Long Beach Times


Long Beach Times
Long Beach Times
Vol. 25 No. 37
Thursday • June 20 - 26,2013
Email: lbtimes@aol.com • Website: LongBeachTimes.org
A Little Pitbull Goes A Long Way
Pitbull Energy Drink Company was founded in 2001 and its headquarters are in Carson, California. Pitbull
is the only independent energy drink manufacturer/distributor in the nation. The company has met challenges and
exceeded expectations in the enormous battle among energy drink companies.
As of recent, Pitbull is focusing
on the domestic market after
having secured great success
internationally. Pitbull has also
gained some bragging rights in that
the American Diabetes Association
has approved the sugar-free
products and the US military has
chosen this awesome and effective
drink as procurement for the
war fighters in Iraq, Kuwait and
Pitbull energy drinks have five
flavors that include Lemon Lime,
Cherry Lime, Cranberry Pink
Grapefruit, Blueberry Pomegranate and the newest addition, a mind blowing Fruit Punch! The Lemon Lime and
Blueberry Pomegranate can also be purchased in the sugar-free form. Each flavor has a personality of its own
and seems to ignite a virtual party in your mouth with every taste. After enjoying one of these exceptional drinks
there is no crash and burn feeling and Pitbull guarantees NO AFTERTASTE!
Pitbull energy drinks can be found in 7-Eleven stores nationwide as well as thousands of independent retailers.
In addition, if you would like to visit the Pitbull store in Long Beach the address is 746 Pine Ave. They are open
from 9 AM to 4 PM Tuesday through Saturday.
Pitbull energy drinks have been around for over 10 years and has held its own while staying focused on its
consumers and their needs for an exceptional energy drink. Pitbull uses the best ingredients always keeping
the consumer in mind. Give Pitbull a try, your taste buds will thank you. For information on distribution and
ordering please call (562) 243-3335, (562) 243-9924 or fax (562) 628-0800 .
Dr. Bonta Stepping Down as President and CEO
The California Wellness Foundation today announced that Dr. Diana M. Bontá has stepped down as president and
CEO, effective June 14, 2013.
"We have appreciated Diana's time with us as we have gained important
insights and strategies for the promotion of health and wellness among
Californians," said Dr. Barbara C. Staggers, chair of the Foundation's Board of
Directors. "We wish her well in her future endeavors."
Dr. Bontá indicated: "The launching of the strategic planning process and
TCWF's enhanced response to public policy, the health needs of women
veterans and the training needs of our health workforce have advanced health
equity in California. It has been a privilege to support the work of communities
and TCWF."
The Foundation's Board of Directors will soon announce the appointment of
an interim president and CEO.
The California Wellness Foundation is a private independent foundation
created in 1992 with a mission to improve the health of the people of
California by making grants for health promotion, wellness education and
Dr. Diana M. Bonita
disease prevention.
The Foundation prioritizes eight issues for funding: diversity in the health
professions, environmental health, healthy aging, mental health, teenage pregnancy prevention, violence prevention,
women's health, and work and health. It also responds to timely issues and special projects outside the funding priorities.
Since its founding in 1992, TCWF has awarded 6,919 grants totaling more than $852 million.
For more information, contact Vice President of Communications, Magdalena Beltrán-del Olmo, (818) 702-1900.
George Zimmerman's Father Identifies The NAACP
as 'True Racists' In New Book
SANFORD, FL - "Florida v. Zimmerman: Uncovering the Malicious Prosecution of my Son, George" was released
as an e-book last Wednesday. The description reads simply: "This book describes how and why my son, George
Zimmerman, has been charged with the crime of murder."
Racism has been an overarching issue since Martin, who was unarmed, was shot and killed on Feb. 26, 2012.
Many believe Zimmerman, who is Hispanic, targeted the teen that night in Sanford, Fla., because of Martin's race.
Zimmerman's father, however, disagrees with the portrait that has been painted of his son.
"As an adult, George continued to judge everyone as individuals, as he does today," Zimmerman writes in the
prologue. "Many of George's closest and most trusted friends are African American. Although the FBI interviewed
dozens of George's friends, neighbors, co-workers, and acquaintances, there is a tremendous amount of evidence that
George is absolutely not a racist in any sense of the word."
In fact, he thinks the racism is coming from elsewhere.
In the chapter, "Who Are The True Racists," according to Think
Progress, Zimmerman uses words like "pathetic," "self-serving" and
"disgrace" when describing the Congressional Black Caucus, the
NAACP and Martin's funeral director, among others. He says he believes
they are promoting a racist agenda in the United States and around the
Martin case.
Visit Think Progress to read the full excerpts.
He also says that because U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder chose
to investigate whether Martin's killing violated federal civil rights
laws, the FBI didn't have “adequate resources to investigate clearly
identified potential terrorist [sic] in the Boston area.” Now, “tragically,
George Zimmerman's father, Robert, says we have suffered the consequences of Mr. Holder’s politically motivated
that the NAACP among other groups are decisions," he wrote, according to Think Progress.
the true racists in the Trayvon Martin case.
Reviews of the book online thus far are divided. Commentators'
critiques have ranged from praise from those who believe he is shedding new light on the case, to dismissive, calling
it a conspiracy theory that blames everyone but the gunman, to angry.
The first week of jury selection ended Friday and 29 potential jurors have completed the initial round of questioning,
according to the Associated Press. Of those 29, 19 are white; six are black; two are Hispanic; one is Asian-American;
and one describes himself as mixed race.
Zimmerman, who is facing trial for second-degree murder, is pleading not guilty.
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Supreme Court Strikes Down Arizona Voter
Registration Citizenship Requirement
WASHINGTON -- States can't demand proof of citizenship from people registering to vote in federal elections unless
they get federal or court approval to do so, the Supreme Court ruled Monday in a decision complicating efforts in
Arizona and other states to bar voting by people who are in the country illegally.
The justices' 7-2 ruling closes the door on states independently changing
the requirements for those using the voter-registration form produced under
the federal "motor voter" registration law. They would need permission
from a federally created panel, the Election Assistance Commission, or a
federal court ruling overturning the commission's decision, to make tougher
requirements stick.
Justice Antonin Scalia, who wrote the court's majority opinion, said
federal law "precludes Arizona from requiring a federal form applicant to
submit information beyond that required by the form itself."
Voting rights advocates welcomed the ruling.
"Today's decision sends a strong message that states cannot block their
citizens from registering to vote by superimposing burdensome paperwork
requirements on top of federal law," said Nina Perales, vice president of
litigation for the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund.
"The Supreme Court has affirmed that all U.S. citizens have the right to
register to vote using the national postcard, regardless of the state in which
they live."
Antonin Scalia
Under Proposition 200 approved in 2004, Arizona officials required an
Arizona driver's license issued after 1996, a U.S. birth certificate, a passport or other similar document before the state
would approve the federal registration application. It can no longer do that on its own authority.
Less than 5 percent of people registering to vote in Arizona use the federal form, said Matt Roberts, a spokesman for
Arizona Secretary of State Ken Bennett. The rest register through the state, meaning they will continue to be asked to
provide proof of citizenship when signing up to vote.
But because of the court ruling, people can merely choose the less onerous federal form, which asks people to swear
if they are citizens or not, but does not demand proof.
Arizona Attorney General Tom Horne, who argued the case before the Supreme Court, expects the state will ask the
Election Assistance Commission to approve the citizenship proof on the federal form and to fight any denial in court –
the process laid out in Monday's ruling.
"The U.S. Supreme Court has given us a clear path to victory for the people of Arizona, who overwhelmingly
approved the state constitutional amendment that was the subject of the legal challenge," Horne said. "Since the U.S.
Supreme Court has made it clear that this pathway exists, Arizona should use it. The sanctity of the ballot box is a
cherished right for all Americans and it must be protected."
Federal officials deadlocked on Arizona's request in 2005, and the state did not appeal.
The Arizona case is the first of two major voting decisions to be made by the court this month. Justices have yet to
say whether a section of the Voting Rights Act of 1965, a law that has helped millions of minorities exercise their right
to vote, especially in areas of the Deep South, was still needed, despite several justices voicing deep skepticism during
arguments in February.
Arizona has tangled frequently with the federal government over immigration issues involving the Mexican border,
health care and more. But the decision on voter registration has broader implications because other states have similar
requirements, such as Alabama, Georgia, Kansas and Tennessee, and still others are contemplating such legislation.
Georgia Secretary of State Brian Kemp called the decision disappointing but said he would continue working with
state officials to "provide a safe, secure and legal system for voter registration."
Tom Caso, a professor at Chapman University School of Law in California and supporter of the Arizona law, said the
decision "opened the door" to noncitizen voting.
"The court's decision ignores the clear dictates of the Constitution in favor of bureaucratic red tape," Caso said. "The
notion that the court will not enforce the Constitution unless you first apply to a commission that cannot act because it
has no members is mind-boggling."
Currently, the Election Assistance Commission has no active commissioners. The four commissioners are supposed
to be nominated by the president and confirmed by the Senate. The last two left in 2011, according to the panel's
Kathy McKee, who led the push to get Proposition 200 on the ballot in Arizona, said the ruling makes it harder to
combat voter fraud, including fraud carried out by people who don't have permission to be in the country. "To even
suggest that the honor system works, really?" McKee said. "You have to prove who you are just to use your charge
card now."
Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito were the only two dissenters. Alito said the decision means that Arizona
now has two voter registration systems, and that the success of an applicant could come simply by the system he or she
chooses. "I find it very hard to believe that this is what Congress had in mind," he said.
Opponents of Arizona's law saw it as an attack on vulnerable voter groups such as minorities, immigrants and the
elderly. They say they've counted more than 31,000 potentially legal voters in Arizona who easily could have registered
before Proposition 200 but were blocked by the state law in the 20 months after it passed. They say about 20 percent
of those thwarted were Latino.
Arizona officials say they should be able to pass laws to stop noncitizens from getting on their voting rolls. The
Arizona voting law was part of a package that also denied some government benefits to people in the country illegally
and required Arizonans to show identification before voting.
Arizona can ask the federal government to include the extra documents as a state-specific requirement, Scalia said,
and challenge any adverse decision by the government in court. Louisiana's request already has been granted, Scalia
The ruling upholds one by the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, which said the 1993 National Voter Registration Act
of 1993 trumps Arizona's Proposition 200.
THE BLACK PRESS believes that America can best lead the world from racial antagonism when
it accords to every man, regardless of race, creed or color, its human and legal rights. Hating no man,
fearing no man. The Black Press strives to help every man in the firm belief that all persons are hurt as
long as anyone is held back.
Barbara Sorey, Publisher, Long Beach Times Newspaper • Phone (562) 715-5641
Email: lbtimes@aol.com
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Page 2 - Long Beach Times Newspaper • June 20 - 26,2013
Congresswoman Hahn Takes
Lessons From Dad: The
to the House Floor to Oppose
5 Things I Bet My Dad Is
Surprised I Actually Listened To Immoral Cuts to Food Stamps
My dad is big on talks.
A man raised in Nigeria under the kind of strict parenting that favored the
rod (or in his case, a switch) over thoughtful conversations, he's enjoyed being
able to share his worldview with his three children.
Sitting at the long glass dining table that served as his office desk, my dad
would put on his reading glasses, lean back in his chair and bellow for whichever
child needed to hear the lesson he had brewing that evening.
I hated it when it was my turn. Filibustering Congressmen have nothing on
my dad -- I would stand and fidget, moving my weight from one foot to the
other, as he launched into story after story: tales of supporting his family "back
home" when he was my age, why a solid education was incredibly important,
why one couldn't let discrimination get in the way of their goals... Really, the
list covered everything from good hygiene to financial literacy.
After an hour of more of lecturing, he'd see his audience had had their fill of
wisdom for the night.
"I know you think we talk too much," he'd say as he ended his speech, "but
you'll look back and say, 'Hey, he was right.'"
And you know what? ... He was right. In honor of those long evening talks,
a part of my adolescence I'm surprised to say I sorta miss, here are a list of the
five Papa Akitunde lessons I find myself calling on in my adult years:
1. "Tomorrow isn't promised anybody."
