The Circular


The Circular
Official Publication | Sierra Nevada Region | Porsche Club of America
September 2014 | SNR-PCA.ORG
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6 Cal Lane - Sparks, NV
2014 Sierra Nevada Region
Porsche Club of America
Board of Directors
Karen Vibe | President | 775-823-8641
September 2014 Edition
Open | Vice-President |
04 | President’s Page
Carlis Chaussee | Secretary | 775-722-1600
Karen O’Larey | Membership | 775-626-6798
Virginia Smith-Hatefi | Treasurer
06 | Calendar of Events | 775-762-6127
Doug Driver | Competition
07 | Competition | 775-352-7568
Jess Lattin | Tech Chair
14 | New Members | 775-826-2100
Karen Goody | Activities
14 | Classified Ads | 775-220-7297
Josh Hatefi | Media Relations & Webmaster | 775-762-6127
Craig Kugler | Past-President | 775-771-3256
08 | Return to Santa Barbara
10 | Markleeville Drive & Potluck
This blue 1962 notchback T6 was converted to a
Cabriolet. It has a 911 engine, transmission and
brakes. It belongs to Dean Watts from Carson
City. Dean participated in the Markleeville
Open | Member at Large
Merlin Simons | Member at Large
Newsletter Staff
Steve Kent | Editor
Cathy Rossner | Newsletter Layout
Gramma Pat | Editor at Large
Su Kemper | Editor at Large
Randy Bradley | Newsletter Distribution
PO Box 19689, Reno, NV 89511 SNR-PCA.ORG
September 2014 | Porsche Club of America | SIERRA NEVADA | 3
New Board Members Needed!
Do you love your Porsche
Club? I know I do! Where can
you pay less than $4 a month to
have volunteers create fun, active,
safe, relaxing events for members
like you? I don’t know of too
many clubs that offer what we do
for less than the price of one cappuccino! So there it the catch –
yeah you know it was coming.…
A few of our board members
are “termed out” and we need
your nominations for the new
Draft Picks! For non-football
fans this is kind of like the NFL–
but with NO PAY! At any rate,
we need new blood, new ideas
and fresh enthusiasm to keep
this party rocking. So, as you
are reading this, please consider
joining the board. Pick up the
phone and call me about what is
We continue to have some
great driving, social and planning
events happening this summer.
Please look to our website to
Karen Vibe
plan your calendar for upcoming
Please save the dates for May
Sierra Nevada Porsche Club
15-17 of 2015. This is our 50th
anniversary weekend and we
hope to have some folks from
PCA National as well as other
important people out to this
event. To learn more, please
contact George Batcabe by email
Last and not least, I have an
important announcement–Lake
Tahoe will be hosting the National Porsche Escape in the fall of
2016. No details yet, except that
we don’t have to do the heavy lifting for this event.
PCA National is doing evrything but we will be asked to
volunteer for as many positions
as possible. It will be fun and
a great event with which to be
involved. We will be asking for all
the help we can get in September
of 2016. We asked – we got!
The Sierra Nevada Region of Porsche Club of
America would like to encourage members to
like our Facebook page. If you would like help
setting up a Facebook account or finding our page
please contact club secretary Carlis Chaussee at or 775-626-6798
4 | SIERRA NEVADA | Porsche Club of America | September 2014
September 3, 2014 - 5:30pm to 7:00pm
PCA-SNR Board Meeting
Bill Pearce Porsche
11555 South Virginia Street, Reno, NV
Contact: Karen Vibe, 775.823.8641
September 6, 2014 - 9:00am to 11:00am
Porsche Saturday Breakfast
BEST WESTERN Airport Plaza Hotel
1981 Terminal Way, Reno NV 89502
Contact: George Queyrel at
Saturday, September 20, 2014
8:00am to 2:00pm
Safehaven Rescue Zoo
Meet up at the Spark’s McDonalds/Chevron off
the I-80 exit 126 (Vista/Gregg)
Please join us for a visit to an animal rescue zoo.
It will be a day filled with a leisurely drive and
educational delights about the rescue and care of
exotic animals. Located near Imlay, NV the Safe
Haven Rescue Zoo is a non-profit dedicated to
rehabilitating wild abused and abandoned animals.
