Import Tuner April 2000
Import Tuner April 2000
• • • • ENGINE TESTED: APPLICATIONS: COMMON SWAPS: REPLACEMENTS: ~ : ROBERT CHOO Volkswagen AEG 1999 Golf GTI IV, GL, GLS 1999 Jetta IV, GL, GLS 1998 Beetle GL, GLS })) In the early 1990s Volkswagen was in dire straights in the U.S. market. Sales were floundering and there was talk of pulling out of America all together. About this time, VW went back to its GTI roots and infused power and a high degree of Euro styling into its products. The Golf was revitalized, the Jetta found a niche in the highly competitive sedan market and VW was on the rood to recovery. The addition of a turbo 1.8-liter engine and the coming of the New Bee~e helped move VW back to the head of the class. (fH ENGINE The backbone of Volkswagen's lineup is the 2 .0 -liter AEG engine. This four-cylinder engine is a single-overhead cam proposition with two valves per cylinder and hydraulic lifters. The engine is factory rated at 115 horsepower and 122 lbs-ft of torque. As a mainstay of watercooled VW performance, the AEG rates an eight on a scale from one to 10 when it comes to aftermarket parts availability. On Neuspeed's Clayton Chassis dynamometer, the Jetta put 103 hp to the rollers in stock trim with fresh wire and Beru plugs. 70 I IMPORT TUNER APRil2000 107 HP TEST 2 >NEUSPEED P-CHIP !I! •• •• fff I .. - ~--_j_-;~~~~:..-.-.- i. T - i ,. , --- + .. I +- 4· --r---+-I -- -sTOCK 107. -P-CHIP TEST 2 >NEUSPEED EXHAUST fJO r-- •• •• ---.- uo r··- --- i: uo r ~ ~ .. I .. . ,., 116 HP t - - -i- u ~ 1 ~ i- J--- -t -_-1- ·-- J -< -·- -l -~ J . - O'HAUST ----·-- 1 TEST 3 >NEUSPEED AIR FILTER c - -:.____ - -t l JI __ __L J - J Adding a high-flow Neuspeed air filter jumped output to 122 horsepower. TEST 4 >NEUSPEED BUMPSTICK !: •• •• 1,. -~ __j_ 122 HP 124 HP •• •• ffll I . . --- --·~ .. :. [~ -- -----=-- -' ~ - ---;----11 --1 EHOINERPOI -CAM ---1 The muscle-building program was concluded with a cam swap. The Neuspeed bumpstick advanced power production to 124 horsepower with notable gains from 4000 rpm on up. APRIL2000 IMPORT TUNER 71 WIP~ORMANCE COMPONENTS ~ IVEUII:JI'A fff}[Jg Because of the popularity of the 2.0 -liter AEG engine, there are limitless possibilities when it comes to tuners and product manufacturers. For this battery of mods, we 1----__:::..c;:;..;.:..:;.:;;.::::..::::_ _ _ _---t contacted VW tuner GreedSpeed and manufacturer Neuspeed to pump up the volume 1 _,'S of a ' 99 Jetta . The performance ledger called for the addition of a computer ch ip, intake l------~ -•_v _G ,-~--_ _ __- I system, exhaust, a cam and wires and plugs . This extensive schedule calls for basic boltons and one more involved upgrade (cam) and showcases the power potentia l of the 2.0-liter engine. IVEUS,~£U.'ED The Neuspeed P-Chip is designed to provide more aggressive fuel and ignition tim ing tables and extract more power out of the engine . The ECU upgrade also helps with EXR,. rST future mods . The Neuspeed P-Fio is the company's air filter system . The system f e a t u r e s l - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 a low-restriction filter element and a stylish pipe to add both form and function under the hood . Like all aftermarket exhaust systems, the Neuspeed system's mission is to 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - t increase flow by using larger diameter pipe, smoother mandrel bends and a high-flow CA. muffler. The Neuspeed Sport Cam , like most import cams, is set up to deliver the goods on the high end . BERU SfiJRK IVEUSPEED P-CHIP IVEUSPEED GYNo SJ,568 'ESTING Product evaluation was conducted at Neuspeed in Camarillo, California on the company's Clayton Chassis dynamometer. Our test subject was a 1999 Jetta with 2300 miles on the clock. The VW sported a five-speed manual gearbox and OBD-11 engine control. Prior to running baseline numbers the car was given a tune up with new spark plugs from Beru and Neuspeed wires. With the Jetta secured to the rollers, we sampled for baseline numbers, coming up with 103 ponies at the wheels. The P-Chip added power throughout the curve with notable additional thrust from 4000 to 6000 rpm . The exhaust freed up nine peak horsepower and gobs of power from 4500 rpm on up-with no sacrifice on the low end . The intake system continued the trend, making gains over the full powerband with an increase of 6 hp at peak. The cam had no impact on the low end-it neither gained nor lost power. At peak only 2 additional hp were realized but inspecting the graph shows the cam expanded the breathing capacity of the motor. On the high end where the stock-cammed engine would drastically fall off after peaking, the Neuspeed bumpstick increased output by about 7 ponies. ftlf)c IVCLUSION The bolt-on performance parts netted the expected gains. The performance chart displays how each mod performed in relation to the others. The Test 2 run with the addition of the Neuspeed exhaust system showed the most impressive gain, making usable power from 4500 to 6000 rpm . This represents the sweet spot of the 2.0-liter AEG engine and as a result can really be felt in the seat of the pants during test runs between wrenching sessions. Another interesting piece of data can be gleaned from the cam test. Where peak power is measured there was only a 2-hp jump in output. Cams change the breathing ability and the power curve of an engine. In this case we can see the power curve falls off a great deal less after peak power is realized . @ .. - {jJ@[jJ(?@{jJWiJ!Jj{f!}@@ @fX]fjjJJJfl HP Level HP lnaease TQ Level TQ lnaease Basehne (New plugs and wires) 103.0 > Test 1 Neuspeed P-chip 107.0 >Test 2 Neuspeed Exhaust > Test 3 Neuspeed Air FHter > Test 4 Neuspeecl Bumpstick Final Power 721 1MPORT TUNER APRil2000 116.0 122.0 124.0 124.0 4.0 9.0 6.0 2.0 21.0 - - - - - - - AUTOMOTlVf PERFORMANCE SYSTEMS, INC. 3300 Corte Molposo • COr'nc:do. CA 93012 805.388.71 71 tel • 805.388.0030 101: • 'M'tW.NEUSPEEO.COM