realtor® review - Capital Area Association of REALTORS
realtor® review - Capital Area Association of REALTORS
REALTOR® REVIEW Volume 20, Edition 229 June 2015 The Impact of Leadership on Agent Adoption Excerpts and Elaboration from the study, “CRM + Agent Adoption = Productivity” Written by Travis Saxton, vice president of technology REAL Trends recently published a study on the impact of agent adoption and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) use on productivity. In collaboration with Boston Logic, we identified what was or wasn’t being used. For those agents that did use a CRM, we found a statistically significant increase in productivity. Even without our findings, it was alarming that nearly all of the agents and brokers that participated in this study felt there was a significant increase in productivity, nearly 100 percent more productive than agents who don’t use a CRM. They may have been optimistic as the actual percentage was just over 26 percent, at least we have a collective sentiment that using a CRM does indeed increase productivity. So, if this is the case, why do we see only 50 to 60 percent agent adoption of CRM tools nationwide? At least it was up from 40 percent a year and a half ago. This is the basis of this article, where are some of the common pitfalls with real estate CRMs and how do leadership and commitment play into the equation? Let’s dive deeper into these critical areas by first taking a look at the technology itself. Lack of Oversight One of the biggest flaws we see in many CRM systems is the lack of oversight on the features that truly matter. In our study, both brokers and agents indicated that email and drip marketing campaigns are the most important features. When we look at most CRM systems, those that are not industry specific, such as Salesforce, InfusionSoft, and Microsoft Dynamics, do not adequately offer email marketing (Continued on page 2) NAR Approves CAR / JAAR Merger We are pleased to inform you that the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS® (NAR) has approved the proposed merger between the Capital Area REALTORS® (CAR) and the Jacksonville Area Association of REALTORS® (JAAR). The merger was effective June 1, 2015 and the combined organization, operating under the name Capital Area REALTORS® will have 650 members. (Continued on page 4) In This Issue News & Notes, pp. 2-7 Professional Development, p. 8 Affiliate Corner, p. 8 Technology/MLS Corner, pp. 9-11 CREN, p. 11 Governmental Affairs, p. 12-13 Membership, pp. 14-18 Capital Area REALTORS® REALTOR® REVIEW MISSION The Capital Area Association of REALTORS® helps its members maintain the highest standards of professionalism and achieve the highest levels of success. NOTICE Under the long established policy of the Capital Area Association of REALTORS®, IAR and NAR: 1. The broker’s compensation for services rendered in respect to any listing is solely a matter of negotiation between the broker and the client, and is not fixed, controlled, recommended, or maintained by any persons not a party to the listing agreement. 2. The compensation paid by a listing broker to a cooperating broker in respect to any listing is established by the listing broker and is not fixed, controlled, recommended or maintained by any persons other than the listing broker. OFFICERS President GRI President Elect Kristie DeBrun, GREEN, GRI, SFR Secretary/Treasurer John Klemm DIRECTORS Kaye Brittin, ABR, GRI Robert Chipman, Ex-Officio Stephen Daly Stephanie Do, GRI Kimberly Elliott, CRS, GRI Lisa Ernst, GRI Sandra Hamilton, GRI Gary Harvey, GRI Kevin Jarvis, SRES Galen Johnson, CRS, GRI Cris Lust Steve D. Myers Michael Oldenettel, CRS, GRI Debra Sarsany, GRI NEWS & NOTES The Impact of Leadership - (Continued from page 1) solutions in their base packages. Many offer plugins (for an additional cost) through their app stores and are nice marketing platforms, but they lack real estate specific campaigns. This taxes the resources of either the broker’s marketing department or the agent. This is one of the reasons agents aren’t adopting CRM systems. Lack of Features That Matter Most Shifting our focus to real estate - specific CRMs, we are still seeing a lack of emphasis from technology providers on the features that matter most. This doesn’t happen in all cases, of course. However, many times the technology vendor puts so much time and energy into features that simply are not as important as a high-quality, email-marketing platform. This will impact adoption. We see brokers that offer real estate CRMs get adoption rates in the 50 percent range, mainly due to the real estate-specific email marketing platform. Leadership and Training The last part of the equation is simply leadership, commitment and training. While these may be separate items, they intertwine on a multitude of areas. This is the single biggest factor in driving agent productivity through the use of technology systems, not just CRM systems. Here are a few common pitfalls we see in this vast area: 1. Failure of leadership to commit. If the broker/owner or the office manager doesn’t use the systems, then they are setting a bad precedent. That will ultimately feed into the commitment of agents. 