Daniel Parme Daniel Parme - Pennsylvania Taxidermist Association
Daniel Parme Daniel Parme - Pennsylvania Taxidermist Association
nndd kkee CCaabb ee eerrm iid x myy W d a x T a ’’ss T Best of Show Wee ee a lla 2nd Place People’s Choice Award Cabela’s Manager’s Choice Award Cabelas’s Employee Choice Award WASCO Award McKenzie Taxidermist Choice Award Bird Best of Category Master Waterfowl Da n i e l P a r m e r RReeaamstown, PPA A mstown, PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Hi Everyone, My time is up. I’ve reached my three year term as president, and this being my last President’s Message I would like to thank the board of directors and all the members of our association for supporting me as your president. I have learned so much in the past three years and have enjoyed meeting so many of our members and many others in our industry as a whole. Throughout my term I have always tried to keep an open mind about what was expected of me and I hope to see the positive changes continue within our association. I still plan on being active in our association, whether it be in a board position or as a committee member. I’m hoping for this year’s state show to be one of the best! Take care and God Bless, 2015-2016 President… Robert (Hutch) Hutchinson (’16) 129 Water Street Mt. Pleasant, PA 15666 (724) 547-6882 Shop (724) 547-2888 Home hutchandamy833@zoominternet.net Vice-President… Jason J. Krause (’16) 236 Covered Bridge Road Pine Grove, PA 17963 (570) 345-3664 Shop (570) 691-7632 Cell krausestaxidermy@hotmail.com Secretary… Jessica Simmons (’17) 1124 Kiester Road Slippery Rock, PA 16057 (724) 738-0236 Home joeps951@embarqmail.com Treasurer… Patti Czerniakowski (’17) PO Box 381 Reedsville, PA 17084 (717) 667-3396 Home (717) 437-5734 Cell hcl85@yahoo.com FIND US ON FACEBOOK! Look for Hutch PA TAXIDERMY ASSOCIATION Copyright 2015 The Pennsylvania Taxidermist Association Inc. Directors… Rod Connelly (’16) Richard Nagle (’17) Tim Jordan (’16) Joe Simmons (’17) Vince Spellane (’16) Dan Swanson (’17) 1933 Fox Chapel Road Pittsburgh, PA 41273 (412) 963-9065 Home (412) 965-2090 Cell 112 Ewing Road Northpoint, PA 15763 (814) 938-4081 123 Steele Road Saltsburg, PA 15681 (724) 972-7137 Home (724) 542-4522 Work ltr911racer@hotmail.com Matt Zimmerman (’16) 805 S. Ridge Road Denver, PA 17517 (717) 336-1170 Home (717) 629-5926 Cell zimmermantaxidermy @dejazzd.com The Review is published 3 times per year by the Pennsylvania Taxidermist Association Inc. Information in this publication is provided “as is” and without warranties of any kind, whether express or implied. The Pennsylvania Taxidermist Association Inc. makes no guarantees as to accuracy, currency, quality or fitness of any information presented in this publication. The Pennsylvania Taxidermist Association Inc. assumes no legal liability or responsibility for any incorrect, misleading, outdated or missing information. The views and opinions expressed in The Review are those of the writers, who are responsible for the accuracy of content. They do not necessarily reflect the views of the Pennsylvania Taxidermist Association Inc. The acceptance of advertising by the Pennsylvania Taxidermist Association Inc. does not constitute an endorsement of the products or services advertised. The publisher assumes no responsibility or liability for the publication of copy submitted by advertisers. The Pennsylvania Taxidermist Association Inc. reserves the right to cancel or reject articles or advertising deemed inappropriate or unsuitable for The Review. Anyone using any information from this publication does so at their own risk, and shall be deemed to indemnify the Pennsylvania Taxidermist Association Inc. The publisher shall not be responsible or liable for any damage or injury resulting from such use. 9668 Star Rt. 147 Sunbury, PA 17801 570-809-5101 Work naglerichard1970@gmail.com 1124 Kiester Road Slippery Rock, PA 16057 (724) 738-0236 Home joeps951@embarqmail.com 2 Overbrook Road Ludlow, PA 16333 (814) 945-6267 Home danswansontaxidermy@yahoo.com Membership Secretary… Delores Carley Bill Ward (’17) 628 North Fraley Street Kane, PA 16735 (814) 837-9309 Shop (814) 366-0424 Cell deetaxidermy@verizon.net 1571 Fair Road Schuykill Haven, PA 17972 570-754-3407 Home 570-449-5122 Work wardswildlife@live.com Deadline for the Spring/Summer issue is April 1, 2016 ~3~ Newsletter Editor & Convention Coordinator… Becky Snyder 71 Hughey Road Greenville, PA 16125 (724) 815-8142 ottercreektaxidermy @windstream.net PENNSYLVANIA TAXIDERMIST ASSOCIATION, INC. BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING September 19, 2015 - Cabela’s Hamburg, PA Board of Directors Present: Bob Hutchinson, Jason Krause, Jessica Simmons, Joe Simmons , Patti Czerniakowski , Rod Connelly, Vince Spellane, Dan Swanson, Matt Zimmerman, Bill Ward, Rich Nagle Board Members Absent: Tim Jordan Guests: Becky Snyder, Amy Hutchinson, Ella Connelly, Lisa Flickinger, John Czerniakowski, Benuel Lapp, Keith Flicker, Dee Carley The meeting was called to order at 9:01am. Follow-Up: • Patti Czerniakowski presented the treasurer’s report. Patti asked that the board to be mindful of spending as we are a little behind in revenue. Becky Snyder asked that expenses be separated out to reflect better record keeping such as supplies, merchandise for the State convention etc. Jessica Simmons made a motion to approve the treasurers report - 2nd by Jason Krause - motion carried unanimously. • Bill Ward reported out on the Cabelas show. There was an increase in pieces entered from 76 last year to 81 this year. The show generated 4 membership renewals and 1 new membership. Cabelas is currently under new management. Bill Ward is planning to meet with the new manager to go over the details of the Cabelas show and ensure no changes are needed. Jason Krause brought up one issue that arose in the past the judges were able to stay after the store had closed and arrive prior to the store opening. The new manager Ron Lay explained that when that happens Cabelas headquarters is notified and the offending store needs to explain why that was happening. Ron Lay explained that anyone helping with the PA Taxidermy show would need to follow Cabelas normal operating hours. Bill & Bridget Ward along with Jason Krause will work on adjusting the schedule to ensure everyone is out when the store closes. The board discussed Cabelas show awards and no changes will be made. Bill Ward reported that the Camp Compass presentations were not done at Cabelas this year as John Annoni had some family issues and was unable to make it. Bill Ward is going to deliver the 3 Whitetail & Turkey fans to the school and have a presentation at the school. If anyone is would like to help with Camp Compass mounts please contact Bill & Bridget Ward at 570-754-3407. • John Czerniakowski contacted the insurance provider to obtain costs for bonding Board members. There we a few options 1.) review the current policy and add the bonding onto it or 2.) obtain a new policy. John Czerniakowski will be contacting the insurance provider for estimates for the two options. • No new Legislative changes to report. • Jessica Simmons reported we have President, Vice President and 4 BOD positions open this year. Nominations are due by December 31, 2015. Thus far we have Jason Krause and Vince Spellane for President, Matt Zimmerman for Vice President and Bob Evans for BOD. Please contact any BOD for nominations. • Bob Hutchinson discussed the idea of having a sports show in festival hall to draw in more public. He contacted 7springs to go over the requirements for doing so. Thus far there are no committed vendors to have a sports show. The PA Game Commission along with the Fish Commission is interested. Bob Hutchinson will continue to look into obtaining vendors. The deadline is set for January to have all vendors for the sport show in place in order to be able to advertise it. • Bob Hutchinson is working on obtaining the small games of chance license. The BOD will need to supply him with some information to complete the application process. The BOD discussed several different raffle options that will be open to the public. There will also be a raffle for members only; each member registered for the State Convention will receive a chance at prize give away to be used in the vendor area with the option to purchase additional chances. All of the details have not been finalized. New Business: • Becky Snyder discussed changes to Special Concessions that 7Springs provides to the PA Taxidermy Association. The Association will no longer receive 1 comp room per 40 utilized (based on the number of room booked for the State convention), 1 standard room complimentary for the Association Photographer , 1 standard room complementary for Association President and the 6 standard rooms at a discounted rate (109.00 plus tax) for the judges. This will change to 13 standard complementary rooms for BOD and 7 standard rooms at a discounted rate (109.00 plus tax) for the judges. (The 1 comp room per 40 utilized was deducted off the final 7springs bill at the end of the State convention which averaged between $1200- $1300). The BOD discussed how to compensate for the loss of the discount. Vince Spellane made a motion that elected officer positions and BODs will pay a mandatory $150.00 contribution to the PTA for convention lodging while at 7springs through 2020. 