Bachelor Thesis: Analysis of the world OEM headlamp market


Bachelor Thesis: Analysis of the world OEM headlamp market
Bachelor Thesis:
Analysis of the world OEM headlamp
market for cars and trucks
Roman Wüthrich
22 August 2009
Prof. lic.rer.pol. Roger Ram
Analysis of the world OEM headlamp market
Executive Summary
The purpose of this Bachelor Thesis was to analyse the world OEM (Original Equipment
Manufacturer) headlamp market for cars and trucks. The analysis was conducted for the
company Montech AG in Derendingen, Switzerland. Montech is especially interested in this
topic because its Montrac division produces an intelligent conveyor system for manufacturing
and logistical processes. The Montrac solution is already adapted by some of the most
reputable manufacturers of headlamps worldwide. In order to evaluate the growth potential of
Montrac and to find new customers for Montrac in the field of headlamp production, several
manufacturers of headlamps will be presented in this Thesis.
For the analysis of the market, the author mainly relayed on primary sources such as annual
reports, press releases, company homepages of OEM headlamp producers and personal e-mail
contact. To a minor degree, secondary sources such as journals or magazines were used to
support the findings from the primary sources or to add information which could not be gathered
through the analysis of primary sources.
Based on the work the author performed during July and August in 2009, it became obvious that
the world headlamp market is full of agreements and joint ventures. Making it difficult to identify
the ownership structures of the single manufacturers, their market share or where the headlamp
production is done. In order to shed light on this matter the 12 most important producers of
headlamps will be presented individually and in detail. Each presentation will include the
company’s ownership structure, the location of the production plants, turnover figures,
customers and information in regard to agreements or joint ventures with other producers.
Based on the findings collected during the research and the analysis of the available information
from the different producers, the author came up with three recommendations. First, the author
recommends that Montech should widen the range of prospect customers for its Montrac
division and include besides OEM producers also manufacturers of aftermarket headlamps.
Furthermore the author suggests not only focusing on headlamps but also on rear lamps and
signal lamps. The final recommendation is to enlarge the target group and to include producers
of lighting equipment for trailers, agricultural vehicles or the like.
Roman Wüthrich
22 August 2009
Analysis of the world OEM headlamp market
I would like to use this occasion to thank everyone who supported me while researching and
writing this report.
Firstly, I would like to express my gratitude to the client Montech AG in Derendingen especially
Yves Dicke, the manager of the Montrac division, for all its support during this project.
Secondly, I also appreciated the advices and information from my supervisor Prof. lic.rer.pol.
Roger Ramp, who is an expert in marketing issues.
Finally, I want to express thankfulness towards all of the companies which provided me with
valuable information used for this research paper.
Roman Wüthrich
22 August 2009
Analysis of the world OEM headlamp market
Declaration of Authenticity
Roman Wüthrich
22 August 2009
Analysis of the world OEM headlamp market
Table of Contents
Executive Summary ........................................................................................................................ i
Acknowledgement ........................................................................................................................ ii
Declaration of Authenticity .......................................................................................................... iii
Table of Contents ..........................................................................................................................iv
Table of Contents - Figures ........................................................................................................... v
Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 1
Limitations ................................................................................................................ 1
Authorisation ............................................................................................................ 1
Montech AG .......................................................................................................................... 2
Research Methods ................................................................................................................ 4
General Findings ....................................................................................................... 5
Headlamp manufacturers ..................................................................................................... 6
Automotive Lighting ................................................................................................. 7
Farba Automotive Lighting ....................................................................................... 9
Fiem Industries Ltd. ................................................................................................ 10
Hella KGaA Hueck & Co........................................................................................... 11
Ichikoh Industries Ldt.............................................................................................. 13
Koito Manufacturing Co., Ldt.................................................................................. 14
SL Corporation ........................................................................................................ 16
Stanley Electric Co., Ldt. ......................................................................................... 17
Valeo ....................................................................................................................... 19
Visteon .................................................................................................................... 20
Wipac Limited ......................................................................................................... 22
Zizala Lichtsysteme GmbH ...................................................................................... 23
Arteb ....................................................................................................................... 24
Magna Electronics .................................................................................................. 24
Recommendation ................................................................................................................ 25
Work Cited Page .................................................................................................................. 27
Appendix – Contact Information ......................................................................................... 31
Automotive Lighting ............................................................................................... 31
Farba Automotive Lighting ..................................................................................... 33
Fiem Industries Ltd ................................................................................................. 34
Hella KGaA Hueck & Co........................................................................................... 35
Ichikoh Industries Ldt.............................................................................................. 37
Roman Wüthrich
22 August 2009
Analysis of the world OEM headlamp market
Koito Manufacturing Co.......................................................................................... 38
SL Corporation ........................................................................................................ 40
Stanley Electric Co. ................................................................................................. 41
Valeo ....................................................................................................................... 43
Visteon .................................................................................................................... 45
Wipac Limited ......................................................................................................... 46
Zizala Lichtsysteme Gmbh ...................................................................................... 47
Arteb ....................................................................................................................... 48
Magna Electronics .................................................................................................. 48
Table of Contents - Figures
Figure 1:
Montrac monorail system with Shuttle ........................................................ 2
Figure 2:
Production plants of Automotive Lighting .................................................... 7
Figure 3:
Production plant of Farba Automotive Lighting............................................ 9
Figure 4:
Production plants of Fiem Industries Ltd. .................................................. 10
Figure 5:
Production plants of Hella KgaA Hueck & Co............................................ 11
Figure 6:
Production plants of Ichikoh Industries Ldt. ............................................... 13
Figure 7:
Production plants of Koito Manufacturing Co. Ldt and
North American Lighting ........................................................................... 14
Figure 8:
Production plants of SL Corporation ......................................................... 16
Figure 9:
Production plants of Stanley Electric Co., Ltd. .......................................... 17
Figure 10: Production plants of Valeo ........................................................................ 19
Figure 11: Production plants of Visteon ..................................................................... 20
Figure 12: Production plants of Wipac Limited ........................................................... 22
Figure 13: Production plants of Zizala Lichtsysteme GmbH ....................................... 23
Roman Wüthrich
22 August 2009
Analysis of the world OEM headlamp market
The automotive industry is full of cooperation, joint ventures and agreements. Car
manufacturers compete in one market segment and cooperate in another market segment. The
same applies for the production of headlamps. Sub-suppliers and joint ventures are a common
sight in this market. Hence, the ownership structures of the individual companies are unclear,
making it difficult to find contact with the different companies. As a consequence Montech AG
sponsors a Bachelor Thesis at the University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland.
Montech AG is the producer of the Montrac monorail system, an intelligent conveyor system for
manufacturing and logistical processes, which is already used by some of the most reputable
manufacturers of headlamps worldwide (Montech 2009). The objective of this Bachelor Thesis
is to conduct a market analysis of the world OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) headlamp
market for cars and trucks. The intention is to name the most important producers of OEM
headlamps, present their markets shares, delineate where the production of headlamps occurs,
show the ownership structures of the individual companies and define if the headlamp parts are
purchased or produced on-site. After the presentation of the different firms, a recommendation
for possible new customers will be given. This Bachelor Thesis should then enable Montech to
gain an oversight over the headlamp market and facilitate the approach towards potential
This Paper has a limitation to the time available for the accomplishment given by Prof. lic.rer.pol.
Roger Ramp and the University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland.
