In Harmony November 2013


In Harmony November 2013
In Harmony!
November 2013
Allow your personal desires - your truth - to become your reality!
NEW “Awaken and Discern” Attunement using Harmonic Liquids Ebony, Manna, Discernment!
Start by breathing deeply. Focus on awakening your conscious awareness to the Divine Love
within you.
Put 7 drops each of Ebony, Manna, Discernment in a large glass of water and drink as you
visualize the following:
• Clear disharmonic energies to bring forth your iridescent Rainbow of Life.
• Breathe deeply, allowing the Divine Love to wash through the fluids of your body.
• Ignite the neuro transmitters of your Creativity - to discern your truth and create your
life’s desires. (Not sure what your desires are? Just focus on the truth of your Soul.)
• Reflect those desires into the DNA of your cells and back out through your entire body
and into your auric field.
DECLARE: I embrace the magnificence of the Divine Love within me and allow it to
express its essence through my body, mind and emotions to enhance the realization of my
heart’s desires and the full potential of peace, joy and fulfillment in my life.
Read the following Proclamation from “Proclamations of the Soul” by Rich Work.
Connecting Divine Energies
From the Divine Love within my Being.
I call forth all energies that have interfered with my ability
to experience my perfection on all levels of my Being.
I now transmute these interfering energies into Unconditional Love.
In my mind’s eye I see those energies that connect me to Creation
align themselves in Divine Perfection,
and I accept my perfection as One with Creation.
And so it is.
ALL Harmonic Liquids are NOW ON SALE - November 2013
$50.00 ea. 2 oz. (reg. $70 & $95) -- $15.00 ea. 1/2 oz. (reg. $22 & $28)
Order at 715-355-8515 or 800-243-6156 - online at
Harmonic Products and Attunements do not treat or cure disease, they enhance the energies of the body.
For diagnosis and treatment of medical conditions and disease, contact a health care professional.
Harmonic Liquid Formulas
Your Breath, the Breath of Life, empowers your life.
Your thoughts create your world and your words define your reality.
Your Rhythms - Rainbow of Life (energetic vibrations) are the foundation of your life.
The more you enhance and amplify the Rainbow of Life within you, the more you:
Y Awaken the potential of your Divine Nature of Being.
YTransform your body, mind and emotions as you eliminate the accumulated effects of stress.
Y Enrich your daily life and the lives of those around you.
Y Enhance your health and wellness, finances, job, creative projects and relationships.
Each Harmonic Formula carries its own resonance
of light, sound and color that enhances and brings forth
the emanation of your own vibrational rhythms.
The Harmonic Products energetically support those
challenged with the stress of the following disharmonic
emotions and conditions:
Peace: Activate the body’s healing intelligence, to cleanse toxins,
Peace: Anxiety, diabetes, hypoglycemia, stress, insomnia,
Joy: Depression, epilepsy, environmental illness, emergencies. In
emergencies use Joy to release the stress and seek medical care.
Harmony: Anger, glandular, intestinal and cardio-vascular.
Creativity: Frustration, fatigue, uterian problems, low sex drive.
Balance: Shame, magnesium deficiency, weight control, arthritis,
osteoporosis, muscle spasms, lung, liver and kidney conditions.
Strength: Virus, AIDS, Hepatitis C, addictions.
Action: Judgment, dyslexia, sciatic, hip pain, herpes, skin
Confidence: Low self-worth, DNA, erectile dysfunction, rape,
allergies, chemical toxicity, chemotherapy.
Security: Fungus infection, candida, allergies, asthma, parasites.
Discernment: Doubt, harmful bacteria, infection, inflammation,
Intuition: Indecision, migraine, bi-polar, ADHD, mental confusion.
Organization: Neuro-muscular, MS, lupus, cirrhosis, CP, autism.
release stress and restore the body, mind and soul connection.
Joy: Activate the life-force energy and potential of anything it is
placed in or on, harmonizes disharmonic energies and chemicals.
Harmony: Restore energetic balance in glandular and cardiovascular
systems. Assist to release chronic patterns of degeneration.
Creativity: Enhance the fire of life, creativity, rejuvenation.
Balance: Balance minerals/electrolytes, relax sore muscles and
joints, promote self-love and trust.
Strength: Restore the energetics of the immune system/viral
defense, enhance relaxation and focus.
Action: Balance the flow of vital energy in and around the cells.
Confidence: Neutralize the negative energies of chemicals, repair
DNA, revitalize the body.
Security: Enhance longevity, defend against parasites and fungus.
Discernment: Defend against harmful bacteria, strengthen immunity.
Intuition: Enhance the energetics of the brain, awaken intuition.
Organization: Restore electro-magnetic & neuro-muscular systems.
