Tourism in Brandenburg – Facts, figures and
Tourism in Brandenburg – Facts, figures and
royal cyclist-friendly leisurely diversified natural authentic focus on water sports relaxing sustainable unique charming trusted vibrant high quality family-friendly Close to Berlin making time straightfoward barrier-free tradition-conscious dependable unwinding balancing active active genuine convincing luxurious inspiring creative faithful to tradition calming enriching ecological staging fascinating culture family-friendly nature-oriented cultured trendy attractive balancing mystical wild TOURISM IN BRANDENBURG Facts, figures and statistics THE GERMAN CAPITAL REGION excellence in tourism 2 CONTENT Tourism in Brandenburg – a success story 4 A high-revenue sector employing a large number of people 8 A powerhouse for added value and employment 9 Brandenburg is the capital region 12 Quality: classification and certification 15 The core market: Berlin 17 Brandenburg: the visitor's point of view 18 A distinctive profile: Brand makes it possible 19 Imprint 27 3 92.3 million Day trips within and into Brandenburg every year Tourism in Brandenburg – a success story The number of overnight stays has more than doubled since the 1990s and the number of guests has almost even tripled. On top of that, there are close to 92.3 million day trips within and into Brandenburg. Overall, this means approximately 4.3 billion euros in revenue from the tourism sector.1 Tourism revenue 2003 2014 2.5 billion € 4.3 billion € Employees in the tourism sector Overnight accommodations subject to social insurance contributions or who are marginal part-time > 10 beds 23.58 mill. tot. 25.32 mill. tot. 27.63 mill. tot. 15,7 12,1 13,8 1992 2014 724 2003 1,634 50,000 Growth in overnight accommodations in Brandenburg 1992–2014 ² 8.05 8.14 8.02 8.61 > 60,000 Grey market The official statistic includes overnight stays only in establishments providing at least 10 beds. Since 2012, numbers from the "grey market" are available as well (i.e. overnights in non-commercial private facilities with fewer than 10 beds) (collected for guests who reside at least 50 km away). (overnights in millions) 7.55 2012 9.09 9.53 9.19 8.45 9.55 9.25 9.38 11.06 10.25 10.69 9.93 10.17 11.48 11.52 11.93 6.5 4 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 4.63 4.85 Tourism intensity for day trips and overnight stays SchleswigHolstein 8,289 Hamburg 8,238 MecklenburgWestern Pomerania 9,741 SchleswigHolstein MecklenburgWestern Pomerania 31,581 Hamburg 21,271 Bremen 8,510 Bremen 9,918 Hessen 6,875 6,434 Berlin 4,164 SaxonyAnhalt 7,134 Lower Saxony 6,943 North RhineWestphalia 5,771 RhinelandPalatinate 8,222 Saarland 4,406 (per 1000 residents) 4 Berlin Brandenburg 9,129 Lower Saxony 9,412 North RhineWestphalia Thuringia 8,218 Baden Wurttemberg 7,090 3,565 Saxony 7,569 RhinelandPalatinate Saarland 7,776 Bavaria 9,090 Hessen 8,740 SaxonyAnhalt Brandenburg 8,991 Thuringia 10,378 9,986 Saxony 10,657 5,705 3,743 Day trips < 5,000 5,000 bis 7,999 Baden Wurttemberg Bavaria 9,623 6,524 Overnight stays < 5,000 5,000 bis 8,999 8,000 bis 8,999 9,000 bis 19,999 > 9,000 > 20,000 Overnight stays by residents in prevention and rehab clinics (official statistics) are included in the calculations, Exceptions due to data anonymity: Berlin, Bremen, Hamburg – in these cases, tourism intensity is a minimum estimate. Tourism intensities in 2013 Comparison between Brandenburg and Germany (per 1000 residents) 5 Brandenburg Brandenburg Brandenburg Germany Germany Germany 9,1297,253 7,253 9,129 9,129 7,253 9,986 8,240 8,240 9,986 9,986 8,240 19,11515,493 15,493 19,115 19,115 15,493 Day trips Day Daytrips trips Overnight stays Overnight stays Overnight stays Total number of days Total number ofofdays Total number days Brandenburg Germany Brandenburg Die Übernachtungen der Inländer in Vorsorgeund Rehakliniken (amtlich erfasst) sind inBerechnungen den Berechnungen inbegriffen, Die der ininVorsorgeund (amtlich erfasst) sind inbegriffen, DieÜbernachtungen Übernachtungen derInländer Inländer VorsorgeundRehakliniken Rehakliniken (amtlich erfasst) sindininden denBerechnungen inbegriffen, Germany Quelle: GfK/IMT DestinationMonitor, Deutschland Statistisches Bundesamt Quelle: GfK/IMT DestinationMonitor, Deutschland Statistisches Bundesamt Quelle: GfK/IMT Deutschland Statistisches Bundesamt Overnight stays byDestinationMonitor, residents in prevention and rehab clinics (official statistics) are included in the calculations. 19,115 15,493 15,493 Total number of days ber of days n den Berechnungen inbegriffen, n inbegriffen, 5 Comparison of the number of overnight stays 6 With such growth, Brandenburg is the leader among the non-city states in the Germany tourism industry. The demand in off-season business has also showed gains. 1,717,634 Summer 1,522,341 1,343,466 1,211,716 1,172,346 2014 903,324 2014 1,241,400 1,212,885 2004 1,088,159 1,053,892 906,618 2004 680,354 APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP Winter 665,767 576,080 2013 501,099 2014 546,379 2004 2003 537,090 427,951 DEC 375,311 JAN 405,252 FEB MAR Top 8 for overnight stays by foreign guests 7 Country of origin 2006 2010 2013 2014 Overall foreign 620,273 755,180 830,627 912,639 From Europe 496,218 640,876 736,814 792,610 Poland 59,146 83,731 151,366 165,342 The Netherlands 104,257 117,120 119,023 127,217 Denmark 28,592 45,329 50,816 51,952 United Kingdom 36,421 40,454 42,259 51,062 Switzerland 20,623 32,121 51,306 50,852 Austria 22,276 36,615 31,057 38,123 Czech Republic 9,888 31,059 29,296 36,858 Sweden 30,442 37,702 33,808 33,721 Key source markets 6 Destinations in Brandenburg 2014 by overnight stays 8 Region 2014 +/- zu 2013 Oder-Spree Lake District 2,059,828 0% Spreewald 1,564,978 +7.9% Ruppin Lake District 1,437,573 +0.9% Fläming 1,215,121 +7.8% Potsdam 1,035,804 +3.2% Havelland 964,472 +7.4% Dahme Lake Region 939,916 +3.8% Uckermark 884,213 +2.7% Barnimer Land 821,529 +1.5% Lausatian Lake District 331,429 +7.8% Prignitz 291,957 +1.3% Elbe-Elster-Land 221,346 +1.8% Lower Lusatia 167,503 -0.1% Municipality 2014 Potsdam 1,035,804 Rheinsberg 535,504 Burg (Spreewald) 500,009 Templin 330,549 Bad Saarow 323,148 Halbe 307,434 Senftenberg 283,557 Bernau bei Berlin 264,399 Grünheide (Mark) 258,299 Werder (Havel) 244,575 Also ranking high in tourism intensity (overnight stays per resident) are places such as Lindow, Joachimsthal, the Boitzenburg district and Stechlin. This highlights the importance of tourism in these rural areas. 7 4.3 billion � Annual gross revenue in 2014 A high-revenue sector employing a large number of people The tourism industry makes a considerable contribution to the added value and the infrastructure of the regions. The industry provides employment for 60,000 people working for more than 10,000 companies. Visitors to the state of Brandenburg spent 4.3 billion euros in 2014. 9 Services* Approx. 1.1 billion € 24% Retail 44% Approx. 1.8 billion € 32% Approx. 1.4 billion € 10 * Culture and leisure facilities (e.g. museums, swimming pools, sports and entertainment), transportation, parking fees, etc. 8 Hospitality (accommodation and food & drink) +11.9% Employees in the tourism sector subject to social insurance contributions from 2008–2012 A powerhouse for added value and employment On the water ¹¹ Whether it's the River Havel, Scharmützelsee or The Lausatian Lake District: waterway tourism in Brandenburg and even in Berlin is booming and grosses an annual revenue of close to 200 million euros. 