New catalogue, new prices and improvements for
New catalogue, new prices and improvements for
New Catalogue. New Prices and Improvements FOR NOVEMBER, 1876, OF THE B. SHONINGER ORGAN Mannfactory, 97 to 123 Ohestnnt Warerooms, 279 Chapel NEW HAVEN, CONN. E '|i CO. St., St., [Established 1850.] i k ss ^^ Combination Cymbella Organ. Manufacturers of Eureka, Cymbella, Chorale and Paragon Organs, the best in the world, more for the money, better styles, will give less trouble than any ever made before. With our greatly increased facilities for, and large experience in manufacturing, we hope to excel all others new effort to sell a better Organ for the price than any other maker. in this B. 2 SHOXINGEK OKGAN CO'S CYMBELLA ORGANS. CIRCULAR. In presenting our Revised Price to record unprecedented the our Organs; List, it is gratifying success by achieved relying solely on their intrinsic merits, they have acquired an enviable reputation and wide spread popularity, and are acknowledged, by the best musical to critics, be the best organs Their matchless beauty and finish, in the world. purity of voicing, prompt speech, extreme delicacy and quickness of touch, rich, full and truly organ-like tone, have won the most flattering encomiums, and elicited the enthusiastic admiration of all who have seen and heard them. Unsolicited, testimonials are constantly received, expressing unqualified satisfaction. Employing the best mechanical everything that can suggest, is talent in the country, artistic skill, taste, and long experience employed, to make them both musically and externally the king of organs. Careful attention paid to the smallest details in their construction very best materials are used throughout. It is ; is the our aim to manufacture an instrument combining more valuable improvements, better styles and finish, and more for the We money than any now made. be judged by premium over exhibited. its all merits ; prefer to let our we have others, gold and received the silver work first medals wherever Over Forty-Jive ihousand of our instruments now Our object is to bring before the public a thorough knowledge of both the appearance and merits of our inin use. struments, so that they can forward their orders with perfect confidence. B. SHONINGEK ORGAN CO'S CYMBELLA ORGANS. CYMBELLA ORGAN. The most perfect in its construction the case is entirely new in design, and beautiful in finish. Ii has many new and very valuable improvements, such as no organ has ever had before. The Music Rack, when turned down, makes a fine writing- desk the magnificent Chime of two and one-half octaves ot Bells, tuned in perfect harmony, to be used either alone or with one or more sets of Reeds, the effects when played being soul-stirring and charming. It is capable of producing the finest music for Church or Parlor by its peculiar construction it can be played as soft as an JEolian harp and by our new Full Organ stop and Double Knee Swell, (which, when opened remains so until closed by the performer,) can be changed from one with sufficient power for a Church, to the most soft and beautiful imaginable, an improve; ; ; ment long sought by Organ manufacturers. It has 12 stops (all are of practical use) it has our new Soloist which adds the third set of Keeds our Manual and Sub-Bass Couplers, which when played with our Full Organ stop is more than equal to four sets of Keeds our new lamp brackets, which are a great convenience as well as an ornament, and arranged so when open to increase the power and volume of tone. This magnificent and wonderful instrument is the embodiment of the best qualities, and most complete ever made for variety of effect and great scope of power there is nothing like it. No. 24—5 Octave, 12 Stops, Chime of Bells and a fine Stool «393.(X) No. 25—6 Octave, 12 Stops, Chime of Bells and a fine Stool 429.00 ; stop, ; ; ; ;; The B. Shoninger Organ Co. This Company have made careful experiments at great cost, and witli commendable pride and pleasure introduce their new Cymbella Organ, which is beheved to pos- many advantages over all others, that cannot fail be appreciated by those who hear its wonderful power and quality. The B. Shoninger Organ Company, of New Haven, commenced business in 1850, with good talent, and have made some 45,000 instruments, each with more or less experiments, and all of them with care to produce the sess to desired effect to intonate in the reed instruments that which has been produced in most other kinds, viz a combination that would in the hands of the musician In produce soft or loud tone at the instant desired. fact, this Organ combines the numerous improvements made by all makers, both in this and other countries and it can be said that after the innumerable experiments of the talented men of all