Proof of Notice in Newspapers Proof of Notice on Web Site Proof of
Proof of Notice in Newspapers Proof of Notice on Web Site Proof of
Response to Public Comment NEW EDUCATION & DISCOVERY CENTER APPENDIX B-PROOFS OF NOTICE Proof of Notice in Newspapers Proof of Notice on Web Site Proof of Notice to Governmental Entities Proof of Notice at Parkland TNC’s flyer mailed to all Borough registered voter households 313 Hudson Avenue • Tenafly, New Jersey 07670 • 201.568.6093 • 201.569.2266 fax • 1 2 3 4 Home - Borough of Tenafly, New Jersey Page 1 of 1 Tenafly News and Information 4/23/2013 - Special Council Meeting - Tenafly Nature Center Presentation/Green Acres Public Hearing 3/29/2013 - DPW CLOSED FRIDAY, MARCH 29, 2013 - GOOD FRIDAY 3/29/2013 - Good Friday Holiday Observance 3/28/2013 - Rescheduled Work Session/Public Meeting to April 4th 3/13/2013 - 2013 Introduced Municipal Budget Information 3/11/2013 - Tenafly News from the Record & Suburbanite Archives Events 4/23/2013 - Green Acres Public Comment Hearing Regarding Tenafly Nature Center Proposal 3/30/2013 - Egg Hunt 3/27/2013 - Online Sale of Surplus Borough Property 3/1/2013 - Senior Citizens March 2013 Calendar of Events Archives Tenafly Borough Hall 100 Riveredge Road Tenafly, NJ 07670 201-568-6100 Copyright © 2013 Borough of Tenafly NJ. All Rights Reserved. Powered by 5 file://G:\TNC3\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\1.NEW BUILDING\1. Pub... 5/10/2013 6 PUBLIC NOTICE The Tenafly Nature Center (TNC) is proposing to use approximately two acres on Block 2702, Lot 1 in the Borough of Tenafly to build a new Education and Discovery Center. Proposed entry to the new building is opposite Kent Road, off East Clinton Avenue. Block 2702, Lot 1 is Green Acres encumbered property. Pursuant to N.J.A.C. 7:36-25.6(a) of Green Acres rules, a hearing to obtain public comment will be held at Council Chambers in Tenafly’s Borough Hall, located at 100 Riveredge Road, Tenafly, NJ 07670 on Tuesday, April 23, 2013 at 7:30 pm, regarding the proposed change in use on this parcel. TNC will be seeking any other variances, waivers, or modifications that may arise during the hearing. No formal action will be taken at this meeting. For additional information please contact the Lissette Aportela-Hernandez, Municipal Clerk, Borough of Tenafly at 201-568-6100 or Jennifer Kleinbaum, Executive Director of the Tenafly Nature Center Association, 313 Hudson Avenue, Tenafly, NJ 07670 at 201-568-6093. Information explaining the proposal will be available at TNC, on TNC’s website,, at Tenafly Public Library and Borough Hall. Written comments may be submitted for a two-week period after the public hearing, ending May 7, to the Borough or TNC, with copies to: NJ Department of Environmental Protection Green Acres Program Bureau of Legal Services & Stewardship Mail Code 501-01 PO Box 420 Trenton, NJ 08625-0420. 7 Page 1 of 1 ellen v. kuhn From: Jennifer Kleinbaum [] Sent: Sunday, March 24, 2013 9:14 AM To: 'Neus, Mike';;; 'jeffrey toonkel';;;;;;; 'Jim Balakian';;;; Attachments: Questions and Answers.pdf Dear TNC Board: Friday was momentous for TNC! Our proposal for the new Education and Discovery Center was officially submitted to the Borough of Tenafly. Large signs posting notice for a public hearing were erected downtown and at the Clinton Ave site. Save the date and invite your friends--on April 23rd, we will be giving a presentation to the Mayor, Council, and interested residents--we want to pack the house! You can see the whole proposal on our website--all the information is downloadable and printable in the "Our Future" section. I've also attached a frequently asked questions list to this e-mail (also viewable here). We have a lot to be proud of this year already. Thanks to all of you, Mary Beth, and the dinner committee our successful annual dinner was just the beginning. There's a lot of work to be done and I'm looking forward to accomplishing a lot this spring. Jennifer Jennifer Kleinbaum Executive Director TENAFLY NATURE CENTER 313 Hudson Avenue, Tenafly, NJ tel.201-568-6093 | fax: 201-569-2266 | Celebrating 50+ Years of Environmental Leadership 8 5/10/2013 9 Page 1 of 1 ellen v. kuhn From: ellen v. kuhn [] Sent: Thursday, March 21, 2013 9:29 AM To: 'Lawrence, Nancy' Cc: 'Thompson-Chin, Jewel'; 'Aportela-Hernandez, Lissette'; 'Neus, Mike'; 'Rosenberg, Risa'; Subject: Public hearing notification letters Attachments: TNC notification Green Acres.pdf Tracking: Recipient Read 'Lawrence, Nancy' 'Thompson-Chin, Jewel' 'Aportela-Hernandez, Lissette' 'Neus, Mike' Read: 3/21/2013 9:32 AM 'Rosenberg, Risa' Dear Nancy, I am sending a letter of notification (attached) to inform Green Acres that a Public Hearing will take place on Tuesday, April 23, 2013 in Council Chambers at Tenafly’s Municipal Building regarding Tenafly Nature Center’s proposed plans for a new building on Green Acres encumbered land. I am sending copies of this letter also to Tenafly’s Borough Administrator Jewel Thompson-Chin and Borough Clerk Lissette Aportela-Hernandez. Thanks, Ellen V. Kuhn TENAFLY NATURE CENTER 313 Hudson Avenue, Tenafly, NJ tel.201-568-6093 | fax: 201-569-2266 | Celebrating 50+ Years of Environmental Leadership 10 5/10/2013 From: Sent: To: Subject: Lawrence, Nancy <> Thursday, March 21, 2013 2:45 PM 'ellen v. kuhn' RE: Public hearing notification letters Thank you Ellen. Have a nice day. Regards, Nancy Lawrence From: ellen v. kuhn [] Sent: Thursday, March 21, 2013 9:29 AM To: Lawrence, Nancy Cc: 'Thompson-Chin, Jewel'; 'Aportela-Hernandez, Lissette'; 'Neus, Mike'; 'Rosenberg, Risa'; Subject: Public hearing notification letters Dear Nancy, I am sending a letter of notification (attached) to inform Green Acres that a Public Hearing will take place on Tuesday, April 23, 2013 in Council Chambers at Tenafly’s Municipal Building regarding Tenafly Nature Center’s proposed plans for a new building on Green Acres encumbered land. I am sending copies of this letter also to Tenafly’s Borough Administrator Jewel Thompson‐Chin and Borough Clerk Lissette Aportela‐Hernandez. Thanks, Ellen V. Kuhn TENAFLY NATURE CENTER 313 Hudson Avenue, Tenafly, NJ tel.201-568-6093 | fax: 201-569-2266 | Celebrating 50+ Years of Environmental Leadership 11 12 13 14 Page 1 of 1 ellen v. kuhn From: ellen v. kuhn [] Sent: Thursday, March 21, 2013 9:29 AM To: 'Aportela-Hernandez, Lissette'; 'Thompson-Chin, Jewel' Cc:; 'Neus, Mike'; 'Rosenberg, Risa'; 'Lawrence, Nancy' Subject: Public hearing notification letters to Mayor/Council, Planning Bd., Environ. Commission Attachments: TNC notification Environ. Comm..pdf; TNC notification mayor & council.pdf; TNC notification to Plan Bd..pdf Tracking: Recipient Read 'Aportela-Hernandez, Lissette' 'Thompson-Chin, Jewel' 'Neus, Mike' Read: 3/21/2013 9:31 AM 'Rosenberg, Risa' 'Lawrence, Nancy' Dear Jewel and Lissette, I am sending to both of you three letters of notification (attached) for distribution to Tenafly’s Mayor and Council, Tenafly’s Planning Board and Environmental Commission. The letters are to inform the various municipal bodies that a Public Hearing will be held on Tuesday, April 23, 2013 in Council Chambers at Tenafly’s Municipal Building regarding Tenafly Nature Center’s proposed plans for a new building on Green Acres encumbered land. I would appreciate it if you would distribute copies of the letters to the appropriate