The University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland in Olten, represented by Prof.
lic.rer.pol., Roger Ramp and Montech AG Derendingen, represented by Yves Dicke have
advised the author to conduct a market analysis of the world headlamp market for cars and
Roman Wüthrich
22 August 2009
Analysis of the world OEM headlamp market
Montech AG
Montech AG is a provider of advanced standardized conveyor systems for assembly line
processes and intra logistics. The company is specialized in providing standard products that
offer a solution in highly flexible applications. The three main divisions of Montech AG are
Montrac, belt conveyors, and components for assembly automation.
The History of Montech started in 1963, when the company Ermano Tech AG was founded in
Derendingen in the canton Solothurn in Switzerland. The Company was an integrator for the
watch-making industry, an important employer in the canton of Solothurn and the surrounding
cantons. Eleven years later, in 1974, Ermano Tech AG was sold and changed its name to
Montech AG, which is short for Montage Technologie, meaning assembly technology. In 1988
Montech focused its business to Automation and Conveyors. During 1996 Montech added an
additional product group to its portfolio, the monorail conveyor system Montrac. Later, in 1998,
Montech expanded its business and opened a subsidiary in Charlotte, NC in the USA. Since
2007 Montech has divided its activities in the three beforehand mentioned divisions Montrac,
Conveyors and Automation (Montech AG 2009d).
Figure 1: Montrac monorail system with Shuttle
(Source: Montech AG)
Roman Wüthrich
22 August 2009
Analysis of the world OEM headlamp market
This Bachelor Thesis was written to show possible customers for the Montrac monorail system.
This conveying system is already adopted with some of the most reputable manufacturers of car
headlamps worldwide (Montech 2009a). Montrac is an intelligent, monorail conveyor system for
manufacturing and logistical processes. The self propelling shuttles of the monorail system are
capable of a shockproof transport of items with a weight of up to 30 kg (Montech AG 2009b).
Based on the Chaos Technology each shuttle knows where it should go and how it will arrive
there (Montech AG 2009c). Because the shuttles are self propelled by electric motors, the
system can also used in clean rooms. Furthermore Montrac is applicable in situations where
antistatic properties are required. Montrac is simple, flexible and user friendly, giving the system
nearly limitless possibilities for its application (Montech AG 2009b).
Roman Wüthrich
22 August 2009
Analysis of the world OEM headlamp market
Research Methods
Based on the fact that the purpose of this Bachelor Thesis is mainly the analysis, evaluation and
presentation of information, the author, in cooperation with the supervisor from the University of
Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland, Prof. Roger Ramp, and the client, Mr. Yves Dicke
from Montech, agreed that the theoretical part of this Bachelor Thesis will be kept to a minimum.
A market analysis is an important issue which has to be conducted before a marketing strategy
can be developed, therefore it builds an essential part of very marketing strategy. For the
purpose of this market analysis the author relied mainly on primary sources such as annual
reports, e-mail communication and websites. Secondary sources such as magazines or journals
were only used during the beginning phase when the headlamp manufacturers had to be
identified or to gather information which was not available through primary sources.
The research for this Bachelor Thesis started with the identification of automotive equipment
producers. This information was found on the one hand in exhibitors indices of trade fairs for the
automotive industry, for example the automechanika in Frankfurt or the equip auto in Paris, on
the internet or else in journals such as Auto Bild, Der Spiegel or Top Gear. In a second step, the
companies had to be short-listed in such a manner that only the companies which are involved
in the headlamp business remained. The subsequent step was to separate the OEM
manufacturers from the ones which produce aftermarket lamps.
As soon as a list with the names of the OEM producers of headlamps was established, the
companies were contacted by e-mail or contact forms which were available at the respective
homepages. In total 32 companies were contacted. Out of theses 32 companies, two
companies answered the asked questions within one week after the e-mail was sent. Because
the rate of return was considered to be too small, a second e-mail was send to the companies
which didn’t answer. Out of the remaining 30 companies, six answered the second e-mail. Out
of these six, two companies gave the required information, three were unable to assist and one
company didn’t want to share its information. Caused by the fact that most companies did not
answer the questions in the e-mail, it became more difficult to obtain the required information.
Roman Wüthrich
22 August 2009
Analysis of the world OEM headlamp market
Therefore, the most recent annual reports were analysed and used to answer the questions
related to the market analysis and given by the customer..
General Findings
After the evaluation of the different materials and sources, it became clear that the industry for
OEM headlamps is full of cooperation and joint ventures. These joint ventures are mainly
caused by the increasing globalization of the automotive industry. Furthermore the research
showed that the manufacturers of headlamps locate their plants as close as possible to the
production sites of car manufacturers. By doing this, the headlamp producers are able to deliver
the headlamps just in time or just in sequence. As a consequence it is observable that the car
manufacturers and their various suppliers build clusters around the car assembly factories, for
example in Eastern Europe or in the USA. Moreover, the analysis of the customers of headlamp
illustrated that the car manufacturers source their headlamps from several suppliers and do not
rely on one single supplier. Vice-versa there is no headlamp manufacturer which only delivers
one single car company. Even companies which were founded as subsidiaries of car
manufacturers and then later separated from their parent to become independent entities, such
as Visteon, which was founded a subsidiary of Ford Motors (Kim 2009), sell their products to
several other customers besides their original parent. The research also showed that there are
companies like Farba Automotive Lighting or Fiem Industries which produce headlamps only in
their home country for the purpose of supplying the domestic car assembly plants. The analysis
of the gathered information futhermore illustrated that each of the presented headlamp
producers was affected directly by the problems the automotive industry suffered during the
years 2008 and 2009 (Koito 2008). An example can be seen the company Visteon. Visteon sells
about 1/3 of its products to the Ford Motor Company. Caused by the regression in the car
production, Visteon was forced to apply for Chapter 11 protection on 25 February 2009 (Reuters
Roman Wüthrich
22 August 2009
Analysis of the world OEM headlamp market
Headlamp manufacturers
This section will present the most important headlamp producers for cars and trucks worldwide.
The following twelve companies will be presented individually and in detail.
Automotive Lighting
Farba Automotive Lighting
Fiem Industries Ltd
Hella KGaA Hueck & Co.
Ichikoh Industries Ldt
Koito Manufacturing Co
SL Corporation Stanley Electric Co
Stanley Electric Co., Ltd.
Wipac Limited
Zizala Lichtsysteme GmbH
The presentations will include information about customers, locations of the production plants,
turnover, production figures, ownership structure and information about cooperation and joint
ventures with other manufacturers. Additionally, contact addresses for the company as well as
for the individual production plants are going to be listed in the appendix. In addition to the
previously mentioned companies, the two companies Arteb and Magna Electronics will be
presented. Unfortunately, for these two companies the available information was not sufficient
enough pro present detailed information in regard to the headlamp market. Therefore these two
companies will only be described briefly.
Roman Wüthrich
22 August 2009
Analysis of the world OEM headlamp market
Automotive Lighting
Automotive Lighting is a subsidiary of Magneti Marelli, which itself is a full subsidiary of the Fiat
Group (Fiat Group 2009). Automotive Lighting has its headquarters in Reutlingen, Germany. It
is developing, producing and selling headlamps for all major car manufacturers worldwide. The
company was founded as a joint venture between Magneti Marelli and the German company
Robert Bosch GmbH in 1999. When the joint venture was started, each of the two companies
held 50% of the shares of Automotive Lighting. In 2001 Magneti Marelli acquired 25% of the
shares of Robert Bosch GmbH and was now holding 75% of the shares. Two years later, in
2003, Magneti Marelli bought the remaining shares from the Bosch GmbH and Automotive
Lighting became a 100% subsidiary of Magneti Marell (Automotive Lighting 2009a).
