For families with children
For families with children
Family ticket Restricted access for pushchairs and wheelchairs Our tip - things to do all year Moravian-Silesian Region Regional Office 28. října 117 702 18 Ostrava Tel.: +420 595 622 222 E-mail: Realisation and design: Agentura API s.r.o. © Agentura API s.r.o. Wh Ca at ca ny ny win ou se ou se dow e th e? ? e Active relaxation Moravian-Silesian Region For families with children 445445 Rabštejn Rabštejn KK Í Í NN 825825 Os k Os ava ka va Šu Šu Rešovské Rešovské vodopády vodopády Dol.Dol. Libina Libina 440440 Sovinec Sovinec SlunSelčunáečná Vel.Vel. Polom Polom Odra Odra a Sezin a Sezin Klokočov Klokočov e 442 ČižoČvižcoevic442 Větrný Větrný mlýn mlýn 565565 Přírodní Přírodní park park Bravinné Bravinné Skála Skála Oderské Oderské vrchy vrchy Fulnek P. Marie P. MarieOd Od Fulnek ra ra p. p. í í ChraCshtraavsetcavec us us H H k ké é v vr cr ch hy y e er sr s O Od d 46 Štarnov Štarnov46 Bělkovice Bělkovice - Lašťany Bohuňovice Bohuňovice Lašťany 540540 503503 p. ický . čov p Gru vický čo Město Město Libavá Libavá Jívová Jívová HLUČĺN HLUČĺN veve Slezsku Slezsku Pudlov Pudlov Ludgeřovice Ludgeřovice 56 56 471471 67 67 Żory Żory Świerklany Świerklany Górne Górne WODZISŁAW WODZISŁAW ŚLĄSKI ŚLĄSKI 936936 Chuchelná Chuchelná Hrabyně Hrabyně technická technická památka památka - technical - technical monument monument - Technisches - Technisches Denkmal Denkmal - zabytek - zabytek techniczny techniczny Bílovec Bílovec 5 5 Polanka Polanka Vítkovice nivanivaVítkovice 479479 930930 - Czechoslovak - Czechoslovak fortifications: fortifications: blockhouses blockhouses derder tschechoslowakischen tschechoslowakischen Befestigung Befestigung - Bollwerke - Bollwerke - bunkry, - bunkry, obiekty obiekty fortyfikacji fortyfikacji Krzyżowice Krzyżowice Mszana Mszana Závada Závada - - Gołkowice - Gołkowice Wisła Wisła Wielka Wielka Strumień Strumień 937937 Petrovice Petrovice u Karviné u Karviné Pszcyna Pszcyna botanická botanická zahrada, zahrada, arboretum arboretum - botanical - botanical garden garden - Botanischer - Botanischer Garten Garten - ogroda - ogroda botaniczna botaniczna Miedźna Miedźna Brzeźce Brzeźce Pawłowice Pawłowice JASTRZĘBIEJASTRZĘBIE- ZDRÓJ - ZDRÓJ Lutyně Lutyně Šenov Šenovdřevěnka dřevěnka 11 11 57 57 n. Odrou n. Odrou478478 dřevěný dřevěný kostel kostel – wooden – wooden church church – Holzkirche – Holzkirche - kościół - kościół drewniany drewniany 938938 Drogomysł Drogomysł Kostel 475475 Kostel Landek Landek 477477 Stará Stará VesVes Krmelín Krmelín n. Ondřejnicí n. Ondřejnicí Václavovice Václavovice Horní Horní Řepiště Řepiště 473473Bludovice Bludovice Chotěbuz Chotěbuz Těrlicko Těrlicko zoologická zoologická zahrada zahrada - zoological - zoological garden garden ZOO ZOO Zoologische Zoologische Garten Garten - ogrod - ogrod zoologiczny zoologiczny lidová lidová architektura architektura - folk - folk architekture architekture Biała Biała ludowe - Volksarchitektur - Volksarchitektur - budownictwo - budownictwo ludowe Kiczyce Kiczyce Skoczów Skoczów Krakowska Krakowska vesnické vesnické památkové památkové rezervace rezervace BIELSKO BIELSKO - village - village preservation preservation areas areas 5 monuments 5 monuments Jaworze BIAŁA BIAŁA - Dorfdenkmalreservationen - Jaworze Dorfdenkmalreservationen Srednie - wiejski - Srednie wiejski pamiątkowy pamiątkowy rezerwat rezerwat Pogórze Pogórze Chotěbuz Chotěbuz - - Cieszyn - Cieszyn 67 67 CIESZYN CIESZYN 11 11 rozhledna rozhledna - outlook-tower - outlook-tower - Aussichtsturm - Aussichtsturm - wieża - wieża widokowa widokowa jeskyně jeskyně - cave - cave - Höhle - Höhle - jaskinia - jaskinia Debowiec Debowiec Hazlach Hazlach sv. sv. Petra Petra 474474 4 zajímavost 4 zajímavost přírodní přírodní - natural - natural point point of interest of interest - Natursehenswürdigkeiten - Natursehenswürdigkeiten - ciekawostka - ciekawostka przyrodnicza przyrodnicza klášter klášter - monastery - monastery - Kloster - Kloster - klasztor - klasztor kostel kostel – church – church – Kirche – Kirche - kościoł - kościoł Chybie Chybie DolníDolní Marklovice Marklovice - - Marklowice - Marklowice Górne Górne a Pavla a Pavla Vratimov Vratimov HAVĺŘOV Albrechtice HAVĺŘOV Albrechtice 478478 Jistebník Jistebník Bílovk Bílovk a a 23 Ropičan ka Ropičan ka FRÝDEK-MĺSTEK FRÝDEK-MĺSTEK Od r Od a b ra Lu ina bin a Lu ČESKÝ ČESKÝ TĚŠĺN TĚŠĺN Stonávka Stonávka Od ra Od ra 10 7 NOVÝ NOVÝJIČĺN JIČĺN e e 8 Olš Sedlnice Sedlnice 25 26 Paskov Paskov 486486 Olš 24 58 58 e jnic dře e On ejnic dř 27 Hladké Hladké Životice Životice On STUDÉNKA STUDÉNKA 532532 avice Ostr avice Ostr Spálov Spálov OLOMOUC OLOMOUC TŘINEC TŘINEC Rymice Rymice Pravčice Pravčice 432432 438438 Křídlo Křídlo HOLEŠOV HOLEŠOV Přílepy Přílepy tín Vse ská B tíns e ká čva Be čva Vse Vigantice Vigantice Hutisko Hutisko - Solanec Solanec 481481 H Ho o Prusinovice Prusinovice Lhota Lhota Ratiboř Ratiboř Rusava Rusava 437437 Hošťálková Hošťálková CábCáb 842842 Horní Horní Bečva Bečva CHKO CHKOE442E442 Beskydy Beskydy VysoVkyások56á Soláň TaneTčaniecčenice Soláň 912912 Karolinka Karolinka 56 1024 1024 Čartak Čartak Ko py Ko tná py tná e Bezměrov Bezměrov 47 47 Zlobice Zlobice Břest Břest 490490 ks ék é Bystřička Bystřička Bystřička Bystřička Rajnochovice ný ns Rajnochovice ý Mikulůvka Mikulůvka 57 57 Bystřice Bystřice yh y Chvalčov Chvalčov t t h Valašská Valašská týonstýn s s HosH 46 501 501 Kateřinice Kateřinice Růžďka Růžďka 46 Bystřice 437437 Bystřice r cr c 735735 Jablůnka Jablůnka vv Bystřice Bystřice p. p. Hostýnem Hostýnem e n. Hanou n. Hanou Nezamyslice Nezamyslice Mořice Mořice Chropyně Chropyně Kostelec Kostelec u Holešova u Holešova St. St. VesVes Olš Vlkoš Vlkoš55 55 ka ráv Mo ka ráv Mo Kojetín Kojetín Měrovice Měrovice n. Hanou n. Hanou Němčice Němčice Tištín Tištín Záříčí Záříčí Uhřičice Uhřičice Mohelnice Mohelnice 367367 Dobromilice Dobromilice Čeladenka Čeladenka 5 PŘEROV PŘEROV YY DD K KY Y S S EE BB ÉÉ K K Z SZ S LS EL E S OO SV KS K V AA RR Klokočov Klokočov O OBílá BíleáBíláeBílá Bílá Bílá - M M OstrOavsictravicKostel Kostel - Klokočov - Klokočov ice trav Os vice tra Os a bin Lu a bin Lu ka Jičín ka Jičín 6 Olš Morava Morava Jeseníky Mountains.................................... 1 Beskydy Mountains.................................... 8 Opava Silesia............................................. 16 Ostrava Region.......................................... 22 Těšín Silesia................................................ 28 Poodří and Moravské Kravařsko regions... 34 Location and map..................................... 40 Międzyrzecze Międzyrzecze Czarków Czarków sruby sruby čs.čs. opevnění opevnění z let z let 1935-38 1935-38 Świerklany Świerklany Český Český Těšín Těšín - Archeopark Archeopark - Cieszyn - Cieszyn Těrlicko Těrlicko skanzen skanzen - open-air - open-air museum museum 93 93 Podobora Podobora Žermanice Žermanice of architecture of architecture - Freilichtmuseum - Freilichtmuseum - skansen - skansen Soběšovice Soběšovice Sedliště Kostel Kostel Sedliště Goleszów Goleszów Jakubčovice Jakubčovice 56 56 Albrechtičky Albrechtičky 449449 441441 Dolany Dolany R56R56sv. sv. Michala Michala Skrbeň Skrbeň 474 474 památník památník - memorial - memorial - Mahnmal - Mahnmal - pomnik - pomnik 48 48 E3 E3 Petřvald Petřvald Lískovec Lískovec Brenna Brenna USTROŃ USTROŃ Kostel Kostel Lučina Lučina Buczkowicz Buczkowicz Brušperk Brušperk Třanovice Třanovice 464464 synagoga synagoga - synagogue - synagogue - Synagoge - Synagoge - synagoga - synagoga Sviadnov 57 57 Odry Odry Horka Horka Horní Horní Líštná Líštná - 46 46 tývakotýpekočepkeček Všech Všech svatých svatých Mošnov Mošnov ovinoevcinec Staříč Horní Horní Žukov Žukov Staříč Sviadnov Suchdol Suchdol SvaS S S - Leszna - Leszna Górna Górna Dolní Dolní n. Mor. n. Mor. Hradisko Bartošovice Bartošovice 48 48 Hradisko ZOO ZOO n. Odrou n. Odrou CHKO židovský židovský hřbitov hřbitov - Jewish - Jewish cemeter cemeter Potštát Potštát Domaslavice Domaslavice 412412 CHKO Bukowa Bukowa Okrouhlá lskýlskký k Hlubočky Hlubočky 468468 354354 Okrouhlá VeseVese opecopec - Judenfriedhof - Judenfriedhof -Szczyrk żydowski -Szczyrk żydowski cmentarz cmentarz Hnojník Hnojník Fryčovice Fryčovice R35 R35 Mankovice Mankovice Poodří Poodří Těšetice Těšetice E462 E462 557557 Chlebovice Chlebovice Sedlnice SedlnicePříbor 47 Vražné 47 Vražné Dobratice Dobratice 441441 Příbor 68 68 Olešná Olešná mlýn mlýn - mill - mill - Mühlen - Mühlen - młyn - młyn Dobrá Staré Staré Dobrá 448448 Kostel Kostel VelkVáeČlkaánČtoarnytjeoryje 289289 11 11 Panorama Vel. Vel. Bystřice Bystřice 48 48Panorama Nošovice Puchart Puchart Město Město Baška Baška Nošovice Komorní Komorní Kunín Kunín sv. sv. Mikuláše Mikuláše 995995 mezinárodní mezinárodní letiště letiště - international - international airport airport Přáslavice Přáslavice Hukvaldy Hukvaldy Hněvotín Hněvotín ra ra J.G.Mendel J.G.Mendel 5 5 E442 E442 Palkovice Palkovice Lhotka Od Od Střítež Střítež Vápenné VápennéNýdek Kostel Kostel Vyšní Vyšní Komorní KomorníLhotka 440440 R46R46 Nýdek International International Flughafen Flughafen Jeseník Jeseník Vel.Vel. Újezd Újezd n. Ludinou n. Ludinou Čantoryje Čantoryje 570570 Lutín Lutín pece pece Baška BaškaLhoty Lhoty 46 46 lhotka Božího Božího tělatěla lhotka E462 E462 - lotnisko - lotnisko internacjonalne internacjonalne Guty Guty n. Odrou n. Odrou503503 PolePdonlíední Kostel Kostel sv. sv. Antonína Antonína Kostel Kostel Hukvaldy Hukvaldy Doloplazy Doloplazy 56 56 Janovice Janovice Lesní Lesní mlýn mlýn 486486 KOPŘIVNICE KOPŘIVNICE Drahotuš Drahotuš Wisła Wisła Olšany Olšany Paduánského Paduánského Povýšení Povýšení 672672 Bělotín Bělotín Metylovice Bernartice Bernartice letiště - airport - airport - Flughafen - Flughafen - lotnisko - lotnisko Vel.Vel. Týnec Týnec BíláBílá hora hora Technické Technické muzeum muzeum 502502 Metylovice Malinka Malinkaletiště 449449 u Prostějova u Prostějova tíkuntík JavoJraovvoýrový Raškovice Raškovice sv. sv. Kříže Kříže Bystřice 55 55 PunP Bystřice 482482 Mniší Mniší Starý Starý E462 E462 435435 E462 Kozlovice Kozlovice 5 5 E462 501501 autokempink autokempink - camping - camping - Campingplatz - Campingplatz Čelechovice Čelechovice Javorový 56 56 Prašivá Prašivá 10321032 Javorový Šostýn Šostýn Jičín Blatec Blatec 502502Jičín 6 6samochodowy Frýdlant Frýdlant Pražmo Pražmo Dolní Dolní Újezd Újezd na na Hané Hané camping camping samochodowy Štramberská Štramberská Tršice Tršice Štramberk Štramberk p p i i c c t t r r s s o o ý ý e e Grygov Grygov St. St. Jičín Jičín O O Hrádek Hrádek R R Lipník Lipník KyčeKryačera n. n. Ostr. Ostr. Veselíčko Veselíčko 435435 Trúba Trúba Smržice Smržice Morávka Morávka Tichá Tichá 47 47 n. n. Beč. Beč. golfgolf - golf - golf - Golf - Golf - golf - golf HRANICE HRANICE Hustopeče 1044 1044 Ženklava Ženklava 1082 1082 Helfštýn Helfštýn 906906 Krásná Krásná 57 57 Hustopeče Vrbátky Vrbátky Radniční Radniční Kunčice Kunčice 480480 Osek Osek E442 E442 n. Bečvou 436436 Morávka Morávka n. Bečvou Majetín Majetín Hodslavice Hodslavice 483 483 lyžařská lyžařská střediska střediska - ski - ski centre centre - Skizentrum - Skizentrum Lichnov Lichnov pod Ondřej. Ondřej. věžvěž pod n. Bečvou n. Bečvou Milíkov Milíkov 483483 Veřovice 5 5 Veřovice avTnrýavný čva čva Dub Dub r T Be Be Kokory Kokory á á v v TýnTýn o o - środowisko - środowisko narciarcke narciarcke JABLUNKOV JABLUNKOV Bečva Bečva Kostel Kostel Kaple n. Moravou n. Moravou zubozub Kaple 46 46 LysáLyhs.á h. Mořkov Mořkov n. Beč. sv. Anny Hostašovice Hostašovice Bukovec Bukovec Ko 982 K 982 sv. Anny Prosenice Prosenice 434434n. Beč. .VJealv. oJranvíokrník l sv. sv. Prokopa Prokopa Ústí Ústí Lysá Lysá e Kostel Kostel Ostravice Ostravice B B 1203 1203 V Kralice Kralice Písek Písek Istebna Istebna 35 35 Lešná 55 55 pěší pěší turistická turistická trasa trasa E3E3 - tourist - tourist path path E3E3 - eč eč Kamiesznica Kamiesznica Čeladná Čeladná Lešná Brodek Kozubová Kozubová FRENŠTÁT FRENŠTÁT 47 47Brodek týunštýn va va a Barbory a Barbory hora hora Ol Ol HušH sv. sv. Ondřeje Ondřeje na na Hané Hané E3 E3 1323 1323 - Wanderwege - Wanderwege E3E3 - pieszy - pieszy szlak szlak turystyczny turystyczny Mazák Mazák E75E75 še še u Přerova u Přerova Rokytnice Jasnowice Jasnowice Radslavice Radslavice 918918 Rokytnice Národopisný Národopisný p.p. Radh. Radh. Koniaków Koniaków Opatovice Opatovice Soběchleby Soběchleby Choryně Choryně 501501 Hrubčice Hrubčice Dolní Mosty Bukovec 749749 MostyBukovec 58 58 areál areál Dolní Věrovany Věrovany 438438 cykloturistika cykloturistika - bike - bike riding riding Pavlovice Pavlovice Trojanovice Trojanovice 439439Kelč Bedihošť Bedihošť Lomná Lomná Bukovec Bukovec Kelč 435435 u Jablun. u Jablun. 461461 SmrSkmrk 5 5 434434 - Radfahretouristik - Radfahretouristik - turystyka - turystyka rowerowa rowerowa Horní Horní Mionší u Přerova u Přerova Bečva Bečva - Jasnowice - Jasnowice Mionší 437437 hynněěhyně VALAŠSKÉ hoašdťhošť KněK něhyněVALAŠSKÉ RadR Lomná Hrčava HrčavaKostel Čehovice Čehovice JuhyJu Kostel aolýloPmolom Lomná Všechovice Všechovice MalýMP 1276 1276 Zašová Zašová hranice hranice Moravskoslezského Moravskoslezského kraje kraje TěšíTňěoščíkňaočka MEZIŘĺČĺ MEZIŘĺČĺ VelkVýePlkoýloPmolom Ivaň Ivaň Tovačov Tovačov 434434 sv. sv. Cyrila Cyrila Branky Branky Želatovice Želatovice ROŽNOV ROŽNOV 11291129 Soubor 11 11 919919 E442 E442 border border of Moravian-Silesian of Moravian-Silesian region region 1257 1257 Zubří Zubří 1061 1061 Police Police a Metoděje a Metoděje Soubor Horní Horní Pustevny Pustevny Troubky Troubky Grúň Grúň 46 46 1067 1067 - Grenze - Grenze desdes Mährisch-Schlesische Mährisch-Schlesische region region Kunovice Kunovice p.p. Radh. Radh. Hrachovec Hrachovec 35 35 433433 útulen útulen Klenovice Klenovice435435 Bochoř Bochoř Moštěnice Moštěnice Podlesí Podlesí 150150 - granica - granica Okręga Okręga Morawsko-Śląskiego Morawsko-Śląskiego RožnRo Loučka Loučka PíškPoívšáková a a Šance Šance - ovžn ovská Kostel Kostel na na Hané Hané ská Dolní Dolní Bečva Bečva Střítež StřítežBe rav rav Bečva Dřevohostice Dřevohostice Loukov Loukov 150150 Čadca Čadca - Milošová - Milošová čva sv. sv. Panny Panny Marie Marie Skalité Skalité Mosty Mosty u Jabl. u Jabl. - Pivín Pivín Mo Mo Beňov Beňov 436436 E3 E3 sedačková sedačková lanovka lanovka - chair-lift - chair-lift - Sessellift - Sessellift Prostřední Prostřední 578578 - Svrčinovec - Svrčinovec Lobodice Lobodice Hradisko Hradisko Staré Staré Hamry Hamry 35 35 Bečva Vel.Vel. Lhota Lhota Vidče Vidče Podhradní Podhradní Bečva - wyciąg - wyciąg krzesełkowy krzesełkowy Mo Mo446446 Náklo Náklo rava rava 51 51 Příkazy Příkazy Contents archeologické archeologické naleziště naleziště - archeological - archeological sitesite - Archäologische - Archäologische Fundstelle Fundstelle - wykopalisko - wykopalisko archeologiczne archeologiczne 929929 91 91 Gru Štěpánov Štěpánov ka ov diš a Bu ovk diš Bu . ký p avs p. ký avs 444444 ŠTERNBERK ŠTERNBERK 11 městská městská památková památková rezervace rezervace (zóna) (zóna) - urban - urban architectural architectural reserve reserve - städtisches - städtisches Denkmalschutzgebiet