Adventists and Catholics Unite to Promote Faith Taking back Sunday
Adventists and Catholics Unite to Promote Faith Taking back Sunday
VOL. 9 NO. 5 - “Contending for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.” Jude 3 Adventists and Catholics Unite to Promote Faith Religious Groups Join Together to Launch Faith Counts | Oct. 8, 2014 Today, major faith groups in the United States announced the launch of Faith Counts [], a multi-faith organization aimed at promoting the value of faith. The centerpiece of Faith Counts is a social media campaign that tells powerful stories about how faith inspires, empowers, motivates and comforts billions of people. (Above) Elder Daniel R. Jackson, President of the NAD and (Below) Faith Counts will emphasize Archbishop Lori partners in inter- the significant contributions of faith to individuals and to socifaith collaboration. ety. The initiative came about as the leadership of several major religious groups recognized a need, and an opportunity to harness their collective influence to simply to remind people that faith plays a positive role in society. Speaking on behalf of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bish—continued on page 4 Taking back Sunday The Gazette-Virginian | October 24, 2014 Sunday Law through Stealth: Lessons from 1893—Part 2 It will ever be the duty of God’s faithful watchmen to defend the rights and religious liberty of the religious minorities from the oppression of the national institutions that are in apostasy. Alonzo Jones is an example of what God’s faithful standard bearers will do when the final crisis finally comes upon us. In 1892, after suffering previous defeats in 1888 and 1889, the Sunday law agitators were able to make up some ground again with regards to a National Sunday Law. This time they found a new champion to push through a Sunday measure. His name was Alfred Hold Colquitt. Colquitt was a US Senator from Georgia who was in office during this time. He was also a preacher and an ardent promoter of establishing several “moral” Christian laws in America. Aware of the previous failures of 1888, Senator Colquit introduced his own version of a Sunday Law through Senate Bill #2168 to the Committee on Education and Labor on February 11, 1892. The purpose of this bill was “To prohibit opening on Sunday any exhibition or exposition for which the United States Government makes appropriations.” This laid the groundwork for what was about to take place. The bill was essentially saying that if the US Government were to fund any major event, fairs or otherwise, Sunday would have to be kept sacred. This was done in anticipation of the largest, most significant commercial event in the history of the United States—The Columbian Exposition, also known as the Chicago World Fair of 1893. Even though this bill failed to pass through the Senate, it inspired another effort to push through a Sunday Law. This second measure was introduced through the House of Representatives called H. R. 7520 and stated: “Sunday Civil Bill, —continued on page 3 Should Adventists Collaborate in Interfaith Endeavors with Babylon Across the nation, on Sunday mornings most people are home. Most in our country are not in church on Sunday mornings. How did it get that way? What are the costs of life, family and society? More than we could ever imagine! These could be the most important words you have ever read. The top leadership in the Seventh-day Adventist Church are working together with the top leadership in the Roman Catholic church, The United States Catholic Conference of Bishops, Rome’s highest authority in America, to promote faith. But do these interfaith relationships undermine the Seventh-day Adventist mission and message? When God said, “Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy,” he was setting up a schedule of life for the people of God. Do it, and we will be blessed. Do it not, and we miss out on the most important 60 minutes of the week. We know that no one can prevent believers from expressing their faith or from participating in worship or in evangelism. Both the Bible and the US Constitution, defends the rights of the people to not just practice their religion, but also to talk to people about faith, namely evangelize! We can say that morality has declined, and it has. But if all those kids were in church learning what Jesus teaches about love, respect, hard work and honesty, the school day would be much different. But what about interfaith collaborations? Are we obligated to engage in collaborations or religious ceremonies whose aims are to unite religions in ways that can harm the believers of our faith? Obviously, this must not be allowed to take place. Our society is rapidly approaching the state of the immoral and corrupt Roman Empire just before it fell. Corrupt politicians, polarization, the acceptance of sin as a norm. And yes, people not in church are a big part of the cause. I am proposing a campaign across America, which begins with the people who read these words that we take back the Sabbath. God wants us to find the benefits and blessings of his original intent for it, and he will energize and support that effort. The other option is a continuation of the deterioration of society resulting in abject failure as a human race. Sunday morning, you see, is where dreams begin. Sunday morning is where life gets its meaning. Everything around us may be going crazy, but God is always the same. He gives us a center, a jumping off point, a perspective which can come from nowhere else. Jesus said, as a 12 year