February Newsletter - Capital Area Association of REALTORS
February Newsletter - Capital Area Association of REALTORS
REALTOR® REVIEW Volume 21, Edition 237 February 2016 Local Television Anchor Maggie Poteau Shares Tips with Leadership Academy At the most recent segment of CAR’s Leadership Academy Maggie Poteau, reporter and anchorwoman for WICS TV 20, spent time with the candidates sharing tips on how to prepare for media interviews, what to say and what not to say, posture and the key to a successful long term relationship. Participants were able to participate in a mockinterview with Ms. Poteau. The program also featured a presentation from Jon Broadbooks, IAR Communications Director and included a panel discussion of CAR past-presidents including current President Mike Maggie Poteau interviewing Buscher, Peter Steward, Leadership Academy Gail Chevalier-Zini and candidates Greg Tally (top), Rick Hanselman. Dean Hawk (left) Revisions to Residential Sale Contract Approved Effective Date - April 1, 2016 In This Issue News & Notes, pp. 2‐6 After months of review and discussion the Forms Committee, under the leadership of its Chairman Nick Campo and Vice-chair Lorri Conn, has finalized its recommended revisions to the Residential Purchase Contract. These changes have come about for a couple of reasons. First, it has been a number of years since this contract underwent a major review. Second, it became imperative to make changes to accommodate the new TILARESPA requirements. The most notable change as it relates to TILA-RESPA is in the financing section. These changes were approved at the February 9, 2016 Board of Directors meeting and are currently undergoing legal review. A number of addenda have been revised as well along with a few new ones being added. A complete list appears on page 2. The effective date for the use of the revised contract and addenda will be April 1, 2016. Technology/MLS There will be a number of opportunities for REALTOR® members wanting to learn more about these revisions. There will be a session for Managing Brokers ONLY on February 24th from 1:00-3:00 p.m. as well as a number of open sessions after that. (Continued on page 2) Membership, p. 13 Corner, p. 7 CREN, p. 7 Professional Development, p. 8 Affiliate Corner, p. 9 Governmental Affairs, pp. 10‐11 West Central Chapter, p. 12 REALTOR® REVIEW Capital Area REALTORS® MISSION The Capital Area REALTORS® helps its members maintain the highest standards of professionalism and achieve the highest levels of success. NEWS & NOTES Revisions to Residential… (Continued from page 1) Managing Brokers ONLY February 24th (1:00 - 3:00 pm.) ALL REALTORS® March 1st (1:30-3:30 p.m.) Taylorville Public Library March 2nd (1:30-3:30 p.m.) CAR March 4th (9:00-11:00 a.m.) CAR March 7th (11:30-2:30 p.m.) Galesburg Public Library March 16th (9:00-11:00 a.m.) Jacksonville Savings Bank March 18th (9:00-11:00 a.m.) CAR NOTICE Under the long established policy of the Capital Area REALTORS®, IAR and NAR: 1. The broker’s compensation for services rendered in respect to any listing is solely a matter of negotiation between the broker and the client, and is not fixed, controlled, recommended, or maintained by any persons not a party to the listing agreement. 2. The compensation paid by a listing broker to a cooperating broker in respect to any listing is established by the listing broker and is not fixed, controlled, recommended or maintained by any persons other than the listing broker. OFFICERS President Kristie L. DeBrun, GREEN, GRI, SFR, SRS Please RSVP to attend any of these review sessions by returning the attached registration form or email admin@caaronline.com or call 217-698-7000. Below is a listing of existing addenda that were amended as well as newly developed addenda. Revised Addenda to the Sale Contract (Effective 4/1/16) Radon Measurement Addendum (CAR 406) AS-IS Condition Addendum (CAR 109) Buyer’s Inspection Addendum (CAR 403) Repair Addendum (CAR 405) Repair Addendum Attachment (405a) Seller Holdover