Hillsborough Garden Club 2013 – 2014 Scrapbook
Hillsborough Garden Club 2013 – 2014 Scrapbook
Hillsborough Garden Club 2013 – 2014 Scrapbook Hillsborough Garden Club ~Milestones for the Year~ HGC member Cathy Owens and husband, Bill Bailey, announce the arrival of Alexandria Adeline Owens- Bailey Born: Feb 18, 2014 at 5:22 am Weight: 1 pound 3 ounces Length: 10 inches Membership in the Hillsborough Garden Club went over 60 members 65 members to start the 2014 – 2015 year Hillsborough Garden Club 2013 – 2014 ~ Meetings ~ September 2013 Witherspoon Roses Rhonda and David Pike October 2013 Home and Garden of Trish Koontz Trish Koontz “Welcome to my garden” November 2013 Inspired by the presentation on Williamsburg Christmas Decor by Alice Moore, members got busy and decorated the Burwell School for the holidays. Adrienne Scurtu and Dolly Hunnell Christina Nova and Sue Taft Carolyn Bass and Ann Stickel Kate Faherty Helen Strayhorn Judy Roberts and Kay Goad December 2013 Fellowship Hall of McCoy’s Temple UHC in Efland, NC (Donna Mebane’s Church) Annual Cookie Exchange January 2014 Home of Diff Whitmore Phil Ray, a local tree expert, explained everything you need to know about keeping your treasured mature trees in good shape with proper pruning tools and techniques February 2014 Meeting cancelled due to snowstorm March 2014 Fellowship Hall of Hillsborough United Methodist Church Club member Karen MacAulay and her husband Mac presented a program about bluebirds and how to attract them to your garden. Karen and Mac are recognized experts in bluebird and butterfly habitats and preservation April 2014 Pocket garden tour of member’s gardens. Goodie bags containing water and snacks were provided by Pat Lopp and Linda Petrick. May 2014 Garden of Sue Taft and Laurie Renz (pictures from the May 2013 meeting) Scenes from their beautiful shade garden June 2014 Home and Garden of Kate Faherty Planning meeting and Potluck Luncheon Outdoor and indoor meeting, due to rain, followed by lunch in the garden HosteIn Kate Faherty New officers for the coming year (Dolly Hunnell, treasurer, not pictured) Catherine Phelps and Carolyn Bass Co-Presidents Marianne Wolf Recording Secretary Laura Simmons and Marcia Cameron Co-Vice Presidents Hillsborough Garden Club 2013 – 2014 ~ Projects ~ Hillsborough Garden Club Birds and Conservation Birds and Conservation member, Linda Ostrand (who has been a state and federally licensed wildlife rehabilitator for more than 25 years) has written several articles for the local newspaper. Here is one called: It’s Only a Crow Crows are our constant neighbors and definitely some of the smartest! Many recent studies of crows find that they can accomplish complex tasks and have the ability to use tools that was earlier thought impossible. They are tremendous hunters and help us to rid our yards and gardens of unwanted pests. Other recent studies show that the crow’s brain is the largest of most living things when compared to body size and that includes humans! The baby crow in the picture was found on the ground fending off some dogs allowed to run free. While he may look mature, you will note that his tail is just beginning to grow and without that he cannot fly. What you can’t see is that his parents (now missing) have not yet taught him to eat by himself. The bottom line is that he is helpless. Thanks to a kind gentleman in Hillsborough, this baby was saved from the dogs, starvation and brought to me. After only a brief examination it was clear that without immediate assistance this baby would have only hours to live. He was starving and critically dehydrated. Fluids had to be given immediately. Simply offering a drink would have served little purpose, so the fluids were administered subcutaneously (using a syringe and injecting the fluid under his skin). Offering food would likely have killed him. We humans, when trying to comfort other humans or animals, immediately tend to provide food or drink as comfort. While this is kind, it can prove fatal to both humans and animals if the body is too weak to metabolize them. All living things have bodies designed to keep us alive so in cases of severe starvation the body puts all its efforts into keeping the heart and lungs working. If it is suddenly forced to use strength to swallow and/or digest something; there well may be not enough strength to keep the heart beating. This is one reason rehabbers always say ‘Call us first’, and NEVER offer food. After the fluid under the skin has time to be taken in, which is remarkably fast, we begin to introduce a high protein liquid. However, with a bird, the food has to be given directly into the esophagus with a tube to avoid drowning the bird—food forced into the mouth alone can easily get into the lungs or choke the bird or animal to death. I recently took in two tiny thrashers, [local ground feeding birds the size of a large robin with a speckled chest’] each only a few days old. The cat bites were bad enough but the people who found them decided to feed them and forced whole sunflower seeds, beetles, berries and who knows what else into a throat no bigger than a thread of yarn! It would be the same as if we took a human baby only a few months old and tried to push a steak down his or her throat. I could easily see this mass through the skin and was able to move it up and out of their tiny bodies. Finally, if and when the bird or animal is stabilized (maybe days or weeks) a formula specially mixed for that species is begun. It’s necessary to know what foods will allow for development and ultimately will allow the creature to function on its own. A bird develops so fast that the body requires the right ingredients to form strong bones, well developed flight feathers and keen eyesight. If any