Sociological Theory and Warfare
Sociological Theory and Warfare
Sociological Theory and Warfare Siniša Malešević 2 Sociological Theory and Warfare TABLE OF CONTENT 1. INTRODUCTION 2. WAR AND ORGANISED VIOLENCE IN CLASSICAL SOCIOLOGY 3. WAR AND ORGANISED VIOLENCE IN CONTEMPORARY SOCIOLOGY 3.1. 3.2 3.3 3.4 CULTURALISM SOCIOBIOLOGY ECONOMISM ORGANISATIONAL MATERIALISM 4. CONCLUSION 5. SOURCES 6. ABOUT THE AUTHOR Sociological Theory and Warfare 3 1. INTRODUCTION Warfare has been one of the most important social phenomena that has shaped the history of the world and especially the modern world. As Wimmer and Min’s (2009, 2006) recent, empirically comprehensive, quantitative studies of 464 wars fought in the last 200 years clearly demonstrate, war has been the most significant generator of social change as it is warfare that has transformed the pre-modern world of empires, kingdoms, tribal confederacies and city states into modern day nation-states. Furthermore, nearly all decisive moments in history which gave birth to modernity and eventually brought about democratic, liberal, tolerant, and economically prosperous welfare state - from the French and American revolutions to the Napoleonic wars, colonial expansion and the two world wars - were profoundly violent events, which involved highly destructive and brutal practices: wars, revolutions, genocides and prolonged suffering. In other words, modernity as we know it would be inconceivable without the historical legacy of organised violence. However, not only is this centrality of warfare often ignored, but the popular perception is that with the arrival and expansion of modernity, war and violence gradually became less prevalent as modern, civilized, human beings allegedly recognised the futility, immorality and brutality of violence. In this context, modernity is regularly counterpoised to the medieval times which are usually depicted as pure barbarism. However, even a quick glance at the rough figures on war casualties throughout history clearly indicates that reality is much more complex and that our age is significantly more bellicose than the rest of human history. During the entire 10th and 11th centuries only 60,000 individuals died in wars; in the combined 12th and 13th centuries war casualties rose to 539,000 while the following two centuries, the number of dead in various wars leapt to 7,781,00. Nevertheless, it is the last 200 years that surpass all of the previous history with a dramatic escalation in the number of war dead: over 19 million in the 19h century and more than 111 million in the 20th century alone (Malešević 2010:118120; Eckhardt 1992:272-273). Hence, in contrast to popular perceptions, war and organised violence do not disappear or fade away but instead, dramatically escalate in the modern age. Both of these factors, the centrality of warfare for the emergence of modernity and the continual increase in the destructive potential of modern era, require an extensive sociological analysis. Nevertheless, despite the fact that warfare was and remains one of the most significant social processes, much of the post WWII conventional sociology tended to neglect, if not even consciously ignore, the study of war. Sociology’s inherent rationalist bequest of Enlightenment, which articulated modernity in an unambiguously evolutionary, progressist and pacifist manner coupled with the horrific legacy of the two total wars, created a situation where most sociologists avoided systematic analysis of warfare (Joas 2003; Tiryakian 1999). The geo-political stability, the institutional conservatism and relative affluence of the Cold War era shifted the focus of sociological research towards more ‘pacifist’ themes such as culture and socialisation, social stratification, gender, health or education. It is only the turbulent events at the end of 20th and beginning of 21st century that have, to some extent, changed this analytical bias, whereby a number of sociologists have devised sophisticated theories of war and organised violence. In this process, sociology’s rich and versatile past has been re-discovered as it became evident that the classics of sociology have devoted much attention to the study of organised violence and war. 4 Sociological Theory and Warfare 2. WAR AND ORGANISED VIOLENCE IN CLASSICAL SOCIOLOGY In contrast to much of the contemporary mainstream sociology which focuses on topics other than war, classical sociological theory was preoccupied with the study of warfare and organised violence (Malešević 2010:193-212). Max Weber (1968) traced the processes of rationalisation of human action to the birth of discipline in the military sphere and analysed political life through the prism of coercive power and inter-state warfare. More specifically for Weber, modern state is defined by its ability to monopolise the use of force over particular territory and its historical development was tied to victories on the battlefield. As he emphasises: ‘Cultural prestige and power prestige are closely associated. Every victorious war enhances the [state’s] cultural prestige’ (Weber 1968:926). Marx and Durkheim too provided comprehensive analyses of organised violence and war. While for Marx (1999 1988) revolutionary violence and proletarian led warfare (‘armed people’) were seen as the catalysts of social change for Durkheim (1915), war was a particular form of anomie which represented an organised attempt