Procrastination and I are tight -- we're BFFs, in today's parlance. My dad tried
to nip this tendency in the bud by repeating this phrase to me. The message:
Do what you can sooner, rather than later, because you'll never know if that
opportunity will be there when you're finally ready. It's what I hear when I delay
writing an article, or replying to an important email.
2. "The friends you play with in the sandbox aren't always going to be the
ones you're going to be playing with in the boardroom."
My dad and I are the social butterflies of our family. But while my dad has an
easier time reassessing friendships that have run their course, I agonize. During
a conversation about how hurt I was that a childhood friend and I were growing
apart, he said that golden line. And it's true -- friendships morph and change,
and that's OK. I can appreciate who that person was to me when I was younger,
and recognize that part of our relationship had gone as far as it was going to go.
Bonus: "If you have more than two best friends, you're in trouble." This
especially bore out in the he-said-she-said days of middle and high school where
I would find myself pulled into "friend" after "friend's" drama, but who were
MIA when I needed them. My dad always stressed the importance of knowing
who your real friends were versus "Hi and bye" friends.
3. "Always look good no matter where you're going -- you never know who
you're going to run into."
My dad has lived this rule far before I came on the scene -- seeing pictures of
him when he was younger, there was never a hair out of place or a wrinkle to be
found on his wide-lapel leisure suits. It's a lesson he passed on to me, though I
fought it for years, being the tomboy that I was.
He styled my hair in ways that rivaled most moms when I was in elementary
school, taught me how to press my jeans (back when that was cool) and taught
me it's far more important to be comfortable in an outfit than be on trend.
4. "Give people enough rope to hang themselves with."
This is one of my most repeated Papa Akitunde maxims. It means be generous
with second and even third chances, but know when to cut a person out of your
life when they do more harm than good.
5. "Show someone how much you care today, so you won't have regrets when
they're gone."
My dad's office is filled with documents, photos, notes, and books he's
acquired over the years. It also has some sad memorabilia as well -- obituary
notices and funeral programs of friends and acquaintances
who have passed away.
Showing someone how much you care through actions,
more than words, was a lesson he shared with my brothers
and I when we were kids, and with increasing frequency as he
gets older. "You don't want to be crying at a funeral, saying,
'I love you, I love you,' when someone's dead and gone," he'd
say knowingly. His message is clear: Enjoy and make use of
ANTHONIA the time you have now before it's too late.
See Dad? I was listening.
DUI/Drivers License
Checkpoint Planned This
Long Beach Police Department’s Traffic Unit will be conducting a
DUI/Drivers License Checkpoint on Saturday, June 22, 2013, between
the hours of 7:00 p.m. and 3:00 a.m., in the West Division area.
The deterrent effect of DUI checkpoints is a proven resource in
reducing the number of persons killed and injured in alcohol or drug
involved crashes. Research shows that crashes involving alcohol
drop by an average of 20 percent when well-publicized checkpoints
are conducted often enough.
Officers will be contacting drivers passing through the checkpoint
for signs of alcohol and/or drug impairment. Officers will also
check drivers for proper licensing and will strive to delay motorists
only momentarily. When possible, specially trained officers will
be available to evaluate those suspected of drug-impaired driving.
Drivers caught driving impaired can expect jail, license suspension,
and insurance increases, as well as fines, fees, DUI classes, and other
expenses that can exceed $10,000.
In 2011, nearly 10,000 people were killed nationally in motor vehicle
traffic crashes that involved at least one driver or motorcycle rider with
a blood alcohol concentration of .08% or higher. In California, this
deadly crime led to 774 deaths because someone failed to designate a
sober driver. “Over the course of the past three years, DUI collisions
have claimed 14 lives and resulted in 305 injury crashes, harming 417
of our friends and neighbors,” said Sergeant Aaron Alu.
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
(NHTSA), checkpoints have provided the most effective documented
results of any of the DUI enforcement strategies, while also yielding
considerable cost savings of $6 for every $1 spent. Based on collision
statistics and frequency of DUI arrests, DUI Checkpoints are placed
in locations that have the greatest opportunity for achieving drunk
and drugged driving deterrence. Locations are chosen with safety
considerations for the officers and the public.
“DUI Checkpoints have been an essential part of the phenomenal
reduction in DUI deaths that we witnessed since 2006 in California,”
said Christopher J. Murphy, Director of the Office of Traffic Safety.
“But since the tragedy of DUI accounts for nearly one third of traffic
fatalities, Long Beach needs the high visibility enforcement and
public awareness that checkpoints provide.”
Funding for this checkpoint is provided to Long Beach Police
Department by a grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety,
through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration,
reminding everyone to continue to work together to bring an end to
these tragedies. If you see a Drunk Driver – Call 9-1-1.
Bill Pickett RODEO • July 20 - July 21, 2013
Washington, DC— Today (Wednesday,) Congresswoman Janice Hahn
(CA-44) took to the House Floor to urge her colleagues to vote against
the House Farm Bill, a bill that includes $20 Billion in cuts to SNAP, a
program meant to feed the nation’s hungry.
Below are her floor remarks and a link to the video:
to attend my usual
congressional Women’s
morning, but I am still
feeling the command of
“And so today, as we
of the House Farm
Bill—the farm bill
that takes $20 billion
from the hungry in
cuts to SNAP, $20
billion from the plates
Janice Hahn (CA-44)
of fellow Americans
who are struggling to
feed themselves even with this meager benefit—I am holding in mind the
words of Jesus from the gospel of Matthew: ‘Truly I tell you, whatever
you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.’
“In my communities alone, 145,000 people rely on this benefit. Over
half of them are children. This bill takes food from their mouths.
“I hope all my colleagues will remember what that means: Join me in
supporting the McGovern Amendment to reverse these cuts, or else vote
down this immoral bill.”
Best Start Compton-East
Compton Hosts A Stroll in the
Park, A Family Affair
Community Walk and Resource Fair
Family activities, music and games to
encourage parent-child bonding
Saturday, June 22, 2013 • 10:00 am – 2:00 pm
Wilson Park, 123 N. Rose Ave.• Compton 90221
Hundreds of residents of Compton, East Compton and nearby communities
are expected to attend this family event hosted by the Best Start ComptonEast Compton Partnership. More than 30 organizations will have booths in the
park to talk with families about their services. Myriad fun activities also are
planned to engage and entertain the park strollers. DJ David Pittman will keep
the music going, as will a mariachi band and a performance by Aztec dancers.
Hoop it UP will lead hula-hoop lessons for children and parents and Monica
Griffin of Healthy Organic Wellness will teach Zumba dancing to children and
Why: Compton-East Compton is home to dozens of resource organizations
and the Best
Start Compton-East Compton Partnership wants the community to know
about them. They also want to encourage parents to bond with their children
through physical activities. Partnership members volunteer their time and
are committed to improving the lives of their children and the future of the
community. The focus is on helping to improve the lives of children ages 0-5.
Spokespeople will be the Best Start Compton-East Compton Partnership
members, who conceived and organized this event, and will be available
for interview, including Eddie Mae Williams, event chairperson. Field
representative Marenda Hughes is scheduled to attend for Assemblyman
Isadore Hall.
P Hundreds of children and their families will enjoy the many activities
during the event, from hula-hoop lessons to Zumba lessons. We welcome your
Best Start is an effort of First 5 LA, a child advocacy organization created
by California voters to invest tobacco tax revenue in programs that improve
the lives of children ages 0-5 in Los Angeles County. Best Start focuses its
efforts on children ages 0-5 because studies show that 90 percent of brain
development occurs in the first few years of a child’s life. Best Start ComptonEast Compton is one of four SLA Best Start communities. The other SLA
Best Start communities also include Watts-Willowbrook, West Athens and
Broadway Manchester.
First 5 LA is dedicating resources to support the development and
Implementation of community strengthening plans in 14 communities
throughout Los Angeles County: Central Long Beach, Compton/East
Compton, East Los Angeles, El Monte and South El Monte, Lancaster, Metro
LA, Pacoima, Palmdale, Panorama City, South Los Angeles, Southeast Cities
(including Bell, Cudahy, Bell Gardens and Maywood), Watts-Willowbrook
and Wilmington.
Prevent Fire. Save
My Opinion
It’s Time For Bill Cosby
to Stop Giving Black Folk
Condescending Advice
Years after America’s favorite dad made news for
calling out black youth, Bill Cosby is still making
his opinion on ideal black American virtue known.
In a New York Post column, Cosby discussed
Yvette Carnell
everything from Mayor Bloomberg’s soda ban to
parenting, but in the end,
he said much of what’s
wrong with America
comes down to greed and
As it relates to
smoking and free choice
makes the observation
that many people who
believe they are making
the choice to smoke are
really just addicts, saying
Bill Cosby
of smokers who are sick,
“They have a metal bottle
and two things going up in their nose and they have a pack of cigarettes in
their pocket or pocketbooks.”
Recalling a speech by Toni Morrison, Cosby shared his belief that both
greed and apathy are at the core of America’s devolution:
Toni Morrison spoke at Vanderbilt University graduation last month and
she was saying that money was the reason for so many deaths, so many
wars and people eating the wrong foods. And it’s true, man. But when you
listen to the people who are selling “feel good,” it’s greed. They couldn’t
care less about us — and because we have a feeling of apathy, we don’t
care either.
Then Cosby goes down a similar road he took awhile back, calling
parents to account for not taking an interest in the lives of their children:
Interview some school teachers. How many parents, on parent-teacher
day, actually show up? Not to Dunbar or some school where people are
saying they want their child to become an engineer or philosopher or
whatever else that requires one to do some homework. Go to a school
where people are not doing well. How many parents show up?
He even went so far as to describe an encounter he had with a man who
enjoyed living in the ‘projects.’ “Sir, there is something wrong with you
wanting to stay here forever because it means as long as you’re excepting
these two checks, you’re apathetic, “ scolds Cosby.
This is an old record that many black liberals, myself included, are tired
of hearing, mostly because Cosby’s assessment heaps all of the blame
on parents and none of the blame on government, which is partially
responsible for the creation of ghettos where many of these children live.
As Ta-Nehisi Coates wrote in his blog post entitled The Ghetto is Public
Policy, in Chicago, black people were pariahs whom no one wanted to live
around and so the housing authority turned that prejudice into government
endorsed racism.
Similar stories are also noted in the book When Affirmative Action
Was White, but as always, Cosby sidesteps those issues and focuses on
personal responsibility, as if that’s all that matters:
There is this situation where people tend to think that we are all victims.
Victim meaning somebody else is doing this to us. That’s not true. And
I said this 100 times and they keep throwing back, “victim.” What they
don’t understand is that I haven’t forgotten anything.
Cosby may not have forgotten anything, but he hasn’t learned anything
in a long while either. Until he’s taken a few refresher courses on how
government shapes communities, it my be fitting for him to avoid wide
ranging interviews with sweeping admonishments. If he can’t speak to the
disparities created by government with the same scorn that he directs at
the ghetto mama in the hood, then he’s not being fair, and there’s no reason
we should listen.
When Bill Cosby’s ready to discuss mass incarceration or college debt,
then give me a call. Until then, I don’t have the time nor energy for his
unfounded contempt or old man rants.
Yvette Carnell
Word of the Day
coxcomb \KOKS-kohm\ , noun:
1. obsolete. A cap worn by court jesters; adorned with a strip of red.
(Now cockscomb).
2. archaic. The top of the head, or the head itself.
3. Obsolete. A fool.
4. A vain, showy fellow; a conceited, silly man, fond of display; a
superficial pretender to knowledge or accomplishments; a dandy; a fop.
A resemblance between the sacrificial garments of ancient ritual and
the costume of a household jester in the Middle Ages--coxcomb, eared
hood, bells, and bauble, with a motley coat--has been noted.
-- "Fool", Encyclopedia Britannica
If thou follow him, thou must needs wear my coxcomb.
-- William Shakespeare, King Lear
Fond to be seen, she kept a bevy, Of powdered coxcombs at her levee.
-- Oliver Goldsmith
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Sunday AM Worship. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . 11:00 AM
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Friday Bible Study. . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . . . . . .6:30 PM
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Sunday Worship: 9:40 a.m. Wednesday Bible Study: 7:00 p.m.
