June and July 2012 Lambda Lines


June and July 2012 Lambda Lines
June – July 2012
Lambda South , Inc.
Lambda Lines is
published monthly by
Lambda South, Inc.
P.O. Box 030339
Fort Lauderdale, FL
2012 Board of Directors
Craig Leonard
Vice President
Robert Accetura
Tony Ferchak
Assistant Treasurer
Hal Dougherty
Jim Miller
Membership Chairperson
David Goldman
Operations Chairperson
Position Open
Building Manager
Tyrone Gerry
Asst. Building Manager
Gordon Ernst
Fundraising Chairperson
Kimber White
Web Servant
Danny P.
Laura F.
Lambda Lines Editor
Rachel G.
Hello and greetings to all in the Lambda South Recovery Community!
It’s hard to believe that we are almost half way through 2012, one day at a time. And
what a year! Our clubhouse has seen many improvements – like a freshly-serviced A/C
system and a new non-smoking entrance gate – and also identified a few areas that
need improvement – like our humble, leaky roof.
With the tourists gone and the “lazy days of summer” upon us, I hope everyone will
join me in supporting the recovery meetings at Lambda South. Attend our meetings
and bring a friend! Bring a sponsee (or sponsor)! Bring members of your support
group! Support our groups! And come out & support our movie night at the clubhouse
on Saturday, July 21,2012 at 8:30!
Lastly, I would encourage all to join in me reflecting on the unity outlined in our 1st
Tradition. The Grapevine’s Traditions Checklist, originally published in 1971, offers
some questions that help me reflect on my efforts to foster unity both in my meetings
and in all my affairs. Among the points to ponder: Am I in my group a healing,
mending, integrating person, or am I divisive? What about gossip and taking other
members’ inventories? Am I a peacemaker? Or do I, with pious preludes such as “just
for the sake of discussion,” plunge into argument? Am I gentle with those who rub me
the wrong way, or am I abrasive? Do I make competitive AA remarks, such as
comparing one group with another or contrasting AA in one place with AA in another?
Do I put down some AA activities as if I were superior for not participating in this or
that aspect of AA? Am I as considerate of AA members as I want them to be of me?
Do I spout platitudes about love while indulging in and secretly justifying behavior
that bristles with hostility?
I hope to see you at our clubhouse soon!
Craig L – Lambda South Board President
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 NEW MEETING: Tuesday and Thursday 7:30AM Lambda Rising Meditation AA Meeting
 NEW MEETING: Wednesday 7:00PM Step AA Meeting
 NEW MEETING: Friday 7:00PM Stepping into the Weekend Sex Addicts Anonymous (SAA) Meeting
 NEW MEETING: Saturday 5:45PM Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous (SLAA).
 NEW MEETING: Sunday 8:00PM Recover & Live (NA)
 July 21, 2012 – ‘Jammie’ movie night - 8:30pm at Lambda South – wear your pajamas!
 August 18, 2012 – Hot Summer Nights Bingo – 8:30pm at Lambda South
 September 23, 2012- SAVE THE DATE Lambda South’s 29th Annual Anniversary Dinner
Lambda South Board Member
My name is David G. and I am your Membership Chairperson at Lambda South.
I’m originally from New Jersey and I relocated to Fort
Lauderdale over ten years ago. It was a big move on my part
and at times a very difficult transition. Perhaps, a geographical cure? It certainly was a strain on my sobriety and
sanity. My journey has had many ups and downs and I owe a debt of gratitude
to the fellowship and to Lambda South for its constant beacon of welcoming
the truly sick and suffering. I am extremely grateful for a supportive and caring
sponsor coupled with a desire to find a design for living.
For me, the Big Book Meeting at Lambda South 5:45PM (Sober in the City) was
instrumental in my sobriety for not only helping me get sober but staying sober.
It was a true epiphany for me, and my first real attempt at reading and understanding the Big Book.
I am very grateful to be able to give back to Lambda South by acting as a
Trusted Servant and participating as the Membership Chairperson. I continue
to grow on so many levels and I appreciate all the wonderful friendships and
camaraderie that the fellowship of AA has afforded me.