old, “Didn’t you know I should be in my Father’s house?” Editor’s Note: Brethren, they want to “take back” the Sunday issue up again! The mark of the beast is just before us! It is time to wake up and prepare the people for what is ahead. This is exactly what the prophet has declared would be done. Please read Great Controversy p. 587. “Can two walk together, except they be agreed?” Amos 3:3. Freedom of religion, protests the faith of people. Freedom from interfaith collaborations also keeps the faith pure and avoids problematic situations for the believers. “It was by associating with idolaters and joining in their festivities that the Hebrews were led to transgress God’s law and bring His judgments upon the nation. So now it is by leading the followers of Christ to associate with the ungodly and unite in their amusements that Satan is most successful in alluring them into sin.” Patriarchs and Prophets, p. 458. “God requires of His people now as great a distinction from the world, in customs, habits, and principles, as He required of Israel anciently. If they faithfully follow the teachings of His word, this distinction will exist; it cannot be otherwise. The warnings given to the Hebrews against assimilating with the heathen were not more direct or explicit than are those forbidding Christians to conform to the spirit —continued on page 3 page 2 the eternal gospel herald — volume 9, no. 5 THE ETERNAL GOSPEL HERALD PO Box 15138 - West Palm Beach, FL 33416 1-800-769-2150 Subscription: FREE Online Edition: If you wish to receive a free subscription of this publication, please contact our office at: PO Box 15138, West Palm Beach, FL 33416 | 1-800769-2150 email: The Eternal Gospel Herald is published from West Palm Beach, Florida, USA, by the Eternal Gospel Church, a ministry that was founded in 1992 by Seventh-day Adventist believers to bring true, genuine, world-wide revival and reformation by proclaiming the Third Angel’s Message. The Eternal Gospel Herald is sent to you free of charge, with much love, work, and sacrifice. Every effort is made to insure the accuracy of the information contained herein. This publication is printed to communicate the issues and subjects pertaining solely to the development and fulfillment of the third angel’s message and the advancement of Christ’s character in the lives of God’s faithful people. We hope and pray that you will not only enjoy it but that it will be informative and spiritually enlightening to all of you. Ministry Needs—Our ministry is always in great need of your prayers and your financial support. The radio programs that we are conducting at large in English, Spanish, and French, the work of the billboards in different parts of the country, the full-page newspaper ads, the literature work, the prison ministry, the Oklahoma Projects, the foreign missions, the Eternal Gospel Herald, and all other missionary activities—all these require a lot of funds. It is by the grace of God and the help of all of you that we are still moving forward with the proclamation of Three Angels’ Messages. May God help us all to remain faithful until the end. God bless you. Listen to our radio ministry “The Voice of the Eternal Gospel Radio Program” aired in over 40 stations across the United States from Florida to California or Missionary Work Materials What happens after Death? and The Secret Rapture Two very important doctrines that are being misunderstood, in just ONE fullcolored pamphlet. Earth’s Final Warning Box of 200 - $37.00 US Mail Box of 400 - $70.00 US Mail Was Peter the First Pope? * suggested donation $1.00 each + shipping We would like to thank everyone who attended, all the volunteers, and all who helped to coordinate this wonderful activity. It was such a blessing to meet old The Spanish services for camp meetfriends and to make new ing held in the main pavilion. ones. We are indeed grateful for the wonderful messages that we heard. Everyone was truly blessed and refreshed by the presentations. We want to thank our guest speakers for their labor of love in challenging us to stand up for the truth in these last days. English services were held in the main For the first time this year we chapel. held two separate services— one in English and one in Spanish. We had visitors from three different Spanish churches who came from 3 different states. These efforts were so successful that it was voted to have two annual Spanish camp meetings every year. This means that for the glory of God, there will be a total of 4 camp meetings held annually at our Oklahoma Camp Grounds—2 in English and 2 more in Spanish. Praise God! Plans are also being made so that we can have a medical missionary center in Oklahoma. We plan on having a facility dedicated to offering hydrotherapy, massage, lifestyle programs and medical missionary training! We want to be able to help restore the whole being of man— both spiritual and physical. That is why our plan is to offer 10 to 20 day lifestyle programs. Also, we want to offer training to those who want to get involved in the medical missionary training work and evangelism. We are in the planning stages. You can help us to reach this goal. We will need to have a place from which to conduct all of these godly ordained services. We pray that we can start breaking ground for this new project soon. Your prayers and financial support are what makes all of these projects successful. We also want to let you know that if you weren’t able to make it to the 2014 Fall Camp Meeting, we have DVDs available for everyone. Contact our office and make