June 2016 Council Meeting Package
June 2016 Council Meeting Package
TOWN OF HANNA REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA June 14, 2016 1 CALL TO ORDER - 6:00 P.M. 2 ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA 3 DELEGATIONS 4 PUBLIC PRESENTATION 5 ADOPTION OF MINUTES 5.1 5.2 6 FINANCE REPORTS 6.1 6.2 6.3 7 Community Services Board Minutes – May 2, 2016 Community Services Board Minutes – June 7, 2016 SENIOR ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICIALS REPORTS 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 9 Accounts Statement of Revenues & Expenses – May 2016 Budget Overview – May 2016 COMMITTEE REPORTS 7.1 7.2 8 Minutes of the Regular Meeting of Council – May 10, 2016 Minutes of the Special Meeting of Council – May 25, 2016 Chief Administrative Officer Director of Business & Communications Director of Protective Services Director of Public Works BUSINESS ITEMS 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 9.7 9.8 June 29 Council Information Meeting Store Front Improvement Incentive Program Utility Policy 2016-01 Review Hanna Dance Association – Lease Agreement Hanna Municipal Library Board – Lease Agreement Marigold Library System – Schedule C Rate Amendments ATCO Electric – LED Lighting Change World Elder Abuse Awareness Day – Proclamation 1 Regular Council Meeting Agenda – June 14, 2016 10 Page….2 BYLAWS 10.1 Bylaw 981-2016 – Tax Payment Bylaw Amendment 11 COUNCIL REPORTS & ROUNDTABLE 12 CORRESPONDENCE ITEMS 12.01 Alberta Municipal Affairs – Minister Larivee – 2016 MSI Allocations 12.02 Alberta Seniors and Housing – Minister Sigurdson – Response to Town of Hanna Letter – Grants in Place of Taxes 12.03 Consulate General of Japan in Calgary – Kunihiko Tanabe – Letter of Introduction 12.04 Marigold Library System Report 12.05 Marigold Library System – 2015 Annual Report 12.06 R2R – Big Rural Marketing Workshop 12.07 Prairie Land Pride Newsletter – May 2016 Issue 3 12.08 Calgary Regional Partnership – Letter to Minister Bilous – Alberta SuperNet 12.09 Prairie Land Regional Division # 25 – April 28, 2016 Board Highlights 12.10 Prairie Land Regional Division # 25 – April 28, 2016 Board Highlights 12.11 JC Charyk School – Thank You – Grade 9 – Ft. McMurray Auction 12.12 Hanna & District Youth Club Meeting Minutes – June 1, 2016 12.13 Hanna in Bloom Committee Meeting Minutes – April 27, 2016 12.14 Hanna in Bloom Committee Meeting Minutes – June 1, 2016 12.15 Hanna In Bloom Poster – Communities In Bloom 2016 Judging Dates 12.16 Alberta Municipal Affairs – Minister Larivee – 2016 Federal Gas Tax Fund Allocations 12.17 Alberta Municipal Affairs – Minister Larivee – Municipal Safety Recognition Award 13 IN CAMERA 13.1 13.2 13.3 14 Land Matter Land Matter Legal Matter ADJOURNMENT 2 TOWN OF HANNA COUNCIL AGENDA BACKGROUND INFORMATION AND REQUEST FOR DECISION DATE: June 14, 2016 AGENDA ITEM NO: 5.00 ITEM TITLE Council Meeting Minutes RECOMMENDED MOTIONS That the Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting held May 10, 2016 be adopted as presented. That the Minutes of the Special Council Meeting held May 25, 2016 be adopted as presented. BACKGROUND Administration at each Regular Council Meeting will provide Council with the minutes of any Council meetings held since the previous regular council meeting. Council must adopt the minutes of the meeting, either as presented or with amendments. Council members are encouraged to ask questions or seek clarification on any item in the Minutes. COMMUNICATIONS 1. The Minutes of the meetings of Council are available for review at the office and on the Town website. The highlights of the minutes may be communicated through the Town of Hanna Social Media programs. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS Operating: N/A Capital Cost: Budget Available: Budget Available: Unbudgeted: Unbudgeted Costs: Source of Funds: Source of Funds: w:\11 council\background information\2016\06 jun 14\5.00 meeting minutes.docx N/A 3 TOWN OF HANNA COUNCIL AGENDA BACKGROUND INFORMATION AND REQUEST FOR DECISION DATE: June 14, 2016 AGENDA ITEM NO: 5.00 POLICY AND/OR LEGISLATIVE IMPLICATIONS As required by the Municipal Government Act, once adopted, the Minutes will be signed by the presiding officer and a designated officer. The Minutes will then be placed in the vault for safekeeping. ATTACHMENTS 1. Minutes of the Regular Meeting of Council – May 10, 2016. 2. Minutes of the Special Meeting of Council – May 25, 2016. REVIEWED AND APPROVED FOR SUBMISSION TO COUNCIL PREPARED BY: FINANCE REVIEW: (IF APPLICABLE) Director of Corporate Services Director of Corporate Services Chief Administrative Officer w:\11 council\background information\2016\06 jun 14\5.00 meeting minutes.docx 4 Page... 025: TOWN OF HANNA REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MAY 10, 2016 Minutes of a Regular Meeting of the Council of the Town of Hanna held Tuesday, May 10, 2016 in the Town Council Chambers at 6:00 p.m. Council Members Present: Mayor Chris Warwick Councillor Gerald Campion Councillor Richard Preston Councillor Larry Stickel Councillor Jerry Kruse Councillor Jason Smith Councillor Cathy Watts Administration Present: Kim Neill – Chief Administrative Officer Rhonda Lund – Director of Corporate Services Laurie Armstrong – Director of Business & Communication Adrian Mohl – Director of Protective Services Brent Olesen – Director of Public Works 1.0 CALL TO ORDER Mayor Warwick called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2.0 070-2016 Agenda ADOPTION OF AGENDA Moved by Councillor Preston that the agenda for May 10, 2016 be adopted as presented. Motion Carried. 3.0 DELEGATIONS 3.2 Hanna RCMP – Introduction of New Member Cpl. Kevin Charles, Acting Detachment Commander for the Hanna RCMP detachment, introduced Council to the most recent member posted to Hanna, Cst. Chad Salmi. Cpl. Charles advised Council that there are currently two members from the Hanna Detachment in Fort McMurray to assist with duties associated with the fire and evacuation efforts. Cst. Salmi provided an overview of his prior service with the RCMP. 5 Town of Hanna Regular Council Meeting May 10, 2016 Page… 026: 071-2016 RCMP Moved by Councillor Stickel that Council thank Cpl. Kevin Charles and Cst. Chad Salmi for their attendance at the Council Meeting. Motion Carried. 3.1 AXIA Fibrenet Presentation – Jason O’Connor Jason O’Connor was present to provide Council with information regarding the potential to have AXIA install fibrenet infrastructure in Hanna. Councillors asked questions and expressed interest in receiving a Municipal Access Agreement from AXIA for review. 072-2016 AXIA Fibrenet Moved by Councillor Watts that Council thank Jason O’Connor for his presentation regarding AXIA Fibrenet and their proposal to provide access to high bandwidth fibre infrastructure in the Town of Hanna. Motion Carried. 4.0 PUBLIC PRESENTATION Deb Sabine spoke to Council regarding the policy that the fixed costs for Town utility service are the responsibility of the property owner. She asked Council for consideration to waive the service fees in her situation as the most recent tenant left her rental property uninhabitable and yet the fixed costs are still being charged. Mayor Warwick advised that Council would not be prepared to make a decision on the matter this evening, but encouraged her to remain in contact with the Chief Administrative Officer. 5.0 ADOPTION OF MINUTES 5.1 073-2016 Regular Meeting Minutes Minutes of the Regular Meeting of Council – April 12, 2016 Moved by Councillor Preston that the Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting held April 12, 2016 be adopted as presented. Motion Carried. 6 Town of Hanna Regular Council Meeting May 10, 2016 Page… 027: 6.0 FINANCE REPORTS 6.1 074-2016 Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Moved by Councillor Stickel that Council accepts the Accounts Payable cheque listing for general account cheques 34261 – 34353 for information. Motion Carried. 6.2 075-2016 Statement of Revenue & Expense Moved by Councillor Smith that Council accepts the Statement of Revenue & Expense Report for April 2016 for information. Motion Carried. 6.3 076-2016 Budget Overview Budget Overview – April 2016 Moved by Councillor Campion that Council accepts the Budget Overview for April 2016 for information. Motion Carried. 7.0 COMMITTEE REPORTS 8.0 SENIOR ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICIALS REPORTS 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 077-2016 SAO Reports Statement of Revenue & Expense – April 2016 Chief Administrative Officer Director of Community Services Director of Business & Communications Director of Protective Services Director of Public Works Moved by Councillor Kruse that the Senior Administrative Officials reports 8.1 to 8.5 be accepted as presented for information. Motion Carried. 7 Town of Hanna Regular Council Meeting May 10, 2016 Page… 028: 9.0 BUSINESS ITEMS 9.01 078-2016 2016 Budget Adjustments 2016 Budget Adjustments Moved by Councillor Preston that whereas Council approved the 2016 Operating and Capital Budget for the Town of Hanna at the December 8, 2015 Council Meeting, and whereas adjustments to the adopted budget are required for various reasons prior to setting the 2016 Tax Rates, Therefore Council adopts the 2016 Spring Budget Adjustments as presented. Motion Carried. 9.02 079-2016 Joint Uniform Quality Management Plan Joint Uniform Quality Management Plan – Safety Codes Moved by Councillor Smith that Council authorize the Mayor and Chief Administrative Officer to enter into an agreement with the Palliser Regional Municipal Services for the provision of Safety Codes Services in the disciplines of building, electrical and plumbing for the Town of Hanna as per the Palliser Regional Municipal Services Ltd. Joint Quality Management Plan as presented. Motion Carried. 9.03 080-2016 Policy 2016-02 Commemorative Benches Moved by Councillor Stickel that Council approve Policy 2016-02 – Commemorative Bench Program which replaces Policy 2014-05 with a more comprehensive policy for acceptance of donations to install commemorative benches in Town of Hanna facilities. Motion Carried. 9.04 081-2016 Policy 2016-03 Event Hosting Grant Policy 2016-02 – Commemorative Benches Policy 2016-03 – Provincial / National Event Hosting Grant Moved by Councillor Watts that Council approve Policy 2016-03 – Provincial / National Event Hosting Grant for the purpose of providing up to $1,000.00 “giftin-kind” support toward rental of Town owned facilities to encourage and assist non-profit organizations to host Provincial or National events in the Town of Hanna. Motion Carried. 8 Town of Hanna Regular Council Meeting May 10, 2016 Page… 029: 9.05 082-2016 Appointments Climate Change Task Force Moved by Councillor Campion that Council appoint Mayor Warwick and Chief Administrative Officer Neill to represent the Town of Hanna on the Climate Change Task Force, a partnership established in December 2015 with the Town of Hanna, Special Areas Board and Cactus Corridor Economic Development Corporation for the purpose of understanding the implications of the Provincial Climate Change Policy on the region and investigating opportunities for Hanna & area. Motion Carried. 9.06 083-2016 Special Council Meeting Climate Change Task Force Appointments Special Council Meeting Date Moved by Councillor Kruse that Council hold a Special Council Meeting on May 25, 2016 at 8:30 a.m. in the Council Chambers at the Town Office for the purpose of discussing and approving proposed resolutions to be presented at the Resolution Session held during the Alberta Urban Municipalities Association Convention scheduled for October 5 – 7, 2016 in Edmonton, Alberta. Motion Carried. 9.07 084-2016 Sweet Environmental Letter of Support Moved by Councillor Preston that Council authorize Mayor Warwick to provide a letter of support to Sweet Environmental Inc. based on their proposal to establish a waste to energy facility in the Hanna region. Motion Carried. 9.08 085-2016 Town of Taber Letter of Support Sweet Environmental Inc. – Letter of Support Town of Taber – Support for Funding Application Moved by Councillor Watts that Council supports the Town of Taber’s application for funding from the Alberta Community Partnership, Intermunicipal Collaboration Grant (or other grants as applicable) to study the feasibility of a Material Recovery Facility in Southern Alberta to be located in the Town of Taber, and supports the Town of Taber as applicant and managing partner for this initiative. Motion Carried. 9 Town of Hanna Regular Council Meeting May 10, 2016 Page… 030: 10.0 BYLAWS 10.01 Bylaw 980-2016 – 2016 Tax Rate Bylaw 980-2016 is for the purpose of authorizing the rates of taxation to be levied against assessable property within the Town of Hanna for the 2016 taxation year. 086-2016 Bylaw 980-2016 1st Reading Moved by Councillor Stickel that Council give first reading to Bylaw 980-2016, the 2016 Tax Rate bylaw. Motion Carried. 087-2016 Bylaw 980-2016 2nd Reading Moved by Councillor Campion that Council give second reading to Bylaw 9802016, the 2016 Tax Rate bylaw. Motion Carried. 088-2016 Bylaw 980-2016 Unanimous Consent DEFEATED Moved by Councillor Preston that Council provide unanimous consent for third reading of Bylaw 980-2016, the 2016 Tax Rate bylaw, at this meeting. 089-2016 Special Meeting Agenda Bylaw 980-2016 Moved by Councillor Kruse that third and final reading of Bylaw 980-2016, the Tax Rate bylaw be added to the agenda of the May 25 Special Council Meeting. Motion Defeated. Motion Carried. 11.0 COUNCIL REPORTS AND ROUNDTABLE The Mayor and Councillors provided written or verbal reports regarding meetings and events attended since the last Council meeting. 090-2016 Council Reports Moved by Councillor Watts that the Council Reports be accepted for information. Motion Carried. 12.0 CORRESPONDENCE 12.01 Minister of Health – RPAP Response Letter 12.02 Partners for the Saskatchewan River Basin – Spring 2016 Newsletter 12.03 ATCO Electric – Change to Street Light Standard 10 Town of Hanna Regular Council Meeting May 10, 2016 Page… 031: 12.04 12.05 12.06 12.07 12.08 091-2016 Correspondence Alberta Health Service – Health Advisory Council Recruitment Prairie Land Pride Newsletter – April 2016 AJTMA Conference Registration brochure Minister of Municipal Affairs – 2016 Budget Highlights Hanna Historical Society – Thank You Moved by Councillor Watts that Correspondence items 12.01 to 12.08 be accepted for information. Motion Carried. Mayor Warwick called a recess at 7:46 p.m. Mayor Warwick called the meeting to order at 7:57 p.m. 13.0 IN CAMERA 13.01 Land Matter 13.02 Legal Matter 092-2016 In Camera Session Moved by Councillor Campion that Council move In Camera at 7:57 p.m. Motion Carried. 093-2016 Regular Session Moved by Councillor Campion that Council move to Regular Session at 8:37 p.m. Motion Carried. 14.0 ADJOURNMENT Mayor Warwick reviewed the business of the meeting, declared all business concluded and adjourned the meeting at 8:40 p.m. Mayor Chris Warwick Chief Administrative Officer Kim Neill 11 Page... 032: TOWN OF HANNA SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING MAY 25, 2016 Minutes of a Special Meeting of the Council of the Town of Hanna held Wednesday, May 25, 2016 in the Town Council Chambers at 8:30 a.m. Council Members Present: Mayor Chris Warwick Councillor Gerald Campion Councillor Richard Preston Councillor Larry Stickel Councillor Jerry Kruse Councillor Jason Smith Councillor Cathy Watts Administration Present: Kim Neill – Chief Administrative Officer Rhonda Lund – Director of Corporate Services Laurie Armstrong – Director of Business & Communication Adrian Mohl – Director of Protective Services Brent Olesen – Director of Public Works 1.0 CALL TO ORDER Mayor Warwick called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m. 2.0 094-2016 Agenda ADOPTION OF AGENDA Moved by Councillor Preston that the agenda for May 25, 2016 be adopted as presented. Motion Carried. 3.0 BUSINESS ITEMS 3.01 Bylaw 980-2016 – Tax Rate Bylaw Bylaw 980-2016 is for the purpose of authorizing the rates of taxation to be levied against assessable property within the Town of Hanna for the 2016 taxation year. 095-2016 Bylaw 980-2016 3rd Reading Moved by Councillor Stickel that Council give third and final reading to Bylaw 9802016, the 2016 Tax Rate bylaw. Motion Carried. 12 Town of Hanna Regular Council Meeting May 25, 2016 Page… 033: 3.02 096-2016 AUMA Resolution Climate Change AUMA Resolution – Climate Change Moved by Councillor Watts that Council approve submission of the following Town of Hanna Climate Change Resolution to the Alberta Urban Municipalities Association for consideration of the AUMA membership at their Resolutions Session during the 2016 Annual Convention to be held in Edmonton October 5 – 7, 2016; WHEREAS – The Provincial Government in 2016 implemented the climate leadership strategy that stated that facilities that contribute to Alberta’s Climate Change and Emissions Management Fund that pay $20 for every tonne over their reduction target will have to pay $30 per tonne as of January 1, 2017; AND WHEREAS – Coal powered electricity generation may become uneconomical after January 1, 2017, causing coal plants to close prematurely; AND WHEREAS – Implementing the increase in the carbon emissions levy has caused the return of power purchase arrangements back to the Balancing Pool; AND WHEREAS – The closure of coal fired generating stations before securing a reliable replacement will result in increased, and potentially volatile energy costs to municipalities without compensation from the Government of Alberta; AND WHEREAS – The Federal Government, in 2012, implemented Legislation that Coal-Fired Generating Stations would be decommissioned after 50 years of service; AND WHEREAS – Industry in Alberta consumes more than 50% of all of the generation, maintaining a stable base load of power secures confidence for industry to invest in Alberta in the future. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT: The Alberta Urban Municipalities Association urge the Provincial Government to delay the increase of the carbon levy for large industrial emitters until 2020 so that the province can maintain a reliable electricity baseload until such time as new replacement generation comes online; AND FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED THAT: The Alberta Urban Municipalities Association urge the Provincial Government to consider carbon-revenue neutrality for municipalities in regard to the major fuels carbon levy; AND FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED THAT: The Alberta Urban Municipalities Association urge the Provincial Government to provide new, comparable jobs to communities where jobs are lost as a result of the closure of the coal plants. Motion Carried. 13 Town of Hanna Regular Council Meeting May 25, 2016 Page… 034: 097-2016 Village of Forestburg AUMA Resolution Support Moved by Councillor Preston that Council support the Village of Forestburg resolution submitted to the Alberta Urban Municipalities Association with regard to the Shutdown of Coal Fired Power Generation Stations. Motion Carried. 3.03 098-2016 AUMA Resolution Education Property Tax AUMA Resolution – Education Property Tax Moved by Councillor Watts that Council approve submission of the following Town of Hanna Education Property Tax Resolution to the Alberta Urban Municipalities Association for the consideration of the AUMA membership at their Resolutions Session during the 2016 Annual Convention to be held in Edmonton October 5 – 7, 2016: WHEREAS Section 351 of the Municipal Government Act (MGA) requires Municipalities to collect the Education Property tax to be pooled into the Alberta School Foundation Fund. AND WHEREAS Municipalities require the amount of this tax, reported by the Government of Alberta, before tax notices can be sent to property owners. AND WHEREAS In 2016 the Education Property Tax amounts were not announced until April 14th when the budget was released. AND WHEREAS section 242 of the Municipal Government Act (MGA) requires Municipalities to have a budget for the calendar year or adopt an interim budget before the beginning of the calendar year. AND WHEREAS instating a fixed date provides a mechanism for Municipalities to schedule the release of tax notices to residents. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Alberta Urban Municipalities Association urge the provincial government to instate a deadline of no later than February 28th annually for the release of the Education Property Tax for municipalities as to allow municipalities to send tax notices in a timely manner. Motion Carried. 14 Town of Hanna Regular Council Meeting May 25, 2016 Page… 035: 4.0 ADJOURNMENT Mayor Warwick reviewed the business of the meeting, declared all business concluded and adjourned the meeting at 8:46 a.m. Mayor Chris Warwick Chief Administrative Officer Kim Neill 15 TOWN OF HANNA COUNCIL AGENDA BACKGROUND INFORMATION AND REQUEST FOR DECISION DATE: June 14, 2016 AGENDA ITEM NO: 6.01 ITEM TITLE Accounts Payable RECOMMENDED MOTION That Council accepts the Accounts Payable cheque listing for general account cheques 34354 – 34559 for information. BACKGROUND Administration at each regular council meeting will provide Council with a detailed listing of the cheques processed since the previous regular council meeting for their information. Council members are encouraged to ask questions or seek clarification on any information presented. COMMUNICATIONS N/A FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS Operating: N/A Capital Cost: Budget Available: Budget Available: Unbudgeted: Unbudgeted Costs: Source of Funds: Source of Funds: w:\11 council\background information\2016\06 jun 14\6.01 accounts payable.docx N/A 16 TOWN OF HANNA COUNCIL AGENDA BACKGROUND INFORMATION AND REQUEST FOR DECISION DATE: June 14, 2016 AGENDA ITEM NO: 6.01 POLICY AND/OR LEGISLATIVE IMPLICATIONS N/A ATTACHMENTS 1. Cheque Listing – Cheques 34354 – 34559 totaling $581,141.46. REVIEWED AND APPROVED FOR SUBMISSION TO COUNCIL PREPARED BY: FINANCE REVIEW: (IF APPLICABLE) Director of Corporate Services Director of Corporate Services Chief Administrative Officer w:\11 council\background information\2016\06 jun 14\6.01 accounts payable.docx 17 TOWN OF HANNA COUNCIL AGENDA BACKGROUND INFORMATION AND REQUEST FOR DECISION DATE: June 14, 2016 AGENDA ITEM NO: 6.02 ITEM TITLE Statement of Revenue & Expense – May 2016 RECOMMENDED MOTION That Council accepts the Statement of Revenue and Expense Report for May 2016 for information. BACKGROUND Administration at each regular council meeting will provide Council with a Statement of Revenue and Expense for the month recently concluded. This statement will reflect the position of the Town relative to the approved budget. The budget figures in the report are the budget figures adopted by Council at the December 8, 2015 meeting, and adjusted at the May 10, 2016 council meeting. This statement is a reflection of revenues and expenses completed to May 31, 2016. Council members are encouraged to ask questions or seek clarification on any information presented. COMMUNICATIONS N/A FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS Operating: N/A Capital Cost: Budget Available: Budget Available: Unbudgeted: Unbudgeted Costs: Source of Funds: Source of Funds: w:\11 council\background information\2016\06 jun 14\6.02 statement of revenue & expense.docx N/A 29 TOWN OF HANNA COUNCIL AGENDA BACKGROUND INFORMATION AND REQUEST FOR DECISION DATE: June 14, 2016 AGENDA ITEM NO: 6.02 POLICY AND/OR LEGISLATIVE IMPLICATIONS N/A ATTACHMENTS 1. Statement of Revenue & Expense Report – May 2016 REVIEWED AND APPROVED FOR SUBMISSION TO COUNCIL PREPARED BY: FINANCE REVIEW: (IF APPLICABLE) Director of Corporate Services Director of Corporate Services Chief Administrative Officer w:\11 council\background information\2016\06 jun 14\6.02 statement of revenue & expense.docx 30 Report: M:\live\gl\glreprtx.p Version: 020001-L58.69.00 User ID: RHONDA Town of Hanna Revenue and Expense (Header - Detail - Totals) Without Encumbrance - COUNCIL MEETING REV & EXP For Fiscal Year 2016, Period 1 to 5 and Budget Cycle Final and Prd 1 to 5 Actuals For All Revenue, Expense Accounts Zero Balance Accounts NOT Included Description Page: 1 of 13 Date: 09/06/16 Time: 16:13:24 Transactions Entered From 01/01/2016 To 31/05/2016 Account YTD Actual YTD Budget YTD Variance 1-01-0000-111 1-01-0000-112 1-01-0000-113 1-01-0000-114 1-01-0000-115 1-01-0000-240 1-01-0000-510 1-01-0000-540 1-01-0000-550 TOTAL GENERAL MUNICIPAL 01: 312.430.