Sunday School: 8:30 a.m.
Website: www.csbclb.org
Long Beach Times Newspaper • June 20 - 26,2013 • Page 3A
Financial Planning for College Grads
The first year out of college can be filled with challenges and opportunities.
If you are a recent graduate, establishing smart financial habits now will
help put you on the course for a secure financial future.
Following is information about financial planning to help college graduates
plan for their future, and is fourth in a four-part financial planning series.
Create a budget
Whether you are graduating debt free, with student loan or other debt,
developing a budget is a wise first step to help reach your financial goals.
A budget can help you pay down debt faster and help you use your money
more strategically.
Creating a budget isn’t complicated and there are online tools to help you
get started and stay on track. Simply subtract from your take-home pay
all your fixed costs – rent, utilities, loan payments, etc. – to determine how
much you’ll have left at the end of the month. Your income should be higher
than your total expenses. If it isn’t, then examine your spending habits to
determine where you can cut back, or consider ways to bring in extra cash.
Save for the future and for a rainy day
Karen Smith
The key to building wealth is spending less than you earn and saving the
Vice President and Branch Manager
balance. Make sure your budget allows for regular deposits into a savings
Crenshaw Branch
account for goals such as purchasing a car or saving for a down payment on
Union Bank, N.A.
a house. It is also wise to establish an emergency fund to support yourself
financially if you lose your job or have unexpected expenses. Many experts
recommend savings at least six months’ worth of living expenses.
Even if your budget is tight, try to save a little each month and slowly build an emergency fund. To grow your savings
faster, look for ways to cut back on spending, or find ways to earn extra cash. Cutting back on just one $5 latte each
week adds up to $20 that you can add to your savings each month. To increase your income, consider taking a side job
or putting to use a skill or hobby that might help you earn extra cash.
It is never too early to start saving for retirement. If your employer offers a retirement plan, take advantage of this
benefit by having some of your paycheck automatically deposited into your retirement account. If your employer matches
a portion of your contributions, try to contribute at least enough to get the full match.
Tackle student loans
While defaulting on any loan will affect your credit negatively, defaulting on a federal student loan could also result
in garnished wages or withheld tax refunds. Furthermore, outstanding federal student loans cannot be forgiven if you
declare bankruptcy.
With most student loans, borrowers have a six-month grace period after graduation before their first payment is due,
but having a financial plan in place well before the grace period ends is the first critical step to help you avoid default.
If you think you can’t afford your monthly payments, call your lender to discuss your options before your account
becomes delinquent. Most lenders have several flexible repayment plans that might help, such as an income-contingent
repayment plan that fluctuates based on your income so when you make less, your payments are lower.
Talk to your lender about the possibility of a loan consolidation or refinance. A loan consolidation can help simplify
loan repayment by centralizing multiple loans into one bill and can lower monthly payments by giving you up to 30 years
to repay the consolidated loan. A student loan refinance can lower your monthly loan payments by either locking in a
lower fixed interest rate or extending the term of the loan, cutting your monthly payment while saving you thousands
of dollars in interest over the life of the loan. Be aware that while extending the term of a loan may offer relief, it will
add to the amount of interest you pay over time.
Establish Credit
Repaying your loans in a timely manner can help you build a favorable credit rating, which will be important if you
plan to purchase a house or car in the future. Consumers with favorable credit scores may be offered lower interest rates,
while those with lower credit scores may have to pay higher rates, or may even be denied credit. Credit scores are also
used by insurance companies and even potential employers and landlords, to help them determine your credit history.
Be sure to check your credit report for errors that might have a negative effect on your credit score by obtaining a
free copy of your credit report every year from each of the three major credit-reporting bureaus (Equifax, Experian and
Transunion) at annualcreditreport.com.
The foregoing article is intended to provide general information about financial planning for college graduates and is
not considered financial or tax advice from Union Bank. Please consult your financial or tax advisor.
About UnionBanCal Corporation & Union Bank, N.A.
Karen Smith is a vice president and branch manager of Union Bank’s Crenshaw Branch. Union Bank, N.A., is a
full-service commercial bank providing an array of financial services to individuals, small businesses, middle-market
companies, and major corporations. The bank operated 443 branches in California, Washington, Oregon, Texas, New
York and Illinois, as well as two international offices, on March 31, 2013. UnionBanCal Corporation is a wholly-owned
subsidiary of The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd., which is a subsidiary of Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc.
Union Bank is a proud member of the Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group (MUFG, NYSE:MTU), one of the world’s largest
financial organizations. Visit www.unionbank.com for more information.
Kenya Moore Evicted - Judge Orders Reality
Star To Vacate Georgia Mansion
11th Annual H.U.F. Awards
It appears Kenya Moore really is 'gone with the wind' -- though
maybe not so fabulous -- as she has officially been blown from her
rented mansion in Roswell, Georgia, RadarOnline reports.
According to the celebrity news and gossip site, a Fulton County
judge has ruled in favor of the reality star’s landlord, Conya WeemsDillon, to evict her from the property after Moore failed to make
an appearance in court on Tuesday to respond to Weems-Dillon's
complaint. RadarOnline reports that Moore was short $848 on her
$3,999 rent for the month of May and also defaulted on unspecified
terms and conditions on the six-bedroom, six-bathroom mansion.
Following her victory, Moore’s now-former landlord told
“The decision to file this eviction notice regarding Ms. Moore was
reached after pursuing every possible amicable way to settle this
matter privately. I am grateful that the judicial system has brought
finality to this eviction process and I look forward to regaining
possession of my home.”
Kenya Moore
The 42-year-old filed a countersuit earlier this month, citing
wrongful eviction, slander and emotional distress against
Weems-Dillon, but RadarOnline reports that the judge has dismissed the lawsuit.
This unfortunate eviction news now means that fans will have to miss out on Moore's curious Twitpics of the
property and the random birds that roamed her former front yard.
i'll be damned if i am going to sit and watch
our kids continue to grow up believing
that it's cool to be ignorant, violent, high,
drunk, broke, uneducated and lazy
Dr. Boyce Watkins
“I feel it’s a real honor and privilege. I plan to use it to better my future,” said Long Beach resident
Debonaire Laws commenting on his scholarship to Moorehouse College. The future psychology
major is pictured with his mom Shelley Henderson and Judge Mablean Ephriam (middle). Photo
by Kim Webster
Above takes place At the
Shades of Afrika
1001 E. 4th St.
Long Beach
The 11th Annual Honoring Unsung Fathers (H.U.F.)Awards & Scholarship Brunch was held at the Long
Beach Hyatt Regency on Father’s Day June 16. Judge Mablean Ephriam established the H.U.F. Awards
to honor deserving fathers and provide scholarships to students. Comedian/actor/author Michael Colyar
was Master of Ceremonies with entertainment provided by actress/singer/original “Dreamgirl” Jennifer
Holliday, saxophonist Mike Philips, and Elaine Gibbs & Crew Band.
The following outstanding fathers were honored: Founders Award - Rev. Dr. Robert A Williams Jr.;
Board of Directors Award – Robert W. Brown; Love Cares Award – Melvin Andrews and Keyon Gage;
Fatherhood Forever Award – Winfred Cooper and Lance Reed, Sr.; Village Dad Award – Jon Cameron Hall
and Andre Harris; Living Legacy Award – Willie Clemmons and James Perkins. High School Scholarship
awardees are: Abel Daniel, Tyler Hamilton, Amber Outlaw, Debonaire Laws, Mia Brumfield, Candiss
Hart, Jennifer Sandoval. Howard University Scholarships were given to Kortnee Ogbuefi and AnthonyElan Konigar Macklin and DeMarvin Smith received the Mablean Ephriam Nursing Scholarship.
For more info, please contact the Mablean Ephriam Foundation 323-445-6669 or go to http://www.
“If you think you are too small to be effective, you have never been in bed with a
mosquito.” - Betty Reese
Page 4 - Long Beach Times Newspaper • June 20 - 26,2013
Small Press Publishers in Long Beach You Need
to Know
If the cliche, "There is no money in poetry" is true, then it would seem that publishing poetry would be one
of the most ridiculous business ventures one could engage in. Yet right now there are at least five publishing
companies in Long Beach specializing in poetry. That's not even counting the much-missed Write Bloody, which
decamped to Austin last year.
Most of you are probably asking, "How do they do it?" For most of these, "business" means, as Joan Jobe Smith
of Pearl puts it, the "busy-ness [of a] labor of love." These presses operate to put out writing they love, not to
make money and they have still persisted at it, some of them
for many years.
Whether you're a fan looking for a new local writer to
read this summer or a poet looking to get published, read
PearlThe oldest publishing company is, no doubt, Pearl.
Poet Joan Jobe Smith started publishing Pearl Magazine
in 1974, a name inspired by Janis Joplin's LP of the same
title. According to Smith, "Pearl is [also] a Greek derivation
of my mother Margaret's name." Three initial issues were
published and then the magazine went on hiatus until 1986
when Smith and Marilyn Johnson restarted it. They are now
up to issue #47, forthcoming this November.
In the 1990s they began to publish Pearl Editions of
solicitation-only collections by poets such as Charles
Harper Webb, Lisa Glatt, Ray Zepeda, Denise Duhamel,
Tamara Madison, Donna Hilbert and Fred Voss. They also
established the Pearl Prize for Poetry, an annual poetry
Tamara Madison
competition, with the winners selected by impartial judges.
They have published 10 Pearl Editions books, and 25 Pearl Prize Editions. "Pearl publishes words worthy of
the page," says Smith. Pearl's most recent solicited edition was a poetry collection by the very talented Tamara
For those interested in submitting, Pearl publishes two issues/year; one of poetry, the other fiction. Says
Smith, "Pearl is an eclectic, inclusive journal. We publish narrative free verse alongside lyrical language poetry,
formalism, haiku and sometimes rhyming verse. We insist on first-run work and prefer poems with heart and soul
or grit and wit or all the above, tough or tender, any gender." Submissions are via snail mail only with mandatory
SASE. Check out their website for guidelines
Profile of Tamara Madison
A brief introduction to some of the Canadian emerging R&B talent and industry personnel we’ll be covering on
RNBCanada.com. Meet Tamara Madison.
RNBCanada: Who are you and what do you do in the Canadian music industry?
I am Tamara Madison, singer/songwriter from Toronto, Canada.
How would you describe Canada’s R&B scene?
I feel Canada’s R&B scene/artists have always been very talented but also underrated. But I strongly believe
that will be changing very soon, as we all are learning a lot more about the music industry and are starting to get
a lot more recognition and support from our own!
What drives you to stay in the Canadian music business that is rarely profitable and highly competitive?
The music! I’ve been involved with music my whole life and that will never change. Music plays an enormous
role in impacting and influencing peoples’ everyday lives, and I’m more than honoured to be apart of that.
Who is your favorite Canadian R&B/soul singer and why?
Growing up, I would definitely have to say Jully Black, Ray Robinson and Deborah Cox. Deborah and Jully
are definitely two powerhouses that stole my heart. And Ray Robinson’s trills always put me in another world.
What is your favourite Canadian R&B/soul song?
There are so many classics, but I must say, the first to come to mind is “Nobody’s Supposed to be Here” by
Deborah Cox.
Which artists have you worked with that left an impression on you and why?
I first stepped into this industry working with Ray Rob and JDiggz, who taught me a whole lot about the
industry. They were the first people to even allow me to step into a booth to record with them! JDiggz is actually
the one that suggested I changed my stage name from “Tamara” to “Tamara Madison”. I also started off working
with an AMAZING producer/artist, GMF, who was one of the first people to motivate me to take my music career
seriously. I appreciate and thank them all very much!
Which Canadian artist would you most like to collaborate with?
Justin Bieber!
Tell us about past and present successes people would know you for.
I have not had a lot of successes YET, music industry wise, that people would know me for, as I am still
relatively new to the game. But, a lot of people may know of me from my remix of Frank Ocean‘s “Novacane”
that I released in 2011 and from having several features on JDiggz‘s “Xperiment” mixtape released in 2010.
Presently, my single “Geet Weh” with Canadian singer Savannah Ré has hit mainstream radio, which is a great
success for me!
