2015 May Newsletter


2015 May Newsletter
Fellowship • Scholarship • Education And the Best View in Town
Gallup executive to speak at Hall of Fame dinner
By Judy Horan
OPC Committee Co-Chair
special night is planned for the seven
Journalists of Excellence who will be
inducted into the OPC Hall of Fame
on June 6. The ceremony begins with speaker
Jon Clifton, managing director of the Gallup
World Poll, who lives and works in Washington, D.C.
Clifton manages Gallup’s global government work and the Gallup World Poll,
an ongoing study conducted in more than
160 countries, representing 98 percent of the
world’s adult population. His topic will be:
“How people are doing around the world, in
the United States and in Nebraska.”
The following will be honored for their contributions to journalism: Rev. Don Doll S.J. ,
Robert “Bob” Hoig, Steve Jordon, John ‘Jack”
McBride, Arnold Peterson, Chuck Roberts,
Gary Sadlemyer.
Jon Clifton
Boxing champ Crawford will be next Face on
the Barroom Floor May 7
erence “Bud” Crawford lives and trains in
Omaha. But he boxes around the world.
Crawford won the world lightweight title in Glasgow, Scotland, in March 2014. After he won the title, the Omaha City Council
proclaimed March 4, 2014, as Terence “Bud”
Crawford Day.
On May 7, the Omaha Press Club will
proclaim Crawford – now the holder of two
world titles -- the 145th Face on the Barroom
Floor. Roasters will include Houston Alexander, an Ultimate Fighting Championship/mixed
martial arts participant; amateur boxer Treven
Coleman, and Desmond Wilford, Crawford’s
strength and conditioning coach. In addition,
Mayor Jean Stothert will present the key to the
city to Crawford.
On July 28, 2014, Crawford retained his
lightweight title in a fight so exciting that the
World Boxing Organization presented him the
Fight of the Year award for 2014. At the time,
the fight on HBO held in front of 10,000 Omaha fans at the CenturyLink Center had the third
highest Nielson ranking of all 2014 fights, with
about 1.3 million viewers. On Nov. 29, 2014,
Terence “Bud” Crawford
Friday, June 12: View of college baseball
Opening Ceremonies
Thursday, July 2: Home Run Derby
7 to 9:30 p.m.
$18 Adults $10 Children
RSVP 402-345-8008
Crawford returned to his hometown for another HBO televised fight in front of more than
11,000 Omaha fans and again retained his title.
On April 18th in Arlington, Texas, HBO
viewers saw Crawford win a second title as world
junior welterweight champion. He joined a list
of all-time greats in sports in April when the
Boxing Writers Association of America named
Crawford Fighter of the Year in a ceremony in
New York.
Crawford, with Brian McIntyre, founded
a youth program called B&B Boxing Academy.
Young men and women interested in boxing
also find academic and social development components. With Michael Carter, Crawford also
launched a citywide anti-bullying tour to tell
students how they can “bully-proof” themselves.
Face on the Barroom Floor
Thursday, May 7, 2015
5:30 p.m.
reception and cash bar
6:30 p.m.
Buffet dinner followed by roast
and unveiling of the Face.
$30 nonmembers
$25 members
RSVP 402-345-8008
An OPC feature reporting on a past Face on the Barroom Floor
John Ritums was Face No. 5 in 1972
Over the years a wide variety of notables have been honored by having their likenesses displayed on the floor of
the Omaha Press Club. In this occasional series, we revisit some of those individuals.
rom Latvia to Omaha and back –
with several stops in between. A
man who endured both Nazi and
Communist rule, and then enjoyed the
ups and downs of a free society.
That’s the remarkable life’s journey
of John Ritums, the Press Club’s fifth
Face on the Barroom Floor when he was
honored in November of 1972.
Only Ron Stander, boxing’s “Bluffs
Butcher” and Face No. 3 in June of
1972, predates the 86-year-old Ritums
on the list of living “Faces.” (The late
Mayor Gene Leahy, Coach Bob Devaney
and Vice President Spiro Agnew were
Faces 1, 2 and 4.)
Ritums, a builder and still-active Realtor, was an Omaha City Council member
from 1969 to 1973 and active in riverfront and Old Market development. “We
had a lot of fun in those days,” Ritums
said during a visit to Omaha. “I made a
lot of noise!”
