2012 annual report edition - University of Georgia College of
2012 annual report edition - University of Georgia College of
S U M M E R 2 013 2012 ANNUAL REPORT EDITION L E T T E R F R O M T H E D E A N D espite the continued slow economic growth in the state and the continued budget reductions, the College of Pharmacy experienced a relatively good year both in terms of our budget and achievements. We received a 2% reduction in our core budget but due to an increase in overall student number, reflecting the decision to increase our student number to 145 per class in 2009, and receiving funding for two new faculty positions to help launch the new BS program in the Pharmaceutical Sciences, the College ended the year with a 2% overall budget improvement. Our BS program in Pharmaceutical Sciences, expertly led by Dr. Michael Bartlett, was finally approved by the Board of Regents at their April meeting. This represents almost a full year delay due to a temporary moratorium on new programs. Michael was appointed as Director of the Program. The late approval unfortunately prevented us from admitting the first students into the program during the fall semester and will delay the actual start until next fall. While disappointing, it has allowed us to complete the recruitment of the two new faculty positions who will be in place by the time the first students arrive. With the renovation of the previous junior dispensing lab into a pharmaceutical sciences practice lab and a $750,000 equipment grant from the Provost’s Office, the lab is fully operational and is awaiting its first students. In addition to the new practice lab, we also renovated approximately 3,000 sq. ft. of laboratory space that Dr. David Chu is occupying. We are also on the move to strengthen our distance campuses. A team from the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE) visited our Albany campus in April and approved it as one of our official 2+2 sites, i.e., select students will have these sites as their home campus during both their third and fourth professional years. Two new student resources were also implemented during the year: The College started a subscription to AcessPharmacy, a compilation of electronic textbooks that allows our students access to a wide variety of pharmacy texts wherever they have access to the internet. We also instituted ExamSoft, an electronic program for carrying out exams simultaneously at all of our sites throughout Georgia via an internet portal. This year four of our faculty held special interest chair positions at the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP). In addition Dr. Brad Phillips was appointed Treasurer of the American College of Clinical Pharmacology (ACCP). The active participation of our faculty at national organizations is a testament to the quality of our faculty, which bodes well for our educational program and the Profession. I would like to extend my thanks to our alumni for all that you do for the College. This year we are about to pass a very significant milestone as we are poised to register our 50th endowed scholarship fund. With the continuing shift of support from the State to our students, this generous support from our alumni and friends is a bright spot in our efforts to keep Pharmacy education affordable. While I am very proud of all the progress we have made, I am reminded in many ways of the true assets of the College – a quality faculty and staff, a strong student body and a supportive and loyal alumni base. Svein Øie, Dean T he U ni v ersity of G eorgia C ollege of P harmacy M aga z ine V O L U M E 9 0 • N um b e r 3 • S umme r 2 0 1 3 UGARX is published quarterly for alumni and friends of the University of Georgia College of Pharmacy, Athens, GA 30602 Svein Øie, Dean 706/542-1914 soie@rx.uga.edu P ublisher The University of Georgia College of Pharmacy contents COLLEGE HIGHLIGHTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 E ditor Sheila Roberson DESIGN William Reeves University Printing STUDENTS and ACADEMICS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 EXPERIENCE PROGRAMS and PRECEPTORS . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 PHOTOGRAPHY Sheila Roberson NONTRADITIONAL EDUCATION and OUTREACH . . . . . . . . . 12 P H O ne 706/542-5303 FA X GRANTS and AWARDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 706/542-5269 E mail PUBLICATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 roberson@rx.uga.edu W ebsite www.rx.uga.edu PRESENTATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 DONOR RECOGNITION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Articles may be reprinted with permission from the editor. • Copyright © 2013 by the University of Georgia. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any way without permission from the editor. T he U nive r sit y o f G eo r gia C ollege o f P ha r mac y 2 0 1 2 A N N U A L R E P O R T E dition • The University of Georgia is committed to principles of equal opportunity and affirmative action. 1 COLLEGE HIGHLIGHTS State Allocation $6,055,090 – 28.8% Sources of Income 2012-2013 Regular Tuition $3,027,545 – 14.4% Differential Tuition $4,049,345 – 19.3% Income 3.7% Development 17.3% Other 0.8% State Allocation 28.8% Research $3,309,940 – 15.7% Development $3,646,099 – 17.3% Income $777,943 – 3.7% Other $158,242 – 0.8% TOTAL $21,024,205 – 100% Research 15.7% Differential Tuition 19.3% Regular Tuition 14.4% College of Pharmacy Offers New B.S. Degree Program The University of Georgia College of Pharmacy has received approval for a new Bachelor of Science in the Pharmaceutical Sciences degree. The new program is among only 18 such programs in the country and only the second in the Southeast. “This program, as well as others across the country, responds to the growing need for highly skilled life sciences professionals to support research, development and manufacturing operations in the pharmaceutical industry,” said Michael Bartlett, professor of pharmaceutical and biomedical sciences and director of the new degree program. The field of life sciences, which includes the pharmaceutical industry, ranks as the fifth largest employer in the state of Georgia and is the fastest growing segment, at a rate of more than 20 percent per year, added Bartlett, noting that supplying a trained workforce is critical to the continued success of the industry in this region. A key part of the College’s strategic plan involves working with industry in Georgia to create regional areas of strength and meet the healthcare workforce needs of the state. The College now has a complete portfolio of professional, undergraduate and graduate degrees to support the pharmaceutical 2 2 0 1 2 A N N U A L R E P O R T industry, from the discovery and development of new therapeutic agents through to the delivery of these agents to patients. The pharmaceutical sciences represent the collective basic sciences that underlie the field of pharmacy and are rooted in the discovery and development of therapeutics. The program will blend the fundamentals of basic sciences with the increasing complexity of the interactions of therapeutic agents with living systems, he added. The program’s four-year curriculum begins with a strong foundation in mathematics and the basic sciences of chemistry, biology and physics through the university’s existing undergraduate offerings. Advanced course work in pharmaceutical sciences will include aspects of drug design, mechanisms of action, drug targeting and delivery, pharmacology, toxicology, drug development, manufacturing, quality assurance and regulatory compliance Laboratory work will be dedicated to pharmaceutical manufacturing and to basic biological testing and quality assurance/ quality control testing of pharmaceutical products. Finally undergraduate research to enhance students’ laboratory research skills will complete the degree requirements. E d i t i on APhA VP/CEO presents 30th anniversary Kenneth L. Waters Lecture “It’s an Exciting Time to be a Pharmacist” was the topic of the 30th anniversary Kenneth L. Waters Lecture at the University of Georgia College of Pharmacy. Thomas Menighan, executive vice president and chief executive officer of the American Pharmacists Association (APhA), made the presentation. Prior to his current role at APhA, Menighan was founder and president of SynTegra Solutions, Inc., in Germantown, Maryland. He also founded SymRx, Inc., and developed CornerDrugstore.com. Throughout his career, Menighan has served volunteer roles within the profession of pharmacy, including president of APhA from 2001 to 2002 and a member of the APhA Board of Trustees between 1995 and 2003. He was a senior staff member of APhA from 1987 to 1992. The Kenneth L. Waters Lecture Series was started in 1982 to honor the late Dean Emeritus Kenneth L. Waters, who was dean of the College from 1948 until his retirement in 1977. The purpose of the lecture series is to bring nationally and internationally known leaders in pharmacy to the UGA campus and to recognize Waters’ outstanding accomplishments and contributions as dean. Dean Svein Øie and Thomas Menighan Drug Discovery Scientist Presents First Chu Lectureship Series Jack Secrist, president and chief executive officer of Southern Research Institute of Birmingham, was the inaugural lecturer for the Chu Lectureship Series at the University of Georgia College of Pharmacy. He spoke about “Nucleosides: A Fertile Field for Drug Discovery” Secrist has been involved with drug discovery research since 1979 when he joined Southern Research Institute. Throughout his career he has focused primarily on the development of new anticancer, antiviral and antibacterial agents, largely through support from the National Institutes of health. The Chu Lectureship Series was established to honor the outstanding accomplishments and contributions of Distinguished Research Professor Emeritus Chung “David” Chu by bringing nationally and internationally recognized leaders in drug discovery to UGA. As a medicinal chemist, Chu has spent more than 30 years in drug discovery of anticancer and antiviral agents to treat such diseases as HIV, cancer, bio-terrorism-related viral diseases, and hepatitis B virus. His program in drug discovery is recognized as one of the top academic research laboratories. David Chu and Jack Secrist Over the past 25 years Chu has received more than $18.7M in research grants, mostly from the National Institutes of Health, and $1,364,798 in royalties or endowments. In 2001, and again in 2006, he received the highly selective MERIT (Method to Extend Research in Time) award from NIH in recognition of his superior competence and outstanding productivity in research. Chu has published more than 300 peer-reviewed research papers, edited four books and received more than 50 patents. He has trained more than 120 graduate students and postdoctoral fellows and has maintained an active research program in drug design and synthesis even after his retirement in 2008. Pharmaceutical Development Symposium Honors Jim Stewart Nine international leaders in the field of pharmaceutical development were key speakers at the first Symposium on Pharmaceutical Development sponsored by the University of Georgia College of Pharmacy. The day-long symposium provided an opportunity for scientists involved in the pharmaceutical sciences, life sciences, biotechnology and translational medicine to discuss the everincreasing challenges and opportunities found in the development of modern therapeutic agents. Key speakers include Jack Henion of Advion BioSciences, Peter Bryan of Celgene Corporation, Karthick Vishwanathan of AstraZeneca, H. Thomas Karnes of Virginia Commonwealth University School of Pharmacy, Karthik Srinivasan of Ferring Pharmaceuticals, Charles Craig of Georgia Bio, Christopher McCurdy of University of Mississippi School of Pharmacy, Nirdosh Jagota of Genentech, Inc., and PingPing Wang of Johnson & Johnson. The symposium was dedicated to Professor Emeritus James T. Stewart, who joined the College of Pharmacy faculty in 1967 as an analytical chemistry expert; he was widely known for pioneering work in the field of high-performance liquid chromatography for pharmaceutical analysis. He was involved in producing the original United States Food and Drug Administration guidance for validation of bioanalytical methods. He served for 20 years on the United States Pharmacopeia Council of Experts and was the Science Advisor for the District IV Office of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration from 1985-1990. Stewart was the 1990 recipient of the Research Achievement Award in Analysis and Pharmaceutical Quality from the American Association for Pharmaceutical Scientists where he is also a Fellow. He also received the 1993 Justin L. Powers Research Achievement Award in Pharmaceutical Analysis from the American Pharmacists Association. He retired in 2002. U G A C o l l e g e o f P h a r m ac y 3 COLLEGE HIGHLIGHTS Department of Clinical and Administrative Pharmacy POINTS OF PRIDE Grants Two New Residency Positions Filled Twenty grants were funded for a total of $1,699,738. The College of Pharmacy has filled two new Postgraduate-Year-2 (PGY-2) residency programs -- an oncology residency in Augusta and a critical care medicine residency in Savannah. Residents in both of these programs have already completed a one-year (PGY-1) residency and will continue their education with two more years of specialized clinical training. The oncology residency gives advanced training in hematology/oncology and in supportive care pharmacotherapy, as well as numerous opportunities for teaching and scholarship. The critical care medicine residency focuses on medication management, nutrition support, and the disease state management of patient populations in adult critical care and emergency medicine. The resident is enrolled in UGA’s graduate certificate program and will be prepared for both didactic and experiential teaching. Publications Book chapters: 6 Peer-reviewed research papers: 40 Peer-reviewed professional papers: 20 Presentations Research papers presented at national and international meetings: 53 Invited national and international presentations: 37 Inaugural 2+2 Program The first group of six third-year pharmacy students began classes this fall at the College of Pharmacy’s Southwest Georgia Clinical campus in Albany for the inaugural 2+2 program; they will remain there for two years of study. The residential program entails spending the first two years of undergraduate training in Athens, followed by two years at an alternate site. Board Certifications Four faculty and two residents became newly board certified in pharmacy specialties: Catherine Bourg – BCACP (Board-certified Ambulatory Care Pharmacy) Amber Bradley – BCOP (Board-certified Oncology Pharmacy) Vivian Liao and Stephanie Phan – BCPS (Board-certified Pharmacy Specialty) Joseph McCoy and Maria Thurston, PGY2 residents – BCPS Department of PHARMACEUTICAL AND BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES POINTS OF PRIDE Grants Research Seminar Series Twenty-five grants were funded for a total of $2,890,599. The Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Research Seminar Series was created to invite exemplary scientists from across the country to present lectures on their research specialties to faculty and students. Some 15 scientists participate each semester. Topics have included cancer, drug discovery, neurosciences, drug delivery, gene therapy and biomedical research. Publications Book chapters: 3 Research papers: 30 Review papers: 5 Presentations Research papers presented at national and international meetings: 38 Poster presentations: 30 4 2 0 1 2 A N N U A L R E P O R T E d i t i on FACULTY AWARDS AND RECOGNITIONS Michael Bartlett Named a Fellow of the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists in recognition of his work on the development of novel bioanalytical methods utilized for improving understanding of biological problems Inducted into the UGA Teaching Academy, as initiated by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching and the American Association for Higher Learning David DeRemer Received the 2012 Outstanding Pharmacy Practitioner award at the Georgia Society of Health System Pharmacists annual meeting Awarded a Translational Research Initiative grant from Clinical and Administrative Pharmacy for his work on pharmacodynamics interactions between cancer and chemotherapy agents Promoted to Clinical Associate Professor Aaron Beedle One of ten junior faculty selected for the 2012-2014 Lilly Teaching Fellow program by UGA’s Center for Teaching and Learning Catherine Bourg Selected to attend the New Practitioner Leadership Conference, held through the Georgia Pharmacy Association and the Georgia Pharmacy Foundation James Bruckner Elected to the National Officer Nominating Committee of the Society of Toxicology Brian Buck Appointed to the American Society of Health System Pharmacists Section Advisory Group (SAG) on Preceptor Skills Development, which recognizes his expertise and area of scholarship at the national level Brian Cummings Served on the National Institutes of Health study section ZMD1 MLS, a special emphasis panel for Basic and Applied Biomedical Research on Minority Health and Health Disparities in Washington DC Appointed Associate/Section Editor for Chemico Biological Interactions Served on the Department of Defense Prostate Cancer Research Program Study Section in Reston, VA Selected to join the Early Career Review (ECR) program at the Center for Scientific Review at the National Institutes of Health Served as an online reviewer for the 2012 Prostate Cancer Research Program for the Department of Defense Pre-Applications for Cancer Cell Biology Appointed to the Executive Leadership Council (ELC) of the ClarkeOconee American Cancer Society, with the mission to identify and develop long term strategic partnerships between the American Cancer Society and the community, as well as provide guidance and advice to local American Cancer Society leadership Appointed as the new Director of the UGA Interdisciplinary Toxicology Program Served as a reviewer for the Department of Defense Prostate Cancer Research Idea Development Awards Lori Duke Speaker and moderator, American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Experiential Education and Student Affairs Workshop, Scholarship Track, San Antonio, TX Susan Fagan Appointed to the Editorial Board of Stroke (Journal of the American Heart Association) Appointed to the Editorial Board for Translational Stroke Research Gordon Conference: Angiotensin (Feb 26-March 2) Named discussion leader at conference on Angiotensin-receptor blockers (ARBs) in Diabetic Retinopathy: The Latest News Duska Franic Invited member of the International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR) Vision 2020 Implementation Task Force Leadership Retreat, Washington, DC James Franklin Served on the National Institutes of Health ZRG1 FO3A-N study section in Washington, D.C., to review pre- and post-doctoral grant applications focused on neurodegenerative diseases Served on the National Institutes of Health ZRG1 F03A study section in San Francisco to review neurodevelopment, synaptic plasticity, and neurodegeneration pre- and post-doctoral fellowships Keith Herist Recertified as an AAHIVM - HIV PHARMACIST for another two-year period (2013-2014) with the American Academy of HIV Medicine Dexi Liu Served as Stage 2 Editorial Board member for the National Institutes of Health IMST-13 Bioengineering Review Panel Kalen Manasco Appointed chair of the newly formed Pediatric Pharmacy Special Interest Group at American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, which she helped establish Appointed Co-chair of the Research Committee for Pediatric Pharmacy Advocacy Group Awarded a Translational Research Initiative Grant from Clinical and Administrative Pharmacy for her work in Retinopathy of Prematurity, in collaboration with Azza El-Remessy U G A C o l l e g e o f P h a r m ac y 5 SPECIAL RECOGNITIONS Dianne May Received Outstanding Hospital or Health-System Pharmacy Newsletter Award from the Georgia Society of Health System Pharmacists, with co-editors Christy Norman and Tad Gomez American Society of Health-System Pharmacists