to revert from the organic to mechanical solidarity. Furthermore, they both identified distinct social processes generated by the experience of war. Durkheim (1952) was the first to empirically test the hypothesis that suicide and warfare are inversely proportional as he provided evidence that the outbreak of war generally leads to a substantial decrease in suicide rates as interstate wars foster greater national solidarity. For Marx (1999:376) the brutality with which the Paris Commune was crushed in 1871 was a reliable signal that the worker’s state can be established only through reliance on organised violence and warfare: ‘Force is the midwife of every old society pregnant with a new one’. Nevertheless, when sociology was establishing itself institutionally as an academic discipline at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century, the influence of Marx, Durkheim and Weber was much weaker than today and they were often overshadowed by other sociological theorists. Among these classical sociologists many were captivated by the impact war and organised violence had had on the transformation of social orders. Some, such as Ludwig Gumplowicz (1899) and Gustav Ratzenhofer (1904) have focused on the relationship between social stratification and the violent struggle of groups throughout history, arguing that the origins of nuclear family, private property and legal institutions can all be traced back to violent conquests of one group over another. More specifically they drew parallels between the emergence of civilisation and expansion of warfare by attempting to show how cultural sophistication, artistic excellence and scientific development have historically emerged as the by product of military victories: defeated warriors often become slaves and serfs while the victorious groups gradually transform into an aristocratic and parasitic leisure class. Others such as Franz Oppenheimer (1926) and Alexander Rustow (1980) traced the origins of state formation to early warfare and argued that a similar principle remains at work in modern states: ‘States are maintained in accordance with the same principles that called them into being. The primitive state is the creation of warlike robbery; and by warlike robbery it can be preserved’ (Oppenheimer 1926:57). Otto Hintze (1975) developed this idea further by linking the rise and expansion of states to the development Sociological Theory and Warfare 5 of military organisations. In his analysis all representative political institutions such as parliaments and assemblies have originated in the medieval congregations of warriors where one’s participation in warfare was a precondition for the full membership in a political community. In a similar vein Italian elite theorists Gaetano Mosca (1939) and Vilfredo Pareto (1935) understood violence and war as the crucial mechanisms for the establishment and maintenance of stable rule. As Mosca (1939:228) puts it: ‘history teaches us that the class that bears the lance or holds the musket regularly forces its rule upon the class that handles the spade or pushes the shuttle’. In addition, they emphasised the capability of organised minority to rule over disorganised majority by successfully combining coercion with ideological hegemony. Some classical social theorists of this period, such as Herbert Spencer (1971) and William Sumner (1911) were influenced by the various evolutionary theories, including those of Lamarck and Darwin, dominating public discourse in Europe and North America at the fin de siècle period. Hence, they both interpret historical change through the prism of evolutionary development, from the simple, undifferentiated, and essentially violent communities towards complex, heterogeneous and predominantly peaceful industrial societies of the modern era. However, Sumner argues that modern wars differ from their pre-modern counterparts as they produce unintended consequences such as the greater organisational discipline and cohesion that ultimately prove beneficial for social development. In contrast to Spencer and Sumner who attempted to explain the lack of social order through the biological imagery of inherent conflicts of all against all, Marcel Mauss (1990) developed a theory which emphasised the profoundly social character of violence and non-violence. Instead of seeing aggressive behaviour as a primeval feature of human beings which can only be tamed by civilization, for Mauss all known societies traditional and modern manage violence and warfare through the social mechanism of gift exchange. In his view, the lack of trust creates insecurity and fear which often leads to violent conflicts as meeting or trading with the feared enemy becomes impossible. Hence, the nearly universal practice of gift exchange fosters development of interpersonal trust and formation of bond of interdependence and solidarity, which ultimately soothes conflicts and prevents wars: ‘To trade, the first condition was to be able to lay aside the spear... Only then did people learn how to create mutual interests, giving mutual satisfaction, and, in the end, to defend them without having to resort to arms’ (Mauss 1990:82). Finally, a number of classical sociologists such as Georg Simmel (1917) and Georges Sorel (1950) mixed together an attempt to explain the impact of direct war experience on social behaviour with an explicit normative militarism. Both Simmel and Sorel understand war as an exceptional social state that radically and instantly transforms social dynamics. While for Sorel, the human sacrifices that result from the violent class conflict generate special feelings of class solidarity, for Simmel, war itself is a unique social event, a state he terms ‘absolute situation’, that transcends all ordinary experience by heightening human feelings and creating new social meanings, which ultimately revitalise the moral fibre of entire society. 