council, commission and board members by Friday March 22. I have cc’d both of you on each original letter. Thanks, Ellen V. Kuhn TENAFLY NATURE CENTER 313 Hudson Avenue, Tenafly, NJ tel.201-568-6093 | fax: 201-569-2266 | Celebrating 50+ Years of Environmental Leadership 15 5/10/2013 Page 1 of 1 ellen v. kuhn From: Aportela-Hernandez, Lissette [] Sent: Thursday, March 21, 2013 9:39 AM To: 'ellen v. kuhn' Cc: Thompson-Chin, Jewel Subject: RE: Public hearing notification letters to Mayor/Council, Planning Bd., Environ. Commission Ellen – I put a letter in the Mayor and Council’s boxes, as well as in the box for the Planning Board and Environmental Commission. Lissette From: ellen v. kuhn [] Sent: Thursday, March 21, 2013 9:29 AM To: Aportela-Hernandez, Lissette; Thompson-Chin, Jewel Cc:; 'Neus, Mike'; 'Rosenberg, Risa'; 'Lawrence, Nancy' Subject: Public hearing notification letters to Mayor/Council, Planning Bd., Environ. Commission Dear Jewel and Lissette, I am sending to both of you three letters of notification (attached) for distribution to Tenafly’s Mayor and Council, Tenafly’s Planning Board and Environmental Commission. The letters are to inform the various municipal bodies that a Public Hearing will be held on Tuesday, April 23, 2013 in Council Chambers at Tenafly’s Municipal Building regarding Tenafly Nature Center’s proposed plans for a new building on Green Acres encumbered land. I would appreciate it if you would distribute copies of the letters to the appropriate council, commission and board members by Friday March 22. I have cc’d both of you on each original letter. Thanks, Ellen V. Kuhn TENAFLY NATURE CENTER 313 Hudson Avenue, Tenafly, NJ tel.201-568-6093 | fax: 201-569-2266 | Celebrating 50+ Years of Environmental Leadership NOTICE: This email message, including any attachment(s), is for the sole use of the intended recipient and may contain confidential and privileged information. Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure or distribution is prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender by reply email and destroy all copies of the original message. 16 5/10/2013 nr;'At* ruuy 27,2013 TheMayor andCouncil Boroughof Tenafly 100RiveredgeRoad Tenafly,NJ 07670 DearMayor andCourrcil: We understand that it hasbeendeterminedthat the publichearingregardingthe changein use requiredfor TNC's proposedEducationand RecoveryCenter should not be held during a regularCouncil session,and that Ap/rl 23, 2013 has been identifiedas a convenientdatefor a specialsessionfor that separate public hearing.The TenaflyNature Centerjoins in the requestthat the specialpublic sessionbe scheduledfor Aprll 23, 2013, and requeststhat it be permittedto make a presentationat the sessionto explain the proposedschematicdesign,aswell asto supportthe proposedchangein use. 313 l{udson Avcnue ' 'f'enafly,NewJcrser' 07670 . 201.5(t8.6()93. 201.569.2266fax . www.tenaflyna 17 cenrer.ors Page 1 of 1 ellen v. kuhn From: Thompson-Chin, Jewel [] Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2013 12:41 PM To: 'ellen v. kuhn'; Aportela-Hernandez, Lissette Cc: 'Neus, Mike'; 'Rosenberg, Risa'; 'Jennifer Kleinbaum'; '' Subject: RE: Scheduling Public Hearing, TNC's presentation Thanks Ellen. This will acknowledge the receipt of the Nature Center’s correspondence regarding the meeting on April 23rd. Jewel Jewel V. Thompson-Chin Borough Administrator Borough of Tenafly 100 Riveredge Road Tenafly, NJ 07670 201-568-6100 ext.5503 201-541-6413 (fax) "Leadership should be more participative than directive, more enabling than performing" - Mary D. Poole From: ellen v. kuhn [] Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2013 12:33 PM To: Thompson-Chin, Jewel; Aportela-Hernandez, Lissette Cc: 'Neus, Mike'; 'Rosenberg, Risa'; 'Jennifer Kleinbaum'; Subject: Scheduling Public Hearing, TNC's presentation Hi Lissette and Jewel, Attached please find TNC’s letter requesting a special public session before the mayor and council on April 23 to explain our schematic plans for a new building and to support the proposed change of use. Thanks, Ellen V. Kuhn TENAFLY NATURE CENTER 313 Hudson Avenue, Tenafly, NJ tel.201-568-6093 | fax: 201-569-2266 | Celebrating 50+ Years of Environmental Leadership NOTICE: This email message, including any attachment(s), is for the sole use of the intended recipient and may contain confidential and privileged information. Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure or distribution is prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender by reply email and destroy all copies of the original message. 18 5/10/2013 Page 1 of 1 ellen v. kuhn From: Thompson-Chin, Jewel [] Sent: Thursday, February 14, 2013 2:01 PM To: Jennifer Kleinbaum ( Cc: ellen kuhn (; Aportela-Hernandez, Lissette Subject: Public Meeting Confirmation: Tuesday, April 23, 2013, Council Chambers, 7-10 PM Jennifer, The subject line in this message shows the information that was conveyed to the Administrator & Borough Clerk regarding the upcoming public meeting. As discussed, this information will be contained in the Borough Newsletter for March 1, 2013. Please confirm the information via email and in writing to the Borough Clerk’s Office for the record. Also, let Lissette know the timing for receipt of any meeting materials that can be posted on the Borough Website in advance as public information. Thanks, Jewel Jewel V. Thompson-Chin Borough Administrator Borough of Tenafly 100 Riveredge Road Tenafly, NJ 07670 201-568-6100 ext.5503 201-541-6413 (fax) "Leadership should be more participative than directive, more enabling than performing" - Mary D. Poole NOTICE: This email message, including any attachment(s), is for the sole use of the intended recipient and may contain confidential and privileged information. Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure or distribution is prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender by reply email and destroy all copies of the original message. 19 5/10/2013 Borough of Tenafly 100 Riveredge Road Tenafly, NJ 07670 DEPARTMENT OF BUILDINGS Phone: (201) 568'6100 Fax: (201) 568-1264 S!GI\r P E RMIT 'tpLEASE pNNT ALL PROPERTY PROPERTY B u s I N ES s A P P LI CATI O I{ - l-1.': I 3 $J5.00 Revrew Fee APPLICATION DATE:.3 E . OU tufWN /+t/6 OPPAT /75- KTA/T RbLOCKI ZTOL LOT L ZONE: INFORWT'IONI ^DDRXSSI \oN-RlsIDEn*TIAL f, I : {an:eey. --1* t-ve-z c flJEa, - USE: RESIDENTIAL N AME ( tf a p p | rca b ! e) I'YPE OF []USINESS(r/app | rco bte): N Q N' f 'e e a1 f TOT,{I. NI.JMBER OF TENANT SPACES'I'HAT FRONT ON THE StcN AppL;CANT/CONTACT PERSON: Property Owner N BOVF] NAMED Tenant/Lcssee ! k<oua p/ 9F r€tu+€Lv 12D ADDRESS: /oo '?//6le€D6e E.MAIL pHoNE: ?ot-s-bg -G( oo [l STREE]': A Sign Owner !' pROpER]'YOWNER: - Sl(iNATURE: - ctrzti.€l -Ta;a,tP?cv LtAn-tpe A DDRESS : -3!g tty E-MAIL: il. k trt 6au t^9 fqZ".fL.nSfotrc?nltt. t't1(.tNF. ,7-o t- TENA:{T/LESSEE, ADDRESS; PFIC)NE: Ls-*Se. /v of7 -ffi )f rD &6 P'sfED SI(3NATURE: p E-MAIL: Bx-g>.) fiepRoJg)s 8y frt't-t*-tfOv:nl ktSo Bv tn^tZZz DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED SIGN (including type and A4/ea purpose of sign, localion on building; or site' means ofa.fiachment or support, type and soirrce of illumination, etc ): - nsrz-(t<d. r:l (tra(g-: ti&-4---A--X -Ft- LaEoP",+'r l -/"sft y'^btic aiTi)iss-*Ag t 23, ?9t3 €epte'vfrin T,#wEwI: h fz ( P"<" 32- "-::14-t: .. * /ta^rina ryb--q / 7z - fr tfrT; 881+t Ut-O ---k ftt-t , - ?.i: 't7f Tevl- ts AKl*t TVARE7@, BauD L/1.4 tru /-c/ " 20 h,5X'.0'"'" a4 / 1'-@" ----.f{- -l \ \N \ iJ (_ N(. >F rD e \ l-\ \. >{ \itlr Nl ?