National Residency Preceptor’s Conference Clinical and Administrative Pharmacy faculty Catherine Bourg, Beth Phillips and Brad Phillps presented papers. Faculty David DeRemer and adjunct faculty Christina DeRemer, Marjorie Phillips and David Killough made poster presentations. Elected to the American College of Clinical Pharmacy’s Drug Information Practice & Research Network (PRN) as Treasurer Brad Phillips Installed as Board of Regents Treasurer and member of the Executive Committee for the American College of Clinical Pharmacy during its 2012 annual meeting in Hollywood, FL Awarded a national contract for provision of drug monographs for the Golden Living Nursing Homes Instrumental in developing the first Drug Information Center in Egypt at Misr University, which led to the requirement for all hospitals in the country to develop a drug information center, with J. Russell May J. Russell May Served as an American Society of Health-System Pharmacists site surveyor for the accreditation of the PGY-1 Residency Training Program at the Veterans Affairs Gulf Coast Joint Ambulatory Care Center in Pensacola, FL Reappointed to the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists Section of Clinical Specialists and Scientists Educational Steering Committee Dee Dee McEwen One of only two UGA faculty selected to receive the 2012 Service-Learning Teaching Excellence award recognizing faculty for excellence in developing, implementing and sustaining academic service-learning opportunities for students in domestic and international settings Marjorie Shaw Phillips Appointed to FDA Drug Safety and Risk Management Advisory Committee Somanath Shenoy Received the Outstanding Achievement in Research award at the 17th World Congress on Advances in Oncology and the 15th International Symposium on Molecular Medicine Appointed Editorial Board member for Oncology Reports and the Journal for Experimental & Therapeutic Medicine Dee Dee McEwen and Linda Hughes Awarded board certification as Pharmacotherapy Specialists Received Travel Award from the Office of the Provost Michael Neville Served as moderator for American Association of Clinical Pharmacy ’s Laboratory Instructor’s SIG Webinar: Publishing your education scholarship - Tips and tricks for maximizing the likelihood of success Whitney Unterwagner Served as speaker and moderator, American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Experiential Education and Student Affairs Workshop, Experiential Education Administrator Track, San Antonio, TX Selected as chair of the Faculty Development Committee for 201213 of the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Section of Teachers of Pharmacy Practice, American Association of Clinical Pharmacy annual meeting Trina von Waldner Installed as chair of the Public Health Special Interest Group at the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy annual meeting Installed as chair of Laboratory Instructors Special Interest Group at the American Association of Clinical Pharmacy annual meeting Deployed for 12 days to New York in response to Hurricane Sandy to provide disaster care to special needs evacuees and access to medication assistance to residents of Far Rockaway, November 2012 Merrill Norton Selected as an inaugural member of the Georgia Prescription Drug Abuse Prevention Collaborative Steering Committee, ultimately responsible for disseminating education, monitoring, proper medication disposal, and enforcement materials to multiple consumer groups and healthcare practitioners across the state of Georgia Lindsey Welch Accepted into the UGA Writing Fellows Program Catherine White Awarded a 2012 University of Georgia Innovation Instruction Faculty Grant for “Application of Team-based Learning Concepts in Large Classroom Settings,” as one of 15 grants given, at $5,000 each, in support of a faculty innovative instruction project Beth Phillips Served as competition judge and moderator at the American College of Clinical Pharmacy Clinical Pharmacy Challenge Quarterfinal Round at the American Association of Clinical Pharmacy Annual Meeting, Hollywood, FL Named Teacher of the Year for 2012 Promoted to Clinical Professor 6 Chaired the Selection and Judging Committees for the “Great Eight” Scientific Poster Competition held during the American College of Clinical Pharmacy Annual meeting in Hollywood, FL 2 0 1 2 A N N U A L R E P O R T Clinical and Administrative Pharmacy Won the “Science Department of the Year” award for highest number of presentations and active participation at UGA Research Day, with a total of 11 presentations by Clinical and Experimental Therapeutics (CET) PharmD students and post-docs out of 43 presentations E d i t i on GRADUATE STUDENT/POST DOC ACHIEVEMENTS STAFF AWARDS AND RECOGNITIONS Maha Abdalla Received the “Excellence in CET-Research award” at the Graduate Research Day, Georgia Health Sciences University for her presentation “Protein Kinase B (Akt)- Dynamic switch in myofibroblast trans-differentiation in response to bFGF and TGFβ” Lynn Parham was named Employee of the Year for 2012 at the University of Georgia College of Pharmacy. As program coordinator in the Division of Experience Programs, her primary function is to provide support for the Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience Program (APPE). Parham has worked at the College for 13 years. Ahmed Alhusban Took first runner-up in the Best Resident and Fellow Poster category at the American College of Clinical Pharmacy meeting in Pittsburgh for his poster “Vascular protection with candesartan: Beyond blood pressure reduction” Molly Altman Received the American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics (ASPET) award and has been selected to participate in the Washington Fellows Program. Sherif Hafez Won the first place for graduate student poster presentation at UGA Research Day Xiao Adrian Lu Named the 2012 recipient of the Joseph P. LaRocca Award for Excellence in Graduate Research. Finalists were Sau Wai Hung and Guodong Zhu Jason Mock and Phillip Callahan Shared $70,000 with the nine University of Georgia Ph.D. students in biomedical and health sciences who were named winners of the Atlanta chapter of Achievement Rewards for College Scientists (ARCS) Foundation, Inc. Six staff were recognized at the Staff Awards luncheon for service to the College. Five-year employees were Arica Barfield, administrative associate, Clinical and Administrative Pharmacy program, Albany campus; Vivia HillSilcott, program coordinator for diversity, Office of Student Affairs; Kim McKenzie, administrative manager I, Clinical and Administrative Pharmacy; Bindu Pillai, research technician, Clinical and Administrative Pharmacy, Augusta campus; and Melba Shelton, associate accountant, Office of Buisness Affairs. Chicki George, program coordinator II, Dean’s Office, was recognized for 10 years of service Barbara Mysona Won Best post-doctoral presentation award at the STaR (Southern Translational and Educational Research) conference Sept 2012 Sahir Soliman Won Third Runner Up at the Center for Drug Discovery’s graduate student poster competition Sahir Soliman and Islam Mohamed Awarded American Heart Association Pre-Doctoral Awards Samith Kochuparambil Won Georgia Health Sciences University Rahn-Peacock Award Chakita Williams Successfully defended her doctoral dissertation, entitled “Applying a Model of Risk Information Seeking to a Newly Discovered Drug Risk” on November 27, 2012; she worked under the direction of Sally A. Huston, assistant professor STaR Conference Winners Named Five out of nine winners in this year’s Southern Translational Education and Research (STaR) Conference represented the College of Pharmacy. “Cancer therapy: Making it personal” was the topic of the four-hour continuing education program sponsored by College of Pharmacy and Georgia Health Sciences University (GHSU). Around 130 people participated and 64 abstracts were presented. The College’s winners were: STaR Young Investigator Award Runner-up: Raj Govindarajan, Ph.D., Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences STaR Postdoctoral Award Winner: Barbara Mysona, Ph.D., Clinical and Experimental Therapeutics, Clinical and Administrative Pharmacy Second Runner-up: Anna Goc, Ph.D., Clinical and Experimental Therapeutics, Clinical and Administrative Pharmacy STaR Graduate Student Award First Runner-up: Sherif Hafez, Clinical and Experimental Therapeutics, Clinical and Administrative Pharmacy; Second Runner-up: Sahar Soliman, Clinical and Experimental Therapeutics, Clinical and Administrative Pharmacy. Melba Shelton, Arica Barfield, Vivia Hill-Silcott, Kim McKenzie Susan Herda, an admissions counselor in the Office of Student Affairs, is the first recipient of the College’s new STAR award. The award is presented each quarter to recognize staff members who have demonstrated STAR qualities – service, teamwork, attitude and reliability – in the performance of their duties. The other 2012 recipients were Ian Armit, Division of Experience Programs, and Jeremy Headrick, Office of External Affairs. New College of Pharmacy logo was adopted in 2012 U G A C o l l e g e o f P h a r m ac y 7 STUDENTS AND ACADEMICS DOCTOR OF PHARMACY STUDENT ACHIEVEMENTS Student Achievements Recognized May 2012 Commencement and Awards Banquet The College of Pharmacy graduated 121 Doctor of Pharmacy students in ceremonies held on May 5 at the Ramsey Student Physical Activities Center. Of those students, 70 graduated with honors: one first honor graduate, five summa cum laude, 32 magna cum laude and 33 cum laude. Again this year a record number of 34 graduates were selected to attend postgraduate residency programs in Georgia and across the United States. The graduation weekend’s festivities began with the 64rd annual Senior Awards banquet on Friday evening, where 15 exemplary students received 12 separate awards for special achievement, academic excellence and professionalism. Anthony Hawkins of McDonough received the Robert C. Wilson Award for professional integrity, personality, positive attitude and intelligence. Ryan Markham of Atlanta received the Kenneth L. Waters Award, which recognizes academic excellence, leadership qualities, professional attitude and service. Anthony Hawkins Kayleigh Marx of Athens was awarded the Durward N. Entrekin Pharmacy Student Leadership Award. The Lilly Achievement Award recognized Lydia Cronic of Newnan for ethics, scholarship and leadership. Melody Parker of Thomasville, Michael Thiman of Athens and Morgan Trepte of Athens received the Merck Awards for academic excellence. Ryan Markham The APhA-ASP Senior Recognition Certificate went to Kyle Burcher of Fayetteville, recognizing professionalism, excellence in patient care, exceptional service and commitment to the profession. The Facts and Comparisons Award of Excellence in Clinical Communications went to Khatiga Shroff of Lawrenceville for high academic achievement and outstanding clinical communication skills. Kayleigh Marx The McKesson Award, based on exemplary performance during clinical rotation, was presented Steven Nakajima of Marietta. The Mylan Pharmaceuticals Inc. Excellence in Pharmacy Award for high academic achievement and professional motivation and proficiency in drug information services was awarded to Margie Temple of Danielsville. Rejena Azad of Covington received the Redfearn Award for professionalism and community service. The Pharmdawg Award for service to the profession, college and ommunity was presented to Shuang Fuyang of Athens and Melissa Robinson of Smyrna. Laura Lee Stoudenmire of Albany received the TEVA Pharmaceuticals USA Outstanding Student Award for excellence in the study of pharmacy. 8 2 0 1 2 A N N U A L R E P O R T David Jones Received the NCPA Foundation Presidential Scholarship Desola Kalejaiye Awarded the AMCP/FMCP/Pfizer Inc Summer Internship as one of only six internships awarded to students across the nation. She will be participating in a rotation at PerformRx in Philadelphia, will present the results of her project at the Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy Educational Conference in Cincinnati and participate in the Intern Best Project Competition Sean Szad and Will Spence Accepted to the US Navy’s Health Services Collegiate Program (HSCP) Medical Service Corps; they were two of only five selected from applicants across the country. Carlile Traylor Won the Walmart/Pharmacy Times RESPy (respect, excellence, and service in pharmacy) award for excellence in pharmaceutical care based on a national competition that recognizes outstanding student pharmacists who have been nominated by their college deans for their community service efforts Angie Zhou, Trent Leonard, Wen Liu, and Francisco Marrero Took Second Place and a $1,500 scholarship in the Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy’s P&T national finals competition in San Francisco. Eight of the top 29 schools competed in the final round; first competition for the College of Pharmacy chapter in seven years Lead Dawg Awards – David Bray, Jennifer Dean, Konstantin Kleyman, and Lauren Willis The College of Pharmacy’s Student National Pharmaceutical Association (SNPhA) was selected as one of the Top 3 Chapters in the Small Chapter Category at the national NPhA/SNPhA meeting, receiving the Rite Aid/Chauncey I. Cooper Excellence Award available to chapters with fewer than 50 members. The award is given to the chapter with the best accomplishments based on service events in underserved communities, mentorship, and attendance at both regional and national conferences. New Student Organizations Formed The Student College of Clinical Pharmacy (SCCP) is affiliated with the American College of Clinical Pharmacy. Its goal is to educate student pharmacists about opportunities to further their careers both during and after pharmacy school and to further develop students’ clinical skills. The Student Diabetes Club (SDC), designed to improve patient care, will develop pharmacy student knowledge of diabetes as well as expand their experience with diabetic patients through educational events and outreach activities. The Student Oncological Advocates in Pharmacy (SOAP) focuses on educating others of the risks and effects of cancer. In addition, SOAP provides its members and supporters with information about the 66 National Cancer Institute (NCI) designated centers based all over the country. Overall, SOAP is dedicated to uniting all those who have been touched by cancer in any way and striving to educate the ones who have not. E d i t i on 109 Student Scholarships, totalling $128,850 Companies – 24 Individuals – 20 Endowed Scholarships – 57 Five new scholarships were presented at this year’s scholarship ceremony at the College of Pharmacy. All were funded by College of Pharmacy alumni and friends – Pamela R. Bramlett Endowed Scholarship, based on financial need; the Senior Legacy Scholarship based on a recommendation from an alumnus or a donor, along with an essay; Fred M. Peterson, M.D. Endowed Scholarship, awarded to a student with a 3.0 or better who is interested in an unconventional career path; Michelle New Scholarships To Be Funded for 2013-14 The Donald E. and Cecelia V. Cadwallader Endowed Scholarship Fund was established by the Cadwallader children as a tribute to their parents and the passion they felt for the College of Pharmacy. Their father was a pharmaceutics professor whose specialty was cancer studies; the children have pursued careers in healthcare and education. Professor Emeritus David Chu is a National Institute of Health MERIT awardee, an American Association of Advancement of Sciences Fellow, University of Georgia Inventor of the Year, and recipient of the University of Georgia Creative Research Medal. Having acquired great personal successes, Dr. Chu and wife wanted to provide the means for others to have career opportunities through the David and Jane Chu Scholarships. In addition the Chus endowed the first Annual Drug Discovery Lectureship Series so that students could network with experts in drug discovery and have the advantage of expanding their education beyond what is provided in the classroom. Pharmacy Organizations – 8 E. Turner Memorial Scholarship for integrity, excellent work ethic, high moral standards and an interest in hospital pharmacy; and the anonymous Valentine’s Gift Scholarship for diligence, good character, dedication to family and community, kindness and personal excellence. A total of 109 students received 58 scholarships and awards for the 2012-13 academic year, in the amount of $128,850. Maynor H. Belcher (’52), his son, R. Mike Belcher (’74), and granddaughter, Dr. Katie Brown (’07), have made it a family obligation to contribute to the Belcher Family Endowed Student Scholarship. As a family they represent three living generations of pharmacists who are graduates of UGA College of Pharmacy and felt it would be a significant legacy to establish a permanent expression of their appreciation for the influences of their professors and fellow classmates during their years as students. The united effort of pharmacists from the counties of Catoosa, Chattooga, Dade, and Walker established the Northwest Georgia Pharmacist Association Scholarship in 1984 honoring the 50-year career of founding member, Ed Giles (‘73). In 2012 they set up the Northwest Georgia Pharmacist Association Endowment as a permanent scholarship. Dr. Heather Lindell (‘93), a pharmacist at UGA’s Veterinary Teaching Hospital, had the highest respect for Dr. Harold B. Hodgson and finds great honor in being the founder and supporter of the Harold B. “Doc” Hodgson Award Fund. U G A C o l l e g e o f P h a r m ac y 9 EXPERIENCE PROGRAMS AND PRECEPTORS POINTS OF PRIDE The primary function of the Division of Experience Programs is to provide innovative introductory and advanced pharmacy practice experiences for students enrolled in the Doctor of Pharmacy degree programs. This is done in collaboration with College of Pharmacy faculty, volunteer faculty, and community partners. Additionally, the Division is charged with providing preceptor training and education and conducting quality assurance procedures for all experiential programs provided to students. Immunization Programs Third-year students within the third-year Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experience Program continue to provide large numbers of influenza vaccinations to individuals within their communities as part of the required immunization introductory pharmacy practice experience. In Fall 2012, students administered approximately 3,000 influenza vaccinations on the Athens, Augusta and Albany campuses through mobile clinics, community pharmacies, health systems, and contracted services. Smoking Cessation Program Faculty members Deanna McEwen and Kay Brooks continue to provide smoking cessation programs to interested individuals in Athens and surrounding counties. Using a modified “Beat the Pack” program, participants complete a six-week program. To date, approximately 60 individuals from UGA, Athens Clarke County government, and Walton County government have completed the program. This introductory practice experience has provided students with opportunities to provide one-on-one and group counseling in smoking cessation and has documented six-month success rates exceeding 30 percent. Longitudinal Wellness Programs: “Healthy Dawgs” and “Healthy Fit” The Division of Experience Programs faculty continues to provide longitudinal wellness clinics to second-year and third-year students as part of the required Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experiences. In the second year, students participate in “Healthy Fit,” which is designed to provide and reinforce physical assessment skills (e.g. blood pressure, blood glucose, cholesterol, body mass index and waist circumference measurements), introduce concepts and apply principles of evidence-based practice guidelines of common diseases, and apply principles of lifestyle management (diet and exercise) to actual patients in an effort to reduce cardiovascular risk. In 2012, Healthy Fit partners included Athens Clarke County Unified Government and Walton County employees. In the third year, students participate in the “Healthy Dawgs Wellness Program” regardless of their campus location. Community partners for each location area as follows: UGA faculty / staff (Athens), Barney’s Pharmacy customers (Augusta) and Phoebe Putney Memorial Hospital (Albany). This program reinforces the principles of the second-year “Healthy Fit” program and expands the emphasis to include more complex patient problems and a focus on effective medication therapy management issues. The third-year longitudinal program also works with primary care physicians in an effort to effect positive changes to more effectively manage common diseases, such as hypertension, diabetes, COPD, and hypercholesterolemia. Additional physical assessments incorporated in “Healthy Dawgs” include A1Cs and foot exams for diabetic participants. In 2012, approximately 100 patients participated in the various “Healthy Dawgs” wellness programs statewide. 