2nd Quarter 2010 - Waikele Community Association


2nd Quarter 2010 - Waikele Community Association
2010 1
Waikele Community Association
94-1030 Waipio Uka St., #103-A
Waipahu, HI 96797
July 20, 1930 February 12, 2010
Aloha Mits!
2 Waikele Ohana News
by Darrell Young, Board Vice President
loha Waikele Ohana and Friends,
On behalf of the Staff and Board of Directors of the
Waikele Community Association, I would like to thank you
for all of your prayers and well wishes during this trying
Mits and I had the privilege of being the two members of our
community to serve on the Association’s Board of Directors since
1994, when it transitioned from Amfac. To say that these past few
weeks have been difficult on many of us is an understatement.
As many of you have shared with us, Mits was someone who
touched many lives and made each one better for having known
him. Distinguished legislator, military stalwart, church elder,
community leader, kupuna, mentor, friend – Mits embodied the very
definition of ”public servant” to each and every one of us.
Malcolm said it best recently when he said that “Mits was the
heart and soul of Waikele and he will be dearly missed.” It was
under his tenure that our community really blossomed.
As just a few examples of his leadership and understanding: we
shifted from being enforcement minded to be compliance minded
because Mits understood that it was more important to help people
rectify a violation rather than fine them for something that they
might have simply overlooked; a few years ago, we put in gas lamps
and new, hardier shrubbery and plants that beautify our community
and make it one of the premier residential
communities in Hawaii, while at the same
time reducing operating costs, and; in 2003,
at the height of foreclosures in our community, we established a
forgiveness program for our multi-family sub-associations to waive
association dues during the periods a unit might have been vacant
and reduce hardships on them.
Although saddened that our Lord called Mits home so soon, we
are comforted in knowing that our lives and our community is truly
a better place because of him. Scripture tells us how best to chart our
future and remember our dear friend…
“You are the light that gives light to the world. A city that is built on a
hill cannot be hidden. And people don't hide a light under a bowl. They
put it on a lampstand so the light shines for all the people in the house. In
the same way, you should be a light for other people. Live so that they will
see the good things you do and will praise your Father in heaven.” –
Matthew 5:14-16
Let us continue to be the light that shines brightly so that people
can see the good things we do in making our community and our
state a better place to be.
Aloha & God Bless,
By Shaunte Guerrero, Neighborhood Security Watch Coordinator for the WCA
Neighborhood Security Watch (NSW) is a
Honolulu Police Department sponsored
program. Its purpose is to increase public
education concerning local problems and
effective preventive measures which lead to
improved residential security, as well as
enhance community and police relations.
NSW is structured as a volunteer program for
residents to participate in. Involved residents
who strive to protect their community serve
as HPD’s eyes and ears, and report any and
all suspicious activity directly to HPD.
Village on the Green forms new
NSW group
On Tuesday, February 16, 2010 Village on
the Green resident Lynn Goya coordinated a
neighborhood event for homeowners that
were interested in forming a Neighborhood
Security Watch Team. There were
approximately a total of 25 homeowners in
attendance. VOG is fortunate to have such
active homeowners willing to donate their
time in keeping their neighborhood safe.
Mahalo to those who participated in
becoming block captains, without you the
program would not be possible.
Classics at Waikele NSW meeting
Classics coordinator Nalani Yoshida
hosted a neighborhood security watch
meeting on Friday February 19, 2010, with
HPD to educate homeowners of the new
laws that were recently passed, and discuss
safety tips and recent crime statistics in the
neighborhood. This event was a joint NSW
meeting, with other Waikele NSW groups
Continues on page 5.
2nd Quarter 2010 3
Your Senator’s Report
Senator Mike Gabbard
Dear Friends,
I offer my sincere
condolences and prayers
to the family and friends
of the late Mitsuo Shito.
He was a true "public
servant" and will be missed by us all. Here
are a few things I'd like to share with you.
Volunteer Special Enforcement
Officers Program Needs You!
