(J) ar ,. :::T O TENAFLY'S STUDENTS NEED YOU MORE THAN EVER! ~ g ;II (J) C ~ O "O~ m "" - C c n When you support TEF, you invest in what's most important for Tenafly: our children and their future. Please help us continue to provide this investment in Tenafly children. Take a moment to send your taxdeductible contribution today. Name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ Address City State _ _ Zip _ __ Phone E-mail I would like to become a member at the following level (please check one): o Benefactor ($500) o Patron ($250) o Sponsor ($50) o Family ($35) o Century ($100) o Individual ($25) o Other: $ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Please accept my gift to the TEF Endowment Fund: $ I want to contribute in the following way (check one or more): o Thank-a-Teacher Fund honoring a teacher in the amount of $ for (teacher) at (school) o o o Matching Gift from my employer $ Send me info about remembering TEF in my will . Send registration material for the June 6, 2010 TEF 5K Run and Dog Walk o Donation in honor of THS Class of _ _ _ _ __ Please make your check payable to Tenafly Educational Foundation (TEF) and mail to : TEF, P.O. Box 384, Tenafly, NJ 07670 Tenafly'sSTUDENTS and TEACHERS thank you! TEF is a S01(c)3 private non-profit organ ization. All gifts are tax deductible as provided by law. ~ (; ...;;;z fij o z 1NW1N. tefnj.com te\-f !~ngtlv FOUNDATION I How can you help? IT'S EASY! Why Should You Support TEF? ~ ~ 11 The Tenafly Educational Foundation provides grants that finance a range of benefits - from state-of-the-art equipment including digital cameras, microscopes, computer software, musical instruments, and materials that enrich school courses in math, science, art, music, and history to innovative programs, speakers and special events. Priority is given to grant requests keeping Tenafly Public Schools stocked with up-to-date technology. Grants also secure seed money for innovative teacher-generated programs. ICII:: ~~ ~ Who We Are, What We Do We're a community-based, non-profit 501 (c)3 organization. We fund teacher-initiated programs and projects in the Tenafly School System that the school budget is unable to cover. With your help, we enrich academic experience and creativity in all four elementary schools (Maugham, Mackay, Stillman & Smith) plus Tenafly Middle School and Tenafly High School. When teachers have a project idea, they submit a grant proposal. It's reviewed by their Principal, the Assistant Superintendent, and TEF Board members - comprised of Tenafly residents or parents of Tenafly students. The TEF board evaluates the proposal and votes on Since the year funding. Finally, the Board 2000, we have of Education accepts the proposal. Working togethawarded more than er, our teachers can put 238 grants totaling innovative programs into over $180,000 action, providing exactly what our students need. Since 1984, we've awarded well over 400 grants for projects 'that have made learning more effective and more fun for thousands of Tenafly schoolchildren. YOUR CHILDREN'S FUTURE SUPPORTING CREATIVE, PASSIONATE TEACHERS Who knows what works best in a c lassroom? ~ Teachers! Our teachers really care, and we're proud to recognize and reward this fact. Time and again, our schools' teachers have submitted creative, truly useful grant requests. They make learning more interesting and more fun ...resulting in happier, more involved, more successful students. CONTRIBUTE MONEY Write a check today, or arrange for ongoing Planned Giving in honor or memory of a friend or family member. Please contact us at www.tefnj.comif you have any questions. Checks can be made out to "Tenafly Educational Foundation" and sent to P.O. Box 384, Tenafly, NJ 07670 . BECOME A SPONSOR Contribute to the TEF Endowment Fund ; sponsor an entire Project Grant; become a corporate or family sponsor of the TEF 5K Run and Dog Walk. CONTRIBUTE TIME We can always use skilled help with media relations, graphic design, web design, copywriting, data entry, volunteers for the TEF 5K Run and Dog Walk, and school district representation. Contact us at www.tefnj.comorTEFmailbox@yahoo.com HAVE QUESTIONS? Visit www.tefnj.comorTEFmailbox@yahoo.com and we 'll be happy to answer them . Contributions are tax-deductible to the extent provided by law. Please give today...for STUDENTS, for TEACHERS, for TENAFLY. THE OTHER 3,929 REASONS TO SUPPORT TEF? :z ~ YOUR COMMUNITY'S FUTURE ~ TEF brings neighbors together in many ways: ICII:: The annual TEF 5K Run and Dog Walk, The Family Health and Fitness Fair, educational speakers, and arts related cultural performances. TEF is a town wide organization that includes parents of Tenafly students, parents of preschoolers, school alumni, senior citizens and volunteers of all ages. Corporate sponsors generously support TEF too. Englewood Hospital and Medical Center, Kaplen JCC on the Palisades, Northern Valley Suburbanite, Stop & Shop Supermarkets, Saga Electronics, Tenafly BMW, Newark Bears, Fiji Water, Doggie Deuce, and Hobby's Delicatessen -they all partner with us to fund needed m programs and build community awareness. :z ~ ~ HEALTHIER KIDS, HEALTHIER COMMUNITY The Family Health and Fitness Fair at the ICII:: TEF 5K Run and Dog Walk encourages a healthy lifestyle for everyone in the family" .and in the entire community. The Fair brings together health professionals of all kinds: physicians, physical therapists, youth nutrition experts, chiropractors and herbalists, teaching our residents both traditional and alternative approaches to maintaining their mental and physical wellbeing. Your town's students and teachers! Your contribution means more than ever in 2009-201 0. Why? Whether or not you have children in the Tenafly school system, our students are the futu re of this community. Your contribution not only supports the creativity and dedication of our teachers - it's an investment in our town's ongoing health and vitality. - NEW TEF PROGRAMS FOR 2009·2010 TEF SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM - Rewarding Tenafly High School Student Volunteers who have demonstrated outstanding service to their community as well as their leadership ability and compassion for others Cell Phones for Soldiers - Donating Old Cell Phones to Soldiers Overseas Allowing Them to Call Home For Free