1 000+1 experiences
1 000+1 experiences
Make use of tourist discount passes and bonus programs in the Moravian-Silesian Region! WWW.BESKYDYPORTAL.CZ WWW.TESINSKESLEZSKO.CZ WWW.JESENIKY–RODINA.CZ WWW.MORAVSKEKRAVARSKO.CZ The Moravian-Silesian Region | Regional authority 28. října 117, 702 18 Ostrava, Czech Republic T.: +420 595 622 222 | E.: posta@kr-moravskoslezsky.cz www.facebook.com/nasemoravskoslezsko www.kr-moravskoslezsky.cz | www.msregion.cz 1 000 +1 EXPERIENCES MSK_PublikaceA5_EN_FIN_Ser.indd 1-2 21.04.15 10:50 INTRODUCTION OST S RAV R A-S S VINOV STATIO S TA TAT N The Moravian-Silesian Region is located in the north-eastern Unified European emergency number (SOS, Emergency call) 112 Fire brigade 150 Rescue service 155 Police 158 City police 156 „Yellow angel“ – 24 / 7 accident and emergency road service 1230 ABA – NONSTOP post-accident service for drivers 1240 part of the Czech Republic and is among the most sought-after tourist destinations in Central Europe. Emergency numbers 112, 150, 155, 156 and 158 are dialled without the international country code. Thanks to its diversity, it is capable of meeting virtually everybody’s requirements, no matter what their demands on holiday are, be it superior quality relaxation stays or active holi- FURTHER INFORMATION days. Let yourselves enjoy its outdoors, lots of entertainment possibilities, outstanding spa The regional authority of the Moravian-Silesian Region | 28. října 117, 702 18 Ostrava options, cycling, hiking, water sports or skiing, shopping, picturesque castles and cha- E.: posta@kr–moravskoslezsky.cz | www.kr–moravskoslezsky.cz teaux, historical towns and unique technological sights, local traditions and much more. Visit the Moravian-Silesian Region, offering everyone 1000 + 1 experiences. Detailed information on particular locations can also be obtained at the tourist information centers, the list of which you can find on the official website of the Moravian-Silesian Region in ‚Visitor‘ section. www.msregion.cz 2 MSK_PublikaceA5_EN_FIN_Ser.indd 3-4 35 21.04.15 10:50 IMPORTANT CONTACTS CONTENTS TRANSPORT – SELECTED CONTACTS ŠTR ŠT Š TR TRAMB R AM A M ERS S KÁ Á TRÚ TR BA A C ASTLE A Complete list of timetables can be found on www.idos.cz AIR TRANSPORT Leoš Janáček Ostrava Airport | 742 51 Mošnov T.: +420 597 471 136 | E.: airport@airport–ostrava.cz | www.airport–ostrava.cz A MAP OF THE MORAVIAN-SILESIAN REGION 4 BASIC PHRASES FOR FOREIGN TOURISTS 6 RAILWAY TRANSPORT BASIC INFORMATION 8 Central station | Nádražní 196, Ostrava-Přívoz DIVERSITY OF THE REGION 12 HIKING AND CYCLING 16 ADRENALIN SPORTS 18 SWIMMING AND WATER SPORTS 20 SKIING 22 BUS TRANSPORT SPA 24 Central bus station | Vítkovická 2, Moravská Ostrava a Přívoz ENTERTAINMENT 26 CASTLES AND CHATEAUX 28 TECHNOLOGY HERITAGE SIGHTS 32 IMPORTANT CONTACTS 34 T.: +420 972 762 555 | E.: ovahn@cdcentrum.cd.cz | www.cd.cz Ostrava-Svinov station | Peterkova 79, Ostrava-Svinov T.: +420 972 761 398 | E.: ovasv@cdcentrum.cd.cz | www.cd.cz T.: +420 596 632 634 | www.idos.cz MHD | Dopravní podnik Ostrava (City Transport Office Ostrava) T.: +420 597 401 555, +420 597 401 111 | E.: infoservis@dpo.cz | www.dpo.cz 34 MSK_PublikaceA5_EN_FIN_Ser.indd 5-6 3 21.04.15 10:50 THE T H NE N W W ORL OR RL R LD A MAP OF THE MORAVIAN-SILESIAN REGION OF F TEC EC ECHNO CH HNO NO OL LOG OG Y I N O S OGY STR T TR TRAVA R AVA AVA A LANDEK PARK WWW.LANDEKPARK.CZ The mining museum is situated on Landek hill, which is an KARLOVA STUDÁNKA SPA (PAGE 24) THE JESENÍKY MOUNTAINS archeological site, known mostly thaks to the Landek Venus. When visiting the Museum of Mining, open throughout the year, the visitors will see the original coal-mining shafts dating back to 1830, historiy of settlement and development of coal-mining, mine KRAVAŘE C (PAGE SOVINEC CASTLE exposition and other interesting things. The complex also includes sports and relaxation areas, rope-center and a cycling trail. OPAVIAN SILESIA (PAGE 28) HRADEC NAD MORAVICÍ CHATEAU (PAGE 28) THE NEW WORLD RADUŇ CHATEAU (PAGE KLIMKOVICE SANATORIA (PAGE 25 OF TECHNOLOGY IN OSTRAVA WWW.SVET–TECHNIKY–OSTRAVA.CZ In 2014, a unique interactive museum was oficially opened to the public. Its name is the Science and Technology Center, which is located in the middle of historical complex of Dolní Vítkovice. THE POODŘÍ RE KUNÍN CHA (PAGE 31) In a modern facility, which was impressively set amid the industrial heritage sights according to the design by an