Shock testing facilities


Shock testing facilities
Data sheet
Shock testing facilities
Deck shock machine
It is imperative that equipment and systems within an
operational warship have a proven reliability to operate
during hostile engagements. It is essential however that any
installation is fit for purpose and does not compromise other
systems or endanger the crew.
QinetiQ’s specialist dynamic shock test service provides the
most representative method of equipment and system shock
qualification for shipboard installation.
Two Tonne shock machine
• Specialist UK facility
• Expert impartial advice
• Effective & representative
• Tests meet NATO & national design requirements
• High Speed Footage
• Instrumentation & Data Analysis
QinetiQ’s shore based shock machines will replicate the initial dynamic shock loading associated with an underwater explosion
thus ensuring that equipment is tested in the most representative manner. These tests can demonstrate shortcomings in the design
of equipment that would not otherwise be possible.
Both machines operate in accordance with UK DefStan 08-120 and NATO Stanag 4141.
They satisfy
• MAP 01-470 (Supersedes BR8470 & BR3021)
• DefStan 08-123 Data Sheet 27 & 28
• NATO Stanag 4549
• Other Design Shock Response Spectrums (DSRS)
Deck Shock Machine
Two Tonne Shock Machine
Simulates the shock experienced by equipment on ships’
decks and bulkheads removed from the ship’s bottom.
Simulates the time and motion parameters associated with
the hull and bulkhead environment of ships and submarines.
The machine can be arranged to induce either vertical or
horizontal motion. Rotation of the equipment allows the
equipment to be tested in the other horizontal axis.
The machine produces vertical motion only. However, items
may be rotated and tested in the other two perpendicular
axes where practical.
Table size 2300mm x 1100mm
Table size 2800mm x 1100mm
Typical mass v. acceleration values Total Mass
(kg) Vertical
Acceleration - 5000ms-2 up to 2000kg payload.
Cody Technology Park
Ively Road, Farnborough
Hampshire, GU14 0LX
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)8700 100942
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