Brother Johnson Receives Harvest Bowl Agribusiness Award


Brother Johnson Receives Harvest Bowl Agribusiness Award
Inside This Issue...
Brothers Participate in
Statewide Leadership
Programs.................................Page 2
Noble Ruler Report
Fall 2011..................................Page 2
Gabe Hayes Promoted...........Page 2
Second Annual Golf Tournament
Supports Scholarships...........Page 2
2nd Century Campaign
Update.....................................Page 2
Undergrads Polar Plunge for
Special Olympics....................Page 3
House Corp Report.................Page 3
Brothers Respond to
Annual Appeal........................Page 3
Brothers Remembered...........Page 3
Don’t Miss Homecoming
October 1................................Page 4
Alpha Gamma Rho
Epsilon Chapter
1303 N. University Dr.
Fargo, ND 58102
Epsilon Crescent
Brother Johnson Receives Harvest Bowl
Agribusiness Award
Harvest Bowl
celebrates excellence in agriculture and Bison
athletics. At the
38th annual event
this fall, Epsilon’s
own Allan Johnson ’68 will receive
the Agribusiness
Award, which
recognizes individuals who have
Allan Johnson ‘68
themselves in the field of agriculture and business in the state of North Dakota and beyond.
Johnson, who has enjoyed a distinguished,
40-year career in the agriculture publication
industry, follows in the footsteps of six AGRs,
including Keith Bjerke, Myron Johnsrud, Jack
Dahl, Howard Olson, John Bollingberg and
Gregg Halverson.
Festivities will begin at 5 pm on Friday,
October 28, 2011 with the Harvest Bowl social,
dinner and awards program at the Ramada
Plaza Suites, Fargo and continue on Saturday,
October 29, 2011 when the Bison play Northern Iowa.
“I was surprised and honored to receive the
call from Dr. Coston indicating I had been
selected as this year’s Harvest Bowl Agribusiness honoree,” said Johnson. “I know many
of the past Harvest Bowl honorees and am
humbled to be included with this esteemed
group of leaders. Growing up on a farm in ND
was very beneficial to me by providing a good
work ethic, patriotism, and strong family values. I was provided an excellent education in
the classroom at our one-room school, Carson
High, and NDSU, as well as in the real world
school of hard knocks. My dad used to tell me
that the harder you work the luckier you will
be. I have tried to follow that advice and have
been very lucky in my career by being in the
right place at the right time – a chance meeting
with my advisor Dr. Lund at an NDSU football
game leading to my first job at The Dakota
Farmer magazine, being positioned to become
president of Farm Progress Companies and
the appointment by President Bush to a key
position at USDA. My AGR Brothers know
first-hand that I was not the best student while
at NDSU. I took the don’t let college interfere
with your education line a bit too literal. But
Viet Nam forced me and many of my other
college friends to grow up quickly. I made
a promise to myself after that experience to
never again give less than my full ability. That
promise has served me well in my career and
A native of Almont, ND, Johnson has held
posts from the Dakota Farmer Magazine, to
Midwest Unit Farm Publications, to the Farm
Progress Companies. During his tenure as
president, Farm Progress grew from seven to
39 publications and became the leading agriculture media company in the US. In 2003,
President George W. Bush appointed Johnson
as director of legislative and public affairs at
USDA Rural Development. Two years later,
he was appointed Deputy Under Secretary
to provide leadership in carrying out Rural
Development’s mission to support economic
opportunity and improve the quality of life in
rural America. He retired from USDA in 2009.
Among Johnson’s many accolades, he is
a past National President of Alpha Gamma
Rho, and a National and Epsilon Hall of Fame
Allan and his wife Sara own Agri-Pulse
Communications, an electronic publishing firm serving agriculture and rural policy
leaders. Johnson still owns his family’s century
farm near Almont, ND and lives with his wife
and two sons in Camdenton, MO.
Fall 2011
Brothers Participate in
Leadership Programs
Danuser and Larson Selected for 5th Class
Rural Leadership North Dakota’s fifth
class includes a broad spectrum of
participants, including Epsilon’s Matthew Danuser and Anthony Larson.
