Nelson College Newsletter


Nelson College Newsletter
Nelson College
July 2016
Message from the Headmaster
Jul 8
Jul 25
Aug 1-5
Yr 8 Orientation Week
Aug 4
Nelson College Orientation Evening
Aug 8
Day Parent Teacher Interviews
Classes finish @ 1.25pm
Aug 10
Day Parent Teacher Interviews
Classes finish @ 1.25pm
Aug 12
Football 1st XI Fundraiser
Aug 16
Course Selection Evening
Aug 18
Aug 19
Winter Boarding Day
School finishes @ 12 noon
- boarding parent teacher interviews
Aug 22-26
Practice Exams in Hall
Aug 26
Yr 9 2017 Enrolments close
Aug 27
Year 12 Ball @ NC
Aug 29-Sep 4 Winter Tournament Week
Dear Parents/Caregivers
Tēnā koutou katoa
The College continues to go through a period of significant change
and growth. Next year our roll will increase for the seventh year
in a row, with enrolments of 1100 boys + 45 Internationals and
112 Preparatory School students, a total of 1257.
New digital photography and Art design facilities are completed and this
has seen a huge improvement for both boys and staff in enhancing the
quality of learning in these subjects.
The Boarding Hostel redevelopment and modernisation is well
underway with Barnicoat house having a likely completion date
later this year in November. At that time the boys currently housed
in the ‘Rutherford hostel’ will move into their new facility and work
is now beginning on planning for the refurbishment of Rutherford.
Fell Hostel will be modernised over a number of years as it fulfils a
new role in external hireage and staff accommodation.
The Term has been one which has produced some historic and
outstanding achievements — these have included:
The 1st XV winning the Secondary School Rugby’s most prestigious
trophy – The Moascar Cup from Timaru Boys High
The 1st XI Football winning through as regional champions and a
place in the top 16 at National tournament
Will Hewitt – our first boy to be accepted into the NASA space
camp for students.
Throughout this newsletter you will see acknowledgment of a wide range
of achievements in all areas of College life — well done everyone.
The Importance of Respect in all Aspects of College Life
An extract from my assembly speech on Wednesday 6 July to the school
Sept 1
Sept 2
Sept 9
Nelson College Runathon
Sept 17
Year 13 Ball
Sept 21
Scholarship Day
Assemblies are not just about celebrating when we win …
Sept 24
When we gather as a school it should also be about failure and the
realities of why we do what we do and how we handle defeat and
setbacks in the widest sense.
“This time last year in assembly we were celebrating having beaten
Wanganui Collegiate and Wellington College to win the Quadrangular
Rugby Tournament. On Monday, the 1st XV lost heavily to Christ's College,
and in an hours’ time they will play in the playoff for third against
Wanganui Collegiate.
▪ Private Bag 16, Nelson 7042 ▪ tel: + 64 3 548 3099 ▪ email: ▪
Message from the Headmaster continued...
The 1st XV has epitomised what we stand for … whether winning or losing they have played the game with passion and commitment and most importantly with respect for their opposition and for officials.
They have lost a game … and perhaps may even lose today… but through the season they have gained and will gain so much
more from being together and striving to be the best they can be. There is no dishonour in defeat if you have given your all and
tried your best.
I would urge all of you to emulate this team when you take the field or court and to play hard and fair, but also with honour
and sportsmanship.
To value your opposition and the officials and to play sport for the right reasons.
For its sense of comradeship and the development of everything positive.
It saddens me deeply that all that is good, constructive and fun in playing sport can be ruined by moronic arrogant and destructive behaviour.
For all of you this coming weekend think carefully about why you play and how you play, for playing in our colours is an honour
and a privilege.
A privilege which needs to be cherished and understood and a privilege which can be taken away from you. ”
We now look forward to Term 3 and the final push from senior students as they head towards practice examinations and then
NCEA in Term 4
I am sure that the commitment of teaching staff and the academic focus of our senior classes will ensure that our boys will
achieve to their potential and maintain the excellent results of the last few years.
I wish you all a pleasant winter holiday break.
Nga mihi nui
Gary O’Shea MEd(Admin) BSc
Nelson College Only New Zealand School invited to take part in
International Schools Sevens Tournament in England
Nelson College has accepted an invitation from Rugby School, England to play in an international schools Sevens Tournament as part of Rugby School’s 450th anniversary commemorations in
The Tournament will take place on Friday 24 and Saturday 25 March 2017. Schools from other
countries have been invited, and to date, the other international schools which have accepted include:
Hilton College, South Africa
Shawnigan Lake School, Canada
Marlborough College, England
Blackrock College, Republic of Ireland
Shore, Sydney Church of England Grammar School, Australia
Clifton College, England
Llandovery College, Wales
Royal Belfast Academical Institution, Belfast, Northern Ireland
Scotland and Japan are also expected to send teams. Nelson College will be the sole New Zealand representative at this
Tournament and has received endorsement from the Tasman RFU and the NZRFU.
Nelson College having played the first recognised game of rugby in New Zealand in 1870, “it was an honour” to be chosen
and Nelson College Headmaster Gary O’Shea gladly accepted the invitation. “It’s a once in a lifetime opportunity and an
historic event that won’t be forgotten.”
