Diapositiva 1 - Cc-Ti
Diapositiva 1 - Cc-Ti
SCHEDA PAESE DNIPROPETROVSK (UCRAINA) Informazioni Generali Presidente: Viktor Yanukovych Primo ministro: Mykola Azarov Sindaco Dnipropetrovsk: Ivan Ivanovych Profilo economico PIL (2011): $320.221 billion Popolazione (2010): 45.888.000 Settori/prodotti principali carbone, energia elettrica, metalli ferrosi e non ferrosi, petrolio e carburante, macchinari e mezzi di trasporto, prodotti chimici, industria alimentare (in particolare zucchero), cereali, barbabietole da zucchero, semi di girasole, verdura, manzo, latte Rischi sanitari: molto modesti , usando le solite precauzioni Fuso orario :un ora avanti rispetto all'Italia Elettricità: 220V, 50Hz Pesi e misure: sistema metrico decimale Valuta: grynia ucraina (UHA, a volte scritta 'hryvnia') Pasti In Ucraina sia il cibo sia l'alloggio non sono affatto costosi, soprattutto fuori Kiev. Per un soggiorno confortevole, è possibile cavarsela con circa € 80 al giorno. Se vi limitate a frequentare alberghi e ristoranti medi, potete spendere circa € 120 al giorno. Al ristorante potete lasciare una mancia pari al 5-10% del conto. Nei numerosi mercati dove si vendono cibo, prodotti artistici, souvenir e oggetti d'artigianato la contrattazione è d'obbligo. E' vietato esportare qualunque bene o oggetto datato più di 50 anni , evitate categoricamente di acquistare strumenti musicali , icone , quadri e cornici varie, se fate l'acquisto fatevi rilasciare una ricevuta di quanto pagato con l'indirizzo del negozio del venditore . Dopo la Russia, l'Ucraina è il paese più grande d'Europa, poco più esteso della Francia. Confina con la Russia a est e a nord, con la Bielorussia a nord, con la Polonia, la Slovacchia, l'Ungheria, la Romania e la Moldavia a ovest e con vaste aree del Mar Nero e del Mar d'Azov a sud. Il paesaggio dell'Ucraina è costituito per la maggior parte da steppa, che si estende molto dolcemente ed è in parte formata da pianure boscose. In Ucraina scorrono circa 300 fiumi. Un tempo conosciuto come 'il paniere della Russia', più di metà del paese è coltivata a grano, orzo, segale, avena e barbabietola da zucchero. La zona centrale, che copre circa due terzi dell'Ucraina, è ritenuta una delle regioni più fertili del mondo, molto ricca di humus. Grandi superfici sono invece occupate da pascoli che in primavera esplodono in mari brillanti e ondeggianti di maky (papaveri rossi), sonyashnyky (girasoli) e senape. Il clima delle zone interne dell'Ucraina è moderatamente continentale. Il mese più caldo è luglio e il mese più freddo è gennaio. toccate dall'ultimo tratto dei venti caldi del Mediterraneo. Il viaggio Kiev è collegata con la maggior parte delle principali città europee. La maggior parte dei voli internazionali arrivano al piccolo Aeroporto Internazionale di Boryspil a Kiev, che si trova circa 40 km a sud-est del centro. L'aeroporto di Lviv, circa 8 km a ovest del centro della città, è collegato a Varsavia, Praga, Amsterdam, Francoforte, Londra e Chicago. L'aeroporto di Odessa si trova circa 12 km a sud-ovest del centro ed è collegato con Vienna e Mosca. Le linee ferroviarie internazionali che provengono da sette paesi entrano in territorio ucraino toccando più di 10 punti di confine. La maggior parte delle città ucraine è collegata giornalmente con Mosca. About Ukraine Ukraine produces nearly all types of transportation vehicles and spacecraft. Antonov airplanes and KrAZ trucks are exported to many countries. The majority of Ukrainian exports are marketed to the European Union and CIS. Since independence, Ukraine has maintained its own space agency, the National Space Agency of Ukraine (NSAU). Ukraine became an active participant in scientific space exploration and remote sensing missions. Between 1991 and 2007, Ukraine has launched six self made satellites and 101 launch vehicles, and continues to design spacecraft. The country imports most energy supplies, especially oil and natural gas, and to a large extent depends on Russia as its energy supplier. While 25 percent of the natural gas in Ukraine comes from internal sources, about 35 percent comes from Russia and the remaining 40 percent from Central Asia through transit routes that Russia controls. At the same time, 85 percent of the Russian gas is delivered to Western Europe through Ukraine. The World Bank classifies Ukraine as a middle-income state. Significant issues include