2012 Preceptors Renee Adamson Brinda Ahiayibor Adrienne Albrecht Janey Allen Meghan Anderson Kathy Antoniades Arezoo Armaghan Bill Asbury Tracy Atkinson Fred Augello Sara Augustin Rie Avino Melissa Bach Emily Baker Sheila Baker Ralph Balchin Kim Ball Rita Bandt Kyle Banks 10 Cathy Barbree Ansley Barnett Lila Basta Rick Batson Kofi Bawuah Evalan Beck Rocky Beeland DeeDee Bennett Mitesh Bhakta Staci Blackmore Chris Bland Katie Bolsen David Bookstaver Kim Bost Debra Boswell Catherine Bourg William Bowers Erica Bowles Frank Bradford 2 0 1 2 A N N U A L Amber Bradley Carolyn Braithwaite Trisha Branan Jonathan Brantley Emily Brinkman Paul J. Brooks Don Brown James Brown Katie Brown Rebecca Brown Thomas Bryan Brian Buck Leigh-Anne BurtonJackson Cheryl Butts Scott Camp Tammy Carloss Paul Carpenter John Carroll R E P O R T Brett B. Carter Buddy Carter Cassandra Carter Lori Carter Kenneth Chaffin Jennifer Chang Amanda Chapman Ameen Chaudhry Eddie Cheung Michelle Chewning Bonnie Clayton Jenna Cleaveland Tom Clement Melissa A. Clifton Henry Cobb Janna Cobb Craig Cocke Kristy Connell Carrie C. Cooper E d i t i on Kevin Corbin James Corley Vicki Cowart Shonna Cox Ann Kathryn Craig Brandon Crawford Vanessa Croley Rosemary Cross Jamie Crossman Ryan Crossman Brian Cummings Rebecca Cummings Vickie Cummings Gary Cunningham Glenn Cunningham Kristina Cunningham Christie Curry Margie Curry Karen Curzio Gina Daise Mahlon Davidson Angelina Davis Chelsea Davis Mike Davis Scott Davis Bryan Dean David Deen Rabun Dekle Stephanie Delcourt Julia Demonet Amy Denney Bradley Denovchek Christina DeRemer David DeRemer Kathy Desgain Kelly Dick Jenny Dickerson Al Dixon Katie Donges Amber Draper John Drew Ben Droppleman Jennifer Duckett Elizabeth Dunn Lauren Duty Mariela Duval Leah Eagle Lyndi Edwards Don Eidam Susie Eidam Blessing Etuk Diane Evans LeAnn Evans Susan Fagan James Farmer Stan Finnerty Stewart Flanagin Gin Fleming Kevin Florence Kemberley Floyd Tom Flynt Bill Ford Melissa Frank Bresha Franklin Matthew Frazier Kimm Freeman Megan Freeman Steve Freeman Cristy Gaddy Dennis Gaddy Jake Galdo Deidra Garrett Jeff Getz Mondonna Ghazi Patricia Gibbons Geneen Gibson Melissa Gibson Patrick Gillard Melinda Gillespie Tim Glascock Bruce Glenn George Goddard Barbara Goldschmidt Eric Goldstein Tad Gomez Brian Gonzalez Cindy Goolsby Reva Grant Claire Green Steve Greene Josh Greeson Caroline Gresham Joel Griffeth Ashby Grimmett Kim Grubbs Laura Hagan Sherika Haire Claudia Hale Derek Hall Jenna Hall Maura Hall Laura Hallman Becky Hamilton Johnathan Hamrick Nydia Hanna Kelly Hapner Kenneth L. Harrell Andy Hassell Dione Haughton Treye Heim Keith Herist Stacey Hesser Greg Hickman Jennifer Higdon Adina Hirsch Sara Ho Deborah Hobbs Kerry Hobbs Eliza Hoernle Scarlet Holcombe Eric Holgate Jim Holley Ellen Honea Melony Hosford Leigh Howell Miranda Howland Gary Huckaby Angie Hughes Charles Humphreys Eddie Hunt Carolyn Hunter Amy Jackson Robert Jackson Susan Jackson Leslie Jaggers Cathy Janusek Sean Jeppesen Lori Jetton Brian Johnson Hal Johnson Sandy Johnson Susan Johnson Becky Jones Bruce Jones Chris Jones Jasmyn Jones Lewis Jones Vanessa Jones Whitney Jones Angie Joslin Yong Kang Saman Kazemi Kimble Keller Carla Kelly Jon Kennedy Matt Kent David Key Mich Killingsworth David Killough Jan Kimbro Joshua Kinsey Stephanie Kirkland Brandy Kirkwood Amy Knauss Michael Knauss Patricia Knowles Cimeon Koebel Warren Koehler Edward Kowalewski Wesley Krulic Ashley Kunkle Weng Lam Derrick Lancaster Ashley Lane Jeff Langford Justin LaPorte Rodna Larson Gary Latta Merinda Lee Vivian Liao Durwin Logan Delane Long Heather Longbine Leon Longe Kyle Lott David Lowery Mimi Luce Tracie Lunde Mary Mackey Eddie Madden Jennifer Maddux Vickie Malloy Kalen Manasco Thomas Mansfield Mary Beth MarandolaKenvin Michelle Marbury Chris Martin Bill Mason Sam Massey Anu Mathew Pam Mathis Lindsey Matzenger Dianne May Rusty May Amy Mazloom Shannon McAtee Troy McCorkle Jessica McDonald Charles McDuffie Michelle McElhannon Lori McGinley Chris McGourk Heather McLemore Daniel McMillan Priya Mehta Todd Mendsen Mary Meredith Erica Merritt Drew Miller Laird Miller Jana Mills Elizabeth Millsaps Gale Milton Herschel Mize Mandy Mock Steve Mok Dean Moniz Leticia Montegna Fred Moore Kerri Morelock Richard Murphy Sarah Murphy Rishi Naik Michael Neville Evan Nix Amy Noonkester Christy Norman Kelley Norris Merrill Norton Thomas Nowlin Tiffany O'Donnell Christy O'Neil Marie Orff Mark Orlando Sarah Orr Derek Osborne Will Ostuw Deidrea Parker Jennifer Parker Todd Parker Biral Patel Kunal Patel Manish Patel Neeta Patel Priya Patel Reena Patel Elizabeth Patton Stephanie Phan Beth Phillips Marjorie Phillips Scott Phillips Lee Pinnell Drew Pless David Pope Teresa Pounds Earnest Powell Heather Powell Lewis Powell Tim Prator Pam Privette Michael Pruett Charles Pugh, Jr. Kyle Pulliam Steven Purvis Kristi Quairoli Marina Rabinovich Ali Rahimi Andrew Raines U G A Jennifer Rawley Mike Rentz John Reuter Bryan Rice Marlena Rice Hal Richards Jeff Richardson Jennifer Rigsby Joyce Rimmer Nicole Robinson Tim Robinson Heather Rochford Jody Rocker Leslie Roebuck Kim Rolle Cindy Rosenhaft Annette Rowland Meda Saiu Rizwan Salehbhai Jeff Sanford Sukhmani Sarao Valerie Scarborough Niki Schley Rochelle Schmidt Cosima Schwartz Julie Scott Brian Seagraves Hilary Seagraves Lakshman Segar Jung Seo Amita Shah Nirav Shah Leighcraft Shakes Melody Sheffield Somanath Shenoy Sharon Sherrer Rupal Sheth James Shropshire Allan Shupe Kimberly Simmons Beth Simpson Lisa Slaughter Sara Slizewski Katie Sloope Chris Smith Jody Smith Lisa Smith Rhondolyn Smith Scott Smith Jason Sneed Adam Snyder Chester Sosebee Robin Southwood Steven Spillers Bill Spruill Steve Spruill Shacresa Staley Rene Starrett Allison Sternenberg Jennifer SternerAllison C o l l e g e o f Krista Stone Carol Story Kelly Stuart Shana Sullivan Deanne Tabb Roland Tam Crystal Tarpley Celia Taylor Deborah Taylor Hugh Taylor Karyn Taylor Tom Taylor Brian Thompson Billy Thurmon Chris Thurmond Lance Tillett Lisa Toliver Sorahi ToloyanRahimi Richard Tomelevage Donna Toney Robert Trethaway Suzanne Tu Alexander Tunnell James Turner Kennon Tyre Don Tyson Andy Ullrich Edo-Abasi Umoh Bradford Upchurch Betsy Urick Perry Vajda Donna Vasil Jason Wade Lindsay Walker Sherri Walston Rebecca Waltman Ted Walton Nancy Watts Mark West Alan White Tommy Whitworth Linda Wiant Wes Wilkerson Anna Williams Reagan Wilson Max Witt Remco Witteveen Carla Wolfgang Tanea Womack Todd Woodard Ashley Woodhouse Marty Worsencroft Don Wright Hania Zaki Sharon Zerillo P h a r m ac y 11 NONTRADITIONAL EDUCATION AND OUTREACH POINTS OF PRIDE The function of the Division of Nontraditional Education and Outreach is to provide continuing education, certificates, and appropriate external degree programs for pharmacists and other health-care professionals and scientists to help these providers maintain competency and enhance knowledge and skills in the science of pharmacy, pharmaceutical care, and biomedical regulatory affairs. Additionally, the Division is charged with overseeing the College of Pharmacy’s outreach endeavors to the University and community by facilitating public service programs focused on health maintenance, the treatment of disease, and appropriate medication use. The Office of Postgraduate Continuing Education and Outreach (OPCEO) hosted 10 conferences and symposia in 2012. A total of 76.5 hours of continuing education were offered to the 855 participants from Georgia and the Southeast, as well as those from the United State and international audiences. Pharmacists, pharmacy technicians and other health and non-health professionals were awarded 5,142 hours of continuing education credit at these live programs. A summary of offerings can be found in the table below. Continuing Education EventsHoursRegistrations Awarded 643.5 60 Southeastern Residency Conference 3,151.5 520 Total Parenteral Nutrition Workshop 330 22 32 105 The Howard C. Ansel Symposium: Antimicrobial Stewardship 304 56 Substances of Abuse Conference 336 28 Homecoming 2012: Law Update 24 14 CE Finale: Healthy People 2020 321 50 STaR 2012: Southern Translational Education and Research Conference OPCEO provided five enduring continuing education programs in 2012, including three certificate programs, an online pharmacy Spanish program, and textbook education credit. These home study programs provided 102 hours of continuing pharmacy education. A total of hours 2,071 of credit were awarded to 136 participants. * Concepts in Clinical Pharmacokinetics * Total Parenteral Nutrition Online Certificate Program * Pharmacy Spanish for Pharmacists and Pharmacy Technicians Continuing Education Conferences Mental Health Symposium Enduring Continuing Education Programs * Pharmacy Management, Leadership, Marketing and Finance The annual Howard C. Ansel Symposium focused on antimicrobial stewardship and brought together pharmacists from all practice settings. Dean Emeritus Howard Ansel was the special guest. Clinical Professor Rusty May delivered the keynote address on the principles of antimicrobial stewardship. Health system pharmacists across the state of Georgia shared best practices through example programs and case studies. The Ansel Symposium was established in 2003 as part of the College’s Centennial Celebration to honor Dean Emeritus Howard C. Ansel for his notable contributions to pharmacy education and his ongoing support of the pharmacy profession. Ansel was dean of the College of Pharmacy from 1977 to 1991 and the College’s first Panoz Professor of Pharmacy. Co-Sponsored Continuing Education Programs OPCEO works with multiple organizations to offer continuing education credit and awarded 2,022 hours to 143 participants through co-sponsorship. The office co-sponsored six continuing education conferences for pharmacy specialties in 2012. Annual meetings for the Georgia Health Care Association, the Society of Veterinary Hospital Pharmacists, and the Georgia Medical Directors Associations offered over 36 hours of continuing education credit to participants. Five hours of credit were offered to pharmacists and pharmacy technicians at the Georgia Department of Public Health’s annual Immunize Georgia conference. Additionally, Comprehensive Motivational Interviewing (ComMIt), which offers 8 or 16 hours of credit, was delivered to 82 pharmacists in five cities across the United States. 12 2 0 1 2 A N N U A L R E P O R T From left are Trina von Waldner, director of Continuing Education and Outreach; Geneen Gibson, infectious disease specialist, St. Joseph’s/Candler Health System Savannah; Whitney A. Jones, antimicrobial stewardship pharmacist, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville; Gin Fleming, clinical assistant professor; Rusty May, clinical professor; Dean Emeritus Howard Ansel; and Paul Brooks, assistant dean for Nontraditional Education and Outreach. E d i t i on BioPharma Regulatory Affairs Programs Outreach Activities The BioPharma Regulatory Affairs office offers two programs in regulatory affairs and one program in clinical trials. All programs are available online and perfectly suited to the working professional. At the end of 2012, 41 students were enrolled in the programs, which were designed to meet the needs of the pharmaceutical industry. A total of 51 companies have employees enrolled in the program, 42 of those in Georgia. The programs attract a diverse group of learners with 60% female, 17 % African American, and 21% Asian/Pacific Islander. Since 2005, the three graduate programs (MS in Regulatory Affairs and Certificates in Regulatory Affairs and in Clinical Trials) have enrolled 154 students and graduated 113. The 37th International Good Manufacturing Practices Conference was held in March at the Georgia Center for Continuing Education. The conference drew 275 attendees from actoss the United States, Puerto Rico and Europe. The conference, which includes presenters from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, provides updates to and changes in regulations for manufacturing processes for drugs and medical supplies. Three hours of continuing pharmacy education was offered at the post-conference seminar. A new Fast-Track Initiative for students concurrently enrolled in other degree programs within the University System of Georgia began in Fall Semester 2012. This program allows students to take classes that are not offered at their current institution., e.g., students in the Biomedical Engineering program at Georgia Tech can pursue the College of Pharmacy’s certificate program in Biopharmaceutical Regulatory Affairs. Students from other UGA programs such as Biomanufacturing and Bioprocessing and Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences are also pursuing this certificate program. Additionally, new laboratory space for the Bachelor of Science in Pharmaceutical Sciences provides opportunities for student and corporate training in pharmaceutical manufacturing, basic biological testing and quality assurance/quality control testing of pharmaceutical products. This new space will provide new possibilities to facilitate increased interactions between all of the degree programs in the College of Pharmacy. Preceptor Development Pharmacy preceptors are an integral part of the curriculum and part of the mission of OPCEO is to provide quality ongoing preceptor development throughout the state of Georgia. To address this unique continuing education need, OPCEO provided 50 hours of approved programming including live symposia, Grand Rounds at four locations and a series of online educational modules. There were a total of 1,486 registrations for these events with 12,954 hours of continuing education credit awarded. * Preceptor Development Modules 1-10 • Online at www.rxugace.com * Pharmacy Grand Rounds • Albany, Athens, and Augusta * Charlie Norwood VA Medical Center • Augusta * St. Joseph’s/Candler Health System • Savannah * Northeast Georgia Health System • Gainesville This year marked the fifth year that the College participated in the Farm Worker Family Health Program in Moultrie. This inter-professional service learning program brings together undergraduate and nurse practitioners, dental hygienists, physical therapists and pharmacy students to provide healthcare services to farm workers and their families in rural Georgia. Two faculty member and 17 second-year pharmacy students participated in the program from June 10-22, 2012. The annual Dawgtoberfest Health Fair was held at the College of Pharmacy on October 17, 2012. This student-led event provided influenza vaccine, health screenings, and health information to more than 200 faculty, staff and students of the University. The event received funding from the UGA Parents and Family Foundation and Walgreens. The College of Pharmacy in collaboration with the College of Public Health hosted a Visiting Scholar from China. Dr. Jinping Wang, a cardiologist from Daqing, China, arrived in November 2012 to work with the University on developing a disease management and research program specific to China. OPCEO coordinates the Board of Pharmacy State Licensure Exam each June. In 2012, 245 candidates sat for the exam. The College hosts the Georgia Board of Pharmacy for their June meeting and then collaborates with the Secretary of State Testing Division to facilitate space, technology, and supplies for board members and exam proctors, including meals and breaks. Additionally the Office works with faculty throughout the College to secure adequate office space for candidate interviews as well as lab space for the practical. U G A C o l l e g e o f P h a r m ac y 13 GRANTS and AWARDS Department of Clinical and Administrative Pharmacy Twenty grants were funded in the Department of Clinical and Administrative Pharmacy for 2012, totaling $1,699,738. Among those researchers with more than $100,000 in funding were: Azza El-Remessy Pro-inflammatory role of peroxynitrite diabetic retinopathy Juvenile Diabetes Foundation Inatl. $150,000 Azza El-Remessy Molecular mechanisms of diabetic retinopathy National Institutes of Health $315,000 Susan Fagan Minocycline in intracerebral hemorrhage mechanisms and consequences of hypertension after stroke IPA ISRAT National Institutes of Health $274,729 Laksman SegarVascular phenotypic regulations by growth factor, insulin and glucose National Institutes of Health$303,689 Laksman SegarVascular phenotypic regulations by growth factor, insulin and glucose National Institutes of Health $167,189 Somanath Shenoy Protein kinase B (AKT)-mediated pathway regulating endothelial-barrier function National Institutes of Health$315,000 Department of Pharmaceutical AND BIOMEDICAL Sciences Twenty-five grants received research funds in the Department of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences in 2012 totalling $2,890,599. Those faculty receiving $100,000 or more as principal investigators were: Eileen Kennedy Probing the role of AKAPS in breast cancer using stapled peptide inhibitors National Institutes of Health$191,160 Dexi Liu Computer-assisted hydrodynamic gene delivery for hemophilia gene therapy National Institutes of Health $515,393 Dexi Liu Computer-assisted hydrodynamic gene delivery for hemophilia gene therapy National Institutes of Health $387,878 Dexi Liu Computer-assisted hydrodynamic gene delivery for hemophilia gene therapy National Institutes of Health $292,402 Cory Momany Structure and function of BENM and CATM, bacterial LYSR-type transcriptional regulators National Science Foundation $153,258 Vasu Nair Terry Professor of Pharmacy UGA Research Foundation$200,000 Han-Rong Weng Glial-cytokine-neuronal interactions in neuropathic pain National Institutes of Health $297,125 Han-Rong Weng Glial-cytokine-neuronal interactions in neuropathic pain National Institutes of Health$286,513 14 2 0 1 2 A N N U A L R E P O R T E d i t i on PUBLIC ATIONS DEPARTMENT OF CLINICAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE PHARMACY BOOKS AND BOOK CHAPTERS Herist K, Rollins B. Cents and sensibility: Understanding the numbers, In: Chisholm-Burns MA, Vaillancourt, AM, Shepherd, M, (eds). Pharmacy Management, Leadership, Marketing, and Finance, (2nd ed). Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Burlington, MA, 2012, pp. 276-298. Herist K, Rollins, B, Chisholm-Burns M. Personal finance, in Chisholm-Burns MA, Vaillancourt, AM, Shepherd, M, (eds). Pharmacy Management, Leadership, Marketing, and Finance, (2nd ed). Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Burlington, MA, 2012, pp. 314336. Phillips BB. Step X: Step up to the plate: Time to bring it all home in your final professional year. In: Bauman JL, ed. The American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Field Guide to Becoming a Standout Pharmacy Residency Candidate. Lenexa, KS: American College of Clinical Pharmacy; 2012. Tackett RL. Pharmacology, In Handbook of Clinical Psychopharmacology for Psychologists, M. Muse and B. Moore, eds. 2012. Duke LJ, Staton AG, McCullough ES, Jain R, Miller MS, Stevenson TL, Fetterman JW, Parham RL, Sheffield MC, Unterwagner WL, McDuffie CH. Impact of advanced pharmacy practice experience placement changes in college and schools of pharmacy. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education. 