architect Josef Pleskot, the exhibition is divided into four ‚worlds‘ with hundreds of educational and interactive exhibits. You can test the laws of science, technology and STARÝ JIČÍN CASTLE physics, try driving a train, take a flight on board of an aircraft, try what it is like to work at the (PAGE 30) blast furnace or to be an astronaut or even captain Nemo on board of his legendary subŠTRAMBERSKÁ TRÚBA CA marine. Pay a visit to a place where science becomes a game. (PA Please, find other tips for excursions in the Moravian-Silesian Region on: www.msregion.cz. 4 MSK_PublikaceA5_EN_FIN_Ser.indd 7-8 33 21.04.15 10:50 INDUSTRIAL HERITAGE SIGHTS THE TATRA KOPŘIVNICE MUSEUM WWW.TATRAMUSEUM.CZ The museum portrays nearly 150-year history of Tatra car manufacturer. For many visitors to the town, an array of passenger vehicles, sports cars, trucks, specialized vehicles, chassis, engines, a sports aircraft and other items of interest have become the biggest attraction. The pride of the whole collection is the early Präsident vehicle made back in 1897. The Hall of Fame devoted to Dana and Emil CHATEAU E 29) Zatopek, the Olympic champions, is also a part of the exhibition. MICHAL MINE THE CS. FORTIFICATION HLUČÍN-DARKOVIČKY (PAGE 32) LANDEK PARK (PAGE 33) WWW.DUL–MICHAL.CZ MICHAL MINE Preserved in its original authenticity, this mining complex is the only National Heritage Sight found in Ostrava. The circuit for visitors includes a visit to the chain changing rooms, bathrooms, dispatch- 28) A 5) DARKOV SPA (PAGE 25) SLEZSKOOSTRAVSKÝ CASTLE THE FRYŠTÁT (PAGE 29) ing and mainly the engine room with its original layout and all tech- OSTRAVA nology, which was fully functional until 1993, the year that mining operation was discontinued. The exposition is supposed to look THE NEW WORLD OF TECHNOLOGY IN OSTRAVA (PAGE 33) (PAGE 32) EMPIRE CHATEAU (PAGE 31) EGION like the last working day of a miner, according to its initiators and creators. TĚŠÍN SILESIA ATEAU HUKVALDY CASTLE THE CS. FORTIFICATION HLUČÍN-DARKOVIČKY (PAGE 30) WWW.SZM.CZ THE TATRA KOPŘIVNICE MUSEUM The complex forms a unique technical sight and is a good example of the art of fortification. The fortification itself was built between (PAGE 32) ASTLE AGE 30) 1935 and 1938 and includes 4 fortification facilities. The main ele- THE BESKYDY MOUNTAINS ment of the exposition is ALEJ fort, fitted with armored bells and a turret, equipped with fully functional historical weapons and other parts of standard combat gear. 32 MSK_PublikaceA5_EN_FIN_Ser.indd 9-10 5 21.04.15 10:51 BASIC PHRASES FOR FOREIGN TOURISTS English Czech Good morning / Good-bye Dobrý den, dobré ráno / Nashledanou Hello Ahoj Good evening / Good night Dobrý večer / Dobrou noc Yes / No Ano / Ne That´s a good idea To je dobrý nápad Nice to meet you Těší mě I don´t know Nevím I´m sorry Omlouvám se How are you? Jak se máš? torical building within otherwise rather industrial environment of the region of Karviná. The Where are you from? Odkud pocházíte? chateau offers three circuits for visitors and houses one of the most significant chateau What is the time? Kolik je hodin? libraries in the Czech Republic with priceless manuscripts, firstprints and books on various Can I help you? Můžu Vám pomoct? scientific topics. What is your name? Jak se jmenujete? My name is... Jmenuji se... Let me introduce myself Dovolte, abych se představil Kunín Chateau is among the most unique and valuable Baroque Do you speak English? Mluvíte anglicky? sights in Moravia. It is located near the northern edge of the town, I don´t speak Czech Nemluvím česky in the middle of park, in immediate proximity of the Church of I don´t understand Nerozumím the Exaltation of the Holy Cross. It was built for Earl of Harrach Could you speak slowly? Můžete mluvit pomalu? Can you repeat it? Můžete to zopakovat? Thank you 6 MSK_PublikaceA5_EN_FIN_Ser.indd 11-12 FRY RY Y ŠTÁ T T C HAT A ATEAU AT EAU EA THE FRYŠTÁT EMPIRE CHATEAU WWW.ZAMEK–FRYSTAT.CZ The three-wing, one-level Empire-style building with its remarkable attic gables is found in the southern part of the historical city center of Karviná. Empire chateau is a unique his- KUNÍN CHATEAU WWW.ZAMEK.KUNIN.CZ in 1726–1734 by an Austrian building master Johann Lucas von Hildebrandt. It saw its most prosperous times at the turn of the 18th Děkuji a 19th centuries under Marie Walburga. The tour of the castle is completed by a visit to the chateau‘s attic with its unique Baroque chimney system. 