The Flyline - Idaho Aviation Association
The Flyline - Idaho Aviation Association
The Flyline The Official Newsletter of the Idaho Aviation Association Waiting for the trout to wake up March 2011 The ultimate responsibility of the pilot is to fulfill the dreams of Events Calendar the countless millions of earthbound ancestors who could only stare skyward...and dream. March 12, Work Party. Bernard (U54). Contact Jerry Terlisner 208-859-7959 or March 26, Work Party. Wilson Bar (ID76). Contact Jerry Terlisner 208-859-7959 or April 8-9, Flight Instructor Refresher/Pilot Safety Clinic. Avcenter Hangar in Nampa. Limited seating. Visit www.itd. for more information. April 16 Work Party. Mahoney (OU3). Contact Jerry Terlisner 208-859-7959 or April 23, Emmett (S78) Wings and Wheels.Aircraft fly in & open house. Awards for spot landing, balloon breaking, flour bombing, and short field takeoff. Show N’ Shine for classic/ antique cars & trucks. Fuel available at cost courtesy of Back Country Fuel Stop. Fundraiser breakfast by IAA. Contact John at 365-2164 or 365-4135 The Idaho Aviation Association April 30, Work Party Big Bar (N/A7). Contact Wayne Thiel 208-890-8866 or Your donations protect our unique back May 7, Weiser (S87) fly-in breakfast. country airstrips and build a secure future May 14, Fun in the Grass Fly-In & Breakfast Carey (U65) for general aviation in Idaho. Thank you! May 21, Aviation Conference (IDA). Annual IAA Meeting: Contact Doug Culley or (208) 861-6926. Tradeshow Information: Contact: Aero Mark, Inc. Phone: 208 524-1202 May 21 Parma Airport Fly-In , Drive-In Breakfast served by Recent Contributors the Parma Lions. 8:00 AM to 11AM. Contact: Hans Gotsch 208 722-6278 or Mel Rosema, Centerville UT-Big Creek June 11, Work Party. Graham (U45). Contact Jerry Terlisner at 208-859-7959 or Ron Walker, McCall ID-Big Creek June 15, SuperCub Fly In (details to be announced). Kirt Barbee, Alexandria VA-Johnson Creek June 18-19, Treasure Valley Chapter meeting and breakfast. Jerry Highland, Nine Mile Falls WA-Johnson Creek Garden Valley (U88). Thomas Howard, Vaughn WA-Johnson Creek June 20-22, Aviation Career Education (ACE) Academy in Boise. A three-day adventure in aviation for high school The IAA Board of Directors sincerely thank those many students. Contact: Frank Lester 208 334-8780 members who have given extra financial support to our efforts June 25, Caldwell Celebration of Flight Airshow. A one day to improve facilities at Idaho’s back country airports. From family oriented event highlighting all the living color and new grass seed to picnic tables and shelters, to culverts and breathtaking excitement of high energy aerobatics. weed whacking, your contributions help ensure that Idaho July 2, 2nd Annual Steve Rogers Memorial Treeport Fly-In remains the “Best of the Best” for back country flying. Contact Tom Willis 208-304-1057 or KodiakFlyer@gmail. Thank you! com.) July 9-10, 180/185 Club Fly-in. Garden Valley (U88). Contact Jim Davies or 208 859-5537 When a flight is proceeding incredibly well, something was forgotten Please send calendar items and editorial submissions to: Deadline is the 25th of the month President's Corner Jim Davies Work parties are the bread and butter of our airstrip preservation and maintenance effort. They are a tangible signature and are a significant part of our image. Jerry Terlisner and Jack Kotaki, with input from the IAN steering committee on needs and priorities, as well as historic considerations, published the 2011 work party schedule. There have been a few adjustments already, but the correct dates and airstrips are on the IAA website calendar and in the Flyline. Contact Jerry if you are willing to be coordinator for one of the work parties but even if you cannot do that, I encourage you to participate. By the way, work parties are also a good excuse to go flying and have fun. Look for mention of them in Pilot Getaways magazine this year. As you know, the Directors met in January and it was the first time in my memory that all seven of the Directors were able to attend. A few of the items addressed were: -We discussed the 2011 budget in some detail, and then sent it back for revision. The board has since approved the revised version. -We decided to improve member benefits by creating a membership card that would document currency and provide some useful information for flight planning. We plan to add further benefits such as fuel and vendor discounts. We discussed many other subjects as well, and the minutes of the meetings are available on