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10,977.7588,983.112,681.26102,954.55- 2,570,401.00756,168.0055,617.001,435.00152,943.0070,240.0033,397.00260,600.0075,700.003,976,501.00- 2,570,088.57756,168.0055,617.001,435.00152,943.0070,240.0022,419.25171,616.8973,018.743,873,546.45- ADMIN GENERAL SERVICE & SUPPLY 1-12-0000-410 ADMIN SOUVENIR 1-12-0000-419 ADMIN RENTAL & LEASE REVENUE 1-12-0000-560 ADMIN OTHER REVENUE 1-12-0000-590 ADMIN PROVINCIAL CONDITIONAL GRANT 1-12-0000-840 ADMIN SPECIAL AREAS PROV. CONDITIONA 1-12-0000-841 TOTAL GENERAL ADMINISTRATION 12: JAPANESE STUDENT EXCHANGE PROGRAM 549.47658.865,400.00152.820.00 0.00 6,761.15- 1,800.003,500.0015,000.005,000.00134,800.00200,000.00360,100.00- 1,250.532,841.149,600.004,847.18134,800.00200,000.00353,338.85- 646.44646.44- 2,000.002,000.00- 1,353.561,353.56- TOTAL POLICE: 6,367.226,367.22- 23,900.0023,900.00- 17,532.7817,532.78- TOTAL FIRE: 16,382.500.00 16,382.50- 65,600.00104,900.00170,500.00- 49,217.50104,900.00154,117.50- 1-23-0200-840 FIRE - ECETP TOTAL: 30,000.0030,000.00- 30,000.0030,000.00- 0.00 0.00 1-26-0000-410 1-26-0000-520 1-26-0000-522 1-26-0000-525 1-26-0000-530 TOTAL BY-LAW ENFORCEMENT: 0.00 180.0023,200.0050.000.00 23,430.00- 3,000.00600.0021,000.00200.001,000.0025,800.00- 3,000.00420.002,200.00 150.001,000.002,370.00- 1-28-0000-526 1-28-0000-590 TOTAL DOG CONTROL: 3,690.000.00 3,690.00- 4,700.00100.004,800.00- 1,010.00100.001,110.00- 1-31-0000-410 1-31-0000-590 1-31-0000-840 TOTAL COMMON SERVICES: 705.000.00 0.00 705.00- 7,000.00300.00200,000.00207,300.00- 6,295.00300.00200,000.00206,595.00- 1-32-0000-840 TOTAL STREETS & ROADS: 0.00 0.00 590,085.00590,085.00- 590,085.00590,085.00- 1-33-0000-560 1-33-0000-590 1-33-0000-850 TOTAL AIRPORT: 4,823.8546.880.00 4,870.73- 8,500.000.00 7,700.0016,200.00- 3,676.1546.88 7,700.0011,329.27- GENERAL MUNICIPAL MUNICIPAL RESIDENTAL REAL PROPERTY T COMMERCIAL REAL PROPERTY TAX INDUSTRIAL REAL PROPERTY TAX FARMLAND REAL PROPERTY TAX POWER PIPELINE & CABLE T.V. PROVINCIAL GRANTS-IN-LIEU PENALTY & COST ON TAX CONCESSION & FRANCHISE RETURN ON INVESTMENTS GENERAL ADMINISTRATION JSEP OTHER REVENUE 1-12-0500-590 TOTAL JAPANESE STUDENT EXCHANGE PROGRAM: POLICE POLICE PROVINCIAL FINES 1-21-0000-530 SAFETY & RISK MANAGEMENT FIRE FIRE FIRE FIGHTING FEES FIRE SPECIAL AREAS OPERATIONS GRANT 1-23-0000-410 1-23-0000-850 FIRE - ECETP FIRE - ECETP PROVINCIAL CONDITIONAL BY-LAW ENFORCEMENT BY-LAW WORK BILLED TO OTHERS BY-LAW DEVELOPMENT PERMITS BY-LAW BUSINESS LICENSES BYLAW COMPLIANCE CERTIFICATES BY-LAW FINES DOG CONTROL DOG CONTROL - ANIMAL LICENSES ANIMAL IMPOUND & SUSTENANCE COMMON SERVICES COMMON SERV WORK BILLED TO OTHER COMMON SERV OTHER REVENUE COMMON SERV PROVINCIAL CONDITIONAL STREETS & ROADS S & R PROVINCIAL CONDITIONAL GRANT AIRPORT AIRPORT RENTAL & LEASE REVENUE AIRPORT OTHER REVENUE AIRPORT LOCAL GRANT WATER SUPPLY & DISTRIBUTION 31 Report: M:\live\gl\glreprtx.p Version: 020001-L58.69.00 User ID: RHONDA Town of Hanna Revenue and Expense (Header - Detail - Totals) Without Encumbrance - COUNCIL MEETING REV & EXP For Fiscal Year 2016, Period 1 to 5 and Budget Cycle Final and Prd 1 to 5 Actuals For All Revenue, Expense Accounts Zero Balance Accounts NOT Included Page: 2 of 13 Date: 09/06/16 Time: 16:13:24 Transactions Entered From 01/01/2016 To 31/05/2016 Description Account YTD Actual YTD Budget YTD Variance 308,217.194,421.6050.005,637.54318,326.33- 1,149,800.0028,100.00800.0087,100.001,265,800.00- 841,582.8123,678.40750.0081,462.46947,473.67- 1-41-0200-410 TOTAL WATER LINES & DISTRIBUTION: 156.00156.00- 20,000.0020,000.00- 19,844.0019,844.00- 1-42-0000-410 TOTAL SANITARY SEWERS: 85,539.1185,539.11- 270,900.00270,900.00- 185,360.89185,360.89- 1-43-0000-410 1-43-0000-590 TOTAL GARBAGE COLLECTION & DISPOSAL: 40,979.8170.0041,049.81- 121,500.000.00 121,500.00- 80,520.1970.00 80,450.19- 74,640.190.00 74,640.19- 225,100.00100.00225,200.00- 150,459.81100.00150,559.81- TOTAL F.C.S.S.: 875.64173.19300.000.00 2,000.0047,358.0050,706.83- 2,200.00200.000.00 500.002,000.0089,800.0094,700.00- 1,324.3626.81300.00 500.000.00 42,442.0043,993.17- 1-56-0000-410 1-56-0000-590 TOTAL CEMETERY: 3,625.0034.253,659.25- 13,300.00200.0013,500.00- 9,675.00165.759,840.75- TOURISM SALES OF GOODS AND SERVICES 1-61-0300-410 TOURISM PROVINCIAL CONDITIONAL 1-61-0300-840 TOTAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT - TOURISM: BUSINESS & COMMUNICATIONS 1,486.16267.661,753.82- 1,400.000.00 1,400.00- 86.16 267.66 353.82 BUS COM SALES OF GOODS AND SERVICES 1-61-0400-410 TOTAL BUSINESS & COMMUNICATIONS: VISITOR INFORMATION CENTRE 600.00600.00- 0.00 0.00 600.00 600.00 VIC SALE OF GOODS 123.50 123.50 16,600.0016,600.00- 16,723.5016,723.50- 514.00290.001,604.770.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 910.0018,580.74277.00271.000.00 6,933.3045,221.451,124.200.00 0.00 0.00 1,600.005,000.006,500.007,500.0039,000.00103,000.0025,000.007,000.0050,900.002,200.005,350.00200.0011,100.0085,900.002,900.002,600.0053,500.0053,500.00- 1,086.004,710.004,895.237,500.0039,000.00103,000.0025,000.006,090.0032,319.261,923.005,079.00200.004,166.7040,678.551,775.802,600.0053,500.0053,500.00- WATER SALE OF WATER 1-41-0000-410 WATER SALE OF BULK WATER 1-41-0000-412 WATER SERVICE CHARGES 1-41-0000-413 WATER RECOVERY FROM OPERATING - WATE 1-41-0000-963 TOTAL WATER SUPPLY & DISTRIBUTION: WATER LINES & DISTRIBUTION WATER LINES WORK BILLED TO OTHERS SANITARY SEWERS SEWER CHARGES GARBAGE COLLECTION & DISPOSAL GARBAGE CHARGES RESIDENTIAL GARBAGE OTHER REVENUE BIG COUNTRY WASTE AUTHORITY REGIONAL WASTE SITE FEES REGIONAL WASTE OTHER REVENUE 1-44-0000-410 1-44-0000-590 TOTAL BIG COUNTRY WASTE AUTHORITY: F.C.S.S. FCSS PROGRAM REVENUE FCSS VAN RENTAL FCSS OTHER REVENUE FCSS DONATIONS FCSS FEDERAL CONDITIONAL FCSS PROVINCIAL CONDITIONAL 1-51-0000-402 1-51-0000-561 1-51-0000-590 1-51-0000-591 1-51-0000-830 1-51-0000-840 CEMETERY CEMETERY CHARGES CEMETERY OTHER ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT - TOURISM 1-62-0000-410 VISITOR INFORMATION CENTRE: RECREATION & PARKS FACILITIES RECREATION SALES & SERVICE RECREATION PROGRAM REVENUE RECREATION DONATIONS RECREATION FEDERAL CONDITIONAL GRANT RECREATION PROVINCIAL CONDITIONAL GR RECREATION LOCAL GRANTS RECREATION DRAWN FROM SURPLUS (OPERA RECREATION WORK BILLED TO OTHERS POOL USER FEES POOL RETAIL SALES POOL RENTAL REVENUE POOL DONATIONS ARENA ADVERTISING REV SIGNS ARENA RENTAL REVENUE ARENA LOBBY & CONCESSION RENTAL ARENA DONATIONS ARENA PROVINCIAL CONDITIONAL ARENA DRAWN FROM SURPLUS (OPERATING 1-72-0000-410 1-72-0000-430 1-72-0000-591 1-72-0000-830 1-72-0000-840 1-72-0000-850 1-72-0000-920 1-72-0000-998 1-72-0100-410 1-72-0100-419 1-72-0100-560 1-72-0100-590 1-72-0200-410 1-72-0200-560 1-72-0200-562 1-72-0200-590 1-72-0200-840 1-72-0200-920 32 Report: M:\live\gl\glreprtx.p Version: 020001-L58.69.00 User ID: RHONDA Town of Hanna Revenue and Expense (Header - Detail - Totals) Without Encumbrance - COUNCIL MEETING REV & EXP For Fiscal Year 2016, Period 1 to 5 and Budget Cycle Final and Prd 1 to 5 Actuals For All Revenue, Expense Accounts Zero Balance Accounts NOT Included Description Page: 3 of 13 Date: 09/06/16 Time: 16:13:24 Transactions Entered From 01/01/2016 To 31/05/2016 Account YTD Actual YTD Budget YTD Variance CURLING RINK SALE OF SERVICES CURLING RINK RENTAL REVENUE BALL DIAMOND REVENUE FOX LAKE REVENUE FOX LAKE RENTAL REVENUE FISH STOCKING DONATIONS TRAILER PARK RENTAL REVENUE PLAYGROUND PROGRAM REVENUE PLAYGROUND PROGRAM DONATIONS SOCCER FIELDS REVENUE 1-72-0400-410 1-72-0400-560 1-72-0500-560 1-72-0700-410 1-72-0700-560 1-72-0700-591 1-72-0900-560 1-72-1000-410 1-72-1000-591 1-72-1400-560 TOTAL RECREATION & PARK FACILITIES: REGIONAL COMMUNITY SERVICES CENTRE 0.00 3,660.000.00 200.00 6,275.5627.00780.951,940.002,500.000.00 90,709.97- 40,300.006,600.005,400.003,000.0065,400.000.00 1,000.0014,500.002,500.001,900.00603,350.00- 40,300.002,940.005,400.003,200.0059,124.4427.00 219.0512,560.000.00 1,900.00512,640.03- RCSC RENTAL REVENUE 1-74-0800-560 RCSC LEASE AGREEMENT REVENUE 1-74-0800-561 RCSC DONATIONS / SPONSORSHIPS 1-74-0800-591 RCSC FITNESS CENTRE FEE REVENUE 1-74-0801-561 TOTAL REGIONAL COMMUNITY SERVICES CENTRE: COMMUNITY CENTRE 4,349.300.00 0.00 16,734.1221,083.42- 15,100.0017,000.003,750.0034,900.0070,750.00- 10,750.7017,000.003,750.0018,165.8849,666.58- COMMUNITY CENTRE SALES COMMUNITY CENTRE RENTAL REVENUE 1-74-0900-415 1-74-0900-560 TOTAL COMMUNITY CENTRE: 1,193.2513,810.0015,003.25- 4,500.0039,900.0044,400.00- 3,306.7526,090.0029,396.75- 1-74-1000-560 LIONS HALL TOTAL: TOTAL REVENUE: 2,000.002,000.00900,912.07- 4,800.004,800.008,160,086.00- 2,800.002,800.007,259,173.93- 2-11-0000-110 2-11-0000-130 2-11-0000-133 2-11-0000-211 2-11-0000-500 2-11-0000-990 2-11-0000-999 TOTAL COUNCIL: 33,105.29 1,904.13 26.40 5,392.84 792.19 0.00 320.86 41,541.71 84,100.00 3,200.00 700.00 17,400.00 10,300.00 1,000.00 2,000.00 118,700.00 50,994.71 1,295.87 673.60 12,007.16 9,507.81 1,000.00 1,679.14 77,158.29 2-12-0000-110 2-12-0000-111 2-12-0000-130 2-12-0000-131 2-12-0000-133 2-12-0000-200 2-12-0000-201 2-12-0000-211 2-12-0000-212 2-12-0000-215 2-12-0000-217 2-12-0000-220 2-12-0000-221 2-12-0000-230 2-12-0000-231 2-12-0000-232 2-12-0000-233 2-12-0000-250 2-12-0000-274 2-12-0000-280 2-12-0000-285 2-12-0000-500 2-12-0000-501 2-12-0000-541 2-12-0000-770 2-12-0000-810 2-12-0000-963 2-12-0000-990 2-12-0000-999 TOTAL ADMINISTRATION: 131,869.82 2,528.40 9,350.74 106.72 25,459.71 2,033.75 11,594.38 1,804.59 1,575.00 3,718.30 4,661.57 7,410.62 5,796.45 25,325.00 1,000.00 28,895.94 29,857.03 1,494.36 9,996.42 21,651.84 200.00 7,058.64 2,846.81 7,152.97 90,234.00 633.86 95.52 2,511.14 137.00 437,000.58 295,900.00 9,300.00 24,300.00 400.00 58,000.00 1,800.00 25,100.00 8,200.00 6,500.00 9,900.00 10,200.00 6,500.00 6,500.00 32,300.00 2,500.00 60,700.00 29,900.00 5,000.00 10,600.00 39,400.00 500.00 17,000.00 4,000.00 24,000.00 109,300.00 3,900.00 900.00 46,300.00 1,000.00 849,900.00 164,030.18 6,771.60 14,949.26 293.28 32,540.29 233.7513,505.62 6,395.41 4,925.00 6,181.70 5,538.43 910.62703.55 6,975.00 1,500.00 31,804.06 42.97 3,505.64 603.58 17,748.16 300.00 9,941.36 1,153.19 16,847.03 19,066.00 3,266.14 804.48 43,788.86 863.00 412,899.42 LIONS HALL LIONS HALL RENTAL REVENUE COUNCIL COUNCIL WAGES COUNCIL BENEFITS COUNCIL NON T4 BENEFITS COUNCIL TRAVEL & SUBSISTANCE COUNCIL GOODS COUNCIL OTHER (ELECTION) COUNCIL PUBLIC RELATIONS & PROMOTION ADMINISTRATION ADMINISTRATION SALARIES ADMINISTRATION CASUAL LABOUR ADMINISTRATION EMPLOYEE BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION CASUAL BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION NON T4 BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION PAYROLL COSTS ADMINISTRATION WORKERS COMPENSATION ADMINISTRATION TRAVEL & SUBSISTANCE ADMINISTRATION STAFF TRAINING ADMINISTRATION FREIGHT & POSTAGE ADMINISTRATION TELEPHONE ADMINISTRATION ADVERTISING & PRINTIN ADMINISTRATION SUBSCRIPTION & MEMBER ADMINISTRATION AUDIT ADMINISTRATION LEGAL ADMINISTRATION PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION REGIONAL PLANNING SER ADMINISTRATION CONTRACTED REPAIRS ADMINISTRATION INSURANCE ADMINISTRATION ASSESSOR ADMINISTRATION LAND TITLES OFFICE ADMINISTRATION GOODS ADMINISTRATION GOODS - SOUVENIRS ADMINISTRATION POWER ADMINISTRATION GRANTS TO OTHER ORGAN ADMINISTRATION BANK CHARGES ADMINISTRATION GROSS REC TO OPER - W ADMINISTRATION OTHER ADMINISTRATION PUBLIC REC. - PROMOTI 33 Report: M:\live\gl\glreprtx.p Version: 020001-L58.69.00 User ID: RHONDA Town of Hanna Revenue and Expense (Header - Detail - Totals) Without Encumbrance - COUNCIL MEETING REV & EXP For Fiscal Year 2016, Period 1 to 5 and Budget Cycle Final and Prd 1 to 5 Actuals For All Revenue, Expense Accounts Zero Balance Accounts NOT Included Description Page: 4 of 13 Date: 09/06/16 Time: 16:13:24 Transactions Entered From 01/01/2016 To 31/05/2016 Account YTD Actual YTD Budget YTD Variance JSEP CONTRACTED SERVICES 2-12-0500-232 JSEP GOODS 2-12-0500-500 JSEP OTHER EXPENSES 2-12-0500-990 TOTAL JAPANESE STUDENT EXCHANGE PROGRAM: SAFETY & RISK MANAGEMENT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 500.00 3,900.00 600.00 5,000.00 500.00 3,900.00 600.00 5,000.00 SAFETY & RISK MANAGEMENT TRAINING 2-22-0000-212 SAFETY & RISK MANAGEMENT CONTRACTED 2-22-0000-250 SAFETY & RISK MANAGEMENT GOODS 2-22-0000-500 TOTAL SAFETY & RISK MANAGEMENT: FIRE 442.50 0.00 689.00 1,131.50 1,000.00 600.00 2,100.00 3,700.00 557.50 600.00 1,411.00 2,568.50 TOTAL FIRE: 7,428.34 0.00 0.00 561.00 1,230.00 4,019.48 4,549.64 90.00 2,953.51 0.00 625.00 10,984.27 1,334.57 0.00 6,809.95 0.00 5,610.29 520.47 0.00 3,578.05 3,173.80 97.84 53,566.21 14,700.00 77,300.00 1,400.00 8,600.00 4,000.00 10,500.00 7,800.00 1,200.00 8,700.00 1,000.00 700.00 28,900.00 16,000.00 1,200.00 7,200.00 600.00 24,200.00 5,900.00 2,000.00 7,100.00 8,700.00 12,500.00 250,200.00 7,271.66 77,300.00 1,400.00 8,039.00 2,770.00 6,480.52 3,250.36 1,110.00 5,746.49 1,000.00 75.00 17,915.73 14,665.43 1,200.00 390.05 600.00 18,589.71 5,379.53 2,000.00 3,521.95 5,526.20 12,402.16 196,633.79 2-23-0200-212 2-23-0200-215 2-23-0200-232 2-23-0200-500 TOTAL FIRE - ECETP: 0.00 58.61 0.00 0.00 58.61 10,000.00 500.00 19,000.00 500.00 30,000.00 10,000.00 441.39 19,000.00 500.00 29,941.39 2-24-0000-212 2-24-0000-500 2-24-0000-990 TOTAL DISASTER SERICES OTHER: 753.02 14.29 0.00 767.31 2,000.00 1,000.00 100.00 3,100.00 1,246.98 985.71 100.00 2,332.69 2-26-0000-110 2-26-0000-130 2-26-0000-133 2-26-0000-211 2-26-0000-212 2-26-0000-215 2-26-0000-217 2-26-0000-220 2-26-0000-221 2-26-0000-231 2-26-0000-232 2-26-0000-255 2-26-0000-274 2-26-0000-500 2-26-0000-521 2-26-0000-523 2-26-0000-998 TOTAL BY-LAW ENFORCEMENT: 20,968.85 2,470.17 6,645.82 2,142.54 1,447.62 443.06 369.36 0.00 60.00 0.00 1,491.57 0.00 487.57 123.00 453.05 46.43 0.00 37,149.04 47,600.00 4,500.00 9,100.00 1,900.00 1,200.00 600.00 800.00 1,300.00 200.00 1,000.00 1,500.00 400.00 500.00 1,300.00 1,900.00 300.00 3,000.00 77,100.00 26,631.15 2,029.83 2,454.18 242.54247.62156.94 430.64 1,300.00 140.00 1,000.00 8.43 400.00 12.43 1,177.00 1,446.95 253.57 3,000.00 39,950.96 JAPANESE STUDENT EXCHANGE PROGRAM FIRE SALARIES - DIR PROTECTIVE SERVI FIRE SALARIES - OFFICERS & FIRE FIGH FIRE BENEFITS FIRE BENEFITS - FIRE FIGHTERS FIRE NON T4 BENEFITS FIRE TRAVEL FIRE TRAINING FIRE FREIGHT FIRE TELEPHONE FIRE ADVERTISING FIRE MEMBERSHIPS FIRE CONTRACTED SERVICES - CHIEF & M FIRE CONTRACTED REPAIRS FIRE CONTRACTED VEHICLE REPAIRS FIRE INSURANCE FIRE PREVENTION & INVESTIGATION FIRE GOODS FIRE PETROLEUM PRODUCTS FIRE VEHICLE MAINTENANCE FIRE HEATING FIRE POWER FIRE GROSS RECOVERIES TO OPERATING 2-23-0000-110 2-23-0000-111 2-23-0000-130 2-23-0000-131 2-23-0000-133 2-23-0000-211 2-23-0000-212 2-23-0000-215 2-23-0000-217 2-23-0000-220 2-23-0000-221 2-23-0000-232 2-23-0000-250 2-23-0000-255 2-23-0000-274 2-23-0000-275 2-23-0000-500 2-23-0000-521 2-23-0000-523 2-23-0000-540 2-23-0000-541 2-23-0000-963 FIRE EAST CENTRAL EMERGENCY TRAINING PARTNERSHIP FIRE - ECETP TRAINING FIRE - ECETP FREIGHT & POSTAGE FIRE - ECETP CONTRACTED SERVICES FIRE - ECETP GOODS DISASTER SERVICES DISASTER SERVICES TRAINING DISASTER SERVICES GOODS DISASTER SERVICES OTHER BY-LAW ENFORCEMENT BYLAW SALARIES BYLAW BENEFITS BYLAW NON T4 BENEFITS BYLAW STAFF TRAVEL BYLAW STAFF TRAINING BYLAW FREIGHT BYLAW TELEPHONE BYLAW ADVERTISING BYLAW MEMBERSHIP BYLAW LEGAL EXPENSE BYLAW PROFESSIONAL SERVICES BYLAW CONTRACTED VEHICLE REPAIRS BYLAW INSURANCE BYLAW GOODS BYLAW PETROLEUM PRODUCTS BYLAW VEHICLE MAINTENANCE BYLAW WORK BILLED TO OTHERS 34 Report: M:\live\gl\glreprtx.p Version: 020001-L58.69.00 User ID: RHONDA Town of Hanna Revenue and Expense (Header - Detail - Totals) Without Encumbrance - COUNCIL MEETING REV & EXP For Fiscal Year 2016, Period 1 to 5 and Budget Cycle Final and Prd 1 to 5 Actuals For All Revenue, Expense Accounts Zero Balance Accounts NOT Included Description Page: 5 of 13 Date: 09/06/16 Time: 16:13:24 Transactions Entered From 01/01/2016 To 31/05/2016 Account YTD Actual YTD Budget YTD Variance 2-28-0000-110 2-28-0000-130 2-28-0000-133 2-28-0000-215 2-28-0000-220 2-28-0000-232 2-28-0000-500 2-28-0000-770 TOTAL DOG CONTROL: 4,838.90 0.00 0.00 360.00 0.00 1,118.68 234.08 7,500.00 14,051.66 11,000.00 1,000.00 2,100.00 1,000.00 500.00 1,400.00 1,000.00 7,500.00 25,500.00 6,161.10 1,000.00 2,100.00 640.00 500.00 281.32 765.92 0.00 11,448.34 2-31-0000-110 2-31-0000-111 2-31-0000-130 2-31-0000-131 2-31-0000-133 2-31-0000-211 2-31-0000-212 2-31-0000-215 2-31-0000-217 2-31-0000-220 2-31-0000-232 2-31-0000-250 2-31-0000-253 2-31-0000-255 2-31-0000-263 2-31-0000-274 2-31-0000-500 2-31-0000-521 2-31-0000-522 2-31-0000-523 2-31-0000-540 2-31-0000-541 2-31-0000-762 2-31-0000-963 TOTAL COMMON SERVICES: 79,501.63 0.00 7,435.48 0.00 18,604.63 0.00 740.00 761.85 1,345.36 804.00 1,836.74 240.00 664.99 685.22 8,352.48 20,516.20 3,946.79 10,832.22 3,897.09 2,045.93 2,580.74 1,563.22 0.00 95.52 166,450.09 158,900.00 5,500.00 14,400.00 400.00 27,100.00 2,100.00 1,400.00 800.00 2,800.00 1,200.00 3,600.00 4,000.00 7,000.00 4,500.00 33,400.00 24,200.00 9,000.00 42,400.00 5,700.00 10,600.00 5,500.00 4,300.00 200,000.00 700.00 569,500.00 79,398.37 5,500.00 6,964.52 400.00 8,495.37 2,100.00 660.00 38.15 1,454.64 396.00 1,763.26 3,760.00 6,335.01 3,814.78 25,047.52 3,683.80 5,053.21 31,567.78 1,802.91 8,554.07 2,919.26 2,736.78 200,000.00 604.48 403,049.91 2-32-0000-110 2-32-0000-111 2-32-0000-130 2-32-0000-131 2-32-0000-133 2-32-0000-215 2-32-0000-232 2-32-0000-250 2-32-0000-253 2-32-0000-255 2-32-0000-500 2-32-0000-522 2-32-0000-523 2-32-0000-553 2-32-0000-762 TOTAL STREETS & ROADS: 49,840.57 0.00 4,930.83 0.00 10,636.93 2,888.48 0.00 0.00 14,932.76 61.50 11,357.73 926.12 92.82 32,211.44 0.00 127,879.18 146,100.00 2,700.00 13,200.00 200.00 24,900.00 3,600.00 2,500.00 157,000.00 15,000.00 1,500.00 53,500.00 1,800.00 2,500.00 96,000.00 590,085.00 1,110,585.00 96,259.43 2,700.00 8,269.17 200.00 14,263.07 711.52 2,500.00 157,000.00 67.24 1,438.50 42,142.27 873.88 2,407.18 63,788.56 590,085.00 982,705.82 652.29 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 29.80 111.48 1,047.64 399.00 2,570.21 422.72 593.18 4,000.00 3,700.00 400.00 300.00 700.00 100.00 100.00 4,100.00 2,000.00 2,700.00 3,700.00 1,900.00 3,347.71 3,700.00 400.00 300.00 700.00 70.20 11.483,052.36 1,601.00 129.79 3,277.28 1,306.82 DOG CONTROL DOG CONTROL SALARIES DOG CONTROL BENEFITS DOG CONTROL NON T4 BENEFITS DOG CONTROL POSTAGE DOG CONTROL ADVERTISING DOG CONTROL CONTRACTED SERVICES DOG CONTROL GOODS DOG CONTROL GRANT TO OTHER AGENCIES COMMON SERVICES COMMON SERVICES SALARIES COMMON SERVICES SEASONAL SALARIES COMMON SERVICES EMPLOYEE BENEFITS COMMON SERVICES SEASONAL BENEFITS COMMON SERVICES NON T4 BENEFITS COMMON SERVICES TRAVEL COMMON SERVICES TRAINING COMMON SERVICES FREIGHT COMMON SERVICES TELEPHONE COMMON SERVICES ADVERTISING & PRINTI COMMON SERVICES CONTRACTED SERVICES COMMON SERVICES CONTRACTED REPAIRS COMMON SERV CONTRACTED EQUIPMENT REP COMMON SERV CONTRACTED VEHICLE REPAI COMMON SERVICES EQUIPMENT RENTAL OR COMMON SERVICES INSURANCE COMMON SERVICES GOODS COMMON SERVICES PETROLEUM PRODUCTS COMMON SERVICE EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE COMMON SERVICES VEHICLE MAINTENANCE COMMON SERVICES HEATING COMMON SERVICES POWER COMMON SERVICES TRANSFER TO CAPITAL COMMON SERVICES GROSS REC TO OPER- W STREETS & ROADS S & R SALARIES S & R SEASONAL SALARIES S & R BENEFITS S & R SEASONAL BENEFITS S & R NON T4 BENEFITS S & R FREIGHT S & R CONTRACTED SERVICES S & R CONTRACTED REPAIRS S & R EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE S & R VEHICLE REPAIRS S & R GOODS S & R EQUIPMENT GOODS S & R VEHICLE MAINTENANCE S & R STREET LIGHTS S & R TRANSFER TO CAPITAL AIRPORT AIRPORT SALARIES AIRPORT SEASONAL SALARIES AIRPORT BENEFITS AIRPORT SEASONAL BENEFITS AIRPORT NON T-4 BENEFITS AIRPORT FREIGHT AIRPORT TELEPHONE / RADIO LICENSE FE AIRPORT CONTRACTED SERVICES AIRPORT CONTRACTED REPAIRS AIRPORT INSURANCE AIRPORT GOODS AIRPORT HEATING 2-33-0000-110 2-33-0000-111 2-33-0000-130 2-33-0000-131 2-33-0000-133 2-33-0000-215 2-33-0000-217 2-33-0000-232 2-33-0000-250 2-33-0000-274 2-33-0000-500 2-33-0000-540 35 Report: M:\live\gl\glreprtx.p Version: 020001-L58.69.00 User ID: RHONDA Town of Hanna Revenue and Expense (Header - Detail - Totals) Without Encumbrance - COUNCIL MEETING REV & EXP For Fiscal Year 2016, Period 1 to 5 and Budget Cycle Final and Prd 1 to 5 Actuals For All Revenue, Expense Accounts Zero Balance Accounts NOT Included Page: 6 of 13 Date: 09/06/16 Time: 16:13:24 Transactions Entered From 01/01/2016 To 31/05/2016 Description Account YTD Actual YTD Budget YTD Variance AIRPORT POWER AIRPORT WATER & SEWER 2-33-0000-541 2-33-0000-542 TOTAL AIRPORT: 2,296.26 160.00 8,282.58 6,600.00 500.00 30,800.00 4,303.74 340.00 22,517.42 2-41-0100-250 2-41-0100-300 2-41-0100-541 2-41-0100-991 TOTAL WATER PLANT: 0.00 238,865.76 7,091.93 95.44245,862.25 600.00 927,600.00 21,100.00 0.00 949,300.00 600.00 688,734.24 14,008.07 95.44 703,437.75 2-41-0200-110 2-41-0200-111 2-41-0200-130 2-41-0200-131 2-41-0200-133 2-41-0200-211 2-41-0200-215 2-41-0200-220 2-41-0200-232 2-41-0200-250 2-41-0200-500 2-41-0200-764 2-41-0200-998 TOTAL WATER DISTRIBUTION: 38,064.98 0.00 1,692.08 0.00 3,883.66 1,833.26 5,671.70 0.00 1,864.47 5,574.00 8,061.31 0.00 0.00 66,645.46 106,600.00 2,700.00 10,800.00 200.00 20,400.00 4,500.00 10,200.00 