countries combined, it has been left to America to achieve the great success. It is a wonder in voice as well as quality. : first made, it was comand had no stops (called a melodeon), costing not less than two hundred dollars while at this time the one represented here in all its beauty as a musical instrument and a piece of furniture, and with its stops, can be bought for the same amount Those who have not heard these Organs will of money. be surprised at the sounds and changes; and it is said one cannot tell by the sound whether it is a wind or pipe organ which costs thousands, or one that cost two hundred dollars, except in the space it has to fill. A parlor At is as perfectly filled as a church with a pipe organ. this time there are thousands made where formerly but and the time will come when they will be acone knowledged to be superior to a stringed instrument, as a piano. It is expected that not far in the futuve all famihes will have one in the home as a necessity, to help educate and raise the minds of children, as the These instrueffect of music has a refining influence. ments are aU made with great care, and in such a substantial manner that they will last for many years. When a reed instrument plete in one set of reeds, ; was B. SHOiriNGER ORGAN CO'S HARMOJSIC ORGANS. HARMONIC CYMBELLA ORGAN. Our Harmonic Cymtaella Organ is one ot the finest and most beautiful thai has ever been produced. The case is one of entirely new design, containing two Music Closets, Lamp Brackets, and when the Music Hack is turned down it presents a beautiful and convenient Writing Defik. It also contains an entirely new feature, a splendid Chime of Bellii of more than two octaves. It has 12 stops, which includes our new full organ and Soloest stop, which adds a third set of Keeds also, Sub-Bass and Manual Couplers, with our Double Forte Swell, which makes it equal to four sets of Reeds, a powerful and a perfect Organ, and when played, the effect is soul-stirring and wonderful. A fine st^jol with the ; Organ makes it complete. No.54— Five Octaves, Twelve Fine Stool , Stops, Chime of Bells and a 1430.00 No. 55— Six Octaves, Twelve Stops, Chime of Bells and a $466.00 Fine Stool, . B. 6 SHONINGER ORGAN COMBINATION ORGANS. CO'S TO OUR PATRONS. We introducing our take great pleasure in hination Cymhella Organ, too much to new Coin- which, it is not claim, is unequalled in excellence, appearance and has a brilliant future in prospective name from the combined advantages of both Combination and the Cymhella Organ, and contains all valuable improvements, the greatest number of combina- and price, It takes its the the tions and effects known. It is made thoroughly, with the and greatest care as to all the important desirable qualities of a Reed Organ. Its exterior presents, when closed and the writing desk turned down, a splendid secretary of rare beauty, and a rich ornament in any parlor. It is the is only Organ with new and beautiful Sliding Lamp or Flower Stand. Chime of two and one half Octaves of Bells can be used either alone or with one or more sets of Reeds the interior containing six sets composed of two and one half the The — Octaves of large and' small Reeds, also a powerful Sub- Bass. It contains fourteen stops bonet, Flute, Full Organ, : Melodia, Cymbella, Celeste. Piccolo, Trom- Octave Coupler, — Vox Humana, Sub-Bass, Dulciana, Forzato which, judiciously Ujsed. can be made to produce the loudest as well as the softest and most delicate music, and with the Forte, Viola, combined Cymbella, T^ombonet and rich music can he produced, Celeste Stops, novel and with the Fall and Organ Stop and Knee Swells, the performer has the entire sets of Reeds and a Chime of Bells, which with Coupler makes it equal The to ten sets of Reeds by one movement of the hand. combination shows both taste and skill, ivhich makes it a superior Organ and a beautiful ornament. B. SHONINGER OKGAK CO'S CYMBELLA OKGANS. COMBINATION CYMBELLA ORGAN. STYLE 50. The only Organ with the new and beautiful Sliding Lamp or Flower Stands. The Music Rack when turned down makes a fine Writing Desk. No. 50— Founeeu Stops, Five Octaves, Four Sets of Reeds, Chime of Bells, and a Fine Stool, Fourteen Stops— Melodia, Cymbella, Trorabonet, Flute, Full Organ, Celeste, Piccolo, Octave Coupler, Forte, Viola, Vox Humana, Sub-Bass, Dulciana, Forzato. $465.00 Directions for Using the " Cymbella Organ." The Soloefit «SYop, when accompanied bv the Melodia, gives the most pleasing effects. The Full Organ Stop is arranged so as not to disturb any combination that may be in use before drawing the Stort and when thrown off leaves the combination same as before. For full power of the Organ, draw Full Organ and Coupler Stops, and at the same time throw on the riglit Knee Swell, which gives the