line. In February, we met with the Moose Creek District Ranger, Joe Hudson and the Wilderness Program Manager, Suzanne Cable. We had a productive discussion that ranged from the picnic table issue to noxious weed control. The Ranger was very interested in the survey results we presented to him and promised to study them before making any decisions. We seem to be developing a good working relationship with the Forest Service people in that area and all agreed we should meet regularly. On the horizon is the Annual General Membership Meeting on May 21st. This year’s meeting will be held in Idaho Falls in conjunction with the Idaho Aviation Convention. IAA member Bob Hoff is generously sponsoring what should prove to be a grand fly-in and trade show. It will be open to everyone and IAA members will be admitted free. Our meeting will be just one of many events, displays, and entertainment. Please plan to attend. Your organization will be on the road to several places this year promoting the IAA, membership, and stewardship of the backcountry. By the time this is published, we will have been to the Northwest Aviation Conference in Puyallup, WA. On March 3rd-5th we will be represented at the Montana Aviation Conference in Helena, and on April 23rd, at the Emmett Wings and Wheels show. We are actively supporting the Idaho Aviation Convention in Idaho Falls on May 21st and have been invited to the Cascade’s Air A’Fair August 6th. Drop by the booth at any of these shows and bring a friend. I hope that you have had a chance to use or view the new website. I appreciate the patience you have shown while we are dealing with some of the initial problems. Be assured we will continue to adjust and fine tune this resource. I hope to see many of you at a work party or aviation show this year. Stay safe and keep flying. COMING SOON TO A DMV NEAR YOU! The Idaho Legislature gave its final approval to House Bill 45 in mid-February that allows creation of Idaho’s newest speciality plate. The governor’s office must still approve the final design (thus the mock up depiction of “Scenic Idaho” overlayed by “Fly”). It will become available beginning next January. The Idaho Aviation Foundation (IAF) sponsored the plates as a fund raiser and as a way to increase general aviation’s visibility. Initial purchase price will be $35 in addition to the regular registration fee. Annual renewals will cost $25. Sample plates, suitable for hanging in the den or hangar, will be available to everyone, including out of state residents, for $30. The IAF will receive about half of each amount to help support its aviation and airstrip projects. Representative Joe Palmer, Meridian, and Senator Chuck Winder, Boise, carried the bill in their respective chambers. Past IAA president Larry Taylor walked the bill through the process. Page 2 District 1 - Sandpoint/Coeur d’ Alene Jan Lee H E L P WA N T E D for the Garden Valley showers Sunday, February 20th was a big and restrooms. We day for Sandpoint Airport as Dave need volunteers Schuck, Airport Manager and Jason in all phases of Hauck, Silverwing Flight Services, construction. It made the front page of the Sunday would be to our edition of the Bonner Daily Bee. We benefit if these love great aviation publicity! The volunteers were pair announced the design contest Photo by Crista Worthy professionals in the for a new entry to the Sandpoint following trades: plumbing, electrical, framing, carpentry, sheet Airport. Funded through a grant, the beautification project will rock, paint. Tom Jones from Garden Valley has committed to present a fresh face for those arriving at SZT, whether via air or handling the concrete. Steve & Nadine Burak of ABC Seamless ground. Drs. Pamela and Forrest Bird have offered a $1,000 prize have committed to complete the roofing, siding, and soffit and for the best landscape design. The goal is to have the project fascia system. We also could use a list of volunteer helpers to completed before the 6th Annual Wings Over Sandpoint Fly-in help these tradesmen. We break ground April 1st, so we will on August 13th. need to pin down the construction schedule so that the project In Coeur d’Alene, Mike Satren, President of the Coeur d’Alene can be completed by May 31st and ready for the summer. Airport Association, is compiling a slideshow in support of the Volunteers are needed to hit up all the lumberyards to get the Coeur d’Alene Airport. Mike plans to present the slideshow at materials donated. If you know anyone in the building material meetings of the local