Rules and Application form


Rules and Application form
Total Cash Prizes £10,550
plus a recital opportunity
at a leading London venue
fostering young musical talent
2010 Competition
Piano Strings Wind
Rules And Entry Form
Thursday 15th July Friday 16th July
Saturday 17th July Sunday 18th July
Closing date for receipt of entries: 28th February 2010
President: Paul Lewis
Patrons: Humphrey Burton, Levon Chilingirian, Jeremy Menuhin, Lady Rupert Nevill,
Christoph Nielbock, Jessye Norman, Angela Rayner-Cook and Lady Solti
A message from the Competition Chairman
We hope you will enter the Competition and that you will find our Rules easy to understand. Please note, though,
that there are significant changes in the rules this year. A high standard is expected at all stages in this event,
which has been held since 1979.
A warm welcome awaits you in the spa town of Royal Tunbridge Wells and we hope you will enjoy the Competition
and the opportunity of meeting other musicians from all over the world. If you do not reach the later rounds we
hope that you will stay on to witness the final concert as well as to see some of the Town’s attractions.
You will find details of the various prizes on page 3 of this brochure, and I should like to wish you every success in
this TWIYCA 2010 Competition.
Christopher Storr (Chairman)
Overall winners
Other Section winners
Accompanist Prize winners
1980 José Feghali, Patricia Rozario
1983 Aisling Heneghan
1985 Caroline Dale
1994 Simon Haram, Paul Lewis
1981 Geoffrey Dolton
1987 Fiona Cameron
1996 Laura Samuel
1982 Anne Sofie von Otter
1989 Janet Shell
1998 Natia Mdinaradze
1983 Aisling Heneghan
1992 Yuri Didenko
2000 Qian Wu
2002 Libor Novacek
2004 So-Yeon Kim
2006 Martyna Jatkauskaite
2008 Sasha Grynyuk
Douglas Boyd, Anssi Karttunen (1980), Karen
Briscoe, Lionel Handy, Mark van de Wiel
(1981), Helen Choi, Esther Georgie, Lorraine
McAslan (1982), Elizabeth Anderson, Michael
Cox, Miyuki Morimoto (1983), Tracy
Bounden, Clélia Iruzun, Andrew Sparling
(1985), Eva Böcker, (1986), Joan-Enric Lluna,
Emily White (1987), Áshildur Haraldsdóttir,
Robert Max, Lucy Parham (1989), Alison
Hudson, Hannah Roberts, Eva Stewart (1992),
Byron Fulcher, Kenta Matsumi (1994),
Emmanuelle Le Cann, Min Park, The Fidelio
Trio (1996), Nikolai Popov, Florian Uhlig
(1998), Mark Bousie, Alina Ibragimova (2000),
Amy Dickson, Soojin Han (2002), Adelia
Myslov, Christelle Pochet (2004). Rebecca
Owen, Liubov Ulybysheva, James Willshire
(2006) Linda Baerlund, Suzanne Thorne
Marcus Andrews, Nicholas Bosworth (twice),
Nigel Clayton, Martin Cousin,
Ian Gaukroger, Daniel Grimwood,
Tuija Hakkila, Rebecca Holt (twice),
Helen Leek, Eryl Lloyd-Williams,
Stefan Ciric, Ellena Hale.
Hans and Mary Romney
Prize winners
Soojin Han (piano), Albert Mamrieve (piano),
Tom Poster (piano), Catherine Rattray (horn),
Alastair Tait (cello), Dunja Lavrova (violin),
Alexander Ullman (piano).
Our Sponsors
The Hans and Mary Romney Gift
Royal Tunbridge Wells Borough Council
Kent College Pembury
Birchwood Creative Services
Larrytech Internet Services
The TWIYCA 2010 Competition
The Competition is open to contestants who are over 16 and
under 26 on the last day of the Competition (ie who were
born after 18th July 1984 and before 18th July 1994) and
who can satisfy all the other requirements set out below.
Piano accompanists may be any age.
General Information about the competition
The Competition is held every two years to help
and encourage advanced students and young
professional musicians on the threshold of their
careers. To this end cash prizes are awarded.