Denkmalschutzgebiet - miejska - miejska strefa strefa zabytkowa zabytkowa 933933 14 Hradec Hradec n. n. Mor. Mor. lázně lázně - spa - spa resort resort - Kurort - Kurort - uzdrowisko - uzdrowisko aquapark aquapark - aquapark - Aquapark - Aquapark - aquapark - aquapark 3 3- aquapark 56 56 749749 Lib Hnojice Hnojice 446446 447447 Lib Pňovice Pňovice 551551 443443 440440 Přírodní Přírodní parkpark Údolí Údolí Bystřice Bystřice Lipina Lipina zřícenina zřícenina - ruin - ruin - Ruine - Ruine - ruina - ruina 49 49 Dolní Dolní Marklovice Marklovice 13 Hornické 58 58 Hornické Dětmarovice Dětmarovice Jakubčovice JakubčoviceHůrkHaůrka Kostel Kostel Pustá Pustá Melč Weisshuhnův Weisshuhnův Přírodní Děhylov Děhylov muzeum muzeum Kružberk Kružberk Melč Přírodní Dolní Polom Polom Dolní Nanebevstoupení Nanebevstoupení 530530 Rychvald Hvězdárna Hvězdárna469469 kanál kanál Landek Landek 470470 Rychvald parkpark Lhota Lhota 465 465 19 Páně Páně Radkov Radkov Vodárenská Vodárenská věžvěž Moravice Moravice a planetárium a planetárium Ostravská Hlubočec HlubočecKozíKčoezkíček ORLOVÁ ORLOVÁ ZOO ZOO 470470 17Ostravská 16 Vikštejn Vikštejn J. Palisy J. Palisy Černý Černý důl důl Skřipov Skřipov 464464446446 radnice radnice KARVINÁ Doubrava Doubrava 57 57 Slezskoostravský Slezskoostravský 21KARVINÁ Kyjovice Kyjovice Vřesina DůlDůl Vřesina 18 Lázně Lázně hrad hrad Michal Michal h h i i 59 59 o o z z e e ř ř í í Fryštát Fryštát M M nnýnný OSTRAVA OSTRAVA Darkov Darkov KamKeame vrchvrch Budišov Budišov Doly Doly Březová Březová 463463 DůlDůl 383383 Obloukový Obloukový n. n. Budišovkou Budišovkou 442442 11 11 16 Tísek Slatina Slatina Tísek 518518 Petřvald Zbyslavice Zbyslavice 462462 Jindřich Jindřich 15 Petřvald most most Vítkov Vítkov Větřkovice 473473 Horní Horní h h c c r r y y V V Klimkovice Klimkovice Větřkovice Dolní 20 Stonava Stonava Polanská PolanskáDolní Suchá Kotulova KotulovaSuchá Čer vČeenrávehn. á h. Mladějovice Mladějovice 447447 Moravský Moravský Beroun Beroun 45 45 Krzanowice KrzanowiceBleńkowice Bleńkowice Olše Olše ice stř By ice stř 45 45 Lipina Lipina Žimrovice Žimrovice Vildštejn Vildštejn Dvorce Dvorce 46 46 Újezd Újezd LITOVEL LITOVEL E3 E3 Huzová Huzová Paseka Paseka 12 hrad hrad - castle - castle - Burg - Burg - zamek - zamek Leszcyny Leszcyny 924924 RYBNIK RYBNIK Rydułtowy Rydułtowy Velké Velké Hoštice Hoštice 55 55 427427 800800 49 49 Píšť 468468Píšť Opevnění Opevnění Stěbořice Větrný Větrný mlýn mlýn Stěbořice zámek zámek (nepřístupný) (nepřístupný) - chateau - chateau (inaccesible) (inaccesible) - Schloss - Schloss (unzugänglich) (unzugänglich) - pałac - pałac (zamkniąty) (zamkniąty) muzeum muzeum - museum - museum - Museum - Museum - muzeum - muzeum Gostyń Gostyń 315315 Hněvošice Hněvošice 46 46 Oldřišov OldřišovKobeřice Kobeřice Stanowice Stanowice Chwałęcice Chwałęcice Chlebičov Chlebičov 467467 Czyzowice Czyzowice Krzyżanowice Krzyżanowice Štěpánkovice Štěpánkovice Bolatice Bolatice Nový Nový Bohuslavice Bohuslavice Vřesina Vřesina HaťHať Slavkov Slavkov DvůrDvůr Areál Areál čs. čs. opevnění opevnění OPAVA 46 46 OPAVA Choltice Choltice Dolní Dolní Darkovičky Darkovičky Darkovice DarkoviceBohumín Kravaře Kravaře Bohumín - Mladecko Mladecko Zábřeh Zábřeh Štítina Štítina Benešov Benešov Darkovičky Darkovičky - Chalupki - Chalupki Větrný Větrný mlýn mlýn Otice 56 56 Otice e e Litultovice Litultovice Mokré Mokré Lazce Lazce vicravic a Věrňovice Věrňovice r Hvozd Hvozd Dolní Dolní Raduň O O Památník Památník II. II. Mo Mo Raduň Kozmice Kozmice Šilheřovice Šilheřovice nicenice 11 11 443 443 Branka Branka Životice Životice BOHUMĺN BOHUMĺNlše lše světové světové války války ušaenuše Markvartovice Markvartovice HanH Dolní Dolní HájHáj 460460 Hlavnice Hlavnice Kružberk Kružberk By 511511 3 Pilszcz Pilszcz 11 11 Leskovec Leskovec n. Moravicí n. Moravicí Sudice Sudice ínlmkoínpekcopec AlmA CZERWIONKACZERWIONKACzerwionka -LESZCZYNY -LESZCZYNYCzerwionka Orzesze Orzesze 925925 Kornowac Kornowac Sudice Sudice - - Pietraszyn - Pietraszyn zámek zámek (přístupný) (přístupný) - chateau - chateau (accesible) (accesible) - Schloss - Schloss (zugänglich) (zugänglich) - pałac - pałac (otwarty) (otwarty) Przegęndza Przegęndza 916916 Gródczany Gródczany 57 Velké Velké Svobodné Svobodné Heraltice Heřmanice Heřmanice Heraltice 442442 780780 Lomnice Lomnice 511511 449449 elo. uRdnoýudný Vel.VR Roudno Roudno 679679 Brumovice Brumovice57 Ochojec Ochojec Jankowice Jankowice Rudzskie Rudzskie RACIBÓRZ RACIBÓRZ Lubotyń Lubotyń památka památka UNESCO UNESCO - monument - monument of the of the UNESCO UNESCO - Denkmal - Denkmal vonvon UNESCO UNESCO - zabytki - zabytki UNESCO UNESCO Gierałtowice Gierałtowice Szczygłowice Szczygłowice Markowice Markowice Pietrowice Pietrowice Wielkie Wielkie 416416 420420 Holasovice Holasovice Razová Razová 459459 St. Heřminovy St. Heřminovy Slezská 452452 2Slezská Harta Harta 419419 KK OO Knurów Knurów Stanice Stanice Rudy Rudy Opava Opava Dlouhá Dlouhá Šumvald ŠumvaldLoučka Loučka Troubelice Troubelice UNIČOV UNIČOV J JE ES S E EN N Í KÍ K 45 45 ný ný Čer vČeer vevrchvrch Lichnov Lichnov Benešov Benešov uešinnuašsinoapksaopka VenV 654654 445445 446446 Branice Branice Čižina Čižina 460460 674674 11 11 Břidličná Břidličná Ryžoviště Ryžoviště Cvilín Cvilín Kietrz Kietrz Nędza Nędza Lyski Lyski Pawlów Pawlów Nowa Nowa Cerekwia Cerekwia Bliszczyce Bliszczyce LL SS Rudnik Rudnik Tłustomosty Tłustomosty 466466 Úvalno Úvalno N NÍ ZÍ Z Vartnov Úvalno Úvalno K KÝ Ý 459459Vartnov ina ina Čiž Čiž 503503 Horní Horní BRUNTÁL BRUNTÁL 370370 449449 Oslava Oslava 370370 Libina Libina 45 45 Brantice BranticeOvčOákvčák eev třeZátor v Zátor Vel.VTeelt.řT 11 11 440440 4 OO informace informace - information - information service service - - Informationen - Informationen - biuro - biuro informacji informacji Bargłówka Bargłówka Kużnia Kużnia Raciborska Raciborska silnice silnice I. aI.II.a třídy II. třídy - roads - roads of the of the I. and I. and Będzin Będ II. class II. class - Straßen - Straßen I. und I. und II. Klasse II. Klasse - drogi1. - drogi1. i 2.i klasyfikacji 2. klasyfikacji Czeladź Czeladź hraniční hraniční přechod přechod - border - border crossing-point crossing-point - Grenzübergang - Grenzübergang - przejście - przejście graniczne graniczne Żernica Żernica Ruda Ruda Sławików Sławików Gamów Gamów Włodzienin Włodzienin KRNOV KRNOV Staré Staré Město Město Hor. Hor. Město Město Pietrowice Pietrowice Modzurów Modzurów 416416 Hošťálkovy Hošťálkovy Nové Nové Heřminovy Heřminovy Če Če rn rn ýp ýp . . . Baborów Baborów Zubrzyce Zubrzyce PP 417417 Sulków Sulków 38 38 57 57 Krnov Krnov - OpaOpa - Pietrowice vice vice - Pietrowice 45 45 Ježník Ježník Bí lá Bí Opa lá v Op a av a . Rýmařov Rýmařov Oskava Oskava 331331 553553 Malá Malá Morávka MorávkaČerČ toevartova h h Wronin Wronin Dobieszów Dobieszów Široká Široká Niva Niva 452452 Łany Łany Grobniki Grobniki ava Op a av Op 446446 450450 Dziergowice Dziergowice víceproudová víceproudová silnice silnice - dual - dual carriageway carriageway BYTOM BYTOM - mehrspurige - mehrspurige Straße Straße - drogi - drogi szybkiego szybkiego ruchu ruchu Świętochłowice ostatní ostatní silnice silnice aŚwiętochłowice cesty a cesty - other - other roads roads CHORZÓW CHORZÓW - sonstige - sonstige Straßen undund Wegen Wegen - drogi - drogi inne inne 2 2Straßen MORAVIAN-SILESIAN MORAVIAN-SILESIAN REGION REGION- -MÄHRISCH-SCHLESISCHE MÄHRISCH-SCHLESISCHE REGION REGION Sośnicowice Sośnicowice Pawłowiczki Pawłowiczki OKRĘG OKRĘGMORAWSKO-ŚLĄSKI MORAWSKO-ŚLĄSKI GLIWICE GLIWICE Polska Polska Cerekiew Cerekiew 38 38 GŁUBCZYCE GŁUBCZYCE Linhartovy Linhartovy 46 46 Kozłów Kozłów Grudynia Grudynia Wielka Wielka Slezské Slezské Fulštejn Fulštejn Rudoltice Rudoltice 4 55 55 Opawica Opawica 451451 Světlá Světlá Hora Hora 445445 Stará Stará Bedřichov Bedřichov VesVes Hrabišín Hrabišín Andělská Andělská HoraHora Karlova Karlova Studánka Petrovy PetrovyStudánka kameny kameny E3 E3 EE Kosárna Kosárna 416416 Stara Stara Kuźnia Kuźnia Cisek Cisek ra ra J J EESS 452452 Lisiecice Lisiecice ha ha va Opa va Opa 952952 453453 KarlKoavarlohvoarahora 874874 Holčovice Holčovice Mnichov Mnichov 717717 Strážiště Strážiště Moravice Moravice 941941 KamKeanmneý nvn. ý v. 1 1311 1311 Rašeliniště Rašeliniště Skřítek Skřítek OstrOý strý Město Město Albrechtice Albrechtice va Opa va Opa 11 11 574574 Vrbno Vrbno p. p. Pradědem Pradědem Karlovice Karlovice Lázeňský Lázeňský areál areál 1491 1491 Vernířovice Vernířovice Pec Pec Sobotín Sobotín 451451ava ava Op Op d 450450 ní dní Furstenwalde řed řeFurstenwalde St St PradPěrdaděd Praděd Praděd ava Černa Op ava Černa Op ná Des ná Des 1343 1343 ald mv ld a mv Just like this publication, the Moravian-Silesian Region is divided into six tourist areas – the Jeseníky Mountains, Beskydy Mountains, Opava Silesia, Ostrava Region, Těšín Silesia and the Poodří and Moravské Kravařsko regions. Each of these areas has its own unique character and offers a wide range of opportunities for spending free time with your children. B BDě Dě vernaevečníekčník MraM Petrov Petrov n. Desnou n. Desnou Rabenštejn Rabenštejn ÝÝ U U M. M.d RDlouhé HH RDlouhé Stráně Stráně 1368 1368 Loučná Loučná n. Desnou n. Desnou á á sn sn De De Jeseníky Jeseníky Červenohorské Červenohorské sedlo sedlo Čer nČáersntrááňstráň 1237 1237 Nové Nové Losiny Losiny Kouty Kouty n. Desnou n. Desnou Bělá Bělá This small guidebook to the Moravian-Silesian Region will not only help you adults with ideas for daytrips and holidays, but it also provides plenty of stories and fun to liven up walks with your ‘little treasures’ – the kids. We hope you have many happy experiences and look forward to meeting you along the way. kolekj olej ko ko Úz Úz yloabyla KobK Hynčice Hynčice 1204 1204 Suchý Suchý vrchvrch eleneílevrncíhvrch J J CHKO CHKO 44 44 Třemešná Třemešná Heřmanovice Heřmanovice Opavice Opavice OrlíkOrlík Liptaň Liptaň E462E462 Brzezinka Brzezinka MORAVSKOSLEZSKÝ MORAVSKOSLEZSKÝ KRAJ KRAJ 417417 PIKARY PIKARY Strzyżowice Strzyżowic Legenda Legenda - Legend - Legend -ŚŁĄSKIE Zeichenerklärung - Zeichenerklärung ŚŁĄSKIE Wojkowice Wojkowice Bojszów Bojszów Łącza Łącza Gościęcin Gościęcin Dívčí Dívčí Os Os Bohušov ob ob Bohušov Hrad Hrad la la 57 57 SolnSáohln.á h. 868868 Heřmanovice Heřmanovice Reńska Reńska Wieś Wieś Wieszowa Wieszowa Częchowice Częchowice Rudziniec Rudziniec Od Bě Adolfovice Adolfovice Bělá Bělá p. Pradědem p. Pradědem 1423 1423 53 53 975975 40 40 Trawnik Trawnik 457457 hora hora PříčPnřýíčvnrcýhvrch Koberštejn Rejvíz RejvízKoberštejn Szonów Szonów ť tra ná trať ná 369369 Branná Branná 55 55 453453 453453 ŠeráŠkerák 1361 1361 rneípkrník KepK Osoblaha Osoblaha - - Pomorzowicki - Pomorzowicki Osoblaha Osoblaha 457457 Racławice Racławice Slezské Slezské Pavlovice Pavlovice Trzebina Trzebina BartultoviceBartultovice- Trzebina - Trzebina nik nik ud ud Pr Pr Twardawa Twardawa Pyskowice Pyskowice Bycina Bycina Ujazd Ujazd Słavięcice Słavięcice KĘDZIERZYNKĘDZIERZYN-KOŹLE -KOŹLE Od Ramzová Ramzová Ostružná Ostružná 41 41 Zlaté Zlaté Hory Hory 445445 Walce Walce 415415 Skrzypiec Skrzypiec pskápská a Jindřichov 610610 BiskBuisku kupakupJindřichov 454454 Dolní Dolní Údolí Údolí 888888 Biskupská Biskupská Edelštejn Edelštejn ZlatýZlatý chlum chlum Lázně Lázně JESENĺK Lipová Lipová JESENĺK Głogówek Głogówek 40 40 ZlatéZlaté HoryHory - - Konradów - Konradów 457457 StráSžitsrákžoisko lá E3 E3 44 44 53 53 Česká Česká VesVes Bě 1125 1125 nná Bra nná Bra with children GŁUCHOŁAZY GŁUCHOŁAZY Mikulovice Mikulovice Písečná Písečná 992992 Mochów Nowy Nowy 40 40Mochów Browiniec Browiniec PRUDNIK PRUDNIK Mora vic Mora e vice Supíkovice Supíkovice iční iční StudSntudn vrchvrch jeskyně jeskyně Na Pomezí Na Pomezí k ols k ols Moravian-Silesian Region For families 457457 Vápenná Vápenná jesk.jesk. Na Špičáku Na Špičáku 60 60 P P SmrSkmrk Mikulovice Mikulovice - - Głuchołazy - Głuchołazy 455455 Černá Černá Voda Voda lá Rych Rychlebsk lebsk 957957 Kunětice Kunětice 456456 Žulová Žulová Stříbrný Stříbrný potok potok Hv oz Hv dnic oz e dn ice Skorošice Skorošice ŠpičŠápkičák 9 sv. sv. Bedřicha Bedřicha 484484 Korňa Korňa Salajka Salajka Bílá Bílá - Bumbálka - Bumbálka - Makov - Makov 487487 Velké Velké Karlovice Karlovice - - Turzovka Turzovka 487487 Staškov Staškov 22 0 0 Raková Raková 487487 Čadca Čadca Zákopčie Zákopčie Krásno Krásno Oščadnica Oščadnica 1010 Rycerka 75 75 Rycerka 1515 2020 kmkm Górna Górna ©© B.A.T. B.A.T. Program Program s.r.o. s.r.o. 2004 2004 Jeseníky Mountains The Jeseníky Mountains stretch out along the border with Poland at the northernmost tip of Moravia. Though the Hrubý Jeseník Mountains form the heart of the range, the area is also comprised of the Kralický Sněžník massif, the Rychlebské Mountains and the Nízký Jeseník Mountains. All of the ranges, with the exception of the latter, rise over 1000m above sea level. The Nízký Jeseník Mountains, with Slunečná (798) being the highest summit, form a gently hilly plateau in the east. The entire area is crisscrossed with a rich network of marked footpaths and studded with a large number of recreational and sports centres that provide a chance to spend a pleasant time resting or enjoying more active pursuits amid the Moravian mountains. The first written records of the Jeseníky area date back to the time of Ptolemy in the 3rd century. During the reign of the Přemyslid ruler Břetislav I, the lands were protected in the north by deep forest. Despite this, the period saw the first appearance of fortifications to defend the border. One important later series of events that had a considerable impact on the area was the so-called ‘witch-trials’. Thanks to the zealousness of the church inquisitors of that time, many tens of innocent people perished in the torture chamber or on the pyre. One example of a major site for holding witches’ Sabbaths was identified as Petrovy kameny. The Jeseníky Mountains are predominantly known as a hunting ground for game, but other animal species are also found in abundance – e.g. so-called mountain species, birds and fish. The area also excels in its wealth of flora, primarily due to the high level of diversity and variety of habitats. The highest peak is Praděd (the ‘great grandfather’ in Czech), which rises to 1491m above sea level. Such summits, and some other places too, have always been unforested. Here we can find remnants of the flora which first grew here following the retreat of the Quaternary ice-sheet, represented for example by small species of shrub-like willow. Thanks to its uniqueness, much of the land in the Jeseníky has now been designated as nature reserves, in which the walkers are restricted to just the marked footpaths. Information boards found on nature trails will tell you about the local flora in many of these places. 