With his long sideburns, rugged facial
features and flamboyant personality, Ritums was, as artist Jim Horan recalled, “a
caricaturist’s dream.” Horan’s 1972 Face
on the Floor pictures Ritums at the wheel
of a convertible. (On his way to the Press
Club one day, Ritums was clocked over
the speed limit. Police trailed him to the
club to issue the ticket.)
By Don Summerside
OPC News Copy Editor
After growing up in a Latvia ruled
by German and then Soviet invaders,
Ritums embraced the democracy of the
United States when he immigrated to
South Dakota in 1950. And after arriving
in Omaha a few months later, he thrived
under capitalism.
Ritums was Omaha’s biggest apartment developer in the late 1960s, with the
Latvian Village apartments being named
for his native land. But he filed for
bankruptcy after business reversals during
the 1973 recession. He left Omaha for
Chicago in 1980 and later lived in California and Florida. He moved back to his
Latvian homeland in 2008.
Ritums and his wife live in the capital
city of Riga, where he still has cousins
and childhood friends. Riga is about the
same size as Omaha, he said, but with
“crazy politics.” Latvia regained its independence in 1991 after the breakup of
the Soviet Union.
Ritums returned to Riga in April after
an extended stay in Omaha to visit his
daughter, Selga Noel; son-in-law, Don
Noel, and their sons, Derek and Justin.
Ritums also has daughters in California
and Florida.
The Florida daughter manages a Ritums real estate office in Tampa. “I may
be the oldest active Realtor in America,”
said Ritums, who has maintained a real
estate license since 1954.
Quoting Ernest Hemingway, Ritums
added: “Retirement is the ugliest word in
the language.”
He stayed active in Omaha during his
winter and spring visit by swimming and
walking at a local health club. And while
here and in Latvia, Ritums continues to
pursue his longtime painting hobby.
“Oils and acrylics, flowers and landscapes,” Ritums said. “And bright colors!”
Noon to 1 p.m.
CALL (402) 345-8008 for RESERVATIONS
Former State Senator Mike Flood owns six radio stations in Norfolk, Nebraska City, and Omaha. The Omaha station, Radio Lobo (97.7 FM)
has filled the void for the Hispanic Community in our area. Please join us as Mike discusses the huge potential market that the community
should be tapping into with the increasing presence of Hispanics in Nebraska.
Mike was elected in 2004 to represent the 19th Nebraska legislative district and served as Speaker of the Legislature from 2007 to 2013.
In 2010, Time Magazine online named him as one of their “40 Under 40” rising stars in American politics.
Flood left the Nebraska Legislature in 2013 due to term limits.
(Must be accompanied by member number or credit card 24-hour cancellation policy, no refund) or email Jeanie at jeaniec@opc.omhcoxmail.com
Non-Press Club members are welcome
Validated parking in the DoubleTree Hotel garage for members. Bring your ticket.The Omaha Press Club • 22nd Floor-First National Center • 1620 Dodge Street • Omaha, NE
Page 2
M AY 2015
Foolish fun raises funds for OPC scholarships
Don Summerside
OPC News Copy Editor
ools Rushed In” and the laughs poured
out at the Holland Center on April 1.
From the opening bars of “Hal’s in the
Hokey Pokey” to the “We Don’t Coast” finale, the crowd at the 58th Omaha Press Club
Show was treated to a lively mixture of music
and mirth.
The benefit for Omaha Press Club Foundation journalism scholarships got an extra
boost from former mayor Daub’s stint in
the OPC Pokey. Donations accompanying
the votes to “Keep him in” or “Let him out”
raised $3,007.
the Internet, receiving tens of thousands of
The other emcees did extra duty, too. Matching bald head for bald head, Baker paired up
with Pete Ricketts to play the governor’s “totally irresponsible” alter ego. McCartney converted “Chattanooga Choo” into “Channel
7 Newsroom” and sang about KETV’s new
home at the Burlington Station.
From then on, the cast of 30 directed by
Bridget Robbins treated the audience of 300
to a raucous review of the news and a roasting
of the newsmakers.
executive director, lamenting that “Poor Bo Is Fired” (“Poor Jud Is Daid” from “Oklahoma!). “We at Boys Town really liked Bo,” Boes said. “He kind of
reminded us of one of our kids.”
•Connie Lee’s down-and-dirty “Smoke Gets Ostracized” (the Platters’ “Smoke Gets in Your Eyes”).