Waipahu Neighborhood Board Chair,
George Yakawenko, stopped by my February
20th "listen-story" meeting in Kunia in the
hopes of recruiting a few more good people
for the City's Volunteer Special Enforcement
Officers Program. Back in 2003, when I was
a City Councilman for West Oahu I authored
legislation to set up this program within
HPD. This is great for retirees (perfect for
golfers who are getting bored playing 5 days
a week!) and anyone else who is willing to
donate 5 hours a week to help their
community by issuing citations for disabled
parking violations, expired registrations &
safety checks, parking out of stalls, and
abandoned vehicles. In order to qualify,
volunteers must be a U.S. citizen, at least 21
years old, have a high school diploma or
GED, have a valid driver's license, pass a
background check, and complete 40 hours
of training. If you're interested in getting
involved, please contact Sgt. Emilio Laganse
at 529-3136.
Contractor Named for Ka Makana
Ali'i Mall
DeBartolo LLC announced on Feb. 10th
that they are moving forward with the Ka
Makana Ali'i Mall and have selected Nordic
PCL to be the general contractor for the 1st
phase of their 1.5 million sq. foot shopping
center in Kapolei (at the intersection of
Kapolei Parkway and Kualaka'i). The mall
will feature two hotels and construction is
expected to start in a year or 18 months. The
land for the project is being leased from
Department of Hawaiian Home Lands.
Gas-Powered Leaf Blower Ban Would
be Welcome Relief for Many
You might have seen the news recently
that I introduced a bill this session, SB 2356,
which would ban gas-powered leaf blowers.
The main reason I’m working to get this bill
passed is that many people around the
island have contacted me, as Energy and
Environment Chair, to do something about
the noise and air pollution that these things
cause. It’s a quality of life issue, as I’ve heard
repeatedly on the phone and in person. SB
2356 would allow electric leaf blowers which
are quieter and don't pollute the
environment as much or cause problems for
people who have respiratory diseases.
Please contact my office if you'd like to testify
on this measure.
My next “Listen-Story” meeting will be at
the Waikele Starbucks (next to Borders) on
Saturday, May 1st, from 9:00-10:00am.
Please contact me if I can help you in any
way. My phone number is 586-6830 and
email is sengabbard@capitol.hawaii.gov
by Shaunte Guerrero, Covenants Specialist
If you are a homeowner in Waikele and
interested in submitting an article that you
feel would benefit our
would like to hear
from you!
The Waikele Ohana
News is distributed
every quarter (4-times a year), so we are
always looking for homeowners to get
involved. Whether it is a certain concern in
the community that homeowners should be
aware of or a special homeowner that
deserves recognition, please let us know by
contacting Shaunte Guerrero via email at
sguerrero@hawaii.rr.com or call 676-1991.
All articles will be reviewed and edited
before being published, and may be denied
if the content of the article is not appropriate.
Please Join Us at the
Board of Directors Annual
Wednesday, June 9
6:00 p.m. - Registration
6:30 p.m. - Start
Waikele Office
Located at 94-1030 Waipio Uka St
Suite #103-A (the medical building
located to the right of Foodland in
Waipio Gentry)
4 Waikele Ohana News
Continued from page 3.
by Malcolm C.C. Ching, General Manager
“The Man that Made Waikele”
On February 12, 2010,
we said farewell to our beloved Board President Mitsuo Shito. Many of you
remember his familiar face in our Waikele
Ohana Newsletter for the past 11 years and
he also attended every community event
as well. To me, he was more than just my
boss, he was like a father, one who played
an important part in molding my career as
a manager.
I would like to dedicate my column to
Mits, and share with you who he was and
how he spent his lifetime serving people.
Mitsuo “Mits” Shito was born on the
island of Molokai on July 20, 1930. He
was married to Genevieve Ilima Alani in
1952 and they were married for 56 years
raising one daughter.
Right after graduating from Molokai
High School in 1948, Mits join the military. He served in the Hawaii Army
National Guard for 42 years and retired at
the rank of Command Sergeant Major
(CSM 9).
After serving for 42 years, most people
retirement…but not Mits. Life was just
beginning. He had many friends and
supporters and therefore decided to run
for a seat in the House of Representatives
(Pearl City/Waipahu area). He eventually
won that seat and served as a State Representative for 7 terms (1974 to 1988).