Chamber of Commerce, Rotary Clubs, business maybe you can help with donations. Please contact etc., to build awareness of the airport and to help gain public Steve Burak at 208-861-9056 or support. There are issues concerning the potential for future detrimental development around the airport. Anyone with a good history of successful work in this area, who might be able to share information or pictures with Mike, please contact him at On the Cover of the Rolling Stone L ET ’S GET ‘E R DON E ! IAA members might also consider a tax deductible donation to the Idaho Aviation Foundation, targeted to the Garden Valley Project. Send your donation to: IAF Box 2016 from JV DeThomas, Administrator Eagle, ID 83616 Idaho Div ision of Aeronautics Or contribute online: Pursuant to the agreement with the US Forest Ser vice, REED RANCH airstrip will be CLOSED from Contact Steve if you have something to offer or need answers to November 1 through April 31. The area is a noted specific questions. elk wintering area and we all know that aircraft operations can disturb already stressed wildlife. T h a n k You ! A Reminder for All Back Countr y Pilots Page 3 District 3 - Treasure Valley/McCall Wayne Thiel Recent Idaho transplant and Pilot Getaways Technical Editor Crista Worthy reports that the March/April issue will have three relevant backcountry articles. 1. The B--C Ranch, in the Silver Creek drainage off Camas Creek, which will now be open to pilots flying in (with permission and reservations) beginning this spring, continuing through the summer and fall, for stays at their ranch, fishing, horseback riding, guided hunting, or just relaxing. 2. Aircraft review of the King Katmai, an amazing STOL aircraft by Peterson Performance Plus, and profile of the Petersons. 3. An article about work parties, to encourage involvement in airstrip preservation and upkeep, and membership in organizations like the IAA. To order a subscription for $17.95 call (818) 241-1890 or log on to Emmett, Idaho S78 We had some great flying weather last week; however, I was at work, plus 75Bravo has been getting annualled. I hope to get the seats back in, doors on, inspection holes all covered up and re-cowled this Saturday. I also had a new 406 ELT installed. I have been down for maintenance as well, with an arthroscopic surgery on my left shoulder to remove some corrosion (bone spurs). I am doing great and hope to be 100% by 3/1. Tragedy struck here (near District 3 Treasure Valley) on Saturday January 29th. A Cessna 182 piloted by a 38 year old Nampa man along with his 69 year old mother and his 24 year old brother-in-law hit a mountain top near Adrian, Oregon. The pilot, according to his friend, only had his pilot’s license since October 2010. The weather was foggy and it was after 8 PM at night. This is a tragic lesson for all of us to be careful. The pilot had 6 small children and 12 brothers & sisters. “Aviation in itself is not inherently dangerous. But to an even greater degree than the sea, it is terribly unforgiving of any carelessness, incapacity or neglect”, Captain A.G. Lamplugh, British Aviation Ins. Group. Be sure to check the events calendar for the activities and work parties. If you have some extra cash and would like to help a worthy cause, donate to the Idaho Aviation Foundation and direct the money to the showers at Garden Valley project. By donating to the Foundation, you can get a tax write off. Steve Burak 208 861-9055 Nadine Burak 208 861-9056 • All Products FAA Approved • Interior Panels and Glare shields for Cessna 170, A, B, 175, 180, 185, 172 & early 182 & 206 T and U models • Nose bowls for Cessna 180, 185, Specializing In Fiberglass Aircraft Parts Repair Station No. LOGR640X Email: (208) 664-9589 V- Mail 1-800-891-7687 1956-1972 Cessna 182 and 1960-64 Cessna 210 • Extended Baggage Kits for all Cessna 180, 185, 1956-1980 C 182, 170B, 172, 175, and 206/207 models • Vinyl & Wool Headliners • Composite Cowls Available for All It’s a great time to get the winter maintenance done on both yourself and your plane. Next month we should be out getting the flying skills tuned up. Fly safe, Wayne Thiel 208-890-8866 N4775B C180, C185 & 1956-1961 C182 Print and bulk mail services professionally provided by: AIRCRAFT SALES Authorized Distributor for AIRGLAS Heavy Duty NOSE FORKS SKIS, & PODS BURLʼS AC 1714 Industrial Drive Sandpoint, ID 83864 208 263-7523 208-794-2444- Todd 208-484-7242 - Willy AOSS & Tail Skis Page 4 OUR FRIENDS AT THE RAF GOT A SEAT AT THE TABLE! LET’S HELP THEM BRING US ALL WITH THEM!! Most