arrangements so that you don’t miss out on the blessings. We are looking forward to seeing the brethren come to Oklahoma from all over the United States. Come and experience what camp meeting was designed by God to be. It’s FREE! Come and join us. “The convocations of the church, as in camp meetings, the assemblies of the home church, and all occasions where there is personal labor for souls, are God’s appointed opportunities for giving the early and the latter rain.” TM 508. Dear Eternal Gospel Church, Warmest greetings to our brothers and sisters. We thoroughly enjoyed your latest newsletter. We do so appreciate all the research and the work that you put into it. You are the watchman on the walls and few, if any, who are willing to sound the trumpet. You are in our prayers daily. God Bless you! Together in Jesus, Daniel Ortega, Miami, FL. Note: Shipping included back Praise the Lord for all His help and for bestowing His blessings at our recent camp meeting. We truly felt the Lord’s presence in the congregation throughout the services. We had the opportunity to hear testimonies, missionary reports, special music, and timely, present truth messages. It was indeed a wonderful experience. Letters Available in bundles of 50, 100, and 200 for the suggested donation of $0.59 each + Shipping. front 2014 Oklahoma Camp Meeting The Antichrist Identified Box of 100 - $39.00 US Mail Box of 200 - $74.00 US Mail Shipping not included Dear Eternal Gospel Ministry, My name is Jorge Simmons. I am an inmate currently incarcerated here in New York. Recently a fellow inmate shared with me a few Bible studies that you sent to him. If I could somehow participate in these Bible studies I would appreciate it. Thank you very much, Jorge Simmons, New York. Dear Pastor Perez, May God bless and protect you for proclaiming the third angel’s message the way it should be. Thank you for sending me the Gospel Herald. I know we are in the very last days of earth’s history. May God help us to finish His work, Robert Neil, California. the eternal gospel herald — volume 9, no. 5 page 3 —continued from page 1 “Sunday Law through Stealth” —continued from page 1 “Adventist Interfaith Endeavors” loaning $5 million dollars to the Chicago World’s Fair, conditioned on Sunday closing.” This House Bill was passed and became law on August 5, 1892. Through this appropriation bill to fund a major event, the Sunday agitators finally achieved their objective, through stealth. The City of Chicago and the planners of the event accepted the money along with the Sunday Closing measure. All they cared was about the money. They would have to close the fair on Sundays. But this was not just any fair. This was a fair that would last 6 months and would commemorate the 400 year anniversary, 1492-1892, of Columbus reaching America in 1492. People from around the world would attend to showcase the latest technological advances, building and architectural engineering, foods, entertainment, arts, innovations and inventions. On May 1, 1893 the fair opened. In just the first 3 months of the 6 month long event, more than one-third of the US population visited the World's Columbian Exposition in Chicago. That was truly a historical event. And the Sunday agitators we happy. They had planned their moves and achieved their objectives through “government funding.” Yet, unknown to everyone, because of the financial success of the fair, the event planners for the Chicago World Fair retracted the condition of staying closed on Sunday. They saw a financial benefit for staying open seven days. So they opened the fair on Sunday and all 65,000 booths and exhibits began their business and the people came in droves, hundreds of thousands daily. It was a huge financial success. This caused a volatile response from the angered Sunday Law agitators who demanded that everything be closed immediately. They began to picket and campaign with the strongest denunciations that the “Lord’s day” stop being desecrated. It began a national debate and the Sunday agitators began to lobby Congress to enforce the law. A hotly contested debate began from secularist that this was an infringement of the 1st Amendment. The debate became so engrossed that even the Roman Catholic Church took advantage of all controversy over Sunday Closing. The famous Roman Catholic Cardinal Gibbons from Chicago gave his famous “Rome’s Challenge” during the 1893 Chicago World Fair in the publication called Catholic Mirror. He wrote a series of articles that openly challenged Protestants as to why they keep Sunday and why are they fighting for something the belongs the Roman Catholic Church. The articles were featured in the September 2, 1893, September 9, 1893, September 16, 1893, September 23, 1893 issues of the Catholic Mirror. Rome was laughing at all the controversy as they saw the Protestant churches fighting to establish their own doctrine. Sounds familiar? This is exactly what we will soon see in the future. Rome had put the world to challenge—ROME’S challenge. Again, for the glory of God, Alonzo Jones met that challenge. He did it in 1888 and 18889. Now once again in1892 and 1893 he took up the challenge to speak in defense of religious liberty and to denounce the oppression by the national churches in using the arm of the state to impose their religion, as God has commanded us to do. [Please read The Eternal Gospel Herald Vol. 9 No. 4.] In 1892 and 1893 Jones stood before the U.S. Congress and spoke to the “House Committee on Columbian.” Not only did he speak again the breach in both the Bible and the US