Frederic Chopin - Matrix Astrology Software


Frederic Chopin - Matrix Astrology Software
Harmonic Highlights Report for
Frederic Chopin
March 1, 1810
6:00 PM
Warsaw, Poland
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When two planets are separated by a particular angle, astrologers believe that the influences of the two planets
combine to create a strong effect on a person. In ancient astrology and much modern astrology five angles are
considered very important: 0, 60, 90, 120, and 180 degrees. These important angles are known as "aspects". In
modern times, many astrologers also interpret aspects of 30, 45, 135, and 150 degrees. Some astrologers also
use a variety of other angles, such as 72, 144, 40, 80, and many other angles. In the late 20th century a branch
of astrology known as "harmonic astrology" developed and practitioners of harmonic astrology believe that there
are many hundreds of different aspects, so harmonic astrology has greatly increased the complexity of
astrological interpretation. Not all astrologers are convinced that these additional aspects are important.
Harmonic astrologers also group together various aspects which they believe to have a similar influence. For
example, the fractions of 1/9 (40 degrees), 2/9 (80 degrees), and 4/9 (160 degrees) of a circle are known as
"9th harmonic aspects". Given below are interpretations of the following 6 aspects: (1) the semisextile aspect,
which is 30 degrees, (2) 24th harmonic aspects, (3) 16th and 32nd harmonic aspects, (4) quintiles and
biquintiles, also known as 5th harmonic aspects, (5) the septile, biseptile, and triseptile aspects, also known as
7th harmonic aspects, and (6) the novile, binovile, and quadnovile aspects, also known as 9th harmonic aspects.
These additional aspects are known as minor aspects or harmonic aspects. There are many other aspects used in
harmonic astrology, but these aspects are among the most important and powerful, and hence this report
describes some of the most important Harmonic Highlights in your astrology chart.
I recommend that you read this report after reading an interpretation based primarily on the most commonly used
aspects. I think you will be impressed by the ways in which the aspects interpreted in this report describe major
issues in your life and in your personality that are not described as clearly by the more commonly used aspects.
Hopefully this analysis of harmonic aspects will be useful and helpful to you. If you are an astrologer and you
currently do not use harmonic aspects, reading several Harmonic Highlights Reports of friends and family may
make you a believer in harmonic aspects. Adding these additional aspects to your interpretation does add greater
complexity and detail to your analysis, and keeping a clear, integrated view of the astrology chart becomes more
difficult, but astrology is likely to grow in sophistication as it evolves and develops in the 21st century.
Aspects noted as "very strong" in the report have an orb of less than 1/3 the allowable orb and appear at the
beginning of the report. "Strong" aspects have an orb of less than 2/3 the allowable orb, and aspects that have an
orb that is 2/3 or greater of the allowable orb are printed at the end of the report.
For the benefit of astrologers, given below are the orbs used for each aspect. Note that according to harmonic
theory, orbs are defined so that all harmonics occur equally often by chance, and hence the orbs are not rounded
to the nearest degree.
Aspects and orbs:
16th harmonic
32nd harmonic
24th harmonic
5th harmonic
7th harmonic
9th harmonic
Venus 16th harmonic (5/16) Uranus, very strong
(Orb: 0 Deg 20 Min):
Periodically you need to express yourself creatively, perhaps spontaneously and even with some
improvisation. Humor, adventure, and an element of surprise inspire you and make you feel really alive. Romantic
outings can be great fun for you. You are attracted to originality and creativity, and you can feel stifled and
repressed by the same scenery and same environment every day. Most likely you are not rebellious or
conspicuously unusual, but your tastes are very progressive.
Mars 16th harmonic (1/16) Pluto, very strong
(Orb: 0 Deg 01 Min):
Those who do not know you well do not realize the intensity, devotion, and dedication that you pour into
your work. You are not able to simply follow external rules and regulations to meet a work schedule. You need
to work from your heart with a sense of inner mission and purpose. You must choose a career path that is
meaningful to you and holds your attention, otherwise you will feel greatly dissatisfied and unfulfilled.
Mars 5th harmonic (biquintile) Uranus, very strong
(Orb: 0 Deg 27 Min):
You have a need to get a bit wild once in a while. You need an element of surprise and adventure, whether
that be as simple as a trip to go skiing in the mountains or to listen to music with unusual rhythms or a freespirited quality. If your life has a very stable, repetitive quality and routine, you need periodic breaks from this to
loosen up and let yourself be spontaneous and free. You feel completely alive and in your element when you have
there is some adventure, experimentation, play, surprise, or creativity in your life.
Moon 9th harmonic (binovile) Mars, very strong
(Orb: 0 Deg 19 Min):
You're a bit of an activist. You are quickly angered by unresponsive organizations, governments, and
communities. You have the power and drive to motivate people for a cause.
Jupiter 9th harmonic (quadnovile) Uranus, very strong
(Orb: 0 Deg 22 Min):
You work very well with other people and you have a talent for inspiring others and bringing enthusiasm
and optimism to others. You are able to resolve problems by changing the mood and attitude of others from
being doubtful to being optimistic and trusting. You take a broad view of things and you do not allow little details
to derail an idea or project that is fundamentally sound.
Moon semisextile Mercury, very strong
(Orb: 0 Deg 16 Min):
Very likely you are blessed with some excellent friendships and family relationships. You enjoy close and
meaningful communication with others. These traits are not unusual or extreme but do play a part in your life.
