How to exit from zero interest rate 93 Donghun Joo
How to exit from zero interest rate 93 Donghun Joo
Donghun Joo / Journal of Economic Research 19 (2014) 93{123 93 How to exit from zero interest rate when there is a financial accelerator Donghun Joo1 Hanyang University, Korea Abstract This paper extends a simple new Keynesian DSGE model with a financial accelerator (FA) to study an exit strategy from zero interest rate. The extension of the model is made in two steps to consider the role of uncertainty explicitly: first introducing the FA mechanism that amplifies a shock and then investigating the financial shock uncertainty. The FA mechanism makes monetary policy to be less aggressive under the optimal discretionary policy regime. The introduction of the financial shock uncertainty however overwhelms the FA effect and makes monetary policy to be more aggressive in total. As a whole, the zero interest rate period is prolonged against the negative demand shock and the overshooting of output and inflation gaps are allowed during the phase of recovery. However, when the interest rate exits from the zero interest rate, it should be raised more steeply to a higher level than in the case of Nakov (2008) when the economy recovers. Keywords: financial accelerator, zero lower bound, optimal discretionary policy, collocation method JEL Classification: E5 1Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, College of Business and Economics, Hanyang University; 55, Hanyangdaehak-Ro, Sangrok-Goo, Ansan, Kyoungki-Do, 426-791, Republic of Korea; e-mail: This work was supported by the research fund of Hanyang University (HY-2013-G). First received, March 18, 2014; Revision received, April 23, 2014; Accepted, May 2, 2014. 94 How to exit from zero interest rate when there is a financial accelerator 1 Introduction The zero interest rate, once considered as only a theoretical possibility, has became a worldwide reality since the global financial crisis of 2008. The fact that the interest rate reached its zero lower bound (ZLB), also known as the liquidity trap, means that the conventional monetary policy implemented with a short term interest rate cannot be used anymore to boost the economy in the Great Recession. As a result, the so called quantitative easing was employed to make monetary policy still be effective. Even though it is uncertain yet whether the economies of advanced countries have recovered from the recession so that they can retreat from these unconventional policies,2 the economies are at least heading in that direction and the termination of the quantitative easing in a couple of years is a viable possibility. The termination of quantitative easing will imply the ensuing end of zero interest rate policy. Then, how should the interest rate be raised from the zero bound? From the theoretical point of view, an answer to this question is not simple because the policy function is kinked when the rate reaches ZLB which makes the problem to be non-linear. The first literature that studied this question is Jung et al. (2005). They investigated both optimal discretionary and commitment policies under the non-negativity condition on nominal interest rate, i.e., i $ 0, with a linear quadratic optimization problem of the monetary policy authority. With a model setup of perfect foresight, they argued that the nominal short term interest rate should be kept at zero for a certain period even after the negative demand shock3 turns up to the positive area under the optimal commitment policy (OCP). Under the optimal discretionary policy (ODP), however, the interest rate is supposed to rise from the zero bound immediately when the demand shock turns out to be positive. 2Chang et al. (2010) is a worthwhile reference for identifying the state and length of the global financial crisis. 3In the related literature, natural real rate represents the demand shock. The steady state of the natural real rate is set as a positive value, like 3%. Without ZLB, the optimal policy to demand shock is simple: the central bank can keep the output and inflation gap at zero by changing the interest rate corresponding to the change of the natural real rate proportionally. Donghun Joo / Journal of Economic Research 19 (2014) 93{123 95 Noting that the optimal policy of Jung et al. (2005) is obtained as a solution of perfect foresight, Nakov (2008) studied optimal policies when the demand shock is stochastic.4 Under this circumstance, an analytical solution is not obtainable anymore. Furthermore, uncertainty itself plays its role because of the non-linearity property of the optimization problem. Nakov (2008) argued that, under ODP as well as OCP, the zero interest rate should be kept for some period even after the demand shock turns up to positive territory. This implies a more aggressive policy is required as the private sector suspects the ability of the central bank in responding to the negative demand shock under uncertainty because of ZLB.5 This paper extends these studies by adding the financial accelerator (FA) mechanism to the model of Nakov (2008). The FA mechanism attracted a lot of attention after the global financial crisis as it was expected to overcome the deficiency of the financial sector in the conventional new Keynesian DSGE model. The implication of FA is that exogenous shocks will be amplified through the FA mechanism and it is expected that ZLB will be hit more frequently as Merola (2010) asserted. Hence, studying a monetary policy in the model that includes both ZLB and FA is a worthwhile subject at present. Before proceeding, a couple of caveats for this study should be noted. First, we confine our interest to ODP. The reason is mainly technical. As FA is going to be introduced to the model with a financial shock, the state space needed to deal with OCP is three dimensional.6 Solving the optimization problem with three dimensional state space takes much time for the computation7 and the presentation of the solution is also cumbersome, even though it is not an impossible task. Narrowing our interest to ODP is 4Adam and Billi (2004) and Adam and Billi (2006) also studied the similar subject. (2008) explains this as following: \... when the natural real rate is close to zero, private sector expectations reflect the asymmetry in the central bank's problem: a positive shock in the following period is expected to be neutralized, while an equally probable negative one is expected to take the economy into a liquidity trap. ... so it is rational for the central bank to partially offset the depressing effect of expectations about the future on today's outcome by more aggressive lowering of the nominal rate." Sweidan ea al. (2012) also argued aggressive measures are necessary to prevent a deflationary trap. 6Policy functions of the optimal problem with commitment will be the functions of the past state represented by the past Lagrange multiplier as well as demand and financial shocks. 7This is known as the curse of dimension. 