oFFICe oF InStruCtIon - Irvine Valley College


oFFICe oF InStruCtIon - Irvine Valley College
Office of the President
Office of Instruction
Office of Student Services
Office of College Administrative Services
Academic Senate
Classified Senate
Irvine Valley College
5500 Irvine Center Drive, Irvine, CA 92618
949-451-5100 •
Congratulations on continuing to provide our students with the finest
education possible. We celebrate the accomplishments and dedication of
our faculty and staff. We recognize so many who deliver outstanding efforts
and achievements on behalf of our students. Congratulations to all! Thank
you for all your hard work!
I commend you for all of your hard work in 2013-2014.
Here’s to another successful year!
Respectfully yours,
Glenn R. Roquemore, PhD
2013-2014 Accomplishments | Irvine Valley College
Irvine Valley College is a premier educational institution that provides students avenues for success through exceptional
services and dynamic partnerships.
Irvine Valley College is committed to student success. The College is devoted to student learning and success through
exemplary and integrated teaching and support services, effective stewardship, and continued accessibility in a diverse
IVC 2014-2020 StrategIC goalS
Goal 1: IVC will foster an environment characterized by creativity, innovation, respectful interactions and collaboration.
Goal 2: IVC will promote students’ success by enhancing the teaching and learning environment.
Goal 3: IVC will advance economic and workforce development through regional partnerships with educational institutions
and industry and by strengthening career technical education.
Goal 4: IVC will strengthen long-term financial health and institutional effectiveness through integrated planning and resource allocation.
IVC 2014-2020 StrategIC oBJeCtIVeS
1.1 Recognize and support innovative ideas that improve collaboration and respectful interactions district-wide.
1.2 Improve district climate in the areas of optimism, commitment, and respectful collaboration.
1.3 Improve the representative process through active engagement and communication.
1.4 Increase professional development opportunities that potentiate employees’ talents and interests.
1.5 Improve training for all employees to increase district wide understanding of organizational structure, resources, processes and procedures.
2.1 Increase student completion rates (degrees, certificates, and transfer) while preserving access, enhancing quality, and
closing achievement gaps.
2.2 Increase employee professional development opportunities that focus on student success outcomes.
2.3 Increase opportunities for student engagement inside and outside the classroom, evidenced by co-curricular participation, student services, and instructional support.
3.1 Formalize collaborative partnerships with the business community and regional educational institutions to support
workforce development.
3.2 Improve alignment between workforce development offerings and regional job opportunities.
3.3. Provide relevant, innovative, and appropriate workforce training.
3.4. Improve student career preparation and readiness through experiential learning opportunities that allow students to
explore career options, acquire work experience in their chosen field, and develop professional contacts.
4.1 Systematically assess the effectiveness of planning and resource allocation district-wide.
4.2 Improve processes and procedures for efficiency, effectiveness, and responsiveness district-wide.
4.3 Develop and initiate multi-year financial planning.
Irvine Valley College | 2013-2014 Accomplishments
President Roquemore
• President Roquemore facilitated the building and opening of the
long-awaited new Life Sciences Building. The official grand opening
celebration was held on March 19, 2014.
• President Roquemore, working with the UCI Dean of Mechanical
Engineering, devised a plan to apply for the 2015 Solar Decathlon.
The proposal was accepted by the Department of Energy. In June
2014, it was announced that IVC will host the construction site of
the Team Orange Solar Decathlon house.
• President Roquemore, working with the SOCCCD District Facilities
Department, devised a plan to fund and construct the first 30,000
square-foot building for the IVC College of the Future at ATEP.
• The annual Presidents’ Cup trophy final games were held at IVC on February 7, 2014.
• Two separate MOUs between the University of Redlands and IVC were signed on April 1, 2014, to assist in educational
development opportunities for IVC employees and IVC students.
• Working with the Irvine City Council, President Roquemore developed a measure that was taken to the voters in Irvine.
Measure BB, now passed, provides scholarships and funding for the Early College Program.
• On March 4, President Roquemore presented two sessions at the newly formatted Senior Day held in the PAC. This event
welcomed thousands of incoming students to campus and was structured to be more informative and educational.
• On May 16, President Roquemore conferred $1,000 Presidential Scholarships on two very deserving local high school
students, Nicholas and Nadia Sine. They are twins from Woodbridge High School in Irvine, and will attend IVC in Fall 2014.
• On July 20, President Roquemore’s designated stand-in, Vice President for Instruction Craig Justice, hosted a Welcome
BBQ for Association of California Community College Administrators (ACCCA) participants in a week-long Admin 101 boot
camp for California community college administrators and managers.
• On March 7, 2014, President Roquemore hosted the fifth annual High School Principals’ Breakfast here at IVC.
• President Roquemore developed a partnership with Wells Fargo Bank that led to a $50,000 grant to the IVC Veterans
Services Center/Program. The check was presented to President Roquemore at the dedication of the Veterans Services
Center held on August 30, 2013.
• President Roquemore attended/participated in numerous committees and activities coordinated by the Irvine Chamber.
He continues to be an active participant of the Board of Directors. He also developed the Economic and Workforce
Development Committee, which he co-chairs with Cynthia Lenahan from Edwards Life Sciences.
• President Roquemore continues to serve on the prestigious national advisory board, the Presidents Academy Executive
Committee (PAEC). He serves with 13 nationally elected community college CEOs who advise the American Association of
Community Colleges (AACC) on CEO leadership development opportunities and makes presentations at the AACC and the
Association of Community College Trustees annual conferences.
2013-2014 Accomplishments | Irvine Valley College
• President Roquemore has participated in numerous activities and councils as coordinated by the Irvine Chamber of
Commerce. He continues to be actively involved as a member of the Board of Directors as well as a member of the
Economic Vitality Council, Co-Chair of the Economic & Workforce Development Committee as well a member of the Joint
Task Force Committee and a participating at the Economic Vitality Chair Summit meetings.
• The Presidents Academy Executive Committee (AACC) invited President Roquemore to present and lead a four-president
panel at the 2014 Presidents Academy Summer Institute, in Napa Valley, on July 21.
• President Roquemore continues his involvement in the Association of California Community College Administrators
(ACCCA), as the co-chair and developer of a new professional development program for new college presidents entitled
Colleagues in Conversation. President Roquemore is also active on the Commission on Finance and Legislative Advocacy.
• On November 14, 2013, President Roquemore served as Team Chair for the Accrediting Commission for Community and
Junior Colleges, Western Association of Schools and Colleges for a follow-up site visit to Modesto Junior College.
• On March 18, 2014, two separate IVC campus-wide forums were held in an effort to increase campus-wide communication
and campus updates, and provide an opportunity for open Q & A dialogue.
• On April 29, President Roquemore was appointed as a Team 6 Delegate for the Joint Higher Education Advocacy Day
(JHEAD), held in Sacramento, CA.
• On December 5, 2013, President Roquemore attended the California State University Long Beach Leadership Forum and
participated as co-presenter for a session titled, “Common Core,” in Long Beach, CA.
• On February 3, 2014, President Roquemore participated in a panel discussion hosted by the Intern Bridge January 2014
Online Conference titled, “President’s Panel” via webinar from Irvine, CA.
• On October 2013, President Roquemore participated on a panel discussion at the 2013 Association of Community College
Trustees (ACCT) Awards Gala for a session titled, “Crisis and Opportunity: Aligning the Community College Presidents with
Student Success,” in Seattle, WA.
• President Roquemore conferred dozens of resolutions, commendations and recognitions on deserving faculty, staff,
students and community volunteers at monthly board meetings during the year.
• President Roquemore sponsored many faculty/staff events: The classified staff breakfast during Fall 2013 flex week on
Aug. 16, 2013; the campus holiday party on Dec. 12, 2013; a table for five at the OCBC 2014 Annual Dinner on Feb. 20,
2014; co-sponsored the Tenure Celebration of new faculty on April 30, 2014; a table of ten at the Concordia University
Gala on May 10, 2014; and a table of ten at the Business Luncheon with Mayor Steven Choi on June 12, 2014.
• President Roquemore serves on the following committees and community association boards:
> Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges, Western Association of Schools and Colleges: Selected to
Chair two comprehensive visits in 2015
> American Association of Community Colleges (AACC): Presidents Academy Executive Committee
> Association of California Community College Administrators (ACCCA): Co-Chair and Developer of Colleagues in
Conversation; Commission for Finance and Legislative Advocacy
> Brandman University EdD: Advisory Board
> Exchange Club of Irvine: Member
> Irvine Chamber of Commerce: Board Member; Economic and Workforce Development Committee; Economic Vitality
> Irvine Sister Cities Foundation Association: Member
> Orange County Business Council: Member and Board Member Elect
> Sigma XI Research Society of America: Member
> Southern California Community College Chief Executive Officers Association (SCCCCEOA): Past President
> Tustin Chamber of Commerce: Member
> U.S. Army Advisory Council: Founding Member, nominated for 2014-2015 Chair
Irvine Valley College | 2013-2014 Accomplishments
Irvine Valley College Foundation
• For the first time in the history of the Irvine Valley College Foundation, net assets topped the $2 million mark in 20132014, with net assets as of April 30 at $2,081,094, and still two months of income to come by the Foundation’s fiscal year
end at June 30, 2014.
• The chart below shows the distribution of the revenue in expenses including scholarships, PRO IVC project funding and
other programs that the foundation funds back to Irvine Valley College, with a total of $865,261 -- an increase of 9%
-- contributed for college programs and scholarships. Fundraising expenses were below the nonprofit sector average at
13%, as were general overhead and operating costs at 13%. (NOTE: These figures are from the IVC independent auditor’s
report for 2012-2013. The Foundation’s fiscal year end is June 30, 2014, and audited statements for will be available in
the Fall of 2014.)
2013-2014 Accomplishments | Irvine Valley College
Irvine Valley College Foundation
• The IVC Foundation Board of Governors retreat incorporated, reaffirmed and refined our comprehensive strategic plan
with goals and measurable objectives for growth and renewal. The overall goals of the Foundation are to:
> Create a culture of philanthropy on campus and in our greater community
> Develop sound and efficient foundation infrastructure
> Develop a dynamic fundraising Board of Governors
> Increase revenue to support campus projects that enhance learning and student scholarships
• The Foundation’s strategic plan is designed to integrate and support the overall Irvine Valley College Strategic Plan, and
to this end, the 2013 retreat was a great success due to the college deans of each area presenting their accomplishments
and goals, as well as requests for longer term funding, to the foundation Board.
• Scholarships. For the upcoming 2014-2015 academic year, the IVC Foundation is awarding scholarships to a total of
approximately 477 IVC continuing and transfer students, with awards totaling approximately $358,200. This represents
an 18% increase of total scholarship award dollars over the prior year.
• PRO IVC. The IVC 2012-2013 PRO IVC (Promote IVC) campaign saw new levels of online giving, with the campaign ending
on May 23, 2014. “The IVC Foundation Board of Governors extends a heart-felt thanks for the participation of IVC
employees, friends and community partners,” states William Crosby, IVC Foundation Board Chair. “The Foundation
will match the total PRO IVC funds after the campaign ends May 23, 2014, at 33% up to a total of $100,000, spread
among all 85 PRO IVC account funds. IVC’s ‘Promote IVC’ (PRO IVC) is one of the most successful campus fundraising
programs across the 112 California Community College Foundations,” adds Richard Morley, IVC Foundation Executive
Director. “IVC is among an elite few campuses where the faculty, staff and administration are so involved in supporting
Foundation efforts to this degree.” A huge congratulation goes out to all our faculty, staff and administration and
community members who support the PRO IVC program.
• Astounding Inventions. The 27th annual Astounding Inventions produced revenue of nearly $27,000, enabling the
Foundation to increase the quality of the overall event and the scholarship awards to IVC students. This year, 397
“astounding inventions” created by K-8 Tustin Unified and Irvine Public School District students were on display at
the Hart Gymnasium on Saturday, January 25, 2014. Over $9,200 in prize money was awarded to the top young K-8
inventors. A special thanks goes out to all of the IVC faculty and departments who supported the “Science Fair” area. The
field of judges this year included several new faces, executives, entrepreneurs, scientists and engineers from top local
corporations such as Raytheon, Edwards Lifesciences, Boeing, US Bank, OC Nissan and our major sponsor, Greenberg
Traurig law firm. Greenberg Traurig once again chose two outstanding student inventors to move forward with pro-bono
legal services for US patent applications. No other community facing event draws the attention, the spotlight on IVC STEM
programs (science, technology, engineering, math) and the attendance to the IVC campus. Over 2,200 people attended
the 2014 event.
• The Foundation closed the year with a committed new slate of officers and board members, with several people expressing
interest in joining the foundation Board of Governors. The IVC Foundation is a 501(c)3 charitable organization, IRS tax ID
Irvine Valley College | 2013-2014 Accomplishments
Public Information/Marketing Office
marketIng, weB, puBlICatIonS, new medIa, puBlIC relatIonS and VIdeo produCtIon
• The Marketing Department assisted in the logistics and execution of the successful Veterans Services Center dedication,
which underwent last minute venue changes due to the sweltering August heat.
• The Marketing Department coordinated the dedication of the Life Sciences Building in March 2014. The event went as
planned on a pleasant spring day and concluded with the cutting of a beautiful cake donated by S&B Foods to celebrate
the new building. Guests included artists from Piece by Piece, members of the Economic and Workforce Development
committee of the Irvine Chamber, and local politicians.
• The Marketing Department supported the 9/11 Commemoration event held in the PAC Wednesday, September 11, 2013.
• Marketing supported Student Services for their revamped Veterans Day event held in the Student Services Center Lobby
November 7, 2013.
• Every member of the Marketing Department assisted with the Scholarship Ceremony. Members of the department served
on the workgroup, volunteered to review scholarship applications, and created the program, while making sure that all
scholarship information was accurate, and volunteered at the event.
• The Marketing Department won two 2nd place PRO awards at the CCPRO annual conference. One award was for catalog
design and the other was for the design of the arts calendar. Diane Oaks attended the conference April 9-11 in Santa Cruz,
• Brittany Ramchandani spoke on IVC’s Sherpa usage at the Student Success Summit held at IVC April 25. During the 2013-2014
year, the Marketing Department has worked with numerous other departments, such as Admissions and Records, Student
Life, and the Vice President for Student Services, to use Sherpa to email important messages to students, while continuing
to comply with the student success mandates. Marketing has worked closely with District IT, IVC’s Technology Services
and Admissions and Records to support the launch of Sherpa messaging for both A & R and Counseling Services.
• Marketing served as support for many college-wide activities including the revamped Senior Day and the Principals’
Breakfast, among others.
• Marketing supported the launch of the “revamped” Senior Day with engaging flyers, posters, and other materials to help
encourage student attendance and make the program successful.
• Marketing helped to support the new Student Ambassador program with communicating messages to students to
encourage students to apply.
• Marketing supported Student Services in the launch of the Kognito “At-Risk” online training program implementation,
within information on helping students in need, geared toward both faculty/staff and students.
• Marketing launched the customizable E-brochure which allows prospective students to gather information about the
various programs and services they find interesting.
• Worked with the Office of the Vice President for Instruction and the Dean of Online and Extended Education to move
forward the new electronic catalog process.
