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The Birth of Memory
Choreographed by
Adam Benjamin
Touring 2016
For more information contact:
The Company
Exim Dance Company creates live performance work that draws on the curiosity and inquisitive
nature of the artists involved. With a thirst for adventure and a dedication to collaboration, Exim
work across art forms, allowing our multi dimensional work to reach out to new audiences. Stripping
away pre-conceived ideas and being real about who we are and what we do, through our work we
aim to reveal the visceral nature of dance, what it is to move and be moved.
Formed in 2011 Exim have quickly established themselves as a vibrant, exciting and diverse
company creating professional Dance Theatre in the South West of England. With a strong focus
on inclusion the company provide a diverse range of professional development opportunities for
local artists and students in partnership with Plymouth University and Plymouth Dance. Exim also
work across Devon delivering a wide range of community projects that focus on using dance as a
tool for social change as well as a way to nurture talent and developing new audiences. Exim’s
work has been inclusive from its founding but now we would like to extend this past our
community work and performances and in to our audience; developing work that is accessible
to our audience members.
The Birth of Memory toured in 2014/15 as a part of Exim Dance Company’s ImPACT tour.
Building on the success of the piece we have decided to re tour this work in 2016.
Exim Dance Company has been supported by Plymouth University, Plymouth Dance, Dance In
Devon and The Barbican Theatre Plymouth in the creation of this work.
For more information contact:
Exim Dance and Education
“Individually they demonstrate their passion for dance and strong engagement with learning,
bringing deep understanding of how dance can transform lives and empower others.”
-Ruth Way, Associate Head, School of Performing Arts (Plymouth University)
Creative Learning- Workshops and Residencies
With experience in delivering workshops across all stages of education Exim are able to offer a full
creative learning package that can be tailored to suit your needs or the needs of your organisation.
Workshops could cover:
• Inclusive practice
• Choreography
• Technique (including Contact Improvisation)
• Creative work using the companies repertoire
• Working with lighting
• Working with musicians
• Professional development: including management skills and career talks.
Workshops are welcomed before or after performances.
In addition to our normal workshop programme we are extremely keen to work with groups local to
venues that include disabled people. The Birth of Memory has been created with the need of
disabled people in mind. We would therefore welcome the opportunity to work with any suitable
groups prior to the performance. Please contact Claire Summers directly to discuss this in more
All company members are experienced practitioners with an enhanced CRB.
For more information contact:
The Production
What is the work about?
The Birth of Memory is a physical exploration
of the memories we keep locked in our
bodies, and the effort needed in the present,
to find time to remember the past.
The Birth of Memory has drawn on film
created by Kayla Parker, music by Mathew
Emmett, Eduardo Miranda, and Andy
Cowton, the contributions of the dance
artists, Emma Pendle, Laura Henry and Mike
Williams and the indefinable movement
quality of Kevin French (a dancer whose
muscles and speech are affected by cerebral
Who is performing?
There are 4 dancers, two male and two female. One of our dancers uses a wheelchair so any
venue must be accessible to him.
What sort of dance is it?
Exim Dance Company produce dance theatre performances. The work has a movement
vocabulary based in contemporary dance with dramatic elements. The Birth of Memory contains
spoken word to add an additional level of accessibility for the audience. Our work is highly
accessible through this and our use of movement vocabulary, striking imagery, music, expression
and emotion. Close attention has been paid to making this piece accessible to audience members
with disabilities.
What will it look like?
The Birth of Memory is performed preferably with a grey dance floor and a white cyclorama
backdrop. There is projection both film and words on the cyc.
What sort of music will the show feature?
Music plays an integral part within all of Exim’s work and the choreographer has worked closely
with three composers through the development of the piece so the soundtrack has been composed
alongside the creation of the movement with the exception of Andi Cowton’s work with forms some
of the inspiration for movement.
Dramatic, comical, beautiful, imaginative, striking, visual, sculptural, original, entertaining,
refreshing, physical, inspiring, fresh, captivating.
For more information contact:
Title: The Birth of Memory
Choreography: Adam Benjamin
Performers: Emma Pendle, Kevin French, Laura
Henry and Mike Williams
Music: Composed by Mathew Emmett, Eduardo
Miranda and Andy Cowton
Lighting and Production Design: Charlotte
Burton and Tim Hardy
Film: Kayla Parker
Film sound: Stuart Moore
Images: Claire Summers
Memories become locked within our bodies. Effort is required to find time in the present to
remember the past.
Award winning choreographer Adam Benjamin delicately explores this concept, focusing on human
relationships in a way which is exposing and unpredictable, but also at times comical. The work
draws on film by Kayla Parker and music by Eduardo Miranda, Matthew Emmet and Andy Cowton.