•Jeff Shields summing up the Blue Cross-
CHI Health dispute (“There are no good guys; you both are bad guys”) with “You Guys Can’t Agree” (Dave Mason’s “We Just Disagree”)
•Glenn Prettyman as Brad Ashford, the “One Democrat” (Eric Carmen’s “All by Myself ”) in Nebraska’s congressional delegation.
•And a one-two punch at the area’s many “Arenas” (“There’s far too many seats for us to fill”) from Diane Battiato (“Venus” by Frankie Avalon) and Kathy McCain (“Venus” by Bananarama).
Hal Daub is in the OPC pokey for making an ‘improper move to the Left’ and must answer to (L to R) Police Chief Todd Schmaderer
and Mayor Jean Stothert with witnesses Julie Burgess and KETV’s Chinh Doan.
-Photo By Corrie Suhr
Daub was escorted to his on-stage jail by
Mayor Jean Stothert, Police Chief Todd
Schmaderer and the Hokey Pokey Singers.
After a tally of the votes that were narrowly
in his favor, he was sprung from the clink by
former mayors Jim Suttle, Mike Fahey and
Mike Boyle.
From then on, the show proceeded at a merry
clip under the deft direction of emcees Scott
Voorhees and Chris Baker, talk-show hosts
on KFAB, and Rob McCartney, KETV news
Voorhees displayed his vocal and keyboard
talents in the opening song of the always-popular Husker football medley. To the tune of
“Let It Go” from the movie “Frozen,” Voorhees sang “I Miss Bo.” Not only was the song
-- written by Voorhees -- one of the evening’s
audience favorites, it has since gone viral on
Pro- and anti-Keystone Pipeline singers drew
a big reaction with dueling verses to the tune
of “Meet the Flintstones.”
Mayor Stothert received a double-barreled
salute. Jim McKain freshened up the Tom
Jones hit “She’s a Lady” and belted out “She’s
the Mayor.” Then Chris Christen donned a
blonde Stothert wig to explain why the mayor is “Popular” (from “Wicked”) with dueling
verses to the tune of “Meet the Flintstones.”
Other soloists scoring with the crowd
included: • Lori Lynn Ahrends hitting the Husker high notes on “We Want a Champion
ship” (Queen’s “We Are the Champions”).
• The Rev. Steven Boes, Boys Town
Other guest stars included UNO Athletic
Director Trev Alberts, who was tormented
at a mock press conference by the comedy
troupe the Weisenheimers.
Honorary chairpersons for the event were
Hal and Mary Daub. Executive director
was Chris Christen.
It’s a good year for Republican politicians so they’ll be “Doing it ‘R’ Way” (L to R) Chris Baker, Matt Wallace, Howard K.
Marcus, Chris Christen as Sen. Joni Ernst, Joyce Torchia, Pegi
Georgeson, Scott Voorhees, Jeff Shields.
-Photo By Corrie Suhr
Omaha Press Club board member Liz Hruska will be honored at the Voices for Children
Gala on Sept. 19 in recognition of her public policy work and volunteer work for the Nebraska Friends of Foster Children. The
event is at 5:30 p.m. at the Embassy Suites Omaha-LaVista Hotel and Conference Center. Hruska is an analyst for the Nebraska
Legislative Fiscal Office. She provides information to lawmakers on which they base decisions. M AY 2015
Page 3
WBO Lightweight & Junior Welterweight Champion of the World
Terence “Bud” Crawford
The Omaha Press Club’s 145th Face on the Barroom Floor
May 10, 2015
Mother’s Day Brunch
Two seatings: 10 a.m. and 12:30 p.m.
$20 adults, $10 children
May 7, 2015
RSVP 402-345-8008
Steamship Round of Beef with Horseradish Chantilly
and Red Wine au Jus
Old School Pineapple-Glazed Ham
No Host Cocktails 5:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.
Dinner 6:30 p.m. • Roast 7:30 p.m.