2nd by Rod Connelly - motion carried unanimously. • Dee Carley brought up an issue that the PTA currently does not have a credit card machine. The Board discussed several options and for this year Joe Simmons will obtain a Square reader for the Association to use at the convention. The Board will continue to evaluate funds to see if it would be feasible to add the ability to purchase memberships and renew memberships on the website and convention registration. • Matt Zimmerman is going to contact Frank Kotula for a hands-on fish painting seminar and Roger Martin for a bear shoulder mount. Matt Zimmerman will work on finalizing a seminar schedule for the state convention. • The board discussed the January meeting. The meeting is scheduled for the same time as the Big Rock Show. The Board is moving the meeting from 9th to January 16th. The location will also be held mid state. John Czerniakowski offered to find a location for the meeting. There will be no overnight lodging provided to the Board for the January meeting. • The board discussed a membership drive. Last year the board did not send out renewal reminders and the newsletter instead the newsletter was sent to all licensed taxidermists according to the list the Dept. of AG maintains. That caused a delay in the receipt of membership renewals. The board is planning on sending non-members a post card and members only will receive the newsletter. The board also discussed changing from a printed newsletter to an electronic version which would help reduce the expenses of the association; there currently will not be a change to the newsletter. Jason Krause made a motion to send post cards to non members with information about the convention and where to access member renewal based on the Dept AG list of licensed taxidermists and send the printed newsletter to members only - 2nd by Jessica Simmons - motion carried unanimously. • Bob Hutchinson discussed the September board meeting. The September meeting is costing the Association at a minimum of $2,000. The meeting has been held there to have a second general membership meeting during the Cabelas mini show. Becky Snyder researched and according to the 501(C)6, Roberts Rules and PTA By Laws there is no requirement to have 2 general membership meeting. The requirement ~4~ is that the association has 1 general membership meeting generally held at the annual convention to allow for members to voice their concerns to the BOD. Jason Krause made a motion to have 1 annual general membership meeting held per year as per Roberts Rules and 501C6 requirement. However, members are encouraged to contact BOD any time or attend a BOD meeting. - 2nd by Joe Simmons - motion carried unanimously. • Jessica Simmons discussed making a requirement that all elected officers and BOD have email to be able to communicate with the BOD on topics that may arise using that email. Jessica Simmons made a motion as a requirement to hold or run for elected officer or BOD position you must have a valid email that you will check/respond for communication purposes- 2nd by Joe Simmons - motion carried unanimously. • The BOD discussed the judge’s fees. Jason Krause, Matt Zimmerman and Bob Hutchinson were contacted by members with concerns that the fees were too low. The judge’s fees were changed to $300 flat fee with $10 each piece judged over 30 at the June 6 2015 meeting after concerns were brought to the attention of the board at the March general membership meeting. Vince Spellane made a motion to change the judge’s fee to $400 flat fee, Air Fare (including transportation from the airport to the host facility) or gas and tolls (not mileage), lodging, 1 banquet ticket (plus an additional ticket if their spouse attends the banquet), $100 gift card for meal expenses, and $100 for a seminar 2nd by Rich Nagle - motion carried unanimously. • Joe Simmons discussed an offer from Michigan Taxidermy Association to have reciprocal membership. Allowing members of each association to attend the annual convention without needing to pay membership dues (all convention fees would need to be paid). Becky Snyder provided that we have 30 out of state members and currently there are none from Michigan. Bob Hutchinson suggested that we open this up to all associations; Becky Snyder suggested that the PTA could recognize other associations even if they do not recognize the PTA membership. Rod Connelly suggested the PTA look at Maryland and Virginia to create a regional show. John Czerniakowski added that this would be a great idea if membership enrollment at other associations was up but, membership enrollment is down at all associations. The board decided to reevaluate this after the 2016 convention. • Becky Snyder addressed vendor booth space increases. These spaces will be increasing next year and will increase $5 each year. The BOD discussed options of increasing the booth space fees each year or increasing the fees now to accommodate the upcoming contracts at 7springs. The BOD agreed to increase the vendor booth space fees to $225/$125 and $15 for electric. • The BOD discussed policy changes with regards to member’s eligibility to compete. Dan Swanson made a motion to change 3 policies - Any member of the Sate Association is eligible to compete regardless of position held paid/unpaid within the association; Any member of the state association can write for a judge as long as the member is not competing in that category; The competition Chair position will be eliminated and assumed by the Competition Coordinator and the Board of Directors as the Competition Committee - 2nd by Vince Spellane - motion carried unanimously. • The board discussed the awards for the competitor’s award currently the payout is Masters 1st $2500, 2nd $1250, 3rd $750 with an entry fee of $80 and Professional 1st $1500, 2nd $750 3rd $500 with an entry fee of $50. Jason Krause made a motion to change the awards to Masters 1st $2000, 2nd $1000, 3rd $500, Professional 1st $1000, 2nd $500 3rd $250 and eliminate the entry fee. - 2nd by Jessica Simmons - motion carried unanimously. • The board discussed a few reminders, to recognize the judges at the banquet, recognize BOC winners at the banquet and, if there is a special presenter for an award to be sure they present that award. • Jessica Simmons made a motion to adjourn; the meeting was adjourned at 1:53pm. Respectfully Submitted Jessica Simmons Board Secretary PENNSYLVANIA TAXIDERMIST ASSOCIATION, INC. Membership Meeting September 19, 2015 – Hamburg, PA Bob Hutchinson opened the meeting asking if the members had any questions. • Bob Hutchinson discussed with the members that going forward we would not be having a general membership meeting at the Cabelas mini show. The BOD meeting was costing the association a minimum of $2000. The fall BOD meeting will be held at a location mid state with no reimbursement for rooms. • Bob Hutchinson discussed that there will be a few new raffles at the state convention replacing the pretzels and nachos that used to be provided in the vendor area. Each member that is registered for the state convention will receive a chance to win prize money to be used in the vendor area and have option to purchase additional chances. Bob Hutchinson also discussed that the association is going to obtain a small games of chance license to have a few additional raffles that will be open to the public. 11-4-15: Jessica Simmons motioned to approve the minutes – 2nd by Joe Simmons – Motion Accepted – 9 YES, 2 ABSENT donations welcome Want to clean out your storage area and help the PTA and its members at the same time? If so, then donate your unused, unwanted or extra forms and taxidermy supplies to the PTA raffle. Bring the items you wish to donate to the convention and drop them off at the raffle table. Who knows...something you no longer need just might be that something that someone else does need. ~5~ ~6~ Important Updates & Changes The following are “highlights” of changes since last year – please take the time and thoroughly read all the rules & information for complete details. • GENERAL RULES: It is MANDATED by the competition committee that individual entries must be completed by the competitor without assistance. This would include finishing and habitat work. Components and supplies utilized in a competitor’s piece will be assumed to be purchased unless declared at registration or in a Judges note. Collective Artists entries should refer to the guidelines found in section II Division of Competition (Art & Taxidermy) sub-section F Collective Artists Division. (Rules section VI. General Rules, Subsection 2.) • PRESIDENT’S CHALLENGE CUP is no longer being excluded for entry into other categories or from winning other awards. EXAMPLE: You can now enter your piece into its respective category and pay the entry fee (just like any other competition piece) – then if you want your piece to be considered for the President’s Challenge Cup you simply mark that section on the competition entry form & pay the additional entry fee. Your piece would then be eligible for all awards in the regular competition & entered into the President’s Challenge Cup. These pieces will be placed in the competition room like any other normal piece and not separated out – the competition committee will denote to the President which pieces are eligible and the President will choose a winner who will be announced at the banquet & awarded the Cup and monetary prize. • COMPETITOR’S AWARD – Monetary Prize amounts have been adjusted & the additional entry fee has been eliminated! Now you’re automatically entered into either the Professional or Master Division just by entering 4 pieces & checking the box on your competition entry form. • BEST ALL AROUND TAXIDERMIST – is no longer restrictive to having the 4 required category pieces’ being in the same division. You still must have (4) A Whitetail Deer Head or Gamehead – A Bird, Turkey or Waterfowl – A Fish, Reptile or Amphibian – and A Lifesized Mammal (small or large) BUT they can be in any combination of divisions. (Rules Section V. PTA Competition, subsection E. Best All-Around Taxidermist.) • TRADE SHOW/VENDOR TIME FOOD – due to the increasing costs the PTA will no longer be offering food during the afternoon sessions. However, the board is looking to have some fun during this time and there will be special raffles & give-a-ways happening that you won’t want to miss out on. There will still be the daily offering of morning coffee, tea & hot chocolate outside the trade show area. Brookside Taxidermy Wholesale Rug Service Owned and operated by Pam Fetterhoff for over 20 years Black Bear...