Constitution, but this time he came with a signed petition of more that 350,000 signatures from US citizens who were opposed to the Sunday Law. Jones “respectfully dedicated” his speech to each of his signers. As a result the government held its peace and allowed the fair to stay open on Sunday even though the Sunday agitators managed to convince the people not to attend on Sundays. In the end the Sunday crowds remained small, but God’s people once again obtained a victory in defense of religious liberty. What can we learn from this lesson? Throughout all the ordeal of the 1893 Chicago World Fair (Columbian Exposition) there were two clear voices that stood out from all the conflicting voices, debates, and confusion. (1) Rome’s clear call that Sunday is her “mark” and all those who support this institution is honoring the papacy and not the Lord of the Bible. (2) Alonzo Jones stood out on the side of truth and righteousness. God will always have a people who will step up at every crisis to meet the challenge. Praise God! A group of interfaith worshipers joining hands in solidarity. and customs of the ungodly.” Ibid., p. 458. Many feel that our historic faith, with its special truths, has been lost or even distorted due to our involvement in interfaith collaborations. The interfaith movement seeks to find agreements between religions and conditions participants to develop a non-threatening, non-judgmental attitude. Interfaith relationships tend to avoid proselytism and leave people where they are, in Babylon. This uniform, ecumenical spirit has been embraced by the whole world. Catholics, Protestants, Muslims, pagans, the New Agers, and even atheists have embraced of interfaith collaborations and ecumenism. The spirit and message of ecumenism is a call to everyone to “Come in,” which is the counterfeit unity that Jesus will have in the end. That message goes against the clear call and mission of the Seventh Day Adventist people. The very heart of the Three Angels’ Messages is the call to Babylon to “Come out!” This is why we even have a Seventh Day Adventist movement. It is because our Pioneers were obedient to this call and preached this message with power. Are we to now silence the voice of the 2nd and 4th angel? “I was shown three steps—the first, second, and third angels’ messages. Said my accompanying angel, ‘Woe to him who shall move a block or stir a pin of these messages.’ ” Early Writings, p. 258. The reason for the Second Angel’s Message is so that God’s people can worship Him and keep His commandments. How can we continue in the fellowship of Babylon and keep the Sabbath? It is impossible. God’s people must come out so as to worship God in spirit and in truth. “And the LORD spake unto Moses, Go unto Pharaoh, and say unto him, Thus saith the LORD, Let my people go, that they may serve [worship] me.” Exodus 8:1. People cannot serve God, nor worship Him as long as they are in an “Egyptian” or “Babylonian” captivity. God wants us to be free and the Sabbath is a sign of freedom from the bondage of Egypt and sin. “And remember that thou wast a servant in the land of Egypt, and that the LORD thy God brought thee out thence through a mighty hand and by a stretched out arm: therefore the LORD thy God commanded thee to keep the sabbath day.” Duet. 5:15. The interfaith movement will entice you to come in. Just as the serpent seduced Eve with fair speech, in this same way the ecumenical movement will tell you that you can keep your Sabbath and still be part of them. And many Seventh-day Adventist leaders have fallen for this deception. We have joined them even though we still keep our Sabbath. But we have forgotten that we are not just commanded to keep the Sabbath day holy. Revelation 14:6-12 tell us that we must also BOLDY PROCLAIM the seventh-day Sabbath truth to all the world. And we must also BOLDLY warn everyone, the fallen churches included, that “SUNDAY” worship when it is enforced by law is the mark of the Beast, and not just “any other day of the week” as Elder Ted Wilson has stated publicly. Recently he has stated that the mark of the beast —The Editors can apply to any day of the week. When we fulfill this part of the work, We have a tremendous opportunity to ACT and to proceed with actions. We that of proclaiming the truth, this will bring an end to interfaith collabohave started an online petition asking the President, the U.S. Senate, and the rations. When we are not doing this work, these interfaith collaboraU.S. House of Representatives to repeal the 1961 Supreme Court decisions up- tions will continue and people will perish for the lack of knowledge. To stand in defense of truth and righteousness when the majority forsake us, to fight the battles of the Lord when champions are few—this will be our test. At this time we must gather warmth from the coldness of others, courage from their cowardice, and loyalty from their treason.” Testimonies, Vol. 5, p. 136. holding Sunday laws. Join us and please sign up and tell all of Washington, —The Editors D.C. “NO!” to Sunday Laws. Visit us at: page 4 the eternal gospel herald — volume 9, no. 5 “And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.” Luke 21:28 US Representative in Rome to push for Global Convent of World Religions,, October 25, 2014—Rome provides a “neutral brokerage” where religious leaders can work together for peace, says Jerry White, the US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State in the Bureau of Conflict and Stabilization Operations. (Rev. 17) Time to establish a new world order, says