Hors d’oeuvres
Fresh Fruit & Swedish Meatballs
Carving Station
Thunderbird Salad
Chicken Crêpes Supreme
Baked Tilapia Buerre Blanc
Eggs Benedict
Risotto • Lyonnais Potatoes • Seasonal Vegetables
Buffet Entrée
Build-Your-Own Omelet • Multi-Topping Waffle Bar
Assorted Cookies & Brownies
Thunderbird Salad, Chef Salad, Pasta, Cole Slaw, Potato Salad,
Deviled Eggs, including Smoked Salmon Chaud-Froid,
Cheese Display, Fresh Fruit Display
Fresh Baked Pastries • Breakfast Breads • Pecan Rolls
Chicken Marsala
Brandied Carrots
Members $25 Non Members $30
See page 1
A La Carte
Salad Display
New York-style Cheesecake with Strawberries
Chocolate Driscoll Strawberries
Warm Peach Cobbler with French Vanilla Ice Cream
Congressman Brad Ashford fielded questions from the audience at the April 8 Education Noon Forum. Topics ranged from criticism for not being aggressive in campaign fundraising to finding 25 friends from both parties who can work together on big issues. This will replay on radio station KIOS May 18 at noon.
-Photo By Gary Willis
Page 4
M AY 2015
lthough it’s hard to believe, I
know it comes as no shock to
our members that spring has
definitely sprung in Omaha. With the
warm weather comes the ability to more
easily get out and about in Omaha.
The longer hours of the day mean that
dinners at the Omaha Press Club will
again offer outstanding sunset lighting
and shadows as the evening gives way
to a beautifully lit downtown skyline. I
encourage you to make plans for dinner
and drinks so you and your party can
enjoy the indoor and outdoor atmosphere only offered at your Omaha Press
This time of year
also signals great
recognition events
like the OPC
Foundation Scholarship Dinner last
month and our
Journalists of Excellence Hall of Fame
Dinner on June 6. As you may know, our
own Judy Horan has put together an
amazing event this year with a keynote
speech from Jon Clifton, managing director of Gallup World Poll. In addition
to the great words from Mr. Clifton, this
year’s honored inductees truly represent
excellence in journalism. I encourage
you to drop everything and immediately
reserve your seat or table at this event as
we fully anticipate a sold-out event.
Finally, on a technical note I want
to underscore the fact that the Omaha
Press Club is optimized for business and
social events. These specially planned
parties or meetings can now benefit
from enhanced Internet Wi-Fi service
throughout the entire club. With the
addition of some hardware, Wi-Fi reception is now extremely strong in all areas
and is available for free to users of the
club. Do keep this in mind when planning your next conference, meeting or
special event.
I look forward to seeing you soon.
Todd Murphy
OPC President
best part at the Press Club is that I get annual treat for mom and the whole
to see my beautiful Christine every day. family, and we always send her home
with a treat. The Crawford event will
On another personal note, many of be unique for its timing and format.
you have been asking about my health Not only did he win his second world
since my report in the January newslet- title just a few weeks ago, but we are
ter. I am being treated for ALD, which sporting a different menu featuring
has no cure and can be life threatening, hors d’oeuvres followed by a buffet at
the request of the boxer’s camp
but can sometimes be controlled and
even go into remission. I am happy to
Monthly Recipe - Villa’s Ceviche: say that I met with my UNMC special- I like halibut because it has a nice firm
ist a few weeks ago and received some
texture, almost chewy.
pretty positive news. It’s the doctor’s
• ½ lb. halibut diced fine about ½”
opinion – based on blood tests -- that
• Small julienne red onion
the disease is being controlled at this
• 2 squeezed lemons, 1 lime, 1 orange; time and is not progressing. I am
reducing one of my drugs (prednisone) leave the skins in the marinade down to 5 milligrams which is a small and squeeze through a screen or sifter • ½ cup distilled vinegar
dose. If you are familiar with prednisone, you know it comes with many • Kosher salt and fresh ground pepper horrible side effects.
to taste
ometimes it’s just good old-fashioned fun working at the Press
Club. That’s the way I have felt
during the past several weeks because
I have personally enjoyed the Shatel
Lunch Series, Tom Becka Live!, The
social media Noon Forum, Congressman Brad Ashford’s first 90 days --and
now Bud Crawford is coming. Have
you heard the saying “I love my job”?