5Nakov 96 How to exit from zero interest rate when there is a financial accelerator not so restrictive for deriving the policy implications in practice however, considering the difficulty of manipulating private agents' expectations. Second, the model is constructed without physical capital following Jung et al. (2005) and Nakov (2008). Adopting this model strategy in this paper makes the results comparable with previous studies. The strategy however casts the challenge of introducing FA to the model. Seminal papers in FA literature such as Bernanke and Gertler (1989) and Kiyotaki and Moore (1997) incorporate FA into the model with a credit risk premium or credit constraint which are related to the value of physical capital or durable assets. In their modeling setups, the analysis of optimal monetary policy becomes complicated.8 To our relief, there have recently been some efforts of constructing the FA model without physical capital recently. (Carlstrom et al. (2009), Curdia and Woodford (2008), Demirel (2009), and Fiore and Tristani (2009)) The equilibrium equations in their models appear as a simple extension of the basic new Keynesian DSGE model. Although their modeling strategies of microeconomic foundation are different, their equilibrium equations are in a very similar form. Specifically, a credit risk premium term which represents the financial friction is added on both of the forward looking IS curve and the new Keynesian Phillips curve (NKPC)9 or on the NKPC curve only.10 The model employed in this paper is an eclectic one. The model of Fiore and Tristani (2009) and Curdia and Woodford (2008) is consistent with a conventional FA model in the sense that the financial factor affects both the IS and NKPC curves. However, the responses of the credit risk premium to output change in their models are different from the conventional FA model with physical capital. The model of Carlstrom et al. (2009) can be an alternative but the direct effect of the financial factor to the output which exists in the conventional FA model is omitted in their model. As it is necessary to keep the characteristics of the conventional FA mechanism, the model used here is set in an eclectic way by adding the credit risk premium term to the forward looking IS curve of the model of Carlstrom et 8For this reason, the monetary policy in these kind of models is usually set as the Taylor rule type policy function. 9Fiore and Tristani (2009) and Curdia and Woodford (2008) are such examples. 10Demirel (2009) and Carlstrom et al. (2009) are such examples. Donghun Joo / Journal of Economic Research 19 (2014) 93{123 97 al. (2009).11 Incorporation of the FA mechanism into the model is proceeded in two steps: first the FA mechanism itself and then the financial shock uncertainty in addition to the demand shock. In a way that the demand shock uncertainty itself made a difference between Jung et al. (2005) and Nakov (2008) in ODP, the financial shock uncertainty also plays its own role other than that of a shock amplification mechanism that FA does. The effect of FA mechanism to ODP is quantitatively minor but qualitatively interesting. It makes the interest rate respond less aggressively to a shock. This is counterintuitive considering the fact that FA amplifies the effect of the shock. The reason can be induced by comparing ODP with the Taylor rule as a monetary policy function. While the Taylor rule is a feedback rule of which the change of the interest rate is widened proportionately with the amplified output and inflation gaps, the ODP rule considers the amplification of the effect of the interest rate as well as the output and inflation gap. However, the effect of the FA mechanism is dwarfed by the introduction of the financial shock uncertainty. It makes the response of the policy interest rate to be more abrupt and allows the overshooting of output and inflation gaps from the steady states. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In Section 2 we represent the model. Section 3 explains the computational method and calibration procedure. The computation results are given in Section 4. In Section 5 we conclude. Sensitivity tests for the parameter values are given in the appendix. 2 Model Before explaining the model, let us present the ODP functions of Jung et al. (2005) and Nakov (2008) with Figure 1. The dashed lines show the results of Jung et al. (2005) with policy functions of output gap, inflation 11Admittedly, this is an arbitrary modification of the model in the sense that the IS curve with the credit risk premium term is not derived from the optimization problem solution. The credit risk premium term appears when the IS curve is expressed in terms of marginal cost but is eliminated when the IS curve is expressed in output gap in Carlstrom et al. (2009). The construction of the FA model without physical capital that is consistent with the conventional FA model is a task in pursuit. 98 How to exit from zero interest rate when there is a financial accelerator gap, and nominal interest rate12 against the demand shock, or the natural rate of interest. The results are the same with optimal monetary policy without a ZLB constraint13 when the natural rate of interest is greater than zero: both the output and inflation gaps stay at zero by changing the nominal interest rate with the same amount as the natural rate of interest change. When the natural rate of interest is less than zero, ZLB constraint binds and output and inflation gaps become negative. In other words, the monetary policy effect of adjusting the short term policy interest rate is restrictive when the demand shock is large enough to make the natural rate of interest to be negative. Figure 1: ODP with/without the uncertainty of demand shock 12Optimal discretionary policy functions are obtained by solving the quadratic welfare loss function of the central bank with the constraints of an intertemporal IS curve and NKPC. Details are explained in the later section which explains the model. 13Without zero lower bound, output gap and inflation stays at zero regardless of uncertainty. Note that the problem is in linear quadratic form. Hence, the theorem of certainty equivalence is applied. Donghun Joo / Journal of Economic Research 19 (2014) 93{123 99 The uncertainty of demand shock14 changes the picture significantly. The results of Nakov (2008) are presented with solid lines in Figure 1. Note that keeping the output and inflation gaps at zero is no more an optimal solution even when the natural rate of interest is greater than zero. Uncertainty of the natural rate of interest causes the expectation of deflation as the public know that the central bank cannot sufficiently respond to the negative natural rate of interest because of ZLB constraint. To relieve the expectation of deflation, the central bank keeps the interest rate lower than in the case of certainty, which makes the output gap to be positive at around the steady state of the natural rate of interest that is calibrated as 3% in their study. As the natural rate of interest becomes larger, the probability of the negative natural rate of interest becomes 14Computationally, introduction of uncertainty is achieved by setting the variance of the shock as a certain positive value. 100 How to exit from zero interest rate when there is a financial accelerator smaller and the interest rate policy under uncertainty converges to that of certainty. Similar results are also obtained by Adam and Billi (2006). The results of our study will be compared with this result of Nakov (2008). different, linearized appear in similar The model used inequations this paperofisthe an model extension of Nakov (2008)forms. aug- Those equ ifferent, equations of the model appear in similar forms. Those equations can ifferent, linearized linearized equations of the model appear in similar forms. Those equations can be be mented with FA mechanism and financial shock using the results of Fiore written as follow: and Tristani (2009), Curdia and Woodford (2008), and Carlstrom et al. ritten as written as follow: follow: (2009). Although microeconomic structures of their models are different, linearized equations of the model appear in similar forms. Those equations can be written as follow: xxttt = = ππttt = = ∆ = ∆ttt = rˆrˆtnttnn = = nnttt = = −1 −1 n n xtt = Ettxt+1 t+1 − σ (itt − Ettπt+1 t+1 − rtt ) − ϕ(∆tt − Ett∆t+1 t+1) −1 nn −1 n −1 σ E r ϕ(∆ E (1) E − (i − π − ) − − ∆ ) (1) t t t+1 t t t+1 Etttxxt+1 − σ (i − E π − r ) − ϕ(∆ − E ∆ ) (1) t+1 t t t+1 t t t+1 ttt t+1 t t t+1 t t t+1 πtt = βEttπt+1 t+1 + κxtt + υ∆tt βE + κx + υ∆ (2) (2) t ttt t+1 t βEtttππt+1 + κx + υ∆ (2) t+1 t ) − ξE ∆ − n ∆tt = −ς(xtt − Ettxt+1 t+1 tt t+1 t+1 tt −ς(x (3) −ς(xttt − −E Etttxxt+1 −ξE ξEttt∆ ∆t+1 −nnttt (3) (3) t+1))− t+1 − t+1 t+1 n n n n rr rˆtt = ρrrrˆt−1 t−1 + εtt nn rrr n ρρrrrrˆrˆt−1 + ε (4) + ε (4) (4) ttt t−1 t−1 n n ntt = ρnnnt−1 t−1 + εtt nn n ρρnnnnnt−1 + ε (5) t−1 + ε (5) ttt (5) t−1 n∗, rr where rˆtntn ≡ rtntn − rn∗ , εtt ∼ N (0, σr2r2),, and εntnt ∼ N (0, σn2n2).. Equation Equation (1) is the u where nn nn n∗ 22 nn 22 n n n∗ rrr 2 n 2 n∗ − ,, εεtusual ∼ N (0, σ ), and