$38.00 per foot on your mounted head, includes your choice of double felt border. $43.00 per foot includes 1 layer camo or black or brown leather look and 1 layer felt. All rugs are machine-sewn with hand-sewn head and paws...dyed, padded and backed, hangers included, measured from the nose to the base of the tail. For felt samples, and prices on other mammals, and head mounting service - just call, we would be happy to help you! 409 Railroad St. Tower City, Pa. 17980 717-574-5572 Email: pam.fetterhoff@gmail.com ~7~ 2016 PTA Convention Hands-On Seminars Are you looking to take your FISH taxidermy skills to the next level? Fish Fin & Head Casting with FRANK KOTULA Fish expert Frank Kotula will give you the personal attention & instruction that you need so you too can produce high quality casts of fins & heads to use on your next mount. 10 Participants - $50 per person – 8+ hours of instruction SP ONS ORED B Y: You need to provide: • Complete application & submit w/payment • 15-24 inch Fish (as fresh as possible) with good quality fins. • Bondo/Resin, Mixing Cans, Hair Dryer, etc. Questions – Call Frank Kotula 570-819-0391 – Once your spot is secured & payment is processed you’ll be contacted with a complete list of supplies that you’ll need to bring with you. Top notch education & hands-on guidance Pedestal Shoulder Mount Bear with MOUNT ON BR-900 ROGER MARTIN Join Roger to see where this personalized Pedestal Bear instruction can take you! 12 Participants - $50 per person – 8+ hours of instruction You need to provide: Roger provides: • Complete application & submit w/payment • Personalized Instruction • Tanned Bear Skin that fits a • Form, Eyes, Ear Liners, OR McKenzie Pedestal form Glue & Clay ONS ED BY : SP • Prefer to have the cartilage off the ears of the tanned hide • Thread & Sewing Needles & your preferred hand tools Once your spot is secured & payment is processed you will receive a call to confirm your seat. Must be a PTA Member in good standing & registered for the 2016 convention. Payment in FULL is required – seats filled on a first paid basis ONLY – LIMITED SEATING AVAILABLE. Please fill out the information below & mail with your payment to the address provided. Name: _____________________________________________ 2016 PTA Member #: _______________________ Complete Address: __________________________________________________________________________ Phone Number: __________________________ Class Choice (Circle One): Fish Fin/Head Casting Pedestal Bear Make checks payable to: PA TAXIDERMY ASSOCIATION Send to: Matt Zimmerman – 805 S. Ridge Road – Denver, PA 17517 Questions: Matt @ (717) 629-5926 ~8~ ~9~ 2016 Pennsylvania Taxidermist Association,Inc. Membership Application & Convention Registration Form PLEASE CHECK ONE OF THE FOLLOWING!! Last Name NEW PTA MEMBERSHIP First Name RENEWAL Spouse Address City State County Zip Business Name Home Phone Business Phone Email Cell Phone Web Site Licensed Taxidermist? Yes No PTA Certified Taxidermist? Yes No Single Membership - $50.00 Family Membership - $75.00 Life Membership - $800.00** MEMBERSHIP PLAN: (Check One) DUES $ ______________ **Life membership may be paid in installments – but must be paid in full within 2 years. Legal Fund Donation: $5 $10 $25 $50 No, Thanks $ ______________ Camp Compass Donation $5 $10 $25 $50 No, Thanks $ ______________ WEB-SITE LISTING: Please check one of the following: Yes, I want included on the WEBSITE. CONVENTION REGISTRATION: (Check One) No, I do not want included on the WEBSITE. Pre-Registration - $85.00 Late Registration - $95.00 One Day Registration - $60.00 (circle one) Which day? Thursday Friday Saturday REGISTRATION $ ______________ PTA AWARDS BANQUET: Buffet Meal - $35 Adult - $20 Children (age 6 to 12) - 5 and under are Free Adult Meal # _________ x $35.00 each = $ ______________ Children Meal # _________ x $20.00 each = $ ______________ CHILDREN’S PIZZA & MOVIE NIGHT: # of children attending __________ Supervised event held during the Awards Banquet - FREE for your children! Security demands everyone must wear name badges. Please list names of all attending: _________________________________________________________________________________________ TOTAL DUES / DONATION / REGISTRATION / BANQUET TICKETS ENCLOSED $ _________________ Make checks payable to: PA TAXIDERMIST ASSOCIATION & mail with form to: Dee Carley, 628 N. Fraley St., Kane, PA 16735 ***** REMEMBER TO SEND THIS FORM BY 2-29-16 ***** TO BE ENTERED INTO THE MUZZLELOADER PRE-REGISTRATION DRAWING FOR THE CONVENTION ~ 10 ~ Join us for the 37th Annual PA State Taxidermy & Wildlife Art Championships, Convention & Trade Show March 16 – 19, 2016 $119.00 Traditional/Tower Room (1 to 4 People) $139.00 Queen Family Room (1 to 4 People) Ask for Taxidermy Show Block. 1-800-452-2223 Reservation Cut-off: February 24, 2016 All room rates are subject to state/local taxes in effect at the time of check-in. www.7springs.com ~ 11 ~ OCT•NOV•DEC 2015 Jason J. Krause Hello to all of my taxidermy friends and family. My interest in the art of taxidermy began at age 6, with my first visit at a studio. I always wanted to be a taxidermist when I grew up. I started fiddling with it in high school and after graduating I went to the Pennsylvania Institute of Taxidermy and got my first real first hand knowledge of all forms of taxidermy. Graduating from there I joined the PTA and attended my first convention in Carlisle, PA in 1993. I attended shows on and off over the following years and sometimes brought pieces along to compete but not reliably. In 2009 my son Malachi and I attended the convention in Altoona where I began to compete seriously and have done do since. I wish that I could go back to 1993 and begin there again. I have learned so much from the judge's critiques. Without the PTA and its members to learn from, I would not do the quality of work that I do now and I have much to learn yet. We have made many friends and met many of you and we look forward to the convention each year. I operate a full time studio in the village of Rock at my childhood home. Rock is located outside of Pine Grove in Schuylkill County, PA. I've been on the board for four years, three of those as Vice President. I've enjoyed giving back to the association that has done so much for me and introduced me to so many great people. I'm honored to be the subject of this issue’s Spotlight. If I may ever help any of you in your endeavors please feel free to contact me. Your friend, Jason J. Krause I’ve enjoyed giving back to the association that has done so much for me... ~ 12 ~ 2015 CABELA’S TAXIDERMY WEEKEND Glenn Jenkins Japanese Sika Stag Trout Unlimited Award Emily Rouse Repro Perch PA Fish Commission Award Scott Winkler Brook Trout PA Game Commission Award Dan Swanson Bobcat McKenzie Taxidermist Choice Awards WhitetailKevin Yeager Whitetail Fish Scott Winkler Brook Trout MammalBill Ward Black Bear Bird Daniel Parmer Redheads Eberly Bugworks Award Jason Confer Bobcat Hughes Form’s Best Lifesize Bear Bill Ward Black Bear Noonkester Turkey Award Cameron Ream Wildlife Woodworks’ Awards by Wayne Williams: Brian Wise Raccoon Emily Rouse Repro Perch State Rep. Barry Jozwiak Award Dan Swanson Bobcat Best of Show Daniel Parmer Redhead Drake Woody Award Glen Jenkins Japanese Sika Stag People’s Choice 1st: Keith Flicker Moose 2nd: Daniel Parmer Redheads 3rd: Glen Jenkins Japanese Sika Stag Cabela’s Manager’s Choice Award Daniel Parmer Redheads Cabela’s Employee Choice Award Daniel Parmer Redheads WASCO Award Daniel Parmer Redhead Drake Polytranspar Award Scott Winkler Brook Trout Research Mannikins Award Schaun Mack Red Fox Tohickon Glass Eyes Award Glenn Jenkins Japanese Sika Stag SCI Award (Best Large Lifesize) Award Bill Ward Black Bear SCI (Gift Cards) Justin Clemmer Impala Complete show photos are viewable & can be purchased at www.jdhelmphotography.com Click Enter Site on the home page. Click the PTA Cabela’s 2015 album. From here, everyone will be able to see the photos of their mount or of themselves with their awards. The images will have a watermark that will not appear on the digital downloads. Digital Downloads in high resolution are available for $25 per photo. Follow the buy link on your photo page to purchase the photo. Any questions call 908-616-3243 or Email John Helm: johndhelm@comcast.net ~ 13 ~ 2015 CABELA’S TAXIDERMY WEEKEND Pre-Registration Winner Martin Homan New Member Award Kevin Graybill 1st Time Competitor Award Michael Franek Amateur Kevin Graybill Professional Jr. Amateur Fish Reproduction BEST OF CATEGORY BLUE Emily Rouse Perch Jr. Amateur Wildlife Art Photography RED Luke Confer Sunflower/Bee Amateur Small Lifesize Mammal RED Brian Wise Raccoon Brian Kendall Coyote Sarah Rouse Mink Amateur Waterfowl BEST OF CATEGORY BLUE Brian Kendall Woodduck Drake RED Michael Franek Bufflehead Brian Kendall Woodduck Hen (2) Brian Kendall Woodduck Drake (1) YELLOW Russell Clay Pintail Hen Russell Clay Bufflehead Drake Russell Clay Green Wing Teal Drake Amateur Habitat BLUE Brian Kendall Russell Clay RED Russell Clay Professional Whitetail Deerhead BEST OF CATEGORY BLUE Kevin Yeager BLUE Justin Clemmer Mike Wertz RED Nancy Nosko Kevin Graybill (2) Schaun Mack Bill Ward Barry Shertzer Keith Flicker (2) Jason Martin Mark Lutz YELLOW John Gehres Cameron Ream Professional Waterfowl BEST OF CATEGORY BLUE John Helm Black Bellied Whistling Duck RED Jodi Ricketts Redheads (2) Jason Martin Hooded Merganzer Drake YELLOW Keith Flicker Redhead Jason Martin Hooded Merganzer Hen Professional Turkey RED Cameron Ream Professional Small Lifesize Mammal RED Dan Swanson Bobcat Jason Confer Bobcat Toby Betzer Coyote YELLOW Cameron Ream Grey Squirrel Martin Homan Grey Fox Bob Rouse Hooded Merganzer Hen Schaun Mack Raccoon Dan O’Donnell Bobcat Professional Small Gamehead BEST OF CATEGORY BLUE Schaun Mack Red Fox RED John Gehres Coyote Schaun Mack Red Fox Professional Large Lifesize Mammal RED Bill Wards Black Bear Professional Large Gamehead RED Justin Clemmer Impala Jason Confer Black Bear 2015 CABELA’S TAXIDERMY WEEKEND Professional Wildlife Art 3-D RED Cameron Ream Squirrel Mannikin YELLOW Keith Flicker Moose Barry Shertzer Mule Deer Master