31 21.04.15 10:52 STARÝ JIČÍN CASTLE You are welcome Rádo se stalo Only a large ruin on a hill outside Nový Jičín now reminds visitors of Where can I get taxi? Kde seženu taxi? a once mighty land’s castle. It still has many romantic places with a How much is it? Kolik to stojí? backdrop of collapsed walls and cellars. On the ground floor, there is It is too expensive Je to moc drahé even a stylish restaurant. In the upper part of the watch-tower, there Can I pay by card? Mohu platit kartou? is an exposition of historical weapons and historical documents with Do you have a map of the city? Máte mapu města? Cheers / Enjoy your meal Nazdraví / Dobrou chuť WWW.STARY–JICIN.CZ details about the region and the castle. On clear days, this tower, as well as the rest of the ruin, offers great views all over the area of the Moravian Gate. Can you bring me a menu / bill please? Můžete mi přinést jídelní lístek / účet? Where is the...? Kde je...? How can I get to...? Jak se dostanu...? Can you show me on the map? Ukážete mi to na mapě? How far is it? Jak je to daleko? Hospital / Police Nemocnice / Policie Train station / Airport / Bus station Nádraží / Letiště / Autobusová zastávka Shop / Pharmacy y / Restaurant Obchod / Lékárna / Restaurace cylindrical Gothic tower called the Trúba, which serves as a watchtower, along with the Street / Square Ulice / Náměstí entrance gate and remnants of fortification. Tourist information office Turistické informační centrum Cashpoint / Bank Bankomat / Banka Metro / Tram / Plane Metro / Tramvaj / Letadlo Romantic ruin of Hukvaldy castle is one of the largest in Central Go on foot Jít pěšky Europe and the third most extensive of its sort in the Czech Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner Snídaně / Oběd / Večeře Republic. The Hukvaldy Castle was gradually built in the course Wine / Beer / Water Víno / Pivo / Voda of five centuries from the late 13th to the mid-18th century, when it Chicken / Beef / Pork k / Fish Kuře / Hovězí / Vepřové / Ryba Single room / Double room Jednolůžkový / Dvoulůžkový pokoj Reception Recepce Half board / Full board Polopenze / Plná penze ŠTRAMBERSKÁ TRÚBA CASTLE WWW.STRAMBERK.CZ The picturesque town of Štramberk is a protected complex of urban landscape with predominantly Moravian Wallachian folkstyle architectural features. It was established at the end of the 13th century as the centerpiece of the remaining land property after dividing the territorial possession of the lords of Hückeswagen. What remained preserved to these day is a part of castle with a HUKVALDY CASTLE WWW.JANACKOVYHUKVALDY.CZ was abandoned due to its poor accessibility and low level of comfort. It slowly fell apart and became a ruin. There is a large hunting enclosure suitable for long walks, which served as one of many sources of inspiration for a great Czech composer – Leoš Janáček. 30 MSK_PublikaceA5_EN_FIN_Ser.indd 13-14 7 21.04.15 10:52 BASIC INFORMATION HRA A DEC NA AD M MO O RA ORAVICÍ R Í KRNOV BRUNTÁL D47 KATOWICE BOHUMÍN OPAVA RÝMAŘOV time in Classicist style. Subsequently, it was turned into a comfortable rural mansion in Empire KARVINÁ OSTRAVA HAVÍŘOV Climate with ODRY D47 OLOMOUC CLIMATE is temperate typical four-season E65 7ǵ,96= ČESKÝ TĚŠÍN AIRPORT NOVÝ JIČÍN 19th century to 1920s. Here, you will find an English-style park, Empire orangery and exqui- TŘINEC FRÝDEK-MÍSTEK FRÝDLANT NAD OSTRAVICÍ KOPŘIVNICE style. The modifications reminiscing historical styles were made between the 2nd half of the sitely furnished chateau lounges, reflecting the lifestyle and environment of aristocratic man- JABLUNKOV ors in the 18th and 19th centuries. It also houses a superb collection of luxury porcelain, glass, E40 ù0305( silverware, paintings and sculptures and a precious library with nearly 16 thousand entries. scheme. Summer temperatures can reach as high as 30 °C. The beginning N CZECH REP. of spring and fall is usually IRL RUS NL GB CZ L F snowfall in October, while LT A CH I SLO BIH RO SRB December. E AL WWW.KRAVARE.CZ into a golf course. The original Renaissance fort was damaged during the 30 Years‘ War and MO SK H KRAVAŘE CHATEAU The chateau stands in the middle of a large park, part of which has recently been converted UA MN P BY PL B tend to receive the first RUS LV DK rainy. The mountain regions lowlands in November or EST S was turned into the Baroque chateau in the 17th century. This chateau fell to