200 million € Total annual revenue from waterway tourism 32 million € … on boat tours 49 million € … from miscellaneous 120,000 Charter tourists » … for boat rentals, motor boats and berth rentals » 729,000 Person days 24.10 € Daily spending* 350,000 Canoe rental visitors » 119 million € 592,000 Person days » 20.20 € Daily spending* * not incl. boat rental In addition to charter vacationers and canoe rental visitors, numerous boating enthusiasts come to spend time with their own watercraft. On top of that is the revenue generated from daily rentals of open motorboats, sailing boats, pleasure craft and others that haven't been included to date as well as revenue from sources that aren't directly from boat tourism, such as services related to boating and tourism. Companies are looking optimistically to the future. A drop in demand is not expected in the near future. Cycling ¹² The Spree, Oder-Neisse, Berlin–Copenhagen, Berlin– Usedom, the Elbe and the Gurken cycle routes are the most used by cycling tourists to the State of Brandenburg. Guests typically spend up to two weeks on the route, with close to a third spending up to three days. Opportunities to visit historical sites or attractions is a key factor in the choice of the destination. Swimming, paddling or hiking are also important activities for cycling tourists. ≈ 36.50 €/day ≈ 65.50 € per day Spending per cycling tourist … for lodging and accommodation ≈ 29.00 €/day … for food and other activities 15.38 Mio. € Jährlicher Umsatz durch übernachtende Radreisende im Land Brandenburg 9 Camping 13 Hot spots for camping enthusiasts include the Oder-Spree Lake District, the Spreewald and the Havelland region. The Lusatian Lake District is tops in terms of utilisation rates. The Uckermark has experienced dynamic growth for years. As always, Saxony, Berlin and Brandenburg are among the most important source regions for campers in Brandenburg14. In addition to tourists from the Netherlands and Denmark, visitors also come from the Czech Republic in good numbers. Overnight stays per location 91 66 2007 Total overnight stays 37.9% 2013 1 Mio 750 T 2007 33.3% 2014 Income trends from tourism 15 The tourism added value chain secures jobs in other sectors as well. Cultural, leisure and mobility providers, bookstores and newspaper shops, corner convenience stores, department stores and supermarkets: everyone benefits. Tourism stabilizes a whole range of businesses and institutions that otherwise would no longer be economically viable and thus would not be there for the local population either. Tourists contribute a significant portion to consumer spending in Brandenburg. This brings profit to businesses in the food sector, handicrafts, to electricity and power suppliers or even to banks and insurance companies. Because they are services tied to a specific location, tourism establishments also reliably contribute to the local government finances through trade tax and municipal duties. 4,174.3 million € » 471 million € 2,469 million € VAT 10 Net revenue » Gross revenue 3,703.3 1,234.3 » million € » million € Advance payments Direct income 740.7 » million € Indirect income » 1,975 mill.€ total income Employment trends for select sectors 16 Employment subject to social insurance contributions 2008–2012 Food sector Synthetics and chemicals -0.6 % 2.0 % Brandenburg 4.3 % Germany -0.9 % 3.6 % Metals 0.5 % 11.9 % Tourism 9.8 % Select sectors in Brandenburg Overall economy 4.7 % 2.2 % 4.5 % 5.3 % Employment trends for select sectors throughout Germany 2008 to 2012 MecklenburgWestern Pomerania 7.6% Lower Saxony 5.7% 2.2% Germany as a whole SchleswigHolstein 1.3% Brandenburg 4.7 % SaxonyAnhalt 4.0% Thuringia 3.5% North Rhine Westphalia 0% Rhineland Palatinate 0.6% Saxony 3.7 % Hessen 0.3% Baden Wurttemberg 0.9% Bavaria 3.4% 11 Brandenburg is the capital region A state in the middle of which lies the Metropolis of Berlin. And the people from the big city value that! Here, the hustle and bustle is soon left behind. Brandenburg is one of the most attractive cycling and hiking regions in all of Germany, captivating with its Prussian culture, a diverse arts and culture scene, marked by thinkers and masterminds of contemporary history and also offering ideal opportunities unwinding in one of the largest water landscapes in Germany. Just the right mix for the core target groups of Brandenburg17: "sociable families", "quality-conscious relaxation seekers", "intellectual culture lovers", "event-oriented smart shoppers" and "natureloving pleasure-seekers". Tourism services (as of July 2014) 18 Number Rooms/sites Beds/sleeping accommodations Hotels 435 17,706 32,933 Bed & Breakfast hotels 104 2,668 5,172 Inns 190 1,980 3,971 Guest houses 231 2,151 4,479 Campgrounds 169 10,135 40,540 Hostels and similar establishments 119 11,280 Recreational/holiday homes/ training centres 98 8,753 Vacation centres, homes or apartments 267 13,431 Prevention and rehab clinics 21 4,557 1,634 125,116 Total 12 A unique cultural landscape • 14 castles and three historic park grounds in one city: the cultural landscape of Potsdam has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1990. • 500 castles and manors • prominent park grounds including Branitz or Neuhardenberg • 400 museums • 6 state-run and 20 independent theatres • Brandenburg State Orchestra from Frankfurt, German Film Orchestra Babelsberg, Philharmonic Orchestra of the Cottbus State Theatre • 20 memorial sites and places of commemoration • 1,600 monastery and village churches • 22,000 registered building monuments and archaeological sites 500 Castles and Manors Nature and hiking paradise With dense pine and beech forests, fens that are home to endangered species of animals and plants, fabulous lake scenery and wide rivers, the state has much to offer in greenspace as a destination. • one-third of the state is protected area • eleven nature parks, three biosphere reserves and one national park as well as one UNESCO World Heritage Site • more than 2,000 kilometres of marked hiking trails • numerous trails distinguished with the "Qualitätsweg Wanderbares Deutschland" (premium route) award: Burgenwanderweg (Fläming), Kunstwanderweg (Fläming), Märkischer Landweg (Uckermark), Uckermärker Landrunde (Uckermark), Nature Park Route Märkische Switzerland (Oder- Spree Lake District), Schlaubetal-Wanderweg (Oder-Spree Lake District), Oderland Hiking Trail (Oder-Spree Lake District), 2,000 km of marked hiking trails Top destination for cycling trips • 11,600 km signposted cycle routes • 29 long-distance cycle routes: approx. 7,400 km in total • more than 30 regional routes: approx. 4,200 km in total • 496 Bed&Bike establishments • 2 ADFC (General German Cycling Club) cycling tour regions (Oder-Spree Lake District and Prignitz) 11,600 km Signposted cycle routes 13 Land of lakes and rivers With 33,000 kilometres of flowing water and 3000 lakes, Brandenburg is one of the most water-rich states in the country. • approx. 1,500 km navigable federal and state waterways • approx. 6,500 km waterways for canoeists and rowers • approx. 470 km license-free federal and state waterways for recreational and houseboats • more than 17,000 marina berths • 810 recreational boat moorings, marinas and rest areas for water sport enthusiasts More than 17,000 Marina berths • 128 canoe rental companies with a total of 3,526 canoes (Berlin and Brandenburg) • 83 charter operators with 1,280 yachts, houseboats and sailboats as well as floatation rafts (Berlin and Brandenburg) • 65 passenger vessel companies with 180 ships (Berlin and Brandenburg) • 267 official swimming spots Thermal springs, leisure baths and health spas 8 Health spas 170 Campgrounds • 18 thermal springs and leisure baths • 8 health spas: Bad Belzig (thermal saline), Bad Freienwalde (moor), Bad Liebenwerda (peloid), Bad Saarow (thermal saline and moor), Bad Wilsnack (thermal saline and moor), Buckow (Kneipp), Burg/ Spreewald (mineral springs), Templin (thermal saline) Camping holidays • approx. 