During that time, he was able to make
many improvements for Waipahu and
Pearl City. After retiring from the Legislature in 1988, he was appointed to be the
Executive Director at the Hawaii Housing
Authority and served in that position until
He was also the co-founder of the
Waipahu Cultural Garden Park (Hawaii’s
Plantation Village). If you visit there, you
will be able to see the many contributions
he has made to this one-of-kind museum.
There is even a walk through tunnel
named “The Mits Shito Tunnel”.
According to Hawaiiana Management
Senior Vice President Phyllis Okada
Kacher, Mits Shito served on the Waipahu
Vision Team and was instrumental in
helping AMFAC acquire the necessary
support and permits to start this proposed
planned community called Waikele. He
believed so much in this project that he
even purchased the model home in Golf
Club Estates.
Once the Waikele Community Association transitioned from the developer over
to the homeowners, Mits Shito was elected
as the WCA’s first Board of Directors President in 1994. For the next 16 years, he
guided our community through three
(Construction), Growth, and Preservation.
Due to Mits Shito’s leadership, Waikele
stands as Hawaii’s Premier Planned
Yet with all of his accomplishments,
duties, and responsibilities, he still made
time to be a wonderful husband, father,
and grandfather. He enjoyed the game of
golf, harvesting coffee on his farm in
Kona, and taking time to fish on Molokai.
He truly cared about people and was
always concerned when someone needed
Waikele is what it is today…because of
Mits Shito. It was his dream to see Waikele
preserved in pristine condition for our
next generation and I promised him that I
will do my best to make it happen. I
believe that his spirit will continue to
watch over our community and our residents as Waikele will always be his home
and his family.
present such as Highlands’s townhomes,
and Highland View Estates.
Recent reported crime occurring in
A total of 30 - 40 hibiscus plants were
stolen from the center median at the
intersection of Kam Highway and Lumiaina
Street. The Hibiscus was planted by WCA
landscapers early February, and was already
starting to grow leaves. If you or anyone you
know has more information regarding the
stolen hibiscus plants, please contact the
WCA office at 676-1991.
Waikele home adjacent to the golf course
had reported a burglary during the late
evening hours on (3) separate occasions
earlier this year. Possible entry ways that the
burglar had entered through the home may
have been from the rear sliding door, or
master bedroom window off the second
story balcony.
Form Your Own NSW
The Waikele Community Association
very much encourages all neighborhoods to
form a NSW group for residents to watch
out for another, increasing community
relations, and crime prevention awareness.
Waikele is proud to have a total of eight
active NSW groups. The association
continues to support these groups by
attending quarterly meetings and assisting
with any preparation and planning of
community crime and safety projects in
Active Waikele NSW Group
Sunset Pointe/GCE/ Hoomalu/Hoomaka
Fairway Village
Village on the Green
Highland View Estates
Royal Pines
Neighborhood Coordinator
Ken and Amy Mijo
Loretta Hussey
Nalani Yoshida
Lynn Goya
Ed and Virgie Millerd
Ken and Pam Johnson
Ramona Payes
Edward Lee
2nd Quarter 2010 5
Your Representative’s Report
Representative Jon Riki Karamatsu
The Department of
Education submitted to the
House of Representatives, its list of schools'
repair and maintenance projects planned for
fiscal year 2010-2011. The projects were
developed with the approval of school
administrators and complex area representatives. The planned projects for Waikele
Elementary School, Waipahu Intermediate
School, and Waipahu High School are listed
Waikele Elementary School: $204,000 to
replace water lines for the campus.
Waipahu Intermediate School: $85,000
to replace air conditioning unit; $13,000 to
install ten electrical outlets; $50,000 to
install security screens; $12,000 to install
water foundation; and $228,000 to resurface basketball court.
Waipahu High School: $452,000 to
replace water laterals for the campus;
$306,000 to renovate shower rooms and
restrooms; and $25,000 to replace interior
vent screens.
The following are some of the bills I have
introduced in the 2010 Legislation Session,
which have passed the House of Representatives and have crossed over to the Senate:
• House Bill 2248 House Draft 1 relating
to the Uniform Adult Guardianship and
Protective Proceedings Jurisdiction Act,
which establishes rules to determine which
state has jurisdiction in guardianship and
conservatorship cases where a person has
contacts with more than one state.