If any individuals or businesses wish to be involved in supporting Nelson College in this enterprise, please contact
Headmaster Gary O’Shea direct at or 548 3099.
Welcome to the Nelson College PTA
We are a group of enthusiastic parents who meet once a month with senior management and a teacher representative. They
keep us up-to-date with the running of the school events and important dates in the school calendar. We have the opportunity
to share information and this is an excellent link to the college.
Our main focus is to raise money for the students of Nelson College. This is done through the Uniform Shop profits and other
PTA fundraising events such as the quiz evening.
Students of the College can apply to the PTA for funding to attend national and international sporting and cultural events. Last
year for example, we gave money to students who represented the school in:
Future Problem Solving
Chess Team
Nelson College Hospitality Team
Underwater Hockey
Spirit of Adventure
Youth Enterprise Business Scheme
In addition to the above donations, we also donated $40,000 to enable the college to purchase a much needed new van.
We normally meet every third Monday of the month in the college staffroom. We welcome new parents to the committee.
If you would like any further information, please email Delyth Logan, PTA Secretary,
Melissa Everett - PTA Chairperson
Nelson College Bros
Making a Difference in the Nelson Community
NC Bros is a volunteer organisation I founded at the start of this year. My aim was to have Nelson College boys to engage the
community through acts of kindness - all to inspire a greater community spirit and help promote that students from Nelson
College can give back to Nelson.
For the past two terms we have been involved with multiple community organisations. NC Bros has assisted in such events as
the Relay for Life, the Founders Family Fun Day, Teen Health Week, Youth & Community Works, and has made visits to Green
Gables as an act of goodwill towards the old folks.
Most recently NC Bros has been at the frontline for community services in the local community. Last week we attended the
Womens Business Council ‘Tribe’ as helpers to ensure the evening ran smoothly, as well as presenting their involvement with
the fundraiser event ‘Shave for a Cure’. Shave for a Cure was also another act of local community participation by the NC Bros.
As a group, the boys managed to raise over $3000 dollars, all to give to the Leukaemia and Blood Foundation NZ.
This week NC Bros has been involved with local primary schools for the WWF Wildlife Habitats in Schools movement; their aim
is to plant over 800 native New Zealand trees in school’s natural sanctuaries. So far, a successful involvement with Nelson
Central School saw the NC Bros assist the young kids in planting over a three day period.
This year alone I have managed to recruit over 60 Nelson College boys in the NC Bros, and this number is growing as more boys
are willing to get involved. We have a page for the volunteers on Facebook where we discuss our services and suggestions, and
am currently in the process of publishing a public page to let the community know of all the hard work and dedicated hours
our Nelson College Volunteers have given back to the community.
NC Bros has become a regularly ongoing commitment, and the boys involved have all had fantastic experiences with the
activities. Boys have built on their strengths to engage people from all ages and background, our group is non-discriminatory
and anyone at NC can help. All boys involved tell me that they have a new found fondness for being a volunteer.
As NC Bros, our motto is ‘Bros helping bros in the community’. To us here at Nelson College, everyone is a Bro, and if they
need any assistance or help from the boys at Nelson College, we encourage them to get in contact with young men of Nelson
College who give back.
Louis Laws—Head Boy
Year 13 students Louis Laws, Ben
Wiseman, William Wallace,
Joe Proctor, Willo Thomsen, Waka
Goldsworthy and Drew Forrest before
and after their Shave for a Cure,
cancer campaign where they raised
over $3000
Watch the Shave Off here
General College Information
Nelson College Board of Trustees
Congratulations to the following who were elected at the recently held Board of
Trustees elections:
Pamela EWAN
Deleece HALL
Staff Representative:
Change of Teaching Staff
At the end of this term we say farewell to
Science Department teacher Bob Wilson—
we wish him well.
Homestay Families Wanted
Joe Haddon has
been appointed to
replace Bob Wilson
in the Science
starting Term 3.
We have students looking for homestay now and in 2017. We pay $240/week for
a room of their own. If you’d like to find out more please contact:
Jude Rainey, International Manager, Nelson College
M 027 294 6813 5488 3099 ext 809
Boarding Facility Hire
Do you have a family reunion in the
future or a sporting event and would
like to accommodate a large group?
Did you know that Nelson College hires out one of the
boarding houses during term breaks including the
Summer holidays?
Our dining room also offers many catering
If you are interested please let me know. We may be able to help you.
Please feel free to pass on my contact details to family and friends.
Please phone Sharon Dawson on 5483099 ext: 890
or email:
Don’t forget to check our website
For: School Calendar; Newsletters; 2015
Annual Report; 2016 Charter; 2017
Curriculum Booklet and up-to-date
news and events
Nelson College was pleased to welcome Sir John Kirwan who
shared his personal story and message around depression to
the Nelson College students at assembly. We thank Westpac
for sponsoring this presentation.
Sir John Kirwan and Westpac staff were greeted by a powhiri
at the front of the school.
A thought for the day with help from John Kirwan:
“Courage is daily, greatness is daily, wellness is daily
Wellness recipe is: Give, Be active, Keep learning;
Connect; Take notice”
Mental Health Foundation of NZ
Nelson College recently hosted the Regional Ngā Manu Kōrero speech competitions.
