May 2015 - Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and
TECHCETERA MAY 2015 Principal’s Letter President’s Letter Dear Parents/Guardians, Teachers, and Students, “Ch-ch-ch-ch-Changes” – The end of April has been full of signs of upcoming changes: an auditorium full of incoming Freshman families, deadlines for college decisions, and the PTSA’s efforts to line up Executive Committee and Committee Chair nominees for next school year. May is historically known as “test month.” This is the time where we proctor standardized tests that measure student knowledge, skills, and understanding both on the state (SoL) and national (AP) level. Tests naturally provoke some stress because we want students to do well on them. I think tests are opportunities to allow students to celebrate how much they have learned, so you might also call them “parties.” Besides using new nomenclature, sometimes stress during “party season” can be reduced with some careful measures students and parents can take in the weeks prior to them. I’d like to review some strategies we have been using at school, and also have a few requests where you can help at home. Just prior to exams, we celebrated our 4th annual “Stress Less, Laugh More” week at TJ, led by our continued on page 2 HOT LINKS TO THE INFORMATION FOR WHICH Y O U A R E L O O K I N G …. Info from Other TJ Offices Academic News PTSA Committee Updates Serving the TJ Community Campaign for TJ Class News News Round-Up and Awards TJ Boosters Other Student News Marketplace Useful Links Noteworthy Dates On April 23, the PTSA participated in TJ’s Freshman Registration Night, held at the school for the first time in two years. Not only was the PTSA able to obtain contact e-mails for most (84%) of the Class of 2019, but we also offered advice, encouragement, and support. During the next couple of weeks, the PTSA will be sponsoring nine welcome “cluster” parties throughout Northern Virginia. At Registration Night, I told the new families that I think the best part of TJ is the supportive, non-competitive, and kind social environment that the students create at TJ – which makes TJ a place where it is safe to be smart. Furthermore, not only does TJ’s offer a full menu of rigorous academics, but the school also supports giving back to local communities through STEM outreach, and maintains a wacky, fun atmosphere….not to mention the arts, athletics, 8th period clubs, etc. Thanks again to the school for supporting the wonderful and important partnership with the PTSA. My only “complaint” about the night is that the agenda placed me immediately after the eloquent student athletes, which was truly a hard act to follow. By the time this issue is published, most Seniors will know where they’re going to college next year. I find all of TJ’s students so amazing that I feel every one of them can be successful just about anywhere. Nevertheless (as I wrote last month), I hope that they’ve found a college fit that will allow them to become interesting, self-sufficient adults in an continued on page 3 Click H ere to Return to H ot Links on Page 1 Principal’s Letter continued from page 1 Active Minds club sponsored by TJ psychologist Greg Myers. The intent of the week was to educate our students about effective study habits; provide opportunities for unwinding, de-stressing, and relaxing; and bring levity to the student body during a time of high stress. A variety of student activities have been offered during 8th period activities, including yoga, mindfulness meditation, relaxation, funny movies, gaming, therapy dogs, and more. questions, then it’s time to offer a break as a reward. Parents can provide a healthy snack, encourage students to exercise, choose to eat a favorite meal together, and more. For every two hours of work, students should break for 15-30 minutes to recharge and prepare for another round, if necessary. I think parents should supervise breaks with a clock to ensure participation in a video game, or something similar, does not extend far into the evening. At home, you can promote each of these themes, as well. First, studying for a standardized exam requires good reflection and metacognition, or understanding distinctions between what students know and what they don’t know. I realize there are different levels of depth for each concept; however, an accurate self-awareness is much stronger than studying everything or simply hoping for the best. The easiest way to decipher what is known is through a practice test, which has likely been offered in class as an assignment or assessment. Simply put, we learn well when we understand our mistakes, and then later retest ourselves using a test prep book or other class materials to see if the gaps have been closed. Please allow this preparation to begin a couple of weeks before the exam, and then gradually reducing the student study efforts closer to the exam date as a result of increased understanding. The night before should include lots of sleep to ensure students are at their greatest cognitive awareness. The morning of an exam should include breakfast, for sure. Lastly, find ways to have fun. Home life will likely have increased tensions near an important exam, so make time to celebrate with activities or people that will bring a smile. Sometimes those unexpected random acts of kindness can go a long way. Additionally, stop and smell the roses. Realize the preparation at TJ will enable most students to earn a passing score, and more likely a very high score, as a result of the challenging experience provided during the school year and their dedication to success. Furthermore, let’s keep exams in perspective. In the end, a TJ diploma, a mindset geared towards research and problem solving, will carry much more weight than scores on an AP exam. The AP exam will enable students to earn credits towards college, and that may carry merit along with some financial relief, as well. The next layer of support you can provide is through breaks. I encourage parents and students to discuss highly-structured study times without distraction and disruption. Students need to emulate testing environments as they practice challenging questions, as well as an opportunity to problem solve. Eventually they will get to a point where they will evaluate their work and determine questions that should be posed to a friend or teacher the next school day. Some people may try to participate in online chat sessions while they are studying, and in general, these are less productive due to social aspects and constant disruptions. Once a student has reviewed a chunk of material and prepared May 2015 If you have alternate recommendations for preparing students to ready for exams, please don’t hesitate to share them with me at emglazer at so we can make TJ an even better place for learning and growing. I hope you enjoy the May flowers in bloom! Sincerely yours, Evan Glazer Principal, TJHSST Final Two PTSA Meetings of the School Year (in the cafeteria) Wednesday, May 6 – 7:00-9:00 pm Wednesday, June 10 – 7:00-9:00 pm Refreshments served at 7:00 pm and meeting begins at 7:30 pm Page 2 Click H ere to Return to H ot Links on Page 1 Useful Links TJHSST Home Page: TJ PTSA website: TJ Booster Organizations: Academic Boosters: Athletic Boosters: Band Boosters: Choral Boosters: Crew Boosters: Orchestra Boosters: Theatre Boosters: TJ Partnership Fund: TJ Alumni Association: Other: FCPS Blackboard: FCPS Keep in Touch (KIT): FCPS School Board: Fairfax County Supervisors: May 2015 environment that supports discovering and pursuing passions, learning new things, and dealing with disappointments. TJ staff may be used to this annual rotation, but in our household, this is a big one-off! In our weekly newsletter, you may have felt a bit bombarded by our calls for nominations for next year’s PTSA Executive Committee and Committee Chairs. It really takes a village – and more people than you might think – to organize the village. I’m so heartened by the responses we’ve received. If you haven’t volunteered for one of these leadership positions, be assured that there will be many opportunities to contribute next year (and during the balance of this school year, as well). As I have said many times, my school volunteer experiences have been rewarding and fun and have connected me to schools and the local community in ways that I never imagined. Strap yourself in for seven weeks of even more changes and transitions. As always, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the PTSA with any questions or suggestions you might have. Eric Malès TJ PTSA President 2014-15 Don’t Miss Out! Time is Running Out to Purchase the 2015 Yearbook! Pre-order sales will end on May 9. There are a limited number of copies available, so preordering is the only way to ensure that your student receives a copy of TJ’s best yearbook yet! Visit this site and use school code 13621 to order. Not sure if you’ve already placed an order? Email Ms. Harris (EHarris1 at to double-check. Again, the FINAL DAY to pre-order a yearbook is May 9! Page 3 Click H ere to Return to H ot Links on Page 1 Academic News Spanish Honor Society April was quite the busy month for Spanish Honor Society (SHS). One of our most iconic and important events of the year, the