RAF supporters ask: “How can I help?” Like the rest of us, you want to do your part in protecting recreational aviation. Unfortunately, there isn’t always a work party or other event near each of us where we can pitch in. Now there is something each and every one of us can and should do to help the cause. No doubt you are well aware that the 112th Congress is chock-full of newly elected members. The assignment is simple: we each need to contact our member of the House of Representatives and encourage them to join the GA Caucus. The Caucus is bipartisan and co-chaired by Rep. John Barrow (D-GA) and Rep. Sam Graves (R-MO) both strong proponents of general aviation. The Caucus will serve as the discussion arena for many of the issues so important to all of us. Legislators who participate in the Caucus will not only be well informed of the issues; they also will have the added benefit of knowing the impact of their votes on the general aviation community directly from the stakeholders. We have never enjoyed the opportunity for such an audience. By urging your representative to join the Caucus, you are helping to assure that the audience is large and represents a cross section of the nation. Last year’s membership made it the single largest caucus on Capitol Hill. Even if you have never contacted your representative, or aren’t even sure who he or she is, it is easy to find out and make the request for them to join the GA Caucus. To find your Representative, visit, enter your zip code, and there you have it. This is a House caucus, so please contact the Representative, not the Senators on the list. It is best to call them and ask to speak to them or their aviation staff person directly—most will return your call. Optionally, you can email them. Regular mail is ineffective as it takes months to clear the safety precautions in Washington DC. Please do this now! Your help is critical and will make a difference. I would appreciate it if you would drop me a note ( to let me know that you got the job done. Thank you! Tim Clifford Director Recreational Aviation Foundation “In the Idaho back country I’d rather have a two hour bladder and three hours of gas than vice versa.”--- Pete O’Tube FU EL TA X R EFU NDS A R E AVA IL A BLE If you bought and used ethanol-free auto gas in your aircraft, whether a light sport or homebuilt, or STC-certificated, you may be eligible for a refund from the Idaho Tax Commission. Under Idaho Code, the fuels tax rate paid on auto gas at the pump is $.25 per gallon. The fuels tax rate for “Av Gas” (100LL) is $.07 per gallon. When purchasing (and paying tax on) auto gas at a gas station, then using it in an aircraft, the pilot or aircraft owner is overpaying their tax obligation under law. To qualify for a refund of taxes paid at the auto pump, you must comply with the following conditions: •You must burn at least 50 gallons during the filing period you choose (monthly, quarterly, annually). •You must keep records including receipts that support your request for a refund. •You must file an Idaho Form 75 “Idaho Fuels Use Report” with the Idaho State Tax Commission. The Division of Aeronautics encourages all qualifying pilots and aircraft owners using auto gas in their aircraft to file the reports for two reasons: First, we don’t want pilots to pay any more than necessary to fly; and second, of the original $.25 gas tax, $.07 per gallon is returned to the Division of Aeronautics for aviation programs including airport grants, improvements, and maintenance, safety programs, and Search and Rescue. The remaining $.18 per gallon is returned to the purchaser. In most cases, aircraft owners who obtained the appropriate STC, obtained it solely to reduce aircraft operating costs. If your aircraft uses significant quantities of auto gas, it will be worth the effort to file the Form 75. You can find the form and instructions for completing it at: In 2009, the Idaho State Tax Commission received 20 requests for refunds. More than $2,000 was returned to those who filed for a refund with another $500.00 deposited toward your Aeronautics’ aviation programs. There may be hundreds of these aircraft within Idaho, indicating that many aircraft owners are unaware of this refund program, not only overpaying their tax obligation, but also diverting funding away from important aviation programs and improvements. See a state by state listing of available ethanol free gas Note: the new website is up and running! Please point your browser to: I think you will like it! Editor Page 5 Friedman