full power of the Organ instantaneously. For the softest possible effect use the Dulciana Stop only, with the left Knee Swell thrown off. When using the Cymhella Stop or Chime of Bells, give the same touch to the keys as on a Piano, plaviug the Organ accompaniment with tlie left hand. With good taste and skill the occasional use of the Bells makes the best combinations and finest effects ever produced on a Reed Organ. The lids on top are arranged to open for an increase of power. Directions for the "Paragon" and Eureka. If by accident, or in transportation, dirt or dust should get into the reeds, so they will not speak, or should thev want correcting, or from any reason you should wish to see the inside, first take out the frei-work front of keys, then the two screws, one at each end of case, outside, in line with knee swell; you can then carefully lift off the whole upper case. Then draw out the Reeds with the hook which is back of the inside case for that purpose. Blow out the dust, and return the Reed to its place. The Melodia reeds are under back of Keys, and Flute reeds under front of Keys. In order to use either the Vox Humana or Vox Celeste, draw these stops, and use In connection only the Melodia Stop, with Knee Swell open. Directions for Capella and Chorale Organs. To get the softest tone possible, use the Dulciana stop onlv for a slight increase in power, use the Melodia; to increase this still more, pull out the Hute and Piccolo and to get the fullest power of the Organ, draw out all the Stops with tne exception of the Vox Humana, with the Knee Swell and the upper lid open. Play with your hands an octave apart for the full power. ; ; For Variety and Fancy Combinations. The Capella stop, used in connection with the Melodia only, produces a most beautiful effect. For another fine change, use the Melodia in tlie l>ttss only, and for the treble draw Coupler, Capella, Viola and Piccolo. The pedals should always be used to correspond with the musical effect desired, blowing very light for soft music, and stronger as an increase in power is desired. The Vox Humana should only be used with the Viola stop, and only in sliort passages where much feeling is to be expressed. If any dust should get in the reeds in the Melodia and Viola set, draw them out from under the swell back of the keys, with the hook which is on the back of the case. The Flute, Piccolo and Orchestral reeds will be found in front open the Knee Swell and take out small stick in front of the reeds, draw out the reeds carefully, and strike the block with the hook then replace it. We only employ first class workmen, and use first class mate; ; rials. B. shoninger oegan go's chobalb organs. CHORALE ORGAN, styles 27, 28, 31, 32, and 33. ]SrE^\^ RICH Pu^RLOR X)ESI&:N". Ten Stops. Five Octaves, Three Sets ol Reeds, with the New Trombonet Solo Set, also a very powerful Sub-Bass and Octave Coupler, with the power equal to six full sets of Reeds. This is an OrRau of wonderful power and beauty, and is capable of effects that are not excelled. Among the new improvements is the Writine; Desk, formed by turning' the Book Rack forward. The new Stop for opening a revolving lid and the Back Swell at the same time, also, the Double Knee Swell, by which the Swells remain open as long as desired. No. 27— Polished Mottled Panels, Ten Stops— Trombonet, Forzato. Viola, Piccolo, Flute, Melodia, Dulciana, Sub-Bass, Coupler and Vox Humana, No. 28— Same as No. 27— Highly Ornamented and Gilded. Avith Jet Moulding and Panels, representing inlaid wood, as seen in the richest furniture, No. 31— Six Octaves, same as No. 27, No. 32— Six Octaves, same as No. 28 No. 33— Same as No. 27, Seven Stops, Melodia, Flute, SubBass.Vox Humana, Piccolo.Orchestral and Forzato, Same as style No. 28, seven Stops, $300.00 $315.00 $343.00 $358.00 $272.00 $287.00 B. 10 SHONINGER ORGAN CO'S OAPELLA ORGANS. CAPELLA ORGAN. After careful and costly experiments, it is with pleasure we introduce this Organ, knowing it to possess many advantages over others, which cannot fail to be appreciated by those who hear its wonderful power and qualities. First among its advantages is the great scope of its expression, being constructed to play the softest music, arid when desired, to increase its power. Can either gradually or suddenly produce more volume of tone than any other Organ of its class. This is accomphshed by our new Patent Double Forte Swell, so arranged that the sound is thrown out by a direct pas- sage through the case. The upper lid is hinged, to open like a Piano, wanted for very loud music. For durability we shall spare no pains to a superior instrument. when make them The Sounding Boards cracking is are so arranged that danger of entirely removed. The Book Rack is strong and reliable; will not