2. The roll out and hope strategy. This is all too common in our space. The leadership is sold on a great new technology, and they put some emphasis on training early on; then sit back and watch. Adoption of any technology by a mass crowd takes time. Look at the cell phone. It took nearly 5 to 10 years since its inception to be adopted. CRM use is no different. This ties into the next point as well. 3. Lack of training. Another common pitfall is the monthly or quarterly training sessions. These need to be weekly and, in some cases, more often. One company we work with instituted a drop-in, help desk that any agent can pop into and get CRM advice and help. 4. Focus of training. Some firms have too broad of a focus during training sessions. If you are hosting a technology-training day, you have already lost. The training sessions need to be much more focused and goal oriented. A rule of thumb we use is the 1-3-5 Rule. Focus on one goal. Your goal should not be “CRM Training” or “Getting Agent Adoption of our CRM,” it should be something like, “ 5 ways our CRM can help increase your productivity.” Name the training this as well. Place this title on the calendar. Then, shift to three specific strategies in the CRM, such as email marketing, contact management, and social media. Breaking those down into no more than five specific tactics or tasks. Any more than this and you will lose the attention of the crowd. Recently, at our Gathering of Eagles event in Denver, Patrick Lencioni, a renowned leadership speaker and business coach, led a session on the five (Continued on page 3) Chief Executive Officer Daniel R. Sale, CAE, e-PRO, RCE, SPHR 2 REALTOR® REVIEW News & Notes - (Continued from page 2) The Impact of Leadership - (Continued from page 1) dysfunctions of a team. This was a riveting session with a huge focus on leadership portraying the need for clarity. Clarity is the No. 1 reason agents do not adopt CRM systems. They aren’t sure which to use, how to use it, etc. So, clarity and reinforcing the clarity to the point of exaggerating is completely necessary. Follow these simple instructions with your technology and marketing staff, management and leaders: 1. Have a staff meeting. Create a manifesto that collects input from the whole team. This may include 5 to 10 technology and marketing initiatives for the company. Things like: roll out a CRM, get better adoption for our CMA tool, get agents to adhere to the 5- to 15-minute response window on all leads. 2. Create this in a clear, easy-to-understand package for your agents. 3. Incentivize your team on these points. 4. Pinpoint the metrics that indicate success before you start. Know the accountability measures needed from the management side. 5. Train REGULARLY. 6. Reinforce this clarity REGULARLY. If you need assistance with any of these matters, we are here to help. Contact This article originally appeared in the June 2015 issue of the REAL Trends Newsletter and is reprinted with permission of REAL Trends Inc. Copyright 2015. We’ve Got the Power! Member Appreciation Week (June 23 & 24) The Member Services Committee of CAR extends an invitation to all CAR Members to join them at the association office for Member Appreciation Week June 23rd & 24th between 11:00-2:00 p.m. “We’ve Got the Power” is the theme for this year’s appreciation event. Come enjoy a casual lunch and network with your peers. On June 23rd it’s the everpopular Taco Tuesday featuring all the fixings for a great taco. Wednesday’s meal on June 24th will be catered by Fulgenzi’s Trattoria in Chatham and will feature Italian Rosemary Roast of Pork, seasoned green beans, garlic red skinned mashed potatoes and fresh-baked rolls. The REALTOR® & Affiliate Committee has planned a couple of Hot Topic programs for you to take in while you are here in conjunction with Member Appreciation Week. The June 23rd Hot Topic beginning at 11:30 a.m. will feature local national favorite Steve Thomas while the June 24th Hot Topic program will feature a presentation by Matt Difanis on Social Media. The association extends a special thank you to SentriLock for its generous sponsorship of this event again this year. 3 CAR Seeking Volunteers for 2016 Your association has many goals to accomplish as outlined in its strategic plan. Additionally, our industry has many challenges to face. In order to accomplish our goals and address these challenges, we need the type of individuals who will lead and actively participate. If you are already involved we thank you for that and encourage you to continue. If you are not then we invite you to become involved. The Volunteer Sign up Request Form for 2016 Committees is now available and included as an attachment to the May newsletter. Please take a moment to review this volunteer interest form and return by no later than June 26th. REALTOR® REVIEW News & Notes - (Continued from page 3) Past-president's Luncheon (June 25th) As part of the Member Appreciation Week festivities, on Thursday, June 25th, CAR will be holding its Fifth Annual Past-president’s Luncheon in honor of CAR’s pastpresident’s as well as West Central Illinois Association of REALTORS’ and Jacksonville Area Association of REALTORS’ past-presidents. NAR Approves CAR / JAAR Merger - (Continued from page 1) CAR Broker Outreach Scheduled July 13th Managing Brokers are asked to keep open July 13, 2015 for CAR's next Broker Outreach. The meeting will be held from approximately 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon. The purpose of the meeting will be to provide an update to CAR brokerowners and managers on various association initiatives that are under way and to provide a forum for discussion. Broker-owners and managers who