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Lambda Rising Meditation meeting!!!
7:30 am Tuesdays and Thursdays at Lambda South.
And NOW Saturdays 8:30 am
Open Meetings to practice Step 11- Sought through
prayer and meditation to improve our conscious
“That’s what we are meditating about!”
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David S
Jeffrey S
William M
Deb M
Brad R
Tami S
Charles W.
Tony B
Gene S
Joann D
Tom B
Glenn P
Kevin W
Jack K
Barclay B
Don W
Andrew L
Entertainment !
The South Pacific meets the Atlantic!
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In this space begins...WRITE THAT DOWN!
Thirty-Three years ago my 5th grade teacher, Mrs. Rashid, gave us an assignment to bring in a Thesaurus.
Thus began my appreciation for words. I have recognized the beauty, the creativity
and inspiration in the power of words! I have many journals to prove it! One of the first
Write That Down’s was the very phrase itself which originated when I heard a good phrase.
One day I heard a favorite line from Winnie-the-Pooh, “Think, Think, Think.” and I said
“That is so simple, so good…Write That Down!” (Recovery groups thought Think,Think,Think was such a good line that
they framed it and hung it upside down!) Another day I said “Why not me?”(WRITE THAT one DOWN too)
and created my own saying “I am not cocky, I am self-aware”. And you know what I said with enthusiasm,
immediately following...“Write that Down!” We are all writers (some are more famous than others:) What we say
and what we write moves our lives! If you become aware of this fact; you can change your life in a positive
powerful way! Try it or write more! You can change negative words to positive. You can reject or accept words!
You can have your own mantras! I am grateful for words! Words guide your direction! You have a choice with words!
Write a gratitude list everyday! Journal! We all have a story to write. What words are in your book?
What affirmations do you love? Take the time for you! WRITE THAT DOWN! What is the purpose of your life?
I am here to live with purpose and inspire truth and meaning! What is your purpose? What are your gifts? What do
you love? I love Recovery and great lines! Whenever you hear a great line… Say it….“WRITE THAT DOWN!” So here is
a chance to create and enrich our lives through community. Capture your favorite words, your favorite lines! Send me
your favorite quotes from the Big Book, a Movie or your favorite people!
Send your words and affirmations and I will post them right here!
Send your “WRITE THAT DOWN” to Rachel G at luckyrlbear@aol.com
Today’s Write That Down comes from Tracy in the Lambda Rising 7:30 am meeting.
“The 2 most important relationships are the one with my Higher power and the one with myself.” Tracy
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My life on the Lambda D-List
By Laura F., A Lambda South Member
My Life on the Lambda D-List
The views expressed are solely those of the author. Any opinions or statements are not to be construed to be shared by
the Board of Lambda South nor any other organization.
We recently had the opportunity to pack up the D-List and take our show on the road…a long road. A halfway around the
world road. This was a pretty big deal when one considers that in early sobriety, there was definitely no show and most
roads lead directly to hell...the bottom pits of hell, not the penthouse.
It was an amazing experience in Southeast Asia. The sights, the sounds, the shopping, the street vendors selling everything from fried eggs to sex, the A.A. meetings held in an Irish Pub, the shopping, the temples and well, more retail therapy.
Being in recovery, one of the few things we could take advantage of without picking up a white chip was a traditional Thai
massage, traditional meaning ‘no happy ending’ - although anything is available for the right price. Not knowing much
about a Thai massage except for the no happy ending part, but willing to take a stroll on the wild side, off we went to the
local massage place, which are even more ubiquitous than 7-11’s. I know
that guys do this type of thing all the time, but as lesbians, this was almost as
daring as pole dancing. Ok, pole dancing at 1:00 p.m. on a Tuesday in a deserted warehouse, but nonetheless…
Since we were already headed full tilt toward the lesbo wild side, we decided
to go for the 2 hour deluxe package – which includes a foot and Thai massage for the equivalent of $13.33 (USD). Big spenders and wild women…
there may be no return from this wild madness.