Injured animals native to our area are treated and
released, while those that are not find a home for
On arrival we’ll be greeted by “Mojave Mo” a
non-biting desert tortoise that hangs around the
visitors center to welcome the newcomers. Our tour
will be hosted by the Zoo’s founder and executive
officer, Lynda Sugasa. Lynda will provide us with
the history of the Zoo, behind the scenes operation,
along with history and traits of the animals.
Arrive at 7:45 am for briefing/maps. Prompt
departure at 8:00am.
* Quick stop at Chevron Lovelock (exit 106) for
gas, stretch and restrooms
* Continue on to Safe Haven Rescue Zoo
Tour Zoo 10:30 AM - 1:00 PM
* Depart Safe Haven Zoo for lunch at the Lovelock
“Cowpoke Cafe.” Please note the late lunch time,
plan on bringing water and snacks to hold you over.
Lunch at the Cowpoke Cafe.
* Gas up in Lovelock if needed and continue on
back to Reno
Cost: None for the tour, tax-deductible donations to
the Safe Haven Rescue Zoo are appreciated.
Contact: Dick Bottom, 775.853.4525 or
Thursday, September 25, 2014
4:30pm to 7:00pm
Wine Social
Mayla and Steve Kent’s Residence
7029 Heatherwood Drive, Northwest Reno
Please bring a bottle of wine or an hor’deurve to
October 4, 2014 - 9:00am to 11:00am
Porsche Saturday Breakfast
BEST WESTERN Airport Plaza Hotel
1981 Terminal Way, Reno NV 89502
Contact: George Queyrel at
6 | SIERRA NEVADA | Porsche Club of America | September 2014
Sierra Valley Gran Fondo - Charity Event
We met these people in Sierraville during the Big Springs Gardens Drive. They would love to
have Porsche Club members display their cars as a community service activity. The Club will
make a donation on behalf of our members.
Date: Sunday, Sept. 14 – 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Set-up between 9 a.m. and 10 a.m. please (we have to close the park to traffic after then because of
the race).
Location: Loyalton City Park, 105 Beckwith Rd., Loyalton CA 96118
Placement of cars: Slant-parked in front of the social hall/museum building in the park. There will
be room for 10-15 cars!
Food: A nice barbecue dinner will be available for $10, with hot dogs and other foods served, too.
RSVP to Janet McHenry at
Oct. 11-12 Event with Cascade Region (S. Oregon)
We have 15-20 cars coming down to Reno October 11th .
We will be coordinating a casual dinner with their region and ours. TBA
I need a member to lead a drive on Sunday morning from the Grand Sierra Resort Parking Lot.
We will meet at 8:30am with a 9am launch time going to Virginia City for shopping and then back
to Reno by 1 pm. Contact Karen Vibe at
Competition Update
We have some great competition
event at the new five-mile Thunderhill
Doug Driver
events on the horizon.
track. More information is available at
Competition Chair
August 30-31–The PCA
Zone 7 autocross school is
September 6-7–A Reno SCCA autocross weekend
at Marina Airport just north of Monterey.
Visit for more info.
in the Reno area (location to be determined). See
August 30–A one-day Reno SCCA Performance for details.
Driving Experience (PDX) at Reno-Fernley Raceway.
September 20-21–The Reno SCCA Performance
Driving Experience (PDX) at Reno-Fernley Raceway.
September 6-7–The PCA Golden Gate region is
hosting a combination race and driver’s education
You can do one or both days.
September 2014 | Porsche Club of America | SIERRA NEVADA | 7
Santa Barbara Region president Doreen Pankow welcomes
50th anniversary participants at SB Porsche dealer
Return to Santa Barbara
OK, your question is: Why are
we talking about the Santa Barbara Region? And the answer is:
Cam Warren was their founding
president in 1964. We returned
to the scene of the crime for their
50th anniversary celebration with
Cam being one of their honored
SBR is a pretty large region
with more than 700 full members
and 500 regional members. In
2013 they held 76 events. Up
until 1964 Santa Barbara was
part of the Los Angeles Region.