Agreement (CAR 336) Survey Addendum (CAR 107) (Retired) - Well, Water & Septic Inspection Addendum (CAR 402) President Elect New Addenda to the Contract (Effective 4/1/16) Lead-Based Paint Testing Contingency (CAR 402) Septic System Inspection Addendum (CAR 409) Wood Infestation Inspection Addendum (CAR 411) Well Equipment and Well Water Inspection Addendum (CAR 410) John W. Klemm Secretary/Treasurer Ed Mahoney, ABR DIRECTORS GRI Robert Chipman, GRI Stephanie Do, GRI Kimberly Elliott, CRS, GRI Stepheni Ferguson, GRI Sandra Hamilton, GRI Lori Hammel, GRI Gary Harvey, GRI Galen Johnson, CRS, GRI, SRS Jane Locascio, GRI Michael Oldenettel, CRS, GRI Jackie Turner, ABR, CRS, GREEN, GRI, SFR, SRES Stephanie Verardi New Addendum to Listing Agreements (Effective immediately) Seller’s Direction to Withhold Listing from MLS (CAR 205) Capital Area REALTORS® would like to thank the Jacksonville Savings Bank for allowing us to host the Jacksonville area CE courses in February as well as the Contract Revision Overview at their facility. Chief Executive Officer Daniel R. Sale, CAE, e-PRO, RCE, SPHR 2 REALTOR® REVIEW News & Notes - (Continued from page 2) CAR Community Profiles for 2015 The Capital Area MLS community profile for 2015 is done and available on the association’s website. Below are highlights from the profile listing those communities with at least 75 home sales last year. A modest increase (1.9 percent) in units sold occurred in the Capital Area during 2016. Springfield realized 1,996 existing single-family home sales, including condominiums, up 5.3 percent from the prior year. Chatham home sales amounted to 303, up 13.5 percent; Jacksonville home sales were down 3.8 percent, totaling 279 while Taylorville home sales of 170 reflected a 5.6 percent increase. CAR Sponsors Diamond The median home sale price increased slightly as well at 2.1 percent across the market. The Springfield median price of 113,900 realized a 2.0 percent decline as did Chatham the price of 189,900, reflecting a 0.6 percent decline. Increases occurred in Jacksonville with a median price of $110,000, up 13.4 percent and Taylorville with a price of $85,800, up 5.9 percent. Gold Unit Home Sales City Auburn Chatham Jacksonville Pawnee Petersburg Rochester Sherman Springfield Taylorville 2014 80 267 290 75 100 97 117 1,896 161 2015 66 303 279 87 101 106 102 1,996 170 Change -17.5 13.5 -3.8 16 1 9.3 -12.8 5.3 5.6 Median Home Sale Price 2014 2015 City Auburn 98,600 113,800 Chatham 191,000 189,900 Jacksonville 97,000 110,000 Pawnee 110,000 122,500 Petersburg 152,000 160,000 Rochester 189,900 180,000 Sherman 185,000 190,000 Springfield 116,300 114,000 Taylorville 81,000 86,000 Silver Bronze Change 15.4 -0.6 13.4 11.3 5.3 -5.2 2.7 -2 5.9 *Note - some towns listed may also include neighboring areas (e.g., Rochester includes Bouchard & New City). 3 REALTOR® REVIEW News & Notes - (Continued from page 3) CAR Members Attend IAR Professional Standards Workshop On January 12th the Illinois Association of REALTORS® held its Annual Professional Standards Workshop in Springfield. The program included a variety of presentations geared toward the Grievance Committee, Professional Standards Committee and Board of Directors along with a couple of mock ethics hearings with audience participation. Special thanks to the following CAR members who attended this workshop: 2015 Year End Statements Available Online You can review your 2014 year end statement online, this includes everything that was paid to CAR for the year. This will include all MLS Fees, CREN Fees, Annual Dues, Continuing Education Courses, Events and Retail Store Items. This will be a huge benefit when tax times rolls around. To view the year end statement login to: https://mdweb.mmsi2.com/ caar/ If you have any questions, please contact Diane Ahern at 217/6987000. Ronald Duff Suzie Duff Lori Hammel Karen Harris Steve Hayden Dana Hudson Kevin Jarvis Jane Locascio Nancy Long Randy Aldrich Dominic Campo Nicholas Campo Laura Catherwood Lisa Cave Jennifer