• House Bill 2250 House Draft 1 relating
to the Uniform Child Abduction Prevention
Act, which establishes a comprehensive child
abduction prevention law.
• House Bill 2254 House Draft 1 relating
to computer security, which makes it a Class
C felony for an unauthorized user of a
computer to cause installation of computer
software through misrepresentation or
• House Bill 2721 House Draft 1 relating
to court reporters, which authorizes certified
shorthand reporters to administer oaths or
affirmations and to perform the duties of a
deposition officer.
• House Bill 2724 House Draft 1 relating
to offenses against public order, which
permits tethering of an unattended dog if the
tether is humane and the dog is at least 2
months old.
• House Bill 2725 House Draft 1 relating
to animals, which amends the definition of
necessary sustenance to include a primary
pet enclosure that provides shelter; safe
construction to prevent injury; room to
stand, sit, or lie down; and safe interaction
with other animals.
My permanent staff members who
worked in the office throughout the year are
Wayne Yagi, Legislative Office Manager &
Harrison Kawate, Legislative Attorney &
Committee Clerk. For the 2010 Legislative
Session, my office staff are Devon Uyehara,
Legislative Aide and Kenji Kimura, Assistant
Committee Clerk. My Judiciary Committee
Staff are Shawn Ripley, Researcher; Rafael
Renteria, Staff Attorney, and James Miura,
Staff Attorney
In the photo, from left to right: First row: Kenji
Kimura, Representative Jon Riki Karamatsu, Wayne Yagi,
and Harrison Kawate. Second row: James Miura, Rafael
Renteria, Devon Uyehara, and Shawn Ripley.
Neighborhood Security Watch
Waikele (Beat 362)
December 2009 to January 2010
Alarm Call
Auto Theft
Auto Theft Recovery
Crim. Property Damage
Dropped 9-1-1 call
Miscellaneous Public
Miscellaneous Services
Noise Complaint
Suspicious Circumstance
Unauthorized Entry into a Motor Vehicle
# of Calls for Waikele
# of Calls for District
Percentage of calls
6 Waikele Ohana News
Photos from Leo Aipperspach
Please check our
new and improved
New features include:
• Locate your property manager using
our interactive map
• Submit your landscape concerns
• Get information on WCA volunteer
teams and how to join
• Updated calender including WCA
meetings, events, and office holidays
• Photo gallery
94-870 Lumiaina Street
Phone (808)678-0871
Swimming Pool (808)678-0872
Department of Parks & Recreation,
Summer Fun Program will be from June 14
to July 23, 2010 (6 weeks). The $60.00 fee
includes three (3) chartered bus excursions,
shuttle bus excursions and other exciting
Swimming and Recreation classes are
offered, (Seed & coconut craft class, yoga,
tiny tot play group, Filipino martial arts, etc.)
Registration is on May 15, 2010 from 9:00
a.m. to 12:00 pm and continues on May 17
and 18 from 2:00p.m. to 5:00 pm.
For more information, please call the
swimming pool for swimming classes at
678-0872 or the Recreation office for
summer fun and recreation program classes
at 678-0871.
The City & County, Department of Parks
and Recreation’s People’s Open Market is
held on every Sunday (except Holidays),
from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Purchase
fresh, island-grown produce from local
vendors at reasonable prices.
The Hawaiian Astronomical Society is a
free opportunity for everyone to come and
see whatever is available in the sky for
viewing through amateur telescopes. The
dates listed below are determined by the
moon phases and by other club events.
April 17, 2010
May 22, 2010
June 19, 2010
July 17, 2010
August 17, 2010
September 18, 2010
December 11, 2010
November 13, 2010
October 16, 2010
January 15, 2011
This is a family oriented event where our
intent is to educated and delight the public.
We start as dusk and must be out of the park
by 10:00 p.m. Schedule of events and maps
are available on line at www.hawastsoc.org.
2nd Quarter 2010 7
Covenants Corner
By Shaunte Guerrero, Covenants Specialist
Aloha Waikele Homeowners!
I would like to dedicate
my column to the Waikele
Board President Mitsuo “Mits” Shito who
recently passed away on February 12,
2010. Mits was a great man who greatly
assisted in the development of the Waiklele Community Association, and
continued to do so by serving on the
WCA board as the president in making
decisions that would best benefit the
community. His influence as a fearless
leader and mentor will forever leave an
impact in my life.
