This list of Archetypes
This list of Archetypes
Archetypes By Pip McKay Welcome to the wonderful world of Archetypes. This article has been created specifically for people who are using Archetypes during therapeutic, coaching or change processes. Most people will have access to this article if they have done Matrix Therapies, Matrix Constellation and Archetypes, CoCreating the Matrix or seen me speak at the ABNLP on Matrix Archetypes and NLP. See for more details about these programs. This list of Archetypes is written from the point of view that an Archetype is a Universal Symbolic Ideal, based on Plato’s work in the 5th Century BC. I have not listed subtypes or shadows of the Archetypes, unless there is a particular resource they embody that is useful. For example, there are some people where being a ‘bit of a devil’ might be useful, where as for other people that would be considered very negative. This list is for the specific purpose of downloading resources, rather than for the purpose of typing you. Please contact us if you are interested in the therapeutic application of Archetypes on 99499480 or email . I have put in many Archetypes which may mean something similar like Magician and Alchemist, you or your client, however, may resonate with one rather than another. Remember that the Archetype is the Ideal Symbolic Expression of each of these roles not the role itself. There are four list: 1. List of resources that people often request and possible Archetypes that may appeal to that person 2. Archetypal Roles or Common Archetypes in alphabetical order 3. Greek Gods and Goddesses and possible Archetypal Resources 4. Animal Totems that may have Archetypal Resources If you are interested in the 22 Spiritual Archetypes or Archetypes of Consciousness that all the other Archetypes are based on please feel free to email us on or call us on 99499480 . We do not make this information public, as not everyone is interested in or ready for these tools. We do have an introduction to an invitation only course specifically on this subject available to a small number of people who express interest. Have fun with them and let me know how you go With Warmth Pip McKay PS: If you would like to find other ways to use Archetypes therapeutically call us on 9949948 © Evolve Now Mind Institute Pty Ltd and Pip McKay 2009 1 Which Archetypes Give You the Resources You Want? Please be aware that these are suggestions only and may not be appropriate for a client. If the client doesn’t come up with something themselves, then you may like to list some of these using permissive language to prompt them to find something that is suitable for them. Please ensure that the Archetype chosen really has the resources that will solve the client’s problem and give them the resources they need or want to get the goal they wish to achieve. Please also ensure that the outcomes they want and the Archetype they choose are ecological. For instance, if they want to make someone love them who is currently in love with someone else, then helping them access the resources of the ‘seductress’ may not be ecological. If, however, they would like to spice up their sex life with their current partner, then it may be very appropriate. 1. Power, Creating Boundaries, Saying: ‘No’ a. Warrior, Amazon, Emperor, Judge, Policeman, Guardian, Protector, Knight, Defender, Archangel 2. Direction a. Mentor, Guide, Coach, Leader, Visionary 3. Creativity, Artistic, Problem Solving, Thinking Outside the Box a. Artist, Actor, Creator, Innovator, Architect, Shape-shifter b. Decoder, Entrepreneur, Maverick, Devil’s Advocate 4. Energy a. Athlete, Explorer, Hedonist, Competitor, Challenger 5. Fun, Enjoyment, Lightening Up a. Child, Jester, Joker, Flirt, Comic 6. Love a. Romantic, Lover, Knight, Lady, Queen, King, Emperor, Empress, Angel, Venus, Adonis, 7. Sex a. Enchantress, Seductress, Casanova, Flirt, Femme Fatale, Alpha Male, Alpha Female, Sensualist 8. Motivation, Just Do It! a. Athlete, Explorer, Adventurer, Knight, Motivator, Leader, Discoverer, Hero 9. Self-Confidence, Self-Esteem a. King, Queen, Knight, Speaker, Kingmaker, Entrepreneur, Hero 10. Public Speaking, Leadership, Teacher a. Leader, Speaker, Herald, King, Queen, Politician, President, Advocate, Challenger, Hero, Guide, Judge, Revolutionary, Motivator, Performer, Actor, Ruler, Storyteller, Visionary, Teacher © Evolve Now Mind Institute Pty Ltd and Pip McKay 2009 2 Archetypal Roles or Common Archetypes in Alphabetical Order Actor Creator Healer Adventurer Damsel Hedonist Advisor Decoder Helper Advocate Defender Herald Alchemist Detective Hermit Amazon Diplomat Hero Analyst Director Humanitarian Angel Emperor Hunter Archangel Empress Individualist Architect Empath Innocent Artist Enchantress Investigator Athlete Engineer Jester Avant‐Garde Enthusiast Jocker Avenger Explorer Judge Benefactor Father King Business Person Femme Fatale Kingmaker Bureaucrat Flirt Knight Caregiver Follower Leader Casanova Fool Liberator Cavalier Giant Lone Wolf Challenger Gentle Giant Lover Child Gallant Maiden Comic Guardian Magician Companion God Masquerader Competitor Goddess Maverick Confidant Guide Medicine Woman Cowboy Guru Medicine Man © Evolve Now Mind Institute Pty Ltd and Pip McKay 2009 3 Meditator Professor Superman Mediator Protector Superwoman Mentor Psychic Survivor Mother Queen Teacher Motivator Rebel Theorist Monk Revolutionary Thinker Nerd Rogue Thrill‐seeker Nurturer Romantic Traditionalist Observer Ruler Transformer Optimist Sage Trickster Partner Scientist Virgin Peacemaker Scholar Visionary Pedagogue Sensualist Wanderer Perfectionist Shape‐shifter Warrior Performer Show‐Off Weaver Pioneer Soldier Wicker Woman Politician