1 At this point, to liven up your walks through the Jeseníky Mountains, we have added a legend for children both young and old. Let your imagination slip free, roam back through the centuries and start telling the tale the kids will love it. On the crag facing Praděd, called Vysoká hole, towers the rocky tor known as Petrovy kameny. One legend tells the story of Petr, a blacksmith, who lived alone with his daughter Lidka. He brought her up to believe in justice, to defend what is right and fight against evil. Lidka grew up to be beautiful. She loved her father and obeyed his word. And then came one day when a cruel Lord arrived from Sovinec, made the people his serfs and appointed his servant Bela as master over the fiefdom. Bela was evil and cunning. Nobody liked him, indeed everyone was scared of him, and none was brave enough to stand up and face him. It so happened that Bela and his men were riding across the district, when he caught sight of a beautiful maiden, out in the meadow whitening linen. Bela immediately commanded his party to halt. ‘I like you,’ he drooled, ‘what do they call you round here?’ If you had pricked Lidka with a pin she could not have bled, so frozen was she with fear. She had heard nothing good about Bela. As soon as she had the courage, she turned on a sixpence and fled for home. Bela found out straight away that she was the daughter of the local blacksmith. He sent one of his servants to Petr’s smithy with the order, ‘bring me your daughter in the morning, or you will pay dearly!’ Lidka was listening in the next room, and overheard the order. If she went to Bela she knew 2 she would break her father’s heart, and yet if she did not obey, then Bela would become even crueler and things would go very ill for the blacksmith. Heavy with such thoughts, little Lidka reached the top of a high cliff. ‘Father forgive me,’ she whispered quietly, and jumped. An instant later, she was dead. Petr searched all over for Lidka, he walked far, calling as he went, but Lidka never replied. When he eventually found her, he wept bitterly and swore a terrible revenge. He set off without delay, found Bela and killed him. Petr knew he could not return home, so he ran away into the mountains where he could hide among the crags. He lived in a cave, ate berries from the forest and would sometimes catch his dinner. But he had no supplies and winter was on its way. One cold autumn morning Petr found some strange objects by the mouth of his cave: a large gold nugget (symbol of wealth), a book (symbol of wisdom) and a hammer (symbol of work). Peter recognised the gifts of Great Grandfather Praděd. He picked up the hammer, and as soon as he felt its weight and how well it felt in his hand, the other gifts vanished. Petr then helped discover a lode of iron ore and excavated a mine. The people loved Petr and hid him from the law, protecting him against the evil lord. When the brave blacksmith died, the people named the stones in which he had hidden Petrovy kameny (Petr’s stones). Jeseníky Mountains 1 The highest mountain in Moravia – Praděd The highest mountain in Moravia, and a dominant feature of the Hrubý Jeseník Mountains is a popular tourist destination. Here you will find the perfect conditions for walking in the summer and wintertime fun in the snow. Before heading down, take a bite to eat at the mountain chalet Ovčárna, above which rises Petrovy kameny. Under the highest peak of the Jeseníky Mountains you will find the spa complex Karlova Studánka. Thanks to its location and picturesque surroundings the spa at Karlova Studánka is one of the most beautiful in the Czech Republic. The spa offers a traditional weeklong stay with a diverse programme of treatments. Not far from Karlova Studánka is the village of Malá Morávka - Karlov, which provides an inexhaustible variety of ways to relax and enjoy sports. Throughout the year you can unwind at the rope park, which is suspended between the trees, and tackle 11 high obstacles before descending a 60m long rope slide. Praděd Karlova Studánka Spa • • Karlova Studánka Information Centre,, +420 554 772 004 • Karlova Studánka Spa,, +420 554 772 004 • Karlov Rope Park,, +420 731 614 500 3 n i r u o l o C e r u t c i p the 4 Jeseníky Mountains 2 Slezská Harta – Paradise for fishermen and water lovers, Bruntál – gateway to the Jeseníky Mountains Slezská Harta If you are not looking for a bustling resort, but a place to enjoy unspoilt nature in peace and quiet, then this reservoir situated in the foothills of the Jeseníky Mountains is the place for you. It’s not only superb for bathing, but for fishing too. Recreational fishing licences can be bought at the town hall in Bruntál (tel. +420 554 610 667). You can relax on dinghies, or even head out on a yacht (this must be booked in advance by calling +420 605 248 359). Around the lake are many footpaths and cycling trails. Right next to Slezská Harta and not far from Bruntál are several extinct Quaternary volcanoes. A trip to this area guarantees a fascinating walk through a varied landscape. The most interesting places are the Venus volcano and the twin volcanic landmarks of Malý and Velký Roudný. Bruntál Bruntál is called the ‘Gateway to the Jeseníky Mountains’ for good reason. The origins of the town date back deep into the 13th century. The chateau is definitely worth a visit; its best interiors are open to the public. An extensive park, including a ‘sala terrena’, the remains of the city walls and bastions and a small lake, surround the chateau. Today Bruntál is an important centre for tourism, especially for winter sports enthusiasts. The town is set in an area of great natural beauty, untouched by civilisation, and is an ideal spot for a visit and to relax. As you approach the town you can see the summit of Uhlířský vrch, which is one of the youngest volcanoes in the area. Above its slopes rises the picturesque church Our Lady of Succour – a single-nave Baroque church built on the site of an earlier wooden chapel. If the weather is bad, then why not visit the indoor swimming pool at Břidličná or the indoor go-kart racing circuit. • Bruntál Information centre, +420 554 713 099, • Swimming pool in Břidličná,, +420 554 286 334 • Bruntál Go-karts (at the old barracks), U Stadionu, Bruntál, +420 554 717 117, Slezská Harta Reservoir Bruntál Chateau Bruntál Chateau 5 3 From sword fighting at Sovinec Castle, across the Moravian Niagara, to the village of Rešov Sovinec Castle The original Gothic castle has been rebuilt many times (High and Late Gothic, Renaissance). The castle is open to the public and can be toured with and without a guide. Also open are several of the courtyards and the so-called upper castle with its watchtower. Various cultural events are organised here – sword fighting displays, exhibitions, theatrical performances and traditional handicrafts. About 3 km from Sovinec Castle is the village of Jiříkov, where you will find the Praděd Gallery u Halouzků, which hosts a great number of interesting objects, carved statues and the largest Nativity scene in Europe. Rešov Waterfalls Sovinec Castle Rešov Waterfalls Close to the village of Rešov flows the stream of Huntava, which locally forms a unique stretch of landscape – a 200m long and 6-10m wide gorge with cascading waterfalls, pools, basins and shapes resulting from erosion (giant cauldrons). It is the largest waterfall in the Nízký Jeseník Mountains. Slunce Aquacentre This aquapark offers fun to all water lovers – whether in its large pool with a current generator, at the children’s paddling pool, the Finnish sauna, the hot-steam and whirlpool baths or in its bubble pool. Everything is always busy, so we recommend booking the services you require in advance. • •Town Museum Information centre Rýmařov, Náměstí Míru 6, Rýmařov, +420 554 212 381, • Sovinec Castle, +420 554 295 113 • Praděd Gallery u Halouzků, Jiříkov 39, +420 554 295 127 • Slunce Aquacentre, Jesenická 4, Rýmařov, +420 554 219 958, 6 Slunce Aquacentre Jeseníky Mountains 4 The unique Osoblaha railway, panoramic views from Cvilín Osoblaha narrow-gauge railway On the Osoblaha hook of land that juts out into Poland is situated an interesting engineering monument – the Třemešná ve Slezsku – Osoblaha narrow-gauge railway. It is one of only three such railways still functioning in the Czech Republic, and the last operated by Czech Railways. The entire 20 km track with a 760 mm gauge was built in 1898, and today trains travel at a maximum speed of 40 kmph. The narrow gauge railway is used by tourists, cyclists and railway enthusiasts alike. A regular ‘nostalgic’ service drawn by steam engines is run at weekends for the latter group of tourists, beginning the 15th of June and finishing 15th September. Osoblaha narrow-gauge railway Krnov - Cvilín Observation Tower Cvilín Observation Tower Standing 25m high on the forepart of Cvilín Hill is an observation tower dating from 1903 and providing to this day a breathtaking view of the surrounding districts and is open from May until October. About 200m away is a shrine whose interior is decorated with magnificent frescos. The ruined medieval castle of Cvilín (Šelenburk) is a further 1.5km distant in the woodlands at the back of Cvilín Hill. Cvilín Chateau • • Krnov Information centre, Hlavní náměstí 25, Krnov, +420 554 614 612, 7 In 1973 the Beskydy Mountains were deservedly designated a Protected Landscape Area (CHKO). With an area of 11 66 km2, the Beskydy Mountains make up the largest protected landscape in the Czech Republic, and besides the beautiful countryside and wildlife, they also offer a great quantity of folk architectural monu8 ments, especially unique timber churches and other buildings. The area forms one section of the great arc of the Carpathians. It is dominated by the mountain Lysá hora (1323 m) and walks along its mountain paths provide stunning views and majestic natural scenery. Beskydy Mountains 5 Making your way from the rope park, through the architectural works of Jurkovič up to the pagan god Radegast Tarzanie Mountain Rope Park The largest mountain rope park in the Czech Republic, Tarzania is situated in the Beskydy Mountains, 5 km from Frenštát pod Radhoštěm in the village of Trojanovice. Rope obstacles are suspended from trees at a height of 4 -12 m above the ground. Tarzania is designed for all members of the general public, children and adults, individuals and groups. The Tarzánek children’s playground is provided free of charge for children from 3 to 10. Apart from icy conditions or thunderstorms, the park is open in almost all weather. Pustevny Not far from Tarzanie you will find a chairlift to take you effortlessly up to the ridge at Pustevny. The place was named after hermits (poustevnici) who once lived here (the last died in 1874), and is today a remarkable centre for tourists. Pustevny is dominated by a series of wooden buildings designed in a folk style (Maměnka and Libušín) by the important Slovak architect Dušan Jurkovič. In winter, Pustevny becomes a muchprized destination, with 1 ski lift and 9 downhill runs. In summer it is an attractive place for walkers and cyclists. Following the ridge to the west, past the statue of the pagan god Radegast (dating from 1931) one can comfortably reach the summit of Radhošť (1129 m), from where unforgettable views reach out across remote horizons, and where a chapel has stood since 1898 and a statue to commemorate Cyril and Methodius from the year 1905. Trojanovice - Tarzanie Maměnka and Libušín at Pustevny The chairlift at Pustevny • Frenštát pod Radhoštěm Information Centre, +420 556 836 916,, • Tarzanie Mountain Rope Park, +420 777 899 888, 9 6 Prehistory, history and fun in present day Štramberk Štramberk Because of its charm, the picturesque town of Štramberk, lying in the foothills of the Beskydy Mountains is often called the Moravian Bethlehem. A unique town feature is the large collection of half-timbered houses dating from the 18th and 19th centuries, a large part of which now forms an architectural monument. The preeminent attribute of the town is however its cylindrical tower called Trúba, with the remains of the original castle. Its origin is not known, though legend tells that it was intended to stand upon the opposite peak Kotouč, but that construction was thwarted by dwarves emerging from the cave known as the Devil’s Hole (Čertova díra). The most famous local confection is the gingerbread ‘Štramberk Ear’, which has been baked hereabouts for many centuries as a reminder of the victory won by Štramberk’s Christians over the Tartar army. What more is there to see? Do you like adventure and prehistoric times? Then you really should visit the Zdeněk Burian Museum, which runs a themed exhibition displaying the work of this illustrator, born in Kopřivnice, from May through to September. He was inspired in his art by the archaeological site at Šipka Cave, in which part of the lower jaw of Štramberk a Neanderthal child was discovered. Don’t forget to visit this site either. Nature lovers will surely take delight in the botanical gardens and arboretum situated on the south-facing slope of an abandoned limestone quarry. And should you wish to try out your creative abilities, then you can compose a picture in stone on the quarry floor before climbing up to appreciate it from above. The permanent exhibition Aqua Terra allows visitors to enter the tropical heat of its aquarium and terrarium to see its collection of fascinating creatures. Those needing a little more adrenalin could have a go on the practice crag, the so-called 15 m high Váňův kámen, which with its 11 difficult climbs is a climber’s mini paradise. Rock climbing skills can also be exercised in the Kamenárka area. Štramberk – town square and Trúba Štramberk - Bílá Hora 10 • Štramberk Information Centre, Náměstí 456, +420 556 812 085, • Štramberk Quarry, Petr Pavlík, +420 732 170 019 • Zdeněk Burian Museum, Zauličí 456, +420 556 852 240 •Aqua Terra, Náměstí 3, Štramberk, +420 556 852 286, Beskydy Mountains 7 Fact finding in Kopřivnice and Příbor Tatra Technical Museum in Kopřivnice The museum exhibition offers a profile of the Tatra make of vehicles. Separate parts of the museum are arranged scenes that include original objects and machines. Model vehicles are displayed along the walls alongside illustrative documents. Also worth viewing is the exhibition devoted to Mr and Mrs Zatopek, which unconventionally narrates the successes of the most famous sporting Czech couple ever. From the Tatra Museum, you can take a look at the Fojtství Museum where not only the very beginnings of the Tatra company are preserved, but also the history of the town. In the neighbouring barn you can catch a glimpse of the exhibits of the first coaches and carriages. Also too good to miss is the tour of the Villa Šustala, which houses a permanent exhibition devoted to the factory production of china, sons and daughters of the town, and the painter and illustrator Zdeněk Burian. If you visit all three museums you can get a discount on admission. On the outskirts of the towns of Kopřivnice and Štramberk you can take a good look at the surrounding landscape from the Bílá hora observatory, whose form is reminiscent of DNA, the ‘spiral of life’. Sigmund Freud family home If you are travelling across the region then you must visit Příbor, one of the oldest towns in Moravia whose historical centre has been listed as an architectural monument. Two small streets below the square