ε ∼ N (0, σ ). Equation (1) is the usual here rˆrˆttt ≡ forward looking IS curve except the last term of credit ≡ rrttt (1) − ris r the ∼ N (0, σ ), and ε ∼ N (0, σ ). Equation (1) is therisk usual forward forward where r t n n tt rr tt n . x looking IS curve except the last term of credit risk premium ∆ t t tt is outp D s p x premium t. t is output gap, is the risk aversion coefficient, t is infla. x is output gap, σσ isis oking IS except the last term of credit risk premium ∆ n t t t t . x is output gap, ooking IS curve curve except the last term of credit risk premium ∆ t t operator. tion, rt is the natural rate of interest, and Et is the expectation the risk aversion coefficient, πtt is inflation, rtntn is the natural rate of interest, a The output gap πdecreases when the nn risk premium increases. The concrete interest, and Ett is the he inflation, rrtttn isis the the natural natural rate rate of of he risk risk aversion aversion coefficient, coefficient, πttt isis inflation, 15 interest, and Et is the mechanism is operator. model dependent: Fiore and (2009) explains this premium in expectation The output gapTristani decreases when the risk with increasing default Bernanke et al. (1999) this by xpectation The gap decreases when the risk premium increases. The decreases xpectation operator. operator. The output outputrisk gapwhile when the risk explains premium increases. The 14 expla concrete mechanism is model dependent: Fiore andtax Tristani (2009)14 arguing that the risk premium plays a role of distortionary on invest14 14 14 explains oncrete model dependent: Tristani (2009) mechanism model Fiore explains this with with oncrete mechanism dependent: and Tristani (2009) ment. Inisisthe model of CarlstromFiore et al.and (2009) this term depends on the this increasing default risk while Bernanke et al. (1999) explains this by arguing consumption of entrepreneurs. Equation (2) is also a usual new Keynesncreasing risk Bernanke et al. (1999) explains by that ncreasing default default risk while while etlast al. term (1999) explains this this The by arguing arguing that the the risk risk ian Phillips curveBernanke of risk increase premium plays aexcept role ofthe distortionary tax premium. on investment. In theofmodel of Ca premium raises inflation byon affecting the marginal regardless of remium aa role of tax investment. In model of et remium plays playsrisk role of distortionary distortionary tax on investment. In the thecost model of Carlstrom Carlstrom et al. al. the underlying model specification. (3) is contentious. Fiore and (2009) this term depends on theEquation consumption of entrepreneurs. Equation (2) i 2009) depends on the of (2) Tristani (2009) that the increase of output raises Equation the risk premium. 2009) this this term term depends onargue the consumption consumption of entrepreneurs. entrepreneurs. Equation (2) isis also also aa usual usual new Keynesian Phillips curve except the last term of risk premium. The inc in ew ew Keynesian Keynesian Phillips Phillips curve curve except except the the last last term term of of risk risk premium. premium. The The increase increase of of risk risk 15IS curve of Fiore and Tristani also includes nominal interest rate term as of the unde premium raises inflation by (2009) affecting the marginal cost regardless a cost channel factor. We abstract this term to focus on financial factor. remium remium raises raises inflation inflation by by affecting affecting the the marginal marginal cost cost regardless regardless of of the the underlying underlying model model specification. Equation (3) is contentious. Fiore and Tristani (2009) argue that tha pecification. pecification. Equation Equation (3) (3) isis contentious. contentious. Fiore Fiore and and Tristani Tristani (2009) (2009) argue argue that that the the increase increase of output raises the risk premium. However, this is because they assume that th f output output raises raises the the risk risk premium. premium. However, However, this this isis because because they they assume assume that that the the net net worth worth isis rate interest. whichoffollow the process of equation (4) and (5). Note that rn∗ is the steady state natur rate of interest. The model is completed the interest rate decision rule. We first consider rate ofisinterest. which consistent with the with conventional FA model of Bernanke et al. (1999). nt isthe theOD ne The model is completed with the interest rate decision rule. We first consider the OD under and FA to compare results with of previous literature. Th TheZLB is completed with the interest decision rule.worth We first theshock OD worth ofmodel theconstraint borrower. The natural rate the of rate interest and those net are consider exogenous Joo / and Journal Economic Research (2014) 93{123 101literature. Th under ZLBDonghun constraint FAof to compare the19results with those of previous result ODP willprocess be compared thatand of the Taylor rulethose type rule. In the cas under ZLB constraint andofFA towith compare the results with previous literature. Th isfeedback the steady state natur which of follow the equation (4) (5). Note that rn∗ of result of ODP will be compared with that of the Taylor rule type feedback rule. In the cas However, this is because they that the net worth is given exogof theofof optimal commitment policy, it that isassume history another dimensio result ODP will be compared with of thedependent. Taylor ruleThis typeimplies feedback rule. In the cas rate interest. enously. In Curdia and Woodford (2008), output does not the another risk of the optimal commitment policy, it is history dependent. Thisaffect implies dimensio premium the riskthe premium is just an inefficiency the first financial of the state variables inbecause addition to demand and financial shock dimensions to derive commitment policy, it interest is history dependent. Thisof implies another dimensio Theoptimal model is completed with rate decision rule. We consider thepolic OD 16 intermediary. Here we Carlstrom et al. (2009) so that the increase of state variables in addition tofollow demand and financial shock dimensions to derive polic functions needs toinbe considered andpremium, causes computational difficulty of to the well know of state variables addition to risk demand andaresults financial shock derive polic under ZLB and FAthe compare the thosedimensions of previous literature. Th ofconstraint output decreases which iswith consistent with the confunctions needs to be considered and causes a computational difficulty of the well know ventional FA model of Bernanke et al. (1999). nt is the net worth of the curse For this reason, we defer dealing with optimal commitment for functions needs to be be considered and causes a computational difficulty of rule. the policy well know result of of dimension. ODP will compared with that of and the Taylor rule feedback In the cas borrower. The natural rate of interest net worth aretype exogenous shocks curse of dimension. For this reason, we defer dealing with optimal commitment policy for rn* is the which follow equation (4)dependent. and with (5). Note future study. curse dimension. Forthe thisprocess reason,ofitwe dealing optimal commitment for of theofoptimal commitment policy, is defer history Thisthat implies anotherpolicy dimensio steady state natural rate of interest. future study. Forstudy. the optimal set the welfare loss dimensions function the centralpolic ban future The model is completed with we the interest rate decision rule. Weoffirst of state variables indiscretionary addition to policy, demand and financial shock to derive For the consider optimalthe discretionary policy, we set the welfare loss function of the central ban ODP under ZLB constraint and FA to compare the results as For theneeds optimal discretionary policy, we set the welfare loss function of the central ban functions to be considered and causes a computational difficulty of the well know with those of previous literature. The result of ODP will be compared with as that of the Taylor rule type