Mits – It was an honor having the opportunity to work with you during the several
years I’ve been with the Waikele Community
Association. You will be greatly missed.
Please take the time to review several
reminders and rules that may be of
helpful reminder in preventing violations
on your property.
New Trash Receptacles
Honolulu City and County issued
new trash receptacles to all Waikele single
family homeowners earlier this year. As a
friendly reminder, Waikele Community
Association rules regarding the location
and storage of the receptacles state the
"...rubbish and trash cans MAY NOT be
visible to any street EXCEPT on pickup days.
Rubbish cans may be stored in the garage or
in an enclosure built for that purpose, but
MAY NOT be stored at the side, front or rear
of any house, if visible to the street, highway
or golf course." (Waikele's Rules & Guidelines Section IX: Rules & Guidelines, Item 10:
Walls, Fence and Gates, Subsection N:
Rubbish and Trash Cans)
The WCA understands that the C&C
trash receptacles are of larger size than
standard trash receptacles. As much as
possible, homeowners must store trash
receptacles neatly, within their property
in areas where they are less visible from
the street, highway or golf course and
using screening such as landscaping,
walls, fences. Unapproved open storage
(such as boards, large trash items) is not
considered acceptable screening.
For more information regarding
Honolulu City & County scheduled trash
pickup days, or newly issued trash receptacles please visit the Honolulu
Department of Environmental Services
website at www.opala.org or call Pearl
City Refuse Department at 455-9644
Renting Your Home
It is the homeowner’s responsibility to
make certain that all tenants of the home,
guests or renters are well aware of Waikele
Rules and Guidelines. In the past our
office has responded to noise disturbances in the community that emanated
from homes that were rented. On several
occasions our office has sent Community
Safety Team officers to respond to neighboring complaints and document
ongoing activity. Please take the opportunity in educating your tenants or property
manager the community rules by visiting
our website at www.WaikeleOhana.com
for a copy of the latest Rules and Guidelines issue. All citations and or fines are
issued to the homeowner.
We also recommend homeowner to
contact the WCA office at (808)676-1991,
prior to renting out their home so that we
can obtain on file all necessary information such as contact phone number or
mailing address.
Decorative Holiday Lights
For homeowners who have still not
removed their decorative holiday lights
on their property, please keep in mind
WCA rules regarding temporary holiday
"Temporary holiday or special event decorations are exempted and need not be
submitted for approval provided that they are
not installed sooner than thirty (30) days
before the holiday or event and are removed
not later than fifteen (15) days after the
holiday or event." (Waikele's Rules & Guidelines Section IX: Rules & Guidelines, Item
29: House Decorations)
Party Tents and Temporary
For homeowners planning to hold a
party on their property and a tent is
required to accommodate the event,
please remember that all party tents need
to be removed 4 days after the event. If
you plan to use the tent again or need it
up longer than 4 days please notify our
office at 676-1991.
by Malcolm Ching, General Manager
As I drive through our community, I
sometimes run across a few homes
that look as if they have
never been repainted
from the day they
moved in.
though the DCC&R’s
of Waikele do not
require homeowners to
paint their homes, I still think that
repainting your home is something to be
considered, especially if it has not been done
within the past 8 years. I’m sure that many
homeowners put off repainting their house
for various reasons. Some people want to
wait until they find a good price, while
others do not even know where to start.
Recently, I had the pleasure of sitting
down with Mr. Corey Haitsuka of Painter’s
Warehouse, Inc. Corey and his company has
been so nice to help us with quality paint at
an affordable price for community projects
and they also supply the paint for our
famous Waikele TAAG Team. I did a little
question/answer interview with Corey and
he gave me a lot of good information that I
would like to pass on to our homeowners.
Q: How often should people paint their
homes and what kind of paint should
they use?
A: Generally, a person should repaint
their home every 5 – 7 years. It also
depends on the quality of the paint
too. Naturally, better
(higher quality)
paint will protect
the home for
longer period of
time. It makes more
sense to repaint your
home one time with a
really good paint rather than
having to repaint every 5 years
because you chose to go with a
cheaper grade of paint.