What do you have planned next?
This year, I plan on releasing a lot more
original music and an EP to give you guys more
of a feel on who Tamara Madison is! I will also
be focusing on developing myself a lot more as
an artist.
Anything you’d like to add?
A HUGE shout out and congratulations to
you guys on your website launch!! It’s looking
Jamaican supermodel Gaye McDonald
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Shades of Afrika
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straightened? Real or fake? Today, women
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Smoke Alarms
When a fire breaks out, you have
only seconds to escape its heat, black
smoke and deadly gases. You can
dramatically increase the chances of
surviving a fire simply by installing and
maintaining working smoke alarms in
your home.
Follow these simple tips to help
make your home a safer place:
• Place a smoke alarm on every level
of your home and outside bedrooms. If
you keep your bedroom doors closed,
place a smoke alarm in each bedroom.
• Check smoke alarms monthly by
pushing the test button. If you cannot
reach the button easily, use a broom
• Change the batteries in your alarms
at least once a year – perhaps when
you change your clocks for Daylight
Saving Time.
• If cooking smoke sets off the alarm,
do not disable it. Turn on the range fan,
open a window or wave a towel near
the alarm.
•Smoke alarms wear out over
time. Replace yours if it is 10 years
old or more.
Safety While Cooking
Many families gather in the kitchen to spend time together, but it can be one of the most
hazardous rooms in the house if you don't practice safe cooking behaviors. Cooking is the third
leading cause of fire deaths and the leading cause of injury among people ages 65 and older.
It's a recipe for serious injury or even death to wear loose clothing (especially hanging sleeves),
walk away from a cooking pot on the stove, or leave flammable materials, such as potholders or
paper towels, around the stove. Whether you are cooking the family holiday dinner or a snack for
the grandchildren:
•Never leave cooking unattended. A serious fire can start in just seconds.
•Always wear short or tight-fitting sleeves when you cook. Keep towels, pot holders and curtains
away from flames.
•Never use the range or oven to heat your home.
•Double-check the kitchen before you go to bed or leave the house.
Have an
and safe
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Important Notice
Deadline is Monday at 4:00 PM for all weekly news, articles, press releases, stories, announcements,
editorials, commentaries. Please no exceptions. Thank you.
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Long Beach Times Newspaper
Thomas Fields Elected Harbor
Commission President
Advertising executive will serve as Board’s
LONG BEACH, CA - The Long Beach Board of Harbor Commissioners
on Monday, June 17, elected board member Thomas Fields as its President
for a one-year term to start July 1. He will succeed Commissioner Susan E.
Anderson Wise, who has served two years as President.
Fields, a Long Beach
and former city planning
appointed to a six-year term
on the Harbor Commission
in 2009 by Mayor Bob
The Board President
serves as chair of the
board meetings and often
representing the Port to
the public and shipping
“I look forward to serving
as Board President; this
is an exciting time for the
Port as we look for the next
executive director while at
Thomas Fields
the same time proceeding
with our capital improvement program to modernize the Port,” Fields said.
Fields is the founder and owner of Thomas Fields Associates, a Long Beach
marketing and advertising agency. He launched his career as an advertising
agency writer-producer in New York and Los Angeles, writing ads and
commercials for Nissan, Toyota, Mitsubishi, Chevrolet, Evian, the California
State Lottery, the California Angels, Hanes, Burger King and Prudential.
Rounding out the selection of board officers, Commissioner Nick Sramek
was elected as Vice President. Commissioner Doug Drummond was voted
Secretary. Commissioners Wise and Rich Dines will serve as assistant
secretaries. All terms start July 1.
The five-member Long Beach Board of Harbor Commissioners is the
governing body of the Port of Long Beach, which is the Harbor Department of
the City of Long Beach. For full commissioner biographies, please go to http://
In other action, the Board of Harbor Commissioners formally approved the
appointment of Al Moro to the position of Acting Executive Director. Moro
joined the Port in 1997, and has served has Chief Harbor Engineer since 2007.
The Board also formally approved the appointment of Dr. Noel Hacegaba as
Acting Deputy Executive Director. Hacegaba has served as the Executive
Officer to the Board of Harbor Commissioners since 2010.
The Port of Long Beach is one of the world’s premier seaports, a primary
gateway for trans-Pacific trade and a trailblazer in innovative goods movement,
safety and environmental stewardship. With 140 shipping lines connecting
Long Beach to 217 seaports worldwide, the Port handles trade valued at $155
billion each year and supports hundreds of thousands of jobs in Southern
Sugar Daddy Survey Reveals
African Americans Are Most
Desired By Women
According to a recent survey by the world’s largest sugar daddy dating
website, Seeking Arrangement.com, there has been a 178 percent increase
in demand for African
American Sugar Daddies since June 2012. When asked for their opinion
of the most attractive
race, 32 percent of female members admitted that they are most attracted
to African Americans.
Los Angeles, CA— African American men have become a hot
commodity. At least that’s the case for the Sugar Daddy dating community.
A recent poll by SeekingArrangement.com surveyed 20,300 “Sugar
Babies” to reveal their preferences when dating a wealthy benefactor.
Race is the most important factor in the decisionmaking process, with
32 percent of women admitting that they were most attracted to African
American benefactors.
Only four percent of SeekingArrangement.com Sugar Daddies are
African American, even if it is the
third largest demographic amongst wealthy benefactors on the site.
But the attraction to these types of men aren’t limited to fellow African
American Sugar Babies. A substantial amount of women who preferred
an African American Sugar Daddy were Asian (27%), Caucasian (22%),
and Hispanic (13%).
“While wealth is not bound by race, the most successful benefactors
on our site are African American,” asserts Brandon Wade, Founder and
CEO of SeekingArrangement. “Because only a fraction of our Sugar
Daddy population are African American, the demand amongst babies is
extremely high.”
Sugar Daddy Demand (20,300 Surveyed) Race (37%), Age (24%),
Income/Net Worth (22%), Other (17%).
For more information on this survey, or to schedule an interview, please
contact Angela Jacob Bermudo at Press(at)SeekingArrangement.com or
call (702) 4978808.
About SeekingArrangement.com: SeekingArrangement.com is the
premier sugar daddy dating website, and has been featured on such outlets
as the New York Times, CNN Headline News, Good Morning America,
and ABC 20/20. Since launching in 2007, the website has amassed over 2
million members worldwide. SeekingArrangement.com was founded by
selfproclaimed “ECupid”, Brandon Wade who was anointed “Mr. Sugar
Daddy” by the Wall Street Journal. Brandon Wade is a leading dating
expert, author, and successful internet entrepreneur who also founded a
number of successful niche dating websites.
June 13 - 19, 2013 • Page 5A
Michelle Obama's Bangs At G8
Summit Spark Twitter Backlash
It's official: Michelle Obama's
bangs are the most contentious
global issue ever.
The first lady and her fringe
headed to Belfast for this year's G8
summit, where she made a speech
that sparked mass Twitter debate.
Onlookers weren't concerned with
the language Mrs. O used at the
event, but rather the ill-received
styling of her bangs. Yup, we're still
not done talking about those.
As you surely know, FLOTUS
seems to be growing out her blunt
trim (aka her "mid-life crisis") and
transitioning it to a side-swept style. The savvy folks over at the Daily
Mail, however, noticed that people on Twitter weren't too thrilled with
Obama's new look. The hashtag #bangsfail was even used -- ouch.
Our verdict? Well, we can't really see what all of the hullaballoo is
about. Check out Michelle's bangs. Are they really that bad?
FLOTUS is a beautiful, inspiring,
encouraging and uplifting lady as the
photos below shows.
Ernest McBride, Sr,
Long Beach NAACP Co-Founder
Willmore's Neighbors Get
Friendly With Festival This
By Sander Roscoe Wolff
This coming Saturday, residents of the Willmore City neighborhood
are hosting Friend Fest at Drake Park. Local artist and activist Micaela
Salatino is helping to organize the event, which takes place from 11AM
to 3PM, and will feature family-friendly activities, music and a potlock
"The idea developed from The Friendship Neighborhood," Salatino
explained, "which is a new neighborhood group in Willmore City that
sprouted after violence occurred a few months ago. We gathered with
peers in the neighborhood who wanted to do positive things. We met and
thought about what that might look like, short term and long term. We
have been doing monthly neighborhood trash clean ups.
"Friend Fest is our first main event. It is a safe space where neighbors
can become friends, and learn about different things happening in our
community. Our vision is to foster a proud, safe, vibrant neighborhood
of diverse, yet connected, friends and acquaintances, empowered through
education, cultural and activist history, shared resources, and community
building activities."
Community outreach has been a primary effort for The Friendship
Neighborhood, and connecting with other local organizations has been a
big part of that.
"We have reached out to other Long Beach organizations, including
several Hispanic ones, to help spread the word to their staff and members.
We have also gone canvassing door-to-door in our neighborhood and
received a good response from our neighbors. Doing the ground work of
canvassing is what really counts because you get to meet your neighbors.
Besides getting to know them by name, you also get a glimpse of who they
are, what their wishes are, what they like, what their fears are and, on that
ground, we connect and we can start to help each other.
"The event itself will be a family style potluck, not your usual huge
festival full of booths. It will be more of a calm musical space, with shared
food, and free workshops for all ages. People can learn how to make their
own natural non-toxic cleaning products, and participate in a clothing
and book swap hosted by the Long Beach Free Store. We'll also have a
hydration station by Green LB, seed starting by Foodscape LB, OJ by
SoCal Harvest, face painting, up-cycled art and more.
"Some of the neighbors we connected with are families with children
looking for activities, especially since summer school and other programs
have been cut. Friend Fest is just one of these events that will bring
activities but, from our outreach efforts, we have connected to wonderful
organizations who are doing activities in our neighborhood as well, so the
Friendship Neighborhood is helping to spread the word about their work."
Salatino is a self-taught finger crocheter, and has taught workshops at the
Long Beach Depot for Creative Reuse, and at community events around
"Finger crochet is the same as crocheting with a hook except you use
your fingers instead. The TSA won't bother you at the airport. I finger
crochet clothing and accessories, and also do up-cycled art.
"I come from a family of crafters. My mom taught me how to crochet at
a young age. I started finger crocheting when I was around 20 years-old,
when one day I found myself with a yearning to crochet, but only had yarn
and no hook. I think it's a craft and it's art. It's handmade and one of a kind.
Many times I reuse discarded materials as yarn, such as video tape.
"Much of my work is at The Long Beach Depot for Creative Reuse, who
has been a huge inspiration and support for me. You can also find some of
my clothing and accessories at Native Sol, Primal Flower, Kress Market
and Iguana Imports."
For more information about The Friendship Neighborhood, visit
their open facebook group. To learn more about Salatino's work, visit
Ernest McBride
Ernest McBride, Sr., (deceased) was a co-founder LB's NAACP in 1940.
McBride was a constant force against racial injustice in Long Beach
more than twenty years before the civil rights movement took hold across
America. Whether fighting against racially restrictive housing covenants
or pushing for equality in the workforce, McBride's legacy is one that
serves as a reminder of the power of one remarkable person to impact a
city, a community and a movement for an entire generation."
He was small in physical stature but a giant of a man.He stood up for
justice and fought the fight when it was very dangerous to do so. He was
a man of principle,, and he served as an example to many young people of
what can be achieved if you fight for what you believe.
Mr. McBride inspired many young African Americans who grew up the
Central District to go to college and then come back and put our new skills
to work in our community. He was a fighter and he won many of his battles
with his big smile.
CSULB's Virtual Oral/Aural History Archive website records that Mr.
Bride, born in 1910, "came to Long Beach seeking work during World War
II and found it in the shipyards. Observing how the local Black community
was routinely harassed by the police, he organized a chapter of the
NAACP and used it to mobilize support for the civil rights movement that
was developing after the war. He was active in fighting against restrictive
covenants and segregation in both neighborhoods of single family homes
and in the local Navy housing project.
The Public is Invited
to Preview McBride High School
WHEN: July 9th • 6-8 pm
7025 E. Parkcrest Street
(old DeMille school site)
Long Beach, CA
A July 9 preview will offer tours of LBUSD's newest school. Learn more
in the latest Measure K Update electronic newsletter at the link below, or
click on Measure K Update Newsletter in the A-Z index at www.lbschools.