stands a detached two-storey home, the birthplace of Sigmund Freud, the famous founder of psychoanalysis. The house has been renovated under the supervision of Department of protected monuments and its architectural style has been returned to the beginning of the 2nd half of the 19th century. Today we can find a unique exhibition, ‘Sigmund Freud – the man’, that has been designed as a multimedia experience in which a tour through the museum is accompanied by the voice of Freud himself. In front of the building you can also find the legendary couch. A museum and commemorative hall can also be found in the building of the former Piarist grammar school. Tatra Museum in Kopřivnice Freud’s birthplace – Příbor If you need to freshen up after all this learning, then why not pay a visit to Příbor‘s Ricco Swimming Pool. • Příbor Information centre, Nám. Sigmunda Freuda 19, Příbor, +420 556 455 442, • Kopřivnice Information centre, Obránců míru 368, Kopřivnice, • Tatra Technical Museum, Záhumenní 369, Kopřivnice, +420 556 871 106, • Sigmund Freud’s Birthplace, Zámečnická 117, Příbor, +420 556 722 200 •Fojtství Museum, Záhumenní 1, Kopřivnice, +420 556 812 610 •Villa Šustala, Sad Dr. E. Beneše 226, Kopřivnice, +420 556 801 138 •Ricco Swimming Pool, Janáčkova 928, Příbor, 11 8 Roaming with the Cunning Little Vixen Visiting Leoš Janáček and the vixen Bystrouška at Hukvaldy Hukvaldy Castle was founded in the first half of the 13th century, is one of the largest castles in Moravia, and was never taken by force. In 1762 it went up in flames, and today you can visit the castle’s romantic ruins either with or without a guide. The entrance fee during normal visiting hours entitles visitors to spend all day at the castle. You reach the entrance through the game park that surrounds the walls. Along the way you will see a statue of the vixen Bystrouška and a natural amphitheatre. The Janáček’s Hukvaldy International Music festival is held here annually – which connects the name of the castle with the famous local son, Leoš Janáček. The house in which he was born is today adorned with a bronze plaque. Inside you will find an information centre, a commemorative hall and gallery. Dive straight in - Aquapark Olešná If you want to relax a little after all this walking, then visit the Aquapark Olešná. The new Lysá hora from Olešná Olešná Aquapark HOW HUKVALDY GOT ITS NAME According to the folklore of the region, the castle got its name from the local fairies, who were called ‘húkalky’. They would appear in the surrounding forests and were more like sprites or wood dryads. We have no record of how they looked, but similar to the ‘lulkyně’ in nearby Moravian Wallachia they would emit haunting sounds. Their hooting and cries terrified travellers who made their way through the Hukvaldy forests at night. In Czech legends, fairies will dance the unsuspecting to death. Whether this was done by the ‘húkalky’ is not known. 12 centre, located beside the Olešna Reservoir, provides not only a panoramic view of the Beskydy Mountains and Lysá Hora, but more importantly is equipped with innumerable attractions and is the largest stainless steel outdoor swimming pool in the Czech Republic. Next to the outdoor area is the indoor aquapark, so you can also come in winter. And finally a little sport - Morávka Riding Centre, SKI Morávka This equestrian centre provides lessons or trial horse rides for beginners. They will teach you everything about looking after your horse as well as rides from the easiest walk to a full gallop. Everything is supervised by experienced instructors at our sandy-floored arena. The more experienced are presented with a show-jumping course as well rides out into the countryside. The SKI area offers fantastic conditions for skiing and snowboarding. Both a red and blue ski run are available for tourists, and there is a 14km specially prepared running route with magical views over the picturesque panorama of the Morávka Valley and the summit of Travný. A statue of the vixen Bystrouška • Beskydy Information centre, +420 558 646 888, • Information centre, Hukvaldy 40, +420 558 699 221, • Hukvaldy Castle, +420 558 699 323,, • Aquapark Olešná, • Morávka Riding School, SKI Morávka, +420 608 077 727,, Beskydy Mountains 9 To the highest mountain in the Beskydy and the lands below Lysá hora is sometimes nicknamed the ‘Queen of the Moravian-Silesian Beskydy’ and at a height of 1323 m, it is the highest mountain in the range. You will find a ski slope right at the summit, and several well-marked footpaths, cycle paths and running paths lead up to the top, which is a prized destination for many tourists every year. When setting off to reach the summit, there are fourteen footpaths for you to use. The most noteworthy of these start out from Ostravice, Malenovice, Krásná and Visalaje. Lysá hora The Beskydy provide many more resorts and interesting places for hiking and skiing. One of the most modern ski resorts of the region is found at Bílá, in the valley of the Bílá Ostravice River, and combines a large number of ski runs ranging down from medium difficulty to runs intended for beginners and teaching children. Part of the resort is the Snowpark, which has been set up for snowboarding. All runs are artificially covered with snow and some are lit for high quality nighttime skiing. Neither have the ski lifts been neglected, the resort boasts the four-seater Doppelmayr chairlift, the first of its kind in the Beskydy. You can also relax at the Kotelna in Frýdlant nad Ostravicí – this leisure and sports centre, situated in the foothills of the Beskydy offers a variety of ways to enjoy active relaxation - pool, sauna, solarium, tennis, squash, spinning and lots more besides. The peak Malá Prašivá (706 m) is located on the northern edge of the Beskydy Protected Landscape Area, and almost at its very summit stands a wooden church, a shrine to St Anthony of Padua and a place of pilgrimage. In 1921, not far from the church, a mountain chalet and lookout tower called Na Prašivé was also built on Malá Prašivá, a place where you can also bump into the odd bear (not one that’s alive, so no need to worry)! Transmitter on Lysá hora Na Prašivé Chalet • Beskydy Information centre, +420 558 646 888,, • Skiareál Bílá, +420 558 690 153, • Kotelna Sports Rehabilitation Centre, Hamernická 233, Frýdlant nad Ostravicí, +420 558 439 684, • Prašivá, +420 558 438 084, 13 10 Real Summer – freshening up in the water, taking up water sports Žermanice Reservoir The reservoir and its surroundings combine to form a much sought-after leisure resort. In Soběšovice you can find the resort Přístav, which besides accommodation provides plenty of opportunities for sports – bowling games room (two bowling alleys with bar and seating, pool, billiards, darts and table tennis), universal court (artificial surface suitable for tennis, floorball and ball games), beach volleyball court (with a stand to seat up to 300 people), climbing wall, water sports area (canoeing, surfing, motorboats, children’s attractions) or a recuperation centre (sauna, whirlpool bath, solarium, massage, fitness centre, indoor pool). The nearby Těrlicko Reservoir is primarily suited to lovers of water sports. Žermanice Reservoir • Areál Přístav (resort Přístav), +420 777 790 908, 14 International sporting events Beskydy Mountains path e h t d n i F stle to the ca Hukvaldy Castle 15 The lowlands of Opava Silesia stretch out along the Opava River up until the northern border with Poland. The hub of this region is the beautiful city of Opava, with its historic town centre 16 and the oldest museum in the Czech Republic (Silesian Regional Museum). Here you will discover ideal conditions for walking and cycling tourism. Opava Silesia GOLDEN OPAVA Once upon a time, at the spot where three rivers met, there gathered a group of gold prospectors. One of them glanced at their surfaces and declared one river to be white, the second black and the third gold. They firmly believed that in the golden river they would discover grains of gold itself. It wasn’t to be, and nearly all the prospectors left the area. Only three remained, believing that somewhere up above in the forest there must be a cave, from which the golden sand emptied into the river. Though it took a lot of work they managed to catch and prepare a gigantic trout. It was a meal to celebrate their final evening here together, as they had decided to give up looking for treasure. Their supplies had run out, they were thin and exhausted, Fi diffe nd 5 renc es wore ragged beards and now had no hope of success. Soon they fell asleep. At midnight they were woken by the cry of an old man stooped over them. ‘Get up!’ he shouted, and threw a dry branch upon the embers to rekindle the fire. The old man then patiently listened to their tale of suffering, nodded his head and offered them a palmful of gold. Michal stretched out his hand to take it, but the old man threw the gold into the river. Even by the moonlight, they could see how the gold began to separate and how the golden grains began to drift downstream in the current. ‘Go collect your gold, and if you are patient, I will give you more. And why search just for gold? There are other precious metals here in my mountains,’ advised Great Grandfather Praděd, and disappeared as mysteriously as he had come. They followed his advice, collected the gold and bought food and clothes. Later they set out to prospect once more, and found iron and copper ore. From that time the river took its name from Praděd’s pile of gold - Golden Opava. Watchtower - Opava 17 11 Fairytale chateaus of Opava Silesia Not far from each other you can visit two beautiful chateaus, which for a moment at least will transport you to a land of fairytale – the chateaus at Hradec nad Moravicí and Raduň. The chateaus have been used to film innumerable fairy tales, productions and films – the latest being a historical costume drama for cinema release. Hradec nad Moravicí Hradec Chateau is justly known as the ‘Jewel of Silesia’. It stands in the gorgeous countryside above the valley of the Moravice River, and was created by rebuilding the original feudal stronghold of the Přemyslids. At the end of the 19th century was built the pseudo-Gothic Červený zámek (Red Chateau), which today serves as a hotel, restaurant and concert hall. Inside the Bílý zámek (White Chateau) are to be found sumptuHradec nad Moravicí – the White Keep ously decorated rooms and the castle art gallery. The spacious English park, built at the end of the 18th century is the second largest chateau park in both Moravia and Silesia. Roughly 5 km away in Jakubčovice is the observation tower Šance, from where you are rewarded with a stunning view of the Jeseníky and Beskydy Mountains or the town of Opava and its surrounding plain. Raduň A small chateau with a neo-Gothic gable stands above a fishpond and an English park in the village of Raduň. The original medieval Gothic stronghold was rebuilt as a Renaissance castle, which later underwent classicist and various other historicizing renovations. An official’s house, orangery, sheep pen, and a one-storey ‘castle’ wall were all later added. Raduň Hradec nad Moravicí - Chateau • Opava Information centre, +420 553 756 143, • Chateau Hradec nad Moravicí, +420 553 783 444 • Šance Observation Tower in Jakubčovice, +420 553 782 047 • Raduň Chateau, +420 553 796 119 18 Opava Silesia 12 Cultural and outdoor pursuits in the Opava region Opava The centre of Opava Silesia is the town of Opava, which lies on the confluence of the Opava and Moravice rivers. The first written record of the city originates from the 12th century, and in the centre of the old town is the upper square with its Renaissance watchtower, the Hláska, built on the site of an earlier wooden tower and which today houses the Opava municipal council. Important sights include an array of religious monuments, e.g. the Concathedral of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, or St Hedwig’s Church. Also worth mentioning are the ostentatious aristocratic palaces belonging to the Sobek and Blücher families. The urban architecture is sensitively commingled with green spaces and numerous parks – municipal parks set up from 1834 through the end of the 19th century, are a pleasant place to take a stroll. The Silesian Regional Museum, the oldest museum in the Czech Republic is a place to definitely interest school age children. One permanent exhibition here is, for example, The Natural History of Silesia and Northern Moravia’. This scientific exhibition (opened in 1981) is focused on the regions of Silesia and Northern Moravia, but because it is systematically arranged to illustrate the development of natural history, countless examples exist of more exotic artefacts being used to demonstrate selected phenomena or links in the scientific chain. The neo-Renaissance building housing the museum was built between 1893 and 1895. Also part of the museum is the Arboretum at Nový Dvůr, the core of which is a collection of domestic and foreign tree species, tropical and sub-tropical plants, indeed representative plants and trees from every continent. This rich collection is entitled to its nickname of ‘trees of the five continents’. This rare ensemble can be admired by visitors throughout the year. In the Opava district you will also find several original windmills dating from the 19th century. The most famous of these is the wooden windmill in the village of Hlavnice, which was built in 1810. Around the Hlavnice mill is gathered a small open air museum comprised of a number of wooden buildings that illustrate the regional Silesian Museum - Opava Arboretum at Nový Dvůr Windmill - Hlavnice lifestyle at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th. You can also chance upon other windmills at Choltice and Bravinné. • Opava Information centre, +420 553 756 143, • Silesian Regional Museum, • Arboretum at Nový Dvůr, +420 553 661 031, 19 13 Relax in Hlučín and the local area The area at the Hlučín gravel pit is a great place to bathe and relax, offering a lot of sporting and cultural things to do (beach volleyball, mini golf, tennis, water skiing, music festivals – e.g. Štěrkovna open music etc.). It is also a super place for fishing, and not far from the gravel pit is a children’s ‘ranch’ a sure-fire attraction for the kids. A short distance further and you will find the village of Děhylov, where you can visit Loděnice (The Wharf) – a popular destination with many day-trippers, lying on the cycle path that follows the Opava River. Besides a restaurant for the holiday crowd, there is often some kind of cultural event; the most famous is the music festival Za Vodou (‘Out of the Water’). To learn something why not set off from Hlučína, by bike perhaps, to Darkovičky, where you will find an important military and technical monument, a presentation highly esteemed across Europe of the unique former fortification system of Czechoslovakia, which was developed between 1935 and 1938. The constructions across the site reveal differences connected to their design