Chance Gail Chevalier Zini Cheryl Dambacher Kristie DeBrun Stephanie Do Susan Madison Mitzi Minton Todd Musso Kathy Nichelson Ronald Peterman Penny Rinehart Daniel Sale Trivia Night - "Home on the Refuge Ranch" Gather up your smartest friends and sharpen your trivia skills for CAR's upcoming Trivia Night "Home on the Refuge Ranch" to be held on Friday, April 29, 2016 at the KC Hall (2200 Meadowbrook Rd, Springfield). Join the CAR Community Service Committee for this fun-filled event which includes: FREE keg beer and soda; prizes for best costume; best decorated table; live and silent auction items. The cost to Participate is $20 per person (10 max. per table). At the door the cost is $25.00. All proceeds from this event will be donated to the Refuge Ranch, CAR's 2016 Charity of Choice. Registration forms will be available shortly. For more information or donate to the event contact Kathy Nichelson at knichelson@caaronline.com or 217.698.7000. February 2, 2016 CAR Community Service Committee hosted its meeting at the Refuge Ranch and toured its facilities... 4 REALTOR® REVIEW News & Notes - (Continued from page 4) The Big Short Some thoughts about the movie, the real story and why it matters today. by Steve Murray, publisher First, what a movie, great acting, and storyline. It is worth watching. It makes it look like it was only greedy bankers, regulators, and underwriters that caused the housing collapse. There wasn’t a word in the movie about the greed and stupidity of politicians, and the people running the housing market, those great friends of all of us, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Were some bankers, underwriters, Wall Street money guys and others out of control and Steve Murray, publisher totally concerned only with making money? Absolutely. But, that isn’t the whole story. Real Trends Bigger than all of them was the attempt by the Federal government—starting with President Clinton and extending through President Bush—to push homeownership from a rate of 64 percent in the early 1990s to 70 percent (the stated goal under Clinton’s administration). And, the mortgage, real estate, home builders, title insurers and all the rest of the housing industry were in on it as well. They all knew that the only way to get there was to lower credit standards, lower down payment requirements, allow others to assist with down payment assistance, etc., etc., etc. We all remember those days. Community Reinvestment Act Banking regulators under the Community Reinvestment Act as much as told banks that unless they met lending quotas to low income communities, they would be restrained from gaining approval for acquisition or expansion. Fannie and Freddie were both lords over and captive to politicians who wanted more low income family lending as a political matter. The same politicians conspired with Fannie and Freddie to ensure that regulations under the Office of Federal Housing Oversight were weak (at best). The same regulators who were supposed to keep a close eye on the two mortgage giants also had as their second most important task to help more families get into homeownership. A Broader View For a broader view of what caused the housing crash, read “Reckless Endangerment—How outsized ambition, greed and corruption led to economic Armageddon,” by Gretchen Morgenson and Joshua Rosner. While Lewis’s book, “The Big Short,” is far more entertaining, Morgenson and Rosner’s book will give you a far greater understanding of how it really happened. Be prepared to be overwhelmingly offended. Why bring up this nasty piece of history now? In case you didn’t notice, Fannie and Freddie just launched new investment schemes that allow them to structure new securities that look a lot like the credit default swaps and other exotic instruments that caused a great deal of the problems ten years ago. Yep, the same mortgage giants that lowered standards even after the housing market began to decline in late 2005. They are doing it to keep the pump primed. You don’t hear anyone screaming about it, do you? We haven’t even talked about the subprime lending markets for student loans and auto loans. Both are heading towards the same recklessness that sunk the economy in 2007-2009. Clearly, they are not as large as the mortgage market (a few trillion instead of many trillions), but it does make you wonder if the politicians and regulators really learned anything at all. ? (This article originally appeared in the February 2016 issue of the REAL Trends Newsletter and is reprinted with permission of REAL Trends, Inc. Copyright 2016.) 