50¢ Powhatan, Virginia The hometown paper of W. Preston Vol. XXV No. 4 Finance director search underway January 26, 2011 YOUR MONEY Decision to advertise position came during meeting last week By Michael Copley Staff Writer’ Ahead of the departure of county Finance Director Stephanie Davis, the Powhatan Board of Supervisors directed Carolyn Bishop, county administrator, to proceed with steps to fill the soon-to-bevacant position. The decision, which was unanimous, came during a special meeting Davis last week. Initially there was some disagreement among supervisors about the best short-term steps. Supervisors Carson Tucker worried about filling the position before of a larger effort to restructure county government is complete. Supervisors Robert Cosby and Jason Moore pushed the board to fill Davis’ position as soon as possible. “We have a person that’s leaving and we need to see what’s out there,” said Cosby. “We need a finance director.” Davis, director of finance, human resources and information technology services, will step down Feb. 7 for a job in the private sector. During the eight years she worked in the position, Davis’ workload grew as sometimesdisparate responsibilities were lumped together. The fact isn’t unusual in growing localities, according to Powhatan’s temporary attorney. But to attract suitable candidates, Bishop pared down the responsibilities that had fallen under the position. Geographic Information Services (GIS) – a digital mapping and address program – will be shifted to the planning department. The county’s comprehensive services, an agency that helps troubled youth and their families, will report to social services. Moore said he is still uncomfortable with the finance director continuing to oversee aspects of the information technology (IT) department. “We just don’t have anywhere else to put it right now,” said Bishop. Bishop said IT supervision is generally the responsibility of a deputy assistant county administrator, but that position doesn’t exist yet in Powhatan. Cosby warned his colleagues to “be prepared to pay [a new finance director] a comparable salary” to other localities. Let the budgeting begin After two days of meetings with department heads, the county’s number crunching has begun in earnest By Michael Copley Staff Writer P owhatan’s annual budget retreat concluded last week after two days of meetings between the Board of Supervisors and the directors of county agencies. Department heads came with wish lists in hand, but said they understand revenues are tight. “There are some things we need and a lot of things we’d like, but we understand the position everyone is in,” Sheriff Gregory Neal said at the start of the retreat at the library, which formally kicked off the budget season and offered supervisors the chance “to keep up with what’s going on with county departments,” according to County Administrator Carolyn Bishop. The Sheriff’s Office requested funding for an administrative assistant for the county’s investigators, another emergency dispatcher – a request echoed by Floyd Greene, director of emergency management – and money to retain a narcotics investigator, which has been paid for with a grant. Neal also asked the Board of Supervisors to consider increasing the county’s hazardous-duty contribution to the Virginia Retirement System. “We’re busy,” said Neal. “When the economy goes down, our business is one of the few that goes up.” There were approximately 21,000 emergency calls for service in 2010, up from about 17,000 in 2009, said Neal. “One way or another, we’re going to provide law enforcement for Powhatan,” he said, but added, “I don’t think we’re the one’s at this point in time who should take cuts.” Commonwealth’s Attorney Robert Beasley asked the board for $7,000 this year to pay the salary of a special prosecutor who handles cases in the Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court. A grant, which has been paying for the position, expires in March. Beasley said he anticipates needing about $28,000 next year for the position. Beasley said his office indicted 103 people on 231 offenses in 2010, compared with 2009 when 73 people were indicted on 226 offenses. Fire and EMS Chief Rick Bucher encouraged the board see Budget page 3A “When the economy goes down, our business is one of the few that goes up ... I don’t think we’re the one’s at this point in time who should take cuts.” Powhatan Sheriff Greg Neal For long-time county realtor, homes were where her heart was Kentuckian by birth, Mays says she clicked with Powhatan residents Mays, 80, officially closed her company, Dot Mays Realty, last month, capping off a career that saw Powhatan grow from a sleepy hamlet into a bona fide bedroom community. From her small office By Roslyn Ryan on Route 60, which she moved into Editor in 1983, Mays sold more homes to more people than she is even If you wanted a front row seat to willing to try and remember. If you watch the population boom that bought a house in Powhatan in the unfolded in Powhatan over the past 1980s, there’s a good chance Dot 30 years, you couldn’t have done Mays sold it to you. much better than to pull up a chair next to Dot Mays. see Mays page 5A Inside Sports Index A2 Crafters bringing comfort Powhatan-based group has handcrafted thousands of items for area hospital patients. B1 BSH Basketball Knights battle defending state champion. Calendar Classified Crossword Horoscope Editorial A4 B7-8 A9 A9 A8 Opinion Quotes Real Estate TV Listings Ax A2 B8 B4-5 Page 2A Powhatan Today, January 26, 2011 4H NEWS QU OT E S O F T H E W E E K Powhatan 4-H club offering a number of new opportunities This is a great time to discover all the opportunities Powhatan County’s 4-H program provides. 4-H is an exciting program designed for youths ages 5 to 19 who have an interest in developing citizenship, leadership and life skills. Several new 4-H club opportunities are now available in the field of animal science. A new 4-H club with a focus on poultry begins meeting in January. This club will offer youth an opportunity to raise and breed their own chickens, and then learn to show in competitions at the state and local levels. Another recent addition is the Powhatan 4H Rabbit Club. Members showed their project rabbits at the Virginia State Fair in October and plan to travel throughout the state for competitions. If your child enjoys riding or just being around horses, there are also several equine clubs meeting throughout the county. Members do not have to own a horse to join a horse club. The 4-H Cloverbuds are specially designed for boys and girls ages 5 to 8 as an introduction to 4-H. The Powhatan Cloverbuds meet on the first Tuesday of the month from 4 to 5 p.m. in the large conference room of the Powhatan Library. A joint effort between 4-H and the Powhatan Library will bring Cupcake Creations, an afterschool workshop for grades 5 through 8. The program will take place Feb. 22-23 from 3 to 5 p.m. and feature Sheila Hinkle of Café Littlebury. If you’re still looking for something different, contact the local extension office for information about starting a new 4-H club. For details about joining an existing 4-H club, registering for an after-school program or volunteering for Powhatan County’s 4-H program, contact Cathy Howland, 4-H Extension Agent, at 598-5640 or email chowland@vt.edu. Information can also be found on the Virginia Cooperative Extension website under local offices, Powhatan, at www.ext.vt. edu. The Powhatan Extension Office is located at 3910 Old Buckingham Road. “We have a person that’s leaving and we need to see what’s out there. We need a finance director.” “I started making hats and thought ‘What can I do with these’?” Supervisor Bob Cosby, on the need to start the hiring process for a new county finance director. Lois Moore, whose organization From the Heart has created almost 90,000 knit and crocheted items for people in need. See page 1A See below “Why would I want to wear heels and hose if I’m going to be out in the middle of a field somewhere?” Recently retired realtor Dot Mays, 80, on her penchant for comfortable shoes. See editorial, page 8A COURTESY PHOTOS Powhatan group Kay’s Krafters recently held a Christmas event (above) celebrating their accomplishments for the year. Right, Kay Berrey, founder of Kay’s Crafters. County group offers comfort through crafts Items they knit and crochet go to help hospital patients, veterans organization has created handcrafted hats, scarves and blankets to help keep others warm throughout the winter season and beyond. “We’ve donated nearly 90,000 items to various organizations,” said Lois By Latika Lee Moore, founder of From the Heart. Contributing Writer “The majority of the items have been for chemotherapy and radiation When the knitting and crochet needles start a’clicking in Powhatan on patients to use during their infusion the _____ of every month, it isn’t long treatments. The hats and scarves keep them warm when they’ve lost their before the talk starts flowing. Hour after hour, skein after skein of hair. We also donate bears and blankets to children in burn units who are in yarn, the women of Kay’s Crafters pediatric emergency rooms in hospitals catch up on eachother’s lives as they and make baby blankets for the NICU create hand-made items for those in and burial outfits for those who don’t need. survive.” Kay’s Crafters, founded by PowFrom the Heart also crafts outfits for hatan resident Kay Berrey, is part of a teddy bears given to hospices and larger Henrico-based group, From the dialysis centers, sweaters for veterans Heart. at Hunter Holmes McGuire Medical For the past ten years, the non-profit Center, blankets for area nursing homes, and mittens and sleeping bags for the homeless. The group even provides padding for animal shelters. An active grandmother of two, Moore was inspired to knit after seeing a group of fifth graders who were knitting squares into blankets for homeless kids through a national project called “Warm Up America.” “So I went on the Internet and a lady at a yarn shop in California taught me how to knit online. I started making hats and thought, ‘What can I do with these?’” Moore turned on the television to catch the end of a broadcast interview with a young lady at Hawthorne House, a cancer resource center at Thomas Johns Cancer Hospital on the Johnston-Willis campus of CJW Medical Center. “They were doing an see Crafters page 3A You could SAVE up to 50% on your heating bill! Presents PET of the WEEK • Zone heating technology could reduce energy consumption and save you money. • 3-yr. Limited warranty® • Lifetime washable electronic filter • Releases a warm blanket of air evenly floor to ceiling • Virtually noise-free • Safe and portable • Safe for use around children Appearances may vary. 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Highway 60, ½ Mile West of Cumberland Courthouse, Virginia PHONE 492-4444 www.buggytop.com GREAT QUALITY HORSE HAY ALFALFA TIMOTHY ORCHARD GRASS MIXED GRASS Satisfaction guaranteed, or your bale will be replaced. DELIVERY AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST 302 Putney Road Cell:804-647-1984 Fax: 804-492-9996 Cumberland, VA 23040 email: rfhatcher@hughes.net Page 3A Powhatan Today, January 26, 2011 Budget: Next meeting Feb. 2 at the library Continued from page 1A transportation issues. “It’s a wonderful to invest in infrastrucidea,” said Supervisor ture improvements to the Robert Cosby, “but I county’s fire stations, so don’t see us doing that that when the time at this time.” comes to hire profesThe requests stem sionals - volunteers from the loss of VDOT currently fill the ranks - services localities have Powhatan won’t have to experienced since the handle both expenses at department reorganized, once, he said. Stidham said. Bucher also suggestSaid Cosby, “When ed the county start we do these things it purchasing land for looks like we’re giving future fire stations. up. Hang tight, we have Planning Director to have some help.” He Brandon Stidham asked said localities can’t be supervisors to consider expected to pick up the hiring a financial expense for road mainteconsultant to analyze the nance. county’s cash proffer But “the handwriting system – it doesn’t is on the wall,” said currently take into Supervisor Carson account transportation Tucker. Tucker said the concerns. Stidham also General Assembly suggested the county “seems to be inevitably” hire a mid-level staff shifting the responsibilmember to handle ity for transportation improvements onto localities. “They’re getting out of the funding business but staying in the government business,” one supervisor said of the commonwealth. The schools ended the retreat by presenting budget information that came as a pleasant surprise to some supervisors, despite revenue forecasts that place next year’s school funding at roughly $4 million below 2007 levels. “The numbers look much better than I expected to see,” said Tucker. “I hope it holds,” replied Superintendent Dr. Margaret S. Meara. She said the challenge is to maintain the quality of the education system with shrinking dollars. Happy New Year from the Oakleys Family Owned & Operated FREE TOWicItiNonG s $ 24 96 OIL CHANGE SPECIAL Restr ly A pp WITH FREE TIRE ROTATION AND FREE BRAKE CHECK Not good with any other offer. Expires 2/28/11. Most cars. Must present coupon prior to service. 0126 FREE CHECK ENGINE LIGHT SERVICE WITH REPAIR Not good with any other offer. Expires 2/28/11. Most cars. Must present coupon prior to service. 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Call Lonnie Joyce! interview with a young girl who was wearing a terrible hat and I thought I could make better looking hats.” In the spring of that year, Moore began volunteering with the Massey Cancer Center and started teaching caregivers and patients how to knit. “Unknowingly to me, a nurse had placed an ad asking for volunteer knitters and had given out my telephone number. At first, I wasn’t keeping track, then I began noting who was calling and why,” Moore said. “Soon, people would drop off things they had made and bringing by donated yarn. It started coming in faster than what I could handle as one person. It just grew. It’s amazing what has happened. Later, in 2005, we incorporated and became a non-profit.” Today, From the Heart has nearly 1,000 members who are picking up their knitting needles and crochet hooks for good causes. The women, and a few men, work with hospitals to stitch caps for pre-mature babies and make blankets for pediatric cancer patients. The organization buys undressed teddy bears and makes outfits for them. The yarn or fabric is donated and, occasionally, they receive monetary donations, which allow them to buy materialsm, including needles. “A lot of the ladies FINDS A WAY A trusted mortgage specialist with over 23 years of experience, Lonnie Joyce continues to be recognized year after year as one of the leading mortgage professionals in Central Virginia. • Purchase and refinance mortgages • Primary residences, second homes and investment properties • Local support, from application to closing Contact Lonnie today for a FREE Consultation! Lonnie Joyce Home Mortgage Specialist 804.378.6550 Office 804.751.4510 Voice Mail suntrustmortgage.com/ljoyce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ne of From the Heart’s creations. who are doing this are retired,” Moore said. “What we do benefits the folks who receive the item as much as it does the knitter who makes the items.” Based in Henrico County, From the Heart’s committees inventory, sort, stitch and assemble projects in a facility that houses the donated yarn, supplies and ongoing projects. The organization’s 1,200-square-foot shop, donated by Wilson Properties, resembles a home environment with chairs and rockers set up in a relaxing atmosphere. The group of 20 members donated more than 3,500 items to local individuals in need. “We don’t tell people what to make. It’s whatever anybody is interested in creating,” Moore said. “The fingers are going as fast as they can to keep up with the need out there. We can find a home for anything anybody makes. “There’s such a big need that we can use anything that we can get. We’ll probably hit 100,000 [mark] in the summer.” From the Heart instructors will teach a person to knit or crochet at no charge. They are also willing to supply the yarn, needles and hooks for volunteers. Call (804) 305-4971 for more information and locations of area chapters. Information may also be found online at http://www.fromtheheartstichers.org. Congratulations Jacob Yost! (Jacob Yost with his new Netbook® and Jimmy Keller, President and CEO) Local Winner of the “Lights, Camera, Save!” Contest. Bank here this New Year. We are a financially secure bank. ALL-STAR PAVING 598-0799 Lobby Hours: Mon. – Fri. 9:00 – 6:00 Drive Up Hours: Mon. – Fri. 7:00 – 6:30 Lobby and Drive up Saturday hours: 9:00 – 12:00 2501 Anderson Highway Powhatan, VA 23139 Phone: 804-302-4858 Fax: 804-598-6613 www.newhorizonbank.com “All Work Personally Supervised by Owner, Richard Stanley” Locally Owned & Operated Proudly serving Powhatan and the surrounding counties since 1985 Fully Licensed & Insured • Class A Contractor • Free Estimates Page 4A Powhatan Today, January 26, 2011 B I RT H Jakob Paul Thomas Jimmy and Emily are excited to announce the birth of their baby brother, Jakob Paul Thomas, born December 8, 2010 at 1:15pm at Henrico Doctors’ Hospital. He weighed 6 pounds 7 ounces and was 20 inches long. Proud parents are Ben and Jen (Desborough) Thomas, formerly of Mechanicsville. He was welcomed home by his extended family: Dave and Mildred Thomas, Fran Baxter, Celie and Dennis Thomas, Mary and Jim Desborough, Katie Thomas, Sarah Stockdon, Allie Desborough, and Katie Desborough. Jakob and his family reside in Powhatan. COMMUNITY CALENDAR Wednesday, January 26 9015 Forest Hill Ave Richmond, VA 23235 272-7528 10436 Iron Bridge Road Chester, VA 23831 748-3234 1009 Crowder Drive Midlothian, VA 23113 794-4213 www.richmondorthodontist.com Serving the Richmond community for more than 20 years! Family story hours are held Monday, Wednesday and Thursday at 10:30 a.m. Library hours are Monday 9 a.m. to 8 p. m., Tuesday - Thursday 9 a.m. to 7 p.m., Friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Saturday 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Gaming Days on the 1st and 3rd Fridays of each month from 3-6 p.m. The Library is closed on Sundays and county holidays. If you have any questions please call 598-5670. Reformers Unanimous Addiction Program meets EVERY WEDNESDAY from 6:45-8:15 p.m. at Mt. Moriah Baptist Church. For information, call 598-5328. Powhatan Lion’s Club meets the first and fourth Wednesday of each month at the County Seat Restaurant at 6 p.m. Contact Mike Jones 794-1440 for more information. Evening Book Group meets the fourth Wednesday of every month at 6 p.m. at the Powhatan Library. For more information call Judith Land 598-0978. people with fibromyalgia, will be meeting every 4th Friday from 6:30pm to 8:00pm at the Macon District VFD Station 3 on Old Buckingham Road. We will have lots of information available and light refreshments will be available. If you would like more information or are interested in attending, please call Pam Davis at 804892-4676 or email me at pamela. davis4@va.gov. Saturday, January 29 Powhatan AA meets every Saturday at 8 p.m. Manakin Episcopal Church on Huguenot Trail. Tuesday, February 1 AA meets every Tuesday at 8 p.m. at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church on Huguenot Trail. BINGO at the Powhatan Moose Lodge every Tuesday. Games start at 7 p.m. For information call 598-2809. Upcoming events No one deserves to be abused. Find safety, options and support. Women’s Powhatan AA meets every Thursday at support group based in Powhatan but 8 p.m. in the Powhatan Village Building. open to all women impacted by domestic violence. The group is free, Powhatan Rotary meets every Thursday confidential and childcare is available. at the County Seat Restaurant at Contact (804) 598-5630 ext. 2422 or 7:30am. 2420 for more information. Thursday, January 27 Are you or someone you know a victim of DOMESTIC VIOLENCE? Contact Powhatan Domestic Violence Services at 598-5630 ext. 2420 Friday, January 28 “FIBRO FRIENDS,” a support group for Supervisor’s Budget and CIP Workshop – February 2nd, Library Large Conference Room – 7:00 pm CHURCH DIRECTORY The Episcopal Churches of Powhatan welcome you! St. Luke’s Episcopal Church SUNDAYS 8 AM Holy Communion 9 AM Family Service of Holy Communion with children’s sermon followed by 10 AM Sunday School • 11 AM Holy Communion with Choir 5:30 PM, 4th Sundays September through May, Taize Service WEDNESDAYS 7 PM Holy Communion and Healing Service Route 711 at Three Bridge Rd. • 794-6953 Visit us at www.stlukespowhatan.org Emmanuel Episcopal Church Turn South At Post Office at Rt. 522 on Emmanuel Church Road 9:15 am – Worship "A Traditional Episcopal Church" Visitors Welcome Manakin Episcopal Church A new mission church of the Presbyterian Church in America. “Serving Christ by serving our neighbors.” Sunday Services 8:00 a.m., 9:30 a.m. & 11:15 a.m. Worship services beginning 8 at 9:30 Worship services beginFeb at 9:30 a.m.a.m., Meeting at the new Flat Rock Elementary School 985 Huguenot Trail www.EvergreenPowhatan.com 598-8844 794-6401 www.manakin.org New Harvest Church Casual, biblical & uplifting Sunday Morning 10:30 AM Wednesday Bible Study 7:00 PM Sunday Youth Group 6:00 PM Angel Food Ministries Local Host Site 3931 Old Buckingham Road Route 13 & Skaggs Road, in village area (next to Kountry Kids Daycare) 403-3100 www.newharvestassembly.com Ken Filliben, Pastor Powhatan Community Church Casual Atmosphere & Contemporary Music Worship Sunday 9:30 and 11:15 am Meeting location 4480 Anderson Hwy. 598-1174 (1 mile west of Rt. 288) Powhatan United Methodist Church Pastor Linda Lowe Worship: 8:30 & 11 a.m. Worship: 8:30 & 11 a.m. Sunday a.m. SundaySchool: School: 9:45 9:45 a.m. 2253 Road 2253Rosson Rosson Road Just J off t ffRt13 Rt13in i the th Village Vill 598-4438 www.powhatanumc.us Weekday Preschool (ages 2-5) Director Sharon Baltimore 598-6090 www.powhatancommunitychurch.org Connecting Real People to the Source of Real Life Some services are on the river so feel free To call or email before dropping in 922-3717 VineyardMinistries@juno.com www.vineyardministriespowhatan.com Casual Dress “The Church Where You're Never Alone” Sundays: Morning Worship 10:30 AM School of Ministry 6:30 PM Thursdays: D’Road (Youth) 6:00 PM The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints 1957 Capeway Rd., Powhatan, VA 804-403-3963 Ray Hugo, Bishop Sacrament Service – 9:00 am Gospel Doctrine – 10:20 am 2480 Academy Road Priesthood/Relief Society – 11:10 am 598-7159 Pastor: Johnathan M. Whichard Located off Route 60 at Lower Hill Rd. Providence Presbyterian Church Dr. Franklin S. Reding, Pastor Worship Service 11:00 am Sunday School 10:00 am 598-4970 Located on Ridge Road (Rt. 627) 2/10th of a mile north of Rt. 13 Discover the Beauty of Liturgy in a Bible-believing Church. 