder reader from Promag helps to realise customer-specific data collection with RFID tags on an absolutely professional level. The reader scans all tag information (not only serial numbers) that is stored in different sectors and MAD1/2 of the transponder. The chips are available in various designs and feature internal encoding to ensure a high level of data security and professional protection of personal data. This makes the MF700 perfect for access control, user identification, inventories, payment systems, patient registration in hospitals etc. The reader uses transponders that offer multiple directories for applications. This means that instead of only saving patient numbers, the tags can also hold data like blood type, diagnosis and treatment plans. If your application only requires reading the ID number, you can also obtain a stripped-down ID reader version of the MF700, the MF7. The MF7 reads Mifare 1K and Mifare 4K transponders (UID) and is a simplified version of the MF700 that allows cost-effective RFID solutions. Every device receives a unique ID. Accordingly, the reader can be used in existing networks easily when used in combination with the Ethernet converter WEC-200 (for more information see page). Now large production facilities and companies can be networked instantly and whole office buildings or hospitals can be secured easily with professional authentication. Integrated RS232, Wiegand (26-128 Bit) and Magstripe interfaces offer a high degree of flexibility for connectivity options. The MF700 is also available as development kit for immediate use – cable, AC adaptor, software, transponder cards (three pieces, 1K) and a PCR-310U for individual programming included. Promag More Profit with the Jarltech Marketing Services! •Robust and compact: only 83 x 47 x 16 mm 341 Promag GP series Promag GP-60-A •Proximity data collection with RFID •Long-range RFID reader •Long-range RFID reader •Long-range RFID reader with up to 30 cm operating range •Up to 60 cm reading range •Up to 90 cm reading range •Serial ASCII, Wiegand and Magstripe data format •Very compact: 21 x 21 x 2.8 cm •For 125 kHz transponders, EM4102 •Weather-proof •Extremely weather-proof and spray-water resistant •5 V to 12.5 V power supply •RS232, RS485, Wiegand The GP series readers offer the highest standard RFID applications. The compact RFID reader modules are the perfect solution for installation in machines, industry equipment and in-wall mounting. They read EM-compatible tags at 125 kHz LF within an operating range of 30 cm. The individual ID and data is transferred then to the host over the serial interface. The GP-60-A is a long-range reader that can detect RFID transponders from up to sixty centimetres distance. The data output format is individually selectable, which makes integration into existing systems much easier and allows flexible use of the modules. You can choose from RS232, ASCII, Wiegand and Magstripe. Circuit diagrams and a detailed installation manual are included with every device. Its generous input voltage range of 5 to 12.5 V makes extra adaptors obsolete. Simply connect the module to the power supply of the host system. Promag ER750/ 755 The readers’ exterior design is different for various applications. The following overview gives a list of used standards and operating ranges: GP8, EM4102, up to 8 cm reading range GP20, EM4102, up to 20 cm reading range GP20N, EM4102, up to 20 cm reading range GP25, EM4102, up to 25 cm reading range GP25A, EM4102, up to 25 cm reading range GP30N, EM4102, up to 30 cm reading range Promag-UR110/115 •RFID reader for Mifare UID or sector data and MAD format •Ideal for access control, user identification and timesheet recording •Standard frequency range of 13.56 MHz An internal relay allows direct connection to door openers and other systems. Use the GP-60-A to implement security and access solutions easily or use it in car parks, line production facilities or container registration. Its long range even allows reading the transponder through walls and packaging. Once a transponder is correctly detected, an acoustic signal notifies users. All read data is transmitted over the serial interface to the host. The data output format is selectable, making integration into existing systems easy. You can choose among RS232, ASCII, Wiegand and magnetic card format. An open cable tail simplifies integration into existing systems. Another advantage of the GP-60-A is a variable power supply range from 5 V to 13.5 V. The sturdy weather-proof housing is well-suited for outdoor operation at -10 to +60 °C. Promag WEC-200 The GP-90-A is a long-range reader that detects 125 kHz RFID transponders (EM technology) from up to ninety