There will be 3 Sections: Pianoforte, Strings
(excluding plucked strings such as harps and
guitars or similar) and Wind (both wood and
The Prizes
Entry Fee
The overall winner will receive the TWIYCA
Crystal Goblet and in addition to their section
prize a further cash prize of £1000, making a
total of £2500.
An entry fee of £60 is required from each
competitor (refundable to any competitor not
selected for Round 1). The fee must be sent
with or at the same time as the entry form.
Cheques should be made payable to TWIYCA.
Remittances from outside the United Kingdom
must be payable in sterling, net of any banking
and other expenses. Payment may be made by
bank transfer.
The winner of each Section will receive a cash
prize of £1500 and a recital opportunity in a
leading London venue.
The second prize-winner in each Section will
receive a cash prize of £1000.
The other second round players will each receive
a cash prize of £200.
The Hans and Mary Romney Prize of £250
will be awarded to the competitor who shows
most promise without winning any other major
Bank transfers must be made to the following
• Account Name - Tunbridge Wells
International Young Concert Artists
• Account number - 70496928
• Bank Sort Code - 20 88 13
There will be no Accompanist Prize in 2010.
• Bank Name - Barclays Bank
• Bank Address - 73, Calverley Road,
Tunbridge Wells, Kent, TN1 2UZ, England.
a). There will be a pre-Competition audition of
recordings by a selection panel (see ‘Rules of the
• IBAN – GB97 BARC 2088 1370 4969 28
• Swift/BIC – BARCGB22
b). The Competition will be held from the 15th
to 18th July 2010 and all performances will be in
(i). Round 1 on 15th and 16th July at Kent
College, Pembury, Tunbridge Wells
(ii). Round 2 (Section Finals) on 17th July at
Kent College, Pembury, Tunbridge Wells
(iii). Round 3 (Final) on 18th July at the
Assembly Hall Theatre in Tunbridge Wells.
In Round 3 (Final) all Judges will hear the
selected contestants and select from them one
first prize winner from each section and one of
these as the overall Competition winner.
In all rounds the Judges will take into account
choice, variety and balance of programme
items. A very high standard of performance
will be expected.
There will be an international panel of six
Judges as follows:
Sulamita Aranovsky,
Beatrice Berthold
Lydia Mordkovitch (violin),
Johannes Goritzki (cello)
George Caird (oboe),
Janet Hilton (clarinet)
Should any of the competitors be studying
with one or more of the judges, the judge or
judges in question will not participate in the
assessment of that competitor’s performance.
Strings and Wind entrants should if at all
possible travel to the Competition with their
regular pianists to ensure the best performance
conditions. Pianos used at the Competition will
be tuned to A=440Hz.
Competitors for Round 1 will be selected from
the audition recordings. Each Section will be
adjudicated by two Judges and five competitors
per Section will be chosen to go into Round 2.
In Round 2 each Section will be adjudicated by
all the Judges. From each Section two finalists
will be chosen to go forward to the Final.
At this stage the winner of the Hans and Mary
Romney Prize will be chosen.
Wherever possible, and if it is required.,
accommodation for the period of the
Competition is provided, free of charge with
host families in the Tunbridge Wells area.
1. The Competition is open to professional
musicians and advanced students who are ready to
make a professional career and who are over the
age of 16 and under the age of 26 on the last day
of the Competition (born after 18th July 1984 and
before 18th July 1994).
7. All competitors who arrive in sufficient time
will be given the opportunity for at least 30
minutes rehearsal time in a purpose-built music
block on the Competition site. More rehearsal
time will be allowed if rehearsal rooms are
available. In addition competitors in the piano
section will be allowed a 3-minute warm-up on
the Competition piano prior to the
commencement of their performance.
2. Past Section winners may not enter. Past
Accompanist prize-winners may, however,
perform, as either principal or accompanist.
8. ROUND 1. A programme of up to 25
minutes, to include at least two pieces of
contrasting periods or styles.