170 campgrounds • 11 premium four or five star campgrounds • 13 sustainable campgrounds with eco-camping certification A showcase for electric mobility 5 Pedelec regions 14 More than 23 destinations for daytrips in Brandenburg are equipped with electric filling stations. While they are charging, guests can make use of attractive options for visitors or take in the local beauty on a walk. Visitors to Brandenburg can rent electric bicycles in 5 pedelec regions. The Oder-Spree lake district, Uckermark and Barnim regions and the Dahme-Spreewald district and Havel River region all have an extensive network of rental and charging stations for electric bicycles. For more information, please visit 2,860 Quality coaches in over 1,100 businesses Quality: classification and certification In the state of Brandenburg the focus is always on quality. This signifies a clear competitive advantage. The Brandenburg tourism academy (TAB) supports companies with this endeavour. Approximately 2,860 quality coaches are working daily in the state in more than 1,100 businesses. Almost 20,000 service concepts have been realised. Hard-working and motivated employees are required to meet the growing importance of the tourism industry and its increasing demands. Brandenburg has the most Q-communities in Germany ServiceQ Deutschland is a federal system to improve services and opportunities for small and mid-sized businesses in the hotel, gastronomy and tourism sectors as well as for all other services companies. It provides a management system that helps to continuously optimise the business and increase customer satisfaction. ServiceQ according to sector in the state of Brandenburg 19 0.9% 27.9% Hotels & related Health resorts & Baths 2.3% Children & Youth 3.4% 9x Training & Counselling 18.2% Tourism organisations 3.4% 30 x Retail & Crafts 4% Other service providers Level II 351 TO & Travel Agents 15.7% Level III Q-certified businesses in 4.3% 2015 20 Transport & Navigation 5.4% Leisure & Culture 6.3% 8.3% Camping 312 x Level I Food & Drink 15 ServiceQ certified cities and municipalities in the state of Brandenburg 21 1 Bad Saarow (since 2011) 2 Brandenburg City (since 2011) 2 7 1 5 6 3 Senftenberg (since 2011) 4 Burg/Spreewald (since 2012) 4 3 5 Municipality of Schwielochsee (since 2013) 6 Lübben (since 2013) 7 Lübbenau (since 2014) Other classifications and certifications (as of the end of 2014) more than 70 tourist information centers with the i-label DEHOGA Umweltcheck Third place after Lower Saxony and Baden-Wurttemberg (end of 2014) 207 DEHOGA-classified hotel businesses 31 G-classified guesthouses and inns CERTIFIED Green HOTEL G*** Ecocamping 240 Brandenburg hospitality incl. Potsdam hospitality 44 QMJ Quality management for children & youth travel 1,244 DTV-classified holiday apartments & houses and private rooms 54 DTV-classified campgrounds 496 Bed & Bike 158 Gelbe Welle (“yellow wave”) Biohotels Seals and environmental certification in tourism are a proof of sustainable companies and offer guidance for interested visitors. Accessibility From the Ruppin Lake District in the North to the Lausatian Lake Region in the South, from the Elbe in the West to the Neisse or Oder rivers in the East, many host establishments have become barrierfree. For many years, there continue to have been more and more involved to increase the quality of service in the region and extend suitable services to as many visitors with special needs as possible. Core activities include • Information platform Detailed information reviewed on-site about accessibility for more than 800 services in the accommodations, leisure activities and food and drink sectors. The only database that also has information for guests with learning disabilities, allergies or special dietary needs. • Follow-up topics with tips for hosts and follow-up links for visitors and tourism providers • Extensive measures to raise awareness with special events for tourism service providers • Creation of special offers for group travellers • Cooperation with Terra press to publish the annual brochure "Brandenburg for everyone – barrier-free travel" • Marketing and distribution Participation in trade fairs relating to health, rehabilitation and barrier-free travel • Social media with a dedicated facebook account, BrandenburgBarrierefrei 16 Viabono Saxony, North Rhine-Westphalia, Lower Saxony & Hamburg are also key source markets for visitors from within Germany The core market: Berlin Brandenburg is a favourite travel destination for the people of Berlin. It is the local recreation area for all the stressed out big city dwellers! Berlin is and remains the key partner for Brandenburg that long ago became the state around Berlin as the capital region. New visitors to the state continue to be inspired by themed marketing targeting specific groups. Demographic changes is playing a role (a stable, even briefly increasing population, significant growth from abroad and hence potential new target groups) as well as an increasing demand for activities and experiences in nature, something that is especially prevalent among the people from the big city. Familiarity, sympathy, a motivation to visit: these are all aspects that surveys repeatedly show are highly valued. For the people of Berlin, day trips and short holidays are like a best friend. City dwellers often use public transport – either as the only mode of travel (21%) or in combination with other means of transport (34%). Berlin has the lowest number of vehicles per household in Germany. The well-planned transportation network in the capital is also the standard for leisure trips and hence a central challenge for sustainable tourism in Brandenburg. Berlin and Brandenburg have also long been considered partners from the outside. Visitors don’t worry about state boundaries. The demand is thus for themed, cross-border and networked opportunities. Tourism aimed at cycling and water enthusiasts is a good example and is already ready to be experienced to a large extent. With the capital as an internationally renowned destination and the geographic centre of Brandenburg, there has been a close sense of partnership for many years. For example, the two states present jointly at the ITB, the world's leading tourism trade show. Here it becomes obvious what for tourists is a matter of course: Berlin and Brandenburg are a common region.This also highlights the mutual shareholdings of the tourism marketing companies (TMB Tourismus-Marketing Brandenburg GmbH/visitBerlin) and the sign at the BER airport that greets visitors to the "Berlin Brandenburg Welcome Centre". 17 53% of visitors come to see cultural & historic attractions The core market: Berlin 97% described their stay in Brandenburg as good to very good 79% would likely or definitely return What applies to Brandenburg from the visitor's point of view? 23 18 1. close to Berlin 67% 2. natural 49% 3. cyclist-friendly 48% 4. culturally interesting 47% 92% would likely or definitely recommend a trip to Brandenburg to their friends Evaluation by guests from within Germany staying for at least one night 22 What activities on the trip were the most important? 24 Visiting natural sites 57% Visiting attractions 53% Activities near/in/on the water 5. hospitable 46% 6. family-friendly 45% 7. tradition-conscious 44% 8. diversified 40% 9. safe 37% Hiking 10. economical 35% 11. Cycling reliable 33% 12. service-oriented 33% 13. water sport-oriented 31% 14. convincing 30% 15. unique 30% 16. sporting 29% 17. high quality 27% 18. barrier-free 27% 19. creative 26% 20. progressive 26% 35% Going for walks 34% Spending time with family/a partner/friends 28% Visiting events & functions 25% 24% 21% Enjoying local meals & drinks 20% Visiting adventure facilities 20% Visiting museums & exhibitions 14% Taking advantage of wellness services 13% Shopping 11% Enjoying the nightlife (e.g. discos, bars) 1% Source: Local activities visitors on holidays, 2013 A distinctive profile: Brand makes it possible TMB Tourismus-Marketing Brandenburg GmbH is hard at work for the state of Brandenburg developing and improving the Brandenburg tourism brand. The goal is to create a unique, distinct and emotionally-charged concept of Brandenburg as a destination and embed this image in the minds of potential visitors. Products and services will thus find a place on the market more easily and sell more readily. The Brandenburg tourism brand linkable, divisibly relatable bold ready A brand is what people perceive a brand to be Brandenburg is an outdoor stage cultural landscape magical moments connections Going the extra mile for the guest! Emotional & unexpected and on the water for Berlin People seek authentic & genuine calming natural depth, not breadth quality decisions The Brandenburg tourism brand functions only with the key ambassadors of the brand itself – the partners in the tourism sector. cultured People sho uld remember! intellectual culture lovers quality-conscious peo ple who want to slow down sociable families Telling stories Mediendatenbank/Endkunden/PDFs/ TMB_Handbuch_ Marke_in_36_Minuten.pdf A focus on core values natural cultured calming Featured themes Culture Nature Enjoy the landscape Discover water Cycling Water M.I.C.E. Experience culture Broaden horizons Realms of experience Breathe deeply The core values are based on the key target groups "sociable families", "quality- conscious people who want to slow down", "intellectual culture lovers", "event-oriented smartshoppers" and "pleasure-seeking ecotourists". Featured themes and realms of experience make for a closer match between the brand value for the region and the target groups. 