are interested in attending are asked to RSVP by July 8th by calling 217/6987000 or email The new geographical area resulting from the merger will add Brown, Cass, Green, Morgan, Pike and Scott counties to those counties already in CAR's official jurisdiction including Sangamon, Menard and the northern portion of Macoupin along with Henderson, Knox and Warren counties recently added through a merger with the West Central Illinois Association of REALTORS® earlier this year. Robert Chipman, immediate pastpresident of the Jacksonville Area Association of REALTORS® will join the CAR Board of Directors. CAR Contracts Introduced to Jacksonville REALTORS® There were nearly 35 Jacksonville Area REALTORS® on hand May 22, 2015 for the CAR sponsored education program held at the Jacksonville Savings Bank in Jacksonville. Kerry Kidwell was the instructor for the half-day program. CAR President Mike Buscher and President-elect Kristie DeBrun made a surprise appearance at the training session with a specially decorated cake, celebrating the recent merger vote, which attendees enjoyed during one of the breaks. Also, during the break, a special signing ceremony was held with Jacksonville Area Association of REALTORS® President Bob Chipman and President Mike Buscher finalizing some of the merger documents. Special thanks to Jacksonville Savings Bank for the use of its facility. 4 REALTOR® REVIEW CAR 52nd Annual Summer Outing Wrap-up Over 100 golfers and countless affiliate sponsors participated in Capital Area REALTORS® 52nd Annual Golf Outing held on June 8th at Edgewood Golf Course. This year’s fundraisers for Community Foundation for the Land of Lincoln included hole sponsorship donations ($1300). Mulligan sales raised $315 for "Friends of Sanagmon Country Animal Control". Thank you to the hole sponsors. Without their generosity this event would not be possible. Thank you to those businesses who contributed door prizes or gave cash contributions for prizes. Also, thank you to the Social Committee members who helped with this year's event. 5 REALTOR® REVIEW Golf Outing Sponsors: American Home Shield AmeriSpec Home Inspection Service Appraisals by Metcalf Bacon Termite & Pest Control Bank & Trust Company Bank of Springfield Brickkicker Home Inspection Brown, Hay & Stephens, LLP B-Safe Home Inspections of IL Buraski Building Inspections Michael J. Call Appraisal Service Car Wash City Carrollton Bank CEFCU Chicago Title Insurance Company Coonrod Financial Group Cornerstone Title Groupe, LLC Country Financial Dean Peabody Home Inspections Estes, Bridgewater & Ogden First Bankers Trust Company Heartland Credit Union Heartland Homes Hickory Point Bank & Trust Illini Bank Illinois Home Mortgage Illinois National Bank Illinois Real Estate Title Joyner Construction Services Lincoln Land Title Company Marine Bank Mortgage Services Murphy Home Inspections PNC Financial Services Group Prairie Land Title Company, Inc. Radon Fighters Residence Inn by Marriott Security Bank, SB Sharpe Appraisal Services The Radon Guy The Radon Measurement Professional Town & Country Banc Mortgage Services Underfanger Moving & Storage West Central Bank Williams Appraisals Williamsville State Bank & Trust Primo Outing Sponsors: Chicago Title Insurance Co Cornerstone Title Groupe, LLC James A. Lesniak Lincoln Land Title Company Prairie Land Title Company, Inc. Zelle Title, LLC Special thanks to the CAR sponsors: DIAMOND: CEFCU, Chicago Title Insurance Company, Marine Bank, Town & Country Banc Mortgage Services, Inc., Williamsville State Bank & Trust GOLD: Diamond Residential Mortgage Corp., Heartland Credit Union, Illinois Real Estate Title Center, The PNC Financial Service Group SILVER: Bank of Springfield, Heartland Homes, Illini Bank, Illinois National Bank, Security Bank, West Central Bank BRONZE: American Home Shield, AmeriSpec Home Inspection Service, Bank & Trust Company, BSafe Home Inspections of Illinois, First Bankers Trust Company, N.A., Flooring of Springfield, Inc., Hickory Point Bank, Home Warranty of America, Leader One Financial Corporation, Lincoln Land Title Company, Regions, Springfield Area Home Builders Association, US Bank Home Mortgage, Warren-Boynton State Bank, Wells Fargo Home Mortgage, Zelle Title 6 REALTOR® REVIEW News & Notes - (Continued from page 4) 2015/2016 Director & Officer Candidates Slated The Capital Area REALTORS® Nominating Committee chaired by immediate past-president Steve Myers has met and interviewed candidates and recommends the below slate of persons for election as officers and directors of the Association for the 2015/2016 year effective October 1, 2015. These nominations will be voted on at the Annual Business Meeting (details to follow). CAR Sponsors Diamond The following individuals have been nominated to serve as officers of the Association: President - Kristie DeBrun, Campo Realty (as president-elect automatically becomes president); President-elect - John Klemm, Sangamon Realty; and, Secretary/Treasurer - Ed Mahoney, RE/MAX Professionals. The following individuals have been nominated as Directors of the Association for three-year terms beginning October 1, 2015: Lori Hammel, Coldwell Banker Honig -Bell and Jane Locascio, The Real Estate Group. Additional new directors, as provided in the bylaws, include: Robert Chipman, Chipman REALTORS® & Appraisers who is immediate past-president of the Jacksonville Area Association of REALTORS®; and, Jacquelyne Turner, Mel Foster Real Estate