The Perth Voice - Fremantle Herald
The Perth Voice - Fremantle Herald
OXFORD H OT E L 368 Oxford St LEEDERVILLE BOOKINGS OPEN FOR up ne C bouIRr OUTSIDE • E SID Mel• DO IN & WNSTA S UPSTAIRS Phone Henriette 9444 2193 Voice The Perth let’s talk No Nonsense Professional Advice, Proven Results. Steven Voros Director 0419 915 125 No 903 Saturday October 17, 2015 • Phone 9430 7727 • • Oblong turtles emerge at Hyde Park lake WALKERS WANTED What a way for olde or younger folk to stay fit or get fit: a wonderful weekly walk, and keeping mind and body active. We now have vacancies in Dianella. CONTACT STEPH TODAY ON 9430 7727. ‘SHUSHERS’ WANTED Are you a teacher, parent or librarian looking for some extra pocket money? Do you want to help out around your local community? by DAVID BELL ust after we d told you turtle sightings were way down at yde Park (“Turtles Hyding”, Voice, September 26, 2015) our photographer atthew wyer stum led across a pac of the shy reptiles this wee . hile loitering in yde Park on a midday break he came across a woman tossing special turtle food in the water her fluffy dog peering curiously down at them. t least eight of the usually elusive o long turtles were o ing up and down with atthew reporting they were well disguised by green algae growing on their shells. hey ept popping up to see who or what was around ” he says. is tip for anyone trying to spot them is to eep an eye on the water s surface to see the umps of their eyes and nostrils po ing up pic ing their well-camouflaged shapes underwater is a hard as . incent council s turtle study is eing run y and will attempt to microchip all turtles to determine the population num er and see if they re reeding as other ur an turtle populations li ewise seem to e shrin ing. We need your calming and quieting skills to simmer down inner city streets by ‘shushing’ bars, parties, hoons and unruly musical events in residential areas. • ne of the shrinking numbers of turtles in Hours of work are between 7:30pm and 2am Friday nights and Weekends. yde ark lakes. Photo by Matthew Dwyer Scaffidi ‘safe’ despite CCC WIN! Microphones & portable P.A. systems provided. Jobs available now! Contact ST Team at PO Box 8087, Perth WA 6849. Hurry these positions are going fast! by DAVID BELL IT’S been a rough week for lord mayor Lisa ca di ut followers and the oo ies are ac ing her to win this wee end. upporters dismiss the media tsunami as tall poppy syndrome”. he corruption and crime commission found s ca di had failed in her duties y not declaring travel contri utions and OPSM MT HAWTHORN other free ies from illiton and awaiian Group (companies which had looming decisions efore the council . he all s now in the court of the local government department and it is figuring whether any disciplinary action is warranted. s the Voice reported last wee end seven of the eight councillors eece arley eing the exception threw their support ehind the lord mayor ut ust hours later the Sunday Times revealed deputy mayor o utler had himself ta en a trip to alaysia that he hadn t declared. Council CEO Gary tevenson said he wasn t sure if r utler actually had to declare it since it was paid for y a government. ollowing that report r tevenson announced he d requested an internal review to identify other cases of undeclared travel over the past four years. e forwarded the results to the in ugust and he s now waiting on direction from it. eanwhile s ca di had said she would release documents showing she hadn t deli erately hid the ei ing lympics trip ut then reneged on the commitment citing rules. commissioner ohn c echnie told her she was free to release any evidence. • cont. page 2 We have 5 Double Passes up for grabs to catch Rhys Nicholson at the Fremantle Festival PLUS a stack of double passes for the BBC First British Film Festival. See the comps page for details. FIND THE FAKE AD & WIN A CHANCE FOR A FEAST FOR TWO AT SEE COMPS PAGE FOR DETAILS 50% OFF 2nd pair prescription glasses or sunglasses Cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer discount or benefit from any source other than a rebate from a health fund. Cannot be exchanged for cash. 180 Scarborough Beach Rd. Mt Hawthorn WA 6016 Ph: 9443 5266 Scaffidi set to survive CCC F irm s as poll f avourite HIGH TEA by STEPHEN POLLOCK The Temperance Package odds on isa ca di being re-elected as Perth lord mayor shortened slightly this week, despite the media tsunami over her failure to disclose lavish gifts and travel. An afternoon of finger sandwiches, delightful scones and sweets accented by a gourmet selection of Harney & Sons teas. $42 per experience The Daisy Package Bringing to mind of the most attractive and effervescent characters of the 1920’s, the Daisy Package includes a French Bubbles, exquisite high tea fare and a selection of gourmet Harney & Sons teas. $58 per experience High Tea is available on Saturday & Sunday from 1-4pm. Bookings essential. 237 St Georges Terrace Perth • isa Sca di and File Photo Melbourne Cup Day Tuesday 3 November 2015 Doors Open 10.30am HOTEL $60 2 Course Menu includes tasting plates + selection of mains CUP SWEEPS | DOOR PRIZES | FREE TRIFECTAS | FASHION AWARDS | LIVE MUSIC | LARGE SCREENS Tickets on sale at the hotel Call Henriette 9444 2193 The Oxford Hotel 368 Oxford St, Leederville Tel: 9444 2193 Fax: 9443 4496 olin arnett. • from page 1 On Tuesday premier Colin Barnett—who’d earlier stopped short of calling for s ca di to step down—said there was nothing stopping her from releasing her evidence “if these documents exist”. Tuesday also saw WA local government minister Tony Simpson humiliate the capital’s chief by removing her from the WA local government standards panel, which hears cases of misconduct levelled against councillors. He told the WA parliament in light of the serious findings of the CCC, I’ve determined it’s not appropriate for the lord mayor to continue on the standards panel”. Social media retains a strong pro- ca di presence with many eam isa” profile pictures piping up in her defence, arguing the whole thing’s a case of “Tall Poppy Syndrone”. ca di supporter oward Sattler — the sacked talkback shock jock — claims the release of the findings is suspicious coming out just 12 days before the lord mayoral election. Other online debaters described it as laughable that a 28-year-old (rival Cr Harley) would be able to wield influence over the with the timing of its reports. While the Voice’s coverage of the filthy state of the grand central backpackers (a building s ca di co-owns resulted in calls from her supporters, we haven’t had many positive calls backing her in the wake of the misconduct findings. A couple of readers have mentioned wishing they could change the vote they’d just posted while East Perth resident aul ri n rec ons the erth election should be delayed since the CCC report only came out late in the piece. Deputy electoral commissioner Chris Avent says there’s no provision under the law for either to happen. At the time of going to print s ca di was a strong favourite at $1.60 and her sole opponent, Cr Reece Harley, an outside bet at $2.20. ast wee s ca di was $1.62, with Cr Harley the same price. isa ca di has faced a number of challenges recently but remains popular with voters in Perth and is the clear favourite to win,” says’s Ben Bulmer. “Reece will want to get on his Harley if he is to overcome the ca di uggernaut y the time polls close. ca di has shortened slightly based on bets coming in.” Last week the corruption and crime commission found that s ca di had signally failed in her duties” as Perth lord mayor by not disclosing several gifts and travel packages, and had engaged in “serious misconduct”. • Michael Sutherland and ig umbo. Photo by Matthew Dwyer Stopping country carnage a jumbo tusk by STEPHEN POLLOCK THE big elephant at WA’s parliament this week wasn’t in the room — it was on the front steps. MPs were confused when a giant multi-coloured Jumbo unexpectedly materialised. The half-tonne, three-metre high “guerilla art” is designed to raise awareness about road safety in the Wheatbelt. “He’s a life-sized African elephant sculpture made out of wrecked cars and he’s been touring the Wheatbelt all year to generate discussion and raise awareness about the impact of road trauma in the region,” says RAC Manager Will Golsby. “The Wheatbelt has the highest road fatality rate of any region in the state. “Last year, a loved one was killed on Wheatbelt roads every fortnight, and someone was admitted to hospital with serious injuries every two days on average. “In 2014, the Wheatbelt road fatality rate was 11 times the Perth metropolitan rate, six times the state rate and twice nearby regions. “Two thirds of the road deaths are Wheatbelt locals, and alarmingly, one third of Wheatbelt road deaths included someone not wearing a seatbelt.” Mt Lawley MP Michael Sutherland says “Big Jumbo” is an innovative way to raise awareness about road deaths. “A very interesting addition to the parliament house forecourt,” the speaker said. “It certainly grabs the imagination and helps drive the road safety message home especially in the country areas where the road toll is higher than the metro area.” Since the campaign launched in March, the elephant has made 34 public appearances across the heat elt and will e finishing off his tour at the urray Street Mall in Perth on October 28. MOUNT LAWLEY SOFT TISSUE THERAPY Subhadra Gerard Treatment of musculoskeletal problems from: Habitual muscle strain Sports injury O C C U PAT I O N A L T H E R A P I S T High impact accidents Repetitive motion Ph: 9371 6690 - Mob: 0419 967 776 Rigid and poor posture Psychological stress Page 2 - The Perth Voice, Saturday October 17, 2015 Allied health rebates apply V oters in sig h spirits by DAVID BELL THE ballots are merely trickling in at Vincent with a smidgen over 23 per cent of people having voted as of Wednesday October 14. In a mayoral election the turnout rate usually hovers between 30 and 35 per cent but it’s unlikely to get that high come polling night, since most people post their ballots early. In neighbouring Perth the ballot boxes are also feeling light, despite lord mayor Lisa ca di spending plenty of time in the media over her travel declarations. t s running a out five per cent behind previous years’ turnouts which saw up to 48 per cent cast a vote. Stirling’s also struggling to meet last year’s turnout, with a bit under 25 per cent bothering to tick boxes and stick ballots back in the post. Bayswater’s numbers are doing alright compared to the last election, hovering in the mid-20s (admittedly not a high bar). Maylands has had the most voter activity, with the south ward hotly contested between incumbent Sylvan Albert and challenger Catherine Ehrhardt. Vincent mayor John Carey, disappointed with the low turnout, has been trying to drum up voters on Facebook this week. He says elections shouldn’t be held during school holidays as people are away and when they get back often just toss all their accumulated junk mail in the bin — including posted-out ballot papers. “We want people to vote, it’s critical for democracy ” he says. Late ballots Despite Vincent paying the WA electoral commission an