Sun 16th harmonic (1/16) Mercury strong
(Orb: 0 Deg 22 Min):
You have a deep inner need to see things more clearly. You may have keen eyesight or excellent ability to
tune musical instruments or you may be involved in improving the literacy or communication abilities of others.
Mars 16th harmonic (5/16) Saturn, strong
(Orb: 0 Deg 26 Min):
Once you set your mind on a plan or goal, you will make whatever sacrifices are needed to complete the
task and meet your responsibilities. You do not shirk responsibilities or avoid the "dirty work". Your dedication is
admirable. Others who do not know you well may be surprised by your inner strength, tenacity, and
determination. You can be very stubborn and you dislike being distracted from what you consider your
Sun 7th harmonic (septile) Moon, strong
(Orb: 0 Deg 59 Min)
You enjoy being quietly engaged in an activity. You enjoy places where people are quietly and busily
working or studying. You have a mature and thoughtful outlook on life. You appreciate mastery that comes from
years of practice. You gravitate towards works that require mastery rather than things that are flashy but less
Moon 9th harmonic (novile) Neptune, strong
(Orb: 0 Deg 56 Min):
World hunger is not an abstract concept to you. Your heart goes out to all people and you can sympathize
with people in a wide range of circumstances, even if you have not had the same experiences.
Jupiter 9th harmonic (novile) Pluto, strong
(Orb: 0 Deg 40 Min):
You tend to migrate to a community and neighborhood of successful people, and you are an effective leader
or entrepreneur because you are always seeking out ways to merge, partner, negotiate, grow and develop any
activity that you participate in.
Venus semisextile Mars, strong
(Orb: 0 Deg 43 Min):
Like most people, happiness and fulfillment in a romantic relationship or marriage is very important to you.
It is important to you to make your life beautiful and harmonious. These traits are not unusual but are an
important part of your personality.
Saturn semisextile Uranus, strong
(Orb: 0 Deg 37 Min):
You can tolerate bureaucracies and outmoded systems to a point, but if the calcification, rigidity, and
unresponsiveness is strong, you will rebel and refuse to cooperate.
Mercury 5th harmonic (quintile) Neptune
(Orb: 2 Deg 40 Min):
You have a refined artistic sensitivity that enables you to pick up on fine nuances of meaning in poetry and
to appreciate creative musical and other artistic works. You have the ability to see things from a different point of
view and come up with refreshing perspectives.
Mercury 7th harmonic (septile) Mars
(Orb: 2 Deg 00 Min)
You prefer studying a subject in depth and in detail. Skimming through a thousand years of history by
memorizing some names and dates is, for example, almost completely meaningless for you. You seek meaning
and depth of understanding. Often you are more interested in the underlying motives, history, or symbolism of an
event rather than just the factual details. You have the capacity to develop interesting ideas and insights through
prolonged, specialized study. There is a good chance that your way of thinking and learning as a child was under
appreciated by your teachers.
Sun/Pluto conjunct Mercury/Mars:
(Orb: 0 Deg 11 Min):
You are a very curious person who is always searching for answers. You can become compulsively and
obsessively driven by an idea or subject of interest. You tend to be relentless once you are involved in learning a
subject, unable to move on to other subjects until you have reached some level of comfort and facility with the
subject material which you are studying. If a subject does not interest you, on the other hand, you may find it
nearly impossible to study it. If your education was too structured or impersonal, you may find that you ability
learn and develop to your full potential does not start until you can pursue the subjects that interest you at a pace
that is comfortable to you. For you learning is not an activity you pursue in a detached, impersonal way. It is a
personal conquest that can be very frustrating when unsuccessful and tremendously empowering when you feel
that you have really mastered something.
Moon/Mars conjunct Mercury/Venus:
(Orb: 0 Deg 14 Min):
You have a good sense of proportion and a knack for making an environment aesthetically pleasing. You
appreciate beautiful surroundings and you know how to make a comfortable and attractive environment. You
have very good aptitude for any subject that requires intuition and common sense, such as art, literature, and
Moon/Saturn conjunct Mercury/Uranus:
(Orb: 0 Deg 11 Min):
You have a deep appreciation of traditional ways of thinking and you master these, but then later introduce
radical new perspectives and concepts. You have good objectivity, and a great capacity for abstract thought.
You are particular about what rules you follow, embracing some accepted rules but breaking others. In the end,
you are a reformer and an iconoclast, while preserving only those traditions that you find useful and healthy.
Moon/Pluto conjunct Jupiter/Neptune:
(Orb: 0 Deg 08 Min):
You are a person with deep-seated dreams and visions. Something deep within you drives you to follow your
lofty dreams and ideals. Most likely you will travel and explore a great deal in pursuit of your dreams. You have
a strong imagination and a sense of destiny and divine guidance that leads you forward in life.
Venus/Saturn conjunct Mars/Uranus:
(Orb: 0 Deg 03 Min):
In romantic relationships and marriage you put high demands on your partner. Trust and dedication to one
another is important, but so is the need to not be restricted or held back by the relationship. Achieving a feeling
of security, stability, and commitment in the relationship, but also freedom and independence is a very difficult
balancing act. Consequently, you may feel that in some of your relationships you are either being dominated or
are dominating the other person, but the other person may be oblivious to any sense of a power struggle because
the issue is not as important to him or her or the other person may assume that is natural for one person to take a
leading role in particular situations.
Given below are the planetary positions and other data on which this report is based:
Tropical Placidus Local Time observed
GMT: 16:36:00 Time Zone: 0 hours West
Lat. and Long. of birth place: 52 N 15
21 E 00