the wildfire in BG MK GR 1937 and was gradually reconstructed between 1953 and 1971. In 1996, it was made into TR a chateau museum, the collection of which is divided into two parts-the Kravaře exhibition (interesting aspects of the location’s history) and the exhibition of the chateau’s Baroque inte- TIME ZONE The Czech Republic falls into GMT +1, summer DST GMT +2. The DST shift occurs on the rior from the 18th century and the chateau’s chapel. The chateau exhibition contains mostly the exhibits from Silesian Land Museum in Opava and is completed with collections from other museums in Silesia. What is really worth seeing is the late Baroque St. Michael’s chapel. last Sunday in March and lasts till the last Sunday in October. SLEZSKOOSTRAVSKÝ CASTLE CURRENCY WWW.SLEZSKOOSTRAVSKYHRAD.CZ The castle was built in the 2nd half of the 13th century as a border The Czech crown (Kč / CZK) is the only official currency, fully convertible with other cur- fortress, of which the original 2-level palace building with its system rencies (updated rates are to be found on www.cnb.cz). As the Czech Republic is the EU of protective walls has been preserved to these days. Visitors can member, it is expected that the transition to the euro will occur within a few years. It is usu- admire permanent exhibitions on the facility’s history as well as the his- ally the street exchange offices that offer the most convenient rates with zero commission tory of the city of Ostrava. There is also the castle cellar with witches. and no minimum limit for the transaction. A large number of cultural and social events are held here, too. 8 MSK_PublikaceA5_EN_FIN_Ser.indd 15-16 29 21.04.15 10:52 CASTLES AND CHATEAUX SOVINEC CASTLE WWW.SOVINEC.CZ Sovinec Castle was among the defence castles and stood guard on the trail leading from Olomouc to Silesia. It is situated south of Rýmařov (in the wooded hills of the lower Jeseník) and there are currently the first five courts, the seventh court and the Upper Castle accessible for the public – the last of which is the oldest part of the original castle with a watchtower, offering superb views of the surrounding forests. The castle often hosts historical fencing tournaments and a variety of cultural events, taking visitors on a tour back in time and showing different aspects of the history of the castle and local customs both recent and historical. HRADEC NAD MORAVICÍ CHATEAU WWW.ZAMEK–HRADEC.CZ Originally a royal castle of Premyslides has been rebuilt several times in its history, specifically in Renaissance, Baroque and Empire styles. The chateau consists of two parts, the older, so called White chateau, in which you can see beautifully furnished rooms, and a Neogothic BANKS, CARDS WWW.CNB.CZ The list of all banks including the contacts and some basic information is on the Czech National Bank website (www.cnb.cz) and it is also available at every bank’s branch. The opening hours of individual banks vary but banks tend to have an extended opening time on Mondays and Wednesdays, usually as long as 6 PM, and they close earlier on Fridays. The use of credit cards is widely applied for cash withdrawal and cash-free payment for goods as well as services. In certain shops, though, only cash is accepted, therefore always make sure that your card is accepted, too. In most shops, usually below CZK 500 worth of shopping, you can use the contactless form of payment. POSTAL SERVICES WWW.CPOST.CZ Czech Post provides postal services covering the whole of the country. A postcard or a letter can be sent either directly from the post office or after purchasing the stamp from the newsagent’s, just put the card or a letter into an orange post box. extension-the so called Red chateau along with its entrance gate and the White tower from the 19th century. The Red chateau also houses a restaurant, a concert hall and other facilities. In summer, one can enjoy a pleasant walk in a beautiful, naturally landscaped park. SHOPS Generally speaking, shops stay open from 9 AM to 6 PM, with no breaks at lunchtime. RADUŇ CHATEAU WWW.ZAMEK–RADUN.CZ Most shops also stay open on Saturdays, usually till 12 AM but are closed on Sundays, unlike supermarkets with their 24 / 7 scheme. Raduň Chateau with its Neogothic gable looms above a man-made lake in an English-style park short way outside the city of Opava, about 8 km away from the chateau in Hradec nad Moravicí, mentioned above. Originally a medieval yeoman’s fort was converted into th 28 MSK_PublikaceA5_EN_FIN_Ser.indd 17-18 ELECTRICITY The Czech Republic uses 230 V / 50 Hz voltage system (also fine with devices working on a renaissance chateau in the late 16 century under the Tvorkovskys 220 V basis). E-type sockets are mostly used (two-pin one-hole plug type). E-type sockets of Kravaře. Then it was modified again between 1816–1822, this can also be used with C or F type plug. 9 21.04.15 10:53 TRAVEL DOCUMENTS, VISA POLICY O ST R OS OST RAV AV VA, A A. A DVO D VO O ŘÁ ŘÁK Ř ÁK K ‘‘S S THE TH T H ATR A E The Czech Republic is the EU member and it joined the Schengen area in 2007. In most cases, the only document needed to cross the border is the valid ID for the EU citizens or a passport. Relationships with some countries are based on unilateral visa policy, bilatral with others. All the information needed can be found on www.mzv.cz. STODOLNÍ STREET WWW.STODOLNI.CZ Stodolní street has become the epicenter of entertainment in the city of Ostrava – there are more than 60 clubs in the area of Stodolní street in the city center. It is frequently visited by AIR TRANSPORT WWW.AIRPORT–OSTRAVA.CZ the locals and tourists alike, as it boasts a vibrant night-life with live music seven days a week. The region is accessible via Leoš Janáček Airport Ostrava which is situated in Mošnov. It serves as a significant transport hub for the entire the Moravian-Silesian Region thanks to its central location and proximity to Poland and Slovakia. It currently provides a regular air connection to Prague, Düsseldorf, Paris and London, which suggests further connectibility to more distant destinations. The extension of destination portfolio is under discussion. SHOPPING Ostrava makes an ideal spot for shopping-buffs with its range of shopping malls offering not only shopping opportunities, but they also have an answer for visitors looking for relaxation and culture-the largest of these are Avion Shopping Park, Futurum and Forum Nová Karolina. Summer season offers both regular and charter flights to popular tourist destinations. GASTRONOMY RAILROAD TRANSPORT WWW.JAKSMAKUJE.CZ WWW.CD.CZ | WWW.IDOS.CZ What does the Moravian-Silesian Region taste like? Give the local specialities a try Railroad transport in The Moravian-Silesian Region is very dense and efficient, with reliabil- in these restaurants: ity, comfort and clean environment being a common standard. Tickets are bought at the railway station counters, online on the website of the given transport company and in case Mountain hotel Sepetná Ostravice 0956, 739 14 Ostravice +420 558 682 108 | www.hotel.sepetna.cz Pub Pod Borovou Malenovice 333, 739 11 Malenovice +420 730 623 404 | www.podborovou.cz train. There are two large stations in Ostrava: Ostrava-Svinov a Ostrava-Main station. Hotel Grůň Mosty u Jablůnkova 1112, 739 98 Mosty u Jablůnkova +420 737 245 490 | www.hotelgrun.cz Mountain hotel Kopřivná Malá Morávka 122, 793 36 Malá Morávka +420 777 745 371 | www.restaurace–u–kata.cz ROAD TRANSPORT Kotelna Bowling 17. listopadu 2, 747 06 Opava +420 776 851 807 | www.kotelnabowling.cz Hotel Čeladenka Čeladná 809, 739 12 Čeladná +420 591 160 160 | www.celadenka.cz The international roads I/11 and I/48 are the two of the important transport lifelines cutting Pension and restaurant U Kata Brothánkova 338/1, 792 01 Bruntál +420 554 211 749 | www.restaurace–u–kata.cz Hotel Roubenka Dolní 327, 742 66 Štramberk +420 556 852 566 | www.roubenkahotel.cz Pub Lhotka Petřkovická 125, 725 28 Ostrava +420 596 628 662 | www.hostineclhotka.cz Hotel Slunce Jasenická 4, 795 01 Rýmařov +420 554 212 790 | +420 777 273 776 www.hotelslunce.jeseniky.com.cz of minor stations, you can also buy the ticket from the conductor on board of the given through the eastern part of the region. An important step was made in 2012, that meant the connection to the D1 highway. In December 2012, the extension of D1 highway was launched, which improves the connection to the rest of the country. All other locations are accessed by B and C class roads, which have become important elements in the life and business of every town or village. 10 MSK_PublikaceA5_EN_FIN_Ser.indd 19-20 Hotel and restaurant Jaškovská krčma Horní Těrlicko 242, 735 42 Těrlicko +420 602 269 734 | www.jaskovskakrcma.cz 27 21.04.15 10:53 ENTERTAINMENT LEO O Š JANÁČEK Č ČEK AIRPO AI PO OR RT T The Moravian-Silesian Region makes an ideal destination for culture and entertainment-lovers. Throughout the year, cities and towns host a variety of interesting cultural, social and sporting events. There is a wide range of events offered by theatres, galleries, exhibitions, museums, concerts, orchestra performances, various PARKING Parking lots are marked by blue signposts with the white ‚P‘. Eventhough the car-park is paid, it does not necessarily have to be guarded. The car-park attendant is not responsible for any damage or stolen items, therefore do not leave any valuables, documents or money inside the vehicle. associations and clubs or folk-tradition troupes. CAR RENTAL REGULAR EVENTS There are many reliable car-rental companies running their business in the Moravia-Silesia. Annually, there are numerous cultural and sporting events held in the area, often attended by interna- The conditions in all of them tend to be similar-the minimum of 21y of age, valid driving licence used for at least a year and an ID or a passport. A vehicle can be rented directly at the airport. tional participants, that have already found their regular audience. One of them, definitely worth mentioning, is the international music festival Colours of Ostrava, CITY TRANSPORT WWW.IDOS.CZ | WWW.DPO.CZ attended by many star bands and individual perform- All larger towns are well covered by city bus transport system based on regular timetables ers, playing not only world music (www.colours.cz), the and Ostrava also has its tram network. Tickets are bought before the ride at the newsa- international music festivals Janáčkovy Hukvaldy gents‘, ticket machines, at the driver or even through a mobile phone sms. It is necessary (www.janackovy–hukvaldy.cz) and Janáčkův máj to mark the ticket on the bus before the ride, otherwise it is not considered valid. All towns (www.janackuvmaj.cz), the folklore festival Slezské dny (www.slezskedny.wz.cz) or the tradi- also offer transport passes of various timespan options. tional prestigeous athletic meeting Zlatá tretra (www.zlatatretra.cz). TAXI BEER-BREWING Private taxi companies operate in the region extensively. They usually work on the 24-hour Beer is one of the products that have been regionally made for a very long time. You can basis. The fare varies depending on the time of the day and they usually charge a fee on simply taste it or even go on and take part in guided tours of several breweries offering such entry and every kilometer of drive. The driver is obliged to start the meter before the ride experience. There you can really witness the process of beer being made. and also issue a receipt upon the arrival at destination. 26 MSK_PublikaceA5_EN_FIN_Ser.indd 21-22 11 21.04.15 10:53 DIVERSITY OF THE REGION The region is divided into six areas of tourist interest, each KLIMKOVICE SANATORIA WWW.SANATORIA–KLIMKOVICE.CZ of which has its specific character (the Jeseníky Mountains, the A modern spa resort of Klimkovice Sanatoria is located Beskydy Mountains, Opavian Silesia, Ostrava, Těšín Silesia, the approximately 13 km outside Ostrava. It was built in contemporary style and its architectural solution has received numer- Poodří region). ous awards. It is sought after mostly for its healing baths in iodium-bromium water, which is known for its overall healing effects THE JESENÍKY MOUNTAINS WWW.JESENIKY–RODINA.CZ on human body. It helps especially in case of motoric disorders, The Jeseníky Mountains spread across the extreme north of Moravia near the Polish as well as neurological and gynaecological problems and also has positive influence on border with the Hrubý Jeseník being the core. It is the second highest mountain range the blood circulation. in the country with majestic Praděd (1 492 amsl) as the landmark. These ranges form a slightly hilly plateau in the DARKOV SPA WWW.DARKOV.CZ east of the area. The Jeseníky Mountains provide ideal conditions for both summer and winter holiday. There are excellent conditions for skiing from winter till the end of spring. The whole area is heavily forested with a variety of pristine nature reserves. The whole region is criss-crossed by a network of marked tourist trails with numerous sports and accommodation facilities that enable visitors to spend their leisure time relaxing or doing sports. 