Q. If I were a customer and came into
your store, could you show me how
my house would look if I chose a
certain color?
A: Yes definitely. At our store we have
machine called a “Color Visualizer”.
We first take a photo of the person’s
home and enter it into our computer.
We can then enter in the color data
and show our customers a computer
generated picture of your actual house
with the color you plan to use.
Continues on page 9.
8 Waikele Ohana News
What’s Happening
By Lauren Tasaki, Administrative Assistant
TAAG Team PaintOut: Celebrations
On Saturday, January 23,
members of the Waikele
TAAG Team came out to paint the
Celebrations wall along Lumiaina Street.
Over 30 hardworking volunteers were in
attendance at this project, including
political candidates Ty Cullen and Ernie
Martin. Thanks to everyone who took the
time to help with this project – the wall
now looks better than ever!
Green Team Membership
Help keep Waikele beautiful by joining
the Green Team! This volunteer group is a
wonderful way to meet fellow Waikele
residents while working outdoors on
community beautification projects –
picking up litter, weeding, clearing green
waste, etc. If you are interested in learning
more about the Green Team, give our office
a call or visit our website at
Dogs Barking
A friendly reminder to dog owners:
while your pup’s bark is an important way
to communicate with you, please be aware
that excessive barking (defined as an
animal making noise “continuously for a
period of 10 minutes or intermittently for
½ hour”) may be considered an “animal
nuisance.” To avoid a letter and possible
fine, check out the Hawaiian Humane
www.hawaiianhumane.org for useful tips
on training your dog when (and when not)
to bark. The Humane Society even sells
citronella anti-bark collars, designed to
dispense a spray of harmless citrus scent
whenever your dog barks. To report an
animal nuisance, direct calls to the
Humane Society Field Services line at 3562250.
Continued from page 8.
Q. How can you help me if I wanted to
paint my home, but didn’t even know
where to start?
A. As part of our service, which is FREE
of charge, I come directly to your
home and evaluate the paint condition of your house.
We can
recommend to you a list of C-33
Licensed painting contractors and
extend a discount to you if you
purchased the paint material from our
company. We also provide a professional run bid service to ensure the
For all homeowners who have received a
modification permit following your
approved application from the Modification
Committee, please remember to post your
green permit somewhere that is visible from
the street throughout construction or
installation. This allows the WCA and
neighbors to note at a quick glance that your
modification has been approved and in the
process of being completed. Once issued,
the permit is valid for 120 days – if your
modification cannot be completed by the
deadline, please notify our office of the
City and County Related Concerns
Reporting City and County issues in your
neighborhood is now easier than ever. By
visiting the website address above, you can
fill out a problem report that is sent directly
to the C&C, making this method far more
effective in relaying valuable information
such as the specific location and nature of
the problem. We encourage you to visit this
site when you would like to report concerns
that fall under the following City and
County-related issues: abandoned vehicles,
street lights, road or street conditions, street
signs, traffic signals, street trees, curbs or
gutters, sewers or storm drains, sidewalks,
refuse or bulky item pick-up, fire hydrants,
public restrooms, parks and playgrounds.
Courtesy House Checks
Planning a trip can be stressful enough
without the added worry of leaving your
home empty and unguarded for days. The
WCA is happy to offer “Courtesy House
Checks” for our Waikele residents. If you are
going to be away for a period of time, notify
our office with your dates of absence and
emergency contact information, and our
very own Community Safety Team (CST)
officers will perform routine drives through
best system at the most cost efficient
What we can do is
basically…save you MONEY and save
you TIME in getting the BEST quality
paint at the BEST price! We will use
our years of experience to guide you
from start to finish, so that you and
your family can have peace of mind.
All materials supplied are backed with
a customer satisfaction guarantee and
a long limited material warranty.
I felt that the information Corey
provided was really helpful. If I were
shopping for a car, I would want
somebody with experience helping
your neighborhood, checking for any
suspicious activity. Planning on having
friends or neighbors stop by to water plants
or feed your pets? Let us know, and we will
inform CST so they can identify suspicious
intruders from expected guests. Take the
extra step to keep your home safe – it’s
worth it!