Figure 2: Production plants of Automotive Lighting (Source: Author)
With an annual production volume of 20.7 million headlamp units in 2008, Automotive Lighting
generated a turnover of 1.25 Billion Euro in its headlamp division. Out of the total 13,150
employees 9,750 are working for the headlamp sector (Automotive Lighting 2009b). In all
Automotive Lighting operates 22 plants, thereof nine produce or develop headlamps. Two of
these nine factories are located in Mexico. The seven other plants are in Brazil, Germany,
Poland, Russia, Chez Republic, Turkey and China. Besides these factories which produced
Roman Wüthrich
22 August 2009
Analysis of the world OEM headlamp market
headlamps, Automotive Lighting is producing headlamp parts such as reflectors and lenses in
factories in Germany, Spain and Italy (Automotive Lighting 2009c). Amongst others, Automotive
Lighting is delivering headlamps for Ford, Honda, Nissan, Daimler, Ferrari and Jaguar
(Automotive Lighting 2009d).
Roman Wüthrich
22 August 2009
Analysis of the world OEM headlamp market
Farba Automotive Lighting
Farba Automotive Lighting is a Turkish manufacturer of head and tail lamps for cars and
coaches. The company is owned by the Bayraktarlar Holding and was founded in 1979. The
company operates a plant in Bursa in Western Turkey (Farba 2008). The factory employs 360
people and has an annual capacity of 2.78 million headlamps (Bayraktarlar, 2009). Production
steps for headlamps which are done by Farba include moulding, plastic welding, vacuum
evaporating, surface treatment and the assembly. As previously mentioned Farba produces
lamps not only for cars, but also for coaches. Coach manufacturers which purchase their
headlamps from Farba are Iveco, Mercedes and Mitsubishi. The car headlamps are delivered
for example to Renault or Toyota (Farba 2009a). Furthermore Farba was involved in license
Figure 3: Production plant of Farba Automotive Lighting (Source: Author)
agreements for the production of lighting equipment. For example in 1992 when a technical
license agreement was signed with Koito for the production of lighting units for Toyota, or in the
year 2000 when a similar agreement was signed with Valeo for the production of lighting
equipment for Renault and Ford models (Farba 2009b)
Roman Wüthrich
22 August 2009
Analysis of the world OEM headlamp market
Fiem Industries Ltd.
FIem Industries Ltd is an independent Indian producer of automotive equipment. It supplies
almost all major car manufacturers which have plants in India. To the customers of Fiem belong
amongst others Hyundai Motors India, Tata Motors, Skoda Auto India or Fiat (Fiem 2009b).
During the financial year 2007 – 2008 Fiem produced 15.4 Million units of head and tail lamps
as well as signalling parts (FIem 2008b). The production of Fiem’s parts occurs in eight plants in
India (Fiem 2008a). Besides its own production, Fiem Industries collaborates with Ichikoh
Industries Ltd in a technical support agreement (Fiem 2008b)
Figure 4: Production plants of Fiem Industries Ltd. (Source: Author)
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22 August 2009
Analysis of the world OEM headlamp market
Hella KGaA Hueck & Co.
Founded in 1899, Hella grew over one century to one of the 100 biggest industrial companies in
Germany. In its headquarters in Lippstadt, Germany, and more than 70 plants all over the world,
the company employs approximately 25,000 people. Besides producing lighting technology,
Hella produces also electronics for cars. Furthermore, based on joint ventures, Hella is
producing complete vehicle modules as well as air conditioning systems and vehicle electronic
systems (Hella 2009).
The company is independent and does not belong to another company nor holds any other
company shares of Hella (Hella 2008). In a joint venture with the companies Behr GmbH & Co.
KG and Plastic Omnium Auto Exterior S.A.S., Hella is producing frontend-modules for
manufacturers such as Kia, Ford, Seat or Porsche (HBPO group 2009). Frontend-modules are
complete, ready-for-assembly front elements for cars. They include lighting, engine cooling,
crossbars, crash boxes, aerodynamic parts and bumpers (Motortalk, 2003). This joint venture
called HBPO produced in the financial year 2007/2008 more than 2.8 million frontend modules
(Hella 2008). Furthermore, Hella is also operating a joint venture in Australia with the Japanese
company Stanley Electric Co., Ltd. called Hella Stanley Ltd Pty. Whereas Hella has its
production and development focus on Europe, Stanley is mainly active in Asia. This enables
Hella and Stanley to mutually use each other’s production and development capacities in
Europe and Japan (Hella 2002).
Figure 5: Production plants of Hella KgaA Hueck & Co. (Source: Author)
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22 August 2009
Analysis of the world OEM headlamp market
Hellas own production for headlamps occurs in 20 plants in 13 countries. Most of these plants
are in Europe, for example Germany, Spain, Austria, Rumania, Slovakia, Slovenia or the Czech
Republic. Besides the European plants, Hella owns further plants in Mexico, the USA, China,
the Philippines, Singapore, Australia and New Zealand (Hella 2006) All of the above mention
plants belong to the business division lighting in which Hella accumulated in the financial year
2007/2008 a turnover of 1,7 Billion Euro. Hella delivers its headlamps to car and truck
manufacturers worldwide. There are one the one hand truck manufacturers such as Scania and
Mercedes Trucks and on the other hand car manufacturers such as Saab, Audi, BMW or
Volkswagen (Hella 2008c).
Roman Wüthrich
22 August 2009
Analysis of the world OEM headlamp market
Ichikoh Industries Ldt.
This Japanese manufacturer of headlamps was founded in 1903 and has today a market share
in Japan of about 21% in the head and rear light market for cars (Ichikoh 2009c). In the year
2000 Ichikoh Industries started a global business alliance with the French company Valeo.
Valeo holds today 31.6 % (Valeo 2008a) of Ichikoh’s shares. The agreement allows both
companies access to each other’s know-how and manufacturing respectively development
Figure 6: Production plants of Ichikoh Industries Ldt. (Source: Author)
technologies (Ichikoh 2000a). Together, both companies operate 20 plants in Europe, Asia,
North and South America. Besides the joint venture with Valeo, Ichikoh operates own plants in
Japan, and through subsidiaries, plants in Malaysia, Indonesia and the United States of
America. Furthermore Ichikoh cooperates in business alliances with companies such as Fiem
from India or Magna Donnelly from Germany (Ichikoh 2008c). To the customers of Ichikoh
belong amongst others Toyota, Subaru Nissan and Honda (Ichikoh 2009b). In the Annual
Report of 2008 Ichikoh presented net sales of 1.211 Billion USD for the whole company (Ichikoh
2008b). Out of the 1.211 Billion USD 75% are generated thought head and tail lamps. Over all,
the company produced 3.588 Million headlamps in 2008. For the production of headlamps some
smaller parts are bought from suppliers, whereas the basic design and large parts are done and
produced by Ichikoh itself. (Personal communication, August 17, 2009).
Roman Wüthrich
22 August 2009
Analysis of the world OEM headlamp market
Koito Manufacturing Co., Ldt.