centimetres. Its enormous range results in a vast number of possible applications, such as personal identification, access control, or automatic time clocks in enterprises. Each unit is equipped with an integrated connection for a door opener that receives an electrical pulse whenever a registration is successfully completed. Thus, you use it easily for stand-alone access control. Industrial applications that use production lines are also suited for the use of this terminal, as the RFID transponder can be detected automatically through packaging or from pallets. Any transponder that is in range of the terminal is read automatically and then transmitted in the desired format. The GP-90-A indicates a successfully scanned ID both visually and acoustically. Input data can be transmitted over different interfaces (RS232, RS485, Wiegand and Magstripe). An open cable end makes integration into existing systems significantly easier for users. Other advantages for system integration include a variable power supply of 120V/60 Hz or 230V/50 Hz and the sturdy weather-proof and breakproof plastic housing. Promag MF-5 •Ethernet converter for real-time online networking •RFID module for contactless data collection •Seamless integration thanks to small footprint and various interfaces •Wiegand interface compatible •For ISO/IEC 14443A compatible transponders •TCP or UDP data transfer •Robust and compact: only 65 x 100 x 25 mm •Ideal for access control and time recording •For integration into custom devices •Robust and compact: only 100 x 97 x 25 mm •RS232 TTL interface Data, once collected, often has to be transferred over a large distance. Large and medium-sized companies can often use their own company network for this purpose. However, many readers only have a standard interface and cannot be integrated into the network. The MF-5 module is an easily integrated reader/writer for Mifare transponder cards. The device reads transponders using standards ISO/IEC Standard 14443A, Mifare Class and Mifare PRO at a distance of up to five centimetres. Install the module behind plastic covers and blinds in terminals or workstations, machines and access control systems. Because of its compact size, this reader/writer is also suitable for portable devices. Connect the modules simply at the RS232 TTL interface. •Up to 7 cm reading distance •Weatherproof piano finish housing for indoor and outdoor operation With the RFID readers ER750 and ER755 from Promag, you implement reliable timesheet recording, user identification, guest registration and access control for secure areas in a simple way. Identification is performed contactless by means of Mifare UID (ER750) or by means of sector data and MAD format (ER755) in a standard frequency range of 13.56 MHz. Capture occurs within a reading distance of up to 7 cm. •Wide operating voltage: between 7.5 and 12 volts Promag Use the readers both indoors and outdoors, since their ABS housing is weatherproof, and smooth operation is guaranteed within a temperature range of 0–60 °C. Thanks to their compact size (11.2 x 9.6 x 2.2 cm) and sleek black design, the RFID readers can be inconspicuously integrated everywhere. You integrate the readers simply via Ethernet (PoE optionally available). With your unique ID you even use different units in combination. Additionally, the integrated LED and buzzer are user configurable. •125 KHz EM-compatible •Contactless data capture for reliable user identification •Individually changeable design with LED lights and buzzer •Simple integration via Ethernet, inside and outside •RS232, RS485, Wiegand The new UR110 from Promag is a reliable reader for contactless data capture in an attractive design. Use the UR110 for applications in security access control environments, as well as for user identification. It can read at up to a distance of 9 cm. Its wide operating voltage between 7.5 and 12 volts simplifies operation in many systems. Thanks to its compact footprint, it integrates simply into any surrounding. Its weatherproof casing allows it to be installed outdoors as well (with an operating temperature range of -10 to +60 °C), or in extreme work areas, without any problems. Choose from various interfaces according to your requirements: Wiegand, Magstripe, RS232 or RS485. In addition to perfect performance, this device will also impress you with its high degree of flexibility with individually changeable casing. To meet the wide range of applications in security access areas, it comes with a customised logo, LED lights in six different colours for reading and stand-by modes, as well as configurable buzzers. Its attractive piano finish tops off the elegant design. The WEC-200 converts data packets of various data