Catalogo 2009.indd - Fondo de Cultura Económica
Catalogo 2009.indd - Fondo de Cultura Económica
Catalogue foreign rights - F O N D O D E C U LT U R A E C O N Ó M I C A CONTACT INFORMATION Fondo de Cultura Económica is the most important publishing house in Mexico and one of the most important ones in Latin America. It was originally established in as a way to provide students of economics with books in Spanish on the subject. Little by little fce expanded its publishing areas to other subjects that today encompass almost everything, from children’s literature to scientific texts. Fondo de Cultura Económica is a decentralized publishing institution funded by the Mexican government. As part of our recent improvement, we now have our editorial and commercial processes certified with the iso : quality management standards. fce’s backlist encompasses more than volumes, from which (aprox.) are still being published or reprinted, with more than new titles being added each year. This great cultural wealth is grouped in many subjects, such as Literature, Philosophy, Social Sciences, History, Children’s Books, Art, Economics, etc. In addition to its central office in Mexico, fce has foreign branches in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Guatemala, Peru, Spain, USA and Venezuela. Contact information FONDO DE CULTURA ECONÓMICA Carretera Picacho-Ajusco Bosques del Pedregal, Tlalpan Mexico City, Mexico Tel: (-) - Fax: (-) - JOAQUÍN DÍEZ-CANEDO C.E.O. Tel: (-) - through Fax: (-) - MARTÍ SOLER Managing Editor (Social Sciences, Humanities and General Interest) Tel: (-) -, (-) - Fax: (-) - ALEJANDRO ARCHAIN General Manager (FCE-Argentina) Tel: () - Fax: () - ELIANA PASARÁN Senior Editor (Children’s Books) Tel: (-) - Fax: (-) - CÉSAR AGUILAR General Manager (FCE-Colombia) Tel: () - Fax: () - ALEJANDRO VILLASEÑOR General Coordinator of International Affairs Tel: (-) - Fax: (-) - MARCELO DÍAZ General Manager (FCE-Spain) Tel: () - Fax: () - w w w. fo n d o d e c u l t u ra e co n o m i c a . co m TABLE OF CONTENTS ART Dávila, Amparo, Cuentos reunidos, Art Arcos, María de, Experimentalismo en la música cinematográfica, Domínguez Michael, Christopher, Diccionario crítico de la literatura mexicana (-), Malosetti, Laura (ed.), Cuadros de viaje. Artistas argentinos en Europa y Estados Unidos (-), Esquinca, Bernardo, Belleza roja, Esquinca, Bernardo, Los escritores invisibles, Flores, Helio, El hombre de negro, Flores, Marco Antonio, Antología personal (-), Palenzuela, Nilo, Moradas del intérprete, García Gual, Carlos, Encuentros heroicos: seis escenas griegas, Barajas, Rafael, El Fisgón, Posada: mito y mitote. La caricatura política de José Guadalupe Posada y Manuel Alfonso Manilla, García Gual, Carlos, Prometeo: mito y literatura, Garramuño, Florencia, La experiencia opaca. Literatura y desencanto, Musacchio, Humberto, El Taller de Gráfica Popular, Schávelzon, Daniel, Falsificación de arte en América Latina: historia e interpretación cultural, González Esteva, Orlando, ¿Qué edad cumple la luz esta mañana?, Liera, Óscar, Teatro escogido, History López Colomé, Pura, Santo y seña, Behar, Ruth, Cuéntame algo aunque sea una mentira. Las historias de la comadre Esperanza, López Páez, Jorge, El nuevo embajador y otros cuentos, Fowler, Will (ed.), Gobernantes mexicanos, vol. i, Premat, Julio, Héroes sin atributos. Figuras de autor en América Latina, Fowler, Will (ed.), Gobernantes mexicanos, vol. ii, Malpartida, Juan, A favor del tiempo [Antología], Gutmann, Matthew, El romance de la democracia. Rebeldía sumisa en el México contemporáneo, Menton, Seymour, La novela colombiana. Planetas y satélites, Garrido Palacios, Manuel, Alosno, palabra cantada. El año poético en un pueblo andaluz, Prieto, Carlos, Por la milenaria China. Historias, vivencias y comentarios, Millington, Mark, Hombres in/visibles. La representación de la masculinidad en la ficción latinoamericana, -, Ochoa, Enriqueta, Poesía reunida, Quarleri, Lía, Rebelión y guerra en las fronteras del Plata. Guaraníes, jesuitas e imperios coloniales, Olmos, Carlos, Teatro completo, Stresser-Péan, Guy, Viaje a La Huasteca, Papasquiaro, Mario Santiago, Jeta de santo. Antología poética, -, Villadelángel, Gerardo (ed.), El libro rojo, vol. i, Poniatowska, Elena, Jardín de Francia, Río Parra, Elena del, Cartografías de la conciencia española en la Edad de Oro, Literature Barba Jacob, Porfirio, Escritos mexicanos, Sandoval, Víctor, Poesía reunida, Bonnett, Piedad, Los privilegios del olvido. Antología personal, Villena, Luis Antonio de, Honor de los vencidos. Antología (-), Boone, Luis Jorge, La noche caníbal, Bradu, Fabienne, Artaud, todavía, Philosophy Carballido, Emilio, La danza que sueña la tortuga, Arnau, Juan, Arte de probar. Ironía y lógica en India antigua, Chumacero, Alí, Poesía, 2 | F O N D O D E C U LT U R A E CO N Ó M I C A Beyer Ruiz, María Emilia, ¿Por qué se esconden?, Muguerza, Javier, Desde la perplejidad. Ensayos sobre la ética, la razón y el diálogo, Burgos, Estrella, ¿Cómo es tu papá?, Duhne, Martha, ¿Quién pasó por aquí?, Navarro Reyes, Jesús, Pensar sin certezas. Montaigne y el arte de conversar, Sánchez, María del Carmen, ¿Para qué usas la lengua?, Farr, Jonathan, ¿Te da miedo la oscuridad?, Politics Farr, Jonathan, ¿Por qué no quieres comer?, Álvarez Peralta, Nacho, et al., Ajuste y salario. Las consecuencias del neoliberalismo en América Latina y Estados Unidos, Legnazzi, Claudia, Yo tengo una casa, Córdova Vianello, Lorenzo, Derecho y poder. Kelsen y Schmitt frente a frente, Isol, Cosas que pasan, Isol, El globo , Isol, Intercambio cultural, Dobado, Rafael, et al. (eds.), México y España ¿Historias económicas paralelas?, Isol, Secreto de familia, Isol, Vida de perros, Gómez Mont, María Teresa, Manuel Gómez Morin, -. La raíz y la simiente de un proyecto nacional, Sánchez, Diego, Dipacho, Jacinto y María José, Buitrago, Jairo, Camino a casa, Monedero, Juan Carlos, El gobierno de las palabras. Política para tiempos de confusión, Pellicer López, Carlos, Julieta y su caja de colores, Serrano Migallón, Fernando, La vida constitucional de México, vols. i y ii, Hinojosa, Francisco, La peor señora del mundo, García Esperón, María, Tigres de la otra noche, Amara, Luigi, Las aventuras de Max y su ojo submarino, Science Toledo, Natalia, La Muerte pies ligeros, Álvarez del Río, Asunción and Paulina Rivero Weber (eds.), El desafío de la bioética. Textos de bioética, vol. ii, Toledo, Natalia, El cuento del Conejo y el Coyote, Biro, Susana, La mirada de Galileo, Murugarren, Miguel, Animalario universal del profesor Revillod. Almanaque ilustrado de la fauna mundial, Fierro, Julieta and Silvia Torres, Nebulosas planetarias: la hermosa muerte de las estrellas, Baranda, María, Hago de voz un cuerpo, López Cerezo, José Antonio, El triunfo de la antisepsia. Un ensayo en filosofía naturalista de la ciencia, Zepeda, Monique, Kassunguilà, Martínez, Rocío, De cómo nació la memoria de El Bosque, Vallverdú, Jordi, Bioética computacional: e-biotecnología: simbiosis de valores, Ventura, Antonio, El cuento del pingüino, Leñero, Carmen, Emilio y el viaje sin tesoro, Sociology Krauze, León, El vuelo de Eluán, Gambetta, Diego (ed.), El sentido de las misiones suicidas, Hiriart, Hugo, El nombre del juego es Posada, Hayner, Priscilla, Verdades innombrables. El reto de las comisiones de verdad, Children’s books Isol, Tener un patito es útil, Design: Laura Esponda Translation: Boyd Rash and James Tomon Álvarez, Rosanela, ¿Cómo es tu mamá?, w w w. fo n do decu l tu raeco n o mi | 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS ART Gaos, José, La filosofía de la filosofía, ART Experimentalismo en la música cinematográfica Cuadros de viaje. Artistas argentinos en Europa y Estados Unidos (1880-1910) [Experimentalism in Film Music] [Travel Pictures. Argentine Artists in Europe and the United States (-)] María de Arcos st ed., Fce Spain, pp. . × cm (. × in) Series: Tezontle. Subject: Music ISBN 8437505992 paperback) Laura Malosetti (editor) st ed., fce Argentina, pp. . × cm (. × . in) Series: Tierra Firme. Subjects: Art, Testimonies ISBN: 9789505577798 paperback) W hy has film music, ever since its beginnings, clung to a romantic, extremely traditional musical language? Why did the experimental currents that flourished in twentieth-century concert music leave no mark on film music? What happens when a film uses new music and avoids the usual patterns? These questions are thoroughly analyzed in this book. María de Arcos traces the evolution of music and film music through the course of the twentieth century, leading to an examination of the effectiveness of an experimental musical language transferred to the screen. She concludes with a theoretical and practical analysis of the sound track of Planet of the Apes (Franklin J. Schaffner, ) by the renowned American composer Jerry Goldsmith. The novel musicological focus of this book will be a revelation to music and film researchers, critics and professionals, film school and conservatory students, and any readers interested in increasing their knowledge of film sound tracks and their evolution. The text is accompanied by scores and an illustrated glossary of musical terms. María de Arcos is a senior professor of composition at the Seville Conservatory. She has composed music for short films, film reports and a variety of types of film. María de Arcos earned her doctorate in from the Universidad de Sevilla and is currently a professor of piano and film music at the Francisco Guerrero Professional Conservatory in Seville. T ravel Pictures presents a selection of writings that recreate the travels of Argentine artists to Europe and the United States between the end of the th century and the beginning of the th. These experiences yield chronicles, personal letters and the artists’ memoirs, as well as journalistic articles, art critiques and interviews with celebrities such as Rubén Darío or Leopoldo Lugones. Laura Malosetti Costa has assembled texts from numerous publications, personal files and rare books, along with allusive images. We read testimonies by Sívori in Paris or Lola Mora in Rome, the writings of Malharro, Pío Collivadino or De la Cárcova, among others, that describe museums and workshops, and depict customs and scenes of Bohemian life. This collection assembles rare and unique travel chronicles of Argentine artists that, as the author indicates, “remark on and educate the artistic taste of a new public in these questions, orienting it towards a concept of art both modern and national.“ Laura Malosetti Costa () is a profesor at the University of Buenos Aires. Fondo de Cultura Económica has previously published her work, Los primeros modernos. Arte y sociedad en Bs. As. a fines del s. xix. • An attractive and thought-provoking description of the contribution of artistic travelers to the aesthetic sensibility of Buenos Aires at the end of the th century • A brilliant exploration of the role that art and artists play in the creation of a national imagery 4 | F O N D O D E C U LT U R A E CO N Ó M I C A Moradas del intérprete [The Man in Black] Helio Flores st ed., fce Mexico, pp. × cm ( × in) Series: Tezontle. Subject: Political cartoons ISBN 9789681683948 hardcover) [The Interpreter’s Abodes] Nilo Palenzuela st ed., Fce Spain, pp. . × cm (. × in) Series: Tierra Firme. Subjects: Essay, Art, Art History ISBN 8437506018 paperback) “T he Man in Black,” who made his appearance for the first time in in La Garrapata magazine, is one of the most important characters in Mexico’s cartoon history— not only because of the artist’s corrosive critique of a repressive, corrupt government, but also because of his alternative humor. Through this strip, Flores shifted the reader’s focus from dialogue to image. Rius said about Helio Flores’s creation that “he’s like a witness inside the comic strip, semi-speechless, weighty, fearsome, complicated, timid, hard to pin down. He’s definitely an enigma, because you never know what to expect from him.” I n these essays, Nilo Palenzuela writes about a diverse collection of twentieth-century writers and artists from Europe and the New World. He presents their essential poetic and philosophical positions as ‘interpreters;’ those who are first of all creators, caught on the edge between modernity and tradition (Unamuno, Borges, Klee, Arp, Tamayo, Paz); those who are interpreters who crack open the doors of language onto thought (María Zambrano, García Bacca, Eugenio Trías); and those who uphold the expression of contemporary freedom (Vicente Rojo, Francisco Toledo, Mario Merz). Archetypes, forms of representation, actions, and textual references are combined to reveal the fractured face of the modern subject. Since the beginnings of modernity, the urge to rebel against the old order has always existed side by side with ongoing criticism of narcissistic excess and the will to power; a rebellion that seeks to put creative work, words, images into play, into life. Moradas del intérprete is a unique example of current essay-writing in Spanish, a creative interpretation that transcends national borders. Helio Flores (Xalapa, ) studied architecture at Veracruz University, and graphic design at the New York School of Visual Arts. His professional career began in , in the Diario de Xalapa newspaper and La Gallina magazine. In , he founded and co-edited La Garrapata. As a political cartoonist for El Universal since , Flores received on two separate occasions the Grand Prix awarded by the International Cartoon Salon of Montreal ( and ). He is a four-time winner of Mexico’s National Journalism Award (, , , ). The Mexican Association of Cartoonists gave him the National Cartoon Award in , and the House of Journalism, its Cartoon Prize in . Nilo Palenzuela (Canary Islands, ) is a writer and professor of Spanish literature at Universidad de La Laguna (Tenerife). He is also known for his writing on contemporary art and aesthetics. He has been a regular contributor to numerous journals, including Cuadernos Hispanoamericanos, Letras Libres, Vuelta, Revista de Occidente, Missives, and Quimera. • In Mexico, where there’s a long, solid tradition of comic strips, Helio Flores is among the best contemporary cartoonists • This edition includes a series of texts by Carlos Monsiváis w w w. fo n do decu l tu raeco n o mi | 5 ART El hombre de negro ART Posada: mito y mitote. La caricatura política de José Guadalupe Posada y Manuel Alfonso Manilla [Posada: Myth and Mitote. Political Caricature in José Guadalupe Posada and Manuel Alfonso Manilla] Rafael Barajas, el Fisgón st ed., fce Mexico, rd ed., fce Colombia, pp. × cm (. × . in) Series: Tezontle. Subject: Political caricature in Mexico ISBN 9786071600752 hardcover) J osé Guadalupe Posada (-), creator of the famous calaveras, is the most renowned of Mexican caricaturists. This book explores a little known dimension of his political stance: a caricaturist critical of Zapata and Madero and a defender of the Porfiriato (the period of Porfirio Díaz’s dictatorship). “Many of Posada’s illustrations do not support Zapata, but instead criticize him. They do not support the Mexican Revolution, but criticize it. They do not attack Porfirio Díaz, but rather defend him,” asserts Barajas. In his research, Barajas traces the political biography of the illustrator through his caricature. Rafael Barajas, also known as el Fisgón (The Meddler), has researched political caricature for over 20 years. His research has focused on the history of political caricature, especially during th century Mexico. A well-known caricaturist himself, his drawings have appeared regularly in several newspapers and magazines since 1981, where he uses them for the traditional rendering of critical and humorous observations. He has been awarded the Manuel Buendía Prize for Journalism in , the Constantino Escalante Prize in , and the National Prize for Journalism in . • This book represents an original and intelligent interpretation of Posada which does not yield to easy stereotypes. • Profusely documented, this is a major contribution to the study of Mexican popular culture. 