|, n -, e Eqs_ -E= ",;P= qe6 3 F iF=s: = 3q: Fgqri =+=; QE=-2 E-== o?z ^'-{q ^>-= 3=9i q== 35=q nI4> EeB lHs9 {-E;-P es; 5==9 qc) erq a' c2'",9"a 6 E wl s2E 3933 ngF il qd3 o f=si3 r?E tg; ; -< (n tT Z.c-? +$ -'(, =a ;== ;i9x s3-s;--38 nlad 3=3 o #8= =;3,il 3g !q flf; rn 431 6-\ 5iiq i*g 9iQfx CP: Sf I E=",=d (D I ;:; L{\ rn L'r .] 1I 3g E a13 g .", N :t\r c,q d: 14 v: ^i l'l rf x i O) g;-E*.coA.oui; =mio ==P 6i1 -=9 <gd =s=d Ta6= e{* {lpF }gd q,*E s?mr EgHa.=AEo !. ,-o' Bga E,..c 8_(: 63Hg 63E -"()3 I -+ b b t ;:?g 3=dd }ifl Ct > -1 t-=d' 0 ) iigg ;939 z I { o { I +g=q: HFt 6crzd'-?X. rn =i* g;Aq 3[=$ F:il 1' * Ht gtl.<55p ;€-;'R 5=!= c lt= i31* ;ts =t;E -oix 3..e:r' B€=a o:PB w rlooq #[g s=e< qF**i 6€d r 3s; ct;= 3H I -=^." 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Hil: o d g3s x-5 <ro_ x& g -^. gSH,E J Ea"q "d + :-=.Q5 ISgg -.=; Ea ."s =;gE -r Sga = E =-l =21 o co t- 0 : TaN^Ft-v N frT>rz E C-Et )iy< €(orJ re-rzM IT h; P fut cr+Tz-d r\l , ?crz PuELtG \Jol-l C,e StcN \\ \\ \r \ \ \ \ J\ \____ l' l- -\-\''.\ \ -\ I \ .-"'r' KEt' /- 4'+6' etor'l t_ -, se(bkL'r\\ z-to / \,,-----'/ ffi ROAD \ \\ \ \..'... \ ---\ \ \ ?9" \ , \>" \o^ r/ i Ivr-\ \ (-e,) \\^Z\ 20 \ \ \ i \ \ \ \ \ 6-". \ \\".-I**2 \ I \-m\ , N"' \ \-\ \\ \\ \\\\ \\ \\ \\ \ \\\\ r\ \\ ) ,/ -,/ \ Pool '/' \/ \ ..' \\ \\ .,' 0 /' \i_/ \\,,, \\:ffi \ \ e,;'lrl-r/ sK-z 22 tsoR.oawtof r'Ei\rAffv D E" AkfivtEsfT Date of Issu"e,: 3-14-20tg fflis signyertnit is frereby grantedto: O f tsUILD I NfE S ?errnit #: S2O13O15 Tenafly Nature Center Affiresg Hudson Ave for the foffm,ing ytryose: , TWo temporary non-illuminated signs, measuring 4' wide by 8' opposite Kent Road, and one at the SW corner of Tenafly Road and Riveredge Road advertising Public Hearing on the Nature Centre, scheduled for April 23'4, 2|.J^L3. (-Ag*'rg-, Corutntrti"sn Officinf 23 Sign at East Clinton Ave. opposite Kent Road posted 3-22-13 Tenafly Nature Center Public Notice for April 23, 2013 hearing 24 Sign at SW corner of Tenafly Road & Riveredge Road posted 3-22-13 Tenafly Nature Center Public Notice for April 23, 2013 hearing 25 NONPROFIT ORG U.S. POSTAGE PAID PARAMUS NJ PERMIT NO 504 313 HUDSON AVE. | TENAFLY, NJ 07670 TENAFLYNATURECENTER.ORG E. C Proposed Visitor Center Palisades Pkwy Current Visitor Center Croxton Collaborative Architect, LLC ©2013 Kaplen JCC lin to n Av e. TNC’s Proposed Education & Discovery Center - More Information Inside Support the Tenafly Nature Center and its proposal for a new Education and Discovery Center Attend the April 23 public hearing, 7:30 pm at Tenafly Borough Hall The Facts Green Building Design uuAn environmentally sensitive, energy-efficient building designed to fit into the landscape uuElegant, angled roof collects rainwater for reuse in the building uuSingle story, 7,950 sq. ft. facility fully accessible to visitors of all ages and abilities uuIncreased classroom and deck space accommodates more education programs Sustainably Designed Site uuEast Clinton entry provides improved access to nearly 400 acres of open space uuFootprint of less than two acres is integrated into the forest uuPreserves significant native trees and reuses harvested trees uuRain gardens absorb stormwater runoff Funding uuGrants and individual donations will fund the project, NOT Tenafly taxes Information: Jennifer Kleinbaum, Executive Director 201-568-6093 or email Copyright © 2013 Croxton Collaborative Architects LLC Plan for the future!
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