• Marketing Webmaster Nathan Quach created multiple websites to keep up with the Student Success mandates, as well
as to serve the needs of developing programs. These include: website content templates, new child site navigation,
innovation initiatives site, Solar Decathlon, Deputy Sector Navigator and Clean Energy Workforce Program Grant (Prop
39). In addition, the website, along with content development for AB 86 was created. Many websites were also redesigned,
including those for child development, Commencement, and Admissions and Records.
2013-2014 Accomplishments | Irvine Valley College
• Provided photographic and public relations/marketing support for a record number of music concerts, theatre productions,
athletic events, major campus events, (senior day, commencement, scholarship, dedications/openings) and Foundation
events; coordinated, directed and shot photos for use on the web; and provided photographic images/support for all
campus publications, in print and online.
• Melinda Wilhelm was hired full-time in October 2013 as a Graphic Designer and Production Tech.
• Candice Yacono is a member of the Student Equity Plan work group, which is researching to determine which IVC student
groups are disproportionately impacted and form a plan to properly address these achievement gaps. She will be
constructing the overall narrative of the plan, which will be due to the state in the fall.
• Publications assisted in the logistics for the Tenure Faculty reception, including preparing the invitation, program, and
other assistance as necessary.
• Publications offered support of the IVC2IVC and DALS lecture programs by creating flyers and/or posters for each specific
• Publications produced 27 commendations/resolutions, which includes the 20 MUN students who received commendations
in Fall 2013.
• Publications is currently working on the rebranding of the Community Education and Emeritus collateral.
• This year the media production crew videotaped IVC’s annual Commencement, 9/11, and new Life Sciences Opening
Ceremonies. They also completed several DALS lectures, and concert and promotional productions for the departments
of Dance, Fine Arts, Theatre, and Language Departments. They updated videos for the Online Student Orientation website
and worked with faculty to add approximately 30+ hours of streaming instructional content for use by faculty, students,
and the tutors in the Student Success Center.
• Kori Garner, New Media and Marketing Specialist, produced 10 issues of the award-winning President’s Open Door
(between July 1, 2013 and June 30, 2014.) The open rate for the newsletter is 27-30%, substantially higher than our
industry (education/nonprofits) average of 22-23%.
• Kori Garner and Nathan Quach co-presented a Flex Week Workshop on “Social Media: the Good, the Bad and the Ugly.”
Eighteen faculty and staff attended.
• Over the year, Kori Garner participated in 12 social media webinars hosted by Constant Contact and OC/PRSA.
• The award-winning Facebook page continues to maintain its popularity with our students, faculty, staff and community.
Over the last year we have seen a 45% average increase in Likes; a 15% average increase in Reach Per Post; and a 40%
average increase in Total Reach (the total number of people who saw any activity from our page). Our Twitter page is
growing on a weekly basis, with followers from around the world and a 47% average increase in followers over the last
year. The college LinkedIn page is currently under construction, but has still gained over 600 followers in six months. Our
award-winning Pinterest page continues to grow with over a 120% increase in followers of our boards in the past year.
Over 1,000 images have been pinned from our 30+ boards. has recently asked permission to feature one or
more of our boards in an upcoming client email due to the traffic and popularity of our site.
• Diane Oaks attended the following community events and activities: Tustin Public Schools breakfast; Tustin Mayor’s dinner;
Tustin Public Schools 25th Anniversary dinner; Irvine Public Schools Foundation dinner. Diane Oaks attended the annual
Thanksgiving Prayer Breakfast as a guest of AT&T. She also attended the Legends and Leaders luncheon for the OC Register
owners and the Women of Influence Forum at UCI. The Irvine Chamber of Commerce sponsored both events.
• Kori Garner attended the OC/PRSA workshop on “Storytelling for Non-Profits” in April 2014.
• Diane Oaks attended the Orange County Sheriff’s Active Shooter Training as well as the off-site training for PIO’s with Sgt.
Todd Schmaltz on the Aurora Theater Shooting at the City of Irvine, and National Incident PIO specific training at the OC
emergency training center.
Irvine Valley College | 2013-2014 Accomplishments
Technology Services
• Replaced the following labs with new workstations: ATEP D 106, BSTIC 112, BSTIC 214.
• Removed all computer equipment, cabling, and audio/video equipment from A 400 to prepare the building for
• Rolled out the Xerox Print Service Maintenance program for the entire campus.
• Replaced Cisco switches.
• B 400 technology installs.
• Update Flex Tracker.
• Rewrote Resource Form.
Campus Police Department
• The police department completed a ‘Strategic Plan’ to identify the organization’s goals and objectives to be implemented
over the next four years.
• The police department acquired a Chevrolet Tahoe and modified it into a ‘mobile command post’ for responding to and
providing a platform for managing large scale emergencies and disasters.
• The police department released its 2013 Annual Report.
• Assigned a police officer as a part-time Detective to manage the criminal case workload.
• Participated in the ‘2013 Great California ShakeOut’ to exercise the college’s response to a major earthquake. This
included campus-wide staff involvement including activation of the campus Emergency Operations Center and building
• Chief Will Glen was elected 1st Vice President and was appointed Chairperson of the California College and University
Police Chiefs Association.
2013-2014 Accomplishments | Irvine Valley College
Fiscal Services
• The Office of Fiscal Services, in collaboration with College Technology Services, successfully led another budget
development cycle by facilitating 262 resource requests for a total of $5 million as shown below:
> $2.9 million for current programs and $2.1 million for new programs or strategic initiatives
> Requests were requested in the following major areas by resource type: $1.4 million for classified bargaining positions,
$1.1 million for facilities related requests, and $560,000 for technology requests
• Worked through Basic Aid Allocation Recommendation Committee to develop recommendations that would allocate
$47.3 million in basic aid funds in 2014-15. Contingent on the approval by the Board of Trustees, these recommendations
would allocate funding for the following major areas:
> $10.6 million for College capital outlay projects including $9 million for a new ATEP building
> $16.3 million for district-wide technology initiatives
> $509,058 for ATEP site operations
• The Bursar’s Office processed over $3.5 million in monetary transactions including over 11,000 payments and refunds
for students. The office sold over 3,400 ASB stickers and invoiced various foreign embassies for nearly $1.5 million in
international student payments. The Office accepted and processed deposits for the following areas:
> Community Education ($531,000)
> Foundation ($1,058,000)
> Campus Police ($500,000)
> ASIVC ($327,000)
> A&R/International Students Center ($331,000)
> Child Development Center ($204,000)
> ATEP ($119,000)
> Financial Aid/Veteran’s Office ($81,000)
> Performing Arts Center ($56,000)
> Facilities Management ($101,000)
Irvine Valley College | 2013-2014 Accomplishments
Facilities and Maintenance
• General purpose athletic fields: Removal of the two softball fields – the initial phase of a long-term project to rehabilitate
the general purpose fields at the campus.
• Parking lot and roadway upgrades: Repair and re-slurrying of parking lot 9, SSC’s access road, and staff parking strip
behind B 200.
• General campus-grounds upgrade: Repurposing the PE 200 exterior archway to eliminate a safety hazard, provide
additional outdoor seating and improve the appearance of the main entrance to the gymnasium.
• Solar Decathlon space: Demolition of the former bookstore in preparation for the future planned usage of the area (Solar
Decathlon Competition, more parking spaces).
• Moving toward a campus-wide keyless entry system: Keyless system install in A 100 to improve the accessibility to staff
and increase the level of safety to the building.
• New learning center: Completion / dedication (Spring 2014) of B 400 Life Sciences Building.
• Future learning center: Ground breaking for the new A 400 building.
• Energy savings and safety upgrade: Completion of exterior lighting retrofit of the entire campus to LED energy savings
fixtures; walkways, roadways and parking lots.
• Energy savings and AC upgrade: Complete renovation of the HVAC (AC System) on the Student Services Center (SSC)
2013-2014 Accomplishments | Irvine Valley College
oFFICe oF InStruCtIon
Vice president’s office
• The Office of Instruction successfully launched IVC’s “Scheduling Tool” software that is designed to support development
of multi-term schedules. The department faculty and school deans plan a proposed schedule for a future term using
Excel. Their charge is to reduce the number of sections that have been over-scheduled (which creates a problem of
inefficiency and too many empty seats), thus freeing up dollars to offer additional sections of courses that have the
highest student fill-rates. In addition, the dean estimates the productivity of the schedule (measured by the WSCH/
FTEF ratio) and the FTES generated. Once the planned schedule is finalized in Excel, the data are up-loaded into the
Instructional Management System (IMS). Senior Administrative Assistants then go into the IMS to staff the scheduled
per instructions of the dean. The Scheduling Tool is designed to reduce repetitive data entry and increase effectiveness
of the scheduling process.
Irvine Valley College | 2013-2014 Accomplishments
oFFICe oF InStruCtIon
School of Business Sciences
• IVC continues to be a key player in the Volunteer Income Tax
Assistance (VITA) program in Orange County. This program
provides free income-tax preparation and assistance to
low-income residents. IVC served 313 recipients; 71 were seniors
and 89 received the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC). Total
refunds from the IVC location were $367,000 federal ($140,465
from the EITC) and $40,000 in California refunds. IVC was a
training site for 400 volunteers working here and at other local
sites. Two high-achieving IVC accounting students assisted in
running VITA sites.
• Business Sciences honored 109 students in Fall 2013 and 184
in Spring 2014, for achievements including AA, AS and AS
transfer degrees, Certificates of Achievement and Certificates of
• Commendation for “Most Innovative Workforce Application”
awarded for the California Career Café, recognizing Dr. David
Gatewood, Rachel Manders, Kate Alder, and Cyndi Staggs with
district services.
• At the 2013 Geographic Solutions Workforce Technology
Conference this past June entitled, “Charting the Course to
Re-Employment,” South Orange County Community College
District and Irvine Valley College were recognized for the “Most
Innovative Workforce Application” award. The award is in acknowledgement of the technical interface between the
California Career Café website, now part of a multi-year $3,000,000 grant managed through IVC and monitored by the
district, and CalJobs, the largest employment opportunity database specific to the state of California.
• The California Career Café project serves the entire state—all 112 CCs—and is directed by Susan Coleman and Rita Jones
with the support of our local team. The local team responsible for obtaining, managing, and monitoring this grant include
Dr. David Gatewood, Kate Alder, and Rachel Manders of IVC, and Cyndi Staggs of the District Accounting Office.
FaCultY aCHIeVementS
• Computer Information Management faculty presented at various conferences and workshops, including IVC Professional
Development Week (Fall 2013), MPICT (Mid-Pacific Information and Communications Technologies) Winter Conference
in San Francisco, and IVC Professional Development Week (Spring 2014). Professor Roopa Mathur spoke on “ICT Transfer
Model Curriculum Challenges and Solutions” at MPICT; adjuncts Florence Lee, Adrienne Grace, Kelly McBean, and
professors Mathur, Carolina Kussoy and Dixie Massaro, presented at The Mobile Website Development workshop in
August 2013 at IVC.
• An IVC team that includes professors Dan Scott and Roopa Mathur was selected to attend the 3CNS “Cultivating a Growth
Mindset” training sessions in Fall 2015. Other team members include faculty members Michael Cassens, Edwin Tiongson,
Jerry Rudmann, and Kay Ryals.
2013-2014 Accomplishments | Irvine Valley College
• Accounting Professor Donald Bradshaw will be serving another year as the president
of the Orange County Chapter of the Institute of Management Accountants (IMA)
and continues to serve on the Cal State Univ. Fullerton Accounting Department
Advisory Board.
• Dr. Dan Scott, professor of Entrepreneurship and Business Management, completed
the Ice House Entrepreneurship Program’s 16-hour facilitator training to deliver
Entrepreneurial Mindset training using materials developed by the Kauffman
Foundation and Entrepreneurship Learning Institute.
• Eight IVC Enactus students and faculty advisor, Dan Scott, participated in an
Enactus Leadership Conference at the Disneyland Hotel in Anaheim. Enactus is
an international non-profit organization that allows student leaders to create and
implement community empowerment projects.
• The Paralegal Program coordinator, June McLaughlin, attended the Accreditation
Institute as well as the California Internship and Work Experience Association
(CIWEA) conference.
• Many tax students will become California registered tax preparers based on their completion of the two tax courses at IVC;
16 students received Certificates of Achievement in accounting and 58 received Certificates of Proficiency in accounting
• Curriculum was revised and updated to include a new course, Accounting for Business Combinations.
• Students continue to flock to the Accounting tutoring service.
• Student Arnold Vega will be serving on the governing board of the Orange County chapter of the Institute of Management
Accountants. Twenty to thirty students have attended IMA meetings this year to network and learn from the presentations
given at the dinner meetings.
BuSIneSS management
• The department launched 11 new entrepreneurship courses, as well as the new Associate of Science-Transfer degree for
Business Administration.
• Four entrepreneurs from our local business community shared their stories and answered questions during a panel event
attended by about 50 students.
• The department collaborated with the IVC Foundation, Career Center, Veteran Services, and Student Services to conduct
“Operation Entrepreneurship” training seminar. The event’s sponsors included Wells Fargo Bank and Chick-fil-A.
• Retail Management students participated in a Job Shadowing event in April at Marriott hotels in Irvine and Newport
• Prof. Dan Scott is a member of the advisory boards for three key organizations: Doing What Matters, Retail, Hospitality, &
Tourism and Western Association of Food Chains, Retail Management Program.
Irvine Valley College | 2013-2014 Accomplishments
oFFICe oF InStruCtIon
School of Business Sciences
Computer InFormatIon management
• Ten new CIM courses were added, and 10 were revised this year.
• CIM Faculty participated in marketing and networking opportunities, including:
> DMA/ICT OC Regional Advisory Monthly Meetings, led by Gustavo Chamorro, director of the Digital Media Center in
Santa Ana,
> Vital Link’s STEM and the Arts Career Showcase, and at Tustin’s College and Career Night at Foothill High School
• Some students earned their certifications in CompTIA A+, Microsoft Office, and CCNA; others won internships, transferred
to universities, and were hired at private companies.
• The department received RTF (Responsive Training Fund) grant funds from the State Chancellor’s Office/Economic &
Workforce Development Program in partnership with the North Orange County Community College District, using the
funds to:
> Conduct Mobile Development Workshop for Educators during Summer 2013
> Develop and update six CIM Course Outlines of Record (COR) to include Mobile Website Development
> Develop course materials to teach Mobile Website Development
> Prepare mobile website presentations at the 2014 Digital Media Educator Conference in June 2014
> Help hundreds of CIM students update their skills and expertise in Mobile Website Development, which helped them to
receive promotions, higher wages, and internship opportunities.
• Department also received mini-grants from the DMA/ICT OC Group for developing a Professional Development Program
for college, university, high school, and ROP educators in ICT/DM.
• Many students participated in internships with local law firms, including the Law Office of Bienert, Miller & Katzman,
where Partner Thomas Bienert served as the Orange County Bar Association president this year. Additionally, three
Paralegal students attended Judges Night, where Mr. Bienert was announced as President.
• Several students found jobs with local lawyers.
• The Paralegal program had four new courses approved this year: Family Law, Administrative Law, Social Media and the
Law, as well as Intellectual Property. Most of these courses will be offered next year.
• IVC hosted the Los Angeles and Orange County Paralegal Program Directors meeting, an ad-hoc group, keeping in touch to
discover ways to collaborate and build partnerships. Mt. SAC, El Camino College, Coastline and Cerritos program directors
discussed collaboration and partnering on internships, class assignments and jobs.