6 Sociological Theory and Warfare Sociological Theory and Warfare 7 3. WAR AND ORGANISED VIOLENCE IN CONTEMPORARY SOCIOLOGY The unprecedented brutality unleashed by the two world wars coupled with the economic prosperity and pacification of the European and North American continents after 1945 had direct impact on the character of sociological analysis in the second half of the 20th century. Not only was there nearly uniform commitment to forget the bellicose approaches of the past and to move away from the general preoccupation with the study of war but the new context of relative affluence, political stability and social inclusion shifted the focus of sociological theories towards topics such as welfare state, social stratification, gender, ethnicity, culture, education or health and far away from the analysis of organised violence. Thus, for more than four decades warfare remained a marginal subject of research in the mainstream sociology. However, the end of the bipolar world in the early 1990s triggered new violent conflicts throughout the world: the collapse of the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia was followed by the acrimonious violent conflicts throughout the region culminating in large scale wars in Chechnya, Georgia, Bosnia, Croatia, Kosovo and Central Asia. The global ideological transformation had also generated new realities in Africa with major wars in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Somalia, Sudan, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Rwanda and elsewhere. This ideological vacuum was quickly filled by the rise of religiously framed insurrections and terrorism on a global scale with a new focus on the spectacular forms of destruction and the indiscriminate targeting of civilians witnessed in 9/11 in USA, 7/7 in UK and 3/11 in Spain. Finally, the US led wars and military operations in Afghanistan and Iraq followed by the protracted internal and external conflicts with substantial human casualties regularly reported by the western media have made violence palpable to the European and North American audiences. All of these changes have given new impetus to the sociology of organised violence as there is now greater demand to provide a sociological understanding of warfare. Among the contemporary approaches to the study of war and violence four distinct perspectives have been dominant: culturalism, socio-biology, economism and organisational materialism. 3.1. CULTURALISM Culturalist explanations of warfare have a long tradition in social science and history. From Sun-Tzu (2009), Spengler (1918), and Toynbee (1950) to more recent studies of Huntington (1993) and Keegan (1994), war and organised violence have been analysed through the prism of inherent cultural, civilisational or religious differences. While the most recent approaches share a general emphasis on the role of collective values, ideas and norms in generating and sustaining violent conflicts they move beyond the simplified view of human beings as being mere carriers of their cultures and provide more sophisticated cultural explanations of war. So Phillip Smith (2005), John Hutchinson (2005, 2007), Anthony D. Smith (1999, 2003), Jay Winter (1995) and Gorge Mosse (1991) all focus on the role of symbols, rituals, collective memories and the process of signification in 8 Sociological Theory and Warfare general as the key drivers of war experience. A. Smith and J. Hutchinson highlight the importance of commemorative occasions and memorial places such as military parades, war memorials, military cemeteries, monuments to war heroes and commemorative events such as Remembrance Day in the UK, Anzac Day in Australia and New Zealand, or US Independence Day. They analyse these practices and events through the prism of shared moral universe whereby the acknowledged sacrifices of predecessors (‘glorious dead’) serve as the normative parameters for the behaviour of their descendants. In other words, the war experience of collective sacrifice imposes a particular set of values that tie, as Edmund Burke would put it, the living, the dead and the yet unborn, into sacred communion. In this sense the rituals of collective remembrance such as those that accompany Remembrance Day in the UK or Independence Day in the USA represent ‘a reflexive act of national self-worship’ where nation’s ‘true self ’ is ‘lodged in the innate virtue of the Unknown Warrior and symbolised by the empty tomb’ (Smith 2003:249). In a similar way P. Smith (2005) and J. Alexander (2004) argue that war and traumatic events associated with the experience of organised violence should be understood not as material but primarily as cultural events. Hence Smith (2005:212) maintains that ‘war is not just about culture, but is all about culture’ while Alexander (2004:10) claims: ‘it is the meanings that provide the sense of shock and fear, not the events in themselves’. For Smith most wars tend to