Wildlife Art - Photography BEST OF CATEGORY BLUE Jason Confer Butterfly Professional Fish Skin WW 1-Sided YELLOW Toby Betzer Walleye Professional Fish Skin CW 1-Sided RED Scott Winkler Brook Trout YELLOW Toby Betzer Brown Trout Jason Martin Brown Trout Honorable Mention Jason Confer Blue Trout Master Waterfowl BEST OF CATEGORY BLUE Daniel Parmer Redhead Drake BLUE Dave Houser Barrows Goldeneye Daniel Parmer Redhead Drake Master Whitetail Deerhead RED Glen Jenkins Professional Fish Repro RED Dan O’Donnell Brook Trout Bob Rouse Largemouth Bass YELLOW Bob Evans Smallmouth Bass Master Large Gamehead BEST OF CATEGORY BLUE Glen Jenkins Japanese Sika Stag RED Glen Jenkins Japanese Sika (3) Professional Reptile & Amphibian Repro RED Cameron Ream Snapping Turtle Professional Reptile & Amphibian Skin YELLOW Dan O’Donnell Blue Crab Professional Habitat RED Toby Betzer Cameron Ream Schaun Mack (3) Justin Clemmer (2) ~ 15 ~ ~ 16 ~ Winter 2015 Matthew Zimmerman My name is Matthew Zimmerman. I reside in Denver, PA with my wife, Renee, and our 4 children. I started dabbling in Taxidermy when I was a young teen in my parents basement. After I finished school I worked full time for my Dad at Zimmerman Electrical and Plumbing. My parents were very supportive of my “hobby” and as the years went on and “the Phase” did not pass, they encouraged me to go to school for Taxidermy. So at the age of 19 I went on my first big adventure to Northwood School of Taxidermy with Joel Zimmerman. The 13 week program was a great foundation for my career in Taxidermy. While at school we were strongly encouraged to attend the Pennsylvania Taxidermy Association Convention, which was being held at that time in Lancaster. I was totally blown away by this experience. So much information to absorb and so much talent all at this one show. Since that time I have only missed 2 or 3 conventions. Meeting and making “taxidermy friends” as well as attending many seminars at the conventions has helped me improve my work. I have judged numerous taxidermy shows over the years and I enjoy learning from that experience. Taxidermists trading ideas and methods is still fairly new and unheard of in many areas of the U.S.. Let’s Keep being a leader in the Taxidermy Industry. I want to thank the P.T.A. members for the privilege of serving as a board member. Keeping the convention a family oriented event will insure our future in an occupation were success depends so much on business skills as well as an artistic ability. Hope everyone has successful hunting seasons, full freezers and don’t forget to thank God who has given us this wonderful talent!! Let’s keep being a leader in the Taxidermy Industry. ~ 17 ~ PRESIDENT’S CHALLENGE CUP The ‘President’s Challenge Cup’ will again be a “Themed Mount” for the 2016 Annual Convention. This year, the theme is “DINNER TIME” – the award will go to the entry that best portrays dinner time. Any type & amount of specie(s) can be used in this mount & you can utilize any/all taxidermy methods. • ‘President’s Challenge Cup’ entries are no longer being excluded for entry into other categories or from winning other awards. EXAMPLE: You now enter your piece into its respective category and pay the entry fee (just like any other normal competition piece) – then if you want your piece to be considered for the President’s Challenge Cup you simply mark that section on the competition entry form & pay the additional $30 entry fee. Your piece would then be eligible for all awards in the regular competition & entered into the President’s Challenge Cup. These pieces will be placed in the competition room like any other piece and not separated out – the competition committee will denote to the President which pieces are eligible and the President will choose a winner who will be announced at the banquet & awarded the Cup and monetary prize. • The entry will be judged on its portrayal of the theme as well as anatomical accuracy, craftsmanship & general artistic appearance. • No score sheets will be used. • The additional entry fee for this award will be $30.00. $20.00 from the entry fee will go for the prize money and will be awarded to the winner of the Cup. • There will be only one winner. The winning information will be engraved on the plaques of the ‘Cup’. The ‘Cup’ will then be forwarded to the winner so that they can keep the ‘Cup’ until the following convention. At the following convention, they will exchange it for a plaque, which the competitor will keep. Wholesale Bird Taxidermy Quality work at reasonable prices. Kessler’s Taxidermy 1143 Erdman Road Lykens, PA 17048 717-365-3815 Call or write for a current price list. Dependable turnaround. Customer-ready, driftwood included. Over 20 Years of Wholesale Experience! ~ 18 ~ 2016 Pennsylvania State Taxidermy & Wildlife Art Championships, Trade Show & Annual Convention NAME BADGE LANYARDS MUST BE WORN AT ALL TIMES Wednesday, March 16, 2016 6 – 9 pm................Convention & Competition Registration – Competition Entries Accepted 6 – 10 pm.............. “Meet & Greet” (complimentary beverages) Thursday, March 17, 2016 7:30 am – 8 pm....... Convention & Competition Registration 8 am – 8 pm...........Competition Entries Accepted 8 am – 10 am..........SEMINAR – Jason Krause & Jeremiah Reddinger – Mounting A Black Bear 8 am – 10 am..........SEMINAR – Vince Spellane – Whitetail Techniques 8 am – ?................Hands-On Event – Roger Martin – Bear Pedestal Shoulder Mount (Sponsored By: McKenzie Taxidermy Supply) 8 am – ?................Hands-On Event – Frank Kotula – Fish Fin & Head Casting (Sponsored By: Head Quarters Taxidermy Supply) 10 am – 12 Noon......TRADE SHOW OPEN 1 pm – 3 pm...........SEMINAR – Dave Houser – Wiring Techniques On Flying Waterfowl 1 pm – 3 pm...........SEMINAR – Vic Heincker – Sculpting Mammals (Sponsored By: Head Quarters Taxidermy Supply) 3 pm – 6 pm...........TRADE SHOW OPEN 6 pm – 7 pm...........Member Viewing of Competition Room 7 pm – 9 pm...........SEMINAR – PA Game Commission Officers - Trapping Q & A 7 pm – 9 pm...........SEMINAR – Jason Snowberger - Composition & Design Friday, March 18, 2016 7:30am – 12Noon.....Competition Registration (ALL MOUNTS MUST BE ENTERED BY 12 NOON) 7:30am – 8 pm........Convention Registration 8 am – 10 am..........SEMINAR – McKenzie Taxidermy Supply – Working with Rock Panels & Habitat 8 am – 10 am..........SEMINAR – Gene Smith – Whitetail Finishing 10 am – 12 noon......TRADE SHOW OPEN 1 pm – 3 pm...........SEMINAR – Ken Bauman – Large Mouth Bass A to Z 1 pm – 3 pm...........SEMINAR – Ken & Winston Zimmerman – African Gameheads - Mounting a Blesbok & Tsessebe 1 pm – 3 pm...........Children’s Activities Arts/Crafts – Connie Jordan 3 pm – 6 pm...........TRADE SHOW OPEN 5 pm – 6 pm...........PTACT Committee Certification 6 pm – 7 pm...........Member Viewing of Competition Room – Ballot Voting 7 pm – 9 pm...........SEMINAR – Manny Chavez – How To Run A Successful Taxidermy Business Saturday, March 19, 2016 7:30 am – 5 pm.......Convention Registration Only 8 am – 9 am...........General Membership Meeting 9 am – 12 Noon.......TRADE SHOW OPEN – Final Session 9:30 AM................Critiques (sign up in Trade Show Area – individuals will be called when it’s their time) 12 Noon – 5 pm.......Competition Room Open to EVERYONE – Competitor Critiques and ALL Ballot Voting PUBLIC VIEWING - $5 per person – 12 & under Free (must be accompanied by an adult) 2 pm – 4 pm...........SEMINAR – Brian Claar – Working With Water Base Paints 2 pm – 4 pm...........SEMINAR – Fred Gonzalez – Antler Repairs 2 pm – 4 pm...........Children’s Activities Arts/Crafts – Michelle Burkholder 3 pm....................Removal of Trade Show Backboards 6 pm - 9pm............Awards Banquet-Auction–Election Results 6 pm - 9pm............Children’s Pizza & Movie Supervised Event Immediately following the Awards Banquet – Removal of mounts & Loading of Backboards – Room MUST BE cleared. All mounts not picked up after the awards banquet will be moved into Stag Pass and locked in until 9 am Sunday. Sunday, March 20, 2016 7 am – 12 Noon.......Removal of Remaining Mounts & Clean Up 9 am ....................Board of Director’s Meeting – Newly Elected Board Members Must Attend AAbsolutely no mounts will be allowed to leave the competition until after the Awards Banquet. Mounts will not be released from the competition unless they have gone through the check out table. If you can’t stay until Saturday evening you must make arrangements for someone else to check out your entry piece(s). Everyone’s adherence to these policies is mandatory and will be appreciated. ~ 19 ~ 2016 PA STATE TAXIDERMY & WILDLIFE ART CHAMPIONSHIPS, CONVENTION & TRADE SHOW Seven Springs Mountain Resort March 16th through 19th, 2016 Judges & Seminar Presenters Whitetails Gene has been a taxidermist for over 30+ years. As a whitetail competitor Gene has garnered many prestigious awards such as the Joseph Bruchac Award, North American Champion, and is a 2-Time Whitetail World Champion. Gene’s taxidermy & sculpting experience has him currently working with Head Quarters Taxidermy Supply where he’s designing new poses & adding sizes to their existing line of whitetail forms. Gene Smith, Georgia Dave started his full time taxidermy studio in 1996. Since then he’s served as a Director and President of the Pennsylvania Taxidermist Association, Inc. Dave has won numerous awards from Best of Shows to all Waterfowl, Bird & Turkey specialty awards related to bird and waterfowl taxidermy. Being raised along the Susquehanna river and studying birds and bird behavior especially in the spring, is a favorite time of his, as well as hunting them in the cold winter months. Now living in the same town as he was raised not much has changed since then. Dave loves to judge and teach taxidermy techniques - thanks to some great judges and friends from years of competing he has attained the highest honors in the taxidermy industry. What Dave looks for when judging is body shape and attitude as well as finish work, he loves to see depth and detail in feet and