Housing - Main Street - Greening - Planning


Housing - Main Street - Greening - Planning
April 30, 2012
Board of Directors
Rhonda Crisp
Janice Evans
Mr. Dan Gunderson, Director
Baltimore County Department of Economic Development
Jefferson Building
105 Chesapeake Ave., Suite 300
Towson, Maryland 21204
Joseph Stadler
Dear Mr. Gunderson:
Janice Evans
Past President
Gayle Adams
Scott Holupka
Stephanie Jameson
On behalf of our Board of Directors, we are writing to ask the County to focus attention
and resources on the intersection of Holabird Avenue and Merritt Blvd. as an area for
potential reinvestment and revitalization. Both North Point Government Center and the
Merritt Park Shopping Center need help and the timing seems to be such that there are
some opportunities to bring about further investment in these two parcels.
Dennis McCartney
Ashley Rogers
Bob Rytter
Rick Sheckells
Courtney Speed
Gene Suliga
H. Edward Parker
We are aware of a proposal by a developer to acquire the Government Center, and it
brings to focus the opportunity to consider the concept of whether some commercial
development options for the site should be explored. With relocation of the important
services now offered in the Government Center, a project might spark additional investment in the area, including in the shopping center across the street. We encourage you
to work with us to take advantage of that interest in investment in our community and
explore a variety of options for a re-use of the County site that might benefit the
neighborhoods and attract potential new businesses to Merritt Boulevard as well.
For several years, your predecessors in County Economic Development have told us that
one reason why big box retailers such as Target have avoided Dundalk is that the retail
lots on Merritt Blvd. are too shallow. We have also been told that unlike other parcels
on Merritt Blvd., the North Point Government Center site has the potential to accommodate such retailers. We would like the County to provide more information to the
community to help us understand how multiple retail parcels on Merritt Blvd. could
relate to one another and explore multiple scenarios for potential redevelopment, including an assessment of the potential benefits and impacts to the community from a
big box business. Importantly, we are requesting that such an assessment include an
analysis of a redevelopment project's effect on users of the existing sports fields at
North Point Government Center, including availability and accessibility considerations.
P.O. Box 9276 - 11 Center PI. Suite 1 - Dundalk, MD 21222 - 410 282-0261 ph. - 410 282-9010 fax - www.dundalkusa.org
Housing - Main Street - Greening - Planning
In entertaining any options for the Government Center site, there are some things that are very
important to the community and to our organization.
It is important that the County be sure to provide for the preservation of or replacement of the
recreational facilities, community functions, offices and police station currently operating at the
Government Center.
A plan for waste management and stormwater management must protect the nearby stream
that runs along the east side of the property.
Planting of more buffer trees to screen the uses from residents on Searles and Church Roads.
Any County proceeds from the sale of the Government Center should return to the Community
in other capital improvements, and we ask that the proceeds be used to restore County funding for
the Heritage Trail project and to support other Dundalk community priorities such as the
streetscaping of Merritt Boulevard.
We appreciate your consideration and hope to work with you on the renaissance of this vital part
of Dundalk.
Best Regards,
Rhonda Crisp
Amy Menzer
Executive Director
Cc: County Executive Kamenetz, Councilman Olszewski, Sr., Bryan Sheppard, Andrea Van Arsdale
P.O. Box 9276 - 11 Center PI. Suite 1 - Dundalk, MD 21222 - 410 282-0261 ph. - 410 282-9010 fax - www.dundalkusa.org
Housing - Main Street - Greening - Planning
.-.•........ _,
April 4, 2012
Rhonda Crisp
The Honorable John Olszewski, Sr.
Baltimore County Council
Historic Courthouse, 2nd floor
400 Washington Avenue
Towson, MD 21204
Janice Evans
Dear Councilman Olszewski:
Board of Din:dors
Joseph Stadler
Janice Evans
Past President
Gayle Adams
Scoff Holvpka
Stephanie Jameson
Dennis McCartney
Ashley Rogers
Bob Rytter
Rick Sheckef/s
Courtney Speed
Gene SuJiga
H. Edward Porker
We are writing to express our organization's support for the County's exploration of
economic development options concerning the North Point Government Center property. We
want to encourage you, and the County Executive, to pursue examining options for this site and
to act now before we miss out on opportunities. Time is of the essence because we know that
Target is also considering a Canton location and that it is unlikely they would choose both sites.