Club Happenings: It’s a busy time
Donald Trump is coming in May and
last month I personally got to share my of year at OPC. Boxing champ Bud
Crawford leads off the month when
thoughts on the gas tax with the governor. In the restaurant business if you he is honored as the 145th Face on
do not work with your family, you may the Barroom Floor on May 7. The
Mother’s Day brunch on May 10 is an
not see much of your spouse. So the
• Chopped fresh dill weed
Mix all together in a stainless or glass
bowl and let set under refrigeration
Steve Villamonte CEC, BS
Executive Director Omaha Press Club
M AY 2015 Page 5
Board of Directors
2015- 2016 Officers
Board of Directors
2013-14 Officers
Daisy Hutzell-Rodman.........President
Omaha World-Herald
Tom Becka Harland Fogle Liz Hruska Todd Murphy
Todd Murphy.............President Elect
Universal Information Services
J.J. Bartlett ..................... Treasurer
First National Bank
Sean McGuire .................. Secretary
E.D. Bellis Healthcare Consultants
Universal Information Services
Bridget (Weide) Brooks ... Past President
Image Building Communications
E.D. Bellis Healthcare Consultants
J.J. Bartlett
First National Bank
Daisy Hutzell-Rodman
Immediate Past President
Omaha Publications
OPC Foundation
Communications Committee
Tamsen Butler
Henry Cordes
Susan Eustice, Co-Chair
Willie Garrett
Judy Horan, Co-Chair
Daisy Hutzell-Rodman
Howard K. Marcus
Don Summerside
Gary Willis
Nicole Lindquist
Henry Cordes
Steve Jordon
Vice President
Eileen Wirth, Ph.D.
Larry Weber
Scott Darling
Past President
Sara Ammon (402) 957-0795
Willie Garrett’s phone number within the committee listings:
Chris Allen (2013-2015)
Tom Becka (2014-2016)
Allen Beermann (2013-2015)
Deb Daley (2013-2015)
Harland Fogle (2014-2016)
Willie Garrett (2014-2016)
Judy Horan (2014-2016)
Liz Hruska (2014-2016)
Nicole Lindquist (2014-2016)
Gary Sadlemyer (2013-2015)
Podcaster@TomBecka.com U.S. Air Force (retired)
Nebraska Legislative Fiscal Office
University of Nebraska at Omaha
Nebraska Press Association
Image Building Communications
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Nebraska
KFAB Radio
Omaha World-Herald
Cox Communications
Committee Chairs
University of Nebraska at Omaha
NRG Media
Nebraska Press Association
Mercy High School
U.S. Air Force (retired)
Journal Broadcast Group
Horan Communications
Nebraska Legislative Fiscal Office
KFAB Radio
Communications Co-Chairs
Susan Eustice, Judy Horan
Gary Kerr
Excellence in Journalism Awards
Chris Allen
Executive Committee
Daisy Hutzell-Rodman, Todd Murphy,
J.J. Bartlett, Sean McGuire, Bridget Brooks
“Face on the Barroom Floor”
Tom O’Connor
Hall of Fame
Judy Horan and Todd Murphy
Bridget (Weide) Brooks
Professional Development
Chris Allen
2013-14 Officers
Chris Allen (2013-2015)
Tom Becka (2014-2016)
Allen Beermann (2013-2015)
Deb Daley (2013-2015)
Harland Fogle (2014-2016)
Willie Garrett (2014-2016)
Judy Horan (2014-2016)
Liz Hruska (2014-2016)
Nicole Lindquist (2014-2016)
Gary Sadlemyer (2013-2015)
Committee Chairs
University of Nebraska at Omaha
NRG Media
Nebraska Press Association
Mercy High School
U.S. Air Force (retired)
Journal Broadcast Group
Horan Communications
Nebraska Legislative Fiscal Office
KFAB Radio
Communications Co-Chairs
Susan Eustice, Judy Horan
Gary Kerr
Excellence in Journalism Awards
Chris Allen
Executive Committee
Daisy Hutzell-Rodman, Todd Murphy,
J.J. Bartlett, Sean McGuire, Bridget Brooks
“Face on the Barroom Floor”
Tom O’Connor
Hall of Fame
Judy Horan and Todd Murphy
Bridget (Weide) Brooks
Professional Development
Chris Allen
Communications Co-Chairs
Daisy Hutzell-Rodman.........President
Omaha World-Herald
Todd Murphy.............President Elect
Universal Information Services
Elaine Allen
Julie Prescott Burgess
Chris Christen
Galen Lillethorup
Howard K. Marcus
Dave Ogden, Ph.D.