optional fast-post fee, the ballots once again arrived late and Mr Carey says that plays a part in dampening voter participation. Deputy electoral commissioner Chris Avent says changing the election period requires a change of state law. The WAEC must adhere to the legislated third Saturday in October as polling day. He says sending 1.4 million election packages can take time and the WAEC prioritises regional areas as they need longer to get their ballots back in time. Mr Carey says candidates must cop some of the blame, saying many aren’t doing enough to personally engage. “The idea that you just slap some posters up and that’s it, I find incredi ly disrespectful to voters ” the enthusiastic doorknocker says. hat you find is if more candidates are out campaigning and doorknocking then more people vote because you’ve got more engagement in the community.” Debbie Saunders, who’s running against Mr Carey, told the Voice early in the piece she didn’t plan to doorknock because she didn’t want to bother folk at home. But Mr Carey says people never seem annoyed when he drops by. “I doorknock outside elections, I do a street a week anyway as mayor... rarely do I have anyone complain when I ask what would they like done in local government. Rarely do you get a complaint, people do want to tell you their views.” By the time the Voice is out it’ll be too late to post in your ballot so the only way to vote now is to show up on election day between 8am and 6pm (and if the dog ate your ballot you can be issued a new one). CITY OF STIRLING - LAWLEY WARD Thank You! I look forward to representing you in Stirling for another 4 years. J oe Ferra nte Contact me on 0433 934 095 Elected unopposed till 2019 Authorised by Joe Ferrante, PO Box 712, Mount Lawley WA 6929 KITCHEN & BATHROOM SPECIALISTS Kids get their crossing by STEPHEN POLLOCK WORK has started on a pu n crossing on Guildford Road, following years of complaints from locals that school children are unable to cross the road safely. Call today for free Bathroom or Kitchen design consultation (Valued at $250.00) pu n crossing has lights that turn green for motorists only when infrared detects no pedestrians are on the crossing. Guildford Road is so dangerous that several parents stopped walking their kids to Bayswater and St Columba’s primary schools and drove the short distance instead. The Barnett government has contributed $200,000, and Bayswater council $140,000, to the crossing between Leake and Robert Streets. “It is a great win for the local community who have been fighting for this for a long time ” says Cr Stepahnie Coates, who’d lobbied for the crossing. “Thanks must go to the local school P&C presidents at the time — Steph Bailey, Tara Savage and Andrew Mack, and also to mayor Sylvan Albert for his role in liaising with the state government.” Kip McGrath Education Centre NORTH PERTH • r Stephanie oates beside the under construction pu n crossing in Bayswater. Photo by Matthew Dwyer ‘ C aretak er’ c all by STEPHEN POLLOCK BAYSWATER council should stop having meetings and making resolutions during election periods, says a Mount Lawley resident. Adam Parsonage says the council should follow the leads of Perth, Vincent and Stirling councils which all go into careta er” mode during council election periods. He says a caretaker period would stop councillors tabling eleventh hour motions to promote themselves, and prevent decisions being made by councils that could be radically changed. WHAT’S ON IN VINCENT CHANGES TO STATE DOG LAWS Please be aware that changes to the Dog Act mean that from 1 November 2015, all dogs over the age of three (3) months must be not only registered but now they must also be microchipped. The City offers discounted rates for residents at My Best Friend Vet in Leederville. We recommend that all dogs are sterilised, unless they are to be used for breeding purposes. Read more: Tel: 9446 6729 Homebase: 55 Salvado Rd, Subiaco Unit 4/16 Kalmia Rd, Bibra Lake If your child needs extra support in English, maths, reading, spelling or comprehension, our fully qualified teachers can tailor a program to suit your child’s needs. Our teachers are trained to tutor children from Year 1 through to Year 12. Starting with a FREE ASSESSMENT a program can be designed to: • Build core literacy and numeracy skills. • Extend literacy and numeracy to enable your child to reach their full potential. • Help your child to catch up if they have fallen behind at school. Help your child to go far with Kip McGrath Kip Tutoring Offers • Innovative programs unique to Kip McGrath Our Education qualified Centres. teachers create individual • Fully supervised, 80 minute sessions. tutoring programs for your child, using • Small groups of students (4-6) per tutor. proven McGrath • Homework that isKip set and markedmethods of tuition. by the teachers. Call today for a FREE ContactComprehension Hayley today on 9227 1043assessment Maths Reading Mon - Thurs 3.30pm - Spelling 6.30pm • Sat 8.30am - 2.30pm English to bookCENTRE a Free Assessment. NAME • 9999 9999 Jandakot 9414 8088 416 Fitzgerald Street, PERTH Address street detailsNORTH here, suburb details STAY IN TOUCH » IMPORTANT » PARKING PERMITS Please be aware that the City’s Rangers will be strictly enforcing the conditions of parking permits, including visitors, residential and commercial permits. We ask that you comply with the conditions governing the use of parking permits at all times, especially ensuring that your permit is clearly displayed on the dashboard with all details visible. Read more: COMMUNITY SAFETY FORUM Discover some of Vincent’s interesting tales and heritage on two wheels! Join us and Two Feet and a Heartbeat on Sunday 1 November, 9.30am-1.00pm. We’ll meet at Banks Reserve, East Perth and wind our way through historical pubs, the good boom era of Northbridge, wetlands history, quirky tales and more before finishing on Beaufort Street. It’s free, all riders and abilities welcome. Search ‘two wheels’ on our website for more. Hear about what we’re doing to create a Safer Vincent and find out how you can help > Monday 26 October, 6.30- CITY OF VINCENT ADMINISTRATION & CIVIC CENTRE 244 Vincent Street, Leederville T: 9273 6000 F: 9273 6099 E: 8.30pm, at the Vincent Admin Centre. Join the Safer Vincent team and WA Police to discuss safety and crime prevention, crime trends, anti-social behaviours and homelessness. We’ll also launch our new Community Safety and Crime Prevention Plan and have a Q&A – all welcome! Search ‘safety forum’ on our website for more. The Perth Voice, Saturday October 17, 2015 - Page 3 voice GREEN WASTE (ONLY) VERGE COLLECTION COMMENCING SOON IN YOUR AREA AREA COLLECTION COMMENCES WEEK BEGINNING... 5 Mon 26 October 2015 4 Mon 2 November 2015 3 Mon 9 November 2015 2 Mon 16 November 2015 1 Mon 23 November 2015 RO AL D STREET AREA 3 ER ILL EP AR AD E NE RT WC N AS TL ES TR RD RD FO MITCHELL ST D UIL G AREA 5 FO RV AU DE AREA 4 BE AY EW E FR ET ZG LL E CH IT LEE RE FIT M OXFORD STREET UG EE T RMER AM FA GRAH SW AN RIV ER AREA CO TT H ST BE 2 RE AC ET AREA H ROAD AN GO 1 VE ST W AL BO ET STREET AR ST RE GREEN SC AY FREEW WE WILL COLLECT GARDEN WASTE (ONLY) WITH: PLEASE DON’T » A maximum length of 1.5m (5ft) PUT ITEMS ON VERGE » A maximum diameter of 30cm (12in) EARLIER » A maximum height pile of 1.5m (5ft) THAN TWO » Loose leaves/small prunings in a garden bag provided by the City WEEKS PRIOR TO YOUR Please visit our website for full details or contact our COLLECTION Waste Services team on 9273 6000 or DATE. WWW.VINCENT.WA.GOV.AU/BULKVERGE Improving mobility benefits N N response y arina oster (Voice Mail, October 10, 2015) to the ity of incent s protected i e lanes on car orough each oad. he letter was pu lished on the same day the ustralian ouncil of earned cademies released its report elivering ustaina le r an o ility”. n essence the researchers would e congratulating the ity of incent for the wor it is underta ing to develop a more environmentally friendly ur an community. o assist in achieving this incent has commenced to prioritise people along with more environmentally friendly modes of transport. he enefits of improving ur an mo ility are not confined to the environment ut also contri ute to the economy the community s social well- eing and the health of individuals. utcomes which are to e welcomed. Geraldine Box Alma Rd, North Perth Mature admit mistakes definitely rather have a lord mayor li e isa ca di who is mature enough to admit her mista e and say sorry than one who acts li e a petulant child. ven after eing as ed to repay the council for using personal expenses funds for what was deemed an unauthorised use eece arley refused. Not li ing something does not ustify non-compliance. wonder if the legal advice you are see ing in relation to this matter will also e ratepayer-funded. ccounta ility get some. Debbie Saunders Oxford St, Leederville The Ed says: Ms Saunders is running for mayor in Vincent. This letter has been edited for legal reasons. A medal for congestion INVITATION TO COMMENT: Amendment to Policy No. 7.7.1 – Parking and Access Council at its meeting on 22 September 2015 resolved to amend Policy No. 7.7.1 – Parking and Access. The proposed amendment introduces new Clause 2.4 to allow the City to waive car parking requirements for change of use applications where the application: • does not reduce on-site bays; • does not increase a buildings floor area; and • has not been subject to a previous Council decision regarding car parking. These proposed provisions would not apply to any new buildings with an occupation certificate issued on or after 1 January 2014 unless: • the change of use application is the second or subsequent application after the initial approval; and • a minimum period of 12 months has elapsed between the first and subsequent change of use applications. The new provisions would also not apply to change of use applications to Tavern or Small Bar. Amendments to Policy No. 7.5.13 – Percent for Art Council at its meeting on 22 September 2015 resolved to amend Policy No. 7.5.13 – Percent for Art. The proposed changes refine definitions and clauses to improve interpretation and implementation. FOR MORE INFORMATION All related documents can be viewed on the City's website and also during office hours at the Vincent Administration and Civic Centre and the Library and Local History Centre. Submissions regarding the policies may be made in writing, addressed to the Chief Executive Officer and submitted by 3 November 2015. Any enquiries should be directed to the Planning Services team on 9273 6000 or LEN KOSOVA CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER WWW.VINCENT.WA.GOV.AU Page 4 - The Perth Voice, Saturday October 17, 2015 N the closure of tra c lanes on car orough each oad in ount awthorn and North erth who is the ureaucratc rainiac responsi le for transforming car lanes to i e lanes and therefore adding to the congestion woes this city is experiencing ou should get a medal. nd let me ust add that don t agree with the current rhetoric and slogans li e motorists versus cyclists” or war on our roads”. do elieve however in less congestion and therefore less frustration on our roads