6 | F O N D O D E C U LT U R A E CO N Ó M I C A ART El Taller de Gráfica Popular [The People’s Graphic Arts Workshop] Humberto Musacchio st ed., Fce Mexico, pp. × cm ( × . in) Series: Arte Universal. Subject: Art ISBN 9789681677039 hardcover) T he Taller de Gráfica Popular (tgp; People’s Graphic Arts Workshop) was founded in Mexico in by Leopoldo Méndez and a group of other talented graphic artists and muralists. This book tells the story of the workshop, its members, and its importance to Mexico’s cultural and political landscape. The Gráfica Popular, as it was also known, soon adopted the extensive artistic heritage of Mexican engraving, legacy of caricaturists and illustrators of the stature of Joaquín Giménez, Constantino Escalante, Hesiquio Iriarte, Santiago Hernández, José María Villasana, Jesús T. Alamilla, Gabriel Vicente Gahona Picheta, and Manuel Manilla, and above all, José Guadalupe Posada, the master of Mexican engraving whose influence left an indelible mark on the Taller and its work. Humberto Musacchio (b. ) studied economics at the University of Mexico, and coordinated and directed the Revista Mexicana de la Cultura. He was a cofounder and assistant director of the newspaper La Jornada and has worked at a number of Mexico’s major newspapers, Unomásuno, El Día, El Nacional, Excélsior, Novedades and La Jornada. He is the author of several books, including Diccionario enciclopédico de México. • Includes more than engravings by key artists in Mexico’s modern history, such as Leopoldo Méndez, Miguel Covarrubias, David Alfaro Sequeiros, Pablo O’Higgins, Luis Arenal, Raúl Anguiano, José Chávez Morado, Alfredo Zalce, Ángel Bracho and Mariana Yampolsky w w w. fo n do decu l tu raeco n o mi | 7 ART Falsificación de arte en América Latina: historia e interpretación cultural Cuéntame algo aunque sea una mentira. Las historias de la comadre Esperanza [Forgery of Art in Latin America: History and Cultural Interpretation] Daniel Schávelzon st ed., fce Argentina, pp. . × cm (. × . in) Series: Tezontle. Subjects: Art, Archeology R esearch concerning this subject matter requires an understanding that the forgery of works of art results from universal practices in time and space, which were likely initiated in Classical Antiquity and continue up to the 18th century and even to the present day. Since the phenomenon of forgery existed before the creation of a capitalist market, one must always consider the variables which have historically operated at the moment of copying or faking a piece. This book advances the argument that the universe of faked artworks can be interpreted as a challenge to the very basic definition of Western art. Daniel Schávelzon argues that the most important element in the creation of art is the authenticity of thought that breathes spirit into a piece and not the continuity of the material itself. Daniel Schávelzon (Argentina, ) was awarded a Doctorate in Architecture from the unam and is currently a researcher at the conicet. A professor at the University of Buenos Aires, he also lectures at other universities in the Americas. He wrote Túneles de Buenos Aires. Historias, mitos y verdades del subsuelo porteño and Las ciudades mayas: un urbanismo de América Latina. [Tell Me Something Even if It’s a Lie. The Stories of the Godmother Esperanza] Ruth Behar st ed., fce Mexico, pp. . × cm (. × . in) Series: Anthropology. Subjects: Anthropology, Ethnography ISBN 9786071600103 paperback R uth Behar interprets the life of Esperanza Hernández Sánchez, a true traveler from Mexquitic, San Luis Potosí, and “translates” the life story as an anthropological narration. Although the community in Mexquitic is relatively far from the United States, the author characterizes it as a border region due to the large number of emigrants who call it home. Translated Woman presents a critical discussion of the theoretical foundations of anthropology and the usual practices in the ethnographic field. This discussion is accompanied by a provocative chapter in which the author analyses her own position of marginality as a Cuban immigrant when entering the American university establishment. Ruth Behar is a professor of anthropology at the University of Michigan. In , she became the first LatinAmerican woman to receive the MacArthur Fellowship Award. Later, she was granted a Guggenheim scholarship. Her previously published works include The Vulnerable Observer: Anthropology That Breaks Your Heart, and a documentary book about the Sephardic Jews in Cuba—An Island Called Home: Returning to Jewish Cuba. She is also the director of the documentary film, Adios Kerida / Good bye Dear Love. • A fresh approach to a little-understood artistic phenomenon. • This cultural interpretation of forgery provides insightful opinions as to the very nature of art and artistic creation. • An intelligent, narrative approach—a new perspective on the language of ethnographic studies • “An examination through cultures.” - Sandra Cisneros • “This is a captivating book. Excellent writing and original composition of this biographic tale offers us a fascinating story.” - Gabriela Cano 8 | F O N D O D E C U LT U R A E CO N Ó M I C A Gobernantes mexicanos, vol. ii [Mexican Leaders, vol. i] [Mexican Leaders, vol. ii] Will Fowler (editor) Will Fowler (editor) st ed., inehrm-fce Mexico, pp. . × cm (. × in) Series: History. Subject: History of Mexico ISBN 9789681683696 vol. i 9789681685034 series st ed., inehrm-fce Mexico, pp. . × cm (. × in) Series: History. Subject: History of Mexico ISBN 978968 16 83706 vol. ii 978968 16 85034 series W ill Fowler has assembled a group of specialists to analyze the traits of the presidents of Mexico and to compare the politics of those who governed the country throughout the th and th centuries, with emphasis on their particular relationship to legislative power. The results are two provocative, intriguing and erudite volumes destined to be standards on Mexican governmental politics. The first volume assembles essays on the leaders who ruled Mexico in the th century. Guadalupe Victoria, Antonio López de Santa Anna, Benito Juárez and Porfirio Díaz are protagonists of chapters in which, without ignoring their biographies, the authors explain the socio-political contexts in which they ruled, the internal and foreign pressures they had to fight, the constitutional limitations to which they were subjected and the political divisions they had to overcome. While reviewing these individuals, the nation that raised them to power is also analyzed—presidents, like it or not, are a reflection of the societies they govern. T his second volume, dedicated to the th century, discusses Mexican presidents, at once contradictory and fascinating, men who inspire admiration and scorn, such as Álvaro Obregón, Plutarco Elías Calles, Lázaro Cárdenas, Michael Alemán, Adolfo Ruiz Cortines, Gustavo Díaz Ordaz or Carlos Salinas de Gortari. • A collection of attractive portraits of Mexican leaders from the th and th centuries • A very useful array of political cases—ideal for the teaching of political history Will Fowler is a historian specializing in th century politics in Mexico and Latin America, and a professor of Latin-American Studies at the University of St. Andrews in Scotland. He has published Santa Anna of Mexico; Tornel and Santa Anna. The Writer and the Caudillo, Mexico, - and Mexico in the Age of Proposals, -. Together with Humberto Morales Moreno, he compiled El conservadurismo mexicano en el siglo xix (-). w w w. fo n do decu l tu raeco n o mi | 9 HISTORY Gobernantes mexicanos, vol. i HISTORY El romance de la democracia. Rebeldía sumisa en el México contemporáneo Alosno, palabra cantada. El año poético en un pueblo andaluz [The Romance of Democracy. Submissive Rebellion in Contemporary Mexico] [Alosno, Singing Words. A Poetic Year in an Andalusian Town] Matthew Gutmann Manuel Garrido Palacios st st st ed., fce Spain, nd ed., fce Spain, pp. . × cm ( × in) Series: Antropología. Subject: Cultural anthropology ISBN 8437503124 paperback ed. in English, University of California Press, ed. in Spanish, fce Mexico, pp. . × cm (. × . in) Series: Anthropología. Subject: Contemporary Mexican politics and ideology ISBN 9786071600288 paperback T he romance felt by Mexicans for democracy is complex and contradictory. Many, though vaguely understanding what purpose democracy serves, have discovered that it neither provides them with food nor does it relieve their misery. Matthew Gutmann’s book is essential to understanding the paradoxes of contemporary political life in Mexico. Its approach is unique —that of an anthropologist observing with objectivity not free from humor, and drawing from the provocative idea of “submissive revolt.” Gutmann examines the peculiar balance between obedience and resistance in the daily life of a common neighborhood in Mexico City. His voice enters the debate on democratic transition with the fresh perspective of one who has performed detailed work in the field. He observes Mexicans from the distance of his otherness as an American but with the keenness of one who is deeply acquainted with Mexican life. The result is brilliant and agile, a profound and entertaining book. Roger Bartra Matthew Charles Gutmann is professor of Anthropology at Brown University. He has published Ser hombre de verdad en la ciudad de México: ni macho ni mandilón (El Colegio de México, ) and Fixing Men: Sex, Birth Control, and aids in Mexico (University of California, ). “T he Year, with its cycles of work and festivals, is similar in much of Catholic Europe, because Christmases and Carnivals, Lents and May Days, Saint John’s Day, summer and autumn celebrations run throughout… with similar characteristics, generally speaking, in Andalusia and beyond. But what people—I ask myself—are capable of generating a new verbal expression as abundant and rich for this general, festive cycle? Alosno, the town described in this beautiful book, sings and expresses its collective emotions in an amazing fashion.” (From the prologue by Julio Caro Baroja) Manuel Garrido Palacios, writer and folklore specialist, is a member of the North American Academy of the Spanish Language of New York. He has been distinguished with numerous recognitions for his considerable efforts to recover the customs and traditions of different Spanish towns. His television series Raíces, which was broadcast for twenty-five years (-), continues to be a paradigm and model of how ethnographic studies should be approached. • This book shows the amazing wealth of Andalusian word games • Manuel Garrido Palacios rediscovers—in his own words—“a train that passes through your door, giving you only one chance to hop on board” • A unique anthropologically sound rendering of the complexity in popular attitudes towards politics • Thought-provoking analysis of ideology within popular sectors of Mexican society 10 | F O N D O D E C U LT U R A E CO N Ó M I C A Rebelión y guerra en las fronteras del Plata. Guaraníes, jesuitas e imperios coloniales [Through the Millennial China. Stories, Experiences and Commentary] [Rebellion and War on the Edge of the River Plate. Guarani, Jesuits and Colonial Empires] Carlos Prieto Lía Quarleri 1st st ed., fce Argentina, pp. . × cm (. × . in) Series: Historia. Subject: History of the Americas ISBN 9789505577880 (paperback) ed., fce Mexico, pp. . × cm (. × . in) Series: Vida y Pensamiento de México. Subject: Mexican travelers to China, Chinese history and culture ISBN 9786071600479 (paperback) A T hrough the Millennial China is a delightful account of Prieto’s four trips to China (, , , and ). In these pages, the reader will find a wide range of information, from Chinese food and the Chinese language to religion, politics, architecture, and, of course, music. The book functions as a travel guide, abounding in Chinese geography and offering vivid portraits of prominent figures and anecdotes from a country rising in the st century as a major world power. Carlos Prieto is one of the most respected interpreters of cello. He has been awarded the Mozart Medal, the Order of Letters and Arts from the French government and the National Prize for Sciences and Arts. Carlos Prieto has written six books: Cartas rusas, Alrededor del mundo con el violonchelo, De la URSS a Rusia, Las aventuras de un violonchelo, historias y memorias, Senderos e imágenes de la música y Cinco mil años de palabras. fter a long period of conflict over their colonial possessions, in , the Crowns of Spain and Portugal signed an agreement over mutual boundaries and which required the relocation of seven Jesuitical-Guarani reservations. The Guarani, on return to the reservations, prevented the re-entry of the royal authorities into the missionary territory. A military campaign was then sent against the rebellious populations and the Guarani people prepared for war. Thus, between 1754 and 1756, people on both sides of the Uruguay River, fought the Spanish forces, now allied with their historical rival, the Portuguese. Lía Quarleri examines the so-called “guerra guaranítica,” from two perspectives. First, she analyzes the participation of the Guarani, the practices they deployed, the meanings they attributed to their actions and the ideas they expressed as argumentative bases for resistance. The second perspective is that of an analysis of the conflict itself, its understanding and interpretation within wider historical, political, economic and symbolic dimensions. Rebellion and War on the Edge of the River Plate offers a rigorous and well documented study of a unique episode in the history of the Americas. Lía Quarleri (Argentina, ) was awarded a PhD in Anthropology by the University of Buenos Aires. She has published numerous articles and essays in collected volumes and trade magazines. • A brilliant telling of anecdotes and facts from Chinese culture and history in the best tradition of travel literature • A delightful book for all readers • A comprehensive analysis of a unique and fascinating event in Latin American history • The anthropological and ethno-historical perspective provides new insight into a remarkable episode in history w w w. fo n do decu l tu raeco n o mi | 11 HISTORY Por la milenaria China. Historias, vivencias y comentarios HISTORY Viaje a la Huasteca con Guy Stresser-Péan El libro rojo, vol. i [Traveling to the Huasteca with Guy Stresser-Péan] [The Red Book, vol. i] Guy Stresser-Péan st ed., fce Mexico, pp. × cm (. × . in) Series: Tezontle. Subjects: History of Mexico, Crime ISBN 9789681686147 paperback 9789681686154 hardcover Gerardo Villadelángel (editor) st ed., fce Mexico, pp. . × cm (. × in) Series: Anthropology. Subjects: Indigenous society, The Huasteca ISBN 9789681685102 paperback) T his abundant, fully illustrated compendium is the result of what was, in the words of José Luis Martínez, one of the great Mexican publishing enterprises of the th century: an exercise in prose using the leitmotif of blood to link historiographic, literary, and journalistic accounts with present-day interpretations. A continuation of El libro rojo published in by Manuel Payno and Vicente Riva Palacio, nearly three hundred authors—historians, essayists, narrators, and visual artists—are included in this compilation, which is just a chip off the iceberg of all the violent crime that has taken place in Mexico from to . V iaje a la Huasteca is the result of more than years of research on the Huasteca region of Mexico. Guy StresserPéan has not only witnessed the long-enduring Totonac flyers’ dance, he’s taken part in its celebration. Viaje a la Huasteca unveils one of the least known—if not forgotten—millenary civilizations of Mesoamerica. The author is “heir to a scientific tradition in which figures such as Baron Von Humboldt, Eduard Seler, Konrad Theodor Preuss, Hermann Beyer, Alfonso Caso, and Paul Kirchhoff became famous.” Dominique Michelet called Stresser-Péan “a wise man in a world that hardly has anything left but scientists.” Guy Stresser-Péan () graduated from the Sorbonne with degrees in anthropology, political sciences, and geology. He was Director of the Misión Arqueológica y Etnológica Francesa en México (now cemca) for years. He began excavations at the Tamtok site in , and in he was awarded the National Prize by the National Academy of Anthropological Studies. His publications include San Antonio Nogalar, la sierra de Tamaulipas y la frontera norte de Mesoamérica (); El arado criollo in México y América Central (); El códice de Xicotepec: estudio e interpretación, co-published by the fce in ; Los lienzos de Acaxochitlán (); and Le Soleil-Dieu et le Christ. La christianisation des Indiens du Mexique, vue de la Sierra de Puebla (). • Viaje a la Huasteca is the fruit of over a half-century of research carried out by one of the most outstanding figures in Mexican anthropology • This book contains revelations about ethnology, botany, anthropology, linguistics, and history; allowing for a better understanding of cultures from the Huasteca region 12 | Gerardo Villadelángel Viñas (Mexico City, ). After studying Literature at the National Autonomous University of Mexico, he attended the Writers’ School of the General Society of Mexican Writers and the Menéndez Pelayo International University of Santander, Spain. He contributes to various periodicals nationwide and has ventured into editing as well. This book features texts by well-known authors such as Álvaro Uribe, Carlos Chimal, Eduardo Antonio Parra, Fabrizio Mejía Madrid, Luis Arturo Ramos, Jaime Moreno Villarreal, Adolfo Castañón, Jean Meyer, Enrique Krauze, and Paco Ignacio Taibo II, among others. Visual artists include Jan Hendrix, Perla Krauze, Mónica Castillo, and Emilio Said. • This is the first in a three-volume series encompassing tales of historic crimes that have taken place in Mexico from to • The edition is richly illustrated by the most widely-known artists F O N D O D E C U LT U R A E CO N Ó M I C A Los privilegios del olvido. Antología personal [Mexican Writings] Porfirio Barba Jacob st ed., fce Colombia, pp. . × cm (. × . in) Series: Tierra Firme. Subjects: Journalism, History ISBN 9789583801549 paperback) [The Privileges of Oblivion. A Personal Anthology] Piedad Bonnett Prologue by José Watanabe st ed., fce Colombia, pp. . × cm (. × . in) Series: Tierra Firme. Subject: Poetry ISBN 9789583801464 paperback) M exican Writings by Porfirio Barba Jacob comprises a significant sample of his writings for the Mexican press, between and : political texts, articles and chronicles. The volume reads as a chronicle of almost thirty years, through the most important events in the first half of the th century: wars and revolutions, government and tyranny, as well as unusual cases of witchcraft, cannibalism, crimes and ghosts. The book’s prologue, by Eduardo García Aguilar, supplies useful indexes. Porfirio Barba Jacob was the last and best-known of the pseudonyms of the Colombian poet and journalist Miguel Ángel Osorio Benítez (Born, Santa Rosa of Osos, Columbia, – Died, Mexico City, ). His life was a continuous pilgrimage through the countries of the Americas: Costa Rica, Jamaica, Cuba, Mexico, Guatemala, the United States, Honduras, El Salvador and Peru, where he wrote for virtually every important literary and political periodical. • An anthology of one of the most intriguing and controversial men of letters in th-century Latin America • A true literary exhibition—spanning the culture, society and politics of over half a century in Mexico A n anthology of poems from all of Piedad Bonnet’s works, new and old. A prologue by Peruvian poet José Watanabe broadens the scope of Los privilegios del olvido. With regards to Piedad Bonnett’s work, Ramón de Zubiría wrote: “If I were compelled to pin down the underground, secret virtue sustaining what I consider to be this poetry’s vigor, beauty, and singularity, I wouldn’t hesitate to ascribe it to the wealth of poetic intuitions that, from down below, mark the genesis of poems and impeccable expressive tailoring with which these intuitions are marked in her texts.” Piedad Bonnett () is one of the most renowned poets in her generation. She’s also a novelist, playwright, translator, essayist, professor of the Andes University of Bogotá, and correspondent member of the Colombian Academy of the Spanish Language. She was honored in with the National Poetry Prize awarded by Colcultura for El hilo de los días. Her other books of poems include Nadie en casa (), Todos los amantes son guerreros () and Tretas del débil (). • Piedad Bonnett () is one of the most renowned poets in her generation • An anthology of all Piedad Bonnett’s poems, new and old w w w. fo n do decu l tu raeco n o mi | 13 LITERATURE Escritos mexicanos LITERATURE La noche caníbal Artaud, todavía [The Cannibal Night] Luis Jorge Boone st ed., fce Mexico, pp. . × cm (. × . in) Series: Letras Mexicanas, Serie Breve. Subject: Mexican short story ISBN 9789681682200 [Artaud, Still] Fabienne Bradu st ed., fce Mexico pp. × cm (. × . in) Series: Vida y Pensamiento de México. Subject: Literary criticism ISBN 9789681684587 T he texts in this book are difficult to classify: somewhere between the genres of short story and novella, different protagonists disrupt the reality filtering their fears, fantasies, and delirious visions. Clear, concise prose without grandiose pretensions, La noche caníbal shows the author’s narrative maturity and his preference for fantasy and science fiction atmospheres that recall Jorge Luis Borges, or Philip K. Dick. Luis Jorge Boone was born in Monclova, Coahuila, in . He is a poet, narrator, and essayist who has contributed to various magazines, such as Letras Libres, Luvina, Voz Otra and Tierra Adentro. He’s the author of Legión () and Galería de armas rotas (). He has received scholarships from the Fondo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes (-) and from the Fundación para las Letras Mexicanas (-). He won the Salvador Gallardo Dávalos National Prize for Young Literature for his poetry, the Inés Arredondo National Short Story Prize in , and the Clemencia Isaura Poetry Prize in . • A compilation of various short stories, some already published in magazines, some in print for the first time • Luis Jorge Boone is a young author who has nonetheless received awards and widespread recognition 14 | A ntonin Artaud’s mysteriously discreet visit to Mexico in has become both a cult theme and an impenetrable challenge for scholars, who now and again revive the hope of digging up unpublished documents, or encountering unknown testimonies that will clarify and materialize his presence in Mexico. Fabienne Bradu reconstructs a conversation sustained through the correspondence of Guatemalan poet Luis Cardoza y Aragón and Paule Thévenin—who edited Artaud’s complete works at Gallimard—in which letters compose a mirror reflecting the outline of the French author in Mexico. Fabienne Bradu, born in France, is a writer, literary critic, and researcher of the Institute of Philological Investigations at the unam. She’s a contributor to the magazines Vuelta and Letras Libres and the French translator of Mexican writers Juan Rulfo, Xavier Villaurrutia, José Vasconcelos, Octavio Paz, and Francisco Rebolledo, among others. In November , the Mexican government awarded her the Mexican Order of the Aztec Eagle Medal, Insignia degree, for her work in promoting Mexican literature. • Fabienne Bradu is among Mexico’s best-known contemporary researchers and critics • This book is a continuation of the kind of essays Bradu has written throughout her academic career within Mexican literary circles F O N D O D E C U LT U R A E CO N Ó M I C A Poesía [The Dance the Turtle Dreams] [Poetry] Emilio Carballido Alí Chumacero 1st 1st ed., Ediciones Coyoacán, 1997 2nd ed., fce Mexico, 2008 197 pp. 23 × 15 cm (9 × 6 in) Series: Letras Mexicanas. Subject: Mexican poetry ISBN 9789681684662 paperback ed., fce Mexico, 2009 108 pp. 11 × 17 cm (4.3 × 6.7 in) Series: Centzontle. Subject: Mexican drama ISBN 9786071600851 paperback T he Dance the Turtle Dreams, a play in two acts, was written during Carballido’s most productive period. The story is that of a provincial family, the main characters being two unmarried aunts. Spinsterhood is, for them, an awkward condition because of the relationship they keep with a certain young man in town. A hilarious comedy of errors in the Mexican tradition, the play—without ever relinquishing entertainment—conveys a sturdy condemnation of machismo, provincialism and some particularities of the Mexican middle-class. Emilio Carballido (-) was one of the most outstanding Mexican playwrights of the th century. He belonged to a brilliant group of artists known as “Generación de ”, with fellow members Sergio Magaña, Luisa Josefina Hernández, Rosario Castellanos, Jaime Sabines and Sergio Galindo. He studied English Literature at the unam and was awarded some of the most important distinctions in Mexican cultural life. • An extraordinary comedy by one of the best Mexican playwrights • Exemplary of the work of one of Mexico’s most important 20th Century dramatic movements w w w. fo n do decu l tu raeco n o mi A lí Chumacero’s poetry— a paradigm of discipline, rhythm, and clarity—conveys a swaying invitation to the reader: rise from the depths of night and live, listen to your body, and give yourself to time. This volume combines three books: Words at Rest, Images Banished and Plateau of Dreams, and includes a prologue by José Emilio Pacheco. Alí Chumacero (Nayarit, ) founded the magazine Tierra Nueva. He was the editor of the magazine El Hijo Pródigo and México en la cultura, as well as director of Letras de México. He has been a fellow at El Colegio de México and the Centro Mexicano de Escritores. A member of the Academia Mexicana de la Lengua, he is also among the most noteworthy senior editors at Fondo de Cultura Económica. He was awarded the Xavier Villaurrutia Prize (1984), the International Alfonso Reyes Prize (1986), the National Sciences and Arts Prize in Linguistics and Literature (1987), the Amado Nervo Literary Prize (1993), and the Belisario Domínguez Medal (1996). • The poetry of Alí Chumacero is among the most accessible and well received in contemporary Mexican letters • This volume provides a solid introduction to the larger body of the work of a prominent poet and thinker | 15 LITERATURE La danza que sueña la tortuga LITERATURE Cuentos reunidos Diccionario crítico de la literatura mexicana (-) [Collected Stories] [Critical Dictionary of Mexican Literature (-)] Amparo Dávila 1st ed., fce Mexico, 2009 298 pp. 17 × 23 cm (6.7 × 9 in) Series: Letras Mexicanas. Subject: Mexican short story ISBN 9786071600547 hardcover 9786071600530 paperback Christopher Domínguez Michael st ed., fce Mexico, pp. . × cm (. × in) Series: Letras Mexicanas, Serie Mayor. Subject: Literary criticism ISBN 9789681684785 (hardcover) 9789681684525 (paperback) English rights sold I n Collected Stories, a complete collection of the short stories, Amparo Dávila adds to her enigmatic and abundant narrative a previously unpublished book, Con los ojos abiertos. She reaffirms her rigor in prose and formal precision—inseparable attributes of her singular literature, and this volume combines all of the short fiction. Almost hand in hand with her characters, the reader takes a unique and unforgettable voyage thanks to the prodigious memory and skill of one Mexico’s most peculiar writers. Amparo Dávila was born in Pinos, Zacatecas, in . She spent a large part of her life in San Luis Potosí where she published her first literary Works. Among them are the poems Salmos bajo la luna () and Meditaciones a la orilla del sueño (). Her first book of short stories Tiempo destrozado () appeared five years later, followed by Música concreta (). In , she received a grant from the “Centro Mexicano de Escritores” and in her book Árboles petrificados was winner of the Xavier Villaurrutia Prize. • With this edition the fce releases a previously unpublished book: Con los ojos abiertos, along with the entirety of her short fiction • The literary production of Amparo Dávila is one of the richest and most enigmatic in the entirety of Mexican literature I n this book, Christopher Domínguez Michael—perhaps Mexico’s most important literary critic—has compiled and arranged his written reflections on Mexican literature. The Diccionario crítico de la literatura mexicana spans from to , a half-century that began with the watershed publication of Juan Rulfo’s Pedro Páramo. This book contains two separate works: a personal anthology, and a dictionary of authors. In the former, Domínguez Michael selects fragments, essays, or articles previously published in his many books and anthologies. As a dictionary of authors, this book is a monument to freedom of choice—governed by the taste and gaze of a literary critic—, whose interpretative playfulness constructs an order that is determined not only by routine, but by alphabetic surprises as well. Christopher Domínguez Michael was born in Mexico City in . He is a literary critic, historian of ideas, and novelist. He’s a columnist and contributor to such prestigious periodicals as Proceso, Vuelta, Letras Libres and “El Angel” cultural section of the newspaper Reforma. He is the author of Antología de la narrativa mexicana del siglo xx, Tiros en el concierto (for which he received the Guillermo Rousset Banda National Prize for Literary Essays and Political Criticism), La utopía de la hospitalidad, Servidumbre y grandeza de la vida literaria, Toda suerte de libros paganos and La sabiduría sin promesa. His Vida de Fray Servando was awarded the Xavier Villaurrutia Prize in . • Christopher Domínguez’s stature in Mexican literary criticism makes this compilation a must-read 16 | F O N D O D E C U LT U R A E CO N Ó M I C A Los escritores invisibles [Red Beauty] [Invisible Writers] Bernardo Esquinca Bernardo Esquinca 1st ed., fce Mexico, 2nd reprint, 2008 1st ed., fce Mexico, 2009 110 pp. 14 × 21 cm (8.2 × 5.6 in) Series: Letras Mexicanas. Subject: Mexican novel ISBN 9786071600462 paperback) 2005 103 pp. 14 × 21 cm (5.5 × 8.2 in) Series: Letras Mexicanas. Subject: Mexican novel ISBN 9789681674793 paperback) B ernardo Esquinca’s tale—part psychological thriller, part detective story and part erotic dream—follows simultaneously a crime photographer obsessed with turning his work into art and a beauty clinic that continues to thrive despite its substandard practices. The two stories run parallel with minor overlaps until they reach a mutual sinister climax. One question lurks unanswered behind the narrative: What are we willing to do for a slice of the sublime? • A novella of fierce clarity and breathtaking pace • A compelling voice in a style uniquely Mexican in contemporary literature J aime Puente is a magnificently naïve writer aspiring for recognition through the publication of some of his books and who finds himself involved in a high stakes conspiracy that could be real or fictitious. The adventure leads him to discover that true talent is too often wasted, guarded like a valued memory or silenced; unfortunately he may learn this lesson too late. • Bernardo Esquinca’s style is among the most unique and provocative in Mexican literature • Esquinca is among the best known and best selling of young Mexican writers Bernardo Esquinca studied Communication Sciences at the Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Occidente (iteso). He is the founder of the journal Público, in Guadalajara, and of the Diario Monitor, in Mexico City. His previously published books include La mirada encendida (), Fábulas oscuras (), and Carretera perdida (). w w w. fo n do decu l tu raeco n o mi | 17 LITERATURE Belleza roja LITERATURE Antología personal (1960-2002) Encuentros heroicos: seis escenas griegas [Personal Anthology (-)] [Heroic Encounters. Six Greek Scenes] Marco Antonio Flores 1st ed., fce Mexico, 2008 341 pp. 23 × 17 cm (9 × 6.7 in) Series: Tierra Firme. Subjects: Guatemalan poetry ISBN 9789681680985 (paperback) Carlos García Gual 1st ed., fce Spain, 2009 158 pp. 13.5 × 21 cm (5.3 × 8.2 in) Series: Antropología. Subjects: Greek literature, Greek mythology ISBN 9788437506296 paperback) F our decades of extraordinary poetic work is collected in this magnificent anthology. Through the poetic evolution of one of Guatemala’s best poets, readers can plainly follow the emergence of a story that constantly pushes for expression in words. While some interior and foreign landscapes are described faithfully others are only alluded to in verses that confirm the importance of one of Latin America’s most original voices. Marco Antonio Flores (Guatemala, ) is a poet, narrator and journalist. A lecturer, professor and university researcher and essayist, he has published eight books of poetry, among them Muros de luz (; Central American Poetry Award), Crónica de los años de fuego and La estación del crepúsculo. He is also winner of the Miguel Ángel Asturias National Literature Award (Guatemala, ). • This anthology combines important works of one of Latin America’s most valuable and representative poetic figures • Marco Antonio Flores’s poetry continues to resonate throughout the Spanish-speaking world 18 | S ix impressive scenes from Greek literature and their mythical backgrounds are analyzed and commented upon as are their prominent figures and their intense emotional color. Taken from classical works of different periods—the Iliad and the Odyssey, a tragedy by Sophocles, a Hellenist epic, the first novel of love and adventures, and the legend of Alexander the Great—some very specific ancient virtues are highlighted. García Gual has created a stunning reflection of the ancient world in all its depth and beauty. Carlos García Gual is professor of Greek Philology at the Universidad Complutense in Madrid. He has written numerous essays on the topics of literature, philosophy and Greek mythology and has translated numerous classical texts (among his most recent translations are Homer’s Odyssey and Lives and Opinions of the Illustrious Philosophers by Diogenes Laërtius). He has also written books on medieval topics, comparative literature and critical essays. He received the National Translation Award in and . • This book invites us to reread six scenes of ancient Greek literature that possess a strong and singular attraction • The author is one of the principal experts in ancient Greek literature in the Spanish speaking world F O N D O D E C U LT U R A E CO N Ó M I C A La experiencia opaca. Literatura y desencanto [Prometheus: Myth and Literature] [The Opaque Experience. Literature and Disenchantment] Carlos García Gual Florencia Garramuño 1st ed., Peralta, Spain, 1979 3rd rev. ed., fce Spain, 2009 238 pp. 13.5 × 21 cm (5.3 × 8.2 in) Series: Anthropología. Subjects: Greek literature, Greek mythology ISBN 9788437506302 (paperback) 1st ed., fce Argentina, 2009 277 pp. 13.5 × 21 cm (5.3 × 8.2 in) Series: Tierra Firme. Subject: Literary theory ISBN 9789505577835 (paperback) P rometheus: Myth and Literature deals expertly with myth in Greek literature in particular in the works of Hesiod, Aeschylus and Plato. Each of these authors (th, th, and th centuries BC respectively) write in distinct genres, epic, tragedy, and philosophical dialog and this new edition allows the author to provide an analysis of some recent interpretations and to highlight the basic themes of myth and their implications. The new edition includes brilliant new illustrations to the proposed studies and a brief prologue, written by the author himself, which expounds upon the necessity and nature of changes to the new edition and the three new chapters. Carlos García Gual is professor of Greek Philology at the Universidad Complutense in Madrid. He has written numerous essays on the topics of literature, philosophy and Greek mythology and has translated numerous classical texts (among his most recent translations are Homer’s Odyssey and Lives and Opinions of the Illustrious Philosophers by Diogenes Laërtius). He has also written books on medieval topics, comparative literature and critical essays. He received the National Translation Award in and . • This book is an in-depth commentary on the essential threads of plot in myth and their most current echoes, thoroughly updated and illustrated • The author is one of the principle experts in Greek literature in the Spanish speaking world w w w. fo n do decu l tu raeco n o mi | I n The Opaque Experience, Florencia Garramuño provides a thorough and unique analysis to the practices of writing in the Brazilian and Argentine cultures during the decades of the s and s. The two cultures witnessed radical transformations as emphasis shifted toward new relationships with an exterior by means of a new concept of experience. On establishing a renewed link between works and their outsides, a new conception emerged—text as an archive of an exterior which only manifests itself in the remains or residue of the real. Thus occurred a blossoming of subjectivity, the emergence of marginal poetry, an abundance of hybrid forms and of amphibious texts—within the gray area between reality and fiction. Each questioned the category of the work of autonomous art distanced from the real. And Art, deprived of its aura of redemption and transformation, entered into a conflict with politics. Florencia Garramuño (Argentina, ) studied Literature at the University of Buenos Aires. He received a doctorate degree from Princeton University and a postdoctorate from the Federal University of Rio of Janeiro. The Fondo de Cultura Económica has previously published Modernidades primitivas. Tango, samba y nación (). • A clear, fascinating approach to the interaction of two cultures, Brazilian and Argentine, on which there are not abundant studies • A compelling exploration of the latest literary trends in both countries and the debates that have arisen in their wake 19 LITERATURE Prometeo: mito y literatura LITERATURE ¿Qué edad cumple la luz esta mañana? Teatro escogido [How Old is Light this Morning?] [Selected Plays] Orlando González Esteva Óscar Liera 1st st ed., fce Mexico, pp. × cm (. × in) Series: Letras Mexicanas, Serie Mayor. Subject: Drama ISBN 9789681685430 (hardcover) 9789681685423 (paperback) ed., fce Mexico, 2008 291 pp. 14 × 21 cm (8.2 × 5.5 in) Series: Tierra Firme Subject: Cuban poetry ISBN 9789681682897 paperback) T he linguistic color of the Cuban people is the raw material with which every poem of this work is created. With an absurd vision, the inexhaustible meaning and mobility of images that González Esteva uses are put for in an utterly fresh style. The author passes seamlessly through genres in this startling Series: short stories, essays, haiku, poetical prose and, certainly, poetry. Each explores an inexhaustible range of authentically Cuban evocation, and folklore begins to reveal itself with every line of his poetry. The fruits, the smells and landscapes, memories and dreams are the horizons at the edge of the spirit that these lines evoke. Latin-American literature reaches an especially dynamic and graceful display in the contemporary Spanish tongue in Cuba. Orlando González Esteva (Cuba, ) has lived in the United States since . He collaborated on the magazine Vuelta. He has published, among other books, Mañas de la poesía (), Elogio del garabato (), Fosa común (), Escrito para borrar (), Cuerpos en bandeja (), Casa de todos () and La noche y los suyos (). ¿Qué edad cumple la luz esta mañana? brings together a wide selection of his work. • A collection of the most emblematic works of an author who represents one of the most successful and expressive contemporary poetic styles in Latin America • With a wide poetic trajectory, the author’s prestige in contemporary letters is, again, assured T eatro escogido by Óscar Liera is a compilation of this author’s most outstanding dramatic creations. El jinete de la Divina Providencia, El oro de la revolución mexicana, El Crescencio, Los camaleones, La fuerza del hombre, Las Ubarry, El gordo, Aquí no pasa nada, Bajo el silencio, Un misterioso pacto, and Los negros pájaros del adiós are plays loaded with black humor in which the characters seem to leap from page to stage. These are just some of the works that accompany El camino rojo a Sabaiba, not only considered to be the peak of Lira’s drama, but also one of the high points of literature written for the stage in Mexico’s recent history. Óscar Liera ( Jesus Óscar Camarillas Flores) was born in Culiacán, Sinaloa, , where he also died in . He was one of the most important Mexican playwrights of the second half of the th century, a master in the avant-garde known as Border Literature. Liera’s works are recognized for their humor and pitiless criticism of Church and State, as well as their innovative dramatic structure. Liera wrote plays. His best-known works include El camino rojo a Sabaiba, El jinete de la Divina Providencia, Los negros pájaros del adiós, and Los camaleones. • Liera is of Mexico’s most famous playwrights 20 | F O N D O D E C U LT U R A E CO N Ó M I C A El nuevo embajador y otros cuentos [Watchword] [The New Ambassador and Other Stories] Pura López Colomé 1st ed., fce Mexico, 2007 101 pp. 12 × 21 cm (4.7 × 8.2 in) Series: Letras Mexicanas Subject: Mexican poetry ISBN 9789681684808 paperback) Jorge López Páez 1st ed., fce Mexico, 2009 362 pp. 23 × 17 cm (9 × 6.7 in) Series: Letras Mexicanas. Subject: Mexican short stories ISBN 9681672038 (paperback) I n this book, our author once again returns to her poetic obsessions: infancy, loneliness, abandonment, and how these are felt through the body, soul and mind. On this occasion, the author sharpens her experiences, her vision, and eventually presents us with a selection of poems bearing all the force of a soul sensitive to the world and to the acts of life, and of man, internalized and reflected poetically. Pura López Colomé (Mexico City, ) is a graduate and professor in Hispanic Literature at the unam. A poet, essayist, researcher, literary critic and translator, among her outstanding works are: El sueño del cazador (), Un cristal en otro (), Aurora (), and Tragaluz de noche (), published by the fce. The North American poet Forrest Gander translated an anthology of her poetry that, under the title of No Shelter: The Selected Poems of Pura López Colomé, was published in a bilingual edition by Graywolf Press in . A new selection of her poetry Mother Tongue, also in a bilingual edition, was published in in Ireland, by Arlen House, in a translation by the poet Lorna Shaughnessy. • This selection of poems by Pura Lopez Colomé allows us to follow the course of one of the most brilliant and unmistakable voices of current Mexican poetry • With this book, the author received the Xavier Villaurrutia Prize A ny experience turns into a fascinating anecdote under the eyes of Jorge López Páez. These stories present an amazement at life’s daily events, through simple language and characters that seem close and familiar in a framework of passionate anecdotes. Through precisely depicted, simple experiences, extraordinary and brief narratives invite us on journeys that show ridicule and fear, amazement and surprise. López Páez’s stories do not fall short in showing us, with praiseworthy verisimilitude, the complexity of the most basic human relationships. Life in Mexico has never been more uniquely described as it has here by this acute vision and literary observer. Jorge López Páez was born in Huatusco, Veracruz, in . Having lived in Mexico City since he was very young, he studied Law and simultaneously completed almost every course necessary for a degree in English Literature. For more than twenty years, he has been a professor at the Facultad de Filosofía y Letras (unam), giving workshops on literary creation. He is a member of the Sistema Nacional de Creadores and he received the National Prize for Linguistics and Literature. • Lopez Páez’s short stories are models of contemporary Mexican literary creation and portray the daily life of Mexican society with exacting care • The author’s contribution to the Mexican literary arts is fundamental to any exploration of that broad theme w w w. fo n do decu l tu raeco n o mi | 21 LITERATURE Santo y seña LITERATURE Héroes sin atributos. Figuras de autor en América Latina A favor del tiempo [Antología] [In Favor of Time (Anthology)] [Heroes without Attributes. The Figure of the Author in Argentine Literature] Juan Malpartida st ed., fce Spain, pp. . × cm (. × . in) Series: Tierra Firme. Subject: Poetry ISBN 8437506159 Julio Premat 1st ed., fce Argentina 2009 276 pp. 13.5 × 21 cm (5.3 × 8.2 in) Series: Tierra Firme. Subject: Literary theory ISBN 9789505577781 paperback) “T M odern Argentine writing simultaneously with the production of a work, constructs the figure of the author. This figure, in the traditional plane of the cultural or academic media, is as well as a personage of the author, a fiction of the author in the text. This fiction appears to indicate a contradictory representation: to be a great writer is not to be nothing or nobody. Thus, this book presents six writers who have, through similar ways of working, created a self-figure. Macedonio Fernández, the writer of the future novel; Borges, the writer of rewriting; Di Benedetto, the writer of silence; Osvaldo Lamborghini, the writer of pleasure; Saer, the erased writer; Piglia, the detective investigator; and the book closes with César Aira, the writer defined by a negative self-representation. Julio Premat (Buenos Aires, Argentina, ) received a doctorate in literature at the University of Paris iii-Sorbonne Nouvelle. He is currently a professor of Latin American literature at the University of Paris viii. He has published La dicha de Saturn. Escritura y melancholia en la obra Juan José Saer () and numerous articles and essays in collected volumes and international journals. • An original and exciting journey through contemporary authors representing the best of Argentine literature • An effective handling of the figure of the author as a product of self-fiction, and an important contribution to the most recent research in literary theory 22 | he first impression Juan Malpartida’s writing gives is one of profound unity. Despite encompassing many genres (poetry, novel, essay, literary criticism, journal entries) his obsessions and landscapes, tastes and distastes, rhythms and phrasing are basically the same. This volume, A favor del tiempo, offers a selection of poems from the six books our author has published so far (plus some unpublished works,) allowing us to revisit an œuvre that visibly breaks away from the realist tendency that has recently dominated our poetry. Not by refuting it, but rather correcting and qualifying it, offering a richer, more satisfactory (and in the end, more plausible) conceptualization of reality. Malpartida doesn’t hesitate to take the Witness of modern tradition, or the legacy of different isms from Romanticism onwards that are in our language and our literature; doing so from a critical distance that is, in the strictest sense, aware of having inhabited a different time: the time of the artist who is yet another citizen, someone who participates in the rhythms and tensions of the modern city.” (From the prologue by Jordi Doce) Juan Malpartida (Málaga, Spain ) is a poet, novelist, and literary critic. His recent work includes Hora rasante, El pozo (poetry), La perfección indefensa, Los rostros del tiempo (essay), and the novels La tarde a la deriva and Reloj de viento. • The poems of this anthology are written “in favor of time,” not the kind found on a watch, but rather the kind we measure by steps and weave into existence • Malpartida’s extensive œuvre as an author well-versed in several genres reaches its peak with this poetic anthology F O N D O D E C U LT U R A E CO N Ó M I C A [In/visible Men. The Representation of Masculinity and Male Subjectivity in th Century Latin American Fiction] Mark Millington st ed., fce Colombia, pp. . × cm (. × . in) Series: Tierra Firme. Subjects: Gender Studies, Latin American Literature ISBN 9789583801402 [The Colombian Novel: Planets and Satellites] Seymour Menton st ed., Plaza y Janés, Colombia, nd ed., fce Colombia, pp. . × cm (. × in) Series: Tierra Firme. Subjects: Magical realism, La violencia novels ISBN 9789583801457 U sing astronomical analogies, Seymour Menton analyzes and critiques four outstanding Colombian novels: María by Jorge Isaacs, representing Romanticism; Frutos de mi tierra by Tomás Carrasquilla, representing Realism; La vorágine by José Eustasio Rivera, about the ruling class of European descent; and Cien años de soledad by Gabriel García Márquez, representing the new Hispanic-American novel, the “Boom,” and magical realism. The new, updated edition of this book makes no changes in its initial interpretations, however, it incorporates additional studies of more recent, masterful novels by Álvaro Mutis, Fernando Vallejo, Gabriel García Márquez, and others. Finally, Menton’s book provides a manual for novelists, explaining the criteria employed in passing down value judgments. During his teaching career—which spans sixty years— Seymour Menton has taught in Dartmouth College, the University of Kansas, the University of California at Irvine, the Guanajuato Federal Institute of Rural Teacher Training in Mexico, the University of San Carlos in Guatemala, and the University of Costa Rica. fce has published: El cuento hispanoamericano, La nueva novela histórica de la América Latina, Historia verdadera del realismo mágico, Caminata por la narrativa latinoamericana and Un tercer gringo viejo: relatos y confesiones. • From Romanticism to the present, this book tackles major Colombian novelistic genres, including magical realism and novels about La violencia • Menton is a well-known specialist, dedicated to studying Hispanic American narrative for the past fifty years w w w. fo n do decu l tu raeco n o mi | T his book examines the plural nature of men and the construction of masculinity, with all its tensions and uncertainties, in Latin American novels written from to — some of them as canonical as Don Segundo Sombra by Ricardo Güiraldes, Doña Bárbara by Rómulo Gallegos, Los pasos perdidos by Alejo Carpentier, São Bernardo by Graciliano Ramos, or Jubiabá by Jorge Amado. In his analysis, Millington also includes experimental novels from the s and s (Zona sagrada by Carlos Fuentes, Los cachorros by Mario Vargas Llosa, Lavoura arcaica by Raduan Nassar); “psychological” novels from the s (En jirones by Luis Zapata, Solitario de amor by Cristina Peri Rossi); and short stories by Dalton Trevisan, Rubem Fonseca, and Elena Poniatowska. Mark Millington was born in London and studied French and Spanish at Cambridge University, where he received his PhD in Latin American Literature. Since , he has been a professor of Latin American Studies at the University of Nottingham, UK. He has published two books about Juan Carlos Onetti and has coordinated others on cultural theory. He is currently Director of the review Culture, Theory and Critique. Hombres in/visibles is his first book to be translated into Spanish. • Gender Studies tend to focus on women and, as a result, men are rendered invisible. This fascinating essay unveils their protagonism • Millington addresses themes such as subjectivity, relations between men and their parents, desire—both heterosexual and homosexual—, violence, the physical environment, modernity, modernization, and technology 23 LITERATURE Hombres in/visibles. La representación de la masculinidad en la ficción latinoamericana, - La novela colombiana. Planetas y satélites LITERATURE Poesía reunida Teatro completo [The Collected Poems] [The Complete Plays] Enriqueta Ochoa Carlos Olmos st st ed., fce Mexico, + pp. . × cm (. × in) Series: Letras Mexicanas, Serie Mayor. Subject: Drama ISBN 9789681675219 ed., fce Mexico, pp. . × cm (. × in) Series: Letras Mexicanas, Serie Poesía. Subject: Poetry ISBN 9789681680978 I f poetry is the forceful transformation of time into eternity, it is even more so in the poetry of Enriqueta Ochoa. Since Las urgencias de un Dios first appeared in , Ochoa has dedicated herself to delving into the confines of the soul where darkness and pain dwell. The works compiled here unveil a serene language that, far removed from men, converses with the unspeakable. In a world where reason has colonized our thinking, Ochoa’s poetry redeems a rare spiritual significance. Enriqueta Ochoa was born in Torreón in . She is the author of Las urgencias de un Dios (), Los himnos del ciego (), Las vírgenes terrestres (), Retorno de Electra (), Canción de Moisés (), Bajo el oro pequeño de los trigos (, ), Asaltos a la memoria () and Los días delirantes (unpublished). She is a dedicated journalist and has taught in various national and international universities. • This is one of the richest books of poetry in Mexican literature • Ochoa’s work is a marvel for its mystic and spiritual content T he complete works of Carlos Olmos would doubtless occupy several volumes. This, however, constitutes a worthy introduction to his œuvre, given that it includes original plays that represent some of the best in contemporary Spanish-language theater. These works, characterized by their succinct language, dramatic action, and sympathetic characters, are the definitive authorized versions revised by the author himself after having staged them. Carlos Olmos was born in Tapachula, Chiapas, in . He soon discovered his talent as a playwright: his first work, Juegos fatuos () was well received by major theatrical figures such as Salvador Novo, Emilio Carballido, Sergio Magaña and Xavier Rojas, who took it upon himself to stage the play. Carlos Olmos died in Mexico City in . • This volume compiles original plays that were previously scattered among many different anthologies. They are capital to Mexican literature in particular, and Spanish-language drama in general • These are definitive versions, revised and corrected by the author himself 24 | F O N D O D E C U LT U R A E CO N Ó M I C A Jardín de Francia [Face of a Saint. Poetic Anthology, -] [Garden of France] Mario Santiago Papasquiaro st ed., fce Mexico, pp. . × cm (. × in) Series: Letras Mexicanas, Serie Mayor. Subject: Cultural journalism ISBN 9789681685829 (paperback) 9789681685836 hardcover) Elena Poniatowska st ed., fce Spain, pp. . × cm (. × in) Series: Letras Mexicanas, Serie Poesía. Subject: Poetry ISBN 8437506173 T ogether with Roberto Bolaño and Bruno Montané, Mario Santiago Papasquiaro was the main representative of the infra-realist movement (an avant-garde literary movement that broke away from the Mexican literary establishment) that emerged in . His poems were included by Bolaño in Muchachos desnudos bajo el arcoíris de fuego () and by Tulio Mora in Hora Zero: la última vanguardia latinoamericana (). Much of his best work is found in Jeta de santo. This is the first anthology of one of Latin America’s most irreverent and mythical poets. Many admirers and loyal followers of Mario Santiago Papasquiaro and the poets of the infra-realist movement will be interested in this work, a true literary event in the publishing world. Mario Santiago Papasquiaro (Mexico City, ) was the pseudonym used by José Alfredo Zendejas Pineda. In he founded the magazine Zarazo, seed of the infra-realist movement that erupted in . From to he set off on what he used to call his laboratory of apprenticeship, traveling to Paris, Vienna, Barcelona, and Jerusalem. A tireless walker, he scattered poems and translations in streets and bars, complete manuscripts and books that would either be lost forever or appear in publications such as Pájaro de calor, Correspondencia infra, La prosa, Berthe Trépat, Hora de poesía, Calandria de tolvaneras and La zorra vuelve al gallinero. T he chronicles and interviews that adorn this Jardín de Francia are but a small sample of the vast influence that France has had, not just on Elena Poniatowska’s work, but on Mexican daily life and the history of the West in general. These texts were written starting in , a time when Poniatowska interviewed several illustrious French citizens who were passing through our country; her chronicles revisit Parisian customs, cafés, and theaters, registering a vast panorama of literature, science, and music, among many other themes. Elena Poniatowska () is one of the most widely recognized figures in the Mexican cultural sphere. Her intellectual career began in the newspaper Excélsior in . During that decade and the next, she became known in Mexico for a new journalism that blended fact and fiction. Her journalistic and literary labors have merited various awards, including the Xavier Villaurrutia Prize (which she rejected in ) for La noche de Tlatelolco, and the Alfaguara Novel Prize in for La piel en el cielo. • A portrayal of some of France’s great literary figures • Poniatowska is one of the most illustrious Mexican intellectuals of the th century • A repertoire that uses words as musical instruments; a score of light for the conductor who brandishes a baton of shadow w w w. fo n do decu l tu raeco n o mi | 25 LITERATURE Jeta de santo. Antología poética, - LITERATURE Cartografías de la conciencia española en la Edad de Oro Poesía reunida [The Collected Poems] Víctor Sandoval st ed., fce Mexico, pp. × cm (. × . in) Series: Letras Mexicanas, Serie Poesía. Subject: Poetry ISBN 9789681685843 [Mapping Spain’s Conscience during the Golden Age] Elena del Río Parra st ed., fce Mexico, pp. . × cm (. × . in) Series: Lengua y Estudios Literarios. Subject: Spanish literature, Golden Age ISBN 9789681684037 T he conscience and how it was managed were fundamental to Spain during the th and th centuries; however, “unlike Justice, Soul, Sin, or Virtue, neither allegories nor emblems of Conscience exist in Spanish Golden Age thought.” Rather, we find legislation—religious or non-religious—about what’s right and wrong treated as the summae of specific cases. In this monographic essay, Elena del Río Parra studies the imagery of an era vital to the Hispanic world in order to show us—through literary, religious, and legal texts, but above all, conscience manuals—the dynamics of social behavior and an obsession to regulate the world. Elena del Río Parra is a specialist in literature and culture from the Golden Centuries of Spain, although other areas of expertise include colonial Hispanic-American poetry and th century Latin American narrative. She has contributed articles to various reviews, including: Revista de Filología Española, Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispánicos, Hispanófila, and Hispania. She has also completed or participated in diverse critical or annotated editions of literary works. Since she has been an Assistant Professor of the Department of Classic and Modern Languages at Georgia State University. Her first published book, Una era de monstruos: Representaciones de lo deforme en el Siglo de Oro (), complements this new essay. T his volume compiles the poetic works of Víctor Sandoval, distinguished not only for its concentration and brevity, but also for its rhythmic and metaphoric capacity. Given the importance of this poet’s work, this is an essential volume in the catalog of Mexican literature. Víctor Sandoval was born in Aguascalientes in . He received the Fine Arts medal in . He founded the magazine Tierra Adentro, in addition to many other projects promoting literature and culture. He was General Director of the National Institute of Fine Arts (inba). He has received numerous national and international prizes and is a member of the National System of Creators of Art. He has published El veterano de guerra, Poemas a la juventud, Retorno, Para empezar el día, Fraguas, Agua de temporal, Trovas de amor y desdenes, Coplas que mis oídos oyeron. His poems have been translated into English, Italian, Greek, Dutch, German, and Arabic. • Víctor Sandoval is a major author of contemporary Mexican poetry • The texts referred to by the author provide a better understanding of Spanish thought and morality during this era, allowing us to see classic works from the same period in a different light 26 | F O N D O D E C U LT U R A E CO N Ó M I C A Arte de probar. Ironía y lógica en India antigua [The Honor of the Vanquished. Anthology (-)] [Art of Proving. Irony and Logic in Ancient India] Luis Antonio de Villena Juan Arnau st ed., fce Spain, pp. . × cm (. × . in) Series: Tierra Firme. Subject: Poetry ISBN 8437506197 1st ed., fce Spain, 2008 152 pp. 21 × 27 cm (5.3 × 8.2 in) Series: Filosofía. Subjects: Ancient philosophy, Logic, Vitandines ISBN 9788437506210 (paperback) O ver the course of more than thirty years of dedicated writing, Luis Antonio de Villena has built a solid poetic œuvre, while maintaining a copious bibliography of translated works on subjects as varied as Ancient Greece and Rome, heterodox Italians, or Japanese samurai. A member of the group known in Spain as the Generation of , his poetry explores edgy writing propositions, reconciling them into one that might tentatively be defined as social culturalism, aesthetic aestheticism or Baroque sentimentality. At any rate, what best defines his poetry—aside from carefully chosen language that draws as much from the classics as it does from the gay or red-light districts—is its vindication of a series of figures (the libertine, the outsider, the dissident...) and values (sensuality, solidarity, friendship, happiness, and pleasure as pathways of understanding). This anthology of his poetic works under the auspices of Martín Rodríguez-Gaona constitutes the continuum of a spiritual and physical adventure, multifaceted and unfinished, without divisions or thematic or chronological ordering, reuniting texts from books of poetry published from to . Luis Antonio de Villena (Madrid, ) is a poet, narrator, and essayist. His bibliography totals over fifty titles. He received the Critic’s Award in , among other honors. His books of poetry include, among others, La belleza impura, Asuntos de delirio, Marginados and La prosa del mundo. T his book approaches a new topic in Hindu and Buddhist studies, analyzing simultaneously the values of three philosophical schools of ancient India: the materialists or carvakas, the Buddhists madhayamikas and the Hindus of the advaita vedanta. A common and characteristic feature of each is the use of logic in dialectical debates to destroy metaphysical character and the value of philosophical and political proof. The so-called “vitandines”—evaluators—were experts in logic who used irony and skepticism as principal allies to affect a critique of language, of conclusive speeches and of certainty. These critiques are always presented as brilliant victories, but the vitandines are quite the opposite of victors, rather their role is to express uncertainty. Though they are partial to metaphor and to intuition as ways of proving the indescribable, any theory or belief, which ends up as a saying or common wisdom, will lose all meaning and power. Juan Arnau is a graduate in astrophysics and a Doctor of Philosophy in Sanskrit. He has been a researcher at the University of Michigan for the last six years and is currently an associate teacher at the University of Barcelona, researcher at csic (Centro Superior para la Investigación Científica, Spain) and a strategic advisor at the Asia-Mediterranean Institute of Valencia. • Juan Arnau has found, in the immense jungle of the philosophical literature of India, an unpublished and little understood topic, that of the vitandines • Paradoxically and happily, the vitandines are of immense current importance and this book places them rightfully at the heart of many contemporary philosophical discussions • The poetic creations of Luis Antonio de Villena stand as one of the most important œuvres in the Spanish language w w w. fo n do decu l tu raeco n o mi | 27 PHILOSOPHY Honor de los vencidos. Antología (-) PHILOSOPHY La filosofía de la filosofía Desde la perplejidad. Ensayos sobre la ética, la razón y el diálogo [The Philosophy of Philosophy] [From Perplexity: Essays on Ethics, Reason, and Dialogue] José Gaos Edited by Alejandro Rossi st ed., fce Mexico, pp. . × cm (. × . in) Series: Filosofía. Subject: Epistemology ISBN 9789681686291 Javier Muguerza th ed, fce Spain, pp. × cm (. × in) Series: Filosofía. Subject: Philosophy ISBN O T o Spanish philosophers, the name José Gaos signifies, first and foremost, the translation of pillars of contemporary philosophy into Spanish. They forget, however, the myriad original contributions Gaos has made to Hispanic philosophy, merely for the unjust reason that he made them during his exile in Mexico, where the philosopher lived from until the time of his death. This anthology, dedicated to one of his most beloved disciples—Alejandro Rossi—is an attempt to offer a sample of the themes that filled José Gaos’s intellectual life: from his affectionate, but distant relationship with Ortega y Gasset, to his more personal philosophical activities—for example, the “philosophy of philosophy,”— touching on his study of the history of ideas, something he developed with admirable lucidity. In turn, the present publication hopes to contribute to ensuring José Gaos’ stature within Hispanic philosophy. José Gaos (-) was José Ortega y Gasset’s disciple. In , when the Spanish Civil War broke out, he was named Dean of the University of Madrid and in , General Commissioner of Spain at the Paris World Fair. In , he emigrated to Mexico. From the time of his arrival, he dedicated himself to teaching philosophy—first at the House of Spain, later at the College of Mexico, and finally, at the unam. José Gaos translated works and wrote texts. fce has published Introducción a el ser y el tiempo de Martin Heidegger; Historia de nuestra idea del mundo; % (selected essays and prose); Confesiones profesionales; Razón y realidad en la literatura. ne might begin with the assumption that one function of philosophy is to safeguard rationality. But the uses of reason are multiple: logical reason, analytic reason, instrumental reason and, what matters most here, dialogic or communicative reason. Is it truly possible to reconstruct the process that led to the latter? Javier Muguerza thinks so. The ‘death of God’ or, less definitively, the decline of religion and its replacement by philosophy, has led philosophy to postulate ‘a transcendental subject’ as a secularized substitute (Kant), a ‘transcendental reason’ (Apel) and finally a quasi-transcendentality of the human species in the utopia of an ‘ideal communication’ (Habermas). This book is in fact a unique ‘guide for the perplexed,’ particularly because of its paradoxical goal. In contrast with the usual meaning of a ‘guide,’ it does not aim to help the reader to find the way; rather it invites the reader to choose perplexity and achieve the ‘gift of perplexity’ of Socrates and Wittgenstein. Javier Muguerza is a professor of ethics at the Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia in Spain. He is the author, among other works, of La razón sin esperanza (), La alternativa del disenso () and Ética, disenso y derechos humanos (). He has headed the academic committee of the Enciclopedia Iberoamericana de Filosofía [Latin American Encyclopedia of Philosophy] since it was established, and was cofounder and first director of the Instituto de Filosofía of the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, of whose journal Isegoría he is a coeditor. • A compilation of the philosopher’s most representative texts, selected by Alejandro Rossi • A fundamental textbook for the Humanities 28 | F O N D O D E C U LT U R A E CO N Ó M I C A [Thinking without Certainty: Montaigne and the Art of Conversation] [Adjustment and Wages. The Consequences of Neoliberalism in Latin America and the United States] Jesús Navarro Reyes st ed., fce Spain, pp. . × cm (. × . in) Series: Filosofía. Subject: Philosophy ISBN Nacho Álvarez Peralta, et al. 1st ed., fce Spain, 2009 244 pp. 13.5 × 21 cm (6.5 × 9 in) Series: Economía. Subjects: North American Economics, Latin American Economics ISBN 9788437506241 (paperback) A M ontaigne’s essays are often considered to contain the origin of modern subjectivism: unable to overcome his skeptical crisis, he began philosophy’s shift towards the interiority of the self, testing himself in his writing and turning in upon himself. Nevertheless it should not be forgotten that his essays lacked a firm—or fallacious—support for certainty. For this reason, Montaigne does not offer us a set of simple rules for a lone person to follow in self-sufficient exercise of his reason. Rather, conscious that uncertainty can never be dispelled, he concentrates on the exercise of conversation, assuming the relationship and dealings with the other to be constituent elements of his own identity. In this book, Jesús Navarro critically reviews the existing literature of this cornerstone of modernity. He begins with the problem of action, describing his dilemma between the temptation to withdraw and the need for political action. He then focuses on language and textuality as means to the development of a full subjectivity that is capable of recognizing itself only through relationships of exchange established with the other. Lastly, he studies the gnoseological and ontological implications of this art of conversing with which Montaigne tried to find a skeptical exit from the Platonic cave. Jesús Navarro Reyes is a professor of philosophy at the Universidad de Sevilla. He has been a visiting researcher at the Sorbonne and the Universities of Chicago and Berkeley. He has published articles in academic journals and is the author of La extrañeza de sí mismo (). w w w. fo n do decu l tu raeco n o mi | much needed analysis of the consequences that wages (understood in a broad sense) have suffered under the imposition of a series of political and structural adjustments applied as a response to the crisis of profitability that began in the s. Uniquely, the book allows us to understand, from the analysis of the social consequences of adjustment, the political processes that these countries have experienced in recent years. On the other hand, the authors have gathered many of the elements that help us to understand the current economic world crisis: the character of the demand of the current crisis which is, according to some interpretations, based on the deterioration of the purchasing power of wages. The authors, Nacho Álvarez, Luis Buendía, Juan Pablo Mateo, Bibiana Medialdea, Ricardo Molero, Miguel Montanyà, María José Paz and Antonio Sanabria, are all members in the doctorate program in International Economics and Development at the Complutense University of Madrid, and bring a solid academic foundation and a wide range of research and teaching experience to their study. • This book provides important keys to the calibration of a real margin that can exist to replace profitability at the cost of wages • With scientific rigor and methodological detail, the work provides a valuable contribution to the academic debate on the subject 29 POLITICS Ajuste y salario. Las consecuencias del neoliberalismo en América Latina y Estados Unidos Pensar sin certezas. Montaigne y el arte de conversar POLITICS Derecho y poder. Kelsen y Schmitt frente a frente México y España. ¿Historias económicas paralelas? [Law and Power. Kelsen and Schmitt Face to Face] [Mexico and Spain: Parallel Economic Histories?] Lorenzo Córdova Vianello Rafael Dobado, Aurora Gómez Galvarriato and Graciela Márquez (editors) 1st ed., fce Mexico, 2009 320 pp. 14 × 21 cm (5.5 × 8.2 in) Series: Política y Derecho. Subjects: Politics, Law, Social theory, Public administration ISBN 9786071600813 paperback) st ed., fce Mexico, pp. × cm (. × . in) Series: Lecturas del Trimestre Económico. Subjects: Economic history, Mexico, Spain ISBN 9789681684143 M L aw and power are two intimately linked concepts in constant tension. Study of the two has inspired a tremendous number of reflections on contemporary political and judicial theories in an attempt to understand why one prevails over another. With the analytical method that has characterized the so-called School of Turin, Córdova reconstructs the fundamental points of this debate through a critical review of the politico-judicial theories of Hans Kelsen and Carl Schmitt, who led one of the richest and most polemical intellectual confrontations of the first half of the xx century. Lorenzo Córdova Vianello is a graduate in law from unam with a doctorate in Political Theory from the University of Turin, Italy. He is researcher at the Institute of Judicial Research and teacher at the School of Law at unam. He is also a member of the National System of Researchers. He is co-author of the books: Una reforma electoral para la democracia. Argumentos para el consenso and Elecciones, dinero y corrupción. Amigos de Fox y Pemexgate. He has coordinated, among others, the books: Norberto Bobbio: cuatro interpretaciones, and with Pedro Salazar Ugarte, Política y derecho. (Re)pensar a Bobbio. • Luis Cordoba Vianello is one of the most important and provocative theorists in Latin American political thought • This volume represents an important contribution to the fields of Political, Legal and Social theory exico and Spain constitute similar cases in many ways. In the words of Coatsworth, Mexico is a country where the geography conspires against the economy. This affirmation highlights the fact that there are natural obstacles to aspects as vital to economic modernization as transportation, or articulation of the domestic market. Mexico and Spain also share a proximity to great economies with high absolute and relative development: the United States and Western Europe, respectively. It’s no coincidence that Spain belongs to the European Union (previously known as the European Economic Community), and Mexico, to the North American Free Trade Agreement. Aurora Gómez Galvarriato received her PhD in History from Harvard University. Her lines of research include labor economy, economic growth and financial system history. She is currently a member of the National System of Researchers. Graciela Márquez received her PhD in history from Harvard University. She is a researcher at The College of Mexico and a specialist in the economic history of the th and th century, as well as the commercial and financial history of Mexico and Latin America. Rafael Dobado completed his degree and doctorate in Economic Sciences at the Complutense University of Madrid, where he’s been a full professor since . He has also worked as an economist with Spain’s Bank of the Exterior. • An invaluable compendium of economic history comparing Mexico to Spain 30 | F O N D O D E C U LT U R A E CO N Ó M I C A El gobierno de las palabras. Política para tiempos de confusión [The Government of Words. Politics in Times of Confusion] [Manuel Gómez Morin, -. The Root and Seed of a National Project] Juan Carlos Monedero 1st ed., fce Spain, 2009 290 pp. 13.5 × 21 cm (6.5 × 9 in) Series: Política y Derecho. Subjects: Politics, Economics ISBN 9788437506319 (paperback) María Teresa Gómez Mont 1st ed., fce Mexico, 2008 998 pp. 15.5 × 23 cm (6.1 × 9 in) Series: Vida y Pensamiento de México. Subjects: Biography, Mexican history, Mexican politics ISBN 9789681683368 hardback ISBN 9789681686000 paperback C M anuel Gómez Morin has been one of the most important figures in Mexico’s recent history; the intellectual author of and principal promoter behind the creation of the Bank of Mexico, the Bank of Agricultural Credit and the National Action Party. He collaborated with the Secretariat of Revenue in founding the Bank of Mexico at only years old, and was the first rector of the National University of Mexico when it acquired autonomy in . This book deals with his public life before the founding of the National Action Party in . After twelve years of research, the author has been able to rescue from obscurity Gómez Morin’s contributions to the financial, political, social and academic fields of th century Mexican history. María Teresa Gómez Mont is a graduate in Political Science and Public Administration from the Universidad Latinoamericana, and a Professor and Doctor in Political Science from the School of Political and Social Sciences at the unam, where she studied a master’s and doctorate in law. She is author of the book Manuel Gómez Morin. La lucha por la libertad de cátedra (unam, ). apitalism continuously fights its crises. At the same time it shows but a limited range in its capability of providing successful answers. This book deals with the inherent ability of politics to reinvent themselves in a time where religious sectarianism and the rapid consumption of self-help books are the basis for modern popular thought. Juan Carlos Monedero is a graduate in Political Sciences and Sociology and a tenured professor of Political Science and Administration at the Universidad Colplutense in Madrid. He has headed the creation of the Miranda International Center (Venezuela), and is currently head in the Complutense Institute for International Studies (icei), the Latin American School of Government, Public and Citizen Politics (Spain). • With the boom of books that invite individual solutions, we have here a book of “collective self-help” that hopes to return a lost dignity to politics • A provocative invitation to abandon monologues in politics and return to a fruitful dialogue with modern life • This book is an insightful study of one of the key figures in the creation of Mexico’s modern State • A rigorous biographical account that ventures into areas as diverse as its central character w w w. fo n do decu l tu raeco n o mi | 31 POLITICS Manuel Gómez Morin, -. La raíz y la simiente de un proyecto nacional POLITICS La vida constitucional de México, vols. i y ii El desafío de la bioética. Textos de bioética, vol. ii [The Challenge of Bioethics. Bioethics Texts, vol. ii] Asunción Álvarez del Río and Paulina Rivero Weber (editors) 1st ed., fce Mexico, 2009 218 pp. 17 × 23 cm (6.7 × 9 in) Series: Ciencia, Tecnología, Sociedad. Subject: Bioethics ISBN 9789681600271 paperback) [Constitutional Life in Mexico, vols. i and ii] Fernando Serrano Migallón st ed., Mexico, pp. . × cm (. × in) Series: Política y Derecho. Subject: Constitutionalism ISBN 9789681682828 vol. I) 9789681682811 series) A country’s constitutional life is the manifestation of one of the facets of its social and political history. Many studies have been published regarding Mexico’s judicial and political history, but for some reason, these two visions have never before been joined together in order to enrich our analysis and reflection of how the States of Mexico were formed. This book, fortunately, has filled in the gap. In this first installment, we find a rigorous analysis of the political constitutions of Bayona and Cádiz, among other documents drafted in Mexico that have, in turn, established its foundations. Fernando Serrano Migallón is one of Mexico’s most important jurists, educated in law, economy, and history; a national researcher, a research professor at the Center for Economic Research and Teaching, A.C. (cide), and a professor at the College of Mexico, National Defense College, and the Law faculty of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (unam). fce has published, Con certera visión: Isidro Fabela y su tiempo; “…Duras las tierras ajenas…”; Un asilo, tres exilios; and Isidro Fabela y la diplomacia mexicana. • A fascinating analysis of Mexico’s early political constitutions; a novel approach to the history of the consolidation of Mexico as a Nation • Awarded the caniem Prize for Editorial Art in 2007 32 | T he Challenge of Bioethics leads the reader to a reflection and discussion on diverse topics in this field from a lay, rational, multidisciplinary and pluralist perspective. Some of the most contemporary questions in the field of Bioethics are confronted: the role of ethics in scientific research; the concept of person; late-term abortion and the termination of fetal life; the conflict between private rights and public welfare; facing modern technology in a human way. Asunción Álvarez del Río is a Professor of Psychology with a Doctorate in Sciences in the field of bioethics and psychotherapy. She is the author of The Practice and Ethics of Euthanasia (fce, ) and of numerous national and international magazine articles. Paulina Rivero Weber is a Doctor of Philosophy from the unam, where she is a full-time professor. She has been involved in the study of diverse ethics topics from the perspective of contemporary hermeneutics. • This book provides an innovative approach to the current debate over the ethical implications of scientific and technological development • A comprehensive introduction to many of the most important debates in the contemporary field of bioethics F O N D O D E C U LT U R A E CO N Ó M I C A Nebulosas planetarias: la hermosa muerte de las estrellas [The Gaze of Galileo] [Planetary Nebulae: The Beautiful Death of Stars] Susana Biro 1st ed., fce Mexico, 2009 116 pp. 13.5x21 cm (5.3 × 8.2 in) Series: La Ciencia para Todos. Subject: Astronomy ISBN 9786071600738 (paperback) Julieta Fierro and Silvia Torres 1st ed., fce Mexico, 2009 140 pp. + illustrations 13.5x21 cm (5.3 × 8.2 in) Series: La Ciencia para Todos. Subject: Astronomy ISBN 9786071600721 (paperback) F ollowing the steps of Galileo over six years starting from , Biro provides an intense investigation into the years when telescopes were used for the very first time by astronomers. At the very beginning of Galileo’s study of the cosmos, great changes in the understanding of the universe took place and these would later deeply affect our own understanding of the subject. Susana Biro is a graduate from the unam with a Doctorate in Astronomy from the University of Manchester, United Kingdom. She has worked in the Director’s Office for the Communication of Science at the unam since . • This book celebrates years since Galileo’s first observation through a telescope • Reproductions of Galileo’s original drawings depicting his inventions, observations and discoveries are included S ilvia Torres and Julieta Fierro relate the way in which astronomers have uncovered the characteristics of planetary nebulae—stars in their final phase of evolution. Studying nebulae allows us to understand the future of the Sun—which in seven million years will turn into a planetary nebula and will die—as well as the future and past of the stars and the universe as we presently understand it. Silvia Torres received a doctorate in astronomy from Berkeley University and she is Emeritus Researcher for the Institute of Astronomy at the unam. Julieta Fierro works for the Institute of Astronomy at the unam. She devotes herself to science communication and occupies the th chair of the Mexican Academy of Language. • Includes attractive illustrations and photographs of planetary nebulae • A captivating contribution to the field of astronomy w w w. fo n do decu l tu raeco n o mi | 33 SCIENCE La mirada de Galileo SCIENCE El triunfo de la antisepsia. Un ensayo en filosofía naturalista de la ciencia Bioética computacional: e-biotecnología: simbiosis de valores [Computer Bioethics: e-Biotechnology: Symbiosis of Values] [The Triumph of Antisepsis. An Essay en Naturalist Philosophy of Science] Jordi Vallverdú José Antonio López Cerezo 1st ed., fce Spain, 2009 220 pp. 16.5 × 23 cm (6.5 × 9 in) Series: Ciencia, Tecnología, Sociedad. Subjects: Bioethics, Biotechnology ISBN 9788437506234 1st ed., fce Mexico, 2008 212 pp. 17 × 23 cm (6.7 × 9 in) Series: Ciencia, Tecnología, Sociedad. Subject: Philosophy of Science ISBN 9789681684396 (paperback) T he development of antiseptic medicine between the years and exemplifies the practical rationality of scientific activity and its repercussions in the larger society. This episode in the history of medicine is the basis for a further examination of the intellectual factors that reside in advance of knowledge, as well as how they can determined and affected by social and instrumental factors. José Antonio López Cerezo is professor of Logic and Philosophy of Science at the Universidad de Oviedo, as well as academic coordinator of the Network(Net) CTS+I of the Organización de Estados Latinoamericanos. He is author and coordinator of numerous publications in social studies of science. • An innovative philosophical approach to scientific interdisciplinary studies • A philosophical glossary and a section of biographical profiles are useful tools for the general reader T his book attempts an analysis and demonstration of the current state of scientific research in computer bioethics. Life sciences of the st century are changing the way humans conceive the world that surrounds them. The limits between natural and artificial, and between public and private present intriguing problems for the re-definition of ethics and values. Jordi Vallverdú is a teacher in the Department of Philosophy at the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. His research includes work in multiple aspects of the Philosophy of Science and in computer science. He co-heads the research group on synthetic emotions, sete (Synthetic Emotions in Technological Environments) and is recognized by the European Commission as an expert in biosociety. Having published numerous articles on bioethics, he is also a member of the board of directors of ecap (European Computer and Philosophy Organization). • Includes an updated and detailed rendering of one of the most debated and controversial topics of today: biotechnology and its social impact • A cutting-edge work in an increasingly important field 34 | F O N D O D E C U LT U R A E CO N Ó M I C A Verdades innombrables. El reto de las comisiones de la verdad [The Meaning of Suicide Missions] Diego Gambetta (editor) st ed., fce Mexico, pp. . × cm (. × in) Series: Sociología. Subject: Suicide Attacks F rom New York to Baghdad, from Sri Lanka to Israel, few would dispute that suicide attacks have become a horrific element of today’s growing conflicts. Since , approximately organizations around the world have carried out over suicide missions. In this book, Peter Hill, Luca Ricolfi, Michael Biggs, and other recognized authors collaborate to study these extraordinary acts and offer answers to these questions: are these actions the product of aggressive, radical, irrational religious fanaticism, or is there a logic behind them? Are the motivations religious, or has Islam provided them with a language they can use to express political causes? How are the perpetrators so lucidly effective in situations of certain death? Do these attacks share a common cause? Diego Gambetta is a sociologist with a Ph.D. in Political and Social Sciences from the University of Cambridge. He’s a professor of Nuffield College at Oxford University. His main areas of research are centered on analytical sociology, signal theory and its applications, trust and mimetism, and organized crime –especially with regards to the Italian Mafia. His published works include Trust: Making and breaking cooperative relations and La mafia siciliana. El negocio de la protección privada (fce, ), as well as numerous articles in specialized reviews. [Unnameable Truths. The Challenge of Truth Commissions] Priscilla Hayner st ed., fce Mexico, pp. . × cm (. × in) Series: Sociología. Subject: Truth Commissions ISBN 9789681683429 (paperback) 9789681683412 (hardcover) T his book entails a minute sociological analysis of the labors undertaken by several truth commissions, with particular emphasis on the cases of South Africa, Guatemala, Argentina, Chile, and El Salvador. The author manifests the great need among these nations to clarify a past filled with horror and abuse, especially whenever inflicted by authoritarian regimes upon fledgling democracies. Specific issues are weighed, such as the moral value of damage repairs to victims through dissemination of the truth, in light of the virtual impossibility of criminal trials in many cases. Priscilla Hayner is an expert on truth commissions around the world. She has written numerous texts that explore the theme of an official search for the truth following many political transitions. She has collaborated with the un and the Ford Foundation, as well as governments on several occasions; she has also acted as a consultant on human rightsrelated issues. She is co-founder of the International Center for Transitional Justice. • Invaluable testimony on how truth commissions have fulfilled the difficult task of bringing human rights violations to light • Introduction by Patricio Aylwin (a former President of Chile) • An initiative for truth and justice that promotes building societies with new foundations, societies that are founded on a political culture of respect for fundamental rights, rather than the law of might makes right • A revealing collection of essays exploring the nature of suicide missions w w w. fo n do decu l tu raeco n o mi | 35 SOCIOLOGY El sentido de las misiones suicidas CHILDREN’S BOOKS ART Tener un patito es útil [Having a Duck is Handy] Written and illustrated by Isol st ed., Fce Mexico, pp. × cm ( × . in) Picture book ISBN 9789681672850 Age: 3 + English and Portuguese rights sold • Selected for 50 Books / 50 Covers, aiga, NY A child finds a duck useful as a swinging chair, as a hat, and as a nose. A duck finds a child useful for back rubs, as a watching tower, and for waxing its beak. This accordion fold book in two colors tells two versions of the same story, depending on which side it is being read. Isol (b. Buenos Aires, ) studied Fine Arts and Mixed Arts. She has worked in the fields of comic, poetry and visual arts. At this moment, she is entirely devoted to media and book illustration (covering from publishing firms, to magazines and newspapers). She has published her work as author and illustrator in Spain, Mexico, France and Argentina with great success. She was honored with a Golden Apple at the bib, and her books are in the White Ravens List with a Special Mention (, , and ). 36 | AWARDS • Finalist at the Hans Christian Andersen Award • Nomineé for the Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award (Sweden) • Special Mention in The White Ravens List for El cuento de Navidad by Auggie Wren (by Paul Auster, Sudamericana, ) • Golden Apple Prize in the Bienal of Illustration of Bratislava , Slovakia, for the illustrations of the book Tic Tac (by Jorge Luján, Alfaguara, ) • The White Ravens List for El globo (FCE publishers, ) • Illustration Award in the rd Press Design International Contest (Porto Alegre, Brazil, ) • Special Mention in the ‘A la Orilla del Viento’ Picture Book Award, (Fondo de Cultura Económica) F O N D O D E C U LT U R A E CO N Ó M I C A CHILDREN’S BOOKS ¿Cómo es tu mamá? [What’s your Mother Like?] Rosanela Álvarez Illustrated by Yasushi Muraki 1st ed., fce Mexico, 2008 32 pp. 18 × 18 cm (7 × 7 in) Picture Book ISBN 9786071600059 (hardcover) T here are playful mothers and loving mothers; there are also protective and nurturing mothers that teach their children. Every mother is different and special. What’s yours like? In this book we discover five types of mothers that help us to understand biodiversity. Each one of them is special. Rosanela Álvarez was born in Mexico City in . She studied Hispanic Literature and Linguistics. She is the author of Árboles por todas partes, Árboles. Sus inquilinos y visitantes, Los botones de Ana and Trote de letras. She was head of the publishing department of the Dirección General para la Divulgación de la Ciencia at the University of Mexico. She is currently editorial advisor in the Secretaría de Desarrollo Institucional, also at the unam. Yasushi Muraki was born in Japan in . His work is included in the Catalog of Illustrators for the Bologna Children’s Book Fair. This is his first picture book. • This is a useful book to develop curiosity towards biodiversity in an enjoyable way • Even the youngest readers are led to consider the characteristic unique to each of different types of mothers Age: 3 + Ojitos Pajaritos [Birdie Eyes] is a series of picture books that introduce children to the pleasure of discovery. The authors are science writers, and the books are aimed at children aged three to five who are about to discover the world around them. w w w. fo n do decu l tu raeco n o mi | 37 CHILDREN’S BOOKS ¿Por qué se esconden? Why Are You Hiding? María Emilia Beyer Ruiz Illustrated by Francesca Massai st ed., Fce Mexico, pp. × cm ( × in) Picture book ISBN 9789681685294 hardcover) A girl who loves to play hide-and-seek and to watch everything around her, finds out that in nature not everything is what it seems. This is a book thought especially for preschool children, about the different kinds of mimesis. Through its simple story, children learn to identify the two principal kinds of mimesis —predation and defense— and, at the same time, following the clues, they will learn which animals are hidden in each page. A recreational book fit for children to learn to interpret images and to arouse their interest in nature. María Emilia Beyer is a biologist; for five years she has been dedicated to the popularization of science through various means, such as science museums, conferences, essays published in specialized magazines, etc. She constantly collaborates in the popular science magazine ¿Cómo ves? and in the bulletin El muégano divulgador. She currently works as an academic coordinator for the popularization of science in the unam. Francesca Massai is an Italian illustrator. This is her first picture book. Age: 3 + Ojitos Pajaritos [Birdie Eyes] is a series of picture books that introduce children to the pleasure of discovery. The authors are science writers, and the books are aimed at children aged three to five who are about to discover the world around them. 38 | F O N D O D E C U LT U R A E CO N Ó M I C A CHILDREN’S BOOKS ¿Cómo es tu papá? [What’s your Father Like?] Estrella Burgos Illustrated by Miguel Tanco 1st ed., fce Mexico, 2009 32 pp. × cm ( × in) Picture Book ISBN 9786071600035 hardcover) new title! T here are many types of fathers: small ones, big ones, strong ones, fat ones, skinny ones, hairy ones, ones with moustaches, claws, fangs… Not all of them stay with their children. Some children can survive without them; but there are fathers that do stay to feed, protect and teach their little ones until they grow. What are some of these fathers like? Estrella Burgos has been editor of the magazine ¿Cómo ves? (dgdc/unam) since December, . She trained in Communications at the Centro Universitario de Divulgación de la Ciencia (today dgdc) at the unam. She has collaborated in national scientific magazines and journals and is co-author of seven science textbooks for primary school. Miguel Tanco was born in Spain in . He began to work as an illustrator in 1999, when he moved from Seville to New York to study at the School of Visual Arts. He currently lives in Milan. In , he received the Society of Children’s Books Writers and Illustrators Award (scbwi) for best illustration. • Discover five different types of fathers and the five inherent characteristics of each • Discover biodiversity in an enjoyable way, see images and awaken curiosity in the youngest readers Age: 3 + Ojitos Pajaritos [Birdie Eyes] is a series of picture books that introduce children to the pleasure of discovery. The authors are science writers, and the books are aimed at children aged three to five who are about to discover the world around them. w w w. fo n do decu l tu raeco n o mi | 39 CHILDREN’S BOOKS ¿Quién pasó por aquí? [Who’s been here?] Martha Duhne Illustrated by Manuel Monroy st ed., Fce Mexico, pp. × cm ( × in) Picture book ISBN 9789681680619 hardcover) A n entertaining way to learn about animals from their tracks, with surprises hidden under the flaps and an appealing story for each animal. Martha Duhne has been a producer and science writer for television, radio and magazines for more than years. She is the coauthor of Animales asombrosos. She is the information manager of ¿Cómo ves?, a science magazine for young people published by the University of Mexico. The magazine won the - Latin American Award for Science and Technology Writing. Manuel Monroy studied graphic communication design. In addition to teaching, he designs posters and other art projects. He has been an illustrator since , and has exhibited in solo and joint exhibitions. He has received numerous awards for his work, including the Quórom Award and the Noma Concours Award in Japan. He has illustrated several fce books, including Hombre de mar, the Yoyo series, Chanyelín, and Rabieta Trebejos. Age: 3 + Ojitos Pajaritos [Birdie Eyes] is a series of picture books that introduce children to the pleasure of discovery. The authors are science writers, and the books are aimed at children aged three to five who are about to discover the world around them. 40 | F O N D O D E C U LT U R A E CO N Ó M I C A CHILDREN’S BOOKS ¿Para qué usas la lengua? [What is your Tongue for?] María del Carmen Sánchez Mora Illustrated by Jonathan Farr st ed., Fce Mexico, pp. × cm ( × in) Picture book ISBN 9789681683665 hardcover) T ongues are good for much more than we might imagine. Animals use them as detectors or weapons; to hunt, taste, smell or talk. In this book, the interplay between words and pictures leads very young readers to discover how animal tongues have many different shapes and uses. They will even discover more about their own tongues! María del Carmen Sánchez Mora graduated from the University of Mexico in Biology, and earned a master’s degree in ecology from Stanford University and a Ph.D. in science from the University of Mexico. She began writing about science fifteen years ago at the University Science Communication Center. She has contributed to several programs at Universum, the University of Mexico science museum. Her personal interests include teaching Biology and scientific illustration. She is a member of the eridob (European Researchers in Didactics of Biology). Jonathan Farr was born in Oxford in . He studied sculpture at the Slade School of Fine Art in London. His work has been exhibited in Mexico and Europe. He paints murals and creates stained glass windows for churches, and has illustrated books for various publishers. He is also the illustrator of the fce books Ripios y adivinanzas del mar, Las aventuras de Max y su ojo submarino as well as authorillustrator of ¿Por qué no quieres comer? and ¿Te da miedo la oscuridad? Age: 3 + Ojitos Pajaritos [Birdie Eyes] is a series of picture books that introduce children to the pleasure of discovery. The authors are science writers, and the books are aimed at children aged three to five who are about to discover the world around them. w w w. fo n do decu l tu raeco n o mi | 41 CHILDREN’S BOOKS ¿Te da miedo la oscuridad? [Are you Afraid of the Dark?] Written and illustrated by Jonathan Farr 1st ed., fce Mexico, 2009 36 pp. 19 x 23 cm (7.5 x 9 in) Picture Book ISBN 9786071600394 (hardcover) new title! I t is time to go to bed, but Plip and Charly cannot sleep because they are afraid of the noises that they hear in the dark. After getting up the courage, they decide to see who or what is making the noises… and they find a surprise. Jonathan Farr was born in Oxford, England, in . He studied sculpture at the Slade in London. He has shown his work in Mexico and Europe. He paints murals, creates stained glass for temples and works as an illustrator on books for children and youth for various publishing houses. This is his first book as author-illustrator. • With this book we open a series for children of pre-school age that addresses topics important to them and responds to their stage of development • The illustrations, done with watercolor, provide parallel details and stories that enrich the imagination of the reader Age: 3 + 42 | F O N D O D E C U LT U R A E CO N Ó M I C A CHILDREN’S BOOKS ¿Por qué no quieres comer? [Why don’t you Want to Eat?] Written and illustrated by Jonathan Farr 1st ed., fce Mexico, 2009 19 × 23 cm (7.5 × 9 in) 36 pp. Picture Book ISBN 9786071600790 (hardcover) new title! I t is breakfast time when Plip and Charly receive an unexpected visitor. When the newcomer begins to cry, they have to discover what is it that he needs and try to stop the crying. Jonathan Farr was born in Oxford, England, in . He studied sculpture at the Slade in London. He has shown his work in Mexico and Europe. He paints murals, creates stained glass for temples and works as an illustrator on books for children and young people in various publishing houses. He is also author of ¿Te da miedo la oscuridad? • A book to read before eating and to make mealtimes attractive and enjoyable • This book continues the series of Plip and Charly for preschool children and deals with themes of concern to children, responding to their stage of development • The illustrations, done in water-color, show details and parallel stories that enrich the imagination of the reader Age: 3 + w w w. fo n do decu l tu raeco n o mi | 43 CHILDREN’S BOOKS Yo tengo una casa [I Have a Home] Written and illustrated by Claudia Legnazzi 1st ed., fce Mexico, 2001 40 pp. 18 × 20 cm (7 × 7.8 in) Picture Book ISBN 9681664248 (hardcover) W hat is home? With her marvelous pictures, Claudia Legnazzi shows that home can be high or low, here or there, big or small, but always very special. We see how imagination springs from the home inside us and that where ever we go we can take some home with us. Claudia Legnazzi was born in Argentina, and writes and illustrates books for children. Her work has won awards in Mexico and Japan. Some of her illustrations are on display at the Chihiro Museum of Art in Tokyo. • The quality of Legnazzi’s imagery makes this a lavish and exceptional volume • A reassuring and comforting work for even the youngest of readers Age: 4 + 44 | F O N D O D E C U LT U R A E CO N Ó M I C A Cosas que pasan [The Balloon] [Things that Happen] Written and illustrated by Isol Written and illustrated by Isol st ed., Fce Mexico, pp. . x . cm (. x . in) Picture Book ISBN 9681665732 (hardcover) 1st ed., fce Mexico, 1998 2nd ed., fce Mexico, 2009 23 pp. 17 x 21.5 cm (6.7 x 8.5 in) Picture Book ISBN 9681658751 paperback The White Ravens List (fce, ) O ccasionally, very rarely, we’re lucky enough to have a genie grant us a wish. But if we have so many wishes that we don’t know which of them we want the most, what can we do? Isol was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in . She writes, illustrates and designs her own books. She has also collaborated on many different periodical publications and has illustrated books written by numerous other authors. • An exciting and intriguing dilemma for even the youngest of readers • Profusely illustrated by the author Age: 4 + C amila’s mother yells so much that she looks like a balloon. So Camila wishes she would actually turn into one. And one day, her wish comes true. Camila begins to see her mother in a new way. This charming story shows fantasies taking flight, and explores the relationships between parents and children. AWARDS • Finalist at the Hans Christian Andersen Award • Nomineé for the Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award (Sweden) • Special Mention in The White Ravens List for El cuento de Navidad by Auggie Wren (by Paul Auster, Sudamericana, ) • Golden Apple Prize in the Bienal of Illustration of Bratislava , Slovakia, for the illustrations of the book Tic Tac (by Jorge Luján, Alfaguara, ) • Illustration Award in the rd Press Design International Contest (Porto Alegre, Brazil, ) • Special Mention in the A la Orilla del Viento Picture Book Award, (Fondo de Cultura Económica) Age: 5 + w w w. fo n do decu l tu raeco n o mi | 45 CHILDREN’S BOOKS El globo CHILDREN’S BOOKS Intercambio cultural Secreto de familia [Cultural Exchange] [Family Secret] Written and illustrated by Isol Written and illustrated by Isol st ed., Fce Mexico, pp. x cm (. x . in) Picture Book ISBN 9789681670467 1st ed., fce Mexico, 2001 2nd ed., fce Mexico, 2009 24 pp. 17 x 21.5 cm (6.7 x 8.5 in) Picture Book ISBN 968166485X paperback T he girl in this tale has a serious problem: one morning she wakes up earlier than usual and finds out a horrible secret hidden by her mother. This secret makes her, as well as her family, different from everybody else. Age: 5 + German and French rights sold O ne day, when Julito was already going to go to bed, he saw a television commercial that caught his attention: change places with a foreign citizen for one week, and live a different life! Julito thought that this was a wonderful idea and he decided to do an exchange with… an elephant from the African jungle. This is how Bombo the elephant came to the city to spend some days watching television while Julito was enjoying a wonderful week in Africa. Isol was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in . She writes, illustrates and designs her own books. She has also collaborated on many different periodical publications and has illustrated books written by numerous other authors. • “The moral of the story is one that all parents and educators will endorse heartily.”—Publishers Weekly • Profusely illustrated by the author Age: 5 + 46 | F O N D O D E C U LT U R A E CO N Ó M I C A CHILDREN’S BOOKS Vida de perros [A Dog’s Life] Written and illustrated by Isol st ed., fce Mexico, pp. × cm (. × . in) Picture book ISBN 9681654234 A boy and his dog spend too much time together; it is difficult to pry them apart. This book paints the portrait of one of the best, most precious relationships in the world—that of a boy and his dog. A story of friendship, loyalty and good times. Isol’s humor and unique graphic style combine to make a delightful picture book for beginning readers. AWARDS • The White Ravens List for El globo (FCE publishers, ) • Illustration Award in the rd Press Design International Contest (Porto Alegre, Brazil, 1998) • Special Mention in the A la Orilla del Viento Picture Book Award, (Fondo de Cultura Económica) • Vida de perros was a finalist in the VI A la Orilla del Viento Picture Book Award (Fondo de Cultura Económica) Age: 4 + Norwegian rights sold w w w. fo n do decu l tu raeco n o mi | 47 CHILDREN’S BOOKS ART Jacinto y María José [ Jacinto and María José] Diego Sánchez, Dipacho 1st ed., fce Mexico, 2009 32 pp. 21 × 25 cm (8.2 × 9.9 in) Picture Book ISBN 9786071600653 (hardcover) new title! A simple wordless story, which depicts one day in the life of two children who like each other. This work, with realistic artwork of poetic and exotic tone, takes young readers to an atmosphere at once foreign and reassuring—a tour through the process of falling in love, depicted delicately and appropriately for the very young. Diego Sánchez, Dipacho, was born in in Bogotá, Colombia. He studied graphic design at the Universidad Nacional de Colombia and works as an illustrator, especially for children’s literature. He is a member of the evaluating committee for children’s and youth literature for Fundalectura. • “Aesthetics, like form and color, anchor the reader’s sojourn in a sympathetic proposal with very beautiful impulses” —Gabriel Pacheco • “A near magic candor emerges from the illustrations and evokes Henri Rousseau’s oil paintings. The atmosphere of enchantment inhabits the book and invites a re-reading, detailed observation, and personal commentary.” —Jorge Luján • Winner of the XII A la Orilla del Viento Picture Book Award (Fondo de Cultura Económica) Age: 6 + 48 | F O N D O D E C U LT U R A E CO N Ó M I C A CHILDREN’S BOOKS ART Camino a casa [On the Way Home] Jairo Buitrago Illustrated by Rafael Yockteng st ed., fce Mexico, pp. 23 × 23 cm (9 × 9 in) Picture book ISBN 9786071600073 hardcover) A picture book in which fantasy cloaks nostalgia in order to address—with humor, imagination, and tenderness—a difficult subject: absence. At first glance, this is a book in which a little girl approaches an imaginary friend so that he’ll accompany her walking home from school each day. However, a more careful reading shows what this girl must face every day: poverty, taking care of her little brother, household chores, and absence —her imaginary lion, a symbol of strength and protection, helps her deal with this. The surprise ending gives the story a plot twist, making it richer, and more emotional. The wealth of interwoven images displays the Colombian social environment the girl has to cope with while the text, simple and tender, reveals the protagonist’s inner world. Jairo Buitrago has worked as a writer, researcher, and editorial assistant. He’s published two books for children and many more about cinema, his area of specialization. Rafael Yockteng won the ibby Utopia Award, geared towards Latin American illustrators of children’s books, in . Since then, he has illustrated several books for children in Colombia and abroad. • “Every line works perfectly, saying what it has to say without undue complication, easily capturing the atmosphere of the situation” (Satoshi Kitamura) • “A charming story with a surprising, emotional ending… I believe that the simplicity in the illustration style complements the story fairly well” (Anthony Browne) • Winner of the XI A la Orilla del Viento Picture Book Award (Fondo de Cultura Económica) Ages: + w w w. fo n do decu l tu raeco n o mi | 49 CHILDREN’S BOOKS ART Julieta y su caja de colores La peor señora del mundo [ Juliet and her Paintbox] [The Meanest Woman in the World] Written and illustrated by Carlos Pellicer López Francisco Hinojosa 3rd ed., fce Mexico, 2000 32 pp. 24.5 x 30 cm (9.6 x 12 in) Picture Book ISBN 9681641276 (hardcover) 9681645006 (paperback) Illustrated by Rafael Barajas, El Fisgón nd ed., Fce Mexico, pp. x cm ( x . in) b/w illustrations ISBN 9789681647056 paperback) I O ne rainy night, Julieta decides to try out her watercolors for the first time. She discovers that she can create on paper what she does not have in real life. This story explores the relationship between the surrounding reality and the reality of creative art. Carlos Pellicer López was born in Mexico City. He is a painter and author of several children’s books. fce has also published his work in the Poesía para Mirar en Voz Alta series (Colores con brisa and Un pajarillo canta). • With sincere and easily understood lessons in creativity, this is a welcome addition to any childrens collection • Nuanced and resonant, this is the type of book that children return to again and again n the north of Turambul lives the meanest lady in the world. She punishes her children when they misbehave, but also when they behave. Everybody in the neighborhood runs away from her. But one day the villagers decide to do something to put an end to her atrocities. A humorous, acid, and cathartic tale on the limits of human behavior and the strength of a community to resist an attempt of an individual to impose herself upon them. Francisco Hinojosa (b. Mexico City, ) studied literature, and then started writing poetry, short stories, and children’s books. In he won the ibby Award for La vieja que comía gente. Hinojosa is the most outstanding author of children’s books in Mexico. Rafael Barajas, El Fisgón is a curator, muralist, painter, researcher, writer, and journalist. He is also one of the bestknown political caricaturists in Mexico. • The # bestseller in the history of children’s books in Mexico • The story is illustrated by Rafael Barajas, El Fisgón, one of the best Mexican caricaturists Age: 6 + Age: 6 + Korean rights sold Portuguese rights sold 50 | F O N D O D E C U LT U R A E CO N Ó M I C A CHILDREN’S BOOKS ART Tigres de la otra noche [Tigers of the Other Night] María García Esperón Illustrated by Alejandro Magallanes st ed., Fce Mexico, pp. × cm ( × . in) Picture book ISBN 9681682726 (hardcover) A book about the power of imagination and play; about growing and discovering the world, with its dangers and its potential. The poems make multiple references to the tiger as an archetype, and to other authors including Kipling, Borges, Verne and Salgari. María García Esperón is a teacher, science journalist and writer. She has written scripts for the Instituto Mexicano de la Radio, articles on painting, dance, music, theater and books for the newspaper El Heraldo de México, and coauthored articles for the periodicals El Perico Consentido and La Ciencia Recreativa. She recently won the Norma-Fundalectura Award for Children’s and Young Adult Books. Alejandro Magallanes studied graphic design at the enap (University of Mexico School of Art). He has illustrated children’s books for Mexican and foreign publishers, and has designed award-winning posters. He has been a member of Alliance Graphique Internationale since . Age: 6 + • Winner of the Hispanic Children’s Poetry Award, w w w. fo n do decu l tu raeco n o mi | 51 CHILDREN’S BOOKS Las aventuras de Max y su ojo submarino [The Adventures of Max and his Underwater Eye] Luigi Amara Illustrated by Jonathan Farr st ed., Fce Mexico, pp. × cm ( × . in) Picture book ISBN 9789681684501 hardcover) A fter Max loses his right eye by accident, he finds out that he can see things from two different points of view at the same time. With his wandering eye, Max sees his school, the night, and his family in a new way. When his eye turns into a mutant pearl and describes what it sees from the ocean bed, we see the underwater world from a dazzling new perspective. These ingenious narrative poems express an instinctive sense of the fabulous and extraordinary humor as it demythologizes childhood. Luigi Amara was born in Mexico City in . He is a poet and essayist, and has published several books of poems: El decir de la mancha, El cazador de grietas, Pasmo y Envés. He has also written a book of essays El peatón inmóvil. He was awarded the Elías Nandino Young Poets Award and has received grants from the Mexican Institute of Fine Arts and the National Foundation for Culture and the Arts (fonca). He is also a member of the National Artists Registry. Las aventuras de Max y su ojo submarino is his first book of poems for children. Jonathan Farr was born in Oxford in . He studied sculpture at the Slade School of Fine Art in London. His work has been exhibited in Mexico and Europe. He paints murals and creates stained glass windows for churches, and has illustrated books for various publishers. He is the illustrator of ¿Para qué usas la lengua? and Ripios y adivinanzas del mar, also published by fce. • Winner of the Hispanic Children’s Poetry Award, Age: + Portuguese rights sold 52 | F O N D O D E C U LT U R A E CO N Ó M I C A La Muerte pies ligeros [The Tale of the Rabbit and the Coyote] [Light-Footed Death] Natalia Toledo Illustrated by Francisco Toledo Natalia Toledo Illustrated by Francisco Toledo st ed., Fce Mexico, pp. x cm (. x . in) Picture Book ISBN 9681676718 hardcover) st ed., fce Mexico, pp. × cm ( × . in) Picture book ISBN 9789681676681 (hardcover) A classic story from Mexican oral tradition that tells why the coyote always howls at the Moon, retold through the live language of a Zapotec writer. Rabbit steals chili peppers from a garden, and the farmer sets a trap to catch him. About to be stewed, Rabbit sees Coyote who, while trying to help him, ends up taking his place. Thus begins a chain of adventures in which the clever rabbit mocks Coyote time and time again. Natalia Toledo, currently one of the most active and important writers in the Mexican literary landscape, adapted this traditional Zapotec story by translating it into Spanish. The visual quality makes this book not only a great literary work, but also a collectible for all those who love Mexican visual arts. Natalia Toledo was born in Juchitán, Oaxaca, in . She is a bilingual poet (Zapotec-Spanish). She studied at the Sociedad General de Escritores Mexicanos(sogem). She’s participated in many literary encounters, including the First Encounter of Writers in Indigenous Languages MexicoCentral America, held by unesco, and the Continental Encounter of Writers in Indigenous and Afro-Caribbean Writers in Quintana Roo. She currently presides over the Patronage of the Juchitán House of Culture. Francisco Toledo, one of the most important Mexican painters, is from Oaxaca (). In , he began his studies at the Free Engraving Workshop of the Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes (inba) School of Artisanry and Design in Mexico City. His work has been presented since in museums in Mexico, the United States, Europe, and Central and South America. In , he donated a collection of graphic work in order to found the Graphic Arts Institute of Oaxaca. He lives alternately in Oaxaca and Mexico City. T old as a legend, La Muerte pies ligeros gives a humorous explanation of how Death came to Earth. The idea for this book came from some of Francisco Toledo’s engravings of Death jumping rope with different animals, all from the region of Tehuantepec, where the artist and his daughter were born. The story is based on ancient cultural heritage, and reinvents oral tradition. The magnificent images of Francisco Toledo recreate the atmosphere of popular stories and legends in a playful fashion and turn the book into a valuable collectible for all those interested in the painter’s work. Natalia Toledo was born in Juchitán, Oaxaca in . She is a bilingual poet (Zapotec-Spanish). Some of her published titles are: Olivo negro; Flor de pantano; Mujeres de sol, mujeres de oro, and Paraíso de fisuras. Francisco Toledo was born in Juchitán, Oaxaca in . Since his work has been exhibited in different museums in México, United States, South America, and Europe. Recently he was awarded Right Livelihood Award (Alternative Nobel Price) for his Commitment and Art for the protection and preservation of the natural and cultural environment in Oaxaca. Age: + English rights sold Age: 6 + w w w. fo n do decu l tu raeco n o mi | 53 CHILDREN’S BOOKS Cuento del Conejo y el Coyote CHILDREN’S BOOKS ART Animalario universal del profesor Revillod Almanaque ilustrado de la fauna mundial [Universal Zoology] Miguel Murugarren Illustrated by Javier Sáez st ed., Fce Mexico, pp. x cm (. x . in) Picture Book ISBN 9681670485 hardcover) P rofessor Revillod has collected many pictures of extremely exotic animals during his numerous trips around the world. Come and see over of his finest specimens, in a stylishly designed and innovative picture book. Miguel Murugarren was born in Spain. He studied philosophy and literature. He is interested in advertising, graphic design and music. Javier Sáez was born in Spain. He studied Fine Arts. He illustrates and writes his own books, like Picopelosplumas and Los tres erizos, and works for many publishing houses. • Winner of the Ninth International Children’s and Young People’s Picture Book Award in • One of the top best-sellers in our catalogue German, Portuguese, and French rights sold For all ages 54 | F O N D O D E C U LT U R A E CO N Ó M I C A CHILDREN’S BOOKS Hago de voz un cuerpo [Voices from the Body] María Baranda (editor) Illustrated by Gabriel Pacheco st ed., Fce Mexico, pp. × cm (approx. . × . in) Picture book ISBN 9789681684006 hardcover) T his wonderful picture book is all about the body: hands, hair, nails, arms, the neck and more. Fifteen outstanding Mexican poets have used their words to create an enchanting collection of metaphors of the body. María Baranda is one of the most important poets of her generation. In she was awarded with the Efraín Huerta National Poetry Award for her book Los memoriosos, the Villa de Madrid International Poetry Award in for Moradas imposibles and the Aguascalientes National Poetry Award for her book Dylan y las ballenas in . The fce published her books Atlántica y el rústico in its Mexican Literature series in , and Marte y las princesas voladoras in the A la Orilla del Viento series, in . Gabriel Pacheco was born in Mexico City in . He studied stage and set design at the National Institute of Fine Arts. He won the Tenth Città de Chioggia International Illustration Competition in Venice in , the first place in the Fourteenth Catalogue of Children’s and Young Peoples’ Books Illustrators and the International Picture Book Award. He has participated in exhibits in Mexico and Italy, and was included in the and catalogue of the Bologna Illustrators Exhibition. He has illustrated books for the leading Spanish and Italian publishing houses. • Selected for Books / 50 Covers, aiga, NY • Selected for The White Ravens, • New Horizons Mention at Bolonia Ragazzi Awards Age: 7 + w w w. fo n do decu l tu raeco n o mi | 55 CHILDREN’S BOOKS Kassunguilà [Kassunguilà] Written and illustrated by Monique Zepeda st ed., fce Mexico, pp. × cm ( × in) Picture book ISBN 9789681686208 hardcover) K assunguilà is a small fish who lives at the bottom of the ocean, sheltered by a parasol, until one day a terrible storm tears him away from his peaceful existence and a journey begins to recover his inner peace and confidence. Here Zepeda has given us a work of art, with illustrations created from wine boxes, folk art stamps, tin figures, bells, and dozens of other traditional Mexican objects. Kassunguilà is a metaphor on life and growing up, with all the surprises and difficulties involved. Monique Zepeda was born in Mexico City. She studied pedagogy at the University of Mexico. She is a psychologist from the Sorbonne in Paris, and studied for her Master’s in childhood clinical psychology at the University of the State of Morelos. She is the author of publications for teachers such as Escuela viva and Aprendiendo juntos. She is also the author of Marita no sabe dibujar and El cuaderno de Pancho. • Selected for The White Ravens, Age: + 56 | F O N D O D E C U LT U R A E CO N Ó M I C A CHILDREN’S BOOKS De cómo nació la memoria de El Bosque [How the Memory of the Forest Became] Written and illustrated by Rocío Martínez st ed., Fce Mexico, pp. × cm (. × . in) Picture book ISBN 9789681684518 (hardcover) T his is a story that remind us of classic tales. It tells the life story of a simple wooden table built by a woodcutter and how it moved from house to house and master to master. At the same time, the story speaks of the passage of time, love, life, death, gratitude, and human potential. The illustrations weave a rich tapestry of colors and shapes that are based on the text but at the same time add depth to the story with their movement and colors, with amusing details for readers to discover. Rocío Martínez was born in Madrid. She studied fine arts, specializing in print-making. Since , she has focused on illustrating books for children and young people. Her work has been shown at numerous solo and group exhibitions, and she has earned the oepli-Ministry of Culture Illustration Award for the Children’s Book Poster of the Week, the Ministry of Culture Award for the best book published in , the Lazarillo Illustration Award for Miguel y las palampatas, and the Lazarillo Illustration Award for La gallina Catalina. Her books have been published in Spain and Latin America. • Winner of the X A la Orilla del Viento Picture Book Award, (Fondo de Cultura Económica) Age: 7 + w w w. fo n do decu l tu raeco n o mi | 57 CHILDREN’S BOOKS El cuento del pingüino [The Penguin’s Tale] Antonio Ventura Illustrated by Carmen Segovia st ed., fce Mexico, pp. × cm (. × . in) Picture book ISBN 9786071600042 (hardcover) T his is a story within a story, a book that gives wings to the reader’s imagination. Antonio Ventura was born in Madrid in , where he has taught at various public centers since . In , he was in charge of the Children’s Literature Division at the Anaya Department of Educational Orientation and Research. In , he became Director of the Sopa Book Collection. In July , he was appointed Director of Anaya Children’s and Youth Division. He’s also the founder of the children’s literature magazine Babar. His published works include: No todas las vacas son iguales, El Tren, El pájaro y la princesa (fce, ), Osos de Cuento, La mirada de Pablo and El mar de Darío. Carmen Segovia was born in Barcelona. She won the second place in the 4th International Contest of Illustrated Children’s Picture Books from the publishing house Anaya for Mitsu y Lala. She has published Caperucita roja, El viaje secreto, and Cuentos populares españoles. For Fondo de Cultura Económica she illustrated the Spanish version of How the Bee Became, by Ted Hughes. • Special Mention in the X A la Orilla del Viento Picture Book Award (Fondo de Cultura Económica) Age: 8 + 58 | F O N D O D E C U LT U R A E CO N Ó M I C A El vuelo de Eluán [Emilio and the Treasureless Journey] Carmen Leñero Illustrated by Xan López Domínguez 1st ed., fce Mexico, 2009 128 pp. 15 x 19 cm (6 x 7.5 in) Fiction ISBN 9786071600646 paperback [Eluán’s Flight] new title! León Krauze 1st ed., fce Mexico, 2005 136 pp. 14 × 23 cm (5.5 × 9 in) Fiction ISBN 9681674618 (paperback) E milio is a worried boy who, every once in a while, likes to be a little troublesome in school or to lose himself at night in his imagination and escape the world. One night, he finds himself changed into a captain of his own ship, and he realizes that dream and fantasy are two planes that are intimately connected and that the adventures experienced in one will have consequences in the other. Every night, Emilio embarks on a journey whose dangers will help to solve the problems of his daily life. Carmen Leñero was born in Mexico City. She studied drama theory and theater direction and has a Ph.D. in Literature. In , she received the Carlos Pellicer National Poetry Award, and in , the Juan de la Cabada Award for children’s stories for Lucas afuera, Lucas adentro. She is a member of the Sistema Nacional de Creadores e Investigadores, and works for the Instituto de Investigaciones Filológicas at the unam. At fce, she has also published ¡Es una traviesa esa raya! Xan López Domínguez was born in Lugo, Spain. He received the Plaque from the Bratislava Biennial in and the unicef Prize for Illustrator of the Year (Bologna, ). He was selected on the ibby list and at the Bologna Children’s Book Fair from to . He has shown his work in Tokyo, Bratislava, Munich, London, Valladolid, Barcelona and Lisbon. E luán is a teenager of a winged race of people who are about to begin their flight from a cave in the high mountains near the Sea of the Dangralos. When Eluán’s cave becomes too small for him, he must overcome his fears of throwing himself into the void and flying. His journey will take a different path than that of all the others, and he’ll fly, with the reader, into new and fulfilling adventures. León Krauze was born in Mexico. With multidisciplinary interests in international affairs, he is also a promoter of graphic media, and works on numerous publishing and video projects through the publishing house Clío. He is also a promising young novelist. • An epic and fantastic novel about growth and detachment • Provides a rich engaging narrative for adolescents and young adults Age: 14 + • As much for the richness of the vocabulary as for the meticulous and refined style, Emilio y el viaje sin tesoro is a full novel peopled with deeply moving characters • For its literary quality, this children’s novel can be enjoyed by readers of all ages Age: 10 + w w w. fo n do decu l tu raeco n o mi | 59 CHILDREN’S BOOKS Emilio y el viaje sin tesoro CHILDREN’S BOOKS El nombre del juego es Posada [Posada is the Name of the Game] Hugo Hiriart Illustrated by Joel Rendón st ed., fce Mexico, pp. × cm (. × . in) Non Fiction ISBN 9681673549 paperback) L a Catrina is a train ride into the world of José Guadalupe Posada, engraver and commentator on society in the Mexican Revolution. In this story, disaster and tragedy mingle with human characters like those Posada so often caricaturized; a doctor who turns his daughter’s suitor into a chicken, the handsome son who mistreats his parents, the woman who meets the Devil himself, and more. An ingenious and amusing tale that introduces young readers to the imagination, the wit and the engaging pictures by one of the greatest Mexican artists, whose portrayal of the spirit of Mexico transcended the country’s borders. The book includes information about the history of engraving in Mexico, the calaveritas and Posada’s games—the coyote, the charro smugglers. Hugo Hiriart is a writer and theater director. He studied philosophy at the University of Mexico and painting at ‘La Esmeralda’ (Mexican National School of Painting, Sculpture and Engraving). He won the Xavier Villaurrutia Award and is a member of the National Artists Registry. Joel Rendón was born in Izúcar de Matamoros in Puebla, in . He studied visual arts at the Mexican National School of Art. His work has been exhibited in Mexico, Cuba, Argentina, Spain, North Africa and the United States. In a series of short episodes called ‘Estampa al Minuto’ [Minute Print] produced by Mexico’s Channel , he teaches children about the principles and techniques of engraving. Age: 8 + 60 | F O N D O D E C U LT U R A E CO N Ó M I C A FONDO DE CULTURA ECONÓMICA Carretera Picacho-Ajusco 227 Bosques del Pedregal, Tlalpan 14738 Mexico City, Mexico Tel: (52-55) 5227-4672 Fax: (52-55) 5227-4656 Fondo de Cultura Económica has foreign branches in Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Chile, Guatemala, Peru, Spain, the USA, and Venezuela w w w. fo n d o d e c u l t u ra e co n o m i c a . co m