We have heard about the proposal for attracting a Target or other large retailers to this site.
While our full board has not yet had an opportunity to discuss this proposal, and there may be
many specifics to work out, the proposal has a lot of promise to bring Dundalkians the kind of
shopping options they have been seeking for years. County Economic Development officials
have told us that the North Point Government Center site has the potential to accommodate
such retailers while most other existing retail sites in the community are not deep enough.
In entertaining any options for the Government Center site, we think it is important that the
County be sure to provide for the replacement of all the recreational facilities, community
Functions, offices and police station currently operating at the Government Center. We are also
concerned that Dundalk's fireworks display be accommodated on-site or find a new home with
adequate space for viewing and parking.
Whatever future uses occupy the Government Center site, we would like to see a plan for waste
management that protects the nearby stream that runs along the east of the property and for
the planting of more buffer trees to screen the uses from residents on Searles Road.
Finally, we would like to see any County proceeds from the sale of the Government Center
return to the Community in other capital improvements, and suggest that the funds be used to
support the Heritage Trail and/or the streetscaping of Merritt Boulevard.
Best Regards,
Cc: County Executive Kevin Kamenetz
P.O. B(}x 9~7(; - J 1 Center PI. Suite I -
dal '. \1D 21 ~22 - /t.! (21)2-02(; I ph. - ·'110 282-90 I0 !:L'\: -
Housing - Main Street - Greening
- Planning
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10/13/2013 7:22 PM
Rcnniooancc Milc:;tonc Awards - Dundalk Renaissance Corporation
are afraid to report issues themselves trust that the Patros will be their voice, and many older residents
now feel more comfortable being out and about. They have also improved the neighborhood by planting
.-----. trees, leading cleanups and mulching local flowerbeds. In addition to their roles of leadership in North
Point Village, the Patros play active roles in the Police Community Relations Council and Dundalk
Renaissance Corporation.
With an eye to still a brighter future, Dave has persuaded a developer to consider the neighborhood for
new residential development, and this spring the groundwork will begin for 108 new homes. These will
blend with the older neighborhood (a dog park and a fishing pier are included in the negotiations) and
will likely be an incentive for others to consider improving their own curb appeal. The new construction
will undoubtedly also appeal to young families with children, strengthening the local schools and adding
to the local economy.
The Patros are bringing back their part of Dundalk, with the same principles that worked in the first place.
"What goes around, comes around" can be a pretty good thing.
DRC Gratefully
Acknowledges Our
1013 Milestone Awards
Our 2013 Keystone Sponsors:
The 2013 Milestone Awards are also
supported by the foliowing sponsors:
The Community College of Baltimore County
Ports America Chesapeake
The Dundalk Eagle
The Dundalk High School Alumni Association
Cavanaugh Homes, Inc - Dundalk Florist, Inc. - The Patapsco Bank - Enterprise Homes - Bank of America - Boulevard Diner - Holiday Gate Apartments/Henderson
Webb, Inc. - PiCcrp, Inc. - McDonaId's/G&M Foods - Duda-Ruck Funeral Home - Squire's Restaurant - Gloria McJiltonlNationwide Insurance - Connelly Funeral Home
of Dundalk - Jobe and Company, Tnc.- Goldstar Title Company - Dave Leoni and Roland Dorsey - Midway Lumber Co. Inc. - Dolly McCoy/McCoy Appraisal Services
- Optimist Club of Dundalk, Inc. - The Stadler Family - Mr. & Mrs. David Jones - B&B Welding - our Lady of Hope/Sf. Luke's School - Delegate and Mrs. John
Olszewski, Jr. - Minuteman Press of Dundalk - st. Helena Community Associations - Dundalk Patapsco Neck Historical Society & Museum - Lisa Faherty - Stephanie
and Karl Jameson - Edward Williams - Mike Rogers - Amy Menzer and Scott Holupka - Laura Quintana - Shirley Gregory - Walkersville Southern Railroad - Victoria
Gardens Bed and Breakfast - Janice Evans - The Goldfatber - Sparrows Point Country Club - Bryan Sheppard - Fast Signs
10/13/2013 9:25 PM
DRc. ...trnportant
Subject: DRC.... lmportant
From: patriciapauI1@verizon.net
Date: 10/9/2013 10:08 PM
To: buzz@buzzbeeler.com
Here is another example of the ORe attempting to influence legislation.