and 2016 West Central Chapter President. Gold Blast from the Past We hope you enjoy this month's picture from our association's archives. This month's featured picture is from CAR's 2007 Golf Outing. If you have an old picture or comment about a picture please share with us. Silver (Left to right: Betty & Pat Grady) Bronze The Capital Area Rental eXchange is a great resource for those seeking to rent or lease property in the Capital Area. This is a great way to market your own residential rentals or to stay in touch with those investor clients that need exposure for their rentals! And, its FREE! Properties can be entered into the Rental eXchange via the InnoVia MLS and are available to the public under the “Rental eXchange” tab on The Rental eXchange does not require an offer of compensation. While a Managing Broker may voluntarily offer compensation he or she is not required. Managing Brokers offering compensation should instruct others to contact them for details. For more information and all the tools you need to put the new eXchange to work for you go to / Member Portal / REALTOR Toolbox / Managing Broker Tools. 7 REALTOR® REVIEW PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT West Central Chapter News MLS Conversion Update Break for Hot Topic 2015 Program Schedule The REALTOR® and Affiliate Committee is nearing the half-way point in the year for its offering of "Hot Topic" programs. The next two programs will be held in conjunction with the CAR Member Appreciation Week on June 23rd and 24th. On June 23rd at 11:30 a.m. we will feature popular local speaker Steve Thomas who will deliver an inspiring motivational message. On June 24th at 11:30 a program on Social Media will be delivered by Matt Difanis, J.D., REALTOR® and coowner with RE/MAX Realty Associates. CAR staff recently traveled to Galesburg to offer hands-on preconversion MLS training at Carl Sandburg College for our West Central Chapter members. Thank you to these new members for such a warm reception and for your enthusiasm. Staff continue to work diligently, along with our vendor CoreLogic to pave the way for a smooth and seamless conversion from the FBS system to the InnoVia system. The target date for conversion of MLS information is June 29th. Beginning on June 29th listings will no longer be able to be entered through the West Central Chapter MLS and effective on June 30th all new listings or listing edits must take place via the CAR MLS. Immediately following the conversion the MLS will offer post-conversion MLS training that will focus specifically on listing input and listing maintenance as well as answer questions. Three 3-hour training sessions will be offered, two on July 1st and one on July 2nd. A separate email has been sent to West Central Chapter members including registration information. AFFILIATE CORNER Sponsor Event: IN THE... TILA - RESPA Integrated Disclosure (TRID) Training Thursday, July 9th 9:00 - 10:30 a.m. INB Conference Center 431 S. 4th Street, Springfield Presented by The Title Center 217.787.3330 SPOTLIGHT 8 REALTOR® REVIEW TECHNOLOGY/MLS CORNER Education to Prepare for August 1st CFPB Changes MLS Breakfast July 17 th, Illini Country Club The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) issued its final rule to integrate the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (RESPA) and Truth in Lending Act (TILA) disclosures and regulations back in November 2013. The final rule integrates existing disclosures with new requirements from the Dodd-Frank Act to improve consumer understanding of the mortgage process, aid in comparison shopping, and help to prevent surprises at the closing table. The new rule and changes go into effect with contracts written after August 1, 2015. Learn more about the changes and how you can prepare by attending this panel presentation brought to you by the MLS Committee together with the REALTOR® and Affiliate Committee. Panel members include: Eric Campbell, Chicago Title; Jennifer Johnson, Zelle Title, Aaron Sapp and Caeri Chiaro of Illinois National Bank. Prepare Yourself . . . This panel presentation will focus on how you, the REALTOR®, are affected by the upcoming changes that are brought about by the new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) mandated closing disclosure forms. Topics include: 1. When does the new rule start 2. Changes to the loan application process worksheets 3. The new closing dates 4. Loan estimates vs. loan disclosures 5. Goodbye 30-day contracts 6. How this will affect your contracts Special Check Presentation: Ther e will also be a special check pr esentation from the Community Service Committee to the Friends of Sangamon County Animal Control. RPAC Raffle Drawing: The RPAC Raffle winner will be dr awn at this breakfast. August 1st is creeping up on us, please attend to find out the new CFPB Disclosures. Special thanks to our sponsor Town & Country Mortgage Services, Inc. Upcoming Technology Training Consult the 2015 Spring Technology Training Schedule and take advantage of one or more of the many great FREE training sessions offered by MLS Director Cathy Wagner. June 12th 9:00-10:00 - CMA 2.0 June 26st 9:00-11:00 a.m. - InnoVia Overview June 10th 9:00-10:30 a.m. - TransactionDesk Pro June 11th 9:00-10:00 a.m. - Digital Signatures (Authentisign) July 7th 9:00-10:00 a.m. - Prospecting Manager and Buyer Match 9 3rd Quarter 2015 Fee Invoices Invoices for 3rd Quarter Fees have been emailed with a due date of