1. Barnegat Township - Ocean County Department of Planning
1. Barnegat Township - Ocean County Department of Planning
1. Barnegat Township Component of the Ocean County Wastewater Management Plan Replacing All Previously Adopted Wastewater Management Plans Submitted By The Ocean County Board of Chosen Freeholders | January 8, 2015 Approved By The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection | Prepared By The Ocean County Department of Planning 129 Hooper Avenue, P.O. Box 2191 Toms River, NJ 08754-2191 (732) 929-2054 Ocean County Wastewater Management Plan Table of Contents LIST OF TABLES .............................................................................................................................................................................. 3 LIST OF MAPS ................................................................................................................................................................................. 3 I. OVERVIEW OF MUNICIPALITY .................................................................................................................................................. 4 II. ENVIRONMENTAL AND OTHER LAND FEATURES ................................................................................................................ 4 III. EXISTING INFRASTRUCTURE AND AREAS SERVED BY WASTEWATER FACILITIES ........................................................ 5 EXISTING AREAS SERVED BY WASTEWATER FACILITIES ..................................................................................................................... 5 AREAS TO BE SERVED BY WASTEWATER FACILITIES .......................................................................................................................... 5 SEPTIC SYSTEMS (INDIVIDUAL SUBSURFACE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS) ........................................................................................ 5 EXISTING AREAS SERVED BY PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY FACILITIES ........................................................................................................ 6 IV. ON-SITE, NON-INDUSTRIAL WASTEWATER FACILITY TABLES .......................................................................................... 6 V. FUTURE WASTEWATER AND WATER DEMAND ................................................................................................................... 9 MUNICIPAL ZONING ........................................................................................................................................................................ 9 CALCULATING FUTURE WASTEWATER AND WATER SUPPLY NEEDS AND CAPACITY ............................................................................. 9 MUNICIPAL DEMAND PROJECTIONS (NON-URBAN) .........................................................................................................................10 FUTURE WASTEWATER FROM SEWER SERVICE AREAS .....................................................................................................................10 SEPTIC SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT WITHIN THE SEWER SERVICE AREAS .................................................................................................10 FUTURE WASTEWATER OUTSIDE OF SEWER SERVICE AREAS .............................................................................................................11 Formula: Calculating New Septic Non-Residential Units ..................................................................................................... 11 NITRATE DILUTION ANALYSIS ..........................................................................................................................................................11 PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY AVAILABILITY............................................................................................................................................. 12 VI. MAPPING REQUIREMENTS .................................................................................................................................................... 12 2 Ocean County Wastewater Management Plan List of Tables Table Title 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Environmental Features Status of Municipal Ordinances NJPDES - Brighton at Barnegat Mobile Home Park NJPDES - Long Beach RV Resort NJPDES - Pinewood Estates Mobile Home Park Summary of Zones Wastewater Flow Directed to OCUA Facilities Additional Development at Build Out (Sewer) Additional Development at Build Out (Septic) Nitrate Target Public Water Purveyor Capacity Page 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 11 11 12 List of Maps Map Title 1 2 3 4 5 6 Delta Environmental Features Existing Sewered Area Adopted Sewer Service Area Municipal Zoning Regional Planning Area Water Supply Significant Changes Page 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 3 Ocean County Wastewater Management Plan I. Overview of Municipality The Township of Barnegat is located in the southern central portion of Ocean County, fronting on Barnegat Bay to the east. All land west of the Garden State Parkway is within the Pinelands Comprehensive Management Plan Area. Barnegat’s original town center is located to the east of the Parkway, and features many 19th century homes and a number of commercial buildings of similar age. More recent commercial development is located along Route 9 and West Bay Avenue. There are several age restricted retirement communities located west of the Parkway and several other large residential developments to the east. In 2010, the U.S. Census Bureau estimated Barnegat Township’s total population as 20,936. The same year, the Census documented 9,085 housing units, of which 957 were vacant. 