break with dust, as other makers. Has also our very useful Book Closets, with Lock and Key a feature peculiar to our Organs alone, and one which meets with universal admiration. The Keys are of Ivory, with Ivory fronts and Ebony or get filled ; Sharps. They excel all others in elasticity of touch rapid music can be played with perfect ease. They respond ; the most at oEce to the touch; an easy action would avail nothing without quickness of articulation. The quality of the tone is smooth, full and rich not harsh and ear-piercing, as is frequently complained of in reed instruments. This is accomplished by our method of voicing, which renders the tone pure and flexible. Our Instruments are not liable to be affected by — climate or position. B. ' SSOKINGBB OEQAN CO'S CAPELLA ORGANS. 11 CAPELLA ORGANS. styles 44, 45 and 46. The Capella Is an Organ we are willing to stake our reputation as flrst-class manufacturers upon. It is made throughout with the greatest care as to all the important and desirable qualities for a Reed Organ. It is unnecessary to mention these in detail. Suffice it to say, we use greater precaution to make them durable than ever before. As to beauty, they need only to be seen to make it evident to all. As to musical qualities, they have a voice to speak for themselves, in tones not to be misunderstood by any lover of good nmslc. AVITH STOOLS. No. 44— Seven Stops— Melodia, Flute, Sub-Bass, Vox Humana, Piccolo, Capella No. 45— Ten Stops— Octave Coupler, Uuleiana, Viola, Forte, Melodia, Hute, Sub-Bass, Vox Humana, Piccolo, Capella No. 46— Six Octaves, Ten Stops— Octave Coupler, Dulciana, Viola, Forte, Melodia, Flute, Sub-Bass, Vox Humana, Piccolo, Capella $258.00 286.00 329.00 All cuts of the Organs are fac-similes of our different styles, so that the style of the instrument is as well known from the cu as from the instrument itself. : B. 12 8HONINGKE ORGAN CO'S PARAGON ORGAN. To obtain an instrument possessing immense volume and power when required, and producing a soft, delicate tone at will, is attained a desideratum which by the use we claim to have of original and important improve- ments, as follows, viz The Dulciana, a new and the entire voice," Scale, beautiful stop, affecting reducing the tone to a " which renders soft still small and expressive music with beautiful effect. The Manual Sub-Bass, an octave of heavy Bass reeds voiced to equal in tone a sixteen foot pipe, and a perfect substitute for pedal bass. It is remarkable for its smoothness as well as depth and volume of tone, and by the use of the double coupler, of Sub-Bass Extension, is made to extend two octaves. The Octave Coupler, which doubles the power by coupling the octaves from the highest note down, so arranged as to couple the Sub-Bass up, thus acting as a double coupler, and producing two octaves of Sub-Bass. The quality of tone is rendered fuller and more pipe-like than by the usual method of coupling up, the latter having a shrill and harsh effect. The addition of a Chime of Bells, one of the best improvements ever added to an organ. "We invite most cordially all lovers of music and others to hear, see and examine our improvements. All of our most valuable improvements are patented and exclusively used by the B. Shoningeb Organ Co. of New Haven, Conn. B. SHONINGEE ORGAN CO'S PARAGON ORGAN. 13 PARAGON ORGANS. The effects can be produced on them. and 6 Octaves, two full sets of Reeds, with our new Vialeste attachment with its wonderful and soul-charniintf eflect, and our new Folding Lamp or Flower Stands; with our Double Outside Swell, by which more power is obtained than by any other means ever employed on any org-an. They have our powerful Sub-Bass and Octave Coupler, which doubles the power. A splendid Eureka Stool boxed with thii^ Organ free of charge. finest orchestral They have 5 The New VIALESTE Stop Must always be used when the Coupler Stop is closed. Prices for Paragon, -with Stool. No. 22—Five Octave, Ten Stops— Octave Coupler, Vialeste, Dulciana, Diapason. Forte, Melodia, Flute, Sub- Bass, Piccolo and Vox Humana, No. 23— Six Octave. Ten Stops— Octave Coupler, Vialeste, No. No. No. No. $258.00 Dulciana, Diapason. Forte, Melodia, Flute, SubBass, Piccolo and Vox Humana, 300.00 29 Five Octave, Double Keed, seven Stops— Melodia, Flute, Piccolo, Viola, Forte, Vox Humana and Dulciana, 1215.00 30— Five Octave, eight Stops— Melodia, Viola. Flute, Piccolo, Octave Coupler, Dulciana. Vox Humana and Forte, 243 00 35— Six Octave, Double Reed, six Stops, 258.00 3t>— Six Octave, Double Keed, eight Stops, Octave Coupler, 286.00 — B. 14 SHONIN6EK ORGAN CO'S EUREKA ORGANS. EEASONS SHONINaEE OKGANS B. WHY Superior to others. are Their capacity for expression is greater than any- other reed instruments, owing to our vahiable patent