if we can avoid it. Gene Lorenzon Shakespeare St, Mt Hawthorn Ignorance inconceivable IT is inconceivable that any pu lic o cer in would not e aware of the need to e accountable (Voice, October 10, 2015). isa ca di s defence that she d raised disclosure issues with thethen ran dwards falls on deaf ears as r dwards told the that he d assisted her to conceal details of her trip to the ei ing lympics from councillors. Notwithstanding what s ca di may have achieved to accept free trips for her and her hus and from mail development companies who were to profit from council approvals must raise issues of competency at the very least. efence of s ca di y other councillors on the asis this issue is central to one event ac in should ta e note of s ca di s tweets which highlight nondisclosures up to . t the conference the ayor of incent as ed for transparency reforms ut was resoundingly re ected to with s ca di silent on her position to adopt these reforms (Voice, August 15, 2015). e wonder why. Michael Mannion Crawford Rd, Maylands Ed’s note This letter has been edited for legal reasons. Waste of time N dou ts that people in distress should e helped this is o vious. ut then to say that asylum see ers are not attempting to enter ustralia illegally is a travesty of the nglish language. don t now where nne went to school nor her level of understanding of nglish ut may suggest that she loo up the following words migration immigration legal illegal and attempt and then try to distinguish in an o ective manner whether people who try to ump the queue are doing something legally or illegally. f the latter then it is a waste of time to support them. Sasha Verma Beaufort St, Perth The Ed says: What “queue”? And according to the human rights convention, of which Australia remains a signatory, it is not illegal to seek asylum. Wretched roadworks roadwor s to create cycle paths along car orough each oad egan efore N ay. hey are still continuing. hen they are complete the disruption to tra c along the ma or thoroughfare will e ma or. otorists are held up when cars turn off and uses stop. No way for emergency vehicles to get through in case of an emergency. ra c num ers are only going to increase no matter how much cycling is promoted. at-runners will e prolific. Not one person have spo en to agrees with the wor s and actually strongly disagrees with it. o add to all of this have not seen one cyclist using the cycle path n acquaintance reported eing a used y a cyclist when as ed to move from the road to the cycle path. am not against cycle paths ut to have islands uilt to give exclusive use of an entire road lane to cyclists is a o e. fter all it is motorists who through their registration pay for the roads not cyclists. Leonie Edwards Federation St, Mt Hawthorn Mind your language N N the first page of the cto er edition of the Voice, was appalled to read multiple profanities as part of direct quotes in your article “O’Hanlon dumps Harley”. see myself as a fairly progressive -something year old in a modern world yet reading such language in a community newspaper that is en oyed y all ages seems o viously inappropriate. es i e anlon may have used colourful wording during the interview ut surely you could have used poetic licence to remove these efore the article went to print Jess Bruins Oxford St, Leederville The Ed says: We generally don’t edit out naughty words Jess. Newspaper House, liff treet Fremantle WA 6160 PO Box 85 North Fremantle WA 6159 ne s ert voice co ert voice co P lis er The Herald Publishing Co. Pty Ltd itor in c ie Andrew Smith irectors Andrew Smith & Pip Thomson ACN: 009 416 620 EDITORIAL Editor: Andrew Smith C ie o ta Pro ction Editor: Steve Grant Hobart Desk / Editorial Pro ction Brian Mitchell o rnalists David Bell, Stephen Pollock, Jenny D’Anger P otogra er Matthew Dwyer Cartoonist hat eld tor ea line Tues. noon ADMINISTRATION B siness evelo ent irector Bryan Zemunik Rece tion Alana Christian, ADVERTISING irector Natalie Hug ssistant to irector Melanie Buljan is la vertising Gaye lom eld Real Estate: Natalie Hug Co Control Julie Rainbow ra es ervices: Bryan Zemunik, Lindsay Martin Classi e s Alana Christian, Ruby Burt s ea line Tues. noon PR C Pro ction anager Matthew Eeles ra ic esign Nibha Mehra, Fernanda Herrmann, Helena Tay CC irector Christine Smith ssistants Janelle Tester, Molly Brown, Rosie Smith RB anager Marie King ssistants: Stephanie Campbell, Dave D’Anger & many locals! WEBSITE ert voice co Matthew Eeles, Stephen Pollock Where o e go We’re delivered to letterboxes on Fridays and Saturdays throughout: Coolbinia* Dianella* East Perth* Highgate Inglewood* Leederville Maylands* Menora* Mt Hawthorn* Mt Lawley Northbridge* North Perth Perth West Perth Yokine* *Fortnightly Distribution PLUS: We deliver to key drop-points in Bayswater and Perth CBD otal oice circ lation 31,309 arc *CAB Audited The Voice is part of the independent and WA-owned Herald Newspaper Group, which also publishes the: a ers arc a ers arc lecross to Bicton ee ing to ar in a a ers arc otal eral circ lation 82,724 arc *CAB Audited D A P ig n ores c oun c il Unlimited Yoga an d approves M oun t L aw ley d em olition Power Living Perth (formerly Bikram Yoga Perth) offers a range of Yoga styles from dynamic Hot Yoga and not heated Yoga and Vinyasa classes, through to restorative Yin. 79 classes a week across 2 studios - range of styles & times to suit all lifestyles Accessible to all levels - from beginner to advanced practitioners Amazing complement to other activities like running, surfing and cycling Improve fitness, tone and build muscular strength Increase energy levels and reduce stress by STEPHEN POLLOCK STIRLING city council is seeking legal advice on whether it can overturn approval for Perth College to bulldoze four homes in the city’s heritage protection zone. The elected council recommended unanimous rejection of the demolition application but the decision was in the hands of the Barnett government-appointed local development assessments panel, which gave it the green light. The prestigious college aims to bowl over the four Lawley Crescent homes to build a multimillion dollar centre for senior students. “I have been approached by members of the local community • and the Mount Lawley Society who want to know what we are going to do about this,” says Cr Rod Willox, who won support for seeking legal advice. “I believe that there is some ground for a challenge based on the DAP basing its decision on a consultant’s heritage report. “At the end of the day, we voted unanimously against the demolition, a lot of the community don’t want it, but the DAP has ignored our concerns.” Mount Lawley Society member Paul Collins says the demolition is contrary to the character retention guidelines for Mt Lawley, Menora and Inglewood. “I welcome council’s move to seek a legal opinion,” he says. “I have been concerned for some time about the DAPs meeting, their administrative law obligations, and in this case there were a number of errors and omissions in the heritage report which the Mount Lawley Society pointed out to DAP so the legal opinion will be very interesting.” $39 FOR 30 DAYS UNLIMITED YOGA* At the time of the council’s rejection recommendation, Perth College principal Jenny Ethell said the college had tried, where possible, to re-purpose heritage buildings and had previously refurbished two on Queens Crescent. *New students only. Please mention this advert. Not to be used in conjunction with any other deal. 158a Vincent St, North Perth (Cnr Fitzgerald) 9228 3445 “The properties are zoned for educational purposes but do not meet the standards for universal access for people with disabilities, nor are they of the appropriate structural integrity to enable being included in a new development,” she had said. shanghai bolero Fremantle Arts Centre & LINK Dance Company present ith a uarter of Aussie kids o erweight or obese there’s a new push to get them mo ing. Photo supplied Kids run to beat obesity by DAVID BELL WITH Australia rivalling the US in childhood obesity rates, a free program is ic ing off at Maylands’ The Rise centre for kids seven to 13 who are above healthy weights. The WA health departmentfunded Better Health program runs across 10 weeks and aims to help kids make informed food choices rather than just sticking them on a diet, teaching them how to read la els and find good food (along with loads of 117 Carr St, West Perth running about). One-quarter of Australian kids are now overweight or o ese while figures hover around 33 per cent depending on age group. Hayley Robertson runs the WA Better Health program and says so far more than 300 Perth kids have gone through it and post-program check ups shows they continue to do well. The program is evidencebased and UK-based studies show continuing good outcomes after the course. A 12-month followup showed ongoing 2 1 2 216m2 9 Janet St, West Perth ERR D UN FFE O wed 21 – sat 24 oct weight and waist circumference reduction, more physical activity, better eating and better selfesteem. It runs Monday and Wednesday afternoons from October 19 and if you want to get on board go to www. or call 1300 822 953. Kids need a parent or guardian to go along and the sessions are split into one hour of joint learning, and then a second hour where parents get schooled on things like nutrition, bullying and fussy eating while the kids run and play games. 2 doors 6:30pm | show 7:30pm | fac front garden Tickets $29.60; Conc. & Friends of WAAPA $24.50 from Choreographed by Didier Theron & Michael Whaites | Performed by LINK Dance Company Note: This performance features partial nudity and may not be suitable for children Image: Shanghai Bolero © Tim Somerset Keep up to date at 1 2 315m2 46 Monmouth St, Mt Lawley ERR D UN FFE O 2 2 665m2 ERR D UN FFE O SOLD BEFORE 1ST HOME OPEN SOLD 1ST WEEK! 3 SOLD 1ST WEEK! More wanted for buyers who missed out! ROB EDWARDS 0418 665 144 TOBY BALDWIN 0418 914 926 Right time. Right place. Right here. The Perth Voice, Saturday October 17, 2015 - Page 5 PUBLIC NOTICE WEED CONTROL As part of ongoing maintenance works, the City's Weed Spraying Contractor will commence spraying all footpaths, traffic islands and kerblines in the City during November/ December 2015. The chemical to be used is Glyphosate (Round Up), which is of low toxicity and necessary in order to eradicate weeds. Spraying will be conducted under strict supervision and guidelines. LET US KNOW IF YOU WANT YOUR PROPERTY EXEMPTED We acknowledge that some residents would rather not have the footpath and kerbline adjacent to their property sprayed. If you'd like your property to be permanently exempt from the weed spraying – and you have not previously let us know – then please contact the City's Parks Technical Officer, Kim Godfrey, before Friday 30 October. Kim can also answer any queries you have on this matter – just call 9273 6000 or email: Please note: if you wish to be exempt, then you are responsible for keeping your property clean and free from weed growth. WWW.VINCENT.WA.GOV.AU • ohn arey says residents are sick of builders lea ing garbage strewn on erges. Photo by Matthew Dwyer Vincent rubble crackdown by DAVID BELL VINCENT city