FOUR HARMONIC SPECIALTY ITEMS - Restore your natural Life-force energy for overall vitality and rejuvenation with:
Ebony: Restore natural harmonic energy patterns of life, assisting in
the release of stress that holds fear and life-threatening conditions.
Opal: Open the flow of natural energy in the body to assist in releasing pain
and degeneration. Help release the stress of tooth and bone conditions
Manna: Restore vitality, repair cellular integrity and damaged tissue.
Harmonize and release static, friction & stagnation from stress.
AWAKEN: Amplify the resonance of your Divine Essence in each
cell. Awaken the full harmonic spectrum of love in all areas of life.
ALL Harmonic Liquids are NOW ON SALE - November 2013
$50.00 ea. 2 oz. (reg. $70 & $95) -- $15.00 ea. 1/2 oz. (reg. $22 & $28)
Order at 715-355-8515 or 800-243-6156 - online at
For more information on all Harmonic Products and additional uses for the Harmonic Liquid
Formulas, view our catalog or visit our website at
For a FREE catalog, email or call 800-243-6156 or 715-355-8515.
Harmonic Products, Attunements and Proclamations do not treat or cure disease, they enhance the energies of the body.
For diagnosis and treatment of medical conditions and disease, contact a health care professional.
Is there a Garden of Eden here on Earth? Does it lie within each one of us?
What do the Rhythms of Divine Love - the Rainbow of Life have to do with it?
Can we truly return to and live our Divine Nature of Being?
The Rhythms of Life are the tangible elements of your actions and interactions with everything in your
life. The foundational movement of each Harmonic Rhythm creates a blueprint for your emotional
patterns and reactions, your physical strengths and even your desires and drive to accomplish various
tasks. Disharmonic rhythmic patterns can create core issues, challenges and struggles in life. How
much each Rhythm is expressed in and through you is how the rest of the world sees you, how
you feel about yourself and from what perspective you come from in making all of your decisions,
thoughts and actions in life.
Enhancing and amplifying the Harmonic Rhythms of the Rainbow of Life within you transforms
the disharmonic rhythmic patterns within you
to bring forth the qualities of peace, joy and fulfillment you desire
in your health and wellness, finances, job, creative projects and relationships.
“Each day I look at this list to see what disharmonic thoughts and emotions I may be experiencing or
feeling. I then choose which Harmonic Formulas that would harmonize and assist me most and either put
drops in the water I drink or place them under my tougue to enhance my Rainbow of Life and help me
throughout the day. It’s amazing the positive difference it has made in my life!” Joanie
The Harmonic patterns of your Divine Nature have a stronger frequency than their disharmonic
counterpart. Harmonic Liquid Formulas assist in restoring and amplifying your natural Rhythms of
the Rainbow of Life within you, enhancing your level of well being in your body, mind and emotions.
Disharmonic Rhythmic Pattern
to g
t Self judgment, doubt, incrimination
to g
t Anxious, uptight, worried, lonely
to g
t Claustrophobic, hyperventilation
Disharmonic Rhythmic Pattern
t In fear, sad, downcast
to g
t Depressed, aged, lifeless
to g
t Degeneration, sluggish
to g
Disharmonic Rhythmic Pattern
t Powerless, dissatisfied, disappointed to g
to g
t Uncertain, hesitant, dull
t Lost, aimless, empty
to g
Disharmonic Rhythmic Pattern
t Worthless, shame, guilt, suppressed
to g
t Frustrated, rejected, lack of boundaries to g
t Stuck, unproductive, fatigued
to g
Harmonized with PEACE Y
Acknowledgment, awareness, understanding
Relaxed, content, care free, connected
Comfortable, easy breathing patterns
Harmonized with JOY Y
Feeling free, happy and excited about life
Uplifted, encouraged, enthusiastic
Rejuvenation, regeneration, buoyant
Harmonized with HARMONY Y
Empowered, satisfied, allowing
Determined, exuberant, passionate
Connected, directed, fulfilled
Harmonized with CREATIVITY Y
Worthy, uninhibited, free, inspired
Creative, accepted, secure in self
Motivated, productive, vitalized
Harmonic Products do not treat or cure disease, they enhance the energies of the body.
For diagnosis and treatment of medical conditions and disease, contact a health care professional.