We had speakers entered into all four sections: Kikorangi Panoho (Senior Māori)
however, due to illness, was unable to participate, David de Thierry (Senior English),
Rakaia Horne (Junior Māori) and Solomon Bern-Hippolite (Junior English). Solomon
placed 4th and Rakaia 2nd while David won his section and will represent Nelson
College and the Top of the South Island region in Whangarei next term.
Students and staff “donned” in
pink for Pink Shirt Day to raise
awareness and take action
against homophobic bullying.
Space Camp Mission to US
Yr 12 student Will Hewitt is one of four New Zealand secondary school
pupils going to the International Space Camp at the US Space and Rocket
Centre in Alabama, USA held in July.
He will practice in simulators for low-gravity and piloting, learn about
science, technology, engineering and maths, and work on teamwork and
The trip is 70 percent subsidised by the Talented School
Students Travel Award, run by the Royal Society of NZ, and Will funds the
remaining 30 percent.
"I’m excited about hearing and learning about the topic from pretty
far out there professors…
the one-sixth gravity simulator sounds pretty fun.”
ACADEMIC Committee Members & Captains
The Nelson College Student Academic Committee assists other students with academic challenges, runs academic events and
contests, coordinates with Academic Committees of other area schools, builds a community of like-minded academic students,
provides a student voice on academics, endeavours to be academic role models for younger students, and promotes academic
opportunities and academic life at our school. The Committee hosted the Top-of-the-South Colleges Academic Quiz
(sponsored by NBS) this month, running and promoting the entire event, and they have launched a peer tutoring programme
Any name in blue is an Academic Captain also
House Academic Captains & Members of the Academic Committee
Soon Woo Gwon
Harvey Barron
Austin Clarke
Hamish van der Logt
Ben Samson
Thomas Littleworth
Seth Whittington
Other Academic Committee Members & Academic Captains
International Students
Ji Su Kim
Refugee Students
Steven Talawng
Maori Students
Te Maungarongo Wilson
Louis Macalister
Rohan O’Neil Stevens
Ben Watts
Josh Pressman
Michael Neru
Jack Everett
Abel Johnston
Roderick Morrison
Alfie Mansfield
William Wallace
Finn Thompson
Jack Silke
Sam Fu-Allen
Sam Reid
Sebastian Hennings
Jordan Duncan
Shakespeare Festival Results from end of last term where the Drama boys picked up some major awards:
Sam McIlroy is shown holding some of the trophies
Best History Play
Most imaginative interpretation of a scene
Best example of a team performance
Best Crowd Scene
Winners—History section
A great Result, so congratulations to the following boys: Sam McIlroy, Jake Danson, Louis Laws, Myer Van Gosliga, Dan Merry,
Burgess Mills, Yitzin Ruiz- Lopez, Josh Mansbridge, David Zhu and Rohan O’Neil-Stevens
Thank you to John Foster in the Tech Department for this awesome robot mask, worn by Callum,
included in our “epic” Shakespeare entry.
The final repairs have been completed on the
college organ making a difference in tonal quality and tuning. Kenneth Childs, our organist for
2016, has been enjoying playing his pieces on
the organ due to its rich tone. He is currently
training younger boys to take over playing the
organ in the coming years.
Nelson College group Two by Four wowed the
audience at the NZ Community Trust Chamber
Music Contest held recently in Nelson., winning
the evening’s top prize for overall best group
and the Ann Carrick Robertson cup for the best
group of musicians from one school. Congratulations to Soon Woo Gwon, Matthew Praat,
Kenneth Childs and Sam Reid.
Nelson College Business Kickstarter Campaign
Kickstarter is a relatively new way to fund projects online. Project creators set a funding goal and deadline. In this case the
Nelson College Business Department set a goal of $10,000—which was decided on at the end of last year. The people and
organisations who liked our project pledged money to make it happen. Funding on Kickstarter is all-or-nothing so projects
must reach their funding goals to receive any money. Fortunately, due to the generosity of many, we managed to reach our
goal and more.
Backers support projects such as ours to help them come to life, not to profit financially. Instead, project creators offer
rewards to thank backers for their support - for us it is what you see here. Backing a project is more than just giving someone
money. It’s supporting their dream to create something they want to see exist in the world. For us it was about growing the
relationship between Nelson College students and the business community by creating a modern learning environment where
business and innovation will thrive.
Check it out the campaign here: and some images of the fit-out here:
Start-Up Weekend Nelson 2016
Mal Sawm Cinzah, Perry Smith and James Perham competed in Start-Up Weekend Nelson with around 50 adults—54 hours
of Business Ideas, Validating, Execution and Pitching from 6pm Friday until about 10pm Sunday.
James Perham was part of the winning group, Nap Nanny, who designed a new and improved baby monitor.
Perry Smith was part of the group that came second; Scaritage, creating scary events in Heritage sites to raise money for
Enterprise in Action
Alistair King was in Auckland for Enterprise in Action, selected as one of 80 students from the 3000 YES students nationwide. He then made the top 16 to pitch to go to Silicon Valley, narrowly missing out on the top 6.