feedback rule. In the case of the optimal comas curse of dimension. For this reason, we defer dealing with optimal commitment policy for ∞ mitment policy, it is history dependent. This implies another dimension of t 2 2 ∞ state variables in addition and shock λx2t + ψ∆ (6 min toE0demand β (π t +financial t ). dimensions to future study. it ,πt ,xt ,∆t 2 2 ∞ considered β t (πt2 + λx + ψ∆ ). (6 t=0 derive policy functionsmin needsEto0 be and causes a computational t2 t2 t 2 it ,πt ,xt ,∆t E β (π + λx + ψ∆ ). (6 min For the difficulty optimal of discretionary policy, we set the welfare loss function of the central ban 0 t=0 the welli ,πknown curse of dimension. t tFor thist reason, we defer t (2009), t ,xt ,∆t All of Fiore and Tristani Curdia and Woodford (2008), and Carlstrom et a t=0 dealing with optimal commitment policy for a future study. and Tristani (2009), Curdia and Woodford (2008), and Carlstrom et a as All of Fiore Forand the policy, we set the welfare loss function of premium et (2009) that theoptimal above discretionary quadratic loss function which includes the riskCarlstrom tera All show of Fiore Tristani (2009), Curdia and Woodford (2008), and the central bank as (2009) show that the above quadratic loss function which includes the risk premium ter can be derived from theabove utilityquadratic function of Solving this lossthe minimization proble ∞consumers. (2009) show that the loss function which includes risk premium ter t 2 2 2 can be derived from the utility min function this loss minimization proble E0 of consumers. β (πt + λxSolving + ψ∆ ). (6 (6) t t ias ,xtKuhn-Tucker ,∆t t ,πfunction ta with of (1) problem, we obtain the following first ord can beconstraints derived from the -(3) utility of consumers. Solving this loss minimization proble t=0 with constraints of (1) -(3) asTristani a Kuhn-Tucker problem, we obtain(2008), the following first ord All of Fiore and (2009), Curdia and Woodford and conditions: withAllconstraints of (1) -(3) as(2009), a Kuhn-Tucker problem, we obtain theand following first et orda of Fiore and Tristani Curdia and Woodford (2008), Carlstrom conditions: Carlstrom et al. (2009) show that the above quadratic loss function which includes the above risk premium termloss can function be derivedwhich from includes the utilitythe function conditions: (2009) show that the quadratic risk premium ter of consumers. Solving this loss minimization problem with constraints of (1)~(3) a Kuhn-Tucker problem, we obtainSolving the following first order can be derived fromasthe utility function of consumers. this loss minimization proble conditions: (7 i (λxt + (κ − ςυ)πt − ςψ∆t ) = 0 with constraints of (1) -(3) ast a Kuhn-Tucker problem, we obtain the following first ord (7 it (λxt + (κ − ςυ)πt − ςψ∆t ) = 0 (7) (λx + (κ − ςυ)π − ςψ∆ ) = (7 i ≥ 0 (8 i t t t t t conditions: (8) (8 it ≥ 0 ≥ 0 (8 i (9) (9 λxt + (κ − ςυ)πt − ςψ∆t ≤ (9 λxt + (κ − ςυ)πt − ςψ∆t ≤ 0 (9 λxt + (κ − ςυ)πt − ςψ∆t ≤ 0 (λx − ςυ)πt − ςψ∆t ) =to the 0 amount of cred16If the inefficiencyitof financial intermediary is proportional t + (κ 9 it, then the risk premium is determined endogenously.} 9 9 (7 it ≥ 0 (8 λxt + (κ − ςυ)πt − ςψ∆t ≤ 0 (9 102 How to exit from zero interest rate when there is a financial accelerator On On the the other other hand, hand, the the Taylor Taylor rule rule isis augmented augmented with with risk risk premium. premium. Taylor Taylor (2008) (2008) and andMcCulley McCulleyand andthe Toloui Toloui (2008) (2008) proposed proposed this thismodification modification sosothat that the therisk financial financial factor factorcan can On other hand, the Taylor rule is augmented with premium. Taylor (2008) and McCulley and Toloui (2008) proposed this modification be beconsidered consideredininthe therule. rule. The TheTaylor Taylorrule rulewith withZLB ZLBtakes takestruncated truncatedforms formsformulated formulatedby by so that the financial factor can be considered in the rule. The Taylor rule maximization maximization function. function. The Thespecific specificform form ofofthe the Taylor Taylorrule rule asasfollowing: following: function. with ZLB takes truncated forms formulated byisismaximization The specific form of the Taylor rule is as following: max{0, iit−1 +(1(1−−)(r )(rn∗n∗++ηηππππt t++ηηxxxxt t−−ηη∆∆∆∆t )}, ≤≤≤1.1. (10) (10) (10) itit==max{0, t−1+ t )}, 00≤ 3 Computational Method and Calibration 33 Computational Computational Method Method and and Calibration Calibration 16 The solution method for expectation aexpectation linear rational expectation model17 isour notmodel The Thesolution solutionmethod method for foraalinear linear rational rational model model16 isisnot notapplicable applicable for for our model applicable for our model as the problem is nonlinear in the sense that the asasthe theproblem problemisisnonlinear nonlinearininthe thesense sensethat thatthe thepolicy policyfunction functionofofthe thenominal nominalinterest interestrate rate policy function of the nominal interest rate has a kinked point when it hits the ZLB. Hence, wethe tryZLB. to obtain a we numerical solution using thesolution colloca-using has hasaakinked kinked point point when when itithits hits the ZLB. Hence, Hence, wetry trytotoobtain obtain aanumerical numerical solution using tion method. The collocation method is an extension of function approxi- 1717 the thecollocation collocationmethod. method. Thecollocation collocationmethod isisan anextension extensionofoffunction function approximation 18 19 approximation mation thatThe is used to solve method a functional equation problem. 1818 our model belongsproblem. to a rational expectation problem with an that thatisisused usedtotoNote solve solvethat aafunctional functional equation equation problem. arbitrage-complementary condition of the form, Note Notethat thatour ourmodel modelbelongs belongstotoaarational rationalexpectation expectationproblem problemwith withan anarbitrage-complementary arbitrage-complementary condition conditionofofthe theform, form, f(st, xt, Eth(st+1, xt+1)) = f t, where st follows the state transition function, , ,xxt+1 ))))==φφt ,t , ff(s(st ,t ,xxt ,t ,EEt h(s t h(s t+1 t+1 t+1 st+1 = g(st, xt, e t+1), where wheresst tfollows followsthe thestate statetransition transitionfunction, function, and xt and f t satisfy the complementary conditions, a(st) # xt # b(st), xjt > aj(st) Þ f jt # 0, xjt < bj(st) Þ f jt $ 0, =g(s g(st ,t ,xxt ,t ,εεt+1 ),), sst+1 t+1= t+1 where f t is a vector whose jth element, f jt, measures the marginal loss and andxxt tand andφφt tsatisfy satisfythe thecomplementary complementaryconditions, conditions, from activity j. st is the vector of state variables, xt is the vector of endog17Blankchard and Kahn (1980) method is such an example. )≤ ≤xx ≤ b(s b(st ), xjtjt>>aaj (s (st )t )⇒ ⇒φφjtjt≤≤0, 0, xare xjtjt<interpolation <bbj (s ⇒φand φjtjt≥≥ 0,0, a(s a(st )t18 t t≤ t ),of x japproximation, j (s t )t )⇒ As an example function there spline. 19Most of the explanation on this computational method is the repetition of Nakov Blanchard Blanchardand andKahn Kahn(1980) (1980)method methodisissuch suchan anexample. example. (2008). This is given here for the reader's convenience. As Asan anexample exampleofoffunction functionapproximation, approximation,there thereare areinterpolation interpolationand andspline. spline. 1818 Most Mostofofthe theexplanation explanationon onthis thiscomputational computationalmethod methodisisthe therepetition repetitionofofNakov Nakov(2008). (2008).This Thisisisgiven given here herefor forthe thereader’s reader’sconvenience. convenience. 