Memorial (KSUN) the saga continues Gleaned from the newspaper. “Consultants on Tuesday warned them not to expect a quick sale. Instead, a 10year development horizon was presented as a realistic expectation” “Them” refers to City of Hailey, which has big development plans for the property vacated by the airport. What the city seems to be overlooking is the fact that the property will revert to the Friedman family if it’s no longer used for an airport. Due to the reality of the current economy, my gut feeling is that public sentiment has switched directions on this issue and even though this steam roller will be difficult to stop, I think it will run out of fuel before they start to rip up the tarmac. That’s not in concert with promoters who want to see big box stores and high rent boutiques where airplanes are now parked. Read the woeful story at: Fly into the Middle Fork for breakfast or lunch! The Flying B Ranch on the Middle Fork of the Salmon has opened up for breakfast from 7 a.m. until 10:30 a.m. and lunch from 11:45 until 1:30 p.m. for the flying public. The charge is $20 per meal, and this includes transportation from the airstrip to the lodge. The GPS identifier is 12ID, and we are about a mile upstream from the Bernard airstrip. Call us on the way in at 122.90 or let the Salmon office know at 208-756-6295. We hope this makes up for the loss of the Big Creek Lodge. Fly safely and ENJOY! THESE IDAHO AIRPORTS NEED AN ASN VOLUNTEER KAOC-KBYI-KGNG-KJER-KLLJ-KSZT-S66-S73-S83U01-U03-U12-U36-U48-U56-U70-U76 Pitching in is painless. All efforts pay dividends to our flying privileges and serve our interests. Jump on in, the water’s fine! Mike Todd’s article “Food For Thought” (page 6) brought to mind the single pilot experience he suggested could happen, because it DID happen; to me! In 1990 I flew over to Portland to pick up my friend David for two days of guided trophy fishing on the Williamson River near Klamath Falls. All went according to plan the first day and we both landed several very large trout. While camping out overnight, however, things began to unravel quickly. Unbeknownst to me, I had picked up some kind of very potent parasite from the river water during our day of fishing. Midnight to 5 a.m. found me either kneeling before the porcelain throne, or sitting on it. My tent mate awoke at 5 and found me collapased against the toilet; delirious, hallucinating, feverish, and nearly unconscious. From a nearby pay phone he called 911 and an ambulance was dispatched. Dave correctly saw no upside in missing already paid for guided fishing and remained on the river for a day to remember. I woke up in the K-Falls hospital, where they managed to pump me with seven liters of saline solution to resolve severe dehydration, and untold amounts of antibiotic for whatever it was that had invaded my G.I. tract. Dave borrowed the guides truck that evening and drove me back to the campsite at Chiloquin (2S7), regaling me the entire trip as to the incredible day of fishing he had. After a sound nights sleep, I woke up still weak, dizzy and unable to think clearly. I did have an idea that I wasn’t fit to fly, and quickly made a call to arrange for another plane to bring another pilot to get us, and my airplane, back to Portland. Six hundred bucks later, we were both where we needed to be. One can easily question the wisdom of a decision after the fact, so long as he is still alive. In the end though, I’m just happy to be here and able to tell this tale. editor Short Final The following was an exchange between a friend and a pre-flight briefer last weekend. The briefer got to the NOTAMS and there was one for a rocketry club near Schaumburg, IL... Briefer: ... and Schaumburg has a warning that they’ll be firing rockets. My Friend: Man! First it’s North Korea, now Schaumburg! It took the briefer about two minutes to stop laughing enough to continue the briefing. Page 6 Safety Corner Mike Todd c onv i nc e d h i m t h at w a sn’t goi ng to h app e n, a nd told h i m he lp w a s on t he w ay. He h ad pre t t y muc h re g a i ne d h i s c omp o su re by t he t i me t he Pa r a me d ic s s howe d up, but w i s e l y a g re e d to go FOOD FOR T HOUGH T a long w it h t he pl a n, a nd t he me d ic s h au le d h i m I t hou g ht I’ d s h a re a n e x p e r ie nc e w it h you g u y s . of f to t he ho s pit a l, w he re t he y pu mp e d t wo ba g s It d id n’t h app e n i n a Sk y w a gon t h i s t i me , but of I V f lu id s i nto h i m . i f it h ad , t he re su lt s wou ld h ave b e e n wor s e . I n A f te r we fou nd a f i l l-i n FO s o I c ou ld f i n i s h t he t h i s c a s e , it h app e ne d i n a 747, on t a ke of f f rom re m a i n i ng t h re e m i nute s of my c he c k, I c a l le d Tok yo’s Na r it a I nte r n at ion a l, a nd for t u n ate l y it t he e me r ge nc y ro om a nd t a l ke d to M a rk on t he h app e ne d i n a si mu l ator. phone . T he c onc lu sion i n t he E R w a s t h at he T he Fi r s t O f f ic e r w ho w a s f l y i ng w it h me c a me w a s su f fe r i ng f rom s e ve re de hyd r at ion a nd t he to work t h i s mor n i ng w it h a fe ve r, a nd s ome e f fe c t s of f lu . He’ l l proba bl y b e re ad y to f l y ot he r f lu s y mptom s , but s a id he fe lt a g a i n w he n we re su me ou r t r a i n i ng on I c a l le d for t he up to t he c he c k, s o we got t h i ng s Mond ay. B e c au s e he w a s te s te d at t he ge a r up a f ter ho s pit a l, a nd t he c au s e of e pi s o de w a s u nde r w ay. He d id a b e aut i f u l job of f l y i ng t he a i r pl a ne a nd h a nd l i ng a l l de te r m i ne d , we’re hopi ng h i s de a l i ng s losi ng t he t he e me r ge nc ie s a long t he w ay. A f te r w it h t he FA A re g a rd i ng t he m at te r w i l l # 1 eng i ne . . . he f i n i s he d t he re qu i re d m a neuve r s , t here w a s no go smo ot h l y. we to ok a s hor t bre a k a nd it w a s my But w h at i f one of u s h ad b e e n f l y i ng re s p on s e t u r n i n t he ba r re l . A g a i n, M a rk d id a a n a i rc r a f t by ou r s e lve s a nd pa s s e d b e aut i f u l job of h a nd l i ng a l l t he noni nto t h at s t ate ...ju s t a s we le f t t he f l y i ng pi lot dut ie s . We s t a r te d ou r t a ke of f rol l g rou nd ? I f we h ad b e e n f l y i ng a si ng le pi lot for t he l a s t m a neuve r, a V1 c ut at 875, 0 0 0 lb, a nd a i r pl a ne i n t he re a l world , w it hout s ome one i n a l l we nt we l l u nt i l I c a l le d for t he ge a r up a f te r t he r ig ht s e at w ho c ou ld t a ke ove r a nd h a nd le t he lo si ng t he #1 e ng i ne ...t he re w a s no re s p on s e . A s a i r pl a ne , we a nd a ny pa s s e nge r s wou ld l i ke l y b e I got t he he av y a i r pl a ne c l i mbi ng aw ay f rom t he de ad . g rou nd a nd he ade d out t he e x te nde d c e nte r l i ne L i ke mo s t pi lot s , I’ve f low n my ow n a i r pl a ne at of t he r u nw ay, I lo oke d ove r at M a rk . H i s e ye s t i me s w he n I d id n’t fe e l we l l, a nd ju s t w a nte d we re op e n, h i s c omple x ion pa le , a s it h ad b e e n to ge t home . A f te r s e e i ng subt le i nc apac it at ion i n ou r br ie f i ng , a nd he w a s s l ig ht l y s lu mp e d for re a l, I won’t b e doi ng t h at a ny more . It ju s t for w a rd i n h i s s e at . I w a s i n a s t ate of de n i a l ... I do e sn’t t a ke t h at muc h to t a ke you out of t he t r ie d a ga i n to ge t h i m to re s p ond , but t he re pic t u re w he n b o d y c he m i s t r y go e s w rong , a nd w a s no a n s we r f rom t he voic e t h at h ad c a l le d t he re i s no w ay to ju s t “ tou g h it out ”. V2 ju s t s e c ond s b e fore . I a s su me d he a nd t he si m i n s t r uc tor h ad c o oke d up a n i nc apac it at ion s c e n a r io, (not l i ke l y to h app e n i n ou r t r a i n i ng , but it w a s not ye t si n k i ng i n t h at we h ad a re a l e me r ge nc y i n ou r si mu l ate d world) s o I re t r ac te d t he ge a r a nd b e ga n f l y i ng t he a i r pl a ne si ng le pi lot . T h at w a s t he p oi nt w he re t he i n s t r uc tor ju mp e d up out of h i s s e at a nd t r ie d to s h a ke M a rk ’s s hou lde r to ge t a re s p on s e . M a rk ju s t s at t he re , c omple te l y obl iv iou s to ou r e f for t s . We s topp e d t he si m, a nd c a l le d 911. It to ok a long f ive m i nute s for M a rk to c ome bac k i nto c on s c iou sne s s , a nd w he n he d id , he t h re w up a l l ove r h i m s e l f, s at up i n h i s s e at , a nd s a id he w a nte d to c ont i nue t he c he c k . We T h i s i s a t r u e s t o r y b y I A A m e m b e r Mi k e To d d , a Un i t e d C a pt a i n a n d C -18 0 p i l o t . Page 7 Classified Please support our Sponsors like they support the IAA! FREE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING! On the IAA website and in the Flyline (Generally 3 months or as space is available) For sale ads are members only! WANTED ads are open to all! Airglas 3600LW skis for 180/185. Low time bungies, cables and tail wheel springs. Complete installation fittings, STC and drawings. Skis are located in ID. $2500+shipping. Ted OMalley 303-841-5437 or 208-993-1016 Beautiful 1947 Cessna120. She is almost perfect and my baby. I want $17,500. Larry Knox. Check it out Nice performing SLSA that will fly very well in and out of back country strips. It is a 2008 SLSA Sport Hornet, 2 place tandem. Glass front and rear, Radio with intercom, transponder with encoder, dual controls with dual toe brakes. 