July 1, 2015. If you do not receive your emailed invoice please contact or by phone at 217/698.7000. To view the fee schedule for 2015 go to: http:// MemberPortal/ECommerce.aspx. REALTOR® REVIEW Technology/MIS Corner - (Continued from page 9) Do You Have the SentriSmart™ App? CREN Sponsors Did you know that SentriLock offers an app for your smartphone that allows you to access a lockbox without the use of your SentriCard®? This app is called SentriSmart™, and it is available in the Apple app store and on Google Play. You will need iOS 6 or higher on an Apple device or Android 2.2 or higher for use. As part of our contract with SentriLock, SentriSmart™ is available for free for subscribers who have key service. SentriSmart™ is a mobile application, allowing access to a lockbox key compartment with the use of a mobile access code instead of a SentriCard®. It also provides immediate showing notifications as soon as the showing agent generates a code. As long as your cell phone has a signal, the SentriSmart™ app can generate a mobile access code so that you can access the key compartment of a SentriLock lockbox. In the event cell phone service is not available, we strongly recommend that you carry an updated card as back-up. When using SentriSmart™, please be aware that a showing notification is sent to the listing agent as soon as you generate a code. If you generate a code just to see how it works, please use one of your own lockboxes to avoid falsely generating a showing notice. When downloading the app you will be required to enter your Sentrilock ID which is your 4-digit member ID #-CAAR for example 2922-CAAR and your Sentrilock password. This is the password you enter when updating your Sentrilock card in a card reader. Please call CAAR @ 217-698-70000 if you need assistance. Ready to get started with SentriSmart™? Check out our handy guides to SentriSmart™: SentriSmart Apple User Guide - uploads/2014/05/SentriSmart-Apple-User-Guide-no-1DC.pdf SentriSmart Android User Guide - uploads/2014/05/SentriSmart-Android-User-Guide-no-1DC-3.pdf COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE NETWORK June CREN Luncheon The next CREN Luncheon is scheduled for June 16th, 2015 with Phil Martin, Martin Engineering, as guest speaker. Special thanks to Marine Bank our sponsor for the luncheon. To RSVP email or call 217-698-7000. 10 REALTOR® REVIEW Technology/MIS Corner - (Continued from page 10) Customizing Your InnoVia Home Page You have the ability to customize your home page by moving several of the modules around to create a different layout. You can also hide these modules from showing on your home page to simplify the layout. Movable modules include any of the sections on the left side of the page (blue), and those in the middle of the home page (orange): Quick Hotsheet My/Office/Firm Inventory My Expiring Listings Board News Bulletin Board Active Listings Links of Interest Quick Lookup Search To move a module, you will need to unlock the home page, by clicking on the little pad lock in the upper right corner of the page, so that it appears unlocked. Once you have the modules moved into their new locations, click the “ pad lock’ to lock them in place. Then, simply click and drag the modules around on the home page and place them where you would like. The blue sections on the left can be reordered vertically, but they must stay on the left side. You can also double-click these sections to minimize them. (Minimized sections will return to full size when you revisit the page) Moving the orange modules on top of another module will either swap the two, or shift the rest over. Play around with it until you get the feel, you won't break it! To hide any of the modules, click on the little pencil icon next to the pad lock. This will open the Module Maintenance screen, where you can uncheck any of the modules to hide them. There is also a Reset link to reset the screen back to the default. When finished, simply close the window by clicking the “close this window” button in the upper right corner. 11 REALTOR® REVIEW GOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS RPAC Raffle Offers Great Prizes!!! The Government Affairs Committee is sponsoring a raffle to raise funds to support all of the great work that RPAC does to promote your business interests in our city halls, general assembly and halls of congress. We hope that you will support this endeavor by purchasing one or more tickets. Prizes include: 1st - One-year dues (or cash equivalent - $521.00) 2nd - iWatch 3rd - Ritz Carlton Hotel Stay in St. Louis including St. Louis Cardinals Baseball tickets Raffle tickets are available for RPAC for $25.00 each or 5 for $100.00. To purchase your ticket(s) see a member of the Government Affairs Committee listed below or visit CAR. Drawing to be held at the July 17, 2015 MLS Breakfast. Government Affairs Committee: Kim Elliott-Birtch, Misty Buscher, Don Cave, Phil Chiles, Brad Dyer, Mike Finley, Galen Johnson, John Klemm, Dana Lyons, Jake Mabus, Ed Mahoney, Susan Madison, Steve Myers, Paul Smay, Joe Tetzlaff, Gina Wolter Disclosure: Contributions to RPAC are not deductible for federal income tax purposes. Contributions are voluntary and are used for political purposes. The amounts indicated are merely guidelines and you may contribute more or less than the suggested amounts. The National Association of REALTORS® and its state and local associations will not favor or disadvantage any member because