council is set to crack down on builders who make a mess of footpaths. With new developments springing up like weeds, mayor John Carey says he’s fielding more and more complaints a out untidy streetfronts during construction, including rubble being strewn on verges. The council currently charges developers $2000 (for a single house) as a bond, that does not get refunded if a place is left messy or the verge is left damaged when the development is finished but that doesn’t stop sites from being unsightly in the meantime. “There just seems to be a disregard for the local streets they’re being built on,” SUMMER is coming... Mr Carey says. “Whether it’s soil and rubble strewn across the footpath and onto the road or damage to footpaths and kerbs, there are actually safety issues here. “We do require a bond, but I am asking council to investigate any other more stringent actions we can take.” The issue will be debated at the next council meeting. BOOK ONLINE 24/7 SKIN CHECKS AT ROKEBY GP Dr. Shane Morley Sunburn can be serious e Rooke Dr. Michell • Doctors with SCCANZ skin cancer college training • Ample free parking • Mole monitoring program • Excisions done onsite • Outstanding customer service Dr. Bob Noll 9381 4880 142 ROKEBY RD, SUBIACO Mole Clinic Page 6 - The Perth Voice, Saturday October 17, 2015 Mole Max HD Dr. Patrick G arratt O ld P erth open s d oors occupation. With a team of volunteers researching content for upcoming exhibitions, this week they’re installing the first chronological history panels written y local author avid hishWilson and with images from the WA library collection. ts first themed exhi ition will e open for erth eritage ays uncovering Barrack Street’s past (the museum site itself is steeped in history. It used to be home to the WA League by DAVID BELL AFTER much talk over the years it’s taken just a few months for the team behind Museum of Perth to get the doors open to the public this weekend. he not-for-profit museum has a focus on the city itself, chronicling the social, cultural, political and architectural history of Perth from times of early Aboriginal of Wheelmen who fought for cyclist rights, and it’s co-tenanted with a cafe enry aw named for the first man to roast coffee in erth . The second exhibition will be the 25 year history of Pride, featuring posters from each year and documents by the Gay and Lesbian Archive of WA in time for Pride Week. he first opening is aturday cto er 17, 9am to 3pm, entry by donation to the museum. Realos are for Albert • i e posters for Syl an Albert are scattered on this acant lot. Photo by STEPHEN POLLOCK ELECTION campaign signs supporting Bayswater mayor Sylvan Albert are springing up on realtor and developer sites across Maylands. supplied Cr Albert has advertising on: • a Harcourts vacant lot at the corner of Kelvin and Susan Streets; • at the home of Acton director Paul Owen; and, • on a lot at the corner of Guildford Road and Charles Street, where Ionic wants to build a mixed-use development of homes and o ces. The Ionic development has been back and forward between the council and the local development assessment panel, with council o cers due to report to the by November 19. Cr Albert, who is seeking re-election to south ward, says he doesn’t know who Ionic is and didn’t know who’d put his sign on the lot. “I know the people next door at the plumbing business, but I was unaware of the sign being put there,” he says. “But if the Ionic development comes before council I will look into whether I need to declare some sort of interest. “At the end of the day, these people are all residents, and if they want to Snapper support me that s fine it doesn t really matter what profession they have.” Harcourts director John Caputo says he owns the Kelvin Street lot and had granted Cr Albert permission to advertise there. “Sylvan understands business, is a family man and has been very pro-active in taking Maylands forward,” he says. “I think he’s the best candidate.” Cr Albert, a Liberal party candidate at the last state election, says his signs have been regularly defaced and he has contacted police. His rival Catherine Ehrhardt, a wellknown local markets organiser, says she has not advertised on any vacant lots or development sites. 15 Just $2 31.10.15. While stocks Call Kristy Smith to arrange an appointment t 9204 2222 m 0457 023 710 f 9204 2299 The right answer A u th orised Representativ e: P recept F inancial S erv ices P ty L td ( A B N 6 7 1 6 7 9 3 0 7 4 1 ) , trading as P recept F inancial S erv ices A u th orised Representativ e of C h arter F inancial P lanning, A u stralian F inancial S erv ices L icensee, L icensee N u mb er 2 3 4 6 6 5 - T 0 8 9 2 0 4 2 2 2 2 | M 0 4 6 6 4 2 4 3 8 2 D isclaimer: T h is docu ment contains inf ormation th at is general in nature. It does not take into account the objectives, financial situation or needs of any particular person. You need to consider your financial situation and needs before making any decisions based on this information. “The majority of my election advertising has been on businesses on ighth venue including his ine ay and Leo’s Pizza,” she says. “But I don’t have a big budget and only have around 20 signs. I have put a lot of cards on the counters of shops and businesses instead.” Meanwhile, the Water Corporation removed one of Cr Albert’s signs from outside its Stone Street wastewater station. “Water Corporation does not allow unauthorised signage to be placed on its land,” manager Mike Andrews says. Cr Albert says he hadn’t put a sign there and was unaware it had been removed. FOR A FRESH, INSPIRING APPROACH TO PROPERTY MANAGEMENT THINK ACTON MOUNT LAWLEY Treating your investment property like it’s our own 678 BEAUFORT ST, MOUNT LAWLEY PH: 9272 2488 WWW.ACTON.COM.AU le’s oved tradition! Fremantm ost l ERS OYSTH FRESH IG T! EVERY N ea Valid until I can help you to: • Determine what you are currently eligible for; • The application process; • Strategies to maximise your benefits; • Strategies to improve your overall financial position. MOUNT LAWLEY Cider Battered NZ Fish Chips li $ & Delicious Aio $25 for Fresh WA Retiring or retired and unsure about your Age Pension entitlements and how to access them? last. ut Dine-in or Take-o OPEN 7 NIGHTS et, Inglewood 882 Beaufort Stre .au www.afishcalle Like us onmm of 5 mo out 4.0 ato See us on Zom “Our Business is Booming!” one GAYE BLOMFIELD on today 0438 933 006 or for an advertising ackage t at reac es over o es and businesses in your area YOUR PERTH VOICE Working to get you results. To take part in the Herald’s Blessing of the Fleet wraparound call Natalie Hug on 9430 7727 T HS HIG ST If you re not advertising in t e oice you re issing out on sales Mass and communion in honour of Our Lady of Capo D’Orlando 9.45am Solemn mass celebrated by the Most Reverend B.J Hickey Archbishop Emeritus of Perth. The Italian Consul, and other dignitaries will be present 2.00pm The procession will commence from St. Patrick’s Basilica, Adelaide Street and finish at Fishing Boat Harbour 3.30pm The Fishing Fleet will be blessed by the Archbishop Emeritus. Some dignitaries will be present 4.30pm Fireworks display at the Fremantle Esplanade Park 5.00pm Return to the Basilica and Benediction 8.00pm Evening fireworks and closure at Fishing Boat Harbour 8.30am KE T Owner/A Fish Called Inglewood Sunday 25 October, 2015 St Patrick’s Basilica, Fremantle R MA Dear ert oice After placing adverts with the Perth Voice newspaper I had a fantastic result. The advertising team advised me that repetition of advertising is what works best. I can say that our business is booming! It’s consistent and our customers often talk about seeing us in the Perth Voice newspaper. Thanks again, aul a it 5 1 0 2 t e e l F e h t Blessing of ST FULLY LICENSED e -lat Open 7 Nights 5pm 4678 6101 Bookings/Orders AD ELA IDE Chips “Quality Fish and price. at a reasonable ne else in I don’t think anyo it better.” Perth has done Food Writer Gail Williams - T ES I LL E RIN TCE CO MA Proudly supported by The Perth Voice, Saturday October 17, 2015 - Page 7 K id s’ an g uish ‘ h id d en ’ Financial Planners specialising in: etirement lanning ife nsurance n estment Ad ice ncome rotection orporate Super unds Self managed Super unds by STEPHEN POLLOCK THE psychological issues faced by children of same-sex parents is being “hidden and marginalised” in WA, says a Perth counsellor. Katrina Alilovic (left) returned to Australia three years ago, having worked as a counsellor in the UK for 10 years, and says Britain is more open in its approach to same-sex parenting and multiculturalism. “The subject has a much higher profile in the and thin that s down to the fact that it s more diverse and multicultural,” the Mt Lawley counselling psychologist says. Call Chris Cornish on 08 6143 3792 to get the best from your nancial resources ailway arade Mount awley A avant nancial co a Avant Financial Services Pty Ltd ACN 147 066 439 ATF Cornish Avant Trust ABN 56 853 689 114 is a Corporate Authorised Representative (388574) of Avant Financial Solutions Pty Ltd ABN 24 522 756 593 AFSL No. 436740 PUBLIC NOTICE TOWN PLANNING SCHEME NO. 1 NOTICE OF APPLICATION TO USE OR DEVELOP LAND Notice is hereby given that Dynamic Planning and Developments has applied to the City of Vincent for the Proposed Change of Use from ‘Single House’ to ‘Office Building’ on No. 13 (Lot 24; D/P: 2324) Grosvenor Road, Mount Lawley, being on Certificate of Title Volume 1260, folio 934. TO COMMENT ON THIS PROPOSAL Any persons wishing to comment on this proposal should do so in writing by 3 November 2015 to: CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER City of Vincent PO Box 82, LEEDERVILLE WA 6902 Page 8 - The Perth Voice, Saturday October 17, 2015 n erth it seems to e somewhat hidden and marginalised and maybe that s ecause we are a it more conservative and lacking in diversity.” Ms Alilovic wants to increase the awareness of same-sex parenting in WA by hosting a screening of Gayby Baby, a documentary that explores the di culties that four Australian children with samesex parents face in their day-to-day life. o secure an cto er screening at Hoyts in Garden City, Ms Alilovic must secure tic ets. f successful she will donate the five per cent in ta ings she receives back to the documentary makers. To book visit events/56164. Women take charge by DAVID BELL to parliament house this wee end will find the foyer pac ed with protests from the omen s Christian Temperance Union and the arra atta lu lo ying ir ohn Forrest for the vote. or this year s eritage ays the theme is eople ho haped erth” and women s suffrage pioneers ta e centre stage. Actor Caroline McKenzie is playing dith owan the first woman elected to the WA parliament in 1921. McKenzie, a relative of owan s and ophia orrest a descendent of the premier will act in a dramatised de ate over women s rights recreating fierce discussions etween prominent families and community leaders of the day. he issue of women in parliament isn t consigned to the dust of history either: • Sophia orrest, Michael oney and aroline Mc en ie gearing up for a dramatised debate at parliament house. Photo by Matthew Dwyer today just 27 women are in a parliament of 95. Parliament House is open 10am to pm this wee end. o find out all the times for the history events at www. and there s plenty of other stuff going on for the eritage ays wee end with the program up at arts te ak fu rn itu re Are you looking for a mattress that will give you a perfect night’s sleep? 