induction ceremony for new members, was held on April 8 during 8th period. During the ceremony, SHS officers and sponsors inducted 32 Sophomores and Juniors who have demonstrated exemplary leadership both in and out of the classroom and a genuine interest in service and the Spanish language. The ceremony consisted of a reading of the SHS pledge, a symbolic candle lighting, musical performances by students, and a singing of A Dios Le Pido by Juanes. We hope that these newlyinducted members will continue to carry on the SHS tradition of service to the Hispanic community. Rounding out the month was a presentation given by two diplomatic interpreters from the U.S. Department of State’s Office of Language Services to SHS members. The presentation proved interesting as SHS members were able to learn what it is like to work with foreign languages alongside government officials such as President Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry. In the next month, we are looking forward to welcoming our new officers and planning for our end-of-year festivities such as J-Day and the end-of-year party. Sophomores and new SHS inductees Nathan Alam and Hannah Collins light their candles during the induction ceremony on April 8. May 2015 Sophomores and Juniors look on enthusiastically as they are officially inducted into SHS. PTSA Committee Updates Health and Wellness County Event on Teen Stress Registration is now open for the 2nd Annual Community Conversation on Teen Stress: Fostering Wellness and Resilliency. The event will be held on May 9, 2015, at Hayfield Secondary School from 8:30am to 2:30pm Marc Brackett, Ph.D., the director of the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence will be featured as the keynote speaker. Tracy Cross, Ph.D., Professor at The College of William and Mary and Executive Director of the Center for Gifted Studies and Talent Development will speak in the afternoon about perfectionism and child and adolescent suicidality. This event will feature breakout sessions led by FCPS staff members and guest presenters. A variety of exhibitors will also be present. For more information and to register online click here. Questions? Please contact Dede Bailer at drbailer at or 571-423-4250. Page 4 Click H ere to Return to H ot Links on Page 1 Washington Post Opinion Piece on College Applications by TJ Parent Glenn Kessler “ ….at a time when some top schools reject more than 90 percent of applicants, I have a simple suggestion to reduce some of the craziness. Place two limits on college applications: Students should be allowed to submit no more than 10 through the Common Application and no more than four to the eight Ivy League universities.” Read the full piece here. How Much Math, Science Homework is Too Much? by the American Psycological Association More than 70 minutes a day is too much for adolescents, researchers find. Read the full article here. Serving the TJ Community Volunteer Opportunities May is perhaps one of the BUSIEST months in terms of volunteer hours needed at our school. Over 100 Parent Proctors for AP Exams and over 30 Parent Volunteers for AP Snacks help make the AP weeks go smoothly (see volunteer opportunities below). May also opens the door to new VOLUNTEER opportunities, as we look for new faces to step forward and head committees that senior parents are vacating. Please consider stepping outside your comfort zone and get involved, whether for a Committee Chair or Volunteer Opportunity this month! If you have questions about any volunteer opportunities, please contact Robin Hatanpää (hatanpaa6 at Vacant PTSA Committee Chair Position for 20152016 Year: Recycling: Advertise the inkjet cartridge and cell phone recycling programs, mail cartridges and cell May 2015 phones to recycling company, and help make "free" money for the PTSA. Free Money from Groceries: Advertise the grocery programs and encourage TJ families to sign up by putting advertisements in the monthly newsletter and This Week at TJ. ANGP Chair for Class of 2016: JUNIOR PARENTS, step up to shadow the current Class of 2015 ANGP Team to prepare for your event of the year in June 2016. Online and Paper Student Directory Team: Help coordinate the collection of data and the production of the Student Directory (online and paper) with AtoZ Directory. This Week at TJ Team: Keep track of athletic events and report them in the Constant Contact Marketing application that the PTSA uses to send out the weekly email blast. PARENT VOLUNTEERS NEEDED DURING AP WEEK! Parent Proctors Needed! May 5-16 is AP Exam Time for many of our students, and the PTSA is asked to support this effort by providing volunteers to assist our students during the administration of the exams. No experience is needed! You will not be in charge; a guidance counselor will be responsible. You will be handing out and collecting material, passing out tissues, and walking around and monitoring students, so wear comfortable shoes. You are encouraged to sign up for as many slots as your schedule permits. This is approximately a four hour time commitment each for the morning and afternoon exams. Click here to see the exam schedule and select a time to volunteer. Signup Genius allows you to sign up and register as a guest, if you do not have log-in information. Contact Robin Hatanpää (hatanpaa6 at for more information or if you want to volunteer without using Signup Genius! Page 5 Click H ere to Return to H ot Links on Page 1 Donate Snacks/Volunteer for AP Snacks As part of the Health and Wellness initiative, the PTSA offers free snacks to our students during the break in their AP exam. Some students don't eat a proper breakfast or lunch before testing, and this healthy snack is a welcome and comforting gesture, plus students get to see the smiling faces of our volunteers. Consider donating food or volunteering to serve by clicking here. Hospitality To our awesome parents, Do you remember how school kept closing and we had to reschedule the Valentine’s Day teacher's luncheon three times? We finally managed to serve it on February 27! Everything was good and fresh, and it's really amazing how so many parents contributed to making this luncheon so special. We braved Mother Nature's moodiness, and if it hadn't been for you all sticking together to help out, we wouldn't have been able to host this luncheon for our teachers! Join us for an award-winning film HAZE to educate parents and students about the dangers of alcohol and binge drinking. The film contains graphic imagery but is a must-see for all parents and their college-bound teens. A distinguished panel will be on hand to answer questions. Click here for more information about the film. Wednesday, May 20, 7:00 to 9:00pm Northern Virginia Community College Ernst Community Cultural Center 8333 Little River Turnpike Annandale, VA Free parking in Lot B only Renovation Update The last teacher's appreciation lunch of the year was served on Wednesday, April 29. It went well, and during this happy hour on a beautiful, sunny spring day, we were able to show how we care about our teachers and thank them accordingly. I also want to take this opportunity to thank you all for your support these past two years; you’ve made my job easier. This is the last hospitality event that I’ll be chairing. Good bye, and wishing you all the best, Jane Hsu May 2015 Phase 2 of the renovation is continuing as planned. The cafeteria is now open and fully in use by the students. Modular furniture for the new commons areas arrived and is a hit with the students. As the weather gets warmer and students are spending more time outside, please remember to slow down while driving around campus. Please direct any questions regarding the renovation to Assistant Principal Shawn Frank: sjfrank at Page 6 Click H ere to Return to H ot Links on Page 1 THOMAS JEFFERSON HIGH SCHOOL FOR SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY CAMPAIGN FOR TJ // LEADING THE FUTURE QUESTION #2: WHY WOULD ANYONE SPEND A SUNDAY AFTERNOON ASKING TJ PARENTS FOR MONEY? A: There is something about finding a school where your child can be (and grow into) him- or herself that makes you want to do everything you can to ensure its future. B: There is something about attending TJ that makes you want to give back whatever and whenever you can. C: Many parents, particularly freshman parents, don’t know what the TJ Partnership Fund does or why we need a Campaign (not everyone reads Techcetera, This Week, or Newsworthy), and calling gives us a chance to explain how important private contributions are to so much that makes this School special. When we explain, parents often give without our having to ask. D: We’re supposed to stick to our script, but sometimes we end up having great conversations: parents give tips, alums tell their life stories. We also enjoy the camaraderie of making calls together. And the answer, as it is with just about everything at TJ, is “E: All of the above.” Phonathon caller, Margaret Mukerjee, Parent ’18, enjoys a pleasant – and productive – conversation with a fellow parent at the April 26 Campaign for TJ Phonathon. THANK YOU, PHONATHON CALLERS: Megha Chokshi, Parent ’17, Phonathon Chair Ashok Anant, Parent ’17 Floortje BlindenbachDriessen, Parent ’16, ’18 Beth