The preview event will feature informal campus tours and is being
hosted by LBUSD Superintendent Christopher J. Steinhauser and McBride
Principal Steven Rockenbach.
McBride is the first of several small high schools planned as part of the
Measure K construction and renovation program. Measure K is the $1.2
billion school facilities initiative approved by local voters.
Named for the late Long Beach civil rights leader, Ernest McBride, Sr.,
the campus is the first new LBUSD high school in a generation. When the
school opens this fall, it will accommodate 210 freshmen, and each year,
an additional class of ninth graders will be added until the school reaches
its full complement of ninth through twelfth grade students in 2016.
The school will offer a rigorous, college-preparatory curriculum that
includes California State University and University of California entrance
requirements, with an added emphasis on real-world training in three
career pathways: Health and Medical, Public Services and Forensics, and
6th District NO COST Food
Friday, June 21, 2013
at the Ernest S. McBride, Sr. Park,
Located at 1550 Martin Luther King Jr.
Avenue, Long Beach, CA
The events begin at 9 am until all food is
You must bring your own bag.
For more information call (562) 570-6816
Uplifting - Inspiring Words . . .for you
Don't let one cloud obliterate the whole sky.
The darkest night is often the bridge to the brightest tomorrow.
With the new day comes new strength and new thoughts.
You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new
Our special Thanks
to our
your support is sincerely
Our special Thanks to our
Blacks, hispanics, whites,
and others. your support is
sincerely appreciated.
Page 6 - Long Beach Times Newspaper •
June 20 - 26,2013
Howard University’s Medical School Admitted Small Business and
Zero African American Males?
The other day, I received an article submission from my friend and esteemed colleague, Dr. Julianne Malveaux.
In her article, Dr. Malveaux did a wonderful job speaking on healthcare disparities, particularly those impacting
the African American community.
In a fleeting remark that was meant to make a broader point, Dr. Malveaux threw a nuclear warhead at me that
made my face hit the floor. She said, “However, one of the speakers at the Rodham Institute conference indicated
that not one African American man was admitted to this year’s class at Howard University’s medical school! If
historically black Howard University won’t admit African American men, who will?”
I was stunned to hear such a revelation, and could only ask myself, “What in the $#%^ is going on?”
Howard University, one of the most cherished and respected HBCUs in the country, attracts top students from all
walks of life. The school is certainly worthy of respect, but it’s stunning to hear that Howard, like so many other
universities across the country, has a diversity problem. I have several people reaching out to the university and
searching for data to find out if Julianne’s assertions are accurate, and I am hopeful that the school is responsive.
But even if they have one or two black males admitted to the program this year, it would be astonishing that the
number is so horrifically and embarrassingly low.
The theories regarding why this racial exclusion exists are relatively dichotomous. On one hand, there is the
“Black men choose not to apply” theory. In a similar spirit, there is the “Black men are too lazy and all want to be
rappers” theory. This speaks to the idea that black men are so absorbed into stereotypical media images, turning
up bottles at the club and trying to get into the NBA that we don’t want to become doctors.
The notions above also tie into the “Black men just aren’t qualified” theory, which argues that black men
are applying, but just can’t make the cut. While most of us can reference problems that have occurred in the
advancement of black males, particularly due to the growth of the prison industrial complex, I personally know
enough hard-working, intelligent black men to realize that there might something more sinister at play.
At the very least, Howard has an obligation to present public data supporting their conclusion that African
American men are not good enough to study medicine at this particular HBCU. The easiest way to excuse racial
barriers is to convince the public that black people are simply inferior. The tactic works quite well, since many
black people believe that they are inferior too.
If we presume that qualified black men are applying to medical school, then one could lean toward the “Howard
might be racist” theory. It may be shocking to consider this possibility, but that’s only if we live under the false
assumption that African Americans are actually in control of HBCUs. A friend of mine who educates quite a few
PhDs in Computer Science says that it’s very difficult to get black students beyond barriers created at HBCUs
by Asians, Indians and others who tend to hire people with similar ethnic backgrounds. The same can be true in
Business Schools as well.
This is a distinct possibility that I can reference due to my own experience.
I recall being the only African American in the country to get a PhD in Finance during the year 2002. I attended
one of the top schools in the world for the field of doctoral Finance, and had worked with some of the leading
scholars on the planet (translation: Imagine studying 8 – 10 hours a day, year round, for eight straight years,
AFTER finishing college – it wasn’t easy). My belief has always been that if you spend that much time stuffing
random facts and theories into your brain, you’re best off sharing this information with those you care about.
Hence, I wanted to teach at an HBCU.
When I applied for a position at Howard, my interview was not with an African American. It was with a man
from China.
Not that there is anything wrong with interviewing with someone from China. I’ve been studying Chinese
for years, some of my best students are from China, and I may consider living in the country one day. Also, I
believe that Asians have as much of a right to be at HBCUs as nearly anyone else. But we’d be lying if we didn’t
say that the Asian community often protects itself by forming cartels in the hiring process, often leading to the
exclusion of African Americans. This even happens at many HBCUs across the country, particularly in the fields
of business and engineering.
Honestly, I wasn’t sure if I wanted the job at Howard, since the cost of living in Washington DC would have
been too much to bear with the student loans I was facing at that time. At the same, I love teaching my people
and was interested in making the sacrifice, even if it meant taking a 50% pay cut.
For whatever reason, the Asian chair decided that “I wasn’t a good fit for the students (who seemed to love
me when I spoke to them in class),” so I was sent away to a predominantly white university (Syracuse) that
effectively devalued my work in the black community for the next decade. Fortunately, I’m a man from the south
who is accustomed to racism, so it didn’t faze me and I created my own path to my people. I figured out how to
reach and teach other black folks by creating my own HBCU (so to speak), the Your Black World Network, which
reaches over 100,000 black people every single day.
My point in this story is not to say that I was the most capable person Howard has ever interviewed. It’s also
not to say that the Asian chair didn’t have a good reason to send me packing my bags. But it is to say that, at
the very least, it would have been difficult to argue that I was unqualified for the job, but instead, was subjected
to someone’s arbitrary preference of what kind of African American men might be “acceptable” to those who are
making the hiring decisions.
While I had other opportunities to pursue, there are probably other science students and faculty banging down
the door at Howard University, only to find that the gatekeepers have deemed them to be unacceptable for their
own biased reasons. If your goal is to bring in qualified black men, then one might want to think twice before
sending qualified black men away.
If there are few African American male medical faculty who are part of the Howard University hiring and
admissions process right now, then I am not surprised that they are “somehow concluding” that every single
African American male who applies to the Howard University medical school is “not a good fit” for the university.
But the caveat is that the school should release the data so that concerned citizens and alumni can judge this for
themselves. No one is accusing the university of anything – but if they don’t provide a sound explanation, they
can be rightfully accused of being evasive.
As we nitpick over the qualifications of black men and somehow decide that they aren’t good enough to attend
HBCUs, we have to remember that this is not the approach taken by Asians and Indians who have secured
powerful positions within these universities. Many Asian faculty are very quick to hire other Asians, and don’t
allow someone else to convince them that their own people aren’t good enough. African Americans have the
rare distinction of hating ourselves and each other as much as white people already hate us. Every time someone
brings up racism in academia, the justice system or on the job, there is typically a black person standing there
prepared to say that it’s a figment of our imagination. We were trained for 400 years to think this way and the
brainwashing has been effective.
Perhaps it must be argued that HBCUs should belong to African Americans and be the one place where we can
expect a fair shot. So, unless we are convinced that black men are inferior to everyone else, outcomes like the
one at Howard call for a serious examination of the admissions process. At the very least, the medical school
should be expected to engage in a transparent procedure and publicly explain why every African American male
willing to attend the Howard University Medical School was told that he is not good enough. We need black male
doctors in our communities, and I refuse to believe that every black boy wants to become the next Lil Wayne,
and that none are seeking to become the next Dr. Ben Carson: Not every black male is trapped by the stereotype.
If Howard University’s goal is to help produce qualified physicians willing to work in under-served communities,
they must make the admittance of African American male medical students a top priority. This means that there
should be African Americans reviewing applications to ensure that no quality students end up falling through the
cracks. To somehow allow others to convince our people that African American men are unqualified to attend
HBCUs is nothing short of catastrophic.
We must not be a contributing party to our own demise.
Dr. Boyce Watkins is the author of the lecture series, “The 8 Principles of Black Male Empowerment.”
Naked mole-rat gives cancer clues
Naked mole-rat Naked mole-rat: It lives to 30 or more and doesn't get cancer
A rodent that never gets cancer could hold the key to preventing or treating malignant tumours, say scientists.
Lab studies show the skin cells of the naked mole-rat are high in a natural sugary substance that stops tumours
The findings could lead to new human cancer therapies
in the long term, researchers report in Nature journal.
A similar version of the chemical is used as a medicine
to treat arthritis and in anti-wrinkle jabs.
A team led by researchers from the University of
Rochester, New York, US, investigated the anti-cancer
properties of the naked mole-rat.
Unlike other small rodents, such as rats and mice, the
curious creature does not get cancer in later life.
Experiments show that when HMW-HA is removed
from naked mole-rat cells, they become susceptible to
cancer, suggesting it plays a role in making the rodent
Tissue repair
This fascinating research builds on previous work revealing the biological tricks mole rats have evolved to
prevent cancer” said Oliver Childs..
The US team, led by Andrei Seluanov and Vera Gorbunova, cultured skin cells from the rodent in the laboratory.
They found that the animal's tissues were rich in high molecular weight hyaluronan (HMW-HA), a gooey sugar
that is involved in tissue repair.
Similar versions of the substance are licensed to relieve pain in arthritis and are used as cosmetic fillers to treat
see NAKED MOLE RAT this page right
Just as there are facts of life that affect us personally, there are facts of business life that
affect us as entrepreneurs.
Doomed from the start. If you’re an entrepreneur or an entrepreneur-hopeful, it’s probably
difficult to keep those four words from causing you to second guess your every move as
you plan and run your business. They become especially hard to ignore when you consider
the fact that less than 30 percent of businesses last more than 10 years, and most failures Richard Love
happen within the first few years of operation. The truth is, many things could go wrong: an
ill-conceived business idea, poor planning, lack of capital, ineffective leadership, and more. In the high stakes
world of running a business, those are the facts.
But there are other important facts about business ownership. Facts that could help you avoid the mistakes and
pitfalls that trip up so many others, and go on to achieve the success you’ve dreamed of. They are called the Facts
of Business Life.
Fact 1: If you don’t lead, no one will follow. At first, this statement seems mind-numbingly obvious. But
often, “leadership” is one of those words that is thrown around by people who haven’t given much thought to
what it looks like in action. According to McBean, good business leadership begins with defining the destination
and direction of your company and deciding how the business should look and operate when it arrives. But it
doesn’t stop there. It also involves developing and continuously improving on a set of skills in order to move your
business from where it is today to where you want it to be tomorrow.
“What’s important to understand is without effective leadership your managers or employees have no idea
what is important to the owner, what to manage, or what success and failure look like,” notes McBean. “In other
words, in order to have effective employees, your business first has to have effective leadership, which has to
include defining success and failure based on the eventual destination. Another important aspect of being a good
leader is developing a company culture that’s expectations-based, and rewards those who meet and exceed those
expectations. The good news about leadership is that the most important aspects can be learned, and it’s essential
that owners do so.”
Fact 2: If you don’t control it, you don’t own it. Control is the owner’s management reality. If you don’t control
your company by defining key tasks and dictating how they must be handled, and “inspect what you expect,”
then you don’t truly “own” the business because all you are is a spectator watching others play with your money.
“There are two overriding or macro concepts successful owners understand over their unsuccessful competitors,”
explains McBean. “First, great procedures and processes need controls, and these in turn create great employees.
This happens because procedures and processes operate the business, and employees operate the processes. This
is one of those business basics that owners must understand to be successful.