100% Natural Organic (Certified) Heveya Latex Mattresses ol id Greet with present grace • Ro in oo ello art o the Fair is Foul and Foul is Fair exhibition. AK IAL TE EC OFF SP 0% 2 al ls voice FIRM COMFORTABLE SUPPORT Recommended by physiotherapists and other health professionals. This totally natural, fully reversible mattress has a low flammability and will give you years of sleeping comfort. The average life of this long lasting latex rubber mattress is 25 years. Adjustable Beds “F AIR is foul and foul is fair!” Shakespeare’s trio of witches shriek, stirring a noxious pot of of potions over a fire as they plot ac eth s downfall. n exhi ition inspired y the ard promises to e every it as distur ing. ith ha espeare s th irthday in pril race thyself a trio of artists has drawn on the ard s wor s in Fair is Foul and Foul is Fair. e play around with distur ing su ect matter ut the wor s are quite eautiful as well ” artist and curator Andrew Nicholls tells the Voice. nd did the ighgate local ust confess to murderous intentions? A descendent of the Thanes of awdor ac eth s title Nicholls stands to inherit the clan’s Scottish castle if he outlives the approximately 100 prior claimants. arts JENNY D’ANGER “I’m often tempted to take up the family tradition and ill people to get the inheritance ” he o es. ne of his images e loody e old e resolute” as an apparition told ac eth is of a small oy covered in lood and wearing a ilt suggesting the ac eth genes have filtered down to the antipodes. n high school erth- orn artist and muslim dul dullah identified with the oppressed ali an in The Tempest, going on to use Shakespeare in his explorations of “the other” in his works, including a self portrait as Hamlet’s Ophelia. eautiful woman flowers and gentle waterways are usually associated with images of her madness and suicide ut the internationally acclaimed artist’s haunting self-portrait turns that on its head. “He turned Ophelia into a man–a reversal of gender ” Nicholls says. David Collins’ works reinterpret the idea of romanticism, neo-classicism and gothic revival in contemporary images of sensual decadence that ecome increasingly pro lematised and distur ing under close investigation. His Puck is a tortured soul–more unch s Scream than oshua eynolds romantic th century rendition. Nicholls was commissioned y the ity of erth for a mural for its new li rary. Based on The Tempest, it features a portrait of mate dullah as ali an and should e open during the exhi ition run. Fair is Foul and Foul is Fair is on until Novem er at urner alleries illiam treet North ridge. • • • • • • WITH FLEXIBLE SLATTED BASE Heveya certified organic latex Belgian 100% natural latex Bamboo covers – zip off Flexible European beech slats German electric bed bases Locally crafted solid timber bed frames The Original Latex Professionals 29 Years of Exceptional, Personal Service Call now to find out more. 557 Stirling Hwy Cottesloe (next to the Post Office) 9384 0388 Become a valued Voice distributor today! Phone Stephanie on 9430 7727 Brains and Beauty a winning combination A V O ICE PRO M O TIO NA L F E A TU RE Local business owner wins WA Young Business Woman of the Year Award A local skincare and beauty expert has been selected as the WA winner of the 2015 Telstra Business Women of the Year Awards, in the Young Business Woman category. Kim Tran - owner of award winning skin and beauty clinic La Belle Peau, is thrilled with her win and can’t wait to represent WA at the national nals in Melbourne ne t month. A high achiever from a young age, Kim has won many awards during her career. At 18 she was the youngest person to graduate as Student of the Year from Dermal Science at the Australasian Academy of Cosmetic Dermal Science through Curtin University. At 19 Kim opened the doors to La Belle Peau and a year later she won Therapist of the Year, a national recognition by Ultraceuticals skincare. At 22 she brought home two prizes - Advanced Therapist of the Year and Salon of the Year. Kim’s achievements have inspired her to give back to the community. She is a patron of Hands for ope a non pro t charity that pro ides some of Vietnam’s most disadvantaged children with educational scholarships and corrective surgery for physical disabilities. Kim also volunteers her time to educate children on skin health. “Teenage acne is my passion. No child should go through puberty without basic knowledge of acne management and knowing where to seek help.” Now in its 21st year, the Telstra Business Women’s Awards are the longest running business women’s awards program in Australia. The awards champion women from diverse industries, who are passionate, courageous and ready to challenge the status quo. “I am grateful to have grown up in Australia where everyone has choices and the opportunity to pursue their dreams. I love what I do because I know each day I am helping others build their self-esteem and con dence. ’m proud of what ’ e achie ed so far and look forward to using this award to reach out and empower more people,” Looking at Kim’s beautiful skin, no one could ever imagine she once su ered from se ere acne and scarring. Through extensive research and experience, she learned what works to give real solutions to common skin problems like acne. Kim credits a large part of her success to her close knit family. Arriving in Perth from Vietnam with her parents when she was a young girl, Kim was allowed to follow her dreams, rather than being pushed into a career in medicine, as is often the case in her culture. “I am grateful to have grown up in Australia where everyone has choices and the opportunity to pursue their dreams. I love what I do because I know each day I am helping others build their self-esteem and con dence. ’m proud of what ’ e achie ed so far and look forward to using this award to reach out and empower more people,” said Kim. Judges look for women who have delivered real business impact; tackled obstacles with determination and creativity; consistently demonstrated exceptional leadership; displayed sound nancial management and mentored others striving for success. Out of the 3000 entrants, only one nalist from each category is chosen, culminating in a glittering gala dinner on 18 November, where the national winners will be announced. La Belle Peau 478 Fitzgerald St North Perth (cnr Burt St) Phone 6361 1500 Kim Tran, WA winner and national finalist of the Telstra Young Business Woman of the Year 2015 The Perth Voice, Saturday October 17, 2015 - Page 9 voice Astrology strology A oice competitions COMPETITION WINNERS With Sudhir BLESSING OF THE FLEET: ongratulations aley ullock of ateman and ardin unningham of remantle. ou have each won a ride for two in the beautifully decorated, honoured lead boat, along with the adonna dei artiri and the President. A day full of colour, pageantry and tradition, this year s lessing of the leet kicks off on aturday ctober October 17 - October 24, 2015 ARIES (Mar 21 – Apr 20) The forces you are ghting against are bigger than you. ars is opposing eptune. That s like partacus doing battle with the Atlantic ocean. t s a pointless and impossible battle. A completely different strategy is required and that is to put aside all strategies. e a student. Fremantle Festival’s Funnyman TAURUS (Apr 21 – May 20) There s no denying your great capacity for en oyment. There s also no denying your stick ability once you get motivated. nowing where to put your energy doesn t always come easily. enus is in irgo, which should help you to get a handle on maps and plans. ome up with a strategy. GEMINI (May 21 – June 21) efore you can make truly informed choices, you must have enough experience, that you know the facts and feel of each alternative. e prepared to come at your life adventure from a variety of different angles. There s no way to be sure until you know for real. ake an informed choice. CANCER (June 22 – Jul 22) The oon is rising. After some initial bumps, it and you are now on an optimistic tra ectory. ou can dare to imagine that the world is indeed a place of ever expanding learning and opportunity. ven if you don t get what you expect, you will come to know things that add to your being. LEO (July 23 – Aug 22) The un is nearing the end of ibra. The passage of the un through ibra is generally a cruisy one for eos. As it comes to an end, get yourself ready for more emotionally intense times. f you have a practice that leads to equanimity, make use of it. Access an authentically balanced state. VIRGO (Aug 23 – Sept 22) enus and ars are in irgo. elationships of all kinds and types, are receiving a barrel load of blessings from the cosmos. our adventurousness is on line to take you out of your comfort one. our capacity for sensuality and delight is arced up and ready for some love and attention. LIBRA (Sept 23 – Oct 23) The un is getting ready to leave ibra. t is time to integrate all that has unfolded over the last three to four weeks. et go of those elements in your personality that keep you too much in control. pend some time each day being as playful as a puppy. These are non serious times. SCORPIO (Oct 24 – Nov 21) Take a deep breath. ou are about to be on centre stage. f you haven t learned your lines by now, it s probably too late. ou are going to have to improvise. f you are a daredevil, this is the better option anyway. y the end of the week, the un will be lighting up what s in the dark. SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22 – Dec 21) upiter and ars are now operating as a duo. our desire to expand has gone into overdrive. ecause they re in irgo, you are also going to discover all that is inhibiting you. The only pleasurable way through, is to be aligned with nature, rather than any preconceived notions. CAPRICORN (Dec 22 – Jan 19) ith upiter and ars red up in irgo, your ourney of transformation is now going at warp speed. Transformation involves nothing less than starting out as one thing and ending up as something completely different. Point yourself in a brilliantly positive and creative direction. AQUARIUS (Jan 20 – Feb 18) There s a big push, coming from all angles, to stay centred and not lose your cool, no matter how usti ed you may feel yourself to be. ven though your nervous system may be full of re, it is equanimity and balance that is required at this uncture. elease your tension creatively. PISCES (Feb 19 – Mar 20) t going to be very di cult to stay stuck. f you have gotten yourself becalmed in a comfort one, upiter, ars and enus, are throwing you an irresistible challenge from the pragmatic ungles of irgo. This is a great time to trigger yourself into action. Put creative routines into place. . . ean PERTH SYMPHONIC CHORUS: ongratulations u anne oleman of Attadale, ane lobbe of eacons eld and olleen c enney of outh remantle. ou have each won a double passes to the Perth ymphonic horus performance at . pm on aturday, ctober at Perth odern chool. in one of ADBUSTER: ongratulations athryn esterman of ayswater. or correctly spotting last week s fake ad you have won adinner for two at iena s eederville. HOW TO ENTER x ouble Passes to see hys icholson at the remantle estival The sartorially splendid hys icholson heads to remantle estival for one night only following sell out comedy festival seasons around the country this year of his hit solo show, orward. icholson will perform at the remantle Town all on Thursday ctober , fresh from this year s dinburgh estival ringe in August, as well as solo shows at ondon s oho Theatre. orward is icholson s fourth solo show, and follows another hit festival season for this emerging comedian, including growing critical acclaim for his incisive comedy which regularly ll houses both here and overseas. This year, icholson s show is about heirlooms and legacies. hen if he dies, what will he be remembered for eventy glittering years in showbi est Tilda winton look alike ost innovative penis oke t s a long way from the A omedy nal for the winner of the ydney omedy estival s est ewcomer. The champion of self deprecating, confessional and upfront content, ama howbusiness has left his mark on with encore shows, his second dinburgh estival ringe, a solo season at ondon s Theatre, and ust or aughs ydney at the pera ouse. ate last year, icholson together with fellow comedian oel reasey starred in Gaycrashers , a well received half hour doco from the third instalment of A creen Australia s pening hot series which aired in ovember to rave reviews. ome to orward s remantle show and help icholson determine how we ll look back on his life. hys will be appearing at the remantle estival, Thursday, ctober. ookings and tickets at fremantlefestival.o or Codeword: VOICERHYS TERMS AND CONDITIONS: ompetition closes . . with winners announced in the . . edition of your Perth oice. Vin and Oli delights await in one of x vouchers. ach voucher consists of ong known as the domain of the cavernous beer barn, remantle s entertainment offerings have been rather one dimensional. ntil now that is. nter in and li a gorgeous tapas and wine bar that s the antithesis of said barn. harming and chic without being pretentious, in and li is the kind of inviting place that makes you want to stay a while and let the world go by. A delicious seasonal menu is rustic and kept quite simple, to allow the flavours of the food and wine to shine. riendly and Voiceclassi CLASSES FOR SALE ADULT emale ancer equired for latin comps, , driven, committed, resilient, sociable, t, prior exp desirable but not essential. ontact for more info RETURN A A . return tickets to Adelaide, elbourne or ydney. or for all tickets. Accommodation does have to be booked as well. an email through all details. teph ssc EXPERT SERVICES GUTTERS Free roof inspection with every gutter clean HANDYMAN Andrew. . our local, prompt and professional handyman. years experience, police clearance, fully insured ROOFING All roof repairs JUNK emoval. All shed, house and yard unk removed. att unkremovalwa Sudhir PUBLIC NOTICES DRINKING P Alcoholics anonymous. Phone hours on www. voice classifieds * deadline 5pm Monday You’re reading your free, independent Perth Voice Page 10 - The Perth Voice, Saturday October 17, 2015 x Glasses of ne ONLINE: isit and follow the prompts. POST: nclude your name, suburb, phone and post your entries to Perth oice ompetition, P ox , orth remantle email A ADBUSTER: f you spot this week s fake ad send your entries to oice Adbuster, P ox , orth remantle A by Tuesday for your chance to win a feast for . Get ahead of the competition! Did you know Perth Voice competitions are printed in up to 120,000 papers every week and accessed by thousands of online readers every week. If your business is interested in running a competition and sharing your products or services with our readers then call the Perth Voice today and be a part of the excitement! Call 9430 7727 or email Fancy your selfie a winner? knowledgable staff are happy to help with your selections and with food served until am on the weekends, you won t be rushed in and out the door. ool tunes, great service, fabulous food and ama ing wine, get yourself down to in and li pronto. ead to for more info. ENTERING PERTH VOICECOMPS IS NOW EASIER THAN EVER. Codeword: VOICEVIN&OLI Email your selfie to: TERMS AND CONDITIONS: ompetition closes . . with winners announced in the . . edition of your Perth oice. Tapas value up to per plate and wine value up to per glass. eds INDEMNITY & WARRANTY THE HERALD & PERTH VOICE NEWSPAPERS CONDITIONS OF ACCEPTANCE The advertiser or agent indemni es the ompany and its employees and agents against all actions, proceedings, claims, demands, losses, damages, costs and expenses arising out of or in connection with the publication of the advertisement including any relating to defamation, malicious falsehood, infringement of copyright, trademark or design, or breach of the Trade Practices Act , the onsumer redit ode, or the air Trading Act and warrants that publication of the advertisement will not give rise to any legal, equitable or statutory rights against the ompany ad will no breach any laws or regulations including the prohibitions relating to advertising in the Trade Practices Act , the onsumer redit ode, and the air Trading Act . All advertisements are accepted on the following terms and conditions RIGHT TO REFUSE The ompany has the right to refuse to publish or republish any advertisement without giving any reason. DISCLAIMER OF LIABILITY o liability will be incurred by the ompany by reason of any amendment to or error or inaccuracy in, or the partial or total omission of, an advertisement single or multiple insertion or by reason of any delay or default or from any other cause whatsoever. f an error occurs which in the opinion of the ompany clearly lessens the value of the advertisement and which is in no way the fault of the advertiser and the advertiser noti es the ompany of the error prior to the advertisement deadline on the rst day the error was published, then a refund will be provided on the cost of the advertisement proportionate to the company s opinion of its reduced value. ADJUSTMENT AND CLAIMS The advertiser must notify the ompany of any error in the invoice for an advertisement within days from the end of the month in which the advertisement was published. The company will not consider claims for an invoice error lodged outside this period. To advertise email the Voice x Tapas PERTH VOICE FACEBOOK: ike us on acebook at and leave us a private message including the competitions codeword your name, address phone number. Deadline 5pm Monday Email us a selfie of you reading the latest edition of your Herald along with your name, phone number and address for automatic entry into every current competition. The Herald reserves the right to publish your selfie in the online and printed editions of your Perth Voice. Please don’t enter if you don’t want your mug in the paper. NOTICEBOARD WHAT’S ON • CLASSES • ACTIVITIES SPIRITUAL SERVICES • SUPPORT GROUPS GROW MUTUAL HELP GROUPS epressed Anxious earful Alone on t despair. elp is available. ome and discover G s program of personal growth, support and friendship. Groups are at t Pleasant Thurs am , icton Tues pm , omo ri am , remantle am . G is con dential, open to all and no fees are charged. or more information free call or visit for more information SCHOOL FETE 2015 CARNIVAL. acred eart Primary. unday ctober . am pm. ary treet ighgate. Animal arm, Go arts, Game ault, unk the Teachers Tank, limbing all , oving ntertainment, ouncy astle, Toy up ide, ood ans, Giant lide and A stalls STRUGGLING WITH YOUR MENTAL HEALTH? DEPRESSED? ANXIOUS? LONELY? GROW offers a program of personal growth, support and friendship. G is con dential, open to all and no fees are charged. orth Perth group meets every onday at . am, Tuesday at . pm and Thursday . pm at The Grow entre , Angove t, orth Perth. ednesday . am at ob aniel ommunity entre, ext to nglewood ibrary . eaufort treet nglewood nr eaufort treet Tenth Avenue . ubiaco evening grow edesday night pm at alvation Army uilding corner of owland and arker d ubiaco This group has moved to orth Perth group, Tuesday pm at Angove t orth Perth. imply come along or phone or TARTAN SCOTTISH COUNTRY DANCING group meets onday pm pm at aylen ay cout all, Applecross, onday pm at the niting hurch, oondanna and Thursday pm pm at t tephen s, Applecross. All welcome no partners required. or more info, ph awn or hristine voice f ood Japanese is all Greek to me WHO • WHAT • WHERE A V O ICE PRO M O TIO NA L F E A TU RE • Photos by Matthew Dwyer Experience the best Thai cuisine L food JENNY D’ANGER UNCH at Bossman offee hit a minor ump when discovered they only do coffee and ree pastries. ndeterred my lunch companion and headed next door to unchies ushi where the queue was long and the place pumping with apanese e ciency. he ginger fish ento ox special . sounded so good we agreed to share it and a mixed sashimi . . hat an inspired choice it was the sashimi arrived first with its slices of fresh tuna salmon o aido scallop and the rather unfortunately named horse mac erel. itting on a ed of spinach and dri led with a soy and sesame dressing the raw fish was fantastic soft in texture and fresh on the tongue. hen my mate ordered miso soup . declined having experienced some rather nasty versions in the past ut he allowed me a spoonful and it was so good m revising my opinion. he ento ox arrived the two colourful serving dishes loo ing li e pieces of ego and we tac led the vegetarian spring rolls first delicious little morsels of savoury crunchiness. he ginger fish with the rather un- apanese roc et and spinach salad was magnificent the spiciness of soy contrasting with a slight sweetness. t was so good downed chopstic s in favour of a spoon to etter tac le the last morsel and the sauce. ated we left the right and fun y unchies and headed ac to ossman. ights from old cym als maga ine rac s held with guitar strings and old spea er oxes that dou le as rac s for a display of old spirit ottles create a dar and moody atmospheric. he pastries are made y vangelia the owner s near neigh our and pic ed up fresh every morning as he heads to wor . y lunch companion revealed an un nown side declaring he s a a lava connoisseur. f ever get married would have a a lava wedding ca e ” he said. vangelia s won high praise and was impressed y his depth of nowledge on his special su ect. hey ve used walnuts which is the est there s a nice floral contrast in taste it s not ust syrup ” he waxed lyrically. hey are moist enough for the pastry to e soft ut still crisp and most importantly they are ig enough ” he said tac ling his share of a larger than usual slice. nd he was impressed y the sophistication of a strong hot chocolate that didn t have a marshmallow on the side. hile was ust impressed with everything including a ree version of a custard slice gala to oure o which couldn t pronounce ut had no trou le getting my taste uds around. nd the single lend anamanian coffee was the perfect foil to all that sweetness. Munchies Sushi Bossman Coffee 669 