one of those areas is not up to par that bird will likely not be able to make a living and soon die. Like any area of interest; there is always something to learn about our wild neighbors. If you would like to learn more, I am happy to come to your school, business or social groups and discuss how we can be better friends to our wild neighbors. Hillsborough Garden Club Community Activities Burwell School and Carrie Waitt Spurgeon Garden Report from Kate Faherty The Carrie Waitt Spurgeon Garden was established years ago at the Burwell School Historic Site in honor of Mrs. Spurgeon, an HGC member who had lived and gardened there. It continues to evolve as plants mature and new additions are made. Members of the Historic Hillsborough Commission carry out "work days" to maintain the garden. Ten HGC members have served on the Commission in recent years. The musk roses are thriving on the arch which was funded in part by the HGC. The rose arch and musk rose won a Preservation Award for Site Features and Plantings, from the Historic District Commission in 2012. The HCG conducted their November meeting at the School and installed wonderful Holiday decorations. (pictures can be found in the November meeting section of the scrapbook) On June 14, several HGC members donated lovely bouquets and flowers for the interior of the building for the Burwell Homecoming event. Hillsborough Garden Club Community Activities Planters Nine planters in Historic Hillsborough are planted by the HGC for the spring/summer and fall/winter seasons. During the summer months, members water the planters by the police station and town hall/water department. The others are watered by the Alliance, Burwell School and Museum. Hillsborough Garden Club Community Activities Solarium at Town Hall This year Ann Burton spearheaded our effort to tidy up the Solarium and remove unnecessary benches. We donated the benches to the Chamber of Commerce. A friend of Kay Goad's donated an 8 foot ficus tree and Terry Hackett from the Town staff went to Churton Grove to pick it up for us in his truck. A real group effort! The ficus tree is a lovely addition. We have a dedicated group who water and maintain the Solarium plants: Ann Burton, Marcia Cameron and I. I often get compliments and expression of appreciation for our efforts from the Town Hall staff. Binnie Davis Marcia Cameron watering the plants at the Town Hall Solarium Hillsborough Garden Club Community Activities Turnip Patch Park Maintaining the gardens at Turnip Patch Park has been a labor of love for Karen MacAulay. She mulched the gardens in the fall (with mulch provided by Linda Schmitt) and during the spring and summer has “tried to keep the Monarch Way Station up by pulling weeds, planting a couple of new plants and enlarging those gardens since the erosion on the little creek side is taking out some of that garden.” “The other two gardens need a lot of work. I have tried to replace rocks around them, but invariably many end up in the creek. This is an ongoing job. They have not been weeded to my knowledge and seem quite overgrown at this point. We need some dedicated gardeners to help with this.” Hillsborough Garden Club Community Activities Holiday Decorating - Orange County Public Library Holiday Decorating at the Library Scavenger Hunt in Children’s Section Hillsborough Garden Club Garden Therapy Florence Gray Soltys Adult Day Center The Garden Therapy Committee visits the Adult Day Center once a month. Activities this year included bringing gourds to play tic tac toe and then decorate, Halloween bingo and Jack-olantern masks, Thanksgiving turkey craft, holiday decorated Hershey kisses, sponge “Lincoln Logs” to build and toss, birds and the bees (and sheep) craft, rhythm instruments along with singing and dancing, bouquets of flowers, and working in the Center’s courtyard garden. Nancy Espersen Hillsborough Garden Club Junior Garden Club Pathways Elementary School Projects and Activities September – applied and received “Bright Ideas” grant ($1,500) for trees that will be planted in the Fall of 2014. February – Role of Pollinators (Part 1 – Bees) Presentation by Orange County Beekeeper and honey tasting. October – Role of Trees in EcoSystem. Weeded garden, dug potatoes and planted onions and garlic. March – Role of Pollinators (Part 2 – Birds and Butterflies) Made butterflies out of magazine pages and pipe cleaners. Created wreaths for 4 third grade teachers. November – Role of Fruit and Seeds in EcoSystem. Made birdfeeders out of toilet paper rolls, peanut butter and bird seed. January – Role of Rocks and Soil in the EcoSystem. Started plants using pineapple tops and avocado pits. April – Review of Pollinators and Role of Flowers in EcoSystem. Made sunflowers using paper towel tubs, construction paper and sunflower seeds. Weeded garden May – Compost/Composting. Weeded garden and checked on progress of seedlings. Hillsborough Garden Club Scholarship Committee Every year I contact either the guidance department or the ag teacher at each of the 2 local high schools (Orange High and Cedar Ridge) for recommendations. Two scholarships of $250 each are presented by either me or the teacher at the school’s awards ceremony. This year's recipients were Ms. Dare Spain from Cedar Ridge and Jayme Parham from Orange High School who will be attending Alamance Community College in the Ag program. Marianne Wolf Hillsborough Garden Club Scrapbook Committee This year’s scrapbook will be in a new format. Instead of the binder version we have used in the past, a PDF will be emailed to members so they can have a record of what happened the past year in Garden Club. Nancy Espersen Hillsborough Garden Club District 9 Annual Meeting October 17, 2013 Table decorations designed by HGC members