Joe Weber
Communications Committee
Board of Directors
J.J. Bartlett ..................... Treasurer
First National Bank
Communications Committee
Tamsen Butler
Henry Cordes
Susan Eustice, Co-Chair
Willie Garrett
Judy Horan, Co-Chair
Daisy Hutzell-Rodman
Howard K. Marcus
Don Summerside
Gary Willis
Nicole Lindquist
Sean McGuire .................. Secretary
E.D. Bellis Healthcare Consultants
Bridget (Weide) Brooks ... Past President
Image Building Communications
OPC Foundation
Henry Cordes
Steve Jordon
Vice President
Eileen Wirth, Ph.D.
Larry Weber
Scott Darling
Past President
Executive Committee
Todd Murphy.............President Elect
Universal Information Services
J.J. Bartlett ..................... Treasurer
First National Bank
Sean McGuire .................. Secretary
E.D. Bellis Healthcare Consultants
Bridget (Weide) Brooks ... Past President
Image Building Communications
Communications Committee
Tamsen Butler
Henry Cordes
Susan Eustice, Co-Chair
Willie Garrett
Judy Horan, Co-Chair
Daisy Hutzell-Rodman
Howard K. Marcus
Don Summerside
Gary Willis
Nicole Lindquist
OPC Foundation
Henry Cordes
Steve Jordon
Vice President
Eileen Wirth, Ph.D.
Larry Weber
Scott Darling
Past President
Willie Garrett’s phone number within the committee listings:
Elaine Allen
Julie Prescott Burgess
Chris Christen
Galen Lillethorup
Howard K. Marcus
Dave Ogden, Ph.D.
Joe Weber
Sara Ammon (402) 957-0795
Susan Eustice, Judy Horan
Willie Garrett’s phone number within the committee listings:
Gary Kerr
Chris Allen
Todd Murphy, J.J. Bartlett, Sean McGuire,
Judy Horan, Daisy Hutzell-Rodman
“Face on the Barroom Floor”
Tom O’Connor
Hall of Fame
Judy Horan, Todd Murphy
Marketing / Membership
Bridget (Weide) Brooks
Professional Development
Chris Allen
OPC Foundation
Board of Directors
2013-14 Officers
Chris Allen (2013-2015)
Tom Becka (2014-2016)
Allen Beermann (2013-2015)
Deb Daley (2013-2015)
Harland Fogle (2014-2016)
Willie Garrett (2014-2016)
Judy Horan (2014-2016)
Liz Hruska (2014-2016)
Nicole Lindquist (2014-2016)
Gary Sadlemyer (2013-2015)
Daisy Hutzell-Rodman.........President
Omaha World-Herald
Committee Chairs
University of Nebraska at Omaha
NRG Media
Nebraska Press Association
Mercy High School
U.S. Air Force (retired)
Journal Broadcast Group
Horan Communications
Nebraska Legislative Fiscal Office
KFAB Radio
Daisy Hutzell-Rodman.........President
Omaha World-Herald
Sara Ammon (402) 957-0795
Elaine Allen
Julie Prescott Burgess
Chris Christen
Galen Lillethorup
Howard K. Marcus
Dave Ogden, Ph.D.
Joe Weber
Excellence in Media Awards
Communications Co-Chairs
Susan Eustice, Judy Horan
Gary Kerr
Excellence in Journalism Awards
Chris Allen
Executive Committee
Daisy Hutzell-Rodman, Todd Murphy,
J.J. Bartlett, Sean McGuire, Bridget Brooks
“Face on the Barroom Floor”
Tom O’Connor
Hall of Fame
Judy Horan and Todd Murphy
Bridget (Weide) Brooks
Professional Development
Chris Allen
Steve Jordon
Claudia Bohn
Bridget (Weide) Brooks
Wirth, Ph.D.
Tamsen Butler
Vice President
Executive Director ........................................
Steve Villamonte
Henry Cordes
Email ........................................
Howard K. Marcus
Susan Eustice, Co-Chair
Horan, Co-Chair
Planning & Event Judy
.............. Christine Villamonte
Daisy Hutzell-Rodman
Larry Weber
Email ........................................
Howard K. Marcus
Administrative Manager
Jeanie Campbell
Don Summerside
Email ........................................