5 REALTOR® REVIEW News & Notes - (Continued from page 5) 2017 Officer & Director Nominations Open Flexible Dues Pre-Payment Plan Now is the time to jump onboard with CAR's Flexible Dues PrePayment Plan. This program allows you to have the option of making payments toward your 2017 membership dues anytime throughout August 1, 2016 when it's most convenient for you. Contact Diane Ahem at 217.698.7000 or dahern@caaronline.com for more information. The Nominating Committee will begin working to identify candidates for to serve as 2016/2017 officers and directors. The Nominating Committee is responsible for nominating candidates for the following positions: President-elect; Secretary/ Treasurer; and, three 3-year Director terms. Candidates should have shown an interest in the Association, through participation in committee work and Association activities. Candidates should be prepared to participate in a brief interview with the Nominating Committee later this Spring to discuss their qualifications. Accepting a seat on the Board of Directors is a tremendous responsibility, however, the time given offers a great deal of self gratification and is extremely important for the success of the Capital Area REALTORS®. Serving on the Board involves attending monthly Board meetings (90 minutes per meeting), supervision over the affairs of the Board, including the annual budget, familiarization with policies, Rules and Regulations, Bylaws, represent membership at state and national meetings, motivate members to participate on committees plus staying informed on CAR, IAR and NAR policies and procedures. Your help is needed to assemble, an outstanding group of individuals to serve the Association over the next few years. If you are interested in being considered for one of the positions, or know of someone in your office who you feel has exemplified the qualities necessary, please return the interest form by no later than March 18, 2016 for consideration. Questions may be directed to Nominating Committee Chairman Mike Buscher (217) 787-7000 or Dan Sale (217) 698-7000. 6 REALTOR® REVIEW TECHNOLOGY/MLS CORNER Breakfast to Feature Interactive Mapping Resources Feb 25th MLS Breakfast Were you aware of all the new interactive mapping applications developed by the Springfield-Sangamon County Regional Planning Commission (SSCRPC) and Sangamon County departments that are now available to the public? Just to name a few: Parcel Viewer; Find Your School District; Find Your Fire Protection District; and, Sangamon County Zoning interactive Web Application. Thanks to Chicago Title Insurance Company for their generous sponsorship of this breakfast. To attend please RSVP to admin@caaronline.com or 217-698-7000 by no later than 5:00 p.m. on February 22nd. Upcoming Technology Training Take advantage of our FREE training offered one or more of the following remaining Winter 2016 dates: InnoVia Overview Mar 10, 9-11 a.m. CMA 2.0 Feb 22, 9-10 a.m. Mar 9, 11-12 p.m. Prospecting Manager & Buyer Match Mar 2, 11-12:30 p.m. Authentisign Feb 24, 11-12 p.m. Mar 29, 11-12 p.m. TransactionDesk Pro Mar 22, 9-10:30 a.m. All of these classes are offered via webinar as well. To Sign up for the the webinar contact Cathy Wagner at cwagner@caaronline.com. COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE NETWORK March CREN Luncheon The next luncheon is Tuesday, March 15, 2016 at 11:30 a.m. at CAR. Thanks to our sponsor Warren-Boynton State Bank. CREN Luncheons are open ONLY to CREN members and Sponsors. 