Don’t stop at pointing out what should be done and how. Also clearly state and emphasize that there will be
consequences when standard operating procedures and processes aren’t followed. If you don’t do this, you’ll be
‘leading’ a group of individuals who follow their own rules and judgment, rather than a cohesive company working
toward a common goal. Once again, this is one of those business basics owners can’t ignore.”
Ultimately, don’t believe that any entrepreneur can succeed—or at least reach his or her full potential — without
knowing, understanding, and applying these two Facts of Business Life.. It’s equally important to understand how
these facts are interrelated.
For instance, being able to develop strategic plans or market your product will mean little if you don’t have a
good grasp of business in general. But, if you commit yourself to understanding these facts while being prepared
for their implementation to change as your business goes through its inevitable life cycle, you’ll be creating a
best-odds scenario for success.
naked mole rat
wrinkles, say the researchers.
Experiments show that when HMW-HA is removed from naked mole-rat cells, they become susceptible to
cancer, suggesting it plays a role in making the rodent "cancer-proof".
Dr Gorbunova told BBC News: "Studying animals that are naturally cancer-resistant can be very rewarding and
can lead to discovery of mechanisms that can benefit humans in terms of treatment and prevention of cancer."
Flexible skin
The researchers think the substance gives the naked mole-rat its distinctive, elastic "baggy" skin, which it
needs to squeeze through underground tunnels.
Naked mole-rats can live for around 30 years, an age unprecedented in small rodents
Mice, in comparison, live for no longer than 4 years
The rodent has no fur and spends its life living underground in dark tunnels in a colony
While it has probably evolved to provide the rodent with an exceptionally flexible skin, it also gives protection
against cancer, possibly by stopping cancerous cells from dividing.
The next step, they say, is to test the chemical in mice, then human cells.
Dr Seluanov added: "There's indirect evidence that HMW-HA would work in people.
"It's used in anti-wrinkle injections and to relieve pain from arthritis in knee joints, without any adverse effects.
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Long Beach Times Newspaper • June 20 - 26,2013 • Page 7A
What Would Marvin Gaye Say Two Muslim Brothers Skip NFL
Season to Take a Pilgrimage to
The late great Motown singer –‘The Prince of Motown’ – Marvin Gaye
seemed to cover it all on his “What’s Going On” album. The title track covered
everything lyrically like “war is not the answer, only love can conquer hate,”
“picket lines, picket signs, don’t punish me with brutality…” Then there was
“Mercy, Mercy Me” talking about “fish full of mercury”. You name it – Marvin
Gaye was singing about it! He topped off his career in the sack with everybody
with “when I get this feeling I need ‘Sexual Healing’.”
So, like Gaye asked then what’s
going on, famed songwriter Marilyn
McLeod is asking: What would the
singer be saying today? The video of
her song “What Would Marvin Say”
has just been released on YouTube.
She and co-writer Janie Bradford – a
veteran Motown songwriter – are
ramping up for 2014 which will
mark the 30th anniversary of Gaye’s
passing, and what would have been his
Marvin Gaye
75th birthday. This year also marks the
45th year since Gaye’s “Heard It Through The Grapevine” was released in 1968.
Hmmm…is the government listening in? That’s another question! Please click
on the link below to view the video produced by our U.K. friend Jim Saphin, and
to get information on how to purchase the wonderful CD “I Believe In Me” by
McLeod who is known for co-writing such hits as “Love Hangover” by Diana
Ross and “Same Ole Love” by Anita Baker.
Woman who accused football
player Brian Banks of rape
ordered to pay $2.6M
Banks exonerated after Wanetta Gibson
Wanetta Gibson
Brian Banks
Atlanta Falcons
LONG BEACH, Calif. - The Long Beach woman who falsely accused football
player Brian Banks of rape has been ordered to pay $1.6 million in expenses
incurred by the school district where the crime supposedly had occurred, plus
$1 million in damages, according to a Long Beach Press-Telegram report.
Wanetta Gibson had been paid $750,000 by the Long Beach Unified School
District to partly settle her claim that it helped cause the purported rape with
poor security at Long Beach Poly High School, the Press-Telegram reported.
The woman did not appear in court to contest the district's lawsuit, and a
judge ruled Friday that Gibson must repay her award, plus the district's court
costs, plus $1 million in punitive damages for the false claim.
Gibson claimed Banks raped her in 2002, and based on her testimony, he
spent five years in prison. After she collected the $750,000 from the school,
she was caught on tape recanting.
Gibson did not appear in court throughout the latest proceedings, the PressTelegram reported. Her current whereabouts were not known, casting doubt on
the district's ability to recoup the money through her property and future wages.
But Gibson was due a second $750,000 payment under terms of the original
deal, an obligation that has now been quashed.
Court records show she had a rough life since winning the settlement, the
newspaper reported, including a number of claims lodged by and against her in
civil litigation, including temporary restraining orders and domestic violence
Gibson and her children have received public assistance and she has been
sued by the county for failing to pay child support.
Banks is on the roster of the National Football League's Atlanta Falcons.
The USC Edward R. Roybal
Institute on Aging to Host Free
Health Fair During Men’s Health
Awareness Month
The USC Edward R. Roybal Institute on Aging is sponsoring and
hosting a free health fair and classic lowrider car show exhibit with the
Imperials Car Club on the USC campus to raise awareness about men’s
health issues. The event will also feature live music, food and activities
for children.
Over 30 health organizations and community service groups, including
USC healthcare professionals, will be on hand to offer free health
screenings and information on a variety of issues relevant to men and
their families.
Scheduled exhibitors include healthcare professionals from USC
schools, including the USC School of Pharmacy, the Ostrow School
of Dentistry of USC and the Keck School of Medicine of USC. Other
prominent exhibitors include the AARP, the American Diabetes
Association, the American Red Cross, the Alzheimer’s Association,
Children’s Hospital Los Angeles and the UCLA Mobile Eye Clinic.
WHEN: Saturday, June 22, 2013, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
WHERE: Trousdale Parkway, USC University Park Campus, 3551
Trousdale Parkway, Los Angeles, CA, 90089
WHO: The USC Edward R. Roybal Institute on Aging has a mission to
advance research that enhances optimal aging of persons in low-income
communities. The USC Roybal Institute maintains a strong interdisciplinary
focus, with collaborations among faculty and professionals in such fields
as gerontology, psychology, preventive medicine, family medicine,
psychiatry, oncology, American studies and ethnicity, policy, planning
and development. It builds upon USC’s longstanding tradition of creating
socially relevant research, innovating educational practices, influencing
policymaking, fostering community-university partnerships and sharing
best practices with direct service providers.
Imperials Car Club was founded in 1965 in the heart of East Los
Angeles, California. The club represents the American, west coast
traditional style of lowriders and is considered by many to be the oldest
and most respected lowrider car club in the U.S. They've organized many
charity car shows that have benefited schools in the Los Angeles area.
WHY: Held during Men’s Health Month, the event will focus on an
issue of importance to all Americans — men’s health. In the United
States, men die at a higher rate than women from the top 10 causes of
death. Similarly, 1-in-2 men compared to 1-in-3 women will be diagnosed
with cancer in their lifetime. Men are also 24 percent less likely to have
visited a doctor in the past year. In terms of life expectancy, U.S. men live
five years fewer than U.S. women (77 years old compared to 82).
Hamza and Husain Abdullah
Two brothers in the NFL are gaining international attention for their
commitment to their faith. Hamza and Husain Abdullah, two amazing athletes,
shocked their friends and fans by leaving the money and fame of the NFL for a
year to pursue the Hajj pilgrimage to Mecca. They also spent the year traveling
the country to speak at various mosques.
The two did what they called a “30 for 30 tour,” where they visited 30 different
mosques during the 30 days of Ramadan to talk about their faith with those who
would listen. They also stopped at food kitchens, community centers and other
organizations set up to help the community.
The Hajj is a holy pilgrimage to Mecca that Muslims must pursue at least one
time in their lives. The players have already faced controversy by fasting during
Ramadan, which is right during NFL training camp. Despite the challenges and
pressures, they have succeeded.
The two young men grew up in a strong Muslim household. They became
involved in sports at an early age and were both good at football. In 2000 Hamza
began playing free safety at Washington State University. His brother Husain
followed him on campus in 2003.
Hamza was drafted by the Tampa Bay Buccaneers in 2004 in the seventh
round. Husain was signed by the Minnesota Vikings in 2008. He is currently
with the Kansas City Chiefs and Hamza is an unsigned free agent.
In 2011 the two men hosted the “Hamza and Husain Abdullah Rising Stars
Youth Football Camp” for over 200 kids who are interested in football in their
home city of Pomona, California. They continue their work, and will keep
merging faith and family into their athletic careers in order to have a true and
meaningful impact. Great work guys.
Responses to Two Muslim Brothers Skip NFL Season to Take a Pilgrimage
to Mecca
Aquil Reply - These Brothers show great/shinning examples of faith
commitment. Prayfully they will instill this in our youth.
glyrehc Reply - Idiots.
Akiba Collins Reply - How sad that you obviously missed the greater point of
their actions…that above fame and finances there is a higher calling/answering
which all men/women must address…and that is: to their community; to their
religion; and to their God. And that holds true if you are Jewish, Christan,
Muslim, or whatever. Its a universal law.
Lawrence Reply - Message to the fool who referred to these truly unique
young men for doing what is best for them ( and the fool)- evolve!!! Call on
your helpers besides GOD, and watch, as they fail you…get some help, commit
yourself to something other than hatred, disguised as being either Christian or
American. You are neither, so you can’t interact with decent people, nor be
perceived as worldly, nor humane.
As for the brothers…they are an exemplary pair of young men whom we
should all thank, and look to for better positioning in our society, to replace the
venomous creatures elected to represent us globally.
Diane Reply - What an inspiring lesson we can all learn no matter what faith
you are in! Their family needs special accolades for raising them in such a way
as to know what is REALLY important in this life…blessings sent to them &
encouragement to keep up the good work!
SOCALGAS Helps Customers
Save 20% on Monthly Natural
Gas Bills
CARE Program Offers Discounts to
Low-Income Households, Students,
LOS ANGELES, June 20, 2013 – More low-income Southern California
Gas Co. (SoCalGas) customers are eligible to save 20 percent on their
monthly natural gas bill and receive no-cost energy efficient home
improvements as a result of updated income guidelines for the statesponsored California Alternate Rates for Energy (CARE) and Energy
Savings Assistance Program.
“SoCalGas is committed to enrolling as many eligible customers as
possible into our assistance programs,” said Rodger Schwecke, vice
president of customer solutions for SoCalGas. “Together with our
community partners, we engage in continuous outreach to help ensure our
customers know about the many assistance programs available to help
them in difficult economic times.”
The CARE program provides a 20-percent rate discount on the monthly
natural gas bill for eligible households and has already enrolled about
1.6 million customers throughout the SoCalGas service area. Those who
qualify and are approved within 90 days of starting new gas service will
also receive a $15 discount on the Service Establishment Charge.
The Energy Savings Assistance Program provides no-cost energy
efficient home improvements to income-qualified renters and homeowners.
Services include door weather-stripping and caulking to keep unwanted
drafts out of the home; attic insulation to help the home stay cooler in the
summer and warmer in the winter; low-flow showerheads that can save
energy used to heat water; furnace replacement (owner occupied only);
high-efficiency clothes washers and other minor home repairs.
With an estimated 1.7 million customers eligible to participate across
SoCalGas’ 12-county service territory, SoCalGas has launched an
awareness campaign entitled “Right Under Your Nose,” to help customers
learn about the benefits of the CARE program.
The campaign will be implemented across print, out-of-home and digital
channels throughout Southern California and features attention-getting
creative elements including a series of unique mustachioed portraits that
exemplify the potential savings that many do not realize are available.
SoCalGas customers may be automatically eligible if they or a
household member currently receive benefits from any of the following
programs: Medi-Cal/Medicaid, Healthy Families A & B, Women, Infants
and Children (WIC), CalWORKs (TANF), Tribal TANF, Head Start
Income Eligible (Tribal Only), The Bureau of Indian Affairs General
Assistance (BIA-GA), CalFresh/SNAP (Food Stamps), National School
Lunch Program, Supplemental Security Income (NSLP), Low Income
Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP), or Supplemental Security
Income (SSI).