Putin, International, October 29, 2014—Russian President Vladimir Putin has called on the international community to establish a new world order with the aim of preventing future conflicts. Top United Methodist Council Affirms Reinstatement of Minister Who Officiated SameSex ‘Wedding,’ | October 27, 2014—Citing procedural errors, a top United Methodist judicial council has affirmed the reinstatement of a Pennsylvania minister who was defrocked last year after he refused to neither repent for officiating a same-sex “marriage” or to relinquish his ministerial license over his rebellion against Church law. NYPD Equips Officers With Biometric Smartphones,, October 24, 2014—New York Police Department officers and vehicles are to be outfitted with new technology as part of a $160 million program that will lead to fewer arrests and more summonses after being fully implemented next year, Mayor Bill de Blasio told reporters on Oct. 23. Pope Francis says evolution is real and God is no wizard, Washington Times, October 28, 2014—Delivering an address to the Pontifical Academy of Sciences, Pope Francis said that there was no contradiction between believing in God as well as the prevailing scientific theories regarding the expansion of our universe. Celery may help kill cancer, Natural News, October 23, 2014—If you need another reason to add more celery into your diet, researchers have now identified a compound in the vegetable that demonstrates anti-tumor activity. Effective against several types of cancer — including those of the pancreas, ovaries, liver, small intestine, stomach, lung and breast. The End of Another Year —continued from page 1 “Adventists Catholics Unite” “Everywhere there are men who should be out in active ministry, giving the last message of warning to a fallen world. The inhabitants of the ungodly cities so soon to be visited by calamities have been cruelly neglected. The time is near when large cities will be swept away, and all should be warned of these coming judgments. But who is giving to the accomplishment of this work the wholehearted service that God requires?” Evangelism, p. 29. ops, Archbishop William Lori, states, "Religious faith is an integral part of our society and needs to be lifted up and celebrated. Faith prompts acts of kindness every day, in every community of our nation. It also connects us to God and to each other as members of the human family. We are so pleased to be a part of Faith Counts, which can make a real difference in the lives of so many." This very reason is why we make every sacrifice to move forward with the challenge to widen every opportunity to win souls for Christ. This year alone, by God’s grace we have accomplished so much for the building up of God’s kingdom. Every day we are receiving calls, letters, and emails from every part of the world. Thousands of free books and literature are being sent to these precious souls who are hungry for truth. We are in the closing work and we have a message of salvation, mercy, and warning. And together we have been called for such an hour as this. There can be no question that the work of the Three Angels’ Messages is long overdue today. For this reason and for God’s glory this year alone, we were able to expand our radio programs not only in the Spanish communities, but also in English and in French. The Voice of the Eternal Gospel is being from Florida to California, the Caribbean, Central and South America. Again, this work is only possible by God’s grace and the sacrificing efforts of many of you who also feel the urgency of engaging in this work. As we end this year, this is an occasion for expressing to all our faithful believers, our sincerest appreciation for uniting with us in spreading the truth. Your prayers and your end-of-the year financial gifts and support are greatly appreciated. God bless you all. Kerry Troup, spokeswoman for Faith Counts, adds, "We're finding that, in spite of a growing sense that faith is not something to talk about, and a culture that marginalizes faith, people are actually hungry for our message about faith. Our hope is that people who see our work, regardless of what religion they are, will have a better appreciation for the value of faith, feel inspired to share these stories and ultimately feel good about expressing how faith makes them who they are." Elder Daniel R. Jackson, President of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in North America, states, "Millions of Americans of every religion are motivated by their faith to go and serve the most vulnerable among us. Their gracious acts can be seen in soup kitchens, hospitals, schools, homeless shelters and many other humanitarian causes. Faith Counts will serve as a gentle reminder about these and other positive and meaningful attributes of faith in society." Jasjit Singh, executive director of the Sikh American Legal Defense and Education Fund (SALDEF), notes "Faith Counts has a refreshingly simple message: faith is a good thing. We are drawn to the Faith Counts campaign because it reflects our belief in the tremendous societal value of all faiths, and are excited about Faith Counts' ability to reach, engage, and unite interfaith communities." All faith communities are welcome and encouraged to join. Current Faith Counts partners include: Hillel International, The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, The Seventh-day Adventist Church, Sikh American Legal Defense and Education Fund, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Franciscan University of Steubenville, 1st Amendment Partnership