Updating Homeowner Information
When Waikele residents move, rent out
their properties, or change phone
numbers, notifying the WCA of their
updated information is often the last thing
on their minds. However, maintaining upto-date homeowner information (a current
phone number and mailing address) in
our office allows us to communicate more
effectively with residents. Minor violations
and property concerns can be easily passed
on to homeowners through a courtesy
phone call, eliminating the need to send a
formal letter. Homeowners who have
moved out of state and continue to retain
their property in Waikele can stay informed
of important issues by having all correspondences copied to their current mailing
address. A consistent means of communication is one of our office’s most valuable
assets in alerting residents to concerns on
their property. Please call our office to
update your contact information today!
Did You Know?
The Waikele Community Association
provides logo window decals for your
vehicle so that patrolling officers can determine who is and who is not a Waikele
resident. Stop by our office to pick up your
For more information or if you have
any questions regarding any of the topics
discussed in our newsletters, please do not
hesitate to call our office. And for those
internet whizzes, check out our website at
me to find a quality car at the best
price. I think it is great that there are
professionals like Corey that actually
go out there and help people make
the best decision for hiring a painting
contractor and
them about
the different
types of paint
to use. If you
should have additional questions, you
may contact Corey Haitsuka at (808)
551-8519 or email him at
2nd Quarter 2010 9
The WCA office will be closed on
May 31st - Memorial Day
June 11th - King Kamehameha Day
July 5th - Independence Day
Modifications Committee Meeting
First Thursday of every month
April 1
May 6
June 3
July 1
by Lauren Tasaki
With summer just around the corner,
here’s the perfect pupu recipe to bring to a
pot-luck or family dinner. Stuffed mushrooms are a delicious and versatile dish that
can be filled with just about anything – artichoke hearts, crab meat, sausage, or veggies.
This recipe uses pepperoni, parmesan and
oregano for an Italian-inspired flavor.
A tip: Sometimes mushrooms sold loose
by the pound are cheaper and/or fresher
than the pre-packaged kind. You can pick
the biggest and nicest-looking ones in the
bin, and get exactly the amount you need.
Criminis or white mushrooms would be best
for this recipe.
Submitted by Ginny
Second Wednesday of every other month
May 12th
Date: Wednesday, June 9
Time: 6:00 p.m. – Registration
6:30 p.m. – Start
Location: Waikele Office located at
94-1030 Waipio Uka St Suite #103-A
(the medical building located to the
right of Foodland in Waipio Gentry)
*If you are interested in attending any of
these meetings, please inquire with the WCA
office at 676-1991 so we may add you to our
meeting agenda.
Waikele’s 12th Annual
12 to 15 large mushrooms
2 tablespoons butter
1 medium onion, chopped finely
2 ounces diced pepperoni
1/4 cup finely chopped green pepper
1 small clove garlic, minced
cup dried breadcrumbs or finely
crushed Ritz crackers
3 tablespoons grated Parmesan
1 tablespoon chopped parsley
1/2 teaspoon seasoned salt
teaspoon dried oregano
1/3 cup chicken broth or olive oil
Heat oven to 350F. Wash mushrooms and remove stems. Finely chop stems and
In a large skillet, melt butter and cook onion, pepperoni, green pepper, garlic and
chopped mushroom stems until the vegetables are tender and browned. Remove to
mixing bowl and add breadcrumbs, parmesan, parsley, salt, oregano and a dash of pepper.
Add enough chicken broth or olive oil to reach desired consistency, not too wet or too dry
– mixture should bind together.
Spoon mixture into mushroom caps, heaping tops. Drizzle a shallow baking pan with
olive oil and place stuffed mushrooms. Bake uncovered about 25 minutes until mushrooms are tender and tops are golden brown.
April 3, 2010
10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Please join us for the 12th Annual
Waikele Community Easter Egg Hunt
on Saturday, April 3, 2010 from
10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at
Waikele Elementary School.
To RSVP: Please call the Waikele
Community Association office at
676-1991 to reserve your tickets.
Last day to RSVP is March 26, 2010.
We look forward to seeing you!
open to Waikele residents only.
10 Waikele Ohana News
Have a Recipe? We would like to hear from you!