1,800.00 5,500.00 19,200.00 29,800.00 50,000.00 20,000.00 281,700.00 68,535.02 2,700.00 9,107.92 200.00 16,516.34 2,666.74 4,528.30 1,800.00 3,635.53 13,626.00 21,738.69 50,000.00 20,000.00 215,054.54 2-42-0000-110 2-42-0000-130 2-42-0000-133 2-42-0000-215 2-42-0000-217 2-42-0000-250 2-42-0000-274 2-42-0000-500 2-42-0000-540 2-42-0000-541 2-42-0000-764 TOTAL SANITARY SEWERS: 19,461.22 2,156.29 5,816.41 0.00 674.90 23,375.00 1,486.43 1,171.74 546.50 2,782.79 0.00 57,471.28 57,300.00 5,300.00 10,000.00 500.00 1,800.00 50,000.00 1,500.00 8,800.00 1,000.00 9,000.00 50,000.00 195,200.00 37,838.78 3,143.71 4,183.59 500.00 1,125.10 26,625.00 13.57 7,628.26 453.50 6,217.21 50,000.00 137,728.72 2-43-0000-235 2-43-0000-500 TOTAL GARBAGE: 32,025.00 0.00 32,025.00 79,300.00 400.00 79,700.00 47,275.00 400.00 47,675.00 2-44-0000-110 2-44-0000-220 2-44-0000-235 TOTAL REGIONAL WASTE SYSTEM: 149.82 0.00 129,807.52 129,957.34 0.00 400.00 259,600.00 260,000.00 149.82400.00 129,792.48 130,042.66 11,722.82 0.00 0.00 124.41 330.00 193.40 114.41 0.00 80.00 0.00 27.50 104.80 12,697.34 32,500.00 3,200.00 6,400.00 900.00 500.00 300.00 0.00 1,300.00 400.00 200.00 2,100.00 800.00 48,600.00 20,777.18 3,200.00 6,400.00 775.59 170.00 106.60 114.411,300.00 320.00 200.00 2,072.50 695.20 35,902.66 16,613.41 985.26 33,400.00 3,500.00 16,786.59 2,514.74 WATER PLANT WATER PLANT CONTRACTED REPAIRS WATER PLANT CHARGES FROM COMMISSION WATER PLANT POWER WATER PLANT BAD DEBTS WATER LINES & DISTRIBUTION WATER LINES SALARIES WATER LINES SEASONAL SALARIES WATER LINES BENEFITS WATER DISTRIBUTION SEASONAL BENEFITS WATER LINES NON T4 BENEFITS WATER LINES TRAVEL & TRAINING WATER LINES FREIGHT & POSTAGE WATER LINES ADVERTISING WATER LINES PROFESSIONAL SERVICES WATER LINES CONTRACTED REPAIRS WATER LINES GOODS WATER LINES ADDED TO OPERATING RESER WATER LINES WORK BILLED TO OTHERS SANITARY SEWERS SEWERS SALARIES SEWERS BENEFITS SEWERS NON T4 BENEFITS SEWERS FREIGHT & POSTAGE SEWERS LIFT STATION TELEPHONES SEWERS CONTRACTED REPAIRS SEWERS INSURANCE SEWERS GOODS SEWERS HEATING SEWERS POWER SEWERS ADDED TO OPERATING RESERVE GARBAGE GARBAGE REMOVAL CONTRACT GARBAGE GOODS REGIONAL WASTE REGIONAL WASTE SALARIES REGIONAL WASTE ADVERTISING REGIONAL WASTE BCWMC CONTRACT FCSS FCSS SALARIES FCSS BENEFITS FCSS NON T4 BENEFITS FCSS TRAVEL FCSS TRAINING FCSS FREIGHT & POSTAGE FCSS TELEPHONE FCSS ADVERTISING FCSS SUBSCRIPTIONS/MEMBERSHIPS FCSS INSURANCE FCSS GOODS FCSS GRANT TO SENIOR CIRCLE 2-51-0100-110 2-51-0100-130 2-51-0100-133 2-51-0100-211 2-51-0100-212 2-51-0100-215 2-51-0100-217 2-51-0100-220 2-51-0100-221 2-51-0100-274 2-51-0100-500 2-51-0100-770 TOTAL FCSS: FCSS COORDINATOR COORDINATOR SALARIES COORDINATOR PART TIME SALARIES 2-51-0200-110 2-51-0200-111 36 Report: M:\live\gl\glreprtx.p Version: 020001-L58.69.00 User ID: RHONDA Town of Hanna Revenue and Expense (Header - Detail - Totals) Without Encumbrance - COUNCIL MEETING REV & EXP For Fiscal Year 2016, Period 1 to 5 and Budget Cycle Final and Prd 1 to 5 Actuals For All Revenue, Expense Accounts Zero Balance Accounts NOT Included Page: 7 of 13 Date: 09/06/16 Time: 16:13:24 Transactions Entered From 01/01/2016 To 31/05/2016 Description Account YTD Actual YTD Budget YTD Variance COORDINATOR BENEFITS COORDINATOR PART TIME BENEFITS COORDINATOR NON T4 BENEFITS COORDINATOR TRAVEL COORDINATOR TRAINING COORDINATOR POSTAGE & FREIGHT COORDINATOR TELEPHONE COORDINATOR ADVERTISING COORDINATOR SUBSCRIPTIONS/MEMBERSHIP COORDINATOR GOODS COORDINATOR PROGRAM EXPENSES COORDINATOR PETROLEUM PRODUCTS COORDINATOR OTHER 2-51-0200-130 2-51-0200-131 2-51-0200-133 2-51-0200-211 2-51-0200-212 2-51-0200-215 2-51-0200-217 2-51-0200-220 2-51-0200-221 2-51-0200-500 2-51-0200-510 2-51-0200-521 2-51-0200-990 TOTAL COORDINATOR: 1,855.54 41.38 4,912.64 0.00 624.29 180.00 257.26 200.06 115.00 38.96 26,198.24 238.10 0.00 52,260.14 6,900.00 300.00 3,900.00 1,800.00 1,300.00 300.00 400.00 3,700.00 200.00 1,200.00 59,400.00 600.00 100.00 117,000.00 5,044.46 258.62 1,012.641,800.00 675.71 120.00 142.74 3,499.94 85.00 1,161.04 33,201.76 361.90 100.00 64,739.86 COMMUNITY SERVICES SALARIES 2-51-0300-110 COMMUNITY SERVICES BENEFITS 2-51-0300-130 COMMUNITY SERVICES NON T4 BENEFITS 2-51-0300-133 COMMUNITY SERVICES ADVERTISING 2-51-0300-220 COMMUNITY SERVICES GOODS 2-51-0300-500 TOTAL COMMUNITY SERVICES BUILDING: COMMUNITY SERVICES VANS 13,784.25 0.00 0.00 228.64 0.00 14,012.89 30,900.00 3,600.00 6,400.00 2,800.00 500.00 44,200.00 17,115.75 3,600.00 6,400.00 2,571.36 500.00 30,187.11 2-51-0500-250 2-51-0500-255 2-51-0500-274 2-51-0500-500 2-51-0500-523 TOTAL COMMUNITY SERVICES VANS: 0.00 163.60 894.54 0.00 0.00 1,058.14 200.00 600.00 900.00 100.00 800.00 2,600.00 200.00 436.40 5.46 100.00 800.00 1,541.86 2-56-0000-110 2-56-0000-111 2-56-0000-130 2-56-0000-131 2-56-0000-133 2-56-0000-220 2-56-0000-232 2-56-0000-250 2-56-0000-253 2-56-0000-274 2-56-0000-500 2-56-0000-521 TOTAL CEMETERY: 2,557.82 2,132.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 596.63 0.00 0.00 38.37 157.01 0.00 5,482.33 13,000.00 12,300.00 1,300.00 1,000.00 2,400.00 300.00 5,000.00 300.00 400.00 40.00 7,500.00 400.00 43,940.00 10,442.18 10,167.50 1,300.00 1,000.00 2,400.00 300.00 4,403.37 300.00 400.00 1.63 7,342.99 400.00 38,457.67 2-61-0300-110 2-61-0300-130 2-61-0300-133 2-61-0300-211 2-61-0300-215 2-61-0300-220 2-61-0300-221 2-61-0300-232 2-61-0300-500 TOTAL TOURISM: 7,896.58 0.00 0.00 0.00 240.22 2,337.56 1,389.96 0.00 2,400.00 14,264.32 19,000.00 1,800.00 3,300.00 100.00 800.00 4,000.00 1,400.00 100.00 3,000.00 33,500.00 11,103.42 1,800.00 3,300.00 100.00 559.78 1,662.44 10.04 100.00 600.00 19,235.68 2-61-0400-110 2-61-0400-130 2-61-0400-133 2-61-0400-211 2-61-0400-212 2-61-0400-215 2-61-0400-217 2-61-0400-220 2-61-0400-221 2-61-0400-232 2-61-0400-274 32,099.13 6,544.54 5,480.17 209.52 0.00 215.34 328.36 0.00 75.00 46,170.50 150.03 74,800.00 7,200.00 14,800.00 2,000.00 1,000.00 500.00 800.00 2,300.00 2,900.00 51,300.00 150.00 42,700.87 655.46 9,319.83 1,790.48 1,000.00 284.66 471.64 2,300.00 2,825.00 5,129.50 0.03- COMMUNITY SERVICES BUILDING CSD VAN CONTRACTED REPAIRS CSD VAN CONTRACTED VEHICLE REPAIRS CSD VAN INSURANCE CSD VAN GOODS CSD VAN VEHICLE MAINTENANCE CEMETERY CEMETERY SALARIES CEMETERY SEASONAL SALARIES CEMETERY BENEFITS CEMETERY SEASONAL BENEFITS CEMETERY NON T-4 BENEFITS CEMETERY ADVERTISING CEMETERY PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CEMETERY CONTRACTED REPAIRS CEMETERY EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE CEMETERY INSURANCE CEMETERY GOODS CEMETERY PETROLEUM PRODUCTS TOURISM TOURISM SALARIES TOURISM BENEFITS TOURISM NON T4 BENEFITS TOURISM TRAVEL TOURISM FREIGHT & POSTAGE TOURISM ADVERTISING TOURISM SUBSCRIPTIONS/MEMBERSHIPS TOURISM CONTRACTED SERVICES TOURISM GOODS BUSINESS & COMMUNICATIONS B & C SALARIES B & C BENEFITS B & C NON T4 BENEFIT B & C TRAVEL B & C TRAINING B & C FREIGHT & POSTAGE B & C TELEPHONES B & C ADVERTISING & PRINTING B & C SUBSCRIPTIONS & MEMBERSHIPS B & C CONTRACTED PROFESSIONAL SERVIC B & C INSURANCE 37 Report: M:\live\gl\glreprtx.p Version: 020001-L58.69.00 User ID: RHONDA Town of Hanna Revenue and Expense (Header - Detail - Totals) Without Encumbrance - COUNCIL MEETING REV & EXP For Fiscal Year 2016, Period 1 to 5 and Budget Cycle Final and Prd 1 to 5 Actuals For All Revenue, Expense Accounts Zero Balance Accounts NOT Included Page: 8 of 13 Date: 09/06/16 Time: 16:13:25 Transactions Entered From 01/01/2016 To 31/05/2016 Description Account YTD Actual YTD Budget YTD Variance 2-61-0400-500 2-61-0400-521 2-61-0400-541 TOTAL BUSINESS & COMMUNICATIONS: 724.07 0.00 800.14 92,796.80 6,300.00 500.00 3,100.00 167,650.00 5,575.93 500.00 2,299.86 74,853.20 2-62-0000-110 2-62-0000-111 2-62-0000-131 2-62-0000-211 2-62-0000-215 2-62-0000-220 2-62-0000-250 2-62-0000-274 2-62-0000-500 2-62-0000-501 2-62-0000-540 2-62-0000-541 2-62-0000-963 VISITOR INFORMATION CENTRE TOTALS: 400.39 1,869.97 14.78 960.63 0.00 15.51 805.20 957.31 1,165.03 563.20 269.06 533.43 114.64 7,669.15 2,400.00 23,500.00 1,900.00 1,000.00 100.00 900.00 1,100.00 1,000.00 1,500.00 7,500.00 1,000.00 2,100.00 3,100.00 47,100.00 1,999.61 21,630.03 1,885.22 39.37 100.00 884.49 294.80 42.69 334.97 6,936.80 730.94 1,566.57 2,985.36 39,430.85 0.00 0.00 0.00 600.00 2,500.00 3,100.00 600.00 2,500.00 3,100.00 2-72-0000-110 2-72-0000-111 2-72-0000-130 2-72-0000-131 2-72-0000-133 2-72-0000-211 2-72-0000-212 2-72-0000-215 2-72-0000-217 2-72-0000-220 2-72-0000-221 2-72-0000-232 2-72-0000-274 2-72-0000-500 2-72-0000-510 2-72-0000-521 2-72-0000-523 2-72-0000-770 2-72-0000-990 TOTAL RECREATION: 27,295.52 259.68 4,536.16 0.00 11,977.24 1,303.35 1,942.38 235.11 828.15 7,000.00 450.00 0.00 6,811.65 1,868.34 1,047.62 523.80 1,366.15 0.00 0.00 67,445.15 72,400.00 6,600.00 6,800.00 500.00 13,900.00 1,900.00 3,700.00 500.00 2,200.00 3,800.00 800.00 1,000.00 7,200.00 2,200.00 3,000.00 2,300.00 300.00 12,700.00 8,000.00 149,800.00 45,104.48 6,340.32 2,263.84 500.00 1,922.76 596.65 1,757.62 264.89 1,371.85 3,200.00350.00 1,000.00 388.35 331.66 1,952.38 1,776.20 1,066.1512,700.00 8,000.00 82,354.85 2-72-0100-110 2-72-0100-111 2-72-0100-130 2-72-0100-131 2-72-0100-133 2-72-0100-211 2-72-0100-212 2-72-0100-215 2-72-0100-217 2-72-0100-220 2-72-0100-232 2-72-0100-250 2-72-0100-274 2-72-0100-500 2-72-0100-501 2-72-0100-531 2-72-0100-540 2-72-0100-541 2-72-0100-963 4,495.82 19,118.77 0.00 391.23 0.00 0.00 0.00 251.86 0.00 71.45 991.54 3,834.43 6,270.29 6,329.91 812.00 4,572.59 1,447.22 3,131.63 102.85 51,821.59 14,700.00 104,000.00 1,500.00 8,300.00 2,700.00 600.00 2,500.00 2,100.00 1,400.00 1,700.00 1,800.00 4,500.00 6,300.00 14,000.00 1,700.00 12,500.00 10,600.00 18,400.00 3,800.00 213,100.00 10,204.18 84,881.23 1,500.00 7,908.77 2,700.00 600.00 2,500.00 1,848.14 1,400.00 1,628.55 808.46 665.57 29.71 7,670.09 888.00 7,927.41 9,152.78 15,268.37 3,697.15 161,278.41 B & C GOODS B & C PETROLEUM PRODUCTS B & C POWER VISITOR INFORMATION CENTRE VIC SALARIES VIC SEASONAL SALARIES VIC SEASONAL BENEFITS VIC TRAVEL & TRAINING VIC FREIGHT VIC ADVERTISING & PRINTING VIC CONTRACTED REPAIR VIC INSURANCE VIC GOODS VIC RETAIL GOODS VIC HEATING VIC POWER VIC WATER COMMUNITY SERVICES BOARD COMMUNITY SERVICES BOARD GOODS COMMUNITY SERVICES BOARD GRANTS 2-71-0000-500 2-71-0000-770 TOTAL COMMUNITY SERVICES BOARD: RECREATION RECREATION SALARIES RECREATION SEASONAL SALARIES RECREATION BENEFITS RECREATION SEASONAL BENEFITS RECREATION NON T4 BENEFITS RECREATION TRAVEL RECREATION TRAINING RECREATION FREIGHT & POSTAGE RECREATION TELEPHONE RECREATION ADVERTISING RECREATION SUBSCRIPTIONS/MEMBERSHIPS RECREATION PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RECREATION INSURANCE RECREATION GOODS RECREATION PROGRAM EXPENSES RECREATION PETROLEUM - CAR ALLOWANCE RECREATION VEHICLE MAINTENANCE RECREATION TRANSFERS (GRANTS) RECREATION OTHER SWIMMING & WADING POOLS POOLS SALARIES POOL SEASONAL SALARIES POOLS BENEFITS POOL SEASONAL BENEFITS POOLS NON T-4 BENEFITS POOLS TRAVEL POOLS TRAINING POOLS FREIGHT & POSTAGE POOLS TELEPHONE POOLS ADVERTISING POOL CONTRACTED SERVICES POOLS CONTRACTED REPAIRS POOLS INSURANCE POOLS GOODS POOL RETAIL GOODS POOLS CHEMICALS POOLS HEATING POOLS POWER POOLS GROSS RECOVERIES TO OPERATING TOTAL POOLS: ARENA 38 Report: M:\live\gl\glreprtx.p Version: 020001-L58.69.00 User ID: RHONDA Town of Hanna Revenue and Expense (Header - Detail - Totals) Without Encumbrance - COUNCIL MEETING REV & EXP For Fiscal Year 2016, Period 1 to 5 and Budget Cycle Final and Prd 1 to 5 Actuals For All Revenue, Expense Accounts Zero Balance Accounts NOT Included Page: 9 of 13 Date: 09/06/16 Time: 16:13:25 Transactions Entered From 01/01/2016 To 31/05/2016 Description Account YTD Actual YTD Budget YTD Variance ARENA SALARIES ARENA SEASONAL SALARIES ARENA BENEFITS ARENA SEASONAL BENEFITS ARENA NON T4 BENEFITS ARENA FREIGHT & POSTAGE ARENA TELEPHONE ARENA ADVERTISING & PRINTING ARENA CONTRACTED SERVICES ARENA CONTRACTED REPAIRS ARENA CONTRACTED EQUIPMENT REPAIRS ARENA INSURANCE ARENA GOODS ARENA PETROLEUM PRODUCTS ARENA HEATING ARENA POWER ARENA GROSS RECOVERIES TO OPERATING ARENA ICE PLANT CONTRACTED REPAIRS ARENA ICE PLANT GOODS ARENA ICE PLANT POWER 2-72-0200-110 2-72-0200-111 2-72-0200-130 2-72-0200-131 2-72-0200-133 2-72-0200-215 2-72-0200-217 2-72-0200-220 2-72-0200-232 2-72-0200-250 2-72-0200-253 2-72-0200-274 2-72-0200-500 2-72-0200-521 2-72-0200-540 2-72-0200-541 2-72-0200-963 2-72-0201-250 2-72-0201-500 2-72-0201-541 TOTAL ARENA: 59,427.66 2,213.25 6,321.85 0.00 17,208.41 312.34 114.41 0.00 827.17 2,890.92 0.00 9,617.41 12,005.39 698.32 7,959.69 6,263.24 1,139.69 357.88 60.49 9,394.87 136,812.99 130,900.00 14,800.00 13,000.00 1,200.00 23,300.00 600.00 1,400.00 1,200.00 900.00 15,300.00 5,000.00 10,100.00 21,800.00 3,000.00 18,600.00 18,300.00 5,200.00 8,300.00 500.00 15,900.00 309,300.00 71,472.34 12,586.75 6,678.15 1,200.00 6,091.59 287.66 1,285.59 1,200.00 72.83 12,409.08 5,000.00 482.59 9,794.61 2,301.68 10,640.31 12,036.76 4,060.31 7,942.12 439.51 6,505.13 172,487.01 2-72-0300-250 2-72-0300-274 2-72-0300-500 2-72-0300-540 2-72-0300-541 2-72-0300-963 TOTAL PARKS SHOP: 468.46 1,097.20 228.53 2,785.21 1,098.78 79.28 5,757.46 1,000.00 1,100.00 1,500.00 6,200.00 3,200.00 1,600.00 14,600.00 531.54 2.80 1,271.47 3,414.79 2,101.22 1,520.72 8,842.54 2-72-0400-110 2-72-0400-111 2-72-0400-130 2-72-0400-131 2-72-0400-133 2-72-0400-250 2-72-0400-274 2-72-0400-500 2-72-0400-540 2-72-0400-541 2-72-0400-771 2-72-0400-963 2-72-0401-250 2-72-0401-500 2-72-0401-541 TOTAL CURLING RINK: 3,092.49 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,220.59 6,301.33 470.44 5,065.26 3,131.63 0.00 485.52 357.87 51.50 9,394.87 30,571.50 4,900.00 2,500.00 500.00 200.00 900.00 5,000.00 6,300.00 3,700.00 11,500.00 9,700.00 13,200.00 1,900.00 8,300.00 500.00 15,900.00 85,000.00 1,807.51 2,500.00 500.00 200.00 900.00 2,779.41 1.333,229.56 6,434.74 6,568.37 13,200.00 1,414.48 7,942.13 448.50 6,505.13 54,428.50 2-72-0500-110 2-72-0500-111 2-72-0500-130 2-72-0500-131 2-72-0500-133 2-72-0500-250 2-72-0500-500 2-72-0500-541 2-72-0500-963 TOTAL BALL DIAMONDS: 2,575.75 382.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 950.34 281.08 70.00 4,259.42 7,300.00 6,100.00 800.00 500.00 1,400.00 5,000.00 7,000.00 1,000.00 14,900.00 44,000.00 4,724.25 5,717.75 800.00 500.00 1,400.00 5,000.00 6,049.66 718.92 14,830.00 39,740.58 2-72-0600-274 TOTAL GOLF COURSE: 3,308.07 3,308.07 2,900.00 2,900.00 408.07408.07- 2-72-0700-110 2-72-0700-111 2-72-0700-130 2-72-0700-131 1,743.93 320.50 0.00 0.00 14,700.00 9,800.00 1,500.00 800.00 12,956.07 9,479.50 1,500.00 800.00 PARKS SHOP PARKS SHOP CONTRACTED REPAIRS PARKS SHOP INSURANCE PARKS SHOP GOODS PARKS SHOP HEATING PARKS SHOP POWER PARKS SHOP GROSS RECOVERIES TO OPERA CURLING RINK CURLING RINK SALARIES CURLING RINK SEASONAL SALARIES CURLING RINK BENEFITS CURLING RINK SEASONAL BENEFITS CURLING RINK NON T4 BENEFITS CURLING RINK CONTRACTED REPAIRS CURLING RINK INSURANCE CURLING RINK GOODS CURLING RINK HEATING CURLING RINK POWER CURLING RINK - SUBSIDY CURLING RINK GROSS RECOV TO OPERATIN CURLING RINK ICE PLANT REPAIRS CURLING RINK ICE PLANT GOODS CURLING RINK ICE PLANT POWER BALL DIAMONDS BALL DIAMOND SALARIES BALL DIAMOND SEASONAL SALARIES BALL DIAMOND BENEFITS BALL DIAMOND SEASONAL BENEFITS BALL DIAMONDS NON T-4 BENEFITS BALL DIAMOND CONTRACTED REPAIRS BALL DIAMOND GOODS BALL DIAMOND POWER BALL DIAMONDS GROSS RECOV FROM OPERA GOLF COURSE GOLF COURSE INSURANCE FOX LAKE PARK FOX LAKE SALARIES FOX LAKE SEASONAL SALARIES FOX LAKE BENEFITS FOX LAKE SEASONAL BENEFITS 39 Report: M:\live\gl\glreprtx.p Version: 020001-L58.69.00 User ID: RHONDA Town of Hanna Revenue and Expense (Header - Detail - Totals) Without Encumbrance - COUNCIL MEETING REV & EXP For Fiscal Year 2016, Period 1 to 5 and Budget Cycle Final and Prd 1 to 5 Actuals For All Revenue, Expense Accounts Zero Balance Accounts NOT Included Transactions Entered From 01/01/2016 To 31/05/2016 Description Account YTD Actual YTD Budget YTD Variance FOX LAKE NON T-4 BENEFITS FOX LAKE FREIGHT FOX LAKE ADVERTISING FOX LAKE CONTRACTED SERVICES FOX LAKE CONTRACTED REPAIRS FOX LAKE INSURANCE FOX LAKE GOODS FOX LAKE PETROLEUM PRODUCTS FOX LAKE HEAT FOX LAKE POWER FOX LAKE GROSS RECOVERIES FROM OPERA 2-72-0700-133 2-72-0700-215 2-72-0700-220 2-72-0700-232 2-72-0700-250 2-72-0700-274 2-72-0700-500 2-72-0700-521 2-72-0700-540 2-72-0700-541 2-72-0700-963 TOTAL FOX LAKE PARK: 0.00 0.00 734.26 3,143.43 338.65 313.76 689.91 0.00 164.33 988.48 0.00 8,437.25 2,700.00 600.00 1,200.00 24,600.00 9,300.00 300.00 9,500.00 600.00 600.00 6,400.00 15,200.00 97,800.00 2,700.00 600.00 465.74 21,456.57 8,961.35 13.768,810.09 600.00 435.67 5,411.52 15,200.00 89,362.75 TOTAL PARKS: 29,322.35 12,858.55 2,089.17 972.42 4,074.78 38.10 544.00 74.79 2,095.23 1,282.70 81.89 4,151.00 6,342.45 1,597.98 489.38 489.78 1,034.18 0.00 0.00 67,538.75 48,900.00 38,100.00 5,100.00 3,000.00 9,100.00 600.00 200.00 600.00 14,000.00 3,500.00 3,200.00 4,400.00 25,100.00 9,900.00 5,700.00 5,800.00 2,900.00 11,400.00 1,000.00 192,500.00 19,577.65 25,241.45 3,010.83 2,027.58 5,025.22 561.90 344.00525.21 11,904.77 2,217.30 3,118.11 249.00 18,757.55 8,302.02 5,210.62 5,310.22 1,865.82 11,400.00 1,000.00 124,961.25 2-72-0900-110 2-72-0900-111 2-72-0900-130 2-72-0900-131 2-72-0900-133 2-72-0900-220 2-72-0900-232 2-72-0900-250 2-72-0900-500 2-72-0900-541 2-72-0900-963 TOTAL TRAILER PARK: 26.84 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 590.00 82.50 0.00 50.00 0.00 0.00 749.34 2,400.00 3,700.00 300.00 300.00 500.00 300.00 0.00 500.00 500.00 800.00 600.00 9,900.00 2,373.16 3,700.00 300.00 300.00 500.00 290.0082.50500.00 450.00 800.00 600.00 9,150.66 PLAYGROUND PROGRAM SALARIES 2-72-1000-110 PLAYGROUND PROGRAM SEASONAL SALARIES 2-72-1000-111 PLAYGROUND PROGRAM BENEFITS 2-72-1000-130 PLAYGROUND PROGRAM SEASONAL BENEFITS 2-72-1000-131 PLAYGROUND PROGRAM TRAVEL 2-72-1000-211 PLAYGROUND PROGRAM FREIGHT & POSTAGE 2-72-1000-215 PLAYGROUND PROGRAM TELEPHONE 2-72-1000-217 PLAYGROUND PROGRAM ADVERTISING 2-72-1000-220 PLAYGROUND PROGRAM CONTRACTED SERVIC 2-72-1000-232 PLAYGROUND PROGRAM GOODS 2-72-1000-500 TOTAL PLAYGROUND PROGRAM: COMMUNITIES IN BLOOM 29.12 2,033.20 0.00 64.48 160.00 90.00 0.00 0.00 571.43 0.00 2,948.23 2,600.00 23,100.00 500.00 1,800.00 1,100.00 100.00 100.00 1,700.00 5,000.00 5,400.00 41,400.00 2,570.88 21,066.80 500.00 1,735.52 940.00 10.00 100.00 1,700.00 4,428.57 5,400.00 38,451.77 0.00 625.00 0.00 14.29 639.29 800.00 500.00 3,000.00 700.00 5,000.00 800.00 125.003,000.00 685.71 4,360.71 PARKS PARKS SALARIES PARKS SEASONAL SALARIES PARKS BENEFITS PARKS SEASONAL BENEFITS PARKS NON T4 BENEFITS PARKS TRAVEL PARKS TRAINING PARKS FREIGHT PARKS CONTRACTED REPAIRS PARKS EQUIPMENT REPAIRS PARKS CONTRACTED VEHICLE REPAIRS PARKS INSURANCE PARKS GOODS PARKS PETROLEUM PRODUCTS PARKS EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE PARKS VEHICLE MAINTENANCE PARKS POWER PARKS RECOVERIES TO OPERATING PARKS OTHER Page: 10 of 13 Date: 09/06/16 Time: 16:13:25 2-72-0800-110 2-72-0800-111 2-72-0800-130 2-72-0800-131 2-72-0800-133 2-72-0800-211 2-72-0800-212 2-72-0800-215 2-72-0800-250 2-72-0800-253 2-72-0800-255 2-72-0800-274 2-72-0800-500 2-72-0800-521 2-72-0800-522 2-72-0800-523 2-72-0800-541 2-72-0800-963 2-72-0800-990 MUSEUM TRAILER PARK TRAILER PARK SALARIES TRAILER PARK SEASONAL SALARIES TRAILER PARK BENEFITS TRAILER PARK SEASONAL BENEFITS TRAILER PARK NON T-4 BENEFITS TRAILER PARK ADVERTISING TRAILER PARK CONTRACTED SERVICES TRAILER PARK CONTRACTED REPAIRS TRAILER PARK GOODS TRAILER PARK POWER TRAILER PARK RECOVERIES FROM OPERATI PLAYGROUND PROGRAM COMMUNITIES IN BLOOM TRAVEL COMMUNITIES IN BLOOM MEMBERSHIP COMMUNITIES IN BLOOM GOODS COMMUNITIES IN BLOOM OTHER 2-72-1100-211 2-72-1100-221 2-72-1100-500 2-72-1100-990 TOTAL COMMUNITIES IN BLOOM: KING HUNTER PARK 40 Report: M:\live\gl\glreprtx.p Version: 020001-L58.69.00 User ID: RHONDA Town of Hanna Revenue and Expense (Header - Detail - Totals) Without Encumbrance - COUNCIL MEETING REV & EXP For Fiscal Year 2016, Period 1 to 5 and Budget Cycle Final and Prd 1 to 5 Actuals For All Revenue, Expense Accounts Zero Balance Accounts NOT Included Page: 11 of 13 Date: 09/06/16 Time: 16:13:25 Transactions Entered From 01/01/2016 To 31/05/2016 Description Account YTD Actual YTD Budget YTD Variance KING HUNTER PARK SALARIES KING HUNTER PARK SEASONAL SALARIES KING HUNTER PARK EMPLOYEE BENEFITS KING HUNTER PARK SEASONAL EMPL BENEF KING HUNTER PARK EMP NON T4 BENEFITS KING HUNTER PARK REPAIRS & MAINTENAN KING HUNTER PARK INSURANCE KING HUNTER PARK GOODS KING HUNTER PARK POWER KING HUNTER PARK WATER 2-72-1300-110 2-72-1300-111 2-72-1300-130 2-72-1300-131 2-72-1300-133 2-72-1300-250 2-72-1300-274 2-72-1300-500 2-72-1300-541 2-72-1300-771 TOTAL KING HUNTER PARK: 1,653.35 1,499.