purposes and their role within artillery tactics. The fortification known as ‘Alej’ today serves as a museum and has been restored to its original condition as one of four sites in a military open-air museum. Fortifications at Darkovičky Gravel pit – Hlučín Fortifications at Darkovičky 20 •Hlučín Information Centre, +420 595 041 617, •Loděnice – Děhylov, tel.: +420 732 242 442, •Darkovičky Fortifications, +420 595 051 110, Opava Silesia 14 From Kravaře in search of trout Kravaře On the site of an earlier stronghold, a Baroque chateau was built between 1721 - 1728. One part of the chateau is occupied by an exhibition introducing visitors to the aristocratic life of the Eichendorffs as well as the local people. In the chateau park is situated a 9-hole golf course, first opened in 1997. The course is seamlessly inserted between areas of mature woodland, the chateau flowerbeds and water features comprised of small lakes. Framed against the magnificent backdrop of the Baroque chateau, around which the fairways have been developed, stunning vistas open up for golfers to relish. Among the trees in the castle park, a mention should go to the black walnut growing near the chapel. A legend is told that under this tree Maria Theresa wept in 1742, after realising she had lost the First Silesian War against the Prussian King Frederick the Great. Should you then want a bit more sport, you can visit the local Buly Arena, which besides its ice rinks, also provides a tennis hall, football pitch, bowling alleys and a fitness centre. you can set off straight for the local and very nice swimming pool. Trout farm in Bělá The trout farm in Bělá welcomes all visitors to the Rothschild Hunting Lodge. You can get here by bike, or leave your car in the car park nearby and take a short walk. The farm will lend you the equipment to catch your own fish, and serve it freshly cooked in butter for you to taste in beautiful surroundings. Chateau in Kravaře Albertovec Stud Farm If you love horses, then pay a visit to the Albertovec Stud Farm, which is currently home to more than 170 horses. Bolatice Outdoor Anthropology Museum Bolatice open-air museum captures the lives of villagers in the neighbourhood of Hlučín at the beginning of the last century. It has become a place to come and remind oneself of how life was once lived, and where the younger generation can familiarise themselves with the life, work and customs and traditions of our ancestors. The open-air museum is also a place where cultural and social events are held. From here Bolatice Outdoor Anthropology Museum Albertovec Stud Farm •Opava Information centre, Horní nám. 67, Opava, +420 553 756 143, •Information centre, Opavská 62, Kravaře, +420 553 671 827, •Albertovec Stud Farm, +420 553 654 774, •Bolatice Outdoor Anthropology Museum, +420 553 654 999 •Kravaře Chateau Museum, Alejní 24, Kravaře, +420 553 671 201, •Buly Aréna, Kostelní 28, Kravaře-Kouty, +420 553 653 937, 21 Ostrava is the third largest city in the Czech Republic and throughout its history has been an important crossroads and centre for trade. Over recent decades it was conceived as the ‘steel heart of the Republic’, but following 1989 the town has undergone almost complete regeneration. Not only have living conditions changed for its local inhabitants, but also the overall char22 acter of the town is different. Several industrial plants have been shut down and all the local deep coalmines have likewise been decommissioned. Now you will find fascinating technical monuments that document the city’s past. Today Ostrava is a cosmopolitan, commercial, business, social and cultural city, which offers a tempting and intriguing range of tourist destinations. Ostrava Region Two legends are told regarding the discovery of coal in Polish, today Silesian Ostrava - the place where the continuous mining of coal in the Ostrava-Karvina Basin first began. The first tells the story of a marshal in an Austrian infantry regiment, who on his way to Galicia, ordered his men to rest in the little valley of the Burňa in Polish Ostrava, where by pure accident a black stone was discovered that burnt. He informed the state officials, who in turn passed the information to the highest circles – and so began the mining of coal, or black gold, in the Ostrava Region. For the next two hundred years it was this industry on which the city and the surrounding area founded its prosperity. The second legend tells of a Czech blacksmith Keltiček, a settler to Polish Ostrava, who when felling a tree in Burňa discovered a black stone he recognised as coal. n Colour i re the pictu 23 15 Tracing the mining of coal Mining Museum The largest mining museum in the Czech Republic is spread across the southeast slope of Landek Hill, which rises above the confluence of the Odra and Ostravice rivers. In 1992, Landek was registered as a National Nature Monument and is simultaneously a site world-famous for its geology, archaeology, history and natural history and mining. The right connection of the Mining Museum as a technical monument with Landek Hill as a National Nature Monument with a wealth of flora and fauna, makes this locality a unique and attractive place to visit. Landek Hill is renown throughout the world for the discovery of the Landek Venus. The site also offers sports facilities, e.g. a rope park – the only place to enjoy this adrenalin sport in the Ostrava Region. This leisure area is extremely large and allows its visitors to spend many enjoyable moments. Michal Colliery Since the completion of its reconstruction in 1915 until the end of mining in 1993, the whole site, including its technical equipment has remained largely unchanged. In 1995, it was declared a National Cultural Monument and was opened to the public in 2000. After the colliery was closed, the department for monuments directed its work towards preserving the area in its original state, so that it would be as if former employees had just left the premises, leaving everything in its place. Detailed explanations by guides, who were once employees, familiarise visitors with how the colliery worked, the functions of each machine and the responsibilities of its operator. The tour route enables visitors to follow the same path walked daily by miners on their way to work, and includes the wire-operated cloakroom, baths, shop-room, lamp-room, despatch office as well as the engine and compressor house. Lower Vítkovice area – blast furnaces 24 Landek in Petřkovice Michal Colliery •OKD Landek Mining Museum, Pod Landekem 64, Ostrava-Petřkovice, +420 596 131 803, •PROUD Rope Park, +420 605 267 017, •Michal Colliery, ČS. Armády 95, Ostrava-Michálkovice, +420 596 231 151, Ostrava Region 16 Green Ostrava ZOO Ostrava was founded in 1951 and is located in the unique environment provided by the Ostrava Forest. More than 270 species of animal are currently looked after on 100 ha of land. Ostrava Zoo actively participates in the protection of endangered species through its role in rescue programmes, while providing a wide spectrum of activities for the public to enjoy. A special children’s zoo exists for encountering domesticated animals and which also has a playground and other attractions. The New Town Hall offers a great view over Ostrava’s green spaces. It is the largest town hall building in the Czech Republic and also simultaneously boasts the highest town hall viewing tower (85.6 m). From the observation terrace at 72 m, in fine weather you can see as far as the Beskydy and Jeseníky mountain ranges, over to Opava Silesia and to nearby Poland. Ostrava ZOO Fun in the water 17 16 You do not need a hot summer day to recharge the batteries messing about in water. In summer you can visit the outdoor swimming pools at Ostrava-Poruba and the Water Park OstravaSouth. But in winter too there is the indoor pool at Ostrava-Poruba and the Moravská Ostrava Baths in the city centre. The Klimkovice Sanatoria is also the perfect place for rest and relaxation. This spa has a superb quality of treatment founded upon an extraordinary and natural source of cure –highly concentrated tertiary iodine-bromine brine. Its unique location and source of cure make Klimkovice Sanatoria an uncommon destination, a place where you can rediscover health, peace, harmony and love of life. Watchtower at the New Town Hall Natural pool at Ostrava-Poruba •Ostrava Information Service, +420 596 123 913, •ZOO, +420 596 241 269, •Outdoor swimming pool Ostrava-Poruba, +420 596 977 246, •Klimkovice Spa, +420 556 422 111, 25 18 Silesian-Ostrava Castle and ‘below the walls’ The Silesian-Ostrava Castle stands at the point where the rivers Ostravice and Lučina meet. It was built as a border stronghold, and it was first recorded in 1297. Over the course of time it was rebuilt into a Renaissance chateau, and due to later mining activities has subsided by 16m. At the chateau, visitors can appreciate: a permanent exhibition, castle gallery, aquarium, a witches’ dungeon, torture chamber and watchtower. The castle plays host to many important cultural and social events. Not far from the chateau, at the Černá Louka Centre, are open a fairytale cellar of monsters and a world in miniature – the Miniuni Centre, where you can see more than 20 models of important buildings in European cities. The models have been built on a scale of 1:25 and are linked together by railway and canal. In Pavilion Z is the largest marine aquarium open to the public in the Moravian-Silesian Region and which has a permanent display of both saltwater and freshwater animals. Silesian-Ostrava Castle •Silesian-Ostrava Castle, •Černá louka Exhibition Centre, +420 596 167 111,, 26 Ostrava Region 19 A trip through Ostrava’s museums In 1905 the municipality erected the building that now serves as the Fire Brigade Museum (Hasičské muzeum), indeed it has always been used by the fire service. Today the museum documents the professional and amateur history of the fire service in Ostrava, the development in technical resources and the activities of the fire service. The Ostrava Museum houses historical and natural history exhibitions, and a permanent exhibition dedicated to the history of the zither in Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia - surely be to interesting to young craftsmen and craftswomen. Fun - 100 different ways 20 The city of Ostrava can take pride in several important international cultural and sporting events. The most significant include the music festival Colours of Ostrava, which every year welcomes thousands of music fans to the city. For sports enthusiasts there is the annual athletics meeting, the ‘Golden Spikes’, a great event that since 2003 has been inserted into the Super Grand Prix calendar. The sole professional stage company for children and young people in northern Moravia is the Divadlo Loutek Ostrava (Puppet Theatre Ostrava) that has two performances daily. The regular Sunday performance for younger children and their families has become something of a tradition. The local planetarium serves all lovers of the universe and the night sky, offering specially created audio-visual programmes and star gazing at the observatory. Puppet Theatre Planetarium Colours of Ostrava •Fire Brigade Museum, +420 596 136 841, •Ostrava Museum, +420 597 578 450, •Zither Museum, +420 596 113 096 •Colours of Ostrava, •Puppet Theatre Ostrava, +420 596 114 884, •Johann Palis Observatory and Planetarium, +420 596 911 005, 27 Těšín Silesia lies in the border region in the northeast part of the Moravian-Silesian Region. The Těšín Beskydy Mountains make up the most beautiful part of the region, and are a popular destination with day-trippers. Here you can have the sensation that you have entered another world. The colour schemes of the wooden churches, the preserved local handicraft production, local traditions and customs, enable you to forget where the boundaries between past and present lie. If your intention is rest and cure, then the local spas offer a warm welcome and a space to forget everyday cares. 28 Těšín Silesia One legend tells the following story… Once upon a time in the town of Fryštát there lived hard-working people, whose labours made the town flourish and who were strangers to hunger and poverty. After they had built a church, whose beauty was so great that there was nothing to equal it for miles around, they decided to forge the rarest of bells. This was cast from enchanted metal, and when it rang, it could change evil into good, sadness to joy and soften the hardness of the human heart. One night a fire broke out in the town, but because the bell had sounded the alarm, no one died. The whole town was reduced to cinders, and the church too. The enchanted bell disappeared. Some time later, after the town had been rebuilt and the wasteland of ash had become a pasture for the herd, a strange thing happened. A herd of swine, foraging in the earth, dug up the bell, which since the fire had lain forgotten. Everyone rejoiced and the bell restored the old way of life. rawing Finish d ure the pict At that time there lived at the Těšín Chateau a princess. She would always listen with great emotion to the bell’s pleasing chimes, and promised the burghers of Fryštát that she would pay them however many ducats it would take to pave the way between Těšín and Fryštát. The citizens of Fryštát said farewell to their bell with heavy hearts, and accompanied it on its journey right through the town. In Těšín, the bell was hung amid great celebration in the tower of the local church. And then a miracle occurred. During the night, the faithful bell returned to Fryštát and there it rang and rang. Twice more the citizens accompanied the bell to Těšín, but each time it returned and in the morning rang out from Fryštát’s church. The princess knew that she could not break the will of this bell, and so she ordered that the small window in the bell tower facing Těšín be walled up. The faithful bell rang in Fryštát right up till the First World War, when it was smelted for armaments. 