SoCalGas customers can learn more and apply by visiting http://www.
Above takes place At the
Shades of Afrika
1001 E. 4th St.
Long Beach
David Perdue Lawsuit Targets
Torrance Police Department
For Actions During Chris
Dorner Manhunt
LOS ANGELES — A surfer
who was shot at by police during
the manhunt for rogue ex-cop
Christopher Dorner has filed a
lawsuit against a Los Angeles
suburb and its police department.
David Perdue, 38, was driving
his black Honda pickup early Feb.
7 on his way to pick up a friend to
go surfing when he was stopped
by officers looking for Dorner, an
ex-Los Angeles police officer who
had promised to bring "warfare" to
his former department's officers
and their families.
Authorities say Dorner killed
David Perdue
four people, including two
law enforcement officers, during a weeklong rampage that involved a massive
manhunt and ended with his apparent suicide in a mountain cabin following a
gunbattle with police.
At the time officers stopped Perdue, Dorner had already killed two people,
and officers throughout the area were protecting people he named as targets.
Authorities believed he was driving a pickup, although it was a different make and
color than Perdue's truck.
The officers who stopped Perdue asked him a few questions, then told him to
turn around and go back the way he came, according to the lawsuit.
Soon after, a second police car driving toward him accelerated to 25-30 mph
"without any warning," and rammed his pickup, spinning him around and tearing
off the rear axle. Air bags deployed and Perdue's upper body was jolted over the
center console, he says in his complaint.
Perdue says the two officers fired at least three bullets into the open driver's
side window, sending them into the side air bags, past his head and through the
front windshield.
Perdue was ordered out of the pickup with a gun to his head and forced to lie
face-down on the pavement. He was detained for an hour.
The lawsuit, filed Monday in federal court, says Perdue has suffered "physical
injuries, severe emotional distress and mental suffering."
The complaint alleges that the city and its police department refused to accept
responsibility for what happened and instead published false and conflicting
accounts. It also states that the officers involved were allowed to return to duty
without any discipline. Torrance police Sgt. Robert Watt said he can't comment on
discipline issues, but the two officers involved returned to duty after a psychological
evaluation, which is routine after such an incident.
The suit notes that Perdue, who is white, was much shorter and smaller and
looked nothing like Dorner, who was black.
A statement from the city said they could not comment on specifics of the lawsuit.
Watt said the department is in mediation and had a four hour session Thursday with
Perdue's attorneys; no future date is yet set. The Los Angeles district attorney's
office is investigating.
The Perdue shooting was not the only case of mistaken identity that morning.
Two women delivering newspapers in Torrance were also shot at by Los Angeles
police officers; the city reached a $4.2 million settlement with the women in April in
addition to the $40,000 settlement for the loss of their pickup truck.
The eight officers involved in that incident are still working "non-field" assignments
and Police Chief Charlie Beck will decide if and when they return to the field, said
LAPD Cmdr. Andrew Smith.
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Page 8 - Long Beach Times Newspaper • June 20 - 26,2013
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Legal Notices
DBA's, Name Changes, Notice Inviting Bids, Summons, Trustee
Sales, Copyright Name & Business, Sec. 3 Notices
File No. 2013-117957
The following person(s) is (are) doing
business as: ANATHONY ROBERT'S
HAIR DESIGN, 8000 E. Damar St.,
Long Beach, CA 90808. Full name
of registrant(s) is (are) Cantafio,
LLC. This Business is conducted by:
Secretary. This statement was filed
with the County Clerk of Los Angeles
County on 7/7/2013. The registrant(s)
has (have) commenced to transact
business under the fictitious business
name or names listed above on
N/A. NOTICE- This Fictitious Name
Statement expires five years from
the date it was filed in the office of
the County Clerk. A new Fictitious
Business Name Statement must be
filed prior to that date. The filing of this
statement does not of itself authorize
the use in this state of a Fictitious
Business Name in violation of the
rights of another under Federal, State,
or common law (See section 14411 et
seq. Business and Professions Code)
Pub.6/13, 6/20, 6/27, 7/4/2013.
P u b l i s h : L o n g B e a c h Ti m e s
File No. 2013-121322
The following person(s) is (are)
doing business as: POPPIN
744 E. 15th St., Long Beach, CA
90813. Full name of registrant(s)
is (are) Prentice Andre Jones and Anitonio Crawford. This Business
is conducted by: A GENERAL
PARTNERSHIP. Signed: Prentice
Andre Jones, Partner. This statement
was filed with the County Clerk of Los
Angeles County on 6/11/2013. The
registrant(s) has (have) commenced
to transact business under the
fictitious business name or names
listed above on N/A. NOTICE- This
Fictitious Name Statement expires
five years from the date it was filed in
the office of the County Clerk. A new
Fictitious Business Name Statement
must be filed prior to that date. The
filing of this statement does not of
itself authorize the use in this state
of a Fictitious Business Name in
violation of the rights of another under
Federal, State, or common law (See
section 14411 et seq. Business and
Professions Code). Pub.6/13, 6/20,
6/27, 7/4/2013. Publish: Long Beach
Times Newspaper/LBT
File No. 2013-090368
The following person(s) is (are)
doing business as: LONG
Vicotria St., Long Beach, CA 90805.
Full name of registrant(s) is (are) Long Beach Ministerial Training,
Inc. This Business is conducted
by: A CORPORATION. Signed:
Garon Harden, Sr. President.. This
statement was filed with the County
Clerk of Los Angeles County on
05/02/2013. The registrant(s) has
(have) commenced to transact
business under the fictitious business
name or names listed above on
N/A. NOTICE- This Fictitious Name
Statement expires five years from
the date it was filed in the office of
the County Clerk. A new Fictitious
Business Name Statement must be
filed prior to that date. The filing of this
statement does not of itself authorize
the use in this state of a Fictitious
Business Name in violation of the
rights of another under Federal, State,
or common law (See section 14411 et
seq. Business and Professions Code)
Pub. 5/30, 6/6, 6/13, 6/2013. Publish:
Long Beach Times Newspaper/LBT
File No. 2013-107450
The following person(s) is (are)
doing business as: MOM'S VAPE
PROTECTORZ, 2242 Gale ave.,
Long Beach, CA 90810. Full name
of registrant(s) is (are) CINDY
K A M I N A K A A N D T O M M Y T.
KAMINAKA, SR. This Business is
conducted by: A MARRIED COUPLE.
Signed: Cindy Kaminaka, Owner.
This statement was filed with the
County Clerk of Los Angeles County
on 05/23/2013. The registrant(s)
has (have) commenced to transact
business under the fictitious business
name or names listed above on
5/23/2013. NOTICE- This Fictitious
Name Statement expires five years
from the date it was filed in the office
of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious
Business Name Statement must be
filed prior to that date. The filing of this
statement does not of itself authorize
the use in this state of a Fictitious
Business Name in violation of the
rights of another under Federal, State,
or common law (See section 14411 et
seq. Business and Professions Code)
Pub. 6/13, 6/20, 6/27, 7/4/2013.
P u b l i s h : L o n g B e a c h Ti m e s
File No. 2013-100676
The following person(s) is (are)
doing business as: GREATER
WIDE, INC., 135 West Victoria St.,
Long Beach, CA 90805. Full name
of registrant(s) is (are) Greater
Open Door COGIC World Wide,
Inc. This Business is conducted
by: A CORPORATION. Signed:
Garon Harden, Senior President.
This statement was filed with the
County Clerk of Los Angeles County
on 05/15/2013. The registrant(s)
has (have) commenced to transact
business under the fictitious business
name or names listed above on
5/15/2013. NOTICE- This Fictitious
Name Statement expires five years
from the date it was filed in the office
of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious
Business Name Statement must be
filed prior to that date. The filing of this
statement does not of itself authorize
the use in this state of a Fictitious
Business Name in violation of the
rights of another under Federal, State,
or common law (See section 14411 et
seq. Business and Professions Code)
Pub. 6/13, 6/20, 6/27, 7/4/2013.
P u b l i s h : L o n g B e a c h Ti m e s
May 30, 2013
File No. 2013-100592
The following person(s) is (are)
doing business as: BLACK CHERRY
ENT., 1325 East 7th Street, #8,
Long Beach, CA 90813. Full name
of registrant(s) is (are) DARONT T.
HARRIS. This Business is conducted
T. HARRIS. This statement was
filed with the County Clerk of Los
Angeles County on 05/15/2013. The
registrant(s) has (have) commenced
to transact business under the
fictitious business name or names
listed above on 5/15/2013. NOTICEThis Fictitious Name Statement
expires five years from the date it was
filed in the office of the County Clerk.
A new Fictitious Business Name
Statement must be filed prior to that
date. The filing of this statement does
not of itself authorize the use in this
state of a Fictitious Business Name
in violation of the rights of another
under Federal, State, or common law
(See section 14411 et seq. Business
and Professions Code). Pub. 05/30,
06/06, 6/13, 6/20/2013. Publish: Long
Beach Times Newspaper/LBT
Clients from Liberia, Sierra Leone, Ghana
South Africa, Nigeria, Gambia, Ivory Coast, Chad, Egypt,
Haiti, Dominican Republic, Jamaica, China, Philippines, Viet
Nam, Korea, Cambodia,India, Mexico, Ecuador, Argentina,
Poland,Turkey, Spain, Italy, Bulgaria, Romania.
Member PA, NJ Bar
20+ years of experience
Long Beach, CA 90802
File No. 2013-113753
The following person(s) is (are) doing
AUTO CARE, 1010 Obispo Ave,
Long Beah, CA 90804.Full name of
registrant(s) is (are) MADIN INC. This Business is conducted by: A
corporation. Signed: Bopha Song
Phan, Secretary, Madin INc., 1010
Obispo Ave., Long beach, CA 90804.
This statement was filed with the
County Clerk of Los Angeles County
on 06/03/2013. The registrant(s)
has (have) commenced to transact
business under the fictitious business
name or names listed above on
N/A. NOTICE- This Fictitious Name
Statement expires five years from
the date it was filed in the office of
the County Clerk. A new Fictitious
Business Name Statement must be
filed prior to that date. The filing of this
statement does not of itself authorize
the use in this state of a Fictitious
Business Name in violation of the
rights of another under Federal, State,
or common law (See section 14411 et
seq. Business and Professions Code)
Pub. 06/06, 06/13. 06/20, 06/27/2013.
P u b l i s h : L o n g B e a c h Ti m e s
Pub. 05/16, 05/23, 05/30, 06/06/2013.
P u b l i s h : L o n g B e a c h Ti m e s
------------------DUPS---------------------FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME
File No. 2013-095119
The following person(s) is (are)
doing business as: DNYC3
Full name of registrant(s) is (are) DONTE BLACKSHER. This Business
is conducted by: AN INDIVIDUAL.
This statement was filed with the
County Clerk of Los Angeles County
on 05/08/2013. The registrant(s)
has (have) commenced to transact
business under the fictitious business
name or names listed above on
N/A. NOTICE- This Fictitious Name
Statement expires five years from
the date it was filed in the office of
the County Clerk. A new Fictitious
Business Name Statement must be
filed prior to that date. The filing of this
statement does not of itself authorize
the use in this state of a Fictitious
Business Name in violation of the
rights of another under Federal, State,
or common law (See section 14411 et
seq. Business and Professions Code)
Pub. 05/16, 05/23, 05/30, 06/06/2013
P u b l i s h : L o n g B e a c h Ti m e s
File No. 2013-095119
The following person(s) is (are)
doing business as: DNYC3
Full name of registrant(s) is (are) DONTE BLACKSHER. This Business
is conducted by: AN INDIVIDUAL.
This statement was filed with the
County Clerk of Los Angeles County
on 05/08/2013. The registrant(s)
has (have) commenced to transact
business under the fictitious business
name or names listed above on
N/A. NOTICE- This Fictitious Name
Statement expires five years from
the date it was filed in the office of
the County Clerk. A new Fictitious
Business Name Statement must be
filed prior to that date. The filing of this
statement does not of itself authorize
the use in this state of a Fictitious
Business Name in violation of the
rights of another under Federal, State,
or common law (See section 14411 et
seq. Business and Professions Code)
Pub. 05/16, 05/23, 05/30, 06/06/2013
P u b l i s h : L o n g B e a c h Ti m e s
File No. 2013-094795
The following person(s) is (are) doing
business as: ELITE E JUICE, 321
90805. Full name of registrant(s) is
(are) KOHEI SARUTA. This Business
is conducted by: AN INDIVIDUAL.
