Zaawansowana technologia informatyczna jest w dobie obecnej
Zaawansowana technologia informatyczna jest w dobie obecnej
METAL 2003 20.-22.5.2003, Hradec nad Moravicí __________________________________________________________________________________________ QUALITY MANAGEMENT IN THE INTEGRATED COMPUTER SYSTEM OF A STEELWORK Cezary Kolmasiak Wiesław Waszkielewicz Technical University of Częstochowa, Department of Production Management and Logistics, Armii Krajowej 19, 42-200 Częstochowa, Poland, Abstract Advanced information technology is used presently on almost all levels of management of an enterprise. Most often, it functions in the form of modern information systems, whose main component is a principal enterprise management system being aided by a specialized information system which is oriented to handling information & decisionmaking processes controlling the business activity. In the strategic aspect, information technology has developed a new customer service model in which some information values are also included in the added value of product. The use of state-of-the-art computer technologies during the manufacture of product is, as a rule, associated with a high level of quality, which determines the market price that customers are ready to pay for that product. Generally, using computerized services assures a high level of those services, their reliability and timeliness, and the customer’s satisfaction. The article presents the evaluation of a management-aiding computer system and a quality assurance system in one of the largest metallurgical enterprises in Poland. 1. THE QUALITY ASSURANCE SYSTEM IN THE STEELWORK The quality assurance system is en effective method of achieving increased productivity and economic effectiveness, as well as the confidence of customers who expect a supplier, such as the Steelworks, to assure a stable quality level. Thus, the essence of a quality system is continuous improvement, as the process of changes never ends. Quality management system improvement e na g Ma ment respons ibil i ty M s ea s, analysis and i m en t pr o em ve ur m Re t sou rces managemen Customers nt Co m p ct le tion of pr odu Satisfaction e Requirements Customers PRODUCT Fig. 1. Model of the quality management system in the Steelwork. 1 METAL 2003 20.-22.5.2003, Hradec nad Moravicí __________________________________________________________________________________________ The quality assurance system serves the implementation of a quality strategy which a method of gaining the customer through the continuous improvement of organization so that the product assure achieving the agreed quality level, acceptable prices and competitive delivery times. It constitutes also a tool enabling the identification of the causes of nonconformities and occurring irregularities, and effecting their elimination. The quality management system established, documented and implemented in the Steelworks is being continuously improved. The quality system documentation should include: • documented declarations of quality policy and quality-related objectives, • a Quality Manual, • documented procedures, and • documents required by the organization to assure effective planning, running and controlling its processes. The quality assurance system in the Steelworks functions based on documentations which include a Quality Manual, procedures, instructions and records. The documentation and control of the quality assurance system is described by relevant procedures. The purpose of the procedure is to establish rules for the creation, updating and storage of quality system documentation in the Steelworks. The subject of the procedure are the principles and mode of proceeding during • developing quality assurance system documentations, • introducing modifications thereto, and indexing, copying, distributing and withdrawing them from circulation, • storing and making available. By the scope of its application, the procedure covers all departments and sections, as well as individuals involved in developing QAS documentation, its distribution, storage, withdrawing and making it available. The Quality Manual contains the specification of the key objectives of the Quality Assurance System in the Steelworks, along with the description of the Management System applicable within the entire enterprise. It describes the responsibility, competencies and interrelations of the managerial staff in the enterprise. Its is a quality management tool for the top management. The Quality Manual documents correspondence of the Quality Assurance System applicable in the Steelworks with the requirements of the PN-ISO 9001/2000 standard. The Management should assure that quality objectives be established for relevant functions and levels within the organization, along with objectives necessary for meeting requirements regarding the product. MAIN OBJEC TIVES IN THE PURSUIT OF QUALITY IMPROVEMENT Improving product qu ality repeatability Improv ing the quantity and quality of product information Improving th e method of complaint settlement and cooperation in delivery fault removal Improving the timeliness of order deliveries Widening the grade and dimensional range of offered products Fig. 2. Main objectives set by the Top Management for the pursuit of quality improvement 2 METAL 2003 20.