honoring District 9 Officers and Committee Chairs Arbor Day Celebration November 20, 2013 Tree Planting at Gold Park Planting of the white oak which was donated by the HGC. Linda Ostrand, Co-President of the HGC; Pascale Mittendorf, Tree Board and Mayor Tom Stevens. Hillsborough Garden Club National Garden Week – Bouquets for Meals On Wheels 30 cups Flowers from our gardens Cheerful and talented arrangers (Linda O, Mary Ann, Sarah M, Judy, Pat) In under an hour – 30 bouquets With M-O-W Director, Emily Corley Hillsborough Garden Club Members Participating in the Cleanup of the Old Town Cemetery June 7, 2014 Sarah came dressed to be protected from the poison ivy Quadrant Captain Karen Linda and Sarah showing a 100 year old rose bush that had been hidden under all of the ivy. Hillsborough Garden Club 2013 – 2014 ~ Awards ~ Hillsborough Garden Club Awards – 2013 Decorating at the Burwell School, library and private homes. Third Place – Club of the Year Hillsborough Garden Club Awards – 2013 Yearbook First Place - District 9 Second Place – North Carolina Flower Show at the 2013 Hillsborough Garden Tour Hillsborough Garden Club Awards – 2013 2013 Garden Tour Mac and Karen MacAulay’s presentation on butterflies and the Turnip Patch Park Monarch Way Station garden. Hillsborough Garden Club Awards – 2013 Kitchen container garden planted at the Berry Brick House by the Junior Garden Club for the 2013 Hillsborough Garden Tour Hillsborough Garden Club 2013 – 2014 ~ Minutes ~ HILLSBOROUGH GARDEN CLUB MINUTES – SEPTEMBER 12, 2013 The Hillsborough Garden Club kicked off the 2013-2014 season at the Witherspoon Rose Culture location at 3312 Watkins Road in Durham. Refreshments were served at 9:30 by hostesses Betty Hanway and Rhonda Pike. The meeting was called to order at 10:00 by Co-Presidents Linda Schmitt and Linda Ostrand, who led in reciting the Conservation Pledge. The June minutes had been emailed to members for review before the meeting. A motion was made by Marcella Gross to accept the minutes as written. A second was made by Ann Gleason and the minutes were accepted unanimously by the members. The Treasurer’s report was presented by Treasurer Dolly Hunnell. OLD BUSINESS: Linda Ostrand stated that all members were to sign up to serve on at least two committees or areas of service for the Garden Club and passed out sign-up sheets for anyone who had not already selected their areas of service for this year. She thanked everyone who had taken responsibility for watering the planters in downtown Hillsborough during the summer. New yearbooks for 2013-2014 were passed out to all members present. Appreciation to all who worked on the yearbook was shared. Thanks to Sue Waters for the cover and to Jan Irwin for the contents. NEW BUSINESS: Linda Ostrand announced that we would begin planning for our next Hillsborough Garden Tour which will be held in May of 2015. All members are encouraged to help plan and participate in this important fund raising event which we host every two years. At the conclusion of these announcements, we adjourned the business meeting and Linda introduced David Pike, owner of Witherspoon Rose Culture, who presented a very informative program about growing roses and then explained to us to the various areas of his rose culture nursery where we were allowed to take an extensive tour. Respectfully submitted, Judy Roberts, Secretary HILLSBOROUGH GARDEN CLUB MINUTES - OCTOBER 10, 2013 (as revised 11-12-13) The October meeting of the Hillsborough Garden Club took place on Thursday, October 10, 2013, at the home of Trish Koontz. Refreshments, provided by hostesses Ann Gleason and Janie Trumbull, were served from 9:30-10:00 a.m. The business meeting was called to order at 10:00 a.m. by Co-President Linda Schmitt. She welcomed members who recently joined and then led the club in the Conservation Pledge. Because Secretary Judy Roberts is recovering from surgery, the minutes of the September meeting have not yet been distributed and will be reviewed at a later date. Jan Irwin is taking minutes at today’s meeting in Judy’s absence. Club members send a hearty get-well greeting to Judy with the hopes that she will be fully recovered very soon! Treasurer Dolly Hunnell reported a current bank balance of $6,368.90. She also reported that: The Executive Committee voted to hold $1,000 as “seed money” for the next Spring Garden Tour. We received a donation from member Jo Barbour. Thank-you notes have been received from last spring’s two scholarship winners, Hannah Gibbs and Kendall Tudor. The Club made its annual donation of $200 to the Burwell School and also paid the school $75 to repair damage to a tabletop that was caused during last May’s flower show. The Club made its annual donation of mums to the VA hospital. OLD BUSINESS District Meeting, Oct. 17 Andrea Lewis reminded members of the District 9 annual meeting set for next Thursday, Oct. 17, at the North Carolina Botanical Gardens, from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. The Orange Council of Garden Clubs is serving as host for the event, and all members are encouraged to attend. Thanks to members who signed up to create centerpieces, make table cards, provide decorations, and help with setup and cleanup. The event includes lunch, the cost is $30, and advance reservations are required. Contact District 9 Director Heidi Sawyer-Clark at 919-942-4622 for tickets and information. Tree Planting, Arbor Day, Nov. 20 We voted at our last meeting to purchase a tree to be planted at Gold Park. As suggested by the Hillsborough Tree Board, we will buy a white oak at a cost of $150 for the tree, mulch and a protective barrier to prevent damage from lawnmowers, etc. The planting will take place during the Arbor Day celebration on