Koito is a Japanese producer of automotive lighting technique and was established in 1915. It
has its headquarters in Tokyo, Japan. Koito is the holding company of North American Lighting,
which is mainly active on the North American market. Together with North American Lighting,
Koito supplies several car manufacturers. Koito delivers headlamps to Toyota, Lexus and Isuzu
and North American Lighting is delivering headlamps to the big three American car
manufacturers Ford, GM and Chrysler and to local plants of Japanese manufacturers in North
America. In addition to North American Lighting, Koito is also in possession of the Indian
manufacturer India Japan Lighting and owns in a joint venture with TYC Brother Industrial the
Taiwanese manufacturer Ta Yih Industrial. Furthermore Koito is a technical associate of Hella
KGaA Hueck & Co. One of Koito’s principal shareholders is the Toyota Motor Company (Koito,
Figure 7: Production plants of Koito Manufacturing Co. Ldt and North American Lighting
(Source: Author)
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22 August 2009
Analysis of the world OEM headlamp market
For the financial year ending on March 31 2008 the automotive lighting equipment division of
Koito, including North American Lighting, reported sales to outside customers of 3.910 Billion
US Dollars.
The production of North American Lighting headlamps occurs in a plant in Flora, Illinois in the
United States of America. The headlamps sold under the name of Koito are produced partly in
Europe namely Great Britain and the Czech Republic, and on the other hand in Thailand, China
and Japan (Koito, 2008).
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22 August 2009
Analysis of the world OEM headlamp market
SL Corporation
Formerly known as Samlip Electricity Co Ltd, this company is now active under the name SL
Corporation (SL Corporation 2009a) and produces automotive parts for several car
manufacturers such as General Motors, Hyundai Motors, PSA Peugeot Citroen or Ford India.
The company has its headquarters in Gyengbuk, Korea and operates in its home country four
plants which produce headlamps. Besides the four plants in Korea, SL Corporation owns plants
in the United States of America, China, India and Slovakia. All of these latter mentioned plants
produce head and rear lamps. A particularity of the Slovakian plant is, that it is operated in
cooperation with Hella KGaA Hueck & Co. Hella holds 49% of the plant’s shares, the remaining
51% are owned by SL Corporation (SL Corporation 2009b). The accumulated annual production
capacity of the nine plants which produce head and rear lamp is approximately 100 million units.
(SL Corporation 2009b).
Figure 8: Production plants of SL Corporation (Source: Author)
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22 August 2009
Analysis of the world OEM headlamp market
Stanley Electric Co., Ldt.
The Origins of Stanley Electric Co., Ldt. date back to the year 1920 when only 8,000 cars
existed in Japan. In this year Takaharu Kitano founded the company. Today, Stanley produces
electronic equipment and automotive equipment (Stanley 2009a). Stanley Electric Co., Ldt. is
an independent group (personal communication, 29 July 2009). However, it entered in 2002 a
joint venture with the German company Hella KGaA Hueck & Co. in Victoria, Australia. The joint
venture is called Hella-Stanley Holding Pty Ldt and both of the two companies hold a 50 %
share in it. The first business opened under this joint venture was Stanley Electric Hungary in
Gyöngyös, Hungary. Already in 2001 the two companies entered a cooperation contract for the
Figure 9: Production plants of Stanley Electric Co., Ltd. (Source: Author)
development and production of automotive lighting. The goal of the cooperation was to react on
the increasing level of globalization in the automotive production. Nevertheless both companies
kept their independence. (Hella 2002)
For the fiscal year ending on March 31 2009, Stanley Electric Co., Ltd. reported a turnover of
2.124 Billion USD in its automotive equipment business which includes automotive and
motorcycle lighting equipment (Stanley 2009a). Stanley Electric owns 70 plants and factories in
Asia, Europe, North America and Australia. Out of these 70 plants, 15 are manufacturing
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Analysis of the world OEM headlamp market
automotive lighting equipment such as headlamps or HID burners. These plants are located in
the United States of America, France, England, Hungary, India, China, Vietnam, Indonesia,
Australia, Thailand and Japan (Stanley 2009b).
Customers for the automotive lighting business are Nissan, Honda and Mitsubishi (Stanley
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Analysis of the world OEM headlamp market
Valeo is an independent and international active industrial group focusing on the design,
production and sale of equipment and parts for cars and trucks (Valeo 2008b). The company
has the majority in a joint venture with the Indian Anand Group. This joint venture located in
Chennai, India, is producing headlights for the Indian market (Valeo 2008c). Furthermore Valeo
holds 31.6 % of the shares of the Japanese lighting system supplier Ichikoh Industries Ldt
(Valeo 2008a).
Figure 10: Production plants of Valeo (Source: Author)
In the annual report for the year 2008, Valeo reported a turnover in its lighting systems division
of 1.150 Billion Euro (Valeo 2008a). Over the whole company, Valeo is active at 121 production
sites in more than 27 countries. Specifically for lighting systems, Valeo employs 20 production
sites in 15 countries, for example France, Italy Rumania, Poland, India or Japan (Valeo 2009).
The production sites are located in the proximity of the local factories of Valeo’s customers. To
the customers of Valeo belong inter alia Renault/Nissan, PSA Peugeot Citroën, Volkswagen,
Ford or GM (Valeo 2008b).
Roman Wüthrich
22 August 2009
Analysis of the world OEM headlamp market
4.10 Visteon
The company Visteon was founded in 1997 as auto part supplier for the Ford Motor Company.
In 2000 Visteon split up from Ford Motor Company and became an independent, publicly traded
company (Visteon 2009a). Caused by the dramatic slump in the worldwide automotive industry,
Visteon was filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection on May 28, 2009. Its UK subsidiary went
into administration in March 2009 and three factories had to be closed (BBC News, 2009). In
order to ensure long-term continuity of supply and to supports Visteon’s restructuring efforts,
Ford Motor Company issued a commitment letter to grant Visteon debtor-in-possession
financing (Visteon 2009b).
Figure 11: Production plants of Visteon (Source: Author)
From January to August 2009, Visteon produced about 3 Million headlamp units (Personal
communication, 07 August 2009). The Turnover of the Electronics division, in which the lighting
production is included, was 3.251 Billion US Dollar for the fiscal year ending on December 31
2008 (Visteon 2008). However, both figures, the turnover and production units, are heavily
affected by the current dynamics of the automotive market (Personal communication, 07 August
2009). Starting as a supplier solely for Ford, Visteon increased the non-Ford sales after the
separation to 66% of the total sales in 2008. Still, Ford remains the biggest single customer with
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Analysis of the world OEM headlamp market
about 34% of the total sales, followed by Hyundai/Kia with approximately 22% of the turnover.
Other customers are General Motors, PSA Peugeot Citroën and Volkswagen (Visteon 2008).
The production of Visteon’s headlamps occurs in 6 plants. Two of them are located in Mexico,
two in the Czech Republic and one in India and China respectively. The Indian plant is a 50/50
joint venture with the Indian Tata Group, and the Chinese factory is operated through a joint
venture with the Taiwanese Lighting Manufacturer TYC Brother Industrial Co. Ldt. (Personal
communication, 07 August 2009).
Roman Wüthrich
22 August 2009
Analysis of the world OEM headlamp market
4.11 Wipac Limited
This Buckingham, U.K. based manufacturer of exterior lighting systems, mainly supplies
supercar manufacturers like Bugatti or Lamborghini (Carclo 2009). Wipac produces headlamps
and rear lamps in its plants in Buckingham, UK, and in Budapest, Hungary. Since 2008 the
company operates a third plant in China. Amongst others, Wipac is capable of performing the
following activities in its plants: precision injection moulding, vacuum metalizing, lens hard
coating, and clean room assembly. (Wipac 2009a).
Figure 12: Production plants of Wipac Limited (Source: Author)
Carclo plc, the holding company of Wipac Limited, reported for the Precision Products business,
to which Wipac belongs, a turnover of 33 million Pound, equal to 38.2 million Euros, for the
financial year ending on 31 March 2009 (Carclo 2009).
