Logandale Trails System
Logandale Trails System
Lo g an d a le Tr a il s Legend BBLM Trailheads ! BLM Trails State Highways County Roads Wilderness (non motorized/mechanized) § ¦ ¨ 15 LOGANDALE B ! VALLEY OF FIRE ± VALLEY OF FIRE 0 1 2 Miles 4 No warranty is made by Great Basin Institute or partners as to the accuracy, reliability, or completeness of these data for individual or aggregate use with other data. Original data were compiled from various sources. This information may not meet map accuracy standards. This product was developed through digital means and may be updated without notification. Veerl ef tatT aiAr abi anRanch. 36. 607405,114. 495926 36. 597281, 114. 484057 Par ki ng, CementPad, I nf or mat i on Ki osk 36. 605628 114. 501478 awesomeadvent ur esnews. com Mai nRest r ooms,Tr ai l head,Si gns, I nf or mat i on, Pi cni cT abl es,Par ki ng 36. 593455, 114. 527154 Ri ghtatendof Li st on,st ayon di r tr oadover r ai l r oadt r acks, t hr oughr esi dent i alar ea Tur nonLi st on RoadatChi nese Rest aur ant NOTE: T or i det hel oopc over edi n t hi smap,s t ayr i ghtatt hi spoi nt whens t ar t i ng,ands t ayl ef ton r et ur nt oendupbac katr es t r ooms . 36. 587894,114. 527946 Logandal eTr ai l sSyst em T r ai l01 SandDunes 36. 576955, 114. 533585 Fr om I nt er s t at e15i nNevada,t akeExi t #93( Logandal e/ Over t on)andhead s out honHi ghway169unt i lyouc omet o Li s t onRoad. East erEggHi l l 36. 574975, 114. 534303 SecondRest r ooms 36. 559694, 114. 550461 Tr ai lMar ker 36. 559364,114. 550472 Thi smapwaspr epar edus i ngGoogl e Ear t handal lat t empt shavebeenmade t omakei tasac c ur at easpos s i bl e. Tr ai lMar ker 36. 545614,114. 511770 Tr ai lMar ker 36. 544727,114. 517761 Pet r ogl yphsVi ewi ng 36. 542431, 114. 527469 Pet r ogl yphsVi ewi ng 36. 536645, 114. 541584 Tr ai lMar ker s 36. 525242,114. 555144 36. 518888,114. 548659 Tr ai lMar ker 36. 529683,114. 517703 Whenheadi ngoutonanyt r ai l ,t ake bas i cpr ec aut i onsf ors af et y: I nf or ms omeonewher eyouar e goi ng,andwhenyouexpec tt obebac k. T akepl ent yofwat er Car r yemer genc yandf i r s tai ds uppl i es Br i ngs par epar t sandr epai ri t ems Makes ur eyourvehi c l egast anki s f ul landt hatyouhaveadequat ef uelt o c ompl et et het r ai l . Know t her ul esoft het r ai lbef or eyou go,andal waysTREAD LI GHTL Y . Tr ai lMar ker 36. 519484,114. 521081 Vi ew mor ei nf or mat i onaboutt hi st r ai l : ht t p: / / www. awes omeadvent ur es news . c om/ l ogandal et r ai l s s ys t em Publ i s heroft hi smapbear snor es ons i bi l i t yf ort heac c ur ac y orr el i abi l i t yoft hedi r ec t i onsand/ orc oor di nat es ;al ways c hec kt hel at es tc ondi t i onsf ort het r ai lyouar epl anni ngt o t r avelon. Even though the Logandale Trails System is a Special Recreation Area, it is also home to the threatened Desert Tortoise. Attentive eyes will see an occasional tortoise, but enjoy this reptile from a distance as they frighten easily. Quietly watch them amble through the desert; you’ll be surprised how quickly they disappear from sight! Please look under your ATVs and vehicles before moving as tortoises (like humans) enjoy shade in the oppressive desert heat. Children enjoy this ‘job’ and will quickly become the family’s official shade checker! The Vegas Valley Four Wheelers are a Las Vegas based group who demonstrate Responsible Use from volunteering for clean ups and installing signs, to rescuing those whose vehicles have broken down, this group leads by example—and they’re a bunch of fun folks too! Partners In Conservation is a rural-based non-profit organization in Clark County, NV working on public land, conservation, responsible use, and natural resource issues, specifically focused on Logandale Trails. Contact us at ltsinfo@mvdsl.com or 702-864-2464; find us on FaceBook @ Logandale-Trails or check out our blog @ http://partners-in-conservation.blogspot.com/ In multiple use areas, motorized vehicles yield to non-motorized; mountain bikes yield to hikers and horses; hikers yield to horses. Logandale Trails System ‘The Loop’ So much fun amid so much desert beauty! “The Loop”. The loop IS the premier southern Nevada trail featured in dozens of national magazines and TV programs. Seeing it first hand, you know why they flock to film here! It’s heaven on wheels as you ride through red rock canyons, expansive washes, and silky stretches of sand leading you to Easter Egg Hill. The kid in you will know why it is named that IF the adult in charge will let you play for a few minutes. And leave time to savor the visual artistry of this area, the play of deep green foliage against glorious red sand, the looming sandstone outcroppings backlit by the stunning blue of the desert sky. The sheer fun of playing, the magnificent scenery—this place hands-down is the premier trail and you’ve only seen the main loop! Dark green vegetation like the Creosote bush provides a vivid contrast to the red sand and the leafy green plant just to the right of the creosote is locally referred to as ‘dock’. Pioneers made a ‘rhubarb pie’ from this plant but it was one tart (almost inedible) pie unless loads of sugar were used. Logandale Trails is a popular destination for many recreationalists. From horseback riding to hiking or climbing the sandstone hills, from rock crawling to ATVs or sand buggies, there is room for everyone in this scenic wonderland. These maps are free and for informational use only. Partners In Conservation (PIC) makes no warranty as to the accuracy, reliability, or completeness of this data. You are responsible for your own safety. Route conditions and use do change over time.