Nov. 20. Proposed Amendment A subcommittee is still working on a proposed amendment to our by-laws so that they reflect current practice regarding the titles of our officers and the frequency of their election. That proposal is expected to be ready for presentation at our November meeting. NEW BUSINESS Junior Garden Club, Oct. 21 This month’s Junior Garden Club presentation and activity will take place at Pathways Elementary School on Monday, Oct. 21 beginning at 8:20 a.m. We are tying lessons for our third graders to the NC state science curriculum, and this month’s program will cover the role of the ecosystem. Some members signed up at our October meeting to help, but others are needed to help with activities for an inside craft and outdoor projects featuring planting, soil sampling, and digging up previously planted potatoes. NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY! Contact Andrea Lewis at 919-732-6762 if you can help. Next month’s Junior Garden Club activity at Pathways is scheduled for Monday, Nov. 18; but unlike the October meeting, the November meeting will begin at 12:30 p.m. Garden Therapy, Oct. 24 Nancy Espersen, Gladys Elliott, Pat Revels, and Christina Nova will be visiting the Adult Day Center on Thursday, October 24 at 10:30 a.m. A Halloween-themed program of activities is being planned. Turnip Patch Workday, Oct. 28 Karen MacAulay is asking for help at Turnip Patch Park and suggested two dates. More members in attendance favored Monday, Oct. 28, so that is the day for the workday there. Please gather at 1:00 p.m. and bring work gloves and a few normal gardening tools. And please remember, many hands make light work, and our labors can help prepare the park for the winter. Chapel Hill Garden Club Meeting, Nov. 19 Our members are invited to attend the meeting of the Chapel Hill Garden Club on Tuesday, Nov. 19 at 10:00 a.m. The program is on flower arranging and the cost is $5.00, in advance only. Location and contact information will be provided at our November meeting, or watch your email for additional notices. Candlelight Tour Decorating, Nov. 21 and Dec. 5/6 The annual Hillsborough Christmas parade is scheduled for Saturday, Dec. 7, and the Candlelight Tour of Homes will take place on Sunday, Dec. 8. As in the past, our Club is helping decorate the library as well as some of the homes on the tour, and a sign-up sheet will be available at our November meeting. We plan to decorate the library on Thursday, Nov. 21 at 1:00 p.m., and other sites on Dec. 5 and 6 at 1:00 p.m. Touring Trish’s Gardens At the conclusion of the business meeting, members enjoyed touring the wonderful gardens, beds and special creations surrounding Trish’s home. Trish shared with us her experiences of living on the property for just over 20 years, her dedication to preserving the ecosystem, how various areas were developed over time, how loss of trees to Hurricane Fran changed much of the property, how this year’s addition of a deer fence around the entire property has changed her life and her gardens, and how she has been blessed with the gifts of Mother Nature. She also said she will announce some dates that she will have the property “open for visitors” if we would like to come back – and we agreed we would! Respectfully submitted, Jan Irwin for Secretary Judy Roberts HILLSBOROUGH GARDEN CLUB MINUTES - NOVEMBER 14, 2013 The November meeting of the Hillsborough Garden Club met at the Burwell School on Thursday, November 14, 2013. A social time with refreshments provided by Kim Richardson was held before the meeting, beginning at 9:30 a.m. Co-President Linda Schmitt called the business meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. and led the group in reciting the Conservation Pledge. Minutes from the October meeting had been prepared and sent to everyone before the meeting by Jan Irwin. There were no changes or additions made to the minutes and they were approved and accepted as written. Treasurer Dolly Hunnell gave the Treasurer’s Report stating that we had a balance of $ 6,011.50 at the end of October. She asked that anyone who wished to order a green apron to wear at Garden Club events pay her $5 today so she could place the final order for this year. The following guests were introduced and invited to join the club: Holly Reid, Adrian Scurtu (a former member), Bernadette Scott (an out of town visitor), Carolyn Davis, and Donna Musson. OLD BUSINESS: Linda Schmitt explained to the membership that we have prepared amendments to two sections of our bylaws to reflect current practice, and that (per the bylaws) we will discuss/vote on them at the December meeting. Details of these amendments have been emailed to everyone to review before the next meeting. NEW BUSINESS: With the 2013 Christmas Tour scheduled for Sunday, December 7, Linda asked for volunteers to assist with decorating the following locations: (1) (2) (3) The Orange County Library on Thursday, November 21 at 1:00 p.m. Nancy Espersen’s home, Thursday December 7 at 1:00 p.m. Holly Reid’s home, Friday, December 8 at 9:30 a.m. Kate Faherty extended a genuine Thank You to the Hillsborough Garden Club from the Historic Hillsborough Commission, the organization that owns and operates The Burwell School. She expressed appreciation for the Garden Club’s participation in the creation of the Spurgeon Garden and for the $200 donation made to help care for the grounds. Linda Schmitt announced that thanks to the artistic ability of artist, Sue Waters, and editing of Jan Irwin, we won a Blue Ribbon for our 2013-2014 yearbook. Also, our club won a Bright Ideas grant for $1,200 for the Junior Garden Club. Andrea and Linda Schmitt thanked all the Garden Club members that helped with the decorations for the Orange County