Roman Wüthrich
22 August 2009
Analysis of the world OEM headlamp market
4.12 Zizala Lichtsysteme GmbH
Zizala ZKW is an Austrian company founded in the year 1938. The company is producing
lighting equipment for the car and truck Industry (Zizala Lichtsysteme GmbH 2009a). Zizala’s
customers are on the car side premium manufacturers such as Bentley, Rolls Royce or Aston
Martin and mass producers like Volkswagen, Daewoo or Chrysler. For the truck market, Zizala
produces lighting equipment for Renault, Volvo, Daf or Scania (Zizala Lichtsysteme GmbH
2009b). By providing a wide range of manufacturers with lighting equipment Zizala generated a
Figure 13: Production plants of Zizala Lichtsysteme GmbH (Source: Author)
turnover of approximately 200 Million Euro in 2007 (Zizala Lichtsysteme GmbH 2007). In
December 2007 Zizala signed a joint venture with the Indian company Neolite. The joint venture
called Neolite ZKW Lighting Pvt. Ldt. includes the entire automotive lighting division of the
Indian company Neolite.
In addition to the existing plants in Austria, the Czech Republic and Slovakia, Zizala is since
December 2007 also producing lighting equipment in India based on the joint venture with
Neolite (Neolite ZKW Lighting Pvt. Ldt 2007).
Roman Wüthrich
22 August 2009
Analysis of the world OEM headlamp market
4.13 Arteb
Arteb is the biggest Brazilian producer of headlamps with a market share of approximately 47%
within Brazil. The company sells its products to Toyota, Ford, Volkswagen and GM (Arteb 2009a)
(Bnet, 2004). The production of Arteb’s headlights is done in a plant in São Bernardo do Campo
in southern Brazil. Arteb has or had contracts with Hella KGaA Hueck & Co and Koito
Manufacturing Co.,Ltd. (Arteb 2009b).
4.14 Magna Electronics
Magna Electronics is an operating unit of Magna International. The company produces
electronic parts such as lighting systems or engine electronics for car producers around the
world (Magna Electronics 2009a). Altogether Magna Electronics is active on 21 plants in
Canada, the USA, Germany, Italy, Sweden, China, India and Japan (Magna Electronics 2009b).
However, with the available information it is not possible to further determine on which locations
the production of headlamps occurs, nor is it possible to define the annual turnover of Magna
Roman Wüthrich
22 August 2009
Analysis of the world OEM headlamp market
The conducted research showed that the concentration on headlamps only, might lead to lost
business opportunities. All the observed companies produce beside headlamps several other
products related to automotive lighting equipment, for example rear lights, signal lights or fog
lamps. Therefore, the author thinks that the focus on headlamps only is not beneficial. As a
consequence the author recommends widening the focus and to include other automotive
lighting articles such as rear lights or stop lights into the range of products which are suitable for
Montrac. This recommendation is based on the fact that there are companies who do only
produce rear lamps and are not involved in the headlamp business. Such companies are for
example the German company Odelo (, which produces tail lamps and LED
lights, the Thai company Ampas ( which produces rear combination lamps
and front turn lights. Other companies which might be worth to be considered are the Austrian
company Aspöck ( or the German company Truck-Lite ( All
of these companies perform similar production steps in their production plants as they are
performed in the headlamp production. Therefore, the implementation of the Montrac system
might be of interest for the above mentioned companies.
Moreover it may be advantageous to enlarge the costumer group within the headlamp sector
and to include the producers of aftermarket headlamps, spare parts headlamps or performance
headlamps. The production of these lamps is partly done by OEM manufacturers but also by
companies who solely produce aftermarket headlamps. Nevertheless the productions of spare
headlamps and OEM headlamps have similarities. As a consequence, also Non-OEM
producers are possible customers for the Montrac system. Companies which only produce
spare lamps are for example the Portuguese Sim SA (, the Italian Eurolites
( or the Taiwanese DEPO Auto parts (
Furthermore, in order to increase the number of possible adopters of Montrac, the following
companies could also be of interest for Montech. They all do not produce OEM headlamps, nor
do they produce spare parts for cars. They are producers of headlamps for motorcycles, trailers
Roman Wüthrich
22 August 2009
Analysis of the world OEM headlamp market
or heavy duty vehicles. There is on the one hand the Italian company Zadi (, a
producer of lights for scooters and motorcycles. On the other hand, Stanley Electrics which
produces besides headlamps for cars also headlamps for motorcycles. Other companies of
interest are the French company Vignal Systems (, a producer of rear
lamps for trailers or the Finish company Nordic Lights (, a manufacturer
of headlamps and working lamps for heavy-duty on-road and off-road machines.
To sum up the recommendations, the author has the opinion that the concentration on
headlamps only, is too limited and an expansion of the target customers for the Montrac system
would be favourable. This enlarged range of target customers for the Montrac system could
include besides the manufacturers of OEM-headlamps, also the producers of rear lamps and
spare parts, respectively aftermarket lamps for cars. As well as it should incorporate the
producers of motorcycle lighting equipment or producer of lighting equipment for utility vehicles.
Roman Wüthrich
22 August 2009
Analysis of the world OEM headlamp market
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Analysis of the world OEM headlamp market
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[Accessed 9 August 2009].
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Available from: [Accessed 9 August 2009].
Hella KGaA Hueck & Co., 2008. Annual Report 2007-2008. Hella KGaA Hueck & Co. Available
from: [Accessed 9 August 2009].
Hella KGaA Hueck & Co., 2009. Hella - Ideas today for the cars of tomorrow. Hella KGaA Hueck
& Co. Available from:: [Accessed 9
August 2009].
HBPO Group, 2009. Referencies. HBPO Group. Available from:
d=1 [Accessed 9 August 2009].
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Ichikoh Industries Ldt, 2009. Market Share in Japan. Ichikoh Industries Ldt. Available from:
Http:// [Accessed 10 August 2009].
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Available from: [Accessed 10
August 2009].
Magna Electronics, 2009a. Magna Electronics.Magna Electronics. Available from: [Accessed 15
August 2009].
Magna Electronics, 2009b. Locations.Magna Electronics. Available from: [Accessed 15 August 2009]
Montech AG, 2009a. Car Lighting.Montech AG. Available from:,321,414,325 [Accessed 28 July 2009]
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Roman Wüthrich
22 August 2009
Analysis of the world OEM headlamp market
Motortalk, 2003. Frontend-Module von Hella-Behr für die neue Vito/Viano-Baureihe von
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[Accessed 9 August 2009].
Motokazu, K., 17 August 2009. Re: contactus. E-mail to Wüthrich R.,
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August 2009]
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Wüthrich R., (
SL Corporation, 2009a. History.SL Corporation. Available from: [Accessed 11 August 2008].
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Stanley Electric Co.,, 29 July 2009. Stanley Electric Co. Ltd. Email to Wüthrich R., (
Stanley Electric Co., Ltd,2009a. Annual Report 2009. Stanley Electric Co.,Ltd. Available from: [Accessed 30 July 2009].
Stanley Electric Co., Ltd, 2009b. Stanley’s overseas bases. Stanley Electric Co., Ltd. Available
from: [Accessed 30 July 2009].
Valeo,2008a.Consilidated Financal Statement 2008, Valeo. Available from:
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August 2009].
Valeo,2008b.Reference document 2008.Valeo. Available
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Valeo, 2008c. Valeo gründet ein neues Joint Venture zur Produktion von
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R5cGU9MQ==&t=1 [Accessed 13 August 2009].
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Roman Wüthrich
22 August 2009
Analysis of the world OEM headlamp market
Visteon, 2009b. Visteon Corporation Files for Chapter 11 Reorganization in United
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August 2009].