Modern Learning Evening @ Nelson College
Nelson College recently hosted a Modern Learning Evening for current and prospective students and parents to showcase and
outline how IT has been integrated at Nelson College to complement quality teaching and learning. The evening was a huge
success with well over a hundred people turning out to take part in a series of seminars and workshops.
Our Headmaster Gary O'Shea opened the evening in the Hall where guests were given the opportunity to see both the technology and software available at Nelson College. This included our own 3D Printer, Swivel Robot and displays of our Website,
Ultra net, App, Facebook and more. We also hosted David Farquhar the Education Specialist for HP who showed off the new
HP sprout, an all in one 3D scanner as well as some options for student devices.
The aim of the event was to outline our philosophy on IT in the Classroom and the direction in which teaching and learning is
heading at Nelson College in this technological age.
This programme will run through Terms 3-4 for both Year 9 and 10 students.
Each module has five key themes:
healthy relationships
skills and consent
identity, gender and sexuality
when things go wrong
keeping safe together
Mates & Dates is not a sex education programme but will include materials and discussions about sexual and dating violence,
consent, dating, relationships, pornography and other related subject matter. Its aim is to help to prevent sexual and dating
violence by teaching young people relationship skills and behaviours they can carry with them throughout their lives.
Note that if any parent/caregiver does not wish to have their child participate in the Mates and Dates programme, they may
contact the Health Department, Tess Eden Ph 548 3099 or email and an alternative will be put in
To find out more you can do the following:
watch TV3 Story clip on Mates and Dates programme.
Download the Mates & Dates Families Brochure
If you do not have electronic access you can obtain a copy from Tess Eden— please phone the College on 548 3099 and ask.
Future Problem Solving in the USA
On 28 May, four senior students and I travelled to the United States to represent New Zealand at the International Future
Problem Solving Championships. Seth Whittington, James Crosbie, Daniel Merry, Francis Sygrove and I spent three days sightseeing in Los Angeles before the competition started.
After a long flight through Chicago, we arrived at Michigan State
University on June 1st. We attended a swap meet and then went to the
opening ceremony where representatives from each nation carried
their countries’ flags and marched to their national anthems. James
Crosbie carried the flag for New Zealand. There were over 2000
students from a dozen nations including the US, UK, NZ, Australia,
China, India, Turkey and Portugal.
The following day was the problem solving competition. The boys had
to use biomimicry energy solutions to help replace a failing alternative
energy source that had become the only power source for the Galapagos Islands. Our boys invented a computer algorithm, based on economic game theory, where all the crucial factors of the
Island including biological, climate, geographical, economic and population factors featured as players in the game to optimise
biomimicry energy option solutions. Although the boys wrote a very clever and well received booklet, they did not place in the
top ten teams. The second round of the competition saw the boys presenting their winning solution in an original dramatic
presentation called Game of Thrones Theory.
After the awards ceremony we started the long trek back to NZ.
We arrived home exhausted and happy on 8 June.
Sarah Watts
“The boys were wonderful competitors
and represented NZ and Nelson College
extremely well.”
Celebrating Cultural Diversity
Nelson College celebrated Cultural Diversity during a special assembly held at the College in June. The assembly opened with a
Powhiri and a flag ceremony where students from their different countries were welcomed. The students carried table
embassy flags to Mr Kelly (Deputy Principal) reflecting the cultural diversity in the College. This was followed by a song from
the whanau. A speech was given by the Head International Boy Konoshin Sakai wearing a traditional kimono. His speech
encapsulated the essence that “ Strength lies in our differences not in our similarities”.
Deputy Head Boy Mal Swam Cinzah wore his grandfather’s traditional costume from
Myanmar (shown at left) and gave an interesting and informative talk.
A demonstration of Chinlone displayed the skills of the students playing a traditional
sport that is played extensively throughout South East Asia. The ball is made of
bamboo and there are over 200 different kicks that can be employed. A spectacular
high leg kick was demonstrated by Pa Uk. He was supported by team members Bawi
Zachariah, Van Tlumang , Thang Vanuk, Hlawn Ceu Van Roland and Van Lian.
A demonstration of Kendo was performed by Shota Goto and Kei Minamiyama.
Kendo means swordsman. Shota and Kei wore striking black uniforms complete
with head, hand and body armour. They used a bamboo sword to demonstrate the
Kendo moves .Kendo is a traditional Japanese martial art.
The first movement from a Spanish Symphony was superbly played on a violin by
Jacob Wang.
The Nepalese Dance ”Ghani Ghani Ghantang“ was a modern dance performed by
Tapan Pradan, Bimal Mangar, Dependra Mangar and Anmol Thapa. The boys wore
their Nepali dress and Ghurka style hats. This was a popular presentation .
The assembly was the sixth annual event held at the college representing the
growing cultural diversity in New Zealand.
Nelson College Sport
Go online and view our Nelson College Sport Facebook page for great photos, latest results, notices and the
weekly sports calendar.
1st XV
Current Moascar Cup Holders
Every time schoolboys play for the
Moascar Cup they are continuing a
tradition that began on the sands of
Egypt toward the end of the First
World War, and as Nelson College
commemorates those Old Boys who
lost their lives in WW1 for the 100 year
anniversary, it is fitting that the Nelson
College 1st XV should bring home this
trophy for the first time in Nelson
College history – beating Timaru Boys
High 18-3.