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 90.26 17.99 462.99 0.00 3,723.59 4,900.00 14,800.00 500.00 1,200.00 900.00 3,000.00 100.00 8,000.00 1,500.00 4,300.00 39,200.00 3,246.65 13,301.00 500.00 1,200.00 900.00 3,000.00 9.74 7,982.01 1,037.01 4,300.00 35,476.41 2-72-1400-110 2-72-1400-111 2-72-1400-130 2-72-1400-131 2-72-1400-133 2-72-1400-500 2-72-1400-541 2-72-1400-963 TOTAL SOCCER FIELDS: 1,017.76 137.75 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,215.02 281.08 0.00 2,651.61 4,900.00 3,700.00 500.00 300.00 900.00 3,200.00 1,100.00 6,100.00 20,700.00 3,882.24 3,562.25 500.00 300.00 900.00 1,984.98 818.92 6,100.00 18,048.39 2-74-0100-110 2-74-0100-770 TOTAL MUSEUM: 67.00 5,337.52 5,404.52 0.00 9,400.00 9,400.00 67.004,062.48 3,995.48 2-74-0200-217 2-74-0200-220 2-74-0200-250 2-74-0200-274 2-74-0200-500 2-74-0200-540 2-74-0200-541 2-74-0200-770 2-74-0200-771 2-74-0200-963 TOTAL LIBRARY: 797.79 0.00 433.90 1,255.44 551.43 1,736.78 1,682.25 15,583.59 0.00 153.92 22,195.10 2,200.00 800.00 3,000.00 1,260.00 300.00 4,200.00 6,000.00 20,900.00 52,200.00 1,000.00 91,860.00 1,402.21 800.00 2,566.10 4.56 251.432,463.22 4,317.75 5,316.41 52,200.00 846.08 69,664.90 RCSC SALARIES 2-74-0800-110 RCSC SEASONAL / PART TIME STAFF 2-74-0800-111 RCSC BENEFITS 2-74-0800-130 RCSC SEASONAL / PART TIME BENEFITS 2-74-0800-131 RCSC NON T4 BENEFITS 2-74-0800-133 RCSC FREIGHT 2-74-0800-215 RCSC TELEPHONE 2-74-0800-217 RCSC ADVERTISING 2-74-0800-220 RCSC CONTRACTED PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 2-74-0800-232 RCSC CONTRACTED REPAIRS 2-74-0800-250 RCSC INSURANCE 2-74-0800-274 RCSC GOODS 2-74-0800-500 RCSC HEATING 2-74-0800-540 RCSC POWER 2-74-0800-541 RCSC ADDED TO OPERATING RESERVE 2-74-0800-764 RCSC WATER - RECOVERIES FROM OPERATI 2-74-0800-963 RCSC - HFC GRANT 2-74-0801-770 TOTAL COMMUNITY SERVICES CENTRE: COMMUNITY CENTRE 16,120.31 16,094.67 2,992.94 168.18 6.12 180.00 374.90 0.00 3,780.98 1,503.38 2,985.42 2,827.32 3,534.08 8,106.46 0.00 134.96 0.00 58,809.72 41,100.00 42,800.00 4,600.00 3,400.00 7,100.00 800.00 3,600.00 3,100.00 5,600.00 4,000.00 3,000.00 10,500.00 7,500.00 24,000.00 6,000.00 1,000.00 2,500.00 170,600.00 24,979.69 26,705.33 1,607.06 3,231.82 7,093.88 620.00 3,225.10 3,100.00 1,819.02 2,496.62 14.58 7,672.68 3,965.92 15,893.54 6,000.00 865.04 2,500.00 111,790.28 1,491.88 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 180.00 355.76 0.00 4,900.00 1,200.00 500.00 100.00 900.00 600.00 1,100.00 500.00 3,408.12 1,200.00 500.00 100.00 900.00 420.00 744.24 500.00 SOCCER FIELDS SOCCER FIELD SALARIES SOCCER FIELD SEASONAL SALARIES SOCCER FIELD BENEFITS SOCCER FIELD SEASONAL BENEFITS SOCCER FIELD NON T-4 BENEFITS SOCCER FIELD GOODS SOCCER FIELDS POWER SOCCER FIELD RECOVERIES FROM OPERATI MUSEUM MUSEUM SALARIES MUSEUM GRANT LIBRARY LIBRARY TELEPHONE LIBRARY ADVERTISING LIBRARY CONTRACTED REPAIRS LIBRARY INSURANCE LIBRARY GOODS LIBRARY HEATING LIBRARY POWER LIBRARY GRANTS LIBRARY PERSONNEL GRANTS LIBRARY GROSS RECOVERIES TO OPERATIN COMMUNITY SERVICES CENTRE COMMUNITY CENTRE SALARIES COMMUNITY CENTRE SEASONAL SALARIES COMMUNITY CENTRE BENEFITS COMMUNITY CENTRE SEASONAL BENEFITS COMMUNITY CENTRE NON T4 BENEFITS COMMUNITY CENTRE FREIGHT & POSTAGE COMMUNITY CENTRE TELEPHONE COMMUNITY CENTRE ADVERTISING 2-74-0900-110 2-74-0900-111 2-74-0900-130 2-74-0900-131 2-74-0900-133 2-74-0900-215 2-74-0900-217 2-74-0900-220 41 Report: M:\live\gl\glreprtx.p Version: 020001-L58.69.00 User ID: RHONDA Town of Hanna Revenue and Expense (Header - Detail - Totals) Without Encumbrance - COUNCIL MEETING REV & EXP For Fiscal Year 2016, Period 1 to 5 and Budget Cycle Final and Prd 1 to 5 Actuals For All Revenue, Expense Accounts Zero Balance Accounts NOT Included Page: 12 of 13 Date: 09/06/16 Time: 16:13:25 Transactions Entered From 01/01/2016 To 31/05/2016 Description Account YTD Actual YTD Budget YTD Variance COMMUNITY CENTRE CONTRACTED SERVICES COMMUNITY CENTRE CONTRACTED REPAIRS COMMUNITY CENTRE INSURANCE COMMUNITY CENTRE GOODS COMMUNITY CENTRE POP COMMUNITY CENTRE HEAT COMMUNITY CENTRE POWER COMMUNITY CENTRE GROSS REC TO OPERAT 2-74-0900-232 2-74-0900-250 2-74-0900-274 2-74-0900-500 2-74-0900-515 2-74-0900-540 2-74-0900-541 2-74-0900-963 TOTAL COMMUNITY CENTRE: 15,139.39 1,161.92 2,911.18 2,597.03 1,549.80 1,732.93 3,185.63 273.22 30,578.74 35,800.00 43,500.00 2,900.00 10,800.00 4,200.00 4,500.00 9,300.00 2,200.00 123,000.00 20,660.61 42,338.08 11.188,202.97 2,650.20 2,767.07 6,114.37 1,926.78 92,421.26 2-74-1000-250 2-74-1000-274 2-74-1000-540 2-74-1000-541 2-74-1000-963 TOTAL LIONS HALL: 0.00 368.46 544.30 470.90 76.96 1,460.62 1,000.00 400.00 1,200.00 1,400.00 600.00 4,600.00 1,000.00 31.54 655.70 929.10 523.04 3,139.38 GOVERNMENT REQUISITION - SCHOOL 2-77-0000-741 GOVERNMENT REQUISITION - ACADIA FOUN 2-77-0000-754 PROVISION FOR DOUBTFUL ACCOUNTS 2-77-0000-757 TOTAL GOVERNMENT REQUISITIONS: RESERVE FOR CAPITAL 167,084.02 0.00 0.00 167,084.02 657,421.00 143,219.00 2,500.00 803,140.00 490,336.98 143,219.00 2,500.00 636,055.98 2-97-0000-764 TOTAL RESERVE FOR CAPITAL: TOTAL EXPENDITURES: TOTAL REVENUE & EXPENSES: 0.00 0.00 2,292,277.87 1,391,365.80 7,411.00 7,411.00 7,782,886.00 377,200.00- 7,411.00 7,411.00 5,490,608.13 1,768,565.80- 8-12-0000-620 TOTAL ADMINISTRATION: 5,176.00 5,176.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 824.00 824.00 8-23-0000-630 8-23-0000-650 TOTAL FIRE DEPARTMENT: 25,015.93 125,788.00 150,803.93 25,200.00 75,000.00 100,200.00 184.07 50,788.0050,603.93- COMMON SERV ENGINEERING STRUCTURES 8-31-0000-610 COMMON SERVICES VEHICLES 8-31-0000-650 TOTAL COMMON SERVICES DEPARTMENT: STREETS & ROADS 11,938.50 33,227.88 45,166.38 0.00 34,000.00 34,000.00 11,938.50772.12 11,166.38- S & R ENGINEERING STRUCTURES S & R MACHINES, EQUIPMENT 8-32-0000-610 8-32-0000-630 TOTAL STREETS & ROADS: 33,625.00 15,121.14 48,746.14 0.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 33,625.00121.1433,746.14- 8-42-0000-620 TOTAL SEWER DEPARTMENT: 0.00 0.00 24,000.00 24,000.00 24,000.00 24,000.00 8-61-0000-630 TOTAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: 2,070.27 2,070.27 5,000.00 5,000.00 2,929.73 2,929.73 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4,343.05 0.00 4,343.05 256,305.77 256,305.77 1,647,671.57 20,000.00 85,000.00 22,000.00 6,000.00 10,000.00 50,000.00 193,000.00 377,200.00 377,200.00 0.00 20,000.00 85,000.00 22,000.00 6,000.00 5,656.95 50,000.00 188,656.95 120,894.23 120,894.23 1,647,671.57- LIONS HALL LIONS HALL CONTRACTED REPAIRS LIONS HALL INSURANCE LIONS HALL HEAT LIONS HALL POWER LIONS HALL WATER - RECOVERIES FROM O GOVERNMENT REQUISITIONS RESERVE FOR CAPITAL CAPITAL FINANCES APPLIED (EXPNDITURES)E ADMINISTRATION ADMINISTRATION BUILDING ADDITIONS FIRE DEPARTMENT FIRE MACHINES, EQUIPMENT FIRE VEHICLE ADDITIONS COMMON SERVICES SANITARY SEWERS SEWER BUILDINGS ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ECONOMIC DEV MACHINES, EQUIPMENT RECREATION RECREATION POOL MACHINES & EQUIPMENT RECREATION ARENA BUILDING RECREATION ARENA MACHINES & EQUIPMEN RECREATION FOX LAKE PARK ENGINEERING FOX LAKE PARK BUILDINGS RECREATION PARKS PLAYGROUND ENGINEER 8-72-0100-630 8-72-0200-620 8-72-0200-630 8-72-0700-610 8-72-0700-620 8-72-0800-610 TOTAL RECREATION: TOTAL CAPITAL FINANCES APPLIED: GRAND TOTAL OF ALL ACCOUNTS: REPORT TOTALS: 42 Report: M:\live\gl\glreprtx.p Version: 020001-L58.69.00 User ID: RHONDA Town of Hanna Revenue and Expense (Header - Detail - Totals) Without Encumbrance - COUNCIL MEETING REV & EXP For Fiscal Year 2016, Period 1 to 5 and Budget Cycle Final and Prd 1 to 5 Actuals Page: 13 of 13 Date: 09/06/16 Time: 16:13:25 *** End of Report *** 43 TOWN OF HANNA COUNCIL AGENDA BACKGROUND INFORMATION AND REQUEST FOR DECISION DATE: June 14, 2016 AGENDA ITEM NO: 6.03 ITEM TITLE Budget Overview – May 2016 RECOMMENDED MOTION That Council accepts the Budget Overview for May 2016 for information. BACKGROUND The Budget Overview consolidates information from the Statement of Revenues & Expenses report into categories that compares the revenue and expenses for each department of the Town. To see the detail for each department, refer to the Statement of Revenues & Expenses. The Budget Overview provides the adopted budget figures and the actual month end totals for each department. The final column compares the figures between budget and actual expense. As with the Statement of Revenues & Expenses, the budget figures are from the operating and capital budget approved by Council on December 8, 2015 and adjusted at the meeting held May 10, 2016. You will notice that the capital budget has been split from the operating in those areas where capital items are in the budget. Council members are encouraged to ask questions or seek clarification on any information presented. COMMUNICATIONS N/A FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS Operating: N/A Capital Cost: Budget Available: Budget Available: Unbudgeted: Unbudgeted Costs: Source of Funds: Source of Funds: w:\11 council\background information\2016\06 jun 14\6.03 budget overview.docx N/A 44 TOWN OF HANNA COUNCIL AGENDA BACKGROUND INFORMATION AND REQUEST FOR DECISION DATE: June 14, 2016 AGENDA ITEM NO: 6.03 POLICY AND/OR LEGISLATIVE IMPLICATIONS N/A ATTACHMENTS 1. Budget Overview – May 2016 REVIEWED AND APPROVED FOR SUBMISSION TO COUNCIL PREPARED BY: FINANCE REVIEW: (IF APPLICABLE) Director of Corporate Services Director of Corporate Services Chief Administrative Officer w:\11 council\background information\2016\06 jun 14\6.03 budget overview.docx 45 TOWN OF HANNA MAY 2016 Page 1 BUDGET OVERVIEW - OPERATING REVENUE & EXPENSES Council may use the Revenue & Expense Report (06.02) to review more detailed entries for each department 2016 ADOPTED BUDGET GENERAL MUNICIPAL 2016 2016 REVENUE 2016 2016 REVENUE DIFFERENCE BUDGET BUDGET LESS ACTUAL ACTUAL LESS BUDGET TO REVENUES EXPENSES EXPENSES REVENUES EXPENSES EXPENSES ACTUAL -3,976,501 REQUISITIONS SURPLUS CONTINGENCY -102,955 -3,873,546 800,640 167,084 633,556 0 0 0 2,500 0 2,500 -3,173,361 GENERAL ADMINISTRATION -360,100 64,129 -6,761 -353,339 COUNCIL 118,700 41,542 77,158 ADMINISTRATION 849,900 437,001 412,899 ADMINISTRATION - CAPITAL 6,000 5,176 614,500 HANNA WAKE PROGRAM -2,000 STUDENT EXCHANGE -646 5,000 -1,354 0 3,000 POLICE -23,900 POLICE FIRE - CAPITAL GRANT 5,000 -646 -6,367 0 -17,533 0 -23,900 FIRE 824 476,957 0 -6,367 -170,500 -16,383 -154,118 0 0 0 SAFETY & RISK MNGMNT 3,700 1,132 2,569 FIRE 250,200 53,566 196,634 FIRE - CAPITAL 100,200 150,804 183,600 FIRE - ECETP -30,000 FIRE - ECETP -30,000 30,000 0 59 0 DISASTER SERVICES 0 DISASTER SERV 0 3,100 0 767 -25,800 BYLAW 767 77,100 -2,370 37,149 -4,800 ANIMAL CONTROL PUBLIC WORKS PUBLIC WORKS PUBLIC WORKS - CAPITAL 39,951 13,719 -3,690 25,500 -1,110 14,052 20,700 PUBLIC WORKS CAPITAL 2,333 -23,430 51,300 DOG CONTROL 29,941 -29,941 3,100 BY-LAW ENFORCEMENT -50,604 189,119 11,448 10,362 -7,300 -705 -6,595 -200,000 0 -200,000 569,500 166,450 403,050 34,000 33,228 772 396,200 198,973 46 TOWN OF HANNA MAY 2016 Page 2 BUDGET OVERVIEW - OPERATING REVENUE & EXPENSES Council may use the Revenue & Expense Report (06.02) to review more detailed entries for each department 2016 ADOPTED BUDGET STREETS & ROADS STREETS & ROADS CAPITAL 2016 2016 REVENUE 2016 2016 REVENUE DIFFERENCE BUDGET BUDGET LESS ACTUAL ACTUAL LESS BUDGET TO REVENUES EXPENSES EXPENSES REVENUES EXPENSES EXPENSES ACTUAL 0 0 -590,085 STREETS & ROADS S & R - CAPITAL 0 0 -590,085 1,110,585 127,879 982,706 15,000 60,685 -45,685 535,500 AIRPORT -16,200 AIRPORT 188,564 -4,871 30,800 11,329 8,283 14,600 WATER -1,285,800 22,517 3,412 -318,482 -967,318 TREATMENT 949,300 245,862 703,438 LINES & DISTRIBUTION 281,700 66,645 215,055 -54,800 SANITARY SEWERS -270,900 SEWERS SEWER - CAPITAL -5,975 -85,539 185,361 195,200 57,471 137,729 24,000 0 24,000 -51,700 GARBAGE -121,500 GARBAGE -28,068 -41,050 79,700 -80,450 32,025 -41,800 REGIONAL WASTE SYSTEM -225,200 ANNUAL CONTRACT -74,640 260,000 -150,560 129,957 34,800 F.C.S.S. -94,700 ADMINISTRATION PROGRAMS YOUTH CLUB SUPPORT VAN OPERATIONS -50,707 -43,993 48,600 12,697 35,903 117,000 52,260 64,740 44,200 14,013 30,187 2,600 1,058 1,542 -13,500 CEMETERY 29,322 -3,659 43,940 -9,841 5,482 30,440 TOURISM -1,400 TOURISM -1,754 33,500 354 14,264 0 -600 (WAS ECONOMIC DEV) VISITOR INFORMATION BOOTH VIC - CAPITAL 19,236 12,511 167,650 & COMMUNICATION 38,458 1,823 32,100 BUSINESS 130,043 55,317 117,700 CEMETERY 47,675 -9,025 600 92,797 167,650 -16,600 74,853 92,197 124 47,100 -16,724 7,669 5,000 39,431 2,070 35,500 2,930 9,863 47 TOWN OF HANNA MAY 2016 Page 3 BUDGET OVERVIEW - OPERATING REVENUE & EXPENSES Council may use the Revenue & Expense Report (06.02) to review more detailed entries for each department 2016 ADOPTED BUDGET SUBDIVISION 2016 2016 REVENUE 2016 2016 REVENUE DIFFERENCE BUDGET BUDGET LESS ACTUAL ACTUAL LESS BUDGET TO REVENUES EXPENSES EXPENSES REVENUES EXPENSES EXPENSES ACTUAL 0 0 0 SUBDIVISION 0 0 0 SUBDIVISION - CAPITAL 0 0 0 0 RECREATION -194,600 CS BOARD 0 0 -3,319 -191,281 3,100 0 3,100 RECREATION 149,800 67,445 82,355 PARKS SHOP 14,600 5,757 8,843 192,500 67,539 124,961 50,000 0 50,000 5,000 639 4,361 PARKS PARKS - CAPITAL COMMUNITIES IN BLOOM PIONEER PARK 39,200 3,724 259,600 SWIMMING POOLS -58,650 POOLS -19,129 213,100 POOLS - CAPITAL -39,521 51,822 20,000 161,278 0 174,450 ARENA 35,476 141,785 -209,500 20,000 32,693 -53,279 -156,221 ARENA 309,300 136,813 172,487 ARENA - CAPITAL 107,000 0 107,000 206,800 CURLING RINK -46,900 CURLING RINK 83,534 -3,660 85,000 43,240 30,572 38,100 BALL DIAMONDS -5,400 BALL DIAMONDS 0 44,000 5,400 4,259 38,600 GOLF COURSE 0 GOLF COURSE 0 2,900 0 3,308 -68,400 97,800 FLP - CAPITAL 16,000 3,308 -62,297 8,437 -1,000 PROGRAM 11,657 6,678 -781 9,900 -219 749 8,900 SUMMER YOUTH 89,363 4,343 45,400 CAMPGROUND -408 -6,103 FLP MUSEUM TRAILER PARK 39,741 4,259 2,900 FOX LAKE PARK 54,429 26,912 -17,000 9,151 -32 -4,440 41,400 -12,560 2,948 24,400 38,452 -1,492 48 TOWN OF HANNA MAY 2016 Page 4 BUDGET OVERVIEW - OPERATING REVENUE & EXPENSES Council may use the Revenue & Expense Report (06.02) to review more detailed entries for each department 2016 ADOPTED BUDGET SOCCER FIELDS 2016 2016 REVENUE 2016 2016 REVENUE DIFFERENCE BUDGET BUDGET LESS ACTUAL ACTUAL LESS BUDGET TO REVENUES EXPENSES EXPENSES REVENUES EXPENSES EXPENSES ACTUAL -1,900 SOCCER FIELDS 0 20,700 -1,900 2,652 18,800 MUSEUM 0 MUSEUM 0 9,400 0 5,405 9,400 LIBRARY 0 LIBRARY 0 91,860 0 22,195 -70,750 CENTENNIAL PLACE 22,195 170,600 49,667 58,810 -44,400 CENTRE 37,726 123,000 29,397 30,579 -4,800 LIONS HALL -2,000 4,600 2,800 1,461 0 0 0 - 7,411 TOTAL EXPENDITURES TOTAL SURPLUS (DEFICIT) 3,139 -539 7,411 TOTAL REVENUE 92,421 15,575 -200 RESERVES 111,790 -15,003 78,600 LIONS HALL 69,665 -21,083 99,850 COMMUNITY CENTRE 3,995 5,405 91,860 CENTENNIAL PLACE 18,048 2,652 -8,160,086 7,411 0 -7,259,174 -900,912 8,160,086 5,611,502 2,548,584 0 1,647,672 49 TOWN OF HANNA COUNCIL AGENDA BACKGROUND INFORMATION AND REQUEST FOR DECISION DATE: June 14, 2016 AGENDA ITEM NO: 7.00 ITEM TITLE Committee Reports RECOMMENDATION That Committee Reports 7.01 – Community Services Board Meeting Minutes for May 2, 2016 and 7.02 – Community Services Board Meeting Minutes for June 7, 2016, be accepted for information. BACKGROUND Committee Reports are usually in the form of minutes from the Committee meetings and provide Council with highlights and activities of the committee. In this instance, the minutes are from the Community Services Board, which is a board entirely composed of people appointed by Council. The Minutes have not been approved, however they are presented for Council’s review. Council members are encouraged to ask questions or seek clarification on any information presented. COMMUNICATIONS Highlights of the report may be communicated in the newsletter as well as on the Town web-site and through the Town Social Media Program. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS Operating: Capital Cost: Budget Available: Budget Available: Unbudgeted: Unbudgeted Costs: Source of Funds: Source of Funds: W:\11 Council\Background Information\2016\06 Jun 14\7.00 Committee Reports.docx 50 TOWN OF HANNA COUNCIL AGENDA BACKGROUND INFORMATION AND REQUEST FOR DECISION DATE: June 14, 2016 AGENDA ITEM NO: 7.00 POLICY AND/OR LEGISLATIVE IMPLICATIONS N/A ATTACHMENTS 1. Community Services Board Meeting Minutes – May 2, 2016 2. Community Services Board Meeting Minutes – June 7, 2016 REVIEWED AND APPROVED FOR SUBMISSION TO COUNCIL PREPARED BY: FINANCE REVIEW: (IF APPLICABLE) Director Director of Corporate Services Chief Administrative Officer W:\11 Council\Background Information\2016\06 Jun 14\7.00 Committee Reports.docx 51 Page …008 TOWN OF HANNA COMMUNITY SERVICES BOARD MEETING MAY 2, 2016 Minutes of a meeting of the Community Services Board of the Town of Hanna held Monday May 2, 2016 in the Town Council Chambers at 7:30 p.m. Members Present: Chairperson Derrick Campbell Jason Smith Jordan Moench Lou Lallier Administration Present: Director Gwen Snell William Warwick Nadine Wood Darren Jones Programmer Angela McGillion Guest: Jaiden Henry 1. CALL TO ORDER Chairperson Derrick Campbell called the meeting to order at 7:43 p.m. 2. REVIEW & ADOPTION OF AGENDA MOTION 2016-013: W. Warwick – D. Jones That the agenda be accepted as amended to include Election of Officers as item 10.5 CARRIED 3. MINUTES FROM MARCH 14, 2016 MOTION 2016-014: N. Wood – J. Smith That the minutes of the Community Services Board meeting held March 14, 2016 be adopted as circulated. CARRIED 4. BUSINESS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES a. Hot water concerns for arena dressing room #4 and the pool showers are being addressed by working with a local contractor. b. Quick Books financial accounting program for Youth Club was discussed. ACTION: Director Snell will review the benefits/advantages with Peggy Rehill and Director Armstrong and report back for informational purposes. c. Provincial/National Hosting Funding grants will be developed into a policy for council consideration. This will allow a more streamlined process for those hosting in our community. d. Narrative budget overview will be provided for next meeting by Director Snell. e. Electronic package for CSB is required for members N. Wood and J. Moench 5. COMMUNITY COMMITTEE MINUTES a. Hanna in Bloom Meeting Minutes April 27, 2016 b. Hanna and District Youth Club meeting minutes April 5, 2016 c. Hanna and District Youth Club meeting minutes April 26, 2016 52 Town of Hanna Community Services Board Meeting Page …009 May 2, 2016 MOTION 2016-015: D. Jones - N. Wood That the Community Committee Minutes be accepted as presented for information. CARRIED 6. FINANCIAL OVERVIEW/UPDATE MOTION 2016-016: J. Moench - D. Jones That the financial reports for April 29, 2016 be accepted as presented for information. CARRIED 7. ARPA – PRESCRIPTION TO GET ACTIVE Director Snell has had preliminary discussions regarding the program with medical representatives.. -Link: http://prescriptiontogetactive.com/ Recommendations will be provided to CSB following further discussions and review by administration. 8. REPORTS a. Director Director Gwen Snell provided verbal highlights regarding the department. Summer employment – good compliment of staff for the season. Fox Lake – Bluebird Close camp kitchen work underway. Campground Manager for 2016 is Cody Hickle. Pour ‘n place surfacing - quote was higher than anticipated, looking at options to remain in budget and complete project. Pool Blankets – have been ordered Director Snell will continue to circulate her council report to CSB b. Programmer Programmer Angela McGillion provided highlights of her written report. Poverty Simulation – outstanding event; definite impact on those that attended Epic Adventures – brochure completed and out to schools. Early registrations have been received. Coffee coupons provided to recognize volunteerism of CS members c. Council Report Councillor Jason Smith provided highlights of Town council d. Wake Exchange program Application will be reviewed by committee It was noted that there may be a school trip to Japan in 2017. MOTION 2016-017: D. Jones - J. Moench That Reports provided be accepted as presented. CARRIED Unapproved Minutes 53 Town of Hanna Community Services Board Meeting May 2, 2016 Page …010 CORRESPONDENCE -None 9. COMMUNITY CENTRE PROPOSED RENOVATIONS AND DISCUSSIONS -Jaiden Henry is present to gather ideas to draft a plan for the Community Centre renovations -Director Snell stated a large federal grant for recreation faculties has just been announced and we should submit an application for consideration. Items to consider: -chair storage (would like to have another option rather than out in the main hall. -today’s standards for washrooms; what is stated in the barrier free code book; current plumbing; # of stalls required of occupancy; accessibility circle increase; men’s washrooms could be located where current craft room is; or use craft room for ladies washroom and increase men’s washrooms by combining current washrooms. -Bar location – should it move to craft room? -Addition to south end of building? -Suggested to draw up two plans, one with existing building foot print, one with addition that would include a new kitchen. -Renter’s needs? -current kitchen is approximately 30 ft. x 20 ft. = 1500 sq. ft. so a south end addition could extend 20 ft. to have kitchen, bar, and chair storage east of south door and not interfere with the main power supply entrance. Mechanical location has to be considered in plan but can be relocated if need be -remove a bathroom by kitchen; use this additional space for cooler? ACTION: Jaiden will proceed with a basic drawing outlining the current foot print ACTION: Director Snell will contact Jaiden by May 16th to inquire as to progress and clarification if required. ACTION: set a later meeting date third week in May for further discussion if required 10.5 ELECTION OF OFFICERS MOTION 2016-018: W. Warwick - D. Jones That Derrick Campbell be nominated as Chairperson for the Community Services Board. CARRIED As there were no further nominations, D. Campbell was elected by acclamation. MOTION 2016-019: D. Campbell – N. Wood That Will Warwick be nominated as Vice Chairperson for the Community Services Board. CARRIED As there were no further nominations, W. Warwick was elected by acclamation. Unapproved Minutes 54 Town of Hanna Community Services Board Meeting May 2, 2016 Page …011 10. ROUND TABLE 11. D. Jones – Volunteer Appreciation noon hour BBQ was well attended. Great to have assistance from a local volunteer resident. J. Smith – noted that the Poverty Simulation was very enlightening. Question of handout being detailed enough. A. McGillion responded it was intended to be the first line of agencies to be contacted to provide further direction. J. Moench – Kiddies Korner equipment has had gate and signs put back up in efforts to prevent misuse over the summer. NEXT MEETING DATES Tuesday, June 7, Supper Meeting at 6:15 pm 12. ADJOURNMENT Chairperson Derrick Campbell adjourned the meeting at 10:03 pm. Chairperson Derrick Campbell Director of Community Services Gwen Snell Unapproved Minutes 55 Page …012 TOWN OF HANNA COMMUNITY SERVICES BOARD MEETING JUNE 7, 2016 Minutes of a meeting of the Community Services Board of the Town of Hanna held Tuesday June 7, 2016 in the Town Council Chambers at 6:15 p.m. Members Present: Chairperson Derrick Campbell Jason Smith Jordan Moench William Warwick Nadine Wood Lou Lallier Administration Present: Director Gwen Snell Programmer Angela McGillion Regrets: Darren Jones Guest: David Mohl 1. CALL TO ORDER Chairperson Derrick Campbell called the meeting to order at 7:17 p.m. 2. REVIEW & ADOPTION OF AGENDA MOTION 2016-020: L. Lallier - W. Warwick That the agenda be accepted as presented. 3. CARRIED MINUTES FROM MAY 2, 2016 MOTION 2016-021: N. Wood – J. Smith That the minutes of the Community Services Board meeting held May 2, 2016 be adopted as circulated. CARRIED 4. BUSINESS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES a. Director Snell will continue to pursue connecting with Peggy Rehill re: Youth Club financial book keeping system b. Provincial/National Hosting Funding grants has been approved by Council and is now a policy. c. Electronic package for CSB needs to be updated. Will email and then put on a USB stick. 