162 TT with newly built engine because of valve cap breaking. 912ULS 100HP on a 700Lb ship. Asking about 1/2 the original or new replacement cost. Check it out Thank you. Larry Knox. Every other week since 1949! Contact the association for your subscription — only $25! GAN • P.O. Box 39099 • Lakewood, WA 98439-0099 800-426-8538 • 1953 Cessna 180 Clean Colorado Skywagon. TTAF 4275, O-470R SMOH 795, with 88” seaplane prop. Annual due 04/11. New Cleveland wheels/brakes/Goodyear 850s. Alaskan Baby Bushwheel TW, BAS shoulder harness & tailpull handles. Selkirk extended baggage mod. Interior has been stipped, painted with zinc and Selkirk souund deadening/insulating foam kit installed. New Airtex carpet. Moutain Wave Cargo netting system. Burl’s firewall battery box with new Odyssey lightweight battery. New Skytech lightweight starter. Rear baggage door STC added. Atlee Dodge seaplane V-brace. Recently rebuilt horizontal stabilizer jack screws and tail spring assembly. PPonk gear leg beef up kit available, but not installed. $59,500 or trade for Super Cub. N3441U, 1963 Cessna 182F, TT 4250, Continental O-470-R, 1300 SMOH, Prop 354 Hrs SMOH, Annual in September 2010, Long Range tanks (80 Gal), STOL Kit, VG’s, Flap Gap Seals, big tires, KX-170B’s, Lowrance GPS, Intercom, PTT switches on yokes, Shoulder harness, Excellent paint and interior, Outstanding cruising and back country plane. $55,000. Pete White-208 384-1904. whitepete@ ADVERTISERS Sponsor ads can now be placed on the IAA website IN COLOR! Please e-mail your color ad copy and I’ll place it in the web edition of The Flyline. Thank you! Page 8 Do you like to Go, Fly, Explore? Find out how to celebrate Idaho’s legendary backcountry with 3 different special edition posters at: used with permission The Idaho Aviation Foundation (IAF) supports Idaho’s public use community and recreational airstrips. Support IAF with a $120 taxdeductible donation and we thank you with your choice of beautiful posters celebrating Idaho’s unique aviation heritage . Choose from 3 different posters Cessna Taildragger Cessna Nosegear Super Cub Want to know how to get one of these posters for YOUR hangar? Learn more about IAF and how you can get involved: Work Parties are a GREAT way to involve youth in aviation! Several dates have been set for 2011. Locations TBA when the snow melts & needs become apparent. Make plans to pitch in this coming season! Check the events calendar for details! Page 9 MISSION STATEMENT “The Idaho Aviation Association’s mission is to represent its members in forums where decisions are made that affect general aviation; to keep its members informed about aviation issues; to work with public and private entities for the preservation, maintenance and enhancement of aviation facilities; and to promote safety, education and public understanding of general aviation in Idaho.” We invite everyone interested in aviation to join us in our efforts. Thank you for your support! I A A wo n’t l e t t h e m fo r ge t Public Law 96-312 The Central Idaho Wilderness Act of 1980 Permitted land uses; continuation. Aircraft landing. SEC. 7. (a) Within the River of No Return Wilderness and the Selway-Bitterroot Wilderness additions designated by this Act(1) the landing of aircraft, where this use has become established prior to the date of enactment of this Act shall be permitted to continue subject to such restrictions as the Secretary deems desirable: Provided, That the Secretary shall not permanently close or render unserviceable any aircraft landing strip in regular use on national forest lands on the date of enactment of this Act for reasons other than extreme danger to aircraft, and in any case not without the express written concurrence of the agency of the State of Idaho charged with evaluating the safety of backcountry airstrips. What’s on Your Mind? Let other IAA members know what is important to your flying. Letters of interest to members will be included as space is available. HOT LINKS Editor’s Picks •The current state of Avgas (video) •Put this North Idaho location in next seasons plans• •Excellent museum and lunch stop• •Idaho airport