Epsilon Lambda Insider - Epsilon Lambda


Epsilon Lambda Insider - Epsilon Lambda
I O T A P H I L AM BD A S O R O R IT Y , I N C .
Epsilon Lambda Insider
Iota Phi Lambda
Sorority, Inc.
Inside this issue:
Soror in the Spotlight
Support Professionals
Technology Tips
Fall/Winter, 2012
Epsilon Lambda Chapter Newly-Elected Officers
for 2012-2013
Epsilon Lambda
Chapter Officers,
seated left to right:
Geadie Givens, Vice
President; Shirley
McClain, President;
Roxie Williams, Recording Secretary.
Standing left to right:
Ada Grant, Financial
Secretary; Constance
Jackson, Treasurer;
Tommie Johnson Corresponding Secretary;
Burnice Taylor, Journalist. Not pictured:
Clara Dawkins, Dean
of Intake.
Epsilon Lambda Calendar 3
Health Tips
Epsilon Lambda Scholarship
Volume 1, Issue 1
Epsilon Lambda President Speaks . . .
This December,
That love weighs
more than gold!
~Josephine Dodge Daskam
Shirley McClain, President
Sorors out there in “Iota
land,” if you are considering moving to a new
locale, well Epsilon
Lambda is the chapter
where you would want
to be. Our sorors are,
as President Obama’s
workers would say,
“Fired Up and Ready to Go.” The new sorority
year started and we are excited about this year
and the plans we have made. Our first meeting
of the year got off to an amazing start. We
had great attendance and we all are Fired Up
and Ready to Work for Iota.
The Vice President laid out her plans for the
year in getting our National Programs fulfilled
with ideas and dates to make those plans happen.
BIG Accolades to our Journalist, Burnice Taylor; she made tremendous strides over the
summer in putting together, as she calls it, our
“Flagship” newsletter, the Epsilon Lambda Insider. Our new website will be launched soon
and we will have a webmaster to keep it current and up to date on events in and around
the Detroit/Southfield area and news and
views of Iota Phi Lambda Sorority, Inc.
So stay tuned, Epsilon Lambda has joined the
“Iota Train of News and Views.”
Iota Phi Lambda Sorority, Inc.
Epsilon Lambda Chapter
Epsilon Lambda Insider
Page 2
Soror in the Spotlight
Shirley McClain has been a member of
Iota Phi Lambda Sorority, Inc., since
1982 when she was inducted into Gamma Rho Chapter in Detroit, Michigan.
She became one of the charter members
Epsilon Lambda
Chapter Officers
of Epsilon Lambda Chapter, Southfield,
Michigan, at its inception in 1985. She has
been an active member of the chapter,
having served in various capacities. This is
her second time as President of the Chapter. She first served as President of Epsilon
Lambda from 1991-1995, and is now
completing her second stint as its President.
Soror Shirley McClain holds a Bachelor of
Science Degree in Business Education from
Mississippi Valley State University, and a
Master of Science Degree in Instructional
Technology from Wayne State University in
Detroit, Michigan.
Her experiences have been varied and
include being a Business Teacher, Court
Reporter, and Court Administrator. Organizations vying for her time and expertise
include New Prospect Missionary Baptist
Church, where she serves as a Deaconess;
Michigan Women’s Golf Association as
Membership Chair; Canasta Club Group
membership; and Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
Epsilon Lambda Alumni of Wayne State University Support the
University’s Hilberry Theater
Shirley McClain, President
Geadie Givens, Vice President
Roxie Williams, Recording Secretary
Ada Grant, Financial Secretary
Constance Jackson, Treasurer
Burnice Taylor, Journalist
Tommie Johnson, Corresponding
Clara Dawkins, Dean of Intake
After a delightful dinner at the
Cass Café, sorors Connie Jackson, Sr., Rita Adams, and
Geadie Givens attended the
Hilberry Theater Graduate
School performance of the
Agatha Cristie classic, "The
Mousetrap." Sorors of Epsilon
Lambda encourage the support
of their alma mater, Wayne
State University.
Technology Tips
ost people have access to a
home computer and use it on a daily
basis . First and foremost, turn it off.
Powering down your computer at night
greatly reduces the amount of energy
used in your household.
Additionally, use your computer to reduce the use of paper products. Send
electronic invites for parties, file taxes
online and store them on hard drives
or discs. Read your newspapers and
magazines online to further reduce
deforestation; if you do buy a magazine, pass it on. Pay your bills and
Having retired from her position as Court
Administrator, Shirley has more time than
ever to spend on her listed hobbies, Golf
—and Zumba. When she is not busy with
either of those activities, she finds that she
still has ample time for her spouse and four
very active grandchildren.
In her more sedate moments, she likes social media (Facebook, Twitter, and Reading). Her readings include “Our Black
Year,” by Maggie Anderson and “50
Shades of Grey.” States Soror McClain: “I
have set a goal for myself of reading the
Bible in its entirety. I am presently at Thessalonians. I have left to read Timothy 1 &
2; Titus, Philemon; Hebrews; James; Peter 1
& 2: John 1 & 2; Jude; and Revelation.
Then I will reread some or all Books to better understand them.”