We went in and they led us upstairs to a long, narrow room and that looked like a combination of a Vietnamese POW camp
and whorehouse. Hot news flash: the war ended and I’m not paying for happy ending. There was a long platform with razor thin mattresses lined up in a row and POW pajamas at the foot of each ‘mattress’. We were to change into our POW
jammies and await further instruction. We hoped that we could stay strong and not spill any state secrets or divulge any
last names of trusted servants at our home group. A favorite movie scene from ‘Some Kind of Hero’ provided inspiration:
Interrogator: “What is your name and rank?” Hero: “Sgt. Meoff”. Interrogator: “What is your first name?” Hero: “Jack”.
Interrogator: “So your whole name is Jack Meoff?” Hero: “Yes”. I would have to adhere to the 12 Traditions of A.A. as well
as the Geneva Convention, so my POW nom de plume would be Jackie M. Not as glamorous as Jackie O., but I was in a
pinch here.
We were then instructed to lie face down on the mattress platform. Not sure if we were facing an interrogation or it was
lights out for the pajama party, I said the Serenity Prayer and felt ready for any challenge. It wasn’t long in coming….the
next thing I knew, a tiny little Mama-San lunged herself like a crazed spider monkey and rode me like SeaBiscuit. Pushing,
pulling, pounding…elbows, knees, feet, knuckles everywhere. I expected some head-butting at any second. Like a bad
date, there was no end to it. No wonder lesbians avoid these places. It also somewhat reminded me of my sponsor
Brunhilde’s process of ensuring a thorough Step Five…minus The Rack and thumbscrews.
However, after it was all over, I was surprised at the relief I felt…almost like the relief that one feels after completing the
Steps. The major difference is that I felt no inclination to search out another suffering alcoholic/addict and to repeat the
experience with them…at least until Brunhilde finds out about it.
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I am responsible….
Are you a trusted servant for your group?
Do you know the trusted servant positions at each of the groups you attend at Lambda?
The information below in important for all meeting attendees!
In additional to the wonderful meetings, amazing recovery & strong fellowship, we must remember
that Lambda South is also a building. This facility is our home and we all need to be responsible,
efforts to maintain & preserve it for ourselves and for the alcoholics and addicts who still suffer, as
well as their friends and families.
Are you a trusted servant for your group? Great! You may already be familiar with your duties. If
not, please be sure to read this column each month. Also, please visit the Trusted Servants area on
the bulletin board in the kitchen each week for important information for you & your group.
Do you know who fills the trusted servant positions at each of the groups you attend at
Lambda? Find out! Ask them if they are familiar with their trusted servant duties and remind them to
check the bulletin board in the kitchen each week for any updates from the Lambda South Board.
This month’s reminders:
Let’s talk trash
Each group is responsible for emptying the trash in the kitchen & bathrooms & patio at the end of
their meetings if the cans are more than half full. Yes, this includes all meetings – those that are the
last to meet at night and those that meet throughout the day and early evening. We ask that you
pay particular attention if your meeting has brought in snacks/cookies/anniversary cakes/etc. and
filled up the trash cans in the kitchen (and elsewhere).
For the security of the building, all windows should be closed and locked when your meeting vacates
the room, regardless of whether there is another meeting occurring afterwards.
To keep it simple – let’s all follow the ‘if you open it, close it & lock it’ principle. Also, as you exit your
meeting room and are picking up & “straightening” up, please check the windows to ensure they are
We thank you for your continued efforts!
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2012 Fundraising and Fabulously Fun
Lambda South’s Fundraising Chair Kimber White and the fundraising
committee Joey S., Richard C., Frank G. & Dan E. - have put
together a fun & fabulous year of fundraisers for us!
Please help support our recovery community & mark your
calendars - you won’t want to miss one!
Volunteers are needed for ALL events! Please contact Kimber @
954-696-1435 to sign up & help.
…. and please remember – all are welcome at our clean & sober
Saturday, 7/21/12 – ‘Jammie’ movie night - 8:30pm at Lambda South –
wear your pajamas!