underdeveloped infrastructure and transportation, corruption and bureaucracy. In 2007 the Ukrainian stock market recorded the second highest growth in the world of 130 percent. According to the CIA, in 2006 the market capitalization of the Ukrainian stock market was $111.8 billion. Growing sectors of the Ukrainian economy include the information technology (IT) market, which topped all other Central and Eastern European countries in 2007, growing some 40 percent. Ukraine has a very large heavy-industry base and is one of the largest refiners of metallurgical products in Eastern Europe. However, the country is also well known for its production of high-technological goods and transport products, such as Antonov aircraft and various private and commercial vehicles. Dnipropetrovsk Region Dnipropetrovs'k Region is unique due to many its characteristics – historical and cultural heritage, industrial potential, education level of its population. The region pertains to densely populated territories and occupies more than 5% of country's area. Here, app. 3,5 million people resides, that makes 7% of Ukrainian population. The favourable geographic location, international and national highways, as well as well developed railways network pass along the territory of the region and unite industrial regions that enables to fastly create any network of goods and services distribution. The central bus station of the region's central city is second one in Europe (after Hamburg) due to its size and passenger traffic capacity. The air communication is provided by 2 international airports. The region is decorated with one of the largest European rivers – the Dnipro river, which is an essential part of region's economy. River ports are able to service all ships of «river-sea» type, which transport cargoes to the Black, Azov and Mediterranean seas. Dnipropetrovs'k Region has resources, which enable it to manufacture 20% of country's GDP. This is the place where 100% of manganese ore of Ukraine are extracted, nearly 80% of iron ore, the fifth of its coals. Here, it is manufactured more than a third of the iron, steel, rolled metal, 75% of pipes. The region's products exports provide for 11% of currency earnings of Ukraine, and 58% of the region. The visiting card of the region is one of the largest world's rocket space centre – the Southern Machine-Building Plant and Design Office «Pivdenne». The agricultural complex of the region is represented by more than a thousand of agricultural firms and nearly 3.4 thousand of farms. The quality of lands and the climatic conditions allow to grow all types of agricultural cultures and to obtain high outputs of their crops. The city of Dnipropetrovsk Dnepropetrovsk (also spelled Dnipropetrovsk), former (until 1926) Ekaterinoslav, is a city and administrative center of Dnepropetrovsk oblast located in the south-central part of Ukraine. Dnepropetrovsk is situated along Dnepr River. Most of Dnepropetrovsk city is standing on the high right bank of the river. Dnepropetrovsk city population is about 1,007,000 (2010). Dnepropetrovsk history Dnepropetrovsk was founded in 1776 as Ekaterinoslav on the Dnepr’s north bank. The settlement was moved to its present site on the south bank in 1786 according to tsar’s decree. Since 1783 the town was the center of Ekaterinoslav region ruled by governor-general. In 1797 it was renamed as Novorossiysk and became the provincial center. In 1802 old name was restored and the city became the center of Ekaterinoslav gubernia. Despite the bridging of Dnepr river in 1796 and the growth of trade in the early 19th century, Ekaterinoslav remained small until the 1880s, when the railways were built (in 1884) to Odessa, Donets Basin, and Moscow and industrialization began. Soviet power was established in 1918. In 1926 city was named Dnepropetrovsk. After World War II Dnepropetrovsk was rebuilt and again became one of the most important industrial centers in the USSR - one more enterprise was formed there - Yuzhny machine-building plant the largest in rocket and space branch. The city went on developing. By the end of 1970s the population of Dnepropetrovsk outnumbered 1 million. It was decided to build an underground. But due to crisis which became evident at the end of 1980s the development of the city slowed down and the population started decreasing. Dnepropetrovsk economy Since the Revolution of 