be framed in the apocalyptic narratives that utilise the logic of binary codes (good vs. evil; sacred vs. profane; rational vs. irrational) and as such apocalyptic narrative is seen as the only discursive form that can successfully generate and legitimise group sacrifice. Although culturalist perspectives contribute to our understanding of how warfare and violence are culturally framed and coded, they have difficulty explaining the origin and direction of particular wars. One can easily agree with the view that all wars are embedded in specific cultural discourses and that all organised violence entails cultural coding and collective articulation but cultural framing in itself is simply not enough to generate and maintain warfare. Thus instead of being mainly a cultural artefact, a discourse or narrative, war is primarily a material process that involves tangible and brutal physical practices such as destruction, killing, dying and emotional suffering (Malešević 2010:6870). 3.2 SOCIOBIOLOGY This inherent materiality of warfare is strongly emphasised by another influential contemporary perspective on war and violence – sociobiology. Being firmly rooted in Darwin’s theory of evolution and Hamilton’s (1964) concept of inclusive fitness sociobiological approaches explain most, if not all, facets of human behaviour in reference to the logic of natural selection. In this view social action operates according to the same biological principles that regulate behaviour of all living creatures, whereby an organism is genetically programmed to reproduce and to act in a way that is evolutionary advantageous for its species. Hence, the central argument is that when humans, just as all other animals, are unable to reproduce directly (i.e. create their own offspring) they will aim to achieve this indirectly by favouring kin over non-kin and close kin over distant kin (Dawkins 1989). In this genetically driven process, the struggle over limited resources Sociological Theory and Warfare 9 10 Sociological Theory and Warfare that would sustain the lives of one’s kin group becomes an optimal strategy for survival. When this perspective is directly applied to the study of war and violence (Wilson 1978; van der Dennen 1995; van Hooff 1990; Ridley 1997, Gat 2006) the focus is on the organism’s ability to maximise its reproductive potential and the genetic predispositions of humans for violent competition over territory, resources and mates. For socio-biologists, warfare is a form of universal aggression that characterises all species. As Gat (2006:87) emphasises: ’the interconnected competition over resources and reproduction is the root cause of conflict and fighting in humans, as in all other animal species’. In a similar vein Wilson (1978) makes no distinction between war and animal aggression and argues that organised violence, just as all forms of belligerent behaviour, is rooted in the aggressive impulses which have firm genetic foundation and which have evolved over millions of years. Furthermore, he traces these aggressive impulses to the hormonal, endocrinal and nervous systems of humans and other animal species and argues that the high levels of testosterone make men inherently aggressive and war prone, whereas high levels of oestrogen make women ‘intimately sociable and less physically venturesome’ (Wilson 1978:130). The socio-biological perspective is a useful corrective to the overly culturalist interpretations of warfare as it clearly recognises the intrinsic materiality of organised violence. It is apparent that human beings have often fought each other over limited resources, territory and other material artefacts. War is not only about cultural framing it is first and foremost about inflicting tangible casualties and destruction. However, the socio-biological perspective has moved the pendulum from one extreme to the other. Its rigid biological determinism gives little explanatory room for the unintended constructs of social action including social organisations, social structures, ideology, macro economics, or geo-politics, all of which with the development of human civilization become autonomous from individual human action and regularly create their own social dynamics that are able to override biology. In addition, as socio-biologists reduce warfare to simple aggression they are incapable of explaining the dramatic proliferation of organised violence in the last 250 years. It is important to distinguish between aggressive psychological and biological impulses and a social institution that is warfare. Unlike aggression that implies impulsiveness, spontaneity, and effective, immediate response, warfare is planned, organised from social action that involves collective intentionality, division of labour, co-ordinated collective action, systematic use of weaponry, advanced linguistic co-ordination and other social processes, many of which are preconditioned on self and collective restraint. In this sense, rather than being a phenomenon present among all known animal species, warfare is an activity invented and practised only by human beings (Malešević 2010: 55-58; Fry 2007). 