Remaining 1st XV Schedule
Photo Charlotte Dickin
9 July
NC v St Thomas
@ Nelson
27 July
NC v Waimea Combined
NC Front Field
30 July
NC v Roncalli
@ Nelson
6 Aug
NC v Lincoln
@ Nelson
13 Aug
UC Semi-Final
20 Aug
UC Final
Photo Charlotte Dickin
Nelson College Under 15 teams
in action on a very
muddy Saturday
Photo Charlotte Dickin
Representing NZ — Cycling
Fourteen year old student Finn Fisher-Black won a GOLD medal at the club road
national championships held in late April and then went on to be named in the
New Zealand team to contest the Canberra Junior Road Cycling Tour—the premier
junior road cycling tour in Australia. Finn placed 2nd in the first stage individual
time trial (behind the Australian national champion who is two years older than
him ) and then went on to win the first year U17 jersey and placed 5th overall.
NZ U17 Invitational Basketball Team
A massive congratulations to Max Darling, who was recently in Australia with the
NZ U17 Invitational Basketball team. The team won the competition and Max was
named MVP of the Tournament.
Finn pictured at right
Nelson College Rugby Evening and Meal
Wednesday 27 July 2016, 6.45pm for 7.00pm start in the Nelson College Dining Hall
Fundraising for 2017—U16s to compete in Gold Coast Rugby Festival
On the Couch
Mark Hammett
All Black 984 (29 Caps)
Sunwolves Coach
Makos Assistant Coach
Highlanders Assistant Coach
Ex Hurricanes Coach
Leon MacDonald
All Black 995 (56 Caps)
NZ Maori 2005
Tasman Makos Head Coach
Ex Crusaders & Chiefs
Andrew Goodman
Makos Skills Coach
Ex Leinster
Ex Tasman Makos Captain
Quinten Strange
NZ U-20 2016
Makos Academy
Tasman Rugby Union Rugby Development Officer
Hosted by Murray Leaning - Newstalk ZB Sports Host
Meal by Chef: Dominic Cain-Townley
Tickets only $ 75
(R18 and limited numbers)
For tickets and further information contact Jud: 021 449 352
Drivers available on request
Sports Roundup
Shirley Boys High School Exchange
This was held here in Nelson on Tuesday 28 and Wednesday 29 of June. For the first time in College history Inline hockey was
included and they played at Tahuna on Tuesday evening. On Wednesday we fought out battles in Junior Football, Junior
Basketball, 1st XI Hockey, Under 14 Rugby, 2nd XV Rugby and 1st XV Rugby. While fields were wet and muddy the actual day was
mild and sunny. Games were all played in great spirit with Nelson College triumphing in all but a closely contested 2 nd XV
Rugby match.
I especially appreciate the support with billeting. Without families looking after our visitors these type of exchanges could not
take place. These are a great opportunity to meet new people plus test ourselves against different opposition. Long may they
Peter Grigg—Physical Education
Inline Hockey
NZ Secondary Inline Hockey Nationals — Nelson Skating Rink
Nelson College entered a young team, 6 of the 9 having never played in a
serious tournament. We had been training hard over the holidays.
Saturday was a big day. We played 6 games, the first one starting at 8am. We
ended the day with 3 wins and 3 losses. We needed to win our last game on
Saturday to make the semis. Thanks to an amazing effort by everyone including a massive 96% save rate by our goalie Brodie Downing, and a couple of
great goals by Devon Stove, we won 2-1. A gutsy effort from our junior players
who were battling against boys twice their size, and a solid defensive effort by
Devon and Matt French. In the semi final we had to play Hillcrest High
School (Hamilton) at 8:30am on Sunday . They were tough and we put up a great
fight but ending up losing 4-1. Shirley Boys, after being well beaten by Hamilton Boys in the other
semi were our opposition for the 3rd and 4th playoff.. With a hat trick by Devon, 2 goals by Sidney Barron and one by
Matt we won 6-2. A great result for such a young team. Devon was the second top goal scorer in the tournament across all
teams, and was awarded MVP for Nelson College. In addition to the national competition there was a Skills Competition. In a
great penalty shoot out competition Brodie was awarded the Top Goalie prize.
Our Yr 10s:-Sidney Barron, Sam Jones Our amazing Yr 9s: Jacob French, Toby Douglas-Clifford, Sammy Rudland
Our outstanding Seniors: Matt French, Brodie Downing, Devon Stove (Captain)
Cross Country
Tasman Secondary Schools Cross Country Championship
— Rabbit Island
In torrential rain 25 boys competed in the Tasman Secondary Schools Cross Country Championship at Rabbit Island.
Despite the weather our Yr 9 boys placed 2nd in the 3 man
and 6 man race. The 3 man team of Josh Sheridan, Aled
Howell, Billy Check. These boys combined with Jesse
Wall, Max Stanley, & Matthew Christian in the 6 man
In the Junior Boys race we placed 1st in the 3 man and 6
man teams and Ben Allan won the Individual event and
Jordan Newsome was 3rd. 3 man team Ben Allan, Jordan
Newsome, Ben Baker. They were joined by Tarn Richards,
Ben Walker, and Sam Preston to win the 6 man event.