• Students attended the kick-off event of a new adjudicated newspaper of the Legal Aid Society of Orange County (LASOC).
The Notice Newspaper provides another avenue for access to justice. The Notice is hoping to create specialized legal
clinics in which IVC paralegal students can gain valuable hands-on experience.
2013-2014 Accomplishments | Irvine Valley College
oFFICe oF InStruCtIon
School of Fine Arts
VISual artS department
• The Art Department student body continues to grow, adding new majors in studio art, graphic design, digital photography,
animation, interactive media (gaming and toy design), art history and applied museums studies.
• New courses approved for scheduling in the 2014-2015 academic year include figure drawing for animation, toy design,
and printmaking.
• The department completed two new CSU-transfer AT-T degrees: Associate Degree in Studio Arts for Transfer and Associate
Degree in Art History for Transfer. Both degrees will be listed in the 2014-2015 Catalog.
• Current plans are underway to relocate the IVC Campus Art Gallery to the Performing Arts Center, and open in Fall 2014
with both faculty and student shows.
• During the 2013-2014 academic year, the Art Department completed three major comprehensive program reviews
in studio art, digital and interactive media arts, and art history. Department faculty continues to develop appropriate
student learning outcomes as they relate to the visual arts programs, and record assessments in the TracDat system.
FaCultY aCHIeVementS
• Professor Julie Kirk-Purcell was busy throughout 2013-2014, completing national commissions for United Airlines, the
United States Navy, Jacuzzi, Disney Entertainment and Imagineering; and international commissions for Digicel (San
Salvador, El Salvador) and Gaysorn Plaza (Bengkok, Thailand). She also participated in numerous arts festivals across
the globe not only in several US states, but also in Italy and Mexico. Professor Kirk-Purcell organized a bicoastal event
for Disney Entertainment that saw sixty street painters completing paintings at California and Florida resorts during
the same weekend. This event was part of their year-long “Limited Time Magic” promotion. Outside of her artistic
responsibilities, Julie has become actively involved in Search and Rescue with her dog Specks. Over the last year, she
was sworn in as a member of the San Bernardino Sheriff’s K9 SAR Team, joined the FEMA SAR Team Task Force 6, and
continues her membership in CARDA (a CA OES Agency of SAR Dog Handlers). Julie is also an affiliated team member of
Riverside Police Department.
• During the 2013-2014 academic year, Associate Professor Terry Chatkupt finished a short narrative film, which will be
submitted to film festivals worldwide. He also directed a music video for the Seattle-based band, New Weather. This music
video had its world premiere on Life+Times, Jay Z’s news and culture website. Professor Chatkupt will be on sabbatical Fall
2014 to work on an experimental documentary film project.
• Assistant Professor Patricia Beckman-Wells has been chosen to assist in the overall planning, and as a Unified Jury member
for the international conference SIGGRAPH 2015. She will begin an IRB educational technology study in Fall 2015 with the
Georgia public school system-based UDL software that she created. Professor Beckmann-Wells continues to work with
Disney Imagineering, and expanding product into virtual robotics studies.
• Assistant Professor Joe Gerges participated in “Portraits of the Fallen Memorial Project.” The purpose of the project was
to commemorate the sacrifice of American military service members from California who were killed while serving our
country during the Afghanistan and Iraq wars. Professor Gerges also participated on the artist panel held at the University
of Southern California Fisher gallery alongside other notable artists including, Ruth Weisberg and Betty Shelton. He
continues on a new body of work planned for exhibition in 2015.
Irvine Valley College | 2013-2014 Accomplishments
• Studio Art Instructors:
> Laurie Gillette-Hassold had a solo exhibition “Nostalgia for the Future” at the Art Cube Gallery in Laguna Beach; and was
a featured artist in “Hearsay: Artists Reveal Urban Legends” at the Begovich Gallery at CSU Fullerton.
> Carolin Peters showed in several exhibitions, including “Compass,” Orange County Center for Contemporary Arts, Santa
Ana; “The Man Show”, Kwan Fong Gallery, Thousand Oaks; and “Made in California,” City of Brea Art Gallery. Her solo
exhibition “Women Painting Women” recently opened at California Lutheran University.
> Don McKinney had a solo exhibition “3 Transitions – Work Over Time” at the Saddleback College McKinney Gallery,
and also exhibited new paintings at LA ArtCore, Union Center for the Arts. He was also named one of the “50 California
Artists You Should Know” by the California Contemporary Art Journal.
• Art History and Applied Museum Studies Instructors:
> New art history hire Jeremy Glatstein received his PhD from the University of Southern California, and teaches Art
Appreciation and Art Theory.
> Three new instructors from the museum field were hired to teach specialized courses in the Applied Museum Studies
Program. Fall 2013, Danielle Susalla Deery taught Museum Publicity and Marketing and Museum Technologies. In
Spring 2014, museum professionals Tim Campbell taught Art Handling and Preparator Studies, and Kent Schell taught
Museum Fundraising and Development.
Student aCHIeVementS
• Drawing:
> Student Alex Ngan received a scholarship to attend Laguna College of Art and Design.
> Student Jordan Djanghiri was accepted to Art Center College of Design.
> Multiple drawing students have transferred to CSU Fullerton and CSU Long Beach visual arts programs.
• Interactive Media Design (IMA)
> Student Jay Peterson was chosen as a volunteer for SIGGRAPH 2014 (Special Interest Group on Graphics and Interactive
Techniques) in Vancouver, Canada. He will work for SIGGRAPH and attend the conference for free. Jay is the first IVC
student to be chosen to work at this prestigious internationally recognized conference.
• Digital Photography and Graphic Design
> Several students in the DMA program are transferring to four-year universities and colleges to pursue their art education,
including UCLA, CalArts, and the Savannah College of Art and Design.
• Art History
> Students continue to transfer to art history programs at prestigious institutions such as UCI, UCLA, Berkley, Stanford,
and University of Chicago.
• Applied Museum Studies (AMS)
> Six Certificates of Proficiency in Curatorial Studies were awarded. Two of the six students continued the program and
earned certificates in Museum Education and Visitor Services.
> Students enrolled in Museum Education and Visitor Services were trained to give tours in the Art Gallery at the Orange
County Great Park during the Solar Decathlon.
> AMS students have been involved in curatorial activities and internships such as the Getty Summer Multicultural
Internship Program.
2013-2014 Accomplishments | Irvine Valley College
oFFICe oF InStruCtIon
School of Fine Arts
• Full-time faculty member, Kathryn Milostan-Egus became a certified GYROKINESIS® Pre-trainer to train future teachers
in the methodology and helped to create a non-profit corporation called InsightHELPS. She developed a presentation
called “There is Hope” for the National Parkinson’s Association and has held workshops and classes that have been able
to help Parkinson’s patients.
• Middle Eastern faculty member Angelika Nemeth co-produced and directed the First International World Dance Festival,
Splendors of the World, in Kostrena, Croatia, featuring 12 world dance forms. For the summer of 2014 she organized and
will be leading a dance and culture study tour to Greece and Turkey.
• Choreography and Modern Dance faculty member Sarah Swenson, of Vox Dance Theater set her piece “Ancestors.” IVC
students competed against four-year and graduate level dance programs at the American College Dance Festival in March
2013. The piece won a spot in the culminating event, the Gala concert.
FaCultY aCHIeVementS
• Full-time faculty member Marie de la Palme won first place at the 2013 Encore Dance Festival with her duet “Sacred
Ritual,” developed with two former IVC students.
• Tap dance faculty, Mindy Copeland and husband Gabe Copeland - choreographers and performers in their dance company
Tap Overload, spent last summer tap dancing in Europe. They taught classes in Spain and Germany and performed with
the Paris Tap Crew at various venues around Paris, France. She also successfully completed her 200-hour Yoga Certificate
in Teacher Training and Advanced Studies.
• Jazz faculty Raul Cruz, “Cruz” has re-established his dance company Mood Swings and is preparing for a Fall 2014 Concert
with professionals and IVC past and current students.
• Adjunct faculty Monik Jones is Artistic Director of Vessels of Praise Liturgical Dance Company and founder and director of
Monik’s Creative Movement Educational and Teacher Training Program.
• Ms. Milostan-Egus presented at a forum for state-wide community college dance faculty, and authored a TOP codes
resolution approved by the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges. The resolution encourages the state
chancellor to adopt new statewide dance TOP codes that provide new pathways for Dance Science, Dance and Technology,
among others.
• Dance Accompanist David Warrick Jones of David Warrick Productions, compiled a library of instrumental music and
songs for film and TV, produced a blues EP for singer Mike Mills, and recorded the audio book version of “Meet the
McGhees” by author, John Trainor. He also produced 6 singles and completed 10 songs for a CD to be released in fall 2014
for Nebraska Falls, a contemporary roots rock band he founded utilizing music industry veteran songwriters, singers and
session musicians.
Irvine Valley College | 2013-2014 Accomplishments
alumnI and Current Student aCHIeVementS
• Kiera Hornby is now teaching ballet at local dance schools while finishing an advanced degree.
• Michelle Hicks, among other current and past students, is making a living as a dance teacher.
• Lisa Kapchinske is on a national tour with Luna company and has been featured in numerous music videos.
• Evan Strand danced on “Glee.”
• Ben Sayles is performing with Ballet Luminario, Torque Method and Diavolo
• Some of last spring’s graduates are now at University of Utah, Florida, and UCI.
Photo by Jack Hartin
2013-2014 Accomplishments | Irvine Valley College
oFFICe oF InStruCtIon
School of Fine Arts
muSIC department
• Transferred Music Majors to BIOLA, CSU Fullerton, CSU Long Beach, Roosevelt University, Chicago, Ill, and USC. Total
dollar amount of the scholarships received by IVC Transferring Music Majors is around $100,000 in value.
• Sent 38 students to participate in the 2013 State Conference in San Francisco, the Music Association of California
Community Colleges.
• Sent 8 students to the 2014 CBDNA Regional Western and Northwestern Conference Intercollegiate Band at the University
of Nevada, Reno: Hayden Burkett, bass trombone, Laura Doumad, tenor trombone, Austyn-Estey Ang, Oboe, Tim Jensen,
string bass, Jake Marsh, tenor trombone, Kirk Mendaros, horn, Yesenia Pulido, trumpet, Alexis Winchell, horn. Laura
Doumad and Austyn Estey-Ang were named as the Principal players in their respective sections, out-auditioning university
Student aCComplISHmentS
• Laura Doumad, trombone, appointed principal trombone for the Orange County Youth Symphony Orchestra (OCYSO)
2013-2014 Season.
• Tim Jensen, string bass and composition, worked with IVC Faculty Toulouse Engelhardt and Mary Palchak on Mr.
Engelhardt’s new album “L’ESPRIT JARDINS.” Tim was hired to transcribe a part for alto flute as well as compose some
small sections for the song Dialogue with an English Rill by Mr. Engelhardt. Also appointed principal string bass, OCYSO
and co-winner OCYSO Concerto Competition with his performance of the 2nd movement of the Concerto for Contrabass
by Serge Koussevitsky.
• Josué Nuñez, tenor, won a scholarship from the New Century Singers in Whittier Vocal Scholarship at First Friends Quaker
Church in Whittier.
• Wind Symphony students performed with the following Drum Corps for the 2014 Summer Season: Hayden Burkett, Blue
Devils; Erik Boeryd, Pacific Crest; Daniel Gardner and Jake Marsh, Gold; Terrance Whyte, Watchmen; Alexis Winchell,
Phantom Regiment.
• Patric Taylor, Special Classified Guest Conductor with the IVC Wind Symphony, October 2013
• Mark Petersen, Special Classified Guest Conductor with the IVC Wind Symphony, May 2014
Full tIme FaCultY aCComplISHmentS
• Dr. Susan Boettger, Piano:
> Arranged International chamber music tour to Finland, Estonia, and Russia as well as a local tour to the Idyllwild Academy
of Arts.
> Students have become finalists in the National Fischoff Chamber Music Competition.
Irvine Valley College | 2013-2014 Accomplishments
• IVC Keyboard Series included Anderson & Roe concert/masterclass:
> K-USC narrated Masterpiece Discovery concerts.
> World Premiere of Sextet by Jeremy Cavaterra, co-commissioned by Junior Chamber Music and the Salastina Society for
piano quintet and double bass.
> Seven piano master classes at IVC by renowned guest artist teachers.
• Dr. Daniel Luzko, Music Theory and Composition:
> Daniel Luzko’s original work “Clarinet Concerto” scheduled to be performed on May 15th, 2014 (change to past
tense?). The three movement composition was written as a partial fulfillment to Luzko’s 2012-13 sabbatical leave. The
work is dedicated to IVC clarinet instructor Dr. Lea Steffens, who premiered the work with members of the IVC Wind
Symphony, May 15, 2014
> First annual “IVC Music: Student Composers’ Competition” was founded by Daniel Luzko. The event was sponsored
by Association of Students of IVC (ASIVC). First Prize: Alexander Roode (IVC student), Second Prize: Tyler Cotner (Santa
Margarita Catholic High School), Third Prize: Sina Karachiani (IVC student).
> Seventh IVC Student Composers’ Concert. Original works by IVC students from Daniel Luzko’s classrooms were
presented at this event, including the winning composition of the IVC Music: Student Composers’ Competition by Mr.
Alexander Roode.
> Daniel Luzko performed on the Music Association of Community Colleges of California (MACCC) State Conference
Faculty Concert, Thursday, November 21st, 2013 in San Francisco. Luzko performed works by John Cage and Diego
> Midnight Blue concert, October 19th, 2013. The program featured works by Luzko’s composition student Tim Jensen
and an original composition composed and arranged by Luzko for the Midnight Blue’s brass ensemble.
> Luzko performed as IVC faculty with guest pianist Andrzej Dutkiewicz in a New Music recital at the IVC Performing Arts
Center. September 29th, 2013, music by Andrzej Dutkiewicz, John Cage, Diego Luzuriaga
• Stephen Rochford, Director, Instrumental Music Area, Conductor IVC Wind Symphony:
> Conducted the World Premiere Performance of Clarinet Concerto by Dr. Daniel Luzko, Dr. Lea Steffens Clarinet Soloists,
IVC Wind Symphony in May.
> Finished 9 years as founding Conductor of the IVC Symphony Orchestra and has happily turned over the responsibilities
over to Mr. Iman Khosrowpour
> Instrumental Music Area Endowment Principal surpassed $250,000+ dollars
> Finished 10 years as Conductor of the Senior High School Band at the Wildwood Institute of Music and the Arts Summer
> Guest Conductor, Orange Unified School District Middle School Honor Orchestra
> President, Southern Section Music Association of California Community Colleges (MACCC)
> Managed the 2013 MACCC State Conference Intercollegiate Band
> Presented a Session at 2013 MACCC State Conference titled: Fundraising by Creating an Environment of Trust, Support
& Legacy
2013-2014 Accomplishments | Irvine Valley College
> MACCC Representative for the California Music Educators Association (CMEA) StandUp4Music State Advocacy Group
> Attended the CMEA StandUp4Music State Advocacy Day in Sacramento California on May 22, 2014, met with Staff
Members of members of the California Legislature and with Ms. Cris McCullough, Dean of Academic Affairs with the
CCC Chancellor’s Office
> Member, CBDNA Task Force on Small Colleges and Community Colleges
> California State Representative for Two Year Colleges, Western Division, CBDNA
> Selected for UC Irvine Educator Recognition and to have name added to the UCI Web Wall of Fame. Upon the nomination
by IVC Music Alumnus Miguel Lamprea, guitar performance major, “as the instructor or counselor who had the most
significant impact on academic performance and successful transfer into the University of California, Irvine.”
