FREE Ornie Trio -
FREE Ornie Trio -
Free Ornie Trio Pattern – NOT FOR RESALE designed by Susan Frace © 2004, © 2015 Supplies Natural Muslin • Roc-Lon medium stained muslin • Cream, Navy & Orange Wool Felt • Homespun strips Fiberfill • DMC embroidery Floss (#221, #3371 & ecru) • 1/4" shiny black buttons • 1/4" rusty bells 1" rusty snowflake • 5/16" rusty bead • Jute • Snowman or snowflake button with shank back Antique white acrylic paint • Elmer's Craft Bond spray adhesive • Craft snow (Styrofoam) • Instant coffee granules Abbreviations: SL - single layer • DL – double layer • PP - pattern piece • RSO – right side out • WF – wool felt Heads (Raggedy, Snowman & Ginger) NOTE: All the heads are sewn together the same way. Please follow the instructions below & then continue on to each ornie for the finishing touches. Trace the Raggedy on DL muslin, the snowman on DL cream WF & the Ginger on DL medium tea stained muslin. Sew on traced lines around the entire head. Trim a scant 1/4" away from stitched line. Slit the back layer of fabric open where indicated on each PP. Turn RSO. Stuff the heads firmly. Using thread to match each head, neatly close the opening in the back with a ladder stitch. See directions below on how to create a ladder stitch closure: At the opening, turn the top & bottom edges under 1/8" so that you will be stitching on the folds. This will prevent any fraying. Tie knot & insert needle in the opening coming out about 1/8" from the bottom corner edge. Insert needle directly above your thread on the bottom corner edge. Take a small stitch on the top folded edge then bring needle down to the bottom folded edge & take another stitch. Make sure the stitches are the same length & that you keep the threads vertically straight. When the thread is pulled tight the stitches should be very hard to see...almost invisible. Repeat until you reach the opposite corner. Tie off & hide thread tails. COFFEE STAIN: Combine in a spray bottle 1 cup water with 1/8 cup instant coffee granules. Swirl the bottle until the coffee granules dissolve. Spray the heads with the coffee stain then toss in the clothes dryer to dry. This will shrink the fabric to create very smooth seams. The heads will also appear much rounder & fuller. Please visit for more primitive craft & doll patterns. Page 1 FREE Ornie Trio Pattern - NOT FOR RESALE ©2004, ©2015 Raggedy Ornie See the RAGGEDY PP for location of the eyes, nose, eyelashes & eyebrows. You can transfer these lines onto the face with a disappearing marking pen if you like. Begin by bringing needle out here follow traced outline NOSE: thread a doll making needle with 6 strand red embroidery floss (DMC 221). Insert needle at the top of her head, leaving a 1 1/2" thread tail (this will blend in with the rest of the hair). Bring needle out at the top left corner of the nose. Satin stitch down the nose using the traced lines as your guide. (See diagram to the left). Once you’ve completed your last stitch, bring needle back out next to your beginning thread tail, do not tie off, just trim even with the other 1 1/2" thread tail. End by inserting needle here & coming out near beginning thread tail EYES, EYEBROWS & LASHES: Thread a basting needle with black sewing thread. Insert needle in the back of her head, near the bottom edge. Leave a tail for tying off (this will be covered by her scarf). Bring needle up where you will attach the first 1/4" button eye. Stitch in place. Bring needle up where the second 1/4" button eye will be attached. Stitch in place. Finish stitching her eyelashes & eyebrows then bring needle back out next to your beginning thread tail, tie off & trim ends. Apply powder blush to her cheeks using a stencil brush. HAIR: Mark the hair locations on the doll’s head with a disappearing marker, see RAGGEDY PP. Thread a needle with 4 pieces of 6 strand embroidery floss (DMC 221). Attach hair as described below: seam TOP VIEW Insert needle behind the head seam, coming out the front side of the seam. Leave a 1 1/2" thread tail. seam Anchor in place by stitching in the same 2 Pull thread tails tight& trim even with your beginning Repeat this process for each marked spot on her head. SCARF: Cut a 1 1/4" strip from blue WF. Wrap around her face, just below her nose. Trim ends to the length you desire. Cut (4) 1" snips on each of the scarf ends to make the fringes. With upholstery thread, gather the scarf snug up against her face. Tie off but do not trim thread tails. Spot glue the rest of the scarf to her face. Slip the shank of your 1 1/4" button over one of the thread tails. Tie knot with the other thread tail & trim ends. Snowman / Ginger Ornies CHEEKS & ICING LINES: Apply powder blush (color of your choice) to the cheeks using a stencil brush. For the ginger you will want to paint the squiggly line around the perimeter of the head before you start stitching any of the facial features. I used a small round brush & antique white acrylic paint. You may use the GINGER PP as a guide. NOSE: • Snowman: Cut from SL burnt orange WF using the PP provided. Place the nose on the face (see SNOWMAN PP for placement). Thread a basting needle with thread to match the nose. Insert needle at the top of the head. Leave a tail for tying off (tails will be hidden by the bow). Bring needle out as close to the edge of the felt nose as possible. Use a tiny blind stitch to attach the nose. Once you’ve completed your last stitch, bring needle back out near your beginning thread tail. Tie off & trim ends. • Ginger: Thread a basting needle with thread to match your ginger. Insert needle at the top of the head. Leave a tail for tying off (tails will be hidden by the bow). Bring needle out where the 5/16" rusty bead nose will be attached (see the GINGER PP for placement). Stitch in place & bring needle back out near your beginning thread tail. Tie off & trim ends. Please visit for more primitive craft & doll patterns. Page 2 FREE Ornie Trio Pattern - NOT FOR RESALE ©2004, ©2015 Snowman / Ginger Ornies (continued…) EYES: See the SNOWMAN & GINGER PPs for location of their eyes. You can transfer these locations onto the faces with a disappearing marking pen if you like. Thread a doll making needle with black thread. Insert needle at the top of the head. Leave a tail for tying off. NOTE: For the snowman you will use 1/4" rusty tin jingle bells. For the ginger you will use 1/4" black buttons. Bring needle out where the first eye will be attached. Stitch in place. Bring needle out where the second eye will be attached. Stitch in place. Finish stitching the eyebrows (on the Ginger) then bring the needle out next to your beginning thread tail. Tie off & trim ends. MOUTH: • Snowman: Thread a doll making needle with 6 strand black-brown embroidery floss (DMC 3371). Stitch a series of French knots using the PP as your guide. You will want to leave a beginning & ending thread tail at the top of the head (tails will be hidden by the bow). Tie thread tails together & trim. • Ginger: Thread a basting needle 1 strand of ecru embroidery floss. Insert needle at the top of the head, leaving a thread tail for tying off (tails will be hidden by the bow). Start by stitching a French knot at corner of the mouth (see PP for placement). Continue with a running stitch until you reach the other corner of the mouth, finish off with another French knot. Bring needle out near the beginning thread tail. Tie off & trim ends. Finishing for all Ornies JUTE HANGERS: Cut an 11" piece of jute. Fold in half & knot the ends to create a 4" loop. Make a loop for each ornie. • Raggedy: Take one of the loops & stitch the knot to the BACK of Raggedy’s head, see PP for location. • Snowman/Ginger: Rip a 3/4" strip for the snowman & 1 1/4" strip for the ginger from homespun. Place the homespun strip on top of the head, slightly behind the seam. Anchor in place with several stitches. Pull thread tails tight, gathering the center of the homespun strip. Tie off & trim ends. Place the jute loop on top of the homespun strip, directly over the anchoring stitches. Make sure the knot is pointing to the backside of the head & hanging OFF the homespun strip. Tie a half knot over the jute loop with the 2 homespun ends. Flip the jute loop up over the half knot bringing the loop to the backside of the head. Tie a bow with the homespun ends in front of jute loop. When you are done, the bow should be in the front & the loop in the back of the head. TOP VIEW TOP VIEW TOP VIEW seam seam seam tie bow in front of jute Stitch a 1" rusty tin snowflake to the snowman’s jute loop about 1 1/2" above the bow. SNOW: Using Elmer’s CRAFT BOND Spray Adhesive, LIGHTLY spray your ornies. For the Raggedy, you’ll want to make sure her hair is EXACTLY the way you want it, once it has been sprayed its pretty much going to stay that way. Note: Use the spray adhesive VERY SPARINGLY. It is VERY tacky & the snow is so light that you do not need a heavy coat for it to stick. If you happen to spray more on than needed, your ornie could remain tacky for days. But don’t worry, it’s not ruined, it will eventually dry. Lightly sprinkle the craft snow on each ornie. Set aside to dry. This pattern may be used for fun or profit at craft shows, online auctions or websites. Please give credit to Sew Many Prims as the designer. Do not sell or upload any part of this pattern to your website or file/photo sharing network. If you want to share this pattern with others, send them to my website to download the pattern. Thank you! Please visit for more primitive craft & doll patterns. Page 3 Pattern Page 1 of 1 Ornie Trio GINGER PATTERN PIECE: Slit back layer to turn & stuff Trace 1 on DL medium tea stained muslin French knot FREE Ornie Trio Pattern NOT FOR RESALE © 2004, © 2015 This pattern may be used for fun or profit at craft shows, online auctions or websites. Please give credit to Sew Many Prims as the designer. Do not sell or upload any part of this pattern to your website or file/photo sharing network. If you want to share this pattern with others, send them to my website to download the pattern. French knot Ornie Trio SNOWMAN PATTERN PIECE: Trace 1 on DL cream WF Snowman Nose Template cut 1 from SL orange WF Slit back layer & turn to stuff Loop Hanger (attach to the back side of the head) Dots indicate placement of French knots for mouth Slit back layer to turn & stuff Dots indicate location of floss hair Scarf Placement Raggedy Nose Template Ornie Trio RAGGEDY PATTERN PIECE: Trace 1 on DL muslin