The choreography is heavily influenced by the contributions of dance artists, Emma Pendle, Laura
Henry, Mike Williams and particularly the raw, indefinable movement quality of dancer Kevin
French whose muscles and speech are affected by cerebral palsy.
Video Links
atch?v=OQ5S0s8AiI0 R&D footage (public)
55 - Performance footage
96 - 0s - 3.20s preview
performance footage
References for Etch (taken during the research and development sharing’s)
“Just beautiful”
Preview Tour Audience Member
“Striking performers in a striking performance.”
Preview Tour Audience Member
“Distinctive, refined yet sensitive.”
Preview Tour Audience Member
For more information contact:
Technical Requirements
One member of venue technical staff is required on the performance day to assist the company
Where possible a pre rig is required to enable the company technician to colour and focus as
early as possible. Lighting plan to follow, as the pieces of work are still in development the
lighting requirements are subject to change, details such as colour will be finalised and
included on the plan, below is a list of the units we will need. Appropriate substitutes and
alterations will be discussed with each venue.
We will require 6 1k Fresnels as specials (have used RJ Lutins previously)
3 evenly spaced US along the cyc
3 to pick out areas MS, these will all need L202.
All Fresnel and PC units require barn doors.
A programmable lighting desk with a good view of the stage is also required.
The sound and lighting desks must be close enough together to be operated by one person at
the same time.
The sound requirements are quite simple, a basic mixing desk with mini jack input and a CD
player. Onstage fold back where possible.
We need a suitable projection surface at the very rear of the stage, either a cyc cloth or a white
wall and a good quality projector that fills as much of the back wall as possible. The projection
will be output on VGA from a laptop in the same location as sound and LX, so a VGA cable
running from the projector to this control position is also required.
Masking around the perimeter of the space with two entrances upstage right and upstage left.
(more details to be included on the plan).
For more information contact:
Adam Benjamin
An award winning choreographer, and teacher, he was joint artistic director and founder of CandoCo
Dance Company and artistic director of Tshwaragano Dance Company in South Africa. Adam has
worked with companies such as Scottish Dance Theatre, Remix Dance Project, The Besht Tellers,
A&BC Theatre Company, Vertigo Dance Company and Russell Maliphant. He is a founder member of
the improvisation company 5 Men Dancing and has performed with Kenzo Kusuda, Kim Itoh, Jordi
Cortés and Russell Maliphant. He currently teaches and performs with Kirstie Simson and has been a
Wingate Scholar, a Rayne Fellow, an associate artist at ‘The Place’ and this year was awarded a
National Teaching Fellowship. He has written and spoken extensively on integrated dance and is author
of Making an Entrance: Theory and Practice for Disabled and Non-disabled Dancers. (Routledge 2001).
Adam lectures in Theatre and Performance at Plymouth University where he is helping build an
integrated dance theatre degree programme.
Claire Summers
Artistic Director/ Rehearsal Director
Claire has been the driving force behind Exim since its formation in 2011. Claire’s choreographic
practice took a back seat while she focused her energy on the strategic development of Exim and
performing in the last tour. Claire is excited to finally be in a position that she can now shift her focus
back to her first love; making exciting and fresh Dance Theatre.
Matt Emmett
Collaborator, architect, visual artist and composer.
Dr Mathew Emmett AADipl explores situated cognition, space perception, creativity and the
mechanisms of dissonance across mixed-media installation, architecture and sound. He has composed
the majority of the music for this piece.
Eduardo Reck Miranda
A composer and Artificial Intelligence scientist. Currently Eduardo is a Professor at Plymouth
University’s Faculty of Arts, where he leads the internationally noted Interdisciplinary Centre for
Computer Music Research (ICCMR). His music has been commissioned, performed and broadcasted
worldwide by renowned musicians and ensembles such as Scottish Chamber Orchestra, BBC Concert
Orchestra and Ten Tors Orchestra. He has received a number of awards and prizes for his work,
including the prestigious John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation Fellowship in Composition in
New York. Eduardo has published a number of books on computer music, including Composing Music
with Computers, with Focal Press and A-Life for Music, with A-R Editions.
Laura Henry
Laura is a highly driven and creative dance artist, after beginning her contemporary dance training with
Cornwall Youth Dance Company and studying a BTEC in Performing Arts, Laura gained a BA Honours
in Dance Theatre at Plymouth University (2013). Laura has become an artist that seeks to express her
deepest self by working with the force of instinct and desire. Recently she has been selected to be a
Supported Artist at the Barbican Theatre Plymouth, where she will be mentored in order to assist her
development as an emerging artist in the UK. Laura is currently a company dancer with Exim Dance
Company and Strange Matters Dance Company. Laura also has a keen interest in yoga and capoeira.