Disharmonic Rhythmic Pattern
t Distrusting, bitter, disgusted
t Failure, degraded, hurt, suppressed
t Rigid, stagnant, unstable, dysfunctional
Disharmonic Rhythmic Pattern
t Distressed, oppressed, devastated
t Weak, feeble, controlled
t Arrogant, boisterous, bully
Disharmonic Rhythmic Pattern
t Frustrated, agitated, driven, reckless
t Restricted, controlled, dysfunctional
t Unlucky, blocked, unsuccessful
Disharmonic Rhythmic Pattern
t Unforgiving, withholding, ingratiating
t Intimidated, shy, mediocre
t Poverty, lack, lonely, afraid of love
Disharmonic Rhythmic Pattern
t Downtrodden, victim, violated, insecure
t Pride, pompous, self-centered
t Capsized, discouraged, sick and tired
Disharmonic Rhythmic Pattern
t Despair, diminished, overlooked
t Doubt, self-condemnation
t Domineering, misunderstood, limited
Disharmonic Rhythmic Pattern
t Indecisive, unsure, unknowing
t Confused, disconnected, forgetful
t Hyper, imbalanced, scattered
Disharmonic Rhythmic Pattern
t Anger, rage, worry, unsettled
t Disorganized, incomplete, fragmented
t Downtrodden, dejected, unworthy
Harmonized with BALANCE Y
to g Trusting, in peaceful joy, contented
to g Successful, respected, nurtured, supported
to g Flexible, fluid, stable, healthy
Harmonized with STRENGTH Y
to g Fortified, honored, uplifted
to g Strong, vigorous, independent
to g Humble, quiet, integrity
Harmonized with ACTION Y
to g Renewed, encouraged, steady, determined
to g Motivated, independent, functional
to g Destined, upheld, accomplished
Harmonized with CONFIDENCE Y
to g Forgiving, giving, full of gratitude, sincere
to g Self-confident, outgoing, unique
to g Accepting, open to receive, trusting
Harmonized with SECURITY Y
to g Serene, in control, supported, secure
to g Proud, gentle, gracious, sincere
to g Feel safe, resilient, vital, refreshed
Harmonized with DISCERNMENT Y
to g Enhanced, expanded, recognized
to g Seeking truth, free of judgment
to g Innocent, understood, aware
Harmonized with INTUITION Y
to g Decisive, sure, wise
to g Clear, intuitive, alert
to g Calm, centered, comprehensive
Harmonized with ORGANIZATION Y
to g Trusting Divine Order, calm, structured
to g Organized, whole, aligned
to g Accept the amazing Divine Love within
For more information on all Harmonic Products, visit
Call 800-243-6156 or 715-355-8515 for a free booklet.
View and sign up to receive Symmetry Weekly Inspirations, at
Harmonic Products do not treat or cure disease, they enhance the energies of the body.
For diagnosis and treatment of medical conditions and disease, contact a health care professional.
“You were created in such a magnificent way, that when you restore the
Breath of Life, you awaken the body’s innate ability to heal itself.”
“Breath of Life Harmonic Attunement” by Ann Marie Work
The Breath of Life Harmonic
Attunement is a guided
attunement, allowing you to
reconnect every one of your
cells to the Breath of Life.
You were born connected
to the natural rhythms of
the Earth and the Universe.
These rhythms are the
of divine love within your
being, manifested as the
harmonic energies of vitality
and rejuvenation.
The simplicity of healing
lies in the fact that as you
reawaken the Breath of
Life, you reawaken the
body’s natural intelligence
and ability to heal itself.
As you move out of suppression and distress into health and harmony, you experience:
• Physical regeneration and rejuvenation
• Mental clarity and conscious expansion
• Emotional stability and empowerment
• Awakening understanding and wisdom
• A new sense of harmony and joy
You are a divine expression of love. It is who you are. You are not just a body
with a soul, you are a soul who is having a human experience. You are not only
divine, you are magnificent. You hold within you the keys to all things that
are possible. As you awaken these abilities within, you experience the natural
progression back to your natural state of health and vitality. As you reconnect
to the Breath of Life, you activate the peace, joy and harmony within, allowing
you to move out of old patterns of limitation and degeneration into prosperity,
rejuvenation and happiness.
We are told, “Stress kills”. Every time you react to a stress, you subdue the Breath of Life within
your being, diminishing and disrupting the Rhythms of Life. Restoring the Breath of Life in,
around and through your being, opens your awareness, enhances your daily life and assists you in
reaching your personal goals for health, happiness and vital wonderful little cells.
Renew, Refresh and Stimulate the powerful Breath of Life within you!
Breath of Life CD - Only $10.00! (reg. $18.00) - Tape - FREE! (reg. $12.00)
Sale NOW thru November 2013!
Order at or call 800-243-6156 or 715-355-8515!
Harmonic Products do not treat or cure disease. For treatment of medical conditions contact a health care professional.
For FREE information on all Harmonic Products,
call 800-243-6156 or 715-355-8515, email,
or write to Harmonics International, 2042 Ryan Rd., Mosinee, WI 54455
Harmonics International Sale - Nov. 2013
Allow your personal desires - your truth - to become your reality!
NEW “Awaken and Discern” Harmonic Attunement!!
ALL Harmonic Liquid Formulas NOW On Sale!
AMAZING Sale on the “Breath of Life Harmonic Attunement” CD by
Ann Marie Work!
Harmonics International
2042 Ryan Rd.
Mosinee, WI 54455
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