The Bottle Bill was sponsored by Delegate Olszewski.
Dundalk Renaissance Corporation
Support the HOMEAct and Help Fight
Concentrated Poverty in Dundalk
Please contact Senator Norman Stone
Encourage him to:
Vote FOR the HOMEAct - 58487
with the Exemption Amendment
phone: 1-800-492-7122 x3587
email: norman.stone@senate.state.md.us
Why does DRCsupport the HOMEAct?
Why should you? .
Dundalk has a disproportionate concentration of
Section 8 vouchers, while other communities have very
The HOME act:
1. Prevents landlords from blocking voucher holders
from rental complexes in some communities, like
Towson, while some of those same landlords
accept the vouchers at other complexes they own
or manage in Dundalk
2. As amended, it exempts all Dundalk landlords from
having to take vouchers, since we already have the
highest concentration
of vouchers in Baltimore County
3. Does NOT apply to small landlords with just one or two
rental properties
4. Protects landlords' rights to deny tenant applications
due to criminal background or credit issues
Strengthening our neighborhoods is a complex process
that won't happen overnight.
But this vote is a WIN-WIN situation for Dundalk's
neighborhoods and its happening NOW.
The HOMEAct needs Senator Stone's vote to get out of
Judicial Proceedings Committee! Tell him you support
The vote could happen Thursday March 14th so contact
him NOW!
March 2013
Supports the
Bottle Bill!!
HB108S - Statewide
Container Recycling
Incentive Program
This bill would pay 5
cents for every glass
or plastic bottle
returned for recycling.
Just ONE of our
cleanups last year
prevented 307 bags
and 3 dumpsters
worth of trash from
entering our water.
Those bags contained
over 600 plastic
This incentive law will
encourage citizens to:
- think before they
- motivate them to
collect litter for the
nickel refund
- prevent bottles from
reaching our
Contact Delegate
Mike Weir (who is
on the committee
hearing the
legislation) to tell
him you support
7:19 PM
Read ORe's letter to Senator Stone on S8487
Contact Amy Menzer or call 410 282-0261 for more
Be a part of the solution.
Let's be friends ...
or email him today!
Learn more.
DRe's testimony.
Thanks for helping to build a better Dundalk.
The Dundalk Renaissance Corporation staff, board,
members and volunteers
7:19 PM
DRC ..Jrnportant
Subject: DRC..lmportant
From: patriciapaull@verizon.net
Date: 10/9/2013
10;04 PM
To: buzz@buzzbeeler.com
Why can the DRe use its funding to influence legislation?
Dundalk Renaissance Corporation
March 2013
Support the HOMEAct and Help Fight
Concentrated Poverty in Dundalk
Please contact Senator Norman Stone
Encourage him to:
Vote FOR the HOME Act - 5B487
with the Exemption Amendment
phone: 1-800-492-7122 x3587
Why does DRCsupport the HOMEAct?
Why should you?
Dundalk has a disproportionate concentration of
Section 8 vouchers, while other communities have very
The HOME act:
1. Prevents landlords from blocking voucher holders
from rental complexes in some communities, like
Towson, while some of those same landlords
accept the vouchers at other complexes they own
or manage in Dundalk
2. As amended, it exempts all Dundalk landlords from
having to take vouchers, since we already have the
highest concentration of vouchers in Baltimore County
3. Does NOT apply to small landlords with just one or two
rental properties
4. Protects landlords' rights to deny tenant applications
due to criminal background or credit issues
Strengthening our neighborhoods is a complex process
that won't happen overnight.
But this vote is a WIN-WIN situation for Dundalk's
neighborhoods and its happening NOW.
The HOMEAct needs Senator Stone's vote to get out of
Judicial Proceedings Committee! Tell him you support
The vote could happen Thursday March 14th so contact
7:18 PM
him NOW!
Read DRC's letter to Senator Stone on S8487
Contact Amy Menzer or call 410 282-0261 for more
Be a part of the solution.
10/13/20137:18 PM