19 Communication in the brand process Since 2008, TMB has launched annual themed campaigns. They focus on the activities from the marketing mix, strengthen the positioning and reflect the overall essence of the Brandenburg brand. Key to their campaigns are media cooperations, online communication, print and radio advertising, outdoor advertising, promotions and targeted press relations. The brand strategy is a prerequisite for the appeal to the end customers. It is through people that lead products are communicated and a desire to visit Brandenburg is created. Brochures such as accommodation directories or even regional maps are also available to help promote the brand. Almost half of the visitors to Brandenburg use the internet 20 individual sites address the various different target groups. Every travel region can have a presence here. Consumer homepage: • over 5,000 events are searched for via the TMB event calender per day • accommodation providers can integrate online reservation services offered by the TMB onto their own website • www.tmb-intern provides instant access to all key information needed for successful collaboration with every partner • recommendations for food and drink in Brandenburg are available on • since 2012, TMB has offered a mobile website and apps for iPhone and Android devices 20 Page impressions 1.5 million per month (as of May 2014) Social media The blog posted at offers new and existing stories from across the region. YouTube and Pinterest has interesting clips and recent images. And Facebook and Twitter are of course also in on the game. The Information and Reservation System (IRS) for Brandenburg is used by 40,000 people online. The range of services includes everything from rooms and vacation flats/homes to package deals and various special themes. Approximately 1,000 businesses with over 3,000 services are represented here. There is also a call centre and tourist information available for bookings. TMB also has a presence at numerous national and international trade shows and B2B workshops. Press conferences, various press trips and blogger journeys, editorial and background discussions, the TMB presse news (regional, cross-regional) and many other forms of information sources ensure that the general and specialised public are informed about all important news from Brandenburg. EN 19 LAIN lu1840t taaskartutettuinen hanO alkava on PIST Viime velytCarl g elmaa lähtien. lta 1912. 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Kokous. nettät Kävely skopio opast veisto ä viiden arkki- noin 130 kesän usten e taan. ston kamp u laajall Yliopi ja taide ulottu ri tehtuu en kiläin kertoo, milla -lehti i Helsin , Anna aniem Haap ustaa yksin on matk 28.5.2015. REISEJO URNAL Anzeige Beliebte kaan 0 asuk va 300 istä: sijaitse jos haluat assa a Berliin de, ssa. Junall rajan tuntumn retkikoh rauha n ne Puola on oivalli eudun lle maas ksan Neuze tyä Sa täy pis Ihana ksa Itä-Sa , n kyliin in pienii kin muih hymyilee. apotta joihin sanoo ja eli musta snähdä Fritsche rze Abt tuin erikoisaassa voi h kerDer schwa on tunnen edelleen iSalesc essa patsa panim stetaa muka usta, ti on svalmi n reseptin usi näkyy ta. Jokais ssä) eri kertom na ssa valmi olut, jota a vanha t ylärivi lainen aikakaaa Dr. Saksa oluen lle avoinhie- kolme a satoja vuosion ainoa puhtaan ARI (kuva rin gootti ossa”, osoitt yleisö ksia uriss liollut . Työ on yhä jo too. aalau LUOST ee pai- sesti. Se jossa saa muod ön naap on ri on olla myös ellen luosta a katon joitakin seinämluostarin olut, luosta enen vuotta pääosin Dr. isesti ller ”Neuz an miljörannalla sijaits llen muass Harta o. Neuze l- tettu sten muka en kymm n, mutta onjohtaja muun Salesch. Myös ty. Neuze arha, jota ia. säädö keske muse en panim eli Neuze man lamm o ovat ta. man Martin ajalta on löydet barokkipuut imo, sättyä soker kallin INI a kertoo rbräu luont immis histosta, s n lin Rikam , BERLI nen t Kloste luostaripan valmi Salesch. tuolta on harvinainen n kaune nukse ja kauniSchlaubeta SAKSA kuvat: Essi Tuija Tyrväi t yltäväle n a len ja n raken s ilma juure parintakan än yhtenä Saksa i Teksti ja grafiikka: - Marti uotiaa monia käänjonka 1200-luvul - Raika Neuzellea. ee noin Neus Berliin 750-v än paljon osa uu pidetä n Berliila rivillä) Kuvitu jopa a, sai viralli myös isto sijaits maht kukoistukkaiktä junaa t toisell on, että tehdä etrin päässä ullispu riaan ta tadt me mitä olutyppää utatieasema saakk ttu jylhis panol kansa enen kilom O (kuva tuhos lta ja üttens mietim lisen PANIM aali ajattelutapa on tunne jyrkänteisPUOLA sen oluen a 1589. nin pääratbahnhofi Ju- teitä Eisenh Neuzelle Me taaskertoo paikal on olvuonn taan, k- kymmta, ja sekorkeista ”Norm ja halvalla. ”, tarilla ta Haup Neuzelleen. a- seen. van jo aksos lma. zelles , tehdä Fritsche. aa –�Luos vaikutus yksi Itä-Sa jokila stään olutta ta ja a voisi suunt u maksaa muut I Se on mmis o- metsija vehreästä en tunne niin tärkeä een ja Stefan oluest yhdel TSHEKK lut kea vanhi main sopii nalipp . kestää perhe talout se ei SAKSA tään san on isäntä män tuntia ta pyömista myös pa- jossa on taiano en luonto n, panim la) in ja matka kaksi pidem on ikkaa suurim olevista pelin tasais y Grady uotoin ust oikeal lla olla allela laakeita o- politi vain a. Monim lijälle kuin man kymp ksessa Jeffre ”PyöÄILY (kuvaalue on pääos vaihd TA in. Aluee temistu asuva . paikk nreun ole ollut PYÖR gin ITÄVAL ilyreit lä junan lla voit katsel na yri- päiväretkei ijallek llinen iin illa enbur Englannissa ssa viikon ovat ista. itä metsä Brand a. nimo he on muka ljissä. matkan patiko s- ja pyörä suosivat. Matka ri suljett , vehre taloja. Tasais , konno ja Puola vaa, tiet aasto lliset jalanjä semia yllyjä – Luosta la, mutta n ia pyöFritsc en sia vaellu räilym Itä-Saksassa on mahta e antaa pyöräi tomai attois tuulim tuerilai myös paikatuntumaa tai luvul sen jälkee edelle li Stefan assa isänsä ssa liikenn nkien välit 1800a myös uusiu pyöräi sa kaminn tehdä olutta a, em- jä, joita jan ja ja harjak päivän t ottaa nus on inen Saksa ja muu kävijä la kohoa me halua a vain aamu suoraan lä tavall Jotain raken ut muun muas na, natsia na. tystoi räilem kunnossa ee Grady. Kaupu Jos alueil Saksa edellä ssä. teisel –�Voim sä koulu a. myös reitte n rajaa toimin pappien kuvail hyväs sena koulukoulla perin tekniikkaa.vuosien räilyyn vaikk verran, onhan sia ian käytö i Puola n tilaa”, kätevästi junass erilai rkikse uutta uudistaa Sileät retken a ja tavalli edelleen ka- vanha toliste mäks lijöille a raken van energ päivä llesta lähtee illä esime voi oulun kulkee empi lähem me tarvit i pitänyt stoja. en sekä lla pyörä Mitä sitä rosois ohittaa myös tyttök än täällä toimii tanttin ämme on tietyst kuten putkita parempaa, Neuze ä voi pyörä varre tä kuut, ja protes ä järjest , jonka aa ja törmä iKyläst ssa, saavu näet. Juna joka on ajan Nykyä a. joelle a . Kesäll konsertteja. saato t tekevät olues sakka ta eri- jä. tin, istisen lu, museo . Pyörä Oder- jokimaisem nuksi nstad sisäl- putke kuten ei tartu40 erilais maan maisehütte ngin sosial näyttelijä tolinen kirkko n. si lla umia, on maan niihin yli aslau eo, Eisen voimi koska o tuottaa -mus kaupu urista. Myös histori- myös tapahtuutuus o- ihaste a lamm kilometrin äynti kijän luisa on vaikk TheatreteatterilaPanim 42 työnte 2,5 miljo enen tutustumiskon jolliset truktu on tutustunut Muse Holy män ttain paika kymm tai tee lutta infras ttu s – ja etkoiso ttaa vuosi noin seitse eri le on aitoja Patsasmaiitti tiin, johon le louhi eseen on Tom Hank eli mare 14 kilom nstad toimi ohella n kohte ä. ellen jonka sisällä luvulta. uksiin noin hütte - Se litraa olutta Saksan een, allisee ylpeit u Neuz ta 1750- maala a pitkin naa pulloa niin Suom ik- Eisen siin tu muun muas lla olet ovat siitäjuna saapu malle, ilmas - vastei en ranta a. maa Amer kärsi- miljoonaa puole ihla liiken kuvat älä Kun rautatiease eikä ksen Näytmatk le maail an kuin Olet aa ä. joen toisel , joten lle pelto - rin sa Jeesu n puolil iin, Kiina Oder- maaperällä si piipp piene uu heinä tietoakaan. le. äytelm tomää sta. n mysn ovat mone ja Japan in. limee tuotan n verta ole maaseudul sa tuoks t jo Puola jos puhe Puolan verkopiekaank i luulla, että muihi tämö korkuisia le, lla n teen melusSaksan a iedot mette aatti–�Vois suuri, muttaErikoisolui stä tässä metri nut matk kiin- välillä hintat inväli at dram Hoe on saapu patsa on kävely isten tuja. rämm se on pieni. tää, ja on in kansa lisävy kyalta sesti valais on eh- rattuna kin kysyn tuotteitam- Näink kylässä on! Pastel asem staan. tie johtaa lle, Junala, että maailmaa. nessä ly Theatre kesku asti näke- on kuiten vaa ajatel ympäri kylän reunustama nähtävyyde Se n olutdottom arvoinen. n alle rille. etaan ä viedää s- nosta taloje tuimm llen luosta misen on patsa me maist stä kyläst piene –�Viisi 15 erilla, joka län tunne Neuze ä Täältä ranna selle keltai lammen . ta esittäkohtauslee sydän än yleisö sijaits laista pitkä kylän a 1996 koko stari oli ja vuonn mutta rakentaa –�Luo tuna, Nyt leen tä suljetalkoi uudel rin eri osia. säätiö roida luosta restau H Hotels Taumelkä P URG Der Spree wald ist anta Samstag , 30. Mai fer im m BRANDENB oorigen ein Gesch 2015 | Das Tschum Wochen end-Ma gazin der Rhein Main Presse 8 rhei gemäch – alles fließt. enk der In lichen Natur – Bahnen labyrin , in thische seine ganze Der Spreew n Adern. Schönheit einziga Berlin ald ist rtiges erlebt man Potsdam ein Gebild Skulptur e. bei einer Frankfu gebore aus Wasser und Eine rt/O. Kahntour n Spreew und so in der letzten Land, ald Therm faszinie Eiszeit Dessau rend dass er in Burg Lübben / Brande enhotel**** der Unesco modelliert, au Lehde urweltl nburg als Kleino icher Von 98 Polen Natur d Prozen schütze zentt der besond nswert empfoh Deutsch Urlaub Cottbus ers schien. stehen len: 1 Ü land im DZ z. er 480 Quadra Seit 1991 91 Euro dieser B. p. Leipzig tkilome extrem Anreise P. bei eigener ter sensibl schaft mit . Gäste en Landsehr saubere schreiben: erstaun tum an Görlitz „Ein Dresden Pflanze lichem Reichbares Hotel s und wunde n und der Liste mit traumh rTherme der weltwe Tieren in StepMap, sphärenreserv after . Perfekt 123map streetmap, iten Bio– Daten Abscha zum Lizenz Odbl Openate. lten 1.0 Philoso phie und Der Service und Auftank tik und Poesie, ist rundum en. Magie, MysMusik, Medita super.“ super Jahre stirbt. tion und Sinfon ie und Ein andere alles birgt – die Stille Luftalg r Parasit der Spreew – das sich. Ist e Eschen zu schaffe – macht den gut 600 verwoben mit ald in deren n und verfärb Kilome Stämm seinen Fließe. tern e rotbrau t Rost. Mit seinen schiffbarer n wie Inseln, Auf diese vernetz wie ten Weise schaft nannteFontane die de um vergeh Stunde . Mit seinen Landbruchw . In einer t Stunbernde äldern n und Erlenund lieren. himmlisch bezauchen Märch Mit seinen WeidenspafriedliFeucht von bizarre enwelt. Umzin Moore Hotel Zum wiesen . Mit seinenn und realen skurrilen n Baumfiguren gelt in Werbe Stern**+ LichtWurzelmonst n / Brand und und Nebels surmunge unsere n m enburg ern. Auf timVon 86 Glaube nicht zuletzt, men Weg langen und Prozent n die geruhs der empfoh aDämon an Götter, Geister den seltsam über Flüssch len: 1 Ü/F Urlauber en en mit en Namen 38 Euro im DZ z. so ren und unerschöpflic und oder moorig wie p. B. den Fantas h nähAnreise P. bei eigener er Tschum Quodda munter wir seit . Gäste ie-Que sprude mi sind Ewigke „Familiengefühschreiben: ll Kahnfä Urzeite ln lassen. Kahn iten keinem n schon. mehr hrmann rtes Landho Seit mit einem begegn Paddle Manch Karl-He touren et, keinem tel besond r, keiner es von inz Marsch im Spreew Herausragend eren Flair. mantis diesem Allenfa Menschensee ner aus ald durchfü chen lls wildroLübben Küche, hier e regionale Wesen sich, wenn hren. die nahezu eine Ente stört le. au ist zertifiz „Wir sehen man Augen offenbart Guter Ausganschmeckt alles. ren weit ierter Partner der Idylle. perfekte Spiege mal nur, was nen“ – und as wir öffnet getreu etreu lung Als Unternehmungspunkt für des Biosph kenZum Beispie oder öffnen Oh- tert mann Pflanze Marsch diesem Motto kurz vor uns der Fährärenres gen.“ lässt. l von ner sein Marsch ervates füt- nungsl sieht, an Dunke Einbru Publiku Karl-H ner. Der der ein lheit Spreew staunen ch m: mit einz os ald und Fährmann den Naturt und nach fünf der Wissen ten. Mit Lübben ssen.. Mit des nen seine vorüberfährt Laie ah- jungfer darf besond www.h ist Expert auer Geschi – so Fakolidayc was im ger wieder our am Hotel-AStunGäste chten. rekt am ere e für benkirs Spreew etwa die ler- seiner oder irgende Immer Foto: Ekkehar Natur- entläss Objekt nleaus seinem ald kreuch alles, zu fleucht di- spense che kennen Trauheiß geliebt ine andere . Da Beginn , schwim t Eichler t, sind t und sehen und die gge, die großen sind gleich mt und Natürlich grünt und sich alle Kahn Den Spreew der Ri- schon. lassen will, en Libellen das Wiesendie Gliederbinse krabbe blüht. einig: ald sieht der Spreew liegt ihm aber lt, die kleinen Ukelei Schwärme wurmt Touren mit ganz Zumal und schaum quende jeder ganz ihn Herzen für Naturf Auf speziellen im Wasser auch ald als andere sproch lblättrigen kraut, den zenlieb vor. en hatte. er welche vern Augen jetzt reunde Ganze , und für Zanderwichtig sind als haber , Pflanzu kalt als zuden efeublä Ehrenp Die Siegeri Futter Ökosys – dieses einzigas am oder und stakt er vielleic „Ein bisschen Verbün reis tem mit mann. ttrigen seine Gäste Foto-Fans ht“, resigni rtige schließ dete im Barsch und als spiels vom n unseres zonen, Gunde seinen W nein E lich Kampf KKEHART cken. Gewin ert er ins Herz rachselz seiner direkt Schutz 16. Mai, Marsch gegen MüEICHLER Der Kumm einen Kurzur uckend hi- Taume Da sind die jahrhundertel gen Bedeut dieser ner, übrigen bei dem n- landschaft. Märchendensch sonderbaren er jedoch . lkäfer, ung es ders nicht anDass er INFORMA Vital Resort laub im s selbst aftliche Kulturl die in Spirale lei- Mäuse lange. Als währt andsch als Natur- und späht Tiere, r Fotogr Zick-Zackzu gewinnOversum schriftlgut geeigne dafür besonn und TIONEN heißt aft. Und irgendw letzt mit af, erbussard stets im W t ist, von verban Erika en gab, Überna o nicht ich. mand denen ein Eines hat er aufsteig seinen d mit bis Familie paar Runde Seit 2014 zuchtung: wohnt Hartke kaum jefizierte t und ein n- nung auch nur die Problem in Taunus tern pro ns und Zum Beispiel zu Hotelanlage ist er zertir davon wie Bolle, n dreht, freut en. Sekund 50 Zentimehatte, dass blasseste stein. Herzlic Schwarzerle. renrese Partner des Starick betrifft flitzen er sich e übers hen Glückw „denn walddorf filigran rvates Biosph im Spreees sie gibt Ah- seltene – das die der ist Der mit Wasser wichtig e ä- fern Spreew Lehde, erster unsch! hier viel ste und Abstan ald zum Beispie Bergstreckersp – die reiher.