Beaufort St, Mt Lawley Advertise in your Voice for as little as Cider Battered NZ Fish Chips $ & Delicious Aioli $25 for Fresh WA Snapper 15 ERS FRESH OYSTH T! IG N Y EVER Just $2ea $104 ile stocks last. Valid until 31.10.15. Wh Dine-in or Take-out “Quality Fish and Chips at a reasonable price. I don’t think anyone else in Perth has done it better.” Gail Williams - Food Writer FULLY LICENSED Open 7 Nights 5pm-late Bookings/Orders 6101 4678 Advertising that packs a punch! OPEN 7 NIGHTS 882 Beaufort Street, Inglewood Like us onmm See us on Zomato 4.0 out of 5 mo Call Today 9430 7727 Conditions Apply Galangal Thai Cuisine restaurant has opened at beautiful new premises in Mt Hawthorn. Previously located in East Victoria Park, Tanachai, Taweepong and Atchararat wish to thank all past customers and also the large number of Mt Hawthorn locals who have supported the new Galangal by their attendance and good reviews. Some have already become serious devotees, returning every week and slowly working their way through the menu. Galangal is committed to offering the best freshness and taste so that Perth “Having an open kitchen in the restaurant allows the customer to see, hear and smell the great theatre of food being prepared for your table.” diners can experience the true unique flavours of Thai food. There are no shortcuts taken to achieve this and watching cooks and assistants rolling spring rolls and tying money bags one hour before service bears testimony to this. Having an open kitchen in the restaurant allows the customer to see, hear and smell the great theatre of food being prepared for your table, so if quiet and intimate dining is more your thing, best book a table at the front of house. A new takeaway menu is launching this week, offering local diners a gourmet menu if time to dine in is limited. Galangal Thai Cuisine 180 Scarborough Beach Road, Mt Hawthorn 9444 6005 Follow us on Instagram @perthvoicefood Come and try the GREEK meze platter Open Tues Dinner | Wed, Thurs & Fri Lunch & Dinner Sat & Sun Breaky 9am, Lunch & Dinner 836 Beaufort St, Inglewood Ph: 9371 5585 | Fully Licensed Traditional Vietnamese food in the heart of Northbridge Generous portions, great prices and that beautiful taste of Vietnam that will keep you coming back for more! Unit 6/ 457-459 William St, Northbridge Ph: 9227 6688 The Perth Voice, Saturday October 17, 2015 - Page 11 463 MORLEY DRIVE, MORLEY OFFERS WATCH WAYNE’S OCTOBER MARKET UPDATE GENUINE SELLERS CALLING FOR OFFERS! Fantastic & fully renovated with nothing to spend or do, this gorgeous home offers great buying for those wanting a large outdoor alfresco area and generous backyard for hosting and entertaining guests or for the kids or pets to play, as well as plenty of off street parking for the family or clients for those running a home business (Subject to Council approval). 3 1 6 NATALIE HOYE 0405 812 273 46 WOODSOME STREET, MOUNT LAWLEY AUCTION AUCTION! ON SITE @ 1PM SHARP 31ST OCTOBER (UNLESS SOLD PRIOR) Often sought but rarely found, this captivating property possesses an abundance of original features that will delight those looking for a quality character residence in a standout location to live in as is, or to add their own further touches. Nestled on a full and secure block of 946sqm on one of Mt Lawley’s prettiest, tree-lined streets, this much loved circa 1920’s home will charm and delight. With all the period features you would expect and want from a home of this era; high ceilings, ornate cornices, ceiling roses, feature fire places and leadlights - all in immaculate condition.Offering a generous and flexible floorplan incorporating both formal and informal living and dining spaces as well as myriad options for accommodating the family. The backyard is a kid and pet paradise, with oodles of space and mature reticulated gardens to roam, explore and play. There’s also a studio/workshop at the rear of the garage for the hobby enthusiast or artist and ample off street parking for family and friends. OWNER RELOCATING OVER EAST, THIS PROPERTY WILL DEFINITELY BE SOLD! DO NOT MISS IT! 4 2 2 AUCTION TERMS: 1PM SHARP 31 OCTOBER 2015 ONSITE (UNLESS SOLD PRIOR) 30 DAY SETTLEMENT (or a date agreed to by all parties) 5% DEPOSIT (bank cheque payable on auction day) HOME OPEN: SATURDAY 17 OCTOBER 1.00 - 1.45 AND SUNDAY 18 OCTOBER 1.00 - 1.45 PAUL OWEN 0411 601 420 CARLOS LEHN 0416 206 736 ACTON MOUNT LAWLEY 2/678 BEAUFORT STREET, MOUNT LAWLEY PH: 9272 2488 WWW.ACTON.COM.AU/MOUNTLAWLEY Page 12 - The Perth Voice, Saturday October 17, 2015 54 HOWES CRESCENT, DIANELLA AUCTION LUXURY ENTERTAINER AUCTION ON SITE SAT 31ST OCTOBER 2015 More than just expansive, more than just luxurious, this breathtaking five-bedroom home has more living and luxury for every stage of family life. Offering approx. 325sqm of expansive single-level space in approx. 809sqm grounds, this outstanding home provides the perfect family lifestyle. Enjoy easy access to local parklands, popular schools, public transport and Dianella Plaza. Located in the ever so popular Golden Triangle, this striking residence is with out a doubt one of the finest in the area! 5 2 UNDER OFFER BY PAUL OWEN IN SEPTEMBER 2/61 CALEDONIAN AVENUE, MAYLANDS 18 TRANBY ROAD, MAYLANDS 1/18 HUBERT ROAD, MAYLANDS 210/1 HERITAGE COVE, MAYLANDS 168 WHATLEY CRESCENT, MAYLANDS 12 TRANBY ROAD, MAYLANDS 5/5 JAMAICA LANE, CLARKSON 8/27 SEVENTH AVENUE, MAYLANDS LIVING, SELLING AND SPECIALISING IN MAYLANDS SINCE 1997 2 OPEN FOR INSPECTION: SAT 17TH OCT 2015 2PM-3PM SAT 24TH OCT 2015 2PM-3PM SAT 31ST OCT 2015 11.30AM-12PM PAUL OWEN 0411 601 420 MERVYN MISSELL 0404 889 325 127/12 WALL STREET, MAYLANDS EOI FR $359,000 21 GROSVENOR ROAD, BAYSWATER $799,000 - $859,000 THE AMAZING VIEW SAYS IT ALL… 1009SQM OF PRIME POTENTIAL WITH EXISTING 3 X 1! You’ll be kicking yourself if you miss this rare opportunity to secure this large two bedroom ground floor apartment on the banks of the Swan River. OK, so we admit it needs a little love…but think of the potential it offers you! Imagine stunning river walks along the cycle path, cooking dinner overlooking the river whilst being within 6kms to the city and close to transport and local amenities. The floorboards are already in place and may we add they are simply gorgeous and the bones of a solid built apartment are there, so get your paint brush out and call us today to view. This level 1009sqm block presents a fantastic opportunity to purchase a property with a range of options to consider. If you’re a visionary renovator, a clever developer or a buyer looking for a large block for your dream home, this property will not disappoint. Residing in a desirable pocket of Bayswater on the Maylands border, this property is within close proximity to public transport options, local shops, cafes, restaurants and a short distance to the Eighth Avenue Café Strip and the Beaufort Street Entertainment Strip. Enjoy the many benefits that this locale has to offer. 2 1 1 3 1 HOME OPEN: SATURDAY 17 OCTOBER 11.45 - 12.15 HOME OPEN: SATURDAY 17 OCTOBER 10.15 - 10.45 CARLOS LEHN 0416 206 736 CARLOS LEHN 0416 206 736 ACTON MOUNT LAWLEY 2/678 BEAUFORT STREET, MOUNT LAWLEY PH: 9272 2488 WWW.ACTON.COM.AU/MOUNTLAWLEY The Perth Voice, Saturday October 17, 2015 - Page 13 voice trades&services BUILDERS AIRCONDITIONING ELECTRICAL CONCRETE Concrete All Areas Builders Reg. 14110 Custom Built Homes, Renovations & Extensions, Shop & Office Fitouts, Drafting & Design Top Quality Service • First Class Finish • Competitive Prices 9473 1610 or 0400 012 766 EC11436 • Exposed • Liquid Limestone • Coloured • Stamped • Stencil All Electrical & Communications Work Domestic • Commercial • Renovations Luke Ferreri 0412 467 822 David 0424 175 568 www.facebook/potenzaelectricalandcomms DRAFTING TFT ELECTRICAL All Electrical Work EC008870 Domestic • Commercial • Renovations BARRETT CONSTRUCTIONS We specialise in: Extensive Airconditioning Services Lic No LO68642 • • • • Supply & install Great prices on all brands Service & maintenance FREE QUOTES Call TODD 0410 667 274 To advertise phone today on 9430 7727 ANTENNAS TV ANTENNAS - STEVE T V A ntenna I nsta l l a tion & S erv ic e A dditional TV & ph one points installed by ex perienced & professional tech nicians TV h anging, property & strata management enq uiries welcome F amily business establish ed for over 3 3 years Huge 5 year parts & labour warranty C a ll 9 2 4 0 8 9 8 0 7am - 7pm any day email: info@ antennamasters. com. au or visit: www. antennamasters. com. au BRICKLAYNG BRICKLAYER Renovations, Garden Walls Limestone Work & Repairs All Work Guaranteed 0417 991 009 Brick Layer • alterations • garden walls • paving • general maintenance • blockwork • re-pointing • steps & piers • no job too small Tim 0433 279 746 Call Jason anytime on 0498 991 649 or email: COMPLETE BUILDING DESIGN SERVICE CONCEPT TO COMPLETION Drafting • Surveying • Engineering • Certification • Approvals Personalised Service for Residential & Commercial Projects 10% OFF FOR VOICE READERS CALL DAVID 0449 747 292 ph 9473 1610 mob 0410 463 040 CARPENTRY General home maintenance inside & out. • retic • gardening • carpentry • new phone points • roof repairs Any small job about the house and garden. Tony: 0419 929 668 LIMESTONE LIMESTONE & BRICK WALLS Design & Construct No job too big or small ALL PAVING Call David 0424 175 568 PAINTING Cooper & Sons Paul Jones Carpentry Service Reg No 6028 Call Bryan 1800 280 076 0401 499 610 0418 903 355 ELECTRICAL AUSPOWER All aspects of Carpentry, Renovations & Maintenance Doors • Floors • Skirtings Flat Pack Kitchens • Pergolas & Gazebos 30 Years Experience All Work Performed Is Guaranteed LH HARVEY PAINTING FREE QUOTE ELECTRICAL SERVICES Specialising in all electrical work Quality workmanship Ceilings & Drywall 36 Years Experience • Local & Other areas • Damaged Walls & Ceilings • Renovations • Ornamental Cornices & Roses • Shop Renovations • Suspended Ceilings • Clean, Reliable, Quality Work Call Peter for a Free Quote 0407 340 743 5 rooms for the price of 4 *Conditions apply MENTION THIS AD FOR 10% DISCOUNT Ph Peter: 0418 912 451 EC10197 CONCRETE FLOORING Polished & Seamless Concrete Floor Finishes. Internal & External. 