Finn, TJ ’94 Heather Erskine, Parent ’18 Aparna Gupta, Parent ’15 Won Huh, Parent ‘17 Hilde Kahn, Parent ’12, ’14, ’17 Kaylee Kim, Parent ’18 Mili Ahn Kim, Parent ‘18 Jo Koeniger, Parent ’16 May 2015 C Kotnana, Parent ’18 Sandy Kumar, Parent ’16 Hyun Joo Kweon, Parent ‘17 Hyangran Lee, Parent ’18 Margaret Mukerjee, Parent ’18 Anna Ryjik, Parent ’15 Avani Saini, Parent ’15 Roma Saxena, Parent ’18 Tae Eun Seo, Parent ’17 Yeonjoo Seo, Parent ’18 Jennifer Simpson, Parent ’15 Seyun Sue, Parent ’18 THANK YOU, PHONATHON DONORS: On Sunday, April 26th, from 2:00 – 5:00pm, on a warm, sunny afternoon at the end of a cold, dreary week, parent and alumni volunteer callers reached out to every Freshman parent -- and almost every Sophomore parent -- who had not yet contributed to the Campaign for TJ. Most parents were out, so our volunteers left a lot of messages and followed up with a lot of emails, but when callers did reach parents they explained why it is SO IMPORTANT that all parents do what they can to help TJ stay strong and become even stronger. And parents listened. The following parents pledged or donated THAT DAY! Alan & Elizabeth Bacon Anonymous (2) Nam Cheol & Mili Kim Hugh & Lisa Quinn Myung & Stephanie Han Anna Ryjik Nagesh & Jayashree Vattikonda Kim Sherrock Sandhya & Sreenivas Karpurapu Kaylee Kim Srinivas Chodavarapu & Kiranmai Nandarapu Donations are still coming in as parents respond to follow-up calls and emails. Additional Phonathon donors’ names will be listed in the June Techcetera, and all Campaign for TJ donors to date will be listed in the 2015-2016 Back-to-School issue of Newsworthy. If you received a call and haven’t yet responded, or if you’ve been meaning to donate, please send your check or pledge/donate online today and watch our total climb! Questions about anything Campaignrelated? Contact Samantha Courtney in the PF Office at scourtney at or 703.750.8317 Thank you, parents, for all you do to support TJ. – The Partnership Fund, TJ’s non-profit foundation Page 7 Click H ere to Return to H ot Links on Page 1 ALL NIGHT GRADUATION PARTY Saturday, June 20, 2015 ATTENTION TJ PARENTS! WE URGENTLY NEED YOUR HELP! By the time you read this, June 20 will be 50 days away! Yes indeed, graduation at the Patriot Center will be here before you know it and so will the All Night Graduation Party!! The dedicated ANGP Steering Committee has been hard at work all year planning, budgeting, and fundraising for the event to ensure that it will be the most fun ANGP ever! Lots of activities, games, food, prizes, and surprises are already lined up and finishing touches are being made on decorations and menus. More than 300 tickets have been already been sold. Almost everything is in place to make this special ‘last chance’ opportunity for the seniors to celebrate together a reality. But (and you know there had to be one), the ANGP URGENTLY NEEDS VOLUNTEERS to make this evening possible. We still have almost 300 volunteer spots that have not been filled! If we do not get the volunteers we need, we will be forced to cancel the event. Although JUNIOR, SOPHOMORE AND FRESHMAN PARENTS are encouraged to volunteer during any time period, we especially need you during the 6:00pm – 10:00pm time slot. This is the time when senior parents will be attending graduation. This is an excellent (and no-pressure) opportunity to see how the ANGP kicks off before your child’s class participates. We also need SENIOR PARENT volunteers for the 1:30am – 5:30am shift on Sunday, June 21. Did you know that volunteering to work the ANGP is the ONLY way parents will be allowed to be a part of the celebration? That’s right, unless you are a parent volunteer, you cannot attend the ANGP. Don’t miss out on the fun of celebrating graduation with your son or daughter (without the tissue box!). CLICK HERE TO SIGN UP! MONETARY DONATIONS In addition to volunteering, parents can help make the ANGP a success in other ways as well. Because of the renovations at TJ, we must hold the party at an outside site which results in extra costs. As a May 2015 result, the ANGP steering committee is seeking monetary donations for the ANGP. Please consider donating any amount, small or large, to help us make the party a success. All donations are tax deductible and go directly to help defray the cost of the party. Your donation will be recognized on the ANGP website as well as on the Donor Wall of Recognition at the ANGP. Click HERE to donate via PayPal or a credit card or HERE to download the donation form. FOOD DONATIONS FOR THE ANGP Again, because of our offsite location, we are unable to prepare food for the ANGP onsite. Some of the food will be catered, but as you can imagine, that is quite costly. To keep our expenses down, we are asking EVERY senior family to consider a food donation. Please click HERE and select a donation. FILL THE SILVER DINER @ TYSONS ON WEDNESDAY, MAY 20, 2015! Have a great meal. Bring your family and friends to Silver Diner, Tysons Corner on Wednesday, May 20, between 6:00pm and 9:00pm, 8101 Fletcher St, McLean. Celebrate the SOLs (or no homework) and a portion of all food sales supports TJ’s ANGP. SILK TIES AND SCARVES – JUST $30! tjSTAR is just around the corner. What better way to show your school spirit than with a TJ silk tie or scarf as your student presents his/her research at our annual scientific symposium? These fashion essentials can also be worn on game day or to the sports banquet for student athletes, academic competitions, college interviews, and of course, graduation. They also make great Mother’s/Father’s Day gifts. You can pre-order online using PayPal. A $5 RAFFLE = $50 DISCOUNT ON DRIVER’S ED (BEHIND THE WHEEL)! Support ANGP by purchasing raffle tickets for a chance to win a $499, seven 100-minute sessions, Behind-the-Wheel Training Package with “I Drive Smart.” Even if you do not win, use your raffle ticket to receive a $50 discount on any IDS package Page 8 Click H ere to Return to H ot Links on Page 1 purchased by June 30, 2015! Raffle tickets are $5 each or 5 raffle tickets for $20. Buy tickets online via PayPal by clicking here. Tickets will also be available at the Partner for Safe Teen Driving Assembly on May 5. The drawing will be held May 13. I Drive Smart is the only company where current or retired police officers provide 100% of the instruction. For more information, go to or call 855-IDS-COPS. TODDLER PICTURES Senior parents: Time is running out... Please send photos by May 30 if you want your senior's toddler photo to be included in the 'Guess the TJ Senior contest'. Provide your senior student's toddler picture from ages 2 to 4. You can email digital/scanned pictures to tjbabypics at We request that you provide the photo in jpeg format. Please include your son or daughter's full name and nickname in your email. PLEASE get your son or daughter's approval for the picture you send. If you would prefer, you can also mail a copy of the photo to: TJHSST ANGP - Baby Pics, 6560 Braddock Rd., Alexandria VA 22312. Also, make a duplicate as prints can not be returned. ANGP TICKETS - $125 It’s not too late to buy a ticket. $125/student. Even if you are not sure that your child wants to attend ANGP, please purchase a ticket to support this event! Ticket forms are available here. Please remember that BOTH the student and one parent need to sign the form. The TJ PTSA is committed to ensuring that all students can attend. If you need financial assistance, please contact your guidance counselor. All requests are kept confidential. LAWN SIGNS - $20 Senior Parents: Congratulations Graduate Lawn Signs are available for $20. Click here to purchase one via PayPal. PLEASE JOIN US FOR OUR NEXT ANGP MEETING ON WEDNESDAY, MAY 6, 2015 FROM 6:00-7:30PM IN THE COLLEGE AND CAREER CENTER. May 2015 Class News 2015 – Seniors Hard to believe but there are just two months to graduation!! Final preparations for prom and graduation are just about done, some students have not submitted their required senior dues. Please make sure you have paid the dues, which support these important events, including graduation and prom. If you have not paid already, please submit a check for $100 made out to TJHSST and put “Class of 2015 Dues” along with the student’s name in the “For” line. Students can drop them off in Dr. Osborne’s trailer (32). Other events to note: ALL NIGHT GRAD PARTY (ANGP): WE REALLY NEED VOLUNTEERS! Senior and non-senior parents (friends and family) can volunteer. Please help! Sign up to volunteer at ANGP. Questions? Email ANGP co-chairs Lisa Savage and Ginger Bugaighis at tj2015angp at Our students deserve a fun-filled event with all their fellow TJ seniors. PROM: May 30 at the National Building Museum. tjStar: June 9 SENIOR PICNIC: June 18 or 19 (date not yet confirmed) right after the mandatory graduation rehearsal. GRADUATION: June 20: Patriot Center, George Mason University, 7:00 pm. PICTURES: Don't let your senior be left out of the fun! Please send in your child’s photo (between ages 2 and 4 yrs. old) as soon as possible for the ANGP 'Guess the TJ Senior Contest'. You can email digital/scanned pictures to tjbabypics at Please include your son or daughter's full name and nickname in your email. Congratulations to all our students on their college decisions! Page 9 Click H ere to Return to H ot Links on Page 1 2017 – Sophomores Summer is almost upon us and the Sophomore class has been busy planning a fun way to end the year: a field trip to Hershey Park. Buses will depart TJ at 11:00am on Thursday, June 18, and return around 10:00pm. Parent chaperones are needed for this trip. Please sign up here. Parent proctors are still needed for AP exams May 4 to 15! Shifts are four to five hours. You can sign up here. Sophomore parent help is needed for the All Night Graduation Party (ANGP), a huge celebration that provides TJ graduates with a fabulous, safe, drugfree, alcohol-free environment after the graduation ceremony on June 20. Sophomore parents are especially needed during the 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm shift while senior parents are attending graduation. Sign up is easy – click here. Thanks to those who have mailed class dues in. If you have not, it is not too late! Contact us if you are unsure if you have paid your dues, or if you need mailing info. Thanks for your support of the class of 2017! Ann Carr and Lan Fan 2017 Parent Liaisons mandacarr at fanlan at looking like it will be the biggest party of the year! We don’t want anyone to miss out on the fun, so we will continue to collect registrations through May 5. We met with representatives from Audrey Moore Rec Center, and they stressed the need for lots of chaperones to make sure that everyone stays safe while they are having all this fun. We do have several shifts to cover through the night. We also have more than 50 students requesting rides from TJ to Audrey Moore that evening, as well as a fair amount of supplies and equipment to transport, so we could use volunteers to shuttle things back and forth early that evening. We’ve already had almost 60 parents submit the volunteer form, and another dozen or so have signed up online, for everything from shuttle drivers to the graveyard shift, and we are extremely appreciative!! But we could definitely use some more, so if you are able to chaperone for a few hours, it would be a great help to us. The volunteer form was in the packet that was sent home with the students. Here’s a link so you can register to volunteer online. Please feel free to e-mail us at MLAuerbach at or CMDelaCuesta at with any questions or concerns. Thanks, and see you on May 15! Mike Auerbach and Chuck Dela Cuesta Faculty Sponsors, Class of 2018 **** 2018 – Freshmen We have more information about the Freshman Lock-Up, to be held on May 15 at the Audrey Moore Rec Center. Here is another note from the Faculty Sponsors: Hello Again Class of 2018 Parents, If you need another form to sign up for Lock-Up, they are available in Mr. Auerbach’s classroom, T25. As always, the 2018 class parents are available to answer any questions about Lock-Up or any other issues relating to the Class of 2018. Nancy Yang & Silvija Strikis Class of 2018 Parent Liaisons chaonanyang at sstrikis at We have collected over 300 registration forms and checks from students and the Freshman Lock-Up is May 2015 Page 10 TJ Boosters ACADEMIC BOOSTERS Thank you to the wonderful students and parents who helped out with our phonathon! If you were called by a volunteer and already donated, thank you on behalf of all of TJ’s academic teams!! If you pledged a contribution and haven’t had a chance to follow through on that commitment, please visit the Academic Boosters website today and honor your pledge. You’ll support the teams and save our volunteers the followup calls! Here’s the link to our membership page. BOTBALL Three TJ Botball Robotics Teams competed in the Greater DC/Virginia Botball Tournament ( on April 18. Click H ere to Return to H ot Links on Page 1 The Freshman team was: Andreea Foarce (captain), Sarkis Ter Martirosyan, Angel Peprah, Nikilesh Subramaniam, Arya Saravanan, Nithin Dass, Ethan Liu, Sricharan Bachu, Arvind Srinivasan, Justin Lasker, Jaden Lee, and Yuki Oyama. Each team's pair of robots is equipped with cameras, touch sensors, and light sensors. This year, the robots score points by collecting, moving, and sorting colored poms, blocks, and small frisbees, which are placed on the surface of the board, on raised platforms, and on the tops of poles. Scores are determined by points awarded for project documentation, an oral presentation about the teams’ robots and strategy, the team’s average score in the seeding rounds, and the team’s final position in the double elimination tournament. CHEM OLYMPIAD Congratulations to Janice Ong, Joyce Tian, and Lawrence Wang, who are our finalists in the Chemistry Olympiad. As this issue is going to press, they are competing in the National Chemistry Olympiad in Germantown. Team A came in 17th place in Seeding Round and was 02 in the Double Elimination round. Team B finished with 2-2 record and received a Judge’s Choice award for “Overall Design of the Sorting System.” The Freshman Team finished with a 1-2 record and won an award for their 2nd place finish in the “Alliance Challenge” rounds. Computer Teams At UVA's 5th Annual High School Programming Contest in April 2015, the Senior 'Puter team of Kevin Geng, Ashley Kim, Samuel Kim, and Hariank Muthakana placed 3rd, and the Frosh 'Puter team of Katherine Cheng, Srinidhi Krishnamurthy, Sujay Ratna, and Justin Zhang placed 5th, out of 52 competing teams. Team A included: Harshal Jariwala (captain), Steven Wang, Diana Chang, Ben Trans, Akash Kalimili, Sathvik Kadaveru, Katherine Yang, Hriday Kamshatti, Risheek Rajolu, Abhilaash Velamati, and Rahul Sundararaman. Team B included: Suhas Sastry (captain), Nipun Mallipeddi, Daniel Kweon, Thomas Lai, Adam Kim, Nikhil Daga, Hanshin Lee, Josh Rutzick, Daniel Medas, James Ma, Numan Khan, and James Quek. May 2015 JAPAN BOWL In April, the TJ Japan Bowl team attended the national competition at 4H Youth Center in Chevy Chase, MD. The questions include a wide variety of Page 11 Click H ere to Return to H ot Links on Page 1 topics other than the language-related questions such as pop culture, art, sports, history, politics, and economics. Congratulations to the TJ teams, who did well again this year, and showed the great team work! Level 2 team: Raef Khan, Hayun Chong, Woohyeong Cho Level 3 team: Tanvi Haldankar, Austin Riopelle, Ashwin Shrinivasan (6thin ranking) Level 4 team: Kathie Shen, Zeal An, John Serger (4th in ranking) FORENSICS SPEECH Congratulations to our VHSL State Forensics Tournament competitors, Aria Kim, Matthew Sun, who placed first in Original Oratory, and Victoria Bevard, who placed first in Extemporaneous Speaking. We also congratulate Matthew Sun who advanced to the semi-final round of competition at the National Speech & Debate Association Virginia District Tournament. Our Forensics Team is now preparing for the NCFL Grand Nationals Tournament in May and for our Annual SpeechFest on May 15. This is an opportunity for the students to share what they have been working on during the year with other TJHSST students. We hope to inspire others to excel in public speaking. George Washington University International Affairs Association. WAMUNC was the last conference TJ MUN will attend this year. We would like thank our amazing advisor, Señora Pou and our terrific parent volunteers for all of your help this year!! We couldn’t have done it without you! Disarmament and International Security Committee Gavel – Mara Casebeer and Arya Sivadhanam (United Kingdom) Special Political and Decolonization Committee Honorable - Sahaj Sharda and Arnav Simha (Belgium) Honorable - Ishaan Dey and Ian Moritz (United Kingdom) Social, Humanitarian, and Culture Committee Outstanding – Alex Lewis and Neil Parikh (United Kingdom) Honorable - Arthur Browne and Sahana Epari (Colombia) Verbal - Sachin Jain and Christine Zhao (Egypt) Joint Democratic National Committee, 2016 Verbal - Varun Saraswathula and Rishitha Anumola (Louisiana) Joint Republican National Committee, 2016 Verbal - Deepshika Dhanasekar and Shivam Kollur (Louisiana) International Criminal Court Verbal - Richa Gupta (Defense Attorney Ryers) Foreign Affairs Council of the European Union Gavel - Chitra Kokkirala (Philip Hammond) 2015 State Forensics Tournament Team: (from left to right) Matthew Sun, Aria Kim, Victoria Bevard, Mrs. Marie Bakke-Coach MODEL UNITED NATIONS TJ Model United Nations gained great experience at the seventeenth annual Washington Area Model United Nations Conference (WAMUNC), held by the May 2015 Conference on Online Social Networks Honorable - Will Ryu (Tata Communications Limited) Organisation Européenne pour la Recherche Nucléaire (CERN) Verbal - Justin Yum (Belgium) Summit of the Non-Aligned Movement, 1992 Gavel - Nora Thompson (President Hosni Mubarak) Page 12 Click H ere to Return to H ot Links on Page 1 Outstanding - Virginia Sun (President Cesar Gaviria Trujillo) Honorable - Puneeth Uttla (President Juvenal Habyarimana) Russian Mafia Gavel - Will Frank (Andrei Skoch) Mao’s Cultural Revolution Group Gavel - Rushi Shah (Zhang Chunqiao) Our A-team of Ryan Golant, Alexander Howe, Ranjani Parthasarathy, and Michael Yue participated at HERMES, a tournament held at Richard Montgomery High School in Rockville, Maryland, on March 28, where our team came in 6th place. Ryan Golant received special recognition for his individual performance at the tournament. The B-team consisting of Justin Yum, Saurav Pattanayak, and Rohan Hegde also participated in HERMES. Finally, we successfully hosted our own tournament, TJIAT, at TJ on April 18, with Joanna Gerr and Bobbie Sheng as tournament directors. Pakistani Cabinet Outstanding - Sam Desmarais (Nargis Sethi) RUBIK’S CUBE The West Wing Honorable - Becca Merriman-Goldring (Sam Seaborn) BP Executive Board, 2010 Outstanding - Spencer Weiss (Robert Dudley) United Nations Security Council Outstanding - Vikram Sardana (United Kingdom) The TJ Model United Nations club held its annual TechMUN Conference on April 10-11, 2015, at J.E.B. Stuart High School in Falls Church. TJ organizers hosted middle-school and high-school delegates from all over the Washington metropolitan area and honored many individual students for their achievements and resolutions throughout the weekend. The Secretary General’s Awards for Best and Outstanding Large Delegation were awarded to Langley High School and McLean High School respectively. The Secretary General’s Awards for Best and Outstanding Small Delegation went to Garfield High School and Edison High School respectively. The Secretary General’s Award for Best Middle School went to Kilmer Middle School with Carson Middle School receiving the award for Outstanding Middle School. Paul Dumitrescu, Colin Murphy, Saurav Pattanayak, Puneeth Sai, Ruyan Zhang, Rohan Hegde, Alexander Howe, Aditya Sarkar, and Andrew Wang, in conjunction with members of the History Bowl club, attended the DC Metro History Bowl Championships at Centennial High School in Ellicott, Maryland, on March 7 and qualified for the National History Bee and Bowl. May 2015 TJ's Rubik's Cube Team made its presence known yet again at the annual National Capital Area You Can Do The Rubik's Cube Competition (YCDTRC) at the National Electronics Museum in Baltimore. At the YCDTRC Competition, teams of eight representatives face off to solve 25 Rubik's Cubes as quickly as possible. This year, TJ's returning team members included: Alex Wendt, Peter Gunnarson, Eli Lifland, Devin Kim, David Zhao, and Landon Chu. New to the team were: David Chao, Shreyan Jaiswal, Frank Ding, and Adam Yee. Page 13 Click H ere to Return to H ot Links on Page 1 TJ sought to regain the title as world record holders, a title that was last held by TJ in 2013. The team worked with club president Albert Chuang, sacrificing many lunches and 8th period blocks, to strengthen team strategies and coordination and create the most effective algorithms. The TJ Cubing Team was confident in its abilities, setting record-breaking times during practices. At the venue the team set a new world record of 1:10.3, beating the previous world record by 4 seconds! Unfortunately, this record did not stand for long as River Hill High School, a TJ rival for many years, broke out of its normal times of 1:15-1:20 with a solve of 1:08.75. Student Congress competitors are also preparing for the National Speech & Debate Association Virginia District Tournament and for NCFL Grand Nationals. TJ THEATRE BOOSTERS Fiddler on the Roof is TJ's musical and theatrical spring production with shows held on April 30, May 1 and May 2 and directed by Performing Arts Teacher Jennifer Lowery. More than 50 students comprise the cast. May 1 is also Cappies night when student judges from area schools attend to rate the performance. Drama Banquet: The end of the year banquet will be held on Thursday, June 10, at 6:00 pm. Location to be determined. Mark your calendar to celebrate your student's achievement in TJ Theatre along with a special tribute to this year's seniors. Theater Boosters meetings: Please volunteer to be on the board next year. Send an email to annaryjik at if you are interested in serving. Although TJ may have fallen a little short this year, in 2016 the team will work to regain the title yet again. A special thanks to team sponsor Christine Conklin and all those who have supported TJ Cubing and made our performance possible! STUDENT CONGRESS Student Congress competed at the VHSL Regional Tournament in April, and we congratulate the following students who advanced to the State Tournament: Victoria Bevard, 2nd place, Nash Hemrajani, 4th place, Leela Ramineni, 6th place, Sharon Liu, 8th place, Kaleb Marioghae, 9th place. These five students represented TJ at the VHSL State Tournament in late April. Our May 2015 ORCHESTRA BOOSTERS Current TJ Orchestra students were on hand to answer questions posed by next year’s Freshmen during “Freshman Preview Night” on April 23. We look forward to welcoming new musicians in the Fall into TJ’s wonderful music program! Placement auditions for incoming Freshmen will take place Saturday, May 16, at TJ. TJ's production of Fiddler on the Roof is April 30 May 2. Musicians from the orchestra and band comprise the pit orchestra to accompany choir and drama students on the stage. Page 14 Click H ere to Return to H ot Links on Page 1 The last Orchestra performance of the school year will be on Friday, June 12, at 7:00 pm in the TJ Auditorium. We hope you can join us for this final (free) concert of the year, as well as see the seniors take their final TJ orchestra bows. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to contact the Orchestra Boosters any time at tjorchboosters at BAND BOOSTERS Band Assessment a Success: The TJ Symphonic Band Assessment was cancelled due to a snow day, but the Symphonic Wind Ensemble was able to perform for their Assessment on the following day. The students put in a lot of work preparing and while it was unfortunate that all of the groups were not able to perform, Mr. Foreman wanted to recognize the students for all of their hard work! Winter Drum Line and Color Guard Complete Successful Competitive Seasons! Both the TJ Drumline and Winter Guard had wonderful seasons, with a very busy Feb - April full of competitions. After an outstanding showing at the TJ-hosted “Winter Showcase,” the groups also competed at Mount Vernon HS, Broad Run HS, South County HS, and Robinson HS for the Atlantic Indoor Association. TJDL took first in their class at the Broad Run, Virginia, competition, while the TJWG took 3rd place! TDJL also took first place at the AIA Championships in April – culminating a truly incredible season! TJ Drumline perform their show “Madness” May 2015 TJWG completed their competitive season by traveling to Dayton, Ohio, April 15-19 for the Winter Guard International World Championship competitions. TJWG earned their highest scores of the season in Dayton and were also able to see performances by some of the most elite Color Guards in the world! Also at the WGI Competition, Color Guard Co-Captain Coco Chen was recognized with a scholarship from WGI for outstanding scholastic achievement as well as contribution to the sport. Congratulations to these hard working teams for an outstanding season! TJ Winter Guard prepares to perform 221B Baker Street. At World Championships in Dayton, OH Page 15 Click H ere to Return to H ot Links on Page 1 Solo and Ensemble Festivals include significant participation by TJ Band Students: Each year, the FCPS Band programs offer students an opportunity to perform solo or ensemble pieces for independent assessment by judges. Every year TJ students participate in large numbers to showcase all they have learned in the course of the year. Congratulations to all the students who participated! TJ Jazz Ensemble Wins 2nd Place at Chantilly Jazz Festival: On March 27 and 28, TJs Jazz Band and Jazz Ensemble competed at the Chantilly Jazz Festival, earning superior ratings. Additionally, the Jazz Ensemble won 2nd place; the first time a TJ Jazz group has placed at this competition. Many Congratulations to TJ Jazz Ensemble members, David Everhart, Justin Bui, Theo Richardson, Billie Males, and Aaron Geldert. Band Boosters Need Your Support!: The band boosters support TJ's wonderful curricular bands (Symphonic Band, Symphonic Wind Ensemble, Percussion Ensemble, and Jazz Band) and extracurricular ensembles (Marching Band, Drumline, and Color Guard) through volunteer and fundraising activities that help provide student scholarships, purchase equipment and supply uniforms. The Band Boosters are in need of parent volunteers to assist with critical activities. Please consider volunteering to help Band Boosters make the 2015-2016 School Year a success! Positions include: • President or Co-President of the Band Boosters • Curricular Bands Uniform Coordinator • TJMC Coordinator • TJ Bands Photographer/Historian • TJMC Camp Coordinator • Fall/Spring Concert Refreshments Coordinator • TJMC Equipment Driver • TJ Winter Showcase Coordinator/Concessions Coordinator • Fall Fundraiser Coordinator…..and many more! For more information on how to support TJ's band programs, please see our website or email president at May 2015 COLONIAL ATHLETIC BOOSTERS (CAB) VARSITY SOFTBALL The TJ Varsity Softball team has faced fierce competition in the early part of the 2015 season playing the Liberty District teams of South Lakes, McLean, Madison and Langley. The Lady Colonials put a scare into a powerful Madison team holding them scoreless in 3 straight innings with good fielding and pitching by Diana Zavela. In a preview