collection devices with Wiegand interface into an Ethernet compatible format. It supports Wiegand formats with 26, 30, 34, 35, 37, 38 and 42 bit. This allows long-range data transfer over the company network of your offices and production facilities. With devices such as the Promag access control unit SF-500/-600 or RFID readers of the GP series, the converter takes the data packet with the serial number of the accessed tag and transfers it over TCP/UDP. The device uses the open protocol standard »GNet Plus« for which various tools and development kits are available. Additionally, the provided software demonstrates in detail how access and data manipulation is achieved on each transponder. The software is provided as binary as well as Visual Basic 6 and C source code. Furthermore, the package contains communication libraries that are used to integrate the hardware into different operating systems and programming languages. Promag The modules can even be used for upgrading existing systems (e.g. bonus and billing systems, vending machines and similar) that previously used barcode or magnetic card technology. Simply install the module directly at or in the respective machine. 342 Promag GP-90-A 343 Promag SF-650 Promag TR-515 •Online / Offline time clock terminal •Professional fingerprint access control •Memory for 8,200 registrations •Combines biometric and proximity data collection •RFID, magnetic stripe or barcode reader included Jarltech One-Click Service •Reads fingerprint data and RFID tags according to ISO14443A •Ethernet interface •ASCII format data output Buy more safety for your company and your customers: For an extra charge you acquire almost all of our products with a full three year manufacturer independent warranty. •For up to 1,900 registered users The TR-515 is a modern online time clock terminal with Ethernet interface. Reasonably priced, it is a cost-effective alternative to expensive high-end terminals while still supporting all major functions of a modern time clock terminal. The device is available in three different versions. You can choose among barcode, magnetic stripe or RFID reading units. As it is directly connected to your computer network and offers various related functions, it is the perfect choice for time clock applications in medium-sized and large enterprises. Connect the unit to your computer network or a PC using an Ethernet cable. An external 9V AC adaptor for power supply is included in the package. Use the setup software, then allocate an IP address to your terminal and set a unit ID to distinguish it from other units in the same network. The device is now ready-to-use and can be installed immediately. A drilling template makes installation on walls or tables easy. The TR-515 can also be installed upside-down, if required for ergonomic or installation reasons. In this case, you may use the included upside-down display labels. The display itself can be turned by 180 degrees using the software setup. available – choose between ASCII text and CSV files. The database structure is really simple: ter-minal ID, transponder ID, event (»IN« or »OUT«), date and time. Additionally, you will have the opportunity to limit the ID length to a fixed number of characters. The device can use up to fifteen decimal places of the transponder. Relay switches (automatically opening doors after ringing the bell) and event configuration (e.g. event »IN« only within 08:00-10:00, event »OUT« only within 17:45-19:30) saves time for all users, as cumbersome key presses become irrelevant. All commands, functions and protocols are described in detail in the included manual. Provided with the unit are the TR-515 software manager, two display masks, two connection cables, one installation kit, an AC adaptor and a drilling template. A cable covering is optionally available. Use the TR-515 software manager to control all functions of the TR-515 from any PC located in the same network. For example, you can configure how registered user data is transmitted (automatically in intervals, manually, by email). Intervals and individual transmission points can be software configured. Two data formats are •ABA TK2, Wiegand, RS232 and RS485 interfaces (Ethernet optional) The access control system Promag SF-650 offers you a new generation of data collection with a high standard of security. A combination of fingerprint and contactless data collection via RFID is used for identifying users. The device reads tags and transponder cards with 13.56 MHz (ISO 14443-A-Standard) and provides access only after matching collected information. Select one of three access modes: only via card, only via fingerprint, or at the highest security level using a combination of a card