2012: 76(3) Article 49. Jun JY, Ma Z, Pyla R, Segar L. Leptin treatment inhibits the progression of atherosclerosis by attenuating hypercholesterolemia in type 1 diabetic Ins2+/Akita:apoE-/- mice. Atherosclerosis 225: 341-347; 2012. Al-Husein B, Abdalla M, Trepte M, DeRemer D, Somanath PR. 2012. Anti-angiogenic therapy for cancer: An update. Pharmacotherapy. Dec; 32(12):1095-1111. Prakash R, Somanath PR, El Remessy AB, Kelly-Cobbs A, Stern J.E, Dore-Duffy P, Johnson M, Fagan SC, Ergul A. 2012. Enhanced cerebral but not peripheral angiogenesis in the Goto-Kakizaki model of type 2 diabetes involves VEGF and peroxynitrite signaling. Diabetes, 61(6): 1533-1542. Phillips BB, Bourg CA, Guffey WJ, Phillips BG. Evaluation and implementation of an elective course on postgraduate residency training. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education 2012; 76 (9) Article 174. PEER-REVIEWED RESEARCH PAPERS Bradley AM, Deal A, Buie L, Van Deventer H. Impact of granulocyte colony stimulating factor on neutropenia-associated outcomes after high dose cytarabine consolidation for acute myeloid leukemia. Journal of Oncology Pharmacy Practice. 2012 March; 18 (Suppl 1): PP3. Phillips H, Wilkinson S, Buck BD. Preceptor development: Role of a needs assessment. Hospital Pharmacy 2012; 47 (11):845-7. November 2012. Buck B, Wilkinson S, Phillips H. The complexity and importance of residency precepting: A series introduction. Hospital Pharmacy 2012; 47(8): 603-7. August 2012. Al-Husein B, Abdalla M, Trepte M, DeRemer DL, Somanath PR. Antiangiogenic therapy for cancer: An update. Pharmacotherapy. 2012 Dec;32(12):1095-111. Awan F, Kochuparambil ST, DeRemer D, et al. Plerixafor salvage is safe and effective in hard-to-mobilize patients undergoing chemotherapy and filgrastim-based peripheral blood progenitor cell mobilization. Journal of Oncology 2012;2012:931071 Epub 2012 April 10. Hammadani M, Kochuparambil ST, Osman S, Cumpston A, Leadmon S, Bunner P, Watkins K, Morrison, D, Speir E, DeRemer D, Kota V, Jillella A, Craig M, Awan F. Intermediate –versus low dose cyclophosphamide and granulocyte colony stimulating factor for peripheral blood stem cell mobilization in multiple myeloma patients treated with novel induction therapies. Biology and Blood Marrow Transplantation. 2012;18(7):1128-35. Bradley AM, Deal A, Buie L, van Deventer H. Characterization of neutropenia associated outcomes with and without granulocyte colony stimulating factor after consolidation chemotherapy with cytarabine in adult patients with acute myeloid leukemia. Pharmacotherapy. 2012;32(12):1070-77. U G A C o l l e g e o f P h a r m ac y 15 PUBLIC ATIONS Prakash R, Somanath PR, El-Remessy AB, Kelly-Cobbs A, Stern JE, Dore-Duffy P, Johnson M, Fagan SC, Ergul A. Enhanced cerebral but not peripheral angiogenesis in the Goto-Kakizaki model of type 2 diabetes involves VEGF and peroxynitrite signaling. Diabetes, 61(6):1533-42, 2012. Matragoon S, Al-Gayyar MMH, Mysona BA, Abdelsaid MA, Pillai BA, Neet KE, Fagan SC, El-Remessy AB. Electroporation-mediated gene delivery of cleavage-resistant pro-Nerve Growth Factor causes retinal neuro- and vascular degeneration. Molecular Vision epub ahead of print, December 2012. Lupachyk S, Stavniichuk R, Komissarenko JI, Drel VR, Obrosov AA, El-Remessy AB, Pacher P, Obrosova IG. Na+/ H+-exchanger-1 inhibition counteracts diabetic cataract formation and retinal oxidative-nitrative stress and apoptosis. International Journal of Molecular Medicine, 29(6):989-98, 2012. Franic DM, Bothe A, Bramlett R. Assessment of respondent acceptability for preference measures in stuttering. Journal of Communication Disorders 2012, 45(12): 378-389. Mohamed IN, Soliman SA, Alhusban A, Matragoon S, Pillai BA, El-Marakby, El-Remessy AB. Diabetes accelerates retinal vascular inflammation and degeneration in spontaneously hypertensive rats. Molecular Vision, 18:1457-66, 2012. Franic DM, Kleyman K. A qualitative study of herbal medicine use in the Ukraine: Implications for US pharmacy practice. Journal of Pharmacy Practice 2012;25(1): 100-104. Bhatia K, Elmarakby AA, El-Remessy A, Sullivan JC. Oxidative stress contributes to sex differences in angiotensin II-mediated hypertension in spontaneously hypertensive rats. American Journal of Physiology. 15; 302:R274-82, 2012. Kangethe A, Franic DM, Huang M, Huston S, Williams C. US publication trends in social and administrative pharmacy: Implications for promotion and tenure. Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy 2012; 8(5): 408–419. Abdelsaid MA, El-Remessy AB. Peroxynitrite regulates VEGF angiogenic signal via S-glutathionylation of LMW-PTP. Journal of Cell Science, 125:4751-60, 012. Shepherd G, Mohorn P, Yacoub K, May DW. Adverse drug reaction deaths reported in United States vital statistics, 1999-2006. Annals of Pharmacotherapy. 2012;46:169-175. Matragoon S, MH Al-Gayyar M, Mysona BA, Abdelsaid M, Pillai BA, Fagan SC, El-Remessy AB. Electroporation-mediated gene delivery of cleavage-resistant proNGF causes retinal neuro- and vascular degeneration. Molecular Vision, 18:2993-3003, 2012. Manasco KB, Bradley AM, Gomez TA. A survey of learning opportunities in academia for pharmacy residents. American Journal of Health System Pharmacists. 2012 Aug 15;69(16):1410-4. Prakash R, Somanath PR, El-Remessy AB, Kelly-Cobbs A, Stern JE, Dore-Duffy P, Johnson M, Fagan SC, Ergul A. Enhanced cerebral but not peripheral angiogenesis in the Goto-Kakizaki model of type 2 diabetes involves VEGF and peroxynitrite signaling. Diabetes 2012; 61:1533-1542. Switzer JA, Sikora A, Hess DC, Waller JL, Ergul A, Fagan SC. Minocycline prevents IL-6 increase after acute ischemic stroke. Translational Stroke Research, 2012; Sep 1;3(3):363-368. Ishrat T, Soliman S, Guan W, Saler M, Fagan SC. Vascular protection to increase the safety of tissue plasminogen activator for stroke. Current Pharmaceutical Design 2012; 18(25):3677-84. Switzer JA, Rocker JL, Mohorn P, Waller JL, Hughes D, Bruno A, Nichols FT, Hess DC, Natarajan K, Fagan SC. Incomplete reversal of anticoagulation following intracranial hemorrhage using threefactor prothrombin complex concentrate. Stroke 2012;43(9):2500-2. Hoda MN, Siddiqui S, Herberg S, Periyasamy-Thandavan S, Bhatia K, Johnson MH, Hafez SS, Hill WD, Ergul A, Fagan SC, Hess DC. Remote ischemic perconditioning is effective alone and in combination with intravenous tissue plasminogen activator in murine model of embolic stroke. Stroke 2012; 43(10):2794-9. Alhusban A, Kozak A, Ergul A, Fagan SC. AT1 receptor antagonism modulates the angiogenic response of brain endothelial cells to angiotensin II: BDNF a novel mediator. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics Fast Forward. December 4, 2012. 16 Franic DM, Bothe A, Bramlett R. A welfare economic approach to measuring outcomes: comparing the willingness to pay and quality adjusted life years. Journal of Fluency Disorders 2012, 37; 300–313. 2 0 1 2 A N N U A L R E P O R T PEER-REVIEWED PROFESSIONAL PAPERS Bourg CA, Phillips BB. Rosiglitazone, myocardial ischemic risk, and recent regulatory actions. Annals of Pharmacotherapy 2012;46:282-9. Ergul A, Kelly-Cobbs A, Abdalla M, Fagan SC. Cerebrovascular complications of diabetes (invited). Endocrine, Metabolic and Immune Disorders-Drug Targets (EMID-DT) 2012; 12:148-158. Ergul A, Alhusban A, Fagan SC. Angiogenesis: A harmonized target for recovery after stroke (Invited). Stroke 2012; 43:2270-2274. Boudreau D, Guzauskas G, Villa K, Fagan SC, Veenstra D. Cost effectiveness of tissue plasminogen activator 3-4.5 hours after onset of acute ischemic stroke. Annals of Emergency Medicine 2012 May 24. Fagan SC, Lapchak PA, Liebeskind DS, Ishrat T, Ergul A. Recommendations for preclinical research in hemorrhagic transformation. Translational Stroke Research, November 2012 ; DOI 10.1007/S12975-012-0222-5. Liao TV, Forehand CC, Hess DC, Fagan SC. Minocycline repurposing in critical illness: Focus on stroke. Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry, 2012. Baker WL, Marrs JC, David LE, Nutescu EA, Rowe AS, Ryan MA, Splinter MY, Vardeny O, Fagan SC. Key articles and guidelines in the primary prevention of ischemic stroke. Accepted, Pharmacotherapy, November, 2012. E d i t i on Kauffman Y, Nair V, Herist K, Thomas V, Weidle P. Making the case for HIV medication therapy management services in community pharmacies. Journal of the American Pharmacists Association (electronic), Nov/Dec 2012. DEPARTMENT OF PHARMACEUTICAL AND BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES Liao TV, Rab S, Armstrong WS. Evaluation of medication errors in patients infected with human immunodeficiency virus on antiretroviral Therapy. American Journal of Health-System Pharmacists. 2012; 69(19):1461-2. Murph MM. Autotaxin. The Encyclopedia of Cancer. January 2012. Springer Reference. URL: http://www.springerreference.com/docs/ html/chapterdbid/172147.html. May JR, Chan J, Choudhary K, et al. Coping with the Residency Scramble. American Journal of Health-System Pharmacists. 2012:69:253-5. Forehand CF, Cribb J, May JR. Examination of the relationship between antimicrobials and thrombocytosis. Annals of Pharmacotherapy 2012;46:1425-1429. BOOKS AND BOOK CHAPTERS Murph MM. Lysophosphatidic acid. The Encyclopedia of Cancer. April 2012. Springer Reference. URL: http://www.springerreference. com/docs/html/chapterdbid/306848.html. Ansel H. (2012). Pharmaceutical calculations. LWW, Baltimore, MD, Chapters 17 (“Selected Calculations in Contemporary Compounding”) and 18 (“Selected Calculations involving Veterinary Pharmaceuticals”), 13th ed., pp. 287-318. Swymer C, Neville MW, Tafluprost: The first preservative-free prostaglandin to treat openangle glaucoma and ocular hypertension. Annals of Pharmacotherapy November 2012 46:1506-1510. Phan SV. Editorial: Use of psychotropic agents in intellectual and developmental disabilities. College of Psychiatric and Neurologic Pharmacists The Mental Health Clinician online publication, September 2012. Phan SV, VandenBerg AM. Financial impact of a pharmacist-managed clinic for long-acting injectable antipsychotics. American Journal of Health-System Pharmacists 2012;69:1014-1015. Miller DF, Garcia D, Kreys TJ, Phan SV, VandenBerg A, et al. Evaluating the quality of performance of medication reconciliation on hospital admission. Hospital Pharmacy 2012;47(7):526-531. Phan SV. Editorial: Mental illness and the criminal justice system: Where are we now? College of Psychiatric and Neurologic Pharmacists The Mental Health Clinician online publication, February 2012. Phillips BB, Williams KC. Implementation of a pharmacy residency in a Veterans Affairs Community Based Outpatient Clinic. American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy 2012;69:880-4. Walker MC, Lam WM, Manasco KB.Continuous and extended infusions of β-lactam antibiotics in the pediatric population. Annals of Pharmacotherpy. 2012 Nov;46(11):1537-46. RESEARCH PAPERS Terry AV, Buccafusco JJ, Schade R, Vandenhuerk L, Callahan PM, Beck WD, Hutchings EJ, Chapman JM, Li P, Bartlett MG. The nicotine metabolite, cotinine, attenuates glutamate (NMDA) antagonistrelated effects on the performance of the Five Choice Serial Reaction Time Task (5C-SRTT) in rats. Biochemical Pharmacology, 83, 941-951 (2012). Liang F, Terry AV, Bartlett MG. Determination of aripiprazole in rat plasma and Brain using ultra performance liquid chromatography electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry. Biomedical Chromatography, 26, 1325-1332 (2012). Li P, Beck WD, Callahan PM, Terry AV, Bartlett MG. Quantitation of cotinine and its metabolites by hydrophilic interaction chromatography tandem mass spectrometry. Journal of Chromatography B, 907, 117-125 (2012). U G A C o l l e g e o f P h a r m ac y 17 PUBLIC ATIONS Chen B, Bartlett MG. A one step solid phase extraction method for the bioanalysis of a phosphorothioate oligonucleotide and its 3’ n-1 metabolite from plasma using UHPLC-MS/MS. American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists Journal, 14, 772-780 (2012). Israel B, Garner ST, Thakare M, Elder D, Abney T, Azadi P, Warren B, Price J, Ahmed H, Capomacchia A. Transdermal permeation of N-Acetyi-Giucosamine/NSAID mutual prodrugs, Pharmaceutical Development and Technology, September, 2012; 17 (1): 48-54. Israel B, Garner ST, Thakare M, Elder D, Abney T, Azadi P, Beach JW, Price JC Ahmed H Capomacchia A. Transdermal permeation of novel n-acetyl-glucosamine/NSAIDs mutual prodrugs. Eaddy AC, Cummings BS, Mchowat J, Schnellmann RG. The role of endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-independent phospholipase A2 in oxidant-induced lipid peroxidation, Ca2+ release and renal cell death. Toxicology Science, 128(2): 544-52, 2012. Pharmaceutical Development and Technology Volume: 17 Issue: 1 Pages: 48-54 DOI: 10.3109/10837450.2010.513987 Published: Jan 2012 Altman MK, Nguyen DT, Patel SB, Fambrough JM, Beedle AM, Hardman WJ, Murph MM. (2012). Regulator of G-protein signaling 5 reduces HeyA8 ovarian cancer cell proliferation and extends survival in a murine tumor model. Biochemistry Research International 2012:#518437. Beedle AM, Turner AJ, Saito Y, Lueck JD, Foltz SJ, Fortunato MJ, Nienaber PM, Campbell KP. Mouse fukutin deletion impairs dystroglycan processing and recapitulates muscular dystrophy. Journal of Clinical Investigation 122(9):3330-3342. doi:10.1172/ JCI63004. Bruckner JV, Osmitiz TG, Anand S, Minnema D, Schmitt W, Assaf N, Zastre J. The influence of maturation on rat and human physiological processes involving protein and lipoprotein binding, gastrointestinal absorption, and blood brain barrier permeability and transport of pyrethroids. Pest. QSAR and PBPK/PD Models for Human Risk Assessment, American Chemical Society Symposium Series (2012). 18 2 0 1 2 A N N U A L R E P O R T Mock JN, Taliaferro JP, Lu X, Patel SK, Cummings BS, Long TE. Haloenol pyranones and morpholinones as antineoplastic agents of prostate cancer. Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 22(14), 4854-8, 2012. Bull RJ, Kolisetty N, Zhang X, Muralidhara S, Quiones O, Lim KY, Guo Z, Cotruvo JA, Fisher JW, Yang X, Delker D, Snyder SA, Cummings BS. Absorption and disposition of bromate in F344 rats, Toxicology, 300(1-2): 83-91, 2012. Mock JN, Costyn LJ, Wilding SL, Arnold RD, Cummings BS, Evidence for distinct mechanisms of uptake and antitumor activity of secretory phospholipase A2 responsive liposomes in prostate cancer. Integrated Biology 17:5(1): 172-182, 2012. (Impact factor = 4.51) Rawal RK, Singh US, Chavre SN, Wang J, Sugiyama M, Hung W, Govindarajan R, Korba B, Tanaka Y, Chu CK. 2'-Fluoro-6'-methylenecarbocyclic adenosine phosphoramidate (FMCAP) prodrug: In vitro anti-HBV activity against the lamivudine-entecavir resistant triple mutant and its mechanism of action. Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemitry Letters. Epub 2012 Nov 24. Published 2013 Jan 15 E d i t i on Bolze A, Abhyankar A, Grant AV, Patel B, Yadav R, Byun M, Caillez D, Lienhardt P-Y, Emile J-F, Pastor-Anglada M, Abel L, Puel A, Govindarajan R, de Pontual L, Casanova J-L.* (2012) A mild form of SLC29A3 disorder: A frameshift deletion leads to the paradoxical translation of an otherwise noncoding mRNA splice variant. Plos One, 2012;7(1):e29708. Epub 2012 Jan 4. Callihan P, Hooks SB. S1P Signaling in human neural progenitors. sphingosine 1-phosphate dsgnaling: Methods and Protocols. Ed: Turksen, K., Pebay, A. Humana Press, 2012. Bonamassa B, Ma Y, Liu D. (2012) Glucocorticoid receptor-mediated transcriptional regulation of N-acetyltransferase 1 gene through distal promoter. The American Association of Pharmaceutical Sciences Journal. DOI:10.1208/s12248-012-9370-5. Gao M, Liu D. (2012) The liver X receptor agonist T0901317 protects mice from high fat diet induced obesity and insulin resistance. The American Association of Pharmaceutical Sciences Journal. DOI:10.1208/s12248-012-9429-3. Harris C, Dallas C, Rollor E, White C, Blount B, Valentin-Blasini L, Fisher J. Radioactive Iodide excretion profiles in response to potassium iodide (KI) and ammonium perchlorate (NH4CLO4) prophylaxis, Internatnonal Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,2012, 9(8) 2936-2948 Kis O, Zastre J, Hoque T, Walmsley S, Bendayan R. Role of drug efflux and uptake transporters in atazanavir intestinal permeability and drug-drug interactions. Pharmaceutical Research Epub (2012). REVIEW PAPERS McGinnis AC, Chen B, Bartlett MG. Chromatographic methods for the determination of therapeutic oligonucleotides. Journal of Chromatography B, 883-884, 76-94 (2012). Chen B, Bartlett MG. Determination of therapeutic oligonucleotides using capillary electrophoresis. Biomedical Chromatography, 26, 409-418 (2012). Ma Y, Liu D. (2012) Activation of pregnane X receptor by pregnenolone 16 α carbonitrile blocks high fat-diet induced obesity in AKR/J mice, PLoS One 7(6): e38734. doi:10.1371/journal. pone.0038734. Hung SW, Mody H, Govindarajan R. (2012) Overcoming nucleoside analog chemoresistance in pancreatic cancer: A therapeutic challenge. Cancer Letters Jul 28;320(2):138-49 (Top 25 most downloaded articles within 90 days of publication). Momany C, Neidle EL. Defying stereotypes: the elusive search for a universal model of LysR-type regulation. Molecular Microbiology Feb;83(3):453-6. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2958.2011.07960.x [Epub 2012 Jan 11], 2012. Maxiner D, Weng HR. (2013) The role of glycogen synthase kinase 3 beta in neuroinflammation and pain, Journal of Pharmaceutics & Pharmacology (in press) Altman MK, Nguyen DT, Patel SB, Fambrough JM, Beedle AM, Hardman WJ, Murph MM. (2012) Regulator of G-protein signaling 5 reduces HeyA8 ovarian cancer cell proliferation and extends survival in a murine tumor model. Biochemical Research Internatonal 2012;2012:518437. PMID: 22792465 Shimshoni J A, Roberts AG, Scian M, Topletz A R, Blankert S A, Halpert J R, Nelson W L, Isoherranen N. Stereoselective formation and metabolism of 4-hydroxy-retinoic acid enantiomers by cytochrome P450 enzymes. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2012. 50. 42223-42232. Zhao C, Gao Q, Roberts AG, Shaffer SA, Doneanu CE, Xue S, Goodlett DR, Nelson SD, Atkins W M. Cross-linking mass spectrometry and mutagenes is confirm the functional importance of surface interactions between CYP3A4 and Holo/Apo Cy to chrome b5 . Biochemistry, 2012. 51. 9488-9500. Bhutia YD, Hung SW, Krentz M, Patel D, Lovin D, Manoharan R, Thomson JM, Govindarajan R. Differential processing of let-7a precursors influences RRM2. Expression and Chemosensitivity in Pancreatic Cancer: Role of LIN-28 and SET Oncoprotein. (2013) PLoS One. 2013;8(1):e53436. PMID: 23335963. Yan X, Jiang E, Gao M, Weng HR. (2013) Endogenous activation of presynaptic NMDA receptors enhances glutamate release in the spinal dorsal horn in a rat model of neuropathic pain. Journal of Physiology (London) 2013 Jan 28. [Epub ahead of print]. Jiang E, Yan X, Weng HR. (2012) Glial glutamate transporter and glutamine synthetase regulate GABAergic synaptic strength in the spinal dorsal horn. J Neurochem. 121(4): 526-36. Eagleson JS, Platt SR, Strong DL, Kent M, Freeman AC, Nghiem PP, Zheng B, White CA. Bioavailability of a novel midazolam gel after intranasal administration in dogs, American Journal of Veterinary Research, 2012, 73(4):539-45. Breuer E-K, Murph MM, Craven RJ. Biochemical pathways in cancer. Biochemistry Research International. Volume 2012, Article ID 268504. Accepted October 2012. DIVISION OF EXPERIENCE PROGRAMS PEER-REVIEWED SCIENTIFIC PAPERS Shepherd G, Mohorn P, Yacoub K, May DW. Adverse drug reaction deaths reported in United States vital statistics, 1999-2006. Annals of Pharmacotherapy. 2012;46:169-175; published ahead of print January 17, 2012, doi: 10.1345/aph.1P592. Duke LJ, Staton AG, McCullough EW, Jair R, Miller MS, Stevenson TL, Fetterman JW, Parham RL, Sheffield MC, Unterwagner WL, McDuffie CH. Impact of advanced pharmacy practice experience placement changes in colleges and school of pharmacy. American Journal of Pharmacy Education. 2012;76(3):Article 49. Cooley TW, May DW (corresponding author), Alwan M, Sue C. Implementation of computerized prescriber order entry in four academic medical centers. American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy 2012:69(24):2166-2164. doi:10.2146/ajhp120236. DIVISION OF NONTRADITIONAL EDUCATION AND OUTREACH Book Chapter von Waldner TJ, Abelo SA. Achieving and measuring patient satisfaction. Pharmacy Management, Leadership, Marketing, and Finance, 2nd ed., Jones and Bartlett, October 2012. U G A C o l l e g e o f P h a r m ac y 19 PRESENTATIONS DEPARTMENT OF CLINICAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE PHARMACY Research papers presented at national and international meetings De la Pena L, Bartelme K, Bourg CA et al. Highlighting the ambulatory care PRN and assessment of membership diversity 2012 Update. 