of coming Capitol Conference games, TJSB played spring break tournament games against Edison and Mount Vernon. Diana Zavela delivers a pitch against South Lakes. Pitcher Diana Zavela has 14 strikeouts so far this season and catcher Allison Roush has been stalwart behind the plate and has caught 4 baserunners trying to steal. At the plate, Kayleigh Vance leads the team with a .385 batting average followed by An Smith with a .285. Roush, Smith and Jessie Heise lead the team in defensive fielding percentage, all above .930. Jessica Guo’s eye for the pitch has her leading the team in walks and Pooja Rathnashyam, Lauren Berry, and Marie Jones have come through with hits to keep the line moving. Shortstop Lauren Berry applies the tag at second. Page 16 Click H ere to Return to H ot Links on Page 1 Capitol Conference 13 games begin on April 17th at Marshall. TJSB has been improving their play and honing their skills with each game. Come out and cheer on your Lady Colonials! South Lakes, March 25: Despite Carson Wishard's 2-3 performance at the plate, Colonials took a 13-3 loss at the hands of South Lakes. Two of TJ’s runs were scored thanks to timely hitting by Wishard, who singled in the first and fourth innings. After rallying in the top of the fourth and pushing across their third run, TJ faced just an 8-3 deficit; however South Lakes closed that down to claim the win. Quinn Dawkins diving for the out. Varsity Softball team in the dugout. JUNIOR VARSITY SOFTBALL TJ Junior Varsity Lady Colonials (JVSB) have played three games this season, twice at home against longtime rivals McLean and Madison. Our seasonopener was held right before Spring Break on March 24 at South Lakes. Our next away games are on April 13 at Langley and April 14 at Stone Bridge. Cocaptains Kiran Girish (Pitcher), Kathy Jiang (1st baseman) lead the Softbelles with poise and enthusiasm. Ghnana Madeneni (Catcher), Surbhi Patel (Shortstop), Christine Li (Left fielder), and Lisa Qian (Center fielder) are all fearless at bat and eager to execute good plays. Newcomers-no-more Gabby Barranta (2nd baseman), Hyunjeong Cho, Zahin Faruque, Sneha Thandra, and Alice Zhao (3rd baseman) are still learning the nuances of the sport and improving with every game. Come out to our next home game at TJ and support our Lady Colonials! James Madison, April 8: With strong fielding and pitching, the Warhawks kept TJ from scoring, and walked away with a 14-0 victory over the Colonials. Langley, April 10: With Langley pitching allowing only two hits and four walks from TJ, the Saxons took the lead early on and took the game to a 10-0 win. TJ pitcher, Jenna Greenwalt, maintained good control over four innings, allowing no walks, one earned run, and six hits while striking out two. Fairfax, April 11: Despite a 16-5 loss, TJ finally started to click against the power-hitting Rebels. In the top of the first, Jefferson grabbed the early lead, 1-0, with a single by Nakul Dar which scored Danny McCray. However, Fairfax went up for good in the bottom of the first, scoring eight runs on three singles. JUNIOR VARSITY BASEBALL Despite a wet spring which hampered outdoor practice opportunities, as well as operating without a home field (due to the renovation), JV Baseball was able to use their first four games to begin the process of working together as a team. Here’s a recap of those games: May 2015 Danny McCray making the catch from center field. Page 17 Click H ere to Return to H ot Links on Page 1 The Rebels added eight more runs in the bottom of the second. Fairfax then stalled against TJ pitcher, Quinn Dawkins. Dawkins held off the hits over two innings, allowed no earned runs, walked one and struck out one. Four TJ runs crossed the plate in the top of the fourth, making the score 16-5. That inning saw exciting play from TJ when Chris Liu tripled to right field, later scoring on a passed ball. Kevin Le and Pratyush Gupta both walked on, with Dawkins singling to load the bases. Le scored, Sam Case made it to first, Dar hit a hard ground ball to bring Gupta in, and Dawkins scored on the last play. While the Colonials ultimately fell to the Rebels, the game was a clear hint of what this JV team is capable of. GIRLS VARSITY LACROSSE The Varsity Girls Lacrosse team’s season has been marked by some impressive plays and stand out players. During the game against Falls Church, Freshman Kayanaat Grewal scored her first goal of the season. Goalie Cheryl Mensa (11) protected the goal well but, sadly, it wasn’t enough to secure a win. The first two scrimmages ended in wins, but the start to the regular season has been rough. The first game against Falls Church ended in a 2-5 loss. Members of the team compete for a ground ball during the home game against Falls Church. The second game against Stonebridge had a score of 3-14 before lightning ended it in the second half. Lucia Gomez and Anna Lulushi were selected as the Players of the Game for the first and second games respectively. Subsequent games were played against Washington and Lee, McLean, Lee, and South Lakes. The game against Washington and Lee also ended in a loss, but Freshman Caroline Hatcher stopped an impressive six goals, earning herself the title of Game M.V.P. The warming spring weather makes lacrosse even more fun to watch, so come out and watch the fastest game on two feet! GIRLS JUNIOR VARSITY LACROSSE The spring season is already halfway over, but it feels like it has just started! After holding tryouts entirely indoors, the team is finally getting a chance to enjoy the nice weather outside. During practice, the team has been working on 1 v 1s, faking high and shooting low, and a new play on attack. Attack has been working on roll and fake dodges and getting past defenders. Defense has been working on staying on their girls and communicating. The team has also been working on avoiding and clarifying fouls such as shooting space. May 2015 The team walks off the field after the Falls Church game. BOYS VARSITY LACROSSE The Colonials boy lacrosse season is in full swing. TJ came up short during its opener to Falls Church. It was a hard-fought 9-7 loss. The Colonial offense was led by Senior attackman Matt Gibbs and Junior midfielder Matt Conway. Goalie Jafr Kazmi was solid between the pipes and had outstanding support of long poles Brendan Divney, Tristan Oaks, and Page 18 Click H ere to Return to H ot Links on Page 1 Andrew Howard. Spring rains caused the postponement of games against Washington-Lee and Stone Bridge resulting in a long hiatus. Following Spring Break, the Colonials jumped back into play against perennial powerhouses: Stone Bridge and McLean. Jefferson put forth solid efforts in both games making both teams work hard for their victories. The team continues to improve under the dedicated coaching staff led by Coach Kibler. The Colonials begin a 3-game road trip against Lee, South Lakes, and Fairfax before returning home to battle Langley. Show your Colonial spirit by supporting the TJ laxers! first half and then Senior captain Seth Jaffe (off a throw-in by Sophomore Ben Bae) scored at the opening of the second half. Senior goalies Ryan Morris and Nikhil Gupta combined for 10 saves in the shutout. GIRLS VARSITY SOCCER The Girls’ Varsity Soccer team is having a successful season, winning their three conference games against Falls Church (3-2), JEB Stuart (2-1) and Mount Vernon (3-0) and doing well defensively against South Lakes (0-0) and Madison (0-1). The JEB Stuart game was a particularly exciting win with an extreme ref call in the last 5 minutes giving JEB Stuart a penalty kick, which tied the game. In the last minute of overtime, Chelsea Li passed the ball to Margaret Covey, who scored the winning goal. Kudos to our goalies Raquel Sequeira and Eleni Georgiou, who saved so many goals in the games against South Lakes and Madison and many others (see photo). We look forward to a strong finish, so come out and join us for the last home game on Tuesday, May 12. Jake Nash manages the ball with Will Long looking on in a win against South Lakes. In the home-opener win against Stuart Senior captain Jackson DuBro found the net with only three minutes left in the second half. DuBro also scored in the Madison game off an assist by Junior Fionntan Thinnes. Junior Kemal Taban found the net on during a hard-fought loss against Herndon. Mehmet Aslan battles for the ball with captain Jackson DuBro. BOYS VARSITY SOCCER Boys Varsity soccer started the season strong with back to back wins against Falls Church and Stuart. Sophomore midfielder Jack Nash put one in the net against Falls Church in the waning minutes of the May 2015 “I am very excited about the youth movement that is taking over our team,” asserts Head Coach Sean Burke, referring to the seven Sophomores and two Freshmen who get playing time. Although suffering a few recent losses and looking at difficult conference games to come, Coach Sean Burke remains positive, “It was a tough week for the team Page 19 Click H ere to Return to H ot Links on Page 1 in terms of results but the boys continued to work hard. With the weather, spring break, and unpredictable practice patterns, the boys have done well to remain competitive.” Captain Seth Jaffe goes for the header with captain Eric McCord-Snook in a win against Falls Church. The team began their quest by easily defeating Stone Bridge 7-2. Freshman Keely Wan; Sophomores Jelena Liu, Stephanie Chen and Stephanie Do; and Junior Chantal Iosso all had sound victories at singles. Senior Anna Venetianer and Jelena Liu dominated in first singles and Senior Melissa Wu and Freshman Anita Ho secured the second doubles victory for the Colonials. Heading into the second half of the season, Senior captain Eric McCord-Snook adds, “I think part of what keeps TJ soccer so competitive is its motivation to succeed and prove others wrong. When sizing up two teams before the game, I don’t think anybody would pick us to win—yet, it happens.” Good Luck TJ Soccer! GIRLS TENNIS Girls tennis is heading into the second half of the season having won all but one match. The current VSHL rules have the Colonials, which were recently placed in the 5A conference, playing for half of the season against teams in the larger and more competitive 6A conference. In spite of that, the Colonials have not had trouble defeating South Lakes (7-2) and McLean (5-4). During the second half of the season, the ladies will face teams from their own conference. The solid performance of the team thus far, indicates a good chance of success in retaining last years' conference crown. May 2015 The team was optimistic, facing their toughest opponent of the season and last years’ Regional Champion, Marshall. The Colonials were down 3 singles matches to 1 with Jelena Liu and Anita Ho still playing when rain started to fall. The match will be finished in the near future. Next the lady Colonials faced a much improved J.E.B. Stuart team. The team prevailed even with the absence of the top 2 ranked players. Jelena Liu, Keely Wan, Anita Ho, and Chantal Iosso were victorious on the single courts. The ladies needed a doubles win to succeed, and the first doubles team of Jelena Liu and Keely Wan delivered. Also playing in the match against Stuart were Sophomores Stephanie Chen and Stephanie Do, Junior Shirley Wang, and Senior Melissa Wu. Ladies, keep up the good work. Goooooooooooooo Colonials! Page 20 Click H ere to Return to H ot Links on Page 1 SPORTS PHYSICALS REGISTRATION IS OPEN TRACK AND FIELD After a great Indoor Track season Spring Track and Field practices are in full swing. The team, led by Head Coach Jeff James and assistants Gary Grimsley and Todd Withington, is expecting a strong season with a number of key returners from prior years. On the Boys side, hopes are high for strong performances from Charlie Guan, Christopher Blagg, Saurav Velleteth, Nate Foss, and Nathan Riopelle, among others. Get out your planners and make an appointment for Thursday June 11, to get your student’s annual sports physical at TJ. Medical professionals will perform the comprehensive physicals. The screening will check height, weight, vision, posture, vital signs, upper and lower body assessments, and see the medical professional for clearance. Every athlete needs a new athletic physical EVERY SCHOOL YEAR so, save a trip to the doctor’s office and come out and support TJ Athletics. This is a great way to ensure that your student’s physical is completed before summer out-of-season practices start. EVERYONE will need a new physical in order to participate after July 1st. To Register: click here and follow the link for Sports Physicals and then click on Athlete Registration. Got questions? Email heather.murphy at For the Girls, Haley Stumvoll and Katrina Junta will lead the distance runners, while Carolina Hatanpää, Monique Mezher, Ashley Lin, and Claire Dong are some of the strong performers for the sprints and field events. Although the season is young, Christopher Blagg, Saurav Velleteth, Nathan Riopelle, and Haley Stumvoll have all turned in qualifying times for the Virginia State Championships in the 3200 meter run, as has the Girls 4x800 Relay team of Haley Stumvoll, Emily Moschella, Katrina Junta, and Mary Pollin. May 2015 Volunteers Needed for Physicals! We need medical and non-medical parents to help make the sports physicals a successful event! If you are a physician (MD or DO), physician assistant (PA), physical therapist (PT), or nurse practitioner (NP), please consider helping out with physicals on June 11. We also need non-medical parents who want to help with working a station or check-in/out desk. Your expertise and a few hours of your time will greatly benefit our TJ athletes! Free advertising for medical professionals that help! To sign up to volunteer, click here and click on Sports Physicals. Questions? Email heather.murphy at Page 21 Click H ere to Return to H ot Links on Page 1 Emily Moschella handing off to Haley Stumvoll in the 4x800 Relay. CREW BOOSTERS TJ Crew’s spring racing season started with the two first regattas in March cancelled due to cold weather and high winds. Our boats started competing in April in the Darrell Winslow and Al Urquia regattas on April 11 and April 25, respectively, on the Occoquan River, and the Noxontown Regatta on April 18 at the St. Andrew’s School, in Delaware. Congratulations to TJ Women’s and Men’s Second Eight and Third Eight and Men’s Junior Varsity Eight for finishing first in their respective races at the Darrell Winslow Regatta! TJ Women’s Freshmen Eight finished second at the Noxontown Regatta in Delaware. TJ girls’ and boys’ teams train hard every day for the upcoming and most competitive regattas of the spring season: the State Championships on May 2 for the lower boats and May 9 for the upper boats, on the Occoquan River, the prestigious Stotesbury Cup Regatta (Stotes) on May 15 & 16 in Philadelphia, PA, and the Scholastic Rowing Association of America (SRAA) National Regatta (Nationals) on May 23 & 24 in Camden, NJ. The travel arrangements for the away regattas for the students are made by the travel coordinator, Lisa Layfield. Parents need to make their own travel arrangements for Stotes and Nationals – to learn more about away regattas please visit the TJ Crew website. TJ Men’s Second Eight finished first at the Darrell Winslow Regatta on the Occoquan River. TJ Women’s First Eight finished third at the Darrell Winslow Regatta. May 2015 For questions about TJ Crew, students should contact the Crew Captains at TJMensCaptains at and TJWomensCaptains at Questions may also be emailed to our team’s head coach Kim Ehrman at kimehrman at, and/or TJ Crew President Lee Wittle at Page 22 Click H ere to Return to H ot Links on Page 1 Other Student News A section for articles on achievements outside of TJHSST, submitted on behalf of students. Eight TJHSST Students Win Top Honors at Regional TSA Fair Eight TJ students won first place awards at the 2015 Northern Regional Technology Student Association (TSA) Fair, held recently at Mount Vernon High School. • • • • • Asha Krishnakumar (Career Preparation) Pranavi Nara and Navya Kalale (Debating Technological Issues) Uzma Rentia (Essays on Technology) Michael Krause (Prepared Presentation) Peter Zhao, Siva Somayyajula, and Soham Ray (System Control Technology) TSA is the only student organization devoted exclusively to students interested in technology and offers members opportunities for leadership and personal growth in technology, innovation, design, and engineering. Competitions stress the importance of STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) concepts, leadership, and presentation skills. TJHSST Students Win National, Regional Awards in 2015 Scholastic Writing Awards Competition One TJ student has won a national award in the 2015 Scholastic Writing Awards Competition. Eight TJ students won regional Gold Key awards, and 12 students won regional Silver Key awards. National Silver Medal award winners were: • Mei Baek for Poetry, “Grandmother.” Mei won a Gold Key award for this entry in the regional competition. May 2015 Regional Gold Key award winners are: • Tara Abrishami for Poetry • Suzie Bae for Personal Essay-Memoir • Pooja Chandrashekar for Writing Portfolio, Critical Essay, and Personal Essay-Memoir • Richa Gupta for Poetry • Joyce Hong for Short Story • Ahnaf Khan for Personal Essay-Memoir • Anna Weidman for Personal Essay-Memoir • Jonathan Zheng for Humor Regional Silver Key award winners are: • Katherine Ahn for Personal Essay-Memoir • Zara Batalvi for Poetry • Shani Cave for Personal Essay-Memoir • Megan Do for Poetry • Caroline Heilbrun for Critical Essay • Katrina Junta for Personal Essay-Memoir • Ellen Kan for Personal Essay-Memoir • Caitlyn Ling for Personal Essay-Memoir • Shreya Nandi for Poetry • Thinh Tu for Personal Essay-Memoir • Victoria Yang for Critical Essay and Short Story • Jonathan Zheng for Flash Fiction. The following students were recognized with an Honorable Mention in the regional competition: Tara Abrishami, Shadin Ahmed, Katherine Ahn, Pranav Baderdinni, Pooja Chandrashekar, Jiwon Choi, Debi Das, Deepshika Dhansekar, Jana ElSayed, Edward Fortunato, Quintin Frerichs, Aliana Gungor, Hriday Kamshatti, Jennifer Lee, Caitlyn Ling, Rebecca Merriman-Goldring, Christian Tae, Anna Weidman, Michael Woon, Justin Yum, Jonathan Zheng, and Madeline Zug. The Scholastic Art and Writing Awards, a 92-year old program of the Alliance for Young Artists and Writers, will honor the winners at a special ceremony in New York City in June. Page 23 Click H ere to Return to H ot Links on Page 1 TJHSST Students Win Grand Prizes, First Place Awards at 2015 Virginia State Science and Engineering Fair The 2015 Virginia State Science and Engineering Fair was held March 27-28 at Virginia Military Institute in Lexington. Ava Lakmazaheri, who competed in the Electrical and Mechanical Engineering category, won the second Grand Prize for her entry, as well as first prize in her category. Ava Lakmazaheri also won the Yale Science and Engineering Award, a third place Leidos (Applied Science) award, and a special award from the U. S. Air Force. Matthew Park won one of two Grand Prize runnerup awards for his entry in the Microbiology category, as well as first prize in his category. Matthew Park also won the grand prize from the Virginia Dental Association and a special award from the U.S. Navy-Marine Corps. Both Ava Lakmazaheri and Matthew Park qualified to compete in the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair, scheduled for May 10-15 in Pittsburgh. First place winners included: • Annie Abraham, Behavioral and Social Science, and a special award from the American Psychological Association • Dhruv Gupta and Srijith Poduval, Computer Science, and a special award, the Intel Excellence in Computer Science award • Seungha Lee, Julian Vallyeason, and Hongyi Guan, Energy and Transportation • Michael You and Andrew Charbonnbeau, Physics and Astronomy Winning second place were Shruti Anant, Biochemistry; Adrien Bernard, Chemistry; Eduard Danalache, Medicine and Health Science; and Pranav Balan, Microbiology. May 2015 Third place finishers were Pranay Singh and Rohan Pandit, Computer Science, and the first place award from Leidos (Computational Science); and Charlene Franke, Earth and Planetary Science, and a special award from the Association for Women Geoscientists. Two TJHSST Students Named 2015 National Achievement® Scholarship Winners Two TJ students are among more than 800 students nationwide who have won Achievement Scholarships from the 2015 National Achievement® Scholarship Program (NASP). The Achievement Scholarships are awarded to Black American high school seniors to be used for undergraduate study at any regionally accredited United States college or university. The TJ students named National Achievement® Scholars, with their probable career fields in parentheses, are: • Azeez Abdikarim (mechanical engineeringrobotics) • Theodore Richardson (astrophysics) Each received $2,500 National Achievement Scholarships supported by the National Merit Scholarship Corporation (NMSC), which conducts the NASP. TJHSST Journalism Students Recognized by Virginia Association of Journalism Teachers and Advisers TJ students earned the following awards in the write-off competition: Ankit Agrawal, first place News Writing Aly Luckett, first place and Alvin Shi, second place Yearbook Design Page 24 Click H ere to Return to H ot Links on Page 1 Alexa Nugonly, second place Broadcast Sharon Kim, second place Editorial Writing Sarah Crossen, third place, Caption Writing TJHSST Student Wins Scholarship and Piano Competitions Freshman Eric Lin won first place in the 2015 James C. Macdonald Fine Arts Scholarship Competition. He was the only competitor awarded in the Instrument category. In addition, Eric won first place in the Junior Division of the Maryland State Music Teachers Elizabeth R. Davis Memorial Piano Competition and first place in the 2015 Virginia State Music Teachers National Association Competition Junior Division. Two TJHSST Students Win String Competition Two TJ students were named winners in the 44th annual Joseph and Goldie Feder Memorial String Competition, sponsored by Washington Performing Arts. In the Misbin Family Memorial Awards competition, cellist Didi Park won first place and violinist Shankar Balasubramanian won third place. In the Advanced Violin category, Shankar Balasubramanian earned an honorable mention. TJHSST Student Wins STEM Essay Contest Valerie Chen won top honors and a $10,000 scholarship at the fourth annual STEM Essay Contest for high school junior and senior girls. In total, 381 young women from across the Commonwealth submitted essays focusing on the student’s vision for a future STEM career. The awardees were recognized at a reception hosted by the Governor and First Lady at the Executive Mansion. Two TJHSST Teams Are National Finalists in the 2015 Spirit of Innovation Challenge Two TJHSST teams (sponsored under TJHSST’s Bioengineering Projects for the Future Club) have been chosen as National Finalists to compete in the 2015 Spirit of Innovation Challenge Competition. The Conrad Foundation announced the names of 20 high school and middle school teams from the USA, China, India, Israel and Sri Lanka to compete in the final round of the 2014-2015 Spirit of Innovation Challenge competition. These young entrepreneurs (selected from hundreds of innovative semi-finalist teams from around the world) will attend the 2015 Innovation Summit in Houston and compete for $45,000 in prizes. Presented by Lockheed Martin, the competition challenges teams of students (ages 13 to 18) to combine innovation and entrepreneurship, along with STEM (science, technology, engineering and math), to create commercially-viable products to benefit humanity and support global sustainability. Finalist teams will present their product concepts before a panel of industry experts, leading entrepreneurs, and government officials. Products will be evaluated for technical content and marketplace viability. Presentations will be available for public viewing via live stream. The 2014-2015 Spirit of Innovation Challenge is made possible by Lockheed Martin, PepsiCo, Battelle, Air Liquide, Mondelēz International and other supporting sponsors. Projects kTrace and XHauster were mentored by TJ’s Bioengineering Projects for the Future Club under Senior club officers Ramya Radhakrishnan and Heather Lukas (international finalists in the 2013-2014 Spirit of Innovation Challenge). Cyber-Technology & Security: Suri Labs - kTrace Portfolio: Rohan Suri, Kevin Livingstone, Varun Iyengar, and Claire Scoggins Energy & Environment: X-Haust - XHauster: Vooha Putalapattu, Aneesh Susarla, and Kaushik Venkatesh May 2015 Page 25 Click H ere to Return to H ot Links on Page 1 Marketplace TJ Logo Ties and Scarves TJ Logo Ties and Scarves are the ideal accessory to show your school spirit! Perfect for academic competitions, tjSTAR, game days, or any of the other multiple times students must dress for presentations. They also make perfect Mother’s Day/Father’s Day gifts! Both the ties and scarves are 100% silk. Click here to download an order form or purchase one via PayPal. Fill the Silver Diner @ Tyson’s on Wednesday, May 20 Have a great meal. Bring your family and friends to Silver Diner, Tysons Corner on Wednesday, May 20th, between 6:00pm and 9:00pm – 8101 Fletcher St, McLean. Celebrate the SOLs (or no homework) and a portion of all food sales supports TJ’s ANGP. Take a Chance on the TJ All-Night Grad Party Raffle ...Not on the Roads! Parents of All Grades: Support ANGP by purchasing raffle tickets for a chance to win a $499 Complete Virginia Behind-the-Wheel Training Package with “I Drive Smart.” Even if you do not win, hold onto and use your raffle ticket to receive a $50 discount on any IDS package purchased by June 30! Only one ticket can be redeemed per package by entering the promotion code that we will share at the completion of the raffle. Tickets are available for $5 each or 5 for $20. The drawing will be held on May 13. Additional details can be found on the ANGP Fundraising webpage. May 2015 POST A YARD SIGN Show your pride and support of your student’s accomplishments and hard work. Orders are being taken for yard signs congratulating the Class of 2015 for $20. Click here to download an order form. Page 26 Click H ere to Return to H ot Links on Page 1 Noteworthy Dates May 2015 June 2015 1-2 “Fiddler on the Roof,” Auditorium 5 Jazz Cabaret/Choir Spring Show 4-15 AP Exams (see page 7) 7 Band Concert, Auditorium, 2:00pm 5 Band Boosters meeting 9 tjSTAR 6 ANGP Meeting , 6:00-7:30pm, College and Career Center 10 PTSA Meeting, Cafeteria, 7:00-9:00pm 6 PTSA Meeting, Cafeteria, 7:00-9:00pm 12 Orchestra Concert, Auditorium, 7:00pm 6 Crew Booster Board Meeting, 7:00-10:00pm, Trailer #10 18 or 19 Senior Picnic, right after the mandatory graduation rehearsal 9 FINAL DAY TO ORDER YEARBOOK – see pg 3 18 Baccalaureate, Auditorium, 7:00-9:00pm 10 Mother’s Day 19 Last day of school early release – have a great summer! 8:30 am – 10:50 am Freshman Lock-Out, Audrey Moore Recreational Center 20 Graduation, Patriot Center, 7:00pm 21 Father’s Day 15-16 ANGP Fundraiser, Silver Diner Tysons 20 see pg 7 25 MEMORIAL DAY – NO SCHOOL 26 Orchestra Auditions (incoming Freshmen) 29 Spring Concert Symphonic Band, Wind Ensemble, and Percussion Ensemble, 7:00pm 30 Prom, National Building Museum Shopping for Mother’s Day, Graduation, or Father’s Day? Shop and Earn Free Money for TJHSST! Shop at and earn free money for TJ. Please bookmark this site on your browser and use it every time you shop! Questions? Email Helenia Pan at helenia.pan at May 2015 Page 27
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