29 21 The magic and charm of Karviná Fryštát Chateau The Fryštát Chateau, with its Empire architecture and historic interiors is the sole aristocratic residence in the region that sets out to illustrate the lifestyle of its former inhabitants, especially the last proprietors, the Larisch-Mönnich family. A trip to Fryštát Chateau consists of three visitor tours. The first two circuits last roughly 55 minutes each, and must be accompanied by a guide. The final tour is a display of Czech fine arts. Božena Němcová Park (chateau park) The original chateau park was laid out in 1804 according to the English manner, following the reconstruction of the Fryštát Chateau in the Empire style. Several avenues and rare individual tree specimens have been retained since the garden was first developed. A children’s playground, designed in the form of a Slavic fortress is situated to the left of the chateau park. The playground combines popular children’s attractions linked together with gangways, bridges and logs. Among the attractions are swings, a climbing wall, climbing frame, slide, ropes, nets, ladders, suspension bridges etc. During the summer there is also an outdoor cinema, and boat hire at the jetty. Karviná in a historic coach Romantics especially will appreciate a ride in a coach pulled by a magnificent team of horses, where they can sit back in comfort and listen to the clatter of hooves. The updated timetable for rides is available at the Karviná Information Centre or at the reception of selected hotels. We recommend checking the stated times in advance. The leaning church of St Peter of Alcantara The church of St Peter of Alcantara, often simply called the ‘leaning church’, is situated on the outskirts of Karviná. Despite a history of movement, which has seen the subsoil collapse by several tens of metres over a relatively short period, and which has left the church with a pronounced lean, it is still standing and provides the region with a unique attraction. STaRS sports centre This multi-purpose complex, which has the unique feature that it is linked to the Sport Hotel, also includes a winter sports stadium with a small and large rink, tennis and squash hall, tennis and badminton and in-line skate hire. There is also a fitness centre, solarium and a comprehensive range of services for relaxation, including massage. The centre fully meets all the requirements for spending a family sporting holiday whatever the weather. Fryštát Chateau Church of St Peter of Alcantara 30 •Karviná Information Centre, +420 596 318 620, •Fryštát Chateau, Masarykovo náměstí 1, Karviná-Fryštát, +420 596 318 382, •Sluníčko Family Centre, Jurkovičova 1548, Karviná, +420 595 171 605, •STaRS sports area, +420 596 342 131-4, Těšín Silesia 22 Rise to the challenge - Mosty u Jablunkova SKIAREÁL Mosty u Jablunkova The Mosty u Jablunkova ski resort gives you a whole day’s programme of entertainment not only in winter, but in summer too. What will you find? Bobsleigh – mountain cart-track, the first of its kind in the Czech Republic is 650 m long and follows a series of sharp bends above the ground, partly through a forest, and has an average incline of 11°. You can reach speeds of up to 45 kmph, though the ride is completely safe. The bobsleigh mountain cart track is open throughout the year. The resort also offers: rope centre – 3 circuits of varying degrees of difficulty over a total distance of 21m, 24 types of obstacles, 4 slides with a total length of 92m, children’s rope centre – 25m, 5 obstacles, part of which is a 5 m high pyramid, a 7 m tunnel, bungee trampolines, climbing wall – total surface 80 m2, height 5 m with a 2 m overhang, slope for mountain scooters. During the winter months there are several ski runs and also a number of maintained crosscountry ski trails. Mionší Ancient Woodland – National Nature Reserve and nature trail This is the largest area of Carpathian beech and fir forest in the Czech Republic. The Mionší Nature Trail is devised as a 7 km long circuit, which has 10 stops, each fitted with an information board. The aim is to enable visitors to examine at least a part of the legendary Beskydy ‘ancient forest’ while at the same time keeping the forest intact. For this reason the trail is seasonal – it open to the public from June 1st till September 15th. The entry point is located in the village of Dolní Lomná, about 200 m from the bus stop, at the mouth of the Mionší stream. You can leave the car by the bus stop in the new car park. Bobsleigh in Mosty Climbing wall •Jablunkov Information Centre, +420 558 340 607, •SKIAREÁL Mosty u Jablunkova, +420 558 367 022, •Mionší Ancient Woodland – National Nature Reserve, +420 558 357 411 31 23 Some history from the Český Těšín district Javorový vrch The resort is situated in the Těšín Beskyd Mountains at a height of 968 m above sea level. Three runs are open to skiers and snowboarders, for beginners to advanced. It is also possible to set out from the centre on one of the maintained cross-country ski trails. In summer the resort is ideal for cycling and paragliding. Chotěbuz Archeopark One of the most valuable and interesting sites in Těšín Silesia is the multi-occupied hill fort at Chotěbuz-Podobora. The oldest settlement at the fort dates back to the late Bronze Age Halstatt culture, which in contrast to the later well-defended Iron Age fort was only a lightly defended camp that gradually changed into its more fortified form. Javorový vrch Chotěbuz Archeopark •Jablunkov Information centre, +420 558 340 607, •Chotěbuz Archeopark, +420 558 761 211, •Javorový vrch, +420 558 321 306, 32 Těšín Silesia find u o y n a C the way? ? ? Which path leads the tourist to the swimming pool? 33 Poodří is a superbly preserved landscape on the banks of the Odra River, flowing through the Moravian Gap into the Ostrava Region. The heart of the region forms the Poodří Protected Landscape Area (CHKO), a wetland of European significance and protected by the Ramsar Convention. Riparian forest, water meadows, and fishpond systems also make excellent conditions for walking and cycling. The entire region is characterised by its rusticity and has a wealth of interesting places and monuments. 34 Poodří - Moravské Kravařsko regions And has anything interesting ever happened here? Well, read the story of Juráš and Ondráš and find out. Count Josef Karel Vetter was known throughout Kravařsko as the best marksman. It was said the neither Ondráš nor Juráš, two of the most feared outlaws in the Beskydy Mountains could shoot so well. The time came when there were more such rumours than water in the Ostravice River, and the two outlaws decided to put a stop to these rumours for good. The sat down at an inn and Ondráš wrote to the count the following message: ‘Count, we, that is I the outlaw Ondráš, and the outlaw Juráš from the Beskydy Mountains, will wait for you this Thursday at 6 o’clock in the evening at the edge of the forest behind Nové Horky. If you come alone, nothing bad will happen to you - you have our word as outlaws. Bring your rifle and ammunition with you. They say you are the better shot, and we want you to prove it. If you don’t come, then it will show everyone that we are the best marksmen. But don’t even think about setting a trap, else you would live to regret it.’ The count slung his rifle across his shoulder and set out. He stopped at the agreed place and a few minutes later suddenly appeared the two outlaws, as if they had emerged from the very ground. Ondra began immediately. ‘Count, we have heard that you can shoot a stone catapulted into the sky. But we too can do this. If you want us to admit that you are the better shot, you’ve got to show us something else. What do you say?’ ‘Why not,’ replied the Find 6 ces differen Count, ‘I’ll show you what I can do.’ He led the outlaws into the chateau garden, where in one corner he had built a shooting range. Ondráš went up to the target, pulled out the black bull’s-eye, no bigger than a dollar coin, and said, ‘If you can shoot this out of my hand at thirty paces you’ve won. But if your bullet grazes my hand, then you’ll give us a sack of dollars. If you don’t want to and you don’t shoot, we let the entire county know that we are the best marksmen.’ The Count said nothing, loaded his rifle, and stepping away, counted 30 paces, turned and aimed. Suddenly there was a bang; flame shot from the rifle, and the target flew from Ondráš’s hand. They all breathed a sigh of relief, the Count, Juráš and Ondráš most of all. ‘Count, you didn’t scratch me in the slightest! You’ve saved yourself a sack of dollars. You truly are a better shot than me!“ Once more the Count took aim and shot. Crack! Juráš stood with open mouth, staring at his fingers. Not the tiniest of scratches, whereupon Ondráš let out a mighty whistle. Suddenly the whole group of bandits were standing around the Count. Ondráš merrily pointed to the victorious aristocrat, ‘Friends, let me introduce you to a finer marksmen than either Juráš or I. The count has just proven his worth. But because he has just made two sacks of dollars, he wants to invite us to his place and give us a proper feast. Three cheers for the best marksman in the county!’ And so there was nothing for the Count to do but invite the entire band of outlaws into the chateau. There they ate, drank and celebrated all through the night. In the morning they said their farewells to the count and disappeared into the forest. . 35 24 Where can you find true relaxation in beautiful countryside? CHKO Poodří Poodří Protected Landscape Area A unique Protected Landscape Area spreading out on both sides of the river Odra, it is located in the northern section of the Moravian Gap and occupies an area of 81.5 km2. Numerous meanders in the river create an incomparable illustration of a living and healthy landscape. In the alluvial flood plain are great systems of pools and ponds, evidence of the annual flooding of the wet meadows. The area is the habitat of numerous endangered species, primarily freshwater and wetland flora and fauna. Excellent conditions are also found here for walking and cycling. One axis of the area is created by the ‘Amber Way’ cycle route, which is linked up with the Europe-wide cycle network. Kotvice Nature Trail This starts in Studénka by the station and mainly crosses the municipality of Nová Horka in the district of Nový Jičín. This territory, measuring 105 ha, encompasses the Nový and Kotvice fishponds, the former chateau game park at Nová Horka and woodland situated upon a terraced slope that includes a quantity of small natural springs. It is an important ornithological and botanical site. Poodří Protected Landscape Area •Poodří Protected Landscape Area Authority, +420 556 455 063, 36 Poodří - Moravské Kravařsko regions 25 Bartošovice and the surrounding countryside Bartošovice Chateau This was a Gothic tower dating from 1490, which was reconstructed in 1583 to create a two-storey chateau. In 1670 further extensive modifications were carried out, which refashioned the chateau as a three-storey, square building with a central rectangular courtyard and gabled roofs. Tours of the castle are not available at present, but the chateau does offer hotel accommodation and houses the visitor centre. Approximately 1.5 km away is a game preserve with fallow deer, with a skittle alley nearby. Children’s swings will also be added shortly. An inseparable aspect of the chateau is its grounds, which boast the largest living organism in the Czech Republic – the hybrid plane tree Platanus hispanica Mill. Chateau Nature Trail at Bartošovice This 5 km long nature trail got its name from one of its information points, which is devoted to the Bartošovice Chateau. The Chateau Nature Trail provides an opportunity to learn more about the current conditions in which nature adapts and thrives in an agricultural landscape with adjacent wetlands, fishponds and forests, and more about representative species of flora and fauna within this landscape, as well as concerning the cultural monuments found in the Bartošovice municipality. Chateau at Bartošovice Fishing Sport fishing can be enjoyed at the private fishpond in Bartošovice. Fishing rods and tackle can be hired on site. Wildlife Hospital The wildlife hospital looks after injured or otherwise handicapped wildlife – their treatment, rehabilitation, preparation for release and their return back into the wild. Several hundred animals are taken in every year, most of which are common bird species. The Ecological Education Centre runs several interesting programmes, and group visits are possible subject to prior agreement or when booked by phone. In the May – October season the Ecological Education Centre can be visited without advance notification at 11 o’clock on Saturday and Sunday, when a guided tour of the facility starts. Bílov Observation Tower This 62.5 metre high observation tower near the village of Bílov was built between 2005 – 2006. The observation platform is situated at 26 m and 137 steps lead up to it. It provides beautiful views of the surroundings – even as far as the Beskydy Mountains, the Javorníky Mountains and the Nízký Jeseník Mountains. •Poodří Information Centre, Chateau Bartošovice, +420 556 720 490, •Bartošovice Wildlife Hospital, +420 556 758 675, +420 723 648 759 •Fishing at Bartošovice, +420 606 508 550 •Bílov Observation Tower, +420 556 412 113 37 26 A little technology – railway wagons and go-carts Studénka Railway Wagon Museum The Studénka Railway Wagon Museum is situated in the chateau, and displays the origins of rail transport and the manufacture of railway wagons that for many years was carried out locally. It also exhibits the history of the company Vagonka Tatra up until 1960 as well as the development of the separate elements that combine to make a railway wagon. The exhibition is housed in three lobby areas, and six exhibition halls, in one of which you will find a functioning model railway. In its treatment of the historical resources, the railway is unparalled throughout Europe. Albrechtičky Go-kart Hire Do you long to experience a real race? Then try what its like to be a racing driver at the long circuit on the former aircraft apron at Mošnov Airport, where up to six cars can go at once. The track is one of the longest in the Czech Republic, over 600 m, and has several technical parts, fast stretches and sweeping bends. Naturally there is a place to sit serving chilled drinks. If you are lucky, you can savour the take-off and landing of aircraft on the runway at Mošnov Airport. Studénka Railway Wagon Museum Albrechtičky Go-kart Hire Studénka Chateau •Poodří Region Information Centre, +420 556 720 490, •Albrechtičky Information centre, +420 556 428 024, •Go-karts (Albrechtičky), +420 603 517 006, •Studénka Railway Wagon Museum, +420 556 401 285, •Studénka Information centre, Nám. republiky 762, Studénka, +420 556 401 285, •Poodří Protected Landscape Area Authority, +420 556 455 063, 38 Poodří - Moravské Kravařsko regions 27 From Kunín Chateau, via Fulnek, and on to fun in Tošovice Kunín Chateau Kunín Chateau is one of the most precious Baroque chateaus in Moravia. It was built between 1726 - 1734 and designed by the famous Viennese architect Jan Lukáš Hildebrandt. Visitors can take a look at the guest rooms, bedrooms, the schoolrooms of the chateau school with their furnishings and Empire murals, the chateau picture gallery, the hunting room, the lady’s chamber, the large dining room, the music and dancing room, tearoom and the ‘yellow’ room with original Empire murals and furniture. The climax of the tour takes in the chateau’s attics with their unique Baroque chimney system. The tour lasts about 60 minutes. A short distance away you will find a children’s centre, which predominantly serves cyclists on the nearby cycle path. Comenius monument in Fulnek The Chapel of the Brethren is the most famous monument in the town of Fulnek. It was established in 1484, and the oratory was probably built immediately afterwards. It is the only place that has preserved its original appearance from the time in which Comenius lived here. Between 1614 - 1618 the Chapel of