• Dr. Matthew Tresler, Director, Choral & Vocal Area, Conductor, IVC Master Choral, Department Chair:
> Singer and assistant conductor, Santa Fe Desert Chorale; singer, Los Angeles Master Chorale; singer, Conspirare in Texas;
singer, Tenet in New York; singer, Bach Collegium in San Diego; soloist, Les Surprises Baroque; clinician, Irvine High
School Choirs, Northwood High School choirs, Highland High School Choirs in Arizona; adjudicator, Irvine Unified School
District High School Choral Festival; Soloist, Concordia University MasterWorks Concert Series; Choral Representative,
Southern Section, Music Association of California Community Colleges; singer on studio soundtrack of movie, Godzilla.
part tIme FaCultY aCComplISHmentS
• Christine Azzoni Dow, piano, organ:
> Principal Organist Mission Basilica San Juan Capistrano Basilica; featured performer at St. Andrews Presbyterian Church
in Newport Beach; Tustin Presbyterian Church; Pasadena Presbyterian Church; Nixon Library in Yorba Linda.
• Dr. Stan Breckenridge, History of Rock (on line):
> 2013-2014 U.S. Distinguished Chair Fulbright Award (2nd consecutive year) to teach at the University of Marie Curie
Sklodowskiej in Lublin, Poland and Jagiellonian University in Krakow; collaborated with Disneyland Resorts in creating
the exhibit titled “Gospel History Walk.” Premiered in February at California Adventure, Disneyland Resorts in Anaheim,
California, highlighting the traditions and rich history of gospel music; as a member of the Jazz Band Ball Orchestra, and
a soloist, performed at several venues in Poland.
• Tim Hall, Applied Music, Trumpet:
> Freelance Performer with Los Angeles Opera, Los Angeles Master Chorale at Walt Disney Concert Hall, Los Angeles
Chamber Orchestra; Orange County’s Pacific Symphony Orchestra (PSO); Pasadena Symphony, St. Andrew’s Presbyterian
Church in Newport Beach, St. John’s Lutheran Church, Chapman University Faculty Brass Quintet, Meet the Musicians
Program though the Philharmonic Society of Orange County, numerous touring Broadway shows at Segerstrom Center
for the Arts. His 8th grade student, Daniel Choi, won 1st place in the National Trumpet Competition Junior Division at
Messiah College in Mechanicsberg, Pennsylvania.
• Mike Hoffman, Applied Music, Trombone:
> Principal Trombone Pacific Symphony Orchestra (PSO), performances with the Los Angeles Chamber Orchestra and the
Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra; performances on the following movie and television show scores: Godzilla, Jack
Reacher, Big Hero 6, Need for Speed..
Irvine Valley College | 2013-2014 Accomplishments
• Fang Fang Inouye, Piano:
> 2013 Bellflower Symphony Association Concerto Competition—First Place Winner; 2014 Performance at the Sun Valley
Artist Series in Idaho; 2014 Cerritos College Faculty Gala performance; 2013 Appear as soloist at the “Adult Concert
Night” with Bellflower Symphony Orchestra; 2013 IVC Piano Feast performance; 2013 performance at the “Do you
hear what I hear” Lecture Series, at Cerritos College; 2013 soloist at the “Concerto Night” with USC Thornton Symphony
under the leadership of Maestro Carl St. Clair; 2013 performance at the “American Composer” Lecture Series at Cerritos
• Iman Khosrowpour, Conductor, Symphony Orchestra, Applied Music Violin & Viola, Music Appreciation:
> Featured violin soloist in Brno, Czech Republic; faculty Member, Montecito International Music Festival; violin coach,
Orange County Youth Symphony Orchestra; chair, Musical Arts Competition of Orange County - CSU Long Beach.
• John Marr, World Music:
> Arranged “Suffering” from Philip Glass’s Symphony No. 5 Requiem-Bardo-Nirmanakaya for SATB choir, organ, piano,
and percussion; arranged Noel by Todd Smith for West African Percussion Ensemble; active composer of electronica
music using Utauloids; presented a Panel on the Music of Yuki Kajiura at Otakon in Las Vegas.
• Dr. Tony Mazzaferro, Applied Music, Tuba & Euphonium:
> Principal tuba, Symphony Irvine; principal Tuba, Corona Symphony; principal conductor, Orange County Wind Symphony
and Symphonic Winds of the West; Director of Instrumental Music, Fullerton Community College; guest conductor,
Cazadero Music Camp High School Symphonic Band, Capitol CMEA Section High School Honor Band, California “AllState” High School Symphonic Band and Norwalk-LaMirada High School Honor Band. Adjudicator and clinician, South
Hills District “Pre-Festival;” Sonoma State University Invitational High School Band Festival; Heritage Music Festivals,
Anaheim; World Projects Music Festivals, Chicago; Fo rum Music Festivals. Fullerton; Anaheim Union District Junior High
Honor Band.
• Steve Pfeifer, Applied Music Instructor, String Bass:
> Earned his first royalty check; expanded his private studio; private students accepted to the New England Conservatory
and Northwestern University; performed with the Hawaii Symphony Orchestra; became a father in May with the arrival
of daughter Rebecca.
• Randy Pile, Guitar:
> Featured soloist with members of the Seattle Symphony; presented a lecture/demonstration on the Music of Joaquin
Turina for Guitar Foundation of America Conference in Fullerton.
• Carla Reisch, Music History & Part Time Faculty Representative, Academic Senate & Part Time Faculty Representative,
SOCCCD Faculty Association:
> Prepared graphics presentations for IVC Symphony Orchestra December 2013 performance of the Autumn and Winter
Concertos from The Four Seasons and, for the IVC Wind Symphony May 2014 performance of The Sword and The
Crown; music Appreciation and History Textbook Reviewer for McGraw-Hill and Kendall Hunt publishers; designed and
taught the first hybrid course ever offered in the Department of Music this past summer.
• Dan St. Marseille, Director, IVC Jazz Ensemble:
> Hired as new IVC Jazz Ensemble Director and to lead the full time faculty in the development of a new Commercial
Music program.
2013-2014 Accomplishments | Irvine Valley College
• John Schneiderman, Applied and Class Guitar:
> As a Teacher: Appointed to the Studio Faculty and the Early Music/Historical Performance Faculty of the School of Arts
& Humanities - Music at Claremont Graduate University; professor of Guitar at UC Irvine and IVC; performance of 18th
Century Music for Plucked Strings for lute, mandolin and archlute at the Bowers Museum; three performances with
the Los Angeles Chamber Orchestra; three performance of Acis & Galatea (Handel) with the Musica Angelica Baroque
Orchestra; featured artist on renaissance lute, baroque lute, Russian guitar, guitar and five-string banjo at the Santa
Cruz Baroque Festival.
> Recordings: An Evening With Wilhelmine is the premier period instrument recording of Adam Falckenhagen’s Opera
Nuova. Recorded Ensemble Galanterie. (CD to be released late 2014/early 2015 on the Profil: Edition Guenter Haenssler
label); What Artemesia Heard recorded with Grammy nominated ensemble El Mundo. (CD to be released 2015 on the
Sono Luminus label)
• Dr. Lea Steffens, Applied Clarinet:
> As A Performer: Principal bass clarinet, Fresno Symphony and Opera; recording studio artist; performed with San
Bernardino Symphony Orchestra, Trinity Presbyterian’s Chancel Choir; performed 32 educational school concerts
with Pacific Woodwind Quintet; performed with San Bernardino Symphony Orchestra; Chapman University, South
Coast Symphony, Orange Coast College Symphony, Long Beach City College, Palm Springs Opera Guild Opera, Desert
Symphony, Mount St. Mary’s College Orchestra, Concordia Masterworks Chorale Orchestra, Crystal Cathedral’s Hour of
Power Orchestra, Long Beach Municipal Band, Redlands Symphony, Faith Lutheran Church in Anaheim, Neighborhood
Church Orchestra and Choir in Rancho Palos Verdes, players at the Skirball Center, Shepherd’s Grove Orchestra,
Saddleback College Wind Ensemble, McCallum Theater Concert Band; Desert Symphony and the Texas Tenors; Opera
Favorites Concert in Garden Grove; and Bel Canto Choir.
> Teaching: Irvine Valley College – Adjunct Faculty, private clarinet lessons; Chapman University, Long Beach City
College. My private clarinet students participated in Pacific Symphony Youth Orchestra, Pacific Symphony Youth Wind
Ensemble, SCSBOA All-Southern Honor Band (3 members), All-State Honor Band (3 members), All-National Honor Band
(2 members), Southwestern Youth Musical Festival Musical Arts Competition.
• Suzanne Wong, Piano:
> Teaching: Coordinated efforts with 5 instructors at two colleges (IVC & El Camino) to lower the cost of the Music
Fundamentals textbook by designing a custom book with the help of the publisher; private high school piano student,
Emily Wang won the Concerto Competition sponsored by CAPMT/MTNA and will perform the Piano Concerto by Edvard
Grieg with the Orange County Symphony in September; private high school composition student Crystal Yang had her
winning composition Nekomata for String Quartet, performed at the Music Teachers Association California Convention
in Los Angeles. submitted dissertation prospectus, “Let’s Play It By-Ear: How Adults Learn Piano in a Group” for her
Doctorate in Music Education at Boston University.
• Anne Yoon-Young Shin, Staff Accompanist:
> Completed her Master of Music Degree at CSU Long Beach and gave birth to her daughter in May.
Irvine Valley College | 2013-2014 Accomplishments
oFFICe oF InStruCtIon
School of Fine Arts
• Won the Phi Rho Pi Community College National
Championships held in Denver, Colorado in April by taking
a double gold in Wheeler sweepstakes division. This is the
fourth year in a row the team took double gold, the only
team in the country with this accomplishment.
• A month earlier, won the National Parliamentary Debate
Association Year-long Sweepstakes Award as the top
community college at the National Championships held in
Flagstaff, Arizona. This was their tenth national NPDA title
since 2000. The team points placed Irvine Valley College as
fourth in the nation among all two and four year schools.
• In May, the team hosted four days of debate tournaments
with outreach of over 500 secondary school students.
• The team took second at the California Community College Forensics Association State Championship and scored the
most debate victories of any school in attendance.
• Eight students were named to the Pacific Southwest Collegiate Forensics Association All-Conference Academic Team. The
team of 91 took second at both league championship tournaments and scored the most debate victories of any school in
• The team won sweepstakes awards at tournaments conducted at San Diego State University, Grossmont College, CSU
Northridge, CSU Long Beach, Cerritos College, Moorpark College, and Point Loma Nazarene University.
FaCultY aCComplISHmentS
• Eddie Tiongson successfully completed the first year toward a doctoral degree in education and attended the National
Communication Association National Convention.
• Julianna French worked tabulation staff at league fall championships (among others).
• The department added another full-time faculty to its number, with Julianna French successfully completing her first year
in the tenure track.
• Adjunct Bill Neesen served as President of the Pacific Southwest Collegiate Forensics Association.
• Every year, the Division of Undergraduate Studies at the University of California-Irvine (UCI) asks their most successful
first-year students to name an instructor or counselor at their community college who had the most significant impact
on their academic performance and successful transfer to UCI. Professor Gary Rybold, PhD, was nominated by his former
student, Steven Cosgrove.
2013-2014 Accomplishments | Irvine Valley College
oFFICe oF InStruCtIon
School of Fine Arts
• The theatre department debuted the first courses in the new
Assistant Stage Management Certificate of Proficiency; six
students in the Stage Management program had leadership
roles in the department’s spring semester productions. Also
a first was the new course in audio for live entertainment.
This course is part of the new Live Entertainment Technician
Certificate of Proficiency. Students in the course designed
music backgrounds and sound effects for productions and
also took part in live mixing performances in the spring
• In January, the department hosted a scenic construction
workshop and demonstration for a group of students and
faculty from El Toro High School’s drama program. Nine
students and their instructor met with Performing Art Center
Scenic Designer Michael Collins and Assistant Professor M.
Scott Grabau at our campus scene shop. The students learned
techniques for building set pieces that feature organic shapes
instead of the usual walls, doors, and windows. Students
saw a demonstration of two part liquid foam sculptural
coating. Professor Grabau also led students on a tour of the
performing arts center and did a presentation on our Theater
Department’s newest classes and certificate programs. At the
end of the day El Toro’s students had two large beautiful scenic
pieces for their upcoming production of The Little Mermaid.
• In July, a group of 35 students and staff members participating in the Irvine Unified School District/Coastline ROP Technical
Theater Summer Camp spent a day at the Performing Arts Center. Students received some valuable hands on training
by some of the School of Fine Arts faculty and staff who conducted three 75 minute workshops throughout the day.
Participants began the day with a presentation about IVC’s technical theater degree and certificate programs and then
were led on a tour of the facility by Ron Ellison, Patric Taylor, Mike Collins and Scott Grabau. Afterwards, students were
divided into groups which were rotated through three different experiences in a high school period style schedule. The
experiences consisted of a costume workshop led by Nancy Bracken and Jehann Williamson, a lighting and counterweight
system workshop led by Scott Grabau, and a scenic workshop led by Mike Collins. IVC theater alumni Scott Johnson and
David Aldrich provided valuable support as well. Students, faculty, and staff members all enjoyed the opportunity to
exchange ideas and share information. We hope to welcome them back again next summer!
• In the summer, adjunct John Jones appeared as sir Toby Belch in Shakespeare Orange County’s production of Twelfth
• Don Formaneck, director and theatre instructor at IVC, “hit the boards” this summer with performances in such notable
classic roles as Theseus and Oberon at the City of Huntington Beach Summer Theatre.
Irvine Valley College | 2013-2014 Accomplishments
oFFICe oF InStruCtIon
School of Humanities and Languages
• Return presenter at the On Course National Conference
(April 2014): IVC’s team was asked to repeat our
presentation from last year’s conference, “Accelerating
Developmental Sequences to Increase Student Success,”
due to positive feedback. IVC’s team included Summer
Serpas, Melissa Knoll, and former adjunct professor Carrie
Goulding (current full-time instructor at Saddleback).
• Presentation at the 6th Annual Conference on Acceleration
in Developmental Education (June 2014): A team of 4
IVC instructors (Kurt Meyer, Summer Serpas, Melissa
Knoll, and Rebecca Kaminsky) will present “Casting a
Faculty-Wide Net: The Evolution and Expansion of IVC’s
Acceleration and Training Program.”
• Expansion of IVC’s accelerated pre-college writing program: The English department expanded its accelerated pre-college
writing course, EXP 389 (soon to be WR 399), from 2 to 5 sections per semester in 2013-2014. The instructors participated
in a yearlong training program to share and improve curriculum. Students who took the accelerated writing course
at IVC in 2012-2013 have passed college-level writing at a 21% higher rate than their peers who took the traditional
two-semester path.
• IVC’s accelerated curriculum shared as a model curriculum across the state: Summer Serpas presented IVC’s accelerated
curriculum as a model curriculum at San Diego Mesa College and to the current California Acceleration Project’s
community of practice.
Professor Alvarez:
• Professor Alvarez’s short story, “Cielito Lindo,” which originally appeared in Sudden Fiction Latino: Short-short Stories
from America and Latin America (Norton), was anthologized and now appears in the first edition of the textbook,
CREATIVE WRITING: An Introduction to Poetry and Fiction, edited by David Starkey (Bedford/St. Martin’s).