5. COMMUNITY COMMITTEE MINUTES a. Hanna in Bloom Meeting Minutes June 1, 2016 -corrections required b. Hanna and District Youth Club meeting minutes June 1, 2016 MOTION 2016-022: L. Lallier – J. Moench That the Community Committee Minutes be accepted as presented, with corrections to Hanna in Bloom minutes, for information. CARRIED 56 Town of Hanna Community Services Board Meeting Page …013 June 7, 2016 6. FINANCIAL OVERVIEW/UPDATE MOTION 2016-023: N. Wood – J. Smith That the financial overview/update for May 2016 be accepted as presented for information. CARRIED 7. ARPA – PRESCRIPTION TO GET ACTIVE Director Snell has connected with the medical clinic; determined that Patrick May is a great fit for this initiative in our community. Will roll out in the New Year. 8. PRESENTATION – DAVID MOHL, PHANTOMS HOCKEY TEAM -Mr. Mohl presented a brief summary of the existing situation regarding the late practice times for the Phantoms team. He is speculating that there can be alternative scheduling done to accommodate this request; perhaps viewing the current scheduling he would be able to make suggestions based upon his years of experience as a scheduler. He requests that the Town issue a directive to Minor Hockey to talk with the Phantoms team. -After Mr. Mohl exited, discussion amongst the Board saw a consensus to tactfully encourage the two groups to work together. MOTION 2016-024: L. Lallier- J. Moench That as per policy, Mr. Mohl seek further solutions with the Hanna Minor Hockey Association regarding practice times for the Hanna Phantoms hockey team. CARRIED 9. REPORTS a. Director Director Gwen Snell provided verbal highlights regarding the department. Director Snell will continue to circulate her council report to CSB b. Programmer Programmer Angela McGillion provided highlights of her written report. c. Council Report Councillor Jason Smith provided highlights of Town Council; commented on success of Mayor’s Garden party. d. Wake Exchange program One student, Tyson Sabey, has been accepted for the exchange program. Five homestay families are required for the Wake students coming. Further discussion held regarding recruitment for the future. MOTION 2016-025: L. Lallier- J. Moench That reports provided be accepted as presented. CARRIED Unapproved Minutes 57 Town of Hanna Community Services Board Meeting June 7, 2016 Page …014 10. CORRESPONDENCE a. Prairie Land Pride article – highlights the student experience at the April 21st Poverty Simulation. b. Thank You card – from Robin and Cathy Gall for flowers sent on behalf of CSB for the passing of Thelma Gall, past CSB member. 11. COMMUNITY CENTRE PROPOSED RENOVATIONS AND DISCUSSIONS -Jaiden Henry has completed a plan with the existing building foot print -Director Snell will apply for a ‘Canada 150’ grant using this plan, submitting an estimate at $350/sq. ft. -Jaiden Henry will do the plan with an addition that would include a new kitchen; Director Snell will work with her keeping in mind the items highlighted in the Barrier Book provided by Chairperson D. Campbell. -An architect will be needed following this. ACTION: Board will meet over the summer to move forward 12. ROUND TABLE 13. J. Moench – Mock Collision at JCC today was very well done; Fire Dept. to be commended for involvement. NEXT MEETING DATES Monday, July 11, Community Centre Reno Meeting at 4:45 pm – 5:45 pm Monday, August 15, Community Centre Reno Meeting at 4:45 pm – 5:45 pm Monday, September 12, CSB Meeting at 7 pm 14. ADJOURNMENT Chairperson Derrick Campbell adjourned the meeting at 9:13 pm. Chairperson Derrick Campbell Director of Community Services Gwen Snell Unapproved Minutes 58 TOWN OF HANNA COUNCIL AGENDA BACKGROUND INFORMATION AND REQUEST FOR DECISION DATE: June 14, 2016 AGENDA ITEM NO; 8.00 ITEM TITLE Senior Administrative Officials Reports RECOMMENDED MOTION That the Senior Administrative Officials reports 8.01 – 8.04 be accepted as presented for information. BACKGROUND Senior Administration prepare reports on the highlights and activities of their department since the last Council meeting for Council’s information. Council members are encouraged to ask questions or seek clarification on any information presented. If a written report is not submitted, members of Senior Administration attend Council meetings to provide a verbal report. COMMUNICATIONS The highlights of the reports may be communicated through the Town of Hanna Social Media programs. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS Operating: N/A Capital Cost: Budget Available: Budget Available: Unbudgeted: Unbudgeted Costs: Source of Funds: Source of Funds: N/A W:\11 Council\Background Information\2016\06 Jun 14\8.00 Senior Administrative Officials.docx 59 TOWN OF HANNA COUNCIL AGENDA BACKGROUND INFORMATION AND REQUEST FOR DECISION DATE: June 14, 2016 AGENDA ITEM NO; 8.00 POLICY AND/OR LEGISLATIVE IMPLICATIONS N/A ATTACHMENTS 1. 2. 3. 4. Chief Administrative Officer Director of Business & Communication Director of Protective Services Director of Public Works REVIEWED AND APPROVED FOR SUBMISSION TO COUNCIL PREPARED BY: FINANCE REVIEW: (IF APPLICABLE) Director of Corporate Services Director of Corporate Services Chief Administrative Officer W:\11 Council\Background Information\2016\06 Jun 14\8.00 Senior Administrative Officials.docx 60 MEMORANDUM Date: June 14, 2016 To: Mayor & Council From: Kim Neill Chief Administrative Officer Re: CAO Report – June 14, 2016 Council Meeting 1. Climate Change Task Force: The Task Force has been meeting regularly with the last meeting on May 24th. The Task Force has sent out Requests for Proposals for consulting services for two projects. One project is to create a report to identify the impacts of the premature shutdown of the generating station to the Town of Hanna and surrounding region. This report will assist the Town and Special Areas with having our position better understood when meeting with provincial officials as to how seriously the community will be affected. The second project will consist of the preparation of a report that can identify potential new opportunities for business and industry and how the Province could provide incentives for business and industry to set up in the Hanna area to compensate for the potential loss of our two major industries. It appears that there is a significant interest in these RFP’s as there have been a number of consulting teams expressing interest and asking clarification questions. 2. Library Expansion/Renovation – Project Update: The Library Board received news that the Special Areas Board will assist with funding for the roof replacement portion of the project. The Town issued an RFP for the roof replacement with the deadline for closing on June 6th. Twelve proposals were received and administration is reviewing them with the intent to award the project by the week of June 20th. 3. TNC Publication Update: The TNC Publication Project is back on track for a Town of Hanna publication only and a new sales person has solicited enough advertising for a minimum of a 16 page magazine. Administration is working on the content portion that the Town will provide for the magazine. It is anticipated the magazine will be ready for Town distribution in mid-summer. 1 61 4. Staffing Update: Two full-time temporary positions have been filled in the Public Works department with an end date of December 31, 2016. Both individuals have been told that they will be evaluated over this period of time with the potential to have one of the temporary positions re-classified to full-time permanent (fill the position vacated by Clint Miller). It is anticipated that Delmar Weich will be back to work by January 1, 2017. Gwen Snell the Director of Community Service is on short – term medical leave from June 9th to an anticipated date of August 8th. In her absence myself, Angela McGillion and John Henry will be picking up her duties. 5. Japanese Exchange Program: The Japanese Exchange Program Committee has selected Mr. Tyson Sabey to participate in the student exchange with the Town of Wake. Up to six students from Wake will be arriving in Hanna on July 21st and return to Wake on August 2nd. Tyson will be returning to Wake with the Japanese students on August 2nd and will stay in Wake until August 24th. The AJTMA Conference is coming together for the dates of June 17 – 18th. The conference will be small with delegates from seven municipalities in Alberta in attendance along with some dignitaries including the Mayor of Wake and the Consul General of Japan in Calgary. Meetings Attended: Grade Six Class Visits – May 13th Bye Family Library Donation Dedication – May 14th Airport Weather Station – May 17th BCWMC – Regional Collaboration Meeting – May 19th Sweet Environmental – May 20th Climate Change Task Force Meeting – May 24th Special Council Meeting – Council Info Session – May 25th Municipal Affairs – Regional Training Workshop – Olds – May 26th Canadian Association of Municipal Administrators Conference – Winnipeg – May 30th – June 2nd AJTMA Conference Planning Committee Meeting – June 8th Urban Systems – Climate Change Task Force RFP’s ATCO Electric – LED Street Light Proposal AJTMA Conference Planning Committee Meeting – June 14th 2 62 Upcoming Events: MGA Review Consultation – June 15th PEP Broadband Consultation – June 15th Pick up Town of Wake Delegation – Calgary – June 16th AJTMA Conference and AGM – June 17 – 18th Take Wake Delegation – Calgary – June 19th Climate Change Task Force Meeting – June 22nd Chamber Golf Tournament – June 22nd Staff Welcome Breakfast – June 30th 3 63 DIRECTOR OF PROTECTIVE SERVICES COUNCIL REPORT June 14, 2016 BY-LAW ENFORCEMENT: Complaints dealt with: May 2016 / June 2016 Animal Control 2 Garbage 1 Unsightly Traffic/Parking Grass/Weeds 1 3 16 Other 0 In an attempt to get a head start on out of town property owners who are slow to act on maintaining their properties, I have issued 13 Orders to Remedy and 3 Notices. The vast majority have complied within the two week remedial period and I have issued 1 notice of entry for two properties that will probably require the Town to hire a contractor to do the work. DEVELOPMENT: Development Permits Issued for April 2016 / June 2016 Permit # Type of Development Address $ Value D07-16 Demolition - House 511 – 1 Street East $5000.00 D08-16 Demolition - Garage 209 – 7 Avenue West $2000.00 D09-16 New Garage 305 -1 Avenue West $22,500.00 D10-16 New Garage 105 - 4 Avenue East $20,000.00 D11-16 Storage Shed/Gazebo 709 – Centre Street $5,000.00 D12-16 132 – Shacker Crescent $3,000.00 D13-16 Storage Shed Comm. Reno/Roof Replacement D14-16 Sign 601A – West Industrial Road D15-16 Home Occupation 309 -4 Avenue East $0.00 D16-16 Demolition 304A - ! Street West $13,000.00 D17-16 Home Occupation 414- Hanna Crescent $0.00 D18-16 Home Occupation 208 -4 Avenue West $0.00 D19-16 New Garage 319 – 1 Avenue West 318 – 2 Avenue East $32,000.00 $400.00 $10,000.00 Respectfully submitted: Adrian Mohl, Protective Services W:\90 Staff Folders\Adrian\Council Meetings\2016\Council Brief June 14.doc 64 Council Report Date: June 10, 2016 Submitted by: Laurie Armstrong, Director of Business & Communication Utility Newsletter End of June PRISM: Nothing to report Website Nothing to report Technology Seem to be experiencing some glitches in the arena, pool and centennial Place. Been working with Netago to try to isolate. eRec: Still testing. Contracts have been developed but need customization. Testing the integration between eRec and our accounting system. Currently looking for the best way to track donations in kind and have it accurately write back to the accounting system. Youth Club Bookkeeping Regular monthly entries. Visitor Information Centre Opened May 20 – weekends only. Brochures have been coming in from other communities. There has been good support on the weekends so far. eBilling Seems to be working well. As of writing there were about 5% of accounts signed up. It is slow but people are signing up. We will begin to advertise it more and issue a press release over the next few weeks. Other A reminder that the business directory at www.HANNA.ca lists only those businesses who hold a business license for the Town of Hanna. 65 COUNCIL REPORT DATE: June 14, 2016 PRESENTED BY: Brent Olesen, Director of Public Works Since the last Council meeting, the public works department has been busy with a number of items: o The department is back up to 6 staff members. We hired two temporary staff with the possibility of one becoming full time. o Maintenance We had a water main break on Sunday, May 15 on 5th Street West in front of Parkview Manors. This break affected services to the Manors, Super A Pharmasave and the residents of Acadia Crescent. We are filling pothole as we find them. Sewer flushing is finished. Spring clean up was completed after the May long weekend (May 23 rd) We hauled dirt into the arena for the 4H show. The crew has been keeping up with clearing the catch basins with the storms that have been going through. The crew did some work on the airport lights. We opened and closed two cremations. We are hauling sewage from the holding tank at Fox Lake Park every Friday now that the park is open for the season. We haul from the Special Areas Maintenance Shop sewer tanks every three weeks as usual. o I attended the Alberta Fire Chiefs Conference in Calgary May 29th to June 1st. 66 TOWN OF HANNA COUNCIL AGENDA BACKGROUND INFORMATION AND REQUEST FOR DECISION DATE: June 14, 2016 AGENDA ITEM NO: 9.01 ITEM TITLE June 29 Council Information Meeting RECOMMENDATION That Council approves that the Regular Information Meeting of Council scheduled for June 29 be cancelled as there are a number of Councillors unavailable to attend the meeting. OR That as there are a number of Councillors unavailable to attend the meeting the Regular Information Meeting of Council scheduled for June 29, 2016, Council approves that the meeting be re-scheduled to ___________, 2016 at __________am. BACKGROUND At the October 13, 2015 Organizational Council Meeting, a motion was passed to set the dates for the Regular Information Meetings of Council. The dates generally fall on the last Wednesday of each month. The information sessions are attended by Council and Senior Administration. The sessions allow for a free exchange of ideas, financial and budget items can be discussed and historical background can be provided. By holding the sessions on the last Wednesday of the month, staff is provided with time to prepare documents for the following Council meeting if an item needs to be brought forward for a resolution. Three members of Council and the Chief Administrative Officer will be unavailable for the Council information meeting, as they will be attending the Palliser Economic Partnership Annual General Meeting scheduled for June 29. Honorable Deron Bilous, Minister of Economic Development & Trade will be in attendance at the PEP meeting. If Council wishes, an alternate date and time could be selected to replace the June Council Information Meeting. As the sessions are set by a motion of Council, a motion is required to change the date or cancel the meetings. W:\11 Council\Background Information\2016\06 Jun 14\9.01 June 29 Council Information Meeting.docx 67 TOWN OF HANNA COUNCIL AGENDA BACKGROUND INFORMATION AND REQUEST FOR DECISION DATE: June 14, 2016 AGENDA ITEM NO: 9.01 COMMUNICATIONS As the meetings are public, the cancellation of the meeting or change to meeting date will be advertised through the Town of Hanna Social Media programs. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS Operating: N/A Capital Cost: Budget Available: Budget Available: Unbudgeted: Unbudgeted Costs: Source of Funds: Source of Funds: N/A POLICY AND/OR LEGISLATIVE IMPLICATIONS 1. Municipal Government Act – Sections 192 – 209. ATTACHMENTS 1. Palliser Economic Partnership – Annual General Meeting Notice – Special Guest Honourable Deron Bilous, Minister of Alberta Economic Development & Trade REVIEWED AND APPROVED FOR SUBMISSION TO COUNCIL PREPARED BY: FINANCE REVIEW: (IF APPLICABLE) Director Director of Corporate Services Chief Administrative Officer W:\11 Council\Background Information\2016\06 Jun 14\9.01 June 29 Council Information Meeting.docx 68 On behalf of Jay Slemp Chairman of Palliser Economic Partnership You are cordially invited to the 2016 Annual General Meeting of Palliser Economi c Partnership Ltd on Wednesday, June 29, 2016 Salon “D”, Medicine Hat Lodge 1051 Ross Glen Drive SE, Medicine Hat, Alberta Registration : 11:30am – 11:55am Lunch: 12:00pm – 1:00pm Annual General Meeting : 1:00pm – 3:30pm Special Guest Honourable Deron Bilous Minister of Alberta Economic Development and Trade RSVP by Friday, June 24, 2016 to Trudy Bice at City Centre Communications Phone 403.526.5777 or Email at cityccom@telusplanet.net 69 TOWN OF HANNA COUNCIL AGENDA BACKGROUND INFORMATION AND REQUEST FOR DECISION DATE: June 14, 2016 AGENDA ITEM NO: 9.02 ITEM TITLE Storefront Improvement Incentive Program RECOMMENDATION That Council approve the Storefront Improvement Incentive Program dated June 14, 2016, for the purpose of implementing a program and guidelines to provide financial assistance to business owners and business tenants to make improvements to the exterior of their business to improve the aesthetics and appearance of the community. BACKGROUND Over the past year administration and Council have been working on a storefront improvement incentive program as an impetus to encourage business owners to make improvements to the exterior of their businesses to improve the aesthetics and appearance of the community. In the 2016 Operating Budget $20,000 was allocated for this program. Following discussions with Council, administration has prepared the Storefront Improvement Incentive Program guidelines for approval. The highlights of this program include: Provides up to 50% of the costs of eligible exterior work to maximums of $3,000 - $5,000 depending on size of property. All applications for funding will be considered at any time during the year but will be based on first come – first served until funding is fully utilized. If this program and guidelines receive Council approval, the Town of Hanna will market and implement the program immediately. COMMUNICATIONS 1. The program will be communicated on the Town of Hanna Web-site, through the Town social media program, in the Town of Hanna section of the Hanna Herald and administration will approach the Chamber of Commerce to see if they can distribute the program information to their membership electronically. W:\11 Council\Background Information\2016\06 Jun 14\9.02 Store Front Improvement Incentive Program.docx 70 TOWN OF HANNA COUNCIL AGENDA BACKGROUND INFORMATION AND REQUEST FOR DECISION DATE: June 14, 2016 AGENDA ITEM NO: 9.02 FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS Operating: $20,000 Capital Cost: Budget Available: Budget Available: Unbudgeted: Unbudgeted Costs: Source of Funds: Source of Funds: N/A POLICY AND/OR LEGISLATIVE IMPLICATIONS N/A ATTACHMENTS 1. Town of Hanna Storefront Improvement Incentive Program. REVIEWED AND APPROVED FOR SUBMISSION TO COUNCIL PREPARED BY: FINANCE REVIEW: (IF APPLICABLE) Director Director of Corporate Services Chief Administrative Officer W:\11 Council\Background Information\2016\06 Jun 14\9.02 Store Front Improvement Incentive Program.docx 71 Storefront Improvement Incentive Program App ro ved: 14 J une 2016 72 Town of Hanna Storefront Improvement Incentive Program 1. Background The Town of Hanna has developed a Storefront Improvement Incentive Program (SIIP) for those businesses located within the boundaries of the Town of Hanna. The program is managed and administered by the Business & Communications Department. The Storefront Improvement Incentive Program provides funding for up to 50% of the eligible works up to a maximum of: • $3,000.00 per commercial property; • $5,000.00 for a corner lot commercial property (two street facing facades); • $5,000.00 for a commercial building with 4 or more storefronts, or large commercial enterprises that are of similar size to that of 4 or more storefronts. *Note that new construction, national franchises, government buildings, residences, churches or other religious institutions are not eligible. An independent owner of a national franchise may be eligible. 2. Intent This incentive program is intended to assist property owners and business tenants to enhance storefronts within the corporate limits of the Town of Hanna. 3. Objectives The following is a list of objectives that outline the purpose of the program: • To assist commercial property and business owners with improvements to their buildings/storefronts to create a more vibrant and attractive business corridor and downtown area; • To encourage the economic vitality of the business corridor and downtown area in all seasons; • To create an attractive image of the Town of Hanna that reflects the character and culture of the community; and • To reinforce commercial areas within the business corridor and downtown area as places to shop and do business to support long-term sustainability. 4. Improvement Eligibility 4.1. 4.2. Eligible Improvements Include: 4.1.1. Repainting, cleaning or restoration of facades 4.1.2. Replacement or restoration of cornices, eaves, parapets and other architectural features 4.1.3. Replacement of windows 4.1.4. Entranceway modifications that improve the appearance and/or access to the commercial units. 4.1.5. Redesign and reconstruction of the store front 4.1.6. Installation of appropriate new signage or improvements to existing signage. 4.1.7. Installation of canopies and/or awnings 4.1.8. Installation of exterior lighting 4.1.9. Restoration of historic features 4.1.10. Construct entrances for barrier free access for patrons with mobility impairments. Ineligible Improvements Include: 4.2.1. Building repairs or structural foundations 4.2.2. Roof repairs not related to exterior aesthetics Page 2 of 6 73 Town of Hanna Storefront Improvement Incentive Program 4.2.3. 4.2.4. 4.2.5. 4.2.6. 4.2.7. 4.2.8. 4.2.9. 4.2.10. 4.2.11. 4.3. Interior plumbing Security bars Fencing Electrical or structural upgrades including security systems Non-permanent fixtures (e.g.: banner signs, interior window coverings, planters, benches, etc. Personal property or equipment Tenant improvements not associated with a comprehensive upgrade Sidewalks and paving not associated with improvements Fluorescent light box signage Program Exclusions New construction, national franchises, government buildings, residences, churches or other religious institutions are not eligible. Independent owners of national franchises may be eligible. 4.4. Area of Application The Storefront Improvement Incentive Program is available to all commercial property owner(s) and their commercial tenant(s) within town limits. There is no cost to submit an application for this program. 4.5. Eligibility Requirements 4.5.1. 4.5.2. 4.5.3. 4.5.4. 4.5.5. 4.5.6. 4.5.7. 4.5.8. 4.5.9. All applications for improvements under this program are subject to the availability of funding. The review of any Storefront Improvement Incentive grant application will be administered on a first come first served basis in accordance with the review process and the limit of available funding. Commercial properties will only be considered if the work outlined in the application addresses the objectives of the Storefront Improvement Incentive Program. Town of Hanna Council may, at its discretion, specify the amount of annual funding that will be made available each year the program is in existence. If the total value of funding requested for all new applications in any given year exceeds the total amount of funding available, applications will be placed on a waiting list for future funding availability. Ground floor commercial use(s) is the program’s priority however; two storey or higher commercial properties are also eligible. Commercial tenant(s) must provide written authorization from the registered property owner(s). Tenant(s) should have a minimum of three years remaining on a lease from the date of the application. Storefront Improvements incentives will not be issued to any eligible applicants who are in arrears of any municipal financial obligation. Storefront Improvement Incentives will not be issued to correct any Building Code, Fire Code or Property Standards orders. No funds will be issued for works that have received incentives under any other municipal programs. Any work initiated before the application for the Storefront Improvement Incentive Program is received and approved by the Town of Hanna may not be eligible for funding. The Storefront Improvement Incentive Program may be applied retroactively to works started prior to the commencement of this program, at the discretion of Council. 