of the amount contributed or decision not to contribute. You may refuse to contribute without reprisal. Up to thirty percent (30%) may be sent to National RPAC to support federal candidates and is charged against your limits under 2 U.S.C. 441a. A copy of our report filed with the State Board of Elections is (or will be) available on the Board’s official website or for purchase from the State Board of Elections, Springfield, Illinois. Governmental Affairs Update By Neil Malone, Governmental Affairs Director Quick Hits Spring Session Drags On The 99th Illinois General Assembly continues into the month of June, and likely beyond. The Illinois House of Representatives and Illinois Senate failed to adjourn by May 31st, the date they were scheduled to wrap up their spring legislative session. Fundamentally, the session continues due to significant disagreement between the Republican Governor and the Democrat-controlled General Assembly with regard to the budget. The impasse is due to ongoing budget shortfalls and a basic disagreement over identifying potential new revenues vs. making additional cuts and structural reforms. It may be some time before these issues can be resolved. (Continued on next page) 12 Newsletter Inserts Flyers referenced in this newsletter and listed below may be downloaded at http:// MemberPortal/Calendar/ EventFlyers.aspx CAR Inserts Member Appreciation Week Break for Hot Topics: June 23rd June 24th MLS Breakfast West Central Post Conversion MLS Training RPAC Raffle Electronic Forms (Jacksonville) Sponsor Inserts TRID Training REALTOR® REVIEW Governmental Affairs - (Continued from page 12) Spring Session Drags On - (Continued from page 12) According to the Senate President and Speaker of the House, the two chambers will remain in “continuous session” subject to their call. The next scheduled session day will be Tuesday, June 16th (the House has also scheduled session for Tuesday, June 23rd and Tuesday, June 30th). Legislative Call for Action Still Active Due to the elongated session, several bills that may otherwise have not been called for a vote remain alive. One such bill is SB 1380. IAR continues to actively lobby against this controversial bill which is sponsored by Sen. David Koehler (D-Peoria) and Representative Jehan Gordon-Booth (D-Peoria). This legislation, which is the subject of an IAR Call for Action, amends sections of the Illinois Municipal Code that pertain to the liens municipalities file to recover costs incurred for removing grass/weeds, trees/bushes, pests, garbage, debris, and graffiti. The bill seeks to allow municipalities to skip the foreclosure proceeding on the OFFENDING property, and instead obtain a judgement lien against ALL property of an owner. If you haven’t already responded to the Call for Action, please do so at your earliest opportunity. CAR Leaders Take REALTOR® Concerns to Washington, D.C. Last month, CAR leadership joined several thousand REALTORS® from all over the country who were attending the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS® Midyear Meetings & Legislative Conference advocating on behalf of Illinois REALTORS ®. These dedicated individuals took time out of their busy schedules to meet with members of the Illinois Congressional delegation to advance issues of importance to our industry. Members of the CAR delegation attended various meetings including Senator Mark Kirk, Congressman Rodney Davis, Congressman John Shimkus and Congresswoman Cheri Bustos. Some of the issues included: advocating for legislation that would reign in “patent trolls”; advocating for the passage of the Mortgage Choice Act, restoring choice for low and moderate income consumers by fixing discrimination against affiliate lenders in the calculation of fees and points under the Qualified Mortgage (QM) rule; lobbying for the retention of Like-Kind Exchanges (1031 Exchanges) and making the 15-year depreciation period for leasehold improvements permanent; lobbying for continued access for qualified buyers to safe and affordable mortgage financing and that the 30-year fixed-rate mortgage is preserved; and, protecting Mortgage Interest Deduction (MID), the Property Tax Deduction, and Mortgage Debt Forgiveness Tax Relief. 13 REALTOR® REVIEW MEMBERSHIP NOTES New Member Orientation The new member orientation program is scheduled for Wednesday, July 15, 2015, from 1:00-5:00 p.m. and Thursday, July 16, 2015, from 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. All new REALTOR® members are require to complete this course. To register for this course call Kathy Nichelson at the Association at 698-7000. New Members The following individuals have been approved for membership in the Association, subject to completion of Orientation were applicable: Designated REALTORS® Todd P Smith Todd P Smith Real Estate REALTORS® Jan Ruby Vicki Selby RE/MAX Professionals Prudential Classic Properties Full Affiliates Gary Hamm Blake Nibbe Jill Gordon Mason County Appraisal Service Illinois Home Mortgage Country Financial Local Affiliates Nancy Sutzer Illinois Home Mortgage CREN User Kathy Garst The Real Estate Group Capital Area REALTORS® welcomes its new members from the West Central Illinois Association of REALTORS® & the Jacksonville Area Association of REALTORS® (Complete list of members shown on pages 15-18) Frequently Used Phone Numbers: Capital Area Association of REALTORS7: Phone: 217/698-7000 Fax: 217/698-7009 Websites: Illinois Association of REALTORS7 