1616 1717 19 vector of endogenous and εt is the vecto the of state variables, t is the Thisvector is approximated using axlinear combination of n knownvariables, basis functions, of shocks to the state variables. The function that will be approximated is Et h(st+1 , xt+1 where φt is a vector whose j th element, φjt , measures the marginal loss from activity j. st n This is approximated using a linearh(s, combination of n cj θjknown (s). basis functions, x(s)) ≈ 19 is the Research vector of endogenous the vector of stateJoo variables, Donghun / Journal ofxtEconomic 19 (2014) 93{123 variables, and 103εt is the vecto j=1 n of to theendogenous state variables. Theare function that will be approximated is Ertnh(s t+1 , xt+1 In shocks our context, variables it , πof variables are t, x t , andto∆the t , state t and nt , an e t ish(s, enous variables,20 and the x(s)) vector shocks state variables. The cj θj (s). ≈ function thatusing will be approximated is Ej=1 , xknown is approximatth(sof t+1n t+1). This This is approximated a linear combination basis functions, r n shocks to state variables are ε and ε . ed using a linear combination of n known basis functions, In our endogenous variables by are the it , πfollowing are rtn value and ntof, an t , xt , and ∆ t , state variables Thecontext, coefficients are determined algorithm. For a given th n cj θj (s). εnresponses .x(s)) ≈ xi are shocks to state variables are εr andh(s, computed at the n collocation nod coefficient vector c, the equilibrium j=1 The coefficients are determined by thewhich following algorithm.into Fora standard a given value of th solving the complementary problem is transformed root findin si by D t, variables i f t, x∆ In ourendogenous context, endogenous state variables t, and In our context, variablesvariables are it , πare are rtn and nt , an t , xtt, and t , state r nthe are rtngiven and shocks to responses state variables are ecomputed and e n. at the n collocation node coefficient vector c, the equilibrium xi are t, and problem. Then, equilibrium r nresponses xi at the collocation nodes si , the coefficien and ε . by the following algorithm. For a given shocks to state variables areare ε determined The coefficients the complementary problem islinear transformed a standard root findin svector i by solving c, thewhich c is value updated bycoefficient solving the n-dimensional systemxinto of the vector equilibrium responses i are computed The coefficients are determined by the following algorithm. For a given value of th at the n collocation nodes si by solving the complementary problem which problem. Then, given the equilibrium responses xi at the collocation nodes si , the coefficien is transformed a standardresponses root finding problem. Then, given the equicoefficient vector c, the into equilibrium nxi are computed at the n collocation node x s , the librium responses at the collocation nodes coefficient vector c is i vector c is updated by solving the n-dimensional linear system cj θji(s h(si , xi ) = i ). the complementary problem which is transformed into a standard root findin si by solving n-dimensional updated by solving the linear system j=1 n x at the collocation nodes s , the coefficien problem. Then, given the equilibrium responses i This iterative procedure is repeated until thei distance between successive values of cj θj (si ). h(si , xi ) = vector c issufficiently updated by solving the n-dimensional linear system j=1 to becomes small. In addition, we need discretize the shock to s to approxima This procedure iterative procedure is repeated untildistance the distance between suciterative is repeated until the between successive values of theThis expectation functions. Here the normal shocks to state variables are discretized using n c cessive values of becomes sufficiently small. In addition, we need to dis= the to cj θdiscretize h(si , xwe becomes sufficiently small. Insaddition, the shock to the s to approximat i ) need j (si ). cretize the shock to to approximate expectation functions. Here K-node Gaussian quadrature scheme: j=1 normal shocks to state variables are discretized using a K-node Gaussian the expectation functions. Here the normal shocks to state variables are discretized using quadrature scheme: This iterative procedure is repeated Kuntil n the distance between successive values of K-node Gaussian quadrature scheme: ωk cj θj (g(si , x, εk )), Eh(s, x(s)) ≈ becomes sufficiently small. In addition, we need to discretize the shock to s to approxima j=1 k=1 n K the expectation Here the normal shocks to state aresodiscretized using e kare w k are where andGaussian Gaussian quadrature and variables weights chosen so the discre where εk and ωkfunctions. quadrature nodes nodes and weights chosen that ωk cjthe θj (g(s x(s)) ≈approximates i , x, εk )), that the discreteEh(s, distribution continuous normal distriK-node Gaussian quadrature scheme: j=1 k=1 distributionbution. approximates the continuous distribution. For details, refer to Mirandanormal and Fackler (2004). For details, refer to Mirand where εk and(2004). ωk are Gaussian quadrature nodes and weights chosen so that the discret and Fackler n K 19 ωkdistribution. cj θterm )),using Eh(s, x(s)) ≈ distribution approximates continuous For details, to Mirand j (g(sinstead i , x, εk Here we allow a notational the abuse of using xt normal as a general of it as refer standing for outp gap. k=1 j=1 and Fackler (2004). where εk and ωk are Gaussian quadrature nodes and weights chosen so that the discre 19 we allowabuse a notational abuse of using general term of instead it xt as a Here we allow20Here a notational of using xt as a general term instead usingofitusing as standing for outpu as standing for output gap. 11 gap. distribution approximates the continuous normal distribution. For details, refer to Mirand and Fackler (2004). 19 Here we allow a notational abuse of using xt as a11general term instead of using it as standing for outp 104 How to exit from zero interest rate when there is a financial accelerator Table 1: Parameter Value & Explanation Parameter l y s b k rn* rr sr hp hx hD _ j u V x rn sn Value 0.003 0.001 4 0.993 0.024 3% 0.65 3.72% 1.5 0.5 0, 1 0.8 3.2520 0.003 0.1212 0.0297 0.7806 0.6151% Explanation weight on output gap of the welfare loss of the central bank weight on risk premium gap of the welfare loss of the central bank risk aversion preference parameter annual, discount factor slope of the NKPC annual, natural rate of interest persistence of demand shock standard deviation of demand shock Taylor rule coefficient on inflation Taylor rule coefficient on output gap Taylor rule coefficient on risk premium gap smoothed Taylor rule coefficient on the past interest rate financial accelerator parameter of intertemporal IS curve financial accelerator parameter of NKPC financial accelerator parameter of risk premium equation financial accelerator parameter of risk premium equation financial shock persistency financial shock standard deviation Parameter values used for computation are presented in Table 1. Parameter values, other than those related to risk premium, are brought from Nakov (2008) to compare our results with those of Nakov (2008). They are presented above the middle line in Table 1. Note that the steady state natural rate of interest is 3%. Parameter values of the central bank's loss function (6), l and y , are determined with reference to related literature. The central bank's loss function can be derived from consumer's welfare. Then the parameter values of the loss function can be computed from deep parameter values of the model. The values of l and y that are obtained from deep parameters in Carlstrom et al. (2009) are, for instance, 0.00364 and 0.00983. We set l as the same with Nakov (2008) and y as 0.001. Parameter values related with he financial acceleration mechanism and net worth shock are estimated with Bayesian estimation using Dynare. Equations (1)~(5) and the smoothed Taylor rule (10) are used for the estimation. Data used for the estimation are gross domestic product and Donghun Joo / Journal of Economic Research 19 (2014) 93{123 105 credit risk premium of the United States.21 The output gap is obtained as a difference between the level of log GDP and its trend obtained by the HP filter. Credit risk premium is defined as the difference between the three year Baa corporate bond rate and the Treasury bond rate. The data period is from 2000 to 2009. Note that the purpose of the estimation is to obtain a fairly reasonable parameter value rather than to use it for a practical purpose such as forecasting.22 Detailed estimation results, including priors used for the estimation, are given in Appendix A. Estimated parameter values are presented below the middle line of Table 1. The estimation results show that the data have little information on parameters of u and x . Hence, we implemented sensitivity tests not only for these but also for other variables. The variations of most parameters do not change the qualitative properties of our results. The results that have some implications however are given in Appendix B. If u is large enough, net worth shock might work as a cost shock. Following the result of Walsh (2009), we focus on the case where the net worth shock works as a demand shock. Implementing the sensitivity test, we found the net worth shock persistency parameter, r n, has important policy implications, as will be mentioned later. 