3. Each competitor must submit (on the entry
form provided) THREE recital programmes
(Rounds 1-3) as well as details of items recorded
for the qualifying recorded audition. No change
of programme by a competitor will be permitted
after submission of an entry form. All these
details, together with a suitable certified audition
recording (see below), the entrance fee and two
letters of recommendation in English (or with an
English translation), must be sent to arrive
together at the Competition Office on or before
28th February 2010. At least two works or two
parts of different works must be performed in
each Round.
9. ROUND 2. (Section Finals) A programme of
up to 18 minutes, to include at least two pieces of
contrasting periods or styles. Music already
performed in Round 1 must not be included.
Rules of the competition
4. Timings and complete descriptions (including
opus or catalogue numbers and keys) of all works
to be played must be clearly and accurately stated
on the entry form. The Competition Management
reserves the right to request a re-submission of a
competitor’s programme if this requirement is not
strictly observed. In devising their programmes
competitors should bear in mind that they will be
judged on the variety and balance of their
programme and that they will at all times be
performing before the Judges and an audience.
5. All competitors must be fully rehearsed in
programmes submitted.
recording of a programme lasting no longer than
20 minutes recorded on high-quality cassette or
CD, (alternative formats should be discussed with
the Competition organisers before submission).
Each programme must include at least two items
from contrasting musical periods or styles.
Recordings must be certified by a recognised
musician in English (or with an English
translation) as being the recent work of the named
entrant. Audition recordings may include items
scheduled also for inclusion in Rounds 1, 2 or 3.
10. ROUND 3.(Final) A 20-minute recital, of at
least two items, to reflect a balanced and selective
range of musical styles appropriate to the
performer. Music already performed in Rounds 1
and 2 must not be included.
11. Final instructions to competitors will be
posted at the end of May 2010 giving date and
time of their performances. The order in which
competitors are to perform will be set out in the
Competition Programme (available free to all
competitors on their arrival at Kent College) and
no changes to this order will be allowed.
16. Competitors must provide the Judges with
one copy of all music played. When an item in
copyright is selected from a publication containing
several different works, and is not published
separately, competitors may make one photocopy
available for the use of the Judges. The
Competition Management will destroy all
photocopies of copyright material after the event.
No facilities for photocopying will be available at
the Competition.
17. Any recordings made during the Competition
final will remain the copyright of the Competition
Management. No fees will be payable to, or
consent required from, competitors either for
making recordings or for any subsequent use of
18. It is a condition of the award of any prize that
the prize-winner attends the appropriate prize
giving ceremony to accept their prize.
General Information
Enquiries regarding the Competition and any
further information can be made to:
The Entries Co-ordinator,
TWIYCA Competition Office, PO Box 10
Tunbridge Wells North, TN2 5ZQ, England.
Web site:
Telephone or Fax (01892) 616844
12. Strict time keeping will be enforced in all
Rounds and competitors who are not ready to
perform at their appointed time in the
Competition Programme may be disqualified.
Competitors must ensure that their timed
programmes do not overrun, otherwise they will
be penalised.
(A telephone answering service operates)
13. Competitors are not required to play from
memory but if they do so it will be noted in their
Signed entry forms must be accompanied by:
14. The decision of the Judges will be final and
not open to discussion or correspondence. Written
comments on each competitor in Round 1 will be
made available to competitors and certificates of
participation will be issued for all Rounds.
15. The Competition Management reserves the
right to appoint other Judges if this is found to be
From outside UK dial International Access Code
+ 44 + 1892 + last six numbers (Tel. or Fax).
email address:
Entry Requirements
1. The entry fee of £60 (see above).
2. A certified recording for audition purposes (see
3. Two letters of recommendation specially written
for this Competition in English (or with an
English translation) from musicians of standing.
4. A TYPEWRITTEN biography in English of
5. A photograph suitable for publicity purposes
6. A photocopy of Birth Certificate, current
Passport or other official document, showing the
contestant’s date of birth.
Closing date for receipt of entries 28th February 2010
Tunbridge Wells International Young Concert Artists Competition is a Company Limited by Guarantee (Registered No. 1456829) and a Registered Charity (No. 278856).