5. Program Assistance and Requirements Page 3 of 6 74 Town of Hanna Storefront Improvement Incentive Program Proposed storefront improvements within the Town of Hanna will adhere to the Storefront Improvement Incentive Program guidelines. Guidelines can be obtained on the Town of Hanna website. 5.2. All work must comply with municipal, provincial and federal regulations 5.3. The maximum amount of any incentive that may be issued under this Program shall be: 5.3.1. $ 3,000.00 per commercial storefront (one municipal street address) 5.3.2. $ 5,000.00 for commercial storefronts (one municipal street address) on corner lots where improvements are proposed on both street facing facades. 5.3.3. $ 5,000.00 for commercial property for a building with four or more storefronts (four or more municipal addresses) 5.3.4. $ 5,000.00 for a commercial property which is one municipal address but the size of a building with four or more municipal addresses or larger 5.3.5. The incentive shall not exceed 50% of the costs of the eligible work per storefront or building. Up to 15% of the entire incentive may be used for soft costs such as a consultant, design, project management services or relevant permit fees. 5.4. Proposed signage will meet with the Town’s Sign regulations in the Land Use Bylaw (see Part VII, Section 12 (1-12) – Town of Hanna Land Use Bylaw) 5.5. Any proposed modifications to buildings designated under the Alberta Historical Resources Act or identified as being of historic interest by the Town of Hanna or the Province of Alberta may be subject to additional approvals. 5.6. Assistance granted to a particular project is not transferable to another property. 5.7. The Town of Hanna reserves the right to have a Building Inspector review all completed eligible works to ensure the monetary value of the work completed coincides with the monetary value of the work proposed as indicated on any approved incentive application. Should the Building Inspector deem the monetary value of work completed does not coincide with the monetary value of the work proposed, the Town of Hanna reserves the right to reduce the amount of the incentive accordingly. 5.8. Where construction or renovations are substantially suspended or discontinued for more than six months, the Town may revoke any approved applications. 5.9. The applicant must provide the Town of Hanna with copies of professional invoices and proof of payment prior to any reimbursement. 5.10. The Town of Hanna reserves the right to discontinue this program at any time. 5.1. 6. Procedures and Approvals 6.1. 6.2. 6.3. 6.4. 6.5. 6.6. Approval of an incentive and its amount shall be subject to the availability of funding as determined on an annual basis by Town of Hanna Council. Potential applicants are required to submit a complete program application form, including the required drawings, to the Business & Communications Department prior to the submission of any sign or building permit application. The Town may specify additional submission requirements, such as but not limited to plans, elevations and quotations. Complete applications will be reviewed and only those applications that meet the program’s objectives, the Town of Hanna’s Storefront Improvement Incentive Program Guidelines and are capable of satisfying the Town’s Land Use Bylaw and the Alberta Building Code will be considered. The eligibility of the proposal will be assessed based on the whole project. The approving authority will consider all aspects of the applied improvements. A proper design rendering or schematic (i.e. a high quality drawing) must also be included with the grant application. The rendering must clearly and accurately depict what the completed façade renovation will look like. Eligible costs will be cost of materials, equipment and contracted labour. Labour Page 4 of 6 75 Town of Hanna Storefront Improvement Incentive Program provided by the applicant can be a part of the project however will not be considered eligible expenses. 6.7. Applicants will be notified in writing if their proposed application has been accepted. This will be followed by a Letter of Agreement that will outline additional items and conditions of the Program and will serve as a legal commitment of both parties as to the scope and quality of work and the amount of funds committed. 6.8. All contractors must be licensed by the Province of Alberta and within the Town of Hanna and carry the required insurance. All construction contracts will be between the applicant and the contractor. 6.9. Applicants are to set up the work schedule with the contractor and will have thirty (30) days, from the date that the Town signs the Agreement to authorize the contractor(s) to begin work. If the applicant has not authorized contractor(s) to begin work within six (6) m o n t h s , the Town has the right to terminate the agreement. 6.10. Prior to approving the funds dispersal to the applicant for the Storefront Improvement Incentive Program, Town staff may inspect the building to review the condition of the façade and the proposed improvements. 6.11. Upon project completion, the Town of Hanna reserves the right to acknowledge the participation in the Storefront Improvement Incentive Program through the Towns Social Media outlets. 7. Reimbursement of Funds 7.1. 7.2. Upon completion of the eligible works, the applicant must provide the Town of Hanna with copies of professional invoices and proof of payment. Town of Hanna Staff will conduct an inspection of the completed work, and do what is necessary to verify the accuracy of all invoices. Upon verification that the eligible works are complete, and invoices and proof of payment have been verified to be accurate, the incentive funds shall be issued within thirty (30) days of receipt in compliance with the Letter of Agreement. 8. Maintenance R equ iremen ts By accepting Storefront Improvement Incentive funds, the applicant commits to properly maintaining all improvements and to keep storefronts, as well as sides and backs of buildings clean and free of graffiti for a minimum of five (5) years. Any damage to the façade is to be repaired by the applicant so that the building or storefront remains in good condition and positively contributes to the business area. 9. Important Dates Applications can be submitted to the Town of Hanna starting July 1, 2016. The number of projects awarded will be determined by funding availability. Applications will be reviewed upon receipt, and are based on a first come, first served basis. Once funding has reached capacity, applications will be placed on a waiting list for future funding. 10. Application Checklist □ Applicants are strongly encouraged to review the ‘Town of Hanna Storefront Improvement Incentive Program Guidelines’ prior to preparing their application. □ Completed Application Form (see final page) □ High Quality Drawing of Proposed Changes (see 12. Reference Documents & Resources) 11. Contact Page 5 of 6 76 Town of Hanna Storefront Improvement Incentive Program For more information, please contact the Director of Business & Communications by any method listed below. Storefront Improvement Incentive Program Attn: Director of Business & Communications Town of Hanna 302 – 2nd Avenue West Box 430 Hanna, AB T0J 1P0 Phone: (403) 854-4433 Email: larmstrong@hanna.ca 12. Reference Documents & Resources • • • Town of Hanna Storefront Improvement Incentive Program Guidelines Town of Hanna Land Use Bylaw (Signs - Part VII, Section 15 (1-12)) http://www.Hanna.ca To complete a high quality drawing of your proposed changes. There are a number of free software programs you can try: o Sherwin Williams’ Visualizer www.sherwin-williams.com/visualizer/ o SketchUp (drafting software) http://www.sketchup.com/ Page 6 of 6 77 Town of Hanna Storefront Improvement Incentive Program Application Form Applicant Name Owner of Property Physical Address of Storefront Mailing Address Phone Number Contact Name Email Description Of Changes To Be Made To Storefront (attach additional page if necessary) __ Drawing Attached __ Other Additional Comments Signature of Applicant Date Page 7 of 6 78 TOWN OF HANNA COUNCIL AGENDA BACKGROUND INFORMATION AND REQUEST FOR DECISION DATE: June 14, 2016 AGENDA ITEM NO: 9.03 ITEM TITLE Utility Policy 2016-01 Review RECOMMENDATION That Town Council thank Mrs. Sabine for her presentation to Council at the May 10, 2016 Council Meeting and inform her that after consideration of her request to waive the fixed fees for water, sewer, garbage collection and regional waste fees for her rental property, Council has denied the request; and furthermore that the Town of Hanna Utility Policy 2016-01 remain unchanged. BACKGROUND During the public presentation portion of the May 10 Council meeting, Debra Sabine requested that Council review the Town of Hanna Utility Policy 2016-01 that owners of rental properties are responsible for the utility charges and must pay the fixed operating charge when the properties are vacant. The situation in her case is that the renters damaged the property to the point that she is unsure about the viability of renting it in the future. Since the Utility Policy was significantly amended in 2013 to not allow property owners to have their water shut-off in order to not have to pay the fixed charges Administration has received a few verbal requests for Council to re-consider the policy in the past, either for rental units or for vacation disconnection. The policy was put in place to cover operating costs for maintaining the utility system infrastructure including water and wastewater distribution as well as costs for solid waste collection and disposal. In 2013 Council determined that a fixed rate charged per property would allow the Town to charge customers the same rate per cubic meter that the Town pays to Henry Kroeger Regional Water Services. This change was implemented to allow the Town to cover the cost of operating the utility system regardless of the cost of treated water. In February of 2013 Council approved major changes to the Utility Rates. follows: W:\11 Council\Background Information\2016\06 Jun 14\9.03 Utility Policy Review.docx The highlights are as 79 TOWN OF HANNA COUNCIL AGENDA BACKGROUND INFORMATION AND REQUEST FOR DECISION DATE: June 14, 2016 AGENDA ITEM NO: 9.03 Water Charges Fixed Operating Charge per period $ 20.00 Water charges per cubic meter $ 2.30 Previously consumers were charged $63.00 per billing period for up to 22 cubic meters of water and only charged the $2.30 per cubic meter if they used more than 22 m3. Sewer Charge Fixed Operating Charge per period $ 20.00 Sewer charges per cubic meter of water used over 30 cubic meters $ .30 Previously, consumers were charged $19.00 per billing period along with a rate of $0.30 per cubic meter of water if they used more than 22 m3. Solid Waste Garbage Pickup Charge per period - Residential Properties For 3 bags of garbage per week Previous charge was $17.00 per billing period $ 18.00 Big Country Waste Management Commission Charge per period Residential properties only – Commercial properties paid at the Regional Waste Site. $ 33.00 Vacant properties Consumers must pay the Fixed Operating Charges whether the property is vacated by renters or for vacations. Previously the policy allowed for invoicing to be stopped if the property was vacant. In 2013 the cost of a residential utility bill for a vacant property was $91.00 per billing period ($45.50 per month). The Fixed Operating Charges have been adjusted yearly as part of the annual budget. The 2016 rates are as follows: Water Charges Fixed Operating Charge per period $ 50.00 Water charges per cubic meter $ 2.52 Sewer Charge Fixed Operating Charge per period $ 30.00 Sewer charges per cubic meter of water used over 30 cubic meters $ .30 Solid Waste Garbage Pickup Charge per period - Residential Properties Big Country Waste Management Commission Charge per period Residential & Commercial Properties $ 18.00 $ 28.00 In 2016 the cost of a residential utility bill for a vacant property is $126.00 per billing period ($63.00 per month). W:\11 Council\Background Information\2016\06 Jun 14\9.03 Utility Policy Review.docx 80 TOWN OF HANNA COUNCIL AGENDA BACKGROUND INFORMATION AND REQUEST FOR DECISION DATE: June 14, 2016 AGENDA ITEM NO: 9.03 The rationale for the change in 2013 to have vacant property owners pay the fixed charges regardless of whether or not they were using the services was to recognize the cost of operating the utility systems. The best way to describe this is that the water and sewer mains are in place and need to be maintained on a regular basis to keep them operating effectively. In addition portions of these mains will require replacement in the future. If you have a vacant property and are not contributing to these costs but eventually you want to use the services it is not fair that you have access to the same main services as your neighbor yet you haven’t been contributing to the cost of operating the system. The fact that a property if serviced and tied into the Town water/sewer mains is more valuable than one that is not tied into the main services. In regards to the solid waste portion of the bill the Town of Hanna simply is spreading out the cost of residential waste pick-up and the requisition from Big Country Regional Waste Commission to all property owners. If the policy is changed whereby vacant properties no longer have to pay for this service then the other users of the system will be required to pay more. As a result administration recommends that the request be denied and the Utility Policy remain unchanged. COMMUNICATIONS N/A FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS Operating: N/A Capital Cost: Budget Available: Budget Available: Unbudgeted: Unbudgeted Costs: Source of Funds: Source of Funds: N/A POLICY AND/OR LEGISLATIVE IMPLICATIONS N/A W:\11 Council\Background Information\2016\06 Jun 14\9.03 Utility Policy Review.docx 81 TOWN OF HANNA COUNCIL AGENDA BACKGROUND INFORMATION AND REQUEST FOR DECISION DATE: June 14, 2016 AGENDA ITEM NO: 9.03 ATTACHMENTS 1. Town of Hanna Utility Policy 2016-01 2. Letter from Debra Sabine dated May 10, 2016 REVIEWED AND APPROVED FOR SUBMISSION TO COUNCIL PREPARED BY: FINANCE REVIEW: (IF APPLICABLE) Director Director of Corporate Services Chief Administrative Officer W:\11 Council\Background Information\2016\06 Jun 14\9.03 Utility Policy Review.docx 82 TOWN OF HANNA GENERAL POLICY Title: Utility Rates Policy: 2016-01 Supercedes: 2015-01 Authority: Council Approval Date: January 12, 2016 Effective Date: January 1, 2016 PURPOSE: To establish rates and charges for the utility system. POLICY STATEMENT The Town of Hanna utility system includes the water distribution, sewer and solid waste systems. The municipality is required to control and manage the utility system in a fiscally responsible manner, while providing a service to the residents of the community. Rates for service are set by resolution of Council in accordance with current bylaws, resolutions and budget information. RESPONSIBILITIES Town of Hanna Administrative Services is responsible to ensure the accuracy and currency of this policy with respect to the above. STANDARDS & PROCEDURES 1. Billing Period Billing periods are established as two month cycles. Invoices shall be generated within 15 working days following each cycle. Invoices for portions of a billing period will be pro-rated accordingly. 2. Fixed Operating Charge The fixed operating charge is the cost to provide the service to the property, regardless of whether the service is utilized or not. The owner will be responsible for the fixed operating charges for the service at all times. The Town will not reduce the fixed costs for vacant properties for sale or extended vacations. Page……….1 83 TOWN OF HANNA GENERAL POLICY Title: Utility Rates Policy: 2016-01 Supercedes: 2015-01 Authority: Council Approval Date: January 12, 2016 Effective Date: January 1, 2016 3. Manual Meter Read Charge The Town of Hanna began a program in 2013 to modify or replace water meters for Automated Meter Readings to allow meters to be read remotely. The water meters are fitted with an Encoder Receiver Transmitter (ERT). This eliminates the need for meter readers to enter customers’ property, reduces costs and identifies potential theft or loss of water. For properties where the Town has not been provided access by the customer to install the ERT on the water meter, there will be a fee to have the meter read manually. Manual Meter Read Charge per billing period $ 5.00 4. Water Charges Fixed Operating Charge per billing period Water charges per cubic meter $ 50.00 $ 2.52 5. Sewer Charges Fixed Operating Charge per billing period Sewer charges - per cubic meter of water used over 30 cubic meters $ 30.00 $ 0.30 Commercial Water hauling Operations shall be exempt from sewer charges above the minimum charge. 6. Solid Waste a. Garbage Pickup - Residential Properties Fixed Operating Charge per billing period for Residential properties - three (3) bag per week limit $ 18.00 b. Big Country Waste Management Commission Fee – Residential and Commercial Properties Page……….2 84 TOWN OF HANNA GENERAL POLICY Title: Utility Rates Policy: 2016-01 Supercedes: 2015-01 Authority: Council Approval Date: January 12, 2016 Effective Date: January 1, 2016 Fixed Operating Charge per billing period $ 28.00 7. Disconnection/Reconnection Fee When a public works employee is dispatched to disconnect and/or reconnect a utility service a fee will be added to the account as follows: Due to lack of payment of the utility account The fee must be paid in addition to the arrears owing for service to be reconnected. $ 50.00 Upon request of the owner or contractor to perform maintenance This includes the meter, meter reader or water lines. Except in an emergency, the owner or contractor shall make the request two working days prior to disconnection $ 50.00 8. Bulk Water Bulk water is obtained at the Henry Kroeger Regional Water Services Commission water plant. Per cubic meter Key lock system available - minimum monthly charge Security Deposit A Security deposit of $100.00 must be paid prior to the issuance of a bulk water key. The deposit may be in the form of cash or signed purchase order. $ 4.00 $ 15.00 $ 100.00 Page……….3 85 86 TOWN OF HANNA COUNCIL AGENDA BACKGROUND INFORMATION AND REQUEST FOR DECISION DATE: June 14, 2016 AGENDA ITEM NO: 9.04 ITEM TITLE Hanna Dance Association – Lease Agreement RECOMMENDATION That Council authorize the Chief Administrative Officer to enter into the Lease Agreement with the Hanna Dance Association, as presented, which allows the Dance Association the use of the dance studio areas designated in Centennial Place (located at 501-3st Street West) for the purpose of teaching dance. BACKGROUND During the planning for the construction of Centennial Place there was discussions with the Hanna Dance Association regarding the need for dedicated, properly equipped and furnished dance studio space. As a result there were two dance studios constructed on the second floor of Centennial Place that were made available for Hanna Dance Association in 2011. There was a five year lease agreement signed between the Town of Hanna and the Hanna Dance Association that expires as of December 31, 2016. The original agreement specified the annual lease payment to be $2,500/year. This fee was based on the square footage equivalent that the Dance Association were paying to the Hanna Primary School for using space in their facility. This fee is significantly lower than the fees paid by the other lease holders of the facility and was also originally based on the fact that the Association would only be using the facility for 3 – 4 hours a day, four days per week. Since the move into Centennial Place, the Association membership and number of programs has increased significantly and the Association is using the facility significantly more than was originally anticipated. The Dance Association provided the original funds for the specialized flooring and provided all of the other specialized fixtures and furnishings required to serve as a dance studio. Administration has met with the Hanna Dance Association representatives and negotiated a new five year agreement with the highlights of the agreement identified below: Annual lease fee will increase to $5,000/year plus GST and increase annually by $1,000 during the remaining term of the lease. Five year agreement expires as of December 31, 2020. This agreement provides the Association with exclusive use of the space with an exception that the Town or a programming partner may use the space occasionally if it is not being used by the Association or rented out to other users by the Association. The Association can rent W:\11 Council\Background Information\2016\06 Jun 14\9.04 Hanna Dance Association - Lease Agreement.docx 87 TOWN OF HANNA COUNCIL AGENDA BACKGROUND INFORMATION AND REQUEST FOR DECISION DATE: June 14, 2016 AGENDA ITEM NO: 9.04 out the space at rates determined by the Association and funds from any rentals will be considered Association funds. The Association may not make any structural alterations to the premises without permission of the Town. The Association is responsible for any lease hold improvements to the leased space including flooring, furniture and fixtures. The Town is responsible for the utility costs (water/sewer, electricity and natural gas). The Town is responsible for all maintenance of common areas and common building functions (i.e. heating, electrical, structural, etc.). The agreement can be terminated by either party by giving not less than 180 days’ notice to the other party. The Town of Hanna has been pleased with the working relationship between the Town and the Association since the move into Centennial Place. The Association members and parents have been very respectful of the facility and any issues have been worked out very amicably. COMMUNICATIONS N/A FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS Operating: N/A Capital Cost: Budget Available: Budget Available: Unbudgeted: Unbudgeted Costs: Source of Funds: Source of