4 Computation Results We consider the ODP rule as an interest rate policy rule in a new Keynesian DSGE model extended to include the ZLB constraint and FA mechanism. Before presenting the results, it is necessary to note the reason that literature of ZLB constraint models focus on the demand shock. There are two exogenous shocks in a conventional DSGE model: demand shock attached to forward looking IS curve and cost shock attached to NKPC. In a model without ZLB constraint, the demand shock poses no 21As there are only two stochastic variables, we can use just two data variables. By adding monetary policy shock and cost shock to each of the Taylor rule and NKPC, we could use inflation and federal fund rate data for the estimation. But they did not contribute much to the estimation of parameters related to the financial accelerator and risk premium shock. 22Using our model for the purpose of practical forecast is impossible considering the simplicity of the model. 106 How to exit from zero interest rate when there is a financial accelerator significant policy choice problem while the cost shock makes the central bank face the tradeoff between output and inflation gaps. However, a large enough negative demand shock makes the natural rate of interest to be negative and poses a substantial problem when there is ZLB constraint, the liquidity trap. The cost shock does not cause the liquidity trap as the shock makes the output and inflation gaps to move in opposite directions. Hence, only the demand shock matters in a model with ZLB constraint. When there is no ZLB constraint, demand shock is completely neutralized by the interest rate policy induced by the optimal discretionary policy so that it has no effect on output and inflation gaps. Under the Taylor rule, output and inflation gaps deviate from zero if the natural rate of interest deviates from its steady state level because of demand shock. In this sense, the Taylor rule is a suboptimal rule. Incorporating FA mechanism does not change this result. With ZLB constraint, however, irrelevance of the demand shock to output and inflation gaps under optimal discretionary policy is no longer valid. As we have seen in Figure 1, ZLB constraint makes the output and inflation gaps deviate from zero in response to the demand shock even under an optimal discretionary policy. In the following, we introduce the FA mechanism to the model of Nakov (2008) and investigate the effects of the FA mechanism under the optimal policy rule. 4.1 Effects of a Financial Accelerator In Section 2, we saw that the uncertainty itself significantly changes the shape of the optimal discretionary policy under ZLB constraint. With this observation, we introduce the financial accelerator mechanism in two steps. At first we introduce the FA mechanism only. The uncertainty related with financial shock, nt, will not be included at this phase. This is implemented by setting the variance of financial shock to be zero. Still, there is an uncertainty in the model related with the demand shock. In the next step, we supplement the uncertainty of financial shock to the model. The baseline will be the model of Nakov (2008) in which there is no financial accelerator and financial shock uncertainty. Donghun Joo / Journal of Economic Research 19 (2014) 93{123 Figure 2: Policy variable responses to demand shock under ODP(1) 107 108 How to exit from zero interest rate when there is a financial accelerator Figure 2 presents policy functions against the natural rate of interest under the optimal discretionary policy. In the figure, solid lines are the baseline economy policy functions that are derived from the model without FA and dashed-dotted lines are the policy functions derived from the model with FA. The third panel of the second column in the figure is the policy function of credit risk premium that is available only for the model with FA. The shape of this policy function is roughly the inverse of the output gap policy function. It can be understood from equation (1) and (3). Output and inflation gap policy functions rotates in a counter-clockwise direction. This implies output and inflation gaps are amplified with an FA mechanism. It should be noted that the amplification of output and inflation gaps comes from the effect of demand shock uncertainty23 enlarged by 23Of course, here the uncertainty is that of the demand shock. Donghun Joo / Journal of Economic Research 19 (2014) 93{123 109 the FA mechanism, rather than the FA mechanism itself. If the problem was merely a linear problem without ZLB, incorporating the FA mechanism would not change the optimal policies of zero output and inflation gaps that could be achieved by the change of interest rate corresponding to a demand shock. It is also interesting to note that the rotating axis point of the output gap policy functions is about 0.5% of the natural rate of interest, not 3%, the steady state natural rate of interest. This implies that, under the optimal discretionary policy, FA has an effect of alleviating the negative demand shock when the natural rate of interest is still greater than 0.5%. Another interesting implication of incorporating FA into the model appears at the nominal interest rate policy function. The change of the interest rate policy function is shown in the left panel of Figure 2. The amount of interest rate change caused by FA is not so conspicuous quantitatively. At most, when there is a negative demand shock, the difference of the interest rate is 30 basis points at 1.7% of the natural rate of interest. This implies that the introduction of an FA mechanism alone does not require the interest rate policy to change significantly despite increased volatility of the output and inflation gaps. However, the change of interest rate policy function under the optimal discretionary policy is somewhat counterintuitive in the sense that the interest rate policy function rotates in a clockwise direction. As FA amplifies the variations of output and inflation gaps, it seems likely that the interest rate should respond more sensitively to the change of the natural rate of interest, which makes the slope of the interest rate policy function steeper. Actually, this is what happens if we set the monetary policy to follow the Taylor rule of equation (10), the simple feedback rule. Then, what causes the opposite to occur under the optimal discretionary policy? Note that not only the nominal interest rate but also the output, inflation, and risk premium gaps are choice variables in the optimal monetary policy problem. In this setup, the FA can be used to reinforce the effects of interest rate policy. When there is a positive demand shock, the interest rate is raised to stabilize output and inflation but with less amount because the financial accelerator amplifies the effect of the raised interest rate. The opposite mechanism works when there is a negative demand shock. As a result, the policy function of the nominal interest rate becomes flatter with FA under the optimal discretionary policy regime. 