Council of Garden Clubs District Meeting. Andrea Lewis recognized and thanked Alice Moore for being the artist that painted the beautiful blue azure butterfly on the District Meeting program cover. Karen MacAulay thanked members who had recently worked at Turnip Patch Park and helped to clean and maintain the grounds. Andrea Lewis announced that the Tree Board will be planting a white oak tree on November 20 at 1:00 in Gold Park in celebration of Arbor Day and invited members to attend the event. All members were invited to participate in the next Junior Garden Club meeting which will be held at Pathways Elementary School on Monday, November 18, at 10:30 a.m. Volunteers were also asked to participate on Thursday, November 21 at 10:30 a.m. with Garden Therapy activities at the Senior Day Care Center in Hillsborough. With no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 11:00 a.m. The November program was presented by Hillsborough Garden Club members Alice Moore and Linda Schmitt. Alice presented an educational and informative history of historic Williamsburg in Virginia and how the traditions of Colonial Williamsburg Christmas decorations were created. She and Linda provided examples of traditional Williamsburg decorations. Then Garden Club members divided into teams and decorated the doors, mantels, staircases, and various other rooms and locations around the Burwell School for the Christmas holidays in the Williamsburg manner. Respectfully submitted, Judy Roberts, Secretary HILLSBOROUGH GARDEN CLUB MINUTES - DECEMBER 12, 2013 The December meeting of the Hillsborough Garden Club met on Thursday, December 12, 2013, in the Fellowship Hall of McCoy’s Temple UHC in Efland, NC. Refreshments were served at 9:30 by hostesses Donna Mebane, Dolly Hunnell, and Janie Trumbull. The business meeting was called to order at 10:00 by Co-President Linda Ostrand. Linda then led in the recitation of the Conservation Pledge. Linda recognized a guest for the morning, Marie McAdoo, Donna Mebane’s aunt. She welcomed returning member Pip Merrick who has been out of the country for several months and also Mary Fox who was an active member of the Hillsborough Garden Club for several decades and is now returning to the club. Secretary Judy Roberts had sent a copy of the November minutes to members before the meeting for review. There were no additions or corrections made to the minutes. Donna Mebane moved that the minutes be accepted as written. This was seconded by Marianne Wolf. The minutes were approved unanimously. Dolly Hunnell, Treasurer, reported the balance in our account on November 30, 2013 was $6,328.30. After paying outstanding bills on December 6, the current balance in the account is $5,928.20. OLD BUSINESS: The amendments to the By-Laws concerning Life Membership and the election of co-presidents and/or co- vice presidents were rewritten by Jan Irwin and presented to the club in November. Written copies of the amendments were sent to all members for review. Andrea Lewis made a motion to accept the amendments as proposed. The motion was seconded by Janie Trumbull. The motion was unanimously accepted. A copy of the By-Laws with the amended statements is attached to these minutes. NEW BUSINESS: Linda Ostrand asked members to report on the number of new types of plants they planted in 2013 so this information could be included in our 2013 Club Annual Report. She requested that all members review what they had planted this year and email her with the total number of dogwood trees and crepe myrtles planted, and the total number of new species plants, trees, or bulbs planted this year. These plantings should only be reported if they are NEW to the person who planted them on their current site. Andrea Lewis announced that she had a supply of daffodil bulbs available for sale at 50% off the regular price. Anyone wishing to purchase bulbs should meet her at her car after the meeting. They can still be planted before the end of December. Linda Schmitt thanked everyone who opened their homes, who helped to decorate some of the houses or other locations, and/or served as docents for the Candlelight Tour on Sunday, December 8, 2013. Although the weather was cold and damp, about 200 tickets were sold for the tour. Linda Ostrand reported that the Hillsborough Garden Club donated a white oak tree during the Arbor Day Festival. The Tree Board planted the white oak and 12 trees in Gold Park and surrounding locations. The Tree Board of Hillsborough has applied for recognition as Tree City, USA. Jan Irwin introduced three items that were donated as door prizes for this Christmas meeting. The winners of the door prize drawing were as follows: Pip Merrick – A 2014 Vision of Beauty Calendar sold by the National Garden Club Mary Fox – A 2013 Swallowtail Nature Ornament, sold by the Garden Club of NC Jan Irwin -- A ticket to the 2014 Chapel Hill Spring Garden Club Tour Before adjournment, the following announcements were made: 2013/2014 Yearbooks for members that have not already received them are available at the end of this meeting. Member Betty Hanway has moved to Florida. Her new contact information is: Betty Hanway 4540 Bee Ridge Road, Villa #6 Waterside Sarasota, FL 34233 jbhannord@msn.com With no further business to discuss, the president adjourned the meeting at 11:00. The remainder of the morning was spent in exchanging a delightful array of Christmas cookies and fellowship. Respectfully submitted, Judy Roberts, Secretary HILLSBOROUGH GARDEN CLUB MINUTES - JANUARY 9, 2014 The January meeting of the Hillsborough Garden Club met on Thursday, January 9, 2014, at the home of Diff Whitmore, 125 W. Queen Street, Hillsborough, NC. Refreshments were served beginning at 9:30 by hostesses Marcia Cameron and Janie