improvements. They are the only Organs containing two octaves of Manual Sub Bass. They are the most for the money, and therefore the cheapest instruments They closets in the market. are the only Organs containing the useful book and movable lamp brackets. Their cases snrpass all others in beauty of finish and elegance of design, and are as useful as ornamental. The Patent Double Swell is one of the most desiraimprovements ever made to Reed Organs, whereby a large gain in power is obtained, which was entirely lost. This power is now brought out by the player, without any extra effort, giving greater expression, power and variety to the music by making a free open ble passage for the sound from the reeds through the case. The Patent Book Closets and Swinging Lamp Brackets commend themselves to every one's appreciaThe former, witli compartments for sheet music tion. and books, obviate the necessity of a music stand and the latter are indispensable where lamps are used, and ; being movable, can be adjusted to suit convenience. Every part is constructed with reference to its lasting qualities, and we challenge comparison with any other organ made. In our issue of the 15th of .June, we gave a description and view of the B. Shoxinger Organ Company Works, situated in New Haven, Conn., where a large number of cabinet organs are manufactured and of fine styie, and this is one of the finest establishments of the kind that we know. The firm are noted for making good instruments and lair dealing. Each instrument sent out has a fine stool with it free of charge.— Z)a«72/ Graphic. B. SHONINGEK ORGAN CO'S NEW EUEEKA EUREKA ORGANS. 15 OEGANS. In beauty, power, and clearness of tone, this instrument has no equal. The want has long been felt in the musical community to produce an organ that will afford the variety and power of tone of a higher priced instrument, at a price within the reach of all. EUREKA ORGANS. No. 40— Five Octave, two full sets Reeds, six Stops,— Melodia. Flute, Piccolo, Viola, Forte and Vox Humana,. No. 41— Five Octave, Single Reed and Octave Coupler, Sub-Bass, Forte and Vox Humana, No. 42— Five Octave, Sinj^le Reed, four Stops— Coupler, Vox Humana, Melodia aud Dulciaiia, No. 43— Five Octave, Single Reed, two Stops— Vox Humana and Forte, $186.00 172.00 158.00 143.00 All our keys are bushed with felt where they work on the guide pins, which are polished oval brass, securing at all times the noiseless working of the keys and our black keys or sharps are not stained, but made of ; solid Ebony. A splendid Eureka Stool given and boxed with each of the Popular Eureka Organs free of charge. New Ii^J^RLjCHEI A.ISIT) A CHXJRCH Flourishing Enterprise in OR&AJSTS. New Haven. The B. Shoninger Organ Company— A Concern which has Turned Out and has in use 45,000 of their Instruments. Having heard so much about this concern we determined when we visited New Haven, to give it a call. Having done so we now propose to lay before our readers some facts with regard to the causes of the immense popularity of the organs of this company. Let us commence with the building which is situated on Chestnut St., fronting 300 feet, with an L 135 feet deep. The entire building is built of brick, and is six stories in height. The company commenced to manufacture in 1850, and over 40,000 of their instruments are now in use in various parts of the United States and Europe, being about an average of 2,800 organs sold annually since the works were organized. Prominent among the manj styles made IS the Cymbella Organ. The case of this is entirely new in design and beautiful in finish. It has many new and valuable improvements possessed by no other organ made elsewhere. The music rack when turned down makes a fine writing desk. A beautiful feature is a chime of two and one-half octaves of bells, tuned in perfect harmony, to be used either alone or with one or more sets of reeds, thus producing the most entrancingly delicious harmonic eflects. It is adapted for church or parlor, and with its arrangements of stops can be played as soft as an ^olian harp, or with sufllcient power and compass of tone, to fill a church with its sublime notes. This organ has twelve stops, all of practical use, and is the embodiment of all the best qualities possible to be attained in a musical instrument.— i\^. 1'. 7rade Journal, Saturday, March 18, 1876, The high degree of perfection to which the Shoninger instruments have been brought, by the assiduous labors of some of the most eminent artists of the profession, speak for them every praise it is in our power to bestow. The sweetest and softest trill to the harsh, loud thunder both manifest the perfection and the charm of these instruments —From the New Haven Begister. The Shoninger Organs have a wonderful, sweet and soft tone,»ud are capable of producing orchestral effects impossible in any other instrument of a similar n?iixive.