110 How to exit from zero interest rate when there is a financial accelerator 4.2 Effects of Financial Shock Now we add financial shock uncertainty to the model in addition to FA. In equation (3) we defined financial shock as an exogenous shock imposed on net worth. The net worth affects risk premium and, in turn, the risk premium affects output and inflation gaps as noted in equations (1) and (2). Note that the policy functions are defined on state variables of natural rate of interest, rtn, and net worth, nt. Proceeding the analysis with policy functions defined on these two state variables is cumbersome as we have to deal with 3 dimensional figures. To avoid this inconvenience, we first look at the policy functions at nt = 0 so that we can compare them with previous results. After that, we conduct the analysis with impulse response functions (IRF) obtained from policy functions so that the demand shock and the financial shock can be considered separately. IRF analysis also gives more intuitive interpretation than the analysis with policy functions. In Figure 3, dotted lines show responses of policy variables to a demand shock under the optimal discretionary policy when both demand and net worth shock uncertainties are considered under nt = 0. Solid and dashed-dotted lines are the same as in Figure 2. The figures show that the effects of introducing uncertainty of a financial shock are more significant than those of introducing the FA mechanism. First of all, adding financial shock uncertainty strongly reinforces the aggressive response of monetary policy by dropping the interest rate in a precipitous manner when the economy confronts the ZLB constraint as shown in the left panel of Figure 3. This monetary policy implies, when ZLB is reached with a negative demand shock, output and inflation to be over-boosted compared with the economy without financial uncertainty.24 Another noteworthy result is the fact that the change of the nominal interest rate should be bigger than that of the natural rate of interest even when the natural rate of interest is higher than the steady state level of 3%. The result contrasts with the case of demand shock uncertainty where the nominal interest rate policy function converges to a certainty case when the natural rate of interest is greater than 3%. In fact, the effect of financial shock uncertainty alone makes a parallel shift of Nakov (2008)'s nomi24These policy functions are not the description of empirical facts but the theoretical optimization results. Donghun Joo / Journal of Economic Research 19 (2014) 93{123 Figure 3: Policy variable responses to demand shock under ODP(2) 111 112 How to exit from zero interest rate when there is a financial accelerator Donghun Joo / Journal of Economic Research 19 (2014) 93{123 113 nal interest rate policy function.25 The dotted line representing the policy function under both demand and financial shock uncertainty converges to the parallelly shifted line, rather than infinitely diverging from the policy function of the certainty case. In sum, the effect of financial shock uncertainty dominates FA effect so that the nominal interest rate policy function rotates counter-clockwise in the end. This steeper policy function implies a more aggressive monetary policy response to the demand shock. Responses of other policy variables are similar except the abrupt changes in accordance with the precipitous drop of nominal interest rate at around the point where the ZLB constraint starts to bind. Based on the policy functions, we also can implement the analysis with IRF. In the IRF analysis, one period in the model corresponds to one quarter and the shock will be given with the size of {1.5 times one standard deviation shock so that the ZLB constraint binds for some period of time under an optimal discretionary policy. IRFs are obtained in the dimensions of both of the demand and financial shocks. We first describe the effects of financial shock uncertainty on the IRFs to demand shock by fixing net worth shock at zero. The IRFs to financial shock by fixing demand shock at zero will be explained later. Figure 4 presents the IRFs to a demand shock. In this Figure, the solid line is the case of Nakov (2008) where both the FA mechanism and the financial shock are absent. The dotted lines are IRFs of policy variables under the optimal discretionary policy with FA and the financial shock uncertainty. The bold solid line in the third panel of the Figure shows the process of natural rate of interest caused by the demand shock. Responding to this process, the nominal interest rate drops to the level of zero and stays there for four quarters under the case of Nakov (2008). We can see that the nominal interest rate stays at zero for two more quarters even after the negative natural rate of interest rises above zero under the baseline economy.26 When the FA mechanism and financial shock uncertainty are intro25This can be shown with the policy function under financial shock uncertainty alone by setting the variance of demand shock as zero. 26If there were no ZLB constraint, the nominal interest rate would have moved along with the natural rate of interest. If there were no uncertainty at all, the nominal interest rate would have risen above zero right after the natural rate of interest rises above zero. 114 How to exit from zero interest rate when there is a financial accelerator Figure 4: IRFs to a demand shock Donghun Joo / Journal of Economic Research 19 (2014) 93{123 115 duced under the optimal discretionary policy, the nominal interest rate stays at the level of zero for one quarter longer and rises more quickly compared with Nakov (2008)'s case. The steady state nominal interest rate is also higher by 38 basis points than that of Nakov (2008)'s. An interesting observation is that the output gap overshoots at the end of the zero interest rate period under optimal discretionary policy. Thanks to the continued zero rate policy, the output gap reaches 0.8% in the fifth quarter after the shock occurs and subdues as the interest rate rises steeply. The IRF of the inflation gap also shows a similar pattern of movements. These overshootings are not observed without financial shock uncertainty. Here, it should be noted that these results of aggressive nominal interest rate policy in response to demand shock and overshooting of IRFs in output and inflation gaps critically depend on the persistency of net worth shock. As the persistence parameter, r n, becomes lower, the added financial shock uncertainty works in the same way with increased demand shock uncertainty, i.e., the financial shock increases the range of negative demand shock, or the natural rate of interest, that requires a zero nominal interest rate but the nominal interest rate policy function approaches to that of Jung et al. (2005) without any jump, as in the same way that Nakov (2008)'s nominal interest rate policy function did. This implies a prolonged zero interest rate period in the IRF nominal interest rate but a smoother rise of interest rate with the recovery and a lower steady state interest rate than in the case of without financial shock uncertainty. For more details, refer to Appendix B. Considering the persistence of the financial shock that was experienced during the past global financial crisis, however, policy implications of aggressive nominal interest rate response is more likely to be valid. Now let us consider the effects of financial shock itself. Figure 5 presents the IRFs to a financial shock. As the financial shock cannot exist in the model without FA, IRFs corresponding to Nakov (2008)'s case do not exist and hence the solid lines that correspond to those of Figure 4 are not present. Looking at the dotted lines, we can recognize that the IRFs show the same pattern as those of a demand shock: they are just horizontally stretched ones of the IRFs to the demand shock. While the size of the output response is not much different in both cases, the response of inflation 116 How to exit from zero interest rate when there is a financial accelerator Figure 5: IRFs to a net worth shock Donghun Joo / Journal of Economic Research 19 (2014) 93{123 117 is much smaller in the case of financial shock.27 This is understandable if we remember that the financial shock works as both cost and demand shock. The negative financial shock decreases output unilaterally but it has both direct and indirect effects that work in opposite ways. It raises the price as the financial cost rises but the ensueing decrease of output lowers the price. Hence, the effect of financial shock on inflation is a matter of parameter choice based on empirical data, as Walsh (2009) argued. He showed that the financial shock works as a demand shock and the IRFs to a financial shock confirms that parameter settings in our model are consistent with his result, i.e., financial shock appears as a demand shock. 