The sun came out for the Sr boys and our boys powered
home to win the 3 man and 6 man teams event, with Sam
Mead leading the way with a great race to finish 3 rd.
The Senior 6 man team was Sam Mead, Max Meffan, William Wallace, Graham Urquart, Thomas Littleworth and
Nick Matthews.
Max Meffan in action at the NZSS Championships
After a shaky start to the season,
the Nelson College 1st XI
secured a top spot after beating
Nayland 13-0 in the final
qualifier, earning them an
automatic place in the NZ
championship, and giving them
an opportunity to defend the
national title they won in 2015.
Nelson College 1st XI
players after the
Jill Heath Memorial Cup
football game against
Nayland College.
Congratulations to the following boys who were chosen to represent
the respective Nelson Representative teams for 2016:
U15 NC players
U18 NC players
James Thomson
Max Busby
Jacob Patel
Tarn Richards
Thomas Corbin
Josh Buckley
Rylee Allen
Jalan Heaton
Finley Hill
Brady Machen
Michael Walker
Our 1st X1 in terms of results also had a very good draw against
Marlborough Boys 4-4 in the recent inter school exchange.
Photo Charlotte Dickin
New Zealand National
Motorcycling Cross-Country
In the Junior Overall National series Jackson Walker
won the No 2 spot for 2016—missing out on the
number 1 spot by only 1 point and came in 1st for
his class (2 Stroke up to 200cc).
Bailey Aldridge won 3rd place in his class (2 Stroke
up to 85cc)
Together with a third team mate, Keegan Anglesey
from Tapawera, the boys WON the New Zealand
Junior Team Title.
The series involved travelling to Huntly, Mosgiel
and Taranaki for racing before the home town
(Nelson) final.
“This was Jackson’s last year in
Junior Racing and we are very
proud of his efforts and
determination this year as he
has prepared, trained and raced
the National Series.”
The Nelson College cricket programme is moving forward in leaps and bounds. While in a number of colleges throughout
the region and the country, cricket is in decline, Nelson College is buoyant. Led by recent successes of their 1 st XI in
qualifying for the National top six finals in December the boys are preparing for an ambitious Australian trip in September.
This success has not been accidental. Nelson College runs a Cricket Academy through the winter months concentrating out
of season on skill development with specialist coaches. The school has contracted Garry MacDonald, a former Canterbury
and NZ spin bowling coach, who holds the rare
qualification of a Level Three coach. The Academy
These are exciting times for Nelson College cricket as they
is funded by Nelson College and students.
look for continued success.
In the recent season the Nelson College 1st XI team
acquitted themselves well after being promoted to
the Senior grade. More importantly it gave them a
good grounding for some exceptional inter school
results culminating in winning both the D’Arcy Cup
for top of the south supremacy, plus the Central
Districts zone championship to qualify the team
through to the National top six tournament which
will be held in Lincoln in December. This was a
young team, led by the performances of New Zealand Under 19 representative, Felix Murray, and on
the back of solid run support the team always had
enough on the board to defend. The four pronged
spin attack was both parsimonious and lethal as no
batting team was really able to gain the upper hand.
Nelson's isolation presents difficulties in exposing
players to a higher level of competition with their
nationally ranked peers. Travel and building the player base of the 1 st XI and Development XI is a necessary part of the
cricketing programme as this provides exposure to increase skill levels and sporting resilience.
The Nelson College 1st XI and Development XI are to play five colleges over eight days in Australia to become fully immersed
in a cricket environment, with the aim of not only working on their cricket skills, but also conditioning players for the
Secondary School Boys' First XI Cup standards. This is New Zealand's Secondary School one day cricket competition. In 2016
over 200 schools entered the competition, with six teams qualifying for the final. Nelson College was one of the top six
qualifying teams for the second time in three years after defeating traditional Central Districts' cricket power houses
Palmerston North Boys' High and New Plymouth Boys' High in March 2016. This competition will be held at Lincoln
University. Nelson College 1st XI will play five games in five days against the top college players in New Zealand on the best
wickets in New Zealand. This is the pinnacle of college cricket, and if the boys are to succeed they will need to be able to
perform to the highest standard.
It would not be possible without the backing of the numerous sponsors and we would like to thank them all for their very
generous support. While the boys are busy doing their own fundraising such as apple picking, baking and hamper raffles
they still need more help. If you are interested is supporting Nelson College there are numerous sponsorship packages available. In particular, they are looking for assistance with the $1600 cost of a 1-day training camp at the Michael Clarke Cricket
Academy while in Sydney.
If you would like to help with this exciting venture please contact
Megan Clark on or 0210795155
Click here to read more and/or
Thank You
Old Boy Snapshot
Congratulations to Sam Drew (2003-07) who, from 450
submissions received from around the world, was selected as
one of the 45 finalists of the REAXYS PhD prize— the
important and recognised international Prize
for young chemists. The final is to be held in London
this September. Sam is from the Sherburn group, Australian
National University—his Representative paper entitled:
Unified total synthesis of the natural products endiandric acid
A, kingianic acid E, and kingianins A, D and F published in
Chemical Science, 2015. We wish Sam all the best.