In June of that year, Cam and 34
Su Kemper
SNR Member
other Porsche enthusiasts were
successful in getting the new
region chartered by PCA. Also
that year the Porsche Parade was
held there. Cam was the region’s
president in 1964 and 1965.
For their 45th anniversary
and now this one, the celebrations have been daytime affairs.
Saturday began with a continental breakfast at the local Porsche
dealer, followed by a 2-1/2 hour
8 | SIERRA NEVADA | Porsche Club of America | September 2014
scenic driving tour, north, into
the Santa Ynez Mountains and
return to SB.
But holy cow, Batman – there
were 140 cars on the tour! I
think that’s larger than the tour
groups they had at the Monterey Parade. But things went
smoothly, the scenery was nice,
the sun was sizzling and we
wound up back in Santa Barbara
despite the hordes of Saturday
traffic on the 101.
Following the tour, a lavish
buffet luncheon was served at
the Fess Parker Resort by the
ocean. The festivities were held in
an outdoor, circular area called
the “Rotunda.” There were four
Porsches on display and it looked
like the only way to get there was
through the lobby. The cost of
the luncheon was really minimal
for what we got, $40 per person,
but I found out the actual cost to
the region was $60/head and they
(the region) subsidized the additional $20 per person. That was
a really nice gesture as there were
283 people at the luncheon!
Also attending was Santa
Barbara’s mayor, a state senator,
a local councilman, PCA National Treasurer Tom Gorsuch
and Zone 8 Representative Tom
Brown of San Diego as well as
nine other past presidents of
the region. Current president
Doreen Pankow along with her
crew did a terrific job in organizing this epic event. And “epic”
is a good word because with 290
participants this was the largest
SBR event ever held.
After lunch there was a formal program. Cam got to say a
few words, and then they had a
drawing for raffle prizes. There
were three prizes and tickets cost
$100 each and they only sold
500. First prize was a Fast Lane
Treffen Tour for two in Europe,
including airfare, hotel, meals
and the use of a Porsche, value:
$20,000! Prize two was a Porsche
Driving Experience for 2, all
inclusive, value $10,000-$11,000
and the third prize was a set of
OEM tires for your Porsche.
Sadly, none of the winners were
Cam Warren, SBR president 1964-65 and current
president, Doreen Pankow
At the recent Monterey Porsche
Parade SBR was named “Region
of the Year” for the second time.
They also won in 2001 and I
should note that both times were
when they had female presidents.
(Oops, that’s sexist, isn’t it…?)
They had the large traveling
trophy from PCA, the “Region of
the Year” being the only annual
award presented by the Porsche
family. Their newsletter “DER
AUSPUFF” (named by Cam)
won first in their category and
they won second overall for the
PCA National Public Service
This award includes community service activities as well
as charitable donations. Last
year they contributed $6000 to
various charities including their
primary charity, the Gold Coast
Veterans Foundation. They also
donate toys for kids at Christmas
and other things like that. But
their big effort was the “Tire
Rack Street Survival School”–a
hands-on driving experience in
real world conditions for 32 teens
between the ages of 15-17, who
have a drivers permit or license.
The program is wildly popular,
the region does no advertising and people find out about it
by word-of-mouth. This year’s
event, planned for November, is
being supported by PCA and is
already sold out.
Meanwhile, back in the real
world, we took a leisurely amble
back to Reno, past the dead crops
of the San Fernando Valley, over
to Oakhurst and then up Hwy.
4 for a white-knuckle romp
over the ever delightful 8700-ft.
Ebbett’s Pass.
September 2014 | Porsche Club of America | SIERRA NEVADA | 9
Monitor Pass Drive & Potluck
On a bright, sunny Saturday,
August 2, 15 cars gathered south
of Reno to be joined by five more
south of Carson City. Practically
all models from the 1950s to 2014
were represented. We proceeded
along Jacks Valley Road through
the quaint little town of Genoa via
Kingsbury Grade to South Lake
Tahoe where–in spite of clear,
printed instructions–a couple of
cars missed the turnoff to Pioneer
Trail and had to double back.
Eventually, all cars gathered near
the top of Luther Pass on Highway
89 for a stretch and pictures.