521 of these vacant units were counted as seasonal vacancies. NJTPA projects that Barnegat’s population will grow by 22.27% by the year 2035, to a total of 26,936 people. The municipal wastewater conveyance infrastructure is capable of handling seasonal fluctuations and future growth in population. II. Environmental and Other Land Features Map 1 depicts the environmental features that are required for determining future sewer service areas. In accordance with NJDEP policy, only existing development and vacant land that is not affected by regulated environmental constraints may be included in the sewer service area. Fronting on Barnegat Bay, a large portion of Barnegat Township’s land east of Route 9 is covered by wetlands, including emergent wetlands in the municipality’s easternmost marshes. Most of this low lying area has been incorporated into the Edwin B. Forsythe Wildlife Refuge. Additional wetlands are present along stream corridors in the western portions of the municipality. Most of the land west of the Garden State Parkway is forested, and much of the western third of the Township lies within Natural Heritage Priority Sites. There is no preserved agricultural land in Barnegat. Table 1 provides a breakdown of the Township’s land area where further growth is constrained by environmental features. In accordance with NJDEP policy, the Township maintains a number of Ordinances intended to protect these environmentally sensitive features. Table 2 provides a listing of the municipal plans and ordinances required for consideration in designating sewer service areas in accordance with NJDEP policy. A more detailed description of the NJDEP policies governing the designation of sewer service areas is included in the County Document of this WMP. Table 1: Environmental Features Environmental Feature Wetlands Public Open Space/Recreational Areas Habitat T&E Natural Heritage Priority Sites Riparian Zones Preserved Agriculture Surface Water Acreage Percent of Municipality 5,457.35 11,201.71 18,478.90 3,940.05 1,689.42 0.00 3,974.90 21.17% 43.46% 71.69% 15.29% 6.55% 0.00% 15.42% 4 Ocean County Wastewater Management Plan Table 2: Status of Municipal Ordinances Ordinance Zoning Master Plan Stormwater [County - MSWMP] Riparian Zone Septic System Maintenance Dry Conveyance Septic Connections *complies with NJAC 7:15 Code Date Adopted Article II, Chapter 55-6 7/5/2005 4/26/2011 2/20/1990 [3/18/2008] 10/4/2010 N/A N/A 9/1/2001 Article XXI, Chapter 55-320 Article II, Chapter 55-28* N/A N/A Article V, Chapter 55-126.15 Source: http://www.barnegat.net/code-books/barnegat-township-land-use-code-book/ III. Existing Infrastructure and Areas Served By Wastewater Facilities All existing development in Barnegat east of the Garden State Parkway is connected to the existing sewer system. Wastewater is collected through the Township’s lateral lines, which connect to an OCUA interceptor that runs roughly along 7th Street, south to north, beginning near the municipal boundary with Stafford Township. This interceptor continues northward to Birdsall Street, where it converts to a force main and continues along Main Street. At the intersection of Main Street and Route 9, the force main converts back to an interceptor and follows the course of Route 9 to the Ocean-Indianola Lift Station (CPS-8) located at the Ocean Township municipal boundary. From there, wastewater is conveyed to the CWPCF in Berkeley Township. Wastewater generated in a portion of the Township located west of the Garden State Parkway is directed to the SWPCF in Stafford Township, via connection to Stafford Township’s municipal collection system. In OCUA’s original master plan, all of Barnegat Township west of the Garden State Parkway was in the Southern Planning Area. Since then, several amendments to the Ocean County WQMP have realigned the boundaries of the Southern and Central Planning Areas west of the Garden State Parkway to facilitate the easiest means of connection for several developments. The current boundaries of OCUA’s planning areas are shown in Map 5. Existing Areas Served By Wastewater Facilities Map 2 presents the areas actively served by existing wastewater facilities. “Sewered Areas” denotes that collection lines exist in the indicated areas and that these properties are either connected, or have all regulatory approvals necessary to be connected. Sewer service areas may include industrial businesses that discharge process and/or sanitary wastewater to the collection system for treatment by a facility not owned by that business. Areas to Be Served By Wastewater Facilities Map 3 presents the adopted sewer service area. East of the Garden State Parkway there are 461.66 acres of developable land divided into 457 residential lots and 68 commercial lots. There is no industrial development in the Township. All development west of the Garden State Parkway is under the jurisdiction of the Pinelands Commission. Local zoning is presented in Map 4, while Map 5 displays the boundaries of both the Pinelands and CAFRA. Septic Systems (Individual Subsurface Sewage Disposal Systems) All of the developed and developable land located east of the Garden State Parkway is included in the designated sewer service area. West of the Garden State Parkway, recent development in the Pinelands Regional Growth Area is included in the sewer service area, while the remainder is usually served by septic systems. These developments proceed under the jurisdiction of 5 Ocean County Wastewater Management Plan the Pinelands Commission in accordance with their regulations. Because Barnegat is a non-urban municipality according to NJDEP standards, a nitrate dilution model analysis has been conducted (See Section V). The Delta Map displays the