3.3 ECONOMISM The third influential sociological perspective in the study of war and organised violence is economism. There is a long and well established tradition in the study of warfare that emphasises the economic aspects of violent conflicts. From Montesquieu, Adam Smith to Norman Angel and Lenin, social scientists and theorists have had devised complex theories that often counterpoise war and trade. While the proponents of classical Sociological Theory and Warfare 11 liberalism maintained the view that when people trade they do not fight, believing that proliferation of the global free trade would make the world more peaceful, the advocates of the political economy perspective, including many Marxists, explained the dramatic expansion of organised violence in late 19th and early 20th centuries, including the two world wars and colonial expansion, by invoking capitalism’s incessant hunger for new resources, markets and capital. The more nuanced current articulations of the economist paradigm are the rational actor models and the globalisation theory. The rational actor approaches develop a utilitarian understanding of social action arguing that human beings are primarily self-interested utility maximisers, whose actions can be explained in reference to their instrumental rationality (Hechter 1995, Boudon 2003). In this context they understand warfare through the prism of economic benefits and the instrumental rationality behind an individual’s motivation to take part in violent conflicts (Laitin 2007; Kalyvas 2006; Wintrobe 2006; Fearon 1995). Since violent action is often the last resort, as it represents, in economic terms, high risk and costly behaviour with relatively uncertain outcomes, the research focus is on the contextual rationality that leads to the use of violent tactics. Hence, the decision to participate in warfare hinges on the individual, and by default, collective perception that the deployment of violence will generate economic and symbolic gains or alternatively will minimise one’s expected losses. As Laitin (2007:22) argues: ‘civil war is profitable for potential insurgents, in that they can both survive and enjoy some probability of winning the state’. The globalisation theory shares a similar view of human beings as creatures essentially driven by economic forces. However, instead of the instrumental rationality of selfinterest, the theorists of globalisation put a spotlight on the structural determinants deemed responsible for the production of social inequality (Bauman 2002, 2001, 1998,; Kaldor 2007; 2001; Sassen 2006). The general argument is built around the idea that in recent years, capitalism has undergone substantial transformation and in this process has undermined the strength and sovereignty of individual states. On the one hand new neo-liberal policies of privatisation and deregulation have made capitalist enterprises more detached from the state and thus more global. On the other hand, spectacular technological advancements have radically transformed communication, transport and exchange of goods, services and people making global trade effective and unconstrained. In this new globalised world, they argue, geography has become history and the character of warfare has also changed. For Bauman (2002) and Kaldor (2001) globalisation generates new wars many of which emerge as the direct means of economic policy. They argue that global neo-liberal policies privilege multinational corporations and simultaneously erode the state power. Consequently, wars are fought over scarce resources such as oil, gas and other valuable solid minerals whereby the large private corporations directly influence war aims of large states and benefit from the monopolistic contracts (i.e. Iraq war) or are placed in a position to profit quickly on the remnants of collapsing failed states involved in predatory wars (i.e. Somalia, DR Congo, Bosnia and Herzegovina). The economistic approaches make a major contribution to a better understanding of the role material resources play in warfare. Many wars involve conflict over scarce resources 12 Sociological Theory and Warfare without which it would be difficult to maintain large entities such as states. There is no doubt that economy, both in its macro and micro forms, is an important segment of war experience. However, warfare cannot be reduced to the simple profit or resource maximisation. Although economic activities are an integral part of warfare, the causes of many wars have been outside economics: geo-political primacy, ideological clashes, security dilemmas, status enhancement, dynastic claims, territorial disputes and even personal animosities of rulers (Mann 1986, 1993; Malešević 2008). Furthermore, the view that globalisation represents a radical break with the previous forms of economic and political organisations is highly problematic as the recent studies in historical sociology indicate. The current levels of global trade are in many respects similar to those at the beginning of 20th century. Not only is over 80% of the world’s trade still conducted within the borders of individual nation states but the level of external trade for European Union, Japan and US remains at 12 % of their GDP, which is nearly identical to the point reached in early 20th century (Mann 2003; 1997; Hirst and Thompson 1999). In this context, rather than being an unprecedented novelty caused by the forces of economic globalisation, recent wars exhibit more similarity than difference with 19th and early 20th century’s warfare (Malešević 2010; 2008. Kalyvas 2001) 3.4 ORGANISATIONAL MATERIALISM In contrast to the economistic approaches, where warfare is essentially seen as a secondary phenomenon