Phone: 217/529-2600 Fax: 217/529-3904 REALTOR7 Store: 800/529-2696 Member Line: 800/752-3275 Website: National Association of REALTORS7 Phone: 312/329-8200 Fax: 312/329-8576 Website: Office of Banks and Real Estate: Phone: 217/782-3414 SentriLock: Phone: 877/736-8745 TRANSFERS Prairie Property Solutions: Melissa Betty (from The Real Estate Group) The Real Estate Group Deb Sarsany (from RE/MA X Professionals) MarketLinx: Phone: 800/334-0831 14 REALTOR® REVIEW Welcome to all new CAR members from the West Central Chapter Designated REALTORS® & REALTORS®: 890 - Appraisal One 2101 Windish Dr., #215 Galesburg, IL 61401 309-368-3627 Scott Terpening, DR 892 - The Bell Agency 11963 Bowling Rd Cambridge, IL 61238 309-945-7755 Terry Roesner, DR 870 - C21 Tucker-Swanson 782 N Henderson St Galesburg, IL 61401 309-343-6121 C.M. Kit Wilcox, DR Katherine Albert Rebecca Aldrich Carolyn Collier Karen Cratty Meredith Crouse Nancy Dahlberg Mary Davis Marsha Engle Jennifer Evans Cynthia Flaherty Henry Hamann Richard Junk Judy Lowthian Cheryl Paulsgrove Rhianna Schroeder Carl Swanson Dena Turner Jo Whitlatch Kimberly Young 872 - Cooley ii 138 Public Square P. O. Box 302 Knoxville, IL 61448 309-289-9022 Charles A. Cooley, II, DR LeRoy Shoop Lois Tyrrell 873 - Countryside REALTORS 991 N Henderson St Galesburg, IL 61401 309-343-5138 Sherry Andrews, DR Chad Andrews Robert Andrews Larry Benson Katrina Boys Shauna Pugh Pamela Rosenberry Joe Townsell 874 - Flare Valuation Services 982 N. Kellogg St Galesburg, IL 61401 309-341-0588 Christine Spence, DR 875 - Hagerty Appraisals 647 W. Losey Street Galesburg, IL 61401 309-344-2800 Lori Dagen, DR 877 - Larry Shaw Real Estate 605 E. Detroit Avenue Monmouth, IL 61462 309-221-8061 Larry Shaw, DR 878 - Mel Foster Co. Galesburg 250 E. Main Street, Ste 110 Galesburg, IL 61402 309-343-6168 Bonnie Cox Diana Hallstrom Joshua Kilpatrick Chuck Ross, DR Jacquelyne Turner Sara Varner 879 - Midwest Appraisal 71 E Simmons Rd Galesburg, IL 61401 309-343-1197 Stephen Daly, DR Jeffrey Duncan Steven Morss 15 891 - RE/MAX Country Crossroads 1303 17th Avenue Viola, IL 61486 309-596-4228 Sharon Esslinger, DR 880 - RE/MAX Preferred Properties 1197 N Henderson Street Galesburg, IL 61401 309-344-5444 Thomas Knapp, DR Tyler Bond Patrick Hennefent Christine Pepmeyer 881 - Ruhl & Ruhl REALTORS 1701 52nd Ave Ste B Moline, IL 61265 309-743-8035 Michael Wendt, DR Schuyler Huston 882 - Skinner Appraisal 707 Country Lane Abingdon, IL 61410 309-462-2964 Larry Skinner, DR Tricia Litchfield 876 - Turke, James D. & Assoc 218 Kurlene Drive Macomb, IL 61455 309-833-4222 James Turke, DR 884 - Western Illinois Realty 290 East Penn Street Roseville, IL 61473 309-426-2165 Edward Thompson, DR Annette Thompson Benjamin Thompson 893 - Western Illinois Realty 209 N. Main Monmouth, IL 61462 309-734-2165 LeAnne McKee Lauren Still REALTOR® REVIEW Welcome Welcome to to all all new new CAR CAR members members from from the the West West Central Central Chapter Chapter Designated REALTORS® & REALTORS® (continued): 894 - Western Illinois Realty 502 Schuyler Street P. O. Box 833 Oquawka, IL 61469 309-867-3165 Stephen Shimmin Stephen Thompson 895 - Western Illinois Realty 240 E. Main Knoxville, IL 61448 309-289-4115 Karen Benjamin Timothy Eagle Ghada Samaan Sherrill Swanson Amanda Wagher 896 - Western Illinois Realty 879 N. Henderson Street Galesburg, IL 61401 309-343-4165 Jeffrey Ballard Sheree Burns Bob Moberg Bryan Scott Young 885 - Zack Thiel Realty 1150 W Carl Sandburg Dr Galesburg, IL 61401 309-343-0909 Robert Westfall, DR Zack Thiel 883 - Wilson-Hannam, REALTORS 805 E. Second Abingdon, IL 61410 309-343-3103 Rolland Hannam, DR Affiliates: 965 - 1st Farm Credit Service 700 E. Jackson 309-734-8484 Monmouth, IL 61462 Debby Rehn 967 - Barash & Everett, LLC 256 S. Soangetaha Rd, Ste 108 Galesburg, IL 61401 309-341-6010 Kathy Hippler 971 - First Midwest Bank 302 E. Main Street Galesburg, IL 61401 309-341-5012 Carrie Lamb 966 - Alcorn Karlin LLC 313 E. Main Street P. O. Box 1516 Galesburg, IL 61402-1516 309-345-0000 Marcy Copeland 968 - Blake Law Offices 303-305 Hill Arcade Bldg. Galesburg, IL 61401 309-343-3155 John Blake 982 - Four Seasons Pest Control 1281 N Henderson Street Galesburg, IL 61401 309-342-9644 Mark Ferrier 969 - Farmers & Mechanics Bank 21 E. Main Street P. O. Box 1208 Galesburg, IL 61401 309-343-7141 Karen Cabrera 972 - Galesburg City Assessor 121 W. Tompkins Street Galesburg, IL 61401 309-342-1106 Darrell Lovel 980 - Allied Termite Control 2410 Grand Ave Galesburg, IL 61401 309-342-6013 Eric Littlefield Mike Littlefield 981 - B-Sure Environment 1677 Jefferson Street Galesburg, IL 61401 309-343-3928 Randy Stufflebeem 970 - First Mid-Illinois Bank & Trust 101 E. Main Street Galesburg, IL 61401 309-343-9181 Michelle Hoffman Theresa Mangieri 16 973 - Galesburg Registered Mail 140 S. Prairie Street Galesburg, IL 61401 309-343-7181 Carol Uhlman REALTOR® REVIEW Welcome to all new CAR members from the West Central Chapter Affiliates (continued): 983 - Galesburg Termite 1110 N. Farnham Street Galesburg, IL 61401 309-343-7181 Stella McDorman 974 - IH Mississippi Valley Credit Union 404 W. Carl Sandburg Drive Galesburg, IL 61401 309-342-8151 Heather Hopping 975 - Klingner & Associates, P.C. 49 N. Prairie Street Galesburg, IL 61401 309-343-1266 Kyle Pruett 976 - Knox County Area Partnership P. O. Box 749 Galesburg, IL 61401-0749 309-341-2001 Ken Springer 977 - Knox County North MultiTownship Assessment District 