bills. Dave feels that if you just take one piece of advice and understand how to apply it to your next piece you’ve already achieved another goal in your profession. Dave is looking forward to meeting with each and everyone one of you and giving a good educational critique. Dave Houser, PA Large Mammal & Large Misc. Gameheads Manny has been a taxidermist for 26 years of which 20 of them full time as owner/operator of Artistic Wildlife Studio, LLC in Carlsbad New Mexico. Manny was self taught in the beginning of his taxidermy career by reading books by Tim Kelly and Touchstone. He then enhanced his training by attending various state competitions and seminars. He was also was very fortunate to train with some of the best taxidermists in our industry, like Roy Cogburn, Wilma Loughmiller, Danny Owens, Tom Wiekum & Cory Caruthers on a one-on-one basis. These folks gave him the confidence and knowledge to excel and to never give up and he attributes his success to them. Manny competed in numerous States and Regional, National and World competitions - earning various awards and Best of Categories in ALL Categories throughout his career. Manny has judged 27 different State Competitions, Regionals, 3x @ the World Show, The UTA & NTA. Manny also served as the first Chairperson of the UTA Board and has also served as the New Mexico Taxidermy Association President and has held numerous board positions at the National level. Teaching the art of Taxidermy is Manny Chavez, NM his passion whether it’s through seminars or personalized one-on-one classes. Manny wants to give back to the Taxidermy Industry what it has given him – and has always believed that there are no secrets in taxidermy! ~ 20 ~ Fish, Reptiles & Amphibians Ken Bauman, OK Ken has been in taxidermy since 1989 and has won numerous blue ribbons, best of categories, best of shows, judge's choice, taxidermists' choice, people's choice, Master of Masters, and special awards at taxidermy competitions throughout the United States. He is the 2012 inductee to the Oklahoma Taxidermists Association Hall-of-Fame. Kenneth is a 2-time National Champion, North American Champion, and World Champion. He is also one of nine OKTA certified master taxidermists and has earned his NTA Award of Excellence. He currently holds eight state champion honors with fish, whitetails, reproductions, reptiles, and gameheads. He is a board member, past president, and webmaster for the Oklahoma Taxidermists Association, in which he has been a proud member since 1994. Jason has always been involved in art since he was a kid. Drawn to taxidermy just before he graduated high Small Mammal & school by his love of hunting, he attended the PA Institute of Taxidermy in 1994. He opened his own shop directly Small Misc. Gameheads after graduating and also worked with Marcus Zimmerman of Zimmerman Wildlife throughout the years. Being competitive by nature, Jason entered his first competition in 2000 at the PA State Convention. At that show Jason won his first WASCO award. That award sparked in him an even greater desire to not only create taxidermy pieces that were technically sound, but pieces that would grab people’s attention and stand out. He wanted to emphasize the ART of taxidermy. Over the next five years he was honored to win multiple awards, some of which included multiple Best of shows, 2 National titles, Distinguished Taxidermist of the Year, multiple People’s Choice Awards, 6 WASCO awards, World Champion Large Mammal 2005, and 2 Breakthrough Magazine covers. Jason began sculpting bronze statues in 2005 through what he learned in the study of anatomy during his taxidermy career. His emphasis in both taxidermy and sculpture is the composition and design of the pieces. He is honored Jason Snowberger, PA to serve as judge and is eager to help anyone willing to learn and improve their work, teaching both sound technique and artistic design. Habitats Hutch has been doing taxidermy for over 32 years – He & his wife, Amy, run a full time studio in Mt. Pleasant, PA. Hutch has been very successful with his habitats in the competition room and has garnered several prestigious awards – WASCO, Governor’s Most Artistic Entry, Van Dyke’s Most Original & Creative, Al Holmes Habitat Award, WV Taxidermist Choice Habitat Award, UTA Artisan Award, PA Taxidermist Choice Award & multiple blue habitat ribbons. Habitat is an integral part to the finished product & if done correctly is the “icing on the cake” of a phenomenal trophy mount. Bob Hutchinson, PA Seminar Presenters er inck Vic He ne lla e Spe Jason Krause Vinc Jason Krause & Jeremiah Reddinger : Mounting a Black Bear Vince Spellane : Whitetail Techniques Dave Houser : Wiring Techniques On Flying Waterfowl Vic Heincker : Sculpting Mammals Sponsored By:Head Quarters PA Game Commission Officers : Trapping Q & A Jason Snowberger : Composition & Design McKenzie Taxidermy Supply : Working With Rock Panels & Habitat Gene Smith : Whitetail Finishing Ken Bauman : Large Mouth Bass A to Z Ken & Winston Zimmerman : African Gameheads – Mounting a Blesbok & Tsessebe Manny Chavez : How To Run A Successful Taxidermy Business Brian Claar : Fish Finishing / Working With Water Base Paints Fred Gonzalez : Antler Repairs . . . 2 Children’s Seminars by Connie Jordan & Michelle Burkholder . . . Plus 2 Hands-On Events with Roger Martin & Frank Kotula Jeremiah Re ddinger (Sponsored by: McKenzie Taxidermy Supply & Head Quarters Taxidermy Supply) ~ 21 ~ Fred Gon zalez Brian Claa r rman imme Ken Z Art Tom Duran, Jr., PA Winston Zimm erman Photography John Helm, NJ COMPETITION RULES FOR ALL PTA COMPETITIONS IMPORTANT NOTE: This is a general listing of the competition rules. Changes may have been made that are not included in the foloowing. ~Updated Rules as of January 2016~ PARTICIPATION IN ANY PTA COMPETITION GIVES PERMISSION TO THE PTA, PHOTOGRAPHER, AND ITS AFFILIATES THE RIGHTS TO PHOTOGRAPH AND USE PHOTOS OF YOUR COMPETITION ENTRIES IN FUTURE AND ALL PUBLICATIONS. Taxidermy CATEGORIES 1. Whitetail Deer Head - (includes 1/2 life size) 2. Large Gamehead - Larger than a coyote-sized animal, includes 1/2 life-life. (see rules) 3. Small Gamehead - Coyote and smaller, includes 1/2 life-life. (see rules) 4. Large Life-size Mammal - Larger than a coyote-sized animal. (see rules) 5. Small Life-size Mammal - Coyote and smaller. (see rules) 6. Bird (all birds except waterfowl and turkey) 7. Waterfowl (includes Coots, Rails, Gallinules, etc.) 8. Turkey 9. Fish Skin Warm Water - finished on one side. (see rules) 10. Fish Skin Cold Water - finished on one side. (see rules) 11. Fish Skin Warm Water 360° - must be finished on both sides 12. Fish Skin Cold Water 360° - must be finished on both sides 13. Fish repro - must be finished on both sides. (see rules) 14. Reptile & Amphibian Skin 15. Reptile & Amphibian Repro (see rules) 16. Habitat – NO Best of Category will be awarded for these entries. * Not eligible for Competitor’s Award. Judged separate from & will not be influenced by the score of the mounted specimen. 17. Miscellaneous - anything that doesn’t fit in the above categories *Not eligible for Competitor’s Award. Wildlife Art (Flora & Fauna) 18. MIniatures - medium can be clay, soap, wax, horn, or a finished product in bronze or ceramic. *Not eligible for Competitor’s Award. 19. Flat Original Wildlife Art *Not eligible for Competitor’s Award. 20. 3-D Original Wildlife Art - (Any original wildlife artwork will be accepted ex: woodcarving, taxidermy manikins [clay model or finished manikin], recreations, etc.) *Not eligible for Competitor’s Award. 21. Photography *Not eligible for Competitor’s Award. SPECIAL NOTICE TO ALL COMPETITORS Taxidermy competitions are intended to be enjoyable learning experiences for everyone involved. While disputes are inevitable in any type of competition they should in no way hamper the competition or distract those in attendance. Any disputes involving judging or the conduct of other competitors should be brought to the attention of the Competition Committee. Please keep in mind that the judges for the PTA competitions are selected based on their knowledge and accomplishments in their particular field. In short, they are judging our compettions because they are the best in the country. Any competitor who harasses, intimidates or deliberately seeks to embarrass a judge at any PTA competition will be disqualified from that competition and may, upon review by the Competition Committee, be barred from future competitions. Judges at PTA competitions are usually asked to do a considerable amount of work for a small amount of money. Most judges would much rather be working in their studios but instead they are sharing their knowledge with us. Let them know you appreciate their knowledge by asking for a critique of your work and actually listen! You might be surprised at what you can learn. I. Eligibility A. The competition will be open to “paid-up” PTA members in good standing. (Individuals must be a current member in good standing of the PTA.) B. Participants over the age of 18 must be registered for at least one day of the convention and have paid the competition entry fee in order to compete. Participants must be individuals and not firms. II. Divisions of Competition (Art & Taxidermy) A. YOUTH PARTICIPATION DIVISION - Open to children 10 years and under who wish to participate at a taxidermy competition. Child’s parent/guardian/mentor must be a paid PTA member in good standing. Entry(s) fee is $10 for each piece and every one will receive a participation ribbon only. In this division, there are not separate categories or a best of division winner, nor are these entries eligible for any other awards. Entry(s) can be anything that the child wishes to create that is wildlife oriented - from a coloring book page to their first attempt at a taxidermy mount and everything imaginable in between. B. JUNIOR AMATEUR DIVISION - Amateurs 16 years old and under. Junior amateur award winners will receive “amateur” ribbons. Any Junior amateur who wins a Best of Category at the annual convention