7 CREN Sponsors REALTOR® REVIEW PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Winter CE Schedule February 23, 2016 - (Instructor: Kerry Kidwell) 9:00 - 12:00 p.m. - COR 1644 - Core A: Quiz Me - License Law, Escrow, Fair Housing and Agency (3 Hrs Core A) Newsletter Inserts Flyers referenced in this newsletter and listed below may be downloaded at http:// www.seehouses.com/ MemberPortal/ Calendar/ EventFlyers.aspx. Inserts 2017 Officer & Director Nomination Form Forms Revision Training Technology Training Class Schedule CAR/Jacksonville Area Winter CE Schedule Galesburg Area Winter CE Schedule Break For Hot Topic CAR Yearly Median Home Sales Report CAR Yearly Unit Home Sales Report 1:00 - 4:00 p.m. - COR 1629 - Core B - Legal Issues: Advertising and the Real Estate Agent (3 Hrs Core B) March 17, 2016 - (Instructor: Kerry Kidwell) 9:00 - 12:00 p.m. - RB 714 - Developing a Marketing Plan (3 Hrs Elective) 1:00 - 4:00 p.m. - COR 1640 - CORE B: Disclose! Disclose! Disclose! (3 Hrs Core B) (See page 11 for courses held in Galesburg, IL) Jacksonville Area Continuing Education The following classes will be held at the Jacksonville Savings Bank, 1211 West Morton Avenue, Jacksonville, IL: February 19, 2016 - Kerry Kidwell 9:00 - 12:00 p.m. - RD 900 - Real Estate Safety Matters (3 Hrs Elective) 1:00 - 4:00 p.m. - ETH 1518 - Code Blast from the Past We hope you enjoy this month's picture from our association's archives. This month's featured picture is from CAR's 2009 Awards Program held at Panther Creek Country Club. Beverly Collins presented Past President Pete Steward with the Hall of Fame Award. If you have an old picture or comment about a picture please share with us. 8 (Beverly Collins presents Past President Pete Steward with the Hall of Fame award) REALTOR® REVIEW AFFILIATE CORNER Wine Down a Big Success The REALTOR® and Affiliate Committee’s Annual Wine Down event that was held on January 14, 2016 was a major success with 15 Affiliate exhibitors and approximately 65 in attendance. This appeared to be one of the best attended Wine Down events we’ve held, said Chairman Stephanie Verardi. As always, our exhibitors all went overboard with their displays, food offerings and door prizes. We would like to thank Illinois National Bank (INB) for its generous sponsorship of the wine and wine glasses once again this year. Also, thank you to the many exhibitors that participated and provided door prizes. Finally, thanks to our many attendees! Buying a Home Using Someone Else’s Money March 1st Join us on March 1st at 9:00 a.m. for this informational program on Down Payment Assistance Programs. Speakers include Greg Faulkner (Account Manager - Home Ownership Programs for Illinois Housing Development Authority) who will talk about the IHDA Down Payment Assistance Program and Tim Klont (Assistant Vice President Community Investment for the Federal Home Loan Bank of Chicago) who will talk about FHLB Chicago's DPP (Down Payment Plus) Program. Special thanks to Diamond Residential Mortgage, our sponsor for this event. RSVP’s are appreciated via email at admin@caaronline.com or 217-698-7000. 9 REALTOR® REVIEW GOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS Advocates for Real Estate Campaign Widely successful Last fall, the CAR Government Affairs Committee embarked on a new and innovative approach to generating new contributions for RPAC investments. Dubbed the “Advocates for Real Estate Campaign” the proposition was simple. Make a voluntary investment of $1,000 to RPAC during the 2015 fundraising campaign and you will be included in the “Advocates for Real Estate Campaign” which is a series of full-page ads that will run in the March issues of SO Magazine, Springfield Scene and the Springfield Business Journal. As a member of the Illinois Association of REALTORS®, you are among 44,000 colleagues who care deeply about how the real estate industry is regulated. Many of our members make voluntary investments to