We would like to hear from you: If you have great recipes you would like to share with the
Waikele community, please submit your recipe to our office or send us an email to
waicom@hawaii.rr.com with the information listed in the guidelines:
Recipe Guidelines:
10 main ingredients or less
Complete written directions
Name of the recipe
Your contact information (for office use only)
Pictures (optional)
1) To frost a cake
without crumbling,
freeze the layers in cake
pans for one-hour.
Remove cake from
pans and then frost.
This also prevents
layers from splitting
in the center.
2) To keep cake from sticking to the pan,
grease the pan with one-part shortening to
two-parts flour. Mix until you have a sandy
3) To keep loaf-cakes fresher longer, cut
the slices from the middle, rather than the
end. When you
are finished
slicing, firmly
push the two
leftover sections
together to reform a loaf.
This will eliminate an exposed, quick-to-dryout "end" slice.
4) To prevent cake filling from soaking
into the cake, sprinkle layers lightly with
confectioner’s sugar before spreading
filling on.
The Waikele Community Association has
just been accepted into The Sam’s Club
Partner Membership Program. For a limited
time, if you sign up for a new membership
or renew an existing membership by June 5,
2010, Sam’s Club will give you $10 gift card.
To be eligible, you must be a member or an
employee of the Waikele Community Association.
What a great way to save money! Certificate vouchers for the $10 gift card are
available at the WCA office. Call us at 6761991 to make arrangements to pick up your
voucher and remember time is limited!
Waikele Community Association
not promises”
Frequently Called Numbers
Waikele Community Association
• Ph. 676-1991 • Fax: 676-1020
All Emergencies
Abandoned Vehicles
Better Business Bureau
Board of Water Supply
C&C Collection services (Bulky
Items, and refuse collection) 455-9644
Deceased Animal Pickup
(on C&C roads only)
C&C Facility & Maintenance
(Pothole hotline)
C&C Missing Street Signs
C&C Street Light Maintenance 564-6113
C&C Tree Maintenance
Drug Buster Hotline
Hawaii Electric Co.
Hawaiiana Management
Hawaii Humane Society
Hope Chapel West Oahu
HPD Narcotics Division
Landscape Emergencies
Mayor Complaint Office
Mediation Center of the Pacific 521-6767
Oceanic Cable
Poison Control Center 1-800-222-1222
Refuse Collection
Satellite City Hall Pearlridge
Suicide & Crisis Center
Waikele Center
Waikele Golf Course
Waikele Park/Rec. Center
Waikele Premium Outlets
Waikele Swimming Pool
If you are a Waikele resident and you are
going to receive an award, achievement or
honor, please let us know. Are you a
photographer? Have a great recipe? Saw an
act of kindness in your neighborhood? We
want to know or would like to recognize you
in our quarterly publication, Waikele Ohana
News. Send in your story ideas today!
Send contributions via email to
Over 20 years of experience & expertise
to guarantee YOUR success!
Sharon Keating
(R), GRI, e-PRO, SFR
Waikele Center
(808) 255-2583
Vice President:
Darrell Young
Jim Carberry
Mel Morita
Gary Watanabe
Property Manager: Regina Mizusawa
General Manager: Malcolm Ching
Covenants Specialist: Shaunte Guererro
Admin. Assistant:
Lauren Tasaki
Waikele Community Association
94-1030 Waipio Uka Street, #103-A
Waipahu, Hawaii 96797
Web Site: www.waikeleohana.com
R .E. D . M ed ia , in c.
Sales Director:
Pam Davis
Jeff Davis
Lance Rae
Coreiya Design
Waikele Ohana News is published quarterly for the Waikele Community Association by R.E.D. Media, Inc.. The publication is intended to notify homeowners
of community issues, rules, policies, meetings, events and any other matters
of community interest. Articles of interest and photographs may be submitted
to the publishers office for consideration. If you require your article or photos
returned, please enclose a self-addressed stamped envelope. Publisher and
the community association reserve the right to edit or reject any submissions.
For more information on advertising call 593-0228
or e-mail: info@redmediahawaii.com
or mail to: 94-1030 Waipio Uka Street, #103,
Waipahu, Hawaii 96797
2nd Quarter 2010 11