Soror McClain’s goal as President of Epsilon Lambda Chapter is to recruit and reactivate members and to encourage the involvement and use of social media by the
members of Epsilon Lambda Chapter.
shop online to further reduce the consumption of fossil fuels, not to mention the
development of retail strip malls.
Keep Electronics Out of the Trash
 Keep your cell phones, computers,
and other electronics as long as possible.
 Donate or recycle them responsibly
when the time comes. E-waste contains mercury and other toxics and is
a growing environmental problem.
 Recycle your cell phone.
 Ask your local government to set up
an electronics recycling and hazardous waste collection event.
Support Professionals
Epsilon Lambda chapter honored
the American Education Week
“Support Professionals Day” with
a huge basket ofApples for the Teachers of
Bagley Elementary School in Detroit. Sorors
Shirley McClain, Geadie Givens, Ada
Grant, Clara Dawkins, Constance Jackson,
and Roxie Williams thanked teachers for
their hard work and dedication.
The Principal, Mrs. C. Brooks, and Vice Principal, Ms. Massey-Jackson, received the
basket with appreciation, and thanked Epsilon Lambda for its recognition of Bagley
Volume 1, Issue 1
Page 3
Epsilon Lambda Chapter’s Tentative Calendar for 2012-2013 Sorority Year
November 11 - 17, 2012 - American Education Week
Project: Proposed Essay Contest for middle school students.
New Prospect Baptist Church youth will be asked to
participate. Essay theme: "Nothing Stops a Dreamer"
Select a school and provide "Apples for the Teacher"
as a "Thank You" for their hard work and dedication.
With the cooperation of the principal, a baskeful of
apples will be prominently placed where all teachers
in the building would have access. A note from Epsilon
Lambda Chapter of Iota Phi Lambda Sorority, Inc., commemorating "American Education Week's Support
Professionals Day" would accompany each apple.
Other treats such as chocolate kisses could also be added.
December—Epsilon Lambda Holiday Celebration
February - Black History Month (Monday Feb. 4): Sorors will hand out membership forms for Museum of
African American History to patrons at supermarkets
and gas stations, encouraging people who do not have
membership in the museum to join.
The late morning will be devoted to this activity followed by sisterhood bonding over lunch.
March 22-24, 2013—Central Regional Conference—
Cleveland, Ohio
April - Business Month (Saturday April 27). Honor and
showcase a woman entrepreneur at a luncheon or tea.
She could taut her business and showcase her product if
feasible. We can begin with our own soror entrepreneur,
Connie Lynn Jackson.
June - Founder's Day (Saturday June 1): TBA
July 16—July 21, 2013—National Convention:
Gamma Tau—Host, Minnesota
Chairperson, Geadie, and her Committee are expecting
the full cooperation and participation of every member for
the successful achievement of these endeavors.
Geadie Givens
Vice President/Program Chair
AARP Taxaide Webinar
Ada Grant is seen at an AARP Taxaide
Webinar held on Wednesday, November
14, 2012 at Troy, Michigan Community
Center, Computer Lab, from 9 a.m.- 12
The Webinars are held to familiarize
volunteer instructors with changes in the
Income Tax Laws for the preparation of
income taxes for the year 2012. There
will be two more Webinars before training begins.
Soror Shirley McClain (pictured left) volunteering at campaign office for GOTV one
week before the general election.
Election 2012 volunteers, Sorors Terrie
Howard, Tommie Johnson, Geadie Givens,
Shirley McClain, Burnice Taylor, and Roxie
Instructors listen to speakers, take notes,
and ask questions so that they may be
able to train the many volunteer tax preparers (counselors) that will be assisting
taxpayers. The service to taxpayers is
free of charge.
Ada Grant has volunteered with AARP
Taxaide since 2006. Previously, she was
a volunteer tax preparer for Michigan
Accounting Aid Society for 13 years.
Volume 1, Issue 1
Epsilon Lambda Insider
Iota Phi Lambda
Sorority, Inc.
Epsilon Lambda Chapter
Shirley, McClain, President
51819 Shelby Road
Shelby Township, MI 48316
Phone: 586-739-5868
Mobile: 586-202-0301
Fax: 586-739-5868
Email: shelly@comcast.net
Send News & Views
Burnice Taylor
Watch for us on the Web
For Your Good Health
Eat wholegrain foods: Make sure you have
whole-grain bread, rice or pasta at least four
times a week.
Fruits and vegetables help: Have at least
five portions of vegetables and fruit a day,
especially tomatoes and red grapes.
Take care of your skin: Always wear sunscreen lotion during summers, as well as
Eat plenty of fish: Fish is the recommended
diet for a longer healthier life.
Try Tea: Tea is always good. Being a heavy
tea-drinker can never have negative effects.
Walk for Health: There is nothing better
than walking.
Drink wine: The equivalent of a couple of
glasses of wine a day may be good for
health and can also help you keep a good
mental frame.
Learn to relax: Unwind, take up socializing. This fights stress and depression.
Sleep well: Sleep primes the immune system. Most people need between seven and
nine hours of sleep a night
Or just hum...: Humming
helps. Daily humming is
a good way to increase
ventilation in the sinuses.
National Theme: A United Sisterhood of Business and Professional Women striving for Economic Empowerment.