They are among 26 participants
who will spend the next 18 months
developing skills to help shape the
future of their organization, community and state. Coordinated by
the NDSU Extension Service, the 2011-13 program consists of instate seminars with experts on topics such as leadership, economic
development and agriculture; tours of agricultural and community
businesses; trips to Washington, DC and Minneapolis to meet with
agricultural, business and governmental leaders; and a trip to Brazil
to learn about international agricultural and community issues.
Seventy-two people from 48 communities in 32 counties have
graduated from the program since its inception in November 2003.
Gabe Hayes Promoted
Brother Gabe Hayes was
promoted to the rank of
captain on July 1, 2011
in the U.S. Army. He
received his commission through NDSU’s
ROTC program in May
2008, where he received
a degree in military
science and emergency
management. Gabe is
currently serving in Iraq.
Second Annual Golf Tournament
Supports Scholarships
The second annual charity golf tournament was held on Aug 27th at Breezy
Point Resort near Brainard, MN.
Several alumni and friends participated in the day’s events of money
ball, closest to the pin, longest putt, and longest drive contests.
Sloan Implement, a John Deere dealer in Wisconsin and Illinois,
was a hole sponsor for the tournament. The event was organized by
Corey Martin. With continued improvement, this event will keep
on reaping scholarship dollars for our chapter.
Epsilon Crescent
Noble Ruler Report Fall 2011
Greetings brothers of Epsilon Chapter. I hope this Crescent finds
you all in good health and good spirits. The leaves are beginning to
fall and the Ivy on the front of the house is starting to turn. The days
are flying by, just as any other semester has. All of us in the house
are very excited for Homecoming and fall term.
Arriving together back at the chapter house this fall was a lot
smoother than a year ago. There still are some things that need to be
done right, due to the improper installation the first time during the
renovation, but we are dealing with those accordingly.
Homecoming is coming very quickly, and all of us are pretty
excited, especially about the hog roast! Dr. Socha agreed to lead the
roasting, along with some assistance. I have yet to experience an
AGR hog roast, but I’m sure it will not disappoint. Feel welcome to
stop by on Saturday Oct. 1st. The parade starts at 10am, tailgating
following the parade and the Homecoming game vs. Illinois State
starts at 1pm and the hog roast to follow. The chapter house will be
open for tours and conversation the entire day.
As some of you have heard, our beloved cook Sally was diagnosed
with breast cancer last spring. But I am very happy to say that she
is recovering a little slow but steadily. Due to her strong heart and
determined will, she hasn’t even thought about leaving us. She is still
assisting with writing the menu and ordering most of the food. We
hired Joseph Odermann, a recent graduate from Epsilon Chapter as
our interim cook. So far Sally and Joe have made a great team and
we still get to enjoy Sally’s delicious meals.
The men of Epsilon chapter earned #1 on the top of the Fraternity
grades list at NDSU. Our Chapters Grade Point Average for Spring
Semester 2011 was 3.011. It was a jump of about .2 from Fall 2010.
Courtney Barstad, the Greek Life Coordinator was very pleased to
see us make such an increase, as was the entire house.
With that, I encourage you to stop by sometime to visit the newly
remodeled house if you haven’t already, and hope to see you at our
Pink Rose Formal this coming spring. From the desk of a Sigma
Alpha’s bedroom, I wish you all a successful harvest and an enjoyable winter.
Riley Schaefer #1517
2nd Century Campaign Update
Donations are coming in as expected and
even a little ahead of schedule. Pledge
reminders will be sent out later this fall.
In the meantime, Bill and Geri Harbeke’s
mailing address has changed to 4283
Coventry Dr. S., Fargo, ND 58104. Their
cell number (701-371-3886) and email
( remain unchanged.
Undergrads “Polar Plunge” for House Corp Report
By Brant Bigger
Special Olympics
What is a Polar Plunge? It’s a unique opportunity for individuals, organizations, and businesses to support Special Olympics North Dakota
athletes by taking an icy dip in the frigid waters of North Dakota.