Signed: KOHEI SARUTA. This
statement was filed with the County
Clerk of Los Angeles County on
05/08/2013. The registrant(s) has
(have) commenced to transact
business under the fictitious business
name or names listed above on
N/A. NOTICE- This Fictitious Name
Statement expires five years from
the date it was filed in the office of
the County Clerk. A new Fictitious
Business Name Statement must be
filed prior to that date. The filing of this
statement does not of itself authorize
the use in this state of a Fictitious
Business Name in violation of the
rights of another under Federal, State,
or common law (See section 14411 et
seq. Business and Professions Code)
Pub. 05/16, 05/23, 05/30, 06/06/2013
P u b l i s h : L o n g B e a c h Ti m e s
File No. 2013-095119
The following person(s) is (are)
doing business as: DNYC3
Full name of registrant(s) is (are) DONTE BLACKSHER. This Business
is conducted by: AN INDIVIDUAL.
This statement was filed with the
County Clerk of Los Angeles County
on 05/08/2013. The registrant(s)
has (have) commenced to transact
business under the fictitious business
name or names listed above on
N/A. NOTICE- This Fictitious Name
Statement expires five years from
the date it was filed in the office of
the County Clerk. A new Fictitious
Business Name Statement must be
filed prior to that date. The filing of this
statement does not of itself authorize
the use in this state of a Fictitious
Business Name in violation of the
rights of another under Federal, State,
or common law (See section 14411 et
seq. Business and Professions Code)
Pub. 05/16, 05/23, 05/30, 06/06/2013.
ublish: Long Beach Times
File No. 2013-094795
The following person(s) is (are) doing
business as: ELITE E JUICE, 321
90805. Full name of registrant(s) is
(are) KOHEI SARUTA. This Business
is conducted by: AN INDIVIDUAL.
Signed: KOHEI SARUTA. This
statement was filed with the County
Clerk of Los Angeles County on
05/08/2013. The registrant(s) has
(have) commenced to transact
business under the fictitious business
name or names listed above on
N/A. NOTICE- This Fictitious Name
Statement expires five years from
the date it was filed in the office of
the County Clerk. A new Fictitious
Business Name Statement must be
filed prior to that date. The filing of this
statement does not of itself authorize
the use in this state of a Fictitious
Business Name in violation of the
rights of another under Federal, State,
or common law (See section 14411 et
seq. Business and Professions Code)
Pub. 05/16, 05/23, 05/30, 06/06/2013
P u b l i s h : L o n g B e a c h Ti m e s
File No. 2013-095119
The following person(s) is (are)
File No. 2013-095119
The following person(s) is (are) d o i n g b u s i n e s s a s : D N Y C 3
d o i n g b u s i n e s s a s : D N Y C 3 PRODUCTIONS, 1417 REDONDO
AVE., LONG BEACH, CA 90804. Full name of registrant(s) is (are) Full name of registrant(s) is (are) DONTE BLACKSHER. This Business
DONTE BLACKSHER. This Business is conducted by: AN INDIVIDUAL.
is conducted by: AN INDIVIDUAL. Signed: DONTE BLACKSHER.
Signed: DONTE BLACKSHER. This statement was filed with the
This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County
County Clerk of Los Angeles County on 05/08/2013. The registrant(s)
on 05/08/2013. The registrant(s) has (have) commenced to transact
has (have) commenced to transact business under the fictitious business
business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on
name or names listed above on N/A. NOTICE- This Fictitious Name
N/A. NOTICE- This Fictitious Name Statement expires five years from
Statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of
the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious
the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be
Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this
filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize
statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious
the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the
Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State,
rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See section 14411 et
or common law (See section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code)
seq. Business and Professions Code) Pub. 05/16, 05/23, 05/30, 06/06/2013.
P u b l i s h : L o n g B e a c h Ti m e s
File No. 2013-095119
The following person(s) is (are)
doing business as: DNYC3
Full name of registrant(s) is (are) DONTE BLACKSHER. This Business
is conducted by: AN INDIVIDUAL.
This statement was filed with the
County Clerk of Los Angeles County
on 05/08/2013. The registrant(s)
has (have) commenced to transact
business under the fictitious business
name or names listed above on
N/A. NOTICE- This Fictitious Name
Statement expires five years from
the date it was filed in the office of
the County Clerk. A new Fictitious
Business Name Statement must be
filed prior to that date. The filing of this
statement does not of itself authorize
the use in this state of a Fictitious
Business Name in violation of the
rights of another under Federal, State,
or common law (See section 14411 et
seq. Business and Professions Code)
Pub. 05/16, 05/23, 05/30, 06/06/2013.
ublish: Long Beach Times
File No. 2013-090368
The following person(s) is (are)
doing business as: LONG
Vicotria St., Long Beach, CA 90805.
Full name of registrant(s) is (are) Long Beach Ministerial Training,
Inc. This Business is conducted
by: A CORPORATION. Signed:
Garon Harden, Sr. President.. This
statement was filed with the County
Clerk of Los Angeles County on
05/02/2013. The registrant(s) has
(have) commenced to transact
business under the fictitious business
name or names listed above on
N/A. NOTICE- This Fictitious Name
Statement expires five years from
the date it was filed in the office of
the County Clerk. A new Fictitious
Business Name Statement must be
filed prior to that date. The filing of this
statement does not of itself authorize
the use in this state of a Fictitious
Business Name in violation of the
rights of another under Federal, State,
or common law (See section 14411 et
seq. Business and Professions Code)
Pub. 5/30, 6/6, 6/13, 6/2013. Publish:
Long Beach Times Newspaper/LBT
File No. 2013-100676
The following person(s) is (are)
doing business as: GREATER
WIDE, INC., 135 West Victoria St.,
Long Beach, CA 90805. Full name
of registrant(s) is (are) Greater
Open Door COGIC World Wide,
Inc. This Business is conducted
by: A CORPORATION. Signed:
Garon Harden, Senior President.
This statement was filed with the
County Clerk of Los Angeles County
on 05/15/2013. The registrant(s)
has (have) commenced to transact
business under the fictitious business
name or names listed above on
5/15/2013. NOTICE- This Fictitious
Name Statement expires five years
from the date it was filed in the office
of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious
Business Name Statement must be
filed prior to that date. The filing of this
statement does not of itself authorize
the use in this state of a Fictitious
Business Name in violation of the
rights of another under Federal, State,
or common law (See section 14411 et
seq. Business and Professions Code)
Pub. 6/13, 6/20, 6/27, 7/4/2013.
P u b l i s h : L o n g B e a c h Ti m e s
File No. 2013-107450
The following person(s) is (are)
doing business as: MOM'S VAPE
PROTECTORZ, 2242 Gale ave.,
Long Beach, CA 90810. Full name
of registrant(s) is (are) CINDY
K A M I N A K A A N D T O M M Y T.
KAMINAKA, SR. This Business is
conducted by: A MARRIED COUPLE.
Signed: Cindy Kaminaka, Owner.
This statement was filed with the
County Clerk of Los Angeles County
on 05/23/2013. The registrant(s)
has (have) commenced to transact
business under the fictitious business
name or names listed above on
5/23/2013. NOTICE- This Fictitious
Name Statement expires five years
from the date it was filed in the office
of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious
Business Name Statement must be
filed prior to that date. The filing of this
statement does not of itself authorize
the use in this state of a Fictitious
Business Name in violation of the
rights of another under Federal, State,
or common law (See section 14411 et
seq. Business and Professions Code)
Pub. 6/13, 6/20, 6/27, 7/4/2013.
P u b l i s h : L o n g B e a c h Ti m e s
May 30, 2013
File No. 2013-100592
The following person(s) is (are)
doing business as: BLACK CHERRY
ENT., 1325 East 7th Street, #8,
Long Beach, CA 90813. Full name
of registrant(s) is (are) DARONT T.
HARRIS. This Business is conducted
T. HARRIS. This statement was
filed with the County Clerk of Los
Angeles County on 05/15/2013. The
registrant(s) has (have) commenced
to transact business under the
fictitious business name or names
listed above on 5/15/2013. NOTICEThis Fictitious Name Statement
expires five years from the date it was
filed in the office of the County Clerk.
A new Fictitious Business Name
Statement must be filed prior to that
date. The filing of this statement does
not of itself authorize the use in this
state of a Fictitious Business Name
in violation of the rights of another
under Federal, State, or common law
(See section 14411 et seq. Business
and Professions Code). Pub. 05/30,
06/06, 6/13, 6/20/2013. Publish: Long
Beach Times Newspaper/LBT
File No. 2013-113753
The following person(s) is (are) doing
AUTO CARE, 1010 Obispo Ave,
Long Beah, CA 90804.Full name of
registrant(s) is (are) MADIN INC. This Business is conducted by: A
corporation. Signed: Bopha Song
Phan, Secretary, Madin INc., 1010
Obispo Ave., Long beach, CA 90804.
This statement was filed with the
County Clerk of Los Angeles County
on 06/03/2013. The registrant(s)
has (have) commenced to transact
business under the fictitious business
name or names listed above on
N/A. NOTICE- This Fictitious Name
Statement expires five years from
the date it was filed in the office of
the County Clerk. A new Fictitious
Business Name Statement must be
filed prior to that date. The filing of this
statement does not of itself authorize
the use in this state of a Fictitious
Business Name in violation of the
rights of another under Federal, State,
or common law (See section 14411 et
seq. Business and Professions Code)
Pub. 06/06, 06/13. 06/20, 06/27/2013.
P u b l i s h : L o n g B e a c h Ti m e s
File No. 2013-100676
The following person(s) is (are)
doing business as: GREATER
WIDE, INC., 135 West Victoria St.,
Long Beach, CA 90805. Full name
of registrant(s) is (are) Greater
Open Door COGIC World Wide,
Inc. This Business is conducted
by: A CORPORATION. Signed:
Garon Harden, Senior President.
This statement was filed with the
County Clerk of Los Angeles County
on 05/15/2013. The registrant(s)
has (have) commenced to transact
business under the fictitious business
name or names listed above on
5/15/2013. NOTICE- This Fictitious
Name Statement expires five years
from the date it was filed in the office
of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious
Business Name Statement must be
filed prior to that date. The filing of this
statement does not of itself authorize
the use in this state of a Fictitious
Business Name in violation of the
rights of another under Federal, State,
or common law (See section 14411 et
seq. Business and Professions Code)
Pub. 6/13, 6/20, 6/27, 7/4/2013.
P u b l i s h : L o n g B e a c h Ti m e s
File No. 2013-107450
The following person(s) is (are)
doing business as: MOM'S VAPE
PROTECTORZ, 2242 Gale ave.,
Long Beach, CA 90810. Full name
of registrant(s) is (are) CINDY
K A M I N A K A A N D T O M M Y T.
KAMINAKA, SR. This Business is
conducted by: A MARRIED COUPLE.
Signed: Cindy Kaminaka, Owner.
This statement was filed with the
County Clerk of Los Angeles County
on 05/23/2013. The registrant(s)
has (have) commenced to transact
business under the fictitious business
name or names listed above on
5/23/2013. NOTICE- This Fictitious
Name Statement expires five years
from the date it was filed in the office
of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious
Business Name Statement must be
filed prior to that date. The filing of this
statement does not of itself authorize
the use in this state of a Fictitious
Business Name in violation of the
rights of another under Federal, State,
or common law (See section 14411 et
seq. Business and Professions Code)
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Publisher ..........................................Barbara Sorey
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THE BLACK PRESS believes that America can best
lead the world from racial antagonism when it accords to
every man, regardless of race, creed or color, its human
and legal rights. Hating no man, fearing no man. The
Black Press strives to help every man in the firm belief
that all persons are hurt as long as anyone is held back.