competition will have the opportunity to move up to the Amateur Division if the competitor wants to (they don’t have to move up to the Amateur Division until they are 17 years old - but they may move up by winning a Best of Category, if they wish to). C. AMATEUR DIVISION - An amateur who wins Best of Category at annual convention will move up into the Professional Division. D. PROFESSIONAL DIVISION - Licensed taxidermists (Amateurs who have won a Best of Category complete in this division) If you win Best of Category in this division at annual convention competition you will move up to the Masters Division. E. MASTER DIVISION - Open to all individuals who feel they are capable of competing at the Master’s Level. Once a competitor chooses to compete in the Master Division in a given category, they may not return to the Professional Division in that category. Any competitor who has won Best of Category in the Professional Division at annual convention competition must move up to the Master Division in that category. F. COLLECTIVE ARTIST DIVISION - This division is for competition pieces where more than one taxidermist worked on the entry. It can be entered in the name of the studio or each artist can be listed as the creators. In this division, there are not separate categories. There will be only one: First Place, Second Place, Third Place, and Honorable Mention. The winners will receive ribbons. The winner of this category is chosen by all the judges based on their opinion not a score the Judges vote as a group on which piece they like best. Awards are given based on the group’s decision. There is no limit to the number of entries a studio or group may enter in this division. Collective artists’ pieces are not eligible for any awards determined by score. (ex. Best of Show) This division is nonrestrictive as far as special awards. The whole piece will be judged as one even if it contains a combination of animals. The entry fee covers the entire piece in this division. III. Judging A. Judges for PTA competition will be selected by the PTA Board. B. All judges will be instructed to judge the final result not the method used to achieve it. It is the hope of the competition committee that this stipulation will eliminate any possible prejudices some judges may have concerning freeze-dry specimens. ~ 22 ~ ed and boom lighting, and noise-making sensor devices. C. Score sheet - Each entry is separately scored on a score sheet. You may place with your entry any information regarding originality that 4. You cannot enter a previously entered piece in a lesser division at any you feel the judge needs to be aware of. Score sheets will be returned PTA competition. You cannot re-enter a piece in the same competition to the participants. ever! D. Every effort will be made to have our judges available to discuss/cri- 5. Any competition piece containing a “group” (more than one specimen) must pay an entry fee for each specimen you want judged, otherwise, tique your mount(s) on a one-on-one basis. (Please be considerate to only one of the specimens (of your choice) will be judged and only that other competitors and the judges by having your piece(s) critiqued as specimen can receive a ribbon. quickly as possible. Most competitors want to talk with the judges and time is short.) 6. The State Convention competition entry is $30 for each piece entered. Cabela’s competition entry fee is $25 for the 1st piece and E. Decisions of the competition judges will be final. $15 for any other pieces. Habitats are a separate entry in all competitions. Competition pieces that have been entered and paid IV. Awards for but not brought to the competition will not receive a refund. In the PTA, competition entries are judged on their own merit against a perfect score. (Mother Nature rather than against each other.) Any 7. The number of entries per category is unlimited. Entry receiving 90% is awarded a First Place. 80% receives a Second 8. There will be pre-registration of competition pieces. (Please mark Place and 70% receives a Third Place. Multiple award are given your calendar!) Competition pre-registration must be made by mail. except the Collective Artist Division. Competition pre-registration will not be accepted by phone. 9. Protected species need proper permits attached to specimens V. PTA Competition entered. A. TAXIDERMY BEST OF SHOW - (Judge’s Choice) Utilizing the Best of Category winner’s from all taxidermy divisions, the judges will select 10. Entries contained in cases must have removable top and/or sides the Best of Show. The winner will receive a ribbon and a check for for judging. $1,500.00 The winner must be present at the banquet to collect prize 11. Any mount found to be poor in taste, or demeaning to the public or money.** any organization will be removed from the competition. B. TAXIDERMIST OF THE YEAR - (Judge’s Choice) Utilizing the Best of 12. FATAL FLAW - Anything judged “fatal flaw” by a PTA judge will be Category winners from the Master Division, the judges will select the given a score sheet but cannot receive a ribbon. Any piece “fatal Taxidermist of the Year. Winner will receive Award at the banquet.** flawed” and in any way offensive to the show will be removed. This includes odor. No judge will be forced to judge a piece that is C. WILDLIFE ART BEST OF SHOW - (Judge’s Choice) Utilizing the Best offensive or odoriferous. of Category winners from all art divisions, the judges will select the 13. Entries must remain for the duration of the Competition. Entries Wildlife Art Best of Show. The winner will receive a ribbon.** must be picked up only at the posted times and the participants D. WILDLIFE ARTIST OF THE YEAR - (Judge’s Choice) Utilizing the must show their receipt card(s)for each entry. The PTA will not be Best of Category winners from Master Division, the judges will select responsible for any competition piece(s) that are not picked up. Wildlife Artist of the Year. Winner will receive the Ned Smith Award at 14. Any questions arising from the PTA competition will be resolved by the banquet.** the Competition Committee, and their decision will be final. E. BEST ALL-AROUND TAXIDERMIST - A trophy will be awarded to the 15. Protest Procedure - A written complaint from the competitor to the individual receiving a ribbon in four categories in any combination of competition chair must be submitted within one hour of the competidivision and collecting the highest point total with those four mounts. tion room opening. A meeting between the judge, competitor and The four categories must include: Whitetail or Gamehead, a Bird, competition chair will be arranged. If further resolution is needed, Turkey or Waterfowl, a Fish, Reptile or Amphibian, and a Life-Size Mammal (Large or Small).** the piece can be re-judged for a fee equal to double the competition entry fee. The competition chair picks the new judge, and the new F. TAXIDERMIST CHOICE AWARD - Voted on by the PTA members judge cannot be a competitor at that event. attending the annual convention. Only 1 winner. ** VII. Category Rules G. PEOPLE’S CHOICE - Voted on by the PTA membership and the public in attendance. Each person will select one piece which they A. FISH/REPTILE RULES: • 1-Sided Fish both Warm and Cold Water categories will be have chosen as the best. The entries with the most points will receive available for Amateurs and Professionals ONLY with Best of Categoribbons for First, Second and Third Place People’s Choice. ry ribbons awarded. (There won’t be a Master division in these 2 H. PERRY KLEIN MEMORIAL AWARD - Awarded to the 1st Place categories.) Collective Artist piece.** • After winning a Blue Ribbon, Best of Category Professional Division in the 1-Sided Fish categories the competitor has shown the I. SPECIAL AWARDS - The judges select the best entry for each understanding of anatomy, methods, painting, etc.... and the compespecial award and submit that entry number to the competition tition committee feels the competitor is ready to compete in the “360 chairman based on the award criteria. degree - finished on all sides” fish categories. J. BEST OF CATEGORY - In the Jr. Amateur, Amateur, Professional, • Fish, Reptile and Amphibian Repro. Categories are available for and Master Divisions, the judges will select the best entry in each all divisions but the following rules apply: division category to receive the Best of Category award. The Best of • In the Amateur and Professional Divisions the entrant Category award goes only to the highest scoring First Place/Blue may use a commercially-purchased reproduction - It must Ribbon entry in each division category. be finished on all sides. ** Only Awarded at the Convention Competition. • In the Master Division the reproduction must be cast entirely by the entrant. VI. General Rules 1. The PTA Competition Committee reserves the right to restrict, B. MAMMALS & GAMEHEADS - Large and Small Lifesize Mammals and Large and Small Miscellaneous Gamehead categories are now change, or alter specific rules when it is deemed appropriate in order determined by BODY SIZE. No longer will Juveniles be judged in the to maintain the high standards of the PTA Competition. category it would be at maturity. Juveniles or partially-grown species 2. It is MANDATED by the competition committee that individual entries will be judged in the category based on the animal’s current size. must be completed by the competitor without assistance. This would Small Mammals and Small Miscellaneous Gameheads are coyote include finishing and habitat work. Components and supplies utilized size and smaller. (Small Ex: Javalina, Bobcat, Badger, Wolverine). in a competitor’s piece will be assumed to be purchased unless Large Mammals and Large Miscellaneous Gameheads are larger declared at registration or in a Judges note. Collective Artists entries than a coyote. Juveniles of Large Mammals are subject to either should refer to the guidelines found in section II Division of Competicategory depending on their current size. The PTA Competition tion (Art & Taxidermy) sub-section F Collective Artists Division. Committee and Judges will determine final category placement. 3. PTA Competition Chairperson has the right to restrict or decline from competition the following - power-driven mechanical mounts, project~ 23 ~ PTA COMPETITOR’S AWARD $ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ **Only Awarded at Convention Competition** The PTA Competitors’ Awards Rules and Regulations (“The PTA Competitors’ Award rules will follow the rules established by the World Taxidermy Championships for its Competitors’ Award.”) As a participant in the PA State Taxidermy & Wildlife Art Championships competition, taxidermists who enter four or more mounts in the Master or Professional Divisions, are eligible to enter to win one of six big cash awards, called “The Competitors’ Awards”. These awards will total $5250.00 in prize money and is divided as noted below. Master Division: $2,000 First Place • $1,000 Second Place • $500 Third Place Professional Division: $1,000 First Place • $500 Second Place • $250 Third Place The Competitors’ Award finalists in each division will be the five competitors with the highest point total for four entries. Once these five highest scoring competitors (in each division) are determined, each competitor’s four top entries will be grouped together. The five groups will be labeled A, B, C, D, and E and all of the division judges will vote by secret ballot as to their selections of the groups most deserving of the Competitors’ Awards. Their criteria will be accuracy, originality, and difficulty. The purpose for this final evaluation by secret ballot is to allow for minor fluctuations between the judges in each category for determining scores that brought the entries there to begin with. The results will be known only by the competition committee to be announced at the PTA Awards’ Banquet. In case there is a tie, the money will be divided equally. Taxidermists who wish to compete for this Competitors’ Award can do so by entering four or more mounts in either the Master or Professional divisions. The entries can be in any category (birds, fish, mammals, gameheads, etc.) and if an individual has more than four entries, his or her highest four scores will be used. Unlike a “Best All-Around” competition, the competing entries are not limited to being in four different categories, but may include multiple entries in the same category. Example: four birds from one competitor could accumulate enough points to be included in the five finalists. Important: A competitor can only compete in one division for The Competitors’ Award - Master or Professional. If a competitor has more than four entries in both the Master and Professional Divisions, he or she must specify in which division he or she would like to compete for the money. In other words, you cannot compete to win awards in both divisions. Failure to specify will cause a forfeit on winning any of the Competitors’ Awards. Any competitor entering four or more mounts who wishes not to compete for the prize money will be allowed to do so by signing an affidavit when entering his or her mounts. Interpretations of all rulings or regulations (and any rules not provided for) will be decided by the PTA Competition Committee. If you have a specific question regarding the competition, contact the PTA President. Convention and Competition Entry Tips 1. Please list ALL names of those attending so that I.D. badges can be included in pre-registration packages. Changes and additions hold up the line at the registration desk. 2. I.D. Badges must be worn visibly at all times! Security will ask you to leave without a proper I.D. 3. A membership of any kind along with convention registration entitles the member, spouse, and any children or mentored youth under the age of 18 into the convention. 18 Years of age and over must have their own membership and registration. Parents of adult members, in-laws, and shop employees must also have a separate membership and registration. The membership and registration entitles everyone listed on your registration to attend seminars, visit the suppliers’ area, and view the competition area. (You cannot walk in off the street without a membership and convention registration just to visit the suppliers’ area.) 4. A family membership entitles someone in your immediate family (spouse, child or mentored youth under the age of 18) to compete without a separate membership, have a vote in the election, and tickets for cash drawings and door prizes. Convention registration need not be paid for this person but competition entry fees must be paid for each entry. 5. A life membership entitles you, your spouse, and children or mentored youth under the age of 18 to compete without a separate membership. A life member only receives 1 vote in the election. A convention registration in the life member’s name covers everyone listed above but, each person must pay their own competition entry fees. 6. Habitats are a separate competition entry and must be paid for accordingly. 7. Life Memberships, $800, may be paid in installments but must be paid in full within 2 years. If not paid, the member will be dropped back down to a single membership needing re-newed each year. No Refunds. Invoices will be mailed out once a year near renewal time to remind you and show the balance due. The payment schedule is at the members’ discretion. 8. Read your competition rules careful. There are many “Special Awards”. (Ex: Pro-1, Polytranspar, Head Quarters, etc...) Please try to note on the entry form if your mount was done using any of these. If these awards are offered again this year, this will ensure that you will be included. There is no extra charge for these special awards. 9. Collective Artists - Please list the names of the all artists who worked on this entry and one business name for the computer’s purpose. 10. Extra membership, convention, and competition entry forms are available on the PTA website: www.pataxidermist.org. 11. Competition entries can be sent to the show with another person - you don’t have to be present to compete, just be a member and be registered for one day of the convention and pay your competition entry fees. ~ 24 ~ The Pennsylvania Taxidermist Association 2016 Pennsylvania State Taxidermy & Wildlife Art Championships March 16 – 19, 2016 at Seven Springs Mountain Resort COMPETITION ENTRY FORM Entry deadline must be postmarked by February 29, 2016 to be pre-registered. All entrants must be members in good standing of the PTA. Use one competition entry form for each competitor. (If you are registering competition pieces for family members, friends, etc. Use separate competition entry forms for each person.) Make additional copies of this entry form as needed. Name: ____________________________________________ Phone __________________________________________ Address:___________________________________________ 2016 P.T.A. Membership # ___________________________ City, State, Zip: _____________________________________ 2016 Licensed Taxidermist Yes No Note: Entry Fee is $30.00. (Habitats are a separate entry.) Youth Participation $10 each piece. All walk-in entries will be accepted until 12 Noon on Friday, March 18, 2016. ENTER PIECES AT OWN RISK - PTA NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGES OR LOSS OF ANY TYPE. Check with your insurance company regarding coverage when out of shop. PARTICIPATION IN ANY PTA COMPETITION GIVES PERMISSION TO THE PTA, PHOTOGRAPHER, AND ITS AFFILIATES THE RIGHTS TO PHOTOGRAPH AND USE PHOTOS OF YOUR COMPETITION ENTRIES IN FUTURE AND ALL PUBLICATIONS. Category Division: Youth Participation, Junior Amateur, Amateur, Professional, Master, or Collective Artists Are you competing for the “President’s Challenge Cup”? Yes Species No (check the rule requirements) Floor/Wall/Table Mount Entry Fee If Yes, add $30 for the Entry Fee ______ Pieces @ $30.00 Are you competing for the “PTA Competitors’ Award”? Yes No (check the rule requirements) Are you competing for “Best All-Around Taxidermist”? Yes No (check the rule requirements) Youth Participation Pieces @ $10 each TOTAL AMOUNT ENCLOSED NO PIECES ACCEPTED AFTER 12 NOON - MARCH 18, 2016 “Special Awards” (Ex: Pro-1, Polytranspar, Head Quarters etc.) Is your entry done using any of these? Please make notation of it here. ______________________________________________________________________________ In order to compete - you must be a “paid-up” PTA member and be registered for at least one day of the convention. Mounts must be delivered to the competition area between the hours of 6 p.m. - 9 p.m. Wednesday, March 16, 2016, 8:00 a.m. - 8 p.m. on Thursday, March 17, 2016 and 8:00 a.m. - 12 Noon on Friday, March 18, 2016. NO REFUNDS WILL BE GIVEN! Make checks payable to: PA TAXIDERMIST ASSOCIATION & mail with form to: Dee Carley, 628 N. Fraley St., Kane, PA 16735 DO NOT MAIL THIS FORM AFTER FEBRUARY 29, 2016 - BRING THIS FORM TO THE SHOW INSTEAD ALL MOUNTS MUST REMAIN IN THE COMPETITION ROOM UNTIL AFTER THE AWARDS BANQUET ON SATURDAY EVENING! NO EXCEPTIONS! If you can’t stay until Saturday evening, you must make arrangements for someone else to take your piece(s) home. ~ 25 ~ ~ CLASSIFIED ADS ~ Free for PTA Members FOR SALE: Coyote form from McKenzie – Table Pedestal Style #CY-3014-CL with Tohickon eyes – ½ Price. $80.00 including shipping. Phone 717-354-9998 Ivan R. Martin WHOLESALE BIRD TAXIDERMY: Why get bogged down with birds or turn away customers; stop getting stressed out or losing money by turning away customers on them anymore, let me help you! I provide quality work that your customers deserve with a fairly quick turnaround. Contact Matt for a price list and details at 814-470-7209 or email at tnt.taxidermy14@yahoo.com. TOP END WHOLESALE FISH TAXIDERMY: Both skin mounts & replicas. 