Wipac, 2009. Prestige Automotive Components Manufacturing. Wipac. Available from: [Accessed 14 August 2009].
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Zizala Lichtsysteme GmbH, 2009a. Geschichte.Zizala Lichtsysteme GmbH. Available from: [Accessed 14 August 2009
Zizala Lichtsysteme GmbH, 2009b. Netzwerk.Zizala Lichtsysteme GmbH. Available from: [Accessed 14 August 2009]
Roman Wüthrich
22 August 2009
Analysis of the world OEM headlamp market
Appendix – Contact Information
Automotive Lighting
Contact Address
Automotive Lighting Reutlingen GmbH
Tübinger Str. 123
72762 Reutlingen
Phone +49 7121 35-6000
Fax +49 7121 35-6065
Production plants
Automotive Lighting
Mexico S. de R.L. de C.V.
Avda. Santa Rosa de Viterbo, 3
Parque Industrial Finsa
76246 El Marqués, Querétaro
Tel. +52 442 296-3500
Fax +52 442 296-3503
Automotive Lighting Brotterode GmbH
Liebensteiner Str. 36
98599 Brotterode
Tel. +49 36840 83-0
Fax +49 36840 83-1209
Automotive Lighting
Mexico S. de R.L. de C.V.
Avda. Santa Rosa de Viterbo, 3
Parque Industrial Finsa
76246 El Marqués, Querétaro
Tel. +52 442 296-3500
Fax +52 442 296-3503
Automotive Lighting
Av. João Cesar de Oliveira, 6261
Tel. +55 31 2129-5206
Fax +55 31 3396-2882
Czech Republic
Automotive Lighting s.r.o
Pávov 113
586 01 Jihlava
Tel. +420 567 562-601
Fax +420 567 562-602
Roman Wüthrich
Automotive Lighting Reutlingen GmbH
Tübinger Straße 123
72762 Reutlingen
Tel. +49 7121 35-6000
Fax +49 7121 35-6065
Automotive Lighting Polska
Ul. Gen. M. Zaruskiego, 11
41-200 Sosnowiec
Tel. +48 32 2960-111
Fax +48 32 2636-618
Automotive Lighting o.o.o
Pr. Shabulina, 2a
390043 Ryazan
Tel. +7 4912 240-625
Fax +7 4912 240-629
22 August 2009
Analysis of the world OEM headlamp market
Mako Elektrik Sanayi Ticaret A.S.
Organize Sanayi Bolgesi Yesil Cad. No.28
16159 Bursa
Tel. +90 224 243 13 70
Fax +90 224 243 13 81
Development Area
10 Yuexiu Rd
Anhui 241009
Roman Wüthrich
22 August 2009
Analysis of the world OEM headlamp market
Farba Automotive Lighting
Contact Address
Abdülhakhamit Cad. No:2 34437 Taksim İstanbul
Phone : +90 (212) 256 49 60
: +90 (212) 256 10 43
e-mail :
Production Plant
Organize Sanayi Bölgesi Sarı Cadde No:21 16159 Bursa
Phone : +90 (224) 270 07 00
: +90 (224) 243 11 92
Roman Wüthrich
22 August 2009
Analysis of the world OEM headlamp market
Fiem Industries Ltd
Contact Address
Works : 32, Milestone, Kundli, Distt. Sonepat Haryana ( INDIA)
Phone : +91-130-2219168/9169/9174/9175/9176/9177/9178
Fax : +91-130-2219179,
Production plants :
32 Mile Stone
G.T. Road
Tamil Nadu
Achettipalli Post
Tamil Nadu
Madargali Village
Caruna Hobli
Mysore Taluk
Roman Wüthrich
Achettipalli Post
Tamil Nadu
Village Bhatian
Plot No. 1915
Rai Industrial Estate
Sonepat (Haryana
Polt No. 93
IMT Manesar
22 August 2009
Analysis of the world OEM headlamp market
Hella KGaA Hueck & Co.
Contact Address
Hella KGaA Hueck & Co.
Rixbecker Str. 75
59552 Lippstadt
Tel: +49 (0) 29 41/38-0
Fax: +49 (0) 29 41/38-71 33
Production plants
Hella KGaA Hueck & Co., Plant 1(Head
Rixbecker Str. 75
59552 Lippstadt
Tel. (0 29 41) 38-0
Fax (0 29 41) 38-71 33
Hella Lux Slovenija d.o.o.
Letališka cesta 17,
1001 Ljubljana
Tel. +386 (0)1 520-33-33
Fax. +386 (0)1 520-34-01
Hella KGaA Hueck &
Beckumer Str. 130
59552 Lippstadt
Tel. (0 29 41) 38-0
Fax (0 29 41) 38-71 33
Manufacturas y Accesorios Electricos, S.A.
De la Solana 15,
Torrejon de Ardoz,
Tel. ()34 91 675 15 12
Fax. ()34 91 656 68 7
Czeach Republic
Hella Fahrzeugteile Austria GmbH
Fabriksgasse 2
7503 Großpetersdorf
Tel. 03362.90 01
Fax. 03362.90 01-118
Družstevní 16
789 85
Tel. +420 583 498 111
Fax. +420 583 430 109
Hella Lighting Romania S.R.L.
Strada Stadionului 12A
Sânnicolau Mare 305600
Timis County
Tel. +40 256 30.69.24
Fax. +40 256 30.69.24
Equipo Automotriz Hemex S.A. de C.V.
Carretera el Castillo Km. 10.5
Balcones Del Salto
Código Postal: 45680
El Salto, Jalisco
Hella Slovakia Front-Lighting s.r.o.
Kočovce 228
916 31 Kočovce
Tel. +421 (0)32 7705 111
Fax. +421 (0)32 7705 390
Hella Lighting Corporation
7979 Park Place Rd
York, SC,
Tel. 803-684-1818
Fax. 803-628-5652
Roman Wüthrich
22 August 2009
Analysis of the world OEM headlamp market
New Zealand
Hella Australia Pty Ltd,
54-76 Southern Road,
P.O. Box 89,
Mentone, Victoria 3194
Hella-New Zealand Limited
PO Box 51-427
Manukau 2140
Tel. +64 (0) 9 577-0000 – Reception
Fax. +64 (0) 9 576-2476
Changchun Hella Automotive Lighting Ltd.
No.593 Kunshan Rd
Tel. 43185078114
Hella India Lighting Ltd.
B-13 Badarpur Ext.,
New Delhi, 110 044,
Tel. ()91 011 2646 6567
Fax. () 91 0129 275771
Roman Wüthrich
Hella Phil. Inc.
2nd Floor,
Guieb Building,
961 President Quirino Ave.,
Malate, 1004 Manila
Manila, NCR
Tel. (632) 522-0533; (632) 522-0534
Fax. (632) 536-8158
22 August 2009
Analysis of the world OEM headlamp market
Ichikoh Industries Ldt
Contact Address
Ichikoh Industrie Ldt
5-10-18 Higashi-Gotanda, Shinagawa-ku,
Production plants
Isehara Plant
80 Itado, Isehara-shi,
Kanagawa-ken 259-1192
Tel. 81-(0)463-96-1451
Ohizumi Plant
1216-1 Yoshida, Ohizumi-machi, Ohra-gun,
Gunma-ken 370-0523
Tel +81-(0)276-63-2271
Ichikoh Mitsuba, Inc.
6601 Midland Industrial Drive, Shelbyville,
Kentucky 40065
TEL. +1-502-633-4936
Kenkoh Industries Co., LTD.