-22.5.2003, Hradec nad Moravicí __________________________________________________________________________________________ When speaking of a process, it should be recognized that this is a set of interrelated or interacting actions that transform an input into an output. The input to the main process of the Steelworks are the customer’s expectations. The output of the process is the product. The assessment of the implementation of quality objectives is presented during Quality Assurance System reviews [1]. The periodical reviews of the Quality Assurance System are conducted in the Steelworks biannually: in January and in July at the working meetings of the Steelworks’ Board of Management. The review encompasses the principal Quality Assurance System elements, while focusing on the discussion of nonconformities found, low effectiveness and defining corrective actions, and particularly it provides the assessment of: • effectiveness of previously determined corrective actions, • effectiveness of corrective actions undertaken based on internal and external audits, • currentness and effectiveness of used procedures and instructions, and • delegation of responsibilities and competencies and allocation of resources for the accomplishment of defined quality objectives. The assessment carried out as a result of the review is a basis for specifying recommendations, based on which corrective actions will be defined [1]. The process quality plan covers all inspection and testing activities and associated records, starting from the receipt of stock material deliveries through to the shipment of the product to the customer. The technological process in the Steelworks is run in a continuous manner, therefore the process quality plan comprises repeatable activities and records. Any modifications to the quality plan normally occur as a result of modernization & investment activities in production and changes in the inspection and testing equipment. Due to the fact that all the Steelworks’ products are manufactured in continuous processes, they are covered by the same process quality plan [3]. Quality plans cover process, inspection and production process preparation-related activities. Each of the activities is described by a relevant documentation which is made up by procedures and instructions. 2. THE ELEMENTS OF QUALITY CONTROL AND MANAGEMENT IN THE STEELWORKS’ INTEGRATED COMPUTER SYSTEM In quality management, a number of activities occur, which can easily be subjected to algorithmization. The source of quality data are all elements of the production process, and all acquired quality-related data and records are collected, indexed, updated, stored and made available to authorized persons. Production system elements are described by numerous features that may frequently change, and thus require to be updated. For quality control purposes, a computer program has been installed, in which quality statistics and the supervision of measuring instruments and gauges is maintained. In addition, work on a software application handling the database of all laboratory testing results is conducted. By its scope, the quality assurance system encompasses all stages of the making of product. Starting from production planning that is designed to assure the timely performance of obligations resulting from contracts concluded with customers and covers all products offered by the Steelworks, including technical securing of the production process, through the design of a new product line, purchases, control of customer-supplied product, post-production activities, to the traceability and control of measuring & testing equipment. Ongoing quality diagnostics enables the appraisal of raw-material suppliers by using information from reports on the quality of supplied scrap batches. Thus, the quality 3 METAL 2003 20.-22.5.2003, Hradec nad Moravicí __________________________________________________________________________________________ management aspect commences at the time of scrap receipt from the supplier on the Steelworks’ premises. Data from the report that the Steelworks receives from the supplier are entered to the system. After testing and weighting of scrap, a correction of some data follows, which is done directly in the system. The subject of documented procedures in the element Purchases are deliveries of all basic and auxiliary materials for the steel smelting process, such as: - steel scrap, pig iron, ferroalloys, - steelmaking additives, and - refractory mixes and process graphite electrodes. Particular production stages require quality inspection & testing, starting from the purchase of input materials from suppliers, through in-process inspection & testing, to the inspection & testing of the finished product and sale to the customer. On each stage of quality inspection and control, a lot of useful information related to the characteristics of materials, products and services, which require to be archived. The quality assurance system is continuously improved. Inspection and tests are monitored in the “Quality Control” module. Their aim is to assure that the Steelworks’ product meet the specified quality requirements. Planned and implemented inspection activities include factors represented in the scheme below. Inspection & testing activities Incoming goods acceptance - delivery condition, - dimension, - grain size, - chemical composition, etc. Quality inspection & testing i n the production process -dimension, -shape, -temperature in particular process phases, -chemical composition. Final