information• •Fun video of the airshow acts• •Lots of fly in info here for all states• •New back country web cams are up• •We MUST reverse the ethanol momentum• Contacts State President:Jim Davies 859-5537 Vice Presidents: Jack Kotaki-Back Country Issues 340-7177 Bill Miller-Gov’t Affairs 853-8585 Jerry Terlisner-Activities 859-7959 Doug Culley-Membership 861-6926 Joe Corlett-Communications 336-1097 Paul Jorgensen-Awards 343-0290 Secretary-Nadine Burak 861-9056 Treasurer-Russ Vawter 602-5840 Directors: Dist #1 Jan Lee 255-9954 Dist #2 Judy Parrish-Jones 301-3395 Dist #3 Wayne Thiel 890-8866 Dist #4 Galen Hanselman 788-5176 Dist #5 Kerry Requa 785-8980 Dist #6 Mike Hart 522-5783 FLYLINE Ken Jackson Page 10 Phone: Day____________ Eve___________ Email:________________________ City: _________________________ State: ______ Zip: _____ Address: _________________________________________ Name: _____________________________________ IDAHO NINETY-NINES 3701 W. Ambrosia Lane Kuna, ID 83634 Mail $45 check payable to ‘Idaho Ninety-Nines’ to: Sherry Kandle: (208) 841-1421 Beth Shannon: (208) 880-5084 For more information, please contact: Don’t delay. Register TODAY! You’ll be glad you did! Advanced registration highly recommended only $45.00 ($50.00 at the door) Lunch available for donation. Topics include Aerodynamics, Basic Cockpit Instruments, Navigation and Chart-reading, Communication, Handling an Emergency, and mu ch more. The seminar is sponsored and taught by the Idaho Ninety-Nines, the local chapter of the international organization of women pilots. When: Saturday May 14 8:00 am to 4:30 pm Where: Idaho Division of Aeronautics, 3483 Rickenbacker St., Boise, ID 83705 The Flying Companion Seminar is designed with the non-pilot in mind. Our goal is to help you become more comfortable in light aircraft and be able to have FUN! It will give you an understanding of how the airplane flies, why it stays in the air, AND reveal the secrets of what the pilot is doing! This groundschool only course is packed with information and activities to help you enjoy flying more. New this year by popular request - a cockpit tour and preflight will be provided to demonstrate the concepts and answer your questions. Do you want to know more about flying in an airplane? Do you want to know how to assist a pilot on a flight? This is the seminar for you!! FLYING COMPANION SEMINAR IDAHO AVIATION ASSOCIATION Working to Preserve Idaho’s Irreplaceable Backcountry Airstrips Membership Application Form OR join online at Name Date: Zip: City: State: Address Phone: E-mail District Affiliation-circle one North Idaho Lewis & Clark McCall Boise Magic Valley Idaho Falls Pocatello Memberships Contributions 1 year membership $29 (Includes Annual Membership) 3 year membership $84 ($28/yr) Level I “Johnson Creek” $50 5 year membership $135 ($27/yr) Level II “Big Creek” $100 Addt’l Pilot/family member $12/indiv per yr Corporate Sponsor $250 (buys ad space in Flyline) Sponsoring Member: At Large Level III “Moose Creek” $300 Level IV “Wilson Bar” $500 Lifetime Level “Mile Hi” $1000 and up Merchandise: Item Size (circle choice) Color (circle choice) Price Hat N/A black-red-green-tan-blue $20 Patch N/A $ 5 T-shirt S M L XL XXL black-white $20 Pocket T-shirt S M L XL XXL black-white-gray-smoke-blue $20 Polo shirt, men S M L XL XXL white-blue-green $30 Pocket Polo, men S M L XL XXL white $30 Polo shirt, women S M L XL XXL white-seafoam-blue $30 Denim shirt, men S M L XL XXL denim $30 Denim shirt, women S M L XL XXL denim $30 Embroid. Long sleeve, men S M L XL XXL yellow-beige $30 Embroid. Long sleeve, women S M L XL XXL yellow-beige $30 Poster NA NA $15 Total Merchandise_______________________________________________________$_________ GAN subscription $25 ($10 off regular price)______________________________ ___$_________ Dues_______________________________________________________ __________$_____ ___ Contributions__________________________________________________________$_________ Grand Total____________________________________________________________$_________ Payment Information: Credit Card #________________________________________________________Expires________ Check Enclosed (payable to the IAA) PO Box 963, Nampa ID 83653 Idaho Aviation Association PO Box 963 Nampa ID 83653 htt New p:/ /w Web w w si .id te A ah oa ddre v ia s tio s! n.c om s! m s e .co dr d ion A e viat sit b hoa e a w W e N ww // : p htt The FLYLINE March 2011 The Monthly Newsletter of the Idaho Aviation Association
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