changes to Barnegat’s sewer service area. Existing Areas Served By Public Water Supply Facilities Barnegat Township’s public drinking water is diverted from the Atlantic City 800-Foot Sand Aquifer via six wells. The system is operated by the Barnegat Township Water and Sewer Utilities, and is capable of pumping 8.352 MGD. Map 6 shows Barnegat’s current potable water conveyance system. The area covered by blue cross-hatching denotes that distribution lines exist, and that these properties are either connected to the corresponding public water purveyor or have all regulatory approvals necessary to be connected with no further review. IV. On-Site, Non-Industrial Wastewater Facility Tables There are three small developments located in the Southern Planning Area of the Township that are served by NJPDES permitted facilities with discharge to ground water greater than 2,000 GPD. The Facility Tables for these three systems are provided in Tables 3, 4, and 5: Table 3: NJPDES - Pinewood Estates Mobile Home Park 1. Existing or Proposed facility: 2. NJPDES Permit Number: 3. Discharge Type: 4. Receiving Water or Aquifer: 5. Classification of Receiving Water: 6. Owner of Facility: 7. Operator of Facility: 8. Co-Permittee of Facility: 9. Location of Facility: a. Municipality & County: b. Street Address: c. Block(s) and Lot(s): 10. Location of discharge: a. Longitude: b. Latitude: 11. Present Permitted Flow: 12. Summary of Population Served: Total 13. Summary of Wastewater Flows: Barnegat Township Residential Commercial Industrial Inflow/Infiltration Total Existing NJG0064823 Discharge to groundwater Kirkwood Formation N/A Rissman Investment Company Arnold Taranto, Licensed Operator N/A Barnegat Township, Ocean County Route 72 Block 86, Lot 2 74 deg. 19 min. 14.69 sec. west 39 deg. 45 min. 32.73 sec. north 0.113 MGD Present (2010) Build Out (2035) Population Served Population Served 642* 642 Present (2010) Build Out (2035) Wastewater Flow Wastewater Flow 0.023 MGD* 0.023 MGD 0.023 MGD 0.023 MGD *Estimate provided by Pinewood Estates 6 Ocean County Wastewater Management Plan Table 4: NJPDES - Brighton at Barnegat Mobile Home Park 1. Existing or Proposed facility: 2. NJPDES Permit Number: 3. Discharge Type: 4. Receiving Water or Aquifer: 5. Classification of Receiving Water: 6. Owner of Facility: 7. Operator of Facility: 8. Co-Permittee of Facility: 9. Location of Facility: a. Municipality & County: b. Street Address: c. Block(s) and Lot(s): 10. Location of discharge: a. Longitude: b. Latitude: 11. Present Permitted Flow: 12. Summary of Population Served: Total 13. Summary of Wastewater Flows: Barnegat Township Residential Commercial Industrial Inflow/Infiltration Total Existing NJG0084361 Discharge to groundwater Kirkwood Formation N/A Hometown Brighton At Barnegat, LLC Hometown America Management, LLC N/A Barnegat Township, Ocean County 35 Brighton Road, Route 72 Block 85, Lots 1.01, 1.02; Block 86, Lots 3.01, 3.02 74 deg. 19 min. 18.35 sec. west 39 deg. 45 min. 38.31 sec. north 0.055 MGD Present (2010) Build Out (2035) Population Served Population Served 481* 481 Present (2010) Build Out (2035) Wastewater Flow Wastewater Flow 0.036 MGD** 0.036 MGD 0.036 MGD 0.036 MGD *Estimate provided by Kathy Collins **Estimate based on 75 gallons per day per person 7 Ocean County Wastewater Management Plan Table 5: NJPDES - Long Beach RV Resort 1. Existing or Proposed facility: 2. NJPDES Permit Number: 3. Discharge Type: 4. Receiving Water or Aquifer: 5. Classification of Receiving Water: 6. Owner of Facility: 7. Operator of Facility: 8. Co-Permittee of Facility: 9. Location of Facility: a. Municipality & County: b. Street Address: c. Block(s) and Lot(s): 10. Location of discharge: a. Longitude: b. Latitude: 11. Present Permitted Flow: 12. Summary of Population Served: Total 13. Summary of Wastewater Flows: Barnegat Township Total Residential Commercial Industrial Inflow/Infiltration Existing NJG0132560 Discharge to groundwater Kirkwood Formation N/A Carefree RV Resorts Carefree Property Management, LLC N/A Barnegat Township, Ocean County 30 Route 72 Block 90, Lot 14.01 74 deg. 18 min. 52.18 sec. west 39 deg. 45 min. 39.645 sec. north 0.015 MGD Present (2010) Build Out (2035) Population Served Population Served Approximately 765* Approximately 765 Present (2010) Build Out (2035) Wastewater Flow Wastewater Flow 0.012 MGD** 0.012 MGD 0.012 MGD 0.012 MGD *There are 255 sites which vary in occupancy, as per Barbara Shackelford. None of the sites have sewer hook-ups. **This estimate assumes full occupancy (3 people per site for all 255 sites), contributing 15 gallons per day through use of shower and bathroom facilities, plus 580 gallons per day from the laundry facility, plus 327 gallons per day from the main lodge (0.100 gallons per square foot per day). As such, 11475 + 580 + 327 = 12382 gallons per day, or 0.012 MGD. 8 Ocean County Wastewater Management Plan V. Future Wastewater and Water Demand Municipal Zoning Table 6: Summary of Zones Zone Name Zone Description Municipal Area (ac) Available Land (ac) C-M CN C-PHD CV M-H ML 1 ML 2 ML 3 ML 4 ML 5 PA PF PI PV PW R-10 R-15 R-20 R-40 R-6 R-7.5 RC RC-7.5 RH RL RL/AC RM R-MF CC TC Marine Commercial Neighborhood Commercial Commercial Planned Highway Development Village Commercial Mobile Home Residential Residential Residential Residential Multifamily Residential Multifamily Residential Preservation Area Preserved Forest Pinelands Planned Industrial Pinelands Village Preserved Waterfront Residential Residential Residential Residential Residential Residential Residential Conservation Residential Cluster Residential High Residential Low Residential Low/Adult Community Residential Medium Residential Multifamily Commercial Core – Overlay Town Center – Overlay 65.14 275.35 358.86 173.78 156.46 159.34 114.78 72.5 34.74 5.64 5,687.41 4,465.35 558.68 53.07 7,445.60 57.12 22.11 875.56 474.14 435.45 395.36 347.45 316.99 541.12 62.24 1,908.92 166.07 289.56 42.28 812.93 0.41 152.79 148.3 19.89 30.92 104.97 83.73 37.76 4.29 1.66 614.37 2,090.92 226.24 39.44 6.61 3.93 4.99 186.22 146.34 17.23 12.39 187.73 56.18 208.53 5.6 993.27 6.84 8.28 9.69 148.33 “Municipal Area” includes both developed and undeveloped parcels. “Available Land” parcels are those where no development exists and the land has not been restricted by regulation or dedicated open space or agricultural preservation programs. Calculating Future Wastewater and Water Supply Needs and Capacity Using the information provided above regarding existing wastewater and water supply facilities, sewer service area delineation, environmentally sensitive areas, and municipal zoning to formulate growth projections, an analysis of wastewater and water supply demands was performed to determine whether existing infrastructure capacity or zoning is the constraining factor. Where zoning is more restrictive than wastewater and water supply capacity and does not conflict with the environmentally sensitive areas, no further action is needed. Where the demand projections exceed available wastewater treatment or water supply capacity, either the projections must be reduced (such as through a reduced sewer service area or reduction in zoning density) or capacity increased. 9 Ocean County Wastewater Management Plan Table 7: Wastewater Flow Directed to OCUA Facilities CWPCF Source (MGD) Existing Flow Projected Residential Projected Commercial Total Future Planning Flow 1.230 1.096 0.374 2.700 SWPCF Source (MGD) Existing Flow Projected Residential Projected Commercial Total Future Planning Flow 0.024 0.088 0.000 0.112 Municipal Demand Projections (Non-Urban) Following NJDEP protocol for determining urbanized areas, Barnegat Township was found to be non-urban. In non-urban municipalities, it is anticipated that development of vacant land will be the predominant factor in determining future wastewater treatment needs. Further, because external market and economic forces, such as interest rates, are a dominant factor in determining the rate of construction, this analysis assesses the ability to provide wastewater treatment while protecting surface and ground water quality for the entire projected build-out allowable by zoning. Future Wastewater from Sewer Service Areas In designated sewer service areas, the following features have been removed prior to the application of zoning to the undeveloped land area because they are unlikely to generate wastewater in the future: wetlands, riparian zones, permanently preserved farmland, permanently preserved open space, and cemeteries. The existing zoning is then applied to the remaining developable land area within the sewer service areas to project a build-out condition for use in estimating the future wastewater management needs of each sewer service area. The build-out data is then converted to a projected future wastewater flow by applying the planning flow criteria from N.J.A.C. 7:14A based on the type of development projected. Table 6 provides a breakdown of the acreage of land available for development (i.e., either undeveloped or underdeveloped, and not constrained due to environmentally sensitive areas) by Planning Area, based on the build-out analysis. Table 8: Additional Development at Build Out (Sewer) Planning Area Developable Area (Acres) Residential Area (Acres) # of Units Residential Commercial Area (Square Feet) Central 1,703.09 1,530.69 3,653.56 7,509,976.73 Southern 283.06 283.06 291.75 0.00 Septic System Development within the Sewer Service Areas Individual subsurface sewage disposal systems (ISSDS) for individual residences can only be constructed in depicted sewer service areas if legally enforceable guarantees are provided, before such construction, that use of such systems will be discontinued when the depicted sewer service becomes available. This applies to ISSDS that require certification from the Department under the Realty Improvement Sewerage and Facilities Act (N.J.S.A. 58:11-23) or individual Treatment Works Approval or New Jersey Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permits (under N.J.A.C. 7:14A). It also applies to ISSDS 10 Ocean County Wastewater Management Plan which require only local approvals. Barnegat Township’s municipal ordinance applicable to septic connection was adopted in 2001 (See Table 2). Future Wastewater Outside of Sewer Service Areas All lands not mapped within the sewer service area are designated as septic areas, and must demonstrate that the zoning meets the nitrate planning standard of 2 mg/L on a HUC11 basis. The total acreage available for future septic development was determined through GIS analysis by subtracting the sewer service area, developed parcels, NJPDES permitted sites, and all environmentally sensitive lands including critical habitat, wetlands, and riparian zones. The total new septic units allowable under current zoning regulations were then determined by applying each zoning district’s density standards to the developable septic area parcels. Commercial acreage was converted to units by first expressing acreage as square feet, then applying the following formula: Formula: Calculating New Septic Non-Residential Units New Septic Non-Residential Units = ((Square Feet) x (Building Lot Coverage)) x (0.125 Gallons/Day) 500 The results of this analysis, which are further broken out by HUC11, are as follows: Table 9: Additional Development at Build Out (Septic) HUC 11 Residential Area (Acres) # of Units Residential Commercial Area (Acres) # of Units Commercial Total Acres Total New Units 02040301110 368.89 299.63 138.51 301.67 507.40 601.30 02040301120 42.22 127.58 7.38 40.21 49.60 167.79 02040301130 482.01 670.72 102.17 270.07 584.18 940.79 02040301180 932.46 664.64 62.83 342.10 995.29 1,006.74 1,825.58 1,762.57 310.89 954.05 2,136.47 2,716.62 Totals Nitrate Dilution Analysis To determine the number of additional septic units each HUC11 can accommodate, the County utilized a nitrate dilution model developed by the NJDEP, which like the septic build out calculations, also involved GIS analysis. The nitrate dilution analysis was performed in similar fashion except that preserved land and publicly owned open space were included in the build-out analysis. This is due to the fact that while these areas will not be developed, they still contribute to the dilution of nitrate in groundwater. Factors such as marginal soils or topography for all lands were taken into consideration when calculating the maximum average density allowable. This analysis used NJDEP’s nitrate-nitrogen target of 2 mg/L, with the assumption that all ammonium and other nitrogen compounds are converted to nitrate within the property, and that the nitrate concentrations dilute evenly across the HUC11. These assumptions are implicit in the nitrate dilution model developed by the NJDEP. The results of the nitrate dilution analysis are shown in the following table: Table 10: Nitrate Target HUC 11 Septic Density Acres New Units Nitrate Dilution New Units Zoning 02040301110 02040301120 02040301130 02040301180 4.6 5.8 5.0 4.5 429.53 419.16 597.06 8,096.76 93.38 72.27 119.41 1,799.28 601.30 167.79 940.79 1,006.74 11 Ocean County Wastewater Management Plan The Township, the County of Ocean, and the NJDEP are aware of the discrepancy between current municipal zoning regulations and nitrate dilution capacity in Barnegat's portions of HUC11s 02040301110, 02040301120, and 02040301130. However, rezoning or other restrictions on future septic development in these areas may not be necessary. For the purposes of this analysis, it is inconsequential if one municipality's zoning exceeds its allocation, provided that the larger HUC11 does not exceed the total sustainable development. This is the case in each of these three HUC11s; the cumulative number of non-sewered units allowed by current municipal zoning throughout the HUC11s, inclusive of Barnegat Township, are less than each HUC11’s total capacity for development while maintaining optimal nitrate dilution. Information on these HUC11s’ septic build out projections, including zoning and assimilative capacity for each component municipality, is presented in the County Document of this WMP. Public Water Supply Availability Public water purveyance infrastructure is presently capable of providing potable water to the Township’s residents in excess of daily, monthly, and yearly demands. Current infrastructure capacity will continue to prove sufficient in the foreseeable future. Table 11: Public Water Purveyor Capacity Barnegat Township Water and Sewer Utilities Daily (MGD) Monthly (MGM) Capacity Peak Surplus Capacity Peak Surplus 6.912 5.568 1.344 154.000 140.109 Source: NJDEP Division of Water Supply & Geoscience 13.891 Yearly (MGY) Capacity Peak Surplus 1,162.000 1,019.560 142.440 VI. Mapping Requirements Please see the following pages for all municipal mapping requirements. 12 Legend Natural Heritage Priority Sites Roads Emergent Wetlands (Rank 3) Emergent Wetlands (Rank 4) Wetlands Forest (Rank 3) Forest (Rank 4) Forest (Rank 5) 7 6 5 4 539 72 ¬ ® Surface Water OCEAN TWP 7 6 5 4 532 7 6 5 4 534 72 9 £ ¤ ¬ ® “Loc ations of future pump stations, major interceptors, and trunk sewers are being provided for general informa tion only and will not serve as the ba sis for any future consistency determinations or permit reviews unless the pump station, major interceptor or trunk sewer is part of a State or federally funded project.” 7 6 5 4 534 “Pursuant to N.J.A.C. 7:15, Riparian zones are: 300 feet from top of bank (or centerline of a first orde r stream where no bank is apparent) for waters designated as Categor y One and all upstream tributaries within the same HUC 14; 150 feet for waters designated Trout Production and a ll upstream waters; 150 feet for water designa ted Trout Maintenance and all upstream waters within one linear mile as measured along the length of the regulated water; 150 feet for any segments of water flowing though a n area that contains documented ha bitat for a threatened or endangered species of plant or animal, which is critically dependent on the surfac e water body for survival, and all upstream waters (including tributa ries) within one linea r mile as mea sured along the length of the surface water body; 150 feet for waters that run through acidproducing soils, and; 50 feet for all waters not designated as C1, trout waters, critically water dependent Threat ened and/or Endangered Species Ha bitat, or associated with acid soils. Surface waters that are designated Category One are listed in the Surface Water Quality Standards at N.J.A.C . 