inspection & testing -dimension, -shape, -chemical composition, -surface condition, -mechan ical & technological properties, -structure. Fig. 3. General scheme of planned and implemented inspection & testing activities in the quality assurance system. The results of tests have the form of records and are archived following the adopted procedure “Quality Records”. The purpose of this procedure is to assure that the necessary quality records are produced and stored in order to document the required quality of products and services and the effectiveness of functioning of the QAS (Quality Assurance System). The procedure covers all records required by the standard and is applicable in all the Steelworks’ organizational units covered by the Quality Assurance System [3]. All activities within inspection and testing have the form of procedures and instructions. An exception are in-process inspection activities performed by the personnel. There are also inspection & testing activities that are carried out by independent Quality Control personnel and by the LC department, i.e. the Laboratory Department. The inspection & testing process can be presented in an integrated form, as in Table 2. 4 METAL 2003 20.-22.5.2003, Hradec nad Moravicí __________________________________________________________________________________________ Table 1. Quality inspection and testing process Sub-process Sub-process elements Incoming goods inspection & testing In-process inspection & testing Supplier qualification Inspection and testing Examination of chemical composition and steelmaking process temperatures. Checking of shape and dimension in the steelmaking and rolling processes. Testing of properties in the thermo mechanical rolling process. Verifying analysis of physical and technological properties. Metallography. Checking of shape, dimension and surface. Product certification testing. Testing of sample lots after processing at the customer’s site. Inter-laboratory tests. Supervision of measuring & testing equipment. Finished product inspection & testing Testing of a new product line Laboratory proficiency testing 3. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS The performed analysis of the Steelworks’ management aiding system has shown that the entire production line is not treated as continuous in the computer system. Its is divided into the three following stages: Steel Plant Stock Receipt Rolling Mill Each of the stages is treated as a separated module, that is the system has information of the index of input material to the Steel Plant; when passing through the Stock Receipt, the billet is only known by this index, and after having been processed in one of the Rolling Mills, it goes with this index to the Finished Product Store. Unfortunately, the whole material at the entry to the process end, where there is a finished product, is represented in the information system by means of this index only. Thus, individuals from the outside of particular production departments, where separate systems not integrated with the Steelworks’ information system function, are unable to determine, on an ongoing basis and by using available data, of what is presently happening to the material that has entered the production. Therefore, it is necessary to expand the whole system by implementing the additional module “Production” which would be fully integrated with the functioning system. It is necessary for detailed identification of material passing through the production cycle, which is necessary for the manufacturer of products requiring constant inspection and high quality. Another aspect for which it is advisable to introduce the “Production” module is the problem of ongoing reporting of production data in the system. Because all the documents, on the basis of which the whole system of material information passage functions is registered in the system based on reports, then a need arises of maintaining them on an ongoing basis. 5 METAL 2003 20.-22.5.2003, Hradec nad Moravicí __________________________________________________________________________________________ Presently, report databases are maintained based on the whole “black box” production cycle, that is in an input–output system. There is a possibility of improving the accuracy of checking store or production inventories with an interval of 4 to 5 hours. The whole system runs in real time, but reporting is done in a twofold manner. Reports are made in the system’s applications or with a delay of 24 hours. Once a day, data are read from the applications, whereby the data are updated with a delay of 24 hours. If the “Production” module were introduced, there would be a possibility of ongoing reporting of the whole production cycle. This module would enable, e.g., the ongoing verification of what the degree of order performance is. Easier access to production data and the recognition of the production cycle as being continuous would facilitate performing quality control and making quick corrections in the technological process in terms of finished product quality. Thus, it would make the operation of the quality assurance system easier. REFERENCES 1. Ireneusz Durlik, „Inżynieria zarządzania“, cz.1. Agencja wydawnicza „Placet“, Gdańsk 1996, 2. Ireneusz Durlik, „Inżynieria zarządzania“, cz.2. Agencja wydawnicza „Placet“, Gdańsk 1993, 3. Adam Hamrol, Władysław Mantura, „Zarządzanie Jakością”, PWN, WarszawaPoznań 1998. 6