5 Conclusion This paper introduced an FA mechanism to the simple new Keynesian DSGE model with ZLB in two steps: firstly, a shock amplifying the FA mechanism and, then, the financial shock uncertainty, and studied their theoretical effects on macroeconomic variables including especially the nominal interest rate. The reason that the FA mechanism is introduced in two steps is that the uncertainty itself has substantive meaning in a nonlinear rational expectation model. The effect of the FA mechanism reveals the fundamental differences of the two different monetary policy regimes: the optimal discretionary policy versus the Taylor rule. Under the Taylor rule, the introduction of an FA mechanism amplifies the response of policy interest rate to a demand shock as well as output and inflation gaps. This is natural as the Taylor rule is just a feedback rule with which the interest rate is adjusted according to the change of output and inflation gaps. Interestingly, the response of the policy interest rate is reduced under the optimal discretionary policy regime, even though it is quantitatively small, despite the amplified output and inflation gaps. This is because the monetary authority should consider the amplified effect of interest rate policy under the optimal policy regime unlike the simple feedback rule. This implies that monetary policy becomes less aggressive when the FA mechanism is introduced under the 27Note that the scale of vertical axes are different between Figure 4 and 5. 118 How to exit from zero interest rate when there is a financial accelerator optimal discretionary policy regime. Next we looked over the effect of the introduction of financial shock uncertainty only under the optimal discretionary policy. From the IRF analysis of the policy functions, we found that monetary policy becomes more aggressive, overwhelming the previous smoothing effect of the FA mechanism. When the financial shock uncertainty is added to the existing demand shock uncertainty, the zero interest rate period is prolonged against the negative demand shock and the interest rate is raised more steeply to a higher level than in the case of Nakov (2008) when the economy recovers. Consequently, the overshooting of output and inflation gap is allowed during the prolonged zero interest rate period. It should be mentioned that this result critically depends on the persistence of the financial shock. If the financial shock persistency were weak, then it would be just like increasing demand shock uncertainty and there would be no overshooting in output and inflation gaps, although the zero interest rate period is still prolonged. The model in this paper is a simple extension of Nakov (2008)'s model which incorporates an FA mechanism and related financial shock. The policy implication of Nakov (2008) for the monetary policy was to keep zero interest rate for some time even after the economy recovered from a deep recession which required zero interest rate. The policy implication of our results is to reinforce that policy implication. When the financial shock uncertainty, in addition to demand shock uncertainty, is considered in the model, the decision of escaping from the zero interest rate policy should be made more cautiously so that even the overshooting of output and inflation gaps are allowed. Once the interest rate is decided to be raised from ZLB, it will be raised more steeply to a higher level than suggested by Nakov (2008). Donghun Joo / Journal of Economic Research 19 (2014) 93{123 119 References Adam, Klaus and Billi, Roberto M., \Optimal monetary policy under discretion with a zero bound on nominal interest rates," Working Paper Series 380, European Central Bank, 2004. Adam, Klaus and Billi, Roberto M., \Optimal monetary policy under commitment with a zero bound on nominal interest rates," Journal of Money, Credit and Banking 38, 2006, 1877{1905. Bernanke, Ben and Gertler, Mark, \Agency costs, net worth, and business uctuations," American Economic Review 79, 1989, 14{31. Bernanke, Ben S., Gertler, Mark, and Gilchrist, Simon, \The nancial accelerator in a quantitative business cycle framework," In J.B. Taylor and M. Woodford, editors, Handbook of Macroeconomics, vol. 1, Elsevier, 1999. 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Table 2: Prior and posterior distributions of the estimated parameters Parameter j u V x rn sn Dist. Gamma Gamma Gamma Gamma Gamma Inv. Gamma Prior Mean 3 0.003 0.13 0.03 0.8 1 Std. 0.3 0.0001 0.03 0.005 0.1 { Posterior Mean Low conf. High conf. 3.252 2.7901 3.6675 0.003 0.0028 0.0032 0.1212 0.0868 0.1543 0.0297 0.0216 0.0376 0.7806 0.6881 0.8702 0.6151 0.4913 0.7176 Figure 6: Prior and posterior distributions of the estimated parameters 122 How to exit from zero interest rate when there is a financial accelerator Appendix B Sensitivity tests The data used for parameter estimation have little information on the parameters of u and x . This means that the values of these parameters are calibrated, rather than estimated, as the values of prior mean. Hence, we implemented sensitivity tests for these parameters. The results are given in Figure 7 as changes of nominal interest rate policy function according to the change of parameter values. Figure 7: Sensitivity test for the parameters of u and x Reducing the values of these two parameters toward zero has no significant effect on our results. On the other hand, increasing the values of these parameters has some effects. First, increasing u up to three times of the baseline value of 0.003 has little effect on the policy functions. However, if the value of u is increased more than that, the shape of the policy functions start to change significantly. This might come from the change of the financial shock characteristic: as u becomes larger, the financial shock works as a cost shock, rather than a demand shock. Second, increasing x makes the nominal interest rate policy function to be more aggressive against the possibility of zero interest rate, even though the qualita- Donghun Joo / Journal of Economic Research 19 (2014) 93{123 123 tive characteristic of the policy does not change up until the parameter value reaches seven times the baseline value. If the value is raised beyond that point, the solution for the problem does not exist. We also implemented the sensitivity tests with other parameters of j , V, and r n. In case of j and V, the sensitivity tests showed similar results with those of x , i.e., increasing the parameter values does not change the qualitative characteristics of the policy functions but the solution does not exist if the values of those parameters are raised to beyond certain points. The change of the value of r n, the financial shock persistency, has substantive meaning on the policy function of nominal interest rate, however, as shown in Figure 8. Figure 8: Sensitivity test for the parameter r n As r n is lowered, for instance, to the level of 0.65, the eect of nancial shock uncertainty to the nominal interest rate policy function becomes the same as that of demand shock uncertainty. It appears as just like an added demand shock uncertainty, or the increase of the demand shock standard deviation. In that case, the overshooting of output and in ation gaps would have disappeared in their IRFs and the steady state interest rate level would have been lower than in the case of Nakov (2008).