2012 American College of Clinical Pharmacy Annual Meeting. Hollywood, FL. October 2012. Bourg CA, Phillips BB, Huston S, Guffey W. Impact of an elective course on pharmacy students’ attitudes, self-efficacy, and intentions to pursue postgraduate training. 2012 American College of Clinical Pharmacy Annual Meeting. Orlando, FL. July 2012. Bradley A. Assessment of multi-dose rasburicase utilization in adult patients at an academic medical center. American Society of Health System Pharmacists Midyear. Student Poster Session (Beth Ensley – presenter). Las Vegas, NV; December 2012. Bradley A. Impact of granulocyte colony stimulating factor on neutropenia-associated outcomes after high dose cytarabine consolidation for acute myeloid leukemia. Hematology/Oncology Pharmacy Association Annual Conference. Completed Research Session. Orlando, FL; March 23, 2012. Buck B, Fulford M. Assessing student perceptions of active learning in a pharmacotherapy course. American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL. July 2012. DeRemer DL, Katsanevas K, Forehand C, et al. Successfully integrating translational research into a PGY2 research project. 2012 American Society of Health System Pharmacists National Residency Preceptors Conference in Washington, DC. August 17, 2012. Katsanevas K, Al-Husein B, DeRemer D, Shenoy S. Is GSK-3 the gridlock in Akt-targeted prostate cancer therapy? 2012 Hematology/ Oncology Pharmacist Association (HOPA) Meeting, Orlando, FL. March 22, 2012. El-Azab M, Mysona BA, Abdelsaid MA, Matragoon S, El-Remessy AB. Down-regulation of TXNIP prevents retinal neurodegeneration by mitigating inflammation and vascular injury. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmalogy, 2012. Mysona BA, Abdelsaid MA, Matragoon S, Pillai B, El-Remessy A. Inflammatory role of ProNGF/p75NTR in Müller cells of the diabetic retina. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmalogy, 2012. Abdelsaid MA, El-Remessy AB. Thioredoxin interacting protein is required for S-glutathionylation And redox regulation of VEGF angiogenic signal. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmalogy, 2012. Mohamed IN, Hafez S, Abdelsaid M, Matragoon S, Pillai B, Ergul A, Imig JD, El-Remessy AB. HFD-induced retinal microvascular degeneration: Suggested role of Thioredoxin Interacting Protein (TXNIP). Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmalogy, 2012. El-Remessy AB, Al-Gayyar MM, Matragoon S, Saragovi HU. Overexpression of ProNGF induces apoptosis and acellular capillary formation via activation of P75NTR, Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmalogy, 2012. Naim M, Ahmad S, El-Remessy A, Toque HA, Liou GI. Mechanism of adenosine signaling dysfunction in diabetic retinopathy, Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmalogy, 2012. Obrosova IG, Lupachyk S, Stavniichuk R, Veliky NN, Drel VR, ElRemessy AB, Obrosov A. Inhibition of endoplasmic reticulum stress delays diabetic cataract formation and prevents retinal oxidative stress and apoptosis, Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmalogy 2012. Prakash R, El-Remessy AB, Somanath PR, Fagan SC, Ergul A. VEGF and peroxynitrite interplay regulates cerebral angiogenic mediators in diabetes. International Stroke Conference 2012, New Orleans, LA, February, 2012. Switzer JA, DeSousa K, Mohorn P, Waller JL, Fagan SC, Hughes D, Bruno A, Nichols FT, Hess DC, Rocker JL. Incomplete reversal of anticoagulation following intracranial hemorrhage with threefactor prothrombin complex concentrate. International Stroke Conference 2012, New Orleans, LA, February, 2012. Prakash R, Stern JE, El-Remessy AB, Fagan SC, Johnson MH, Dore-Duffy P, Ergul A. Cerebrovascular remodeling in diabetes: Relevance to stroke. International Stroke Conference 2012, New Orleans, LA, February, 2012. 20 2 0 1 2 A N N U A L R E P O R T E d i t i on Li W, Portik-Dobos V, Chung C, Prakash R, Johnson MH, Fagan SC, Ergul A. Acute metformin treatment worsens short-term stroke outcome: Comparison of underlying mechanisms in control and type 2 diabetic rats. International Stroke Conference 2012, New Orleans, LA, February, 2012. Soliman S, El-Remessy AB, Cronic LE, Somanath PR, Ergul A, Fagan SC. Vascular protection mediates neuroprotection: Role of VEGF-A and B. International Stroke Conference 2012, New Orleans, LA, February, 2012. Franic DM, Snapp C, DeBusk R, Krishnamoorthy, N. Construct validity of two commonly used functional medicine instruments: Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire and Medical Symptoms Questionnaire. International Society of Quality of Life (ISOQOL) 19th Annual Conference 2012, Budapest, Hungary, October 24-27, 2012. [Quality of Life Research 2012;21(Suppl 1):91]. Franic DM, Snapp C, DeBusk R. Newly developed functional medicine program in diabetes: impact on clinical and patient reported outcomes - functional medicine and quality of life. International Research Congress on Integrative Medicine and Health, Portland Oregon, May 15-18, 2012. [BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2012, 12(Suppl 1), p18]. Kangethe A, Franic DM, Corso P, Southwood R. Cost-benefit analysis of a diabetes prevention program in rural Kenya. International Society for Pharmacoeconomcics and Outcomes Research 17th Annual International Meeting, Washington DC, May 2012. [Value in Health 2012;15(4): A179]. Kangethe A, Franic DM. Value of a diabetes prevention program in rural Kenya: Comparing payment card and structured haggling willingness to pay methods. International Society for Pharmacoeconomcics and Outcomes Research 17th Annual International Meeting, Washington DC, May 2012. [Value in Health 2012;15(4): A185]. Alligood J, Womack T, Liao TV, Franco C. Evaluate effects of vancomycin minimum inhibitory concentration on patient outcomes in methicillin-susceptible Staphylcoccus aureus and methicillinresistant Staphylcoccus aureus bacteremia. American Society of Health-System Pharmacists Mid-Year Clinical Meeting. Las Vegas, NV. December 2012. Zhou A, Liao TV, Phan SV. Hyperglycemia and antipsychotic use in the intensive care unit. American Society of Health-System Pharmacists Mid-Year Clinical Meeting. Las Vegas, NV. December 2012. Parker L, Liao TV. Association between time to initial therapeutic vancomycin trough and improved clinical outcome. American Society of Health-System Pharmacists Mid-Year Clinical Meeting. Las Vegas, NV. December 2012. Norton M, Sosebee E, Techniques for submitting an IRB: Changes and impact on research, College of Psychiatric and Neurologic Pharmacists Newsletter Mental Health Clinician, April 2012. Norton MA. Melton SH. Taking the ouch out of pain management in patients with addiction. College of Psychiatric and Neurologic Pharmacists University Board Certification of Psychiatric Pharmacy Recertification Program: Track III, August 2012,https://www. cpnp.org/ed/university/course/track-iii-bcpp-recertificationtaking-ouch-out-pain-management-patients. ACPE Number: 0284-9999-12-009-H04-P (September 2012). Norton MA. The University of Georgia Student Pharmacists Cumulative Probability of Addiction Study 2012, Georgia Addiction Counselor Professional Update Newsletter, Volume 33, Issue 4, December 2012. Satler L, Perri M, Lee JS. Medication adherence measures derived from administrative pharmacy claims data in older Americans: A systematic review. Drugs and Aging. Submitted August 2012. Huang M, Perri M. Consumer preferences for Alzheimer’s Disease: A review. Farmeconomica: Health Economics and Therapeutic Pathways 2012; 13(2): 47-54. Phillips BB, Bourg C, Phillips BG. Evaluation of an elective course on postgraduate residency training. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education. 2012;75:Article 99. Bourg C, Phillips BB, Guffey WJ, Huston S. Impact of an elective course on pharmacy students’ attitudes, self-efficacy, and intentions to pursue postgraduate training. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education. 2012;75:Article 99. Hansen P, Pyla R, Osman I, Fagan S, Segar L. Mechanisms of the vascular protective effects of metformin: Vascular contractility. 2012 American College of Clinical Pharmacy Annual Meeting, Westin Diplomat Resort, Hollywood, FL (October 21-24, 2012). Lunt P, Southwood R. Incidence and risk factors for hypoglycemia on an inpatient rehabilitation unit. American Society of HealthSystem Pharmacists Midyear Meeting in Las Vegas, NV, December 2012. Disharoon M, Southwood R. Potential risk factors for nocturnal hypoglycemia in an inpatient setting. American Society of HealthSystem Pharmacists Midyear Meeting in Las Vegas, NV, December 2012. Hesprich H, Fleming V, Southwood R. Escherichia coli resistance in emergency department-treated urinary tract infections. American Society of Health-System Pharmacists Midyear Meeting in Las Vegas, NV, December 2012. Galdo J, Odom M, Pope D, Sarao S. Implementation of a motivational weight loss class in an independent pharmacy. American Pharmacy Association Annual Meeting. Grimm M, Grubb K, Sarao S. Patient perceptions regarding automatic prescription refill programs and barriers to enrollment. American Pharmacy Association Annual Meeting. Costyn T, Thurmond C, Sarao S. Differences between patient groups’ knowledge and perceptions of diabetes management following diabetes education classes. American Pharmacy Association Annual Meeting. Carroll V, Talisse K, Tanner M, Cobb H, Huckaby W. Incidence patterns of resistant microorganisms and evaluation of the extended-interval dosing strategy of meropenem. American Society of Health-System Pharmacists Mid Year meeting. Las Vegas, NV. U G A C o l l e g e o f P h a r m ac y 21 PRESENTATIONS Talisse K, Carroll V, Tanner M, Cobb H. Retrospective study comparing the components and the accuracy in predicting the drug levels in hospital patients using Crockcroft-Gault equation, the simplified MDRD equation and the CKD-epi formula. American Society of Health-System Pharmacists Mid year meeting. Las Vegas, NV. Invited national and international presentations Bourg C. Workshop: Evaluating your interviewing skills. American Society of Health-System Pharmacists Student Programming. Midyear Clinical Meeting. Las Vegas, NV, December 2, 2012. Bourg C. Top-notch residency candidates: Preparing students early. American Society of Health-System Pharmacists National Residency Preceptors Conference. Washington, DC August 17, 2012. Bourg C. Continuous infusions versus scheduled antibiotics. Pediatric Pharmacy Advocacy Group Annual Meeting. Houston, Texas. April 2012. May J. Foundations of antimicrobial stewardship, Clinical Symposium, Misr International University, Cairo Egypt, November 6, 2012. May J. New drug update 2012: A formulary approach, Clinical Symposium, Misr International University, Cairo Egypt, November 6, 2012. May J, May D. Systematic approach to drug information, 4.5 hour Workshop for Hospital Pharmacists, Misr International University, Cairo Egypt, November 7, 2012. May J. Statistical approach to drug literature evaluation, 2 day Workshop for Teaching Assistants, Misr International University, Cairo Egypt, November 4-5, 2012. May J. Pediatric drug information, Lecture for 4th Year Pharmacy Students, Misr International University, Cairo Egypt, November 4, 2012. May JR. PGY1s, PGY2s, and students, oh my! Tools for effective precepting and training , American Society of Health System Pharmacists Midyear Clinical Meeting, Las Vegas, NV, December 4, 2012. Norton M. Psychopharmacology 2012, University of Alabama School on Alcohol and Other Drug Studies, Tuscaloosa, Alabama; April 2012. Norton M. Take the ouch out of pain management: Pain management of the addicted patient, College of Psychiatric and Neurologic Pharmacists Annual Conference, Tampa, Florida., April 2012. Norton M. The anti-reward brain system: The new frontier of addiction pharmacy treatment, Misericordia University, Wilkes-Barr, Pennsylvania, June 2012. Norton M. Psychopharmacology – The Neuroscience of chemical dependence and mental illness, University of Utah College of Medicine, Salt Lake City, Utah, June 2012. Norton M. The Neuroscience of chemical dependence, Alliant International University California School of Professional Psychology, San Francisco, California, June 2012. Norton M. Addiction pharmacy management series: The neuropharmacology of methadone and buprenorphine, US Journal Training Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 2012. Rollins B, Ramakrishnan S, Perri M. Direct-toconsumer advertising of predictive genetic tests: A health belief model examination. American Academy of Advertising, Myrtle Beach SC March 15, 2012. Huang M, Rollins B, Perri M. Consumer preferences for attributes of Alzheimer’s Disease predictive genetic tests. Association for Marketing and Health Care Research. Park City Utah, March 1, 2012. 22 2 0 1 2 A N N U A L R E P O R T E d i t i on Rollins B, Ramakrishnan S, Perri M. An experimental examination of consumer attitudes, behavioral intentions and information search behavior after viewing a predictive genetic test DTC Ad. Association for Marketing and Health Care Research. Park City Utah, March 2, 2012. Rollins B, Ramakrishnan S, Perri M. Direct-to-consumer advertising of predictive genetic tests: A health belief model based eExamination. American Academy of Advertising, Annual Meeting, March 15-18 2012. Phillips B. Residency Learning System Workshop. American Society of Health System Pharmacists Summer Meeting. Workshop Presenter and Facilitator. Baltimore, MD. June 9, 2012. Phillips B. Residency Learning System Workshop: PGY1 existing residency programs. National Residency Preceptor Conference. Workshop Presenter and Facilitator. Washington, D.C. August 17, 2012. Phillips B. Top-notch residency candidates: Preparing students early. National Residency Preceptors Conference. Washington, D.C. August 17, 2012. Phillips B. Maximize classroom and experiential education emerge from the crowd: How to become a standout residency candidate. American College of Clinical Pharmacy Annual Meeting. Hollywood, FL. October 19, 2012. Phillips B. Interviewing for residencies resident roundtable emerge from the crowd: How to become a standout residency candidate. American College of Clinical Pharmacy Annual Meeting. Hollywood, FL. October 19, 2012. Phillips B. Residency learning system workshop: PGY1 existing residency program. American Society of Health- System Pharmacists Midyear Clinical Meeting. Workshop Presenter and Facilitator. Las Vegas, NV. December 1, 2012. Phillips B. Make a lasting impression: Evaluating your interview skills. American Society of Health-System Pharmacists Midyear Clinical Meeting. Las Vegas, NV. December 2, 2012. Shenoy S. 15th International Symposium on Molecular Medicine, Organized by the Spandidos Publication Group, Hersonissos, Crete, Greece (Pending for October, 2012), Protein kinase Bα: ‘Akt’ions on extracellular matrix remodeling. May DW. Advancements in clinical practice: Advancements and controversies in the treatment of eosinophilic esophagitis in adults. Continuing Professional Pharmacy Development Program. Continuing Education Seminar. Misr International University, Cairo, Egypt, November 2012. May DW. Improving drug information skills in the hospital setting. Certificate Workshop for Hospital Pharmacists in Cairo, Egypt. Misr International University, Cairo, Egypt, November 2012. Welch LH, Hughes LD, May DW, McEwen DW, Duke LJ. Assessing student confidence in influenza vaccine administration during an Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experience (IPPE). American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Meeting, Kissimmee, FL, July 2012. Phillips B. Assessment that improves outcomes. Residency precepting strategies worth sharing. American Society of HealthSystem Pharmacists Midyear Clinical Meeting. Las Vegas, NV. December 5, 2012. Shenoy S. 17th World Congress on Advances in Oncology, Organized by the Spandidos Publication Group, Hersonissos, Crete, Greece (Pending for October, 2012), Unlocking the 14-3-3 code in the regulation of prostate cancer cell motility and transendothelial migration. U G A C o l l e g e o f P h a r m ac y 23 PRESENTATIONS DEPARTMENT OF PHARMACEUTICAL AND BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES PRESENTATIONS AT NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL MEETINGS McGinnis AC, Bartlett MG. Quantification and characterization of siRNA and its metabolites in biological matrices, 26th Annual Meeting of the American Association for Pharmaceutical Scientists, Chicago, IL, Oct 2012 (Awarded 2012 Student Travel Award from the APQ Section, AAPS). Terry AV, Hutchings EJ, Kille NJ, Callahan PM, Buccafusco JJ, Beach JW. Novel analogs of choline for the treatment of disorders of cognition Society for Neuroscience Abstract Viewer and Itinerary Planner Volume: 42. Published: 2012. 42nd Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience Location: New Orleans, LA, USA Date: October 13 -17, 2012. Melick GA, Beedle AM. Histological and protein expression changes in mouse models of early dystroglycanopathy. University of Georgia Center for Undergraduate Research Opportunities (CURO) Undergraduate Symposium, April 2012, Athens, GA. Beedle AM, Foltz SJ, Fortuanto MJ. Modeling dystroglycan glycosylation defects in the mouse. 7th Annual Georgia Glycoscience Symposium, October 2012, Athens, GA. Muralidhara S, Bruckner JV, Osmitiz T, Sethi P, Zastre J. Absorption and transport of the pyrethroid insecticides deltamethrin, transpermethrin, and cis-permethrin by Caco-2 cells. Society of Toxicology, March, 2012, San Francisco, CA. 24 2 0 1 2 A N N U A L R E P O R T Sethi P, Muralidhara S, Osmitiz T, Bruckner JV, White CA, Minnema D, Assaf N, Schmitt W, Anand S, Gammon D. Plasma protein binding of pyrethroid insecticides. Society of Toxicology, March, 2012, San Francisco, CA. Gullick D, Bruckner JV, Cummings BJ, Osmitiz TG, Bartlett MG. Determination of pyrethroids in rat plasma using gas chromatography (GC) negative chemical ionization spectrometry. American Society of Mass Spectrometry. August 2012, Vancouver, Canada. Jia W, Eneh JO, Ratnaparkhe S, Altman MK, Murph MM. MicroRNA30c-2* expressed in ovarian cancer cells suppresses growth factor induced cellular proliferation and downregulates the oncogene BCL9. Southern Translational Education and Research Conference, Augusta, Georgia, September 7, 2012. KolisettyN, Casper J, Muralidhara S, Zhongxian GX, Bull RJ, Cotruvo JA, Fisher JW, Jin H, Zangar RC, Cummings BS. Bromate increases 3-bromotyrosine concentration in male rat kidneys. Toxicological Sciences, 121(S1), 2012. Scholpa NE, Zhang X, Kolisetty N, Bull RJ, Fisher J, Cotruvo JA, Delker D, Cummings BS. Epigenetic changes in p21 expression in rat kidney after exposure to bromate, Toxicological Sciences, 121(S1), 2012. Greenspan P, Dorsey PG. Effect of pomegranate juice, punicalagin and ellagic acid on fructose mediated glycation of albumin. Planta Medica (2012) 78:1089, International Conference on Natural Products Research, July 2012. E d i t i on Pegg RB, Robbins KS, Wells ML, Bellamy JT, Greenspan P. (2012). Super pecans: What the research shows. Annual Meeting of the National Pecan Shellers Association, Caesar’s Palace, Las Vegas, NV, September 13-15, 2012. (Oral presentation – Abstract in Book of Lectures). Dorsey P, Greenspan P. Inhibition of fructose mediated protein glycation by pomegranate juice. The Evans Memorial Department of Medicine 100th Anniversary Celebration. Boston University School of Medicine Campus. Boston, MA. 10/6/2012. Robbins, KS, Greenspan P and Pegg RB. Pecan phenolics and their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. International Conference on Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods, Kailua-Kona, Hawaii, December 2012. Elrod MS, Tompkins SM, Greenspan P. The effect of elderberry and muscadine grape extracts on Tamiflu-resistant H1N1 viral cytotoxicity. International Conference on Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods, Kailua-Kona, Hawaii, December 2012. Bierwirth JE, Greenspan P, Norton AJ, Kerr, WL, Pegg RB. The influence on in vitro digestion on the anti-inflammatory capacity of blackberry phenolics. International Conference on Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods, Kailua-Kona, Hawaii, December 2012. Greenspan P, Robbins, KS, Pegg RB. Pecan phenolics inhibit fructose mediated protein glycation. International Conference on Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods, Kailua Kona, Hawaii, December 2012. Ali MW, Callihan P, Cacan E, Murph M, Greer S, Hooks SB. Epigenetic regulation of regulator of G-protein signaling (RGS) proteins in chemoresistant ovarian cancer cells (April 2012). American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics (ASPET), Experimental Biology Annual Meeting. San Diego, CA. *Winner, Best Abstract Award, Molecular Pharmacology Division. Callihan P, Zitomer NC, Stoeling MV, Kennedy PC, Lynch KR, Riley RT, Hooks SB. Distinct generation, pharmacology, and distribution of sphingosine 1-phosphate and dihydro-sphingosine 1-phosphate in human neural progenitor cells. (April, 2012). American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics (ASPET), Experimental Biology Annual Meeting. San Diego, CA. Kennedy E. Targeting EGFR in cancer: Cancer drug discovery. Experimental Biology, San Diego, CA, April 21-25, 2012. Kennedy E. Spatiotemporal regulation of kinase signaling in cancer. Department of Physiology and Pharmacology, University of Georgia, March 26, 2012. Kamimura K, Kanefuji T, Suda T, Zhang G, Aoyagi Y, Liu D. Imageguided, lobe-specific hydrodynamic gene delivery to baboon liver, American Society of Gene and Cell Therapy Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, May 16-19 (Travel Award to Kenya Kamimura). Ma Y, Liu D. Activation of pregnane X receptor by pregnenolone 16 α-carbonitrile blocks high fat diet-induced obesity in AKR/J Mice. The 30th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Obesity Society, San Antonio, TX, Sep. 19 - 24, 2012. Lu X, Altharawi A, Gut J, Rosenthal PJ, Long TE. 1,4-Naphthoquinone cations as antiplasmodial agents: Hydroxy-, Acyloxy-, and Alkoxysubstituted analogs, American Chemical Society Medicinal Chemistry Letters 2012, 3, 1029–1033. Lu X, Altharawi A, Hansen, EN, Long TE. Phase-transfer catalysts in the O-alkylation of 2-hydroxynaphthoquinones, Synthesis 2012, 44, 3225-3230. Mock JN, Taliaferro JP, Lu X, Patel SK, Cummings BS, Long TE. Haloenol pyranones and morpholinones as antineoplastic agents of prostate cancer, Bioorganic Medicinal Chemistry Letters. 2012, 22 4854-4858. Long TE, Lu X, Galizzi M, Docampo R, Gut J, Rosenthal PJ. Phosphonium lipocations as antiparasitic agents, Bioorganic Medicinal Chemistry Letters. 2012, 22, 2976-2979. New antimicrobial agents for bacterial and tropical diseases including malaria, University of Georgia, Department of Chemistry, Athens, GA, January 19, 2012. Momany C, Galloway N, Toutkoushian H, Nune M, Neidle E, Overcoming challenges in crystallizing transcriptional regulators, 14th International Conference on the Crystallization of Biological Macromolecules, Huntsville, AL September 23-September 28, 2012 Amaraneni M, Gullick D, Sethi P, Mortiza T, Osmitz T, White CA, Bruckner JV, Cummings BS. Partition coefficients of deltamethein in male Sprague-Dawley rats, Southeastern Regional Society of Toxicology Meeting, Athens, GA October 2012. Chen C, Gullick D, Mortuza T, Amaraneni M, Sethi P, Osmitz T, White CA, Cummings BS, Bruckner JV. Toxicokinetics of low doses of the pyrethroid feltamethrin (DLM) in rats, Southeastern Regional Society of Toxicology Meeting, Athens, GA October 2012. U G A C o l l e g e o f P h a r m ac y 25 PRESENTATIONS DIVISION OF EXPERIENCE PROGRAMS Unterwagner WL. Pharmacy based immunization delivery certificate program. (ACPE 1.2 CEU) Atlanta, GA. September 2012. Invited International Presentations McDuffie CH. Pharmacology review. Georgia Dental Hygienists’ Association Annual Session, Columbus, GA, October 2012. May DW. Advancements in clinical practice: Advancements and controversies in the treatment of eosinophilic esophagitis in adults. Continuing Professional Pharmacy Development Program. Continuing Education Seminar. Misr International University, Cairo, Egypt, November 2012. Unterwagner WL. Pharmacy law update. (ACPE 0.2 CEU). University of Georgia Homecoming CE, Athens, GA. October 2012. McEwen DW. Unterwagner WL. Healthy People 2020: No flu for you: An immunization update on vaccine preventable diseases. University of Georgia College of Pharmacy CE Finale, Lawrenceville, GA , December 2012. May DW. Improving drug information skills in the hospital setting. Certificate Workshop for Hospital Pharmacists in Cairo, Egypt. Misr International University, Cairo, Egypt, November 2012. Everson D, Brooks K. Lifestyle approaches to prevent and manage chronic disease. University of Georgia College of Pharmacy CE Finale. Lawrenceville, GA. December 2012. Invited National Presentations Duke LJ. Experiential education faculty and staff career development: Solutions for reducing turnover and improving job satisfaction. (co-presenter with Craig Cox, Pharm.D. and Jennifer Danielson, Pharm.D.) American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, Annual Meeting). Kissimmee, FL, July 16, 2012. DIVISION OF NONTRADITIONAL EDUCATION AND OUTREACH Invited National Presentations McEwen DW, Timlier A, Grice G, Kobulnicky C, Martin B. Practical tools that engage learners with effective communication framework that optimize patient encounters. American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Annual Meeting, Kissimmee, FL, July 2012. von Waldner TJ, Wold J, Downes E, Conner A. The farm worker family health program: A sustainable community partnership, National Outreach Scholarship Conference, Tuscaloosa, AL, October 2012. Duke LJ. Experiential Education / Student Affairs Workshop Symposium: Scholarship Track. (co-presenter and co-facilitator with Robert Kerr, Pharm.D.). American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy. San Antonio, TX, September 16-19, 2012. von Waldner TJ, Edwards RO, Tseng T. Best practices for public health integration in the pharmacy curriculum, American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, Orlando, FL, July 2012. von Waldner TJ, Dobrowalski A. Emergency operations center skills station, National Disaster Life Support Foundation Educational Conference, Atlanta, GA, June 2012. Invited State Presentations Welch LH. Metabolic side effects in the treatment of mental illness: implications and management. 2012 Mental Health Symposium, Athens, GA, February 2012. McDuffie CH. Technology update for healthcare professionals. 2012 Mental Health Symposium, Athens, GA, February 2012. May DW. What you need to know about acid suppressive medications. Eastern Division of the Georgia Society of Gastroenterology Nurses and Associates Regional Conference. Augusta, GA, February 2012. May DW. Drug-induced upper gastrointestinal ulcerations. Eastern Division of the Georgia Society of Gastroenterology Nurses and Associates Regional Conference. Augusta, GA, February 2012. McDuffie CH, Welch LH. Pharmacologic management of dyslipidemia. Georgia Health Care Association Annual Convention, Amelia Island, FL, June 2012. Invited Regional Presentations von Waldner TJ. Case studies in anticoagulation, Georgia Healthcare Association, Amelia Island, FL, June 2012. von Waldner TJ. The farm worker family health program, The University System of Georgia Teaching and Learning Conference, Helen, GA, April 2012. Online Educational Programs von Waldner TJ. Introduction to emergency preparedness for pharmacists, web-based seminar for AMN Healthcare Education Services, February and March 2012. McDuffie CH. Technology update, mobile spplications for pharmacists. Georgia Health Care Association Annual Convention, Amelia Island, FL, June 2012. McDuffie CH. Alzheimer’s Disease, caring for the patient and caregiver. Georgia Pharmacy Association Annual Convention, Hilton Head, SC, July 2012. Unterwagner WL, Welch LH. Hot topics in women’s health. (ACPE 0.2 CEU) Georgia Pharmacy Association Annual Convention, Hilton Head, SC, July 2012. 26 2 0 1 2 A N N U A L R E P O R T E d i t i on Honor Roll of Giving 2012 W e are grateful to our valued benefactors for your continued support. Your gifts are vital to our increasing desire to become one of the top ten Colleges of Pharmacy in the nation. As a team of dedicated alumni, corporations, friends, faculty and staff, we can reach new heights together. Investments in our great College are increasing annually because of you. As you may know funding from the State of Georgia has now declined to 29% and external funding has become increasingly important to our success. I encourage you, more than ever, to reflect on what the College of Pharmacy means to you. Again, thank you for your continued support to the UGA College of Pharmacy Dana E. Strickland ’81, R.Ph. Executive Director of External Affairs FOUNDING PRESIDENTS CLUB MEMBERS Mrs. Emmett Allmond Dr. & Mrs. Howard C. Ansel Mr. & Mrs. Dean Baker Mr. & Mrs. Maynor H. Belcher, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. C. DeWitt Balnton Jr. Mr. Thomas Stanford Block Mr. & Mrs Clifford W. Bryant Mr. & Mrs. Bobby C. Burnley Mr. & Mrs. James Noah Calhoun, Jr. Dr. Ted D. Cash Mr. Charles David Cato Ms. Martha A. Cato Mr. & Mrs. Neal W. Cone Mrs. Edgar J. Cook Dr. & Mrs James W. Cooper, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Todd Crumley Mr. Kenneth M. Duke Mr. and & Mrs. Stuart Feldman Mr. John H. Fields, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Dewitt Gantt Mr. & Mrs. Steven Earl Garner Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Gigandet Rep. and Mrs. David B. Graves Mr. Alton D. Greenway Mrs. J.H.Hall Drs. Diane K. Hartle & James L. Hargrove Mr. Robert F. Hatcher Dr. David W. Hawkins Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Wayne Hoven. Jr. Rober A. and DellM. Johnsotn Dr. Albert W. Jowdy * and Mrs. Albert W. Jowdy Dr. & Mrs. H. Won Jun Mr. Wiliam T. Knight III* and Mrs. William T. Knight III Mr. & Mrs. Robert Frank Kuzniak Mr. and Mrs. Edwin J. Lake Mr. & Mrs. Jerry H. Lancaster Mrr. & Mrs. John L. Langford Dr. Joseph P. LaRoccca * and Mrs. Joseph P. LaRocca Mr. and Mrs. William F. Leake Mr. A. Allan Leonard * and Mrs. A. Allan Leonard Mr. & Mrs. Keith A. Linse Mr. & Mrs. Jefrey L. Lurey Mr. Alfred A. Mannino Mr. George W. Mason Mr. James S. McBrayer Mr. George D. McFarland Mr. & Mrs. F. Ford MIllikan* Mr. T. David Minish* Mr. D. Glenn Morgan Mr. & Mrs. J. Harris Morgan. Jr. Mr. William F. Nathaniel Dena Nolan Russell Nolan Tobias Nolan Dr. William Michael Ozburn Ashling Panoz Carol Jean Panoz Mr. & Mrs. Donald Panoz Lisa Panoz Mrs. Dione Mavis Peterson Mr. & Mrs. Martin B. Pinckney, Jr. Mr. Neil L. Pruitt * and Mrs. Neil L. Pruitt Andrea Purgason Genna Purgason Jamie Purgason Mrs. Leo E. Reese Dr. Ronald Lee Reese Mr. & Mrs. H. William Rowell Dr. Peter C. Ruenitz Mrs. Ben Allen Sanders. Jr. Mr. Philip Solomons, Jr. Donna Sparks Mathew Sparks Rebecca Sparks Ross Sparks Mrs. & Mrs. RIck C. St.John Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Fulton Stokes, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John H. Taylor, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth J. Thomas Mr. Roy A Tyson Mr. Jerry L. Walker* and Mrs. Jerry L. walker Dr. & Mrs. James W. Warren, Jr. Dean Kenneth and Mrs. KennethL. Waters* Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Wilson, Jr.* Mr. William T. Wolfe Lisa Panoz Wytiaz President's Club Benefactor Gifts of $10,000 and Up Mr. & Mrs. Maynor H. Belcher Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Bryan Jr. Senator and Mrs. Earl “Buddy” L. Carter U G A The Chu Family Foundation Dr. and Mrs. David Chu Georgia Pharmacy Foundation, Inc. JH Harvey, LLC Dr. Sandy Jun Kroger Kroger Company Foundation NW Georgia Pharmacist Association Drs. Kiran & Jigisha Patel Dr. Christopher Morrison Peterson Dr. Garratt Wayne Ponder Ponder Scientific Consulting LLC Publix Super Markets Charities, Inc. Rite Aid Corporation The Marsha Rivkin Center for Ovarian Cancer Research The Savannah Community Foundation, Inc. Seaside Drugs Inc. DBA St. Simons Drug Co. Shaklee Corporation Mr. and Mrs. Fred F. Sharpe Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Philip Solomons, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Dennis H. Strickland Strickland's Pharmacy Inc Mr. and Mrs. Robert I. Thompson U-Save-It Pharmacy, Inc. Walgreens Mrs. Grace Wilson Waters* Mr. Roy Goodwyn Wilson Jr. President's Club Fellows Gifts of $5,000 - $9,999 Ms. Lynn Cadwallader Badgett Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Belcher Dr. and Mrs. Keith R. Cadwallader Mr. Ron L. Cain and Mrs. Norma Jean Cain CVS Charitable Trust, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Ferrell “Al” A. Dixon Jr. Ashley and Jill Dukes Eli Lilly and Company Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Charles “Joey” J. Fievet Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Gigandet Mrs. Barbara Goldman Mr. and Mrs. John “Tim” T. Hansford Mr. Jay Benton Jones III and Dr. Susan Katherine Cadwallader Mr. D. Glenn Morgan and Mrs. Amy S. Morgan Mr. Brendan Francis Murphy and Dr. Sarah Jane Murphy C o l l e g e o f P h a r m ac y 27 DONOR RECOGNITION Mr. and Mrs. Eldon C. Oliver Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace “Allen” A. Partridge Jr. Pharmacia Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Gerald “Jerry” H. Riggins Drs. Robert C. & Courtnee L. Russ Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Rick and Robbin St. John Target Corporation Alan and Carla Wolfgang Sharon Barker and John Zerillo President's Club Partners Gifts of $2,500 - $4,999 Mr. and Mrs. Ralph W. Balchin Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Burnette Mr. & Mrs. Bobby C. Burnley and Mrs. Becky Sue D. Burnley Cardinal Health Foundation, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Guy Vincent Evans, Jr. Evans Pharmacy Dr. and Mrs. Douglas P. Farman Dr. and Mrs. Robert “Bob” E. Giles Jr. Drs. Joshua B. & Rachel S. Marshall Sheila and Steven Miller Pharmacy Consulting Group, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Ronald R. Satterfield Mr. Billy M. Stone Kevin and Tanya Woody President's Club Associates Gift's of $1,000-$2,499 Amerisource Bergen Dr. William Joseph Bachman Mr. and Mrs. Clifford P. Blanchard III Mr. Lance Parker Boles Mr. Blake Alford Bowers and Dr. Kimberly Craig Bowers James andn Susan Cooper Dacula Medicine Center, Inc. Drs Joseph and Cecily DiPiro Drs. Ray A. & Jessica Dixon Dr. Deborah Lester Elder Dr. Heather Rae Ferguson Mr. John H. Fields, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Mark W. Fitch G & H Pharmacy, Inc. Mr. Alton D. Greenway and Mrs. Shirley Greenway Dr. and Mrs. Vishnu D. Gupta Mr. Gerald Eugene Hartman Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Hay Jeremy and Gina Headrick Drs. Leslie R. & Rondell C. Jaggers Johnson & Johnson Mr. Anthony L. Kicklighter Edwin and Linda Lake Dr. and Mrs. James R. Lang Mr. Stan Gardner Lawhon Mr. W. Lon Lewis Dr. Heather Lindell Dr. Laura Lynn Little and Mr. Edward Spencer Little Jeffrey and Dale Lurey Mr. Andre Carnegie Mackey McKesson Foundation Inc. Drs. Mindi and Scott Miller Dr. and Mrs. Hakeem O. Mumuney Mr. and Mrs. Albert B. Nichols Dr. Min Hwan Oh Dr. Svein Oie and Ms. Barbara Woodruff Mr. and Mrs. Render T. Parham Jr. Ms. C. Ann Perry Pharmacists Mutual Insurance Co. Ms. Tracy Marie Rauch Dr. and Mrs. Taylor M. Rice Mr. and Mrs. David A. Richardson Drs. Yeshwant D. and Uma Y. Sanzgiri Mr. and Mrs. Byron L. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Perry “Chester” C. Sosebee *Dr. and Mrs. James T. Stewart Dean and Krista Stone Mr. Timothy “Tim” Elton Tallent Dr. Trina Johnson von Waldner Drs. Pingping Wang and Runhua Zhao Mr. Robert “Bob” Randal Warnock Mr. Flynn Wilford Warren Jr. and Dr. Monica “Bonnie” Marie Warren Oliver and Rozanne Whipple R C Wilson Pharmaceutical Assn Young Brothers Pharmacy Dean's Club Gifts of $500-$999 Abbott Laboratories Fund Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Allee Amgen Foundation, Inc. Dr. and Mrs. Stanley J. Black Mrs. Jennifer Childs Bourgeois Mr. and Mrs. Gene Bruce Bryars-Warren Drug Company Ms. Clarice T. Burval Mr. and Mrs. George R. Cannon Jr. Ms. Martha A. Cato Mr. George Biram Chapman Sr. Dr. Ben Yi Chen Dr. Lewis Grant Clark III Mr. and Mrs. Mahlon L. Davidson Mr. James Melvin Fitzgerald Fitzgerald Lafayette Pharmacy, Inc. Franklin Pharmacy Ms. Alechia H. Freeman Dr. and Mrs. James M. Frix Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Gantt Mr. and Mrs. Max Gardner Jr. Ms. Lisa Arlene Gore Kerry and Kathy Griffin Dr. and Mrs. Robert K. Halliday Oren and Buddy Harden Mr. and Mrs. Clinton W. Hodges Dr. and Mrs. James “Jim” Holley Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Floyd Hunt Mr. and Mrs. Ferman L. Jay Mr. Victor Lee Johnson Mr. George Johny Joseph Mr. and Mrs. John A. Koncul Jr. Dr. Barbara White Lawton Mr. Clarence Howard Leavy IV and Dr. Jennifer Marie Leavy Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Loo Dr. and Mrs. Timothy W. McNeely Mr. George Nelson Mize Dr. Joshua Kimsey Morris Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Myers Dr. and Mrs. Emmanuel K. Obeng Dr. Guangliang Pan and Ms. Lianqi Xie Mr. James William Parker Mr. and Mrs. John E. Peebles Plaza Pharmacy Prescriptions Unlimited Mrs. Donna Roberts Rice SciMedica Group Marketing Research, LLC Mr. Carl Lake Stanley Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas “Tom” F. Stokes Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Billy T. Stone Dr. Meredith Leigh-Ann Storms and Mr. William N. Storms IV Ms. Darlene Dendy Tallent Mr. Michael “Mike” T. Tarrant Thomas Drugs Mr. & Mrs. James Nicholson Thomas Dr. Lexie Melaine Turner Mr. James Donald Vinson Dr. Karthick Vishwanathan and Ms. Lakshmi Satyanarayanan WAAS Drugstore, Inc. Bill and Theresa Wade Mr. Wesley Terrell Wiggins and Mrs. Ouida Corry-Wiggins Mr. and Mrs. Douglas L. Wilkinson Christopher “Neil” N. and Suanne Wohlford Earl G. and Carole Wright *Deceased The 2012 Albert W. Jowdy Memorial Golf Classic yielded $9,180 for student scholarships. 28 2 0 1 2 A N N U A L R E P O R T E d i t i on DONATIONS BY CLASS 1944 Mr. Lewis Marcus West, Sr. 1947 Mrs. Jo Ann Trapnell Adams 1949 Mr. Emory H. Brandenburg Mrs. Rebecca Hicks Evans Mrs. Ruth Bowen Fuller Mr. John Uhel Grimsley Jr. 1950 Mr. George M. Atkinson Mr. James Wiley Clark Jr. Mr. Carleton C. Crabill Jr. Mr. Ferman Lloyd Jay Mr. R. Neal Jennings Sr. Mr. Walter Greene Strange Jr. Mr. Charles M. Waldrop Jr. 1951 Mr. Alton D. Greenway Mr. John Richardson Hunt 1952 Mr. Maynor H. Belcher Jr. Dr. William Frank Johnson Mr. Larry Randall Loudermilk 1953 Mr. Jack Brewton Tanner 1954 Mr. James Franklin Brackett Mr. Jack Carson Bryan Sr. Dr. Jane Heng Chin *Dr. Randall Teasley Maret Mr. Stanford Shulman Mr. William Dean Terrell 1955 Mr. Jack Calhoun Chastain Mr. George Dyson Hamilton 1956 Dr. Joel Stewart Dekle Mrs. Frances Turpen Ellington Mr. Clifford Earl Gable Mr. William J. Harp Jr. Mr. Frank Michael Pelly Mr. Elliott Norman Roberts Mrs. Rheta Leverett Skolaut 1957 Ms. Gloria Bloodworth Colter Mr. William Harrell Colter Mrs. Edith Evans Gable Mr. James Edwin Graves Mrs. Ilze Sarma Henderson Mr. Edwin Vinson Laws Mr. Benjamin F. Mayes Mr. Gayle Light McCleskey Mr. Jerry Dean Purcell Dr. John L. Williams 1958 Mr. William Michael Baucom Mr. James C. Furman Mr. Tom Gantt Mr. Gerald Eugene Hartman Sr. Mr. Lewis Andrew Hudson Mr. Paul Emory Waters 1959 Mrs. Lelia Louise Brunson Mr. & Mrs. Bobby C. Burnley Ms. Clarice T. Burval Mr. Wade Hodges Mr. Vance Connell Holt Mrs. Jean Frye Miller Mr. H. William Rowell 1960 Dr. Julius Edward Bailey Jr. Mr. George Biram Chapman Sr. Mr. James Robert Crawford Dr. Mickey M. Crouch Mr. Leonard Friedman Dr. Clarence E. Gissendanner Mr. Irvin Jeryl Pinnell Sr. *Lt Col George Donald Smith 1965 Mr. W. Nelson Bedingfield Mr. William Edward Curl Mr. Wendell Lewis Evans Mrs. Diane Benjamin Neuhaus Mr. William C. Phillips Mr. Marion Jonathon Wainright Mr. Douglas Lamar Wilkinson 1966 Mr. Robert W. Allee Mr. Frederick Lamar Bishop Mr. John Robert Bowen Sr. Dr. Roy Lee Chapman Jr. Mrs. Jean Cofield Daniell Mr. Alton D. Dykes Mr. Carl Edward Ellis Jr. Mr. Elbert William Fricks Mr. James Buchanan Kennedy Mr. Robert Frank Kuzniak Mr. Joseph S. Swofford Dr. Clifford M. Walker Jr. Mrs. Jill Gray Walker Mr. William Carroll Watkins Mr. Warren C. Weatherford 1961 Dr. Edward Brewton Mr. Kenneth Kelly Davis Mr. Charles Edwin Madray Mr. Carlton West Peeples Mr. Jack Carlton Sharp Mr. James Donald Vinson 1962 Mr. Albert Marion Allred Mr. William Luke Anthony Mrs. Mariellen J. Bateman Rep. Oren Hall Harden Jr. Mr. Charles David Maret Mr. Eldon C. Oliver Jr. Mr. Stephen Wong 1963 Mr. C. Frederick Colson Mr. James Franklin Hendrix Mr. Christopher J. Kapetanakos Mr. John Edwin Peebles Mr. John F. Speer Jr. 1964 Mr. Winston Burnum Brock Mr. Leron Arthur Bush Dr. Donald Crawford Davis Mr. H. Frank Erwin Mr. Bobby Lee Golden Mr. Hardy Lamar Russell Jr. Mr. Kent McDonald Wirsing Mr. Eugene Woo Jr. 1967 Mr. John J. Anderson Sr. Mr. Clifford L. Brown Mrs. Jean Nolan Courson Dr. Vishnu Das Gupta Mr. Sidney C. Hardy Mr. Emory Arnold Jenkins Mrs. Dorothy W. Loo Mr. S. C. Scott Loo Mr. Donald Ray Maxwell Mrs. Patricia Green Maxwell Mr. Richard Paul Minter Ms. Whitney Bunting Pickett Mr. Leonard Elliott Templeton Mr. Walter Gerard Tennyson Mrs. Patricia Cole Thomas Mr. Oliver C. Whipple Mrs. Bonnie Bonner Wirsing 1968 Mr. Ralph Waldo Balchin Jr. Mr. John Lawrence Bridges Dr. Richard H. Ciordia Mr. William Halcot Ford Jr. U G A C o l l e g e Mr. James Edwin Godley Jr. Mr. Douglas William Hall Mr. Robert Vernon Held Mr. Donald Melroy 1969 Dr. Jerry A. Boatwright Mr. George Robert Cannon Jr. Mr. Hewlette Dennis Cook Mr. Kenneth A. Guthrie Mr. Winton Clyde Harris Jr. Mr. Samuel Kenneth Henley Jr. Dr. James Michael Hiott Mr. Cecil Marvin Hitchcock III Mr. William G. Moore Mr. Theodore Donald Okerlund Mr. James William Parker Mr. M. Ali Pouryousefi Mr. Charles Logan Roberts Mr. Tim Sanders Mr. Charles Paul Schafer Jr. Mr. Don Michael Shepherd Mr. Robert Emory Stephenson 1970 Mr. William Randall Ansley Ms. Martha A. Cato Mr. Joseph Edwin Cook Dr. Charlie Wilson Dean Mr. Harvel B. Hamm Mr. Donald Leon Henderson Mr. Franklin M. Linder Mr. Keith Austin Linse Mr. Jeffrey Lewis Lurey Mr. Ralph Kendall Marett Mr. D. Glenn Morgan Mr. R. Terrell Parham Jr. Mr. Carl David Parker Mr. John William Richey Mr. Edward Phillip Stone Mr. Zachariah P. Terry Mr. Jesse Lee Underwood Jr. Mr. Flynn Wilford Warren Jr. Mr. Earl Gary Wright 1971 Dr. David M. Arrington Mrs. Mary A. Cunningham Mr. John Ashley Dukes Mr. Larry Waylon Ellis Mr. Randy Wayne Ellison Mr. Robert Lillie Gibson III Mr. William Clyde Godbee Jr. Mr. Joseph Daniel Greene Jr. Mr. Ronald Wayne Harden Mr. James Robert Hightower Mr. Edwin Clifton Jones Mr. Larry Fields Moseley Dr. William Preston Norred III Mr. N. Allen Phillips Mrs. Sandra Thompson Pullen Mr. Daniel L. Redden Mr. Andrew Rufus Smith Dr. Elwin Glynn Taunton Mr. Murriel Michael Williamson o f P h a r m ac y 29 DONOR RECOGNITION 1972 Mr. Mike Bloomfield Mr. Danny Lee Brown Mr. James Ronald Brown Ms. Jane Threadgill Bruce Dr. James W. Cooper Jr. Mr. Arnold Guy Ellis Ms. Joanne Brownstein Epley Mr. John H. Fields, Jr. Mr. Charles Joseph Fievet Sr. Mr. Michael P. Gigandet Mrs. Sherry Burnett Gisler Mr. Raymond Gregory Hickman Mrs. Sharon Parker Hobby Mr. Roger Stephen Jordan Mr. Clifford G. Lunceford Mr. Donald Lee Miller Mr. W. Allen Partridge Mr. Donald Mitchell Stiles Mr. William H. Turner Mr. Guy Rathbone Wilson Jr. 1973 Mr. James Michael Barwick Mr. Paul William Bleckley Mr. William Fleming Brewster Mr. John Wayne Bruce Dr. Robert Edwin Giles Jr. Mr. Grady Harreld III Mr. Terry O. Jones Mr. James Inman Kile Mr. Carlton Ralph Kitchens Jr. Mr. John Ulrick Lamer Mr. W. Lon Lewis Mrs. Ruth Whitlow Mitcham Mr. John Leroy Peery Mr. Walter Albert Saunders Mr. Carl Lake Stanley Jr. Dr. James Smith Tucker Mr. Joseph Ronald Williams Mr. Alonzo Wilson Mr. John Thomas Wynne Jr. 1974 Mr. Robert Michael Belcher Mr. Walter Hill Boyett III Dr. James H. Braziel III Mr. Daniel Aubrey Brock Mrs. Linda Erwin Christian Mrs. Peggy Heiserman Gillenwater Mr. H. Phillip Glazner Mr. John Timothy Hansford Mr. Henry Jew Mr. Harry Johnson III Mr. Herbert Eugene McGinty Jr. Mr. Lewis Orr Powell III Mr. Robert Cook Roddenberry Mr. Jim Clyde Shahan Mr. Fred Fielding Sharpe Jr. Mr. John Clemon Sojourner Jr. Dr. William Jerry Spruill Mr. Thomas F. Stokes Mr. Creed Taylor Jr. 1975 Mr. James King Abney 30 2 0 1 2 Mr. Jim Brown Mr. Ronald David Burns Mr. Ron L. Cain Mr. Richard Stephen Ezell Dr. Douglas P. Farman Mr. Foster Albert Hotard Jr. Mr. Martin Luther Johnson III Mr. Glen David Leesman Mr. George Nelson Mize Mr. William C. Sams III Mrs. Janet L. Webb Satterfield Mr. Danny Allen Shive Mr. Ronald Craig Temples Mr. Fred Keith Webster III Dr. Delores Jane Wong Mr. Judson Holmes Wynne III Ms. Sharon B. Zerillo 1976 Mr. Hashim Ahmad Hasan Badr Mrs. Janice Holt Black Mr. Johnny Royce Brown Dr. Charles William Brunson Jr. Mr. Guy Vincent Evans Jr. Mr. Christopher Myrick Fievet Dr. Robert Keith Halliday Mrs. Florence Rowe Hansford Dr. Patricia Lindsey Harris Mrs. Laura Jeffords Horton Dr. Keith B. Huckaby Mr. Jerome Anderson Jackson Mrs. Teresa J. Teague Jackson Mr. Lester Ronald Magness Dr. Anthony Palmieri III Mrs. Hazel Kirkland Patton Dr. Sheila Anne Pedigo Mr. Robert George Probst Jr. Mr. Carlos Rodriguez-Feo Mr. Perry Chester Sosebee Mr. Robert Ivan Thompson 1977 Mrs. Ellen Bruggeman Bruce Mr. James Melvin Fitzgerald Mrs. Cathy W. Homan Mr. Robert Dale Jones Mr. John L. Langford Mrs. Deborah A. Rosier Mangum Mr. Alfred McNair Mr. Herschel Earle Mize Mr. Steven Gordon Perry A N N U A L R E P O R T Mr. Thomas Perry Porter Mr. Harry P. Rader III Mrs. Carol Sears Sawyer Mr. Larry E. Thomas Mr. William Richard Thomas III Mr. Melvin Wakeley 1978 Mr. Richard Truitt Bass Mrs. Rebecca Reesman Braselton Mr. Mickey Lewis Buford Mr. James Eppinger Cope Jr. Mr. Arnaldo Luis Correa Jr. Mrs. Sandra Pulliam Correa Mr. Roderick Adams Gallaher Ms. Debra Kay Smith Gray Dr. Harvey Donald Homan Mr. Warren Marcellus Manley Mr. Laird Miller Mr. Donald Perry Patterson Mr. James Joseph Puckett Mr. John Thomas Reeves Mrs. Susan Dixon Reeves Mrs. Donna M. Riggins Mr. Gerald Harris Riggins Mrs. Debra Wright Sampson Mr. Kent Hugh Sears Mr. Robert Randal Warnock Mr. Henry O. Wehner III Mr. Lewis Marcus West Jr. 1979 Mr. Clifford Pierce Blanchard III Mr. Joseph Wayne Crager Mr. Don Young Davis Mrs. Theresa Purvis Dockery Ms. Vickie Adams Evans Mr. Kerry Alvis Griffin Dr. D. Conrad Harper Ms. Pui Yue Ronnie Hon Ms. Hedy Elizabeth House Mrs. Lynn Chandler Hurley Dr. Sharon Mills Sherrer Mr. Robert Jeffrey SIkes effrey Sikes Mrs. Blenda Elledge Singletary D. Terry Smith, D.M.D. Mr. David Richey Stancil Dr. Randall Lynn Tackett Mr. James Nicholson Thomas Mrs. Gail Cason Wilson E d i t i on 1980 Mrs. Margaret Mason Autry *Mr. John Neal Bagley Ms. Terry Braswell Mr. Thomas Edward Bryan Jr. Mr. Michael Dewey Carroll Senator Buddy Carter Ms. Adaline Paguibitan Chapman Mrs. Mildred Cullom Downs Dr. Linda Elaine Doyal Mrs. Patricia Lacey Griffeth Mrs. Kathy Drake Griffin Mr. Michael Henry Hanson Mr. Ralph Timothy Hurley Mr. David Michael Key Mrs. Peggy Douglas Kirkland Mr. Mark Lee Ritchie Mr. John Michael Ross Mr. John Lee Shadden Jr. Mrs. Laura McReynolds Smith Ms. Marcia Carson Stewart Mrs. Jennifer Williamson Stone 1981 Mr. Mark Allan Beaman *Mr. Lewis Jefferson Blackwell Mr. Michael Charles Crutchfield Mr. David C. Gammon Mrs. Debra E. Bloodworth Glass Mr. Steven E. Glass Mr. Don Hutcherson Mrs. Betty Stevens Lowe Mrs. Nancy Wise Miller Mr. James Marion Reed Jr. Mrs. Donna Roberts Rice Ms. Yvonne Dixon Sightler Mrs. Karen Goldberg Small Mr. Richard Daniel Taylor 1982 Mr. Gerald L. Altman Mr. Mahlon Lynn Davidson Ms. Marie Davis Mr. Robert Charles Davis V Mrs. Angela Moxley DeLay Mr. Kenneth Jackson DeLay Mr. Ferrell Alpha Dixon Jr. Mr. Mark Allen Gordon Dr. Edwin Walker Grimsley Mrs. Peggy Lee Grimsley Mr. William Madison Harley III Mr. Craig Hill Mrs. Lisa Burleson Hunt Mrs. Susan Neylans Johnson Mr. Tim Oliver Mrs. Brenda Dillard Owens Mr. Chris Peter Tripodis CAPT Joseph Thomas Vitanza, USN, Retired Mr. Wesley Terrell Wiggins 1983 Mrs. Holly Hubbell Chitwood Ms. Beverly Ann O'Neal Coogler Mrs. Ouida Corry-Wiggins Mrs. Sharon Bogardus Durrence Mr. James Harold Farmer Jr. Ms. Penny Lea Hall Mr. Thomas James Heard Mrs. Carol Zobay Ogg Ms. C. Ann Perry Mr. Russell Carlton Rainwater Mr. Michael Meade Schoendorf Mr. John Charles Titus Ms. Karla Stephanie Wall Jerry Williams, M.D. Mr. Roy Goodwyn Wilson Jr. Dr. Patricia Caldwell Wynne 1984 Ms. Nancy Elizabeth Ager Mr. Lonnie Dean Brown Mr. Ron Burnette Dr. Carlton W. Durrence III Dr. J. Mitchell Frix Mr. Lowell Blaine Harris Mrs. A. Renee Hay Mr. Samuel Floyd Hunt Mr. Victor Lee Johnson Ms. Marsha Claire Kapiloff Dr. James Ronald Lang Mrs. Paula Bowers Lang Mr. William Jeffery Ratliff Mr. Howard Cecil Rowe II Mr. Billy M. Stone Mr. Garold Keith Thompson Jr. Mrs. Darlene Beasley Wayne Ms. Kathy Shackelford Wilson 1985 Mrs. Patricia Bellamy Brown Mrs. Elizabeth Black Heard Mrs. Ellen Spooner King CAPT Coy Bernard Lane Dr. Timothy Walton McNeely Mrs. Mary Donise Haynie Moore Mr. William Yale Moore Mrs. Nancy Price Scarbrough Dr. William Elton Wade Mr. Michael Clint Whittle 1986 Ms. Ruthanne B. Anderson Mrs. Tracy E. Swaim Bell Mrs. Sonja Lee Bennett Mr. Thomas Joseph Combes Ms. Linda Brower Elias Ms. Alechia H. Freeman Mr. Frank Michael Glenn Mr. James Robert Harris Dr. Michelle Kalis Mr. Stan Gardner Lawhon Ms. Nancy Shaw Melton Mrs. Sandra Umphrey Powers Dr. Owen Bryan Smith Mr. Brian Edward Thompson 1987 Mr. Roger Allen Bloodworth Dr. Donna Veal Booth Dr. Bradley Alan Clark Dr. Janice Carlson Glascock Ms. Lisa Arlene Gore Dr. Jeffrey W. Harrison Mrs. Melanie Bailey Hasty Dr. Leslie Dotson Jaggers Mr. James Lamar Lingenfelter Ms. Sheila Dunn Miller Dr. Emmanuel Kwame Obeng Mr. Mark Pam Mrs. Suzanne Meeks Poole Mr. Ben Hill Porter Jr. Mrs. Sherry Hendrix Sims Mrs. Edie Edwards Smith Ms. Ameta Kay Stephens Mrs. Julie Osterfeld Wellman 1988 Dr. Moji Adeyeye Dr. Richard F. Arrendale Mrs. Jennifer Childs Bourgeois Ms. Joyce Anita Lavender-Pratt Mr. Andre Carnegie Mackey Dr. Andrew Thomas Pennell Ms. Lisa Merritt Smith Mr. Dennis Howard Strickland 1989 Dr. William Joseph Bachman Ms. Rebecca Lee Bader Mrs. Jenny Buchheit Bartholomew Ms. Laterries Spears Bellamy Mr. Darren Lamar Bryan Mr. Benjamin Addril Clark Mrs. Joanie Kenny Hoyt Mr. Jeffrey Slade Johnson Mr. John Lawton Lee Ms. Cynthia Diane Marshall Mr. Ronald Wayne May Dr. Mindi Shattah Miller Mrs. Kimberly Van Matre Palsis Ms. Terrilynn Beck Parker Mr. Jeffrey Stuart Scaffe Mrs. Lola Helen Smith Mrs. Melinda Burch Swaim Mr. Wallace Edwin Williams Jr. 1991 Ms. Eleanor Jane Chance Mr. Scott Anthony Cline Dr. Christopher A. Day Mrs. Amy Standridge Galloway Mrs. Margaret Fajura Gomez Dr. Robert Malcolm Hatton Mr. Christiaan Alan Jones Ms. Joanne Naggie Kervin Dr. Allison Winecoff Miller Ms. Amanda Lambert Miller Mrs. Amy Whelchel Miller Dr. Yeshwant Dharmanand Sanzgiri Mr. Victor Brian Taylor Dr. Monica Marie Warren 1992 Dr. Brian Ward Bowers Mrs. Stacy M. Dickens Dr. Nirdosh Kumar Jagota Dr. Barbara White Lawton Dr. Clay Andrew Lee Mr. Levis Aldine McConnell III Mrs. Jennifer Williams McCulley Dr. Deborah Marie Myers Dr. Michael W. Neville Mr. Navin Gordhanbhai Patel Mr. Sheldon Carroll Smith Mrs. Jennifer Moxley Stevens Mr. George Clark Weeks Jr. Mr. Bryan Gerald Wood Dr. Georgeanne B. Zimmerman Mr. Gary Richard Meyer Ms. Laurie McWilliams Pam Ms. Judy Faye Lee Settle Mr. Timothy Elton Tallent 1993 Mr. Warren H. Christmus III Dr. Jennifer A. Genone Dr. LaWanda Allen Kemp Ms. Patricia Campbell Lowry Dr. Bradley Charles Martin Mrs. Renee Oliver Ms. Sharon Youngblood Patrick Dr. Christopher Morrison Peterson Mr. Thomas Joseph Ptaszynski Mr. Buie Jeffery Rowan Dr. Uma Yeshwant Sanzgiri Dr. Kelly Marie Smith Mr. Bobby Dean Stone Jr. Mrs. Laura McMichen Yancey 1990 Mr. James Benjaman Bartlett Mr. Kurt Kotaro Begeman Mr. Kenton Von Eiland Mr. James Gordon Elrod Ms. Mitzi Matthews Gary Ms. Deanne Wilkerson Lambert Dr. Dianne Williams May 1994 Dr. Karen Drew Barlow Dr. Brian Dale Buck Dr. Steven Paul Burch Dr. Tammi Eidson Creamer Dr. Suzanne Daniels Dunmon Mrs. Melanie Ann Harvey Dr. Ravi Kumar Jalluri U G A C o l l e g e Mr. Danny Mark Kim Dr. Heather Lindell Mr. Christopher Sean Lowry Dr. Brian S. Macomson Dr. Andrew Blair Miller Mrs. Amanda Tanner Roberson Ms. Angela Norman Stadler Mr. Clayton James Williams 1995 Mrs. Susan Griffith Burke Dr. Henry Herbert Cobb III Dr. Cecily Victor DiPiro Ms. Rhonda Manning Ireland Ms. Ami Fletcher Jarrett Mr. Christopher Alan Jarrett Mr. Anthony L. Kicklighter Dr. Michelle Berrong McElhannon Mr. Jeffrey Scott Pierce Dr. Garratt Wayne Ponder Ms. Candice Sims Pruett Dr. Hal Richards Mrs. Kelly Rickles Roper Dr. Leslie Hancock Sexton Mrs. Krista Deloach Stone Mrs. Staci Coulter Walraven Dr. Daniel Afton West Mr. Neil Wohlford Mr. Kevin Joseph Woody 1996 Dr. Vickie Andros Ms. Denise Beasley Bennett Mr. Stetson Fleming Bennett III Mrs. Kelli Sirmons Christian Dr. Lisa Jean Daniell England Ms. Amy Scheidter Hamilton Dr. James Richards Holley Ms. Amy Adams Kelly Dr. Laura Patrick Little Dr. Michael Joel Melroy Dr. Laura Beasley Miller Dr. Dipen Bhikhubhai Patel Mrs. Kimberley A. Potter Mrs. Suanne Nash Wohlford 1997 Mr. James David Cochran Dr. Lisa Carelock Crain Dr. Paula Frances Curtis Mr. Theodore Dah Hsu Mr. William George McClure Dr. Kathryn Laurel O'Donnell Ms. Tracy Marie Rauch Dr. Robin Bower Schwartz 1998 Dr. Clara L. Beach Dr. Wei Chen Dr. Melissa Chapman Frank Dr. Claire Bush Green Dr. Jennifer Williams Leavy Dr. Christopher Robert Mccurdy Dr. Hakeem Obafemi Mumuney Ms. Adra Faith Smith o f P h a r m ac y 31 DONOR RECOGNITION Dr. Allison Leigh Sternenberg Dr. Pingping Wang Dr. Ronda Schrimper Whipple 1999 Mr. Lance Parker Boles Mr. Paul Phillip Bryant Dr. Tara Buford Thurmon Dr. William Henry Thurmon III 2000 Dr. Amy Melissa Covey Mr. David Andrew Duncan Dr. Angela Boyd Jackson Mr. George Johny Joseph Mr. David Anthony Richardson Dr. Christopher Bradley Wilson Dr. Cindy Lou Zoellner 2001 Dr. Robert Alan Dykes Dr. Megan Freeman Dr. Jacquelyn Seymour Harris Dr. Kalen Beauchamp Manasco Dr. Charles Henry McDuffie Dr. Candace McCullough Nichols Dr. Robert Cary Russ Dr. Alex S. Tucker Dr. Jodie Lasseter Tucker Dr. Karthick Vishwanathan Dr. Trina Johnson von Waldner 2003 Dr. Cassandra E. Dayton Dr. Ray A. Dixon Dr. Nicole Burnside Ebisch Dr. Heather Rae Ferguson Dr. Shawna Lynn Huff Dr. Guangliang Pan Dr. Mervin L. Williams Jr. 2004 Dr. Tiffany Adams Dr. Stephanie Cecilia Cannon Dr. Ben Yi Chen Dr. Leigh Anne Conner Dr. Mary Dixon Holland Dr. Rachel Lorenzen Marshall Dr. Joshua Kimsey Morris Dr. William Brackton Panter Dr. Alyssa Ann Edwards Pate Dr. Donald Joseph Piela Jr. Dr. Taylor McNeill Rice Dr. Heather Plunkett Walters 2005 Dr. Kimberly Dobbin Bowers Dr. Michael Dent Dr. Eric Wayne Durham Dr. Jenny Hicks Dr. Marlena DeLaneuville Kelley Dr. Joshua Blaine Marshall Dr. Matthew Forbes Morgan Dr. May Chinelo Okoye Dr. Michael Bradley Smith Dr. Carey Austin Vaughan 2006 Dr. Christina Jordan Curry Dr. Kathryn DiRico Johnson Dr. Nicole Leyland Metzger Dr. Amanda Kay Smith Moon Dr. Catherine J. V. Robitaille Dr. Julie Elizabeth Williamson TARGET 2002 Dr. Sabrina R. Croft Dr. Sara Newberry Mann Dr. Amber Wilkerson Mayo Dr. Michael Keith Mayo Dr. Lisa Lee McGriff Dr. Mital Y. Patel Dr. Courtnee Reynolds Russ Dr. Melody Clay Sheffield Dr. Judy Morris Spillers Dr. Steven Alton Spillers Dr. Meredith Wilcox Storms Dr. Lawson Delano Swint Jr. Dr. Joshua Wade Upton Dr. Mark Van Ewyk 32 2 0 1 2 2007 Dr. Kathryn Belcher Brown Dr. Jim Wade Carswell Dr. Lewis Grant Clark III Dr. Deborah Lester Elder Dr. Dennis Kyle England Dr. Melissa Curtis Koehler Dr. John Wesley Krulic Dr. Autrey Lee Merritt Dr. Kristen Marie Ott Dr. Carol Story Dr. Chris Vaughan Dr. Tammy Watson Dr. Jennifer Young Dr. Merrill Andrew Norton Dr. Ben Ross Dr. Samir Hasmukh Shah Dr. Lexie Melaine Turner Dr. Meng Xu 2009 Dr. Marie Dabbs Capito Dr. Nancy Rebecca Davis Dr. Kevin Miller Florence Dr. Kevin Lewis Hempe Dr. William Berry Ivey Dr. Andrea Diaz Lewis Dr. Clay Andrew Lewis Dr. Scott Thomas McDowell Dr. Jason Stewart McNeely Dr. Min Hwan Oh Dr. Erin Innis Shipley Dr. Jonathan Lee Sinyard Dr. Jonathan Clark Slone Dr. Megan Sightler Smith Dr. Thomas Henry Teasley 2010 Dr. Lauren Rachel Biehle Dr. Margaret Cottingham Brand Dr. Humphrey N. Ehigiator Dr. Amy Meredith Ellis Dr. Jamie Leigh Huckaby Dr. Lindsey Ann Jackson Dr. Lindy James McFarlin Dr. Ben Collier Moon Dr. Matthew Scott Owens Dr. Emily Carroll Peck Dr. Sarah E. Walker 2011 Dr. Meghan N. Federman Dr. Ashley Nicole Hannings Dr. Sara Alicia Hughes Dr. Kathleen McManus Dr. Sarah Kathryn Rath Dr. Kevin Christopher Taylor 2012 Dr. Jonathan Miller Alligood Dr. Jayme Michelle Bristow Dr. Justin Blake Hildreth Dr. Trang Ngo Lee Dr. Kimberly Christine Trinidad 2008 Dr. Katie Coffee Dr. William Rowland Crowley Dr. Nicole Dianne Lynch Dr. Sarah Marchand Murphy A N N U A L R E P O R T E d i t i on Faculty Staff Dr. Warren Beach Dr. Aaron Beedle Dr. Paul Jackson Brooks Dr. James V. Bruckner Dr. Brian Dale Buck Dr. Deborah Lester Elder Dr. Azza B. El-Remessy Dr. Susan C. Fagan Dr. George E. Francisco Jr. Dr. James Lee Franklin Dr. Rajgopal Govindarajan Dr. Phillip Greenspan Mr. Jeremy T. Headrick Dr. John Wesley Krulic Dr. Dexi Liu Dr. Timothy Edward Long Dr. Kalen Beauchamp Manasco Dr. Dianne Williams May Dr. J. Russell May Dr. Charles Henry McDuffie Dr. Mindi Shattah Miller Dr. Cory A. Momany Dr. Michael W. Neville Dr. Merrill Andrew Norton Dr. Svein Oie Dr. Beth Phillips Dr. Bradley George Phillips Dr. Melody Clay Sheffield Dr. Randall Lynn Tackett Dr. Trina Johnson von Waldner Mr. Han-Rong Weng Dr. Alan P. Wolfgang Dr. Jason Zastre Ms. Guisheng Zhang Corporations and Organizations Abbott Laboratories Fund Amerisource Bergen Amgen Foundation, Inc. Asheville Discount Pharmacy, Inc. AstraZeneca AT&T Foundation Charles W. Brunson Jr., DMD, PC Bryars-Warren Drug Company Cardinal Health Foundation, Inc. The Chu Family Foundation City Drugs of Crystal Springs Clay Lee D.O., LLC Compounding Specialists at Lake Oconee Inc. Cook’s Pharmacy Services, Inc. Cummins Graphics & Signs, Inc. CVS Charitable Trust, Inc. Dacula Medicine Center, Inc. Dart Drugs & Surgical Dicar, Inc. Edmund Burke Academy Eli Lilly and Company Foundation Evans Pharmacy Fitzgerald Lafayette Pharmacy, Inc. Folkston Pharmacy, Inc. Franklin Pharmacy G & H Pharmacy, Inc. Georgia Pharmacy Foundation, Inc. GlaxoSmithKline Foundation Haney’s Drug Corner, Inc. Hidden Hollow Resort Inc. Keith B. Huckaby, M.D. JH Harvey, LLC Jill Leite Studio Johnson & Johnson Kimberly-Clark Foundation Inc. Kroger Kroger Company Foundation McKesson Corporation McKesson Foundation Inc. The Medicine Shoppe Mylan Inc. NW Georgia Pharmacist Association Pharmacia Foundation Pharmacists Mutual Insurance Co. Pharmacy Consulting Group, LLC Plaza Pharmacy Ponder Scientific Consulting LLC Prescriptions Unlimited Publix Super Markets Charities, Inc. Rite Aid Corporation The Marsha Rivkin Center for Ovarian Cancer Research The Rowell Family Foundation The Savannah Community Foundation, Inc. SciMedica Group Marketing Research, LLC Seaside Drugs Inc. DBA St. Simons Drug Company Shaklee Corporation Shannon Pharmacy Inc. Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Strickland’s Pharmacy Inc Target Corporation Thomas Drugs TimeWarner Foundation Trion Drugs, Inc. Twin Oaks Brangus U-Save-It Pharmacy, Inc. Valu-Rite Pharmacy WAAS Drugstore, Inc. Walgreens WAL-MART Stores, Inc. R C Wilson Pharmaceutical Assn Young Brothers Pharmacy Friends Mrs. Charlene Faye Abney Dr. Olushola Adebisi Adeyeye Mrs. Ruth B. Allee Ms. Katie Chambers Alligood Mrs. Sue T. Allred Mrs. JeNie L. Altman Ms. Sandra Sessions Anderson Mr. William A. Anderton Mrs. Patricia K. Ansley Ms. Sue Jane Anthony Mrs. Deborah D. Arrendale Mrs. Diane Crider Arrington Mr. Robert Carl Ault Mr. Stephen R. Autry Ms. Lynn Cadwallader Badgett Mrs. Dolores Bailey Ms. Sandra Smith Balchin Mr. Kevin C. Barlow Mr. Robert W. Bartholomew Jr. Mrs. Evonne T. Bartlett Mrs. Harvey Lee Barton Mrs. Beth White Bass Ms. Shirley D. Baucom Mrs. Julie W. Begeman Mrs. Marilyn Parker Belcher Mrs. Wynelle Webb Belcher Mr. Robert Lee Bell Jr. Mr. James Roger Bellamy Mr. Candler Davis Bennett Jr. Mr. Ellis M. Bevill Sr. Mrs. Connie Harris Bishop Dr. Stanley Joseph Black Mrs. Linda Evans Blanchard Dr. and Mrs. C. D. Blanton Jr. Mrs. Linda S. Bleckley Mrs. Lynn S. Bloodworth Mrs. Bonnie Bloomfield Ms. Judith Diane Boatwright Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Bova Mrs. Jackie Bowen Mr. Blake Alford Bowers Mrs. Elizabeth Sinde Boyett Mr. James N. Brand Mrs. Elaine J. Brandenburg Mr. Jake Braselton Mr. Gettys F. Braswell Dr. and Mrs. Charles L. Braucher Sr. Mrs. Debran Taylor Braziel Mrs. Charla B. Brewster Mrs. Rebecca D. Bridges Mrs. Susan Gibson Brock Ms. Barbara J. Brooke Mrs. Kay Lynn Brooks Mrs. Brenda Brown Mrs. Janet L. Brown Mrs. Julie L. Brown Mrs. Patricia Parks Brown Mr. Rickie Lee Brown Jr. Mrs. Sandra Cameron Brown Mrs. Sharon Branagan Brown Mr. Gene D. Bruce Mrs. Ericka Clark Mrs. Lynne Parker Cline Ms. Brenda Huggins Cobb Mrs. Jennifer Cochran Mr. Jason Chadwick Coffee Mrs. Louise F. Colson Mr. Gregory B. Coogler Mrs. Karen Manship Cook Mrs. Tami Cook Mrs. James W. Cooper Jr. Mr. Earnie Joe Courson Mrs. Betty Cox Pharmacy Enhancement Fund Dr. Judy Kaye Bruckner Mrs. Tammy Miller Brunson Mrs. Betty C. Bryan Mrs. Patsy Newton Bryan Mrs. Donna H. Buford Dr. Opal Rebecca Bunce Ms. Hope Neal Burch Ms. Melanie Andrews Burden Ms. Jan S. Burgess Mrs. Angela Kaye Burnette Mrs. Becky Sue D. Burnley Dr. Kirsten Veronica Busey Mrs. Martha Newberry Bush Dr. and Mrs. Keith R. Cadwallader Mrs. Norma Jean Cain Mrs. Mary Rollins Cannon Mr. Nicholas Michael Capito Mrs. Terri R. Carroll Dr. Hannah Rebekah Carsillo Mrs. Amy Carter Dr. Meghan Marie Caylor Mrs. Dianne B. Chapman Dr. Sarah Elizabeth Chapman Ms. Carolyn Anne Chapman-Cook Mrs. Martha Cranford Chastain Dr. Chris Chi Chin Mr. Jin H. Chin Mr. Joshua L. Christian Dr. and Mrs. David Chu Mrs. Page Trout Ciordia Mrs. Betsy Davis Clark U G A C o l l e g e Mrs. Beth Crabill Mrs. Mary M. Crager Mr. John Melton Crain Jr. Mrs. Joan Dempsey Crawford Dr. Julian Jefferson Creamer III Mr. Adam Brian Croft Mrs. Elizabeth Crouch Mrs. Jayme D. Crowley Mrs. Kim A. Crutchfield Dr. Danis L. Cunningham Mr. Donald G. Daniell Mrs. Veida Wiseman Davidson Mrs. Jolene R. Davis Mrs. Mellie C. Davis Mrs. Michele M. Davis Mrs. Vickie Leggett Davis Dr. Donley Elizabeth Dawson Ms. Donna A. Dawson Mrs. Sandra F. Dekle Ms. Jenny King Dent Mr. Matthew Wayne Dickens Dr. Joseph T. DiPiro Dr. Matthew Stephen Disharoon Dr. Jessica Dixon Mrs. Peggy Farrow Dixon Dr. Karl Kay Dockery Jr. Mr. Jim Downs Mrs. John Ashley Dukes Ms. Arlene Duncan Mrs. Jennifer Mae Duncan Mr. Charles H. Dunmon Jr. o f P h a r m ac y 33 DONOR RECOGNITION Dr. Patricia Leech Dwinell Mrs. Danilyn N. Dykes Mrs. Vickie H. Dykes Mr. Dan Ebisch Mrs. Dolores P. Ellis Mrs. Larry Waylon Ellis Ms. Marianne Inman Ellis Dr. Stephanie Rachel Ellis Mrs. Robbie Keys Elrod Mrs. Cynthia Meyer Evans Mrs. Dorothy L. Evans Dr. Sarah Suzanne Evans Mr. Thomas H. Evans Dr. Lance Copeland Faglie Mrs. Patricia B. Farman Mrs. Pamela Farmer Dr. Jeffery Maurice Felton Mrs. Patricia M. Fievet Mrs. Polly Maner Fievet Dr. and Mrs. Jack E. Fincham Mr. and Mrs. Mark W. Fitch Mrs. Rachel Hutchins Florence Mrs. Gail Ford Mrs. Elizabeth W. Francisco Mr. Michael Wilson Frank Mrs. Emolyn s. Fricks Mrs. Tina Massey Frix Mr. Wilmer C. Fuller Mrs. Dolores A. Furman *Dr. Gayle Layton Gallaher Mr. Tony Dewayne Galloway Mrs. Cynthia A. Gantt Mr. and Mrs. Max Gardner Jr. Mr. Jack E. Gary Jr. Mrs. Mary Langford Gibson Mrs. Phyllis R. Gigandet Mrs. Patricia Walker Giles Mr. Charles M. Gisler Mrs. Virginia Scoggins Gissendanner Mr. Gale E. Glascock Mrs. Carol B. Golden Mrs. Barbara Goldman Mr. Noel R. Gomez Mrs. Terry Floyd Gordon Dr. Steve Alan Grant Jr. Mrs. Kathryn B. Graves Mr. Bryan S. Green Mrs. Kathryn A. Greene Mrs. Juanita A. Greenspan Mrs. Shirley Greenway Mr. Douglas R. Griffeth Dr. Brian Charles Griffin Ms. Ginger Elaine Grooms-Vaughan Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Gunn Mrs. Kanta Gupta Mr. and Mrs. Marvin G. Guyton Jr. Mrs. Jan V. Hall Mrs. April Sams Halliday Mr. Rhett R. Hamilton Mrs. Barbara Hamm Mrs. Patricia H. Hanson Mr. and Mrs. William R. Harbin Mrs. Cheryl S. Harden Mrs. Linda C. Harden 34 2 0 1 2 Ms. Karen E. Hardin Mrs. Dorothy H. Hardy Mrs. Mollie Milner Harley Mrs. Barbara H. Harp Mrs. Lisa Harper Mrs. Carole T. Harreld Mr. Bobby Alexander Harrell Mr. Andy S. Harris Dr. David Joseph Harris Jr. Mrs. Dawn Harris Mrs. Shannon Harris Mr. Todd Edward Harvey Mr. Mohamed Hassan Mr. Mark E. Hasty Mrs. Kimberly Wells Hatton Mr. P. David Hay Ms. Gina Miller Headrick Mrs. Patricia H. Jones Mrs. Rita Greene Jones Mrs. Sheree T. Jones Mrs. Joan Z. Jordan Mr. Jeffrey William Jowdy Dr. Sandy Jun Mr. Jeff Kelly Mr. Eric Kemp Ms. Sandra Kennedy Mr. David Joseph Kervin Mr. and Mrs. Mohammad I. Khan Mrs. Beverly Wallace Kile Dr. Dong Sun Kim Mrs. Masako Toi Kim Mr. Newton Edwin King Jr. Ms. Rebecca Anne Kirkland Dr. Julia Lea Duval Klingenbeck Dr. Christopher Scott Hearon Mrs. Margaret A. Held Mrs. Meghan C. Hempe Ms. Gail R. Henderson Dr. Ralph H. Henderson Mrs. Barbara Daniel Henley Mrs. Wanda Freeman Hickman Mr. Russell Gray Hicks Mrs. Yulynn F. Hightower Ms. Katie Green Hildreth Mrs. Carol Newberry Hill Dr. and Mrs. Richard K. Hill Mrs. Marilyn Hiott Mrs. Janice M. Hitchcock Mr. Harris Dormanie Hobby Jr. Mrs. Wade Hodges Mrs. Nelda R. Holley Mrs. Betty Lou Holt Mrs. Margie L. Hotard Dr. Timothy J. Howell Mr. Mark Allan Hoyt Mrs. Drue Grevemberg Hudson Dr. Jennifer Marie Huggins Mrs. Margaret W. Hunt Dr. Martie Marie Hutchens Deborah Fisher Hutcherson Mr. Sean Christopher Ireland Mr. Joshua Deryl Jackson Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth F. Jackson Dr. Rondell C. Jaggers Ms. Meera Singh Jagota Dr. Mallory Anne Jarriel *Mrs. Esther C. Jay Mrs. Norita S. Jenkins Mrs. Karen Hart Johnson Mrs. Sibbie Johnson Drs. David H. & Maryanna B. Jones Mr. Jay Benton Jones III and Dr. Susan Katherine Cadwallader Mrs. Marie P. Jones Mr. and Mrs. John A. Koncul Jr. Mrs. Julia J. Krulic Mrs. Alice Peek Kuzniak Mr. & Mrs. Edwin J. Lake Mr. Danny Lambert Mrs. Camilla Howe Lamer Mrs. Diane D. Lane Mr. Gary Lane Mrs. Rebecca Ryman Langford Dr. Ashley Lynne Lanier Ms. Gail Larsen Mrs. Ruth S. Laws Mr. Clarence Howard Leavy IV Mr. Hal Lee Dr. John Dong-Uk Lee Mrs. Margaret L. Lee Mrs. Jill Edwards Leite Mrs. Bonnie Gary Linse Mr. Edward Spencer Little Mrs. Jane H. Loudermilk Mr. Tony Jerome Lowe Mr. Alan E. Lubel Mrs. Julia Leverett Lunceford Mrs. Dale Cohen Lurey Mrs. Margaret M. Madray Mrs. Elizabeth Lyle Magness Mr. Byron B. Mangum Mrs. Sharon A. Manley Mrs. Rita Black Manning Ms. Sarah Shipley Maret Mrs. Susan B. Maret Mrs. Louise Harper Marett Mrs. Melissa Rossi Martin Mrs. Laura D. Mayes Mrs. Gayle Light McCleskey Hon. Levis Aldine McConnell Jr. Mrs. Melinda S. McConnell Mr. Colin R. McCulley Mrs. Patricia Walton McDuffie Dr. Andy McElhannon A N N U A L R E P O R T E d i t i on Mr. Kevin J. McFarlin Mrs. Beverly W. McNair Mrs. Charise McNeely Mrs. Judith J. Melroy Mrs. Sarah L. Melroy Dr. Howard L. Melton Mr. David Joseph Metzger Mrs. Randi F. Meyer Mr. Donald L. Miller Mr. Robert Shelly Miller Jr. Dr. Scott David Miller Mr. Steven T. Miller Mr. Michael S. Mitcham Dr. Michelle C. Momany Ms. Jane Douglass Moore Mrs. Amy S. Morgan Dr. Robin Chandler Morgan Mr. Mark R. Morton Mrs. T. J. Moseley Mrs. Lillian J. Mote Mr. Walter Bruce Mullenix Mrs. Rosemary Mumuney Mr. Brendan Francis Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Myers Mr. Robert Neuhaus Dr. Robert Clarke Newsome Dr. Cam Tu Thi Nguyen Nhat T. Nguyen and Hung VanNguyen Dr. Nhu-Y Thi Nguyen Mr. and Mrs. Albert B. Nichols Mrs. Carol N. Norred Mrs. Agnes Obeng Mr. B. Scott Ogg Mrs. Letitia Baker Okerlund Mr. Bryant T. Oliver Mrs. Jerreann Oliver Mrs. Susan M. Oliver Ms. Cynthia G. O'Steen-Piela Dr. Jill Chrisandra Kirby Otto Mr. David F. Owens Mrs. Jennifer S. Owens Dr. William Michael Ozburn and Mrs. Janet B. Ozburn Ms. Cathy Padgett Mrs. Cynthia A. Palmieri Mr. P. Glenn Palsis Mrs. Louise Morris Panter Mrs. Margaret L. Parham Dr. Lauren Marie Parker Mr. Scott Parker Mrs. Helen Low Partridge Mrs. Chhaya Patel Ms. Ekta Patel Drs. Kiran & Jigisha Patel Mr. Kevin Patrick Ms. Amy Dillard Patterson Dr. Lauren Nicole Paul Dr. Stephanie Eve Peccia Mrs. Connie D. Peebles Mrs. Betty J. Peeples Mrs. Bonnie Palmer Peery Mrs. Ruth Ann Pelly Mrs. Marsha Sanders Perry Mrs. Jane Freeman Phillips Mr. James Alexander Poole Mrs. Judy Williams Porter Mr. Arthur Potter Jr. Ms. Janette Pouryousefi Mrs. Janet Holliday Powell Mr. Jeffery Lee Powers Dr. Robert Antonio Pratt Ms. Maureen Puckett Dr. William Helton Pullen Jr. Mrs. Reba Purcell Dr. Rachel Claire Morgan Rabe Mrs. Lynn Brazell Rader Mrs. Janet Rainwater Mrs. Millie H. Reed Dr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Reigle Ms. Rebecca Wicker Rice Mrs. Katrina C. Richards Mrs. Lea David Richardson Mrs. Saunders P. Richey Mrs. Denise M. Ritchie Mr. Gregory L. Roberson Mrs. Vicki S. Roberts Mr. John Robitaille Mrs. Susan H. Roddenberry Mrs. Katherine Rodriguez-Feo Mrs. Elaine H. Shive Mr. W. Harold Short Mrs. Margaret K. Shulman Mrs. Jennifer Sikes Dr. Andrea Nicole Sikora Mr. David Patrick Sims Jr. Ms. Michelle Smith Sinyard Ms. Elizabeth Ashley Slone Ms. Brittany Alexandra Smith Mr. Byron Lamar Smith Mr. Craig F. Smith Mr. Jonathan Wayne Smith Dr. Kristina Ellen Smith Mrs. Raye Y. Smith Mrs. Sandra S. Smith Ms. Tracie L. Snipes Mr. & Mrs. Philip Solomons, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James A. Sommerville Ms. Carole Baird Sosebee Mrs. Nancy P. Speer Mrs. Denise K. Stancil Mr. Dennis R. Stephens Mrs. Constance L. Stephenson Mr. Robert Wesley Sternenberg Mr. David S. Stevens Mr. Rodney H. Roper Mrs. Carrie L. Ross Mrs. Janice M. Rowell Mrs. Carey A. Russell Mr. David T. Sampson Mrs. Brenda Sams Mrs. Patricia Sanders Mr. John Sarris Mr. Ronald R. Satterfield Ms. Lakshmi Satyanarayanan Mr. Timothy Garrette Sawyer Mr. Michael Hood Scarbrough Mrs. Linda S. Schafer Mrs. Katherine C. Schoendorf Mr. Jeff Schwartz Dr. Christine Megan Burroughs Scott Ms. Rosemary Anne Scully-Key Mrs. Janice K. Sears Mr. Steven Craig Settle, CPM Mr. Michael R. Sexton Mrs. Sandy A. Shadden Mrs. Denise M. Shahan Mrs. Jean Sharp Mrs. Bonnie Bullock Sharpe Mr. James Edward Sheffield Jr. Mrs. Janet P. Shepherd Mr. John Thomas Sherrer Mr. Shannon Wayne Shipley *Dr. and Mrs. James T. Stewart Mr. Jeff Stewart Mr. & Mrs. Rick C. St. John Mrs. Cheryl C. Stokes Mr. B. Terry Stone Mr. William N. Storms IV Mr. Dennis Lamar Story *Mrs. Murthel Bryan Strange Mrs. Sindy Massey Strickland Mrs. Jo Ann Swofford Mrs. Ann Aspinwall Tackett Dr. Kaitlin Sarah Talisse Ms. Darlene Dendy Tallent Mr. Michael T. Tarrant Mrs. Pamela Montgomery Taunton Ms. Erin Macnabb Taylor Mrs. Rosemary Taylor Mrs. Mary Temples Mrs. Blanche Terry Templeton Mrs. Loretta M. Tennyson Mrs. William Dean Terrell Mrs. Susan Thomas Terry Mr. and Mrs. Heatwole C. Thomas Mrs. Lena Marie Thomas Mrs. Angela M. Thompson Mrs. Janet G. Thompson Mrs. Wanda J. Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Enrique Trinidad Mrs. Susan W. Tripodis Mr. and Mrs. David L. Trumpfheller Mrs. Chris Sloan Underwood Mrs. Page Upton Dr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Van Sickle Mrs. Margaret Jacobson Vitanza Dr. and Mrs. Adelbert E. Wade Mrs. Theresa O. Wade Mrs. Dianne Wainright Mrs. Sheila Anne Banks Wakeley Mrs. Elizabeth Crumbley Waldrop Mr. Todd Walker Mr. Kenny Walraven Mr. James Walters II *Mrs. Grace Wilson Waters Mrs. Marylyn T. Waters Mr. Eddie V. Wayne Mrs. Cathy Gray Weatherford Mrs. Elizabeth Peden Webster Mrs. Sharron M. Wehner Mrs. Yuhong Zhang Weng Mrs. Anita T. West Mrs. Barbara Poole West Mrs. Cheree A. West Dr. Oliver Christian Whipple Mrs. Rozanne Golgia Whipple Mrs. Sara E. Wilkinson Mrs. Doris H. Williams Mrs. Sheila M. Williams Mr. Larry Wilson Mrs. Vanessa Wilson Mrs. Carla F. Wolfgang Dr. Alana May Wong Mrs. Leslie Pitts Wood Ms. Barbara Woodruff Mrs. Tanya Woody Dr. Stephanie Diana Worrall Mrs. Carole Morris Wright Mr. Robert Chadwick Wyatt Mrs. Cathy A. Wynne Ms. Lianqi Xie Mr. Stephen Charles Yancey Dr. and Mrs. Harry O. Yates III Ms. Joanne Yi Mrs. Bobbi L. Zastre Mr. John Zerillo Dr. Runhua Zhao Mr. Brad Moore Zimmerman Heritage Society Deferred Giving Anonymous Dr. and Mrs. Howard C. Ansel Martha A. Cato Hugh and Tina Chancy Larry R. Cloer Ben D. Cravey Jr. and Denise J. Cravey Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Crumley William Gary Cunningham Mr. John W. Dean and Mrs. Mary Dean Kenneth J. and Angela M. DeLay Kenneth M. Duke John H. Fields Jr. David C. Gammon and Barbara J. Brooke Michael P. Gigandet Robert E. ‘Ned’ Giles, Jr. Alton (Al) D. Greenway Herbert W. Hatton Dr. David W. Hawkins Jim and Nelda Holley Mr. and Mrs. William J. Huff Jeffrey William Jowdy Dr. and Mrs. H. Won Jun Susan M. Kane Mr. and Mrs. John L. Langford Mr. and Mrs. Keith Austin Linse Jeff Lurey *Mr. George E. Lykins George W. Mason Levis A. McConnell III and Melinda S. McConnell Michael Ladon McGee Sheila D. Miller Tammy H. Rogers Peter C. Ruenitz *Mr. Albert F. Schwamlein Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Sherwood and Mrs. Jackie Heard Sherwood Edie and Lamar Smith Billy M. Stone Dana E. Strickland Robert and Angela Thompson Mr. Kevin Joseph Woody George E. Wright and Camille N. Wright Mrs. Sharon Zerillo The Donor Recognition section recognizes gifts to all of the various funds that support the University of Georgia College of Pharmacy. It includes all private donations made during 2012. Every attempt has been made to assure the accuracy of information contained in this publication. If there is an error in your listing, or if you have questions, please call Dana E. Strickland, Executive Director of External Affairs, at 706-542-5293. U G A C o l l e g e o f P h a r m ac y 35 UGA PharmD Program by the numbers 100% 97.6% 2012 North American Pharmacists Licensure Exam (NAPLEX) Pass Rate Class of 2012 Overall Graduation Rate $109,586 747 The estimated average starting salary of our 2012 PharmD Graduates who took full-time chain, independent, or hospital positions 36 2 0 1 2 A N N U A L # of Applications to the UGA PharmD Program for Fall 2013 R E P O R T E d i t i on FACULTY AND STAFF ADMINISTRATION Øie, Svein, Dean Francisco, George E. Assoicate Dean Nair, Vasu, Associate Dean for Research Brooks, Paul J. Assistant Dean, Division of Nontraditional Education and Outreach Duke, Lori, Assistant Dean for Experience Programs Fagan, Susan, Assistant Dean for Augusta Programs Hemphill, Cicely, Administrative Associate II Khan, Iqbal, Assistant Dean for Southwest Georgia Programs McIntyre, Shirley, Administrative Specialist II Smith, Susan, Administrative Associate Wolfgang, Alan, Assistant Dean for Student Affairs COLLEGE SUPPORT Anderson, John, Senior Information Technology Manager Brown, Brad, Network Administrator Specialist Cook, Sam, IT Professional Associate Duke, Kenneth, Clinical Assistant Professor Fulford, Michael, Director of Assessment George, Chicki, Program Coordinator II Giddens, Beth, Senior Accountant Halder, Sonja, Senior accountant Hamby, Kimberly, Director of Alumni Affairs Hart, Jessica, Business Manager II Hawkes, Sherry, Accountant Headrick, Jeremy, Associate Director of Development Martin, Beverly, Human Resources Specialist II Prine, Jeanne, Web Development Principal Roberson, Sheila, Director of Public Relations/Publications Schroder, Kenneth, Facilities Coordinator Shelton, Melba, Senior Accounting Technician Strickland, Dana, Executive DIrector of External Affairs Strickland, Pattie, Administrative Specialist I Varghese, John, Administrative Financial Director Wilmot, Charlene, Alumni Development Specialist I Wilson, Andrew, IT Professional Assistant EXPERIENCE PROGRAMS Armit, Ian, Administrative Specialist I Brooks, Kay, Public Service Assistant Duke, Lori, Assistant Dean Fowler, Janet, Administrative Associate I Krulic, Wesley, Regional Coordinator/Savannah and Southeast Georgia May, Dianne, Regional Coordinator/Augusta McDuffie, Charles, APPE Director and Regional Coordinator/ Athens and Northeast Georgia McEwen, Deanna, 2nd year IPPE Coordinator Miller, Mindi, Regional Coordinator/Atlanta Parham, Lynne, Student Affairs Professional III Rogers, Sandra, Student Affairs Professional III Sheffield, Melody C., Regional Coordinator/Southwest Georgia Unterwagner, Whitney, IPPE Director and Regional Coordinator/Columbus and Northwest Georgia Welch, Lindsey, 3rd year IPPE Coordinator MILLIKAN EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES CENTER Duran, Chris , IT Systems Professional Jones, Sarah, Learning Services Coordinator Palmer, Russ, Educational Program Specialist NONTRADITIONAL EDUCATION AND OUTREACH Brooks, Paul J., Assistant Dean Budd, Virginia, Program Coordinator Davenport, Cynthia, Administrative Assistant II Dykstra, Gary, Director, Biomedical Continuing Education and Strategic Planning Hilliard Christy, Program Assistant Hodges, Johnna, Assistant Director, Regulatory Affairs Makkar, Arvinder, Program Specialist McDuffie, Charles, Coordinator, Web-based Instruction Mullis, David, Director, Regulatory Affairs Graduate Education Smith, Katie, Digital Media Professional Associate von Waldner, Trina, Director, Postgraduate Continuing Education STUDENT AFFAIRS Dobbs, Renee, Student Affairs Specialist II Herda, Susan, Administrative Associate I Hill-Silcott, Vivia, Diversity Coordinator Phair-Miller, Clodagh, Student Affairs Professional II Tyner, Terry, Student Affairs Professional II Wolfgang, Alan, Assistant Dean DEPARTMENTS CLINICAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE PHARMACY Albany Augusta Barfield, Erica Ajiboye, Violette Hunter, Carolyn S. Bradley, Amber Khan, Iqbal Branan, Trisha N.* Liao, Vivian Butterfield, Jill M.* Phan, Stephanie Carswell, Jody L.* Athens Chisholm-Burns, Marie A.* Aull, Larry D.* Davis, Wendy B.* Bourg, Catherine DeRemer, Christina E.* Buck, Brian D. DeRemerDavid L. Cobb, Henry H. DiPiro, Joseph*+ Cooper, James + El-Remessy, Azza B. Davis, Scott* Ergul, Adviye * DeRemer, Christine* Fagan, Susan C. Doster, Christine Fincham, Jack E.* Fleming, Virginia H. Flynt, Thomas E.* Fowlkes, Lisa F.* Gaddy, V. Thomas* Francisco, George E. Garrett, Charlene Franic, Duska M. Glosson, Becky Frank, Melissa C.* Gomez, Tad A.* Guffey, W. Josh Greer, Kathleen Lindauer* Hall, Christopher D.* Hess, David C.* Herist, Keith N. Killough David M.* Hoernle, Eliza H.* Kozak, Anna Huckaby, W. Gary* Kuth, John C.* Huston, Sally A. Lance Judy C.* Jackson, Marie W.* Manasco, Kalen Jain, Rahul Matragoon, Suraporn Knowles, Dekeisha May, Dianne Langford R. Alan May, J. Russell McCall, Charles** McGinty, Gene McElhannon, Michelle B.* Norman, Christy M.* McKenzie, Kim Norris, Kelly R.* Middendorf, Bruce F.* Pennell, Jennafer H.* Morgan, John* Phillips, Marjorie S.* Neville, Michael W. Pillai, Bindu Norton, Merrill A. Segar, Lakshman Parks-Veal, Phyllis* Shenoy, Somanath Patel, Jaideep K.* Sinks, Sheila Perri, Matthew Smith, Kimberley Phillips,Beth B. Taylor, A. Thomas+ Phillips, Bradley G., Head Terry, Alvin J.* Sarao, Sukhmani K. Thompson Katherine T.* Southwood, Robin L. VanLandingham, Jason M.* Spruill, William J. Vasil, Donna D.* Tackett, Randall L. Whitehouse, Tina* Wade, William E. Savannah Walton, Ted* Jozefczyk, Kenneth G.* Wright, Gary A.* Melroy, Michael J.* Atlanta Rahimi, Ali R.* Miller, Mindi S. Richards, Hal E. PHARMACEUTICAL AND BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES Ansley, Robyn Arnold, Robert D. Bartlett, Michael Beach, J. Warren Beedle, Aaron Blankert, Erin Blankert, Sean Brown, Kim Bruckner, James Capomacchia, Anthony Costyn, Leah Cummings, Brian S. Duncan, Linda Elder, Deborah Eubanks, Mary Franklin, James Fugett, Ryan Govindarajan, Raj Greenspan, Phillip Hendry, Lawrence B.** Hooks, Shelley Irvin, T. Rick** Jia, Wei Kennedy, Eileen Lewendowski, Megan Liu, Dexi, Head Long, Timothy Manoharan, Radhika Momany, Cory Muralidhara, Srinivasa Murph, Mandi Nair, Vasu Rice, Olivia Riley, Ronald T.** Roberts, Arthur Shin, Ho-Chul Smith, Demetrius Teng, Quincy Thomson, Michael Voss, Kenneth A.** Weng, Han-rong White, Catherine Wilson, Joy Zastre, Jason Zhang, Guisheng (**Adjunct) (* Without salary) (+Emeritus) U G A C o l l e g e o f P h a r m ac y 37 NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID College of Pharmacy Athens, GA 30602-2351 Address Service Requested Permit No. 11 Athens, Georgia