Past President
Gary Willis
2013-14 Officers
Horan Communications
Communications Co-Chairs
Susan Eustice, Judy Horan
Gary Kerr
Excellence in Journalism Awards
Chris Allen
Executive Committee
Daisy Hutzell-Rodman, Todd Murphy,
J.J. Bartlett, Sean McGuire, Bridget Brooks
“Face on the Barroom Floor”
Tom O’Connor
Hall of Fame
Judy Horan and Todd Murphy
Bridget (Weide) Brooks
Professional Development
Chris Allen
Committee Chairs
Board of Directors
Committee Chairs
University of Nebraska at Omaha
NRG Media
Nebraska Press Association
Mercy High School
U.S. Air Force (retired)
Journal Broadcast Group
Horan Communications
Nebraska Legislative Fiscal Office
KFAB Radio
Chris Allen Allen Beermann Bridget (Weide) Brooks Marcia Cady Gary Sadlemyer Tom Shatel Beth Weiss
Sean McGuire
Judy Horan
Chris Allen (2013-2015)
Tom Becka (2014-2016)
Allen Beermann (2013-2015)
Deb Daley (2013-2015)
Harland Fogle (2014-2016)
Willie Garrett (2014-2016)
Judy Horan (2014-2016)
Liz Hruska (2014-2016)
Nicole Lindquist (2014-2016)
Gary Sadlemyer (2013-2015)
Todd Murphy.............President Elect
Universal Information Services
J.J. Bartlett ..................... Treasurer
First National Bank
Sean McGuire .................. Secretary
E.D. Bellis Healthcare Consultants
Bridget (Weide) Brooks ... Past President
Image Building Communications
Communications Committee
Tamsen Butler
Henry Cordes
Susan Eustice, Co-Chair
Willie Garrett
Judy Horan, Co-Chair
Daisy Hutzell-Rodman
Howard K. Marcus
Don Summerside
Gary Willis
Nicole Lindquist
OPC Foundation
Henry Cordes
Steve Jordon
Vice President
Eileen Wirth, Ph.D.
Larry Weber
Scott Darling
Past President
Elaine Allen
Julie Prescott Burgess
Chris Christen
Galen Lillethorup
Howard K. Marcus
Dave Ogden, Ph.D.
Joe Weber
Sara Ammon (402) 957-0795
Willie Garrett’s phone number within the committee listings:
Elaine Allen
Julie Prescott Burgess
Chris Christen
Scott Darling
Galen Lillethorup
Dave Ogden, Ph.D.
Hours of JoeOperation
............................................................... 402-345-8587 Monday – Friday ............. 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Fax ...................................................................
402-345-0114 Bar
Restaurant ........................................................ 402-345-8008 Tuesday – Saturday .............4:30 p.m. to Close
Website ..............................................www.omahapressclub.org Dinner
May 7
of Operation
– Saturday ...........5:30 p.m. to Close
Terence (Bud) Crawford
- Friday
“Face on the Barroom Floor”
May 25
to 2 p.m.
dinner/roast - See page 1
Memorial Day
May 10
Fax ...................................................................
June 21
Mother’s Day Brunch
- Saturday
Father’s Day
Two Seatings - 10:00 a.m & 12:30 p.m.
Submissions for the February issue are due on or before Jan. 20.to Close
See page 4
May 19
July 4
Independence Day
May 21 - Educational Forum
July 26 through August 17
Re-open August 18
June 6
September 7
Labor Day
Shatel Lunch with Kyle Peterson
Mike Flood - See page 3
Journalists of Excellence
Hall of Fame dinner
June 12
Fireworks Buffet Opening Ceremonies
June 20
Father’s Day Grill
June 26
Scott Voorhees Gourmet Club Wine
July 2
Fireworks Buffet Home Run Derby
Sept. 25
October 11
Columbus Day
November 11
Veterans Day
November 26
Thanksgiving Day
December 25
Christmas Day
Thursday - Saturday
5:30 p.m. to close
Executive Director
Steve Villamonte......... opcdirector@gmail.com
Planning & Event Coordinator
Christine Villamonte.... opcchristine@gmail.com
Administrative Manager
Jeanie Campbell. jeanie@opc.omhcoxmail.com
OFFICE.................................. 402-345-8587
Restaurant................................ 402-345-8008
Website.................... www.omahapressclub.com
Tamsen Butler.......................................Editor
Don Summerside........................ Copy Editor
Former Gov. Dave Heineman & formerThe current minimum quarter ends March 31, 2013.
All reservations must be cancelled
Submissions for June issue are due on or
first lady Sally Ganem “Face on the
48 HOURS in advance.
before May 20.
Barroom Floor” dinner/roast
Page 6
M AY 2015

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