the Moravian Church was enlarged as the importance of the church grew. The Late Renaissance gate is the most valuable monument from this time. Comenius ran the chapel between 1618 - 1621. In 1621 the congregation was disbanded. The building was still serving its new purpose during the 19th century, though it later fell into disrepair. In the 1950s far-reaching reconstruction was undertaken, and later a monument was erected in honour of Comenius, that included a small park and memorial. In 1962, the site was awarded National Cultural Monument status. A new educational exhibition was opened in 1992 on the Chateau at Fulnek Kunín Chateau 400th anniversary of Comenius’ birth, which is devoted to the various aspects of his life. HEI park Tošovice In the foothills of the Oder Hills, in the village of Tošovice, you will find a national first – on an artificially created hill, there are two ski runs, a Snowpark (artificial jumps, obstacles) and two children’s slopes for use free of charge. The snowtubing course is worth a visit - a ride on inflatable rings down a snow-covered trench – it´s popular not only with kids, but adults too. In summer you can try out our bobsleigh track, which is almost a kilometre long (children under 8 must be accompanied). The track operates without problems, even in light rain or in the dark (it is lit). You will also find a rope centre, trampolines, slides and many other activities. •Poodří Region Information Centre, +420 556 720 490, •Kunín Chateau, +420 556 749 420, •HEI park Tošovice, +420 556 712 838, •Comenius Monument (Fulnek), Sborová 80, +420 556 741 015, •Nový Jičín Regional Museum, 28. října 12, Nový Jičín, +420 556 701 156, 39 Location and map e u r o p e N EST RUS S LV DK LT BY RUS IRL GB Warszawa Berlin NL London PL D B UA Praha L Paris CZ SK MO Wien F RO Budapest H A CH SLO Bucuresti HR YU BIH Sofija BG I Roma E MK TR AL Madrid P GR Cz e c h r e p u b l i c PRAHA OS T R AVA 20 0 k m 57 45 OSOBLAHA KRNOV P 57 BRUNTÁL m 0 k 20 BRNO O L A N D 46 11 11 11 OPAVA 46 KRAVAŘE 46 45 11 56 BOHUMÍN HLUČÍN 56 67 57 46 D47 KATOWICE 67 ORLOVÁ 46 11 OSTRAVA 59 59 KARVINÁ 47 57 BÍLOVEC 67 VÍTKOV 58 56 45 11 11 11 58 47 57 48 47 ODRY 56 AIRPORT MOŠNOV D47 OLOMOUC ČESKÝ TĚŠÍN FRÝDEK -místek 48 56 KOPŘIVNICE FRÝDLANT NAD OSTRAVICÍ JABLUNKOV 56 58 57 TŘINEC 11 NOVÝ JIČÍN 58 48 48 E 65 PŘEROV 11 56 35 40 E 40 ŽILINA Family ticket Restricted access for pushchairs and wheelchairs Our tip - things to do all year Moravian-Silesian Region Regional Office 28. října 117 702 18 Ostrava Tel.: +420 595 622 222 E-mail: Realisation and design: Agentura API s.r.o. © Agentura API s.r.o. Wh Ca at ca ny ny win ou se ou se dow e th e? ? e Active relaxation Moravian-Silesian Region For families with children 445445 Rabštejn Rabštejn KK Í Í NN 825825 Os k Os ava ka va Šu Šu Rešovské Rešovské vodopády vodopády Dol.Dol. Libina Libina 440440 Sovinec Sovinec SlunSelčunáečná Vel.Vel. Polom Polom Odra Odra a Sezin a Sezin Klokočov Klokočov e 442 ČižoČvižcoevic442 Větrný Větrný mlýn mlýn 565565 Přírodní Přírodní park park Bravinné Bravinné Skála Skála Oderské Oderské vrchy vrchy Fulnek P. Marie P. MarieOd Od Fulnek ra ra p. p. í í ChraCshtraavsetcavec us us H H k ké é v vr cr ch hy y e er sr s O Od d 46 Štarnov Štarnov46 Bělkovice Bělkovice - Lašťany Bohuňovice Bohuňovice Lašťany 540540 503503 p. ický . čov p Gru vický čo Město Město Libavá Libavá Jívová Jívová HLUČĺN HLUČĺN veve Slezsku Slezsku Pudlov Pudlov Ludgeřovice Ludgeřovice 56 56 471471 67 67 Żory Żory Świerklany Świerklany Górne Górne WODZISŁAW WODZISŁAW ŚLĄSKI ŚLĄSKI 936936 Chuchelná Chuchelná Hrabyně Hrabyně technická technická památka památka - technical - technical monument monument - Technisches - Technisches Denkmal Denkmal - zabytek - zabytek techniczny techniczny Bílovec Bílovec 5 5 Polanka Polanka Vítkovice nivanivaVítkovice 479479 930930 - Czechoslovak - Czechoslovak fortifications: fortifications: blockhouses blockhouses derder tschechoslowakischen tschechoslowakischen Befestigung Befestigung - Bollwerke - Bollwerke - bunkry, - bunkry, obiekty obiekty fortyfikacji fortyfikacji Krzyżowice Krzyżowice Mszana Mszana Závada Závada - - Gołkowice - Gołkowice Wisła Wisła Wielka Wielka Strumień Strumień 937937 Petrovice Petrovice u Karviné u Karviné Pszcyna Pszcyna botanická botanická zahrada, zahrada, arboretum arboretum - botanical - botanical garden garden - Botanischer - Botanischer Garten Garten - ogroda - ogroda botaniczna botaniczna Miedźna Miedźna Brzeźce Brzeźce Pawłowice Pawłowice JASTRZĘBIEJASTRZĘBIE- ZDRÓJ - ZDRÓJ Lutyně Lutyně Šenov Šenovdřevěnka dřevěnka 11 11 57 57 n. Odrou n. Odrou478478 dřevěný dřevěný kostel kostel – wooden – wooden church church – Holzkirche – Holzkirche - kościół - kościół drewniany drewniany 938938 Drogomysł Drogomysł Kostel 475475 Kostel Landek Landek 477477 Stará Stará VesVes Krmelín Krmelín n. Ondřejnicí n. Ondřejnicí Václavovice Václavovice Horní Horní Řepiště Řepiště 473473Bludovice Bludovice Chotěbuz Chotěbuz Těrlicko Těrlicko zoologická zoologická zahrada zahrada - zoological - zoological garden garden ZOO ZOO Zoologische Zoologische Garten Garten - ogrod - ogrod zoologiczny zoologiczny lidová lidová architektura architektura - folk - folk architekture architekture Biała Biała ludowe - Volksarchitektur - Volksarchitektur - budownictwo - budownictwo ludowe Kiczyce Kiczyce Skoczów Skoczów Krakowska Krakowska vesnické vesnické památkové památkové rezervace rezervace BIELSKO BIELSKO - village - village preservation preservation areas areas 5 monuments 5 monuments Jaworze BIAŁA BIAŁA - Dorfdenkmalreservationen - Jaworze Dorfdenkmalreservationen Srednie - wiejski - Srednie wiejski pamiątkowy pamiątkowy rezerwat rezerwat Pogórze Pogórze Chotěbuz Chotěbuz - - Cieszyn - Cieszyn 67 67 CIESZYN CIESZYN 11 11 rozhledna rozhledna - outlook-tower - outlook-tower - Aussichtsturm - Aussichtsturm - wieża - wieża widokowa widokowa jeskyně jeskyně - cave - cave - Höhle - Höhle - jaskinia - jaskinia Debowiec Debowiec Hazlach Hazlach sv. sv. Petra Petra 474474 4 zajímavost 4 zajímavost přírodní přírodní - natural - natural point point of interest of interest - Natursehenswürdigkeiten - Natursehenswürdigkeiten - ciekawostka - ciekawostka przyrodnicza przyrodnicza klášter klášter - monastery - monastery - Kloster - Kloster - klasztor - klasztor kostel kostel – church – church – Kirche – Kirche - kościoł - kościoł Chybie Chybie DolníDolní Marklovice Marklovice - - Marklowice - Marklowice Górne Górne a Pavla a Pavla Vratimov Vratimov HAVĺŘOV Albrechtice HAVĺŘOV Albrechtice 478478 Jistebník Jistebník Bílovk Bílovk a a 23 Ropičan ka Ropičan ka FRÝDEK-MĺSTEK FRÝDEK-MĺSTEK Od r Od a b ra Lu ina bin a Lu ČESKÝ ČESKÝ TĚŠĺN TĚŠĺN Stonávka Stonávka Od ra Od ra 10 7 NOVÝ NOVÝJIČĺN JIČĺN e e 8 Olš Sedlnice Sedlnice 25 26 Paskov Paskov 486486 Olš 24 58 58 e jnic dře e On ejnic dř 27 Hladké Hladké Životice Životice On STUDÉNKA STUDÉNKA 532532 avice Ostr avice Ostr Spálov Spálov OLOMOUC OLOMOUC TŘINEC TŘINEC Rymice Rymice Pravčice Pravčice 432432 438438 Křídlo Křídlo HOLEŠOV HOLEŠOV Přílepy Přílepy tín Vse ská B tíns e ká čva Be čva Vse Vigantice Vigantice Hutisko Hutisko - Solanec Solanec 481481 H Ho o Prusinovice Prusinovice Lhota Lhota Ratiboř Ratiboř Rusava Rusava 437437 Hošťálková Hošťálková CábCáb 842842 Horní Horní Bečva Bečva CHKO CHKOE442E442 Beskydy Beskydy VysoVkyások56á Soláň TaneTčaniecčenice Soláň 912912 Karolinka Karolinka 56 1024 1024 Čartak Čartak Ko py Ko tná py tná e Bezměrov Bezměrov 47 47 Zlobice Zlobice Břest Břest 490490 ks ék é Bystřička Bystřička Bystřička Bystřička Rajnochovice ný ns Rajnochovice ý Mikulůvka Mikulůvka 57 57 Bystřice Bystřice yh y Chvalčov Chvalčov t t h Valašská Valašská týonstýn s s HosH 46 501 501 Kateřinice Kateřinice Růžďka Růžďka 46 Bystřice 437437 Bystřice r cr c 735735 Jablůnka Jablůnka vv Bystřice Bystřice p. p. Hostýnem Hostýnem e n. Hanou n. Hanou Nezamyslice Nezamyslice Mořice Mořice Chropyně Chropyně Kostelec Kostelec u Holešova u Holešova St. St. VesVes Olš Vlkoš Vlkoš55 55 ka ráv Mo ka ráv Mo Kojetín Kojetín Měrovice Měrovice n. Hanou n. Hanou Němčice Němčice Tištín Tištín Záříčí Záříčí Uhřičice Uhřičice Mohelnice Mohelnice 367367 Dobromilice Dobromilice Čeladenka Čeladenka 5 PŘEROV PŘEROV YY DD K KY Y S S EE BB ÉÉ K K Z SZ S LS EL E S OO SV KS K V AA RR Klokočov Klokočov O OBílá BíleáBíláeBílá Bílá Bílá - M M OstrOavsictravicKostel Kostel - Klokočov - Klokočov ice trav Os vice tra Os a bin Lu a bin Lu ka Jičín ka Jičín 6 Olš Morava Morava Jeseníky Mountains.................................... 1 Beskydy Mountains.................................... 8 Opava Silesia............................................. 16 Ostrava Region.......................................... 22 Těšín Silesia................................................ 28 Poodří and Moravské Kravařsko regions... 34 Location and map..................................... 40 Międzyrzecze Międzyrzecze Czarków Czarków sruby sruby čs.čs. opevnění opevnění z let z let 1935-38 1935-38 Świerklany Świerklany Český Český Těšín Těšín - Archeopark Archeopark - Cieszyn - Cieszyn Těrlicko Těrlicko skanzen skanzen - open-air - open-air museum museum 93 93 Podobora Podobora Žermanice Žermanice of architecture of architecture - Freilichtmuseum - Freilichtmuseum - skansen - skansen Soběšovice Soběšovice Sedliště Kostel Kostel Sedliště Goleszów Goleszów Jakubčovice Jakubčovice 56 56 Albrechtičky Albrechtičky 449449 441441 Dolany Dolany R56R56sv. sv. Michala Michala Skrbeň Skrbeň 474 474 památník památník - memorial - memorial - Mahnmal - Mahnmal - pomnik - pomnik 48 48 E3 E3 Petřvald Petřvald Lískovec Lískovec Brenna Brenna USTROŃ USTROŃ Kostel Kostel Lučina Lučina Buczkowicz Buczkowicz Brušperk Brušperk Třanovice Třanovice 464464 synagoga synagoga - synagogue - synagogue - Synagoge - Synagoge - synagoga - synagoga Sviadnov 57 57 Odry Odry Horka Horka Horní Horní Líštná Líštná - 46 46 tývakotýpekočepkeček Všech Všech svatých svatých Mošnov Mošnov ovinoevcinec Staříč Horní Horní Žukov Žukov Staříč Sviadnov Suchdol Suchdol SvaS S S - Leszna - Leszna Górna Górna Dolní Dolní n. Mor. n. Mor. Hradisko Bartošovice Bartošovice 48 48 Hradisko ZOO ZOO n. Odrou n. Odrou CHKO židovský židovský hřbitov hřbitov - Jewish - Jewish cemeter cemeter Potštát Potštát Domaslavice Domaslavice 412412 CHKO Bukowa Bukowa Okrouhlá lskýlskký k Hlubočky Hlubočky 468468 354354 Okrouhlá VeseVese opecopec - Judenfriedhof - Judenfriedhof -Szczyrk żydowski -Szczyrk żydowski cmentarz cmentarz Hnojník Hnojník Fryčovice Fryčovice R35 R35 Mankovice Mankovice Poodří Poodří Těšetice Těšetice E462 E462 557557 Chlebovice Chlebovice Sedlnice SedlnicePříbor 47 Vražné 47 Vražné Dobratice Dobratice 441441 Příbor 68 68 Olešná Olešná mlýn mlýn - mill - mill - Mühlen - Mühlen - młyn - młyn Dobrá Staré Staré Dobrá 448448 Kostel Kostel VelkVáeČlkaánČtoarnytjeoryje 289289 11 11 Panorama Vel. Vel. Bystřice Bystřice 48 48Panorama Nošovice Puchart Puchart Město Město Baška Baška Nošovice Komorní Komorní Kunín Kunín sv. sv. Mikuláše Mikuláše 995995 mezinárodní mezinárodní letiště letiště - international - international airport airport Přáslavice Přáslavice Hukvaldy Hukvaldy Hněvotín Hněvotín ra ra J.G.Mendel J.G.Mendel 5 5 E442 E442 Palkovice Palkovice Lhotka Od Od Střítež Střítež Vápenné VápennéNýdek Kostel Kostel Vyšní Vyšní Komorní KomorníLhotka 440440 R46R46 Nýdek International International Flughafen Flughafen Jeseník Jeseník Vel.Vel. Újezd Újezd n. Ludinou n. Ludinou Čantoryje Čantoryje 570570 Lutín Lutín pece pece Baška BaškaLhoty Lhoty 46 46 lhotka Božího Božího tělatěla lhotka E462 E462 - lotnisko - lotnisko internacjonalne internacjonalne Guty Guty n. Odrou n. Odrou503503 PolePdonlíední Kostel Kostel sv. sv. Antonína Antonína Kostel Kostel Hukvaldy Hukvaldy Doloplazy Doloplazy 56 56 Janovice Janovice Lesní Lesní mlýn mlýn 486486 KOPŘIVNICE KOPŘIVNICE Drahotuš Drahotuš Wisła Wisła Olšany Olšany Paduánského Paduánského Povýšení Povýšení 672672 Bělotín Bělotín Metylovice Bernartice Bernartice letiště - airport - airport - Flughafen - Flughafen - lotnisko - lotnisko Vel.Vel. Týnec Týnec BíláBílá hora hora Technické Technické muzeum muzeum 502502 Metylovice Malinka Malinkaletiště 449449 u Prostějova u Prostějova tíkuntík JavoJraovvoýrový Raškovice Raškovice sv. sv. Kříže Kříže Bystřice 55 55 PunP Bystřice 482482 Mniší Mniší Starý Starý E462 E462 435435 E462 Kozlovice Kozlovice 5 5 E462 501501 autokempink autokempink - camping - camping - Campingplatz - Campingplatz Čelechovice Čelechovice Javorový 56 56 Prašivá Prašivá 10321032 Javorový Šostýn Šostýn Jičín Blatec Blatec 502502Jičín 6 6samochodowy Frýdlant Frýdlant Pražmo Pražmo Dolní Dolní Újezd Újezd na na Hané Hané camping camping samochodowy Štramberská Štramberská Tršice Tršice Štramberk Štramberk p p i i c c t t r r s s o o ý ý e e Grygov Grygov St. St. Jičín Jičín O O Hrádek Hrádek R R Lipník Lipník KyčeKryačera n. n. Ostr. Ostr. Veselíčko Veselíčko 435435 Trúba Trúba Smržice Smržice Morávka Morávka Tichá Tichá 47 47 n. n. Beč. Beč. golfgolf - golf - golf - Golf - Golf - golf - golf HRANICE HRANICE Hustopeče 1044 1044 Ženklava Ženklava 1082 1082 Helfštýn Helfštýn 906906 Krásná Krásná 57 57 Hustopeče Vrbátky Vrbátky Radniční Radniční Kunčice Kunčice 480480 Osek Osek E442 E442 n. Bečvou 436436 Morávka Morávka n. Bečvou Majetín Majetín Hodslavice Hodslavice 483 483 lyžařská lyžařská střediska střediska - ski - ski centre centre - Skizentrum - Skizentrum Lichnov Lichnov pod Ondřej. Ondřej. věžvěž pod n. Bečvou n. Bečvou Milíkov Milíkov 483483 Veřovice 5 5 Veřovice avTnrýavný čva čva Dub Dub r T Be Be Kokory Kokory á á v v TýnTýn o o - środowisko - środowisko narciarcke narciarcke JABLUNKOV JABLUNKOV Bečva Bečva Kostel Kostel Kaple n. Moravou n. Moravou zubozub Kaple 46 46 LysáLyhs.á h. Mořkov Mořkov n. Beč. sv. Anny Hostašovice Hostašovice Bukovec Bukovec Ko 982 K 982 sv. Anny Prosenice Prosenice 434434n. Beč. .VJealv. oJranvíokrník l sv. sv. Prokopa Prokopa Ústí Ústí Lysá Lysá e Kostel Kostel Ostravice Ostravice B B 1203 1203 V Kralice Kralice Písek Písek Istebna Istebna 35 35 Lešná 55 55 pěší pěší turistická turistická trasa trasa E3E3 - tourist - tourist path path E3E3 - eč eč Kamiesznica Kamiesznica Čeladná Čeladná Lešná Brodek Kozubová Kozubová FRENŠTÁT FRENŠTÁT 47 47Brodek týunštýn va va a Barbory a Barbory hora hora Ol Ol HušH sv. sv. Ondřeje Ondřeje na na Hané Hané E3 E3 1323 1323 - Wanderwege - Wanderwege E3E3 - pieszy - pieszy szlak szlak turystyczny turystyczny Mazák Mazák E75E75 še še u Přerova u Přerova Rokytnice Jasnowice Jasnowice Radslavice Radslavice 918918 Rokytnice Národopisný Národopisný p.p. Radh. Radh. Koniaków Koniaków Opatovice Opatovice Soběchleby Soběchleby Choryně Choryně 501501 Hrubčice Hrubčice Dolní Mosty Bukovec 749749 MostyBukovec 58 58 areál areál Dolní Věrovany Věrovany 438438 cykloturistika cykloturistika - bike - bike riding riding Pavlovice Pavlovice Trojanovice Trojanovice 439439Kelč Bedihošť Bedihošť Lomná Lomná Bukovec Bukovec Kelč 435435 u Jablun. u Jablun. 461461 SmrSkmrk 5 5 434434 - Radfahretouristik - Radfahretouristik - turystyka - turystyka rowerowa rowerowa Horní Horní Mionší u Přerova u Přerova Bečva Bečva - Jasnowice - Jasnowice Mionší 437437 hynněěhyně VALAŠSKÉ hoašdťhošť KněK něhyněVALAŠSKÉ RadR Lomná Hrčava HrčavaKostel Čehovice Čehovice JuhyJu Kostel aolýloPmolom Lomná Všechovice Všechovice MalýMP 1276 1276 Zašová Zašová hranice hranice Moravskoslezského Moravskoslezského kraje kraje TěšíTňěoščíkňaočka MEZIŘĺČĺ MEZIŘĺČĺ VelkVýePlkoýloPmolom Ivaň Ivaň Tovačov Tovačov 434434 sv. sv. Cyrila Cyrila Branky Branky Želatovice Želatovice ROŽNOV ROŽNOV 11291129 Soubor 11 11 919919 E442 E442 border border of Moravian-Silesian of Moravian-Silesian region region 1257 1257 Zubří Zubří 1061 1061 Police Police a Metoděje a Metoděje Soubor Horní Horní Pustevny Pustevny Troubky Troubky Grúň Grúň 46 46 1067 1067 - Grenze - Grenze desdes Mährisch-Schlesische Mährisch-Schlesische region region Kunovice Kunovice p.p. Radh. Radh. Hrachovec Hrachovec 35 35 433433 útulen útulen Klenovice Klenovice435435 Bochoř Bochoř Moštěnice Moštěnice Podlesí Podlesí 150150 - granica - granica Okręga Okręga Morawsko-Śląskiego Morawsko-Śląskiego RožnRo Loučka Loučka PíškPoívšáková a a Šance Šance - ovžn ovská Kostel Kostel na na Hané Hané ská Dolní Dolní Bečva Bečva Střítež StřítežBe rav rav Bečva Dřevohostice Dřevohostice Loukov Loukov 150150 Čadca Čadca - Milošová - Milošová čva sv. sv. Panny Panny Marie Marie Skalité Skalité Mosty Mosty u Jabl. u Jabl. - Pivín Pivín Mo Mo Beňov Beňov 436436 E3 E3 sedačková sedačková lanovka lanovka - chair-lift - chair-lift - Sessellift - Sessellift Prostřední Prostřední 578578 - Svrčinovec - Svrčinovec Lobodice Lobodice Hradisko Hradisko Staré Staré Hamry Hamry 35 35 Bečva Vel.Vel. Lhota Lhota Vidče Vidče Podhradní Podhradní Bečva - wyciąg - wyciąg krzesełkowy krzesełkowy Mo Mo446446 Náklo Náklo rava rava 51 51 Příkazy Příkazy Contents archeologické archeologické naleziště naleziště - archeological - archeological sitesite - Archäologische - Archäologische Fundstelle Fundstelle - wykopalisko - wykopalisko archeologiczne archeologiczne 929929 91 91 Gru Štěpánov Štěpánov ka ov diš a Bu ovk diš Bu . ký p avs p. ký avs 444444 ŠTERNBERK ŠTERNBERK 11 městská městská památková památková rezervace rezervace (zóna) (zóna) - urban - urban architectural architectural reserve reserve - städtisches - städtisches Denkmalschutzgebiet Denkmalschutzgebiet - miejska - miejska strefa strefa zabytkowa zabytkowa 933933 14 Hradec Hradec n. n. Mor. Mor. lázně lázně - spa - spa resort resort - Kurort - Kurort - uzdrowisko - uzdrowisko aquapark aquapark - aquapark - Aquapark - Aquapark - aquapark - aquapark 3 3- aquapark 56 56 749749 Lib Hnojice Hnojice 446446 447447 Lib Pňovice Pňovice 551551 443443 440440 Přírodní Přírodní parkpark Údolí Údolí Bystřice Bystřice Lipina Lipina zřícenina zřícenina - ruin - ruin - Ruine - Ruine - ruina - ruina 49 49 Dolní Dolní Marklovice Marklovice 13 Hornické 58 58 Hornické Dětmarovice Dětmarovice Jakubčovice JakubčoviceHůrkHaůrka Kostel Kostel Pustá Pustá Melč Weisshuhnův Weisshuhnův Přírodní Děhylov Děhylov muzeum muzeum Kružberk Kružberk Melč Přírodní Dolní Polom Polom Dolní Nanebevstoupení Nanebevstoupení 530530 Rychvald Hvězdárna Hvězdárna469469 kanál kanál Landek Landek 470470 Rychvald parkpark Lhota Lhota 465 465 19 Páně Páně Radkov Radkov Vodárenská Vodárenská věžvěž Moravice Moravice a planetárium a planetárium Ostravská Hlubočec HlubočecKozíKčoezkíček ORLOVÁ ORLOVÁ ZOO ZOO 470470 17Ostravská 16 Vikštejn Vikštejn J. Palisy J. Palisy Černý Černý důl důl Skřipov Skřipov 464464446446 radnice radnice KARVINÁ Doubrava Doubrava 57 57 Slezskoostravský Slezskoostravský 21KARVINÁ Kyjovice Kyjovice Vřesina DůlDůl Vřesina 18 Lázně Lázně hrad hrad Michal Michal h h i i 59 59 o o z z e e ř ř í í Fryštát Fryštát M M nnýnný OSTRAVA OSTRAVA Darkov Darkov KamKeame vrchvrch Budišov Budišov Doly Doly Březová Březová 463463 DůlDůl 383383 Obloukový Obloukový n. n. Budišovkou Budišovkou 442442 11 11 16 Tísek Slatina Slatina Tísek 518518 Petřvald Zbyslavice Zbyslavice 462462 Jindřich Jindřich 15 Petřvald most most Vítkov Vítkov Větřkovice 473473 Horní Horní h h c c r r y y V V Klimkovice Klimkovice Větřkovice Dolní 20 Stonava Stonava Polanská PolanskáDolní Suchá Kotulova KotulovaSuchá Čer vČeenrávehn. á h. Mladějovice Mladějovice 447447 Moravský Moravský Beroun Beroun 45 45 Krzanowice KrzanowiceBleńkowice Bleńkowice Olše Olše ice stř By ice stř 45 45 Lipina Lipina Žimrovice Žimrovice Vildštejn Vildštejn Dvorce Dvorce 46 46 Újezd Újezd LITOVEL LITOVEL E3 E3 Huzová Huzová Paseka Paseka 12 hrad hrad - castle - castle - Burg - Burg - zamek - zamek Leszcyny Leszcyny 924924 RYBNIK RYBNIK Rydułtowy Rydułtowy Velké Velké Hoštice Hoštice 55 55 427427 800800 49 49 Píšť 468468Píšť Opevnění Opevnění Stěbořice Větrný Větrný mlýn mlýn Stěbořice zámek zámek (nepřístupný) (nepřístupný) - chateau - chateau (inaccesible) (inaccesible) - Schloss - Schloss (unzugänglich) (unzugänglich) - pałac - pałac (zamkniąty) (zamkniąty) muzeum muzeum - museum - museum - Museum - Museum - muzeum - muzeum Gostyń Gostyń 315315 Hněvošice Hněvošice 46 46 Oldřišov OldřišovKobeřice Kobeřice Stanowice Stanowice Chwałęcice Chwałęcice Chlebičov Chlebičov 467467 Czyzowice Czyzowice Krzyżanowice Krzyżanowice Štěpánkovice Štěpánkovice Bolatice Bolatice Nový Nový Bohuslavice Bohuslavice Vřesina Vřesina HaťHať Slavkov Slavkov DvůrDvůr Areál Areál čs. čs. opevnění opevnění OPAVA 46 46 OPAVA Choltice Choltice Dolní Dolní Darkovičky Darkovičky Darkovice DarkoviceBohumín Kravaře Kravaře Bohumín - Mladecko Mladecko Zábřeh Zábřeh Štítina Štítina Benešov Benešov Darkovičky Darkovičky - Chalupki - Chalupki Větrný Větrný mlýn mlýn Otice 56 56 Otice e e Litultovice Litultovice Mokré Mokré Lazce Lazce vicravic a Věrňovice Věrňovice r Hvozd Hvozd Dolní Dolní Raduň O O Památník Památník II. II. Mo Mo Raduň Kozmice Kozmice Šilheřovice Šilheřovice nicenice 11 11 443 443 Branka Branka Životice Životice BOHUMĺN BOHUMĺNlše lše světové světové války války ušaenuše Markvartovice Markvartovice HanH Dolní Dolní HájHáj 460460 Hlavnice Hlavnice Kružberk Kružberk By 511511 3 Pilszcz Pilszcz 11 11 Leskovec Leskovec n. Moravicí n. Moravicí Sudice Sudice ínlmkoínpekcopec AlmA CZERWIONKACZERWIONKACzerwionka -LESZCZYNY -LESZCZYNYCzerwionka Orzesze Orzesze 925925 Kornowac Kornowac Sudice Sudice - - Pietraszyn - Pietraszyn zámek zámek (přístupný) (přístupný) - chateau - chateau (accesible) (accesible) - Schloss - Schloss (zugänglich) (zugänglich) - pałac - pałac (otwarty) (otwarty) Przegęndza Przegęndza 916916 Gródczany Gródczany 57 Velké Velké Svobodné Svobodné Heraltice Heřmanice Heřmanice Heraltice 442442 780780 Lomnice Lomnice 511511 449449 elo. uRdnoýudný Vel.VR Roudno Roudno 679679 Brumovice Brumovice57 Ochojec Ochojec Jankowice Jankowice Rudzskie Rudzskie RACIBÓRZ RACIBÓRZ Lubotyń Lubotyń památka památka UNESCO UNESCO - monument - monument of the of the UNESCO UNESCO - Denkmal - Denkmal vonvon UNESCO UNESCO - zabytki - zabytki UNESCO UNESCO Gierałtowice Gierałtowice Szczygłowice Szczygłowice Markowice Markowice Pietrowice Pietrowice Wielkie Wielkie 416416 420420 Holasovice Holasovice Razová Razová 459459 St. Heřminovy St. Heřminovy Slezská 452452 2Slezská Harta Harta 419419 KK OO Knurów Knurów Stanice Stanice Rudy Rudy Opava Opava Dlouhá Dlouhá Šumvald ŠumvaldLoučka Loučka Troubelice Troubelice UNIČOV UNIČOV J JE ES S E EN N Í KÍ K 45 45 ný ný Čer vČeer vevrchvrch Lichnov Lichnov Benešov Benešov uešinnuašsinoapksaopka VenV 654654 445445 446446 Branice Branice Čižina Čižina 460460 674674 11 11 Břidličná Břidličná Ryžoviště Ryžoviště Cvilín Cvilín Kietrz Kietrz Nędza Nędza Lyski Lyski Pawlów Pawlów Nowa Nowa Cerekwia Cerekwia Bliszczyce Bliszczyce LL SS Rudnik Rudnik Tłustomosty Tłustomosty 466466 Úvalno Úvalno N NÍ ZÍ Z Vartnov Úvalno Úvalno K KÝ Ý 459459Vartnov ina ina Čiž Čiž 503503 Horní Horní BRUNTÁL BRUNTÁL 370370 449449 Oslava Oslava 370370 Libina Libina 45 45 Brantice BranticeOvčOákvčák eev třeZátor v Zátor Vel.VTeelt.řT 11 11 440440 4 OO informace informace - information - information service service - - Informationen - Informationen - biuro - biuro informacji informacji Bargłówka Bargłówka Kużnia Kużnia Raciborska Raciborska silnice silnice I. aI.II.a třídy II. třídy - roads - roads of the of the I. and I. and Będzin Będ II. class II. class - Straßen - Straßen I. und I. und II. Klasse II. Klasse - drogi1. - drogi1. i 2.i klasyfikacji 2. klasyfikacji Czeladź Czeladź hraniční hraniční přechod přechod - border - border crossing-point crossing-point - Grenzübergang - Grenzübergang - przejście - przejście graniczne graniczne Żernica Żernica Ruda Ruda Sławików Sławików Gamów Gamów Włodzienin Włodzienin KRNOV KRNOV Staré Staré Město Město Hor. Hor. Město Město Pietrowice Pietrowice Modzurów Modzurów 416416 Hošťálkovy Hošťálkovy Nové Nové Heřminovy Heřminovy Če Če rn rn ýp ýp . . . Baborów Baborów Zubrzyce Zubrzyce PP 417417 Sulków Sulków 38 38 57 57 Krnov Krnov - OpaOpa - Pietrowice vice vice - Pietrowice 45 45 Ježník Ježník Bí lá Bí Opa lá v Op a av a . Rýmařov Rýmařov Oskava Oskava 331331 553553 Malá Malá Morávka MorávkaČerČ toevartova h h Wronin Wronin Dobieszów Dobieszów Široká Široká Niva Niva 452452 Łany Łany Grobniki Grobniki ava Op a av Op 446446 450450 Dziergowice Dziergowice víceproudová víceproudová silnice silnice - dual - dual carriageway carriageway BYTOM BYTOM - mehrspurige - mehrspurige Straße Straße - drogi - drogi szybkiego szybkiego ruchu ruchu Świętochłowice ostatní ostatní silnice silnice aŚwiętochłowice cesty a cesty - other - other roads roads CHORZÓW CHORZÓW - sonstige - sonstige Straßen undund Wegen Wegen - drogi - drogi inne inne 2 2Straßen MORAVIAN-SILESIAN MORAVIAN-SILESIAN REGION REGION- -MÄHRISCH-SCHLESISCHE MÄHRISCH-SCHLESISCHE REGION REGION Sośnicowice Sośnicowice Pawłowiczki Pawłowiczki OKRĘG OKRĘGMORAWSKO-ŚLĄSKI MORAWSKO-ŚLĄSKI GLIWICE GLIWICE Polska Polska Cerekiew Cerekiew 38 38 GŁUBCZYCE GŁUBCZYCE Linhartovy Linhartovy 46 46 Kozłów Kozłów Grudynia Grudynia Wielka Wielka Slezské Slezské Fulštejn Fulštejn Rudoltice Rudoltice 4 55 55 Opawica Opawica 451451 Světlá Světlá Hora Hora 445445 Stará Stará Bedřichov Bedřichov VesVes Hrabišín Hrabišín Andělská Andělská HoraHora Karlova Karlova Studánka Petrovy PetrovyStudánka kameny kameny E3 E3 EE Kosárna Kosárna 416416 Stara Stara Kuźnia Kuźnia Cisek Cisek ra ra J J EESS 452452 Lisiecice Lisiecice ha ha va Opa va Opa 952952 453453 KarlKoavarlohvoarahora 874874 Holčovice Holčovice Mnichov Mnichov 717717 Strážiště Strážiště Moravice Moravice 941941 KamKeanmneý nvn. ý v. 1 1311 1311 Rašeliniště Rašeliniště Skřítek Skřítek OstrOý strý Město Město Albrechtice Albrechtice va Opa va Opa 11 11 574574 Vrbno Vrbno p. p. Pradědem Pradědem Karlovice Karlovice Lázeňský Lázeňský areál areál 1491 1491 Vernířovice Vernířovice Pec Pec Sobotín Sobotín 451451ava ava Op Op d 450450 ní dní Furstenwalde řed řeFurstenwalde St St PradPěrdaděd Praděd Praděd ava Černa Op ava Černa Op ná Des ná Des 1343 1343 ald mv ld a mv Just like this publication, the Moravian-Silesian Region is divided into six tourist areas – the Jeseníky Mountains, Beskydy Mountains, Opava Silesia, Ostrava Region, Těšín Silesia and the Poodří and Moravské Kravařsko regions. Each of these areas has its own unique character and offers a wide range of opportunities for spending free time with your children. B BDě Dě vernaevečníekčník MraM Petrov Petrov n. Desnou n. Desnou Rabenštejn Rabenštejn ÝÝ U U M. M.d RDlouhé HH RDlouhé Stráně Stráně 1368 1368 Loučná Loučná n. Desnou n. Desnou á á sn sn De De Jeseníky Jeseníky Červenohorské Červenohorské sedlo sedlo Čer nČáersntrááňstráň 1237 1237 Nové Nové Losiny Losiny Kouty Kouty n. Desnou n. Desnou Bělá Bělá This small guidebook to the Moravian-Silesian Region will not only help you adults with ideas for daytrips and holidays, but it also provides plenty of stories and fun to liven up walks with your ‘little treasures’ – the kids. We hope you have many happy experiences and look forward to meeting you along the way. kolekj olej ko ko Úz Úz yloabyla KobK Hynčice Hynčice 1204 1204 Suchý Suchý vrchvrch eleneílevrncíhvrch J J CHKO CHKO 44 44 Třemešná Třemešná Heřmanovice Heřmanovice Opavice Opavice OrlíkOrlík Liptaň Liptaň E462E462 Brzezinka Brzezinka MORAVSKOSLEZSKÝ MORAVSKOSLEZSKÝ KRAJ KRAJ 417417 PIKARY PIKARY Strzyżowice Strzyżowic Legenda Legenda - Legend - Legend -ŚŁĄSKIE Zeichenerklärung - Zeichenerklärung ŚŁĄSKIE Wojkowice Wojkowice Bojszów Bojszów Łącza Łącza Gościęcin Gościęcin Dívčí Dívčí Os Os Bohušov ob ob Bohušov Hrad Hrad la la 57 57 SolnSáohln.á h. 868868 Heřmanovice Heřmanovice Reńska Reńska Wieś Wieś Wieszowa Wieszowa Częchowice Częchowice Rudziniec Rudziniec Od Bě Adolfovice Adolfovice Bělá Bělá p. Pradědem p. Pradědem 1423 1423 53 53 975975 40 40 Trawnik Trawnik 457457 hora hora PříčPnřýíčvnrcýhvrch Koberštejn Rejvíz RejvízKoberštejn Szonów Szonów ť tra ná trať ná 369369 Branná Branná 55 55 453453 453453 ŠeráŠkerák 1361 1361 rneípkrník KepK Osoblaha Osoblaha - - Pomorzowicki - Pomorzowicki Osoblaha Osoblaha 457457 Racławice Racławice Slezské Slezské Pavlovice Pavlovice Trzebina Trzebina BartultoviceBartultovice- Trzebina - Trzebina nik nik ud ud Pr Pr Twardawa Twardawa Pyskowice Pyskowice Bycina Bycina Ujazd Ujazd Słavięcice Słavięcice KĘDZIERZYNKĘDZIERZYN-KOŹLE -KOŹLE Od Ramzová Ramzová Ostružná Ostružná 41 41 Zlaté Zlaté Hory Hory 445445 Walce Walce 415415 Skrzypiec Skrzypiec pskápská a Jindřichov 610610 BiskBuisku kupakupJindřichov 454454 Dolní Dolní Údolí Údolí 888888 Biskupská Biskupská Edelštejn Edelštejn ZlatýZlatý chlum chlum Lázně Lázně JESENĺK Lipová Lipová JESENĺK Głogówek Głogówek 40 40 ZlatéZlaté HoryHory - - Konradów - Konradów 457457 StráSžitsrákžoisko lá E3 E3 44 44 53 53 Česká Česká VesVes Bě 1125 1125 nná Bra nná Bra with children GŁUCHOŁAZY GŁUCHOŁAZY Mikulovice Mikulovice Písečná Písečná 992992 Mochów Nowy Nowy 40 40Mochów Browiniec Browiniec PRUDNIK PRUDNIK Mora vic Mora e vice Supíkovice Supíkovice iční iční StudSntudn vrchvrch jeskyně jeskyně Na Pomezí Na Pomezí k ols k ols Moravian-Silesian Region For families 457457 Vápenná Vápenná jesk.jesk. Na Špičáku Na Špičáku 60 60 P P SmrSkmrk Mikulovice Mikulovice - - Głuchołazy - Głuchołazy 455455 Černá Černá Voda Voda lá Rych Rychlebsk lebsk 957957 Kunětice Kunětice 456456 Žulová Žulová Stříbrný Stříbrný potok potok Hv oz Hv dnic oz e dn ice Skorošice Skorošice ŠpičŠápkičák 9 sv. sv. Bedřicha Bedřicha 484484 Korňa Korňa Salajka Salajka Bílá Bílá - Bumbálka - Bumbálka - Makov - Makov 487487 Velké Velké Karlovice Karlovice - - Turzovka Turzovka 487487 Staškov Staškov 22 0 0 Raková Raková 487487 Čadca Čadca Zákopčie Zákopčie Krásno Krásno Oščadnica Oščadnica 1010 Rycerka 75 75 Rycerka 1515 2020 kmkm Górna Górna ©© B.A.T. B.A.T. Program Program s.r.o. s.r.o. 2004 2004 Family ticket Restricted access for pushchairs and wheelchairs Our tip - things to do all year Moravian-Silesian Region Regional Office 28. října 117 702 18 Ostrava Tel.: +420 595 622 222 E-mail: Realisation and design: Agentura API s.r.o. © Agentura API s.r.o. Wh Ca at ca ny ny win ou se ou se dow e th e? ? e Active relaxation Moravian-Silesian Region For families with children