1917, Dnepropetrovsk has developed into one of the largest industrial cities of Ukraine. With the electric power from the cascade of hydroelectric plants on Dnepr river, iron ore from Krivoy Rog, manganese from Nikopol, coal from Donets Basin, gas from Shebelinka a huge iron and steel industry has grown up in Dnepropetrovsk. Castings, plates, sheets, rails, tubes and wires are also produced in the city. Large engineering industries make electric locomotives, agricultural machinery, mining and metallurgical equipment, presses and other heavy machinery, as well as light industrial machinery and radio equipment in Dnepropetrovsk city. Coke-based chemicals, tires, plastics, paint, clothing, footwear, foodstuffs, and other materials are also produced in there. Dnipropetrovsk is a major industrial centre of Ukraine. It has several facilities devoted to heavy industry that produce a wide range of products, including cast-iron, rolled metal, pipes, machinery, different mining combines, agricultural equipment, tractors, trolleybuses, refrigerators, different chemicals and many others. The most famous and the oldest (founded in the 19th century) is the Metallurgic Plant named after Petrovsky. The city also has big food processing and light industry factories. Many sewing and dress-making factories work for France, Canada, Germany and Great Britain, using the most advanced technologies, materials and design. Dnipropetrovsk has also dominated in the aerospace industry since the 1950s; construction department Yuzhnoye Design Bureau and Yuzhmash are well known to the specialists all over the world. Dnepropetrovsk is one of the largest industrial, economic and transport centers, the centre of metallurgy of Ukraine. Ferrous metallurgy is especially developed (metal works of Petrovsky, of Babushkina, the Dnepropetrovsk trumpet factory, Kominmet, Nizhnedneprovsky trumpet factor), metal working and mechanical engineering (Dnepropetrovsk is the centre of rocket production of Ukraine PO YuMZ). Dniproavia, an airline, has its head office on the grounds of Dnipropetrovsk International Airport. Transportation The main forms of public transport used in Dnipropetrovsk are trams, buses, electric trolley buses and marshrutkas— private minibuses. In addition to this there are a large number of taxi firms operating in the city. Bicycles are rarely used due to the poor cycle infrastructure available for use. Trams are generally in poor condition; the network has suffered from almost chronic underfunding since the end of the Soviet era. Major roads and highways are of better quality. In recent years the situation has, however, been improving, with a number of new used trams bought from the German cities of Dresden and Magdeburg, and a number of roads,. Dnipropetrovsk also has a metro system, opened in 1995, which consists of one line and 6 stations. Work on other stations was abandoned when the city ran out of money for this project. As of 2011 the central portion of the city's metro line has seen renewed construction efforts and the metro has been transferred to municipal ownership in the hope that this will help it secure a loan from the European Bank for Development and Reconstruction. Current plans will see the three station section from Teatralna, through Tsentralna, to Muzeina completed by 2015. The largest bus station in eastern Ukraine is located in Dnipropetrovsk, from where bus routes are available to all over the country, including some international routes to Russia, Poland, Germany, Moldova and Turkey. It is located near the city's central railway station. In the summertime, there are some routes available by hydrofoils on the Dnieper River, whilst various tourist ships on their way down the river, (Kiev– Kherson–Odessa) tend to make a stop in the city. Dnipropetrovsk's river port is located close to the area surrounding the central railway station, on the banks of the river. EXPORT EFFORS •Agricultural sector •Building industry •Chemical industry •Food •Freight services •Fuel-energy complex •Furniture •Glass. Ceramics •Instrument making •Legal services auditing •Manufacturing •Medicine •Metallurgy industry •Printing industry •Science •Social organism •Telecommunications •Trading activities •Tourism sport service WEBSITE D’INTERESSE http://www.gorod.dp.ua/eng/ www.dcci.dp.ua http://airport-authority.com/DNK http://investinukraine.com.ua/ Note: