Principal`s Letter President`s Letter
Principal`s Letter President`s Letter
TECHCETERA APRIL 2016 President’s Letter Principal’s Letter Dear Parents/Guardians, Teachers, and Students, I hope you had a great spring break with family and friends. This month we start off with INITE (or International Night), hosted by the student group Namaste, on Saturday, April 2, at the George Mason Center for the Performing Arts. Many of our cultural groups celebrate our school’s diversity with song, dance, and theatrical performances. Over 700 students perform in numbers associated not only with their own heritage, but also dance alongside their friends from different backgrounds. Through INITE, you really get a chance to see the multicultural appreciation of our school community. Parents this month will have an opportunity to review and approve their student’s proposed course selections for next year. I hope the curriculum webinars offered last month were helpful to you. The recordings are available from the PTSA website, as well as the additional questions answered at the last PTSA meeting. In an effort to support mental continued on page 2 HOT LINKS TO THE INFORMATION FOR WHICH Y O U A R E L O O K I N G …. Noteworthy Dates Academic News PTSA Committee Updates Serving the TJ Community Campaign for TJ Class News TJ Boosters Useful Links Marketplace We hope you had a good Spring Break and are ready for the end of the year! With Spring Sports gearing up and all the AP exam, TJStar and graduation activities coming soon, TJ will be a very busy place. It is a great time to volunteer for something that suits your interests. We need hundreds of volunteers to help with various end-of-year events – please do your part to support TJ and its students. You will enjoy the experience and make some new TJ contacts along the way. Among the events coming up are the Teacher Appreciation Lunch on April 27, sign up to help with food HERE and with service HERE; AP Exam Support, the first two weeks in May, sign up to help HERE; TJStar, June 2, sign up to help HERE; and ANGP, June 18, sign up to help HERE. Please also consider carrying your support into next year. The PTSA Nominating Committee is working to develop next year’s leadership team. If you would like to be considered for a position, please contact the PTSA or let us know at the next PTSA meeting, a Principal’s Coffee (and PTSA meeting), on Friday, April 8, at 9:00am, in the Franklin Commons. All Executive Committee positions except President and Treasurer are open for volunteers and there are many other committee positions available. We would be happy to tell you more. Executive Committee nominations will be presented at the May PTSA meeting, for final approval at the June meeting. TJ can always use your help! If the PTSA can help you with anything, please contact us here ptsa at Silvija Strikis TJ PTSA President 2015-16 Click H ere to Return to H ot Links on Page 1 Principal’s Letter continued from page 1 wellness, please ensure the course load selected is manageable based on the student’s readiness to take on challenging and/or accelerated coursework. If you are unsure, please contact your counselor who can offer insight based on lots of experience. The month of April will be particularly busy for AP courses. Due to the loss of school during the snow days, teachers have had to work pretty hard to restructure classes to ensure the curriculum is completed before the AP exam. This means the pacing will likely be a little faster or there will be less time to review before the exam. We could use support at home by providing a work environment with as few distractions as possible, and that might even require unplugging the Internet or turning off mobile devices. You might also think of ways in which study groups can be formed, or take advantage of our tutoring programs (through peers or through teachers in 8th period). Later this month through KIT, parents will be given an opportunity to request a pre-arranged absence in May during AP exams. The purpose of the pre-arranged absence is to provide a little extra study time, particularly if their student has several consecutive AP exams. Seniors should be hearing from colleges this month regarding admissions and scholarships. I know these decisions are important to our students, and often they are not easy because the outcome is not always perfect. That was true for my college acceptance letters, and ultimately I went to the school that offered me the greatest financial assistance. I struggled over my circumstances, but soon came to realize it’s not the reputation of the institution as much as the initiative you take with the opportunities on campus. If a senior is disappointed by the outcome, offer support by sharing how setbacks are a natural part of life. While accepting rejection can be difficult, our greatest learning experiences are shaped by how we make “lemonade from lemons.” If your family is faced with financial challenges, like mine was, ask yourself if it’s worth taking out loans or instead pursuing a different college for graduate school (when it can be subsidized through a graduate assistantship). Our students tend to perform well in college based on their foundation of research at TJ, and I believe there will be another chance for students to pursue April 2016 their “top choice” in the future. With potential stress associated with AP exam studying and college admissions decisions, please be mindful of the wellness of our students. Stress isn’t bad; rather, it needs to be managed well with healthy outlets. We will continue to offer celebrations and stress reducing activities at our school. Depression isn’t abnormal, either; in fact, 1 out of 5 TJ students experience significant sadness over the course of the year. This is not an unusual number, not for TJ, nor for FCPS, not for the USA. More important is the care we take to listen to those in need of help, and to seek out trained staff who can respond to students proactively. When it doubt, please refer to hotline information posted to our school’s website. I’m thankful teachers, students, and parents have been working together on addressing mental wellness at our school. Please don’t hesitate to contact me at principal at if you have any additional ideas to improve the dialogue on this important issue. Thank you for your continued support and efforts. Sincerely, Evan Glazer Principal, TJHSST PTSA Meetings Mark Your Calendar! (**in the cafeteria) April 8, 9:00 – 11:00am (Principal’s Coffee in the Franklin Commons) May 10, 7:00 – 8:30pm** June 14, 7:00 – 8:30pm** **Refreshments served at 7:00 pm and meeting begins at 7:30pm Page 2 Click H ere to Return to H ot Links on Page 1 Useful Links TJHSST Home Page: TJ PTSA website: TJ Booster Organizations: Academic Boosters: Athletic Boosters: Band Boosters: Choral Boosters: Crew Boosters: Orchestra Boosters: Theatre Boosters: TJ Partnership Fund: Student Government Association (SGA) In March, SGA kicked off the annual March Mayhem Volleyball Tournament, a month-long competition styled after the NCAA March Madness basketball tournament. Students compete in teams of five for a chance to win the title of tournament champions, who will be determined at the final match at the Winter and Spring Sports Pep Rally. The Winter and Spring Sports Pep Rally is scheduled for April 8 during 8th period and will celebrate the work and accomplishments of TJ's winter and spring athletes. SGA has also been continuing work on the mental health front and hosted a Youth Mental Health First Aid Training session in conjunction with TJ Active Minds on March 28, a teacher workday. This 8-hour course equipped students with a basic knowledge of mental illnesses and the skills to provide preliminary assistance to peers, family members, and others in the community. This course was offered in response to significant interest from the student body, and the SGA looks forward to the possibility of offering more training sessions in the future. As always, TJ SGA welcomes any questions or feedback from the TJ community, and can be contacted at sga.tjhsst at,, or the TJ SGA Facebook page. TJ Alumni Association: Other: FCPS Blackboard: FCPS Keep in Touch (KIT): FCPS School Board: Fairfax County Supervisors: April 2016 Page 3 Click H ere to Return to H ot Links on Page 1 Academic News PTSA Committee Updates Library News Health and Wellness Committee As research projects intensify, please let your students know that they can receive personalized research help from a librarian during lunch or 8th period if they sign up for “Library Study Hall.” We also have online research guides that can be accessed at the library website. Theses guides contain targeted resources for specific projects in addition to helpful suggestions on using the resources and finding relevant information. We can also help with pesky citation issues too! Contact the librarians at library at for help. C OMMUNITY E VENT Important Note: the proxy address that students use to access the TJ Library digital resources from off-campus has changed. The new address, with directions, can be found on the library’s database page. Students should make the change to the new proxy address by spring break. HOW TO RAISE AN ADULT, May 2 Advice from the former Dean of Freshmen at Stanford University The Safe Community Coalition of McLean is hosting a talk by noted author Julie Lythcott-Haims on May 2 from 7:00-9:00pm at McLean High School Auditorium. Tickets are $20 and are available through the SCC website. Her book, How to Raise an Adult, presents a convincing vision of overprotected, overparented, overscheduled kids. She then offers a smart, compassionate alternative approach for parents who want to foster hearty self-reliance in their children. Serving the TJ Community Spanish Honor Society The Spanish Honor Society (SHS) hosted its annual Hispanic dance Bulería on Friday, April 8, after school. All members of the TJ community were invited to celebrate Hispanic culture at this lively fiesta. Attendees ate delicious snacks, learned Hispanic dance moves, and listened to Spanish music. In other news, SHS is proud to announce it welcomed 32 new members for their first general meeting. SHS held an ice cream social for new and old members to mingle and converse in Spanish. These members are the future of SHS! April 2016 Volunteer Opportunities Nominations for TJ PTSA Executive Committee It is that time of year when the Nominating Committee seeks nominations for elected positions on the TJ PTSA Executive Committee for the 2016-17 school year. Do you want to get involved and make a difference at TJ? Do you want to keep up to date Page 4 Click H ere to Return to H ot Links on Page 1 with what’s going on and network with others parents, students and teachers? Then, we have a job for you! Per our by-laws, our current President-Elect automatically becomes President. We welcome Marilena Barletta as our 2016-17 PTSA President! Please step forward and volunteer to serve as an officer on the PTSA Executive Committee. The positions are: President–Elect (to serve as President for the 2017-18 year), First Vice President, Second Vice President, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary (which includes Volunteer Coordination) and Treasurer. In order to provide continuity and experience, we anticipate that perhaps 2-4 of the current officers will serve another year in some capacity. Any PTSA member with the willingness and ability to serve and provide leadership is welcome to apply. PTSA members who want to nominate someone else for an office may do so, with the nominee’s permission. Need a little more information about the positions and responsibilities? Just click here and scroll to page 9 for more information. If you still have concerns about joining in, please email ptsa at with your questions and members of the current Executive Committee will get back to you. Support the All Night Grad Party The nomination form can be found here and on the next page of this newsletter. Please send completed forms to ptsa.correspondingsecretary at The nominating committee members are: Ann Carr, Lan Fan, Jane Hsu, Siobhan Johansson, and Hilde Kahn. Parent Volunteers Needed as AP Exam Proctors May 2-13 is AP exam time for many TJ students. PTSA is asked to provide proctors to help administer these exams. No experience necessary! You will not be in charge; a school counselor will be responsible. We request that you help with passing out materials, passing out tissues, walking around to monitor any student needs during the exam. Time commitment is approximately 3-4 hours, depending upon the particular exam. Reminder that you are not permitted to proctor an exam for which your child is sitting. This sign up genius includes the AP exam schedule as well as the proctoring needs. Any questions or concerns can be addressed to Siobhan Johansson at ptsa.correspondingsecretary at Support the All Night Grad Party & Show Your Pride Raffle Tickets to win a $499 driver training class – even losing tickets are worth a $50 discount off the purchase of the Behind-the-Wheel class (must be purchased by June 30, 2016)! Tickets are $5 each or 5 for $20. April 2016 Purchase a Graduation Sign Page 5 Click H ere to Return to H ot Links on Page 1 Nomination Form for TJHSST PTSA 2016-2017 Executive Committee Positions The Thomas Jefferson High School for Science & Technology is currently seeking candidates for six elected Parent, Teacher, Student Association offices for the 2016 –2017 school year. Any PTSA member with the willingness and ability to serve and provide leadership is welcome to apply. PTSA members may nominate someone else for an office with the nominee’s permission. Candidates are being sought for the following elected positions: President Elect (to serve as President the 2017-2018 school year) First Vice President Second Vice President Corresponding Secretary Recording Secretary Treasurer (position filled for the 2016-17 school year) If you have questions about the specific duties of any of these offices, please see the PTSA bylaws (pp. 9-12) or contact the Nominating Committee Chair at ptsa.correspondingsecretary at When making a nomination, complete the information below and email to ptsa.correspondingsecretary at DEADLINE: APRIL 15, 2016 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Nominee: First Name: Last Name: Hometown: Telephone Number: Email address: Positions you would consider (be sure to mark in order of preference all positions you would consider): ___President-Elect ___First Vice President ___Second Vice President ___Recording Secretary ___Corresponding Secretary Qualifications, experience, interests: Are you an officer or board member in any other organizations related to education? If yes, please list the organization and position you will most likely hold next year: Nominee’s Student(s) Name(s) and Year(s) of graduation: Student’s(s’) interests/clubs: April 2016 Page 6 Click H ere to Return to H ot Links on Page 1 TJ All Night Graduation Party Dining for Dollars Fundraiser Every time you eat at any Glory Days Grill location between February 19 and April 15, 2016, Glory Days Grill will contribute 10% of the total food and beverages purchased to TJ’s 2016 All Night Graduation Party (ANGP)! That's right! Not just one night at one location, but for 8 golden weeks at any Glory Days you can find -- and there are a lot of 'em. Just ask for the itemized copy of your guest check (not the charge card receipt) and drop it off in the collection box in the main office. Note that the 10% donation will not apply to sales tax or to guest checks that receive any coupon-specific discount or promotional certificate. Find a convenient location, and get more details on the Dining for Dollars Rules here. The ANGP is a HUGE celebration in honor of our TJ graduates. It is designed to provide a safe, fun environment for the entire class to celebrate their completion of four years of hard work and study. So enjoy some tasty food with your friends, family, neighbors, and coworkers and help give our grads the party of a lifetime! Questions? Call Marilena Barletta 703-980-2787. $$ TJ Free Money Program $$ Spring is here! Don’t forget to shop at stores that reward TJPTSA such as Amazon. When you shop at using this special link TJPTSA earns 4-15% of most purchases! The more books, songs, magazines, clothes, electronics, groceries, and more bought in a month, the higher the percentage TJPTSA earn. To make this really easy, set up a bookmark so you can access the link quickly! So don’t miss this opportunity to show your support for TJ and earn rewards for TJPTSA. Other participating stores include Target, Office Depot, Verizon, Giant, peapod, Harris Teeter, Safeway. For details, please visit our TJPTSA website or use this link. Thank you for your support! Your Free Money coordinator, Adriane Assang adriane_assang at April 2016 Page 7 Click H ere to Return to H ot Links on Page 1 Parent Information Relating to Special Education All these opportunities are FREE unless noted. The FCPS Parent Resource Center (PRC) helps parents of students with disabilities. It sponsors workshops, has a lending library, and has parent liaisons to help parents solve problems. English: 703-204-3941; Español: 703-204-3955. Adapted Sports and Recreation Guide List of Special Needs Summer Camps 2016 Vision 2016, April 5, 3:30-6:00pm, Northern Virginia Community College, 8333 Little River Turnpike, Annandale. An opportunity for students with disabilities to learn about NVCC campuses, including presentations from Disability Services, a mock NVCC classroom experience, and a current student panel Q&A. Flyer & Registration FCPS 11th Annual Special Education Conference, Saturday, April 9, 8:00am-2:30pm, Hayfield Secondary School, 7630 Telegraph Rd., Alexandria. Attend this conference to learn the latest in special education. Choose from over 40 workshops and many exhibits. Register now. iCan Bike After School Program, a week-long program at 10 different FCPS Middle Schools during April, May or June. Ambulatory students with disabilities (ages 8 and older) learn to ride two-wheel bicycles by using adapted bicycles, a specialized instructional program, and trained staff. Student volunteers help. More information here. Youth and Young Adults: Stronger Together, alternate Tuesdays until May 2016 (April 5 & 19), 6:30 - 8:00pm in Fairfax. Sponsored by Formed Families Forward, this peer-to-peer support group for youth ages 14 - 22 meets twice a month through May. Parents, caregivers and guardians have their own meeting at the same time in the same building. Light dinner of pizza and salad will be served. Register here or (703) 539-2904. 2e: Twice exceptional! April 5, 7:00-8:00pm, Carder Rock Swim & Tennis Club, 8200 Hamilton Spring Ct., Bethesda, MD. Screening of the award winning documentary about highly gifted high school students with learning disabilities as they overcome significant challenges. $10; purchase tickets. The Brain and School Success: An Introduction to Executive Functioning Skills, April 6, 7:00-8:30pm, 4031 University Dr., Fairfax (enter on South St.). This interactive workshop will look at brain development, twelve executive function skills, and various tools and strategies to compensate for those that are not yet fully developed. Register; $10 for adults; $0 for teens with paying parent. Tools for Helping Children with Executive Dysfunction Become More Independent and Effective, April 6, 7:30-9:00pm, The Lab School, 4759 Reservoir Rd., NW, Washington. This presentation will help you identify when a child is unable, not just unwilling, to do a task, thus alerting you to provide accommodations, teach new skills, and use alternative strategies. Register or 202-965-6600. FCPS 11th Annual Special Education Conference, April 9, 8:00am-2:30pm, Hayfield Secondary School, 7630 Telegraph Rd., Alexandria. Attend this FREE conference to learn the latest in special education. Choose from over 40 workshops and many exhibits. Register. A Day in the Life of a Dyslexic Chef! April 10, 11:00am-1:00pm, Clyde’s at Mark Center, 1700 N. Beauregard St., Alexandria. At this MoreThanDyslexics event, Executive Chef Robert McGowan will show us how his team can prepare and serve 1,000 meals a day. As with all MTD events, adult supervision is required. RSVP by April 6: eve... at . Flash Forward! Post-Secondary Education & Employment Options, April 12, 7:00-9:00pm, Woodson High School Cafeteria, 9525 Main Street, Fairfax. Learn about supported employment, competitive employment, and postsecondary education for students with disabilities. Register here. Accessibility Summit: A Conference of the Special Needs Community, April 15 & 16, McLean Bible Church, 8925 Leesburg Pike, Vienna. Over 40 workshops and 50 exhibitors on numerous topics, products, and services for those in the special needs community. $135 + Register. April 2016 Page 8 Click H ere to Return to H ot Links on Page 1 Parenting For Independence: Realistic Expectations and Tools for Fostering Age Appropriate Autonomy from Kindergarten through High School, April 20, 7:30-8:30pm, The Auburn School, 3800 Concorde Pkwy., Suite 500, Chantilly. Learn appropriate expectations for autonomy across different ages, and how to help kids with ASD become independent. Technology tools will be included. Registration required. Wings For All, April 23, 8:00am, Dulles International Airport. This airport rehearsal provides families with a child with a significant disability an opportunity to practice going through security and boarding a plane. Airport personnel also practice their skills. Register. Questions: 703 208-1119 x112 ABLE Accounts, Special Needs Trusts, & Financial Planning, May 2, 7:30-9:00pm, Community Rm B, McLean Bible Church, 8925 Leesburg Pk., Vienna. Jessica Pannell, attorney, will present information on long term planning for individuals with significant intellectual and developmental disabilities. RSVP appreciated but not required: erin.roundtree at or 703-770-2938. Introduction to Special Education, May 3, 7:00-9:00pm, FCPS Parent Resource Center, 2334 Gallows Rd., Entr. 1, Dunn Loring. This workshop will help parents understand the special education process, build a network of support, collaborate with school staff, and develop an understanding of how to help their child. Registration required or 703 941-5788. Mind in the Making - Self-Directed, Engaged Learning, May 6, 10:00am-12:30pm, Parent Resource Center, 2334 Gallows Rd., Entr. 1, Dunn Loring. Learn strategies for improving this skill, the importance of it in children's lives, and activities to promote the skill at home. Bring your lunch and stay until 1:30pm to learn more. Registration required or 703 941-5788. Coping Strategies for Anxious Children Ages 8 – 17: What Parents Need to Know, May 13, 10:00am-noon, Parent Resource Center, 2334 Gallows Rd., Entr. 1, Dunn Loring. This presentation will cover the science and biological roots of anxiety, how to change anxious thinking, and current treatment options, including medications and cognitive behavioral therapy. Register or 703 941-5788. Raising Your Kids by Keeping Your Cool! Session 4, May 20, 10:00am-noon, Parent Resource Center, 2334 Gallows Rd., Entr. 1, Dunn Loring. Put your own oxygen mask on first to become the cool, calm, connected parent your child really needs to develop the mutually respectful, cooperative, and loving relationship that you crave with your child. Registration required or 703 941-5788. CHADD: Children and Adults with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Alexandria Parent Support meets the 4th Monday each month, 6:30-7:30pm, Aldersgate UM Church, 1301 Collingwood Rd., Alexandria. Contact: Jenny adhdparentmountvernon at West Fairfax CHADD Parent Support Group meets each 2nd & last Thursday at 7:30pm (March 10 & 31), Fairfax Church of Christ, 3901 Rugby Road, Fairfax. Contact: Sharon clintob at Oakton ADHD Parent Group meets on the 4th Tuesday each month at 7:30 pm, Oakton Library, 10304 Lynnhaven Place. Contact: Maureen Gill maureen at Support Group for High School Students with ADHD meets the first Sunday of each month 3:30-5:00pm, 4031 University Dr., Fairfax, enter on South St. No parents! Call 703-403-3335 to enter the building. Contact: coach at (703) 641-8940. NAMI: National Alliance on Mental Illness builds better lives for those affected by mental illness. Family Support Groups OCD Family Support Group, 1st Monday of each month, 7:30pm, St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church, 4000 Lorcom Lane, Arlington. Contact: 202-215-5859 or familygroupocd at April 2016 Page 9 Click H ere to Return to H ot Links on Page 1 THOMAS JEFFERSON HIGH SCHOOL FOR SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY CAMPAIGN FOR TJ // LEADING THE FUTURE Got the Latest TJ News? Get Newsworthy! Did you know that the Partnership Fund (PF) sends a quarterly newsletter out via Constant Contact to all current parents, many past parents, and all alumni for whom we have contact information? Gmail labels as “promotional” all Constant Contact emails, and we don’t want anyone to miss out on the latest TJ news. So in case you missed the March issue of Newsworthy, here’s recap, with links: • ’04 Alum Brings Investing to the People: One of the hottest start-ups in Silicon Valley is an alumni-founded company with an app that aims to shake up Wall Street. Its name says it all: Robinhood. • Senior & Recent Grad Author (Enormous) Physics Book: In their spare time, a TJ senior and a 2015 alum wrote a 650page book on Mechanics geared toward motivated high-school students that includes over 250 figures and over 200 challenging problems. • ’01 Alum, TJ Junior Win School Board Seats: Meet Dalia Palchik, TJ '01, Providence District's new representative to the FCPS School Board, and Laura Chu, TJ '17, the Board's next Student Representative. • TJ Students Teach Everyone to Code (and a Lot More): Everybody Code Now, Project CODEt, HackTJ, STEMWISE, STEMbassadors -- many afternoons and most weekends TJ students are teaching, tutoring, and motivating other students. • TJPF Hosts School’s First Internship Fair: Great turnout of companies and students shows tremendous promise as an annual event. • TJPF Awards Grants to TJ Clubs & Teams: See which clubs and teams were the first Community Grant recipients. • Greg Myers, School Psychologist, Is this Issue’s “Alum Who Never Left”: Learn about this special alum and how he helps TJ students take care of themselves and each other. • Recent Alumni Reunions & Events: Alumni Day, ’00, ’05, ’10 Reunions, Bay Area Meet-up • School, Students, Alumni in the News: If Newsworthy doesn’t satisfy your need for TJ news, you can read what the Washington Post has to say about us! The Partnership Fund invited the entire TJ community to the newly opened Nobel Commons for a joyful celebration of the completion of Phase Two of TJ’s renovation. Read about the renovation and the March 10 Dome Celebration. – Happy Spring! From your friends at the Partnership Fund, TJ’s non-profit foundation April 2016 Page 10 Click H ere to Return to H ot Links on Page 1 April 2016 There are just 11 short weeks left before graduation, and the All Night Graduation Party Committee would like to highlight some of the ways that you can help support ANGP. We are only half way to our budget goals, so we need immediate school-wide support if we are going to make this party a memorable and successful event. Click on the links below to see what you can do: Senior Parents: PURCHASE A TICKET Just over 200 students have purchased tickets for ANGP. In past years over 90% of the class attends, so if you have not already done so, please buy a ticket. Tickets will not be sold the day of the event, so make sure your child is not left out! Tickets are $125. SUBMIT YOUR SENIOR”S TODDLER PHOTO Submit your child’s toddler photo to tjbabyphotos2016 at Please include your son or daughter's full name and nickname in your email. The photos will be used for a contest during ANGP. PURCHASE A TJ GRADUATION SIGN to place in your front yard for $25. All Parents: I DRIVE SMART RAFFLE Is your child ready for a Behind-the-Wheel driving class? ANGP has partnered with I Drive Smart to raffle off a Behind-the-Wheel driver training class worth $499. I Drive Smart is the only local driver education school where 100% of the instructors are active-duty or retired police officers. Tickets are $5 each or 5 for $20. Even losing tickets are worth $50 off the purchase of the Behind-the-Wheel class (must be purchased by June 30, 2016)! VOLUNTEER and RECRUIT VOLUNTEERS This is a big event, and we still need over 300 volunteers! The earlier you pick your volunteer slot, the better the choice of times and volunteer duties. We have recently added Friday, June 17, 5:00pm decorating slots. We are especially in need of underclassmen parents to work the Security detail during the party. MAKE A DONATION to the ANGP All donations are tax-deductible and go directly to defray the costs of the party. All donors will be recognized on the ANGP 2016 website under Donor Recognition and on the Donor Wall of Recognition at the ANGP in June. GLORY DAYS GRILL FUNDRAISER Every time you eat at ANY Glory Days Grill location between now and April 15, 2016, Glory Days will contribute 10% of the total food and beverages purchased to ANGP! Just ask for the itemized copy of your guest check (not the charge card receipt) and drop it off in the collection box in the main office. GIFT CARD DONATIONS Have extra GIFT CARDS you might not use? We can use them – they are great prizes. Donations can be left in the ANGP Mailbox in the Main Office. Questions? Contact Co-Chairs Marilena Barletta or Jane Hsu tj2016angp at April 2016 Page 11 Click H ere to Return to H ot Links on Page 1 Class News 2017 – Juniors Happy spring, junior families! We hope that you all had a restful spring break. Thanks to all who sent in pies and other contributions and to those who helped at or ran in the PiMiler Race. It was a very fun event! As noted in previous years, due to the constraints that construction places on fundraising, we will be collecting class dues. A big thank you to those of you who paid the dues for the past 2 years! (If you are wondering if you already paid this school year, you did not – this is the first time we are asking for dues from the juniors.) As a reminder, our class will continue to hold small fundraisers – including the PiMiler – but rather than needing a large donation from each family at the end of next year, we are requesting a $25 class dues payment from each family each school year, and are asking for your payment for junior year at this time. Additional donations are welcome! Please make check payable to TJHSST Class of 2017 and include your student's full name in the subject line. Please mail payment to: Thomas Jefferson HS for Science and Technology ATTN: Brian Field 6560 Braddock Road Alexandria, VA 22312 Thank you very much for your dues payment and again, please make out your check to TJHSST Class of 2017 so that it can be properly credited to our class fund. Thanks for your support of the class of 2017! Ann Carr and Lan Fan 2017 Parent Liaisons mandacarr at fanlan at April 2016 2018 – Sophomores Happy Spring, everyone! We hope that everybody had a relaxing Spring Break and that students are ready to tackle the fourth quarter. iNite. We’re very excited to have iNite this coming Saturday, April 2, at GMU. iNite, which stands for International Night, is one of TJ’s largest and wellattended events. It’s a great tradition which showcases TJ’s diverse community, student creativity, and school spirit. Good luck to the performers! Help! All Night Grad Party (ANGP) is a volunteerintensive event, and there are still many spots to be filled. Senior parents need the help of the Junior, Sophomore, and Freshman parents to set up the party while they are at their children’s graduation. In two years’ time, this will be us, begging for help from the other parents to come and aid us make ANGP a memorable night for the TJ graduates. If you can find time to lend a hand on Saturday, June 18, here’s the link. Thanks! Summer school? Summer school registration is already open. Here’s the link. The big question, however, is whether or not it’s absolutely necessary for your child to take summer school. For many students, it isn’t. But for those who wish to attend the higher level STEM classes, like those post-AP math classes, only offered here at TJ, while pursuing four years of electives, like orchestra and journalism, summer school may be the only way. Students graduating from TJ complete 26 credits to qualify for the TJHSST Diploma. That’s four more than the total number of credits required for a Standard Diploma (22). Here’s a link for more info on the TJ Diploma. And here’s another link to a YouTube podcast explaining “TJ Four Year Plan for 2015 and Beyond.” Page 12 Click H ere to Return to H ot Links on Page 1 For your calendars: Saturday, April 2: iNite, 1:00 and 7:00pm, GMU Thursday, April 21: 2 Hour Early Release Friday, April 22: Student Holiday Your 2018 Class Liaisons, Nancy Yang and Clarissa Maribojoc 2018 Parent Liaisons chaonanyang at mom2patmatt at 2019 – Freshmen We hope everybody had a safe and fun Spring Break and is ready for the last three months of freshman year! Last month, our students submitted their course selections for the 2016-2017 school year. If summer classes at Woodson High School are part of your student’s plans, be sure to register here as soon as possible as summer school spots are on a first come, first served basis. Registration for online summer classes is also now available here. The Class of 2019 is responsible for raising about $45,000 over the next four years. This money is used to pay for the graduation ceremony venue (George Mason University’s Patriot Center), senior prom, and other graduation expenses. Each class organizes events throughout the year to help raise funds — and we need parent support to make these events a success! How can you help? • Donate prizes, such as gift cards, electronics, event tickets, etc., that can be used in raffles or other contests. • Reach out to business you know (or maybe your own company) to see if they are interested in receiving free promotion in exchange for being an event sponsor. • If you own or know a printing company, donate or provide discounted printing for Class of 2019 Spirit Wear. • Volunteer at class-organized fundraising events. The primary Class of 2019 fundraising event for this year will be the Freshmen Lock-In, an overnight April 2016 event where students can hang out and bond with their classmates over games, movies, food, and other teenage “stuff.” The Freshmen Lock-In will take place in May, with more details on location, timing, and tickets to come. However, to make the Freshmen Lock-In (and other Class of 2019 fundraising events) successful, we’ll need parent support! Please consider contributing to the event itself, having your child attend, or sign up to be a volunteer for the Lock-In (more details and sign-up information to come). If you would like to make a donation, have your student drop it off in Trailer N or with one of the faculty sponsors — Mr. Carey or Ms. Jirari-Scafotto. Donations are tax deductible. The next PTSA meeting will be on Friday, April 8, at 9:00 – 11:00am in the Franklin Commons. Light refreshments will be available, and the meeting will start at 9:15am. Got photos? We’re always collecting photos of the class of 2019 — both from the school year and over the summer. Photos over the next four years will come in handy when we’re preparing for the All Night Graduation Party and other senior events. We’ve created a Shutterfly Share site for the class of 2019 (TJ Class of 2019) where you can post and share photos on a protected site. You’ll need to create an account (or use an existing one) in order to access the site — and then feel free to post photos in either an existing or new folder. If you have any problems joining the site, email us at TJHSST2019 at and we’ll add you as a member. How can you stay connected with the class of 2019 parents? Join the TJ Class of 2019 Parents Facebook page to ask questions, find out about upcoming events, and general information about TJ! You can also email us at TJHSSST2019 at Please contact us with questions or if you’d like to help volunteer or support class fundraising efforts! The Class of 2019 appreciates your support! Class of 2019 Class Liaisons Deb Carstoiu, Julie Cox, and Sylvia Suresh TJHSST2019 at Page 13 Click H ere to Return to H ot Links on Page 1 TJ Boosters ACADEMIC BOOSTERS The election year excitement noticeably picked up in March, as the results of primaries in numerous states winnowed down the presidential nominees from both major parties into establishment and anti-establishment candidates. As in election years past, however, the quality of the debates among them appears to be in the eye of the beholder. By contrast, the piling successes of TJ’s numerous public speaking and debate teams show that the performance of their members is of consistently high quality. See their many outstanding achievements below! We also cover the wonderful accomplishments of some Olympiad teams as well as those of the Chess and Computer teams. Want to support our teams so they continue to fulfill their true potential? It’s not too late to become an Academic Boosters member; you can join easily online here! Your contribution may be matched by your employer, which means that it will be automatically doubled! CHEMISTRY OLYMPIAD Early in March, the International Olympiad changed its location from Pakistan to Georgia. So now there will be a boot camp in June, and the top four national students will compete internationally this July. Among the students who competed in the Local Chemistry Olympiad Exam on March 4th were Arvind Srinivasan, Katherine Cheng, Ben Pioso, Millan Welman, Kevin Xu, and Alex Peng, who were selected to compete last month because the local chapter expanded its limit of contestants per school to 20. Congratulations to Aadith Vittala and Joyce Tian, our top two scorers! They have progressed to the Chemistry Olympiad National Examination on April 22 at the Germantown Campus of Montgomery College! CHESS TEAM The TJ Chess Team competed in the Virginia State Chess and Blitz Chess Championships, which were held at Rock Ridge HS in Ashburn from March 4 to the 6. April 2016 The TJ Blitz Team performed well, placing 2nd! Camden Wiseman, Isuru Attanagoda, and Akhil Goel, respectively, showed their immense skill by placing 7th, 10th, and 13th overall out of 50 people! The Blitz team also included Ben Lyons, Pranav Karthik, Perry Feng, Jesse Cai, Nikhil Ramachandran, Rahil Shah, Andrew Jiao, and Robin Park. Many seniors came this year to blitz after not playing for years, showing their love for chess. The Main Event lasted two days with four long matches on Saturday and two on Sunday. Players competed in games of chess that lasted up to 3.5 hours. As usual, TJ sent more players than any other school. Thirty-two TJ students played in the Main Event: Isuru Attanagoda, Camden Wiseman, Ben Lyons, Aaryan Balu, Perry Feng, Joie Wang, Akshaj Kadeveru, Andrew Jiao, Akhil Goel, Meredith Lee, Andrew Song, Jnanadeep Dandu, Maxwell Lee, Pranav Karthik, James Kuang, Ajith Kemisetti, Rachel Naidich, Evan Lin, Minwu Kim, Adityasai Koneru, Rahil Shah, Emerson Berlik, Robin Park, Jeffrey Wang, Christina Schieble, Edward Sun, Jerry Huang, Daniel Yang, Akshith Peyyala, Charles Huang, and Amit Joshi. The tournament ended with the powerhouse TJ team taking home their 18th consecutive state championship! The team’s top scorer was Isuru Attanagoda, who tied for 2nd place with 5.0/6 points! Several people from the team tied for 8th place with 4.5/6 points, including Camden Wiseman, Ben Lyons, Aaryan Balu, Perry Feng, and Joie Wang. Furthermore, a number of team members received awards for performing exceptionally well for their rating. Minwu Kim had the best score (3.0/6 points) for a person who had never played in a chess tournament. Andrew Jiao had the best score (4.0/6 points) for a person with less than 1200 rating points. Overall, we had a great year again at States. Congratulations to our team for doing so well! And congratulations to Dr. Peter Gabor, our sponsor, for receiving the 2016 Virginia Coach of the Year Award again and for placing 2nd in the Parents and Friends Section! Page 14 Click H ere to Return to H ot Links on Page 1 None of this could have been possible without the generous help of Academic Boosters. They have supported us for so many years, and we are extremely grateful! We also would like to thank our chess parents, especially Yuyan Zhou and Wei Feng, who have helped us the past few years in all aspects of planning the trips and supporting us at tournaments! COMPUTER TEAM The Intermediate Computer Team participated in the 2016 IDT Automated Software Testing Contest for High School Students. TJHSST Team 1 (Haicheng) of Charles Zhao (Junior) and Eric Wang (Junior) was a finalist for the presentation award (top picture) and won first place overall in the competition (bottom picture)! poetry and dramatic performance to extemporaneous speaking and original oratory. Congratulations to Thomas Mecherikunnel, 2nd in Extemporaneous Speaking (Extemp) at the Broad Run Invitational Tournament. Congratulations to our WACFL Metrofinals competitors who qualified for the NCFL Grand Nationals Tournament: Thomas Mecherikunnel, 3rd in Extemp; Louise Hicks, 2nd in Declamation; Victoria Bevard, 4th in Extemp; and Minna Kuriakose, AQ in Declamation. We also congratulate Victoria Bevard as the 1st place WACFL Metrofinalist in Impromptu Speaking. Thomas Jefferson HSST was the VHSL Conference Champion. Our entire VHSL Team advanced to the Regional level. Congratulations to Matthew Sun (1st in Original Oratory), Virginia Sun (2nd in Original Oratory), Colleen Choi (1st in Prose), Christina Blake (2nd in Poetry), Deepika Gudavalli (3rd in Poetry), Sachin Jain (1st in Impromptu Speaking), Thomas Mecherikunnel (1st in Extemp), and Sai Mada (2nd in Extemp), as well as our Humorous Duo Teams of Julie Lee/Tara Prakash (2nd place) and Vikash Kumar/Siddartha Edara (3rd place). At the VHSL Regional Tournament, we congratulate the following students who advanced to the VHSL State Tournament: Thomas Mecherikunnel, 1st in Extemp; Virginia Sun, 2nd in Original Oratory; and Christina Blake, 2nd in Poetry. We also congratulate Sai Mada, who was 4th place call-up in Extemp. LINCOLN-DOUGLAS (LD) DEBATE AND PUBLICE FORUM (PF) DEBATE FORENSICS SPEECH The Forensics Speech Team practices and develops public speaking skills, competing at a variety of local and national tournaments with events ranging from April 2016 TJLD and TJPF Debate teams had two important competitions since the last report. On February 20, many of our younger debaters went to the Spartan Invitational Snowzilla Redux Tournament at Broad Run HS in Ashburn. Freshman Hana Yu earned 3rd place speaker in JV and sophomore Amitesh Kotwal was 1st place speaker in Varsity. In JV, freshmen Shresta Bangaru, Yukta Chidanadan, and Yu received 3rd, 2nd, and 1st places, respectively, overall. In Varsity, sophomores Shreya Chappidi and Kotwal received 3rd and 1st places overall, respectively. TJ won the Sweepstakes award for best overall LD team performance. TJ went to the regional WACFL Metrofinals competition on March 4 and 5 at Dominion HS in Sterling, the last of the five WACFL competitions Page 15 Click H ere to Return to H ot Links on Page 1 after which the top-ranked players move on. We succeeded in placing three Varsity debaters among the six who qualified for the NCFL, the national competition that takes place in Sacramento, CA, in May. Senior Jay Gupta, senior Aneesh Reddy, and junior Aakash Shukla placed 4th, 5th, and 6th, respectively. In JV, Chidanandan placed 3rd and freshman Grace Qi placed 6th in a highly competitive JV pool. For their performance all season, TJ debaters took home the annual Sweepstakes award. Respectfully submitted, Naman Baraya, LD Publicist; Srijith Poduval, PF Publicist; Jennifer Seavey, LD/PF Sponsor MODEL UNITED NATIONS TJHSST Model United Nations VIMUNC III 2016 Conference Awards List TJ Public Forum also had an impressive performance in Metrofinals on March 11 and 12 at Loudoun County HS in Leesburg (see picture above). In JV, TJ took home the top two spots. The team of sophomores Ann Mathew and Juhi Gudavalli took 2nd place and the team of sophomores Maddie Min and Meghana Boojala took 1st place. In Varsity, the team of seniors Srikar Kosuri and Pranav Gulati received 6th place; seniors Jeffrey Xia and Sahaj Sharda took 4th place; and seniors Kiran Girish and Sahana Ramani took 3rd place. As did the LD teams, the PF teams took home the annual Sweepstakes award. The greatest honor of the season from WACFL is the All Debate Teams Sweepstakes, and TJ claimed this very large trophy for the second straight year. This award honors LD, PF, Policy, and Student Congress Debate teams for scoring more points than any other school team. We wish to thank all the parents who helped judge during the season. Now, it’s on to the VHSL Conference on March 15, Regionals on March 19, and States in April. Also, we’ll be at the Nationals on May 28 and 29 in Sacramento, CA. It’s been an amazing season for our hard-working officers and team debaters. April 2016 TJHSST Model United Nations (TJMUN) had another distinguished performance at the third annual Virginia Invitational Model United Nations Conference, hosted by Langley HS on March 11 and 12. Several student delegates on our team received individual awards and TJMUN received the Secretary General’s Award for Best Large Delegation. Disarmament and International Security Committee ● Outstanding: Ally Nakamura & Kiran Ganeshan (United States of America) ● Honorable: Raghav Saravanan & MiJin Cho (Belgium) ● Honorable: Jennifer Hernandez & Vikrant Magadi (Kuwait) ● Verbal: Kathryn Yang & Saagar Sheth (Portugal) United Nations Children’s Fund ● Honorable: Robert Greene & Mahesh Menon (Kuwait) ● Verbal: Audrey Huang & Jessica Wang (United States of America) ● Verbal: Mithra Dhinakaran & Nira Harikrishnan (Portugal) Legal Committee Page 16 Click H ere to Return to H ot Links on Page 1 ● Outstanding: Artemiz Veizi & Otilia Danalache (United States of America) ● Honorable: Stuthi Iyer & Naman Rai (Belgium) ● Honorable: Shreya Kurdukar & Shreya Vinjamuri (Kuwait) ● Verbal: Akhil Rekulapelli & Shreyas Angara (Portugal) The International Criminal Police Organization ● Honorable: Atharv Gupta & Pari Parajuli (United States of America) ● Honorable: Annie Wang & Shivam Gandhi (Belgium) ● Honorable: Michelle Liang & Lance Nguyen (Kuwait) World Leaders Think Tank ● Outstanding: Cheryl Mensah (Barack Obama) Constitutional Convention 2020 ● Gavel: Amritha Justin (Former Secretary of State, John Kerry) NBA Board of Executives ● Honorable: Shreya Wadehra (Mark Cuban, Dallas Mavericks) European Central Bank ● Gavel: Shivam Kollur (Portugal) ● Outstanding: Gautam Ramanathan (Belgium) JCC Imperialist Nations: Netherlands ● Gavel: Alex Lewis (Jan Pieterszoon Coen) JCC Imperialist Nations: Portugal ● Outstanding: Chitra Kokkirala (Head Captain of the Navy) ● Verbal: Dan Qi (Minister of Indigenous Affairs) CDC Biological Warfare ● Outstanding: Aidan San (Kevin Karem, Associate Director for Laboratory Science) ● Verbal: David Yan (Sussan Ley, Australian Minister of Health and Aged Care) Falkland Islands ● Gavel: Richa Gupta (Francis Pym, Secretary of State for Foreign & Commonwealth Affairs) ● Outstanding: Rounak Das (Brian Pennicott, Colonel) United Nations Security Council, 1950 ● Gavel: Abhi Chadha (United States of America) ● Verbal: Ishaan Dey (South Africa) Conclusion Verbal Commendation: 7 Honorable Mention: 9 Outstanding Delegate: 7 Gavel - Best Delegate: 5 Secretary General’s Award for Best Large Delegation TJMUN April 2016 SCIENCE OLYMPIAD TJ Science Olympiad competed in the Virginia Science Olympiad Regional tournament at Marshall HS on Saturday, March 12. The three TJ teams won 1st, 2nd, and 4th place, and TJ won 1st place overall. The TJ team members worked incredibly hard and earned many medals in their respective events. TJ Science Olympiad is now looking forward to the State competition at the University of Virginia! STUDENT CONGRESS The Student Congress Team competes in local and national tournaments in a public speaking competition modeled after the U.S. Congress. Students write legislation and debate the pros and cons of the legislation with a focus on both speaking and debate skills. Congratulations to Victoria Bevard, who placed 3rd at the Harvard Invitational Tournament, and Kaleb Marioghae, who came in 5th at the Broad Run Invitational Tournament. We also congratulate Sharon Liu, who advanced to the Broad Run Supersession. At WACFL 5, Virginia Sun placed 2nd and qualified for the Metrofinals. We congratulate Victoria Bevard, who placed 1st in the Arlington Diocese at the WACFL Metrofinals Tournament, qualified for the NCFL Grand Nationals Tournament, and took 1st place in the Metrofinals Supersession. Victoria was awarded the Best Speaker Gavel for the 2016 Metrofinals. The Team is now preparing for our VHSL Regional Tournament. The team practices on Fridays during 8th period and welcomes new members. MAKE A DIFFERENCE……VOLUNTEER! Community Service Trip to the Dominican Republic after school ends and before summer school begins. Want a tremendous opportunity to engage in a meaningful service-learning activity with a unique cultural experience? Want to walk down the streets where Spanish Conquerors walked? Then join Sra. Pou from June 25h through July 3 on a community service/history trip to the Dominican Page 17 Click H ere to Return to H ot Links on Page 1 Republic. Every year we conduct a boys and girls sports camp and perform community service as needed throughout the area. Come join the hard work and the fun! For more information contact Sra. Pou at: alexandra.pou at Debbie Dong - Violin, Andrew Nam - Violin, Jason Zhou - Violin, Jennifer Steele - Viola, Andrew Jiao Cello, and Jayant Subramanian - Cello. Mark your calendars for the last performance of the TJ Orchestras, to be held on Friday, June 3, at 7:00pm in Gym1. Senior recognitions take place that night, and if tradition follows, there will be a slide show of highlights from the year. This will be a great time to hear these wonderful musicians and to see the Seniors take their final TJ orchestra bows. Save the date and join us for this final concert of the year! If you have any questions or comments, feel free to contact the Orchestra Boosters anytime at tjorchboosters at TJ THEATRE BOOSTERS ORCHESTRA BOOSTERS Both of TJ’s orchestras performed at the State Orchestra Assessment held on March 17 at Robinson Secondary. Philharmonia received Superior ratings for their performances of "Jupiter from the Planets" by Holst (arr. Monday), "Bagatelle Op. 47, No. 5" by Dvorak (arr. Sieving), and America's Cup by Silva. Symphonia received Superior ratings for their Sight reading as well as performances of "Octet in Eb Major, Op. 20" Movements 2, 1 and 4 by Mendelssohn. Congratulations to Maestro Allison Bailey and the students for their hard work! TJ Theatre is staging "Connected," a play for teen and older audiences in four pieces by Lia Romeo." In a world where we are all constantly connected to the internet, and via the internet to one another, why do so many people still feel so alone?" Explore these important themes at the TJ Black Box Theatre, Friday & Saturday, April 29 & 30. Tickets on-sale here, info posted here. Are you a TJ Theatre fan? Want to become a Booster? Join us every 4th Monday of the month, 7:00pm in the Black Box next meeting: April 25. Congratulations to the students listed below who made it into All-State Orchestra 2016. Their concert will be held April 7-9 at George Mason University.TJ Participants are Jillian Khoo -Violin, April 2016 Page 18 Click H ere to Return to H ot Links on Page 1 BAND BOOSTERS SAX-A-THON extended! February & March Citrus sales are cancelled due to unfavorable weather conditions in Florida impacting the quality and availability of citrus. Please help the Band program offset this loss in revenue by making a donation online. Thanks for your support! The TJ Drumline and Winter Guard have launched into a great season! The drum line had a successful first performance of their show, "The Portraits of India" at Mount Vernon, placing second behind Chantilly HS. They performed in Richmond, VA, on March 12 at the Virginia Winterguard International (WGI) Regional competition, the TJ Winter Showcase at South County HS on March 19, and will be competing again at Robinson Secondary School for the Atlantic Indoor Assoc. championships on April 2, and finally at Wright State Univ. and Univ. of Dayton in Dayton, OH, from April 14 through 15 for the WGI World Championships. Showcase was a huge success! Thank you to everyone who came out and helped out with this very important night! Both the TJWG and TJDL had a very successful run of their shows. TJDL performed their show “The Portraits of India” (photo). TJWG performed “Magnolia” (photo). The night was an overall success. Thank you once again! Color Guard Co-Captains Kevin Chaplin and Bernice Wu are leading a great Color Guard Season thus far. Performing their show, "Magnolia," the group placed second at their first competition at Mount Vernon High School on February 13. In addition to local Northern Virginia shows, the group will be competing in Norfolk, VA, and Dayton, OH, for the World Guard International (WGI) through the end of the season on April 9. Be sure to come see the Color Guard at the TJ-hosted Winter Showcase on March 19 at South Country High School and be on the lookout for the special Color Guard performance at this year's I-Nite. The group’s show “Magnolia”(photo attached) has been a huge success so far! The Jazz Band had a very successful night at Chantilly Jazz Fest! The group performed superbly and received an excellent rating! April 2016 Page 19 Click H ere to Return to H ot Links on Page 1 Both curricular groups, the Symphonic Band and the Symphonic Wind Ensemble, had a great night at their assessments. Both groups performed their programs in front of judges at Centerville High School and got over all Superiors. The Symphonic Wind Ensemble got straight Superiors for the whole program. Thanks to all the families that donated to the Saxa-thon! THANK YOU! Jun Wu & Lan Fan Andy & Barbara Rudin Yujin Cummings Junghyo & Oksana Yoon The Naide Family The Capozzi Family The Etemad Family The Pasquerella Family Maria Proestou & Savana Hadjipanteli The Richardson Family Hao Traiger Curtis Young The Burns Family The Maskeri Family The Marcantonio Family The Diaz Family The Woglom Family The Browne Family The Wu Family The Cox Family The Gersony Family Johanna & Steve Mace The Zhou Family The Everhart Family COLONIAL ATHLETIC BOOSTERS (CAB) VARSITY SOFTBALL Under Head Coach Mike Hrabak and Assistant Coach Meg Sandstrom the Lady Colonials got their season off to a great start with a big 20-8 win over J.E.B. Stuart on March 18. Captain Allie Roush got the Colonials on the scoreboard early with an RBI double in the first inning, the first of her four RBIs on four hits. Lauren Berry swung a big bat with three hits including a home run, and Marie Jones flashed power with a triple. Speedsters Ally Nakamura and Helen Ngov created lots of opportunities by swiping four bags each and scored a combined five runs. Holly Frank added to the strong offense by scoring a run. Diana Zavela pitched all five innings and helped herself by scoring three runs. She was backed by a strong defense that turned two double plays, anchored by infielders Grace Stewart, Neha Damaraju, and Sarah Crossen. Mehran Sajjad and Molly Schindler also contributed on defense. Rounding out the varsity squad is Ghnana Madeneni. Unfortunately Captain An Smith was scratched from the lineup with an injury just before game time, the team hopes for a speedy recovery in time for a full schedule of exciting conference play in April. Pitcher Diana Zavela with shortstop Neha Damaraju and left fielder Ally Nakamura at the ready. April 2016 Page 20 Click H ere to Return to H ot Links on Page 1 BASEBALL VARSITY If pre-season scrimmages are any indication of the upcoming season the varsity baseball team is in for a very good year. TJ racked up big wins over Park View and Trinity Christian in the pre-season, outscoring their opponents 37-4. With the team now playing at the brand-new stadium, Head Coach Nick Richards and Assistant Coaches Eric Williams and Austin Morgan have the players making maximum use of unseasonably warm weather and working hard on the field. TJ faired equally as well in their second scrimmage, winning 14-4 against Trinity Christian School. The game was the first home game of the year and the team appreciated the lively student support from the stands. The game went nine innings with strong pitching from starting senior Amir McGettrick, junior Ankush Joshi, freshman Maxwell Lee, junior Chris Liu, and sophomore Danny McCray. TJ players put the ball deep in the field with doubles by Alex Cintron, Frank Sammartino, Patrick Beck and a triple by Ankush Joshi. Joshi also led the team with four RBIs in the win. TJ won the first scrimmage notching a no-hitter against Park View 23-0. Freshman starter Todd Hartman, senior Alex Cintron, junior Jenna Greenwalt, and senior Frank Sammartino took the mound for the Colonial all hurling for the no-hitter over eight innings of play. The Colonials belted 16 hits including two each by Cintron, Hartman, junior Ankush Joshi, senior Patrick Beck, and senior Amir McGettrick. Freshman Maxwell Lee makes a play at third. Both games featured strong defensive plays including contributions from freshman Zach Hershey, junior Nakul Dar, junior Quinn Dawkins, junior Sam Case, senior Hayden Hollenbeck, and senior Saaketh Anjutgi. The Colonials invite everyone out to the ballpark as they continue their regular season play and late season action against our home Conference 13 opponents. Thank you for your continued support of TJ Baseball! Senior Amir McGettrick warms up before starting. April 2016 JUNIOR VARSITY The JV Baseball team is off to a solid start for the 2016 season and is looking forward to a good year. Coach Nate Miller makes his debut as Head Coach and is being ably assisted by Rob Van Wijngaarden. Coaches Miller and Wijngaarden are excited to Page 21 Click H ere to Return to H ot Links on Page 1 welcome back Sophomores Dorian Bloy, John Erskine, Kevin Le, Michael Li and Sujay Ratna. Sophomore William Musk also joins the team this year. The roster is rounded out by the addition of some promising Freshmen: Karthik Bala, Mark Dulaney, Amrit Gorle, Eliot Liu, Vikrant Magadi, Sohail Mohanty, Erick Tian and Arnold Zhang. JV Baseball started their season with solid performances in scrimmages against Eastern High School on March 10 and Snyder Baseball Academy on March 12. The season began on March 17 against Dominion High School. There were some notable performances from Freshman Zach Hershey who pitched five strong innings and Dorian Bloy had an excellent game catching with 7 putouts. Mark Dulaney went 3 for 5 with 3 RBI and Kevin Li went 2 for 3 with 2 RBI. The rest of the team fought hard and performed admirably but in the end they were edged out by Dominion 13–9. home games this spring the team looks to excel on the road and get into post-season play. Captains for the 2016 Varsity Soccer team are senior midfielders Fionntan Thinnes and Jackson Zagurski and junior defender Jake Nash. Joining Nash on defense include senior Patrick Ryan and juniors Reilly McLaren, Amit Gupta, Mohh Gupta, and sophomores Thomas Baron and Brendan Whalen. Goalkeeping responsibilities fall on senior Joe Karaki and sophomore Liam Kenefick. On March 18 the team racked up their first win with a thrilling come from behind victory in extra innings over J.E.B. Stuart 13-12. Amrit Gorle started the game as pitcher with a very strong performance and was relieved by Mark Dulaney who pitched beautifully for five innings to secure the win. Vikrant Magadi went 3 for 4 batting with 4 RBI and John Erskine also had a strong batting night going 3 for 4 With 1 RBI, which was the tying run to keep the game alive in the bottom of the seventh. Most JV Baseball home games are played on Tuesdays and Fridays starting at 6:30pm. The games are a great way to relax, enjoy some food, including hotdogs, and take in a little baseball after a long day. Our JV Baseball players are off to a great start. Here’s looking forward to a very successful season. Go Colonials! BOYS SOCCER VARSITY Once again, the Boys Varsity Soccer team is coached by Head Coach Sean Burke. The team graduated 10 seniors last year, and the 13 returning varsity players make for an experienced core on an otherwise young squad. The team battled against a tough McLean squad and a scrappy West Springfield team in two pre-season scrimmages. With only four April 2016 Thinnes and Zagurski are joined in the midfield by senior Jack Short and juniors Jason Stranne, Danny Wu, Deepak Gupta, Jack Schefer, and Philip Cho. Sophomores Prateek Bardhan and Joel George and freshman Sri Valluri complete the midfield. Junior Ben Bae and seniors Kemal Taban and Kunal Naik all playing forward, will provide this season’s offensive push. Go Colonials! GIRLS TENNIS Tennis experienced the best weather conditions in years to kick off the season. The Girls Tennis team, 16 strong, is coached by newcomer Brandon Ward. Page 22 Click H ere to Return to H ot Links on Page 1 Prior to coming to TJ, Coach Ward spent three years at Fairfax High School as a Health & Physical Education teacher. He has 12 years of experience as an assistant varsity coach for multiple schools (Lake Braddock, Robinson, Fairfax) and sports (Boys and Girls Soccer, Field Hockey, Girls Tennis) and is very excited about his first assignment as Head Coach. This year’s TJ Girls Tennis team is loaded with a ton of talent; returning a majority of players from last year’s team with the addition of several very talented freshmen. The squad of 12 veterans and 4 newcomers, led by senior co-captains, includes many new promising freshman ladies. All the girls are fairly strong players, which is certainly good for the future of the program. The team will try to best its results of the past three years which was as semifinalists at the state level. This year the team hopes to make it to the state finals and of course bring home the prize. For the first scrimmage of the year, the team traveled to Langley, last year’s 6A state runner up, and came out on top of a close fought battle winning 5 of the 9 courts. Freshmen newcomers Siona Prasad and Joyce Liu faced formidable opponents at their debut on courts 5 and 6 respectively and prevailed. The next scrimmage was against the Spartans from West Springfield. Although their number 1 and 2 were top level players, the team proved no match for TJ, which only lost one court, winning the match 8-1. The official season opened with a conference match against the Stuart Raiders. While not all the matches were completed due to rain, the Colonials prevailed in singles winning the match 6-1. Representing the Colonials on the singles courts and winning all matches were Freshmen Lauryn Wu on court 1, Junior Jelena Liu on # 2, Sophomore Keely Wan on # 3, Junior Stephanie Chen on # 4, Freshman Nira Nair on # 5, and Senior Co-Captain Chantal Iosso playing # 6. Playing doubles were the teams of Liu/Wan, Junior Stephanie Do and Senior Co-Captain Kritika Singh and Senior Co-Captains Shirley Wang and Anthara Gnanakumar. Expectations are high for a great season for this team with a ton of potential. The goal this year is to return to the state tournament and bring the trophy back to Northern Virginia. Goooooooo April 2016 Colonials! GIRLS LACROSSE JUNIOR VARSITY The JV Girls Lacrosse team had a strong showing in the first scrimmage of the season, topping Annandale 7-4. In goal Tina Wang - 4 saves and Sophia Trissell - 3 saves. Goals by Alice Nolan, Shambhavi Ramaswamy, Amanda Hsu, Rayyan Khan, Kayanaat Grewal, Sami Kale, and Sheral Patel! Anna Lulushi and Katherine Schinella lead the team in assists and work in the middle of the field. Louise Hicks, Jade Wang, and Sheral Patel worked with goalies Tina Wang and Sophia Trissell to lead the defensive front. Freshmen Annie Wang, Lizzie Ling, Esther Chin, Jennifer Hernandez, Manna Haile, Mina Kim, Mishka Philizaire, and Sofie Subiaur stood out and worked hard in what was, for many of them, their first ever lacrosse game. Captains Amanda Hsu, Melanie Le, and Katherine Schinella brought the energy and communication that helped lead the team to victory. Great job ladies! In the second scrimmage of the season the JV squad struggled to get started in the first half of the match, losing at the half 2-8. The lady colonials finished strong, winning 2-1 in the second half, and ended the match 4-9. Goals by Kayanaat Grewal (4). Tina Wang and Sophia Trissell in Goal with 3 saves each. Captain Amanda Hsu lead the mid-field assisting in transitions and leading the team through her non-stop hustle and communication. To officially open the season, TJ took on Marshall at home in the first official game. The Lady Colonials came out strong against Marshall gaining an early lead with goals from Kayanaat Grewal (2), Sami Kale, and Melanie Le. Marshall fought back scoring an impressive set of quick goals. Tina Wang had 5 Page 23 Click H ere to Return to H ot Links on Page 1 saves in goal, ending the half 5-10 Marshall. The Colonials were able to hold Marshall to just 3 more goals in the second half, goalie Sophia Trissel recorded 6 saves and had impressive clears helping Anna Lulushi earn a hat trick scoring 2 goals in the second half, and one in the first. Lizzie Ling had an impressive game, playing attack, she set up a nice assist in the second half. Marshall came out on top 7-13 to finish the game. Coach Aubrey Lear is proud of the hard work and hustle each and every player has put into the season so far, and is excited to see where the season will go. Noting, “this is a promising and talented team that is just getting started.” Go Colonials! CREW BOOSTERS Spring rowing season is in full swing! Our athletes are traveling daily after school, as well as Saturday mornings, to Sandy Run Regional Park to practice on the Occoquan River. Our first regatta of the season will be the Regional Park Regatta on April 2 at Sandy Run. The full regatta schedule, directions to racing venues, maps, and parking information are posted on the TJ Crew website. At the grandstands, TJ families and friends generally sit in the upper left section as you face the grandstands. We’ll be cheering the team on with our red, white, and blue pom-poms – we hope to see you all there! Parents, remember to volunteer for at least one Occoquan regatta. Check “SignUp Genius” for all the volunteer slots. Parents, mark your calendars for the away regattas this spring! The first away regatta is St. Andrews on Saturday, April 23. This is a day event, without overnight travel. It is a beautiful course and a highlight of the rowing season. It is a unique opportunity for all TJ boats and their families to travel together for the day to an away event. We’ll cheer on our rowers as we picnic together on the April 2016 edge of the scenic Noxontown Pond in Middletown, Delaware. Please mark your calendars and plan to attend! The first two-day regatta of the season is the Stotesbury Cup Regatta (Stotes) on May 20 - 21 in Philadelphia, PA. Stotes is the world's oldest and largest high school rowing competition. It is held annually along the Schuylkill River near Boathouse Row in Philadelphia. Competing crews come from schools all over North America, though most hail from the Northeastern and Mid-Atlantic United States. The team usually takes the first, second, and third eights (boats) on both the boys’ and girls’ teams, as well as the boys’ and girls’ freshman eight. Coaches will also take a few alternates in case of illness, injury, etc. For freshman and novice parents, your child’s coach will be able to predict whether your child’s boat will be competing in this race after the spring break, two-a-day practices. The travel arrangements for the students are made by the team’s travel coordinators. Parents can check our website to start making travel arrangements. Stotesbury Cup Regatta in Philadelphia, PA The second two-day regatta is the Scholastic Rowing Association of America (SRAA) National Regatta on May 27 - 28 at Lake Dillon in Nashport, Ohio. The competitors for this race are determined by the results of the state finals on May 7 for the lower boats (Ted Phoenix Regatta) and May 14 for the upper boats (VASRA Championships). The arrangements for the qualifying rowers, coxswains, and alternates will be made by the travel coordinator. Just like Stotes, parents will make travel arrangements following directions posted on the TJ website. Page 24 Click H ere to Return to H ot Links on Page 1 Sophomore Wins NSO Young Soloists Competition SPORTS PHYSICALS Get out your planners and Save The Date for Wednesday, June 1, to get your student’s annual sports physical at TJ. Medical professionals will perform the comprehensive physicals. The screening will check height, weight, vision, posture, vital signs, upper and lower body assessments and your student will see the medical professional for clearance. Every athlete needs a new athletic physical EVERY SCHOOL YEAR so, save a trip to the doctor’s office and come out and support TJ Athletics. This is a great way to ensure that your physical is completed before summer out-of-season practices start. EVERYONE will need a new physical in order to participate after July 1. Sophomore Eric Lin won the NSO Young Soloists Competition. The competition started with a field of 32 musicians, including instrumentalists and National R pianists, in the preliminary competition. The nine finalist musicians, including instrumentalists and For questions, pianists, competed at Kennedy Center in the Captains at TJM evening of March 20. Eric won the competition and TJWomensCap was awarded a monetary prize and the opportunity to perform as soloist with the National Symphonyalso be emaile Ehrman at kim Orchestra at the Kennedy Center in June. Crew Presiden Pa Booster Board TJ on the seco Got questions? Email heather.murphy at VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR PHYSICALS! We need medical and non-medical parents to help make the sports physicals a successful event! If you are a physician (MD or DO), physician assistant (PA), physical therapist (PT) or nurse practitioner (NP), please consider helping out with physicals on June 1. On March 17, Eric also won the James C. Macdonald Performing Arts Scholarship Competition held at the Alden Theater in McLean. This is his second year winning the first prize in this competition. TJ All Night Graduation Party Dining for Dollars Fundraiser We also need non-medical parents who want to help with working a station or the check-in/out desk. Your expertise and a few hours of your time will greatly benefit our TJ athletes! Free advertising for medical professionals that help! Email heather.murphy at if you can help. April 2016 Enjoy some tasty food with your friends, family, neighbors, and coworkers and help raise money to give our grads the party of a lifetime! See page 7 for all the details. Page 25 Click H ere to Return to H ot Links on Page 1 Marketplace April 2016 Page 26 Click H ere to Return to H ot Links on Page 1 April 2016 Page 27 Click H ere to Return to H ot Links on Page 1 TJHSST LICENSE PLATE FRAMES Show your school pride and spirit with attractive, durable license plate frames. Proceeds benefit the Thomas Jefferson Band Boosters. These are great gifts for any occasion! 1. Selection Option A: Our popular TJHSST class year license frame 1) Select graduation year and note quantity: __________2019 __________2018 __________2017 __________2016 __________2015 _________ write in the year 2) Frame Style: Verify which of these applies to your vehicle: Standard _______ (holes and renewal stickers on top) Reversed _______(holes and stickers on bottom) Option B: Customized license frame order Personalized with any school name, graduation year, team, club or slogan! 1) Circle background color/letter color: Typical: red/white on top with blue/white on bottom Or: white/red, white/blue, white/black, red/white, black/white, black/gold, black/grey, gold/black, dark green/white, dark green/gold, blue/white, blue/gold, yellow/black, burgundy/white, burgundy/gold 2) Insert your message (include spaces): |__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__| top 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 |__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__| bottom 3) Frame Style: Verify which of these applies to your vehicle: Standard _______(holes and renewal stickers on top) Reversed _______(holes and renewal stickers on bottom) 2. Payment: ________ x $20.00 each = ______________ Please make check payable to “TJHSST Band Boosters”. Thank you! 3.Your Information: Name: ____________________________ Phone: _________________ Provide e-mail address, and you will receive e-mail when your order is available for pickup at the TJ front office: E-mail Address:________________________________________________________ Student’s name:________________________________________________________ SEND FORM AND CHECK payable to “TJHSST Band Boosters” to: Therese Chaplin 6027 Bitternut Drive Alexandria, VA 22310 Questions? Contact tchaplin at or 703-971-3776 (home) April 2016 Page 28 Noteworthy Dates Click H ere to Return to H ot Links on Page 1 APRIL 2016 1 2 8 13 15 21 22 27 27 April Fools’ Day iNite, 1:00pm and 7:00pm, GMU Principal’s Coffee, 9:00-11:00am, Franklin Commons ANGP Planning Meeting, 7:00pm, Franklin Commons Nomination due for Executive Committee positions, see pages 4-6 End of 3rd Quarter, 2 hour early release, 2:00pm NO SCHOOL Teacher Work Day Teacher & Staff Appreciation Lunch ANGP Planning Meeting, 7:00pm, Franklin Commons MAY 2016 2 to 15 2 10 10 February 2016 AP testing – volunteers needed – see page 5 “How to Raise an Adult”, 7:00 – 9:00pm, McLean HS Auditorium, see page 4 PTSA meeting, 7:00-8:30pm, cafeteria ANGP Planning Meeting, 6:00pm, Franklin Commons Page 29
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