Trumbull (hostess Trish Koontz was out sick with pneumonia). At 10:00 the business meeting was called to order by co-president Linda Ostrand. Linda then led the group in reciting the Conservation Pledge. Linda was happy to welcome garden club member Penny VanDeWater back. Penny has been inactive for the past two years due to health concerns. The December minutes had been sent electronically before the meeting to the membership for all to read. Linda asked if there were any corrections or additions to the minutes. There were none. Marcella Gross moved they be accepted. The motion was seconded by Donna Mebane and approved unanimously. Treasurer Dolly Hunnell reported that our checking account had a balance of $5,823.11 on 12/31/13. She announced that it was time for annual dues of $20 to be paid so they could be submitted by March. Checks made out to the Hillsborough Garden Club in the amount of $20 can be mailed to her at this address: Hillsborough Garden Club Attn: Dolly Hunnell, Secretary 201 Southwind Lane Hillsborough, NC 27278 Dolly also had green aprons available for those members who had ordered them at a recent meeting. OLD BUSINESS: There was no Old Business to discuss. NEW BUSINESS: Karen MacAulay, Chairman of the Birds and Conservation Committee, presented an article about birds and cats and pointed out a table of Organic Garden Magazines available for members to share. Andrea Lewis brought copies of the Triangle Gardener devoted to Winter Gardens for members to share also. Kim Richardson reported that we need more gardens in town to view for our April Pocket Garden Tour of Hillsborough. Anyone interested in being part of the tour should contact her at 919-296-9038. Linda Schmitt invited all club members to come to the Pathways Elementary School on Monday morning, January 12, at 8:20 a.m. to assist the Jr. Garden Club members. The project of the day is to assist Andrea Lewis and Linda Schmitt teach the third grade classes about preparing new plants from table scraps of vegetables through rooting and seeding processes. Linda Schmitt announced that the Executive Board will meet on Wednesday, January 15 at 1:00 p.m. at the home of Linda Ostrand at 144 N. Wake Street. The meeting was adjourned at 11:00. Andrea Lewis introduced Phil Ray, a local tree expert, who then presented our January program – a workshop explaining everything you need to know about keeping your treasured mature trees in good shape with proper pruning tools and techniques. Respectfully submitted, Judy Roberts, Secretary HILLSBOROUGH GARDEN CLUB MINUTES - MARCH 13, 2014 The March meeting of the Hillsborough Garden Club met on Thursday, March 13, 2014, in the Fellowship Hall of Hillsborough United Methodist Church, 130 W. Tryon Street in Hillsborough. A social time with refreshments provided by hostesses Andrea Lewis and Mary Ann Peter began at 9:30 a.m. The business meeting was called to order at 10:00 a.m. by Co-President Linda Ostrand, who then led the group in reciting the Conservation Pledge. Linda then welcomed everyone and introduced a guest she had invited – Phyllis Harris. Ann Gleason introduced her guest, Marian Horn, from Durham. Since the minutes had been emailed prior to the meeting to all members, Linda asked if anyone had additions or corrections to the previous minutes. There were no changes. Marcia Cameron moved that the minutes be accepted. The motion was seconded by Laura Simmons and accepted unanimously. The Treasurer’s report was given by Dolly Hunnell who stated that our bank balance the end of February was $6,432.88. OLD BUSINESS: The Executive Committee met after our January meeting to discuss the validity of our club registering for status as a non-profit organization. After researching all the pros and cons of becoming a non-profit, the committee decided that there were not enough advantages to us to register as a non-profit at this time. NEW BUSINESS: Linda Schmitt sent an invitation to everyone in our club to attend our first meeting to begin planning for the 2015 Hillsborough Garden Tour. The meeting will be held on Thursday, March 20, at 1:00 p.m. in the Chamber of Commerce Conference Room in the brick building across from the Sportsplex. There will be opportunities for everyone to find a way to serve as we plan our major fundraiser. Linda also brought to our attention that our Garden Club brochure, which is on display at the Visitors’ Center, has not been updated in the past two years. Our Co-Presidents Linda Ostrand and Linda Schmitt will begin preparing a new brochure. Anyone who has suggestions is asked to provide those ideas to them as soon as possible so we can get the brochure revised and reprinted. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Marcella Gross announced there will be a plant sale on April 5, 2013 at the Duke Garden Center from 9:00-12:00. Andrea Lewis gave a report from the Orange County Council and announced the Garden Club of North Carolina annual meeting that will be held in Winston-Salem April 13-15. She had registration forms available at the meeting or suggested members could go online at www.gardenclubofnc.org to register. Andrea then announced that the committee working with the Junior Garden Club at Pathways Elementary School is ordering trees with money from the “Bright Ideas” grant. This committee will help students plant cool season seeds in the garden in front of the school and present a class on “pollinators” in the spring meetings. On April 3-4 local artists will be displaying their work in an “Art Imitating Art” show in Chapel Hill. The Chapel Hill Garden Tour of 2014 will be held May 3-4. On Saturday, May 10, the Blount-Bridgers Museum in Tarboro, is hosting a garden symposium at the Calvary Episcopal Church, listed on the National