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surf SAND spectacular Just footsteps from the sparkling blue Atlantic Ocean, the Ar uba is the beachfront lifestyle you’ve been searching for. Revel in a brilliant ocean sunrise from your private balcony and let the soft rhythm of the ocean’s waves soothe your soul. Whether you decide to g o out and comb the beach, boat on the Halifax River or enjoy g reat local cuisine, the perfect Florida coastal lifestyle is now yours. Outside, relax in an oceanfront resor t-style pool, bike on the beach or sunbathe on g olden sands. Or, spend the after noon strolling along the sun-drenched Ocean Walk Shoppes followed by a leisurely drive down the A1A Scenic Coastal Byway. And, if your compass points toward a little day-tripping, the renowned theme parks of Disney, SeaWorld, Universal and Busch Gardens in Orlando and Tampa make for an exciting day of enter tainment and discover y. A f t e r a l l , y o u ’ r e i n F l o r i da . Oral representations cannot be relied upon as correctly stating representations of the developer. For correct representation, make reference to this brochure and the documents required by Section 718.503, Florida Statutes, to be furnished by a developer to a buyer or lessee. W h y l i v e an y w h e r e e l s e ? explore enjoy! E X P ERIE N C E Daytona Beach Shores is a delightfully special place. Once inhabited by Timucuan Indians, Spanish and French settlers and sug ar mill plantations, the fascinating histor y of this Florida coastal treasure can be experienced in many of the area’s parks, preser ves and historic sites. On the island of Daytona Beach Shores, ever yday conveniences, as well as a wide variety of popular shopping and dining destinations, are all situated nearby. For more natural pleasures head out to Sunglow Pier, explore the Lighthouse Point Beach boardwalk or find peaceful seclusion on scenic New Smyr na Beach. YOUR DESTINATION MINUTES AWAY B e ac h S t r e e t S h o pp i n g and H i s t o r i c D i s t r i c t : 12 Oc e an W a l k V i l l a g e S h o pp e s : 10 Oc e an C E N TER : 10 D ay t o na B e ac h In t e r nat i o na l S p e e dway : 20 Ha l i f ax Ha r b o r M a r i na : 14 N e w S m y r na B e ac h : 16 Ha r b o u r V i l l a g e G o l f & Yac h t C l u b : 07 P o nc e In l e t L i g h t h o u s e : 10 ORL A N D O t h e m e pa r k s : 70 L i g h t h o u s e P o i n t Pa r k : 11 D ay t o na B e ac h In t e r nat i o na l A i r p o r t : 15 O r l and o I N TER N ATIO N A L A i r p o r t : 80 Developer Team Aruba Ventures, LLC, the owner and developer of the Aruba, is managed by its majority member, Greenpointe Communities, LLC. The GreenPointe team acquires, creates and transforms residential and mixed-use communities into neighborhoods for today’s homebuyer while providing lasting, sustainable value. The GreenPointe team respects the land and works diligently to protect and enhance nature’s best assets. This thoughtful practice allows the GreenPointe team to create communities that provide for a lifestyle where people want to live, work and enjoy recreation. The GreenPointe team has over 140 years collective experience in developing master-planned and condominium communities in the southeast. Combined with the planned mixed-use condo development, the Quay in downtown Sarasota, and the experience of success with the oceanfront LandMark and Watermark condominiums in Jacksonville Beach, Florida, Ponce Inlet’s Antigua and Martinique and over 1,200 additional condominium homes, GreenPointe is excited to be working with Aruba Ventures in bringing the Aruba to Daytona Beach Shores. We look forward to welcoming you home. Over 140 years collective experience in developing master-planned and condominium communities in the southeast. spacious luxurious REFRE S HI N G The Aruba’s attractive floor plans range in size from approximately 1,300 to 1,800 square feet - each with its own private balcony showcasing the endless seascape horizon. Each impressive residence has been thoughtfully planned to provide homeowners with that quintessential coastal casual atmosphere only found in the Sunshine State. From its upscale conveniences to its magnificent sundrenched setting, the Ar uba’s amenities have been carefully planned to provide residents with a refreshing retreat for both body and soul. BUILDING APPOINTMENTS 6 0 o c e an f r o n t / 2 4 o c e an v i e w r e s i d e nc e s E X PA N S IVE W R A P - A ROU N D A N D C OVERE D B A L C O N IE S , P ER P L A N A S S IG N E D U N D ER - B UIL D I N G PA RKI N G S PA C E HE ATE D O C E A N FRO N T RE S ORT- S TYLE P OOL E X PA N S IVE P OOL D E C KI N G W ITH D E S IG N ER PAVER S A N D FUR N ITURE N ATIVE FLORI D A L A N D S C A P I N G THROUGHOUT P RO P ERTY LU X URIOU S LY A P P OI N TE D LO B BY E N TR A N C E D E S IG N ER - D E C OR ATE D RE S I D E N T C LU B ROO M W ELL - A P P OI N TE D S TATE - OF -THE - A RT FIT N E S S C E N TER RE S I D E N T O N - S ITE S TOR A GE U N IT S C O N VE N IE N T TR A S H C HUTE O N E A C H FLOOR S TU C C O E X TERIOR S W ITH A C C E N T B A N D I N G REI N FOR C E D C O N C RETE B LO C K C O N S TRU C TIO N M I N I M U M W EEKLY RE N TA L S A LLO W E D Reasons TO Buy The Aruba is currently the fastest selling condominium in Daytona Beach Shores. Here are a few reasons why! 1. LOCATION The Ar uba is ideally located in the most desirable address within Daytona Beach, Daytona Beach Shores. This community is the most sought after location in the area for those wishing to own a luxur y oceanfront condominium. It provides amazing beaches and numerous dining options all minutes away from The World’s Most Famous Beach. 3. STRONG DEVELOPMENT TEAM Aruba Ventures, LLC is led by Managing Member Greenpointe, LLC. The team’s collective experience includes raising and investing more than $800 million to develop 100,000 acres of land, build 80,000 homesites and construct 30,000 homes. Having this experience and access to capital should make any purchaser at the Aruba comfortable Aruba Ventures, LLC will deliver what they were promised, when they were promised. 2. EASY ACCESS Daytona Beach Shores is easily accessible by car due to its’ proximity to I-95 and I-4. Via air there are direct flights to Daytona Beach Inter national Airpor t to Charlotte, Atlanta, and New York .This makes the Ar uba a g reat location for a primar y residence, second home, or a weekend getaway. 4. NEW CONSTRUCTION The Ar uba is the 1st new oceanfront condominium to enter the market in approximately 10 years. This gives the Aruba the ability to offer floorplans and features that are in line with expectations and desires of today’s purchasers. No other proper ty in the market can make this claim. Until the Aruba came to market buyers were faced with buying older condominiums and then paying for upg rades they desired. 5. GREAT TIMING Currently the Aruba is offering discounted PreConstr uction Pricing and Incentives. This provides a great opportunity to get in early and save thousands and get the best selection. With only 84 residences, demand is expecting to be strong. TM TM ARUBA ARUBA CONDOMINIUM CONDOMINIUM Future Site of Aruba Condominiums: 3721 South Atlantic Avenue Daytona Beach Shores, FL 32118 Sales Office Address: 3162 South Atlantic Avenue Daytona Beach Shores, FL 32118 TM ARUBA 386.233.3420