During March to May (2015) she underwent extensive training while travelling America in her
contemporary practice and that of Ashtanga Yoga. She participated in classes in some of the most
highly established dance schools in the world in New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Big Sur and
San Diego. Laura has undertaken training with Russell Maliphant, Taviziva, Netherlands Dans Theater,
For more information contact:
Theo ClinKard, Leila McMillan, Adam Benjamin, Ruth Way, Charlotte Eatock, Ben Wright, Hofesh
Shechter and Gecko Theatre Company.
Kevin French
Kevin graduated from Plymouth University in 2014 with a BA in Dance Theatre and has recently joined
the company as an associate Artist for “The Birth of Memory”. Kevin is looking forward to continuing to
work with Adam Benjamin and the company building on the strong relationships developed over his
time at University.
Emma Pendle
Emma joined the team in 2012 as a performer and Exim’s marketing consultant. In this role she is
responsible for working with the directors to help maintain the company’s image. Emma attended
Plymouth University and graduated with a BA (Hons) in Dance Theatre. During her time here she
worked with and was mentored by highly respected dance artists such as Adam Benjamin, Ruth Way,
Ben Dunks and Lois Taylor. It was the variety of dance training that she received that has enabled her
to develop and shape an individual movement style. Emma has undertaken training with Alvin Ailey
Dance Company, Mark Morris Dance Company, Earthfall, Jasmin Vardimon Dance Company and Attik
Michael Williams
Michael’s dance training began at 16 after initially training in gymnastics from aged 10. He joined the
National Youth Dance Company of Wales, and remained a member for 6 years. He went on to complete
his professional training at Roehampton University. Since graduating he has danced with a variety of
artists and companies including: Earthfall, Candoco (moving bodies), Dynion, Henri Oguike, Anna
Melander Dance, Gaijinsan Dance Theatre, The Romani Cultural and Arts Charity, Chisato Minamimura
and most recently Ffin dance.
Charlotte Burton
Lighting Design and Technical Support
Charlotte Burton has been with Exim since 2014. She designed lighting for our last tour and toured with
us as our technician and production manager.
Tim Hardy
Lighting Design
Tim’s past work includes Richard Alston Dance Company and The London school of Contemporary
For more information contact:
Target Markets
Having completed our first tour in 2014/15 we are in a position of strength, as not only do we now have
a clear idea of who our audience is and how we can access them, but we now have a much deeper
understanding of the South West touring circuit and the issues that venues face across the country
when programming dance. This has been at the forefront of the development of this work.
In addition we have worked closely with venues, Universities and the disabled community to ensure our
work is meeting their needs whilst keeping its artistic integrity.
We know that Exim’s audience is 16-30 year olds who regularly access social media and are already
engaged in dance through education, community or a professional context. Through our strong body of
community work and engagement with the disabled community we also have access to many inclusive
dance groups across the country who are interested in viewing this work and our educational offer.
As well as sharing our work with our already engaged audience through targeting schools, colleges,
Universities and community groups we want to help build and develop new audiences strengthening our
audience and relationships between our company, young people, and venues. As well as performing we
want to ensure our audience has access to our creative process through workshops, residency
opportunities and Q&A’s as well as developing online resources that can be used by dance and theatre
Our last tour, ImPACT, was successful in building relationships with venues and with our
audience. Having already gained the trust of several SW venues we know that they will re-book
our new work on the strength of this. Two venues who struggle to get a dance audience, took a
risk and booked us. In both 90% of the audience had never been to their venue before and told
us they would return to see Exim.
Core Markets
• The disabled community interested in dance who may not normally feel able to access it.
• Current University and College students and graduates of Dance, Theatre, Drama, Music,
Media, Art and other performance related subjects.
• GCSE, Alevel and Btec Dance, Theatre and Music Students
• Youth Dance Companies
• Past attendees to your venue.
• Past attendees to Exim Dance Company (Performances, Classes and Workshops.)
• The venues existing audience for Dance Theatre, Contemporary Dance and Physical
• Dance and Theatre Professionals and Practitioners.
• Arts professionals.
• Employees and audience members of other dance and theatre venues.
• Live music attendees.
Research done through Arts Council England shows that within the last 5 years, dance
audiences have increased by 18%.
For dance audience research conducted by ACE, visit:
For more information contact:
Key Selling Points
Educational Work
With our broad range of experience and expertise Exim are dedicated to providing opportunities for
dancers at all levels of their career through personal and processional development. A key focus
through this tour is to build relationships with the Disabled Community, University’s, Colleges and
Theatres through both our performance and educational work. We are keen to deliver workshops
before each performance of The Birth of Memory to help develop these relationships and develop
audiences both for the venue and our future tours.