10% OFF FOR VOICE READERS Call Daniel: 0433 301 714 All Hours Electrical Tim 0406 11 22 61 Contractors Pty Ltd 7 DAY SERVICE ABN 17 160 578 745 EC 10428 ARC L092738 FLOOR SANDING Woodoo FLOOR SANDING 0410 161 569 • 0416 845 549 Dynamic Computer Solutions N Bees Home & Garden Maintenance All Services - Onsite All Electrical Work - Ring Fred Any Time Ph: 6102 2744 Mob: 0417 912 650 Free Advice Initial Consult Central Computer Services YOUR LOCAL ON-SITE SERVICE PROFESSIONALS virus & spyware removal initial computer & internet setup general troubleshooting wireless network setup 0413 159 992 SINCE 1988 IN PERTH 0418 956 459 RAD ELECTRICAL SERVICES 7 Days a Week 10% Pensioner Discounts 0414 959 702 • Weeding • Pruning • Mowing • Lopping • Mulching • Garden Waste Removed • Full Garden Clean Ups Fully Insured • Pensioner Discounts Neil 0407 616 734 Tel & Fax 9444 0989 EC003542 • Interior and exterior painting • Residential and commerical • Rental property and presale painting - new & old floors - all types of finishes - staining, sanding & polishing FREE QUOTE Skilled Electrical Support - Upgrades - Internet Setup Networking - Wireless - Virus Removal HARVEY: 0419 969 470 20 YEARS EXP! GARDENING ABN: 97 365 514 • New House • Repaints • Residential • Commercial • Industrial • Protective Coating • Roof Spraying Honest & Reliable - call us... Call David 0424 175 568 Local Electrican • Small Job Specialist Seniors Discount • Save on Callout Fees ELECTRICAL EMERGENCY SPECIALIST COMPUTERS IMMEDIATE START SUMMER SPECIAL FLOORING FREE QUOTES & ADVICE A/H: 9302 6644 *Ask for Details Lic. EC5706 CEILINGS Painting • Residential & Commercial • 35 Year Family Business • All Internal & External Fixings • Pergolas, Decking, Outdoor Installations • Renovation & Construction • All Domestic & Commercial Maintenance Email: Menora Home Maintenance EC 008540 PLASTERING PLASTERER • g a rd en c l ea nup s • reg ul a r m a intena nc e • w eed ing , p runing & l a w nm ow ing • m ul c hing • g reen w a ste rem ov a l • retic ul a tion insta l l a tion & rep a irs & m ore S A T I S FA C T I O N G U A R A N T E E D A k un a 0 4 9 8 5 7 3 4 2 9 All aspects of internal and external plastering and rendering including: • float and set • sand finish rendering • texture coat finish Guaranteed top quality & clean work at reasonable prices. Call for free quote & advice: 0419 519 213 GET 2 ADS FRK E6 E! TRADES WHEN YOU BOO & SERVICES Phone 9430 7727 WORK! THE PERTH VOICE * at offer. Call Lindsay now to find out more about this gre *Conditions Apply. Phone 9430 7727 Fax 9430 7726 Page 14 - The Perth Voice, Saturday October 17, 2015 Reg 7576 NO CHEAP RUBBISH!! 6140 2315 - 0415 966 469 Retaining Walls • Brick Walls Limestone Walls Paving • Concreting HANDYMAN voice PLUMBING NO CALLOUT FEE trades&services PLUMBING PLUMBING & HOT WATER HONEST, PROMPT, ALWAYS RELIABLE Adam 0412 921 541 Lic Gas 014790 Lic PL 8497 All Plumbing & Gas Installation & Maintenance 9375 5266 • 0410 565 266 PHONE SID - ALL AREAS J. SUTTON PLUMBING & GAS SERVICES • Blocked Drains • Sewer Conversions • Renovations • New Housing • New Junctions/Subdivisions • Tap/Toilet - Repairs/Installation • Hot Water Systems • Gas - Installation • Roof Leak Repairs Everyday Plumbers Pty Ltd FOR YOUR EVERYDAY PLUMBING NEEDS Blocked Drains, Burst Pipes, Leak Detection, Taps, Hot Water Systems, Gas All Areas 24 Hour Service 0418 920 520 Plumber Lic # 5638 9242 2722 RETICULATION ALLWEST BORES & RETICULATION ✓ All bore repairs & installations ✓ All reticulation repairs & installations ✓ 12 month workmanship guarantee Since 2003 Call us now for a free quote! Tao 0406 763 676 ROOFING ACTION ROOF MAINTENANCE Roof Leaks & All Roof Repairs Re-Roofing Gutters & Downpipes Pergola Repairs All Areas Call Gabriel 1300 886 576 A/H 0433 371 926 FUTURE AC ROOFING Ph: 0419 993 192 • gutters & downpipes • new roofs • re-roofing • wall cladding • roof leaks • gutter cleaning • roof maintenance & repairs GFO10381 PL7030 24 HOUR SERVICE What’s the most valuable tool in a tradie’s toolbox? Christian 0424 528 950 24 / 7 • EMERGENCY SERVICE NO CALL OUT FEE ALL TILED YOUR LOCAL PLUMBERS AND GAS FITTERS • • • • • Maintenance Plumbing Blocked Drains Burst Pipes Gas Leaks Hot Water Systems • • • • • Leaky Taps Toilet/Cisterns Leak Detection All Renovation Work Gas Installations RENOVATIONS ROOF REPAIRS ✓ Re-pointing ✓ Roof Leaks ✓ Gutter Cleaning ✓ Pressure Washing CALL MATT on 0405 385 141 TREE SERVICES RELIABLE & PROMPT ALL AREAS 0400 044 906 9371 8490 PL 7495 GL 10690 • Voicigeht trains The $4 ɕɜǸɤɑǸȽɜ PȣǸȨHȐ cott St. 340 Wal on · Dine in Functi ˲ Delivery ˲ Take Away DQWVFRPVDX DPWKDLUHVWDXU Perth n PJ protest for ZZZVVL 9375 5266 AREAS PHONE SID the new happy: it reckons trying to get to write to flood of people to trouble imploring people lead rt minister Dean home could aggravated come with the WA transpo banking night trains a capital for drivers as over scarce Nalder—a former the late-night territory of being unlikely train Hynes says underutilised punters feud executive and oppose the ian Hotels city. ed carriages are cabs. The Austral commuter—to mical. With They’ve debunk is likewise and unecono 80 people patronage Association the lack of decision. n claims of poor showing an average of es fuming about petition by Batema photos A calculat has he posting ill by per train, s. consultation. shelling out man Luke Pickersg hasn’t packed carriage supporters or taxpayers are and ending Social media from garnered 7479 He says the Perth city councill s the $17 per person, $1.5 million describe shaken the PTA in three days. Reece Harley us, counterbut it’s yet to ntages people them will save runs also utesplan disadva who’ll have no its stance, cut as a “ludicroillogical er the five-min a year. The late ance and car a encount and ve without pyjama productive than expensi hold up mainten past-midnight for 12.05am hours for staff other choice decision”. the whiff require more The Perth public, public protest planned on March 6. taxis. Not even s makes service and an issue Trains are a in customer at Forrest Chase this upset overfootball, has should be of more busines y Forum g service and security. like schools not involvin wash the Taxi Industr y to the subsidised justHe’s But that doesn’t ing reacted furiousl and 2am train-go 1am and hospitals. with Perth’s dumping of reckon latefrom April. public who weekend trainshound David PTA media by DAVID BELL Split overy soul part totally laneway that for the same night,” he wrote in destroyed our of complaint. we a blistering letter was so loud... our of “The music rs walking out had custome that was just a restaurant, and with only ‘catwalk’ fashion parade pays music.” Siena’s Mr Parissis says he and his and taxes and ratesthe city, yet the in were ed family live Councillors for, four agin, more interest Four council seems g the middle: “promoter from John Carey throwin in helping a the with mayor will in favour of nowhere”. being blocked his casting vote long The laneway shindig. February 21 “Rough Love” say must walk the mean people get to the carpark or Organisers house music way round to private shops like it’ll feature soulfullanguage”. intrude through “free from coarse up to 500 people it’s Greens & Co. They expect no more than 200 McDonald says s Laine Cr but and deserve on the night a one-off event this as a very good us at any time. was suspicio space.” support: “I see Cr Ros Harleyhouse music laneway the as l” activation of rg regards it of the “soulfu “I don’t support a Cr Josh Topelbethe organisers ” claim and said nment company ent “deeply curious private entertai new laneway— risk assessm claim in their to a crowd getting our brand spending moneying they’ll be catering impaired” that we’re still and disrupt of “elderly, mobility on—free of charge voted for it people but he He says lively events pedestrian flow”. of the popular nevertheless. Andrew Parissisnext door is ing house music, nt like this “provid se” are “why we big a Siena’s restaura is y otherwi or Saturda n”. soulful not suburba livid. He says and the noise will be are urban andCole and the mayor trading night his customers. Cr Emma unbearable forof years ago the “A couple d a fashion parade agreed. council approve - ALL ARE YOU A INE? SALES MACH sales wiz: Are you a top to be? Or would like is looking The Perth Voice mpetent, for a highly-co sell our self-starter to g. wonderful advertisin bright, We need a smart, arted, warm-he competitive, hard-working fast-walking, wonderful soul to love our do. much as we advertisers as will look Someone who mostly rs, advertise our after , as they would small business , business a family member friend: best partner or very advertisers Someone our see to thrilled would be walk in the door. with an We want someonethey can belief unshakeable in good times sell up a storm ic in an econom and more-so who won’t be gale: Someone setbacks that put off by selling mortals. crush mere who We need someoneevery we do values what wonderful week for our reading are readers who this right now. this ‘siren’ To respond to Hug call, email Natalie pitch with your irresistible tor@ on advertising.direc com fremantleherald. without delay. ED WALKERS WANT by DAVID BELL y SIAL lanewa A CONTROVER held in the newly party will be in Leederville, revamped lane s from despite concern and half the residents, traders . Vincent council down split have We currently in vacancies YOKINE. DIANELLA ANDDETAILS. SEE P14 FOR ie Contact Stephan 7727. today on 9430 Win! R TO $250 VOUCHE A FABULOUS ST COLLECTIVE THE ANGOVE ET BRINGS ITS PERTH UPMARK BEST ARTISTS. OUT 150 OF WA’S FOR DETAILS. SEE COMPS PAGE apher Matthew • Voice photogr and about in Dwyer was out Northbridge Aberdeen Street, across this little when he came we just thought it, fella. That’s pic. Any Voice it was a cute what it is? reader know EN Ad & win a Find the Fake at a feast for two chance for See comps page for details TH E YEA R DE SIG N OF of ts have oneof designers & team Western Cabine experienced . We provide our creative and in Australia options, manufacturers a wide range of design al; customers with contemporary & tradition built-in creating stunning s, laundries and other Kitchens, bathroom cabinetry. the , once again shows Winners and quality Our 2014 Award to great design commitment by Western Cabinets. turing manufac m or call to speak our showroo Be inspired! Visit Designers with one of our Casotti Plumbers Commercial & Domestic you since 1982 Designed for Prompt Reliable Plumbers www.weste Blockages-Hot Water Systems-Gas Installations Leaking Taps & Toilets-General Maintenance Leak Detection & Repair-New Installations Renovations 0418 911 592 NO CALL OUT FEE PENSIONER DISCOUNTS PL 1946 GL 2705 & Gas All Plumbing nce & Maintena Installation gripes, FACEBOOK protests planned pyjama s and mass petition the WA have greeted decision to government’s ht trains. cancel late-nig rarely CH NN ER: KIT 201 4 HIA WI the most BOOK ONLINE NOW and go into the draw to WIN A FREE DINNER FOR TWO erthvoic om • news@p • www.perthvoice.c 9430 7727 2015 • Phone February 14, No 868 Saturday Phone DO YOU LIVE IN OR AROUND ANY OF THESE AREAS? DIANELLA 11 Free Written Quotes u 10-1pm 9-5pm & Sat Mon to Fri St, Osborne Park 1/9 Sundercombe 9445 2677 Phone (08) The Perth Voice of course. Be seen in thousands of newspapers every week. Contact the Voice today on 9430 7727 or email conditions apply PL 5476 GL 6594 If so and you would like to join the Perth Voice distribution team call Stephanie 9430 7727 WWW.PERTHVOICE.COM G E T M O R E V A LUE! TRADES & SERVICES WORK! THE PERTH VOICE The Perth Voice is online every week and so is you This means your potential customers have more r ad. ways to see your advert and contact you. Phone 9430 7727 Fax 9430 7726 The Perth Voice, Saturday October 17, 2015 - Page 15 Experience Thai Fine Dining under the passionate eye of Master Chef Mhee Where Downtown Bangkok meets Mt Hawthorn 180 Scarborough Beach Road [ opposite Mt Hawthorn PO ] 9444 6005 6pm - 10pm [ closed Mondays ] Gourmet Takeaway available Awarded Best Thai Restaurant in Australia 2014 Page 16 - The Perth Voice, Saturday October 17, 2015
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