“r als Milane die Fressaterschwert Angrei Kahnfä www.spreewald DZ/F ab 75 Euro, d typisch waldba oder haupt. hrmann – als tacke enorm. inne - fahr l, Oft hält sic bei Eisvögel Marschner zeigt,Fisch- flächig um nämlich ste Spreeüberganz lang die sich wird großlehrer an, der frühere W Spezial Ge- Anze macht. schwar Vorlieb und Zaunkönige wo heimtü und massiv Biologi -Kanuto weil er ze Schlam ige Oder bedroh e ihre Bruthö aparte eine besond e- den uren: Neben den Klassike mit Pilz. ckischen t mfliege die und erklärt Blüte Phytop vom rn bietet oder spanne ers sich ultralangen Fühler Dieser mit Baums , dass es hlen bauen hthora Marschn verstop ausgere zeln so n Dass n. von diesen nde er spezielle Karl-Heinz cheiben chnet partout radikal ft die Wurviel zu be und wie „Lust heute Touren Nährst keine Keilflec wenig geer aber an auf offe mehr , dass keine zu Hause selbst deshalb k-Mosa Safari oder NaTour“, eine FotoZweige in Stamm ik- gebaut eine Eisvog bei sich gelange Pflanzen und Schwa n. Die Spreewa elbruth habe. ld; Preisbei vielfalt im ilfe überzierzbraune Folge: spiel: 3 den im Teerfle hen den Stuncken Zehner-Kahn in der Baum, www.sp der dann 232 Regel Euro, reewald-kahnfa binnen wenige www.sp r mi Gewinne r Fotos: Peter /argus, DB Frischmuth REISE-GE WI DAS SUP NNSPIEL ER QUIZ Buchen KREUZFAH AG/Claus Weber, Aktiv-Park hotel Radeln auf dem und entspa „Tauber Altm ühl nnte Anr eise mit derRadweg“ Bahn Für Genuss radler empfeh len sind besonders zu an den die Radwe bahn bringen Gleich fränkischen Flüssenge der Bayeris Sie im vier chen Eisenb Auftrag . sellscha vier fränkis Wasserläufe fortable ahn Geft und n Zügen che schafte cher an mbH bequem dank hochwe fühlt man n verbind Ferienlandund siIhr Ziel. Altmüh et der „Taube und großzü rtiger Ausstat sich In den l Radwe komtung r lange Strecke g“. Die giger fenster 350 km Panora rundum beginnt maheim am wohl. in WertQuiz-Hotline Main und das Lieblic FRANKE geht NTOURI 0 13 78 42 42 05* he Tauber durch Roman SMUS Tel: 0911/94 tal, das tische Franke Fränkis (kostenlose 151-0 Beantw che Seenlan n, das orten Sie Prospek turpark gewinne die Frage www.ta d, den tbestell Altmüh uber-alt n Sie! Naund ung) ltal Donau www.frankento muehl-radweg.d (bei Kelheim bis hin zur Entspa e Wie lang urismus nnen können). .de ist PARKHO der schon bei Altmüh TEL ALTMÜH Sie sich l Radwe „Tauber www.ak LTAL ten Züge der Anreise: g“? tiv-park der MittelfrDie roGewinn : ankengen mit Zwei ÜbernachtunFrühstüc k im Altmühl tal für zwei in Gunzenhausen Persone n, durchs-L and-Tick zwei ets, ein Ba ern-Tick et. * 50 Cent aus dem Festnetz der Deutschen (c). oder indi Telekom. Preise für Verlag Eine Barausz ahlung des winns ist Genicht möglich . Gespräche sgruppe aus den deutschen Rhein Mobilfunkne tzen Main GmbH & Co. KG 2003-2013 / Erstel lt von VRM w viduell en RT Reede tdecken reien bieten (dpa). Jeder Hafen umfangreich Kreuzf euzfahr ahrt auf einer es Angeb forderu t gleicht einer keine ng: Wenn Her Heraus ot an Landa - wendigeigene Vorber Morgen das Schiff usflügen eitung festgem men Tausen notacht hat, am Reeder . Manchmal – ein Pro Beispie kann ei stürde Passagi und Contr Gangw die fahrten l bei Hapagwarten auch mit Aktion a ay, ere die a , Lloyd d und bei intensivv um die knappe durchfü die individuell en auf- tour. Aida auf Kreuz- www.g wie hrbar Währen nicht Viele Kreuzf möglich zu Zeit so man wären: d die PassagiPrivat- www.k fernen nutzen bei Cunard So ahrtgäs Destina m den sich ere in reuzfah te entsche . Öffnungszeit außerh wird das Angebo tionen h sind individ oder alb der i- „Macy’ Landau daher für organis durch t der Reederhäufiger uelle zen, sflüge s“ geführt das Kaufha Anbiete ierte Doch macht der Reeder ei us Ziele bieten sich r zu finden.Touren lokaler gleitun und acht die nahege nutVor auch für ei. einkau g eines Person kann in Beeigene Erkund kundun individ legene Landgä gänzlich individ Faust al Shoppe ung fen. auf uelle Ernicht Aida Cruises Spaß? rs meerhä gen an. In ngen einen Graffiti uellen viel mehr vielen die Sicherh sollte man bietet fen sind Mittel-Works Ein organis sich über Bronx eitslage digkeite die hop in an. Und derheit iertes und bietet eine der reichba n auf eigeneSehenswüren Norwe se Line Program In Russlander Häfen informBesonFaust m Juneau fliegt ihre Gäste gian Cruir. ideal auf Menge Vorteile er- weise ieren. d darf Eine weitere im Hafen in Alaska gestimm die verfügbare : Es ist die als Individ man beispie auf Wunsc unabhä Alterna Gletsch t. Zeit ablsVisum ualtour ngige Ausflug tive sind h in kehr zum Die rechtzeitige das ist den entlang er, wo sie an Währen Schiff Rücksen. Die Schiff gar nicht ohne Eiswän svermit d es in klettern antwor tler. verlasIndivid tung der liegt in der Verden ist, dass können Roms liegen Sehenswürdig USA üblich ualisier . Reeder Kreuzf te Trend: Landau eine Zugstu keiten ei. Es ist fernt. Mit einer Ausflüge sind sflüge bei ahrtpassagiere Darübe eigenem Limous buchen r hinaus nde enteinen ine und Chauffeur , ist das Drittanbietern Zeitpuf chigen geht es im deutsch fer einzupgilt es, Auf verspät Raum zum lanen: noch weitgehspra- tet ete Busgru unbeka eitgeheend das nnt. Auf nd Individ Schiff vielleic ppen warWebsei ht noch ten wie ualausf – auf lügler in nicht. REISE-TIP der Regel P Cashel Hou McMillan se: Wo de Gau lle und einst Urla ub machten W (güs). bank, von Die hölzerne Gartendent de der ankreichs sondern Gaulle niens Premier oder GroßbriPräsi- aus dem eine simple Ruheoa 19. tanMcMilla ins Land n einst weit wel ist der Jahrhundert. Sein se schaute Garten, Juder uch sonst n, steht noch im- teils exotisch en Pflanzemit seinen hat sich Wärme wenig des nahen n von der ouse Hotel. zehrt: ein Meer aus Golfstroms Seen und Rhododendwischen ren, Azaleen, Magnol ne Hotel Bergen, trotzt das melien, im irischen klei- Sträuch aus seltenen ien und KaEN jedem Zeitgeis Nordwe Bäumen t.TUR Gespeis I PARsten man hierern. Stundenlang und er vak im hängen seinen Träume kann ker –t wird KEN : n nachEin duftend og stor landSan.sso es Märche uci-par .auch abseits jeder nauf geführt Hektik,ken das en Wander man der Haushe ungen rren entdeck en kann. w am 10.06 .2015 Auf dieser Parkbank Staatso im irischen berhäu pter. Hotel Cashel House saßen Foto: Günter schon Schenk Be skjø n 1. Flo tte p alasse r Potsda brede m er en åpen og luft ker. Dengater og har tre mange sm ig by me 17 slo d å og his tt store UNESC – ikke rart toriske parpar • Bes Os verden byen har ker og hele øk stå sar lais somvakre San vliste sid tt på ssouci en vakker ligger og Ne 1990! i San ues Passo spaser , stor par k. Per uci Par ture • Bin k. fek t Siden dverks r. for pik En Tyskla slottet Neuer nik og leum i år – nd ble slå Cecilie trem Garten. I blitt er de tt sam nho aktsm kjæ Cecilie f ligg gam men Harry le øte er gatene rlig pus nhof igjen set opp husene Truma t mellom foregik i og byp i 1990 – etter områd på, er til n og Josef . Abs k 25-års krig fots alasse olutt Stalin, elle risk gru en. Så Winston let. De et kalt Ho jub Ch dette lländis r med syk beste må ne i sentrum inn! • Fan er virk urchill rett og 174 134 røde ches kel. Pas te å opp tastisk murste elig Vie leve histoMarmo utsikt til seg 2 av kon inshus rtel – det s på å få g Frie over dyk med hol tenhof r Palais Dette tige hån drich Wil ene ble byg landsk deg i Neuer byen får i e kva dve Par helm ble get på Pfin utenfo k San rke Garten du fra en rtasso r Neder av de stø re fra Ne I. Hensikte mellom gstber , helt liten 1732 derlan g. Fra uci og Bel Charlotn var rste til Ber landsb land. Et bos d. å Bel ved lin når lokke www.p enormt ettinge idyllisk y. Utv vedere ere otsdam det er ne av om ser ma www.p . Her kos alget av nederle -park-s godt væ kafeer råde! He n er r nde går www.h otsdam-to du deg anssou r. og triv re du i garant elige uris ollaend en ege ert i isches n, timevis butikker -viertel er ! ▸ KAF .net EER OG 2. Id yllisk «land sby» i bye n 98 SHO PPING : Det er mye å se i Holländ isches Viertel. NU nr. 33-1 5 21 The organisation and the principles As the official Tourist Board for the state of Brandenburg, TMB Tourismus-Marketing Brandenburg GmbH has been responsible for the comprehensive development and marketing of the tourism industry for the state of Brandenburg since 1998. All TMB activities are based on the concept of tourism for Brandenburg, upon which other services are built. TMB is also working on the basis of strategic market research with T-FIS, a dedicated tourism IT system at it´s core. Brandenburg tourism concept The concept defines the basic principles and aims for business in the tourism sector. Some of the features include: • DestinationMonitor Deutschland for Brandenburg in cooperation with the consumer research association (Gesellschaft für Konsumforschung, GfK) and the Institute for Management and Tourism (IMT) Brand manual This is a tool for those involved in the tourism industry to internalise the brand thinking and carry that over to each product in the best possible way. It serves as the guiding principles for the Brandenburg tourism brand. • destination brands Strategic marketing planning This serves as the longer-term set of guidelines for TMB Tourismus-Marketing Brandenburg GmbH and is based upon the Brandenburg tourism conecpt. Included in the planning are the results of extensive analyses and market research. Marketing plans This document describes the specific activities planned by TMB for each year. It lists the opportunities for participation that are available for interested partners. • ongoing visitor polls • official statistics • studies of service sectors Guidelines for culture tourism This is a guideline for businesses involved in cultural tourism and supports the product development and communication. Tourismus. Marke. Brandenburg. | 1 Tourismus. Mar Neue Tourismusm ke. Brandenburg. arke in 36 Minu n eptio konz mus uris esto Land burg nden Bra 15 – 20 2011 ten verstehen. Guidelines for nature tourism Service providers, representatives of the tourism industry, nature guides and others interested to the subject can find results of a market analysis here along with many practical tips. In addition to the tourism concept, the following strategies have direct relevance for the tourism industry: tingplanung Strategische Marke 2012 –2016 Ministeri rk Ma et i n gpla irtschaf um für W Water sports development plan A decision-making tool for all authorities and organisations involved in developing water sports and water tourism in the state of Brandenburg. t 015 n2 Leitfaden mus Naturtouris Kulturtou rismus in Brande nburg Leit fad en S o Sp rt Brandenburg federal state sustainability strategy This document offers information, opportunities for action, guidelines and targets for sustainable development, even in tourism. sp ung ickl urg b entw port randen B sers 3 Was Landes g - wep un es ib d chre Forts Rou Kontakt: ten Rev iere Senatsverwaltung für Wirtschaft, Technologie und Frauen Martin-Luther-Str. 105 10825 Berlin Referat Technologie- und Innovationspolitik Ansprechpartner: Dr. Jürgen Varnhorn Tel.: (030) 9013-8169, Fax: (030) 9013-7107 und Mai 22 2009 lan Ministerium für Wirtschaft und Europaangelegenheiten des Landes Brandenburg Heinrich-Mann-Allee 107 14473 Potsdam Referat Technologie und Innovation Ansprechpartner: Lothar Friedrich Tel.: (0331) 866-1689, Fax: (0331) 866-1729 Senatsverwaltung für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Forschung Otto-Braun-Str. 27 10178 Berlin Referat Innovationspolitik und Ingenieurwissenschaften, internationale Angelegenheiten der Forschung Ansprechpartnerin: Kerstin Schneider Tel.: (030) 90227-6632, Fax: (030) 90227-6618 strategie ltigkeits nburg Nachha Land BrandeGemeinsame innovationsstrateG ie s der Länder Berlin und Brandenbu für da Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kultur Dortustr. 36 14467 Potsdam rg (innoBB) Referat Technologietransfer, Bundesprogramme, EU-Forschungsrahmenprogramm Ansprechpartnerin: Dr. Inge Schlotzhauer Tel.: (0331) 866-4860, Fax: (0331) 866-4702 Dieses Projekt wird aus Mitteln der Länder Berlin und Brandenburg gefördert, kofinanziert von der Europäischen Union – Europäischer Fonds für Regionale Entwicklung. Investition in Ihre Zukunft! THE GERMAN CAPITAL REGION eX CeLLenCe in in n o vat i o n Innovation strategy for Berlin-Brandenburg A publication that presents how the capital region can develop into a common innovation space in the coming years. The cluster structures set up through this also affect the tourism industry and are shaped by tourism cluster management. Networks, clusters and cooperation "Active in nature" network Tourism related to cycling, water and hiking is the focus the 15 members of this network that until 2013 was supported by public subsidies. The community of interests for the travel region and others involved is organised under Landestourismusverband Brandenburg e.V.. Their activities relate to developing the quality and products offered in the Brandenburg region as well as collaborations with the areas tourism partners. For more information, visit Brandenburg spa tourism network This network, founded at the end of 2011, is a marketing cooperation between the health and tourism sectors in Brandenburg. Currently there are 27 partners (as of July 2015), including spa hotels and holiday parks, thermal baths and health resorts, saunas and fitness studios as well as rehab centres, clinics and private healthcare providers. The goal is to increase the level of awareness for Brandenburg as a destination for spa and health tourism. The strategy also involves developing and marketing new spa and health tourism products. For more information, visit Brandenburg MICE (Meeting, Incentive, Convention & Events) network This network was established in June 2008 specifically to develop tourism products and marketing activities in the field of business tourism. At present, there are around 30 partners in Brandenburg including conference hotels, convention venues and event locations. For more information, visit Tourism cluster management A range of different opportunities for participation and support for all players in the Brandenburg tourism scene has been made available since October 2012 through the tourism cluster management efforts of TMB Tourismus-Marketing Brandenburg GmbH. The basis for this effort is the joint innovation strategy between Berlin and Brandenburg (innoBB). This has led to an understanding about the focus (cluster) of economic and innovation policies. Under the identifier "innoBBplus", Brandenburg has broadened this strategy to incorporate its own specific issues. The goal is to increase the national and international competitive abilities of businesses through cooperations between business and science. Value added, greater employment and increased attractiveness of the region are indirect benefits. Tourism in Brandenburg is a key aspect of this strategy. For more information, visit Brandenburg Tourism Academy The Brandenburg Tourism Academy (Tourismusakademie Brandenburg, TAB) was founded in 2002 and is a division of TMB Tourismus-Marketing Brandenburg GmbH. It incorporates tourism training and education services in the Brandenburg region and thus provides the necessary knowledge management. Tourism establishments and disseminators can take advantage to improve product and service quality. TAB focuses on the promotion of expanding service quality throughout Germany and barrier-free accessibility in the region. It is a decentralised cooperative effort involving ten key players in Brandenburg's tourism industry. For more information, visit 23 TMB Tourismus-Marketing Brandenburg GmbH 5% Berlin Tourismus & Kongress GmbH (visitBerlin) 5% Vereinigung der Brandenburgischen Tourismuswirtschaft e.V. (VBT) 38% State of Brandenburg 10% Vereinigung der Brandenburgischen Verbände und Körperschaften zur Förderung des Brandenburgischen Tourismus GbR TMB shareholders 16% 26% Beteiligungsgesellschaft der Sparkassen des Landes Brandenburg GmbH & Co. KG Landestourismusverband Brandenburg e.V. (LTV) Supervisory Board Contact State of Brandenburg Chair: Minister Albrecht Gerber Ministry Economic Affairs and Energy State Secretary Katrin Lange, Ministry for Infrastructure and Regional Planning Company communication Birgit Kunkel Director, Company Communication & Publications Officer Telephone +49(331)298 73-250 Landestourismusverband Brandenburg e.V. Landtag President Britta Stark Dr. Eckhard Fehse Media and Public Relations Patrick Kastner Deputy Press Officer Telephone +49(331)298 73-253 Beteiligungsgesellschaft der Sparkassen Veit Kalinke Wolfgang Janitschke Vereinigung der Brandenburgischen Verbände und Körperschaften zur Förderung des Brandenburgischen Tourismus GbR Olaf Schöpe Vereinigung der Brandenburgischen Tourismuswirtschaft e.V. Bernd Kanzow Berlin Tourismus & Kongress GmbH (visitBerlin) Michael Zehden 24 Steffen Lehmann Online media & Blogger Relations Telephone +49(331)298 73-251 Key partners in Brandenburg's tourism industry Brandenburg Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy Cultural Festivals in the State of Brandenburg Landestourismusverband Brandenburg e.V. (LTV) Brandenburgische Gesellschaft für Kultur und Geschichte gGmbH TMB Tourismus-Marketing Brandenburg GmbH pro agro e.V. Brandenburg Tourism Academy (TAB) FÖL Förderverein Ökologischer Landbau Berlin-Brandenburg e.V. Cluster Tourism Brandenburg Brandenburg Chambers of Industry and Commerce Deutscher Hotel- und Gaststättenverband Brandenburg e.V. Verband für Camping- und Wohnmobiltourismus im Land Brandenburg e.V. (VCB) Brandenburgischer Kurorte- und Bäderverband e.V. Kulturland Brandenburg Working Group "Cities with Historic Centres " in Brandenburg Working Group for Historic Village Centres in Brandenburg visitBerlin Verkehrsverbund Berlin-Brandenburg (VBB) Deutsche Bahn AG Rural Area Forum 25 Profiles of the travel regions and district-free cities from 2014 Oder-Spree Lake District OVERNIGHT ACCOMMODATIONS AVAILABLE BEDS* 14,600 2.05 million OVERNIGHT ACCOMMODATIONS AVAILABLE BEDS* 9,200 3.2 days Tourismusverband Seenland Oder-Spree e.V. AVERAGE LENGTH OF STAY Uckermark Lower Lausatia AVERAGE LENGTH OF STAY OVERNIGHT ACCOMMODATIONS AVAILABLE BEDS* 6,100 884,000 1.57 million 2.6 days Tourismusverband Spreewald e.V. OVERNIGHT ACCOMMODATIONS AVAILABLE BEDS* 2,000 168,000 3.1 days tmu Tourismus-Marketing Uckermark GmbH AVERAGE LENGTH OF STAY Barnim District Lausatian Lake District AVERAGE LENGTH OF STAY OVERNIGHT ACCOMMODATIONS AVAILABLE BEDS* 6,000 821,000 2.2 days Tourismusverband Niederlausitz e.V. OVERNIGHT ACCOMMODATIONS AVAILABLE BEDS* 2,200 3.4 days WITO Wirtschafts- und Tourismusentwicklungsgesellschaft mbH for the Barnim district AVERAGE LENGTH OF STAY Prignitz OVERNIGHT ACCOMMODATIONS AVERAGE LENGTH OF STAY OVERNIGHT ACCOMMODATIONS AVAILABLE BEDS* 2,900 292,000 OVERNIGHT ACCOMMODATIONS 1.43 10,800 million Havelland 1,800 7,800 221,000 4.2 days Tourismusverband Elbe-Elster-Land e.V. AVAILABLE BEDS* 5,400 1.04 million 2.4 days Potsdam Tourismus Service Cottbus OVERNIGHT ACCOMMODATIONS OVERNIGHT ACCOMMODATIONS 964,000 AVAILABLE BEDS* 1,800 225,104 1.8 days CMT Cottbus Congress, Messe & Touristik GmbH AVERAGE LENGTH OF STAY 2.8 days Tourismusverband Havelland e.V. AVERAGE LENGTH OF STAY Fläming Brandenburg City OVERNIGHT ACCOMMODATIONS 1.21 8,600 million 2.5 days Tourismusverband Fläming e.V. Dahme Seenland OVERNIGHT ACCOMMODATIONS 6,800 940,000 2.0 days Tourismusverband Dahme Seen e.V. AVERAGE LENGTH OF STAY OVERNIGHT ACCOMMODATIONS AVAILABLE BEDS* AVERAGE LENGTH OF STAY AVAILABLE BEDS* AVAILABLE BEDS* AVERAGE LENGTH OF STAY 2.8 days Tourismusverband Ruppiner Seenland e.V. AVAILABLE BEDS* Elbe-Elster-Land OVERNIGHT ACCOMMODATIONS AVERAGE LENGTH OF STAY AVAILABLE BEDS* 3.7 days Tourismusverband Lausitzer Seenland e.V. Potsdam Ruppin Lake District AVAILABLE BEDS* 331,000 AVERAGE LENGTH OF STAY 2.2 days Tourismusverband Prignitz e.V. AVERAGE LENGTH OF STAY 26 Spreewald 1,600 192,000 2.7 days STG Stadtmarketing und Tourismusgesellschaft Brandenburg an der Havel mbH AVERAGE LENGTH OF STAY Frankfurt (Oder) OVERNIGHT ACCOMMODATIONS AVAILABLE BEDS* 1,100 171,000 2.3 days Tourismusverein Frankfurt Oder e.V. AVERAGE LENGTH OF STAY * not including camping Publication details Publisher and project sponsor TMB Tourismus-Marketing Brandenburg GmbH Tourism cluster management Am Neuen Markt 1 14467 Potsdam Text and editorial work Patrick Kastner Dr. Andreas Zimmer Lynn Ciminski Katrin Hellmann In the interest of better readability, this publication does not include references to both male and female terms. All terms used throughout to denote persons refer to both men and women. Design FISCHUNDBLUME DESIGN Yvonne Berthold & Katrin Hellmann GbR Printing Brandenburgische Universitätsdruckerei und Verlagsgesellschaft Potsdam mbH Year of publication 2016 (updated edition) Sources Page 4 1) State Statistical Office of Berlin-Brandenburg, dwif Consulting GmbH 2013 2) State Statistical Office of Berlin-Brandenburg 3) GfK/IMT DestinationMonitor Deutschland, Brandenburg Page 5 4) GfK/IMT DestinationMonitor Deutschland, State Statistical Office; Map: GfK/IMT Geomarketing,Design: Institute for Management and Tourism 5) GfK/IMT DestinationMonitor, German Federal Statistics Office 6) TMB Tourismusmarketing-Brandenburg GmbH Page 6 7) State Statistical Office of Berlin-Brandenburg Page 7 8) State Statistical Office of Berlin-Brandenburg Page 8 9) For development and significance of food industry, synthetics and chemicals, metals and tourism industries specific to the Brandenburg cluster region 2008–2012, please see: BrandenburgspezifischeCluster_Kurzbericht_Monitoring_Endfassung.pdf) 10) dwif 2013 Page 9 11) Study "Economic Factors in Water Tourism", a joint project of the Chambers of Industry and Commerce in Brandenburg and Berlin with the support of the Ministry for Economic Issues and Energy, the Water Sports Marketing Board of Berlin-Brandenburg and the Water Sorts Trade Fair Boat & Fun. 12) Bicycle traffic analysis for Brandenburg 2011 Page 10 13) Brandenburg Ministry for Economic Issues and Energy. Economic situation for camping businesses in Brandenburg, basic research 2014 14) VCB seasonal survey 2013 15) dwif 2013; the difference in the annual total gross revenue results from the different methods used in the studies involved. Page 11 16) For development and significance of food industry, synthetics and chemicals, metals and tourism industries specific to the Brandenburg cluster region 2008–2012, please see: BrandenburgspezifischeCluster_Kurzbericht_Monitoring_Endfassung.pdf) Page 12 17) GfK Travelscope identified target groups 18) State Statistical Office of Berlin-Brandenburg 07/14 Page 15/16 19) 20) 21) Brandenburg Tourism Academy, (July 2015) Page 18 22) GfK/IMT DestinationMonitor Deutschland 23) Institute for Management and Tourism (IMT), 2011 24) GfK/IMT DestinationMonitor Deutschland Picture credits Cover TMB image library/Martin Kirchner/fischundblume Page 2 TMB image library/Yorck Maecke/rent a floss Page 3 TMB image library/Joachim Boldt/SPSG, TMB image library/Blacky Schwarz, fischundblume Page 4 istockphoto/Lisa-Blue Page 7 TMB image library/York Maecke, istockphoto/monkeybusine Page 8 istockphoto/macgyverhh, istockphoto/andresr, istockphoto/oranhall Page 9 TMB image library/Paul Hahn Page 10 istockphoto/Eduard Andras Page 12 istockphoto/Achim Prill, istockphoto/Susan Chiang, TMB image library/Paul Hahn, TMB image library/Blacky Schwarz Page 13 TMB image library/Frenkel/SPSG TMB image library/Stradtmann, TMB image library/ Paul Hahn Page 14 TMB image library/Wolfgang Ehn, TMB image library/Kur- und Freizeit Belzig GmbH, TMB image library/Kur- und Freizeit Belzig GmbH, istockphoto/Imgorthand, istockphoto/Stephan Zabel Page 15 Twin Design/ Page 17 istockphoto/Nikada Page 18 shutterstock/Benoit Daoust Page 19 shutterstock/Olivier Le Moal, TMB postcard Page 20 shutterstock Page 21 Twin Design/, tanuha2001/ Page 23 TMB image library/Paul Hahn, TMB/Beate Wätzel, istockphoto/Izabela Habur, istockphoto/Yuri Page 25 TMB image library/Paul Hahn, TMB image library/Blacky Schwarz, TMB image library/ Steffen Lehmann Overview tourism map of the state of Brandenburg MecklenburgWestern Pomerania Stralsund/Stettin Rostock Hamburg Uckermark Prignitz Lower Saxony Ruppin Ruppiner Seenland Lake Barnim Barnimer Land Region SaxonyAnhalt Hannover Magdeburg Havelland Oder-Spree Lake District Brandenburg City Berlin Frankfurt/ Oder Potsdam Dahme Lake District Dessau Küstrin-Kietz Fläming POLAND Frankfurt/Oder Spreewald Halle/Leipzig Cottbus ElbeElster Land Public transport in Berlin-Brandenburg Lower Niederlausitz Lusatia Lausatian Lake District Saxony Dresden Görlitz
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