As a high percentage of the company graduated in the last 5 years we believe we have a lot to
offer Universities and Colleges and that our work will complement both creative modules, through
workshops, and professional development modules, through career development talks and post
show talks. All of the company members are experienced at delivering both practical workshops
and seminars to University and College students.
• 3-5 day intensive choreographic residency with the option of the group performing as a curtain
raiser for The Birth of Memory
• Master Classes in Technique or choreography/ creative work based on our repertoire. This can
include working inclusively, with a live musician and working with lighting (with 2 company
• Career development talks - focusing on professional development, company formation and
managing a portfolio career.
Exim Dance aim to create adventurous and collaborative work, and throughout the creative process
we have collaborated with the following artists in the development of this work:
Matthew Emmett- Sound and visual artist
Eduardo Reck Miranda - Composer
Charlotte Burton – Lighting designer
The use of strong imagery, music, emotion, drama and physical movement help to clarify the
underlying narratives and make them readable to the audience. Exim is an inclusive dance
company and have worked extensively both professionally and in the community with disabled
people. This has given us an insight into the needs of disabled people to be able access
contemporary dance, we will do as much as we can to ensure our work is accessible for all. Please
contact us if there is anything we can do to work with you to ensure this. We are happy to offer the
Touch tours
Open class
Audio description
Fresh and Enthusiastic
The members of Exim Dance Company range from recent graduates to award winning professional
dance makers and musicians making the work as fresh as it gets. The enthusiasm and creative
flow of the dancers and collaborative team of Exim is constant, new and exciting. Witness the next
generation of professional dance artists and performers.
For more information contact:
Marketing Tools
Exim have a strong online image and presence through our use of social media and our strong
portfolio of images. As avid facebookers, tweeters and bloggers our online audience is around
1500 and growing. This is how most of our marketing will be done; through social media and
direct email and mailchimp invites to our performances. In addition to utilising social media we
have a range of printed marketing available for venues.
Press Release: Available on request from
A5 Flyers: Available on request from
A4 and A3 posters: Available on request from
Promotional Tour Trailer: Additional footage of the company’s work which may prove useful in giving a taste of what the
work looks like aesthetically:
Gallery of images: For additional images please go to our flicker page:
E-flyer: Available on request from
Company website:
Facebook page: Exim Dance Company
Twitter: @Eximdance
Instagram: @eximdance
Vimeo: Exim Dance -
Youtube: Exim Dance Company -
For more information contact:
Contact Information
Company Address
Exim Dance Company CIC
C/O Plymouth School of Creative Arts
22 Millbay Road
Company Website
Company Artistic Director - Claire Summers
Press and PR – Daisy Harrison
07792 305 466
Tour Booking – Daisy Harrison
Choreography Adam Benjamin
Music Mathew Emmett, Andy Cowton and Eduardo Miranda
Costume Design Kayley Taylor
Lighting Design Charlotte Burton and Tim Hardy
Performers Laura Henry, Emma Pendle, Michael Williams and Kevin French
Film: Kayla Parker
Film sound: Stuart Moore
Images: Claire Summers
Rehearsal Director: Claire Summers
For more information contact:
When mentioning The Birth of Memory please use the following credits:
Headline credit: Exim Dance Company presents
Additional Credit: Exim Dance Company are supported by Plymouth University, Plymouth Dance
and The Barbican Theatre.
Please do not abbreviate any company names.
Please credit all images as labeled in the supplied contact sheet or as files are named. These will
be Claire Summers.
Please let Exim Dance Company approve all material featuring their logo.
The company will provide their own programmes for the shows which will be available free of
charge to audience members.
For more information contact:
For more information contact:
Brochure Copy
Exim Dance Company
The Birth of Memory
Age recommendation: All (no nudity or bad
Running time: 30 mins
This inclusive piece draws on influences of film, music and the dancer’s contributions to
explore how memories are locked within the body. Choreographed by Adam Benjamin.
[30 word description]
Memories become locked within our bodies.
Effort is required to find time in the present
to remember the past.
Award winning choreographer Adam Benjamin delicately explores this concept, focusing on
human relationships in a way which is exposing and unpredictable, but also at times comical.
The work draws on film by Kayla Parker and music by Eduardo Miranda, Matthew Emmet and
Andy Cowton. The choreography is heavily influenced by the contributions of dance artists,
Emma Pendle, Laura Henry, Mike Williams and particularly the raw, indefinable movement
quality of dancer Kevin French whose muscles and speech are affected by cerebral palsy.
‘Just beautiful’
Preview Tour Audience Member
‘Striking performers in a striking performance.’
Preview Tour audience Member
‘Distinctive, refined yet sensitive.’
Preview Tour Audience Member
For more information email
For more information contact: