Application Form For more info contact: Sport Makes a Difference
Application Form For more info contact: Sport Makes a Difference
Your Donation Counts Sport Makes a Difference! Due to the generous support of our program partners, all administration costs for KidSport are covered. This ensures that 100% of your donation goes directly to the kids. • Sport helps kids become stronger: mentally and physically. TM Yes, I would like to help an underprivileged kid participate in sport. Please return this form with your gift of: $20 $25 $35 $50 I prefer to give $ A receipt will be issued for gifts of $20 or more. Charitable Registration No: 889386868 RR0001 I would like my donation to go towards: The next child from my local chapter. The next child in the sport of Please make your cheque payable to: KIDSPORTTM I prefer to use my Visa Mastercard Card # Card Expiry Date Signature Name • By being involved in spor t, k ids develop positive relationships with other kids and adults while establishing the basis for relationships of trust and build teamwork skills. • Children who are physically active tend to perform better in school and are less likely to smoke. • Active kids generally have active families. Almost two-thirds of children who are active have at least one parent who is also involved in organized sport. • Children need 30 minutes of physical activity every day to improve fitness and health levels. For more info contact: KidSportTM Nova Scotia 5516 Spring Garden Rd., 4th Floor Halifax, NS B3J 1G6 Phone: 902.425.5450 ext. 350 Fax: 902.425.5606 OR your local KidSportTM Chapter: Colchester: 1 Church Street PO Box 697 Truro, NS B2N 5E7 Tel: 902.897.3155 Fax: 902.895.9983 East Hants: 2361 Hwy #2 PO Box 190 Shubenacadie, NS B0N 2H0 Tel: 902.758.2715 Fax: 902.758.3497 Website: National Site: KidSportTM Program Partners Application Form Funding Partner Premier Partner Address City/Province Postal Code Phone E-mail I would like to receive information and updates related to KidSportTM (check box) About KidSport KidSport is a national children’s charitable program that helps disadvantaged kids overcome the barriers preventing or limiting their participation in organized sport. TM KidSport Nova Scotia provides funding of up to $300/year/child for sport registration and/or equipment. Application Form (to be completed by an adult) Allocation Policies PARENT/GUARDIAN INFORMATION 1. Total grant (registration and equipment) will not exceed a maximum of $300. Grants for equipment only will not exceed $200. Parent/Guardian Address City Postal Code Daytime Telephone E-mail Check One: Single-Parent Family Dual-Parent Family Number of children in the family Annual Household Income: (Please check one) See Fund Allocation Policy # 8. Less than $15,000 $15,000 - $19,999 $20,000 - $29,999 Over $30,000 2. Recipients must be under 19 years of age. 3. A child cannot receive more than one grant in a calendar year. 4. Preference is given to athletes who are being introduced into organized sport for the first time. 5. Sport organizations must be a member of Sport Nova Scotia. Please visit for an updated list of members. Proof of income must accompany application. See Fund Allocation Policy # 11. Funds will be awarded based on availability. 6. Applicants must be registered with a sport in order to receive financial assistance for equipment. Proof of registration is required. Signature of Parent/Guardian TM In operation since 1994, KidSport Nova Scotia has allocated over three-quarters of a million dollars to help children take part in organized sport. TM The need for KidSport APPLICANT INFORMATION 7. Grants are awarded for registration fees and equipment costs only. Child’s Name Date of Birth Address City Postal Code Telephone male female Name of sport participating in Name and mailing address of league, association or club that cheque is payable to 8. Approval is based on National Council of Welfare Estimates of Statistics Canada. For more information visit researchpublications/OtherFactSheets/PovertyLines/ 2006ENG.pdf. 9. Applications are accepted six times per calendar year; deadlines are January 1st, March 1st, May 1st, July 1st, September 1st, and November 1st. TM • One-third of Canadian parents with children under the age of 18 have been unable to register their children in organized sport due to expenses. • 32 % of children in Nova Scotia between two and 17 years of age are either overweight or obese. The national average is 26 %. • According to statistics, over 47,000 Nova Scotian children live below the poverty line. With the increasing costs associated with playing organized sport each year thousands of Nova Scotia’s children are prevented from participating. Is this the first time participating in this sport? Yes No If no, how many years has he/she been involved? Has this athlete received previous KidSportTM funding? 10 Application form(s) will not be approved until all information is received. See Fund Allocation Policy # 4. Yes 11. Proof of total family income must accompany application form. You must include A or B: DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES STAMP HERE No A. Proof of total family income (for tax return or notice of assessment call 1-800-959-8281); or Grant Request: Expenses for the grant will be used for: Registration/Participation Fees $ Equipment Request $ Total Request $ B SIGNATURE HERE Type of Equipment 12. Applicants will receive a letter no more than four (4) weeks after the deadline notifying them of the status of their application. * If request is for equipment only, please provide proof of registration. Is there a Cleve’s / Source for Sports location in your area? Yes No If no, please indicate the name, address and phone number of the nearest sporting goods retailer: I would like to receive information and updates related to KidSportTM B. Authorization from the Department of Community Services or community services agency (for office locations visit offices.html). Yes No IMPORTANT KidSportTM Nova Scotia and its affiliated chapters agree that any information provided by the applicant shall be retained by IMPORTANT: KidSportTM Nova Scotia and/or its affiliated chapters and shall not be released to any other party without the expressed written consent of the applicant (other than the sport organization for which funding has been requested). 13. Cheques for registration grants will be made payable to a league, association or club. Cheques for equipment will be made payable to a sporting goods retailer. (Note: KidSport reserves the right to request proof of purchase.) TM
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