the REALTORS® Political Action Committee, or RPAC, which promotes the election of pro-REALTOR® candidates. Last year Illinois REALTORS® raised more than $1,000,000 to help protect your business and private property rights. These investments are not members’ dues; this is money given freely by REALTORS® in recognition of how important campaign fundraising is to the political process. Whether your investment is $1,000 or $25 it important that we support this important initiative. It may be tempting to look at the relative ease with which you can practice real estate in Illinois and assume that today’s marketplace evolved naturally, that policy makers had your interests in mind all along. But that’s just not so. Without your associations’ efforts – local, state and national – you’d be inundated in ridiculous red tape and legal liability, and your customers and clients would have a steeper climb toward homeownership. [Contributions to RPAC are not deductible for federal income tax purposes. Contributions are voluntary and are used for political purposes. The amounts indicated are merely guidelines and you may contribute more or less than the suggested amounts. The National Association of REALTORS® and its state and local associations will not favor or disadvantage any member because of the amount contributed or decision not to contribute. You may refuse to contribute without reprisal. Up to thirty percent (30%) may be sent to National RPAC to support federal candidates and is charged against your limits under 2 U.S.C. 441a. A copy of our report filed with the State Board of Elections is (or will be) available on the Board's official website www.elections.il.gov or for purchase from the State Board of Elections, Springfield, Illinois.] IAR Capitol Conference Tuesday, April 5, 2016, President Abraham Lincoln DoubleTree Hotel, IL IAR will be holding the annual Capitol Conference and REALTOR® Lobby Day on April 5th. It is the best opportunity of the year to meet with your elected officials and to become involved in the REALTOR® Public Policy agenda. CAR members who attend Capitol Conference will be reimbursed for the registration fee at the early bird rate. REGISTER: • By March 21: $40 per person • By March 30: $50 per person • Walk-in: $60 per person Registration includes: Lunch - Limited Seating - Maximum 520 (Early registration suggested) Legislative Briefing Lobby Day 100th Anniversary Reception 10 REALTOR® REVIEW Advocates for Real Estate Publication Dates Springfield Scene - March 1 Springfield Business Journal - March 1 SO Magazine - March 13 11 REALTOR® REVIEW WEST CENTRAL CHAPTER NEWS CE in Galesburg February 24th In conjunction with the IAR Licensing & Training Center CAR will offer two continuing education courses on February 24, 2016 in Galesburg. Both courses will be held at First Mid-Illinois Bank & Trust, 101 E Main Street, Galesburg, IL. 9:00-12:00 p.m. (Instructor Kerry Kidwell) RD 900 - Real Estate Safety Matters (3 Hrs Elective) 1:00-4:00 p.m. (Instructor Kerry Kidwell) ETH 1518 - Code of Ethics Overview (3 Hrs Elective) (This course meets NAR's quadrennial requirement for Code of Ethics training.) West Central Chapter Luncheon (March 7th) The next Chapter luncheon will be held on March 7th (note date change) and will feature CAR President Kristie DeBrun who will provide an overview of newly approved changes to the Residential Sale Contract (effective 4/1/16). Box lunches will be provided at a cost of $12.00 from Landmark Café & Creperie. RSVP’s required by March 2nd at 12:00 noon. Look for registration form to come soon for full details. GALESBURG AREA STATS Single Family Residential Year Unit Sales Median Sale Price 2015 659 65,700 2014 608 71,900 SPONSOR CORNER This CAR "Sponsor Corner" section is available to all sponsors to promote an upcoming event one time per year. We are also happy to promote the event in our e-bulletin as well with a link to your event flyer/ info. This is all subject to timing and it is suggested that for the best results you contact us a minimum of 45 days prior to your event. This will ensure that we can afford you the best possible exposure. "Promotion requests" should be sent to knichelson@caaronline.com. West Central Chapter Calendar February 19 InnoVia Training in Galesburg ....................... 