Registry of Historic Places. Judy Roberts announced that several of our members had recently had surgery or health difficulties. She has emailed opportunities for members to sign up to carry meals to Amanda McBride, Ann Burton, Donna Mebane, and soon to Helen Strayhorn to encourage them through their time of recovery. Various members made announcements about activities in our community outside of our Garden Club events. Members were encouraged to seek them after the meeting for additional information about their announcements. With no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 11:00. Our speakers for the day, Karen and Mac MacAulay, were introduced to present a program discussing the resurgence of beautiful bluebirds and how to attract them to your yard. Karen is a member of the Hillsborough Garden Club, and she and Mac are recognized experts in bluebird and butterfly habitats and preservation. Respectfully submitted, Judy Roberts, Secretary HILLSBOROUGH GARDEN CLUB MINUTES - APRIL 10, 2014 The April meeting of the Hillsborough Garden Club was held on April 10, 2014, at the home of Co-President, Linda Ostrand. Refreshments were served at 9:30 a.m., supplied by hostesses Pat Lopp and Linda Petrick. The business meeting was called to order at 10:00 a.m. by Co-President Linda Ostrand. Linda led in the recitation of the Hillsborough Garden Club Collect. Guests for the day were introduced: Kim Casadonte and Patty Lumen. Secretary Judy Roberts had emailed the March minutes to all members ahead of time for review. There were no revisions or additions, so the March minutes were accepted as presented. Treasurer Dolly Hunnell gave the Treasurer’s report. We have 60 members for the 2014-2015 season. The current balance in our checking account is $6,312.88. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Linda Schmitt reported that there will be a planning meeting for the 2016 Garden Tour Committee at the Chamber of Commerce Office at 1:00 p.m. on Thursday, April 17. All garden club members are encouraged to attend. Kate Faherty announced the Burwell School annual dinner, dance and auction fundraiser will be held on Friday, May 9 at the Burwell School. Tickets are available at $35 per person. With no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned for our April Program – a Walking Tour of Pocket Gardens in Hillsborough. Respectfully submitted, Judy Roberts, Secretary HILLSBOROUGH GARDEN CLUB MINUTES – May 8, 2014 The May meeting of the Hillsborough Garden Club met on Thursday, May 8, 2014, at the home of Laurie Renz and Sue Taft at 1732 Spring Lily Lane in Fox Hill Farm, Hillsborough. Refreshments were provided by Nancy Espersen and Evelyn Poole-Kober on the back deck at 9:30 a.m. The meeting was called to order at 10:00 a.m. by Co-President Linda Ostrand. Linda then led the group in reciting the Conservation Pledge. Two visitors were welcomed – Laurie Renz introduced her sister and Kim Richardson introduced Linda Leikin. Minutes from the April meeting had been sent to all members before the meeting to be reviewed. There were no additions or corrections to be made and a motion was made and seconded that they be accepted as written. The motion passed unanimously. Treasurer Dolly Hunnell reported that the balance in our bank account is $6,462.93. OLD BUSINESS: Co-Vice President Amanda McBride announced that our June meeting will be June 12 at the home of Kate Faherty. This will be a potluck picnic. She passed around a sign up sheet for people to indicate the type of dish they would provide for the potluck. She announced that everyone should plan to bring their own plate and utensils. Linda Ostrand then passed around a sign up sheet for volunteers to select a date they could water the three flower pots in front of the Hillsborough Police Station during the months of May through August. Linda announced that Nancy Espersen has agreed to design a new brochure for the Hillsborough Garden Club that can be placed on the racks at the Visitors Center to introduce visitors to our organization. NEW BUSINESS: Andrea Lewis and Kay Goad announced that they attended the State Garden Club meeting in Greensboro in April. They reported that our club had been awarded $100 in awards and made the Honor Roll. They will bring the awards to the June meeting. Linda Schmitt, who could not attend the meeting, submitted a request that we discuss how to resolve a problem with the mondo grass we planted in front of the library. During the cold winter, maintenance trucks often put salt on the street before ice storms. The salt was then sprayed or splattered on the plants by passing vehicles causing damage to the plants. Other damage has been done by dogs and people walking on the grass. Members were asked to consider an alternative plant or surface that could be used in the area now covered with the mondo grass. A sub-committee of the following members will meet and bring suggestions to the June meeting: Sally Boericke, Laura Simmons, and Karen MacAulay. All members were asked to put the next meeting to plan the 2015 Garden Tour on their calendars. This meeting will be held at the Chamber of Commerce office across from the SportsPlex on Thursday, May 29 at 2:00 p.m. All members are invited to participate. Karen MacAulay reminded everyone that her daughter Cindy Pacchiana has invited the members of our Garden Club and their friends to once again tour her private garden at Longview located at 2812 New Hope Church Road on Thursday morning, May 29, at 10:00 a.m. Linda Ostrand announced the slate of new Garden Club officers for the 2014-2015 year. Co-Presidents: Catherine Phelps Carolyn Bass Co-VP’s: Laura Simmons Marcia Cameron Secretary: Marianne Wolf Treasurer: Dolly Hunnell These officers will be installed