50541. TAIWAN, R.O.C.
Tel. +886-(0)4-781-0475
PT. Ichikoh Indonesia
MM2100 Industrial Town Block LL-1 West
Cikarang Bekasi
17520 West Java
Tel. +62-(0)21-898-1201
Wuxi Koh Sean Technology Co.,Ltd
Development Zone,
Wuxi City,
Jiangsu Province,
Foshan Ichikoh Valeo Auto Lighting
Systems Co.,LTD.
No.7 Huabaonan Road,
Chengxi Indusrial Park,
Foshan National HI-TECH industries Zone,
Chancheng District
Foshan City
Guangdong Province,
Tel. +(86)757-8313-6089
Ichikoh(Malaysia)Sdn. Bhd.
Lot PT 627,
Nilai Industrial Estate Mukim Setul,
71800 Nilai Negeri Sembilan Darul Khusus
Tel. +60-(0)6-799-2443
Roman Wüthrich
22 August 2009
Analysis of the world OEM headlamp market
Koito Manufacturing Co
Contact Address
Koito Manufacturing Co., Ldt
4-8-3, Takanawa
Tokyo 108-8711
Tel. 81-3-3443-7111
Production plants
North American Lighting
Advanced Forward Lighting Operations
2277 S. Main Street
Paris, IL 61944
Tel. (217) 465-7800
Forward Lighting Operations
20 Industrial Park
Flora, IL 62839
Tel. (618) 662-4483
Shanghai Koito Automotive Lamp Co., Ltd.
767 Ye-cheng RD
Jia Ding South Door
Shanghai, 201800
Guangzhou Koito Automotive Lamp Co.,
No. B01, Transnational Industry Park
Yuexi Village
Shilou Town,
Panyu District
Guangzhou City
Guangdong 511447,
Tel. 86-20-3930-7000
Fax. 86-20-3930-7020
Roman Wüthrich
Fuzhou Koito Tayih Automotive Lamp Co.,
South East Motor Zone
Qingkou, Minhou
Fuzhou City
Fujian 350119
Czech Republic
Koito Czech s.r.o. (Czech)
Na Astre 3001
438 01 Zatec
22 August 2009
Analysis of the world OEM headlamp market
India Japan Lighting Private Limited
Chennai Plant
No.1, Puduchathram
Tiruvellore High Road
Tamilnadu 602-107
Tel. 91-44-3910-6151
Fax. 91-44-3910-6106
Thai Koito Company Limited
370 Moo 17 Tambol Bangsaothong Amphur
Koito Europe Limited
Kingswood Road
Hampton Lovett Industrial Estate,
Tel. 44-1905-790800
Fax. 44-1905-794466
1580-6 Oaza Kamiizumi
Saga City
Saga Prefecture
Tel. 81-952-71-8355
Fax. 81-952-71-8366
Ta Yih Industrial Co., Ltd.
No.11 Shin-Sin Road, An-Ping Industrial
District, Tainan, Taiwan, Republic of China
Roman Wüthrich
22 August 2009
Analysis of the world OEM headlamp market
SL Corporation
Production Plants
Beijing Samlip
Tel. 0086-10-8944-8511
Fax. 21-8944-6248
Dongfeng Samlip
Tel. (0719) 830-3517
Fax. (0719) 830-3510
SL Yabtai Auto Lighting Co. Ltd
982 YongDa Road
Fushan District
Tel. 86-535-634-8511
Fax. 86-535-634-8512
SL Lumax
G-15 Sipcot Industrial Park
Sriperumbudukur TK
Kancheepuran Dist
Tamil Nadu
Tel. 91-44-4704170
Fax. 91-44-47100815
SL LIghtech
1061 Singil-dong
Tel. (031) 489-8511-6
Fax. (031) 495-2493
SL Seobong
50-8 Omok-li SungGeo-eup.
Tel. (041) 555-8511
Fax. (041) 555-4947
SL Sungsan
100-18 Galsan-dong Dalseogu
Tel. (053) 581-8511-5
Fax. (053) 581-8510
SL Slovakia
Kocovce 228
91631 Kocovce
Tel. 421 32 779 8071
Fax. 421 32 779 87025
SL Lighting
887-4 Gumdan-dong Bukgu
Tel. (053) 362-8511
Fax. (053) 362-8555
Roman Wüthrich
SAL Alabama
2481 Airport Blvd
Alexander City
AL 35010
22 August 2009
Analysis of the world OEM headlamp market
Stanley Electric Co.
Contact Address
Stanley Electric Co., Ltd.
9-13, Nakameguro
Tokyo 153-8636
Tel. 03-3710-2222
Production Plants
Hella-Stanley Holding Pty Ltd.
54-76 Southern Road
Victoria 3194
39, rue des Peupliers
92000 Nanterre
Tel. 33-1-47-81-85-85
Fax. 33-1-47-86-09-16
Stanley Electric (Asia Pacific) Ltd.
Suites 2001-4,20/F.,Tower 1
The Gateway
25 Canton Road
Hong Kong
Tel. 852-2730-1738
Fax. 852-2730-1933
Tianjin Stanley Electric Co., Ltd.
No.140 Nanhai Road,
Tel. 86-22-2532-0174
Fax. 86-22-2532-0173
Guangzhou Stanley Electric Co., Ltd.
No.138, Jun Ye Road
Eastern Section, GETDD
510760 China
Tel. 86-20-8226-5721
Fax. 86-20-8226-6206
Chongqing Hua-yu Stanley Lighting Co.,
No.68, Long-Shan Road
Yubei District
Chongqing 400021
Tel. 86-23-67659032
Fax. 86-23-67659356
Roman Wüthrich
Stanley Electric GmbH
Waldecker Strasse 5
D-64546 Moerfelden-Walldorf
Tel. 49-6105-930530 Fax. 49-6105-930555
Stanley Electric Hungary kft.
3200 Gyongyos
Gabor Denes ut 1
Tel. 36-37-511-206
Fax. 36-37-511-213
Stanley Electric Engineering India Pvt. Ltd.
Plot No.164 Sector-5, IMT-Manesar
Gurgaon-122050 Haryana
Tel. 91-124-229-0852
Fax. 91-124-229-0870
Lumax Industries Ltd.
B-86 Mayapuri Industrial Area,
New Delhi 110064
Tel. 91-11-28117336
Fax. 91-11-28115779
22 August 2009
Analysis of the world OEM headlamp market
PT. Indonesia Stanley Electric
Jalan Bhumimas I No.17
Kawasan Industri Cikupamas
Po Box 388 Tangerang
15001 , Banten
Tel. 62-21-59-404-506
Fax. 62-21-59-404-510
Stanley Electric U.S. Co., Inc.
420 E.High St.
OH 43140
Tel. 1-740-852-5200
Fax. : 1-740-852-5201
Thai Stanley Electric Public Co., Ltd.
29/3 Moo 1
Bangpoon-Rungsit Rd. Banklang
Pathumthanee 12000
Tel. 66-2-581-5462
Fax. 66-2-581-5397
Stanley Electric (U.K.) Co., Ltd.
Atrium Court
The Ring,Bracknell
Berkshire RG12 1BW
Tel. 44-1344-393053
Fax. 44-1344-393153
Roman Wüthrich
II Stanley Co., Inc.
1500 Hill-Brady Rd.
Battle Creek
MI 49037
Tel. 1-269-660-7777
Fax. 1-269-660-5555
Vietnam Stanley Electric Co., Ltd.