— Evening Mail, N. Y. Its tone is remarkably full, sweet and brilliant, and its power very fine. With this stop and the swell, the most charming varieties of expression can be produced. The largest of the several sizes embraces ten stops, namely a rich Sub-Bass, a verv delicate Piccolo, a Flute, Melodia, Dulciana, Forte, Viola, Coupler, the Chorale, and a Vox Humana, or Tremolo. They have three full sets of Reeds, with a clear, delicate tone.— iV^. Y. TribU7ie. : They are now turning out 400 instruments a month, and have the proud privilege of knowing that theirs is considered by competent judges, the best Organ for the money found in the world. In the most highly refined and thorough musical circles in America, those ot New York, Boston and Philadelphia, these instruments are appreciated and in constant requisition, and professional musicians are constant and loud in its praise. This house employs over 200 experienced hands, and such a thing as an Organ deficient in tone, faulty in make, or wanting in power, is yet to be found as having emanated from Democrat. this factory.— ^'rom the Davenport (Iowa) — It is as gratifying as it is wonderful to notice the great improvements made in reed organs during the past two or three years. The famous Shoninger Organs have no equal, either in this country or in Europe, in beauty power and clearness of tone. In these organs there is a total absence of tliat harshness which is plainly observable in all other organs, and by a combination of arrangements, peculiar to the Shoninger Organs, they very greatly A really good Organ, such excel in fullness, richnes and purity as the above, is a "thing of beauty and a joy forever." It makes one's home attractive and refines and elevates the mind.— i^rom a Fhiladelphia Paper. all of the modern improvein a Keed Instrument, together design of case, elaborate and beautiful, is manufactured by the celebrated B. Shoninger Organ Co., of New Haven, who have the proud privilege of knowing that competent judges and musical critics pronounce them King of Organs. We were not surprised at the evident good taste in the selection of this delightful instrument over all others exhibited, and we congratulate the Company upon producing such a superior instrument, acknowledged by all to be the best in use. In our opinion all are safe in purchasing a Shoninger Cymbella Ovgdiii.— Bridgeport Daily Standard. This superior instrument, containing ments possible to be obtained with an entirely new The Shoninger Organs the display made by the firm in the Main Building, will bring these splendid instruments into National notice The Sun man was attracted by tlie soundings of a set of tinkling bells or cymbals, accompanied by a soft mellifluous rendering of notes which reminded him of the music in wliich revelled the good Haroun Al Raschid. Turning, he found himself in a mass of people listening to the strains from one of the sweetest and highest toned organs on exhibition. The Sun man was invited to examine the instrument, and pass his opinion. The "Cymbella" Organ, was the one performed upon. It has a chime of two and a half octaves of Be'ls, tuned in exact harmony, which can be used alone or with one or more sets of reeds. It is controlled by a stop, manipulated as are all others. The effect of this chime must be heard, for it cannot be described. It comes like a tintin abulation of the chimes from the palace of the houris, and is simply exquisite. The or^an receives The Crescendo, and diminuendo are its name from these bells. produced with strange effect upon the ear, and we heard a dozen people say, it was the feature in the organ display at the Exposition. The cases are magnificently gotton up, and have improvements possessed by no other. For instance, the music rack, when turned down forms a complete writing desk. The organs are made at all prices from $100 up. The organ made by the Shoninger Company at this price is equal to the $180 organ made by other firms so it will be seen the customer not only saves his money, but gets a better instrument. The B. Shoninger Organ Company's head office is at New Haven, Conn., at which place they turn out 400 instruments per month. No wonder the demand is greater than the supply, for the qualities of the organ are simply perfect and cannot be surpassed. The company was incorporated in 1860, since which time, more fhanforty thousand organs have been sold. It is decidedly the chef d\mcvre of musical instruments at the Exposition. It has all the stops, and more stops than any other organ, and finer effects are produced than on any other organ. The firm presents a handsome piano stool to every purchaser. From the Philadelphia