Funds: N/A POLICY AND/OR LEGISLATIVE IMPLICATIONS N/A W:\11 Council\Background Information\2016\06 Jun 14\9.04 Hanna Dance Association - Lease Agreement.docx 88 TOWN OF HANNA COUNCIL AGENDA BACKGROUND INFORMATION AND REQUEST FOR DECISION DATE: June 14, 2016 AGENDA ITEM NO: 9.04 ATTACHMENTS 1. Memorandum of Agreement between the Town of Hanna and the Hanna Dance Association for the use of Centennial Place 2016 - 2020. REVIEWED AND APPROVED FOR SUBMISSION TO COUNCIL PREPARED BY: FINANCE REVIEW: (IF APPLICABLE) Director Director of Corporate Services Chief Administrative Officer W:\11 Council\Background Information\2016\06 Jun 14\9.04 Hanna Dance Association - Lease Agreement.docx 89 90 91 92 93 TOWN OF HANNA COUNCIL AGENDA BACKGROUND INFORMATION AND REQUEST FOR DECISION DATE: June 14, 2016 AGENDA ITEM NO: 9.05 ITEM TITLE Hanna Municipal Library Board – Lease Agreement RECOMMENDATION That the Mayor and Chief Administrative Officer be authorized to sign the Lease Agreement between the Town of Hanna and the Hanna Municipal Library Board to allow the operation of a Public Library on municipally owned property described as 202 – 1st Street West, for a period of 15 years. BACKGROUND The Town of Hanna has provided funding to the Hanna Library Board since 1958, when the library was independent of the Town. In 1962, the Town passed a bylaw to purchase the Alliance church building at 402 Centre Street in order to provide space for a public library. The property was purchased in conjunction with the Hanna Lions Club and they used a portion of the building for their club rooms. In 1971, the Town passed Bylaw 407 to establish the Hanna Municipal Library under the Provincial Libraries Act. In 1973, the Town borrowed approximately $60,000 to construct a Town Hall, Municipal Library and Fire Hall on the property at 202-1st Street West. The Library moved from the Lions Hall to the new building in 1974, where it has operated ever since. When the Town administration moved the their current office at 302-2nd Avenue West, the Library Board approached the Town with a proposal that the Library expand into the space previously occupied by Town administration and Council for the purpose of providing more programs and better service to the residents of Hanna and area. Council approved this plan under the condition that the Library Board raise the funds required to renovate and expand into this additional space. In the Town of Hanna 2015 Budget Council approved a contribution of $62,500 towards the Library renovation and expansion project. The Board has been active looking for the necessary funds to move this project forward. Early in 2016 the Board received funding in the amount of $52,000 from the Province of Alberta through the Community Facility Enhancement Program (CFEP). In addition the Library received a generous donation of $100,000 from Sandy towards this project. With the funds from the Town of Hanna together with some funding from the Special Areas Board and the amounts identified above the project has moved forward. The Town has issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) for the roof replacement W:\11 Council\Background Information\2016\06 Jun 14\9.05 Hanna Municipal Library Board - Lease Agreement.docx 94 TOWN OF HANNA COUNCIL AGENDA BACKGROUND INFORMATION AND REQUEST FOR DECISION DATE: June 14, 2016 AGENDA ITEM NO: 9.05 for the entire facility as step 1. This RFP has closed and in the near future the project will be awarded to have this part of the project completed this summer. The Library Board is currently preparing an application for funding through the Canada 150 program and one of the requirements is that if an applicant does not own the building they are requesting funding assistance for that they have a lease agreement for use of the building. Regardless of the grant application it is a good idea to have a lease agreement between the two parties so that there is an understanding of the responsibilities of each party especially with the Town of Hanna no longer occupying space in the same building anymore. Highlights of the Lease Agreement include: It is a fifteen year lease expiring December 31, 2031. There is no rent due. The Town will provide during the term of the lease, comprehensive liability insurance, including third party liability and contents insurance. No alterations to the premises can be made without the written permission of the Town. The Town will be responsible for all utility and maintenance costs. The Town may terminate this lease at any time with one year’s written notice. The attached lease is presented for Council review and approval. At this point in time the lease has been presented to the Hanna Municipal Library Board for their review and approval. COMMUNICATIONS N/A FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS Operating: N/A Capital Cost: Budget Available: Budget Available: Unbudgeted: Unbudgeted Costs: Source of Funds: Source of Funds: N/A W:\11 Council\Background Information\2016\06 Jun 14\9.05 Hanna Municipal Library Board - Lease Agreement.docx 95 TOWN OF HANNA COUNCIL AGENDA BACKGROUND INFORMATION AND REQUEST FOR DECISION DATE: June 14, 2016 AGENDA ITEM NO: 9.05 POLICY AND/OR LEGISLATIVE IMPLICATIONS 1. The Libraries Act, R.S.A 2000 c.L-11 ATTACHMENTS 1. Town of Hanna - Hanna Municipal Library Board - Lease Agreement REVIEWED AND APPROVED FOR SUBMISSION TO COUNCIL PREPARED BY: FINANCE REVIEW: (IF APPLICABLE) Director Director of Corporate Services Chief Administrative Officer W:\11 Council\Background Information\2016\06 Jun 14\9.05 Hanna Municipal Library Board - Lease Agreement.docx 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 TOWN OF HANNA COUNCIL AGENDA BACKGROUND INFORMATION AND REQUEST FOR DECISION DATE: June 14, 2016 AGENDA ITEM NO: 9.06 ITEM TITLE Marigold Library System – Schedule C Rate Amendments RECOMMENDATION That the Mayor be authorized to sign Schedule C of the Agreement by and between the Parties comprising the Marigold Library System, to take effect January 1, 2017, which authorizes the per capita contribution of $5.94 in 2017 and $6.06 in 2018. BACKGROUND The Town of Hanna is a participating member of the Marigold Library System. As per the Marigold Library System Agreement any changes to the agreement (including schedules) require approval of 60% of the parties to the Agreement, representing 60% of the population of the municipalities who are partners in the system. The Marigold Board of Directors at their Annual General Meeting April 23, 2016 approved the Levy Rates charged in Schedule C to the municipalities and Library Boards for 2017 and 2018. Since these rates are an increase to the existing Levy Rates in Schedule C they require the approval of the municipalities as identified above before they can take effect. Schedule C contributions in the past: 2012 $4.90/capita 2013 $5.25/capita 2014 $5.60/capita 2015 $5.71/capita 2016 $5.83/capita Proposed amendments to Schedule C: 2017 $5.94/capita 2018 $6.03/capita Administration concurs with the recommendation of the Board in regard to the minimal increases proposed to Schedule C for the years 2017 and 2018. Based on current population figures the additional cost to the Town of Hanna in 2017 is $294.03 and the increase in 2018 would represent an increase of $320.76 provided the approval requirements in the agreement are met. W:\11 Council\Background Information\2016\06 Jun 14\9.06 Marigold Library System - Schedule C Rate Amendments.docx 103 TOWN OF HANNA COUNCIL AGENDA BACKGROUND INFORMATION AND REQUEST FOR DECISION DATE: June 14, 2016 AGENDA ITEM NO: 9.06 COMMUNICATIONS N/A FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS Operating: N/A Capital Cost: Budget Available: Budget Available: Unbudgeted: Unbudgeted Costs: Source of Funds: Source of Funds: N/A POLICY AND/OR LEGISLATIVE IMPLICATIONS 1. Marigold Library System Agreement ATTACHMENTS 1. Marigold Library System – Schedule C Amendment Information REVIEWED AND APPROVED FOR SUBMISSION TO COUNCIL PREPARED BY: FINANCE REVIEW: (IF APPLICABLE) Director Director of Corporate Services Chief Administrative Officer W:\11 Council\Background Information\2016\06 Jun 14\9.06 Marigold Library System - Schedule C Rate Amendments.docx 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 TOWN OF HANNA COUNCIL AGENDA BACKGROUND INFORMATION AND REQUEST FOR DECISION DATE: June 14, 2016 AGENDA ITEM NO: 9.07 ITEM TITLE ATCO Electric – LED Lighting Change RECOMMENDATION That Council approves the Proposal for Conversion from ATCO Electric to remove all existing LED Roadway Lights in the Town of Hanna (24) and the planned LED Roadway Lights (13) for the 100 and 200 Blocks of 2nd Avenue West and replace them with new ATCO Electric Daylight standard LED lights. BACKGROUND In 2013 the Town of Hanna replaced 8 light poles in the downtown core (100 and 200 blocks of 2 nd Avenue West) with ATCO Electrics LED standard at the time (Roadway Light Fixtures). Since that time the Town of Hanna has upgraded to LED fixtures whenever ATCO was required to do a pole replacement and also when Fielding Place was constructed. Over-all there are 24 Roadway LED lights in the Town of Hanna. In 2016 there was funding approved in the amount of $12,000 to replace the remaining 13 Black Davit light poles in the 100 and 200 blocks of 2nd Avenue West with LED lights. Once this project was complete there would be a total of 37 Roadway model LED lights in the Town of Hanna. As Council is aware ATCO Electric recently announced they would be changing their standard of light to warm white LED and will be replacing all of the existing residential high pressure sodium (hps) lights with this LED light as the lights burn out or stop working. These warm white LED lights will still reflect an orange – yellow appearance as opposed to the existing white colored LED lights. Recently ATCO Electric approached the Town of Hanna with a proposal to replace the current 24 LED Roadway lights in the Town with the new ATCO Electric LED standard light. Eight of these in the downtown core (100 and 200 blocks of 2nd Avenue West) would be replaced with the Day White model and the remaining sixteen with the LED warm white model. In addition, the remaining 13 lights in the downtown core (100 and 200 Blocks of 2nd Avenue West) that were budgeted for replacement with LED lights in 2016 will be installed with the new ATCO Electric LED standard light (warm white) so the downtown core blocks will be consistent. All of this work is proposed to be done at a cost saving to the Town of $11,375. W:\11 Council\Background Information\2016\06 Jun 14\9.07 ATCO Electric - LED Lighting Change.docx 116 TOWN OF HANNA COUNCIL AGENDA BACKGROUND INFORMATION AND REQUEST FOR DECISION DATE: June 14, 2016 AGENDA ITEM NO: 9.07 The reason for this proposal is that ATCO Electric services Ft. McMurray and Ft. McMurray had already converted all of their street lights to the Roadway LED style. Ft. McMurray is wanting to have the lights damaged by the fire replaced with the LED Roadway style so ATCO Electric is trying to purchase the existing LED roadway lights that they have in other communities that they service. Hanna has 24 such lights with another 13 on order. Administration would recommend the acceptance of the ATCO proposal as it will save the Town of Hanna $11,375 in the 2016 Operating Budget while still providing the downtown core (21) lights with a whiter LED Light and the remaining 16 LED lights being replaced with comparable LED lights just more orange – yellow in color than the existing white lights. In the future the Town may choose to use the warm white style (downtown light) on all of the light poles on Palliser Trail, Fox Lake Trail and Pioneer Trail to give those three collector roads a different look than the residential areas. COMMUNICATIONS 1. The changes to the lighting will be communicated on the Town web-site and using the Town social media account. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS Operating: N/A Capital Cost: Budget Available: Budget Available: Unbudgeted: Unbudgeted Costs: Source of Funds: Source of Funds: N/A POLICY AND/OR LEGISLATIVE IMPLICATIONS N/A W:\11 Council\Background Information\2016\06 Jun 14\9.07 ATCO Electric - LED Lighting Change.docx 117 TOWN OF HANNA COUNCIL AGENDA BACKGROUND INFORMATION AND REQUEST FOR DECISION DATE: June 14, 2016 AGENDA ITEM NO: 9.07 ATTACHMENTS 1. ATCO Proposal, dated June 10, 2016. 2. Lighting color spectrum. REVIEWED AND APPROVED FOR SUBMISSION TO COUNCIL PREPARED BY: FINANCE REVIEW: (IF APPLICABLE) Director Director of Corporate Services Chief Administrative Officer W:\11 Council\Background Information\2016\06 Jun 14\9.07 ATCO Electric - LED Lighting Change.docx 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 TOWN OF HANNA COUNCIL AGENDA BACKGROUND INFORMATION AND REQUEST FOR DECISION DATE: June 14, 2016 AGENDA ITEM NO: 9.08 ITEM TITLE World Elder Abuse Awareness Day - Proclamation RECOMMENDATION That the Mayor proclaim June 15, 2016 as World Elder Abuse Awareness Day Hanna, Alberta and encourage all of our residents to recognize and celebrate the accomplishments of older adults. BACKGROUND June 15, 2016 has been designated as World Elder Abuse Awareness Day to bring awareness to prevention and reduction of elder abuse. Preventing and reducing elder abuse starts with knowledge. All Albertans need to be aware of the factors that contribute to elder abuse, how to recognize it and where to go for assistance if it happens. By understanding the nature and scope of elder abuse, older adults and their family members can take proactive steps to prevent situations where it could occur. As a point of reference the Town of Hanna has a Proclamation Policy 96-07, which in essence allows the Mayor to make any proclamations he/she determines appropriate without Council approval. COMMUNICATIONS The proclamation will be advertised through the Town of Hanna Social Media programs. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS Operating: N/A Capital Cost: Budget Available: Budget Available: Unbudgeted: Unbudgeted Costs: Source of Funds: Source of Funds: N/A W:\11 Council\Background Information\2016\06 Jun 14\9.08 World Elder Abuse Awareness Day - Proclamation.docx 125 TOWN OF HANNA COUNCIL AGENDA BACKGROUND INFORMATION AND REQUEST FOR DECISION DATE: June 14, 2016 AGENDA ITEM NO: 9.08 POLICY AND/OR LEGISLATIVE IMPLICATIONS 1. Town of Hanna Proclamation Policy 96-07 ATTACHMENTS 1. World Elder Abuse Day proclamation. 2. World Elder Abuse Awareness Day – Fact sheets. 3. Town of Hanna Proclamation Policy 96-07. REVIEWED AND APPROVED FOR SUBMISSION TO COUNCIL PREPARED BY: FINANCE REVIEW: (IF APPLICABLE) Director Director of Corporate Services Chief Administrative Officer W:\11 Council\Background Information\2016\06 Jun 14\9.08 World Elder Abuse Awareness Day - Proclamation.docx 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 TOWN OF HANNA Title: PROCLA MA TION Authority: MA YOR Policy # 96-07 Approval Date: Nov 5, 1996 Effective Date: Nov 5, 1996 Purpose: To provide the Mayor the authority to make proclamations for various activities without Council authorization. Policy Statement: That the Mayor be authorized to make Public Proclamations at the request of non profit groups at his discretion on the following condition. a) The group requesting the proclamation is responsible for the placement and costs of any advertising. 150 TOWN OF HANNA COUNCIL AGENDA BACKGROUND INFORMATION AND REQUEST FOR DECISION DATE: June 14, 2016 AGENDA ITEM NO: 10.01 ITEM TITLE Bylaw 981-2016 – Tax Payment Bylaw Amendment RECOMMENDATION That Council give first reading to Bylaw 981-2016, the Tax Payment Bylaw Amendment. That Council give second reading to Bylaw 981-2016, the Tax Payment Bylaw Amendment. That Council provide unanimous consent for third reading of Bylaw 981-2016, the Tax Payment Bylaw Amendment, at this meeting. That Council give third and final reading to Bylaw 981-2016, the Tax Payment Bylaw Amendment. BACKGROUND Tax Payment Bylaw 961-2011, to provide for payment of taxes by preauthorized installment payments and to provide for the imposition of penalties on unpaid taxes, was adopted by Council on February 14, 2012. According to Bylaw 961-2011, taxpayers are only allowed to sign up on the preauthorized payment plan in January each year. Administration has had requests from taxpayers to sign up later in the year for a variety of reasons. They may have just purchased the building or their mortgage is paid and they no longer have the bank taking monthly tax payments. Bylaw 981-2016 will allow people to begin installment payments at any time of the year prior to August 31st, the last day to pay taxes without penalty. The taxpayer would be required to provide an initial payment equal to the months from January 1 to the month they sign up for the plan. On a property where the prior year taxes were $2,400.00 and the taxpayer wants to sign up in April, they would be required to pay $800.00 at the time the application is submitted and $200.00 per month until the current taxes are levied and the payments adjusted. As tax notices were mailed on Friday, June 10, administration expects to have some people inquire about the preauthorized payment plan. If Council agrees with the amendment and would like to give the bylaw three readings at this meeting, Council must provide unanimous consent. W:\11 Council\Background Information\2016\06 Jun 14\10.00 Tax Payment Bylaw Amendment 981-2016.docx 151 TOWN OF HANNA COUNCIL AGENDA BACKGROUND INFORMATION AND REQUEST FOR DECISION DATE: June 14, 2016 AGENDA ITEM NO: 10.01 COMMUNICATIONS 1. Information from the Tax Payment Bylaw Amendment will be communicated on the Town website and through the Town Social Media Program. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS Operating: N/A Capital Cost: Budget Available: Budget Available: Unbudgeted: Unbudgeted Costs: Source of Funds: Source of Funds: POLICY AND/OR LEGISLATIVE IMPLICATIONS 1. The Municipal Government Act R.S.A. c.M-26 ATTACHMENTS 1. Bylaw 981-2016 – Tax Payment Bylaw Amendment 2. Bylaw 961-2011 – Tax Payment Bylaw 3. Property Tax Monthly Payment Plan Application REVIEWED AND APPROVED FOR SUBMISSION TO COUNCIL PREPARED BY: FINANCE REVIEW: (IF APPLICABLE) Director Director of Corporate Services Chief Administrative Officer W:\11 Council\Background Information\2016\06 Jun 14\10.00 Tax Payment Bylaw Amendment 981-2016.docx 152 TOWN OF HANNA PROVINCE OF ALBERTA BY-LAW 981-2016 A BYLAW OF THE TOWN OF HANNA, IN THE PROVINCE OF ALBERTA, TO PROVIDE FOR THE AMENDMENT OF BYLAW NUMBER 961-2011, THE TAX PAYMENT BYLAW. WHEREAS under the provisions of the Municipal Government Act, as amended, the Council of the Town of Hanna (hereinafter called the Council) has adopted Tax Payment Bylaw 961-2011; and WHEREAS the Council deems it desirable to amend Tax Payment Bylaw 961-2011; NOW THEREFORE, THE COUNCIL HEREBY AMENDS TAX PAYMENT BYLAW NUMBER 961-2011 AS FOLLOWS: PART l 1. BYLAW TITLE This bylaw shall be known as “Tax Payment Bylaw Amendment” PART ll 1. Part lll Section 1 (a)(II) is amended as follows: Installments will be calculated on twelve (12) equal payments based on the previous year current levy, including the local improvement taxes. Upon calculation of the current year taxes, the installment amount will be adjusted equally over the remainder of the year. Installments may begin in any month prior to August 31st each year, provided that an initial payment equal to the missed installments from January 1 is made upon completion of the application for the property tax monthly payment plan. PART lll 1. GENERAL ENACTMENT This Bylaw shall take effect as of the date of final reading thereof. READ A FIRST TIME THIS 14th DAY OF JUNE 2016. READ A SECOND TIME THIS 14th DAY OF JUNE 2016. Mayor Chris Warwick Chief Administrative Officer Kim Neill 153 Town of Hanna Bylaw 981-2016 Page…2 READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 14th DAY OF MAY 2016. Mayor Chris Warwick Chief Administrative Officer Kim Neill 154 TOWN OF HANNA PROVINCE OF ALBERTA BY-LAW 961-2011 A BYLAW OF THE TOWN OF HANNA, IN THE PROVINCE OF ALBERTA, TO PROVIDE FOR PAYMENT OF TAXES BY INSTALLMENTS AND TO PROVIDE FOR THE IMPOSITION OF PENALTIES ON UNPAID TAXES. WHEREAS under the provisions of the Municipal Government Act, R.S.A. Chapter M-26 and amendments thereto, the Council of the Town of Hanna (hereinafter called the Council), is authorized to permit taxes to be paid by installments and provide for penalties on unpaid taxes, AND WHEREAS the Council deems it desirable to permit taxes to be paid by installments, AND WHEREAS the Council deems it expedient to impose penalties on unpaid taxes. NOW THEREFORE, THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF HANNA ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: PART l 1. BYLAW TITLE This bylaw shall be known as “THE TAX PAYMENT BYLAW”: PART ll DEFINITIONS In This Bylaw: 1. “Arrears” Means account balance which is unpaid after the end of the year in which the taxes were levied. 2. “Current Levy” Means the amount of taxes levied on land or improvements for the current year (current assessment amount multiplied by the appropriate tax rate) and includes local improvement charges. 3. “Local Means the tax levied on a parcel of land for the cost of Improvement” infrastructure relating to that parcel. 4. “Tax” Means property taxes or local improvement taxes levied against land or improvement based on the current bylaw which sets the rates of taxation for the Town of Hanna, and includes any charges which may be applied under the provisions of the Municipal Government Act. 155 Town of Hanna Bylaw 961-2011 Page…2 PART lll 1. 2. GENERAL Installment payment on taxes a) Installments will be allowed for payment of taxes as indicated below: i) Monthly payments must be made by a preauthorized bank debit. ii) Installments must begin in January of each year and will be calculated on twelve (12) equal payments based on the previous year current levy, including the local improvement taxes. Upon calculation of the current year taxes, the installment amount will be adjusted equally over the remainder of the year. iii) In the case where there was no previous assessment and therefore no previous current levy, the installment amount will be calculated using the current year assessment and the prior year mill rate. b) Installment payments will not be allowed on payment of taxes in arrears. c) If at any time the direct debit is not available due to insufficient funds, the right to pay by installment is cancelled for the current year and the remaining taxes become due and payable and are subject to applicable penalties. d) No penalties will be applied except in the case of Clause 2(c). Penalties on Taxes a) Taxes are due and payable no later than August 31st in the year in which they are levied. b) Taxes not paid by August 31st in any year in which they are levied shall have a penalty of eight (08%) per cent imposed on them on September 1st in that year, except for tax account paid as provided in Clause 1. c) Taxes not paid by September 31st in any year in which they are levied shall have a penalty of eight (08%) per cent imposed on them on October 1st in that year, except for tax accounts paid as provided in Clause 1. d) Any unpaid tax at December 31st shall have an additional penalty of ten (10%) per cent imposed on them on January 1st of the succeeding year and each year thereafter so long as the taxes remain unpaid. e) If August 31, September 31 or December 31 falls on a Saturday, Sunday or other holiday, the penalty shall not be applied until the second business day thereafter. 