• Professor Alvarez was featured in an article, “The People You Meet: Pitching Agents and Editors at Writers Conferences,
in the March-April issue of Poets and Writers, a national trade magazine. Alvarez was profiled in her capacity as
co-director of the writers workshops at the Community of Writers at Squaw Valley.
• The March 17, 2014 issue of Orange County Register Magazine features an article written by Professor Alvarez, “Frida in
the O.C.” The article, commissioned by the Orange County Register, was part of the magazine’s focus on the Museum of
Latin American Art’s exhibition of photos by and about Frida Kahlo.
• Professor Alvarez’s Creative Writing student, Jill Kato, was accepted into U.C. Irvine MFA program in fiction. The UCI
program is regarded as one of country’s best and this year admitted only six students.
• In addition, Professor Alvarez’s Creative Writing student, Mary Camarillo, was accepted into Richard Bausch’s community
creative writing workshop at Chapman University. This annual free writing workshop is only open to members of the
community and limited to ten participants. The application process is very competitive. Both Kato and Camarillo were
repeat students in WR 11 and were supported throughout the application process by Professor Alvarez.
2013-2014 Accomplishments | Irvine Valley College
• Finally, Professor Alvarez is proud to announce that her former student Sharee Maya was recently awarded a Mellon
Mays Undergraduate Fellowship to further continue her studies at U.C. Berkeley. While Sharee had transferred sometime
ago, Professor Alvarez remained in touch with her, following her studies as she moved from Mills College to Berkeley
and provided a letter of recommendation for the fellowship. In addition, last summer Sharee was awarded a fellowship
to attend the Palestine and Arabic Studies program at Birzeit University in Palestine for which Professor Alvarez also
provided a recommendation.
Professor Meyer:
• Professor Kurt Meyer served as faculty mentor to several students who presented their research at the 2013 Southern
California Research Conference, at our 2013 SOCCCD Student Research Symposium, and/or at the 2014 Honors Transfer
Council of California’s “Building Bridges Research Conference,” at which student Rahil Hamza received an “Outstanding
Abstract Award” for her research paper “The Real Walking Dead: Zombification in Haiti.”
• Professor Kurt Meyer attended the Irvine Unified School District’s “Secondary ELA Writing Academy,” and served on
a discussion panel focusing on “College Readiness” and the specific habits of mind and skills essential for successful
college writing. IUSD colleagues expressed great appreciation for the sample writing assignments provided by professors
Brenda Borron, Summer Serpas, Julie Evans, Dr. Bill Etter, and Dr. Kay Ryals.
• Professor Kurt Meyer, through helping nominate and mentor candidates, assisted several students in earning national
and statewide scholarships: Daphne Gunawan for Phi Theta Kappa’s Leaders of Promise Scholarship, and for Daphne
Gunawan and Stephanie Ly, both of whom were named by Phi Theta Kappa and the League of Community Colleges of
California to the 2014 All-State Academic Team.
Professor Shank:
• Dr. Virginia Shank named as Irvine Valley College
Full-Time Professor of the Year.
• Literature student, Ruth Kim, accepted to MA in
literature by Claremont University. Creative writing
student, Catherine Yang, accepted to MFA in fiction
by University of San Francisco and San Diego State
• Dr. Virginia Shank presented a panel “Another
Voice in My Mouth: Persona in Poetry and Prose”
at the Association of Writers and Writing Programs
Conference—the largest gathering of creative writing
practitioners and teachers in the country.
• Dr. Virginia Shank completed the city of Irvine’s Community Emergency Response Team training, where she learned skills
useful for disaster preparation and response.
Irvine Valley College | 2013-2014 Accomplishments
englISH aS a SeCond language
• The ESL department created new advanced curricula for fall 2014 that will enhance support for transfer and degreebound students. This new sequence will parallel the English department’s basic skills writing sequence to ensure all
students have clear and equitable pathways to transfer-level Writing 1.
HIStorY, pHIloSopHY, and HumanItIeS
• Assistant Professor Brittany Adams participated for the second year in the National Endowment for the Humanities
Bridging Cultures grant program. As a part of the grant, she has been working on new curriculum and pedagogy for
teaching the United States history survey.
world languageS
• The French students attended the concert of the Québécois
group Coeur de Pirate on September 14th 2013 at El Rey Theatre
in Los Angeles.
• The French Program organized a Game Night in French (Soirée
Jeux de Société) on September 27th 2014 at the Language
Acquisition Center.
• The French Program, Film Studies and Honors Program presented
the IVC Independent French Film Festival on March 14th and 15th
• The Spanish department website was completely revamped to
include classroom footage.
• Part-time instructor Mercedes Julian received the part-time
instructor of the year award for the second time in three years.
• The department conducted field trips to the Bowers Museum,
MOLAA (Frida Kahlo photo exhibit), and the presentation on
bilingualism in the USA at the Martinez Bookstore.
• Students attended the flamenco “Eva Yerbabuena” show at UCI
in March.
2013-2014 Accomplishments | Irvine Valley College
oFFICe oF InStruCtIon
School of Kinesiology, Health and Athletics
• The men’s tennis team captured its first
ever Orange Empire Conference title,
won the Southern California Regional
title and finished second at the State
Championships this spring. Six singles
players and three doubles teams also
qualified for the State Championships
individual tournaments. Irvine Valley
earned a team award at the State
Championships at Ojai for most
individual matches won in singles and
• Freshman men’s tennis player Guillermo
Ucelay was named the Orange Empire
Conference player of the year and IVC Coach Ross Duncan was named conference coach of the year.
• The women’s sand volleyball team won the Interscholastic Sand Volleyball Conference state title in late April. The Lasers
went 15-0 on the day, beating Fullerton, Orange Coast and Grossmont each by the scores of 5-0. It was Irvine Valley’s
second straight state title.
• The men’s volleyball team finished third in the Pacific Coast Conference, made
the playoffs and upset Long Beach City to advance to the semifinals of the
State Championships. IVC lost in the semis to eventual champion Orange Coast.
Freshman outside hitter Cole Murray was named to the all-tournament team at
the State Championships.
• Freshman women’s badminton player Jurate Foes finished as runner-up in singles
at the State Championships at De Anza College in early May. Foes, who won the
Pacific Coast Conference title, was named the conference player of the year.
• Several Irvine Valley athletes signed with four-year schools to continue their
playing and academic careers. They included women’s volleyball players Haley
Whyte (Whittier College) and Becky Moodie (Cal Baptist), women’s basketball
players Taylor Casey (Biola) and Kiara King (Cal State San Bernardino), men’s
basketball player Dathon Spencer (University of Lethbridge in Canada) and
baseball player Dallas Porter (South Alabama). Several more athletes are
expected sign and receive scholarships by early June.
• Men’s freshman golfer Nate Noblitt qualified for the Southern California Regional
Irvine Valley College | 2013-2014 Accomplishments
• Irvine Valley’s men’s basketball team was ranked No. 1 in
the state for the first time in program history last December.
The Lasers finished with a record of 25-5 overall.
• Irvine Valley’s women’s volleyball team had one of the
best seasons in school history. The Lasers won the Orange
Empire Conference title for the fourth time ever, made the
State Championships and finished third in the state. IVC,
which was ranked as high as No. 2 in the state this season,
ended with a record of 24-2 overall.
• Freshman women’s volleyball player Annie Mitchem was
named the American Volleyball Coaches Association
two-year college player of the year. Mitchem had already
been named the MVP of the Orange Empire Conference,
all-state and All-American. She led the state in total blocks
and blocks per set and was also amongst the conference
leaders in kills, kills per set and hitting percentage.
• Women’s volleyball coach Tom Pestolesi was honored as the AVCA two-year California region coach of the year. He was
also named the conference’s coach of the year.
• Women’s golfer Leleaga Meredith finished third individually at the State Championships last November. She had a two-day
score of 159 at the Tracy Golf and Country Club. She was named all-state, all-region and all-Orange Empire Conference.
2013-2014 Accomplishments | Irvine Valley College
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School of Library Services
• New library recruitments!
> Full-time Librarian – Celina Lee
> Part-time Library Assistant I – Sasan Safrang
• Migrated to a new integrated library system, OCLC
WorldShare Management Services, a new library catalog,
OCLC WorldCat, and a new Course Reserves site.
> In collaboration with Saddleback librarians, IVC librarians have migrated bibliographic records to a new innovative
web-based system that offers a user-friendly interface where library users can discover print, electronic and multimedia
resources from IVC Library in one interface.
> The new system leverages the size and scope of OCLC WorldCat, the largest library catalog on earth, to provide our IVC
community access to a wider range of resources and use these resources with integrated technologies such as social
network sharing.
> The new system is expected to launch on June 2, 2014.
• Created a Young Adult Reading Section on the 1st floor of the library.
> The Library collaborated with the Reading Center and the Student Success Center to create a collection of interesting
and popular fiction books that will assist students with the process of developing their reading skills.
• Library Publications:
> IVC Library Newsletter, Book Bytes, no. 9, Fall 2013 & no. 10, Spring 2014
• Librarian Presentations:
> 2014 American Society for Engineering Education Zone IV Conference in Long Beach - New Potential in Presenting
Research in the Engineering Literature: Opportunities for Scholarship and Instruction through Video (Gelfand and Lin)
• Expanded the library’s textbook reserve collection:
> Due to a generous agreement between ASIVC & the IVC bookstore, the library was able to increase the textbook
reserves collection by 10%.
• Added online study guide for practically every subject at IVC:
Irvine Valley College | 2013-2014 Accomplishments
• School of Library Services Instruction:
> Taught 90 bibliographic instruction sessions for on-campus classes
> IVC Library Workshops continue to grow! 20 workshops taught in the Fall and 32 taught in
the Spring with a total of over 400 students in attendance
> Increased number of library workshops by 50%
• Updated and revised library circulation and reserves policies:
> In conjunction with the debut of the new and innovative library system, the Library revised
the existing outdated circulation and reserves policies in order to better facilitate the use
of resources for IVC students, faculty and staff.
• Created a New Books Section on the 1st floor of the library:
> The Library acquired 668 new books which are featured on the 1st floor to encourage reading and lifelong learning for
IVC students, faculty, staff and community users.
• Replaced book acquisitions system, GOBI:
> Realized cost savings and increased efficiency through automation of workflows.
• Library Usage Statistics:
> Gate Count – 310,480 students, faculty, staff & community members visited the library
> Books/Bones/DVD/CDs/Calculator Circulation – over 28,713 items checked out
> Computer usage – over 630 patrons a day accessed email, Blackboard, the library’s book catalog, eBooks, databases
and Libguides (library subject & course guides)
> Study rooms – 4,778 reservations were made using the Library’s online reservation system LibCal
> Database Usage: 172,284 sessions for library users searching electronic library databases
2013-2014 Accomplishments | Irvine Valley College
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Student Success Center
• The Student Success Center has served over 2,400
IVC students this year for a total of 10,000 tutoring
• Due to student request, faculty advocacy, and
administrative support, the Student Success Center
expanded its tutoring offerings this year to now tutor
most courses at IVC.
• New to the Student Success Center this year is a 3D
printer which is open to student use.
• The Student Success Center has 42 tutors and adjunct
faculty on staff to serve IVC students.
Irvine Valley College | 2013-2014 Accomplishments
oFFICe oF InStruCtIon
School of Life Sciences and Technologies
• Relocation of the School of Life Sciences and
Technologies to its new facility (LSB/B 400).
• In response to its new instructional facility, the total
number of sections offered by the School of Life Sciences
and Technologies grew by over 23% between Fall 2013
and Spring 2014.
• BEES Garden was certified as a Monarch Waystation and
so Irvine Valley College is now listed on the International
Monarch Waystation Registry. Monarch Waystations are
places that provide resources necessary for monarchs
to produce successive generations and sustain their
• The Department of Biology designed and installed a
Butterfly Garden adjacent to the new Life Sciences
Building. Southern California hosts an impressive
array of butterfly species. Approximately 700 species
of butterflies are known from North America north
of Mexico, 225 from California, and around 170 from
southern California. The new butterfly garden will
support a larger effort to attract (and document) 100 species of butterflies on the IVC campus over the next 3 years. This
project, 100 butterflies in 1000 days, is being spearheaded by the Biology Department and was launched on Earth Day
• BEES Garden and the BEES Garden Club continues to pursue a variety of projects including an expansion of the butterfly
habitat, design and implementation of a “lizard garden”, propagation of native plants, and vertical gardening.
• The School of Life Sciences and Technologies is in the process of hiring two additional full-time instructors, which will
bring to ten the number of full time instructional staff, an all-time high for the school.
• LST participated on a major art installation in the lobby of its new facility. The art installation is the work of a nonprofit
organization that has noted artists working collaboratively with disenfranchised individuals to create major public art
• LST faculty members have significantly increased their involvement in student independent research through its Biology
13 and 14 courses. This effort is in recognition of the importance of STEM-based opportunities for motivated science and
engineering students.
• Key LST faculty, staff, and student volunteers have completed the first in what it hopes to be a series of native plant
installations around campus. This first pilot bed, juxtaposed to the new Life Sciences Building, is designed to attract and
support native butterflies and other beneficial insects and birds to the campus.
2013-2014 Accomplishments | Irvine Valley College
oFFICe oF InStruCtIon
School of Mathematics, Computer Science and Engineering
• The eight Math Modules (Math 350 A-G) have been offered with great success for the
past six years. The modules were developed by Ilknur Erbas-White and are intended
for students that need to review basic math concepts, particularly arithmetic.
• The Accelerated Algebra sequence is in its second year. The success and retention
rates of the sequence continue improving. Lan Pham developed the workbook used
for the sequence. Next year other instructors will incorporate the use of the workbook
in their classes.
• New engineering classes were offered in the fall 13 and spring 14 semesters: ENG 30
(statics) ENG 54 (Material Science) and Math 70 (Network Analysis). New curriculum
for ENG 100, a research class that allows students to do undergraduate research
has been completed and finalized to be offered in the fall of 2015. Engineering
computations with MATLAB class ENG 20 is finalized in the curriculum process and is
ready to be offered in the spring of 2014.
• The positive results of the Accelerated Algebra sequences motivated the
department to add for the 2013-14 academic year two more sequences:
Accelerated Single Variable Calculus and Accelerated TrigonometryPrecalculus. Sanjai Gupta and Ben Vargas are piloting these new sequences.
• Brent Monte piloted for the department teaching Math 8 – College Algebra
online. The pilot was successful and the department will continue offering
Math 8 online from this point on.
• Seth Hochwald has been teaching Math 10 – Statistics as a Saturday class for
several years. The department will pilot adding Math 105 – Mathematics
for Liberal Arts Students as a Saturday class in fall 14.
• IVC Engineering students toured NASA’s Dryden Flight Research Center
and met NASA engineers. This trip may have opened the door for possible
summer internships at NASA Dryden. One of the students has already been
offered an internship at Dryden.
• IVC Engineering students were in charge of media and computers while IVC hosted its annual FIRST Lego League. The
League is an international robotics competition. About 500 grade school students and parents came to IVC to compete.
• IVC Engineering students obtained a few internships at the Irvine based Mathobotix, Space X and others. Mathobotix is
a STEM education company that offers classes and camps where kids grades K-12 learn to build and program Lego robots.