12 MSK_PublikaceA5_EN_FIN_Ser.indd 23-24 Natural source of Darkov Spa in Karviná is iodium-bromium water with high content of iodium, which effectively affects body in case of motoric disorders, including the post-injury and post-operation conditions, neurological diseases, blood-circulation diseases, post-burn conditions and dermatological problems. Thanks to its fantastic reputation and top-class technology, it attracts many visitors from the Czech Republic as well as from abroad. 25 21.04.15 10:54 SPA Good preservation of natural landscape and the presence of many natural mineral water springs enabled the establishment of spa centers long time ago. Darkov Spa, Klimkovice Sanatoria or Karlova Studánka Spa represent the second largest spa potential in the Czech Republic after Karlsbad. KARLOVA STUDÁNKA SPA LYS LY Y Á HORA H ORA ORA,, T HE BES BE KYD KYDY Y MOUN M OUN O N TAI TAINS NS WWW.HORSKELAZNE.CZ Karlova Studánka Spa is among the most interesting spa areas in the Czech Republic, thanks to its climate and its magnificent location in the middle of the mountain scenery. It is situated on the eastern slopes of Praděd in the White Opava valley and despite THE BESKYDY MOUNTAINS WWW.BESKYDYPORTAL.CZ its high altitude, it has a temperate sub-alpine climate. It is currently among the loca- The Beskydy Mountains were declared protected nature reserve in 1973 and it defi- tions with the cleanest air conditions in the nitely is a well-deserved status. With their 1 166 km2 of area, they are the largest protected Czech Republic and it has a great advan- nature reserve in the Czech Republic and besides their natural beauty, they also offer tage in the presence of mineral springs a wide range of historical folk architecture, namely wood-built churches and also residential with healing effects. Mountainous coun- houses. The region is a part of the Carpathian crescent with the most significant landmark tryside in combination with vibrant sporting being Lysá hora (1 323 amsl). The variety of hiking trails offer stunning views of ridges and and cultural life will definitely satisfy every valleys below. The Beskydy Mountains impress their visitors with alpine meadows, for- visitor prefering the relaxation in the peace ests, typical mountain architecture and numerous wooden churches. The set of mountain of romantic environment. shelters and inns at the Pustevny (Šumná, Maměnka, Libušín) designed by a well-known architect Dušan Jurkovič in the 19th century will literally take you on a trip to a fairy tale. 24 MSK_PublikaceA5_EN_FIN_Ser.indd 25-26 13 21.04.15 10:55 T THE JESEN JE SE ÍK, Í OVČÁR Č R NA OPAVIAN SILESIA WWW.OPAVA-CITY.CZ The lowland area of Opavian Silesia is situated along the Opava river to the northern border with Poland. The hub of this region a beautiful city of Opava with many historical sights and the oldest museum in the country. The Moravian-Silesian Region offers many possibilities for cross-country and downhill skiing as well as snowboarding thanks to its diverse terrain profile. The highest hills are found in the eastern and north-western part of the region, in the Jeseníky Mountains and the Beskydy Mountains. It also boasts great conditions for cycling and hiking. The fairy-tale-like chateaux in Hradec nad Moravicí This area has the densest network of skiing resorts with slopes suitable for both downhill and Raduň are both worth a separate visit. skiing and snowboarding. These slopes have various levels of difficulty, suitable mostly for beginners and intermediate skiers. In spite of this, even advanced skiers and snowboarders OSTRAVA won’t miss anything, as there are also enough long and difficult slopes in the MoravianWWW.OSTRAVA.CZ | WWW.OSTRAVAINFO.CZ Silesian Region. Most skiing slopes are equipped with technology used for supplying Ostrava is the center of Moravia-Silesia region and is artificial snow in case the weather conditions do not allow standard snowfall. These slopes the third largest city in the Czech Republic. The area are mechanically maintained. The Beskydy and the Jeseníky Mountains are literally offers great opportunities to see many industrial herit- the paradise for cross-country skiers. You can find a large variety of skiing trails, that will age sights but it, on the other hand, also has numer- take you to the most spectacular corners of the mountains. The regional authorities invest ous cultural and sporting facilities. Visitors often flock to into the maintenance of these cross-country skiing tracks, which makes such a trip a real Klimkovice Spa to enjoy the time for relaxation and pleasure. Apart from high quality and diverse character of these trails, visitors can also gain some strength for further exploration. appreciate the availability of various additional services, such as ski-buses, equipment rental companies and facilities providing accommodation and gastronomic services. 