The event is open to the public, and all spectators are welcome free
of charge. Six brothers were brave enough to take the frigid plunge
March 5th. The event was held in the Applebee’s parking lot on 45th
St. in Fargo. Collectively they raised $550.00 for the Special Olympics,
and got t-shirts provided by sponsors to wear during the event. It was
a very successful philanthropy event and we are proud of the brothers
who took the plunge.
—Aaron Hendrickson
VNR Activities
Brothers Respond to Annual
Thank you for helping the chapter meet
our annual expenses
Ongoing house maintenance, maintaining the AGR network on
campus and off, and realizing short term goals like securing a resident advisor… these are real chapter needs that you can help with by
extending an annual gift to AGR. A special thank you to the following alumni leaders for their contribution in 2011: Bruce Fagerholt,
Eugene Jorgenson, Lyle Nelson, Al Scholes.
To make a gift to the chapter, send a check to:
Alpha Gamma Rho
Epsilon Chapter
PO Box 5575
Fargo, ND 58105-5575
Look for an annual appeal letter in your mailbox in the next
couple of months.
My last report focused on the financial needs of House Corp aside
from the 2nd Century Campaign and our responsibility as alumni to
support the chapter. Today I want to share another way of supporting
the chapter besides writing a check.
The 2nd Century Campaign was hugely successful for Epsilon. What
we have heard from many alumni is how they enjoyed being re-connected with their fellow brothers and the rekindled excitement of being
a member of AGR. The campaign created a large wave of enthusiastic
momentum for the chapter. We want that wave to continue rushing
over alumni instead of slowly receding.
During the campaign, we made use of decade and class chairs to
reach out to all Epsilon brothers. House Corp wants to continue that
outreach effort. We’ll be asking volunteers to directly contact all brothers a few times a year to share news of special events.
How can you help? 1) Volunteer to continue being a class chair or offer to assist your class chair. 2) Share your enthusiasm with your pledge
class and other brothers. 3) Make a special effort to get in touch with
that old roommate you haven’t talked to in a decade or two.
House Corp will continue providing Crescents and other mailings to
help keep you up-to-date on what is happening at Epsilon. If you want
to help us save time and money, keep your contact information current
with the Home Office and us (
As I’ve said many times before, I firmly believe all of us reap much
more than we sow when we lend a hand to either House Corp or the
undergraduate chapter. The time is ripe for you to make an impact
upon Epsilon Chapter!
House Corp meets in the House at 7:30 pm the 2nd Monday of each
month during the school year. All alumni are welcome! If you have any
questions or concerns, please contact me.
Brant Bigger, #1320
House Corp President
13248 US Hwy 10
Lake Park, MN 56554-9631
(218) 234-6906
Brothers To Be Remembered
Five brothers have passed away in 2011, including:
Vernon Sturlaugson ‘47 – Larimore, ND
Dr. LaVern Freeh ‘48 – St. Paul, MN
Armond “Hank” Toussaint ‘40 – Bismark, ND
Herb French ‘52 – Edina, MN
Gene Odenbach ‘66 – Woodworth, ND
Fall 2011
Alpha Gamma Rho
Epsilon Chapter
PO Box 5575
Fargo, ND 58105-5575
Return Service Requested
Don’t Miss Homecoming October 1
This is always a great opportunity to re-kindle friendships,
connect with fellow Epsilon brothers and get a tour of the
Chapter House.
Saturday, October 1, 2011 — “Open House”
9 am: Coffee & Rolls
10 am: Homecoming Parade
11 am: Tailgating
1 pm: Homecoming Game vs. Illinois State
4:30 pm: Post-game Hog Roast at the House
Receive Your Crescent Via Email
To reduce chapter printing and mailing costs, sign up online today to receive future Crescent issues by email. Go to, and complete your contact information including home and email address. This is
a win-win for you and Epsilon.
Epsilon Crescent
Fall 2011