10 am Sundays, Powhatan Public Library. 561-0859 www.HolyTrinityAnglican OrthodoxChurch.org Advertise in Powhatan Today’s Church Directory Call 598-4305 for details. Powhatan Christian Fellowship United Methodist Church United Methodist Church Hobson’s Chapel NEW LIFE Won Lee, Pastor Bob Jennings, Associate Pastor A place to belong Sunday Worship 9:45 am Sunday School 11:00 am Music Ministry/Bible Study Wed. 7pm 900 Old Hundred Road • 1 mile from Rt. 60 Sundays: Christian Education 9:45 a.m. Worship 8:30am & 11:00 a.m. 492-4366 Pastor Mike Maxwell Office 804-794-4522 Preschool Enrollment 2 yrs - Pre-K Located on Rt. 13 Old Buckingham Road, Tobaccoville email: office@newlifeumc.org website: www.newlifeumc.org Sunday Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Wednesday Night 7:30 p.m. 3308 Pleasants Road, 1/4 mile off of Route 711 Russ Cress, Pastor 598-0733 St. John Neumann Catholic Church Vineyard Christian Ministries Pastor Jimmy Mootz The Vineyard meets most Sunday Mornings at 10:00 a.m. Powhatan Village Building in Courthouse Area 3910 Old Buckingham Road Bethesda Church of God 1801 Huguenot Trail Inviting ~ Building ~ Equipping Sunday School 9am Sunday Worship 10am Tim Kennell, Pastor Wednesday Bible Study 6:45pm Sunday School 10:00 Worship Service 11:00 804-598-3365 Pastor’s office: 598-0240 3540 Old Buckingham Rd. Located at intersection of Rocky Ford Rd. and Rt. 13 - just off Hwy. 60 Rev. Walter G. Lewis Administrator/Parish Priest Saturday - 5 p.m. Sunday - 8:30 a.m. & 11 a.m. Religious Ed - 1:30 p.m. Bill Sisson, Pastor 598-3754 378-3607 Located behind Flat Rock Village Shopping Center www.pmchurch.net www.EmmausChristianChurch.org Advertise in Powhatan Today’s Church Directory Call 598-4305 for details. Page 5A Powhatan Today, January 26, 2011 Mays: Real estate agent had front-row seat for county’s boom looking to buy, gently explaining why the lavish home they wanted By around 1985, wasn’t a possibility on Mays recalls, Powhatan their income began to shed it reputaStill, for those who tion as a far-flung wanted and could afford outpost. Families began a home, Mays soon to flock to the county, became one of the most buying up land and popular agents around. snapping up homes. Mays says her In Mays’ retelling of popularity may have her early days in real stemmed from the fact estate, if you listen, you that she was born in the can hear the faintest country– albeit the rumble of trouble backwoods of Kentucky, approaching, of a not Virginia – and housing market that was seemed to understand already headed for what her rural clientele trouble. needed. “So many people “I think I was more wanted to be in Powlike the Powhatan hatan in those days,” she people,” she says, recalls of the mid 1980s, remembering the conwhen the county’s nections she was able to population began to make back then. “I think skyrocket. “Whatever they just considered me they could qualify for, part of the family.” they would pay.” Mays remembers *** working with couples Continued from page 1A Richmond to live with her sister. With a tremendous work ethic, she went after her real estate license, then her broker’s certification. The rest, as they say, is Powhatan househunting history. Despite her considerable success, Dot Mays still lives in the same modest home she and her husband, Tom, purchased in the 1970s. Sure there have been plenty of people pushing her to upgrade, but Mays tends to stick to the logic she learned growing up. “A house isn’t anything,” she likes to say. “A house is just materials. A home is peace and love and joy. You can have a big house and it’s [value is] in your head. Joy in your heart is what makes a home.” Flexibility * Fitness * Peace of Mind * Stress Relief * Good Health 3835C Old Buckingham Road * 598-0700 www.InlightYoga.com * yoga@inlightyoga.com $ $ $RECORD $ $ $ $HIGH $ $ $GOLD $ $ $PRICES $ $ $ $• RECORD $ $ $ $ $HIGH $ $ GOLD $ $ $ PRICES $$$$$$ Top CA$H Paid $ Gold and Silver $ GET CASH TODAY FOR HIGH UTILITY BILLS! GET YOUR BEST WRITTEN OFFER AND THEN COME SEE US! 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Richmond, VA 23235 (Exit 178B off I-64W near Short Pump) (Between Chesterfield Towne Center & Johnston-Willis) Thursday, Jan. 20 thru Sunday, Jan. 23 Thursday, Jan. 27 thru Sunday, Jan. 30 10:00am - 6:00pm Fellowship Baptist Church 1059 Dorset Road Powhatan, VA 23139 SUBSCRIBE TO POWHATAN TODAY! 598-4305 St. James Baptist Church Powhatan, Virginia Located on Lee's Landing Road between Three Bridge Road & Route 711 2901 Judes Ferry Road 1 mile South from Rt. 711 Office: 804-598-2667 794-8939 Pastor Reverend Dawarren Ennis Sunday School 9:45-10:45 Sunday Morning Worship will begin at 11:00 a.m. Sunday School - 10:00 AM Morning Worship - 11:00 AM Wednesday Prayer - 6:30 PM Bible Study - 7:00 PM Young Adult & Teen Bible Study Sunday at 5:00 PM Rev. Matthew McCauley, Pastor GREENBRIER BAPTIST CHURCH Holly Hills Baptist Church Love, fellowship, prayer, doctrine, praise, gladness, singleness of heart and diversity www.HollyHillsBaptist.com Praise and Worship Service (Independent Bible Believing) dr. delmar p. wright, pastor Randy Blackwell, Pastor 11:00 am WORSHIP SERVICE each sunday 9:30 am SUNDAY SCHOOL each sunday 7:00 pm BIBLE STUDY each wednesday Sunday School - 10:00 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship - 11:00 a.m. Sunday Night - Youth Ministry 6 p.m. Wednesday Prayer - 7:30 p.m. Worship Service, Each Sunday, 11:00 a.m. Sunday School, Each Sunday, 9:30 a.m. Prayer and Bible Study, Each Thursday, 7:30 p.m. Reverend Lawrence A. Wilson, Sr., Pastor 804-379-3539 Graceland Baptist Church SBC Dr. Ronald Wyatt, Jr., Pastor Praise & Worship 8:30 am Sunday School 9:45 am 2095 Red Lane Road Worship 11:00 am 1/2 mile off Rt. 60 on Red Lane Road Children’s Worship 11:00 am 804-598-2455 www.redlanebaptist.org Prayer Service - Wednesday 6:30 pm Contemporary Service 8:30 a.m. 598-3481 Sunday School 10:00 a.m. 975 Dorset Road Traditional Service 11:10 a.m. Four miles south of Flat Rock Wed. Night Classes for all ages 6:30-7:30 www.gracelandbaptistchurch.org Rev. Bill Gohmert, Pastor OLD POWHATAN BAPTIST CHURCH 5680 Cartersville Road • Powhatan, Virginia 23139 Pastor Gregory L. Beechaum Sr. "The church where Jesus is Alive" 379-8930 9:45 a.m.----------- Sunday School 10:45 a.m.----------Prayer & Praise 11:00 a.m.----------Sunday Morning Worship Kid's Church on 1st, 3rd & 4th Sundays 7:30 p.m.-----------Tuesday Night Worship & Bible Study 1659 Anderson Highway 3½ miles east of Flat Rock 804-375-9404 3619 Huguenot Trail Powhatan, Virginia 23139 804-403-3070 www.finecreekbaptist.org Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Worship Service: 11:00 a.m. Traditional Rev. David A. Simpson, Pastor Brad Russell, Pastor 598-4241 First Worship 8:30 am Bible Study for all ages 9:45 am Second Worship 11:00 am Wed. Family Ministry 6:30 pm 2202 Old Church Road www.powhatanbaptist.org Hollywood Baptist Church Wednesday Evenings starting at 5:45: Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Worship Service 11:00 a.m. Meal & Bible Study, Royal Ambassadors, Youth Group 6:30 p.m. Adult Choir Practice 7:30 p.m. Dr. William B. Hardison, Pastor Ed Alexander, Minister of Music Skye Hallman, Minister to Youth Alicia Scudder, Minister of Children 598-3098 www.maymemorial.org Located on Rt. 13 in the Village Muddy Creek BAPTIST CHURCH Baptist Church MOUNT ZION 2591 Ridge Road Sunday School - 9:45 am Powhatan, Virginia 23139 Worship - 11 am 804-598-2051 Wednesday Bible Study & Prayer Service - 7:00 pm Rev. Bryan Stevens, Pastor Pastor David N. Peppler, Sr. 11 a.m. – Worship Service 9 a.m. – Church School Wednesday Bible Study 10 a.m. & 7 p.m. 3470 Trenholm Road www.muddycreek.org 375-9212 The Mount Pero BAPTIST CHURCH Come Worship on the 1st & 3rd Sunday at 11 a.m. One Hour of Power SUNDAY SCHOOL Every Sunday at 9:30 a.m. Pastor Rev. Patrick Bland Located on Cook Road (Rt. 636) Powhatan, VA 23139 804-492-9135 RSN Bring extra $$$$ $ $ $this $ $ $ad $ $for $ $an$ $ $ $ $$5 $ $with $ $ $your $ $ $sale. $$$$$$ CHURCH DIRECTORY SECOND ANTIOCH BAPTIST CHURCH 4731 Bell Road, Powhatan, VA 23139 804-598-5491 or 804-598-3366 If Mays seems usually grounded for someone living in a “buy it up, use it up, get a better one” kind of world, perhaps that’s because of where – and how – she grew up. One of 10 children, Mays was born in a twobedroom log cabin without electricity or running water. Though she remembers her early childhood as an idyllic time, the family had little in the way of money or material comforts. After the death of her mother when Mays was 11 (her father had been killed in an accident when she was six) Mays was adopted by a family in Ohio, where she would remain until she graduated from high school. When her first marriage ended, she and her young son moved to Get your new year off to a good start! $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ COURTESY PHOTO YOGA ® $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ The Powhatan Chamber of Commerce’s Dan Jones (left) is congratulated by Supervisor Bob Cosby after being named winner of the Kathy Budner award during last Thursday’s annual Chamber dinner at The Mill at Fine Creek. For more photos, visit www. powhatantoday. com. “A Church Where Love Never Fails!” Pastor Otis B. Lockhart, Jr. 598-2763 Sunday School at 9:30 am Morning Service at 11:00 am Bible Study Every Wednesday Night at 6:30 pm 3964 Old Buckingham Road FIRST ANTIOCH BAPTIST CHURCH 3920 MAIDENS RD., POWHATAN 804-598-2301 Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Worship Service 11:00 a.m. Bible Study Each Wednesday at 8:00 p.m. Advertise in Powhatan Today’s Church Directory Call 598-4305 for details Page 6A Powhatan Today, January 26, 2011 Workshop will offer ‘financial fitness’ tips By Arla Halpin Powhatan County Extension Office T he beginning of the year is a time when we look for ways we can improve our health for the coming year, shed a few unwanted pounds and get in shape. Have you ever thought about the New Year as a time to take stock of your financial health? Do you need to shed some unwanted financial bumps and budget bulges? If the economic downturn is adding stress to your life, you may be due for an annual check up to assess your financial fitness and be more fiscally fit. Doctors encourage you to “know” your numbers; blood Discover Neighbors Who Care pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar. But do you know your “financial numbers”? Financial problems can put a terrible strain on individuals and families. Many people find themselves squeezed from both sides – facing reduced income and rising prices. While you may not have control over the economy, you do have some control over your money. Financial management can seem complicated, but sound money practices really boil down to simple good habits that can make a difference between being financially fit or flabby. Use the following seven steps to improve your financial fitness. Track your expenses, this helps you gain control over your money. 2. Make a Spending Plan (Budget): Subtract your expenses from your income, the goal should be to have more income than expenses. According to the National Association of Certified Public Accountants, in 2009 the average American spent $1.22 for every dollar earned. 3. Set financial goals: An important part of setting goals is knowing how long it will take to achieve them. Set short term, intermediate and long term goals. 4. Prioritize: Once your have tracked your spending you can better determine your 1. Weigh in by needs versus your determining your wants. Develop a income and expenses. routine of examining 5-week learning experience starting Feb. 6th - 9:15 am 897-0262 N ROUTE 60 GSLC&CHILD DEVELOPMENT CENTER # HALLSLEY D. ER AL RD TE OT HWY 288 D RD. NDRE OLD HU Good Shepherd Lutheran Church & Child Development Center is conveniently located on Old Hundred Road at Hallsley and Roseland neighborhoods in Eastern Powhatan County area. ROSELAND 1.8 MILES 1401 Old Hundred Road, Midlothian 23114 www.goodshepherdmidlo.com POWHITE PKWY. UNFINISHED FURNITURE MART Winter Savings Event Windsor chair Madrid chair $45 $55 Accent Tables $49 $35 $51 Copenhagen chair 3K\VLFLDQV UHJLVWHUHG QXUVHV 0HGLFDO VRFLDO ZRUNHUV &HUWLILHG KRVSLFH DLGHV 7UDLQHG YROXQWHHUV 3DLQ PDQDJHPHQW 6\PSWRP FRQWURO 6SLULWXDO FDUH %HUHDYHPHQW VHUYLFHV $31 $45 Hampton sofa table Saddle seat stools $34 28” wide TV console $129 $99 9 Drawer dresser 5 Drawer chest &RPSOHWH VHUYLFHV UHVRXUFHV DQG VXSSRUW IRU WKH RQHV \RX ORYH KRXUV D GD\ GD\V D ZHHN 48” wide TV console $299 Richmond | Farmville | Tappahannock Hampton Roads | Fredericksburg 800-501-0451 www.hospiceva.com $229 $379 Note - Due to high demand, shortages may occur. Order times may apply. Prices good through 1/31/11. Many Sizes In-Stock, Bookcases Have Adjustable Shelves, Fully Assembled & Ready-to-Go. Custom Sizes Available. Real Wood Bookcases and Storage Cubes PARTICLE BOARD All On Sale Now! 4 Door Pantry Kitchen Large top with overhang and plenty of storage buying decisions. 5. Trim the fat: Cut out budget busters and reduce expenses. 6. Diet: Freeze your credit card and create a debt elimination calendar. 7. Save: Make an emergency fund and only use it for emergencies. Having it will prevent you from borrowing money or charging on a highinterest credit card in the event of an emergency. If you would like to improve your financial health, the Powhatan Extension Office is offering a free two-part financial class called “Create a Secure Financial Future”. The first in the series is “Strategies for Eliminating Debt” and is offered in partnership with Virginia Credit Union. This class will be held on Tuesday, Feb. 1 in the Village Building conference room. The class will be held twice on Feb. 1 – during the day from 10:30 a.m. to noon, and a second session in the evening from 7 to 8:30 p.m. This handson class will provide you with an opportunity to learn strategies for reducing and eliminating debt. The second class is called “Managing Your Money.” This class will be held twice on Tuesday, March 1. The day session takes place from 10:30 a.m. to noon. The evening session runs from 7 to 8:30 p. m. This hands-on class will help you create an individual or family budget, set financial goals, show you how to track spending, and get a free credit report. The Powhatan Village Building is located at 3910 Old Buckingham Road. To register or for information, contact Arla Halpin, Family and Consumer Science Program Associate at the Powhatan County Extension Office, at 598-5640 or email arlah3@vt.edu. Just a Few Things We Offer at R. C. Goodwyn’s YOUR LOCAL LUMBERYARD We have 20 & 30 yd. dumpsters for rent! Lumber-Windows-DoorsMillwork-HARDWAREPlumbing-Electrical ! l i ne NOOut W n T he O O n C hec k a re C a t a log Hardw r Website : r.com Ou mbe w y n Lu d o o G w w w. Mission Style Computer, Writing Desk Check out our Goodwyn Lumber Facebook for photos and info! All this & More & More! Ready-to-finish $389 $299 $169 UNFINISHED FURNITURE MART SOUTHSIDE 8533 Midlothian Turnpike (1/2 Mile East of Powhite) On the Web www.ufm.biz • Lumber • Siding • Millwork • Paint • Hardware • Windows • Plumbing • Electrical • Doors • MicrolamBeams • Truss Joist We Mix Paints! – Plan Services Available – We Make Plan Copies 1 mile down Academy Road off Rt. 60 - SEE SIGN 7 - 5 p.m. Mon. - Fri. 8 - 2 p.m. Sat. WEST END 4016 Glenside Drive (On Glenside at Staples Mill) 560-4503 264-7402 HOURS: Mon. - Fri. 10:00 to 6:30; Sat. 10:00 to 6:00 (Sunday 12 noon to 5:00 Southside location only) Lumber, Millwork, And Building Supplies (804) 598-3633 A FAMILY OWNED BUSINESS SERVING POWHATAN AND SURROUNDING COUNTIES IN ALL THESE PRODUCTS AND MORE SINCE 1932 Page 7A Powhatan Today, January 26, 2011 You don’t have to be afraid of the dentist anymore! Sedation Dentistry is The Answer! PLANNING A TRIP? anxiety level and medical history so that it is incredibly comfortable, relaxing and safe. Hours will feel like minutes! You CAN have the wonderful smile and dental health that you have always wanted, and it all starts here! Find out how a small pill can make all the difference in your dental care. Sedation dentistry provides a safe and comfortable experience so you can get the care you need and want. Your dental experience can be customized to your specific Tomorrow’s Dentistry Today Conveniences • Children of all ages welcome • Intraoral Camera Examination see what the doctor sees and be a partner in your dental care. • Watch satellite TV or listen to your favorite music while receiving treatment. • Laser Cavity Detection - finding cavities sooner when they are smaller and less costly. • Interest free financing/ payment options available. Dr. Peter Matkowsky Located in the Wellness First Center 1664 Anderson Hwy, Ste C, Powhatan, VA Family & Sedation Dentistry LAS VEGAS, NEVADA • Credit/Debit cards accepted. Call to schedule your appointment today: g Pa OFFICE HOURS: Mon - Thurs 9 - 6 eR d. Dr. Peter Matkowsky Family & Sedation Dentistry Most insurance plans accepted. “We are a Preferred Provider for Delta Premier and Anthem. Emergencies and new patients of ALL AGES welcome. Sedation Dentistry Available. 60 . Rd ge Pa 804-897-3339 County Line Rd. • Emergencies and New Patients Welcome Dogwood Rd. Powhatan Today invites county residents to send in photographs to be considered for the Parting Shots, which is published once a month. Readers are asked to drop by photographs complete with a description and names to the office at 3229 Anderson Highway, Suite 200, or mail them to P.O. Box 10, Powhatan, Va. 23139. Submissions can also be emailed to editor@powhatantoday.com. Total Family Care Holly Hills Rd. Don’t forget your Powhatan Today! BASEBALL AND SOFTBALL SIGN-UP The Tracoma family recently took Powhatan Today along on a fun-filled trip to Las Vegas. They are pictured here in Old Las Vegas, on Fremont street. GERMANY Wednesday, January 26th 6:30 pm-8:30 pm Saturday, January 29th 9 am-12 noon Location: Pocahontas Elementary School Cafeteria The Nordvig family recently visited the Neuschwanstein castle in Germany, the inspiration for Disney’s Cinderella’s castle ... and of course they brought along Powhatan Today! Saturday, February 5th 9 am-12 noon Location: War Memorial Trailer The students at Powhatan’s Precious Moments Learning Center celebrated Earth Day this year with their Powhatan Today! Bethel Baptist Blessed Sacrament - Huguenot Catholic School DECEMBER STUDENT OF THE MONTH Preschool An excellent curriculum for 2 yr. olds through Pre-K Your child will have fun learning and playing with other preschoolers! ENROLLING NOW 794-8590 NATHANIAL SETTLE 1100 Huguenot Springs Rd. Midlothian, VA 23113 Subscribe to Powhatan Today! Call 598-4305 for details. Blessed Sacrament Huguenot Catholic School’s Student of the Month for December 2010 is junior Nathanial Settle. Nathanial is a candidate for our National Honor Society, he is a regular on our All A+ Honor Roll, member of our Forensic Team, and a starter on our football team. He has played an integral part as our football team won back-toback state championships! Nathanial is admired by all his teachers and classmates because he is a gentleman and a scholar. His honors history teacher, Delegate Lee Ware, speaks highly of his attitude, dedication, humility, and work ethic. Mr. Ware also notes Nathanial’s dedication to our football program. Congratulations Nathanial, you are our December Student of the Month JUNIOR “STUDENT OF THE MONTH” IS SPONSORED BY: 804-598-5028 Intersection of Route 60 & Academy Road www.plazarx.net 804-379-6986 & GIFTS & GIFTS The Shoppes at Southcreek www.powhatanrx.com If you controlled the purse stings, what county department would you offer priority in doling out funds? E-mail answers to editor@powhatantoday.com or submit them online. Visit www.powhatantoday.com to see fellow residents’ responses. January 26, 2011 Page 8A A walk in her shoes If you want to understand Dot Mays, perhaps the closest thing Powhatan County has to a Professor Emeritus of Real Estate, the best thing you can do may be to look down at her feet. In a world where her competitors have often favored flashy automobiles and high-end clothing, Mays, ___ , has always maintained a penchant for used cars and comfortable shoes. “Why would I want to wear heels and By Roslyn Ryan hose if I’m going to be out in the middle of a field somewhere?” she asked Editor plaintively last week, pointing to the You may reach Roslyn at editor@powhatantoday.com spotless black walking shoes she typically pairs with a neat pair of jeans and a sweater. She says she has always felt very much the same way about homes, urging those desperate to buy the biggest house they could get their hands on to stay within their means, focusing instead on the things that actually make a house a home. Mays, who closed her Powhatan real estate company at the end of last year, may just be the best role model around to offer young people—or not-so-young people — a few lessons in financial responsibility. She has seen several recessions over the course of her career, and seen plenty of people overextend themselves only to end up losing much of what they had. Many of them, noticing that Mays’ habit of living within her means has helped her weather the storm, tell her these days that they wish they were in her shoes. It would appear to be an apt statement. After all, Mays’ shoes may be the perfect metaphor for her life: They are comfortable, unfussy and perfectly Powhatan. And that suits her just fine. MY POINT OF VIEW Bill would block names on databases By Ken Odor public employees and they should be able to find out how much they are paying and who is tate Senator Steve getting it. In fact, one might compare the Martin (11th taxpayer to the CEO of a corpoDistrict/Chester- ration. The CEO knows how field) has introduced Sen- much his or her employees earn. ate Bill No. 812 in this Likewise the taxpayers as a group are really the CEO of each session of the General governmental entity. Assembly which would But, one might argue, all prohibit posting of names public employees have superviof employees along with sors who check their perforsalaries obtained through mance and of course we have the Freedom of Informa- elected bodies that pass ordinances setting pay scales, right? tion Act. Won’t they make sure everyIs this a good idea? thing stays ship shape? Is it appropriate for newspaWon’t they make sure the pers to post a database of public taxpayers’ money is spent employees’ salaries along with wisely? the names of those holding the Of course we expect that jobs? public executives and managers Or is it an unnecessary invawill act responsibly when strucsion of privacy? The Powhatan Today’s salary turing the salaries of the public work force. database of county employees But guess what? caused some concern when They too work for the taxpayposted last year. A few county er, merely acting as agents of the employees contacted the newspataxpayer CEO. per and complained. It as simple as