7:9B. The Department's "Surface Water Quality Standards" GIS data layer was utilized to determine these waters. The applicable 300 foot buffer has been applied to these waterwa ys and removed from the proposed sewer service areas on the mapping. Lesser width buffers have not been graphically r em oved from the sewer service area but are not proposed for sewer service. [Counties may map out the lesser with buffers also but the 300’ buffers are the minimum, the lesser buffers are removed during the build-out analysis.] Jurisdictional determinations by the Department will be utilized t o determine the extent of the sewer service area on individua l lots. 9 £ ¤ Furthermore, compliance with the riparian zone standard has been demonstrated by the adoption of municipal Ripa rian Corridor Ordinances, which have been updated to be in compliance with the Flood Hazard Control Act Rules (N.J.A.C. 7:13) and Wa ter Quality Management Rules (N.J.A.C. 7:15), was adopted on 06/10/1974.” “All existing, new, or expanded industrial pretreatment facilities requiring Signific ant Indirect User (SUI) per mits and/or Trea tment Works Approvals, and which are located within the specified sewer servic e area, are deemed to be consistent.” "Pre-existing grant conditions and requirements (from Federal and State grants or loa ns for se werage facilities) which provide for restriction of sewer service to environmentally sensitive areas, are unaffected by adoption of this WMP and complianc e is required. Please see municipal WMP Chapters for the existence of any applicable environmentally sensitive areas in which Federal 201 grant limitations prohibit the extension of sewer service”. “Individual subsurface sewage disposal systems (ISSDS) for individual residences can only be constructed in depicted sewer service areas if legally enforceable guarantees are provided, before such c onstruction, that use of such systems will be discontinued when the depicted sewer service becomes available. This applies to ISSDS that require c ertification from the Department under the Realty Improvement Sewerage and Facilities Act (NJSA 58:11-23) or individual Treatment Works Approva l or New Jerse y Pollutant Discharge Elim ination System Permits (under NJAC 7:14A). It also applies to ISSDS which require only local a pprovals. Com pliance with the connection requirement has been demonstrated through the adoption of Borough of Ba rnegat municipal code Article V, Chapter 55-126.15.” "Development in areas mapped as wetlands, flood prone areas, suitable habitat for endangered and threatened species as identified on the Department’s Landscape Maps of Habitat for Endangered, Threatened and Other Priority Wildlife as Rank 3.4. and 5, Natural Heritage Priority Sites, riparian zones, steep slopes, or designated river areas may be subject to special regulation under Federa l or State statutes or rules, and interested persons should check with the Department for the latest information. Depiction of environmental features shall be for general information purposes only, and shall not be construed to define the legal geogra phic jurisdiction of suc h statutes or rules” “Areas located within the watershed of a Freshwater One (FW1) stream, as classified in the Surface Water Quality Standards, and/or that have Class 1-A ground wa ter (Ground Water of Specia l Ecological Significance), as classified in the Ground Water Quality Standards, are identified as "Non-degradation water area based on the Surface Water Quality Standards at N.J.A.C. 7:(B, and/or the Ground Water Quality Standards at N.J.A.C. 7:9-6". Where this requirement has been studied and reviewed a s part of the WMP process this classification appears on Map #3. Non-degradation water a reas shall be maintained in their natural state (set aside for posterity) and are subject to restrictions including, but not limited to, the following: 1) DEP will not approve any po llutant discharge to ground water nor approve any human a ctivity which results in a degradation of natural quality except for the upgrade or continued operation of existing fac ilities serving existing development. For additional information please see the Surface Water Quality Sta ndards at N.J.A.C. 7:9B, and/or the Ground Water Quality Standards at N.J.A.C. 7:9-6." “For fa cilities (including but not limited to sewer connections, sewer extensions and on -site treatment plants) which are located in the Pinelands Area, as defined at N.J.S.A. 13:18A-11, the approval of the Pinelands Commission pursuant to the requirements of the Pinelands Comprehensive management Plan (CMP) is required prior to construction. All facilities and activities included within this WM P should be consistent with the requirements of the CMP.” “Proposed developments tying into existing and proposed sewer service areas which require coastal permits must demonstrate compliance with all applicable sections of the C oastal Zone Management rules inc luding, but not limited to, Wetlands (N.J.A.C . 7:7E-3.27), Wetlands Buffers (N.J.A.C. 7:7E-3.38), Secondary Impacts (N.J.A.C. 7:7E-6.3), Public Facility Use Policies (N.J.A.C 7:7E-7.6), Water Quality (N.J.A.C. 7:7E-8.4), Ground Water Use (N.J.A.C. 7:7E-8.6) and the policies under General Land Areas rules, Subchapters 5, 5A and 5B.” 0 Prepared by: Ocean County Department of Planning, September 2012 Sources: New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection 3,000 6,000 µ 1 inch = 8,000 feet 12,000 Feet BARNEGAT TOWNSHIP OCEAN COUNTY, NJ MAP 1 ENVIRONMENTAL FEATURES SANITARY SUBSURFACE DISPOSAL (T1) NJPDES PINEWOOD ESTATES NJG0064823 BRIGHTON AT BARNEGAT MANUFACTURED HOME COMM NJG0084361 SCRUBBIE PINES CAMPGROUND NJG0132560 Legend ! @F7D57BFAD ) A36E - *3@;F3DK *G4EGD8357 ;EBAE3> ' G4> ;5 &B7@ *B357 ) 75D73F;A@ D73E *GD8357 - 3F7D Sewered Areas &, 7@ FD3> *- %" 7 6 5 4 &, *AGF: 7D@ *- %" 539 72 ¬ ® OCEAN TWP 7 6 5 4 532 72 ¬ ® 7 6 5 4 534 9 £ ¤ NJG0064823/NJG0084361 N#A53F;A@E A8 8GFGD7 BG?B EF3F;A@E ?3< AD ;@F7D57BFADE 3@6 FDG@ = E7I 7DE 3D7 47;@ 9 BDAH;676 8AD 97@7D3> ;@8AD?3F;A@ A@ > K 3@ 6 I ;> > @ AF E7DH7 3E F: 7 43E;E 8AD 3@K 8GFGD7 5A@E;EF7@ 5K 67F7D?;@ 3F;A@E AD B7D?;F D7H;7I E G@> 7EE F: 7 BG?B EF3F;A@ ?3< AD ;@ F7D57BFAD AD FDG@ = E7I 7D ;E B3DF A8 3 *F3F7 AD 8767D3> > K 8G@676 BDA< 75F O N' GDEG3@F FA % " ) ;B3D;3@ LA@7E 3D7 877F 8DA? 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EFD73? 3E 5> 3EE;8;76 ;@ F: 7 *GD8357 . 3F7D ( G3> ;FK *F3@63D6E 3@6 AD F: 3F : 3H7 > 3EE 9DAG@6 I 3F7D DAG@6 . 3F7D A8 *B75;3> 5A> A9;53> *;9@;8;53@ 57 3E 5> 3EE;8;76 ;@ F: 7 DAG@6 . 3F7D ( G3> ;FK *F3@63D6E 3D7 ;67@F;8;76 3E %A@ 679D363F;A@ I 3F7D 3D73 43E76 A@ F: 7 *GD8357 . 3F7D ( G3> ;FK *F3@ 63D6E 3F % " 3@ 6 AD F: 7 DAG@6 . 3F7D ( G3> ;FK *F3@ 63D6E 3F % " . : 7D 7 F: ;E D7CG;D7?7@ F : 3E 477@ EFG6;76 3@ 6 D7H;7I 76 3E B3DF A8 F: 7 . $' BDA57EE F: ;E 5> 3EE;8;53F;A@ 3BB73DE A@ $3B %A@ 679D363F;A@ I 3F7D 3D73E E: 3> > 47 ?3;@F3;@ 76 ;@ F: 7;D @3FGD3> EF3F7 E7F 3E;67 8AD BAEF7D;FK 3@ 6 3D7 EG4< 75F FA D7EFD;5F;A@E ;@ 5> G6;@9 4GF @AF > ;?;F76 FA F: 7 8A> > AI ;@9 ' I ;> > @ AF 3BBDAH7 3@K BA> > GF3@F 6;E5: 3D97 FA 9DAG@ 6 I 3F7D @ AD 3BBD AH7 3@ K : G?3@ 35F;H;FK I : ;5: D7EG> FE ;@ 3 679D363F;A@ A8 @3FGD3> CG3> ;FK 7J57BF 8AD F: 7 GB9D367 AD5A@F;@ G76 AB7D3F;A@ A8 7J;EF;@9 835;> ;F;7E E7DH;@9 7J ;EF;@ 9 67H7> AB?7@F AD 366;F;A@3> ;@8AD?3F;A@ B> 73E7 E77 F: 7 *GD8357 . 3F7D ( G3> ;FK *F3@ 63D6E 3F % " 3@ 6 AD F: 7 DAG@ 6 . 3F7D ( G3> ;FK *F3@ 63D6E 3F % " N AD 835;> ;F;7E ;@ 5> G6;@9 4GF @ AF > ;?;F76 FA E7I 7D 5A@@75F;A@E E7I 7D 7J F7@E;A@E 3@6 A@ E;F7 FD73F?7@ F B> 3@FE I : ;5: 3D7 > A53F76 ;@ F: 7 ' ;@ 7> 3@ 6E D73 3E 678;@76 3F % " * F: 7 3BBDAH3> A8 F: 7 ' ;@ 7> 3@ 6E A??;EE;A@ BGDEG3@F FA F: 7 D7CG;D7?7@FE A8 F: 7 ' ;@ 7> 3@ 6E A?BD7: 7@ E;H7 ?3@397?7@F '> 3@ $' ;E D7CG;D76 BD;AD FA 5A@ EFD G5F;A@ > > 835;> ;F;7E 3@ 6 35F;H;F;7E ;@ 5> G676 I ;F: ;@ F: ;E . $' E: AG> 6 47 5A@ E;EF7@F I ;F: F: 7 D7CG;D7?7@FE A8 F: 7 $' O N' DABAE76 67H7> AB?7@FE FK ;@9;@FA 7J ;EF;@ 9 3@6BDABAE76 E7I 7D E7DH;57 3D73E I : ;5: D7CG;D7 5A3EF3> B7D?;FE ?GEF 67?A@EFD3F7 5A?B> ;3@57 I ;F: 3> > 3BB> ;534> 7 E75F;A@E A8 F: 7 A3EF3> 0A@ 7 $3@ 397?7@F DG> 7E ;@ 5> G6;@9 4GF @AF > ;?;F76 FA . 7F> 3@6E % " . 7F> 3@6E G887DE % " *75A@63DK ! ?B35FE % " ' G4> ;5 35;> ;FK , E7 ' A> ;5;7E % " . 3F7D ( G3> ;FK % " DAG@6 . 3F7D , E7 % " 3@6 F: 7 BA> ;5;7E G@ 67D 7@7D3> #3@6 D73E DG> 7E *G45: 3BF7DE 3@6 O 9 £ ¤ NJG0132560 7 6 5 4 534 02040301120 02040301130 9 £ ¤ ' D7B3D76 4K &573@ AG@FK 7B3DF?7@F A8 '> 3@@;@9 *7BF7?47D *AGD57E %7I "7DE7K 7B3DF?7@F A8 @H;DA@?7@F3> ' DAF75F;A@ &573@ AG@FK , F;> ;F;7E GF: AD;FK µ ;@5: 877F 77F ) %+ +&. %* ! ' &% &, %+/ %" $' &' + *. ) *) - ! ) Legend 7 6 5 4 539 72 ¬ ® CC( CommercialCore Overlay) M L 4( M ulti Family R esidential) R6( R esidential) Historic District M L 5( M ulti Family R esidential) R7. 5( R esidential) TC( TownCenterOverlay) P A( PreservationArea) RM F( M ulti Family R esidential) CM ( M arine Commercial) PF( Preserved ForestPinelands) R C( R esidentialCo nservation) CPHD( CommercialPlanned Highway Development) PI ( Planned I n dustrial) R C7. 5( R esidentialCluster) CN( Neighborhoo d Commercial) PV ( Pin elandsV illage) R H( R esiden tialHigh) CV ( V illage Commercial) PW ( Preserved W aterfront) RL ( R esidentialL ow) MH( M o bile Home R esidential) R10( R esidential) R L/ AC( R esidentialL ow/ AdultCommunity ) M L 1( R esidential) R15( R esidential) RM ( R esidentialM edium) M L 2( R esidential) R20( R esidential) M L 3( R esidential) R40( R esidential) OCEAN TWP 7 6 5 4 532 72 ¬ ® 7 6 5 4 534 “L o catio nso f future pump statio ns,majo rinterceptors,and trun ksewersare bein g pro vided fo rgeneralinfo rmatio non ly an d willn ot serve asthe basisforany future co nsisten cy determin ationsorpermitreviewsunlessthe pump station ,majo rin terceptoro rtrun ksewerisparto f a S tate o rfederally funded project. ” 9 £ ¤ 7 6 5 4 534 “ Pursuant toN. J . A. C.7: 1 5,R iparianz o nes are:3 00feet fro m top o f bank( orcenterline of a first orderstream where n oban kis apparent)fo rwaters designated as Catego ry On e an d all upstream tributaries withinthe same HUC 1 4;1 50feetforwaters designated Tro ut Pro ductio nand allupstreamwaters;1 50feetfo rwaterdesign ated TroutM ain ten ance and allupstream waterswithinon e lin earmile asmeasured along the len gth o f the regulated water;1 50feet forany segments of water flowing tho ugh anarea that co ntain s do cumen ted habitat fora threaten ed oren dangered speciesof planto ran imal,which iscritically dependento nthe surface waterbo dy fo rsurvival,and allupstream waters ( in cluding tributaries)withinon e linearmile as measured alon g the len gth o f the surface waterbody ;1 50feet fo rwatersthat runthro ugh acidpro ducin g so ils,an d;50feetfo rallwatersno tdesignated asC1,troutwaters,critically waterdependentThreatened and/ o rEndangered S pecies Habitat, orasso ciated with acid soils. S urface watersthatare design ated Category One are listed inthe S urface W aterQ uality S tan dardsatN. J . A. C. 7: 9B. The Department' s " S urface W aterQ uality S tan dards"GIS data lay erwasutiliz ed todetermine these waters.The applicable 30 0foo tbufferhasbeenapplied tothese waterwaysan d removed fro m the pro po sed sewerservice areasonthe mapping.L esserwidth buffershave n otbeengraphically remo ved fromthe sewerservice area but are no t propo sed forsewer service.[Coun ties may map out the lesserwith buffers alsobut the 30 0’ buffers are the min imum,the lesser buffers are remo ved durin g the buildo ut analy sis. ]J urisdiction al determin ations by the Departmen t will be utiliz ed to determin e the ex ten to f the sewerservice area onin dividuallo ts. 9 £ ¤ F urthermore,co mplian ce with the riparianz o ne standard has beendemo nstrated by the ado ptio nof municipal R iparianCorrido r Ordin ances,which have beenupdated tobe incompliance with the F lo od Haz ard Co ntro l Act R ules ( N. J . A. C.7 : 1 3)an d W ater Q uality M anagementR ules( N. J . A. C.7: 1 5) , wasadopted o n0 6/ 10 / 1 97 4. ” “Allex istin g,new,orex pan ded in dustrialpretreatmen t facilities requiring S ign ificant Indirect User( S UI)permitsand/ o r Treatment W ork sAppro vals, and which are lo cated withinthe specified sewerservice area, are deemed tobe co nsisten t. ” " Preex istin g gran t con dition s and requirements ( fro m Federal and S tate gran ts o r lo an s fo r sewerage facilities)which provide fo r restrictio nof sewerservice toen viron mentally sensitive areas,are unaffected by ado ptio no f this W M Pan d co mplian ce isrequired.Please see mun icipalW M PChaptersforthe ex istence of any applicable en viron mentally sen sitive areasinwhich Federal 2 01grantlimitatio nspro hibitthe ex ten sio no f sewerservice”. “Individualsubsurface sewage disposalsystems ( IS S DS )fo rin dividualresidencescanon ly be con structed indepicted sewerservice areasif legally enfo rceable guarantees are provided,befo re such co n struction ,that use o f such systems will be disco ntin ued whenthe depicted sewerservice becomesavailable.ThisappliestoIS S DS thatrequire certificationfro m the Departmen tun derthe R ealty Impro vemen tS ewerage and Facilities Act ( NJ S A5 8: 11 23)o rindividualTreatment W ork s Appro valorNew J ersey Pollutan t Discharge Eliminatio nS ystem Permits ( un derNJ AC7: 14 A) .It alsoapplies toIS S DS which require o nly lo cal appro vals.Co mpliance with the con nectio nrequirement has been demo nstrated thro ugh the ado ptio nof Bo rough o f Barn egatOrdin ance ( 19 75 37 9A1) . ” " Develo pmen tinareasmapped aswetlan ds,flo o d pron e areas,suitable habitatfo ren dan gered an d threatened speciesasidentified on the Department’s L an dscape M aps of Habitat fo r Endangered,Threatened and Other Priority W ildlife as R an k3 . 4.an d 5,Natural Heritage Prio rity S ites,riparianz ones,steep slo pes,ordesign ated riverareasmay be subjecttospecialregulationunderFederalo rS tate statutesorrules, and in terested perso nssho uld checkwith the Department fo rthe latest info rmatio n.Depictio nof en viron mental features shall be fo r general in formatio npurpo seson ly,an d shallno tbe co nstrued todefine the legalgeo graphic jurisdictio no f such statutesorrules” “Areaslo cated withinthe watershed o fa F reshwaterOn e( FW 1)stream,asclassified inthe S urface W aterQ uality S tandards,and/ o r thathave Class 1 Agro und water( Ground W aterof S pecialEcologicalS ignifican ce) ,as classified inthe Gro und W aterQ uality S tandards,are identified as " Non degradatio nwater area based onthe S urface W ater Q uality S tan dards at N. J . A. C.7: ( B,an d/ o rthe Ground W aterQ uality S tan dardsat N. J . A. C.7: 96 " .W here thisrequiremen t hasbeenstudied an d reviewed aspart o f the W M Ppro cess this classificationappearson M ap #3 .No ndegradationwaterareas shallbe maintain ed intheirnaturalstate ( setaside forposterity)an d are subject torestrictio nsin cluding, butno tlimited to ,the fo llowing:1 )DEPwilln otappro ve any pollutantdischarge togro un d watern orapprove an y humanactivity which results ina degradatio no f natural quality ex cept for the upgrade o r co ntin ued operationof ex isting facilities serving ex istin g development. Fo r additio nalinfo rmationplease see the S urface W aterQ uality S tan dardsatN. J . A. C.7 : 9 B,an d/ o rthe Gro un d W aterQ uality S tan dardsatN. J . A. C. 7: 96 . " “F orfacilities( in cluding butn otlimited tosewerco nnectio ns,sewerex tensio nsand o nsite treatmen tplants)which are lo cated inthe Pin elan ds Area,as defined at N. J . S. A.1 3: 1 8A1 1,the appro val o f the Pin elan ds Co mmissio npursuant tothe requirements o f the Pin elan ds Comprehen sive management Plan( CM P)is required prio r tocon structio n.All facilities an d activities in cluded withinthis W M Pshould be con sistentwith the requirementsof the CM P. ” “ Propo sed develo pments tying intoex istin g and pro posed sewer service areas which require coastal permits must demo nstrate compliance with all applicable sectio ns of the Co astal Z on e M an agementrules in cluding,but no t limited to ,W etlands ( N. J . A. C.7: 7E3. 27 ) , W etlandsBuffers ( N. J . A. C.7: 7E3. 3 8) ,S eco ndary Impacts( N. J . A. C.7: 7E6. 3) ,Public Facility Use Po licies( N. J . A. C7: 7E7. 6) ,W aterQ uality ( N. J . A. C.7: 7 E8 . 4 ) ,Gro und W aterUse ( N. J . A. C.7 : 7 E8 . 6 )and the policiesun derGeneralL and Areasrules,S ubchapters5, 5Aand 5 B. ” 0 Prepared by :OceanCounty Departmentof Planning,S eptember2012 S ources:Townshipof Barnegat;OceanCounty Tax Board 2, 950 5, 900 µ 1inch =8, 000feet 1 1, 800Feet BAR NEGATTOW NS HIP OCEANCOUNTY ,NJ M AP4 M UNICIP AL Z ONING Legend (? 14C ( &9> 5< 1>4C ) EB6135 , 1D5B %+ 5> DB1< &< 1> >9> 7 B51 %+ )? ED85B> &< 1>> 9>7 B51 7 6 5 4 539 72 ¬ ® OCEAN TWP 7 6 5 4 532 72 ¬ ® L" ? 31D 9? >C ? 6 6EDEB5 @ E= @ CD1D 9? >C = 1:? B 9>D 5B35@D ?BC 1>4 D BE> ; C5G5BC 1B5 259> 7 @B? F9454 6? B 75>5B1< 9>6? B= 1D 9? > ?> < I 1> 4 G9< < > ?D C5BF5 1C D85 21C9C 6?B 1>I 6EDEB5 3? >C9CD5> 3I 45D 5B= 9> 1D9?>C ?B @5B= 9D B5F95GC E>< 5CC D 85 @E= @ CD 1D9?> = 1:? B 9> D5B35@ D?B ? B D BE> ; C5G5B 9C @1BD ? 6 1 ) D1D 5 ? B 6545B1< < I 6E>454 @ B?:53D M L&EBCE1>D D ? $ ! ( 9@1B91> J? >5C 1B5 655D 6B? = D ?@ ? 6 21>; ?B 35>D 5B< 9>5 ?6 1 69BCD ?B45B CDB51= G85B5 > ? 21> ; 9C 1@@ 1B5>D 6? B G1D 5BC 45C97>1D 54 1C 1D57? BI %> 5 1> 4 1< < E@CDB51= D B92ED1B95C G9D 89> D85 C1= 5 + 655D 6?B G1D 5BC 45C97>1D 54 *B? ED &B? 4E3D 9? > 1>4 1< < E@CDB51= G1D 5BC 655D 6? B G1D 5B 45C97> 1D 54 *B?ED # 19> D5> 1>35 1>4 1< < E@ CD B51= G1D5BC G9D89> ?> 5 < 9> 51B = 9< 5 1C = 51CEB54 1< ?>7 D 85 < 5> 7D 8 ? 6 D 85 B57E< 1D 54 G1D5B 655D 6?B 1>I C57= 5>D C ?6 G1D5B 6< ?G9>7 D 8? E78 1> 1B51 D81D 3? >D 19> C 4? 3E= 5> D54 8129D 1D 6?B 1 D8B51D5> 54 ?B 5> 41>75B54 C@5395C ?6 @< 1>D ? B 1> 9= 1< G8938 9C 3B9D931< < I 45@ 5>45>D ? > D85 CEB6135 G1D5B 2? 4I 6? B CEBF9F1< 1>4 1< < E@ CD B51= G1D5BC 9> 3< E49>7 D B92ED 1B95C G9D89> ?> 5 < 9>51B = 9< 5 1C = 51CEB54 1< ?> 7 D 85 < 5> 7D 8 ? 6 D85 CEB6135 G1D5B 2?4I 655D 6? B G1D5BC D81D BE> D8B? E78 1394 @B? 4E39> 7 C? 9< C 1> 4 655D 6? B 1< < G1D5BC >? D 45C97>1D54 1C D B?ED G1D 5BC 3B9D931< < I G1D 5B 45@ 5>45>D *8B51D5>54 1>4 ? 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