mediated by primary economic interests, organisational materialism places organised violence at the heart of its analysis. Drawing indirectly on the classical ‘bellicose’ tradition Charles Tilly (1985, 1992), Michael Mann (1986, 1988, 1993), Anthony Giddens (1986) and Randall Collins (1975, 1986, 1999) focus on the historical role warfare has played in state building. For Tilly (1985) war was a crucial catalyst of social development as the steady increase in interstate warfare in early modern Europe resulted in a greater geopolitical autonomy for state rulers. In this context modern, bureaucratic, centralised and territorialised nation-states have emerged as an unintended consequence of protracted warfare and expensive military campaigns. To pay for these costly wars, the rulers of pre-modern polities were forced to dramatically increase resource extraction from the population under their control, as well as to mobilize large sections of that population to fight, work and pay for these wars. There were two principal corollaries of this structural change. On the one hand, a greater extraction of resources stimulated the promotion of capital accumulation, the development of advanced and pervasive fiscal capacities of states, the society-wide expansion of legal systems, and the strengthening of communication and transport capabilities of states. On the other hand, the larger tax burden, universal conscription and greater labour obligations were countered by all-encompassing state protection, and the gradual extension of parliamentarianism and civil, political, and some social rights. In a similar vein Mann (1986) identifies warfare as the decisive social mechanism for state building as once pristine states were established they utilised war for further state expansion both externally (territorial conquest) and internally (enhancing its organisational penetration). While external expansion helped establish early empires, which have over time transformed into different forms of polity, culminating in territorially bound nationstates, internal expansion was even more significant as it brought about the ongoing Sociological Theory and Warfare 13 process of social caging. By social caging Mann (1986:112-14) means the organisationally enforced constrains on individual and collective liberties that were gradually but progressively ‘traded’ for military protection, political and social security and economic resources and in this process they generated centralised authority and stratified polities. In addition, Mann explains the historically changing relationship between the state and war by distinguishing between four different but mutually interdependent sources of social power: political, economic, ideological and military. Throughout much of history military power, defined as ‘the social organisation of concentrated lethal violence’ (Mann 2006:351), has been the decisive source of organised domination. In this context, warfare was an indispensible ingredient of state development. Although many wars have proved utterly destructive some wars have fostered dramatic social transformation. In particular early modern European protracted wars launched a vicious cycle, whereby rulers extracted more resources to fund wars leading directly towards greater repression in the form of higher and more encompassing taxation, more severe military conscription and increased reliance on bank loans and debts, all of which stimulated further state building. To finance wars, the rulers, often unwillingly, increased the infrastructural power of states (Mann 1986), which was most clearly visible in the tighter centralisation of rule, the expansion of civil service, tax-collecting agencies, exchequers, police forces and judicial systems. As state power grew, it threatened the security of other states with most of them embarking on preventive wars thus perpetuating the vicious cycle whereby war-making leads to state building and state-building leads to more war-making. Organisational materialism provides comprehensive understanding of organised violence and war that goes beyond economic, biological and cultural determinism as it recognises the complexity of social behaviour and specific historical experience. Both Mann and Tilly (just as Collins and Giddens) emphasise the role of different factors in state building and society transformation: economic control of material resources, coercive strength and reach of military power, the impact of cultural and religious doctrines and the administrative capacity of political power. However, despite evident greater explanatory power than biological, culturalist and economist theories of organised violence and war, this approach is not immune to criticism. The principal weakness of organisational materialism is its rather narrow and instrumentalist concept of ideology and its excessive focus on a particular form of social organisation – the state. Both Mann and Tilly make little or no distinction between culture, religion and ideology. While Tilly sees ideological doctrines as less important than military, political and economic forces, Mann acknowledges the significance of ideological movements but has less appreciation of the contents and ends of ideological discourses (Gorski 2006: Malešević 2010:80-1). Not only does he not make analytical distinction between traditional religions and pre-modern cultural beliefs and practices and the modern secular ideologies but he also argues that for much of history, ideological doctrines ‘had no general role of any significance, only world-historical moments’ (Mann 1986:371). In other words, this approach neglects the impact modern ideologies have had in mobilising and legitimising social action. In addition, as organisational materialism is preoccupied with the study of the relationship between war and state, it often overlooks the importance of other forms of social organisations and their relations with organised violence (Malešević 2010). 