• IVC Engineering students helped launch water rockets for kids who came to IVC as part of the Astounding Inventions
Science Competition. The event was sponsored by IVC Foundation. ASEC was awarded $200 to run the water rockets
portion of the event.
• CS 130 – Visual Basic Programming has been renumbered to CS 30 as this course now transfers to the UC system.
Irvine Valley College | 2013-2014 Accomplishments
• CS 10 – Introduction to Programming Using Python and CS 50 – HTML/XHTML now articulate with Cal State University
Dominguez Hills
• The Computer Science Department is offering a CS 130 – Visual Basic Programming course at Crean High School during the
Spring 2014 semester.
• Three of the engineering students presented a research project at UCI’s annual HTCC conference. The papers included
two civil engineering presentations about retrofitting LA’s aging bridges, a second civil engineering project involving slope
stability problems in Laguna Beach and a third one about 3-D printing of limbs and organs in the medical field.
• Over the past 5 years, the IVC drafting courses have been merged, streamlined, and updated to reflect the current needs
of employers and students. The 4, mostly 2D mechanical drafting courses from past years have been modernized and
expanded to meet industry standards. The core classes now provide a wide array of 2D and 3D CAD skills that are
commonly used in the engineering, architectural, and design job market. Active courses include: DR50 - Introduction
to Drafting, DR101 - Engineering Drawing and Design, DR203 - Introduction to Architecture Drafting, and DR204 – 3D
Architectural CAD with BIM.
• The engineering component of the DTE program is comprehensive, well-articulated to local universities, and rapidly
expanding. Beginning with only three basic courses in 2007, this subsection has grown to 6 classes, rapidly to meet the
demand of professional and university bound students. IVC is now, with the support of UC Irvine, one of the only colleges
in the state offering a full engineering certificate which allows for UC and CSU transfer as true juniors. The engineering
courses currently provide a very diverse set of skills to IVC students. Recent improvements to the DTE Program include:
> Increased number of Certificates from 2 to 4.
> Worked closely with UC Irvine to create a Pre-Engineering certificate which contains five UC articulated courses,
allowing IVC students planning to transfer directly to a 4 year university, to take all Freshman and Sophomore level
engineering courses before matriculation. IVC is currently the only college in southern California delivering more than
2 university articulated engineering courses.
> Updated all courses and aggressively pursued articulation agreements with CSU and UC universities
> Updated the primary DTE computer lab in the BSTIC 112 laboratory, with 24 quad-core Dell workstations with SSD hard
drives and 20 inch monitors. Two additional workstation will be added over the Summer to increase the total to 26.
> Acquired and installed SolidWorks 2012-2013, along with the complete Autodesk 2012-2013 Suite. The Autodesk Suite
includes AutoCAD, Architecture, REVIT, Civil3D, Inventor, and 3DS Max. The software was also installed on Student
Success Center workstations to allow for student workspace during off hours.
> Purchased multiple new inspection devices including: 2 ultrasonic thickness gauges, 3 high power microscopes, and
a 0.1 gram accurate scale. In addition,three Android tablets were purchased to allow for teaching with open source
software that is free to students.
• The Engineering Program has
shown tremendous growth rates
of 17% (246 to 288) during the
past two years and 159% (111
to 288) over the past 6 years.
Obviously the addition of the
Pre-Engineering program and
our focus on offering these
classes to maintain as many
UC/CSU articulated classes as
possible has had a major factor.
2013-2014 Accomplishments | Irvine Valley College
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School of Physical Sciences and Technologies
• This year once again Professor Ambrose and Professor Tabibzadeh participated in the Astounding Inventions Event. We
served as Mad Chemists and did a variety of Chemistry demonstrations on stage to the public audience. We collaborated
and selected our OC Outstanding ACS (American Chemical Society) chemistry student. Awards were honored at
Concordia University.
Irvine Valley College | 2013-2014 Accomplishments
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School of Social and Behavioral Sciences
top aCHIeVementS oF tHe Year For JerrY rudmann
• Chosen by the Western Psychological Association to receive Fellow status.
• Published an article addressing the two-year perspective of American Psychological Association’s new set of learning
outcomes for the undergraduate major in psychology. The article was published in APA’s Psychology Teacher Network.
Co-published another article in the Council for Undergraduate Research newsletter.
• Served as board vice-president of the Association of College Honor Societies (ACHS).
• Completed a comprehensive program review.
• Implemented a series of student success interventions by training Psi Beta honors students to serve as classroom peer
mentors to Introductory Psychology Sections. This is a student-driven service learning project aimed at increasing the rate
in which incoming students succeed and persist at Irvine Valley College.
• The psychology faculty accompanied 15 psychology honors students who presented their undergraduate research at
the annual meeting of the Western Psychological Association in Portland. Four students and three professors presented
a symposium on undergraduate research during the conference. Additional IVC psychology students presented research
• Two psychology students, Den Mark Marcelo and Sophie (Mako) Tanaka, won conference scholarships to attend the
annual Association for Psychological Sciences (APS) conference in San Francisco.
• Psychology students presented research posters and oral presentation at the Saddleback Research Conference, HTCC at
UCI, and Stanford University.
• Psi Beta students presented over 20 Heroic Imagination Project workshops at IVC and several local high schools.
2013-2014 Accomplishments | Irvine Valley College
oFFICe oF InStruCtIon
Honors Program
• The IVC Honors Program posted record membership
numbers for the 2013-14 school year, with 400 active
members, representing 25% program growth. A
record 98 students completed the Honors Program
this year, fulfilling the program requirements by
completing a minimum of 15 honors units and 5
honors courses with an overall and honors course
GPA of 3.25 or better. Honors Program graduates
continued to be admitted to prestigious transfer
institutions at impressive rates in the current highly
competitive environment. For Fall 2014, 93% of
Honors Program members were accepted to UCI, and
a record 38 Honors Program students were extended
UCI’s Honors to Honors Transfer Agreement, which
offers transferring students automatic admittance to UCI’s Campuswide Honors Program, guaranteed housing, a
Regents’ Scholarship, and other benefits. IVC Honors Program graduates were admitted to UCLA at a rate of 73%, well
above the overall average acceptance rate of 28%. Berkeley accepted 42% of IVC Honors Program applicants versus
23% of transfer applicants overall. Program members were admitted to a wide range of additional outstanding transfer
institutions including CSU Long Beach, CSU Fullerton, CSU Los Angeles, UC Davis, UC San Diego, UC Santa Barbara, UC
Santa Cruz, Cal Poly Pomona, Chapman, Cornell, Fordham, University of Michigan, University of Washington, and USC.
• The Honors Program sponsored 75 IVC student appearances
at a number of local and regional research conferences
this year. Students’ conference research projects this
year covered topics in anthropology, biology, economics,
engineering, history, mathematics, music, physics, political
science, psychology, and sociology. Twenty-five IVC students
participated at the 2nd Annual IVC/SC Student Research
Conference, held on November 16, 2013 at Saddleback.
The event featured a keynote address by Dr. Netta Schroer,
Assistant Professor of Psychology at Palomar College, who
spoke on “Applying Psychology to Law: Examining the
Psychology of Police Interrogations and the Factors that
Contribute to False Confessions.” Awards were presented
for the top research posters and the top research abstracts.
IVC award winners included Harmonie Strohl, for her project “Classical Music: The Death of a Genre?” and Sophie Mako
Tanaka, Noël Hong, Behrad Hejazifar, and Jennifer Choum for their presentation “Do Psychological Interventions Help
New Students Thrive?” On November 23, 11 IVC students presented their research at Whittier College at the Southern
California Conference for Undergraduate Research (SCCUR), an annual conference for community college, 4-year college/
university, and high school students. In April, 2014, the Honors Program sent 36 IVC students to the 14th Annual HTCC
Student Research Conference at UC Irvine. The IVC contingent represented the largest number of presenters from a
single college, and IVC students took home several prestigious awards. IVC Honors Program student Den Marcelo won
two of the conference’s top prizes, earning the third-place research poster award and $100 for his project entitled “Food
Consumption Attitude: An Analysis of Gender Differences on Food Attitudes,” mentored by Chris Loeffler. Marcelo also
won a $500 HTCC Outstanding Abstract Award for his research abstract entitled “Ask Your Doctor About Our Product: The
Impact of Direct-to-Consumer Pharmaceutical Advertising on Public Health and Safety,” mentored by Lewis Long. Another
of the five awarded Outstanding Abstract Awards went to Honors Program member Rahil Hamza for her presentation
on “The Real Walking Dead: Physiological and Psychological Effects of Haitian Zombification Practices,” mentored by
Irvine Valley College | 2013-2014 Accomplishments
Kurt Meyer. On May 3, 2014, IVC Honors Program
member Bahareh Sorouri attended the highly
competitive Bay Honors Symposium at UC Berkeley,
where she presented her research project “Effects
of the Vitamin D Receptor Point Mutations Linked to
HVDRR.” Two Honors Program students had research
projects accepted to the 2014 National Collegiate
Honors Conference, which will be held in Denver in
November. Wyeth Binder’s project “From Amidst the
Ruins: The Republic of Georgia’s Economic Revival,”
mentored by Mark McNeil, and Harmonie Strohl’s
project “The Sounds of Silence: Can We Save Classical
Music?” mentored by Kay Ryals, represent the first
two IVC student projects admitted to the national
• Several Honors Program students launched the
Honors Program Student Council (HPSC) this year,
creating a leadership club that works in conjunction
with the Honors Program to enrich the educational
experience of Honors Program members and the
campus as a whole. The HPSC, which was led this year
by Co-Chairs Adam Keppler and Elizabeth Lehrer, is
comprised of several teams, including Public Relations,
Fundraising, Enrichment Events, Ambassadors, and
Honors Mentoring. Fundraising Coordinators Tiffany
Dang and Tiffany Tsai led the HPSC in several successful
fundraising ventures, including restaurant fundraisers,
bake sales, and accounts with Communities for Cause
and Ralphs. The Events Team, led by Jennifer Choum,
organized a number of social and cultural outings—including trips to local and campus plays and to Griffith Observatory,
ice-skating, and laser-tag—and held on-campus events including Game Day and Movie Night. Mentor Coordinators
Stephanie Ly and Noël Hong created a mentor network pairing new and continuing Honors Program students. HPSC Public
Relations Coordinator Kelly Ulrich originated the Honors Program Facebook page. Ten Honors Program Ambassadors
represented the college and the program at Outreach events in local high schools and led campus tours for all of the
college’s Fast Friday events throughout spring semester.
• The program offered 44 honors classes in a variety of disciplines over the course of the year. Through the cooperation of
Honors Faculty, the Honors Advisory Committee, and the Curriculum Committee, the Honors Program transitioned to a
new curriculum entailing discrete course outlines for 32 honors courses. New honors courses included GEOG 10H, HUM
71H, and MATH 24H. This new format brings the program into line with UC expectations and will better serve students by
making honors courses clearer to transfer institutions.
• Nine current and former IVC Honors Program students had their research abstracts published in Building Bridges, the
conference proceedings from the 2013 HTCC Student Research Conference, released in February 2014. Subject areas
included biology, economics, political science, math, and sociology.
2013-2014 Accomplishments | Irvine Valley College
• Seven Honors Program members will be mentored by
Professor Roy McCord throughout Spring 2014 and the 2014-15
school year in research projects related to photonics-based
instrumentation in stem cell and diabetes tissue engineering.
The team is part of McCord’s “FemSTEM” pilot project, which
is designed to promote women in STEM careers. The research
projects are conducted both on campus and in the Prodo
Labs campus in Irvine. Projects also include research into
attitudes towards women in STEM and career technical fields.
FemSTEM team members are Chiara Delos-Reyes, Monica
Kirollos, Kayla Orlinsky, Angela Park, Rae-Nicole Rios, Kaydee
Soo, and Katayoun Yazdi-Nejad.
• Honors Program member Tingyu Karen Chen received
an Honors Transfer of California Exemplary Achievement
Award and $300 for her exemplary academic record and her
perseverance in the pursuit of her Honors education.
• Honors Program students Stephanie Ly and Daphne Gunawan
were selected for the 2013 Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) All-California
Academic Team for their outstanding academic achievement
and service to college and community.
• The Honors Program awarded $1300 in Honors Program Exemplary Achievement Scholarships to transferring students
Robert Esposito, Summer Gary, Kelly Ulrich, Adam Keppler, and Sophie Mako Tanaka, and to continuing students Cameron
Abrams, Monica Kirollos, Angela Park, and Kaydee Soo.
• In conjunction with the French and Film Studies Departments, the Honors Program sponsored the Independent French
Film Festival, showing three French movies on March 14 and 15, 2014. Honors Program Director Kay Ryals delivered the
pre-film introduction to Nous, princesses de Clèves.
• Honors Program students benefitted from a furniture refresh of the Honors Study Lounge, which included new sofas,
armchairs, computer desks and computer chairs.
• The Honors Program hosted Kari Razdow, Associate Director of Admissions for Columbia University’s School of General
Studies for recruitment events in October and April. The Honors Program’s recruitment yielded three new Columbia
students in fall 2014.
Irvine Valley College | 2013-2014 Accomplishments
oFFICe oF InStruCtIon
Career Technical Education and Workforce Development
• The IVC Grants Office receives funding from a variety of sources including federal and state agencies. New grant awards
in the 2013-14 fiscal year total $888,469.
• IVC received a sixth year of funding for the Career Cafe to provide fiscal management of this State Leadership grant,
Career Development Work-Based Learning Linkages to Professional Organizations, for $200,000. The project is currently
transitioning into the final year of funding; total funding for all six years is $2,919,229.
• IVC received an award for a $388,469.00 grant from the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office (CCCCO)
funded through AB86, Section 76, Article 3 to improve adult education in the region. Irvine Valley College and Saddleback
College have formed a consortium with K-12 partner districts: Capistrano Unified, Irvine Unified, Laguna Beach Unified,
Saddleback Valley Unified, and Tustin Unified to identify common ground across historical geographic and cultural
boundaries to provide seamless transitions for adult education students.
• IVC was awarded a Deputy Sector Navigator grant in Energy Efficiency and Utilities to address industry needs and
educational capacity in the Energy and Utilities sector. This $300,000 award will be used to identify gaps in workforce
knowledge, education and training with faculty member Robert Chaboya serving as the project director.
• IVC Photonics instructors, Brian Monacelli and Roy McCord, have just completed the first of a three year award from the
National Science Foundation. This $190,000 award from the Advanced Technological Education program is designed to
educate technician-level professionals with the skills required to earn gainful employment in the fields of technology that
utilize the science of light. There are plans in the works to move toward establishing a NSF regional photonics center at
• MOU with Concordia University.
• Reorganization.
• BOT approval of programs IVC will offer at ATEP.
• Student Success Summit 1 and 2.
• New Transfer Degree Programs.
2013-2014 Accomplishments | Irvine Valley College
oFFICe oF InStruCtIon
Online & Extended Education
• Coordinated the Student Success Summit
with Saddleback College
• Distance Education initiated the 1st DE Survey
and drafted a DE Faculty Handbook
• Community Education has responded to
emerging regional and community needs
through initiatives such as:
> Transition in Independent Living and
Employment (TILE) program
> Business-centered
> GED Preparation on business site
> Financial Planning Workshops
> Continuing to partner with WIA/WIB to offer career training programs to students in the online environment
• The College for Kids @ IVC expanded its educational offerings to include STEP, Computer Science, Languages, Sports and
Fitness and various content specific camps, serving nearly 1000 young people
• The IVC Emeritus Institute serves a breadth of community participants throughout the service area. Accomplishments
this year include:
> Successful and ongoing community partnerships for Emeritus programs in 14 off-site locations in five South County
> Emeritus participants serving their communities and garnering recognition for
creativity, through examples including
> Emeritus Institute Faculty Member Pam Schader’s students packed 400 art
packs of materials for homeless, orphaned or abused kids in OC. ART4KIDS, INC
was started by Pam, who has been an EI instructor for 26 years!
> Annette Hernandez and her EI participants continue to both amaze and garner
award winning recognition for beading creations at the OC Fair!
> Celebrated Emeritus Faculty of the Year JoAnna Gee Schoon. She has been
teaching at IVC – both in Emeritus and adjunct faculty - since 1993 and her
experience and teaching of both Tai Chi and Qigong is well known regionally and
• The regional Testing Center at IVC continues to grow and has expanded the breadth of exams offered for professional
certification, career development and public employees, while adding a GED certified testing authorization. Online
academic exams from universities across the county are offered through the Center as a authentication location.
Irvine Valley College | 2013-2014 Accomplishments
oFFICe oF InStruCtIon
Research, Planning and Accreditation
• Worked with representatives from IVC, Saddleback
and District Services to develop a simplified and
streamlined District-Wide Strategic Plan framework
that allows IVC to have college-specific strategic
objectives and action steps while sharing most
objectives and high level goals with Saddleback
College and District Services.
• Worked with the ESL department and matriculation
to develop an ESL pre-assessment instrument.
• Prepared the International Students Report
providing an analysis of the size, enrollment, growth
trends and revenue implications for international
students at IVC.
• Spearheaded a successful effort to have IVC
designated as a Multiple Measures Assessment
Project (MMAP) pilot college.
• Responded to 65 research requests submitted via
the Research & Planning SharePoint page.
• Confirmed that IVC had the second highest transfer
rate in the state for the second year in a row.
• Conducted a campus-wide Strategic Objective
Gallery Workshop which drew over 30 attendees.
• Completed review of Strategic Plan Objectives with
all planning groups and stakeholders.
• Contributed to renewing IVC’s status as fully accredited by the ACCJC by providing data for the 2013 mid-term report and
the 2013-2014 ACCJC Annual Report.
• Conducted interviews with representatives of all Student Services Departments to help the Vice President of Student
Services ascertain the status of assessing Student Services Outcomes (SSOs).
• Assisted faculty and staff with entering/evaluating SLOs, SSOs, & AUOs in TracDat.
• Worked with SLO Task Force to generate a report for the ACCJC showing that over 99% of courses had SLOs and assessment
methods defined in TracDat.
• Revised and updated the Research and Planning SharePoint site.
• Completed Student Transcript Enhanced Placement Study (STEPS) 2.0, which examined the utility of high school transcript
and testing information for improving the placement of incoming students.
• Worked with IEC to set institutional standards on student success outcomes for ACCJC annual report.
2013-2014 Accomplishments | Irvine Valley College
• Administered the 2013 Employee Survey and reported on the results.
• Supported five grant applications with data, analysis and evaluation planning.
• Presented at the 2014 High School Principals’ Breakfast event and shared data reports on performance of students from
local high schools.
• Presented at the Student Success Summit on the Student Equity Plan.
• Worked with SSAMMO and the Student Equity Plan Work Group to develop and analyze student success data, disaggregated
by a variety of student characteristics.
• Facilitated the “College of the Future Summit.”
• Co-facilitated the District-Wide Planning Council Annual retreat.
• Facilitated the annual strategic planning retreat and the annual review of IVC’s Vision and Mission.
• Continued support for the matriculation process through the evaluation of assessment instruments (English, ESL & Math).
• Completed annual assessment of 2010-2012 Strategic Plan objectives and key performance indicators.
• Worked with District-wide Strategic Planning Task Force to synthesize and refine input from a wide array of representative
contributors and ultimately arrive at four shared District-wide strategic goals and twelve District-wide objectives.
• Participated in the Career Technical Education Outcomes Survey for the second year in a row.
• Completed the 2014 ACCJC Annual report including setting standards for course success, program completion, transfer
and employment outcomes for CTE programs.
• Attended Strengthening Student Success and the RP Group research conference.
• Presented at the CCCCIO conference as part of a panel on affective precursors to academic achievement.
• Contributed to the statewide CTE advisory group, VERATAC.
• Participated in the CCCApply Steering Committee.
• Participated in the Scorecard Advisory Group, resulting in important revisions and improvements to the Student Success
• Student Success Scorecard (aka ARCC 2.0) presentations to AFTPC and marketing department.
• Worked with District-Wide Planning Council to align strategic planning activities across the district from 2013-2020.
• Coordinated/synchronized strategic planning and external cycles with Saddleback and District Services.
• Contributed to Barrier Two work group.
• Participated in a multi-college evaluation of the value of high school transcript data for informing student placement
(Student Transcript-Enhanced Placement Study).
• Supported development of priority registration process and regulations (AR 5210).
• Assisted two IVC faculty members with data and methodological support for their dissertation projects.
• Presented IVC’s Scorecard results to the Board of Trustees along with Saddleback College and District Services.
Irvine Valley College | 2013-2014 Accomplishments
oFFICe oF Student SerVICeS
Vice president’s office
• Student Services hired a new Veterans counselor.
• A Director was hired for the Health and Wellness Center
and for the Veterans Services Center.
• Ruth Higgins, Senior Financial Aid Specialist, successfully
filled in for the Acting Director of Financial Aid from
November 2013 to May 2014. Many thanks to Ruth for
her great work.
• EOPS Book Service Program (883 students, 4,411 check
• Dr. Linda Fontanilla sponsored 10 staff to attend the
Young Professionals Leadership Summit.
• Dr. Liz Cipres and Dr. Fontanilla worked with the Center for Applied Research to implement the Kognito Program at IVC.
• Dr. Fontanilla initiated a Holiday Food Drive for 25 veteran students and their families. Many staff, faculty, administrators
and Irvine Rotary Club members donated to this cause.
• Dr. Fontanilla presented on services available at Irvine Valley College and Saddleback College at the at the Black Veterans
Leadership Awards Training held at the Black History Museum in Los Angeles, CA.
• The IVC International Students office hosted the EducationUSA Training Institute.
• DSPS organized DALS speaker Michael Hingson to speak about his book, “Thunder Dog.”
• On Aug 30, 2013, IVC held a dedication and ribbon cutting ceremony for the new Veterans Services Center.
• On Aug 2, 2013, customer service training was offered for all classified staff at the All Staff and Faculty Meeting sponsored
by the Vice President for Student Services.
• IVC hosted the Irvine Rotary Home Run Derby, with proceeds benefiting a local Boys and Girls Club.
• The Office of the Vice President for Student Services implemented the 2014/2015 Student Ambassador Program.
• Dr. Linda Fontanilla, Dr. Liz Cipres and Arleen Elseroad implemented the IVC Connect Partnership Program with Tustin
Unified School District, Irvine Unified School District and Laguan Beach School District.
• Arleen Elseroad, Anne Akers and a host of student services staff implemented the Freshman Advantage Program.
• Anne presented at 100+ events at local high schools with counselors and students.
• Financial Aid started FAFSA Wednesdays, FAFSA workshops held for students to assist with the Financial Aid Application,
Fee Waiver Application or Dream Act Application.
• Arleen Elseroad, Anne Akers and a host of staff implemented the Fast Fridays Program.
2013-2014 Accomplishments | Irvine Valley College
oFFICe oF Student SerVICeS
Enrollment Services (Admissions, Matriculation and Records)
• The new Awards Management System (AMS) was launched on December 13, 2013, allowing students to apply for
certificates, degrees and certifications through MySite. In addition, students can view the status of their awards in
MySite at any time and will receive Sherpa nudges whenever updates occur with their awards.
• In February, 2014 Ben Guzman and Gillian Ashton participated in a week-long encoding training with CollegeSource as
part of the launch of the district’s degree audit project.
• In May 2013, Beep Colcough, Yancie Carter, and Erlynne Ballo assumed the position of Senior Matriculation Specialist.
• In support of the SSTF Recommendations, 8 Fast Fridays was successfully launched. In one Friday, students completed
assessment, received a tour from Honors Ambassadors, financial aid workshop, presentation my ASIVC on student life at
IVC, counseling and developed their first semester academic plan. Over 250 students and 125 parents participated.
• Arleen Elseroad, Dean of Enrollment Services served as Chair of the CCC Apply Steering Committee whose membership
consists of 13 districts and the California Community College Chancellor’s Office. The Steering Committee provides
governance to the state wide online admission application and online Board of Governor’s Fee Waiver. Over 100 community
colleges use the online admission application processing more than 2.5 million admission applications annually.
• Arleen Elseroad, Dean of Enrollment Services served as Treasurer for the CACCRAO (California Association of Community
College Registrars and Admissions Officers). CACCRAO is the professional organization for the 112 community colleges
and provides professional development opportunities to Admissions and Records managers and staff. The CACCRAO
Board also serves as a resource to the Chancellor’s Office on issues facing Admissions and Records offices.
• Arleen Elseroad was appointed to the steering committee for the Common Assessment Initiative representing CACCRAO.
• Silver Leowidjaja attended the Young Professional Leadership Summit sponsored by Concordia University in Irvine, CA.
• Cristina Benavides, Janice Brown, Corinne Jackson, Gillian Ashton, Karine Zakaryan, Silver Leowidjaji and Vincent Nguyen
attended CACCRAO (California Association of Community College Registrars and Admissions Officers) Region 7 & 8
Classified Staff Development Workshop held on October 25, 2013 at Orange Coast College.
• Cristina Benavides, Silver Leowidjaja, Ruben Guzman and Arleen Elseroad attended the annual CCC Apply Workshop on
April 15, 2014 at Citrus College.
• Ruben Guzman and Gillian Ashton attended the annual uAchieve User Conference sponsored by College Source on June
16-19 in San Diego, CA.
• 27,115 admissions application (summer 2013: 6698; fall 2013: 12,472; spring 2014: 7945), 14% down from the previous
year were submitted to Irvine Valley College over the last year. Approximately 14% require staff support to process.
• As of May 3, 2014 – approximately 23,705 requests for official transcripts have been received. As of 2,900 were sent
electronically requiring no staff time.
• 2,672 applications for degrees and certificates (1,278 degrees, 1,168 Certificates of Achievement, and 226 Certificates of
Proficiency) were received. While the number of total awards remained constant from last year, the number of degrees is
slightly up, and the Certificates is down.
Irvine Valley College | 2013-2014 Accomplishments
oFFICe oF Student SerVICeS
Child Development Center
• Provided quality learning environment for 166 children from July 1, 2013 to May 19, 2014
• July 1, 2013 – May 19, 2014: Students
participated in the CDC Lab School 1,578
times (i.e. one student may utilize the Center’s
Lab School for several different courses, time
slots and/or student assignments). The Center
provides the office and classroom space for
students and faculty.
• Parent Involvement and Events: Priority
Registration, Pumpkin Patch Field Trip, Parent
Teacher Conference Nights, Multicultural
Food Festival, Santa’s Visit, Developmental
Screening by Family Support Network,
Valentine’s Celebration with Brownies made
by children, Mother’s Day and Father’s Day
Breakfast in recognition of Mothers and
• Summer program, beginning July 1, included
visits by CHOC.
• Provided Student Orientations July 2013 to
May 2014.
• The CDC held two Staff Workdays in October
2013 and March 2014.
• Hired one part-time Child Development
Specialist position in October 2013.
• Staff, children and parents went on a walking
Field Trip to the Pumpkin Patch on campus.
• Children’s Individual Assessments completed in October 2013.
• Parent Teacher conference night held in November 2013 and March 2014.
• Santa arrived with lots of good cheer in December 2013.
• Provided orientation to practicum students and staff at the January 2014 staff meeting.
• The CDC hosted a Valentines Breakfast for parents and children in February 2014.
2013-2014 Accomplishments | Irvine Valley College
• The Human Development Department and the Child Development Center met formally and informally throughout the
• In April 2014, the CDC collaborated with the Family Support Network and offered a Developmental Screening which
included seven different areas of development to our existing families as well as the Community.
• First Aid and CPR recertification for all staff in April 2014.
• Monthly Classroom meetings and PM Staff Meetings as needed.
• Monthly Fire Drills and Panic Button checks, bi-monthly Earthquake Drills and Blustery Day Drills.
• 184 Weekly Curriculum Planning Forms were completed and implemented in the classrooms.
• Interested parents from the community attended tours held every Tuesday and Thursday.
Irvine Valley College | 2013-2014 Accomplishments
oFFICe oF Student SerVICeS
Financial Aid and Veterans Services Center
• Set up the 13/14 STARS student scholarship application and awarding process
which resulted in 356 students being awarded scholarships.
• Veterans Wellness Program started a partnership with non-profit U.S. VetsPsychologist present one day per week in our Veterans Service Center to assist
our veterans.
• First Tuesday of month meet and greet events for veterans in the Veterans
Service Center-Hot Dog night, Movie night, Chicken wing night, ice cream night,
spaghetti night.
• Vocational Rehabilitation Officer and Disability Certification Officers here
weekly to assist with enrollment into benefits for our veterans.
• Held the first of our Financial Aid Workshops on April 23 in which students got
help with completing and submitting their financial aid applications online.
• In the process of implementing “My IVC
Financial Aid” an online student portal
which provides students real-time access
to their financial aid status.
• Completed two major projects that give
the Veteran Administration Irvine Valley
College’s most up-to-date list of offered
classes as well as degrees and certificates
(Weams and IAPortal).
• Update student academic probation
process to catch at-risk students earlier
via website.
• Hired 5 VA Work-Study students.
• Distributed 25 Christmas food boxes to Veteran families in December.
• Implemented new enrollment process for veterans that assures completed documentation for VA.
• Started Veterans Softball Team playing IVC vs. Saddleback veterans.
• Instituted One Stop Center (California Employment Department) Partnership.
• Implemented Orange County Veteran Center Partnership here one day per week.
• Implemented complete resource list for veterans including homeless prevention, food banks, medical referrals, and
mental health referrals specific for veterans needs.
• 12 Veteran students will advance to higher education with acceptance to higher education to University with scholarships
and one Veteran Presidential Awardee at Cal State Fullerton.
2013-2014 Accomplishments | Irvine Valley College
oFFICe oF Student SerVICeS
Guidance and Counseling
• The advisement process for new students was studied, evaluated and completely revamped in an effort towards
efficiency, student comprehension and meeting of new Student Success & Support Program (SSSP) requirements. Online
and in-person advisement was altered and changes included the use of the 1st semester My Academic Plan (MAP),
integration of technology/MySite, lowering of student-to-faculty ratio in advisement sessions, and support/success
focused advisement sessions geared towards students who placed in remedial courses or those who placed into college
level courses.
• Over 450 students enrolled in Counseling 200 courses during the 1st year of the courses being offered. The courses are
0.5 units and were specifically created to meet the SSSP requirement of a completed comprehensive educational plan for
all new students.
• During the 2013-2014 academic year, the Counseling Department served over 13,000 students.
• In an effort to serve more students, the Counseling Department expanded its Friday hours.
• The Counseling Department continued to expand services by creating new and innovative ways to meet student needs.
One such endeavor was the newly created Counselor Q&A sessions. Counselor Q&A sessions were held in a classroom
and allowed students to ask questions in a group setting on topic ranging from transferring options to potential career
atHletICS CounSelIng
• Transitioned to Student-Athlete Academic Plans using MAP (My
Academic Plan) on MySite to prepare for the implementation
of the Student Success Act. Provided over 1,025 student-athlete
contacts and completed over 205 comprehensive StudentAthlete Academic Plans on MAP for current or former IVC
student-athletes during the 2013-2014 academic year. Counseled
seventeen international student-athletes toward transfer
planning and athletic eligibility requirements, as applicable. In
addition, provided athletic counseling for class selection and
academic planning for 2014-2015 student-athletes towards the
implementation of the Student Success Act.
• Provided Student-Athlete Advisement and MAP Academic
Planning workshops for several teams covering information
specific to student-athletes and teaching student-athletes how
to use MAP for academic planning.
• Taught a section of COUN1 Academic Planning for studentathletes’ academic planning using MAP and including athletic
eligibility requirements as applicable.
• Presented and spoke with high school students and parents regarding the benefits of co-curricular learning through
intercollegiate athletics for the High School Student-Parent Transfer Night 2014, and was joined by one IVC current and
two former student-athletes who returned to speak on the student panel.
Irvine Valley College | 2013-2014 Accomplishments
oFFICe oF Student SerVICeS
• 4 Transfer Fairs hosting university representatives from 50+ UC, CSU, private, and out-of-state schools, including a
special fair for international student admissions.
• 10 campus tours with 100+ IVC students touring the campuses of CSULB, CSUF, UCI Med School, UCI, University of San
Diego, USC, UCI’s Transfer Student Center, UCSB, and UCLA.
• 4 “Happy Hour” events bringing career professionals together with university programs to inform students about both the
educational and professional worlds of the Business, Law, Engineering, and Health Professions fields with over 70 students
in attendance.
• 37 workshops offered to over 350 students on topics such as the CSU, UC, and Common Applications, writing the UC
Personal Statement, UC and CSU transfer admission guarantees, and the IVC Scholarship application.
• Individual appointments and group events attended by over 250 students thanks to university representatives and hosted
by the Transfer Center: UC Berkeley, UC Santa Cruz, UC Irvine, UC Riverside, UC San Diego, UCLA, CSUF, Cal Poly Pomona,
Biola University, USC, Stanford University, and Arizona State University throughout the fall and spring semesters.
• 1000 counseling hours provided by the Transfer Center throughout fall and spring semesters covering everything from
major and career exploration, academic planning, application assistance, personal statement editing, ADT verifications,
to admission decision appeals and more.
Career Center & JoB plaCement
• In the 2013-14 academic year, the Career Center organized a
fall Job Fair and a spring Job Fair. Each event included over 50
employers seeking to hire IVC students.
• Hosted over 15 in-class and in-center Career Center Orientations
to introduce students to the Career Center’s Services; hosted two
series of workshops prior to each Job Fair to help students prepare
themselves to attend each fair.
• Hosted over 10 on-campus recruiting events for various employers
including: Subway, Ann Taylor LOFT, and Zillow. Employers visited
IVC’s campus to promote open job opportunities to students.
2013-2014 Accomplishments | Irvine Valley College
oFFICe oF Student SerVICeS
• New Director Nancy Montgomery RN, MSN hired with vast experience in health care and college health.
• A restructure plan was developed by the new Director; it is currently under review by the President’s Executive Council.
• New staff include daily coverage of Medical Physicians for students - 4 MD’s total and 4 Registered Nursing staff.
• Implemented Health Awareness Outreach within divisions which includes needs assessment.
• Director Montgomery has presented on mental health, PTSD and healthy behaviors to classrooms.
• Staff education planned for Fall 2014 to concentrate on prevention and education of current health issues.
• Mental Health Program will be expanding in Fall 2014 for students.
• Speakers planned to come to campus Fall 2014 to present on topics such as Breast Cancer, Diabetes, and how to maintain
High Blood Pressure.
InternatIonal Student Center
• The ISC met with several delegations from Brazil, China, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Vietnam.
• February 3-6, 2014 IVC’s International Student Program and Counseling/Transfer Center co-hosted with UCI, CPP, Orange
Coast College, Loyola Marymount and Education U.S.A. an intensive week long training for international advisors from all
over the world.
• The ISC enrolled a record number of international students at 766 in the spring 2014.
• Yulia Mosqueda was increased to full time to enhance support to the growing international student population.
• October 4, 2013, David Chang and Maria Lopez attended the Young Professionals Leadership Summit sponsored by
Concordia University in Irvine, CA.
• Yulia Mosqueda attended the annual CACCRAO (California Association of Community College Registrars and Admissions
Officers) Region 7 & 8 Classified Staff Development Workshop held on October 25, 2013 at Orange Coast College.
• October 10, 2014 and April 9, 2014 David Chang presented at UCI IUPP Extension Orientation program.
• David Chang and Yulia Mosqueda attended the UCR International Student Recruitment Fair on October 23, 2014 at UCR.
• Maria Lopez attended LAX Customs ICE Behind the Scenes training sponsored by NAFSA training on November 4, 2013
training in San Diego, CA.
• Maria Lopez attended training on June 4, 2014 hosted by U.S.C.I.S. at the California Service Center in Laguna Niguel, CA.
Irvine Valley College | 2013-2014 Accomplishments
oFFICe oF Student SerVICeS
Supportive Services
dISaBled StudentS programS and SerVICeS (dSpS)
• DSPS welcomed a new adjunct Learning Disabilities Specialist to our program this year, Ann Marie Breslin.
• IVC Learning Disabilities Specialist Dr. Brooke Choo hosted at IVC the fall meeting of the Region 8 Learning Disabilities
Specialists and continues to serve as the Region 8 representative to the Learning Disabilities Field Advisory committee to
the CCCCO of which she also leads as Chair.
• In October, Dr. Choo made two presentations at the annual convention of the California Association for Postsecondary
Education in Disability.
• Dr. Choo served as the lead trainer for the CCCCO Learning Disabilities Eligibility and Services Model Training June 2013 in
Sacramento, CA and will lead another training June 2014 in San Diego, CA.
eXtended opportunItY programS and
• Conducted CARE Workshops: 4 workshops in F13 with 48
attendees, 4 workshops in SP14 with 44 attendees.
• Identified placements for and employed 27 CalWORKs
students on Federal Work Study on campus throughout
the 13/14 Academic Year.
• EOPS Book Loans – 1,437 items checked out from January
2014 – April 2014.
• Sustainability of EOPS/CARE SLOs.
• A pilot project exploring the use of eBooks using 7 iPads in SP14 (Collaborative efforts between IT, Follett, Library and
• Work in collaboration with Families Forward to host the 6th Annual Community Resource Fair at IVC.
2013-2014 Accomplishments | Irvine Valley College
aSIVC/Student lIFe
• ASIVC presented the 2013-2014 Budget to the Board of Trustees and received approval in August 2013.
• ASIVC has continued to increase the membership for positions. In the Fall we had a full cabinet, senate, court, and
commissioner council which numbered over one hundred participants.
• Welcome Back to Campus Week for students in August was well received by the large number of students who came out
for free hot dogs, pizza, cotton candy, and snow cones.
• Fear Fest for Halloween in October had a record number of students coming out in costume to win prizes.
• Homecoming 2014 had a great turnout of students to support the IVC Basketball team vs. Santa Ana. The Homecoming
King and Queen were crowned at the game.
• ASIVC had over 2,000 high school seniors attend Senior Day this year. Administrators, deans, faculty, managers and
staff welcomed them to IVC. Students attended informational kick-off meetings, which provided an overview of campus
programs and support services. All the Student Services departments were represented at tables for Senior Day, along
with student clubs and organizations.
• Faculty represented Humanities & Languages; Social
Sciences & Library Services; Fine Arts; Kinesiology,
Health & Athletics; Mathematics, Sciences &
Engineering; Guidance & Counseling; ATEP Career &
Technical Education; and Business Sciences.
• ASIVC funding for Speech and Debate, Athletics,
Administration of Justice, Model United Nations,
Dance, Wind Symphony, scholarships and other
campus programs and events provided support which
led to state championships, recognition awards,
national awards, individual competition awards, and
• ASIVC Multicultural Day was a successful event with a variety of clubs representing different countries by providing food
and snacks from the represented countries. The event was well attended by students, faculty, staff and administration.
• ASIVC officers presided at Fast Friday Events for local high school seniors, gave tours of the campus and made presentations
on the benefits of attending IVC and participation in student government.
• The Student Ambassador Program was launched in the spring of 2014 and fifteen students and two alternates were
selected to represent the campus student community. The students selected will receive extensive training about campus
support programs and services and will serve as ambassadors for IVC for the campus and local community.
Irvine Valley College | 2013-2014 Accomplishments
• Approved the Full-Time Tenure-track Faculty Hiring Priority List for 2013-2014 and approved Academic Search Committee
Appointment Recommendations.
• Discussed and worked on numerous Board Policies and Administrative Regulations, through the District-wide BPAR
• Discussed and worked on the academic calendar, through the District-wide Calendar Committee.
• Developed the ACCJC Mid-term Accreditation Report which resulted the following news: “the College has met the
accreditation standards associated with College Recommendations 1-6 and District Recommendations 1-6. Irvine Valley’s
next comprehensive visit will be in October 2016.”
• Developed/updated/approved the following reports/policies:
> Room allocation process/policy
> Full Time Tenure-Track Faculty Hiring Priority List Development Process
> Waitlist Process (District-wide)
> District-wide Strategic Plan 2014-2020
> Academic Senate Constitution and By-Laws
> Field Trips BP and AR (in-process; recommendations forwarded)
> Full-time Faculty Hiring Process BP (recommendations forwarded)
> School/Department Definition and Realignment Policy
> Program/Discipline/Course Realignment Policy
> Participated in the Planning and Decision-Making Manual revision and the included strategic planning committee
• Created and executed the following surveys:
> Early College Program
> Professional Development Activities
> Distance Education
> Helped to develop the online Faculty Professional Development System to make the C1, C2, and C3 forms paperless; will
continue to work on improving the system.
2013-2014 Accomplishments | Irvine Valley College
• Organized the following successful Professional Development activities:
> Fall 2013 IVC Professional Development Week, with Keynote Speaker Dr. Darla Cooper
> Spring 2014 IVC Professional Development Week
> The joint IVC and Saddleback Colleges’ Student Success Summit Spring 2014
• Distinguished Academic Lecture Series (DALS) 2013-2014:
> “How to Remain Active as a Classical Guitarist” by Berta Rojas, Feb. 27, 2014
> “Seductive Poison: A Jonestown Survivor’s Story of Life and Death in Jim Jones’ Peoples Temple” by Deborah Layton,
Feb. 4, 2014
> “Speaking with Vision” by Michael Hingson, Nov. 20, 2013:
> “Comics and Visual Communication” by Scott McCloud, Sep. 6, 2013
• IVC2IVC Lectures Series 2013-2014 – by IVC Faculty members and Classified Staff:
> “International Outreach: Debating in China”, Gary Rybold, Speech/Forensics, September 9, 2013
> “Steampunk: The New Frontier”, Megan Ozima, English, October 7, 2013
> “The College Fear Factor”, Summer Serpas and Daniel de Roulet, English, November 4, 2013
> “Classical Street Painting: Reinvented in a Modern World”, Julie Kirk, Fine Arts, December 2, 2013
> “NASA and Student Success”, Alec Sim, Physical Science, February 3, 2014
> “Developing an Educated Citizen: A Historical Perspective”, Parisa Soltani, EOPS, March 3, 2014
> “Vocabulary Isn’t a Four Letter Word”, Melanie Haeri and Patric Taylor, Humanities, April 7, 2014
> “What is Law?”, June McLaughlin, Paralegal Studies, May 5, 2014
• The Academic Senate Cabinet participated in Professional Development Conferences and Networking Meetings, including:
> Academic Senate for California Community Colleges (ASCCC) Fall 2012 Plenary
> Academic Senate for California Community Colleges (ASCCC) Spring 2013 Plenary
> Academic Senate for California Community Colleges (ASCCC) Area D Meetings
> Curriculum Institute 2013
> Strengthening Student Success Conference 2013
> Accreditation Institute 2014
> Orange County Business Council (OCBC) Annual Dinner
> CSULB Educational Leadership Fora (Dec. 2013 and May 2014)
Irvine Valley College | 2013-2014 Accomplishments
• The Academic Senate Cabinet actively participated in numerous committees, including:
> Academic Senate
> Curriculum Committee
> Tech Review I and II
> Academic Affairs
> SLOTF – Student Learning Outcomes Task Force
> AFTPC - Academic, Planning, Facilities, and Technology Committee (College Strategic Planning Committee)
> APTC – Academic, Planning, and Technology Committee (College Strategic Planning Committee)
> SPOBDC - Strategic Planning Oversight and Budget Development Committee (College Strategic Planning Committee)
> BDRPC – Budget Development and Resource Planning Committee (College Strategic Planning Committee)
> College Council
> SPAC – Strategic Planning and Accreditation Committee
> SPOBDC/BDPRC Planning Workgroup
> BSR - Budget Solutions Recommendations Workgroup
> IEC - Institutional Effectiveness Committee (College Strategic Planning Committee)
> SSAMMO – Student Success, Access, Matriculation, Marketing, and Outreach
> Committee (College Strategic Planning Committee)
> BAARC – Basic Aid Allocation Resource Committee
> DRAC – District Resource Allocation Committee
> District-wide Planning Council
> BP/AR – Board Policy/Administrative Regulation
> CIC – Capital Improvement Committee
> Chancellor’s Council
> Instructional Council
> President’s Cabinet
> District Calendar Committee
> District-wide Strategic Plan 2014-2020 Task Force
> BPA – Business Process Analyses for HR, Finance, and Curriculum
> Workday Performance/Talent Design Sessions
2013-2014 Accomplishments | Irvine Valley College
> IVC Technology Advisory Task Force
> IVC Distance Education Task Force
> District Technology Committee (DTC)
> District-wide Technology Plan Task Force
> District Online Education Committee (DOEC)
> DOEC Help Desk Work Group
> Scholarship Oversight Task Force
> Scholarship Award Task Force
> DCC – District Coordinating Committee
Irvine Valley College | 2013-2014 Accomplishments
• IVC Classified Senate gave five scholarships worth $500 each.
• Carol Danna coordinated a campus-wide effort to produce 90 shoeboxes filled with gifts that were donated to the
Samaritan’s Purse.
• Guest Speakers: Dr. Linda Fontanilla, Nancy Montgomery, Dr. Craig Hayward, Professor Kathy Schmeidler, Ji Chung, Jim
Gaston and Jim Phaneuf.
• Workshops offered by the Senate: Earthquake Preparedness, Shared Governance, CALPers, Public Speaking, ICE (In Case
of Emergency): Are You Prepared?, and Active Shooter.
• California Leadership Institute Workshops: Vincent Cooper, Dean LeBeau, Angie Riedel - Leadership and Communication,
Karen Martin, Carol Danna – Fundraising, Angela Mahaney, Maria Nunez - Accreditation.
• Karen Martin recently selected as the California Community Colleges Classified Senate (4CS) Southeast 2 Representative.
2013-2014 Accomplishments | Irvine Valley College