that. The Powhatan Today did not At every level government budge. employees should remember that, Nor should it have. in one form or another, they work For years the salaries of highfor the taxpayer. ranking officials at all levels of And although they may have a government have been made supervisor who reports to a public. higher supervisor who reports to We can find out how much the the highest authority in whatever President earns and Senators and public entity is involved, they all Congressmen. What’s the difference for any serve at the pleasure of the taxpayer CEO. other public employee? That makes it altogether right None, as far as this writer can and proper for the pay of public see. employees to be public knowlGoing to work for the taxpayedge. er is NOT the same as going to Ken Odor writes for the work for a private employer. Goochland Gazette. Taxpayers pay the freight for Media General News Service N OT E S F RO M T H E C A P I TO L Resolution will honor a true Powhatan icon By Del. Lee Ware R - 65th District Though the focus in Richmond has turned this first full week of General Assembly to the some 2,000 bills making their way into committees, we were able to act on a number of non-controversial resolutions, including, I am pleased to report, House Joint Resolution 544, of which I am patron, “Celebrating the Life of Elwood Floyd Yates.” Senator John Watkins of Powhatan is patron of the same Resolution in the Senate. When one reads the accomplishments of “The Gentleman from Powhatan,” who was among my esteemed predecessors in the House of Delegates, there remains nothing for me to add--except that, always it will remain one of the distinctive pleasures of my life to have known, and to have reciprocated the friendship of, one of the most remarkable citizens in the long history of our county and community. The text of the Resolution follows: WHEREAS, the achievement of virtue in private and professional life is the surest indication of the prospect of exemplary service as a custodian of the public wealth; and WHEREAS, the Founders of the American Republic, who were first the Founders of the Commonwealth of Virginia, from their survey of the annals of history, asserted that the individual grounded in the selfgoverning life of farm, community, and county is the exemplar of the citizen of a free state and country; and WHEREAS, the agrarian counties of Virginia have for centuries been notable for engendering citizens who have arisen to embody the singular qualities of the traditional Virginian in the government of the Commonwealth; and WHEREAS, Elwood Floyd Yates, a native of Charles City County, embodied these ancient characteristics of the Virginian as a citizen and also, for many decades, as The Elder Statesman of his adopted county of Powhatan; and WHEREAS, Elwood Floyd Yates died at 107 years of age, surrounded by his family, on August 31, 2010; and WHEREAS, Elwood Floyd Yates was the last surviving of the nine children of Joseph Charles and Elia Avery Yates of Charles City, and was predeceased also by his wife of 69 years, Mary Bowles Yates; and WHEREAS, Elwood Floyd Yates moved to Powhatan in his twenties, and went on to manage and/or to operate a Ford automobile dealership, an oil company, a farm, the Bank of Powhatan, a see Ware page 9A P.O. Box 10 Powhatan, Va. 23139 Phone: 804-598-4305 Toll Free: 877-888-0449 Fax: 804-598-7757 Publisher Editor Sales Manager Business Manager Production Manager Staff Writer Multi-Media Sales Representative Multi-Media Sales Representative Classifieds Joy Monopoli Roslyn Ryan Pam Sanders Birgit Weeks Brian French Michael Copley Sara Carter Sara Snyder Cindy Grant S jmonopoli@mediageneral.com editor@powhatantoday.com psanders@mechlocal.com bweeks@powhatantoday.com bfrench@mediageneral.com mcopley@powhatantoday.com scarter@powhatantoday.com ssnyder@timesdispatch.com cgrant@mechlocal.com X WE WANT TO PUBLISH YOUR ISSUE-DRIVEN LETTERS Powhatan Today welcomes your Letters to the Editor on topics of concern to you and the community. Letters, which should be no longer than 400 words, must include the name, address and telephone number of the author. The deadline is noon the Monday before publication, but letters may be held until the following week upon the editor’s discretion. The publisher or editor of Powhatan Today reserves the right to edit or withhold from publication any letter for any reason whatsoever. Once received, all letters become the possession of Powhatan Today. Letters reflect the opinion of the author, not necessarily that of Powhatan Today or its staff. Powhatan Today is published weekly on Wednesday with offices located at 3229 Anderson Highway, Suite 200, Powhatan, Va. 23139. Periodical Postage paid at Powhatan, Va. 23139. USPS # 000-035 POSTMASTER: Please send address changes to: Powhatan Today, P.O. Box 10, Powhatan, Va., 23139. Subscription Rate: $23.50 per year. Single copy price is 50¢.© 2011 by Richmond Suburban Newspapers. All advertising and editorial matter is fully protected and may not be reproduced in any manner without the permission of the publisher. Powhatan Today, January 26, 2011 Ware: Honoring Yates Continued from page 8A telephone service, three sawmills, and, at one time, even the fleet of buses for Powhatan Schools; and WHEREAS, through these and numerous other business and civic endeavors, Elwood Floyd Yates earned the devotion of his fellow Powhatanians, who, together with the citizens of Chesterfield and Colonial Heights, elected him to serve in the Virginia House of Delegates from 1939 to 1952; and WHEREAS, Elwood Floyd Yates served with distinction, too, as chairman of the Selective Service Board of Powhatan during World War II and also, later, as chairman of the Democratic Party of Virginia; and WHEREAS, Elwood Floyd Yates served also as chairman of ... the Virginia Conservation and Economic Development Board, and in these positions was instrumental in advancing numerous conservation projects in the Commonwealth, such as saving from extinction the Wild Turkey of Virginia and protecting woodlands... and WHEREAS, the General Assembly in 2003 recognized Elwood Floyd Yates’s enduring contributions to conservation in the Commonwealth by declaring that the planned Powhatan State Park would represent a memorial of his singular achievements; and WHEREAS, Elwood Floyd Yates was the oldest active member of the Lions Club in the entire world and also the longest-serving Mason in Virginia; and WHEREAS, Elwood Floyd Yates is survived by his son, Elwood Floyd Yates, Jr., and wife, Vickie; four grandchildren, seven greatgrandchildren, and four great-great-grandchildren; and WHEREAS, Elwood Floyd Yates was buried beside his wife in the Powhatan Community Cemetery located on land that he and a friend donated to the county in 1936; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED by the House of Delegates, the Senate concurring, That the members of the body mourn the passing of a former Member of the House who embodied the finest virtues of the Virginian; and, be it RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Clerk of the House of Delegates prepare a copy of this resolution for presentation to Elwood Floyd Yates, Jr., and his family, as a token of the esteem in which the members of the General Assembly hold the memory of The Gentleman from Powhatan, Elwood Floyd Yates. Page 9A FOR YOUR ENTERTAINMENT WASABI HOROSCOPES CAPRICORN Dec 22/Jan 20 AQUARIUS Jan 21/Feb 18 PISCES Feb 19/Mar 20 You have an eye for value, Capricorn, and it will help you realize a good deal this week. Share the wealth with other people if you can. Tuesday is a banner day. Aquarius, take firm hold of the financial reigns because overspending could be the downfall to an important relationship. Curb any purchase for a few days. Creativity is blooming, Pisces, but you’re not sure how to harness your artistic energy. Redesigning a room could help. ARIES Mar 21/Apr 20 TAURUS Apr 21/May 21 GEMINI May 22/Jun 21 There are strange things happening, Aries, but it’s better to just go with the flow. Who knows, maybe you’ll like the change of pace and its effect on your lifestyle. Better days lie ahead, Taurus. It’s just a matter of waiting a few weeks. In the interim, start a new project that will take your mind off of your worries. Make the most of time spent with friends, Gemini, because for a little while you will be flying under the radar while you handle a few necessities that have been overlooked. CANCER Jun 22/Jul 22 LEO Jul 23/Aug 23 There’s much more to you than meets the eye, Cancer, but you don’t often give others a peek into your inner thoughts unless they truly earn it. Someone special does this week. You’ve been feeling a bit gloomy, Leo, and it’s understandable based on how much you’ve had going on. But it’s easy to change your mood if you surround yourself with friends. Generosity is a good thing, Virgo, but not when you put others continually before you put yourself. Reassess your VIRGO Aug 24/Sept 22 values and make an effort to make changes. LIBRA Sept 23/Oct 23 SCORPIO Oct 24/Nov 22 SAGITTARIUS Nov 23/Dec 21 When one door closes another door opens, Libra. Look at the positive side of things and embrace the changes that are happening to you. If you dwell on the negative, you can’t succeed. There’s so much going on that it’s any wonder you can still function on a daily basis, Scorpio. Although times may be stressful, things will work out in the end. A relationship is blooming, Sagittarius, and you’re not sure how you feel about it just yet. Take a few more weeks to work through your feelings and form a solid opinion. FOR ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY LAWSON FENCING, LLC. FAMILY OWNED & OPERATED Specializing In Quality Fencing Privacy • Chain Link • Vinyl • Aluminum • Split Rail • Custom Wood • Board • Farm Fencing & Repair (804) 357-8920 — FREE ESTIMATES — lawsonfencing@netzero.net Licensed & Insured NEW MENU ITEMS da ee N ce at Pl a Gr e to get Ev ery bod y To get h er ? 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Trust the experts at Certified Water Treatment LLC to improve the quality and ensure the safety of your water. With more than 55 years of combined experience, we offer treatment solutions to address water problems of all kinds: • acidic water (blue-green stains) • iron (orange or brown stains, metallic taste) • hydrogen sulfide (black or gray stains) • hardwater (white or gray deposits) • bacteria contamination Call today for FREE water testing* and find the right solution for treating your water problems. *excludes bacteria testing THIS WEEK’S ANSWERS 378-9961 (2 miles past Powhatan Co. line off Midlothian Tnpk.) CLUES ACROSS 1. Femur head joint 4. Co. name prior to CCN & Experian 7. An encircling route 11. Actor Baldwin 13. Yeman monetary unit 15. Slightly curved blade sword 16. London Int’l. Advertising Award 17. Exchange premium 18. Am. artist Edwin Austin 19. Hyperopia 22. Purplish red color 23. Take in marriage 24. Promotional messages 25. Full of highspirited delight 29. The study of plants 33. S. Am. camel relative 35. Amounts of time 36. Purplish brown 37. Treat with contempt 40. Set in advance 42. In a lucid way 44. Only laughed once 45. One point E of due N 46. Revolve 50. Harry Potter star 55. Olympic contests 56. A small lake 57. Arabian chieftain 58. Ribonuclease 59. Plants of the genus salvia 60. Small deer of Japan 61. Slang for “alright” 62. ___ student, learns healing 63. Spring ahead CLUES DOWN 1. One of two equal parts 2. About ilium 3. June’s birthstone 4. Calamity 5. Jefferson named unalienable ones 6. Rest in expectation 7. Baseball’s ____ Ruth 8. Flows away 9. Belonging to Robert E. 10. Attempt 12. House in Spanish 14. Lerner and _____, wrote “My Fair Lady” 15. Summer shoe 20. Formerly Persia 21. A small wooded hollow 26. Duct or cellophane 27. Large flightless birds 28. Genus leuciscus fish 29. A place to sleep 30. Minerals 31. Scarlett’s home 32. 7th Hindu month 34. Poised to 38. Fitness guru Austin 39. Czech & German River 40. Slogged 41. College army 43. Short sharp barks 44. CA. citrus county 47. Brews 48. Fearful and cautious 49. The people of Chief Kooffreh 50. Euphemistic damn 51. Far East wet nurse 52. Where birds hatch their young 53. Wander 54. Male undergrad social club 55. Programming language Powhatan Today, January 26, 2011 Page 10A Napier is Sold on Powhatan Principles of Real Estate Classes $ 199 for Tuition & Books. To Enroll Virtual Tours Online at www.NapierERA.com Call 804.897.3049 1960 Rocky Ford Road $365,000 Open Sunday 1-3 PM R 1710 Norwood Creek $300,000 3120 Maidens Road ED UC ED Nancy Wise 804-598-7700 www.NancyWise.com Absolutely gorgeous Craftsman Style home on 10 acres with established pasture. Hardwood floors on the entire 1st level. Granite counters and stainless appliances in the kitchen with raised bar seating and dining area large enough to seat a crowd. Impressive Family Room with gas stone fireplace. 1st floor master with his/her closets and luxury bath. Wide wrap around front porch and covered rear porch, a great place to sit and relax. Stamped concrete patio. 11470 Springhouse Way $299,950 Lummie Jones 804-598-7700 www.LummieJones.com Low maintenance home in great condition. 3story with large great room with hardwood floors and gas fireplace. Formal dining room. Fully equipped kitchen with pantry, breakfast area and breakfast bar. 4 bedrooms, 2½ baths. 3rd floor bonus room. Great neighborhood! 2185 Hunters Mill Road $310,000 $227,950 JU ST LIS TE D Tracey McClung & Suzanne Cline 804-389-4300 804-901-1193 Move-In Ready! Wonderful 2- story home loaded with upgrades. Beautiful Heart of Pines floors, new vinyl siding and windows. Full covered front porch, large eat in kitchen with new stove and large pantry. Formal dining, spacious great room, master suite with private bath. This home has been wonderfully cared for and is waiting for your family. 443 Bel Bridge Circle 4303 Cosby Road $199,995 2714 Birdsong Lane $219,000 5711 Beaver View Trail Patrick Conner 804-402-3070 www.theconnerteam.com Don’t miss out on this great opportunity this home offers. Plenty of space and a huge two-car garage. Enjoy the peace and quiet sitting in the closed-in porch enjoying nature and relaxing from a hard day at work. This home has a first-floor Master bedroom, full front porch and a paved driveway. Hurry and take advantage of the great price. It won’t last long! $567,000 Lot For Sale $94,950 Terry Adcock and Shelly Blair 804-598-7700 • 804-305-9911 Suzanne Cline & Tracey McClung 804-901-1193 804-389-4300 Exceptional custom-built Cape with many rennovations and SUPERB move-in condition. First-Floor master w/ bath – new ceramic tile, large kitchen with new tile backsplash and new wood laminate floors, beautiful new double doors with built-in blinds to deck. Fresh paint throughout! Large Great Room with wood floors, brick gas burning fireplace with brick chimney! Lovely oversized foyer, 2.5 baths on first floor, large utility room, 3 additional bedrooms on the 2nd floor. This house has been maintained with the utmost pride! 2568 Liberty Hill Rd. $379,950 www.PowhatanVirginia.com JUST LISTED!!! Over $135,000 below tax assessment. 11+ acres of wooded privacy on cul-de-sac street. Firstfloor master suite and two additional bedrooms and 2nd bath on first floor. Second floor has large bedroom, full bath and 2 additional rooms. Great Room with corner gas fireplace open to large kitchen & eating area. Finished basement with 2nd gas fireplace, built-in shelving and walk-in pantry/storage closet. Large 2-car garage. 60x25 inground pool with heater. 2812 Valley Springs Rd. $549,950 ND Amelia – Under construction in Oak Springs Plantation. 1st floor living w/bonus 2nd floor! 4 bedrooms, 4 baths, open living areas, hardwood & tile floors, gas fireplace, walk-in attic, covered porches, 2-car garage on 2 acres! Best price ever in Oak Springs Plantation. 3004 W. Maple Grove Lane $499,950 Jeanette Towler 804-598-7700 10 acres, private park-like setting. Immaculate 2-story, 4 bedrooms, 3.5 baths, 1st and 2nd floor masters suites. Formal rooms, Florida Room addition, screened porch and 30 x 30 detached garage w/attached carport. 2310 Ballsville Road Lummie Jones 804-598-7700 www.LummieJones.com Beautiful custom Crestwood located on corner lot. This home features exterior stone fireplace and tower front with 8’ entry door. Inside offers a gourmet kitchen with granite counters, stainless steel appliances, and custom made cabinets. This home features a large first-floor master suite with huge walk-in closet and luxury bath. This home has security system, irrigation system, and two zone heating and cooling. Lots of upgrades! $250,000 Rte. 45 $69,995 DU DU Terry Adcock & Shelly Blair 804-598-7700 • 804-305-9911 www.powhatanvirginia.com All brick masterpiece, vaulted great room w/ bookcases, DR, wonderful Kitchen w/ granite, gas cook top, double oven & Cherry cabinets. 3 Bedrooms and office down, Rec room and 4th bedroom up, Hardwood floors, Anderson windows, 50-year roof, paved driveway, extensive moldings, located in beautiful Maple Grove. 4305 Obscurity Lane $259,950 $239,950 Waterview custom home on 7.6 acres. Incredible resort-like property in heart of Powhatan – this home features interior timber framing, hardwood floors, all-brick, detached 2-car brick garage with apartment above. 2710 Windy Meadow Lane $139,950 Floyd Palmore 804-598-7700 www.floydpalmore.com Patrick Conner 804-402-3070 www.theconnerteam.com Terry Adcock and Shelly Blair 804-598-7700 • 804-305-9911 www.PowhatanVirginia.com Floyd Palmore 804-598-7700 www.floydpalmore.com Powhatan’s affordable lake community, 26 acre lake that may be used by homeowners! Other lots and plans available, homes from $209,950-$500,000+. This home features Kitchen with center island, stainless steel appliances. Spacious Great Room open to the Kitchen & Attached Garage, wonderful Master Suite, expanded front porch, 3 acre lot. Lummie Jones 804-794-4531 www.LummieJones.com 11.82 Acres right on Route 45. One block south of Route 60. Plenty of potential. The land is level and wooded. Call today for information. Stunning, 1st and 2nd floor Master Craftsman’s style home. Hardwood floors in all living areas down, open Kitchen with center island, raised panel cabinets and upgraded appliances. Open and vaulted Dining with chair rail moldings and french door to covered deck and patio area. 1st floor master suite includes full bath with separate jetted tub and shower, huge walk in closet. A true 2nd floor Master with sitting area, full bath & walk-in closet. 2 additional bdrms, 3 full baths plus 1/2 bath! Residential Commercial zoning – great for at home business. Across street from 1700 acre state forest - enjoy lakes & trails. Beautiful building site on this 10.1 acre lot with pond located on private cul-de-sac with other 10 acre parcels. Property is fenced and ready for horses or cattle. Other 10 acre parcels available on same cul-de-sac. Owner financing available. 2205 Mountain View Road $89,000 702 Appomattox Trace Rd. $349,950 2121 Carter Gallier Blvd. $229,950 4066 Jefferson Woods Rd. $255,000 3001 Anderson Highway $460,000 Patrick Conner 804-402-3070 www.theconnerteam.com The possibilities are endless. Over 5 Acres with a three bedroom home with a garage and detached shed. This is not a short sale and the property is being sold as is. 1428 Sycamore Mews Circle $147,995 Nancy Wise 598-7700 www.NancyWise.com www.17AppomattoxTrace.com Debenhaus Homes will build to your specifications on lot 17 in Appomattox Trace AT COST! The Acadia Plan pictured here has a 1st Floor Master & Kitchen with Island open to the Vaulted Family Room. Great opportunity to have your home built by one the area’s best builders on a beautiful 2 acre cul-de-sac lot with mature hardwoods. www.AppomattoxTrace.com 1123 Sparrows Lane $299,950 Floyd Palmore 804-598-7700 www.floydpalmore.com Commercial Property 2.09 Acres in South Creek Commercial Center 1620 Capeway Road $249,950 Lummie Jones 804-598-7700 www. LummieJones.com Terry Adcock, Shelly Blair & Floyd Palmore 804-598-7700 $395,999 Somerset – Rare opportunity to own a piece of history. Original part built in 1770s-1900s addition. Updated mechanicals including geothermal heat pump, updated kitchen and bath. List price includes 10 acres. IN -LA W DU 6349 Walnut Tree Drive $239,950 Open Sundays 1-3 14304 Fulford Ct. This Dutch Colonial offers tons of upgrades. New Hardiplank siding, 5-year-old roof and many other upgrades recently completed in last 5 years. Located in Salisbury, this home features 5 bedrooms and 3 full baths. The landscaping is park-like and beautiful and this home features a huge back deck overlooking the private backyard. This home has been renovated to enjoy and you will love the family room! RE Tracey McClung 804-389-4300 www.TraceyMcClung.com www.PowhatanVirginia.com Beautiful custom one-owner home. 2-story entry, banquet-size dining, vaulted Great Room, rec room, office, master - 2nd full bath – all on the 1st floor. Kitchen open to the Great Room, solid surface tops, SS appliances. 2nd floor with 3 bedrooms and storage galore. Full finished walk-out basement that features more walk-in storage, workout room, and sun-filled man cave that is walk-out to paver patio wet bar, and full bath. Attached 2-car garage and detached 2-car garage. Located in Eastern Powhatan in a highly desirable neighborhood. E UC D CE Wonderfully situated on 2 wooded acres on a quaint cul-de-sac street, this property is loaded with features and move-in ready! Hardwood floors, large custom eat-in kitchen, formal dining room, large master suite, and 3rd floor bonus room. Finished basement with full bath and separate entrance, makes for a perfect in-law or teenager suite. Enjoy outdoor entertaining with custom brick patio. A must see! Terry Adcock and Shelly Blair 804-598-7700 • 804-305-9911 Suzanne Cline & Tracey McClung 804-901-1193 804-389-4300 D RE RE RE 4488 Lockin Road R D D CE D CE Herman Mueller 804-382-8500 Beautiful 3-acre building lot in a covenant-protected neighborhood close to shopping, schools, and Mill Quarter Golf. Priced below assessment. D CE U ED PO Nancy Wise 598-7700 www.nancywise.com $279,950 ON ET CK ARK A B M E TH GREAT buy in Midlothian in Sycamore Mews! Walk to post office and shopping. Large family/dining area with wonderful view to patio and backyard area. Newer vinyl siding outside and owner-upgraded windows to vinyl on second floor. Kitchen with pantry and eat-in area. Washer, dryer and refrigerator stay. Master bedroom has nice walk-in closet and full bath. The second bedroom has a double closet and closset for computer/books, etc., plus full bath. Foyer has a coat closet and there is a guest bath on the 1st floor. A gas fireplace with gas logs in the living room makes for a cozy warm space. Terry Adcock and Shelly Blair 804-598-7700 • 804-305-9911 www.PowhatanVirginia.com Nancy Wise 598-7700 www.nancywise.com Enjoy peaceful Country Living in a convenient Powhatan location. Prestigious area builder is planning to build (“At Cost”) this 4 bedroom, 2½ bath w/ 1st floor master suite and 2-car garage on 2.7 acre culde-sac lot in Sparrows Landing. Build this home to your specifications. This is the perfect builder for the discerning home buyer who appreciates impeccable quality and attention to every detail. All brick ranch country home updated in last 5 years – interior paint & carpet, high quality vinyl windows & trim, heat pump with gas backup, insert, paved driveway and kitchen appliances. Attached two car carport and detached man cave 40x30 garage/workshop with separate meter with AC unit, wood stove and walk-up storage. Porch. Vaulted master suite with large walk-in closet and private bath. Call Today for fast efficient service where we come to you! Refinances - Purchases - Seller Side Services Powhatan Real Estate Settlements, LLC (804) 598-7160 Email: margie@powhatansettlements.com FAX (804) 598-5068 www.powhatansettlements.com We are locally owned and operated located in the Historic Village of Powhatan 3887 Old Buckingham Road Over the Chamber of Commerce Next to County Seat Restaurant SU ITE Suzanne Cline & Tracey McClung 804-901-1193 804-389-4300 IN-LAW SUITE! Or superb Teenager Retreat! Over 3.5 acres of pure country privacy await. Nestled among hardwood trees, 4 bedroom, 3½ bath, 2-story Colonial. Formal dining, eat-in kitchen, family room with French doors to a huge deck and above ground pool. Shows like a model. LOTS FOR SALE POWHATAN LOT 2 Appomattox Trace $79,950 2.3 Acres with creek Lot 9 Appomattox Trace $75,000 2 Acres – Open Lot 19 Appomattox Trace $198,000 Riverfront 8.8 Wooded Acres CUMBERLAND Lot 1 Anne Carol Way $39,000 2 Wooded Acres –Whiteville Estates Nancy Wise 804-598-7700 www.NancyWise.com Mike Taylor 804-405-2818 Investment opportunity fronting Rt. 60, Anderson Hwy., Powhatan! Property includes 4+ acres of land, mostly open field in high visibility area. Approx. 