14 Sociological Theory and Warfare Sociological Theory and Warfare 15 CONCLUSION Notwithstanding popular perceptions shared by some academics that war and violence are atavistic remnants of the past eras, it is the modern era that is the true epicentre of organised brutality. As historical records and sociological research indicate, rather than experiencing a continuous decrease, the last two centuries have seen an unprecedented and cumulative increase in the scale, scope and quantity of organised violence. Despite the fact that the modern nation-state has become a pre-eminent ‘bordered power container’ (Giddens 1985:120) able to fully monopolise the use of violence over its territory, thus making coercive action almost invisible, violence has not evaporated. Instead, it is precisely this ability to legitimately monopolise its use that has given rise to the proliferation of organised violence all over the globe whereby, political actors in charge of nation-states can interpret any external claim to territory or population inhabiting that territory as an illegitimate and hostile action which can be repelled with the use of violence. Moreover, unlike the pre-modern world where wars often resembled ritualistic skirmishes between aristocrats with little casualties and a lot of ignorance from the majority peasant population, the modern polities often become huge war machines where competing and often mutually exclusive territorial and other claims quickly acquire strong popular support thus pitting entire populations against each other. The legitimate monopoly on the use of violence together with the ever increasing organisational potency and ideological legitimacy have made warfare much more destructive in modernity than in any previous historical era (Malešević 2010; 2007). The classics of sociology were already aware that to understand and explain the origins and function of state, private property and social stratification one needs to take a careful analytical look at warfare. It is war that gave birth to state and it is war that was decisive for the proliferation of social inequalities. The contemporary sociology of organised violence has built directly or indirectly on this multi-faced and valuable research heritage and has devised potent explanatory models for the study of warfare. Whether they emphasise cultural, biological, economic or political/organisational sources of organised violence the contemporary sociological theories provide invaluable interpretative frames for understanding one of the most pressing social challenges of the last several centuries – warfare. 16 Sociological Theory and Warfare BIBLIOGRAPHY Alexander, Jeffrey 2004. Toward a Theory of Cultural Trauma, in: J.C. Alexander, R. Eyerman, B. Giesen, N.J. Smelser and P. Sztompka (eds). Cultural Trauma and Collective Identity. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, pp. 1-30. Bauman, Zygmunt 1998. Globalisation: Human Consequences. Cambridge: Polity. Bauman, Zygmunt 2001. Wars of the Globalisation Era. European Journal of Social Theory 4(1): 11-28. Bauman, Zygmunt 2002. 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He is also Member of the Royal Irish Academy. Previously he was a research fellow in the Institute for International Relations (Zagreb), the Centre for the Study of Nationalism (Prague) and senior lecturer at National University of Ireland, Galway. He also held visiting research fellowships in the Institute for Human Sciences (Vienna) and the London School of Economics. His research interests include comparative-historical and theoretical study of war, organized violence, ethnicity, nationalism, and ideology. His recent books include The Sociology of War and Violence (Cambridge University Press, 2010), Identity as Ideology: Understanding Ethnicity and Nationalism, (Palgrave/ Macmillan, 2006), The Sociology of Ethnicity (Sage, 2004), Ideology, Legitimacy and the New State (Routledge 2002; reprinted in 2008) and co-edited volume Ernest Gellner and Contemporary Social Thought (Cambridge University Press, 2007). © The author and the Swedish National Defence College, Department of Leadership and Management, Stockholm 2011. The opinions expressed in this report are those of the authors alone, and do not necessarily reflect those of the Swedish National Defence College or the Department of Leadership and Management. Photo by Försvarets Bildbyrå. 22 Sociological Theory and Warfare Sociological Theory and Warfare 23 Sociology at the Department of Leadership and Management Franz Kernic Professor of Sociology Photo: Försvarets Bildbyrå Contact us Karin Skelton Project Coordinator Box 27805 / 115 93 Stockholm Visiting address: Drottning Kristinas väg 37 Telephone 08 553 425 00 / Fax 08 553 425 98 Våxnäsgatan 10 / 651 80 Karlstad Visiting address: Våxnäsgatan 10, Karolinen Telephone 054 10 40 20 / Fax 054 10 40 21