Since our last school newsletter
which featured Kip Colvey (2007-09),
he has subsequently been selected
for the All Whites—congratulations
Click here for Q & A with
Kip from 12 June
Quinten Strange (2010-14) had
plenty of game time representing NZ
at the World Rugby Under 20
England in June. The Baby Blacks
claimed fifth place.
Click here for interview with
Quentin on 12 June
“The sights you can’t
describe… you see the
curvature of the
Congratulations to Michael Karena (2008-11) selected as a
Tall Black. Note Finn Delaney (2009-13) was also selected
but unluckily missed the final team selection. Rookie Mike is
getting a reputation as a “valuable enforcer” on the
current Tall Blacks Olympic qualifying tour.
Vukona (2000) continues in his role as Tall Blacks
Captain, with Oklahoma City Thunder centre Steven Adams
singling him out as one of his favourite players.
Click here for interview with Mike Karena
Danny Guard (1979-83)
dream—he conquered the
mountain—Mt Everest!
Click here to hear
Danny’s story
Student Office
Parent Teacher Interviews
Day Parent Teacher Interviews - Term 3 Week 3, Mon 8 & Wed 10 Aug (shortened day for all students from 1.25pm)
Online bookings open: Mon 25 July 9.00am.
Boarding Parent Interviews – Term 3 Week 4, Friday 19 August (shortened day for all students from 12.00 pm)
Online bookings open: Mon 8 August 9.00am
Booking instructions will be emailed shortly. If you have not received booking instructions, logon on to the website and go to
the Information page. If you need help with you bookings please contact reception from 10.00am on the day bookings open.
NCEA Credit summaries were emailed and handed out in last week Term 2. Senior reports were issued on 13 June and
Junior reports on 6 July. If you did not receive a copy of your son’s report you can log in to the Nelson College Ultra net and
click on “View School Records” Nelson College Ultra net
Course Selection for 2017
This year we will again be asking you to do online subject selection with your son. You will receive more information in Term 3
regarding this process and Online Selection will open Monday 8 August.
Practice Exams Monday 22nd to Friday 26 August
Practice exams have been moved forward this year so teachers can provide earlier feedback leading into NCEA external exams.
Check the Ultranet and website for a copy of the timetable.
Student Online Access to NCEA Results
Last week of Term 2, Years 11-13 received an ID card which includes their National Student Number (NSN) and instructions for
accessing their NCEA results on the NZQA website. Please encourage your son to log in and register if they have not already
done so. Check name (legal), contact details and entries are correct. NZQA provides for online delivery of results, certificates
and Records of Achievement only so it is important all students can access these online and order documents and certificates
as required. These are NOT sent out automatically by NZQA.
Please pay fees to the Finance Office by Friday 19 August. After this date you will need to pay NZQA directly and this will incur
a late fee of $50. Financial Assistance: Community Services card holders and beneficiaries are eligible for financial assistance
which reduces the fee to $20. An application form is available from the Student Office.
We can email this form if required.
This is our secure web environment where parents and caregivers can access information to keep them
informed of their son’s learning progress via latest school reports, NCEA results and attendance. Also
the Information page includes Uniform shop hours and order form, school period timetable and Parent
Teacher instructions. We are keen to encourage parents to use this facility. If you have any queries or
problems accessing Ultranet please email or phone the Student Office.
If you have any queries regarding the above information please contact the Student Office
Ph: 548 3099 ext 833
Geography Field Trips
Geography students from Years 11, 12 and 13 recently went on a number of field trips. To follow are excerpts
from their experiences.
Year 11 Geography – Forestry field trip
We have been studying sustainability in commercial forestry, and
visited a number of different work places, where we were able to
see examples of the main type of trees grown (Pinus Radiata) and
the local and foreign companies they sell them to. Also we saw all
the machinery in use, devouring the trees, as well as answers to
many of our questions. The factory at Nelson Pine Industries was
full of high tech systems—
“We were amazed at how eco-friendly they are.”
Robbie Anderson
Year 12 Geography – Stream Quality field trip
We headed out on a cold and overcast day towards our first study site, Orphanage Creek. Our study site consisted of the area
of the river that runs from Saxton Park through to Bunnings Warehouse. We were split into three groups, one group
conducting the research of water depth, temperature, conductivity and clarity; another using nets in hope of catching a variety
of macroinvertebrates to determine the stream quality and health; and another looked at the land use surrounding the river
and what factors/actions being taken could potentially affect the river quality negatively and positively. After this we moved
onto our next study site which was about halfway up the Brook Stream at Burn Place. Here we carried out the same activities
as before but rotated around. Overall the water quality here was significantly better compared with Orphanage Creek. We
then moved further upstream to the Brook Waimarama Sanctuary for lunch and a talk from the director of the sanctuary. We
learnt about the predator proof fence that had been installed and
the sanctuary’s visions for the future. We then moved onto our
last study site, inside the Brook Sanctuary, which was the most
pristine environment of the three sites researched.