and fingerprint. The SF-650 is ideal for access control and time capture systems, even in larger companies. The devices directly save the fingerprints of up to 1,900 employees, providing a high degree of access security: lost employee ID cards alone do not grant outsiders access, meaning there is no loss of employee information. An additional connection of online systems to support the extensive database of fingerprint information is therefore unnecessary, despite the amount of data collected. For quick integration into existing systems the devices are equipped with quadruple interfaces (ABA TK2, Wiegand, RS232 and RS485). The SF-650 is particularly fast and impresses with its very high fingerprint reading performance and additional Ethernet interface. Additionally, Jarltech offers you optional pre-exchange service: If the device fails within the warranty period, we immediately send a replacement to you. After receiving the replacement, you simply send back the defective device. The service is valid for the whole warranty period, even for extended warranties. Pre-exchange service and extended warranties can be combined freely. Order both services over the telephone or with a click from our Jarltech webshop. Promag GS2000 •Online time clock with RFID reader •Mobile torch-sized RFID data collection device •Also suited for access control •Saves up to 14,320 entries •Fingerprint reader version (TR-4050) •Impact-resistant metal housing •Saves up to 12,000 entries (TR-4050: plus 1,900 fingerprints) •EM4102-compatible transponder •For stand-alone and networked applications •100,000 scans for each battery charge The TR-4030 is an online time clock terminal that was designed for recording working hours in medium-sized and large enterprises. The terminal is available with an integrated barcode, magnetic or RFID reader (EM compatible or ISO 14443A), and offers you a high degree of flexibility with a wide range of reader and identification options and your respective combinations. High-quality design and excellent ergonomics combined with Ethernet-based network integration with up to thirty terminals make the TR-4030 an attractive choice for the most sophisticated and professional applications. the data over TCP-IP. An Ethernet connection allows network access to the records. If the device is disconnected, it can store up to 8,200 records in its offline mode. Large companies can connect up to 255 TR class devices in a network. In order to prevent possible read errors, the online terminal features an integrated RFID reader (125 kHz). If a user’s fingerprint cannot be recognised, access is still possible with an additional tag. The Promag GS2000 is an RFID terminal for mobile registration of 125 kHz, EM standard transponders. It is especially suited for time clocks, stock-taking, industrial data collection, quality control, route and work process control, measuring manufacturing time, etc. Due to excellent workmanship and its weather-resistance (operation temperature down to -10 °C), the terminal is the perfect choice for outdoor use. Drops have no impact on the GS2000 at all because of its metal housing. These mobile terminals come in handy wherever RFID transponders do not require direct processing. All devices of the TR series include an internal relay for opening doors and controlling alarm systems. The door controller unit is directly connected to the terminal. Using the device is extremely simple: users register their cards with the device by simply holding the transponder close to it. The terminal creates a database entry with event (in, out, break), card ID and time up to 12,000 times. The recorded data is read offline using the integrated 8.9 cm (3.5") floppy disc drive (TR-4030), using a USB stick (not supplied) connected to the USB port (TR-4050), or online using the Ethernet interface of the device. Further external peripherals can be connected to the terminal whenever necessary. You can use the device with magnetic cards as well as barcode labels by connecting an external MSR or barcode scanner to the RS232 interface. Setup of every station is performed directly using the keyboard or simply with the software. The device is IP66 compliant spray-water-resistant and water-repellent. Read distance to the transponder is approximately 3-4 centimetres. A correct read is indicated both acoustically and visually. The GS2000 is available as USB or serial (RS232) version – integration into existing systems is made easy. Promag The terminal version TR-4050 allows registered users (up to 3,000) to gain access to the terminal with their fingerprint. Users only store their fingerprint data once while all other connected devices receive Even inexperienced personnel