Sunday Sun, June 18, 1876. It is ; — B. ShOxMnger Organ Company, of New Haven, Conn., is, without doubt, one of the aiost extensive concerns in tlie United States engaged in the manufacture of first-clas3 organs. The works are located at Chestnut and Chapel Streets, fronting 800 feet on Chestnut and 135 feet on Chapel Street. The main factory building covers nearly this entire space, is built of brick, and is six stories in height. The Company commenced business in I860, and over 45,000 of their instruments are now in use in various parts of the United Stales. Their present capacity is 400 instruments per month, and notwithstanding the present dull times they are selling all they can make. Over two hundred skilled workmen are employed. As the purchase of a fine organ requires the expenditure of a considerable sum of money, the buyer is naturally anxious to know what is the reputation of the company manufacturing them. During the 26 years Company has been established it has been the this leading rule of their business career to fill fully aU promises made, and to allow no inferior instruments to be put in the market. Three-fourths of their trade is with dealers and individuals scattered over the country, who know them only through the medium of the U. S. Mails. The Company is not only financially strong, but its officials are men of strict integrity, who enjoy the respect and esteem of all who have had business From the Philadelphia Commercial relations with them. and Manufacturers' Gazette. Too large a volume would be required to pubhsh all testimonies of the press, and letters from many of the most well-known artists and professionals, in high appreciation of our instruments. From the Davenport {Iowa) Democrat. the great improvements made Eeed Organs, which are destined to be the leading instrument. The Celebrated Shoninger Organ contains more valuable and useful improvements than any other It is astonishing to see in now before the public, to which the purchasers of the 45,000 Organs made by B. Shoninger Organ Company, New Haven, Conn., will testify. THE EUEEKA STOOL. Patented June 17, 1S73. "We have long sought to find a handsome, durable, and cheap Music Stool, made of solid black walnut, well upholstered; will match in finish with any style of furniture is made with special reference to being easily taken apart, occupying a very small space when packed for transportation. Can be boxed with any Organ. ; Directions for putting Stool together. Take the legs and slip the dovetails in the grooves from the under side, as shown at e screw the cap h firmly on the legs with the large screws; screw the plate d on the under side of seat i; set up as shown at a. ; The art ot producing musical instruments has advanced very rapidly within the past few years. We had the pleasure of attending yesterday, several eminent artists of N"ew York and Boston, who were visiting our fair through the Palace of Music of Shoninger's. The Church and Parlor Organs attracted their chief attention, because of their superior workmanship and excellence displayed in their construction. We can only pointedly express our appreciation of every one of these magnificent instruments, when we say " they talked." We have never witnessed anything which, in our opinion, came so near perfection.— i^Vom the New Haven Journal arid Courier. The Capella Organ is something entirely new; it is a beautiful parlor ornament, possesses a sweet and powerful tone, a most commendable invention, and holds a high place in public favor.—i^rom the N. Y. Evening Post. is The Shoninger Cymbeella Organ is attracting much attention. The Trombonet is produced by an extra set of reeds, peculiarly voiced, and the eff'ect is charming.— i^rom the Commercial Advertiser. For sweetness of tone and orchestral Organ has no equal.— iV. Y. Times. effects the Shoninger B. 20 SHONINGER ORGAN CO'S ORGANS. TRIUMPHANT! p H X M n < H H (X) M 01 AT THE UNITED STATES CENTENNIAL Wofld'^ E<xliibitior|, 1§7^6 ! THE till EMBMACING ALL KINDS, WERE AWARDED A MEDAL AWARD and At a price rendering of them possible MERIT, to a large class of purchasers, having a combination of REEDS AND BELLS, containing many desirable improvements, will standlongerin dry or damp climate, less liable to get out of order all the boards being made three-ply put together so it is impossible for them to either shrink, swell or split; producing novel and pleasing eflFects, and the only — — INSTRUMENTS A WARDED this RANK. AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE. A liberal discount to the Clergy, Sunday Schools, Teachers, Churches and Lodges. no effort to make an will not supply to our customers. Our exhibit was from our general stock article for exhibition that we Tuttle, Morehouse & ; Taylor, Printers, New Haven.