“Overall it was a great trip and was very interesting comparing and
contrasting the 3 study sites and seeing the change in water quality from a heavily modified environment to a very pristine, natural
Tim Samson
Year 13 Geography – Coastal Processes field trip
Recently we embarked on a two day field trip to Farewell Spit as part of our Coastal Processes research topic. The aim of the
trip was to collect field data at three different
locations to show variations in the coastal
processes. It also allowed us to see the processes and phenomena of the sites first hand,
rather than just through a textbook. We
collected data at Wharariki Beach as well as
the Tibetan Plateau and Lagoon Creek on
Farewell Spit.
We were very fortunate to have the
opportunity the visit a world renowned and
nationally protected area which is right on our
“I’d like to thank Geoff Rennison, an ex-head
ranger at DOC who volunteered his time and
knowledge on the trip, as well as Mr. Purdie
and Mr. Powrie for giving us the opportunity.”
Jordan Lankshear
Careers and Pathway Planning
Upcoming Careers Events
Tues 16 August
Subject Selection Evening*
Nelson College
Thurs 14 July
University of Canterbury Open Day
Friday 15th July
Lincoln University Open Day
Wed 3 August
Massey University (Manawatu) Open Day
Sat 20 August
Massey University (Auckland) Open Day
Palmerston North
Auckland Campus
Sat 20 August
UC Nelson Campus Open Evening for Primary Teaching
Massey University (Wellington) Open Day
Study at Victoria University
Auckland University Courses and Careers
Open Day
Tues 13 September
University of Canterbury Course Planning
Fri 16 September
Victoria University Course Planning
Thurs 22 September
Auckland University Course Planning
Otago University Course Planning
Friday 26 August
Sat 27 August
* Subject selection for Years 10,11,12 is an opportunity to ask questions and seek advice on how to plan your pathway through
school and beyond. Career programmes will be run at each year level to support subject selection.
New Location for the Careers Team and Resources—across from the Student Office
BCITO Trades Evening – 6 July
More than 80 students and parents attended the Building and Construction trades evening held the last week of term. From
flooring, to quantity surveying, carpentry to glazing, local trades people educated students from around the region on how to
enter the multiple trades apprenticeships on offer. Thanks to the BCITO and CATE (Nelson) for their support.
Online Hall of Residence applications open on 1 August
Students planning to apply for University accommodation in 2017 must have online applications complete by 30 August. Places are given on the basis of Year 12 results, however demonstrable leadership, sporting, cultural and community involvement
may help your application. Mrs Gray writes the Common Confidential Reference Forms CCRF based on teacher comments.
Students need to complete their profile on the Year13 Class Notebook page before the start of Term 3.
Contacts for Careers
Leigh Gray or Kirsten Thorp, or call 5483099 ext 806
Payments by Internet:—
Bank account details for your payment are:
Bank Account Name
Nelson College
Bank Account Number
03 0703 0365073 03
Please ensure that the student’s name is in the Reference field along with what you are paying for
eg sports trip.
Second hand uniforms are accepted but they
MUST be in good, clean tidy condition. Only
items in this condition will be
accepted—thank you.
School Information
School Office
All visitors to the College must check in at the school office in the
first instance.
Waimea College offer an extensive range of Adult and
Community Education courses. New classes for
Term 3 include a “Shabby Chic” One Day Workshop
and Hobby Upholstery.
For more details and enrolments click here
Student Achievement
The College aims to acknowledge all outstanding student
achievement. Please contact the Headmaster, Mr Gary O’Shea by
email on with any information on your
son’s successes.
If your son is absent it is important that the school is notified.
 Please call the attendance line on ph: 548 3099 Ext 2 with details
of your son’s name and the reason for his absence or email
 A medical certificate is required if a student is ill for five or more
consecutive days.
 Students are not to leave school if they are feeling unwell without
permission. They must sign-out at the reception office before
leaving the school grounds.
 If your son needs to leave school during the day for any reason they
must take a signed note from parents/caregivers to the attendance
office in the morning to receive a pink permission slip to leave the
grounds. If the leave is unexpected an email/call from a parent/
caregiver needs to have been received before they go to the
attendance office, for their pink permission slip.
 Students who arrive late to school or class without an appropriate
explanation will be recorded as “Late” and this will be followed up
by the dean as described in our absence procedures.
 Reminder to boys/parents that driving lessons/tests should be
booked outside of school hours—thank you.
 Full absence procedures can be found on the College website—
NZ Youth Symphonic Winds South Island Tour
20th July @ 7pm
Nelson College Hall
Door sales only $20/$10
Leave for non-school related activities
Request for leave that is non-school related, during the school year,
must be addressed to the Headmaster, Mr Gary O’Shea either by
email or in writing at least two weeks prior to the start of leave.
14—17 July @ Saxton Stadium
Come and see gymnasts from around New Zealand
compete against a team from Australia
Lost Property
 Please ensure your son’s property is named, so that found items
can be returned promptly.
 For enquiries about Lost Property please contact the College Office
on telephone 03 5483099.
Management Team Email Contacts
Headmaster Gary O’Shea
Deputy Headmaster Tim Tucker
Deputy Principal (Pastoral) Ron Kelly
Deputy Principal (Academics) Brian Hore
Deputy Principal (Commercial) Jim Dickin