Spiritual Master Wise Old Man Priest Storyteller Wise Old Woman Priestess Supplicant Wizard © Evolve Now Mind Institute Pty Ltd and Pip McKay 2009 4 Greek and Roman Gods and Goddesses Gods and Goddesses may have excellent resources. This is a list of the most important with their Greek name first, followed by their Roman name. Of course you or your client may resonate with a God or Goddess from another culture. Zeus/Jupiter was the most powerful of the gods. Should he have to bring order, he would hurl a thunderbolt. Hera/Juno was the wife of Zeus, and thus, the Queen. Hera was the goddess of marriage, children, and the home Poseidon/Neptune the lord of the sea, was the brother of Zeus Hades/Pluto another brother of Zeus, was the lord of the underworld. Ares/Mars, Zeus' son, was the god of war or the warrior god. Hermes/Mercury was Zeus' son and the messenger of the gods. Hermes was noted for his pranks as well as for his speed. Apollo/Apollo was Zeus' son and god of the sun, light and music. Artemis/Diana was goddess of the hunt Athena/Minerva for whom Athens was named, was the goddess of wisdom. Hestia/Vesta was the goddess of hearth and home, and Hera's sister Demeter was the goddess of the harvest, and Hera's other sister. Persephone was Demeter's daughter, and the Greek's reasons for the seasons. Aphrodite/Venus was the goddess of love and beauty Hephaestus/Vulcan was the son of Zeus and Hera, god of fire and forge, and the husband of Aphrodite. Pandora was the very first woman, formed out of clay by the gods. Zeus ordered Hephaestus to create her. Then Zeus sent Pandora down to earth to marry Epimetheus. Heracles/Hercules was another of Zeus' sons. He was half man, half god, and very strong. Eros/Cupid was the god of love. He had a bow and arrow to shoot people and make them fall in love. Orpheus was the son of Apollo and Calliope. He was the most famous musician in all of Greece. The story of Eurydice and Orpheus is a famous love story. © Evolve Now Mind Institute Pty Ltd and Pip McKay 2009 5 Animal Archetypes From Chinese Astrology Please note that some of the meanings attributed to these animals maybe cultural rather than Archetypal. As with all of the Archetypes ensure the client chooses an Archetype that has a particular meaning to them, is ecological and useful in solving the problem. Rat: Essentially charming. Compassionate. Renowned for thrift and love of family, at times rather superficial. Ox: Calm, patient, studied character. Takes things slow, steady pace. At times rather dictatorial. Always industrious. Tiger: Very warm, loving. Independent minded. Pays scant regard for other's feelings while pursuing fun and freedom. Rabbit: Also know as the Cat or Hare. Very sensitive soul. Loves spending time at home. Although quiet and discreet, still ambitious. Self‐indulgent. Dragon: Charismatic and colorful. Wants to be center of attention. Very arrogant. Snake: High moral principles, mostly when applied to other. Sophisticated and charming. More than meets the eye. Horse: Confident and proud. Prone to erratic behavior. Heart is in right place. Scatty. Goat: Sensitive, creative and multitalented. Eccentric. Much Fortitude. Loves to be loved, hates to be pushed. Monkey: Wily and cunning. Ignores regimented rules. Free spirit. Rooster: Brave and enthusiastic. Notoriously picky. Highly intelligent. Rarely has wool pulled over its eyes. Dog: Honest, loyal, sincere. Believes in justice for all. Fights for principles. Sometimes bad tempered, self‐ righteous. Boar: Will do anything for anybody. Model of sincerity and honor. Occasionally fits of rage. Self‐ sacrificing and altruistic © Evolve Now Mind Institute Pty Ltd and Pip McKay 2009 6 Totem Animal Archetypes Please note that some of the meanings attributed to these animals maybe cultural rather than Archetypal. As with all of the Archetypes ensure the client chooses an Archetype that has a particular meaning to them, is ecological and useful in solving the problem. Ant - Industrious. Horse - Freedom Badger - Courage. Hummingbird - Fierce warrior, jewel of the gods, whose feathers bear love magic. Pleasure. Bear - Watcher, guardian of the world, giver of great strength of body, courage and power of will. Lion - Emblem of royalty, symbol of the Sun. Courageous guardian protector Buffalo - Possesses great strength. Lizard - Vision Cat - It is a good hunter and very independent. Coyote - It is a crazy trickster bearing tidings of sacred mischief. Lynx - Keeper of secrets. Mouse - It has an eye for details. Crow - Justice. Owl - Wise watcher in the night, fateseer, riddler, Silence. Deer - Compassion Panther - A good protective animal. Dog - Loyalty. Puma - Shaman's companion on journeys to the other worlds; spirit of grace and silent power. Dolphin - Wise and happy, able to explore the great depths of emotions, friend to lovers of the sea. Dragonfly - It can tell you how to break through illusions and how to gain power through dreams. It teaches higher aspirations. Imagination Rabbit - Fertility Raven - trickster, wise in oracles and omens, messenger and watcher for the gods. Mystery. Snake - Transformation. Dragon - It is fiery, rich and knows the answers to many riddles. Eagle - Rising, his cry thrills the brave and panic the faint-hearted. Stag - Lord of the forest, masculine power of regeneration, giver of bounty, beauty and mystical signs. Swan - Guide into dreamtime. Fish - Graceful. Hawk - All-seeing, soaring on the breast of the wind. Observation. Wolf - Pathfinder for the human spirit; heart of the wildness of the world, knowledge. © Evolve Now Mind Institute Pty Ltd and Pip McKay 2009 7 © Evolve Now Mind Institute Pty Ltd and Pip McKay 2009 8