10 miles from Route 288. Includes 3-bedrm./2-bath single family home. Great potential for commercial business. 64 Frenchs Store Road $49,200 Floyd Palmore 804-598-7700 www.floydpalmore.com Very nice, well keep, mobile home with 2 bedrooms, 1 full bath on 5.302 acres of private land. Eat-in kitchen with Bay Window, Laundry area with washer and dryer. House comes FULLY FURNISHED. Large garage with workshop. ATHLETE of the WEEK DION BERRY, Senior Powhatan High School, Varsity Basketball WHAT HE DID: Scored 22 points in their win over Greensville EQUAL HOUSING LENDER January 26, 2011 EXTRA POINTS Powhatan, Virginia Page 1B Powhatan’s BB Chemistry isn’t just a cliche for PHS girls By Richard Carrier Contributing Writer The jargon generated by sports generally ticks me off. It insults my somewhat limited intelligence when someone offers to “give one hundred and ten percent.” Or that “stepping up” is an unexpected effort by a player. However, there is one of these trite phrases which I am now firmly convinced has real meat on its metaphorical bones: team chemistry. The lack of it is the only explanation I can think of to explain the recent free-fall of Powhatan High School’s girls basketball team. Going into the season, Coach Paulette Bowman agreed that, on paper, the 2010-11 Lady Indians were potentially one of the best she would put on the court over the course of her 22 years of coaching at Powhatan. The girls had height in 61 senior Hana Davis and Maitlin Ware, as well as experience and leadership from the six seniors. “We have the most experience we’ve had in long time,” Bowman said. The Indians’ other strongest assets? Toughness: Jesse Harris and Alexis Flippen are pineknot hard warriors in the paint. Versatility: Hannah Livermon and Marisha Berry were interchangeable parts in the backcourt. Balanced scoring: Davis would be counted on for post points, but Livermon and Berry could produce from outside or inside, with Berry a threat to score from anywhere on the floor. Harris, Ware, Cady Shelton and Britney Berry – another tall post player – would contribute to the team balance at both ends of the court. Through four seasonopening contests, the Indians’ curriculum vitae proved to be authentic. Then the wheels came off. The Powhatan girls lost three games in succession, each by more than 20 points – they were blown out, including once on their home court. The only difference? The absence of Livermon. Due to an injury, the junior started the season slowly and produced respectable, but certainly not outstanding numbers: 9 points and 7 assists per game. But it was another injury to Livermon that See Points page 2B Warriors topple Knights By Richard Carrier Contributing Writer Tidewater Academy’s Mike Greene slashed through the lane, flashed along the baseline and sprinted down-court for 29 of the visiting Warriors’ 54 points. Blessed Sacrament Huguenot’s boys basketball team couldn’t contain Greene and the offensive weapon they relied on to counteract him, the three-point shot, deserted them. However, the Knights hung tough with the defending state champion Warriors for almost four quarters – trailing by just three points with 1:22 left – before free throws and a Greene layup iced a 54-45 victory last Friday. John Moore returned from PHOTO BY JIM MCCONNELL an ankle injury to lead BSH Powhatan’s Jen Balcom pressures a Nottoway ballhandler during Friday’s game. with 13 points. Chris O’Hara, Trevor Gilliam and Deon Watts added eight apiece. Leading 12-8, the Knights opened the second quarter by missing their first seven field goal attempts and Tidewater take the court in waves, with any possible By Richard Carrier tied the score with 6:28 left in combination of players likely to be on the Contributing Writer the first half. With Greene court at any given time. They can, and do, contributing seven points in Coming off of an undefeated season in score from any area on the court, being just as the run, the Warriors stretched 2009-10, the Powhatan High School girls likely to drive the baseline, fire in turnout to a 18-12 lead. BSH’s junior varsity basketball squad is well on the arounds from the foul line or pilfer and fly fourth three-pointer, a Gilliam way to duplicating that feat again this season. down-court to score. pull-up, drew the Knights There is something different about these Offensive sets are executed “on ball within one at 21-20, but junior Lady Indians: a new coach. movement and sharp, precise passing. Moving Hunter Haywood’s stickback Shell Daniels guided the team the past two the ball, making the extra pass [the ball is gave Tidewater a 26-22 seasons, but his elevation to the girls varsity seldom dribbled in these sets and passes don’t halftime lead. created a coaching vacancy, which was quickly touch the floor either] and finding the open The Knights snatched the filled by Brandon Burley. shooter,” Burley said. lead back at 27-26 early in the Still, Powhatan has charged through its first Once located, that open shooter might third quarter on O’Hara’s puteight games without a blemish on their record launch a quick set-shot, drive to the hoop or back and Moore’s three. The – and the beat goes on. drive and pull up for a runner. The three-point BSH squad failed on their next It is the mantra of every successful coach shot is in the junior Lady Indians arsenal, but 13 attempts from beyond the that teamwork is one of the Golden Keys to is seldom needed, so seldom used. arc. Victory, so it is no surprise when Coach Burley Although the girls’ offense is precision The Knights shot 5 for 20 claims these as the greatest attributes of the beauty, Coach Burley insists that defense is from three-point range. Their current squad. However, even a cursory his focus – something his team works on commitment to the long-ball examination of the 2010-11 junior Lady every day. kept them off of the free throw Indians reveals the truth in this statement. See Knights page 2B See Indians page 2B The seven sophomores and four freshmen JV Indians still rolling Powhatan Today, January 26, 2011 Page 2B Indians: With a new coach, JV girls undefeated again Points: Chemistry at heart of Powhatan’s sudden plunge Continued from page 1B Continued from page 1B hustler nonstop; sophomore “We practice defense, Rachael Shifflett – quick; and we practice it a lot,” sophomore Chelsea he added. Edwards – hustler, goes Burley keeps no all out; sophomore Grace records for a leading Frehan –hustler; sophoscorers or rebounders. more Micah Kingston – There is no designated hustler, determined, gets team leader. after it; sophomore “On different night transfer Kate Long – anyone can step up. It’s hustler; freshman just a big team concept Kaleigh Amorese – with us.” quick; freshman Ryan Asked to provide a Kirtner – hustler; freshone-sentence thumb-nail man Allison Etheridge – for each of his girls, hustler, a go getter; and Burley insisted on freshman Addie Johnson abbreviating those – hustler, go getter. descriptions to one-word. All of the sophomores As he clicked off the except Long played on team-members, every last year’s undefeated girl’s outstanding squad. That experience, characteristic became and the success that one of two words: quick came with it, has ceror hustler. When you see tainly provided a solid these girls in action, his base for skill developanalysis is tough to ment. Fundamentals, for contradict. almost all of these girls, Sophomore Jen have been taught to them Balcom – quick; sopho- in the exceptionally more Rachael Byrd – strong junior high school seemed to send the Lady Indians into an immediate plunge. Frustrated at a level I have never seen in her, Bowman was unable to figure out how the loss of one player could have such dramatic consequences for an entire basketball team. “She was important,” Bowman acknowledged before adding that Livermon was “only one lug nut on that wheel. When only one lug nut is loose, the whole wheel doesn’t fall off.” In this instance it has. PHOTO BY JIM MCCONNELL Hopefully this is a temporary thing, but in Powhatan’s Kaleigh Amorese goes for a steal. the last game I saw the program. improve every time we Powhatan girls play (at But the 2010-11 take the court,” Burley home against Greensjunior Lady Indians are said. “We must have the ville), they lost by 26 not resting on their previ- desire to improve every and generated only 19 ous achievements – and day. Everyone on this points – certainly no they won’t be allowed to. team has that desire. I improvement over their “We must continue to know it.” previous losses. Again, in Coach Bowman’s perspective the loss of Livermon cannot account for what Continued from page 1B foul-shots and Brandon stall, forcing the Knights Yerby’s travel gave the she sees as a 30-pointHolt slipped in a short out of their zone defense. ball back to BSH. Again, plus differential: the 20jump-shot. Ethan Sill, But Yerby turned the ball Moore fired up his line, where they were plus-point losses against over, giving the home normally lethal three. He Livermon’s nine-point just 2-for-3 for the game. who was a beast on the boards with a game-high team another chance to missed badly. Still, Blessed Sacrascoring average. And take the lead. Forced to foul, the ment trailed by only five 14 rebounds, stuffed it’s difficult to see how back an offensive Moore failed to Knights sent Lamont points (40-35) heading she’s wrong. rebound and with 2:46 convert on a hard drive Moore to the free-throw into the fourth quarter. So where did those left, the Knights were to the hoop and Tidewa- line for a one-and-one Greene opened the points go? ter stalled again. Smoth- opportunity. He made final stanza with a tip in, down by a single point. The leadership is still Tidewater turned the ering Greene left Lamont both. Gilliam earned two on a there. Sophomore Moore open and he took After Gilliam misgoaltending call and then ball over on back-toMarisha Berry ran the back possessions, but two defenders to the rim, fired, Greene snatched had that overruled. team from the point last Blessed Sacrament scored and converted the the rebound and, avoid- year (Livermon was BSH gave up the baseline again, this time couldn’t find the hole in free-throw. With 1:15 left ing attempts to foul him, injured) and did a the iron. Tidewater led 49-45. streaked the length of the fantastic job, both in to Josh Clarke and the With 2:14 remaining, John Moore missed court for a layup that Warriors led by seven. distributing and scoring. the Warriors went into a on a three-ball, but made it 53-45. Moore got two back on Against Greensville, Knights: Hang tough but fall to defending state champion Berry had just one assist and two points. Harris and Flippen are still pulling down rebounds and diving on the floor for loose balls, but also missing too many point-blank shots. Davis was a nonfactor in the Greensville game with only two points, as the smaller Eagles smothered her in the paint and dared the Powhatan guards to shoot over them. It wasn’t a question of the Powhatan girls not making those shots; they simply didn’t attempt them. It’s not as if the girls aren’t trying. They are playing hard, but they’re missing a ton of easy shots. The mystery still is that this is the same group of girls who won more of their share of games last year, without Livermon. What’s different? What’s missing? It’s obviously not a question of building or rebuilding the program. The assets are all there. The issue is how to best blend those assets. They call that team chemistry. The very talented Lady Indians will – hopefully sooner rather than later – find the secret to reestablishing dominance. They’ll find it when they understand and embrace the fact that it was there all along. Livermon just helped take it up a notch or two. While supplies last FREE after mail-in rebate debit card $49.99 2-year retail price $50 mail-in rebate debit card With new 2 year activation. Novatel USB 760 AMERICA’S MOST RELIABLE WIRELESS NETWORK 2470 Anderson Highway Twiddy Wireless Inc. (804) 598-5066 Next to Tractor Supply Powhatan, VA 23139 HOURS: Monday - Friday 10am-8pm, Saturday 10am-3pm *Our Surcharges (incl. Fed. Univ. Svc. Of 12.9% of interstate & int’l telecom charges (varies quarterly), 7¢ Regulatory & 92¢ Administrative/line/mo., & others by area) are not taxes (details 1-888684-1888); gov’t taxes & surcharges could add 5%-37% to your bill. Activation fee/line: $35. IMPORTANT CONSUMER INFORMATION: Subject to Customer Agmt, Calling Plan, rebate form & credit approval. Up to $175 termination fee & other charges, $0.25/MB after allowance. Add’l $20 upgrade fee may apply. Requires compatible EV-DO Rev. A device (sold separately). Mobile Broadband is available to more than 262 million people in 258 major metros in the U.S. Offers & coverage, varying by service, not available everywhere. While supplies last. Shipping charges may apply. Limited time offer. In CA: Sales tax based on full retail price of phone. Rebate debit card takes up to 6 wks & expires in 12 months. Network details & coverage maps at vzw.com © 2010 Verizon Wireless. Powhatan Today, January 26, 2011 Page 3B S P O RT S B R I E F S PHS boys JV falls to Southampton on last-second shot one three-pointer and a base-line drive. The gap closed to 23-19 at the half. Each team scored seven points in the third period and Junius McFarland’s drive put PHS up by six at the start of the final period. But the Powhatan High’s boys junior Indians went cold and visitors pulled varsity basketball team took early to within one at the 2:14 mark. control of their Wednesday night Tucker’s basket gave PHS a threecontest against Southampton, posting point lead with 1:48 left in the game, an early 10-point lead, but the visiting but Southampton made both ends of a Indians rallied in the fourth quarter to one-and-one – the visitors were in the claim a 35-34 win. bonus from the 4:40 mark, but missed Drew Ratliff’s feed earned Chase seven consecutive free throws and Tucker the game’s first points and Ben squandered an opportunity to take Gerow stole to score. Tyler Amorese’s three-point play, Marcel Providence’s control early in the final quarter. With Powhatan clinging to its onelay-up and Ratliff’s three-pointer off point lead, a questionable no-call saw of an in-bounds play ended the first Southampton get a steal and run-out quarter at 14-7 PHS. for the winning bucket with seven Zach Dawson opened the second seconds left. period with a three-ball to give the Powhatan showed balanced scoring, junior Indians that ten-point lead. Southampton turned up the defensive putting eight players in the scorebook. Tucker led with eight, Amorese, pressure and became very aggressive Ratliff and Dawson each contributed in driving to the bucket; piling up five. Both Providence and Tucker did Powhatan fouls while scoring 12 second-quarter points at the foul line, good work on the boards. PHS girls JV builds huge lead, crushes visiting Southampton then Rachael Byrd converted Amorese’s assist to give the PHS girls a 29-3 halftime lead. Southampton opened the second half with more on-ball pressure and It was surgical, a precision disman- the junior Indians collected only six points in the quarter. Southampton tling by the Powhatan High School girls JV basketball squad last Wednes- scored four. Kingston’s put-back, Amoresse’s day evening. lay-up and Shifflett’s bucket put six The junior Lady Indians led 16-0 points on the board in the first two at the end of the first quarter while minutes, as the Powhatan girls posted Southampton did not manage a point a 10-2 fi nal quarter. until the 5:24 mark of the second Balcolm and Kingston led the scorquarter. Powhatan put nine players in ing with nine and Ammorse added the scorebook on the way to a 47-9 eight . pummeling of the Courtland squad. The junior Indians showed an Addie Johnson’s put-back opened amazing offensive arsenal; scoring on the scoring and combined with Jen medium range set-shots, drives to the Balcom, Kaleigh Amorese and hoop, turn-arounds in the paint, Rachael Shifflett for the 16-0 lead. follows, break-aways and from the Coach Brandon Burley sent in a foul line. second wave of Indians and Allison They did not attempt a single Etheridge scored on a slick turnthree-pointer. Their no-dribble, pinaround. Micah Kingston grabbed a rebound point passing around the Southampand wove her way through the entire ton zone constantly found open shooters. Southampton defense for a lay-up, The Powhatan Soccer Association Announces: Recreational Soccer League Registration SPRING 2011 BOYS, GIRLS, K through 12th grade Come One, Come All! Deadline: Saturday, February 19, 2011 Location: Online only Fee: $70/player + Uniform (if needed) Avoid Late fee: After 2/19 fee goes up by $25 Questions: Ashley Edwards, Registrar, AshleyEdwards@powhatansoccer.org * For additional information, visit us at www.powhatansoccer.org Water well drilling environmental drilling dual rotary drilling geothermal drilling pressure grouting well video logging Mineral analysis filtration ltration REACTORS reactrs FILTRATION chlorination hlorination systems acid cid neutralizers cartridge artridge filters water ater softeners softener oftener salt odor dor system filter lter media uv v lights Pump & Well Company, Inc. 2958 Anderson Highway | Powhatan, Virginia 23139 Quality by Choice ... 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If y need a horizontal, you vertical, pond or open-loop system we can take care of it. Powhatan Today, January 26, 2011 Page 4B POWHATAN TODAY TV LISTINGS DAYTIME AFTERNOON C 3 3 4 5 7 8 9 11 12 15 18 22 24 27 28 29 30 31 33 34 35 37 39 40 44 47 48 49 50 53 54 55 58 60 61 62 66 67 68 126 127 138 146 177 290 23 SPEED ESPN ESPN2 CCSN 8 6 35 12 WGN-A CSPAN QVC 57 CNN MSNBC CNBC FOXN FX USA TNT WTBS A&E SPIKE COM DISC TLC ANPL NICK DISN FAM TVL TCM HALL LIFE HGTV FOOD BET MTV VH1 TOON SYFY AMC CMTV HIST TBN Barney Dinosaur Between Martha Varied Programs SportsCenter SportsCenter ESPN First Take Varied Programs The Dan Patrick Show Paid Prog. Paid Prog. All My Children One Life to Live The Young Bold The Talk Justice Justice Judge Jeanine Pirro Days of our Lives Rachael Ray WGN Midday News Walker, Texas Ranger House of Representatives Varied Programs Senate Varied Programs Newsroom Andrea Mitchell News Nation Power Lunch Street Signs America Live Movie Varied Programs Bernie Varied Programs Las Vegas The Closer Amer. Dad Earl Jim Raymond First 48 Varied Sopranos Varied CSI: NY CSI: Crime Scene Daily Show Colbert Varied Programs American Chopper American Chopper Baby Story Baby Story Baby Baby Animal Cops Houston Varied Programs Fresh Beat Ni Hao Sponge. Sponge. Chugging Movers Varied Programs 8 Rules 8 Rules My Wife My Wife Bonanza Bonanza Movie Varied Programs Martha Stewart Show Martha Stewart Show Desperate Housewives Grey’s Anatomy Wasted Varied Programs Contessa Contessa 30-Minute 30-Minute Movie Varied Programs Basketball Varied Programs Tom & Jerry Hero 108 Super Evil Varied Programs Movie Varied Programs Varied Programs Varied Programs Behind Varied Robison Marilyn H. THURSDAY EVENING C 3 3 4 5 7 8 9 11 12 15 18 22 24 27 28 29 30 31 33 34 35 37 39 40 44 47 48 49 50 53 54 55 58 60 61 62 66 67 68 126 127 138 146 177 290 23 SPEED ESPN ESPN2 CCSN 8 6 35 12 WGN-A CSPAN QVC 57 CNN MSNBC CNBC FOXN FX USA TNT WTBS A&E SPIKE COM DISC TLC ANPL NICK DISN FAM TVL TCM HALL LIFE HGTV FOOD BET MTV VH1 TOON SYFY AMC CMTV HIST TBN C 23 SPEED ESPN ESPN2 CCSN 8 6 35 12 WGN-A CSPAN QVC 57 CNN MSNBC CNBC FOXN FX USA TNT WTBS A&E SPIKE COM DISC TLC ANPL NICK DISN FAM TVL TCM HALL LIFE HGTV FOOD BET MTV VH1 TOON SYFY AMC CMTV HIST TBN Arthur Clifford Fetch! WordGirl Barrett-Jackson Lines Football NFL Live Jim Rome Tennis Varied Programs Paid Prog. Varied Programs General Hospital Oprah Winfrey Ellen DeGeneres Show The Dr. Oz Show Jerry Springer Maury Dr. Phil News Inside Ed. Walker, Texas Ranger Jeannie Bewitched Curious Martha Newsroom MSNBC News Live Closing Bell Studio/Shepard Smith Varied Malcolm Electric Wild Kratts BBC World Business Monster Jam Pass Time Pass Time Around Pardon SportsCenter Pardon Post Live Redskins SportsNet SportsNet News 8 News News ABC News News News News News Jdg Judy Jdg Judy Simpsons Fam. Guy News News News NBC News Cheers Cheers Dharma Dharma House of Representatives Varied Cat in the Varied Peep Curious Clifford The Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer Dylan Ratigan Hardball Matthews The Ed Show Closing Bell-Bartiromo Fast Mny Varied Mad Money Your World W/ Cavuto Glenn Beck Special Report Varied Programs NCIS Cold Case Law & Order Law & Order Law & Order Jim The Office Friends Friends Raymond Raymond King King CSI: Miami Criminal Varied Dog Varied First 48 Varied Varied Programs Movie Varied Programs Tosh.0 Scrubs Scrubs American Chopper American Chopper Cash Cab Cash Cab Cash Cab Cash Cab Not Wear Varied Say Yes Say Yes Cake Boss Kitchen Cake Boss Cake Boss Varied Arthur Penguins Big Time iCarly Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. iCarly ’70s Show ’70s Show Bonanza Movie Little House Grey’s Anatomy ’70s Show ’70s Show Griffith Griffith Varied Movie Little House Unsolved Mysteries Gilmore Girls GoodTime Jeffersons Varied Programs Little House Unsolved Mysteries Still Stnd Still Stnd All-Family All-Family Ed, Edd Courage Courage Whisperer Varied Johnny T Stargate 6TEEN Total Star Trek: Enterprise Varied Programs J. Hagee Praise the Lord The Boss The Boss Chris Chris Cash, Cari Designed Big Bite Chef Cooking Giada Contessa Home Paula 30-Minute The Game The Game The Game The Game Chris Chris 106 & Park: Top 10 Made Made The Seven ’70s Show ’70s Show ’70s Show Grim The 700 Club Rod P. Johnny T Varied Movie C=COMCAST WEDNESDAY EVENING C 3 3 4 5 7 8 9 11 12 15 18 22 24 27 28 29 30 31 33 34 35 37 39 40 44 47 48 49 50 53 54 55 58 60 61 62 66 67 68 126 127 138 146 177 290 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 C 3 3 4 5 7 8 9 11 12 15 18 22 24 27 28 29 30 31 33 34 35 37 39 40 44 47 48 49 50 53 54 55 58 60 61 62 66 67 68 126 127 138 146 177 290 C=COMCAST 23 SPEED ESPN ESPN2 CCSN 8 6 35 12 WGN-A CSPAN QVC 57 CNN MSNBC CNBC FOXN FX USA TNT WTBS A&E SPIKE COM DISC TLC ANPL NICK DISN FAM TVL TCM HALL LIFE HGTV FOOD BET MTV VH1 TOON SYFY AMC CMTV HIST TBN PBS NewsHour Å Nova scienceNOW (N) NOVA (N) (In Stereo) Drm Machine Song of the Mountains Charlie Rose (N) Å NASCAR Race Hub (N) Intersec. Intersec. Pinks - All Out Stealth Ri Stealth Ri Intersec. Intersec. Pinks - All Out SportsCtr College Basketball: Texas at Oklahoma State. NBA Basketball: San Antonio Spurs at Utah Jazz. (Live) SportsCenter (Live) NFL Live College Basketball: North Carolina at Miami. Tennis: Australian Open, Women’s Semifinals. (Live) Å NHL Hockey: Washington Capitals at Atlanta Thrashers. Postgame SportsNet Redskins SportsNet Post Live Jay Glazer Redskins Wheel Jeopardy! The Middle The Middle Family Cougar Off the Map (In Stereo) News Nightline Jimmy Kimmel Live (N) News Extra Å Live to Dance Å Criminal Minds (N) Å Blue Bloods (In Stereo) News Late Show Letterman Late Two Men Two Men American Idol “Auditions No. 3” (N) (In Stereo) FOX News at 10 Å How I Met Fam. Guy Chris ’70s Show Ent Inside Ed. Minute to Win It Å Chase “Narco, Part 2” Law & Order: SVU News Tonight Show w/Leno Late Night Funniest Home Videos Chris Chris How I Met How I Met WGN News at Nine (N) Scrubs Scrubs South Park South Park House of Rep. Tonight From Washington Capital News Today Or Paz-Silver HP Computer In the Kitchen with David Isaac Mizrahi Live Travel As Time... American Experience Masterpiece Classic (N) (In Stereo) Toolbox PBS NewsHour Å T. Smiley T. Smiley John King, USA (N) Parker Spitzer (N) Piers Morgan Tonight Anderson Cooper 360 (N) Å Piers Morgan Tonight Hardball Matthews Countdown Rachel Maddow Show The Last Word Countdown Rachel Maddow Show The Kudlow Report (N) American Greed American Greed American Greed (N) Mad Money American Greed FOX Report The O’Reilly Factor (N) Hannity (N) Greta Van Susteren The O’Reilly Factor (N) Hannity Two Men Two Men ››› “The Incredible Hulk” (2008, Action) Edward Norton. ››‡ “Hancock” (2008, Action) Will Smith. Two Men NCIS “Suspicion” Å NCIS “Endgame” Å NCIS “Power Down” NCIS “Child’s Play” Fairly Legal “Pilot” Å Royal Bones (In Stereo) Å Bones (In Stereo) Å Bones (In Stereo) Å Bones (In Stereo) Å Southland “Code 4” CSI: NY “On the Job” Seinfeld Seinfeld Browns Browns Payne Payne There Yet? There Yet? Conan (N) Lopez Tonight (N) Dog Dog Dog the Bounty Hunter Dog the Bounty Hunter Storage Storage Storage Storage Dog the Bounty Hunter UFC Unleashed Å UFC Unleashed Å MANswers MANswers MANswers MANswers MANswers MANswers UFC Unleashed Daily Show Colbert Chappelle Chappelle South Park South Park South Park Tosh.0 Daily Show Colbert South Park Futurama MythBusters (In Stereo) Black Ops Brothers Sons Sons Desert Car Kings Å Black Ops Brothers Sons Sons My Deadly Appetite: Ton of Love: Å Addiction Addiction Toddlers & Tiaras Å Addiction Addiction Toddlers & Tiaras Å Monsters Inside Me Animal Nightmares I Shouldn’t Be Alive I Shouldn’t Be Alive (N) I Shouldn’t Be Alive I Shouldn’t Be Alive iCarly Å Sponge. My Wife My Wife Chris Chris Lopez Lopez The Nanny The Nanny The Nanny The Nanny Suite/Deck Suite/Deck Shake it Shake it Hannah Suite/Deck Hannah Hannah Suite/Deck Suite/Deck Hannah Hannah Funniest Home Videos Funniest Home Videos Funniest Home Videos Funniest Home Videos The 700 Club Å Whose? Whose? Cleveland Sanford Sanford Sanford Raymond Raymond Cleveland Retired at Cleveland Retired at Raymond Raymond “Taxi, Mister” (1943) ››› “Lucky Jordan” (1942, Drama) ››› “The Snows of Kilimanjaro” (1952) Å ›››‡ “Phantom Lady” (1944) The Boss The Boss Little House “Growing the Big One” (2010, Drama) Å Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls How I Met How I Met Reba Å Reba Å ››‡ “Murder by Numbers” (2002) Sandra Bullock. Å How I Met Frasier Frasier Hunters House Holmes Inspection Holmes Inspection Holmes Inspection Vanilla Vanilla Holmes Inspection B. Flay Best Thing Flay B. Flay Worst Cooks Restaurant: Impossible Diners Diners Worst Cooks 106 & Park: Top 10 ››› “Baby Boy” (2001, Drama) Tyrese Gibson. Å The Game The Mo’Nique Show Wendy Williams Show MTV Cribs MTV Cribs True Life (In Stereo) Teen Mom 2 (In Stereo) I Used to Be Fat (N) I Used to Be Fat Teen Mom 2 (In Stereo) The X Life The X Life Celebrity Rehab, Drew Celebrity Rehab, Drew Celebrity Rehab, Drew Celebrity Rehab, Drew You’re Cut Off Johnny T Hole/Wall Dude Destroy King of Hill King of Hill Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Chicken Aqua Teen Ghost Hunters Å Ghost Hunters Å Ghost Hunters Inter. Face Off (N) Ghost Hunters Inter. Face Off ››› “Predator” (1987) ›› “The Chronicles of Riddick” (2004) Vin Diesel. ›› “The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen” (2003) Å The Dukes of Hazzard The Dukes of Hazzard ›‡ “Son-in-Law” (1993, Comedy) Pauly Shore. Wedding Music Smarter Smarter Modern Marvels Å Ancient Aliens Å Ancient Aliens “Chariots, Gods & Beyond” Å How the Earth Ancient Aliens Å Billy Graham Crusade: Behind Jeffrey Bible Van Impe Praise the Lord (Live) Å Easter Duplantis C=COMCAST 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 23 SPEED ESPN ESPN2 CCSN 8 6 35 12 WGN-A CSPAN QVC 57 CNN MSNBC CNBC FOXN FX USA TNT WTBS A&E SPIKE COM DISC TLC ANPL NICK DISN FAM TVL TCM HALL LIFE HGTV FOOD BET MTV VH1 TOON SYFY AMC CMTV HIST TBN PBS NewsHour Å Wash. McL’ghlin Frontline (In Stereo) Need to Know (N) Å Capitol Austin City Limits Å C. Rose Hollywood Car Chases Hollywood Car Chases Dave Despain Grand Am: 24 Hours: NASCAR Racing Winter X Games (Live) Å NBA Basketball: Boston Celtics at Phoenix Suns. (Live) SportsCenter (Live) Track and Field: Millrose Games. (Live) Å Boxing: Friday Night Fights. (Live) Å X Center (Live) World Poker Tour NBA Basketball: Wizards at Thunder SportsNet Redskins SportsNet Post Live Redskins Wheel Jeopardy! Supernanny (In Stereo) Primetime: What 20/20 (In Stereo) Å News Nightline Jimmy Kimmel Live News Extra Å NCIS: Los Angeles CSI: NY (In Stereo) Hawaii Five-0 “Ohana” News Late Show Letterman Late Two Men Two Men Kitchen Nightmares (N) Fringe “Reciprocity” News FOX First How I Met Fam. Guy Chris ’70s Show Ent Inside Ed. Minute to Win It Å Dateline NBC (In Stereo) Å News Tonight Show w/Leno Late Night Chris Chris Chris Chris How I Met How I Met WGN News at Nine (N) Scrubs Scrubs South Park South Park Tonight From Washington Capital News Today Quacker Factory by Jeanne Bice North Nights Friday Night Beauty For the Bedroom Electronics Today Travel Served? Antiques Roadshow American Experience (In Stereo) Train: PBS NewsHour Å T. Smiley T. Smiley John King, USA (N) Parker Spitzer (N) Piers Morgan Tonight Anderson Cooper 360 (N) Å Piers Morgan Tonight Hardball Matthews Countdown Rachel Maddow Show Lockup Lockup Lockup The Kudlow Report (N) 60 Minutes on CNBC The Sky’s the Limit: Ford: Rebuilding: Mad Money 60 Minutes on CNBC FOX Report The O’Reilly Factor Hannity (N) Greta Van Susteren The O’Reilly Factor (N) Hannity Two Men Two Men ››› “Dr. Seuss’ Horton Hears a Who!” (2008) ››› “Kung Fu Panda” (2008, Comedy) Lights Out “The Shot” NCIS (In Stereo) Å CSI: Crime Scene CSI: Crime Scene CSI: Crime Scene CSI: Crime Scene CSI: Crime Scene Bones (In Stereo) Å ›››› “The Dark Knight” (2008, Action) Christian Bale. Å ››› “Lethal Weapon” (1987) Mel Gibson. Å Seinfeld Seinfeld ›› “Get Smart” (2008, Comedy) Steve Carell. The Office The Office The Office The Office ››‡ “Legally Blonde” Criminal Minds Å Criminal Minds Å Criminal Minds Å Criminal Minds Å Criminal Minds Å Criminal Minds Å Ways Die Ways Die Ways Die Ways Die Ways Die Ways Die Ways Die Ways Die Entourage Entourage “Days of Thunder” Daily Show Colbert Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Hart: Grown Little Man: Iglesias: Fluffy: Comedy Comedy Artie Lange: Flying Wild Alaska Flying Wild Alaska Flying Wild Alaska (N) Gold Rush: Alaska (N) Flying Wild Alaska Flying Wild Alaska Four Weddings Å Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Four Weddings: Say Yes Say Yes Four Weddings: The Haunted Å Fatal Attractions Å Fatal Attractions Å Confessions: Hoarding Fatal Attractions Å Confessions: Hoarding iCarly Å iCarly Å Sponge. Sponge. Chris Lopez Lopez G. Martin The Nanny The Nanny The Nanny The Nanny Phineas Phineas Phineas Fish Suite/Deck Wizards Wizards Wizards Wizards Phineas Phineas and Ferb Å Funniest Home Videos Funniest Home Videos Funniest Home Videos Funniest Home Videos The 700 Club Å Whose? Whose? All-Family Sanford Sanford Sanford Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Cleveland Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne “Trouble in Paradise” ›››‡ “Tunes of Glory” (1960) Alec Guinness. ››‡ “The Odessa File” (1974) Jon Voight. “Hopscotch” (1980) The Boss The Boss Little House “Backyard Wedding” (2010) Alicia Witt. Å Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls How I Met How I Met Reba Å Reba Å Reba Å Reba Å Reba Å Reba Å How I Met How I Met Reba Å Reba Å Hunters House Property Property Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters Dream Home 2011: Hunters Hunters Flay Best Thing Chopped Diners Diners Food Best Thing Unwrapped Diners Diners 106 & Park: Top 10 The Game The Game Together Together ›› “Kingdom Come” (2001) LL Cool J. Å Wendy Williams Show Priciest Top 12: Priciest Top 12: Jersey Shore Å ›› “The Grudge” (2004) Sarah Michelle Gellar. Teen Mom 2 (In Stereo) You’re Cut Off ››› “Ghostbusters” (1984, Comedy) Bill Murray. (In Stereo) The X Life V Fest: 40 Most Slimmed-Down Celebs: Justice Ben 10: Alien Force Star Wars King of Hill King of Hill Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Chicken Aqua Teen Being Human Merlin “Gwaine” Å ›‡ “Catwoman” (2004) WWE Friday Night SmackDown! (In Stereo) Å Merlin “Gwaine” Å “High Plains Drifter” ›››‡ “True Grit” (1969, Western) John Wayne, Glen Campbell. Å ››› “El Dorado” (1967, Western) John Wayne. Movie Working Working Wedding Wedding Working Working Wedding Wedding Smarter Smarter Modern Marvels Å Modern Marvels Å Modern Marvels Å American Pickers Å MonsterQuest Å Modern Marvels Å Holy Land Sprnatural Behind Lindsey J. Osteen Price Praise the Lord (Live) Å Life Focus Prince SATURDAY AFTERNOON 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 C Garden Greener Victory This Old House Hr Hometime Wdwright Woodsmith Julia Primal Grill Avec Eric Kitchen On Edge Chop Cut Chop Cut Gearz Gearz Hot Rod Hot Rod Garage British Touring Car German Touring Cars SportsCenter Å SportsCenter Å SportsCenter Å SportsCenter (Live) College GameDay Å College Basketball X Center Sport Sci. NBA NFL Live Tennis: Australian Open, Women’s Final. Å SportsCenter (Live) College Basketball SportsNet Redskins SportsNet Redskins Golf Pro Foot. Cavalier Va Tech ACC Basketball College Basketball Good Morning America Good Morning School Replacemn So Raven So Raven Hannah Suite Life Raceline Paid Prog. News The Early Show (N) (S) Å Brains Icons Pets.TV Sabrina College Basketball Madeline Wild Amer. Baptist: Paid Prog. Time Wd Investing Marketpl Marketpl Marketpl Marketpl Lucci Sheer Today (N) (S) Å News Today: Saturday Turbo Shelldon Magic Bus Babar (EI) Willa’s Pearlie Paid Prog. Look Thin Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Heat of Night Heat of Night Walker, Texas Ranger Walker, Texas Ranger Washington Journal C-SPAN Weekend Electronics Today AM Style Saturday Morning Q Curious Cat in the Super Why Dinosaur Thomas Angelina This Old House Hr Antiques Roadshow Kitchen Victory Saturday Gupta CNN Saturday Morning Bottom Newsroom Newsroom Newsroom MSNBC News Live (N) MSNBC News Live (N) MSNBC News Live (N) MSNBC News Live (N) MSNBC News Live (N) Cradle to Grave: Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. USA Faces Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Ripped Paid Prog. FOX and Friends Saturday Bulls Business Forbes Cashin’ In America’s News HQ ››› “Dr. Seuss’ Horton Hears a Who!” (2008) ››› “Kung Fu Panda” (2008, Comedy) ›› “Dr. Dolittle 2” (2001) Eddie Murphy. Math Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Fat Loss Fairly Legal Å “Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines” (2003) › “The Condemned” Law & Order (S) Law & Order (S) Law & Order (S) Memphis Beat Å The Closer “Fate Line” Law & Order (S) Harvey Harvey Yes, Dear Yes, Dear Bloopers ›› “Win a Date With Tad Hamilton!” (2004) ›› “Bewitched” (2005) Will Ferrell My Ghost Story Å Sell House Sell House Sell House Sell House Sell House Sell House Flip This House Å Flip This House Å Fitness Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Ripped Knockout Knockout Knockout Knockout Xtreme Horse. Trucks! (S) MuscleCar Bosley Fitness Comedy Comedy Comedy ›› “Trading Places” (1983, Comedy) Dan Aykroyd. Å Stand-Up Stand-Up Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Ripped Dirty Jobs (S) Å Catching a Killer: BTK: Exorcists-Story: Lizzie Borden: TRIALaser Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Home Made Simple (S) Property Ladder (S) Property Ladder (S) Property Ladder (S) Animal Planet Dog Championships (S) Å Animals Animals It’s Me or the Dog (S) Pit Boss (S) Å Pit Boss (S) Å Parents Rugrats (S) Fanboy Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. T.U.F.F. iCarly (S) Jackson Manny Agent Oso Mickey Mickey Phineas Phineas Phineas Fish Suite/Deck Suite/Deck Wizards Wizards Boy World ››› “Bridge to Terabithia” (2007, Fantasy) ››› “The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe” (2005) The Nanny The Nanny The Nanny The Nanny The Nanny The Nanny The Nanny The Nanny The Nanny The Nanny Cleveland Retired at Dr. Kildare ››› “The Red Badge of Courage” ››› “Ministry of Fear” (1944) ›› “Crashing Las Vegas” (1956) “The Iron Mistress” Love Lucy Love Lucy Love Lucy Love Lucy Love Lucy Love Lucy Love Lucy Love Lucy Love Lucy Love Lucy Love Lucy Love Lucy Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. USA Faces Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. “Racing for Time” (2008) Charles S. Dutton. Income Kitchen Bathtastic! Sweat... Holmes on Homes Å Disaster Disaster Crashers Income Designed Designed Tyler’s Ult. Grill It! Big Daddy Giada Day Off Mexican 30-Minute Ingred. Fix Paula Paula Secrets Secrets BET Inspiration The Mo’Nique Show Bernie Bernie Chris Chris Chris Chris Girlfriends Girlfriends Made (S) Made (S) Teen Mom 2 (S) Teen Mom 2 (S) I Was 17 10 on Top Jersey Shore (S) Å Jump Start (S) Top 20 Countdown (S) Celebrity Rehab, Drew Chilli Ben 10 Ult. Beyblade Pokemon Titan Generator Star Wars Bakugan Wheels Hole/Wall Scooby Garfield Garfield Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Million $ › “Dinocroc” (2004) Costas Mandylor. Å “Kraken: Tentacles of the Deep” (2006, Horror) Fat Loss Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Stooges ›› “Kansas Raiders” (1950) Audie Murphy. ››› “High Plains Drifter” (1973) CMT Music (S) Top 20 Countdown (S) Heavy Metal Å Blood Diamonds: Å IRT Deadliest Roads IRT Deadliest Roads IRT Deadliest Roads Faithville Maralee Bear Club Charity Kids Club Dooley Wonder Bugtime Auto B. Hopkins God Rocks Friends 3 3 4 5 7 8 9 11 12 15 18 22 24 27 28 29 30 31 33 34 35 37 39 40 44 47 48 49 50 53 54 55 58 60 61 62 66 67 68 126 127 138 146 177 290 C=COMCAST 1:00 1:30 2:00 2:30 3:00 3:30 4:00 4:30 5:00 5:30 6:00 6:30 23 SPEED ESPN ESPN2 CCSN 8 6 35 12 WGN-A CSPAN QVC 57 CNN MSNBC CNBC FOXN FX USA TNT WTBS A&E SPIKE COM DISC TLC ANPL NICK DISN FAM TVL TCM HALL LIFE HGTV FOOD BET MTV VH1 TOON SYFY AMC CMTV HIST TBN Simp. Ming Lidia Italy Paint Watercolor Travel Steves Antiques Roadshow Katie Currents News Rudy Auto Racing Grand Am: 24 Hours: Rolex Sports Car Series Racing: 24 Hours at Daytona, Part 1. (Live) College Basketball College Basketball College Basketball: Georgia at Kentucky. (Live) College GameDay Å College Basketball College Basketball: Bradley at Wichita State. Winter X Games (Live) Å College Basketball College Basketball College Basketball College Basketball SportsNet SportsNet Paid Prog. Athlete Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Stargate Universe (S) ESPN Sports Saturday (N) News ABC News College Basketball College Basketball: Minnesota at Purdue. Å College Basketball: Virginia at Wake Forest. News CBS News ›› “Serendipity” (2001) John Cusack. Å Paid Prog. Sheer Amer. Dad Amer. Dad ››› “Bounce” (2000) Gwyneth Paltrow. Å Paid Prog. Roasts Skiing Figure Skating: U.S. Championships, Pairs Free Skate & Dance Free. News NBC News Law Order: CI Law Order: CI Law Order: CI Law Order: CI Law Order: CI The Unit (S) Å C-SPAN Weekend C-SPAN Weekend President Commun. Saturday Morning Q Electronics Today Bare Escentuals Unique Gardens Electronics Today Food Old House Old House Hometime Wdwright MotorWk Aviators Aviators Place Place Antiques Roadshow Your Money Newsroom Newsroom Newsroom Newsroom Situation Room Kindness of Strangers: Candy Heiress: Who Shot the Sheriff: From Glory to Gone: A Long Dark Stretch of Road: Paid Prog. MaxClarity Salad Chef MaxClarity Paid Prog. USA Faces Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Ripped Paid Prog. America’s News HQ Journal Watch Glenn Beck America’s News HQ America’s News HQ ››› “Hellboy II: The Golden Army” (2008) Ron Perlman. ›› “Ghost Rider” (2007, Action) Nicolas Cage, Eva Mendes. ››› “Iron Man” (2008) “Chaos” (2005, Action) Jason Statham. Å ›› “War” (2007, Action) Jet Li. Å Crank Å › “The Condemned” (2007) Å ›› “Payback” (1999, Action) Mel Gibson. ››› “Lethal Weapon 3” (1992, Action) Mel Gibson. ›› “Lethal Weapon 4” (1998) Bewitched ›› “Legally Blonde” (2001, Comedy) Jim Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond King King Flip House Beyond Scared Straight Å Beyond Scared Beyond Scared The First 48 Å The First 48 Å ››› “First Blood” (1982) Sylvester Stallone. (S) ››› “Nighthawks” (1981) Sylvester Stallone. (S) ›› “Lock Up” (1989) Sylvester Stallone. Stand-Up Stand-Up Stand-Up Stand-Up Stand-Up Stand-Up Stand-Up Stand-Up Stand-Up Stand-Up Stand-Up Stand-Up Solved (S) Å Solved (S) Å Solved (S) Å Ten-of the Mafia: FBI’s 10 Most Wanted: Almost, Away Property Ladder (S) Cake Boss: Next Baker Cake Boss: Next Baker Cake Boss: Next Baker Cake Boss: Next Baker Cake Boss: Next Baker Pit Boss (S) Å Pit Boss (S) Å Pit Boss (S) Å Pit Boss (S) Å Pit Boss (S) Å Pit Boss (S) Å Big Time Victorious Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. Penguins Penguins Fanboy Fanboy Sponge. Sponge. Good Luck Shake it Hannah Hannah Shake It Shake it Shake It Shake it Wizards Wizards Hannah Hannah ››› “Coming to America” (1988, Comedy) Eddie Murphy. “Snow Dogs” (2002) ››› “Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory” (1971) Jeannie Jeannie Bewitched Bewitched Bewitched Bewitched Married Married Married Retired at 35 Married “The Iron Mistress” ››› “Ride the High Country” (1962, Western) ›› “I Shot Jesse James” (1949) ››› “Little Big Man” (1970) Love Lucy Love Lucy Love Lucy Love Lucy Love Lucy Love Lucy Love Lucy Love Lucy Love Lucy Love Lucy Love Lucy Love Lucy ›› “No Reservations” (2007, Drama) Å ›› “Management” (2008) Jennifer Aniston. ›› “She’s the One” (1996) Jennifer Aniston. Unsellable Get It Sold Block Design Cash, Cari Buck Candice Sarah Genevieve Color Spl. Designed To Sell Contessa Contessa Worst Cooks Chopped Cupcake Wars Iron Chef America Challenge Girlfriends Girlfriends The Game The Game The Game ›› “The Jacksons: An American Dream” (1992, Drama) Lawrence-Hilton Jacobs. Teen Mom 2 (S) Teen Mom 2 (S) Made (S) Made (S) Made (S) I Used to Be Fat (S) Chilli Basketball Wives (S) Brandy You’re Cut Off (S) You’re Cut Off (S) The X Life ››› “Ghostbusters” (1984) (S) “Scooby-Doo and the Reluctant Werewolf” Courage Grim Grim Johnny T Johnny T Adventure Total Scooby “Supergator” (2007, Suspense) Brad Johnson. “Malibu Shark Attack” (2009) Peta Wilson. Å “Mega Shark vs. Giant Octopus” (2009) Å “High Plains Drifter” ››› “El Dorado” (1967, Western) John Wayne, Robert Mitchum. ››› “True Grit” (1969, Western) John Wayne. Top 20 CMT Insdr Working Working Wedding Wedding The Dukes of Hazzard Dukes Wedding To Be Announced IRT Deadliest Roads IRT Deadliest Roads IRT Deadliest Roads IRT Deadliest Roads IRT Deadliest Roads IRT Deadliest Roads Ishine Lads TV Hermie: Caterpillr Stories Paws Tails Storykeepr News Birdie and Bogey It’s your news... Get it where it’s convenient to you! Get your local news online at powhatantoday.com facebook.com/powhatantoday twitter.com/powhatantoday C M Y K C=COMCAST 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 FRIDAY EVENING PBS NewsHour Å Currents Inside Out World War II: Behind Closed Doors: Stalin Aviators Aviators Charlie Rose (N) Å NASCAR Race Hub (N) Pinks - All Out Dangerous Drives Supercars Supercars Pinks - All Out Dangerous Drives College Basketball: Michigan at Michigan State. Winter X Games (Live) Å SportsCenter (Live) NFL Live Final College Basketball College Basketball: UCLA at Arizona. (Live) College Basketball: St. Mary’s at Gonzaga. Å College Basketball: Maryland at Virginia. (Live) Williams Post Live SportsNet Redskins College Basketball: Oregon State at California. Wheel Jeopardy! Wipeout (N) (In Stereo) Grey’s Anatomy Å Private Practice Å News Nightline Jimmy Kimmel Live (N) News Extra Å College Basketball The Mentalist Å News Late Show Letterman Late Two Men Two Men American Idol (N) Å Bones (In Stereo) (PA) FOX News at 10 Å How I Met Fam. Guy Chris ’70s Show Ent Inside Ed. Community Couples The Office Parks 30 Rock Outsource News Tonight Show w/Leno Late Night Funniest Home Videos WWE Superstars Å How I Met How I Met WGN News at Nine (N) Scrubs Scrubs WWE Superstars Å House of Rep. Tonight From Washington Capital News Today Bags & Shoes Royal Palace-Rugs Isaac Mizrahi Live Computer Workshop North Nights Travel Europe Pioneers of Television American Experience Massive Nature PBS NewsHour Å T. Smiley T. Smiley John King, USA (N) Parker Spitzer (N) Piers Morgan Tonight Anderson Cooper 360 (N) Å Piers Morgan Tonight Hardball Matthews Countdown Rachel Maddow Show The Last Word Countdown Rachel Maddow Show The Kudlow Report (N) Target: Inside: Supermarkets: Supermarkets: Mad Money Supermarkets: FOX Report The O’Reilly Factor (N) Hannity (N) Greta Van Susteren The O’Reilly Factor Hannity ››‡ “Hancock” (2008) Two Men Two Men Two Men Two Men Archer (N) Archer Archer ›‡ “Me, Myself & Irene” (2000) NCIS “Blowback” Å NCIS “Faith” Å Royal Pains “Pit Stop” Fairly Legal (N) Å White Collar Å Royal Pains “Pit Stop” NBA Pregame (Live) NBA Basketball: Miami Heat at New York Knicks. (Live) Å NBA Basketball: Boston Celtics at Portland Trail Blazers. Seinfeld Seinfeld ›‡ “Rush Hour 3” (2007, Action) Jackie Chan. Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Conan (N) Lopez Tonight (N) The First 48 Å The First 48 Å The First 48 (N) Å Beyond Scared Beyond Scared The First 48 Å Gangland (In Stereo) Gangland (In Stereo) TNA Wrestling (N) (In Stereo) Å MANswers MANswers MANswers Son Beach Daily Show Colbert Futurama Futurama Futurama South Park South Park South Park Daily Show Colbert Tosh.0 South Park Man vs. Wild Å Dual Survival Å Masters of Survival (N) Man, Woman, Wild Dual Survival Å Masters of Survival County Jail (In Stereo) Police Women Police Women Cellblock 6 Police Women Cellblock 6 Alaska Dogs: Å Planet Earth (In Stereo) Planet Earth “Deserts” Planet Earth “Caves” Planet Earth (In Stereo) Planet Earth “Deserts” iCarly Å Sponge. My Wife My Wife Chris Chris Lopez Lopez The Nanny The Nanny The Nanny The Nanny Suite/Deck Suite/Deck ›››‡ “The Incredibles” (2004, Adventure) Å Hannah Hannah Suite/Deck Suite/Deck Hannah Hannah Still Stnd ›› “Practical Magic” (1998) Sandra Bullock, Nicole Kidman. Funniest Home Videos The 700 Club Å Whose? Whose? All-Family Sanford Sanford Sanford Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne “The Asphalt Jungle” ››› “Man in a Cocked Hat” (1959) ›››‡ “Being There” (1979, Comedy) Peter Sellers. “Dr. Strangelove” The Boss The Boss Little House “Elevator Girl” (2010, Romance) Lacey Chabert. Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls How I Met How I Met Reba Å Reba Å “The Memory Keeper’s Daughter” (2008) Å How I Met How I Met Frasier Frasier Hunters House First Place First Place Selling NY Selling NY House Hunters House Hunters Selling NY Selling NY Flay Best Thing Iron Chef America Unique Unique Cakes Unwrap Chopped Unique Unique 106 & Park: Top 10 The Game The Game ››› “New Jack City” (1991) Wesley Snipes. The Mo’Nique Show Wendy Williams Show Sil. Library Sil. Library Teen Mom 2 (In Stereo) Jersey Shore Å Jersey Shore (N) Å Jersey Shore Å Skins “Tea” (In Stereo) Celebrity Rehab, Drew Saturday Night Live Saturday Night Live Saturday Night Live Saturday Night Live Saturday Night Live Scooby Adventure Regular MAD King of Hill King of Hill Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Delocated Chicken › “Ghost Ship” (2002) Julianna Margulies. ››› “Identity” (2003, Suspense) John Cusack. ››‡ “Toolbox Murders” (2004) Angela Bettis. ››› “Mrs. Doubtfire” (1993) Robin Williams. ››‡ “Nanny McPhee” ››› “Mrs. Doubtfire” (1993, Comedy) Robin Williams, Sally Field. The Dukes of Hazzard Movie Music Movie Gates of Hell: Å Modern Marvels Å Swamp People Å Brad Meltzer’s Dec. Stan Lee’s Modern Marvels Å Good Full Flame Behind David J. Winning Your Day Praise the Lord (Live) Å Holy Land Praise SATURDAY MORNING 3 3 4 5 7 8 9 11 12 15 18 22 24 27 28 29 30 31 33 34 35 37 39 40 44 47 48 49 50 53 54 55 58 60 61 62 66 67 68 126 127 138 146 177 290 C=COMCAST 1:00 1:30 2:00 2:30 3:00 3:30 4:00 4:30 5:00 5:30 6:00 6:30 Powhatan Today is sold at these local retail locations Plaza Food Lion Rt 60 and Academy Rd Al’s Market 3440 Anderson Hwy County Seat Powhatan Courthouse, Rt 13 Red Barn Rt 60 And Rt 13 Post Office Rt 60 And Rt 13 Chubby/Harper (Texaco) Rt 60 HSR-Chubby’s Ii Rt 60 & Rt 522 Cyan Magenta Yellow Black Powhatan Today, January 26, 2011 Page 5B POWHATAN TODAY TV LISTINGS SATURDAY EVENING C 3 3 4 5 7 8 9 11 12 15 18 22 24 27 28 29 30 31 33 34 35 37 39 40 44 47 48 49 50 53 54 55 58 60 61 62 66 67 68 126 127 138 146 177 290 23 SPEED ESPN ESPN2 CCSN 8 6 35 12 WGN-A CSPAN QVC 57 CNN MSNBC CNBC FOXN FX USA TNT WTBS A&E SPIKE COM DISC TLC ANPL NICK DISN FAM TVL TCM HALL LIFE HGTV FOOD BET MTV VH1 TOON SYFY AMC CMTV HIST TBN C=COMCAST C Lawrence Welk Served? Keep Up My Family As Time... To Be Announced EastEnder EastEnder American Experience Rolex Sports Car Series Racing: 24 Hours at Daytona, Part 1. (Live) NASCAR Racing: Toyota All-Star Showdown: Irwindale. (Live) College Basketball: Kansas State at Kansas. Winter X Games (Live) Å SportsCenter (Live) Final NBA College Basketball College Basketball: Pittsburgh at Rutgers. (Live) Tennis: Australian Open, Women’s Final. Å X Center (Live) Methods NBA Basketball: Washington Wizards at Memphis Grizzlies. SportsNet Boxing: Leivi Brea vs. Ronny Rios. The 700 Club Å ›››‡ “Dreamgirls” (2006, Musical) Jamie Foxx. (In Stereo) Å News Criminal Minds Å The Unit UNCF Telethon: Criminal Minds Å 48 Hours Mystery Å News Brothers & Sisters Å Without The Office Raymond Cops Å Cops Å Amer. Most Wanted News Seinfeld Fringe “Reciprocity” Fame Right Side: Entertainment Tonight Chuck (In Stereo) Å Figure Skating News Saturday Night Live (In Stereo) Å Bones (In Stereo) Å NBA Basketball: Indiana Pacers at Chicago Bulls. Å News/Nine How I Met How I Met South Park South Park America & the Courts American Perspectives American Perspectives Food Fest Electronics Today AeroPilates Bare Escentuals Dyson Cleaning Nature (N) (In Stereo) NOVA (N) (In Stereo) ›››› “Dances With Wolves” (1990, Western) Kevin Costner. Globe Trekker Newsroom Selling the Girl Next Piers Morgan Tonight Newsroom Selling the Girl Next Piers Morgan Tonight Murder for Hire: Lockup Lockup: Raw Lockup: Raw Lockup: Raw Lockup Supermarkets: American Greed The Suze Orman Show Debt Part Debt Part American Greed The Suze Orman Show FOX Report Huckabee Justice Witjh Jeanine: Geraldo at Large Å Journal Watch Justice Witjh Jeanine: Two Men Two Men Two Men Two Men Archer Justified “Hatless” Justified ››› “Iron Man” (2008) Robert Downey Jr. ››› “The Bourne Ultimatum” (2007, Action) Matt Damon. ››‡ “Crank” (2006, Action) Jason Statham. ››‡ “Crank” (2006, Action) Å ›› “Lethal Weapon 4” ››› “Training Day” (2001) Denzel Washington. ››› “The Bourne Supremacy” (2004) Matt Damon. Å Mission 3 Seinfeld Seinfeld ›› “Get Smart” (2008, Comedy) Steve Carell. “Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby” “Men in Black” (1997) The First 48 Å The First 48 Å The First 48 Å The First 48 Å The First 48 Å The First 48 Å ›› “Rambo: First Blood Part II” (1985, Action) ›› “Rambo” (2008, Action) Sylvester Stallone. ››› “First Blood” (1982) Sylvester Stallone. Stand-Up Stand-Up Stand-Up Stand-Up Stand-Up Stand-Up Nick Kroll: Thank You: Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Nick Kroll: Thank You: Almost, Away Almost, Away Almost, Away Kidnap & Rescue Å Almost, Away Almost, Away Cake Boss: Next Baker Cake Boss: Next Baker Cake Boss: Next Great Baker Å 19 Kids Cake Boss: Next Baker Cake Boss: Next Baker Pit Boss (In Stereo) It’s Me or the Dog Å Pit Boss (In Stereo) Pit Boss (N) Pit Boss (In Stereo) Pit Boss (In Stereo) Big Time iCarly Å Sponge. Sponge. iCarly Å iCarly Å Lopez Lopez The Nanny The Nanny The Nanny The Nanny Suite/Deck Suite/Deck Good Luck Good Luck Wizards Shake it Hannah Hannah Suite/Deck Suite/Deck Wizards Wizards “Snow Dogs” (2002) ›› “The Game Plan” (2007) Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson. ››› “Remember the Titans” (2000) Denzel Washington. Married Married Married Married Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond “Little Big Man” (1970) “Bad Day at Black Rock” (1955) ›››‡ “The Dirty Dozen” (1967, War) Lee Marvin. S.: Ernest Borgnine: Love Lucy Love Lucy Love Lucy Love Lucy Love Lucy Love Lucy Love Lucy Love Lucy Love Lucy Love Lucy Love Lucy Love Lucy ››› “Friends With Money” (2006) Å ›‡ “Picture Perfect” (1997) Jennifer Aniston. ››‡ “No Reservations” (2007, Drama) Å Hunters House Candice Color Spl. Genevieve Cash, Cari House House Hunters Hunters Genevieve Cash, Cari Tailgate-Fieri Tailgate-Fieri Tailgate-Fieri Tailgate-Fieri Iron Chef America Tailgate-Fieri ››‡ “The Five Heartbeats” (1991) Robert Townsend. Å “Little Richard” (2000) ›› “The Jacksons: An American Dream” (1992, Drama) Jersey Shore Å Teen Mom 2 (In Stereo) Teen Mom 2 (In Stereo) Jersey Shore Å Jersey Shore Å Skins “Tony” “Ghostbusters” (1984) ›››‡ “Fight Club” (1999, Suspense) Brad Pitt. (In Stereo) Celebrity Rehab, Drew The X Life The X Life King of Hill King of Hill God, Devil Fam. Guy Boondocks Boondocks Bleach (N) Kekkaishi ›› “Underdog” (2007) Voices of Jason Lee. “Mega Piranha” (2010, Science Fiction) Tiffany. “Mega Python vs. Gatoroid” (2011) Premiere. “Lake Placid 2” (2007, Horror) John Schneider. “True Grit” (1969) Å ››› “Jeremiah Johnson” (1972, Adventure) Robert Redford. ››› “Jeremiah Johnson” (1972, Adventure) Robert Redford. ››‡ “Grumpy Old Men” (1993, Comedy) Jack Lemmon. Working Working ›› “Ace Ventura: Pet Detective” (1994) Dukes IRT Deadliest Roads Prophets of Doom: Å Megaquake 10.0: Å Prophets of Doom: Precious Mem. In Touch Hour of Power Å Graham Classic History Travel “Faith Like Potatoes” 3 3 4 5 7 8 9 11 12 15 18 22 24 27 28 29 30 31 33 34 35 37 39 40 44 47 48 49 50 53 54 55 58 60 61 62 66 67 68 126 127 138 146 177 290 SUNDAY AFTERNOON C 3 3 4 5 7 8 9 11 12 15 18 22 24 27 28 29 30 31 33 34 35 37 39 40 44 47 48 49 50 53 54 55 58 60 61 62 66 67 68 126 127 138 146 177 290 23 SPEED ESPN ESPN2 CCSN 8 6 35 12 WGN-A CSPAN QVC 57 CNN MSNBC CNBC FOXN FX USA TNT WTBS A&E SPIKE COM DISC TLC ANPL NICK DISN FAM TVL TCM HALL LIFE HGTV FOOD BET MTV VH1 TOON SYFY AMC CMTV HIST TBN C=COMCAST 3 3 4 5 7 8 9 11 12 15 18 22 24 27 28 29 30 31 33 34 35 37 39 40 44 47 48 49 50 53 54 55 58 60 61 62 66 67 68 126 127 138 146 177 290 23 SPEED ESPN ESPN2 CCSN 8 6 35 12 WGN-A CSPAN QVC 57 CNN MSNBC CNBC FOXN FX USA TNT WTBS A&E SPIKE COM DISC TLC ANPL NICK DISN FAM TVL TCM HALL LIFE HGTV FOOD BET MTV VH1 TOON SYFY AMC CMTV HIST TBN 1:00 1:30 2:00 2:30 3:00 3:30 4:00 4:30 5:00 5:30 6:00 6:30 C 3 3 4 5 7 8 9 11 12 15 18 22 24 27 28 29 30 31 33 34 35 37 39 40 44 47 48 49 50 53 54 55 58 60 61 62 66 67 68 126 127 138 146 177 290 C=COMCAST 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 C 3 3 4 5 7 8 9 11 12 15 18 22 24 27 28 29 30 31 33 34 35 37 39 40 44 47 48 49 50 53 54 55 58 60 61 62 66 67 68 126 127 138 146 177 290 Hi’ N’ Buy Old Tavern Blanton & Pleasants Tower Cumberland E-z Mart Shell - Country Store Kim’s Deli Raman Rt 60 Ballsville, Rt 60 Cartersville, Rt 45 Cartersville Cumberland, Rt 60 Cumberland, Rt 60 Rt 711 And Rt 522 Rt 60 And Rt 45 23 SPEED ESPN ESPN2 CCSN 8 6 35 12 WGN-A CSPAN QVC 57 CNN MSNBC CNBC FOXN FX USA TNT WTBS A&E SPIKE COM DISC TLC ANPL NICK DISN FAM TVL TCM HALL LIFE HGTV FOOD BET MTV VH1 TOON SYFY AMC CMTV HIST TBN Signing Arthur Curious Cat in the Cyberchas Religion T. Smiley Miller Center Forums McL’ghlin Richmond Currents Hot Rod Gearz Car Crazy Truck U Rolex Sports Car Series Racing: 24 Hours at Daytona, Part 2. (Live) SportsCenter Å SportsCenter (Live) Outside Reporters SportsCenter (Live) Sunday NFL Countdown (Live) Å X Games E:60 (N) Final NBA SportsCenter (N) Å Tennis: Australian Open, Men’s Final. Å SportsNet SportsNet SportsNet SportsNet Shell Williams Cavalier Va Tech SportsNet SportsNet Replay Good Morning America Good Morning This Week-Amanpour Paid Prog. Instant First Baptist Church 700 Club NBA CBS 6 Sunday Morning Busytown Busytown CBS News Sunday Morning (N) (S) The Nation St. Paul’s Northstar Motorcycle Racing Baptist Church Miracles Christian Fox News Sunday In Touch Paid Prog. Investing “Royal Tenenbm” 12 News Today Today (N) (S) Å 12 News Today Meet the Press Å Victory Hour Light Auto Show Winston Facts Key/David Beyond Feed Word Funniest Home Videos ›› “King Arthur” (2004) Clive Owen. (S) Å Washington Journal News C-SPAN Weekend Keep It Clean AeroPilates Dyson Cleaning Skechers Clean Like Pro In the Kitchen Curious Cat in the Super Why Dinosaur Sid Martha Arthur WordGirl Wild Kratts Electric Cyberchas Fetch! Newsroom Gupta CNN Sunday Morning State of the Union Fareed Zakaria GPS Reliable Sources Å State of the Union Hardball Business MSNBC News Live (N) MSNBC News Live (N) MSNBC News Live (N) MSNBC News Live (N) The Runaways: Paid Prog. Spinning MaxClarity Fitness Paid Prog. Ripped Paid Prog. MaxClarity Paid Prog. Paid Prog. TRIALaser Paid Prog. FOX and Friends Sunday News HQ Rosenfeld America’s News HQ America’s News HQ Two Men Two Men Two Men Two Men ›› “Elektra” (2005, Action) Jennifer Garner. ››› “Hellboy II: The Golden Army” (2008) Paid Prog. Creflo Doll Paid Prog. J. Osteen White Collar Å Royal Pains “Pit Stop” NCIS “Yankee White” NCIS (S) Å Law & Order (S) Law & Order “Ritual” Law & Order (S) Law & Order “Phobia” Law & Order (S) “Bourne Suprm.” “American Wedding” › “Blue Streak” (1999) Martin Lawrence. Å › “Billy Madison” (1995) Adam Sandler. Å “Varsity Blues” (1999) Biography Å Biography Å Private Sessions Å ››› “Cliffhanger” (1993) Sylvester Stallone. Heavy “Tom; Jodi” Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Ripped ›› “Freddy vs. Jason” (2003) Robert Englund. Xtreme Horse. Trucks! (S) MuscleCar Ripped Shirt Off! Presents ›› “Turner & Hooch” (1989) Tom Hanks. ›› “Blue Collar Comedy Tour Rides Again” (2004) Å Paid Prog. Jentezen J. Osteen In Touch Dirty Jobs (S) Å Auction Auction Flying Wild Alaska (S) Gold Rush: Alaska (S) Dr. Fred Price MaxClarity Paid Prog. Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes to the Dress: Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Animals Animals Funniest Animals Me or Dog Me or Dog It’s Me or the Dog (S) Wild Kingdom (S) Å Wild Kingdom (S) Å Parents Rugrats (S) Hero Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. T.U.F.F. T.U.F.F. Penguins Planet The Troop iCarly (S) Manny Agent Oso Mickey Mickey Phineas Phineas Phineas Fish Suite/Deck Suite/Deck Wizards Wizards ››› “Coming to America” (1988, Comedy) Eddie Murphy. ››› “Remember the Titans” (2000) Denzel Washington. 700 Club-Programming Retired at The Nanny The Nanny The Nanny The Nanny The Nanny The Nanny The Nanny The Nanny The Nanny Jeannie Jeannie ››› “Ah, Wilderness!” ›› “Dangerous When Wet” (1953) Å ››› “A Foreign Affair” (1948) Jean Arthur. “The Lost Weekend” Little House Little House Little House Little House Little House Little House In Touch Hour of Power Å J. Osteen Paid Prog. Chris Chris “For One Night” (2006, Drama) Raven-Symone. Income Kitchen Bathtastic! Sweat... Holmes on Homes Å Disaster House Yard Income House Hunters Boitano Day Off Chef 30-Minute Rachael Ray’s Giada Giada Cooking Aarti Party Money Dinners Inspiration In Touch Popoff Inspiration Bobby Jones Gospel Lift Voice Bernie Bernie Bernie Bernie Girlfriends True Life (S) Å True Life (S) True Life (S) I Used to Be Fat (S) I Was 17 I Was 17 Teen Mom 2 (S) Jump Start Top 20 Countdown (S) Basketball Wives (S) Basketball Wives (S) Chilli Brandy Pokemon Dude Run It Back: NBA (N) Destroy Hole/Wall “Scooby-Doo-Cyber Chase” Tom and Jerry: The Magic Ring: Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. MaxClarity Face Off › “The Graves” (2010, Horror) Clare Grant. Å ›› “Kill Theory” (2009) Stooges Stooges Stooges Stooges Stooges Stooges ›› “Wyatt Earp” (1994, Biography) Kevin Costner, Dennis Quaid. Å CMT Music (S) CMT Insdr Top 20 Countdown (S) Modern Marvels Å Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn Bill Purvis Falwell Phillips Dr. Merritt J. Franklin Turning K. Hagin Ed Young Miracle Redempt Love In Touch C=COMCAST 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 23 SPEED ESPN ESPN2 CCSN 8 6 35 12 WGN-A CSPAN QVC 57 CNN MSNBC CNBC FOXN FX USA TNT WTBS A&E SPIKE COM DISC TLC ANPL NICK DISN FAM TVL TCM HALL LIFE HGTV FOOD BET MTV VH1 TOON SYFY AMC CMTV HIST TBN Globe Trekker “Nepal” Nature (In Stereo) Masterpiece Classic (N) (In Stereo) Toolbox Served? Keep Up Masterpiece Classic The SPEED Report (N) Mustang Boss 302 Goodwood Revival Classic Car Crazy Mustang Boss 302 Goodwood Revival Winter X Games (Live) Å NBA Basketball: Utah Jazz at Golden State Warriors. (Live) SportsCtr Tennis: Australian Open, Men’s Final. Å X Center (Live) SportsCtr Winter X Games Å Kick-Off Basketball College Basketball: Maryland at Georgia Tech. (Live) SportsNet College Basketball Methods Funniest Home Videos Extreme Makeover: Home Edition (In Stereo) Desperate Housewives News 700 Club House (In Stereo) Å 60 Minutes (In Stereo) Undercover Boss Å “The Lost Valentine” (2011, Drama) Premiere. News Storms Van Impe Paid Prog. NFL Football: AFC-NFC Pro Bowl. (In Stereo Live) Å News Seinfeld Curb Entourage Fam. Guy Dateline NBC Å ›› “National Treasure: Book of Secrets” (2007, Action) Nicolas Cage. News America Now (N) Å Paid Prog. Chris How I Met How I Met How I Met How I Met How I Met News/Nine Replay Monk Å Monk Å American Politics Q&A Program. American Politics Q&A Program. Politics Dyson Cleaning AeroPilates Gardening Made Easy Help at Home Melania Timepieces & Fashion Jewelry Doo Wop 50: (In Stereo) Å College Basketball Nature (In Stereo) Newsroom State of the Union Piers Morgan Tonight Newsroom State of the Union Piers Morgan Tonight Caught on Camera Caught on Camera Will You Kill for Me: Charles Manson Predator Raw: Unseen Predator Raw: Unseen Diabetes Wall Street Big Mac: Inside: Made-Millions: Supermarkets: The Sky’s the Limit: American Greed FOX Report Huckabee Justice Witjh Jeanine: Geraldo at Large Å Huckabee Justice Witjh Jeanine: ››› “The Incredible Hulk” (2008, Action) Edward Norton. Lights Out “The Shot” ›› Elektra ››‡ “Hancock” (2008, Action) Will Smith. NCIS “Left for Dead” NCIS “Eye Spy” Å NCIS (In Stereo) Å NCIS (In Stereo) Å Royal Pains “Pit Stop” White Collar Å “The Dark Knight” 17th Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards: (Live) 17th Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards: Å “Patriot Games” (1992) ›› “Get Smart” (2008) 17th Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards: (Live) ›› “Get Smart” (2008, Comedy) Steve Carell. “Billy Madison” (1995) Criminal Minds Å Criminal Minds Å Criminal Minds Å Criminal Minds Å Criminal Minds Å Criminal Minds Å ››› “A Bronx Tale” (1993) Robert De Niro. ›››‡ “The Fugitive” (1993, Suspense) Harrison Ford. (In Stereo) “A Bronx Tale” (1993) Blue Collar Jeff Foxworthy: Jeff Dunham: Spark of Insanity: The Comedy Central Roast Å Tosh.0 Onion South Park Auction Auction How Beer Saved-Wrld: Hogs Gone Wild Å Hogs Gone Wild Å How Beer Saved-Wrld: Hogs Gone Wild Å Lottery Changed Lottery Changed Kennedys’ Home Movies: (N) (In Stereo) Å Kennedys’ Home Movies: (In Stereo) Å Pit Bulls and Parolees Confessions: Hoarding I Shouldn’t Be Alive I Shouldn’t Be Alive I Shouldn’t Be Alive I Shouldn’t Be Alive Penguins Sponge. My Wife My Wife Chris Chris Lopez Lopez The Nanny The Nanny The Nanny The Nanny Hannah Hannah Good Luck Shake It Good Luck Good Luck Hannah Hannah Suite/Deck Suite/Deck Hannah Hannah 700 Club Special Programming J. Osteen Ed Young Retired at Retired at M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Cleveland “Lust for Life” (1956) ››› “With Six You Get Eggroll” (1968) Å ››‡ “Who’s Minding the Mint?” (1967) ›››› “Pandora’s Box” Little House Little House Little House Little House Little House Little House ›‡ “Picture Perfect” (1997) Jennifer Aniston. ›› “The Nanny Diaries” (2007, Comedy) Å ›› “The Nanny Diaries” (2007, Comedy) Å Hunters House Holmes on Homes Å Holmes Inspection (N) House Hunters Income Income Holmes Inspection Worst Cooks Challenge Worst Cooks Iron Chef America (N) Cupcake Wars Worst Cooks “Not Easily Broken” Celebration of Gospel 2011: (N) Å UNCF Evening of Stars: (N) Å Popoff Inspiration Teen Mom 2 (In Stereo) Jersey Shore Å Jersey Shore Å Skins “Tony” Skins “Tea” (In Stereo) “My Super 2” Basketball Wives Basketball Wives Chilli Brandy Basketball Wives Chilli Brandy Basketball Wives ›› “Underdog” (2007) Justice Star Wars Venture Venture Squidbill Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Childrens Mongo Metal ››‡ “Jurassic Park III” (2001) Sam Neill. “Triassic Attack” (2010) Steven Brand. Å ››› “Dawn of the Dead” (2004) Sarah Polley. “Open Range” (2003) ››› “Seraphim Falls” (2006, Western) Liam Neeson. ››› “Seraphim Falls” (2006, Western) Liam Neeson. ›› “Ace Ventura: Pet Detective” ›› “In the Army Now” (1994) Pauly Shore. Wedding Wedding Redneck Redneck In Army Ax Men Å Ax Men “Under Fire” Ax Men “Overboard” Pawn Pawn Modern Marvels Å Ax Men “Under Fire” Leading Hayford J. Osteen Authority Copeland Changing ››‡ “Peter and Paul” (1981) ››‡ “Peter and Paul” (1981) TUESDAY EVENING PBS NewsHour Å Antiques Roadshow American Experience Tina Fey: The Mark Twain Prize: Inside Out To Be Announced NASCAR Race Hub (N) Hot Rod Hot Rod Barrett-Jackson Spec. Supercars Supercars Hot Rod Hot Rod Barrett-Jackson Spec. College Basketball: Louisville at Georgetown. College Basketball: Texas at Texas A&M. (Live) SportsCenter (Live) SportsCenter Special Women’s College Basketball Welcome to the NFL Year/Quarterback Sup. Bowl Sup. Bowl Final NFL Films FMX Team Energy Cup Wizards NBA Basketball: Washington Wizards at Dallas Mavericks. SportsNet Post Live Profiles Redskins Wheel Jeopardy! The Bachelor (N) (In Stereo) Å Castle (In Stereo) Å News Nightline Jimmy Kimmel Live News Extra Å How I Met Rules Two Men Mike Hawaii Five-0 Å News Late Show Letterman Late Two Men Two Men Human Target (N) Å Lie to Me “Killer App” FOX News at 10 Å How I Met Fam. Guy Chris ’70s Show Ent Inside Ed. Chuck (In Stereo) Å The Cape “Dice” Å Harry’s Law (In Stereo) News Tonight Show w/Leno Late Night Funniest Home Videos Chris Chris Funniest Home Videos WGN News at Nine (N) Scrubs Scrubs South Park South Park House of Rep. Tonight From Washington Capital News Today PM Style Judith Ripka Sterling Collection Electronics Today Rudy Rudy Globe Trekker “Nepal” Caring For Your Parents: (In Stereo) Å (DVS) PBS NewsHour Å T. Smiley T. Smiley John King, USA (N) Parker Spitzer (N) Piers Morgan Tonight Anderson Cooper 360 Å Piers Morgan Tonight Hardball Matthews Countdown Rachel Maddow Show The Last Word Countdown Rachel Maddow Show The Kudlow Report (N) CNBC Reports American Greed On the Money Mad Money Fast Money FOX Report The O’Reilly Factor (N) Hannity (N) Greta Van Susteren The O’Reilly Factor Hannity Two Men Two Men ›‡ “What Happens in Vegas” (2008) Cameron Diaz. ›‡ “What Happens in Vegas” (2008) Cameron Diaz. NCIS “Iceman” Å NCIS “Grace Period” WWE Monday Night RAW (In Stereo Live) Å White Collar Å Burn Notice Å Bones (In Stereo) Å Bones (In Stereo) Å Bones (In Stereo) Å Rizzoli & Isles Å Rizzoli & Isles Å CSI: NY (In Stereo) Seinfeld Seinfeld Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Conan (N) Lopez Tonight (N) The First 48 Å Intervention “Jennifer” Intervention “Jenna” Heavy (N) Å Heavy Å Intervention “Jennifer” UFC Fight for the Troops (In Stereo) ›› “Blade: Trinity” (2004, Horror) Wesley Snipes. (In Stereo) MANswers UFC Fight Night ››› “American Pie” (1999) Jason Biggs. Å Sunny Sunny Sunny Sunny Daily Show Colbert Sunny Sunny MythBusters (In Stereo) American Chopper American Chopper Gold Rush: Alaska American Chopper American Chopper Cake Boss Cake Boss Cake Boss Cake Boss Cake Boss (N) Å 19 Kids 19 Kids Cake Boss Cake Boss Cake Boss (In Stereo) Pit Bulls and Parolees Pit Bulls and Parolees Pit Boss (In Stereo) Pit Boss (In Stereo) Pit Bulls and Parolees Pit Boss (In Stereo) iCarly Å Sponge. My Wife My Wife Chris Chris George George The Nanny The Nanny The Nanny The Nanny Suite/Deck Suite/Deck “Avalon High” (2010, Fantasy) Fish Suite/Deck Suite/Deck Wizards Wizards Hannah Hannah Pretty Little Liars Å Pretty Little Liars Å Greek (In Stereo) Å Pretty Little Liars Å The 700 Club Å Whose? Whose? Retired at Sanford Sanford Sanford ››› “Ghost” (1990, Fantasy) Patrick Swayze, Demi Moore. Cleveland Roseanne “The Rain People” ››› “Life at the Top” ›››‡ “Breathless” (1959) Jean-Paul Belmondo. ››› “Baby Doll” (1956, Drama) Karl Malden. The Boss The Boss Little H’se Little Hse. ››‡ “A Cool, Dry Place” (1998) Vince Vaughn. Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls “Homecoming” (2009, Horror) Mischa Barton. “Taken From Me: The Tiffany Rubin Story” Tiffany Rubin: Frasier Frasier Hunters House Property Property House Hunters Cash, Cari Hunters Hunters Hunters House Hunters Iron Chef America Unwrap Unwrap Diners Diners Best Thing Best Thing Good Eats Good Eats Diners Diners 106 & Park: Top 10 The Game The Game ››‡ “The Longshots” (2008) Ice Cube. The Mo’Nique Show Wendy Williams Show I Used to Be Fat Jersey Shore Å MTV Special: Skins “Chris” (N) Skins “Chris” Teen Mom 2 (In Stereo) Basketball Wives You’re Cut Off You’re Cut Off The X Life You’re Cut Off The X Life You’re Cut Off Scooby Johnny T Adventure MAD King of Hill King of Hill Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Chicken Aqua Teen “Jurassic Park III” Being Human Being Human (N) ››› “Dawn of the Dead” (2004, Horror) Sarah Polley. Å Being Hu ››› “Seraphim Falls” ››‡ “Hidalgo” (2004, Adventure) Viggo Mortensen, Omar Sharif. Å ››‡ “Hidalgo” (2004) Viggo Mortensen. Å The Dukes of Hazzard The Dukes of Hazzard ›› “In the Army Now” (1994) Pauly Shore. ›› “In the Army Now” (1994) Pauly Shore. American Pickers Å Pawn Pawn American Pickers Å Pawn Pawn American Pickers Å Pawn Pawn Cameron Holy Land Behind Chironna J. Franklin Duplantis Praise the Lord Å J. Osteen P. Stone Powhatan Today is sold at these local retail locations C=COMCAST 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 SUNDAY EVENING Farming Heartland American Experience Pioneers of Television ›› “The Night They Raided Minsky’s” (1968) Ebert Roadtrip Rolex Sports Car Series Racing: 24 Hours at Daytona, Part 2. (Live) Test Drive Classic AMA Supercross AMA Supercross Lites Winter X Games (Live) Å SportsCenter (Live) Tennis PBA Bowling Women’s College Gymnastics Women’s College Basketball: Georgia at LSU. Women’s College Basketball AHL Hockey: All-Star Skills Competition. (Live) Va Tech College Basketball NBA Basketball: Miami Heat at Oklahoma City Thunder. Å NBA Basketball: Boston Celtics at Los Angeles Lakers. Å News ABC News College Basketball: Duke at St. John’s. (Live) PGA Tour Golf: Farmers Insurance Open, Final Round. (Live) Å News “Royal Tenenbm” Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Stellar Gospel Music Awards: Judge J. Judge J. Two Men Two Men Auto Show Snowboarding Bull Riding Figure Skating News NBC News ›› “The Royal Tenenbaums” (2001) (S) Å › “Out Cold” (2001, Comedy) Jason London. (S) Scrubs (S) Scrubs (S) Just Shoot Chris C-SPAN Weekend News Politics In the Kitchen with David Ross-Simons Jewelry Easy Solutions Need to Know (S) Å Religion Contrary Pioneers of Television Doo Wop 50: (S) Å Fareed Zakaria GPS Newsroom Your Money Newsroom Newsroom Newsroom The Runaways: Meet the Press Å A Murderous Career: Eight Times a Killer: To Catch a Killer: Caught on Camera Paid Prog. Get Rich Ripped Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Salad Chef TRIALaser Paid Prog. Paid Prog. MaxClarity Shirt Off! America’s News HQ Fox News Sunday The O’Reilly Factor America’s News HQ Fox News Sunday Hellboy 2 ›› “Ghost Rider” (2007, Action) Nicolas Cage, Eva Mendes. ››› “Iron Man” (2008, Action) Robert Downey Jr., Terrence Howard. NCIS “Sea Dog” (S) NCIS “The Immortals” NCIS “The Curse” (S) NCIS “High Seas” (S) NCIS “Sub Rosa” (S) NCIS “Marine Down” “Bourne Suprm.” ››› “Training Day” (2001) Denzel Washington. Å ›››› “The Dark Knight” (2008, Action) Christian Bale. Å “Varsity Blues” (1999) ››› “Men in Black” (1997) Tommy Lee Jones. “Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby” ›› “Get Smart” (2008) Heavy Å The Sopranos (S) Å The Sopranos (S) Å The Sopranos (S) Å Criminal Minds (S) Å Criminal Minds (S) Å ›› “Rambo” (2008, Action) Sylvester Stallone. ››› “The Perfect Storm” (2000, Suspense) George Clooney. (S) “A Bronx Tale” (1993) Scrubs Scrubs Scrubs Scrubs › “Vegas Vacation” (1997) Chevy Chase. “Blue Collar Comedy Tour Rides Again” (2004) Sons Sons Desert Car Kings (S) Dirty Jobs (S) Å MythBusters (S) Å MythBusters (S) Å Auction Auction Lottery Changed Life: Lottery Changed, Life: Lottery Changed, Life: Lottery Changed Lottery Changed Lottery Changed Wild Wild Wild Wild Wild Wild Wild Wild Wild Wild Wild Wild iCarly (S) iCarly (S) iCarly (S) Parents Fanboy Fanboy Penguins Penguins Sponge. Sponge. Jackson Big Time Good Luck Shake it Hannah Hannah Suite/Deck Suite/Deck Suite/Deck Good Luck Wizards Wizards Hannah Forever 700 Club Special Programming 700 Club-Programming Jeannie Jeannie Bewitched Bewitched Cleveland Cleveland Married Married Married Married Married Married “The Lost Weekend” ››› “Doctor Zhivago” (1965, Historical Drama) Omar Sharif. Å (DVS) ›››› “Lust for Life” (1956) Little House Little House Little House Little House Little House Little House ›› “Sydney White” (2007) Amanda Bynes. Å › “The Ex” (2006, Comedy) Zach Braff. Å ›› “She’s the One” (1996) Jennifer Aniston. My First First Place Estate Selling NY Buck Get It Sold House Hunters For Rent Unsellable Cash, Cari To Sell Home Guy’s, Bite Tailgate-Fieri Tailgate-Fieri Tailgate-Fieri Tailgate-Fieri Restaurant: Impossible Girlfriends ›› “Little Richard” (2000, Biography) Leon. ›› “The Five Heartbeats” (1991) Robert Townsend. Å “Not Easily Broken” Teen Mom 2 (S) Jersey Shore (S) Å Jersey Shore (S) Å I Used to Be Fat (S) True Life (S) True Life (S) You’re Cut Off (S) The X Life Celebrity Rehab, Drew Behind the Music “Jennifer Lopez” Chilli Chilli Chilli Chilli Garfield Codename Codename Chowder Chowder Johnny T Johnny T Total Total Adventure ›› “Underdog” (2007) ›› “Kill Theory” (2009) “The Final” (2010, Drama) Marc Donato. Å ››› “28 Days Later” (2002, Horror) Cillian Murphy. Å Dawn ›› “Wyatt Earp” (1994) Å ››› “Jeremiah Johnson” (1972, Adventure) Robert Redford. ››› “Open Range” (2003) Robert Duvall. Å Top 20 Countdown (S) Working Working Wedding Wedding ›› “Grumpy Old Men” (1993, Comedy) Jack Lemmon. (S) Ace Vent. Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn PowerPnt Is Written B. Conley From His King Is J. Franklin John Hagee Today Rod P. Dickow Jakes J. Meyer MONDAY EVENING C SUNDAY MORNING 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 C=COMCAST 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 23 SPEED ESPN ESPN2 CCSN 8 6 35 12 WGN-A CSPAN QVC 57 CNN MSNBC CNBC FOXN FX USA TNT WTBS A&E SPIKE COM DISC TLC ANPL NICK DISN FAM TVL TCM HALL LIFE HGTV FOOD BET MTV VH1 TOON SYFY AMC CMTV HIST TBN PBS NewsHour Å Pioneers of Television Christie Code: Frontline (N) (In Stereo) Independent Lens (In Stereo) Å C. Rose NASCAR Race Hub (N) Monster Jam Monster Jam Bubba Bubba Monster Jam Monster Jam College Basketball: Purdue at Wisconsin. (Live) College Basketball: Vanderbilt at Florida. (Live) SportsCenter (Live) SportsCenter Special College Basketball: Baylor at Oklahoma. (Live) Quarterback NBA Coast to Coast Boston Boston SportsNation Å Caps NHL Hockey: Montreal Canadiens at Washington Capitals. Postgame Redskins SportsNet Post Live Bid Wars Redskins Wheel Jeopardy! No Ordinary Family V “Unholy Alliance” (N) Detroit 1-8-7 (In Stereo) News Nightline Jimmy Kimmel Live News Extra Å NCIS “Freedom” Å NCIS: Los Angeles (N) The Good Wife Å News Late Show Letterman Late Two Men Two Men Glee (In Stereo) Å Million Dollar FOX News at 10 Å How I Met Fam. Guy Chris ’70s Show Ent Inside Ed. The Biggest Loser (N) (In Stereo) Å Parenthood (In Stereo) News Tonight Show w/Leno Late Night Funniest Home Videos Chris Chris How I Met How I Met WGN News at Nine (N) Scrubs Scrubs South Park South Park House of Rep. Tonight From Washington Capital News Today Gardening Made Easy Electronics Today Hidalgo/Diam. Electronics Today Wardrobe Solutions Travel Keep Up Nova scienceNOW (N) The Civil War (In Stereo) Å PBS NewsHour Å T. Smiley T. Smiley John King, USA (N) Parker Spitzer (N) Piers Morgan Tonight Anderson Cooper 360 Å Piers Morgan Tonight Hardball Matthews Countdown Rachel Maddow Show The Last Word Countdown Rachel Maddow Show The Kudlow Report (N) CNBC Reports Executive Vision 60 Minutes on CNBC Mad Money Fast Money FOX Report The O’Reilly Factor (N) Hannity (N) Greta Van Susteren The O’Reilly Factor Hannity Two Men Two Men ››‡ “Step Brothers” (2008) Will Ferrell. Lights Out (N) Lights Out Two Men Two Men Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU White Collar (N) Å Royal Pains “Pit Stop” Fairly Legal Å Bones (In Stereo) Å ››› “I Am Legend” (2007) Will Smith. Å Southland (In Stereo) Memphis Beat Å Southland (In Stereo) Seinfeld Seinfeld The Office The Office The Office The Office The Office The Office Conan Lopez Tonight The First 48 Å The First 48 Å The First 48 Å The First 48 Å The First 48 Å The First 48 Å Ways Die Ways Die Ways Die Ways Die Ways Die Ways Die Ways Die Ways Die MANswers MANswers UFC: Silva vs. Irvin Daily Show Colbert Larry, Cable: Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 (N) Onion Daily Show Colbert Tosh.0 Onion Pitchmen (In Stereo) Dirty Jobs (In Stereo) Dirty Jobs (In Stereo) Auction Auction Dirty Jobs (In Stereo) Dirty Jobs (In Stereo) 19 Kids 19 Kids What Not to Wear Å What Not to Wear Å Fabulous Cakes Å What Not to Wear Å What Not to Wear Å Weird Weird I, Predator (In Stereo) Human Prey (In Stereo) Maneaters (In Stereo) I, Predator (In Stereo) Human Prey (In Stereo) iCarly Å Sponge. My Wife My Wife Chris Chris George George The Nanny The Nanny The Nanny The Nanny Suite/Deck Suite/Deck “16 Wishes” (2010) Debby Ryan. Suite/Deck Suite/Deck Suite/Deck Wizards Wizards Hannah Hannah Still Stnd ›‡ “Gone in Sixty Seconds” (2000, Action) Nicolas Cage. Funniest Home Videos The 700 Club Å Whose? Whose? Sanford Sanford Sanford Sanford Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Retired at Cleveland Roseanne Roseanne “Richard III” (1955) ››› “The Private Life of Henry VIII” (1933) ›››› “A Man for All Seasons” (1966) Å “Anne-Thousand” To Be Announced Little House “Uncorked” (2010) Julie Benz. Å Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls How I Met How I Met Reba Å Reba Å Kids Kids One Born Every Minute How I Met How I Met Frasier Frasier Hunters House First Place First Place Hunters Selling NY House Hunters Property Property Hunters Selling NY Iron Chef America Challenge Cupcake Wars (N) Chopped Private Chefs Cupcake Wars 106 & Park: Top 10 The Game The Game The Game The Game The Game Together The Mo’Nique Show Wendy Williams Show Life, Liz Life, Liz True Life (In Stereo) Teen Mom 2 (In Stereo) Teen Mom 2 (In Stereo) Teen Mom 2 (In Stereo) True Life (In Stereo) Chilli Chilli Behind the Music Å RuPaul’s Drag Race Basketball Wives Brandy Chilli ››› “How She Move” King of Hill King of Hill Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Chicken Aqua Teen ››‡ “Open Season” (2006, Comedy) Star Trek: Next Star Trek: Next Star Trek: Next Star Trek: Next Requiem Requiem Gurren Gurren “Quick-Dead” ››› “Tombstone” (1993, Western) Kurt Russell, Val Kilmer. Premiere. ››› “Tombstone” (1993, Western) Kurt Russell. The Dukes of Hazzard The Dukes of Hazzard Movie Mabe Mabe Smarter Smarter Modern History Ax Men Å Ax Men “Under Fire” Ax Men Å Hardcore History Å Ax Men Å The Cross: Summit Behind J. Meyer J. Hagee Hillsong Praise the Lord Å ACLJ Dino For subscription information, contact Birgit Weeks at (804) 598-4305 today! Plaza Pharmacy Pow. Star Shell Frisby’s Henry’s Minit Mart-uppy’s Lucky’s Kroger Food Lion (South Creek) C M Y K Rt 60 And Academy Rd Anderson Hwy 2150 Anderson Hwy Anderson Hwy Rt 60, Midlothian Rt 711 Rt 711 & Huguenot South Creek One Dinwiddie’s Anderson Hwy Dorset Market Dorset Rd / Genito Rd Pow. Pharmacy South Creek One Video Square Anderson Hwy Sheetz Flatrock, Anderson Hwy Italian Delight South Creek One R&M Bi-Rite 6345 Old Buckingham Rd. Cyan Magenta Yellow Black Powhatan Today, January 26, 2011 Page 6B THE POWHATAN bulletin TODAY Auto Service Repair CALL 804.598.4305 to advertise in the Bulletin Board Home Improvement MAIZE MAI MAIZ ZE REMODELING LLC. LLC Body Paint & Mechanical Service 598-8968 3670 Anderson Highway Powhatan, VA 804.598.7300 maizeremodeling.com Licensed and Insured Interior & Exterior Painting Any Carpentry Powerwashing Deck Sealant & Repairs • Kitchens / Baths • Additions / Garages • Basement & 3rd Floor Finishing • Decks / Screen Porches • Handyman Repairs/ Home Improvements and much more... Complimentary Estimates Hourly Services Client References Provided CALL MAIZE TODAY... Let us take care of your Home Repairs with Quality and Care. 804-598-9074 Serving Powhatan & Surrounding Counties Driver’s Education Steve’s Painting & Pressure Washing Learn to drive With CDS Painting Hicks Painting Reasonable Prices 804-397-5550 Licensed & Insured Community Driving School Of Powhatan 357-1164 (cell) DMV & Court Ordered Driver Improvement Classes Driver’s Education & Behind The Wheel Classes Forming Now 3229 Anderson Highway Licensed by DMV Electrical Jay Robinson (Owner) Licensed & Insured LIDA’S PET SITTING CONSTRUCTION, LLC Peace of Mind When you can’t be there 24 HR. Emergency Serv. (804) 492-3335 FAX: (804) 492-3559 Heating and Cooling • LICENSED FULLY INSURED/BONDED CALL TODAY FOR A BOB McARTAN ~ (P)804-598-6688 / (C)804-986-1997 LIDA PROFFITT Horses Home 598-5448 Cell 305-3285 Quality Pine Shavings For Horse Bedding for pricing and delivery Plumbing WE STOP THE DRIP IN JUST ONE TRIP! CALL Air Quality • Air Conditioners • Duct Cleaning & Sealing • Boilers COUNTY LINE PLUMBING, LLC Proudly serving the Powhatan area for over 60 years! Financing Available Equine Care/Plant Care Exercise/Play • Personalized Attention • Medications • Single or Multiple Visits • Sidewalks • Patios • Basement Floors • Garage Floors Residential • Commercial • Industrial Serving Richmond & Surrounding Areas tt R.E.M. Top Quality • Licensed Contractor Cumberland Electrical Services “No Job Too Small” 178 Strawberry Hill Rd. Cumberland, Va 23040 Pet Sitting 301-7922 Douglas (Dooley) Cook Cell (804) 387-0170 • Licensed Master Plumber • Reasonable Rates • Licensed & Insured • Residential & Commercial Work Office (804) 561-1639 Fax (804) 561-7865 Miscellaneous 598-7711 Serving Powhatan and Surrounding Areas RM Bishop Inc. 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Financing Available Free Estimates Senior Discount 598-7847 Greg Dunaway Are you or someone you know a victim of DOMESTIC VIOLENCE? Contact Powhatan Domestic Violence Services at 598-5630 ext. 2420 mpg www.absolutepestcontrolinc.com CLARKE’S LAWN MOWER SERVICE Lawn Mower and Riding Mower Repairs Pick up & Delivery Available RESIDENTIAL SERVICE AND REPAIR 10 0 Termite, Inspections and Preventive Services That Protect Your Property, Power Spray Yard Treatments Fast Affordable Service with More than 30 Years Experience Best Service & Price Guaranteed! Wes Clarke 4242 Old Buckingham Road Powhatan, VA 23139 Reasonable Rates 598-2402 RENT A HUSBAND! Choose Your Own Path. 8321 Midlothian Tpk • RICHMOND, VA 23235 • Tel 804.330.4800 • www.UltimateCycle.NET *Example1: On a purchase where the Amount Financed is $2,099, your Down Payment is $0 with 36 monthly payments of $63.76 each. ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE 3.9% (Effective APR 5.90%). **Example2: On a purchase made 3/1/2010 where the Amount Financed is $2,099, your Down Payment is $0; no FINANCE CHARGE FOR 6 months and no payments FOR 7 MONTHS. Thereafter, 48 consecutive monthly payments of $57.30 each. ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE 12.95%. [Effective APR 11.15%] ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE subject to increase after promotional period. Note: The above financing programs are offered by Sheffield Financial, a Division of BB&T Financial, FSB. Subject to credit approval. Approval, and any rates and terms provided, are based on credit worthiness. Other financing offers available See your local dealer for details. A promotion fee of $50 will be added to the Amount Financed. Financing promotions void where prohibited. Offer effective on all new and unregistered 2009 and prior year KYMCO ATVs, Motorcycles and Scooters purchased from a participating KYMCO dealer between 3/1/10 and 4/30/10. Offer subject to change without notice. ©KYMCO USA 2010 KYMCO vehicles meet all applicable Federal Motor Vehicle Safety and EPA standards. Always wear a helmet, eye protection and protective clothing. Avoid excessive speed. Never engage in stunt riding. Never ride under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Take a riding skills course. For the course nearest you, call the Motorcycle Safety Foundation at 1-800-446-9227 2011 PRAIRIE We will beat any written or advertised price! Snow Plows in Stock 360 4X4 MSRP $6,149 SALE $4,895 BF7503X3BW 8321 Midlothian Tpk • RICHMOND, VA 23235 • Tel 804.330.4800 • www.UltimateCycle.NET KAWASAKI CARES: Warning: ATVs can be hazardous to operate. For your safety: Always wear a helmet, eye protection and protective clothing. Never carry a passenger. Never ride under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Never ride on public roads or pavement. Avoid excessive speeds and stunt driving. Be extra careful on difficult terrain. Kawasaki ATVs with engines over 90cc are recommended for use only by persons 16 years of age or older. Kawasaki also recommends that all ATV riders take a training course. For more information, see your dealer, call the ATV Safety Institute at 1-800-8987-2887 or go to www.atvsafety.org. 2010 Kawasaki Motors Corp., U.S.A. No “Honey-Do” List too long and he doesn’t complain. Call Jay 301-7922 (cell) • Licensed & Insured • House Repairs County Line Plumbing, LLC Provides Rent a Husband Services C M Y K TARGET YOUR CUSTOMERS WITH A BULLETIN BOARD AD! Call 598-4305 for rates and information. Cyan Magenta Yellow Black Powhatan Today, January 26, 2011 THE POWHATAN Page 7B bulletin TODAY CALL 804.598.4305 to advertise in the Bulletin Board Roofing Services Pump Services Septic Services Standard Roofing Knowledgeable in all types of roofing. • Copper • Tin & Cedar • Shingle • Slate We appreciate all your support. 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Member of Powhatan Chamber of Commerce Serving Powhatan for nearly 50 years Reasonable Rates • Water Pump Service Pumping, Repairs and Drainfield Restoration 492-4826 598-7663 CLASSIFIEDS AUTOS FOR SALE 2000 Ford Focus- 188kmi. New inspection $2,800. Call 804-598-5529 for more information Business & Service Directory CHILD CARE Established home day care on Rt. 13 has openings for ages newborn to 5 years. Call 598-5529. PLACE YOUR AD TODAY (804) 746-1235 ext. 3 FAX: (804) 598-7757 or classifieds@powhatantoday.com OPEN HOUSES GENERAL HELP Transportation Welding Psychologist- Willow Oaks Residential Program, a 33-bed adult co-occurring modality, needs a psychologist for patient assessments and followup care. 8 hours per week/ flexible schedule. Contact Mary by telephone (804) 644-4636 or fax (804) 648-4801. EOE. SUBSTANCE ABUSE CLINICIAN - Goochland Powhatan Community Services is hiring a full time Substance Abuse Clinician as a primary provider of adult SA Services. Position requires Master’s degree, and license or license eligible is preferred. For a job description and application, see www.gpcsb.org or call 804-556-5400. Open until filled. EOE Commercial Real Estate for Rent ∫ HOME SITES, LOTS, LAND Beautiful Wide Open Spaces ! Estate Home Available Now! Tilman’s Farm - Wonderful 2-story brick/siding Farm House, 4,115 sq. ft. finished & 928 sq. ft partially finished third floor, on over two acres, kitchen with breakfast nook and granite counters, garage, fireplace, 4 bdrms/master on 1st floor, hardwood floors throughout, 3.5 baths. Offered below builders cost. $479,000. We are currently selling 2-5 acre lots. Starting at $75,000. Bring your own builder or choose from our quality group of buliders. Call Lee Rousseau for an appt. 840-2256. Visit our new website www.RVG.com Realty Ventures Group. Loving mother of two offering full or part time care in her Mill Quarter area home. Great rates and references available. Fenced in back yard w/ playground on quiet cul-de-sac. Will provide a fun loving environment for your child. Call 598-2955. RETAIL PLACES & STORES FOR RENT GENERAL REAL ESTATE Openings available in my home daycare for ages newborn & up. Reference available. Hours 6 am to 6pm M-F. Pow. Elem Reasonable rates. Call Angela 598-8237. Retail store for rent in the heart of the village of Powhatan Approx. 900 sq ft; Also, 2nd Floor office approx. 1100 sq ft. Lease Price negotiable. Call 598-9133 ask for George. 2.38 acres in Powhatan- Cleared lot with well, septic, and driveway. Good location. $55,000. Have two other lots. Also- Beautiful 4 BR 3.5 BA Home For Sale by owner on 14 acres. 3,200 sq ft. 2 fireplaces, hardwood, lots of stone, lots of upgrades. $425,000. Call 492-9023 or 513-9197. Openings to care for your child in my loving but professional home-based daycare. Years of Experience. Excellent References & Dependable service. Ages 1 through school age. CPR Certified. Call 598-0782 HAULING û Abandoned Junk Cars Wanted û Pay $250 up to $1,000 No title needed. 804-677-0156. TD 40538 ûFREE TOWING û -No Title Needed. $250/up Cash Paid for all Junk cars/trucks. 804-247-8640 TD40349 ûFREE TOWING û -No Title Needed. $250/up Cash Paid for all Junk cars/trucks. 804-247-8640 TD40349 Merchandise CHILDREN’S CLOTHING & ITEMS Children’s Consignment Sale - Monday’s Child Consignment’s Spring 2011 Sale will be held on Saturday, March 19 from 8 a.m.-4 p.m. and Sunday, March 20 from noon-3 p.m. at Good Shepherd CDC, 1401 Old Hundred Road, Midlothian 23114. Visit mondayschildconsignment.com for more information including details on our Half Price and Welcome Baby Preview Sale! MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Bed - New Mattress Set in Plastic w/ warr. Full $99, Queen $109, King $189. Delivery/Lay -A-Way. 218-0680 Residential for Rent ∫ Powhatan County 5 acres, Custom Lot HOUSES UNFURNISHED 3-bdrm, 2-bath w/storage building. Cumberland near Powhatan line, 1/2 mile off Rt. 60. $900/mo. + deposit & references. No Pets! Call 804-690-7783 Huguenot Trail - Updated 3 BR, 1 bath. Minutes from Rt 288 on 100+ acre farm. $850/mo. + deposit, References, etc. Call (804) 794-4667 to apply/more info. Homes for Sale HOME SITES, LOTS, LAND Powhatan - 2 miles from Courthouse. 10 acre tracts, part open. Fronting State Road. $85,000 and $90,000. Also 35 acres fronting Rt. 522, $110,000. $5,000 down, balance financed by owner. Call 804314-5191. SCHOOLS & INSTRUCTION VCU International Business Certificate Program 2011 - 12 week program - February 8th - April 26th Is Global Commerce What You’ve Been Waiting For? For more information, Contact Dr. Van R. Wood, VCU School of Business 804-828-1746 or email vrwood@vcu.edu - www.ciba.vcu.edu Dawn Bradley 804-560-7625 dawn.bradley@longandfoster.com Target your Customers MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Introducing our New Mobile Classieds. • 165ac. farm with beautiful pastures, fencing, 4500’ on Appomattox River, 100x65 barn. See pictures & complete info at BrackettsBendFarm2.com… $580,000. • Also have 9 other Powhatan parcels 2 to 21.5 acs. starting at $45,000. To see info on them go to CharlieShiflett.com If you are looking for land in Powhatan…I can help. Charlie Shiflett (804-397-9989 ) Fine Creek Realty HOUSES UNFURNISHED 2846 Pleasantwood Rd. POWHATAN 3-bdrm, 2-bath rancher includes great room w/ fireplace, large eat-in kitchen, large dining area, utility room, all purpose room, all appliances, large deck, storage bldg., well-maintained yard, all window treatments. LIKE NEW! $1,050 per month absolutely no smoking and no pets Dot Mays 598-3224 or 839-0268 GENERAL REAL ESTATE FOR RENT 2588 Pilkington Road Moseley, VA 23120 941 Clementown Road Powhatan, VA 23139 3 bedroom, 2 bath, attached garage. $1300/month 2 bedrooms, 1 bath, available March 1. $750/month 1232 Old Buckingham Road Cumberland, VA 23040 294 Brown Road Cumberland, VA 23040 3 bedroom, 2 bath rancher, brand new! 3 bedroom + office, 2 bath rancher on No pets & no smoking! $995/month 10 private acres. $900/month 3024 Timbercrest Court Midlothian, VA 23112 4082 Anderson Hwy. Powhatan, VA 23139 4 bedroom, 2 bath rancher, like new! 3 bedroom, 1 bath rancher convenient Conveniently near Rt. 360 & Genito Rd. to schools & Rt. 522, numerous No pets. No smoking. $1200/month. outbuildings. $850/month with a Bulletin Board ad! Call 598-4305 for rates and information. HOMES RENTALS ACREAGE STEEL BUILDING YEAR END CLOSEOUT! SAVE THOUSANDS! Canceled Orders, Repo’s. 30x35, 16x20, 24x25, others. Limited supply selling for Balance Owed. Additional Display Program Savings. 866-352-0469 Education & Instruction Just over 5 acres custom lot. Clearing for home site complete. Gravel driveway. Just far enough out, but not too far, just 9.3 miles from Rt. 288. Bring your dream house plans & your builder. CALL TODAY!! Advertise with Powhatan Today Call 598-4305 for more details! Central Boiler E-Classic OUTDOOR FURNACES. Cleaner & Greener. EPA Qualified. Trade out your old outdoor furnace NOW & save up to $5000! Ellis Contracting 804-366-9536. www.vawoodheat.com Wood Doctor – outdoor wood stove. Less smoke, less ash, burns less wood. Connects to any existing heating system. Millbrook Construction. (434)-983-1801 HOME SITES, LOTS, LAND Powhatan Land For Sale • 357 acres, open & wooded, 2250’ on Appomattox River, 3000’ office/ shop. See pictures, plats and complete info at AppomattoxRiverFarm.com… $1,785,000 ( might sell 1/2). Target your Customers Our classifieds now have “text and take” with a Bulletin Board ad! Call 598-4305 for rates and information. You now have the option to text a classified ad you read in the paper, right to your phone! Reach a large and continually growing audience of mobile users. Call the number below for details! How it works: Enter short code 88788 into your mobile phone Text the keyword number listed in ad to your phone You will receive a text message linking you to the Employment GENERAL HELP Experienced Waitress full-time or part-time needed. Call 598-9133 ask for Jimmy. Part-Time Evenings Cleaning & Light Industrial Duties 804-598-5579 ad – click that link to view. You then have the option(s) to: click to call, click to email, forward to a friend, or save to your phone. Standard message and data rates may apply. Follow us on Twitter! For more information, call: 1-800-476-0197, ext. 3 www.twitter.com/powhatantoday www.twitter.com/ptsports Powhatan Manufacturing Company seeking fulltime employees for producing, packaging, shipping & quality control of award products. Very fast paced environment. Computer experience helpful. Please call 804-598-5579 C M Y K Cyan Magenta Yellow Black Powhatan Today, January 26, 2011 Page 8B distinctive PROPERTIES OF CENTRAL VIRGINIA HAVE A HOME TO SELL? List your house for sale with Powhatan Today! REAL ESTATE GUIDE Advertise in Powhatan Today! Call (804) 598-4305 for details. SPACE RESERVATION DEADLINE NOON, THURSDAYS TO ADVERTISE CALL: 804-598-4305 “Your Home is My Business” P.O. Box 67 Powhatan, VA 23139 bruce@thehousegeek.com www.thehousegeek.com Bruce Blackwell State Certified Home Inspector #3380 000220 (804) 921-8367 Call (804) 598-4305 for advertising information today! LEGAL DISPLAY ADS LEGALS LEGAL DISPLAY ADS NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING POWHATAN COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION The Planning Commission of Powhatan County will conduct a public hearing on Tuesday, February 1, 2011, at 7:00 PM in the Powhatan County High School Auditorium, 1800 Judes Ferry Road, to consider the following request: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUEST 10-06-CUP. Michael & Joy Blair (Subletts/Manakin Electoral District) request a conditional use permit (CUP) to operate a veterinary clinic per §5.3(28) of the Zoning Ordinance. The 2010 Long-Range Comprehensive Plan designates the subject property as Rural Preservation on the Countywide Land Use Plan Map. The subject property is 5.0 acres in size and is located at the corner of Huguenot Trail (Rt. 711) and Woolridge Road (Rt. 721) with frontage on the east side of Huguenot Springs Road (Rt. 607). Reference Tax Map Parcel #32-4-8. Copies of the proposed plans, ordinances, or amendments may be reviewed in the Department of Planning and Community Development in the Powhatan County Administration Building between 8:30 AM and 5:00 PM of each business day. Copies of staff reports are available one week prior to the Public Hearing upon request. If you have any questions, please call 598-5621. CALL POWHATAN TODAY 1.800.476.0197x16 TRUSTEE SALES TRUSTEE SALES TRUSTEE’S SALE OF 8.7 ACRES OF LAND ON STATE ROUTE 604, POWHATAN COUNTY, VIRGINIA. In execution of a Deed of Trust in the original principal amount of $84,610.00, from THOMAS R. GARLAND AND DAWN G. GARLAND dated July 3, 2004, recorded among the land records of the Circuit Court for the County of Powhatan, Virginia, in Deed Book 616, Page 794, the undersigned appointed Substitute Trustee will offer for sale at public auction at the front entrance of the Powhatan County Circuit Courts building, 3880 Old Buckingham Road, Powhatan, Virginia, on February 25, 2011 at 11:00 a.m., the property with improvements thereon to-wit: 8.7 ACRES, MORE OR LESS, AS SHOWN ON A PLAT ENTITLED “PLAT SHOWING 8.7 ACRES OF LAND LYING ON THE NORTH LINE OF STATE ROUTE 604, HUGUENOT DISTRICT - POWHATAN COUNTY, VA” RECORDED IN DEED BOOK 555 PAGE 48 IN THE CLERK’S OFFICE OF THE CIRCUIT COURT OF POWHATAN COUNTY, VA, and further described in the above stated Deed of Trust (Tax Map No. 053-38N). THIS COMMUNICATION IS FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR, TERMS OF SALE: ALL CASH. A bidder’s deposit of $8,461.00 or 10% of the sale price, whichever is lower, will be required in cash, certified or cashier’s check. Settlement within fifteen (15) days of sale, otherwise Trustee may forfeit deposit. Additional terms to be announced at sale. Loan type: conventional. ERIC J. REYNOLDS, ESQ., Substitute Trustee, 10107 Krause Road, Suite 101, Chesterfield, Virginia 23832 (804) 778-7815. TRUSTEE’S SALE OF 2330 Mosby Road, Powhatan, VA 23139. In execution of a certain deed of trust dated February 23, 2007, in the original principal amount of $187,500.00 recorded in the Clerk’s Office, Circuit Court for Powhatan County, Virginia, in Instrument No. 070002792, default having occurred in the payment of the Note thereby secured and at the request of the holder, the undersigned Substitute Trustee will offer for sale at public auction in the front of the Circuit Court building for Powhatan County, Virginia, 3880 Old Buckingham Road, Powhatan, Virginia, on February 25, 2011, at 8:30 AM, the property described in said deed of trust, located at the above address, and more particularly described as follows: THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED REAL PROPERTY SITUATE IN THE CITY OF POWHATAN, COUNTY OF POWHATAN, AND COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA, TO WIT, ALL THAT LOT PIECE OR PARCEL OF LAND, TOGETHER WITH IMPROVEMENTS THEREON AND APPURENANCES THEREUNTO, LYING AND BEING IN MACON DISTRICT, POWHATAN COUNTY VIRGINIA, AND CONTAINING 9.10 ACRES MORE OR LESS, AND DESIGNATED AS LOT 20 ON A PLAT OF SURVEY ENTITLED "PLAT OF THE R.S. HETCHER TRACT, ETC.".TERMS OF SALE: ALL CASH. A bidder’s deposit of ten percent (10%) of the sale price or ten percent (10%) of the original principal balance of the subject deed of trust, whichever is lower, in the form of cash or certified funds payable to the Substitute Trustee must be present at the time of the sale. The balance of the purchase price will be due within fifteen (15) days of sale, otherwise Purchaser’s deposit may be forfeited to Trustee. Time is of the essence. Sale is subject to post sale confirmation that the borrower did not file for protection under the U.S. Bankruptcy Code prior to the sale, as well as to post-sale confirmation and audit of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including, but not limited to, determination of whether the borrower entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid off the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, the sale shall be null and void, and the Purchaser’s sole remedy, in law or equity, shall be the return of his deposit without interest . Additional terms to be announced at the sale. A form copy of the Trustee’s memorandum of foreclosure sale and contract to purchase real property is available for viewing at www.bgwsales.com. This is a communication from a debt collector and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. The sale is subject to seller confirmation. Substitute Trustee: Equity Trustees, LLC, 2020 N. 14th Street, Suite 750, Arlington, VA 22201, (703)548-4600. For information contact: Bierman, Geesing, Ward & Wood, LLC, attorneys for Equity Trustees, LLC, 4520 East West Highway, Suite 200, Bethesda, MD 20814, (301) 961-6555, website: www.bgwsales.com. BGWW# 89040 ASAP# 3890074 01/26/2011, 02/02/2011 TRUSTEE SALES TRUSTEE’S SALE OF 3524 Richards Run, Powhatan, VA 23139. In execution of a certain deed of trust dated June 02, 2006, in the original principal amount of $308,000.00 recorded in the Clerk’s Office, Circuit Court for Powhatan County, Virginia, in Deed Book 689 Page 001, default having occurred in the payment of the Note thereby secured and at the request of the holder, the undersigned Substitute Trustee will offer for sale at public auction in the front of the Circuit Court building for Powhatan County, Virginia, 3880 Old Buckingham Road, Powhatan, Virginia, on January 28, 2011, at 8:31 AM, the property described in said deed of trust, located at the above address, and more particularly described as follows: ALL THAT CERTAIN TRACT, PIECE OR PARCEL OF LAND, WITH IMPROVEMENTS THEREON AND APPURTENANCES ,THEREUNTO BELONGING, LYING AND BEING IN THE SPENCER DISTRICT, POWHATAN COUNTY, VIRGINIA, CONTAINING 2.048 ACRES, MORE OR LESS, ACCORDING TO PLAT OF SURVEY OF BRANCHWAY FOREST - SECTION 5, BY D. C. BRADBURY, INC., DATED SEPTEMBER 10, 1995, RECORDED SEPTEMBER 21 , 1995, IN THE CLERK’S OFFICE, CIRCUIT COURT, POWHATAN COUNTY, VIRGINIA, IN PLAT CABINET F, SLIDE 1, AND BEING DESIGNATED AS LOT 33, TO WHICH PLAT REFERENCE IS MADE FOR A MORE PARTICULAR DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPERTY HEREIN CONVEYED..TERMS OF SALE: ALL CASH. A bidder’s deposit of ten percent (10%) of the sale price or ten percent (10%) of the original principal balance of the subject deed of trust, whichever is lower, in the form of cash or certified funds payable to the Substitute Trustee must be present at the time of the sale. The balance of the purchase price will be due within fifteen (15) days of sale, otherwise Purchaser’s deposit may be forfeited to Trustee. Time is of the essence. Sale is subject to post sale confirmation that the borrower did not file for protection under the U.S. Bankruptcy Code prior to the sale, as well as to post-sale confirmation and audit of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including, but not limited to, determination of whether the borrower entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid off the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, the sale shall be null and void, and the Purchaser’s sole remedy, in law or equity, shall be the return of his deposit without interest . Additional terms to be announced at the sale. A form copy of the Trustee’s memorandum of foreclosure sale and contract to purchase real property is available for viewing at www.bgwsales.com. This is a communication from a debt collector and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. The sale is subject to seller confirmation. Substitute Trustee: Equity Trustees, LLC, 2020 N. 14th Street, Suite 750, Arlington, VA 22201, (703)548-4600. For information contact: Bierman, Geesing, Ward & Wood, LLC, attorneys for Equity Trustees, LLC, 4520 East West Highway, Suite 200, Bethesda, MD 20814, (301) 961-6555, website: www.bgwsales.com. BGWW# 106060 ASAP# 3879462 01/19/2011, 01/26/2011 TRUSTEE SALES NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE OF Lot 5, Section A, Genito West Moseley, Virginia (Powhatan County) Tax Map #053C15 In execution of a Deed of Trust in the name of Kelli M. Foster and Richard L. Foster dated February 26, 2009, in the original principal balance of $120,000.00, and recorded in Deed Book 762, at page 1341 in the Clerk’s Office of the Circuit Court of Powhatan County, Virginia, which Noteholder is Branch Banking and Trust Company, the undersigned Substitute Trustees, either of whom may act, will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder, at the front entrance of the Powhatan County Circuit Court, 3880 Old Buckingham Road, Powhatan, Virginia on January 27, 2011, at 11:00 a.m., the following property: ALL that certain lot, piece or parcel of land, lying and being in Powhatan County, Virginia known and designated as Lot 5, Section "A", Genito West as shown on a plat entitled "Genito West, Section "A", Huguenot District, Powhatan County, Virginia and recorded in the aforesaid Circuit Court Clerk’s Office in Cabinet E, Slide 50. In addition, sale shall be made subject to all existing easements and restrictive covenants as the same may lawfully affect the real estate. Property to be sold in "AS IS" condition without any warranties. Property shall be conveyed to the purchaser by special warranty deed. Terms of Sale: Cash, Cashier’s or Certified Check at sale made payable to Hill and Rainey Attorneys. Certified funds must be presented to Trustee for inspection at the start of sale in order to be qualified to bid. Bidding Increments: Not less than $100.00. A deposit of $10,000.00 or ten percent (10%) of the purchase price, whichever is lower, will be required from the successful bidder at the time of sale with settlement within fifteen (15) days from the date of sale. Additional terms may be announced at the time of sale. Pursuant to the Federal Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, we advise you that this communication is from a debt collector attempting to collect the indebtedness referred to herein and any information we obtain will be used for that purpose. Robert B. Hill, T. O. Rainey, III, and Shelley Richardson Substitute Trustees This is a communication from a debt collector. FOR INFORMATION CONTACT: POWHATAN’S PAPER OF RECORD Hill and Rainey Attorneys 2425 Boulevard, Suite 9 Colonial Heights, Virginia 23834 (804) 526-8300, Ext. 124 Dates of Publication: January 12, 19, 26, 2011 Are you or someone you know a victim of domestic violence? Contact Powhatan Domestic Violence Services at 598-5630 ext. 2422 C M Y K Cyan Magenta Yellow Black Powhatan Today, January 26, 2011 Page 9B 2011 ATTENTION BUSINESSES Business Profiles Your Guide To Businesses Serving The Area Midlothian Exchange, The Goochland Gazette and Powhatan Today will publish a business directory of area merchants and professionals. Reach all households and all subscribers in Powhatan County, Every Month with an ad in the Mass Mailer 2011 Powhatan Today Mass Mailers January 26th ….. ........ Deadline Wednesday, January 19th February 23rd…. ....... Deadline Wednesday, February 16th March 23th….. ........... Deadline Wednesday, March 16th April 27th …............... Deadline Wednesday, April 20th May 25th…. ............... Deadline Wednesday, May 18th June 22nd…. .............. Deadline Wednesday, 15th July 27th… ................. Deadline Wednesday, 20th DEADLINE: Thurs., January 27th DEADLINE: Thurs., January 27th PUBLISH DATE: February, 10th PUBLISH DATE: February, 10th DEADLINE: Thurs., March 3rd PUBLISH DATE: March 23rd MASS MAILER Contract discounts apply to all Business Profiles purchased. Contact Your Sales Rep for Space Reservation Today! *Each newspaper will have a FREE copy of Powhatan Profiles inside! Sara Carter 201-6071 • scarter@powhatantoday.com Sara Snyder 908-6086 • ssnyder@powhatantoday.com Stephanie Childrey 814-7780 • schildrey@mechlocal.com Anne Gibb 366-4691 • agibb@midlothianexchange.com August 24th… ............ Deadline Wednesday, August 17th September 28th…...... Deadline Wednesday, September 21st October 19th…. ......... Deadline Wednesday, October 12th *Each newspaper will have a special pull section for Powhatan Festival of the Grape! November 23rd…....... Deadline Wednesday, November 16th December 14th…. ...... Deadline Wednesday, December 7th PUBLISHED WEDNESDAYS ONLINE EVERY DAY! For more information or to reserve your space contact Sara Carter Sara Snyder www.powhatantoday.com 598-4305 ext. 18 / 201-6071 379-6451 / 908-6086 or e-mail Sara at scarter@powhatantoday.com or e-mail Sara at ssnyder@powhatantoday.com VISIT US TODAY! Target your Customers with a Bulletin Board ad! Call 598-4305 for rates and information. Choose Your Savings: Save 9% off newsstand prices: Subscribe for 1 Year $23.50 Save 39% off newsstand prices: Subscribe for 2 Years $31.50 Save 49% off newsstand prices: Subscribe for 3 Years $39.50 Delivery Information: NAME STREET ADDRESS CITY STATE Payment Information: CHECK MONEY ORDER ZIP VISA MASTERCARD CREDIT CARD ACCOUNT NUMBER CHECK NUMBER CARDHOLDER NAME EXPIRATION DATE PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY / AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE PHONE NUMBER ( ) — Remit to: Powhatan Today • P.O. Box 10 • Powhatan, VA 23139 C M Y K Cyan Magenta Yellow Black PT-123009 Powhatan Today, January 26, 2011 Page 10B Paid Advertisement Paid Advertisement Paid Advertisement Paid Advertisementt Local Residents in Amazement Yesterday As Collectors Provide A Stimulus Package to Richmond! By KEN MCINTOSH STAFF WRITER ICCA will be placing ads in newspapers, radio and running television spots this week asking people to bring in any old silver and gold coins made before 1965. Those that do bring in their coins will be able to speak with collectors one on one and have their coins looked at with an expert set of eyes. With the help of these ICCA members offers will be made to those that have coins made before 1965. Offers will be made based on silver or gold content and the rarity of the coins. All coins made before 1965 will be examined and purchased including gold coins, silver coins, silver dollars, all types of nickels and pennies, Those that decide to sell their coins will be paid on the spot. If you are like a lot of people you might have a few old coins or even a coffee can full lying around. If you have ever wondered what they are worth, now might be your chance to find out and even sell them if you choose. They could be worth a lot according to the International Coin Collectors Association also known as ICCA. Collectors will pay a fortune for some coins and currency for their collections. If they are rare enough, one coin could be worth over $100,000 according to Eric Helms coin collector and ICCA member. One ultra rare dime an 1894S Barber sold for a record $1.9 million to a collector in July of 2007. While that is an extreme example, many rare and valuable coins are stashed away in dresser drawers or lock boxes around the country. The ICCA and its collector members have organized a traveling event in search of all types of coins and currency. “Even common coins can be worth a significant amount What We Buy: COINS Any and all coins made before 1965, rare coins, entire collections, Silver Dollars, Half Dollars, Quarters, Dimes, Half Dimes, Nickels, Three Cent Pieces, Two Cent Pieces, Cents, Large Cents, Half Cents and all others. due to the high price of silver and gold,” says Helms. Washington quarters and Roosevelt dimes and worth many times their face value. Recent silver markets have driven the price up on even common coins made of silver. Helms explains: all half dollars, quarter and dimes made before 1965 contain 90% silver and are sought after any time silver prices rise. Right now it’s a sellers market he said. you may have a rarity worth thousands. Either way, there is nothing to lose and it sounds like fun! For more information on this event visit the ICCA website at www.internationalcoincollectors.com. The rarest coins these collectors are looking for include $20, $10, $5 and $2 1/2 gold coins and any coin made before 1850. These coins always bring big premiums according to the ICCA. Silver dollars are also very sought after nowadays. So whether you have one coin you think might be valuable or a large collection you recently inherited you can talk to these collectors for free and if your lucky FREE ADMISSION CONTINUES IN RICHMOND EVERY DAY MONDAY - FRIDAY Here’s How It Works: t (BUIFSJUFNTPG JOUFSFTU GSPNZPVS BUUJD safe deposit box, garage, basement, etc. There is no limit to the amount of items you can bring t /P BQQPJOUNFOU OFDFTTBSZ t *G JOUFSFTUFE JO TFMMJOH XF XJMM DPOTVMU our collector’s database to see if a buyer exists. 90% of all items have offers in our database JANUARY 24TH - 28TH t 5IF PGGFS JT NBEF PO UIF TQPU PO CFIBMG of our collectors making the offer M-F 9AM-6PM EVERY DAY t *G ZPVEFDJEFUPBDDFQUUIFPòFSXFXJMM pay you on the spot! t :PVHFUPGUIFPòFS with no hidden fees HOLIDAY INN EXPRESS 201 EAST CARY STREET RICHMOND, VA 23219 DIRECTIONS: (804) 788-1600 SHOW INFO: (217) 523-4225 We Buy All Pre-1934 Currency Recent Finds: 1893 Morgan PAPER MONEY All denominations made before 1934. MILLIONS SPENT! 1000 NATIONAL EVENTS! PAID $1,800 GOLD COINS Including $20, $10, $5, $4, $3, $2.5, $1 1916 Mercury DIme PAID $2,800 WAR ITEMS Civil war, WWI AND II, all others, swords, daggers, bayonets, etc. 1932 Washington Quarter PAID $250 OTHER ANTIQUES Guns, toys, trains, dolls, advertising, banks (basically anything old we want to see). C M Y K Cyan Magenta Yellow Black 1849 Gold Dollar PAID $8,500 1803 $10 Gold PAID $14,000
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