9:30-12:30 24 Cont. Ed. RD 900 .............. 9:00-12:00 Cont. Ed. ETH 1518 ............ 1:00-4:00 March 7 Capital Area REALTORS® would like to thank the First Mid-Illinois Bank & Trust for allowing us to host the Galesburg area CE courses at their facility in February. Chapter Contract Review .. 11:30-2:30 & Lunch 12 Please feel free to direct any questions regarding this to my attention or Kathy Nichelson's attention. REALTOR® REVIEW MEMBERSHIP NOTES New Members The following individuals have been approved for membership in the Association, subject to completion of Orientation were applicable: Frequently Used Phone Numbers: Capital Area Association of REALTORS7: Phone: 217/698-7000 Fax: 217/698-7009 Websites: www.SeeHouses.com www.SeeBuildings.com Illinois Association of REALTORS7 Phone: 217/529-2600 Fax: 217/529-3904 REALTOR7 Store: 800/529-2696 Member Line: 800/752-3275 Website: www.illinoisrealtor.org REALTORS® Thomas Martin RE/MAX Professionals Full Affiliates Lance Glick Mark Teague Todd Wood Illinois Home Mortgage Teague Inspections United Community Bank (CAR Sponsor) Local Affiliates Jennifer Allgeyer Gale Call David Drennan Candice Lovelace Liz Miller Nancy Sutzer Stoerzbach Law Office, P.C. Illinois Real Estate Title (CAR Sponsor) United Community Bank (CAR Sponsor) United Community Bank (CAR Sponsor) Farmers & Mechanic Bank Marine Bank Mortgage Services DROP: REALTORS: Ryan Louis, Don Marshall Affiliates: Jan Roth MLS Participants: Santos Velazquez National Association of REALTORS7 Phone: 312/329-8200 Fax: 312/329-8576 Website: www.realtor.org Office of Banks and Real Estate: Phone: 217/782-3414 SentriLock: Phone: 877/736-8745 support@sentrilock.com http://lockbox.sentrilock.com/ MarketLinx: Phone: 800/334-0831 13 ADDRESS CHANGE: Prairie Property Solutions M.T. Vann, Managing Broker 600 South Grand Avenue West Springfield, IL 62704 REALTOR® REVIEW CALENDAR AT A GLANCE February 19 Jacksonville Area CE RD 900 9:00-12:00 ETH 1518 1:00-4:00 Community Service Committee 10:00 22 CMA Training 9:00-10:00 Leadership Academy IV 1:00-5:00 23 Cont. Ed. COR 1644 9:00-12:00 Cont. Ed. COR 1629 1:00-4:00 24 Authentisign 11:00-12:00 25 MLS Breakfast 8:30 March 1 2 3 Break For Hot Topics 9:00 Prospecting Manager 11:00-12:30 MLS Committee 9:00 Finance & Exec Committees 10:30 7 Governmental Affairs 1:00 8 Board of Directors 9:00 9 CMA Training 11:00-12:00 9-10 IAR Spring Conference 10 InnoVia Overview 9:00-11:00 15 CREN Luncheon 11:30 Leadership Academy V 4:00-8:00 17 Cont. Ed. RB 714 9:00-12:00 Cont. Ed. COR 1640 1:00-4:00 22 TransactionDesk Pro 9:00-10:30 24 Awards Program 5:30 25 Good Friday - Assoc Offices Closed 29 Social Committee 11:00 Authentisign 11:00-12:00 ANNOUNCEMENTS The Association extends its deepest sympathy to Tanya Roberts, REALTOR® (RE/MAX Pr ofessionals) who r ecently lost her mother. The Association extends its condolences to Michael Castleman, REALTOR® (RE/MAX Pr ofessionals) who r ecently lost his father . Who Will our 2016 Award Recipients Be? REALTOR® of the YEAR? Community Service? Affiliate of the Year? Rising Star? Hall of Fame? (Attend the 2016 Awards Program and Find Out) CAR MONTHLY REPORT Single Family Residential Capital Area 3149 Robbins Rd. Springfield, IL 62704 217.698.7000 Fax: 217.698.7009 Time Period Jan 15 Jan 16 YTD 15 YTD 16 Listings Processed 319 323 319 323 Units Sold 181 167 181 167 Dollar Volume 21,793,007 21,283,290 21,793,007 21,283,290 Ave. Sale Price 120,403 127,445 120,403 127,445 All Property Classes Time Period Jan 15 Jan 16 YTD 15 YTD 16 Listings Processed 421 393 421 393 Units Sold 206 192 206 192 Dollar Volume 30,148,572 24,429,590 30,148,572 24,429,590 www.SeeHouses.com 14
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