22 years experience, full time studio. $9.25 per inch skin, $14 per inch most replicas. Also wholesale turkey tails and antler mounts. Call Matt @ (570) 689-3237 or visit our website www.mistymtnstudios.com. INVENTORY REDUCTION SALE: Lederach Taxidermy in Telford, PA has been in business full time for 52 years. After all those years in business I'm trying to reduce my inventory. I have a nine page list of all kinds of capes and full skins, North American and African for sale. All are tanned and frozen and in excellent condition. I also have the following forms for sale. If you would like my list of capes and skins or are interested in any of the forms I can be reached at 215-723-2187 or dbarrylederach@verizon.net. • Whitetail - Ben Mears FS-140, RT Sneak, 7 ¼ x20 ¾ x 22 @ $30.00 • Whitetail - Joe Coombs, #1000, LT Up, 7 x 19 ½ x 20 @ $25.00 • Whitetail - Buckeye, # 375105, LT up sweep, off set, open mouth @ $35.00 • Whitetail - McKenzie, WTJ 540, 7 x 16 x 17, Semi up, offset @ $30.00 • Whitetail - McKenzie, WTJ 502, 7 ¼ x 18 x 20+, Swell neck, sneak head up, offset @ $35.00 • Mule Deer - Research, # G358-55, sneak, 7 7/8 x 14 x 22 @ $40.00 • Whitetail - Dane Chase, # D 2040-A, STR, head down drinking @ $25.00 • Red Fox L/S - McKenzie, # 709B, going uphill to right @ $55.00 • Elk shoulder -McKenzie, EK-42 RT O/M, Bulg., 90% - Mohr jaw set installed @ $160.00 • Javelina (Peccary) shoulder - McKenzie # JV 4270 STR, O/M (Jaws Installed) @ $140.00 • Dall Sheep L/S- McKenzie, walking RT, left foot up, #DAS-23,size 63 FOR SALE: Large selection of artificial fish heads. Call for price and availability. Dave McBride (814)765-3649. TRAIL CAMERAS: Cessna’s Taxidermy is now offering the newest models of Cuddyback trail cameras at the best prices. Contact 814-371-7639 Visa or Mastercard accepted. WHOLESALE TAXIDERMY: Tired of people asking “Where’s my mount, and when will it be done?”? If this is you, then you can’t afford to pass on this opportunity. Hi, my name is Dominick Draper, and I am highly skilled Taxidermist looking for some extra work. Contact me so we can work together to empty those freezers and satisfy customers. Email: draperdominick@yahoo.com or call (570) 584-3910. FOR SALE: Felt strips for animal rugging. Three inches wide, scalloped edge, $1.15 a yard - many colors. 717-927-8171 Robin Tompkins. DO YOU DREAD HEARING THE WORD RUG? Here at Wilderness Wonders your pre-mounted rug heads are sewn with quality and detail your customers will love. We offer machine and hand-sewn prices and a wide variety of felt colors and fabircs to compliment your customer’s trophy. For impressive workmanship, call 814-448-9987 and ask for Connie. Please no Sunday calls. BEAR MOUNTAIN FUR WHOLESALE RUGGING: For quick, quality rugging of your mounted fur rug heads. I’m located in the Pocono Mountains, just 15 minutes from Route 80 (Blakeslee exit 284) and just 10 minutes from the PA Turnpike NE Extension (Mahoning Valley exit 74). Call and stop by, or send your customers’ rug furs to me for quick, professional rugging. Elizabeth Beyer, (570)325-4536, or bearmountaintaxidermy@yahoo.com. LIFE GOES ON TAXIDERMY: Wholesale freeze-dry for pets and small game. For more information, call Hidden Hollow Taxidermy (717)939-0123. ATTENTION WHITETAIL DEER TAXIDERMIST: World Champion, Mike Rohanna is offering advanced, one-on-one deer instruction. For more information, call (724)852-1094. WHITETAIL DEER ONE-ON-ONE INSTRUCTIONS: Improve your commercial work to Blue Ribbon quality competition work. For more information, call Lou Gagliano (215)234-4847. FOR SALE: 1000 Fiberglass Molds - 75 Trophy Fish Mounts & Repo Fish Painting Instructions. Contact McGinnity Marine Art @ 717-993-2373 or George@mcginnitymarineart.com 19717 Five Forks Road – New Freedom, PA 17349 WWW.EASTCOASTCAPES.COM Just may be the best site in the world for buying taxidermy capes, hides, and life size skins. We buy, sell, and trade for all legally taken capes and life size skins. EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY: Our company is growing and we are looking for skilled individuals to join our team. We have opportunities for taxidermists as well as opportunites in habitat construction. Applicants must be self-motivated, able to work in a fast-paced environment, and be comfortable working on their own, as well as with our team. These individuals will be asked to work on varied projects with little supervision and strict quality control. Salary will be based on experience and productivity. Full benefit package is included. For more information about our company, please visit http://wildlifestudios.com. Contact Wes Good at 717-933-4828 or email: wes@wildlifestudios.com. ROBIN’S NEST ANIMAL RUGGING: Professional rugging and felting of your tamed hide starting at $36.00 ft. Also doing rug shell installation. Quality work with quick turnaround at reasonable prices. Call or email for color chart sample and price list. www.robinsanimalrugs.com 717-927-8171 - Trltcountry@aol.com BRIAN’S CUSTOM TAXIDERMY is now offering wholesale fish services. Reproductions are my specialty. Also offering one-on-one training on weekends. For more information call 814-239-5046 or cell 814-414-5224 or visit: www.brianscustomtaxidermy.com. FOR SALE: Wolverine, lynx, bobcat skins, cross-fox, silver fox, black wolves and gray wolves. Call for prices and other information. Mark Wolozsnowicz at (724)832-8708. WHOLESALE FREEZE DRY: Freeze dry service available to taxidermists. You prep your work and dry it in my freeze dryer. Prep instruction available. Contact Paul Czarnecki at (814)796-6320. RIDGEMASTER TURKEY CALLS: Beautifully hand-crafted box calls (Walnut/American Chestnut) $38.50 delivered. PA residents add $2.10. P.O. Box 381, Reedsville, PA 17084 or (717)667-3396. FISH AND SMALL MAMMAL TAXIDERMISTS: Advanced instruction on fish and small mammals now available. Training will be tailored to suit your needs. For more information, contact Dave McBride at (814)765-3649. ATTENTION BIRD TAXIDERMISTS: One-on-one instruction. Paul Czarnecki is now offering comprehensive 3- and 5-day seminars for Waterfowl, Upland Birds and Turkeys. Improve your commercial work and move up to Blue Ribbon competition work. Call (814)796-6320. IF YOUR LISTED ITEMS HAVE SOLD OR YOU NO LONGER WISH TO HAVE YOUR AD RUN, PLEASE CONTACT BECKY SNYDER AT 724-815-8142 OR ottercreektaxidermy@windstream.net ~ 26 ~ JAN • FEB • MAR 2016 Hello my name is John Czemiakowski and have been a proud member of the PTA since the beginning in 1979. My wife Patti and I have two children and three grandchildren. My grandson Nathan is six years old and has developed quite an interest in fishing. We fish as much as we can and I always look forward to our fishing trips. His younger sister Veronica enjoys fishing too and we have quite a time of keeping our lines in the water at the same time while Catherine looks on from the baby stroller. I have always enjoyed turkey hunting especially in the spring and usually hunt in several states each year. I was fortunate to harvest my first Pennsylvania black bear in 2005 that weighed 550 pounds and scored 21 9/16" which ranked it 72 in the Pa record book. Patti and I have a hunting camp in Centre County where I recently built my new shop near Potters Mills. We really enjoy spending time at camp where I do my taxidermy work. My early taxidermy experience began with the Northwestern School of Taxidermy Course in 1968. There was not much information available to learn taxidermy years ago, however, one point I never forgot from the course was to "always finish the mount before moving on to other things". Taxidermy supplies were very limited in selection and quality with sometimes long wait times for supplies to arrive. There was a tendency not to change or alter any of the forms as they were viewed as accurate since they were purchased from a "taxidermy supplier''. I served a taxidermy apprenticeship through my high school years with Tom Harrington who operated a part time shop in Jamison, Pa. who really helped me in the early years improve my taxidermy skills. Tom was patient with me and always encouraged me to do my best in all the mounts. I will never forget all the wild pheasants we mounted back in those days. It seemed like we mounted pheasants for months! Tom came with me when I successfully passed the John Czerniakowski PGC taxidermy exam in 1976 after I moved to Mifflin County and will always be grateful to him for his interest in me. I have operated Seven Mountains Taxidermy Studio since 1976 during my teaching and school administrator career in Lewistown. I have become a full time taxidermist since 2009 when I retired from the Mifflin County School District. Over the years I have served the PTA as secretary, treasurer and board member and I have felt honored to have received the PTA service award on two occasions. Despite a very busy career in public school education along with raising a family and getting customer work completed I was able to earn a masters title in turkeys and blue ribbons in upland game birds and small mammals. I hope to compete in more taxidermy competitions in the future. I also served on the PGC Taxidermy Exam Board along with some very talented and accomplished taxidermists from the PTA. I always enjoyed spending time with our fellow taxidermists while helping those taking the exam improve their skills. I have attended nearly all the PTA conventions since 1979 and what I still value most are the friendships and relationships that have formed with the fine people I have met through the years. I have seen many people cycle through our organization and sometimes wonder if they are still involved in taxidermy. I wish them all well and the very best. Our state organization represents some of the finest and talented taxidermists in the country. Our future is bright as an organization. Those becoming interested in taxidermy now have a wonderful opportunity to become part of an exciting future. I would like to thank the PTA for its leadership in the industry by creating a learning environment where everyone involved has an opportunity to reach their full potential as a taxidermist. The PTA has meant a lot to me and hope I am able to continue to help and support our great organization for many years to come. Best wishes, John Czerniakowski ~ 27 ~