Saturday, 8/18/12 – Hot Summer Nights Bingo – 8:30pm at Lambda
Sunday, 9/23/12– Save
Anniversary Dinner
the Date! Lambda South’s 29th Annual
Sunday, 12/9/12 – Holiday Open House at Lambda South, 1:30-4:30pm
– including toy drive for Toys for Tots, trim-a-tree & clubhouse holiday decorating
Please note – additional fundraising events may be added
throughout the year. Please check Lambda Lines, clubhouse
bulletin boards and www.lambdasouth.com for updates!
Grapevine Article continued from page 11.
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Messages from 60 DAY ME
These are messages for 60 day me, the things he needs to hear that no one shared at that meeting back
then. I don’t write this for you, though I hope you find value here. As crazy as it sounds, I’m only trying to
save my past self because I love him, I know how scared he is, and I want him to know it’s OK. It’s all
going to be OK.
So, to 60 day me, I have this to say today:
Step Six. You know, the 12 & 12 opens this step by saying it’s the one that separates the men from the
boys. It might be better (and less sexist) just to say this is your chance to grow up.
Imagine it, buddy. You’ve just finished your 5th step (phew). You’re looking at pages and pages of things
you’ve done that have hurt you and others—it’s all there in black and white. And, with the help of your
sponsor, you finally see the patterns, the things you keep doing that keep causing hurt. So when he asks
you if you’re willing to let it all go, it’s a no-brainer. Yes.
It was easy that first time. When you work Step Six again you’re going to spend more time on it—a LOT
more. The first time it took a few minutes for you to say you were willing (well, technically, you said you
were willing to be willing). But oh the second time my friend… the second time there will be NO question.
That’s because you’re going to spend a few weeks in pain. I know that doesn’t sound like much fun but
buddy it’s worth it. It’s worth it because you’re going to realize that all those icky feelings are the pain of
character defects unremoved.
I guess there are as many ways to work this step as there are sponsors. There are rocks to drop,
workshops abounding, books and tapes, and a growing sense that this step is all about action.
But it doesn’t matter, buddy. It doesn’t matter how you work it because I’ll tell you from my two trips
through you end up in the same place. You get to this place where you’re tired of hurting yourself and
others. You find this moment when you just want to be sober: you don’t want to rule the world, control
people at work, be perfect, gossip, be on the A list, bitch about the A list, and more. You just want to be
sober because you just get tired of hurt.
Trust me buddy. That’s when you know. That, for you, is what “entirely ready” feels like. It’s not a great
feeling—no—but dammit it’s a FEELING and it’s when you finally feel (really, really, feel) that you realize
you aren’t just ready to change, you want it, crave it, NEED it. Imagine it my friend… you’re going to want
to be a better you. Amazing.
Step Seven, short as it may be, is the engine of that change. But hey we’ll worry about that next month.
For now, just remember that willingness comes from two places: seeing what you’ve done in the black
and white of your Fourth Step and being tired of being that child. Willingness, my friend, is being ready to
grow up.
And growing up? It rocks.
I love you 60 day me. Hope you get this message. I’ll be waiting for you, 6 years from where you are. And
I have a big bear hug ready for you.
In Loving Service, Anonymous Me
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‘Courage to Change’ Adult Children of Alcoholics
meets at 5:45pm every Monday.
ACOA is for anyone who grew up in an alcoholic or dysfunctional
home. Take a look at the common traits we share a see if you qualify.
Check out The Laundry List- 14 Traits of an Adult Child!!!!
If any of this makes sense to you, call Dennis at 954-763-2332, so we can talk about
SAA is a 12-step program for individuals whose drug of choice is
sexually acting out.
Our sobriety is defined by stopping obsessive
compulsive sexual behaviors that negatively
impact our mental, physical, and spiritual wellbeing.
If you think you may have an issue with sex,
us on Friday night at 7:00 for Stepping into
Questions? Call Ally W at 954-348-9181
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Lambda South, Inc.
P.O. Box 030339
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33303-0339
Are you moving? Did your phone number or e-mail address change?
Please take a moment to give us your updated information.
You can call the office or e-mail us, or simply fill out, clip and mail to:
Lambda South, Inc., PO Box 030339, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33303-0339
Name: ____________________________________________
City: ______________________ State: ____Zip: __________
Day Phone: ____________Evening Phone: ______________
E-Mail Address: ____________________________________
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