can set up these devices after a few step at the PC: a charger is connected to the USB port of your computer – totally independent of external power supplies. Windows starts the installation automatically – you only need to enter the driver source (the provided CD). After driver installation the system creates a virtual com port for data queries. Then the device is ready to use. Use the included GS2000 software monitor for configuration and protect it with a password against unauthorised use. Choose the correct COM port for your GS2000 and allocate a device ID to the terminal to distinguish it from other connected terminals. One click and you transfer all collected data to a specified directory. The transferred database consists of device ID, transponder ID, date and time. As long as no special file names are specified for the report, the files are saved under the current date. After data transmission, users have the options of automatic deletion of the data, time synchronisation, or device shutdown. Users can use a single click to display the amount of saved entries on the GS2000. The software package includes a second software application called »Guard-Tour-Utility« – use it to allocate transponder IDs to names in the software (e.g. ID 12345 = warehouse, ID 6789 = reception, etc.). Transponders that already have a name allocated to their ID are shown with their name instead of their ID number. On request users can use the software to compile a report on respective transponders. The memory of the GS2000 can hold over 14,300 entries. The device is powered with a C alkaline battery (1.5 V), which can last for at least 100,000 scans. Promag Promag TR-4050 344 Information 345 Promag PCR- /MFR-120 Promag FAT800 •Compact RFID reader with display •Desktop network terminal for RFID data collection •For mobile time recording solutions •For EM compatible transponders •Reads EM-compatible transponders •High-contrast LCD display •Stores up to 8,192 entries •Programmable keypad •Backlight display •Serial interface for receipt printers The new Promag PCR-120 for mobile time recording or personal identification solutions – especially for guard-duty, construction sites, etc. Unlike conventional hardware that is used in fixed installation or desktop computers, the PCR-120 can be used for virtually any mobile application, such as for projects and special events. Naturally, it can also be used for industrial purposes, on construction sites or for home-office time recording – the compact, low-weight PCR-120 offers high mobility and flexibility. In order to fulfil your requirements with the highest degree of flexibility, choose from portable readers for various standards: incorporating the same design used for the MSR-120 magnetic card reader with the difference that it reads RFID transponders at 125 kHz (EM technology) instead of magnetic stripe cards. An RFID reader for data collection with high frequency range is also available: The MFR-120 reads transponder serial numbers and RFID tags at 13.56 MHz using the Mifare/Felicia standard. The device is easily integrated into any application and available with either RS232 or USB interface. control the device, go through data entries or to delete entries. This always includes status information on the total amount of data entries, date and time. Whenever you want to transfer your collected data to the PC, a simple press of the button will suffice. You will have an overview of all data entries instantly. Consequently, you choose how to proceed after transferring the data – you either delete all old entries in the device or keep them. A large 512 KB memory allows up to 8,192 entries that are processed with the supplied »Monitor« software application. Similar to the MSR-120, the PCR-120 is password-protected against unauthorised access. Use the setup software on the provided CD to configure date, date format, time, interface and backlight of the reader. Long operation and high reliability are provided by the use of conventional 1.5 V size AAA batteries. The Promag FAT-800 network terminal is a combination device for new areas in cashless billing systems and for integration as a safety control terminal into production processes. It reads EM compatible transponder cards. Users simply pull the 125 kHz cards through the horizontal slot at the FAT-800 head and enter an additional PIN (if required). This variable combination of card and PIN verification offers a wide range of applications and high security at the same time. Use the terminal as a desktop device or install it on the wall. If you install the device in companies, government offices or university canteens, you can offer cashless payments of orders and direct online