Duongxa, Gia Lam District,
Tel. 84-4-38766245
Fax. 84-4-38766188
22 August 2009
Analysis of the world OEM headlamp market
Contact Address
43, rue Bayen
75848 Paris Cedex 17
Tel : +33 1 40 55 20 20
Fax : +33 1 40 55 21 71
Production plants
7649, Boulevard de los Polacos. Barrio Los
5147 Cordoba
Tel. 54 3 514 165 100
Fax. 54 3 514 165 101
Valeo Light Systems (WUXI)
B11 Factory Building,
Xixie Road
Wuxi High-Tech Industrial Development
Zone New District
Jiangsu Province
214112 Wuxi
Tel. 86 510 - 8299 3000
Fax. 86 510 - 8299 3008
Valeo Eclairage Signalisation
31, rue du Parc Industriel
B-7822 Meslin l'Eveque
Tel. 32 0 6 826 5211
Fax. 32 0 6 826 5499
Valeo Eclairage Signalisation
26 Boulevard de l'Industrie
Zone Industrielle Ecouflant Angers
49000 Ecouflant
Tel. 33 (0)2 41 33 24 00
Fax. 33 (0)2 41 37 05 85
Valeo Sistemas Automotivos
214, Rua Rodrigues de Medeiros Pedreira Santo Amaro
04464-050 Sao Paulo
Tel. 55 1 156 131 311
Fax. 55 1 156 131 307
Valeo Eclairage Signalisation
101 avenue de Vendome
BP 3324
41033 Blois
Tel. 33 (0)2 54 44 62 00
Fax. 33 (0)2 54 44 62 99
Valeo Eclairage Signalisation
34 rue Saint Andre
93012 Bobigny
Tel. 33 (0)1 49 42 62 62
Fax. 33 (0)1 48 44 65 29
Valeo Lighting Systems (FOSHAN)
NO7 Huabaonan Road
Chengxi Industrial Park
Foshan NationalHI-TECH Indust. zone
Chancheng District
Guangdong Province
528000 Foshan
Yaohua Road 6, Hubei Province
Development Zone
430056 Wuhan
Tel. 86 27-5940 8208
Fax. 86 27 848 967 31
Roman Wüthrich
Valeo Eclairage Signalisation
34 rue Saint Andre
93012 Bobigny
Tel. 33 (0)1 49 42 62 62
Fax. 33 (0)1 48 44 65 29
Valeo Eclairage Signalisation
Parc d'activites de l'Epinette
BP 8bis
2500 Hirson
Tel. 33 (0)3 23 58 85 00
Fax. 33 (0)3 23 58 85 01
22 August 2009
Analysis of the world OEM headlamp market
Valeo Eclairage Signalisation
Route du Pont de l'Arn
BP 523
81205 Mazamet
Tel. 33 (0)5 63 98 81 81
Fax. 33 (0)5 63 98 81 71
Valeo Eclairage Signalisation
32, rue de Paris
BP 717, SENS Cedex
89107 Saint Clement
Tel. 33 (0)3 86 95 60 00
Fax. 33 (0)3 86 95 60 01
Valeo Beleuchtung Deutschland GmbH
Hummendorfer Str. 72-76
96317 Kronach Neuses
Tel. 49 (0)9261 4070
Fax. 49 (0)9261 407 120
VALEO Lighting Systems (India) Pvt. Ltd
RR Tower IV - 7th floor TVK Industrial
600 032 Chennai
Tel. 91 4 422 505 000
Fax. 91 4 422 505 011
Via Torino, 31
10044 Pianezza
Tel. 39 011 96 86 511
Fax. 39 011 96 62 425
Ichikoh Industries Limited
Itado 80
259-1192 Isehara
Tel. 81 (0)463-96-1488
Roman Wüthrich
VALEO Sylvania Illuminacion
Avenida de la Montana 102,
Parque Industrial Queretaro
Delegacion Santa Rosa - Jauregui
76220 Queretaro
Tel. 52 4 422 116 600
Fax. 52 442 2116601 / 02
Valeo Lighting Systems
ul. Europejska 50
32500 Chrzanow
Tel. 48 327 582 000
Fax. 48 327 582 001
VLS Lighting Assembly
Strada Garii nr.1
300 166 Timisoara
Fax. 40 256 401 107
Valeo Lighting Injection
Strada Garii nr.1
300 166 Timisoara
Fax. 40 256 401 107
Poligono Industrial, C-Linares, 15
23600 Martos
Tel. 34 953 56 9100
Fax. 34 953 55 2507
Valeo Sylvania L.L.C.
"1231 A, Avenue North Seymour"""
IN 47274 Seymour
Tel. 1 8 125 235 200
Fax. 1 8 125 245 316
22 August 2009
Analysis of the world OEM headlamp market
7.10 Visteon
Contact Address
Visteon Corporation
One Village Center Drive
Van Buren Township
Michigan 48111 U.S.
Production plants
Visteon TYC Auto Lamps Co., LtdNo 228
Taishan RD
Jiangsu Province
213022 Peoples Republic of China
Carplastic S.A. de C.V.
Av. Parque Industrial Monterrey 608
Nuevo Leon Tamaulipas 66600
Czech Republic
Visteon Autopal s.r.o.
Luzicka 14
741 01 Novy Jicin
Carplastic, S.A. de C.V.
Blv. Interamerican N. 120
Parque Industrial Finsa-nty
Nuevo Leon 66600
Visteon Autopal s.r.o.
Sachetni ul 1540
735 32 Rychvald
TATA Visteon Automotive Private Limited
ICC Trade Tower International Comvention
2nd FL A205/A206,403 A Sepapat
Bapat Marg
India 411017
Roman Wüthrich
22 August 2009
Analysis of the world OEM headlamp market
7.11 Wipac Limited
Contact Address
Wipac Limited
London Road
Buckingham MK18 1BH
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0) 1280 822800
Fax: +44 (0) 1280 822802
Production Plants
Guangdong province
Wipac Limited
London Road
Buckingham MK18 1BH
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0) 1280 822800
Fax: +44 (0) 1280 822802
Roman Wüthrich
22 August 2009
Analysis of the world OEM headlamp market
7.12 Zizala Lichtsysteme Gmbh
Contact Address
ZIZALA Lichtsysteme GmbH
Scheibbser Straße 17
A-3250 Wieselburg
Tel. +43 / 7416 / 505 - 0
Fax. +43 / 7416 / 505 - 2099
Production Plants
ZIZALA Lichtsysteme GmbH
Scheibbser Straße 17
A-3250 Wieselburg
Czech Republic
KES - kabelové a elektrické systémy, spol. sr.o.
Popinecká 983/30,
73932 Vratimov
Tel. ++420 596 762 711
Fax ++420 596 762 718
Neolite ZKW Lightings Pvt. Ltd
B-24 Mayapuri Phase -1
IN - New Delhi -110064
Tel. ++91 11- 2888 8028, 2888 8029 and 2888 8030
Fax. ++91 11- 2811 6025
ZKW Slovakia s.r.o.
Bedzianska cesta 679/375
SK-956 31 Krušovce
Tel. +421 / (0)38 7466 301
Fax. +421 / (0)38 7466 399
Roman Wüthrich
22 August 2009
Analysis of the world OEM headlamp market
7.13 Arteb
Contact Address
Av. Robert Kennedy, nº 375
Bairro Planalto. CEP: 09860-000
São Bernardo do Campo / SP
Tel. (11) 4341-9935
7.14 Magna Electronics
Contact Address
Magna Electronics
600 Wilshire Drive
Troy, Michigan, USA 48084
Tel. +1 248 729 2400
Roman Wüthrich
22 August 2009