14 MSK_PublikaceA5_EN_FIN_Ser.indd 27-28 23 21.04.15 10:55 SKIING J ENÍKYJES Y- EAS EAST T TESIN SILESIA WWW.TESINSKESLEZSKO.CZ Těšín Silesia lies in the border area of the north-eastern part of North Moravia and Silesia. The most attractive part here are the Těšín Beskydy, which are a frequent choice for a trip. It can easily give you a feeling of being in a different world. Wooden houses, examples of traditional folk craftmanship and local customs will leave you in doubt if it is still the present or the deep past. Time can be taken with leisure in local spa resorts, where you can completely forget about your everyday worries. THE POODŘÍ REGION WWW.MORAVSKEKRAVARSKO.CZ The Poodří Region is a very well preserved landscape along the Odra river, entering the Ostrava area through ‚Moravian gate‘. The core of the region is the Poodří nature reserve. Lowland forests, bogs, meadows and sets of ponds of European importance provide great opportunities for hiking as well as cycling. It is a typically rural landscape with a large number of sights and other PRA RADĚD DĚD Ě 22 MSK_PublikaceA5_EN_FIN_Ser.indd 29-30 places of interest. 15 21.04.15 10:55 HIKING AND CYCLING AQUACE ACEN ACE CE NTR NT TR UM KRAVAŘ AVAŘ AŘE AŘ WWW.CYKLOTRASY.CZ | WWW.NAKOLE.CZ The region offers a wide range of tourist trails and cycling trails for all age groups and levels of physical fitness. Very high quality marked tourist trails for both hikers and bikers are (www.aquapark–olesna.cz). Another choice is a modern aquacenter in Frenštát pod not only meant to be a challenge to break records, they can as well serve as a great guide Radhoštěm (www.frenstat.info/aquapark), the aquacenter in Bohumín with year-round showing various highlights of local picturesque countryside. The more demanding terrain operation (www.bospor.info), the largest natural swimming pool in the country in profile of the mountainous parts of the Jeseníky and the Beskydy Mountains is quite Ostrava-Poruba (www.sareza.cz), waterpark in Ostrava-south (www.sareza.cz) different from rather flat profile of the Poodří region or Opavian Silesia and Těšín or aquacenter in Kravaře. (www.aquapark–kravare.cz). 16 MSK_PublikaceA5_EN_FIN_Ser.indd 31-32 21 21.04.15 10:55 SWIMMING AND WATER SPORTS Silesia. The Moravian-Silesian Region presents numerous options for trips and ideal There are many water reservoirs, lakes, ponds, swimming pools and aquacenters in the conditions for a family holiday. It does not really matter if your bring your own or a rented region. These give visitors a chance to relax and enjoy some lazy time, as well as opportu- road bike, MTB or trekking bike, all of them will find their use. There are also tens of possi- nities for active sporting on hot summer days. It is not only a question of summer months, bilities for hiking that will bring you closer to some magical places, namely trips to the high- as many aquacenters are open throughout the year. You can visit the water center in est sections of our mountains and hikes leading along their ridges. For more laid-back Olešná with its many attractions and the largest stainless steel swimming pool in the types, there are countless options for easy walks through towns, educational trails and Czech Republic. It is open all year round and even has a view of the Beskydy Mountains nature trails alike. 20 MSK_PublikaceA5_EN_FIN_Ser.indd 33-34 17 21.04.15 10:56 ADRENALIN SPORTS T ZA TA TAR ZAN A IE In our region, you will find many different possibilities of spending leisure time actively. walls, quadbike, cart and scooter rentals. You can also find whole resorts offering active It will satisfy sportsmen and sportswomen looking for adrenalin buzz as much as fami- sport possibilities all year round. Among the largest ones are the resorts located in Mosty lies with children, who might go for more easy-going kinds of excitement. You can opt for u Jablunkova (www.skimosty.cz), HEIpark Tošovice (www.heipark.cz) and Mountain rope centers, bobsledge tracks, paragliding and even flying, bouldering, artificial climbing Rope Park Tarzanie (www.tarzanie.cz). 18 MSK_PublikaceA5_EN_FIN_Ser.indd 35-36 19 21.04.15 10:56
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