billing. Optional PIN verification for payments is available for all security criteria: twenty blank keys on the ergonomically designed keypad can be programmed freely using the supplied software. You individually configure any positions on the keypad. The keys feature transparent caps. You easily remove the caps in order to label the keys with small printed pieces of paper. A fast 10BaseT Ethernet interface offers network integrations of any number of terminals and consequently realises real-time data exchange. Data is transferred over TCP/IP in ASCII format. A high-contrast display shows any read data or previously configured information in 2 x 16 characters to the user. If required, a receipt printer can be connected to the FAT-800‘s serial port to provide users with a voucher. Extensive documentation and configuration software are supplied with the FAT-800. Every scan is accompanied by an acoustic and visual confirmation. After each read process the transponder data is displayed on the 101x76 pixel display of the device. Use its four navigation keys to Name Frequency Standard Memory Features Shape Dimensions/ Thickness PU* Item number Disc Tag 125 kHz EM4102 64 bit LF, Read Only/fixed ID Round Ø 50 mm/2.0 mm 25 tag50a Disc Tag 125 kHz EM4102 64 bit LF, Read Only/fixed ID Round Ø 25 mm/2.0 mm 25 tag25b •Saves up to 2,048 entries Disc Tag 125 kHz EM4102 64 bit LF, Read Only/fixed ID Round Ø 22 mm/2.0 mm 25 tag22b •Reads all three tracks Disc Tag 125 kHz EM4150 64 bit LF, rewritable Round Ø 50 mm/2.0 mm 25 gitag1q50a Disc Tag 125 kHz EM4150 64 bit LF, rewritable Round Ø 25 mm/2.0 mm 25 gitag1q25 Disc Tag 125 kHz EM4150 64 bit LF, rewritable Round Ø 22 mm/2.0 mm 25 gitag1q22 Transponder card 125 kHz EM4102 64 bit LF, Read Only/fixed ID Card 54x85 mm/0.8 mm 25 cfr01 Transponder card 125 kHz EM4102 64 bit LF, rewritable Card 54x85 mm/0.8 mm 25 gitag1q-01 Transponder card 13.56 kHz ISO14443-A 1 kb LF, Read Only/fixed ID rectangle 27x60 mm/7.7 mm 25 pmmpag61 Keyring pendant 125 kHz EM4102 64 bit LF, Read Only/fixed ID Drop-shaped 40x25 mm/6.5 mm 25 tag25kb Keyring pendant 125 kHz EM4150 64 bit LF, rewritable Drop-shaped 40x25 mm/6.5 mm 25 gitag1q25k Keyring pendant 125 kHz EM4102 64 bit LF, Read Only/fixed ID Drop-shaped 40x25 mm/6.0 mm 25 tag20kb Keyring pendant 125 kHz EM4150 64 bit LF, rewritable Drop-shaped 40x25 mm/6.0 mm 25 gitag1q20k Keyring pendant 13.56 kHz ISO14443-A 1 kb LF, Read Only/fixed ID Drop-shaped 41x31 mm/9.0 mm 25 pmmtag63 Information •Mobile magnetic stripe reader with display •Backlight Save unnecessary expenditures! •Easy integration through RS232 or USB The MSR-120 is a mobile magnetic stripe reader with integrated display. This reader is an excellent choice for mobile data collection of EC, credit and magnetic cards of all kinds. A normal AAA battery provides power to the device, which is ready-to-use with the press of the button. To transfer the data to a PC, simply connect it using a USB or RS232 cable. MSR-120 is a password protected device – unauthorized access is not possible. Use the setup software in the included CD to configure date, date format, time, interface and backlight of the reader. Promag Whenever you want to transfer your collected data to the PC, a simple press of the button is enough. All data entries are displayed in order, and for every entry you will find information from three different tracks successively. Its memory can hold up to 2,048 data entries before any data has to be transferred to a computer. Every scan is accompanied by an acoustic and visual confirmation. Use the four navigation keys to control the device, scroll through data entries or delete them. After each scan, the magnetic stripe data is displayed on the device. This includes continuous status information regarding the total number of data entries, date and time. 346 For making adaptions of your software to our hardware easy for you, we gladly send loan equipment to you from our demo pool. Nearly all other products in this catalogue are available free of charge for you for a certain time of testing, demonstrating or adaptation to your software solution. Make use from this service, protect yourselves from surprises with the later installation. Our presentation devices are your unique selling preposition compared to your competitors. When your customers can feel, see and touch the devices, you will most probably get the order. While your competitors can only show data sheets, you can convince the client with seizable arguments. In order to receive free presentation equipment, please contact your account manager from our sales team free of charge. Promag Promag MSR-120 LF = Low frequency, * Packaging unit RFID-Transponder and Accessories 347