Down the mountain through
Hope Valley and Woodfords, we
arrived at Turtle Rock Campground and Picnic Area, 2 miles
east of Markleeville. We were
greeted by several tablecloth
covered picnic tables and Dick
Ragnar Kuehnert
SNR Member
Bottom, who had driven there in
the early morning and reserved
the area for us. Soon the tables
were covered with a great variety
of tempting food that magically
appeared out of our little cars.
Nobody left hungry.
After lunch, several cars returned home directly through
Carson Valley. Others proceeded
through Markleeville on Highway
89 over Monitor Pass to Highway
395. Only 1-1/2 miles from the
junction with Highway 395, the
1976 912E suffered a sudden and
total ignition failure. Luckily, Dick
Bottom in his 2013 Cayman was
following. No roadside fix was
possible,;cellphone service was
not available. Near a fire station
on Hwy 395, Dick was able to call
for help. Soon, a tow truck from
Walker, CA arrived and the little
red car was transported home.
What had happened? A few
weeks earlier, a failing Pertronix
breakerless ignition was replaced
with OEM Bosch ignition points.
A little plastic cam between the
points that rides on the center post
of the distributor and causes them
to open and close had broken
off. An easy fix. Don’t blame the
38-year-old Porsche. A brand new
$6 part had failed.
From the responses I received,
people enjoyed the drive. Let’s do
it again some time in the future.
Which route and destination
would you suggest?
10 | SIERRA NEVADA | Porsche Club of America | September 2014
September 2014 | Porsche Club of America | SIERRA NEVADA | 11
Your Next Porsche?
2011 Porsche Cayman, 6 speed,
Only 18K Miles, Mint Condition #
2007 Porsche 911/997 Twin Turbo Coupe Evo Motorsports Edition 97K in
upgrades Only 17K miles # 7684
2005 Boxster
Black/Black only 42K miles # 7704C
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New SNR Members
Dan Kabat
Minden NV
2013 Boxster
Gary Keyser
Reno NV
2000 Boxster
Dustin Osbourne
Mammoth CA 1974 911
Kevin Karp
Reno NV
1999 Boxster
Linda Larson
Chester CA
2009 Cayman
William Vandenburg
Gardnerville NV
1969 912
FOR SALE: BBS LM100 three-piece forged aluminum wheels 18 X 10J. Porsche lug bolt pattern 5-130.
Perfect fitment for putting big slicks under the tail of a 996. $1400.
FOR SALE: Khumo V710 slicks. Brand new, never used. (2 ea) 245/35-18 and (2
ea) 285/30/18. $1000.
LOOKING FOR A 1995 911. May consider a ‘94 or ‘93. Preferably a quality car. Chris Plastiras 775.691.7000
1973 911 Turbo race car: 911 chassis, 935 fiberglass body, modified 1988 3.3 ltr 525 hp full race
Jerry Woods engine, 1989 G50 trans, 2 sets race wheels-10.5 frt & 14” rear. Will beat any GT3. Email for
complete specs & pics. Includes enclosed trailer w/air conditioner, electric winch, work bench, plus much
more and all necessary tools including air compressors and air tools, turnkey racing. Will sell car separately.
Car is in Lake Tahoe. BEST OFFER. Gary Jones, 530.545.0103 Pictures can be
seen at
WANTED: 1950-1965 Porsche 356 Coupe, Cabriolet, Speedster or Roadster in any condition. Also looking for a 1964-1973
Porsche 911 or 912 in any condition. Please call 415.891.9887 or email
FOR SALE: 2007 911 GT3RS (997.1) 17k miles and bone stock; Located in Reno,
NV; Very clean, recent service, new tires; Always garaged; Serious inquiries only; offered
at $129.9k; Contact Eliot at 775.813.5331
WANTED: Sierra Nevada Badge. The version with the skier, seen on top of the
club magazine.
Uwe & Diana Biegner, 2549 via Pisa, Del Mar, CA. 92014, 619-917-7272
FOR SALE: 1973 914 1.7 garaged, not a daily driver. Completely reconditioned. Original inside and out. New
yellow paint with all black interior. Correct wheels with good tires. New ECU, clutch cable, muffler and battery.
Photos available. Fun to drive. Asking $10,500. Call Gil Rios at 775-266-3014 or
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