VW Trends August 1991
VW Trends August 1991
lW2A%f. ROUND PEG IN A SQUARE HOLE HELLA/APS GOLF/JETTA II ROUND LIGHT CONVERSION By Timothy N. Gavern I rell_lember when all cars had round headlamps. It was simple. Two bigs or four smalls. Then around 1976, square headlamps came out it and it was really big news. Now, every shape and size headlamp is being produced and people don't even blink. Well, what comes around, goes around and its cool to have round headlamps again . Just ask Volkswagen of America. For '91, Volkswagen has finally put round headlamps on the amerispec GTI 8V and the GTI 16V. (Original release of the round headlamps in the U.S. was on the 19901/2 Wolfsburg Limited Edition GTI 8V and GTI 16V). The factory has been putting these round headlamps on Golf GTis since their introduction in Europe, but the pub- lie relations department figured that the U .S. Golf II GTis needed "aerodynamic" rectangular headlamps to sell them. Maybe they did, Virtually everything that you need to install the Hella European headlamp conversion down to correct head/amp plug, terminals and rivets is included in the Neuspeed kit. Make sure if purchasing this kit from other distributors than Neuspeed that everything needed is included in their kit. 86 30 Contro l current in Power c urrent in 44 VW TRENDS/AUGUST 1991 85 87 Power current out Control current out but most people wanted the Eurospec version since the first time they saw them in the Euro magazines shortly after their introduction in 1985. Only now do we get them here though. The "aerodynamic" rectangular headlamps on the late GTis did come with replaceable halogen bulbs (dual filiment #9004 45 watt low beam/65 watt high beam) but, there is no higher wattage replacement bulb (such as a 80/100 etc.) available. These headlamps do work well though and have an excellent 7. At this time remove and discard the plastic shroud on the passenger side of the radiator (see arrow) and replace the top screw, then transfer the rubber hood bump stops and hood rod clip to the new cross frame. Continued on page 82 1,2. Carefully remove factory grill by pushing down tabs with screwdriver blade, unplug the head/amp connectors and pull out grille. 5,6. Unbolt the two radiator mounting brackets, then remove the nine bolts holding on the cross frame and unclip the hood release cable. Next remove the cross frame. VW TRENDS/AUGUST 1991 45 ROUND PEG IN A SQUARE H O L E - - - - - - - - - - - - · ROUND PEG IN A . SQUARE HOLE Continued from page 45 Continued from page 83 10, 11. Drill out pop rivets that hold the hood latch on the old cross frame and remove it. Install the hood latch in the new cross frame with the supplied rivets. (Note: on 16V cars, it is necessary to measure the right side of the old cross frame and drill the holes for the air box inlet shroud.} 18. After. The completed installation says it all. There is 510 watts available here to turn darkness into daylight. 12, 13. Cut off the factory headlight plug and connect the new plug with the terminals supplied. Make sure that you match the colorcoded wires exactly as listed in the instructions as there are many different color combinations. : (Note: If you wish to hook up the 4 watt "city light" bulb to your parking lights, you must splice them into the gray and brown blinker wires at this time. Run one w ire of each color to the terminals). light pattern for a factory h eadlamp. The new round headlamp system that '91 Unite d States GT i s come equipped with have sealed beam hea dl amps w h ile t h eir E u ropean counterparts still come · with replaceable h a logen bulbs. To get t h e cool h alogen versions , you still m ust replace each entire round 16. Aaron Neumann of APS is shown here adjusting the head/amps after installation with a killer Hella European head/amp aiming machine. head l amp as s embly wit h the European v e rsion . The driving l am p s in both the U.S . and European versions come with 55 watt H-3 replaceable halogen bulbs. (These driving lights are hooked into t he high beam switch and turn on and off only with the high beams Con t in u ed on p age 90 ~~U.S . GTls). If yo u own an '85 or later Golf/Jetta II and you would like to have the E u ropean version rou nd headlamp conversion complete with the H -4 h alogen bulbed headlamps, the complete kit is available from Neu speed . Th e kit uses the same factory 7" H-4 Rella halogen headlamp units and 5-3/4" H-3 driving lamps as the European version s . As is usual with Neuspeed produ cts, virtually everything but the electrical wire and a few connectors is included, including new headlamp connectors that are wired correctly for the European h eadlamps. AUTOMOTIVE PERFORMANCE SYSTEMS, INC. 3300 Corte Malposo • Camar111o. CA 93012 805.388.717 1 tel .- 805.388.0030 fox • info@neuspeed.com WMN.NEUSPEED.COM
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