at the June meeting. Members were reminded that at the June meeting we will discuss the success of the past season programs and plan for the programs we would like to have for the future year. Bring your suggestions for topics and possible speakers. Andrea Lewis announced that the last Junior Garden Club meeting at Pathways Elementary School will be held Monday morning, May 19th at 8:30 a.m. Andrea will be teaching the students about composting and other members will help students weed and work in their outside vegetable and flower garden and help make a craft project in one of the classrooms. Linda Ostrand announced that the first week of June is National Garden Week. Our club plans to meet at her home at 10:00 a.m. on Monday, June 2, with flowers picked from our personal gardens to help prepare 12 bouquets to deliver to a variety of official offices around the town of Hillsborough to show our appreciation to them. Nancy Espersen suggested that we also prepare small bouquets for people who receive Meals on Wheels – about 30 people. The official business meeting was adjourned at 11:00 a.m. Linda Ostrand introduced our hosts Laurie Renz and Sue Taft who presented a very informative program about “Shade Gardening” and then led us around their beautiful personal “Shade Garden.” Respectfully submitted, Judy Roberts, Secretary HILLSBOROUGH GARDEN CLUB MINUTES - JUNE 12, 2014 The June meeting of the Hillsborough Garden Club met on Thursday, June 12, 2014 at the home of Kate Faherty at 108 S. Hillsborough Avenue. Co-President Linda Ostrand called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. and led the club in reciting the Conservation Pledge. Guests were introduced and welcomed. Guests for this month were Phyllis Harris, Diane Moore (a previous Garden Club member), and Pat McDonald, Kate Faherty’s mother. The May minutes had been sent to members prior to the meeting for reading. Since there were no additions or corrections to be made, Diff Whitmore moved that the minutes be accepted as written. Marianne Wolf seconded the motion. The minutes were accepted unanimously. Treasurer Dolly Hunnell reported that the balance in our account at the end of May was $5,823.74. Marianne Wolf reported that she had presented two $250 Horticulture Scholarships this spring -one to Jayme Parham, a senior at Orange High School, and one to Dare Leigh Spain, a senior at Cedar Ridge High School. Linda passed around lists of all standing committees for all members to sign up for the two areas where they plan to serve during the upcoming year. OLD BUSINESS: Sally Boericke reported for the sub-committee selected to work on a solution to the areas in front of the Hillsborough Library where we had planted mondo grass. The grass has been destroyed by pedestrians and destructive winter weather. The committee suggested extending the brick pavers into this area with grates around the crepe myrtles to improve the aesthetics and utility and to decrease the maintenance of the area. The strip where we had planted the grass belongs to the Hillsborough Historic District Commission. They will take responsibility for the pavers. If there is any money left over at the end of this budget year, they will apply money to putting brick pavers in the strip where the grass had been planted. If there is no money this year, the Commission will put this project in next year’s budget. Karen MacAulay reported that the Turnip Patch Garden and the Butterfly Garden both need some care. She requested that members take responsibility for helping to maintain these two public gardens as they walk around town. There will be a joint meeting on Tuesday, June 17, 2014, at the Chamber of Commerce office of the Hillsborough Garden Club and the Arts Council to continue making preliminary plans for the Hillsborough Garden Tour. All members are invited to come to participate. NEW BUSINESS: Andrea Lewis announced that the Hillsborough Garden Club had been presented several national, state, and district awards and ribbons this past year. She then thanked the retiring Garden Club officers for their faithful service over the years. In introducing the new officers in the installation service, she compared each one of them to a type of chocolate and then gave them a chocolate gift to enjoy. The officers installed for the 2014-2015 year are: Co-Presidents - Catherine Phelps Carolyn Bass Co-Vice Presidents - Marcia Cameron Laura Simmons Secretary - Marianne Wolf Treasurer - Dolly Hunnell ANNOUNCEMENTS: Linda Ostrand announced that the new and old officers would meet at her home on Monday, June 23, 2014, for a Board of Directors Meeting. Binnie Davis has just had hip replacement surgery. Judy Roberts volunteered to contact Binnie and to follow-up with Donna Mebane who has been taking chemotherapy for cervical cancer to see how we can serve them during their time of health challenges. She will contact members if we need to set up a schedule for meals or rides to treatments or therapy. The meeting was adjourned at 11:00 so that the members could enjoy a lovely pot luck lunch picnic on Kate’s patio. Respectfully submitted, Judy Roberts, Secretary Hillsborough Garden Club 2013 - 2014 Budget and Expenditures and 2014 - 2015 Budget Community Beautification Budget 2013-2014 $350 Actual Expenditures $301.65 New Budget 2014-2015 $350 Program/Speaker/Supplies $350 $116.64 $300 Yearbook $325 $306.74 $350 Citizenship Award $500 $500.00 $500 Contributions to Local Org $250 $300.00 $500 Miscellaneous $200 $54.79 $200 President's Expense $100 $0.00 $100 Consolations & Memorials $100 $0.00 $100 $50 $50.00 $50 Garden Therapy $150 $117.89 $250 Junior Garden Club $200 $46.86 $150 Special Events (Tea, etc) $150 $20.00 $150 $2,725 $1,814.57 $3,000 Donations to St Projects Total