156 Town of Hanna Bylaw 961-2011 Page…3 PART IV ENACTMENT 1. Bylaw No 875-99 and Bylaw 910-2003 of the Town of Hanna are hereby repealed. 2. This Bylaw shall take effect as of the date of final reading thereof. READ A FIRST TIME THIS 13th DAY OF DECEMBER 2011. Mayor Mark Nikota Chief Administrative Officer Geraldine Gervais READ A SECOND TIME THIS 14th DAY OF FEBRUARY 2012. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 14th DAY OF FEBRUARY 2012. Mayor Mark Nikota Chief Administrative Officer Geraldine Gervais 157 158 159 TOWN OF HANNA COUNCIL AGENDA BACKGROUND INFORMATION AND REQUEST FOR DECISION DATE: June 14, 2016 AGENDA ITEM NO: 11.00 ITEM TITLE Council Reports & Roundtable RECOMMENDED MOTION That the Council reports be accepted for information. BACKGROUND This portion of the agenda allows Council members to provide written or verbal reports to update other members of Council with information resulting from meetings they have attended since the previous Council meeting. Council members are encouraged to ask questions or seek clarification on any information presented. COMMUNICATIONS The highlights of the reports may be communicated through the Town of Hanna Social Media programs. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS Operating: N/A Capital Cost: Budget Available: Budget Available: Unbudgeted: Unbudgeted Costs: Source of Funds: Source of Funds: w:\11 council\background information\2016\06 jun 14\11.00 council reports & roundtable.docx N/A 160 TOWN OF HANNA COUNCIL AGENDA BACKGROUND INFORMATION AND REQUEST FOR DECISION DATE: June 14, 2016 AGENDA ITEM NO: 11.00 POLICY AND/OR LEGISLATIVE IMPLICATIONS N/A ATTACHMENTS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Mayor Warwick Councillor Watts Councillor Kruse Councillor Campion Councillor Preston REVIEWED AND APPROVED FOR SUBMISSION TO COUNCIL PREPARED BY: FINANCE REVIEW: (IF APPLICABLE) Director of Corporate Services Director of Corporate Services Chief Administrative Officer w:\11 council\background information\2016\06 jun 14\11.00 council reports & roundtable.docx 161 Mayor's Report June 14th 2016 Meetings and Events Attended: May 11May 13May 14May 18May 24May 25May 28May 31June 3June 6June 7- AUMA Infrastructure and Energy Steering Committee Ms. Kaster & Mrs. Corry's students visit to the Town office Hanna Library Tea – acknowledged Mary Bye Donation Hanna Golf & Country Club executive meeting Climate Change Strategy Council Info Session and Special Council Meeting Greetings for the Colour Run Coal Transition Meeting Mayors and Reeves of S.E./S.W Joint meeting (Taber, AB) Town Spring Barbeque Mayor's Garden Party As you can see the last month's agenda was very full. This time of year is a very busy time, but there are also two of my favorite annual events. The visit from the grade 6 classes and the Mayor's Garden Party. There is nothing that can prepare you for the questions asked by the grade 6 students. It is great to hear the perspective of somebody that young, and what their concerns are. I would just like to thank Mrs. Corry and Ms. Kaster for making our young people aware of not only Federal and Provincial, but also municipal politics. This year's Mayor's Garden Party was another huge success, and I would like to thank Angela McGillion and the support staff who, every year work tirelessly to pull off this great event. Upcoming Meetings and Events: June June June June June June 15 – MGA Review 15 – PEP Broadband Meeting 16 – Mayor's Caucus (Olds, AB) 17, 18 – Alberta Japan Twinned Municipalities Conference 22 – Climate Change Taskforce 29 – PEP AGM (Medicine Hat, AB) Respectfully Submitted Chris Warwick 162 COUNCIL REPORTS & ROUNDTABLE Council Date Prepared by: June 14, 2016 Councillor Watts Meeting: Location: Date & Time: Alberta/Japan Twinned Municipalities Association Board Room Town of Hanna May 17, 2016 5:00 P.M. Meeting: Location: Date & Time: Cactus Corridor Youngstown, Alberta May 19, 2016 Meeting: Location: Date and Time: Council Info Session & Special Council Meeting Town Office May 25, 2016 8:30 A.M Meeting: Location: Date & Time: Medical Society Town Office Board Room June 1, 2016 8:30 A.M. Meeting: Location: Date & Time: AJTMA Town Office Board Room June 2, 2016 7:00 A.M. Meeting: Location: Date & Time Meridian Futures Teleconference (Investment Review) June 2, 2016 10:00 A.M Meeting: Location: Date & Time: Mayors Garden Party Community Centre June 7, 2016 Meeting: Location: Date & Time: Tree Planting Palliser and Fox Lake Trail June 8, 2016 4:00 P.M 9:30 A.M 11:00 A.M 163 COUNCIL REPORTS & ROUNDTABLE Council Date: Prepared by: May-June 2016 Councillor Kruse Meeting: Location: Date and Time: CIB Fund Raiser Super A May13 10:30-14:00 Meeting: Location: Date & Time: Hanna Library Board Willow Creek May 14, 2016 Meeting: Location: Date & Time: Special Council Meeting / Info Session Chambers May 25 08:30 Meeting: Location: Date & Time: Hanna Library Board Special Meeting Hanna Lodge May 31, 2016 10:00 Meeting: Location: Date & Time: Town Bar B Que Community Centre June 06 05:30 Meeting: Location: Date & Time: Communities In Bloom Tree Planting Fox Lake Trail June 08 16:00 Meeting: Location: Date & Time: Elks Convention Welcome Community Centre June 09 17:30 164 COUNCIL REPORTS & ROUNDTABLE Council Date: Prepared by: June 14, 2016 Councillor Gerald “Brass” Campion Meeting: Location: Date & Time: Red Deer River Municipal Users Group - Executive Meeting Red Deer May 11, 2016 10:30 am Discussed the final draft of our Quality Action Plan – not very satisfied with this report. Meeting: Location: Date & Time: Big Country Waste Management Commission – Collaboration Meeting Hanna Council Chambers May 19, 2016 11:00 am Hosted Paintearth County, Newell County, Mountainview County and Drumheller for ways to work together on ways to deal with Alberta Environment & Parks. Very satisfied with this meeting, now planning on doing this every 6 months. Mountainview is hosting in October or November and increasing the footprint to include more commissions. Meeting: Location: Date & Time: Special Council Meeting & Information Session Council Chambers May 25, 2016 8:30 am Good meeting. Meeting: Location: Date & Time: Coal Transition Coalition Meeting Community Centre May 31, 2016 7:00 pm This was a joke on how they plan to help coal miner’s jobs. Meeting: Location: Date & Time: Town Spring BBQ Community Centre June 6, 2016 6:00 pm Kudos for a job well done and good visitation time. 165 Council Date: Prepared by: Page 2 June 14, 2016 Councillor Gerald “Brass” Campion Meeting: Location: Date & Time: Mayor’s Garden Party Community Centre June 7, 2016 11:00 am – 2:00 pm Great turn out – many happy seniors as there was an excellent meal served. Meeting: Location: Date & Time: Red Deer River Watershed Alliance Casino Red Deer June 7, 2016 11:30 pm – 3:00 am Meeting: Location: Date & Time: Henry Kroeger Regional Water Services Commission Hanna Library June 13, 2016 7:00 pm Will report at the Council Meeting. Upcoming Meetings June 15, 2016 MGA Review Palliser Economic Partnership Broadband presentation June 16, 2016 Red Deer River Municipal Users Group – Executive Meeting & Regular Meeting June 17, 2016 Big Country Waste Management Commission – Tour Drumheller Recycling (Requested by Big Country Recycling Society) Food Bank / IGA BBQ fundraiser June 23, 2016 Red Deer River Watershed Alliance – Bus tour of the headwaters of the river – (Meeting at Bowden Visitor Information at 7:50 am) 166 COUNCIL REPORTS & ROUNDTABLE Council Date Prepared by: June 14, 2016 Councillor Preston Meeting: Location: Date & Time: Hanna Colour Festival Streets of Hanna May 28, 2016 10:00 A.M. Meeting: Location: Date & Time: Staff and Council BBQ Community Centre June 6, 2016 6:00 P.M. Meeting: Location: Date & Time: Mayor’s Garden Party Community Centre June 7, 2016 Meeting: Location: Date & Time: Veterans Memorial Highway Association AGM Viking Legion Hall June 10, 2016 11:00 A.M 11:30 A.M 167 TOWN OF HANNA COUNCIL AGENDA BACKGROUND INFORMATION AND REQUEST FOR DECISION DATE: June 14, 2016 AGENDA ITEM NO: 12.00 ITEM TITLE Correspondence RECOMMENDED MOTION That Correspondence items 12.01 to 12.16 be accepted for information. BACKGROUND Council is provided with various items of correspondence at each meeting for information. Correspondence may be in the form of a letter, note, newsletter, report or meetings minutes. Meeting minutes are most often from committees or boards that are affiliated with the Town, but may not have an appointed representative (eg. Front Row Centre). Correspondence items do not usually require a response from Council, however if there is an item that a Councillor would like to bring forward for action, a motion can be put on the floor. Council members are encouraged to ask questions or seek clarification on any information presented. COMMUNICATIONS The highlights of the correspondence may be communicated through the Town of Hanna Social Media programs. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS Operating: N/A Capital Cost: Budget Available: Budget Available: Unbudgeted: Unbudgeted Costs: Source of Funds: Source of Funds: w:\11 council\background information\2016\06 jun 14\12.00 correspondence.docx N/A 168 TOWN OF HANNA COUNCIL AGENDA BACKGROUND INFORMATION AND REQUEST FOR DECISION DATE: June 14, 2016 AGENDA ITEM NO: 12.00 POLICY AND/OR LEGISLATIVE IMPLICATIONS N/A ATTACHMENTS 12.01 Alberta Municipal Affairs – Minister Larivee – 2016 MSI Allocations 12.02 Alberta Seniors & Housing – Minister Sigurdson – Response to Town of Hanna letter - Grants In Place of Taxes 12.03 Consulate General of Japan in Calgary – Kunihiko Tanabe – Letter of Introduction 12.04 Marigold Library System Report 12.05 Marigold Library System – 2015 Annual Report 12.06 Return to Rural – Big Rural Marketing Workshop 12.07 Prairie Land Pride Newsletter – May 2016 Issue 3 12.08 Calgary Regional Partnership – Letter to Minister Bilous – Alberta SuperNet 12.09 Prairie Land Regional Division # 25 – April 28, 2016 Board Highlights 12.10 Prairie Land Regional Division # 25 – May 26, 2016 Board Highlights 12.11 JC Charyk School – Thank You – Grade 9 Ft. McMurray Auction 12.12 Hanna & District Youth Club Meeting Minutes – June 1, 2016 12.13 Hanna In Bloom Meeting Minutes – April 27, 2016 12.14 Hanna In Bloom Meeting Minutes – June 1, 2016 12.15 Hanna In Bloom Poster – Communities In Bloom 2016 Judging Dates 12.16 Alberta Municipal Affairs – Minister Larivee – 2016 Federal Gas Tax Fund Allocations 12.17 Alberta Municipal Affairs – Minister Larivee – Municipal Safety Recognition Award REVIEWED AND APPROVED FOR SUBMISSION TO COUNCIL PREPARED BY: FINANCE REVIEW: (IF APPLICABLE) Director of Corporate Services Director of Corporate Services Chief Administrative Officer w:\11 council\background information\2016\06 jun 14\12.00 correspondence.docx 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 Page …011 HANNA AND DISTRICT YOUTH CLUB MEETING JUNE 1, 2016 Minutes of a meeting of the Hanna and District Youth Club held June 1, 2016 in the Mezzanine at JCC at noon. Members Present: President Peggy Rehill Jaala Hill Mareena Hein Jian Diaz Administration Present: Programmer Angela McGillion Regrets: Norma Boser, Jocelyn Graham 1. Brenna McGillion Sharanne LaClaire Nadine Hein Grace Curry CALL TO ORDER Mareena Hein called the meeting to order at 12:08 p.m. 2. MINUTES FROM APRIL 26, 2016 MOTION 2016-15: S. LaClaire – B. McGillion That the minutes of the Hanna and District Youth Club meeting of April 26, 2016 be accepted as presented. CARRIED 3. OLD BUSINESS Dance was rescheduled to June 24, not June 3, due to PD Day and Handhills Rodeo. Lori Blake is confirmed. 4. FINANCIAL OVERVIEW/UPDATE MOTION 2016-16: G. Curry - N. Hein That the financial report for May 25, 2016 be accepted as presented. CARRIED 5. MAIL Outdoor Movie reminder from (Audio Cine Films) ACF. 6. MOVIE NIGHT Breakdown of May 13th movie “Zootopia”; 127 people in attendance! Next Movies are Dive-in Movies at the Pool; June 29 “The Pirates! Band of Misfits” and July 22 “Atlantis – The Lost Empire”. The Youth Club is not required to assist as the pool staff will run these. September 17th is the Outdoor Movie. 220 Hanna and District Youth Club Meeting June 1, 2016 Page …012 7. DANCE Next dance is June 24th – “Tacky Tourist” theme Posters need to go up at schools Able to attend: Jian, Sharanne, Mareena, Nadine, Jaala, Brenna ACTION: Glow items will be purchased 8. ALBERTA STUDENT LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE (ASLC) 2016 May 29 – 31 in Calgary – good conference Brenna to send a thank you to the Ag. Society. Next year will be in Lacombe with theme “Connected Leaders” 9. NEW BUSINESS Need completed Registration Packages from J. Hill and J. Graham 2016 Junior High Student Leadership Conference (JHSLC) in November; would like to see Jaala and Jocelyn go. Peggy will talk to Ms. Campbell. Presentation to members – Gift cards were presented to the graduating members: Grace Curry, Jian Diaz, Sharanne LaClaire, and Brenna McGillion Group picture was taken 10. NEXT MEETING DATE TBD – September? at 12 pm at Mezzanine at JCC. 11. ADJOURNMENT Mareena Hein adjourned the meeting at 12:35 p.m. President Peggy Rehill Community Services Programmer Angela McGillion Unapproved Minutes 221 Hanna In Bloom Council Committee Regular Meeting Town of Hanna Meeting Room Wednesday April 27, 2016 Members Present: Lou Lallier, Karen Frobb, Pam Berry, Jason Smith, Patty Blocksom, Jerry Kruse, Gwen Snell Meeting was called to order at 6:38 p.m. by Chairperson Lou Lallier Agenda was amended to include discussion regarding the National Communities in Bloom judging in July. MOTION: J. Smith – J. Kruse That the regular minutes of March 16, 2016 be accepted as presented. Carried. BUSINESS ARISING: Fund Raising BBQ Freson Bros. now have some dates available for any groups that wish to participate. Confirmed the following dates for Super A: Friday May 13, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Friday June 3, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Fielding Place: Director Snell indicated that she will continue to look into some possible solutions for wild flowers in the area ELECTION OF OFFICERS: MOTION: J. Smith – K. Frobb That Lou Lallier be elected as Chairperson for Hanna in Bloom. Carried. MOTION: L. Lallier – J. Kruse That Jason Smith be elected as Vice Chairperson for the Hanna in Bloom. Carried. FINANCIAL REPORT Bank balance as of March 31, 2016 is $1,743.45 MOTION: P. Berry - J. Kruse That the financial report be accepted as presented. Carried. 222 POLINATOR GARDENS Our committee received information on “Bees Matter” and the importance of pollinator gardens. It was decided that Director Snell would submit a press release and the seeds would be available for pick up from the town office. This will ensure that those who take the seeds will have a better chance of planting the seeds. A public location for a Pollinator Garden will be considered by the department. ACTION: Director Snell will follow up with Jordan Moench regarding Pollinator Garden for JC Charyk School and possible participation.. HANGING BASKET FUND RAISING EVENT: P. Berry reported that orders were received for 33 hanging baskets. It is expected that the additional three pots will sell once they are on site. Good fund raiser and looking forward to seeing how the “Weekender Pots” work. PITCH IN WEEK Good participation from Hanna Minor Ball and Soccer. Town provided hot dogs and cold drinks to all volunteers helping clean up for the spring. Groups were phoned and encouraged to participate. Need to promote more for 2017 and get people enthused about participating. Enguard PC supplied bags. Primary school participated on Earth Day and was busy town-wide. Utilized 60 bags. SEEDY SATURDAY Saturday May 14 with registration at 9:30 a.m. $10 fee includes lunch 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Hanna Museum 10 registrations to date. Expect good turn out. Will include perennial exchange as well. Kids activity to start day off. Plants and seeds for sale on site. Pallet Garden demo Lunch @ noon Q & A following formal presentation REVIEW OF 2015 EVALUATION: Each section was discussed with the priority for each area. The following list is viewed as the most practical - being “doable and achievable”. The priorities were identified as follows: Tidiness Dumpster bins – good they are there and being used. Just unsightly. Window beside post office – covered in papers, many not current Action: Contact Big Country Waste to inquire if a solution can be found to address the unsightly look. Action: Work with landlord to see what can be done to change appearance of the window. What would work, as people continue to use as community bulletin board. 223 Environmental Action Compost (Establish one in town) Action: Inquire if a possible location could be by the Community Garden for the garden waste there. Would be a good start. Heritage Conservation: Interpretive Signs for marshland areas Action: Contact our local Ducks Unlimited and inquire about how to obtain an interpretive and educational sign to compliment the marsh areas such as VIC and CN reservoir. Urban Forestry: Establish and promote the recommended trees and care Action: Proposed tree bylaw to be completed in draft form by end of July. Action: Hanna in Bloom will host a tree workshop by mid 2017. Landscaping: Sprinkler use and timing Action: continue to promote and encourage watering when not heat of day. Use of timers to limit use but still provide good coverage. Floral Display: Encourage more floral displays Action: Highway signs will have planters this season Action: Encourage more floral displays by private and business. DIRECTOR’S REPORT: Director Snell reported that outdoor cigarette disposal units will be purchased through the regular budget. It was noted that the rear entrance of the Library, Legion Park and the Community Centre appear to be the areas which require the units most. NEXT MEETING(s) DATE: Wednesday June 1, 2016 at 6:30 p.m. MOTION: J. Smith That the meeting adjourn at 8:00 p.m.. Carried. 224 Hanna In Bloom Council Committee Regular Meeting Town of Hanna Meeting Room Wednesday June 1, 2016 Members Present: Jackie Hensel, Karen Frobb, Jordan Moench, Jason Smith, Patty Blocksom, Pam Berry, Lou Lallier, Gwen Snell Meeting was called to order at 6:32 p.m. MOTION: J. Smith – J. Hensel That the minutes of April 27, 2016 be accepted as circulated. Business Arising Over $3,000 raised for Fort McMurray from BBQ at Super A. . MOTION: K. Frobb – J. Moench That financial report be accepted as presented. Carried. Basket Sales/ Fund Raising Good Fund raising event. Sold 33 hanging baskets. 3 left for sale Seedy Saturday Report 25 people 8 children attended Good day – good participation Kids all got seeds Worthwhile to do again J. C. Charyk School seed sales went well. Perennial swap good. Checkel Greenhouse presentation and sales were also good. Discussion: CN Dam and the Ducks Unlimited signage Suggested Ducks Unlimited Contact person for Hanna (Stromesmoe?) Action: P. Berry will contact Joe Goebel @ Hanna Learning Center regarding tree workshop for the community in Winter 2016/17. Report: J. C. Charyk will be planting their planters this spring. Motion: J. Smith – W. Warwick That Hanna In Bloom proceed with hosting “Taste of Culture” as the 2nd annual event, with the same format as 2015. Carried. Motion: K. Frobb – P. Berry That Hanna In Bloom commit up to a maximum of $1,000 for Taste of Culture. Carried. 225 Action: L. Lallier and P. Berry will look after securing Door Prizes as part of the Taste of Culture evening. Canada 150 Celebration and Canada 150 tulips Official supplier is Home Hardware. Quantity orders must be submitted before the end of June in order to ensure that bulbs are available locally. Pricing is as follows: Tulips Canada 150th – 25 bulbs/pkg 47cents / bulb – 100 bulb/pkg 41 cents / bulb – 500 bulb/pkg 36 cents / bulb $180.00 Suggested theme: Red and White floral for 2017 Motion: J. Smith – K. Frobb That Hanna In Bloom purchase 2 -100 bulb packages of Canada 150th tulips. Carried. Attending CIB Nationals in Regina: Jason Smith, Karen Frobb, Will Warwick, Lou Lallier, Gwen Snell- tentative 2 rooms required Action: P. Blocksom – will pick up judges on July 27th @ airport. Alternate Will Warwick. Action: Patty available for Friday return trip for judges. Action: J. Smith and J. Moench will conduct the community tour with judges. An additional person will be approached. Action: Planting Day- Caboose Floral display Monday June 6th @ 6:30 p.m. Round Table: P. Blocksom suggested that a mural honouring the Veterans on outside of Legion Hall. K. Frobb mentioned the Contest Canada 150th contest. She will look into it. J. Hensel inquired about the dumpsters and a possible fence being placed on three sides. G. Snell reported that there are concrete Angels on order for the cemetery. “Blooms to You” Awards will continue for summer 2016. Next Meeting: July 13th, 2016 @ 6:30 p.m. J. Smith – J. Moench That the meeting adjourn. Carried. ____________________ President ___________________________ Secretary 226 The Town of Hanna and “Hanna In Bloom” Committee need your help! The National Communities in Bloom judges Roger Younker & Karri Loadman will be visiting our community on Wednesday July 27 to Friday July 29, 2016! -encourage your friends, neighbours and businesses to keep their properties mowed and weeds under control - ensure that unsightly garbage is removed from in and around residences and businesses and taken to the appropriate landfill station - paint your fences and buildings if they are becoming in need of paint - pick up litter and encourage others to do the same - continue to keep our community looking good all year long! Thank you for taking pride in your community! Community Judging Tour to include (but not limited to): Town of Hanna office to Memorial Park following judges informal reception Memorial Park to Museum Museum to Cemetery Cemetery to Community Garden Community Garden to Triplex Triplex to Big Country Waste Management Depot Big Country Waste Depot to Fox Lake Park Fox Lake Park past school turf areas School turf area to Hector King Hunter Park Hector King Hunter Park to Henry Kroger Water Plant Water Plant to two local, private gardens/yards in the community. 227 228 229 230