240 E. Simmons Street Galesburg, IL 61401 309-345-3631 Amy Dzekunskas 978 - Knox County South MultiTownship Assessment District 240 E. Simmons Street Galesburg, IL 61401 309-345-3664 Jenell Simpson 979 - Members Mortgage Services 1134 N. Henderson St. Ste F Galesburg, IL 61401 309-973-4158 Christine Denisar 984 - Midwest Bank of Western Illinois 2558 N. Seminary Street P. O. Box 149 Galesburg, IL 61402-0149 309-343-7181 Cindy Helvick 987 - Stoerzbach Law Office P.C. Hawthorne Business Center 2101 Windish Drive Galesburg, IL 61401 309-343-5010 Dan Stoerzbach Gretchen Fitch 988 - Tompkins State Bank 1380 N. Henderson Street Galesburg, IL 61401 309-342-8161 Joe Thompson Amber Smith 989 - Wells Fargo Home Mortgage 2131 N. Henderson Galesburg, IL 61401 309-344-1233 Amber Howe 985 - Simpson Law Office 250 E. Main St, Ste 402 Galesburg, IL 61401 309-343-6152 Carol Simpson 990 - Western Illinois Title Co. P. O. Box 7 Biggsville, IL 61418 309-627-2050 Susan Higgins 986 - Statham, Long & Mitchell 117 E. Main St., Ste 101 Galesburg, IL 61401 309-341-6000 Wayne Statham Susan Woolsey 991 - Wells Fargo Home Mortgage 352 N. Henderson Street Galesburg, IL 61401 309-342-6135 Kim Cooper Lisa Reynolds Mindy Goodman Pat Coker Amy Wheeler Welcome to all new CAR members formerly with JAAR Designated REALTORS® & REALTORS®: 816 - Blackstone Realty & Appraisals 211 S. Fayette Jacksonville, IL 62650 217-245-0119 Breanne Sheehan, DR 817 - Buffy Tillitt & Associates 10060 US Highway 67 Beardstown, IL 62618 217-323-2100 Mary Beth Tillitt-Pratt, DR Carla Savage Laura Zillion 17 800 - Chipman REALTORS & Appraisers 307 W. State St. Jacksonville, IL 62650 217-245-5539 Robert Chipman, DR REALTOR® REVIEW Welcome to all new CAR members formerly with JAAR Designated REALTORS® & REALTORS® (continued): 813 - Davidsmeyer Properties, Chad 1239 Exeter Road Bluffs, IL 62621 217-473-8603 Chad Davidsmeyer 818 - DeSollar & Wessler Bros. 111 W Main Beardstown, IL 62618 217-323-2623 Joseph DeSollar, DR Connie Foley Connie Martin Ryan Miller 810 - Findley Realty Associates 211 W. State, Ste 213 P.O. Box 18 Jacksonville, IL 62650-0018 217-245-8141 Karyl Findley, DR 801 - Grojean Realty 360 W. State St. Jacksonville, IL 62650 217-245-4151 Charles Grojean, DR Amy Hageman Carolyn Hymes Kathy Maul Anne McDaniel Colleen Settles 802 - Hills, Steve, REALTORS 900 S. Main Jacksonville, IL 62650 217-245-9589 Dianne Steinberg, DR Shawn Doerr Paula Fry Tina Moore Kerris Osborn 803 - Hohmann Agency 1850 W. Morton Jacksonville, IL 62650 217-245-6166 Richard Hohmann, DR 815 - Leka Land Services, LLC 10736 Markert Avenue Tallula, IL 62688 217-414-6917 Randy Leka, DR 819 - Moulton Real Estate 601 N. Main St. White Hall, IL 62092 217-374-6145 Robert Moulton, DR 807 - Prudential Classic Properties 230 W. College Jacksonville, IL 62650 217-243-0500 James Pate, DR Melanie Berry Mindi Johnson Vicki Lyons 807 - Prudential Classic Properties Missy Murphy Vicki Selby Casandra Turner 806 - RE/MAX Results Plus 1046 W. Morton Jacksonville, IL 62650 217-245-9613 Scott Eoff Casey Collins Judy Eoff Mary Gray SueAnn Mullen Kendra Swain Lisa Watson 808 - Waltrip Real Estate 1853 S. Main Jacksonville, IL 62650 217-243-2000 Gale Waltrip, DR Chris Dorsey Mildred Dugan Norma Spotts Jim Waltrip 814 - Worrell Land Services, LLC 2240 West Morton Jacksonville, IL 62650 217-245-1618 Allan Worrell Joe Graves Darrell Moore Luke Worrell Affiliates: 850 - Bank of Jacksonville 1701 W. Morton Avenue Jacksonville, IL 62650 Michael Halsne 851 - Jacksonville Regional Edc 221 E. State Street Jacksonville, IL 62650 Terry Denison 852 - Morgan County Abstract Company 230 W. State Street Jacksonville, IL 62650 Amy Coats 853 - Premier Bank 1604 W. Morton Avenue Jacksonville, IL 62650 Paul White 18 854 - Rammelkamp Bradney 232 W. State Street Jacksonville, IL 62650 Richard Freeman 855 - The First National Bank 1904 W. Main Street S Jacksonville, IL 62650 Christina Lomelino REALTOR® REVIEW CALENDAR AT A GLANCE ANNOUNCEMENTS The Association wishes to extended it's sympathy Affiliate Greg Tally (Marine Bank) on the recent loss of his father. June 15-16 IAR Business Meetings 16 CREN Luncheon 18 Forms Committee 22 Electronic Forms Training (Jacksonville) 9:00 23-25 Member Appreciation Week 23 Break For Hot Topics 11:30 Taco Tuesday 11:00-2:00 24 Break For Hot Topics 11:30 Italian Beef & Sides 11:00-2:00 25 Past Presidents' Luncheon 11:30 July 1 2 3 4 6 7 14 15 16 17 20 West Central MLS Training 9:00-12:00 1:00-4:00 West Central MLS Training 9:00-12:00 Association Closed Independence Day Governmental Affairs MLS Committee 9:00 Finance/Exec Committees 10:30 Board of Directors 9:00 New Member Orientation 1:00-5:00 New Member Orientation 8:30-5:00 MLS Breakfast 8:30 CREN Luncheon 11:30 August 3 6 Governmental Affairs MLS Committee Finance/Exec Committees 12 Board of Directors 18 CREN Luncheon Capital Area 3149 Robbins Rd. Springfield, IL 62704 217.698.7000 Fax: 217.698.7009 1:00 9:00 10:30 9:00 11:30 CAR MONTHLY REPORT Single Family Residential Time Period May 14 May 15 YTD 14 YTD 15 Listings Processed 587 506 2,228 2,242 Units Sold 382 392 1,303 1,352 Dollar Volume 50,759,469 54,859,538 162,328,515 179,919,451 Ave. Sale Price 132,878 139,948 124,581 133,077 All Property Classes Time Period May 14 May 15 YTD 14 YTD 15 Listings Processed 666 614 2,686 2,750 Units Sold 419 430 1,421 1,498 Dollar Volume 57,141,189 61,450,888 184,501,406 215,764,549 19
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